An investigation into the causes of poor handwriting among the basic seven (7) pupils of Tamale Presby. Junior High School and how to use activities such as grip writing and proper development of motor skills using appropriate teaching and learning resources to ensure proper hand writing. Name: Sarley Hawaw-u Indext number: 9804719 1 HAPTER ONE INTRODUCTION The first chapter is made up of the Background of the study, Statement of the problem, Purpose of the study, Research question, Significance of the study, Delimitation, Limitation and Organization of the study. Background of the study In Ghana, much emphasis has been laid on the need for teachers to motivate pupils to attain the highest form of penmanship which is a pre – requisite tool for every scholar. Pupils at the basic schools are to know the skill in writing, first from letters of the alphabet to numerals so that by the time they get to higher institution, they would have acquired good handwriting. Writing carries our idea on paper, but the inability of pupils to write properly is a problem pertaining to almost all the basic schools in our dear country Ghana. Writing as defined by Macmillan student’s dictionary is “the practice of presenting language by means of marks on paper, stones etc. Thus using pencil or pen and paper” The oxford advance Dictionary (New Edition) defines handwriting as the act of making letters and other symbols on the surface usually on paper with pen or pencil using the hand. Chall (1967) asserted that, handwriting is the use of the hand together with the brain in making letters and symbols convey effective message to people. He is of the view that, good handwriting helps to learn better and obtain higher grade. 2 Arthur Hughes (1989) claims that, “good handwriting assist to make administrative work easier”. He explains that people in administrative positions are able to work effectively when non – printed scripts are given to work on. Above all, writing represents the mind of a person (writer). It brings to light what a person has and wants others to be aware of. Good handwriting makes working easy. Pupils with good handwriting make making of their exercises easier as the teacher understands what they are putting across. Moreover, writing interprets the character of a person; the nature of a person, whether good or bad, neat or dirty, can partly be known through his or her handwriting Poor handwriting on the other hand, is a major problem which is troubling many students in our dear country, Ghana. Most students fail in their examinations due to their poor handwriting. During the out segment programme, the researcher observed that some of the pupils in basic seven (7) of Nyohini Presby. Junior High School have very poor handwritings and if the problem remains unsolved, it will go a long way to affect their academic performance. Statement of the problem The handwriting of a student is very important since it brings about academic growth and development in their early lives. Poor handwriting refers to the inability of a person to write clearly, properly and his or her inability to space out letters of the alphabet. Research has shown that, students with poor handwriting suffer academically and the nature of the person can be known through the hands. The outcry of parents, guardians, government, firms and examination bodies about poor handwriting still persist. They have shown concern in the sense that, some university 3 graduates from out higher institutions cannot write clearly and legible. The West African Examination Council (WAEC) chief examiner’s report published on the October 8th, 2006 made it clear that some students fail exams due to their inability to write well. Research work in other areas of the country had proved that, there are problems associated with handwriting among many pupils in the basic schools of the nation. The basic seven (7) pupils of Nyohini Presby. JuniorHigh School are not exception. Out of thirty – three pupils in the class, twenty-five (25) of them cannot write properly and clearly. This makes marking of their exercises, home works and test very difficult. Due to this, many of them have been repeated several times. That is to say, pupils with poor handwriting perform poor academically. It is against that background that the researcher had taken it upon himself to find out the causes of poor handwriting in order to suggest ways to help reduce the problem. Purpose of the study The researcher seeks to find out; The possible causes of poor handwriting among basic seven (7) pupils of Nyohini Presby. JuniorHigh School The materials needed to correct poor handwriting. Techniques needed to improve handwriting. The importance of handwriting on the academic performance of the pupils 4 Research Questions The research formulates these questions during the study to help reduce the problem. What could be the possible causes of the poor handwriting of basic seven (7) pupils of Nyohini Presby. JuniorHigh School? What are some of the activities that can be used to help acquire good handwriting? What are some of the techniques used in teaching handwriting? How does the teacher’s handwriting affect pupil’s handwriting? How are the activities going to be carried out? Significance of the study When the research is over, it would improve upon the pupil’s poor handwriting hence improving the performance of the pupils. It will also serve as a guide for teachers and students in teaching and learning of handwriting in schools. Finally, it will create awareness on the need for parents to provide writing materials for their words. 5 Delimitation The whole research was conducted in only one area of English Language (Handwriting). Only those who have poor handwriting in basic seven (7) of Nyohini Presby. JuniorHigh School were taken through the activities. Limitation One cannot undertake any research without encountering any problem. The project was successful but the researcher faced some few challenges which include: The major problem which the researcher encountered was finance since the researcher has to print some questions and then travel to place for information. Due to truancy on the part of the pupils, meetings organized within school hours could not come on regularly which delayed the whole process. Some of the parents could not offered all the necessary materials which were used during the study. The researcher has to take that responsibility before arriving at success. Lastly, when the practice was underway, their parents sometimes sent for their wards to help them in the house which also delayed the project. 6 Organization of the study The whole study is being divided into five chapters. The first chapter has the heading "introduction" which address the following issues; background of the study, statement of the problem, purpose of the study, research questions, significance of the study, delimitation, limitation and organisation of the study. The second chapter has the heading "review of related literature". Basically, a literature review is supposed to offer a combination of what has already been written on the topic in terms of theories. The third chapter has the heading methodology which addrinterventioness the following; research design, population, sample selection, research instrument, pre – , data collection etc. were actually covered. It deals with what the researcher did to solve the problem under study. The fourth chapter is headed "reporting of findings". This chapter deals with the reporting of the data obtained in the three chapters. The last chapter which is chapter five is headed "summary, conclusion and recommendation". This last chapter deals with summarizing the findings based on the data, drawing up conclusions and recommendation for further study. 7