GOLDEN GATE COLLEGES BATANGAS CITY GRADUATE SCHOOL REQUIREMENTS FOR ADVANCED PHILOSOPHY OF EDUCATION (TAKE – HOME REFLECTION PAPERS) Prepared by: Ms. Acel C. Pamis MaEd- FILIPINO Prepared for: Dr. Porfirio C. Ligaya Pamis, Acel C. MAED- Filipino Advanced Philosophy of Education “My Philosophy in life as a Teacher” Education is the tool which removes all the differences among us and makes us capable to go ahead together. It makes our challenging paths of the life very easy to lead. Without education, there is no difference between human beings and animals. Education is a powerful tool capable to solve all the social, personal, and family problems. It is like a medicine which has capability to treat almost all the diseases. Getting education is not only means to get a good job, it means to make a good personality, to be healthy and fit, to maintain hygiene, to be happy all the time, to behave well to others, to tackle all challenges of life and so many. In the profession that we chose, we are expected to have an endless patience and absolute passion in teaching. Because in real life situations, the total well-being of a teacher will be test, and those tests will make an educator stronger and determined. The characteristic of an effective and efficient teacher can make the classroom conducive. And I believe that the different characteristics of every student really affect the performance of a teacher. I had accepted as true that every child unique, capable of learning and has exclusive potentials and talents which must be discovered and enriched. As there is diversity from learners, the learning environment and teaching strategies that an educator must provide to them must also vary which can help them to nurture their own knowledge, talents and behavior. A good teacher knows and understands students, how they develop and learn. I know that students actively construct and transform their own knowledge based on past experiences and prior knowledge. I know that students do not all learn in the same way or at the same rate. I believe that it is my responsibility as a teacher to be an effective diagnostician of their interests, abilities, and prior knowledge. I believe that my task as a teacher is to facilitate the development of every child by making them feel good and confident about himself or herself through his/her learning experiences. Each student best learns when they feel welcomed, belong, comfortable, and safe by providing conducive learning environment. The teacher must create an educational situation in which the student may establish contact with him/herself, become conscious of it and achieve self-realization. As a teacher my I make sure that my learners feel valued as an individual and I encouraged them to develop his or her personal style and creativity. I am against the concept of directing, rather I prize the learner and make each one of the feels worthwhile. And due to the diversity of my students I allow the freedom of choice where they discover themselves and where they best develop and learn by providing them with the experiences that will help them find the meaning of their lives. From that, my guide to students for holistic development through the learning process follows. This demands me providing them with the tools for success by facilitating access to what some students may feel is unattainable. I believe that as an educator who deals with children differences and affects the three realms of students, I must be effective and efficient facilitator of teaching and learning process by means of: Planning my lesson ahead of time, which is prepared for individual differences and interests Using variety of techniques that will reinforce the progress of each children Offering myself not just a teacher but their second parent in school Showing love and care for my students Treating them equally Motivating each student to reach their set goals and enhance their potentials Creating a learning environment that arouses the desire to learn of students Teaching my lesson with grace, high energy, and mastery of the subject matter I believe, a good teacher lives to serve and teaches students, that they must not just exist but they must live. The above-mentioned are the challenges I accepted when I chose to be a teacher. And I remain committed to them and will continue lighting the fire of students’ learning. Pamis, Acel C. MAED- Filipino Advance Philosophy “Unexamined life is not worth living” The words “Unexamined life is not worth living” was uttered by Socrates as Socrates believed that philosophy – the love of wisdom – was the most important pursuit above all else. For some, he exemplifies more than anyone else in history the pursuit of wisdom through questioning and logical argument, by examining and by thinking. His 'examination' of life in this way spilled out into the lives of others, such that they began their own 'examination' of life, but he knew they would all die one day, as saying that a life without philosophy – an 'unexamined' life – was not worth living. The same thing applies to me, for me if remain stock on our comfort zone and we didn’t try to get out of the box and explore, we will not discover new things because it is said to be true that people learn from their experiences. We must always seek for new learning and new endeavors as it shapes us for a best version of ourselves. For me, living nowadays in a society where everyone seems to give a negative meaning that you do is really hard thing. Every people keep an eye on you and judging every decision that you take in life. I didn’t actually know why or I should say I can’t understand why nowadays living nowadays is quite hard and challenging as it pressures me as I make decision in life in terms of study, work, and even my friends. Like they were watching me and waiting until I fail I every decision I take. It is so ironic how people tell me to aim high and dream big and then oppose me in chasing them and telling me that I’m doing it in a wrong way. I don’t want to live my life under the rule of others. Yes, it is important to ask and consider the advices of your parents and family but letting other people affect you and lessen your confidence is a different thing. As a person who was just starting to enter my chosen profession, it is really thought-provoking and exciting as well as I am starting to make my dreams come true. I will never know what will happen next if I didn’t give a try on what I think is right. I want to examine and explore my life as people say that it is too short to waste any second to be happy and fulfill my aspirations in life. And for me, my life would be more worth it to live if I just continue my thing and offer everything to my Almighty God. I will just continue to ask for his guidance as I take every single step that would bring me closer to my dreams. Because I believe that it was not really necessary to apply to everyone’s way of life and what makes or doesn’t make their life worth living. It is just my opinion that yes, it is important or I should say more fulfilling if we seek to explore our life, try things that we are a bit challenge, and make a tough decision that will contribute to who you want to become. But it is not also true that all lives that are unexamined don’t have a purpose because there are lot more aspects in life that can be a source for someone’s happiness or a reason to live. Everyone has their own choice. It doesn’t mean that if someone is not examining his/her life they have no other choice but to get out of it as what Socrates was trying to tell by his famous saying. Life just has to be lived the way we want it to be as long as we are not hurting anybody. This life doesn’t require us to just exit, it must be our own decision and perception that it must be live to the fullest. It was given by God and choosing death must not be a choice to get out of trouble because struggles and problems also contribute to our whole-being and to someone that we are becoming. We just have to be still and believe that life would eventually get better at the right time and that what makes it more even worth it. Pamis, Acel C. MAED- Filipino Advance Philosophy “Philosophy on Morality: Do Good and Avoid Evil” Let me start this by defining the word “morality” since the title was a foundational philosophy on morality. Morality is the quality of human acts by which we call them right or wrong, good, or evil. One’s action is considered right if it conforms and adheres to the norm, rule or law of morality. Otherwise it can be considered wrong. In every action we make, we must be considerate if it is really right and if it doesn’t affect others in a negative way. We know what is right from wrong; there must be no reason for us to choose to do wrong. The line “do good and avoid evil” was uttered by St. Thomas as he defines it as “the light of natural reason, whereby we discern what is good and what is evil. And imprint on us of the divine light”. It is a natural law which means that “it is written in the hearts of men”, and we already know it and it is naturally there. But due to some instances, people still fail to do or choose what is right. All men and women regardless of race and belief, have a sense of this foundational moral principle. It is ingrained in man’s nature. It is built into the design of human nature mind. We are inclined to do what we recognize as good and avoid that which we recognize as evil. Because our parents are the ones who taught us what are the right actions when we are still a child. As we grow old, we come to learn and really understand what our parents cultivate in our minds and how they touch our hearts with the virtue that we must uphold until we grow old and pass it on our own family. And one of these things are having faith, believing and living our life conforming to the teaching of the bible. Because the natural law also comes to different versions as Kung Fu Tsu said “Do not do to others what you want do not like others to do to you”. It is also the same to the golden rule of Christianity but it is written in positive form, “Do to others what you want others do to you”. Nobody can justify what is good and what is evil. We have thousands of Laws, Republic Acts and Memorandum Circular over our government and all of these are telling us what to do and what not to do. Check out the Bible, and you will find the Ten Commandments of the Lord also telling us what we should and shouldn’t do. We can always ask these things to our parents, who raised us to be equipped with values of being a Filipino. But what is right among all of these? Who can say the definite standard of being good or evil? And that is what this Philosophy on Morality will teach us. So, I believed that the natural law truly engraved in the heart of every person. It is our duty to do what is good and avoid what is evil. It also contributes and molds person’s character. A moral object is what a person chooses to bring about in order to achieve his intended goal or end. The object that a person chooses must be clearly distinguished from the end that he intends. Although some people having a good goal but still chooses to do it by wrong means. A good end doesn’t justify her bad means; it doesn’t make her bad choice good. In fact, the opposite is true. The person’s choice of a morally bad action makes her otherwise good intention bad. No matter how good your intention but you are doing it a wrong way it is still wrong and you just even worsen the situation because even your good intention will be considered as bad. It means choosing a morally good thing for the sake of a morally good end. To find our way to that right, we must be sincere and follow the path wherever it leads, honestly, objectively, and faithfully. What is right for us to do remain right for us to do, whether we know it or not, whether we do it or not, because what is right for us to do is in harmony with the divine law and with the natural moral law which are unchanging. Let us use our intellect and capable being to do what is right in order to live peacefully and objectively. There is no excuse for a wrong doing, right will always be right and wrong will always be wrong. In general, even the world gave you millions of things that you need to follow still the decision is in your hand whether you will do good or evil. Pamis, Acel C. MAED- Filipino Advance Philosophy “Why man is considered a rational being?” As defined by Aristotle man is a rational being. According to his definition, rationality is what separates man from all other animals. It is what makes us unique. What makes a man different form of an animal is the intellect that makes a person capable of thinking, judging and reasoning. Our free will give us our ability to choose. We are capable to distinguish what is right from wrong, good or evil and we make a choice for the distinction of our intellect. Unlike the beasts, he is not bound by instincts. It is a natural occurrence for beasts to kill another animal anytime just to satisfy his hunger or it is natural occurrence for a beast when he meets a female dog on the street and mate right there and then, as they are not free but bound by their instinct, like sexual instinct. But it is contrary to man’s nature when a woman and a man do as dogs do. Man is the highest form of animal due to the capability of reasoning. To do so is to go down to the level of the beast. We, as a rational being we are able to take the responsibility for our actions because we know out of our reason and not instinct. This issue was also related to the fundamental moral principle “Do good and avoid evil”. Our act is moral when it is in accordance with our human nature. Our act is immoral when it is contrary to our human nature. Our intellect and free will make us different from and above the beast. Another proof that man is a rational being is one’s intelligence. We are capable to understand and the ability to achieve goals through plans that makes us unique from other being. We are capable on making our aspirations come true while living with virtue and following the norms and laws. A man is rational in his actions if they are performed in accordance with some sensible reasons which make the aim, he pursues possible of attainment. Let us clarify our meaning. Any activity possesses a universal structure: aim – means – result. Being an ideal image of a final result, a reverberation of demands objectively existent, aim as an element of activity characterizes its predictable result in the consciousness of an individual. It is a fundamental element of its structure, a mode of constructing activity, an integral principle of reducing various actions to a system which possesses a quality of an absolute value within the universal structure of activity and has an outward valuative basing, that is a valuative basing of activity itself. Means of activity in the broadest sense of the word include the whole complex of conditions, acts and things, methods and ways which make the attainment of the aim, its predictable result possible. Thus, result as an element of activity appears to be an incarnation of its ideal image and project. As a teacher, I am expected to be a person of a good moral character, person with a good moral character if he/she is a human, loving, virtuous, and mature. Being fully human means I have to realized substantially my potential as a human person, being a loving person I must be caring in an unselfish and mature manner with myself, other people and God, being a virtuous person I have to acquired good habits and attitudes to be practiced consistently in my daily life, ad being amorally mature person, I have reached the level of development emotionally, socially, mentally and spiritually appropriate to my development stage. It was also laid in our code of ethics that we possess dignity and reputation with high moral values and it is given emphasis that we must strictly adhere to, observe and practice this set of ethical and moral principles, and values. And I believe that I am on the right track when I strive to develop myself. Lastly, as a teacher we must do our duty and responsibility in cultivating the minds and whole being of our students. We make a big impact on what kind of person they will become in the future. Let us use our privilege to influence the youth. Teach them not by what is written in the books or what is dictated by the syllabus but rather it must be accompanied and integrated with the teachings of heart. Let us mold the future of our society with values and positive character. Because our influence is never ending, we have to opportunity to try on making our world peaceful and united that makes it more worth living. Pamis, Acel C. MAED- Filipino Advance Philosophy Essentialism: The Best Suited Philosophy to Modern Philippine Education ` I think the best suited philosophy for the modern Philippine education is essentialism. Essentialism advocates for the teaching of basic skills. It tries to inculcate the training of mind. This theory states that the children should learn the traditional basic subjects thoroughly. Essentialism tries to instill all students with the most essential or basic academic knowledge and skills and character development. Essentialists believe that teachers should try to embed traditional moral values and virtues such as respect for authority, perseverance, fidelity to duty, consideration for others, and practicality and intellectual knowledge that students need to become model citizens. The foundation of essentialist curriculum is based on traditional disciplines such as math, natural science, history, foreign language, and literature. Essentialists frown upon vocational courses. In the essentialist system, students are required to master a set body of information and basic techniques for their grade level before they are promoted to the next higher grade. The content gradually moves towards more complex skills and detailed knowledge. Essentialists argue that classrooms should be teacher-oriented. The teacher should serve as an intellectual and moral role model for the students. The teachers or administrators decide what is most important for the students to learn with little regard to the student interests. The teachers also focus on achievement test scores as a means of evaluating progress. The essentialist classroom is centered on students being taught about the people, events, ideas, and institutions that have shaped American society. Essentialists hope that when students leave school, they will not only possess basic knowledge and skills, but they will also have disciplined, practical minds, capable of applying lessons learned in school in the real world. Essentialism is different from what Dewey would like to see in the schools. Students in this system would sit in rows and be taught in masses. The students would learn passively by sitting in their desks and listening to the teacher. An example of essentialism would be lecture based introduction classes taught at universities. Students sit and take notes in a classroom which holds over one hundred students. They take introductory level courses in order to introduce them to the content. After they have completed this course, they will take the next level course and apply what they have learned previously. English 101 and English 102 are a specific example of essentialism. I believed that essentialism is the paramount matched to our country’s education. From the word itself essential means vital, necessary and important. The learners must be taught with the basic ideas and skills or disciplines that important to one’s culture before it proceeds to the complex one. This philosophy contends that we as a teacher must teach for learners to acquire basic knowledge, skills and values. As they say teachers teach “not to radically reshape society but rather to transmit the traditional moral values and intellectual knowledge that students need to become model citizens.” I accept as true that we must give emphasis first for students to learn the basic skills or the fundamental r’s- namely reading, ‘riting, ‘rithmetic, and right conducts these are essential to the acquisition of higher or more complex skills needed in preparation for adult life. The learners must be taught thoroughly and rigorously about the basic skill needed to be acquired by each citizen to be a productive and better man of the society that will contribute to the progress of the country. And as what we can observe to the children of our society it seems like they are not that focused or should I some are not that serious on their study. And on more thing, it was also noticeable that the youth are forgetting our culture and the real Filipino values due to the intervention of innovations made in technology. If every student successfully learned the basic knowledge, skills and values there is no reason for the society to have a progress. And we as a teacher are expected to be intellectual and good moral models of our students. We are seen as the paragon of virtue. Everything must start in ourselves because we cannot teach what we don’t know and we cannot give what we do not have. We are expected to be the core for inculcating into the minds and hearts of our students the values that are hailed and are important to our society. Pamis, Acel C. MAED- Filipino Advance Philosophy “Pragmatism is more inclined to attitude and method rather than a philosophical doctrine?” Pragmatism is an attitude, a method, and a philosophy which places emphasis upon the practical and the useful or upon that which has satisfactory consequences. The term pragmatism comes from a Greek word pragma, meaning "a thing done," a fact, that which is practical or matter-of-fact. Pragmatism uses the practical consequences of ideas and beliefs as a standard for determining their value and truth. William James defined pragmatism as "the attitude of looking away from first things, principles, 'categories,' supposed necessities; and of looking towards last things, fruits, consequences, facts." Pragmatism places greater emphasis upon method and attitude than upon a system of philosophical doctrine. It is the method of experimental inquiry carried into all realms of human experience. I agree to the claim as some philosophical thinkers believe that pragmatism is more inclined to attitude and method rather than philosophical doctrine. It must be given more emphasis to employ experiential methods as I believe that one learns by doing. And as John Dewey said there is no substitute for actual experience. And we also have a famous saying that experience is the best teacher. I think that this philosophy in education was also the reason why the Department of Education shifted into K-12 program and it was a curriculum accompanied by many activities in every subject for every lesson to ensure the affectivity of the teaching. Aside from that, teachers are preparing different activities due to the individual differences. pragmatists want education according to aptitudes and abilities of the individual. Individual must be respected and education planned to cater to his inclinations and capacities. But individual development must take place in social context. Every individual has a social self and individuality can best be developed in and through society. Education is preparation for life. Pragmatism makes a man socially efficient. The pragmatists are of the opinion that the children should-not be asked to work according to predetermined goals. They should determine their goals according to their needs and interests. Pragmatism responds to students’ needs and that relates to students’ personal lives and experiences. And instead of occupying themselves with teaching facts or bits of information that are true today but become obsolete tomorrow, they would rather focus their teaching on the skills or processes in gathering and evaluating information and in problem-solving. This philosophy in education also aims to enable the child to create values in his life. Education deals with human life. The children should be so trained that they may be able to solve their present-day problems efficiency and to adjust themselves to their social environment. They should be creative and effective members of the society. Their outlook should be so dynamic that they can change with the changing situations. And is true that one’s life situation is changing and we need to be well-prepared and used on how to deal with different changes or challenge we might face as we are trying to live our lives to the fullest. Our experiences contribute to the formation of our whole-being. So as a human being who is aware and understand that the universe is dynamic and evolving—things change, and we must live with it, and teach through it. It aims to develop the learner for society and for him/her to learn how to learn in the constantly changing world of the present and the future.