Personal Information Post Applied Civil Judge Application Number CJD4063172 Application Status Completed Candidate's Name NANCY GIRDHAR Father's Name/Husband's Name RAJ GIRDHAR Mother's Name KIRAN GIRDHAR Date of Birth 17/07/1997 Age (As on 01st Jan, 2023) 25 years 5 months 15 days Religion HINDU Gender Female Marital Status Unmarried Email Id Mobile No. 98XXXXX415 Place of filling form faridabad Domicile of Uttarakhand? No Nationality Nationality Indian Category / Sub Category Reservation Details Category Unreserved/General Claimed Category/Sub Category Unreserved/General Address Details Present Address Line1 Line2 City / Town / Village District State Pincode 868 sector 15A Faridabad Faridabad Haryana 121007 Permanent Address Line1 Line2 City / Town / Village District State Pincode 868 sector 15A Faridabad Faridabad Haryana 121007 Educational Qualifications Details Do you Possess thorough knowledge of Hindi in Devnagri script? Yes Yes Do you have basic knowledge of Computer operation? Qualification Type Name of Degree High School(10th) High School(10th) Integrated PG Integrated L.L.B./L.L.M Intermediate(12th) Intermediate(12th) University / Board State University / Board Date of Issuing Final Year Marksheet Subject / Stream Marks Type Marks Maximum Percentage Obtained Marks / Grade of Marks / CGPA / CGPA / Obtained Obtained / CPI CPI Equivalent Haryana Central Board of Secondary Education 2013 High School Subjects CGPA/CPI 6.80 10.00 - 64.60 Haryana Amity University 01-072020 Law CGPA/CPI 8.29 10.00 - 75.00 Haryana Central Board of Secondary Education 2015 Commerce MARKS 408.00 498.00 - 81.93 Other Details Are You Employed? Yes Type of Organisation Others Date of Applying NOC 16/03/2023 Exam Centre Preference 1 Dehradun Exam Centre Preference 2 Haridwar Is there any criminal case pending against you? No Whether debarred or Black Listed for Examination/ Selection held by UKPSC / UPSC / Other State Public Service Commission? No Candidate ID Proof PAN Card ID Proof Number BWXXXXXX5Q Fee Details Bank Reference Number Transaction Date Application Fee Processing Fee Total Amount Payable Status 66752327429 21/03/2023 00:06:04 ₹150 ₹ 22.30 ₹ 172.30 Paid Declaration 1. I NANCY GIRDHAR hereby declare that I have carefully read all the eligibility conditions mentioned in the advertisement and the above mentioned information in this application form. I accept and complete those requirements. एतद्द्वारा घोषणा करता हूं कि मैंने विज्ञापन में उल्लिखित पात्रता की सभी शर्तों और इस आवेदन पत्र में दी गई उपरोक्त जानकारी को सावधानीपूर्वक पढ़ लिया है। मैं उन आवश्यकताओं को स्वीकार करता हूं और उन्हें पूरा करता हूं। 2. I also declare that all the details / information given in this application form is true and correct and I have not hidden any facts in these particulars / information. If any details / information is found to be false or incorrect or if any facts are hidden by me, then my candidature should be cancelled. If such situation comes to light after the appointment, then my services should be terminated. यह भी घोषणा करता हूं कि इस आवेदन पत्र में दिए गए सभी विवरण/सूचनाएं सत्य और सही हैं और मैंने इन विवरणों/जानकारी में कोई तथ्य नहीं छिपाया है। यदि मेरे द्वारा कोई विवरण/सूचना असत्य या असत्य पायी जाती है या कोई तथ्य छु पाया जाता है तो मेरी उम्मीदवारी रद्द कर दी जाये। अगर नियुक्ति के बाद ऐसी स्थिति सामने आती है तो मेरी सेवाएं समाप्त कर दी जानी चाहिए। Place of filling from: faridabad Submitted Date & Time : 21/03/2023 12:06:08 Print Date : 21/03/2023 Signature of Candidate