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Flight Planning Exam Questions and Answers

Flight Planning
Which is true regarding a balanced field ?
Correct answer : Provides minimum field length required in the case of an engine failure.
Where would you find information regarding Search and Rescue procedures?
Correct answer : AIP's
Where would you find information regarding Customs and Health facilities?
Correct answer : AIP's
When filling in item 9 of the flight plan and there is no aircraft designator listed, what should the entry be?
Correct answer : ZZZZ followed by an entry at item 18.
When filling in a flight plan, wake turbulence category is a function of?
Correct answer : Maximum certified take-off mass.
What is Total Elapsed Time on a VFR flight plan?
Correct answer : From take-off to overhead destination.
What is the purpose of Decision Point Procedure?
Correct answer : Carry minimum fuel to increase Traffic Load.
Unless otherwise stated on charts for standard instrument departures the routes shown are given with:
Correct answer : magnetic course.
The fuel burn - off is 200 kg/hr with a relative fuel density of 0.8. If the relative fuel density is 0.75, the fuel burn will be:
Correct answer : 200 kg/hr
See CAP 402 Flight plan 1 In line 7 the mean groundspeed for the descent is:
Correct answer : 346 kt
See CAP 402 Flight plan 1 In line 7 the distance taken for the descent is:
Correct answer : 109 nm
See CAP 402 Flight plan 1 In line 6 the fuel flow in kg/hr is:
Correct answer : 6300
See CAP 402 Flight plan 1 In line 5 the weight at the start of the sector is:
Correct answer : 112545 kg
See CAP 402 Flight plan 1 In line 5 the sector fuel required is:
Correct answer : 4435 kg
See CAP 402 Flight plan 1 In line 4 the fuel flow in kg/hr is:
Correct answer : 7075
See CAP 402 Flight plan 1 In line 3 the weight at the start of the sector is:
Correct answer : 125600 kg
See CAP 402 Flight plan 1 In line 1 the mean groundspeed for the climb is:
Correct answer : 378 kt
Reference the ICAO flight plan, in item 15 (speed) this speed refers to:
Correct answer : initial cruising true airspeed.
Reference item 19 of the ICAO flight plan, endurance is?
Correct answer : fuel endurance of the aircraft.
Refer to Jeppesen Manual ED-6. Give the frequency of the GRENCHEN VOR at N4711 E00725.
Correct answer : 108.65 MHz
Refer to Jeppesen Manual E(LO)1. From SHANNON (N5243.3 W00853.1) by W13 to KORAK. What is meant by '5000' by the route
centreline ?
Correct answer : MEA 5000 ft
Minimum planned take-off fuel is 160 kg ( 30% total reserve is included ). Assume the ground speed on this trip is constant. When half
the distance has been flow, the remaining fuel is 70 kg. Is it necessary to divert to a nearby alternate?
Correct answer : Diversion to a nearby alternate is necessary, because the remaining fuel is not sufficient.
In the ATS flight plan item 15, it is necessary to enter any point at which a change of cruising speed takes place. For this purpose a
'change of speed' is defined as:
Correct answer : 5% TAS or 0.01 Mach or more.
If the destination airport has no ICAO indicator, in box 16 of your ATS flight plan, you write:
Correct answer : ZZZZ
If CAS is 190 kt, altitude 9000 ft, temperature ISA -1 deg C, True course 350, W/V 320/40, distance from departure to destination is
350 nm, endurance 3 hrs, and actual time of departure is 1105 UTC. The PET is reached at:
Correct answer : 1214 UTC
If CAS is 190 kt, altitude 9000 ft, temperature ISA - 1 deg C, true course 350, W/V 320/40, distance from departure is 350 nm,
endurance 3 hours. The distance to PET is?
Correct answer : 203 nm
If a pilot lands at an aerodrome other than the destination aerodrome specified in the ICAO flight plan, she must ensure that the ATS
unit at the destination is informed within a specified time of her planned ETA at destination. The time is:
Correct answer : 30 mins
How many hours in advance of departure time should a flight plan be filed in the case of flights into areas subject to air traffic flow
management (ATFM)?
Correct answer : 3.00 hrs
Given: fuel flow 2150 kg/hr, total fuel in tanks 15,000 kg, fuel reserve required on arrival 3500 kg, TAS outbound 420 kt, wind -30 kt,
TAS home bound 430 kt, wind +20 kt. Find the time to Point of Safe Return.
Correct answer : 2 hr 52 min
For an IFR flight using ICAO semi-circular cruising levels on a magnetic track of 200, which is a suitable level?
Correct answer : FL310
ATC require a descent from FL270 to FL160 to be level 6 nm before a VOR. If rate of descent is 800 feet per minute, mean
groundspeed is 256 kts, how far out from the VOR must descent be started?
Correct answer : 65 nm
At a fuel check you have 60 US gallons (USG) of useable fuel remaining. Alternative fuel required is 12 USG. The flight time remaining
is 1 hour 35 mins. What is the highest consumption rate acceptable?
Correct answer : 30.3 USG/Hr
An appropriate flight level for IFR flight in accordance with semi-circular height rules on a course of 180 degrees magnetic is:
Correct answer : FL100
An aircraft is in cruising flight at FL095, IAS 155 kts. The pilot intends to descend at 500 ft/min to arrive overhead the MAN VOR at
2000 ft (QNH 1030 hPa). The TAS remains constant in the descent, wind is negligible, temperature standard. At which distance from
MAN should the pilot commence the descent?
Correct answer : 48 nm
An aircraft flying at 7500ft is cleared to descend to be level at 1000ft, 6nm before reaching a beacon. If ground speed is 156kt and Rate
of Descent is 800fpm, how many miles before the beacon should descent begin?
Correct answer : 27.1
After flying for 16 minutes at 100 kts TAS with a 20 kts tail wind, you have to return to the airfield of departure. You will arrive after:
Correct answer : 24 min
A turbo-jet ac is en-route to an isolated destination. On top of taxi, trip and contingency fuel, what fuel is required?
Correct answer : 2 hours at normal cruise consumption.
A turbine - engined aircraft burns fuel at 200 gals per hour (gph) with a Fuel Density of 0.8. What is the fuel flow if Fuel Density is 0.75?
Correct answer : 213 gph
A repetitive flight plan (RPL) is filed for a scheduled flight: Paris-Orly to Angouleme, Paris-Orly as alternate. Following heavy snow falls,
Angouleme airport will be closed at the expected time of arrival.
Correct answer : The RPL must be cancelled for that day and an individual flight plan must be filed.
You must fly IFR on an airway orientated 135° magnetic with a MSA at 7 800 ft. Knowing the QNH is 1 025 hPa and the temperature is
ISA + 10°, the minimum flight level you must fly at is:
Correct answer : 90
You have a flight plan IFR from Amsterdam to London. In the flight plan it is noted that you will deviate from the ATS route passing the
FIR boundary Amsterdam/London. The airway clearance reads: Cleared to London via flight planned route. Which of the following
statements is correct?
Correct answer : The route according to the flight plan is accepted.
You are to determine the maximum fuel load which can be carried in the following conditions : - dry operating mass : 2800 kg - trip fuel :
300 kg - payload : 400 kg - maximum take-off mass : 4200 kg - maximum landing mass : 3700 kg
Correct answer : 800 kg
You are flying a constant compass heading of 252°. Variation is 22°E, deviation is 3°W and your INS is showing a drift of 9° right. True
track is ?
Correct answer : 280°
Which of the following statements regarding filing a flight plan is correct?
Correct answer : In case of flow control the flight plan should be filed at least three hours in advance of the time of departure.
Which of the following statements is relevant for forming route portions in integrated range flight planning?
Correct answer : The distance from take-off up to the top of climb has to be known.
Which of the following statements is (are) correct with regard to the operation of flight planning computers ? 1. The computer can file
the ATC flight plan. 2. In the event of inflight re-routing the computer produces a new plan.
Correct answer : Statement 1 only
Which of the following statements is (are) correct with regard to the advantages of computer flight plans ? 1. The computer can file the
ATC flight plan. 2. Wind data used by the computer is always more up-to-date than that available to the pilot.
Correct answer : Statement 1 only
Which of the following statements is (are) correct with regard to computer flight plans 1. The computer takes account of bad weather on
the route and adds extra fuel. 2. The computer calculates alternate fuel sufficient for a missed approach, climb, cruise, descent and
approach and landing at the destination alternate.
Correct answer : Statement 2 only
When using decision point procedure, you reduce the
Correct answer : contingency fuel by adding contingency only from the burnoff between decision point and destination.
When the auto-pilot is engaged; the role of the automatic trim is to:
Correct answer : relieve the A.P. servo motor and return the aircraft in-trim at A.P. disconnect
When operating two AC generators unparalleled, the phase relationship of each generator:
Correct answer : is unimportant.
When completing an ATS flight plan, an elapsed time (Item 16) of 1 hour 55 minutes should be entered as :
Correct answer : 0155
When completing an ATS flight plan for a flight commencing under IFR but possibly changing to VFR, the letters entered in Item 8
(FLIGHT RULES) would be :
Correct answer : Y
When completing an ATS flight plan for a European destination, clock times are to be expressed in :
Correct answer : UTC
When calculating the fuel required to carry out a given flight, one must take into account : 1 - the wind 2 - foreseeable airborne delays 3
- other weather forecasts 4 - any foreseeable conditions which may delay landing The combination which provides the correct
statement is :
Correct answer : 1 - 2 - 3 - 4
When an ATS flight plan is submitted for a flight outside designated ATS routes, points included in Item 15 (route) should not normally
be at intervals of more than :
Correct answer : 30 minutes flying time or 370 km
When an ATS flight plan has been submitted for a controlled flight, the flight plan should be amended or cancelled in the event of the
off-block time being delayed by :
Correct answer : 30 minutes or more
When a pilot fills in a flight plan, he must indicate the wake turbulence category. This category is a function of which mass?
Correct answer : maximum certified take-off mass
What percentages of the headwind and tailwind components are taken into account when calculating the take-off field length required?
Correct answer : 50% headwind and 150% tailwind.
VFR flights shall not be flown over the congested areas of cities at a height less than
Correct answer : 1000 ft above the heighest obstacle within a radius of 600 m from the aircraft.
Unless otherwise shown on charts for standard instrument departure the routes are given with:
Correct answer : magnetic course
The wavelength of a radio transmitted on frequency 121.95 MHz is:
Correct answer : 2.46 m
The VHF direction finder uses the following wavelengths:
Correct answer : metric.
The vertical speed indicator VSI is fed by:
Correct answer : static pressure
The Trip Fuel for a jet aeroplane to fly from the departure aerodrome to the destination aerodrome is 5 350 kg. Fuel consumption in
holding mode is 6 000 kg/h. The quantity of fuel which is needed to carry out one go-around and land on the alternate airfield is 4 380
kg. The destination aerodrome has a single runway. What is the minimum quantity of fuel which should be on board at take-off?
Correct answer : 13 000 kg
The TCAS 1 (Traffic Collision Avoidance System) provides : 1- traffic information 2- horizontal resolution (RA: Resolution Advisory) 3vertical resolution (RA: Resolution Advisory) 4- ground proximity warning The combination regrouping all the correct statements is:
Correct answer : 1
The TCAS (Traffic Collision Avoidance System) gives avoidance resolutions :
Correct answer : only in the vertical plane
The still air distance in the climb is 189 Nautical Air Miles (NAM) and time 30 minutes. What ground distance would be covered in a 30
kt head wind?
Correct answer : 174 NM
The so-called "hot buses" or "direct buses" are:
Correct answer : directly connected to the battery.
The required time for final reserve fuel for turbojet aeroplane is:
Correct answer : 30 min.
The reason for using inverters in an electrical system is ..
Correct answer : To change DC into AC.
The quantity of fuel which is calculated to be necessary for a jet aeroplane to fly IFR from departure aerodrome to the destination
aerodrome is 5352 kg. Fuel consumption in holding mode is 6 000 kg/h. Alternate fuel is 4380 kg. Contingency should be 5% of trip
fuel. What is the minimum required quantity of fuel which should be on board at take-off?
Correct answer : 13000 kg.
The purpose of the vibrating device of an altimeter is to:
Correct answer : reduce the effect of friction in the linkages
The purpose of the decision point procedure is ?
Correct answer : To reduce the minimum required fuel and therefore be able to increase the traffic load.
The purpose of the automatic trim is to: 1- reduce to zero the hinge moment of the entire control surface in order to relieve the load on
the servo-actuator 2- ensure the aeroplane is properly trimmed when the autopilot is disengaged 3- maintain the same
stability/manoeuverablity trade-off within the whole flight envelope The combination regrouping all the correct statements is:
Correct answer : 1, 2, 3.
The purpose of static wick dischargers is to :
Correct answer : dissipate static charge of the aircraft inflight thus avoiding radio interference as a result of static electricity.
The planned departure time from the parking area is 1815 UTC The estimated take-off time is 1825 UTC The IFR flight plan must be
filed with ATC at the latest at:
Correct answer : 1715 UTC
The pitot tube supplies:
Correct answer : Impact pressure.
The navigation plan reads: Trip fuel: 136 kg Flight time: 2h45min Calculated reserve fuel: 30% of trip fuel Fuel in tank is minimum (no
extra fuel on board) Taxi fuel: 3 kg The endurance on the ICAO flight plan should read:
Correct answer : 3h34min
The navigation plan reads: Trip fuel: 100 kg Flight time: 1h35min Taxi fuel: 3 kg Block fuel: 181 kg The endurance on the ICAO flight
plan should read:
Correct answer : 2h 49min
The most widely used electrical frequency in aircraft is :
Correct answer : 400 Hz.
The most commonly used circuit protecion device in modern aircraft is a
Correct answer : push and pull circuit breaker.
The most common overload protection device used in aircraft is:
Correct answer : Circuit breakers
The maximum permissible take-off mass of an aircraft for the L wake turbulence category on a flight plan is:
Correct answer : 7 000 kg
The limits of the green scale of an airspeed indicator are :
Correct answer : VS1 for the lower limit and VNO for the upper limit
The heading reference unit of a three axis data generator is equipped with a gyro which has:
Correct answer : 2 degrees of freedom and horizontal spin axis.
The fuel burn off is 200 kg/h with a relative fuel density of 0,8. If the relative density is 0,75, the fuel burn will be:
Correct answer : 200 kg/h
The fuel burn of an aircraft turbine engine is 220 l/h with a fuel density of 0,80. If the density is 0,75 the fuel burn will be:
Correct answer : 235 l/h
The following fuel consumption figures are given for a jet aeroplane: -standard taxi fuel: 600 kg. -average cruise consumption: 10 000
kg/h. -holding fuel consumption at 1500 ft above alternate airfield elevation: 8000 kg/h. -flight time from departure to destination: 6
hours -fuel for diversion to alternate: 10 200 kg. The minimum ramp fuel load is:
Correct answer : 77 800 kg
The final reserve fuel for aeroplanes with turbine engines is
Correct answer : fuel to fly for 30 minutes at holding speed at 1500 ft (450 m) above aerodrome elevation in standard conditions.
The fields affecting a magnetic compass originate from: 1. magnetic masses 2. ferrous metal masses 3. non ferrous metal masses 4.
electrical currents The combination of correct statements is:
Correct answer : 1, 2, 4
The Fan Markers uses the following wavelengths:
Correct answer : metric.
The error introduced in geostrophic or gradient wind calculations when the pressure is changing rapidly is the:
Correct answer : isallobaric effect.
The data supplied by a radio altimeter:
Correct answer : indicates the distance between the ground and the aircraft.
The cruising speed to write in the appropriate box of a flight plan is:
Correct answer : true air speed
The calibrated airspeed (CAS) is obtained by applying to the indicated airspeed (IAS) :
Correct answer : an instrument and position/pressure error correction.
The angle between Magnetic North and Compass North is called:
Correct answer : compass deviation
The advantages provided by an air data computer to indicate the altitude are : 1. Position/pressure error correction 2. Hysteresis error
correction 3. Remote data transmission capability 4. Capability of operating as a conventional altimeter in the event of a failure The
combination of correct statements is :
Correct answer : 1,3,4
Referring to chart E(LO)1, the grid MORA at AMMAN (N5150.4 W00359.9) on airway G1 is:
Correct answer : 4200ft
Refer to the following TAF extract: BECMG 1821 2000 BKN004 PROB30 BECMG 2124 0500 FG VV001 What does the abbreviation
"VV001" mean?
Correct answer : Vertical visibility 100 FT.
R1 and R2 resistances are connected in parallel. The value of the equivalent resistance (Req) so obtained is given by the following
Correct answer : 1/Req = 1/R1 + 1/R2
Planning a flight from Paris (Charles de Gaulle) to London (Heathrow) for a twin - jet aeroplane. Preplanning: Maximum Take-off Mass:
62 800 kg Maximum Zero Fuel Mass: 51 250 kg Maximum Landing Mass: 54 900 kg Maximum Taxi Mass: 63 050 kg Assume the
following preplanning results: Trip fuel: 1 800 kg Alternate fuel: 1 400 kg Holding fuel (final reserve): 1 225 kg Dry Operating Mass: 34
000 kg Traffic Load: 13 000 kg Catering: 750 kg Baggage: 3 500 kg Find the Take-off Mass (TOM):
Correct answer : 51 515 kg.
One advantage of a movable-stabilizer system compared with a fixed stabilizer system is that:
Correct answer : it is a more powerful means of trimming
On the ground, during a left turn, the turn indicator indicates :
Correct answer : needle to the left, ball to the right
On an instrument approach chart, a minimum sector altitude (MSA) is defined in relation to a radio navigation facility. Without any
particular specification on distance, this altitude is valid to:
Correct answer : 25 NM
On an IFR navigation chart, in a 1° quadrant of longitude and latitude, appears the following information "80". This means that within
this quadrant:
Correct answer : the minimum safe altitude is 8 000 ft
On an ATC flight plan, to indicate that you will overfly the way-point TANGO at 350 kts at flight level 280, you write:
Correct answer : TANGO / N0350 F280
On an ATC flight plan, the letter "Y" is used to indicate that the flight is carried out under the following flight rules.
Correct answer : IFR followed by VFR
On an ATC flight plan, an aircraft indicated as 'H' for 'Heavy':
Correct answer : is of the highest wake turbulence category
On a VFR flight plan, the total estimated time is:
Correct answer : the estimated time from take-off to overhead the destination airport
On a given path, it is possible to chose between four flight levels (FL), each associated with a mandatory flight Mach Number (M). The
flight conditions, static air temperature (SAT) and headwind component (HWC) are given below: FL 370 - M = 0.80 Ts = -60°C HWC =
-15 kt FL 330 - M = 0.78 Ts = -60°C HWC= - 5 kt FL 290 - M = 0.80 Ts = -55°C HWC = -15 kt FL 270 - M = 0.76 Ts = -43°C HWC = 0
The flight level allowing the highest ground speed is:
Correct answer : FL270
On a flight plan you are required to indicate in the box marked "speed" the planned speed for the first part of the cruise or for the entire
cruise. This speed is:
Correct answer : The true airspeed
On a ATC flight plan, to indicate that you will overfly the way-point ROMEO at 120 kt at flight level 085, you will write :
Correct answer : ROMEO / N0120 F085
Minimum planned take-off fuel is 160 kg (30% total reserve fuel is included). Assume the groundspeed on this trip is constant. When
the aeroplane has done half the distance the remaining fuel is 70 kg. Is diversion to a nearby alternate necessary?
Correct answer : Diversion to a nearby alternate is necessary, because the remaining fuel is not sufficient.
Mark the correct statement: If a decision point procedure is applied for flight planning,
Correct answer : the trip fuel to the destination aerodrome is to be calculated via the decision point.
It is possible, in flight, to: 1 - file an IFR flight plan 2 - modify an active IFR or VFR flight plan 3 - cancel an active VFR flight plan 4 close an active VFR flight plan Which of the following combinations contains all of the correct statements?
Correct answer : 1 - 2 - 3 - 4
In the cruise at FL 155 at 260 kt TAS, the pilot plans for a 500 feet/min descent in order to fly overhead MAN VOR at 2 000 feet (QNH
1030). TAS will remain constant during descent, wind is negligible, temperature is standard. The pilot must start the descent at a
distance from MAN of:
Correct answer : 120 NM
In the ATS flight plan, for a non-scheduled flight which of the following letters schould be entered in Item 8 (Type of Flight) :
Correct answer : N
In the ATS flight plan Item 19, if the number of passengers to be carried is not known when the plan is ready for filing :
Correct answer : "TBN" (to be notified) may be entered in the relevant box
In the ATS flight plan item 15, when entering a route for which standard departure (SID) and standard arrival (STAR) procedures exist :
Correct answer : both should be entered in the ATS plan where appropriate
In the ATS flight plan item 15, it is necessary to enter any point at which a change of cruising speed takes place. For this purpose a
"change of speed" is defined as :
Correct answer : 5% TAS or 0.01 Mach or more
In the ATS flight plan Item 15, a cruising speed of 470 knots will be entered as :
Correct answer : N0470
In the ATS flight plan Item 15 (Cruising speed), when not expressed as a Mach number, cruising speed is expressed as :
Correct answer : TAS
In the ATS flight plan Item 13, in a flight plan submitted before departure, the departure time entered is the :
Correct answer : estimated off-block time
In the ATS flight plan Item 10 (equipment), the letter to indicate the carriage of a serviceable transponder - mode A (4 digits-4096
codes) and mode C, is :
Correct answer : C
In the appropriate box of a flight plan, for endurance, one must indicate the time corresponding to:
Correct answer : the total usable fuel on board
In the appropriate box of a flight plan form, corresponding to the estimated time of departure, the time indicated is that at which the
aircraft intends to :
Correct answer : go off blocks
In the appropriate box of a flight plan form, concerning equipment, the letter to be used to indicate that the aircraft is equipped with a
mode A 4096 codes transponder with altitude reporting capability is :
Correct answer : C
In an ATS flight plan, Item 15 (route), a cruising pressure altitude of 32000 feet would be entered as :
Correct answer : F320
In an ATS flight plan Item 15, in order to define a position as a bearing and distance from a VOR, the group of figures should consist
of :
Correct answer : VOR ident, magnetic bearing and distance in nautical miles
In an ATS flight plan Item 15 (route), in terms of latitude and longitude, a significant point at 41°35' north 4°15' east should be entered
as :
Correct answer : 4135N00415E
In a turn indicator, the measurement of rate of turn consists for:
Correct answer : low bank angle, in measuring the yaw rate
In a flight plan when the destination aerodrome is A and the alternate aerodrome is B, the final reserve fuel for a turbojet engine
aeroplane corresponds to:
Correct answer : 30 minutes holding 1,500 feet above aerodrome B
If two constant frequency AC generators are operating independently, then the phase relationship of each generator:
Correct answer : is unimportant.
If one of the 12 cells of a lead-acid battery is dead, the battery:
Correct answer : is unserviceable.
If CAS is 190 kts, Altitude 9000 ft. Temp. ISA - 10°C, True Course (TC) 350°, W/V 320/40, distance from departure to destination is 350
NM, endurance 3 hours, and actual time of departure is 1105 UTC. The Point of Equal Time (PET) is reached at :
Correct answer : 1213 UTC
If CAS is 190 kts, Altitude 9000 ft. Temp. ISA - 10°C, True Course (TC) 350°, W/V 320/40, distance from departure to destination is 350
NM, endurance 3 hours and actual time of departure is 1105 UTC. The distance from departure to Point of Equal Time (PET) is :
Correct answer : 203 NM
If a pilot lands at an aerodrome other than the destination aerodrome specified in the flight plan, he must ensure that the ATS unit at
the destination aerodrome is informed within a certain number of minutes of his planned ETA at destination. This number of minutes is:
Correct answer : 30
How many hours in advance of departure time should a flight plan be filed in the case of flights into areas subject to air traffic flow
management (ATFM)?
Correct answer : 3:00 hours.
How many feet you have to climb to reach FL 75? Given: FL 75; departure aerodrome elevation 1500 ft; QNH = 1023 hPa; temperature
= ISA; 1 hPa = 30 ft
Correct answer : 6300 ft.
How can spatial disorientation in IMC be avoided? By
Correct answer : maintaining a good instrument cross check.
Given:maximum allowable take-off mass 64 400 kg maximum landing mass 56 200 kg maximum zero fuel mass 53 000 kg dry
operating mass 35 500 kg estimated load 14 500 kg estimated trip fuel 4 900kg minimum take-off fuel 7 400 kg Find the maximum
allowable take-off fuel:
Correct answer : 11 100 kg
Given: True course (TC) 017°, W/V 340°/30 kt, True air speed (TAS) 420 kt Find: Wind correction angle (WCA) and ground speed (GS)
Correct answer : WCA -2°, GS 396 kt
Given: Maximum allowable take-off mass 64400 kg, Maximum landing mass 56200 kg, Maximum zero fuel mass 53000 kg, Dry
operating mass 35500 kg, Traffic load 14500 kg, Trip fuel 4900 kg, Take-off fuel 7400 kg Find: Maximum additional load
Correct answer : 3000 kg
Given: Maximum allowable take-off mass 64400 kg, Maximum landing mass 56200 kg, Maximum zero fuel mass 53000 kg, Dry
operating mass 35500 kg, Traffic load 14500 kg, Trip fuel 4900 kg, Minimum Take-off Fuel 7400 kg Find: Maximum allowable take-off
Correct answer : 11100 kg
Given: Maximum allowable take-off mass 64 400 kg; maximum landing mass 56200 kg; maximum zero fuel mass 53 000 kg; dry
operating mass 35 500 kg; estimated load 14 500 kg; estimated trip fuel 4 900 kg; minimum take-off fuel 7 400 kg. Find: maximum
additional load
Correct answer : 3 000 kg
Given: Dry operating mass (DOM)= 33510 kg Load= 7600 kg Trip fuel (TF)= 2040 kg Final reserve fuel= 983 kg Alternate fuel= 1100
kg Contingency fuel= 5% of trip fuel Which of the listed estimated masses is correct?
Correct answer : Estimated landing mass at destination= 43295 kg.
Given: Dry operating mass (DOM)= 33510 kg Load= 7600 kg Final reserve fuel= 983 kg Alternate fuel= 1100 kg Contingency fuel 102
kg The estimated landing mass at alternate should be :
Correct answer : 42195 kg.
Given: Dry operating mass (DOM)= 33500 kg Load= 7600 kg Maximum allowable take-off mass= 66200 kg Standard taxi fuel= 200 kg
Tank capacity= 16 100 kg The maximum possible take-off fuel is:
Correct answer : 15 900 kg
Given: Dry operating mass (DOM)= 33000 kg Load= 8110 kg Final reserve fuel= 983 kg Alternate fuel= 1100 kg Contingency fuel 102
kg The estimated landing mass at alternate should be :
Correct answer : 42195 kg.
Given the following: D = flight distance X = distance to Point of Equal Time GSo = groundspeed out GSr = groundspeed return The
correct formula to find distance to Point of Equal Time is :
Correct answer : X = D x GSr / (GSo + GSr)
Given : X = Distance A to point of equal time (PET) between A and B, E = Endurance, D = Distance A to B ,O = Groundspeed 'on', H =
Groundspeed 'back'. The formula for calculating the distance X to point of equal time (PET) is:
Correct answer : D x H X = _____ O + H
Given : true track 017; W/V 340/30; TAS 420 kt Find : wind correction angle (WCA) and ground speed (GS)
Correct answer : WCA -2° ; GS 396 kt
Given : Distance X to Y 2700 NM Mach Number 0.75 Temperature -45°C Mean wind component 'on' 10 kt tailwind Mean wind
compontent 'back' 35 kt tailwind The distance from X to the point of equal time (PET) between X and Y is :
Correct answer : 1386 NM
Given : Distance A to B 3060 NM Mean groundspeed 'out' 440 kt Mean groundspeed 'back' 540 kt Safe Endurance 10 hours The time
to the Point of Safe Return (PSR) is:
Correct answer : 5 hours 30 minutes
Given : Distance A to B 2050 NM Mean groundspeed 'on' 440 kt Mean groundspeed 'back' 540 kt The distance to the point of equal
time (PET) between A and B is :
Correct answer : 1130 NM
Given : Course A to B 088° (T) distance 1250 NM Mean TAS 330 kt Mean W/V 340°/60 kt The time from A to the PET between A and
B is :
Correct answer : 1 hour 42 minutes
Generator paralleling through busbars is done to assure that
Correct answer : different consumers can be fed from different sources.
From which of the following would you expect to find the dates and times when temporary danger areas are active
Correct answer : NOTAM and AIP (Air Information Publication)
From which of the following would you expect to find information regarding known short unserviceability of VOR, TACAN, and NDB ?
Correct answer : NOTAM
From which of the following would you expect to find facilitation information (FAL) regarding customs and health formalities ?
Correct answer : AIP (Air Information Publication)
From which of the following would you expect to find details of the Search and Rescue organisation and procedures (SAR) ?
Correct answer : AIP (Air Information Publication)
From the options given below select those flights which require flight plan notification: I - Any Public Transport flight. 2 - Any IFR flight 3
- Any flight which is to be carried out in regions which are designated to ease the provision of the Alerting Service or the operations of
Search and Rescue. 4 - Any cross-border flights 5 - Any flight which involves overflying water
Correct answer : 2+4
For turbojet engine driven aeroplane, given: Taxi fuel 600 kg Fuel flow for cruise 10 000 kg/h Fuel flow for holding 8 000 kg/h Alternate
fuel 10 200 kg Planned flight time to destination 6 h Forecast visibility at destination 2000 m The minimum ramp fuel required is:
Correct answer : 77 800 kg
For the purposes of Item 9 (Wake turbulence category) of the ATS flight plan, an aircraft with a maximum certificated take-off mass of
62000 kg is :
Correct answer : medium (M).
For flight planning purposes the landing mass at alternate is taken as:
Correct answer : Zero Fuel Mass plus Final Reserve Fuel.
For a repetitive flight plan (RPL) to be used, flights must take place on a regular basis on at least :
Correct answer : 10 occasions
For a planned flight the calculated fuel is as follows: Flight time: 3h06min The reserve fuel, at any time, should not be less than 30% of
the remaining trip fuel. Taxi fuel: 8 kg Block fuel: 118 kg How much fuel should remain after 2 hours flight time?
Correct answer : 30 kg trip fuel and 9 kg reserve fuel.
For a planned flight the calculated fuel is as follows: Flight time: 2h42min The reserve fuel, at any time, should not be less than 30% of
the remaining trip fuel. Taxi fuel: 9 kg Block fuel: 136 kg How much fuel should remain after 2 hours flight time?
Correct answer : 25 kg trip fuel and 8 kg reserve fuel.
For a flight plan filed before the flight, the indicated time of departure is:
Correct answer : the estimated off-block time
Following in-flight depressurisation, a turbine powered aeroplane is forced to divert to an en-route alternate airfield. If actual flight
conditions are as forecast, the minimum quantity of fuel remaining on arrival at the airfield will be:
Correct answer : at least equivalent to 30 minutes flying time
Flight planning chart for an aeroplane states, that the time to reach the cruising level at a given gross mass is 36 minutes and the
distance travelled is 157 NM (zero-wind). What will be the distance travelled with an average tailwind component of 60kt ?
Correct answer : 193 NM
Find the time to the Point of Safe Return (PSR). Given: Maximum useable fuel 15000 kg, Minimum reserve fuel 3500 kg, TAS out 425
kt, Head wind component out 30 kt, TAS return 430 kt, Tailwind component return 20 kt, Average fuel flow 2150 kg/h
Correct answer : 2 h 51 min
Find the distance to the POINT OF SAFE RETURN (PSR). Given: maximum useable fuel 15000 kg, minimum reserve fuel 3500 kg,
Outbound: TAS 425 kt, head wind component 30 kt, fuel flow 2150 kg/h, Return: TAS 430 kt, tailwind component 20 kt, fuel flow 2150
Correct answer : 1125 NM
Electrical bonding of an aircraft is used to: 1. protect the aircraft against lightning effects. 2. reset the electrostatic potential of the
aircraft to a value approximating 0 volt 3. reduce radio interference on radiocommunication systems 4. set the aircraft to a single
potential The combination regrouping all the correct statements is:
Correct answer : 1, 3, 4
During the approach, a crew reads on the radio altimeter the value of 650 ft. This is an indication of the true:
Correct answer : height of the lowest wheels with regard to the ground at any time.
During an IFR flight TAS and time appear to deviate from the data in the flight plan. The minimum deviations, that should be reported to
ATC in order to conform to PANS-RAC, are:
Correct answer : TAS 5% and time 3 minutes.
During an IFR flight in a Beech Bonanza the fuel indicators show that the remaining amount of fuel is 100 lbs after 38 minutes. The
total amount of fuel at departure was 160 lbs. For the alternate fuel, 30 lbs is necessary. The planned fuel for taxi is 13 lbs. Final
reserve fuel is estimated at 50 lbs. If the fuel flow remains the same, how many minutes can be flown to the destination with the
remaining fuel?
Correct answer : 12 minutes.
During an automatic landing, from a height of about 50 ft the:
Correct answer : autopilot maintains an angle of attack depending on the radio altimeter height.
During a flight at night a position has to be reported to ATC. The aeroplane is at a distance of 750 NM from the groundstation and at
flight level 350. The frequency to be used is:
Correct answer : 5649 kHz.
During a Category II automatic approach, the height information is supplied by the :
Correct answer : radio altimeter.
Compared with a conventional gyro, a laser gyro :
Correct answer : has a longer life cycle
Before transmitting the pilot should...:
Correct answer : Listen out on the frequency to ensure no interference with another station already transmitting will occur.
At a constant Mach number, the calibrated air speed (CAS) :
Correct answer : decreases when the altitude increases
As regards three-phase AC generators, the following conditions must be met for paralleling AC generators: 1. Equal voltage 2. Equal
current 3. Equal frequencies 4. Same phase rotation 5. Voltages of same phase The combination regrouping all the correct statements
is :
Correct answer : 1, 3, 4, 5
As regards the Generator Contol Unit (GCU) of an AC generator, it can be said that: 1. The GCU controls the AC generator voltage 2.
Modern GCUs are provided with a permanent indication to record the failure 3. All the commands originating from the control panel are
applied via the GCU, except dog clutch release 4. The Auxiliary Power Unit (APU) provides the excitation of the AC generator as soon
as the APU starts up The combination regrouping all the correct statements is :
Correct answer : 2, 3
An operator (turbojet engine) shall ensure that calculation up of usable fuel for a flight for which no destination alternate is required
includes, taxi fuel, trip fuel, contingency fuel and fuel to fly for:
Correct answer : 30 minutes at holding speed at 450 m above aerodrome elevation in standard conditions
An IFR flight is planned outside airways on a course of 235° magnetic. The minimum safe altitude is 7800 ft. Knowing the QNH is 995
hPa, the minimum flight level you must fly is:
Correct answer : 100
An executive pilot is to carry out a flight to a French aerodrome, spend the night there and return the next day. Where will he find the
information concerning parking and landing fees ?
Correct answer : in the FAL section of the French Aeronautical Information Publication (AIP)
An automatic pilot is a system which can ensure the functions of:
Correct answer : piloting and guidance of an aircraft in both the horizontal and vertical planes.
An appropriate flight level for IFR flight in accordance with semi-circular height rules on a magnetic course of 200° is:
Correct answer : FL310
An appropriate flight level for IFR flight in accordance with semi-circular height rules on a course of 180° (M) is:
Correct answer : FL100
An airway is marked FL 80 1500 a. This indicates that:
Correct answer : the minimum enroute altitude (MEA) is FL 80.
An airway is marked 5000 2900a. The notation 5000 is the :
Correct answer : minimum enroute altitude (MEA)
An airway is marked 3500T 2100 a. This indicates that:
Correct answer : the minimum obstruction clearance altitude (MOCA) is 3500 ft
An aircraft, following a 215° true track, must fly over a 10 600 ft obstacle with a minimum obstacle clearance of 1 500 ft. Knowing the
QNH received from an airport close by, which is almost at sea-level, is 1035 and the temperature is ISA -15°C, the minimum flight level
will be:
Correct answer : 140
An aircraft plans to depart London at 1000 UTC and arrive at Munich (EDDM) at 1215 UTC. In the ATS flight plan Item 16
(destination/EET) should be entered with :
Correct answer : EDDM 0215
An aircraft is in cruising flight at FL 095, IAS 155kt. The pilot intends to descend at 500 ft/min to arrive overhead the MAN VOR at 2 000
FT (QNH 1 030hPa). The TAS remains constant in the descent, wind is negligeable, temperature standard. At which distance from
MAN should the pilot commence the descent?
Correct answer : 48 NM
An aircraft is flying at MACH 0.84 at FL 330. The static air temperature is -48°C and the headwind component 52 Kt. At 1338 UTC the
controller requests the pilot to cross the meridian of 030W at 1500 UTC. Given the distance to go is 570 NM, the reduced MACH No.
should be:
Correct answer : 0.80
An aircraft has a maximum certificated take-off mass of 137000 kg but is operating at take-off mass 135000 kg. In Item 9 of the ATS
flight plan its wake turbulence category is :
Correct answer : heavy (H).
An aeroplane is on an IFR flight. The flight is to be changed from IFR to VFR. Is it possible?
Correct answer : Yes, the pilot in command must inform ATC using the phrase "cancelling my IFR flight".
An aeroplane is in a steady climb. The autothrottle maintains a constant Mach number. If the total temperature remains constant, the
calibrated airspeed :
Correct answer : decreases.
An aeroplane is flying from an airport to another. In cruise, the calibrated airspeed is I50 kt, true airspeed 180 kt, average groundspeed
210 kt, the speed box on the filed flight plan shall be filled as follows:
Correct answer : N0180
An aeroplane has the following masses: ESTLWT= 50 000 kg Trip fuel= 4 300 kg Contingency fuel= 215 kg Alternate fuel (final reserve
included)= 2 100kg Taxi= 500 kg Block fuel= 7 115 kg Before departure the captain orders to make the block fuel 9 000 kg. The trip fuel
in the operational flight plan should read:
Correct answer : 4 300 kg.
An aeroplane flies at an airspeed of 380 kt. lt flies from A to B and back to A. Distance AB = 480 NM. When going from A to B, it
experiences a headwind component = 60 kt. The wind remains constant. The duration of the flight will be:
Correct answer : 2h 35min
Air-driven gyro rotors are prevented from spinning too fast by the
Correct answer : vacuum relief valve
After flying for 16 min at 100 kt TAS with a 20 kt tail wind component, you have to return to the airfield of departure. You will arrive after:
Correct answer : 24 min
According to the chart the minimum obstruction clearance altitude (MOCA) is 8500 ft. The meteorological data gives an outside air
temperature of -20°C at FL 85. The QNH, given by a met. station at an elevation of 4000ft, is 1003 hPa. What is the minimum pressure
altitude which should be flown according to the given MOCA?
Correct answer : 8800 ft.
A VFR flight planned for a Piper Seneca III. At a navigational checkpoint the remaining usable fuel in tanks is 60 US gallons. The
alternate fuel is 12 US gallons. According to the flight plan the remaining flight time is 1h35min. Calculate the highest rate of
consumption possible for the rest of the trip.
Correct answer : 21.3 US gallons/hour
A twin-jet aeroplane carries out the WASHINGTON-PARIS flight. When it reaches point K (35°N - 048°W) a non-mechanical event
makes the Captain consider rerouting to one of the three following fields. The flight conditions are: - from K to BERMUDAS (distance
847NM, headwind component=18 kt) - from K to SANTA MARIA (distance 1112 NM, tailwind component=120 kt) - from K to GANDER
(distance 883 NM, wind component=0). With an aeroplane true airspeed of 460 kt, the field selected will be that more rapidly reached:
Correct answer : BERMUDAS or GANDER, or SANTA MARIA
A transport airplane has to be equipped with an altitude warning device. This system will warn the crew about : 1 - getting close to the
preselected altitude, during both climb and descent. 2 - getting close to the preselected altitude, during climb only. 3 - the loss of
altitude during take-off or missed approach. 4 - a wrong landing configuration. 5 - a variation higher or lower than a preselected altitude.
The combination regrouping the correct statements is:
Correct answer : 1,5
A sector distance is 450 NM long. The TAS is 460 kt. The wind component is 50 kt tailwind. What is the still air distance?
Correct answer : 406 Nautical Air Miles (NAM)
A resolution advisory is represented on the display system of the TCAS 2 by a:
Correct answer : red full square.
A repetitive flight plan (RPL) is filed for a scheduled flight: Paris-Orly to Angouleme, Paris Orly as alternate. Following heavy snow falls,
Angouleme airport will be closed at the expected time of arrival. The airline decides before departure to plan a re-routing of that flight to
Correct answer : The RPL must be cancelled for that day and a specific flight plan has to be filed.
A rectifier is a unit that
Correct answer : produces a DC output from AC input.
A public transport aeroplane with reciprocating engines,is flying from PARlS to LYON. The final reserve corresponds to:
Correct answer : 45 minutes at holding speed
A pilot wishes to turn left on to a southerly heading with 20° bank at a latitude of 20° North. Using a direct reading compass, in order to
achieve this he must stop the turn on an approximate heading of :
Correct answer : 160°
A pilot has to carry out a single pilot IFR flight on a light twin aircraft for cargo transport. The purpose of the automatic pilot should be at
least to hold:
Correct answer : heading and altitude.
A pilot engages the control wheel steering (CWS) of a conventional autopilot and carries out a manoeuvre in roll. When the control
wheel is released, the autopilot will :
Correct answer : maintain the flight attitude obtained at that moment.
A multi engine piston aeroplane is on an IFR flight. The fuel plan gives a trip fuel of 65 US gallons. The alternate fuel, final reserve
included, is 17 US gallons. Contingency fuel is 5% of the trip fuel. The usable fuel at departure is 93 US gallons. At a certain moment
the fuel consumed according to the fuel gauges is 40 US gallons and the distance flown is half of the total distance. Assume that fuel
consumption doesn't change. Which statement is right ?
Correct answer : The remaining fuel is not sufficient to reach the destination with reserves intact
A METAR reads : SA1430 35002KY 7000 SKC 21/03 QI024 = Which of the following information is contained in this METAR ?
Correct answer : temperature/dewpoint
A jet aeroplane is to fly from A to B. The minimum final reserve fuel must allow for :
Correct answer : 30 minutes hold at 1500 ft above destination aerodrome elevation, when no alternate is required.
A jet aeroplane has a cruising fuel consumption of 4060 kg/h, and 3690 kg/h during holding. If the destination is an isolated airfield, the
aeroplane must carry, in addition to contingency reserves, additionnal fuel of :
Correct answer : 8120 kg.
A descent is planned from 7500 ft MSL so as to arrive at 1000 ft MSL 6 NM from a VORTAC. With a GS of 156 kts and a rate of
descent of 800 ft/min. The distance from the VORTAC when descent is started is :
Correct answer : 27,1 NM
A "current flight plan" is a :
Correct answer : filed flight plan with amendments and clearance included.
(For this question use Route Manual chart STAR LONDON Heathrow (10-2)) Planning a IFR flight from Paris (Charles de Gaulle) to
London (Heathrow). Find the elevation of the destination aerodrome.
Correct answer : 80 ft.
(For this question use Route Manual chart SID PARIS Charles-De-Gaulle (20-3)) Planning a IFR flight from Paris (Charles de Gaulle) to
London (Heathrow). Find the elevation of the departure aerodrome.
Correct answer : 387 ft.
(For this question use Route Manual chart E(HI)4) Planning a IFR flight from Paris Charles de Gaulle (N49 00.9 E002 36.9) to London
Heathrow (N51 29.2 W000 27.9). Find the average true course from Paris to London.
Correct answer : 322°.
(For this question use Route Manual chart E(HI)4) Planning a IFR flight from Paris Charles de Gaulle (N49 00.9 E002 36.9) to London
Heathrow (N51 29.2 W000 27.9). Determine the preplanning distance by calculating the direct distance plus 10%. The preplanning
distance is:
Correct answer : 207 NM.
(For this question use Route Manual chart E(HI)4) Planning a flight from Paris Charles de Gaulle (N49 00.9 E002 36.9) to London
Heathrow (N51 29.2 W000 27.9) for a twin - jet aeroplane. The alternate airport is Manchester (N53 21.4 W002 15.7) Preplanning: The
wind from London to Manchester is 250°/30 kt The distance from London to Manchester is 160 NM. Assume the Estimated Landing
Mass at alternate is about 50 000 kg. Find the alternate fuel and the according time.
Correct answer : 1 450 kg and 32 minutes.
(For this question use Route Manual chart E(HI)4) Planning a flight from Paris Charles de Gaulle (N49 00.9 E002 36.9) to London
Heathrow (N51 29.2 W000 27.9) for a twin - jet aeroplane. Preplanning: Powersetting: Mach= 0.74 Planned flight level FL 280 The
Landing Mass in the fuel graph is 50 000 kg The trip distance used for calculation is 200 NM The wind from Paris to London is 280°/40
kt Find the estimated trip fuel.
Correct answer : 1 740 kg.
(For this question use Route Manual chart E(HI)4) An aeroplane has to fly from Salzburg (48°00.2'N 012°53.6'E) to Klagenfurt
(46°37.5'N 014°33.8'E). Which statement is correct ?
Correct answer : The minimum grid safe altitude on this route is 13400 ft above MSL.
(For this question use Route Manual chart E(HI)4) An aeroplane has to fly from Salzburg (48°00.2'N 012°53.6'E) to Klagenfurt
(46°37.5'N 014°33.8'E). Which statement is correct ?
Correct answer : The airway UB5 can be used for flights to/from Klagenfurt and Salzburg.
(For this question use Route Manual chart E(HI)4) An aeroplane has to fly from Salzburg (48°00.2'N 012°53.6'E) to Klagenfurt
(46°37.5'N 014°33.8'E). At Salzburg there is stated on the chart D 113.8 SBG. That means :
Correct answer : VOR/DME with identification SBG frequency 113.8 MHz can be used.
(For this question use Route Manual chart E(HI)4) An aeroplane has to fly from Abbeville (50°08.1'N 001°51.3'E) to Biggin (51°19.8'N
000°00.2'E). What is the distance of this leg ?
Correct answer : 100 NM
(For this question use Route Manual chart E(HI)4) An aeroplane has to fly from Abbeville (50°08.1'N 001°51.3'E) to Biggin (51°19.8'N
00°00.2'E). What is the first FL above FL295 that can be flown on an IFR flightplan ?
Correct answer : FL 310
(For this question use Route Manual chart E(HI)4) An aeroplane has to fly from Abbeville (50°08.1'N 001°51.3'E) to Biggin (51°19.8'N
00°00.2'E). At Biggin you can find: 141°. This is :
Correct answer : The magnetic great circle course from Biggin to Abbeville.
(For this Question use Fuel Planning MRJT1) The following apply: Temperature ISA +15°C Brake release mass 62000kg Trip time 5hr
20 min What is the trip fuel ?
Correct answer : 13500kg
(For this Question use Fuel Planning MRJT1) The following apply : Tail wind component 10kt Temperature ISA +10°C Brake release
mass 63000kg Trip fuel available 20000kg What is the maximum possible trip distance ?
Correct answer : 3740 NM
(For this Question use Fuel Planning MRJT1) The aeroplane gross mass at top of climb is 61500 kg. The distance to be flown is 385
NM at FL 350 and OAT -54.3 °C. The wind component is 40 kt tailwind.Using long range cruise procedure what fuel is required?
Correct answer : 2150 kg
(For this Question use Fuel Planning MRJT1) Planning an IFR-flight from Paris to London for the twin jet aeroplane. Given: Gross mass
50000 kg, FL 280, ISA Deviation -10°C, Cruise procedure Mach 0.74 Determine the TAS
Correct answer : 430 kt
(For this Question use Fuel Planning MRJT1) Planning an IFR-flight from Paris to London for the twin jet aeroplane. Given: Estimated
Take-off Mass (TOM) 52000 kg, Airport elevation 387 ft, FL 280, W/V 280°/40 kt, ISA Deviation -10°C, Average True Course 340° Find:
Fuel to the top of climb (TOC)
Correct answer : 1000 kg
(For this Question use Fuel Planning MRJT1) Planning an IFR-flight from Paris to London for a twin jet aeroplane. Given: Estimated
Take-off Mass (TOM) 52000 kg, Airport elevation 387 ft, FL 280, W/V 280°/40 kt, ISA-Deviation -10°C, Average True Course 340° Find:
Ground distance to the top of climb (TOC)
Correct answer : 50 NM
(For this Question use Fuel Planning MRJT1) Planning an IFR-flight from Paris (Charles de Gaulle) to London (Heathrow) for the twin
jet aeroplane. Given: Estimated Take-off Mass (TOM) 52000 kg, Airport elevation 387 ft, FL 280, W/V 280°/40 kt, ISA Deviation -10°C,
Average True Course 340° Find: Time to the top of climb (TOC)
Correct answer : 11 min
(For this Question use Fuel Planning MRJT1) HOLDING PLANNING The fuel required for 45 minutes holding, in a racetrack pattern, at
PA 5000 ft, mean gross mass 47 000 kg, is :
Correct answer : 1635 kg
(For this Question use Fuel Planning MRJT1) HOLDING PLANNING The fuel required for 30 minutes holding, in a racetrack pattern, at
PA 1500 ft, mean gross mass 45 000 kg, is :
Correct answer : 1090 kg
(For this Question use Fuel Planning MRJT1) Given: twin jet aeroplane, Zero fuel mass 50000 kg, Landing mass at alternate 52000 kg,
Final reserve fuel 2000 kg, Alternate fuel 1000 kg, Flight to destination: Distance 720 NM, True course 030°, W/V 340°/30 kt, Long
range cruise, FL 330, Outside air temperature -30°C Find: Estimated trip fuel and time with simplified flight planning
Correct answer : 4800 kg, 01 h 51 min
(For this Question use Fuel Planning MRJT1) Given: Twin jet aeroplane, Ground distance to destination aerodrome is 1600 NM,
Headwind component 50 kt, FL 330, Cruise .78 Mach, ISA Deviation +20°C and Landing mass 55000 kg Find: Fuel required and trip
time with simplified flight planning
Correct answer : 12400 kg, 04 h 00 min
(For this Question use Fuel Planning MRJT1) Given: twin jet aeroplane, FL 330, Long range cruise, Outside air temperature -63°C,
Gross mass 50500 kg Find: True air speed (TAS)
Correct answer : 420 kt
(For this Question use Fuel Planning MRJT1) Given: twin jet aeroplane, Estimated mass on arrival at the alternate 50000 kg, Estimated
mass on arrival at the destination 52525 kg, Alternate elevation MSL, Destination elevation 1500 ft Find: Final reserve fuel and
corresponding time
Correct answer : 1180 kg, 30 min
(For this Question use Fuel Planning MRJT1) Given: twin jet aeroplane, Estimated mass on arrival at the alternate 50000 kg, Elevation
at destination aerodrome 3500 ft, Elevation at alternate aerodrome 30 ft Find: Final reserve fuel
Correct answer : 1180 kg
(For this Question use Fuel Planning MRJT1) Given: twin jet aeroplane, Dry operating mass 35500 kg, Traffic load 14500 kg, Final
reserve fuel 1200 kg, Distance to alternate 95 NM, Tailwind component 10 kt Find: Fuel required and trip time to alternate with
simplified flight planning (ALTERNATE PLANNING)
Correct answer : 1000 kg, 24 min
(For this Question use Fuel Planning MRJT1) Given: Long range cruise, OAT -45°C at FL 350, Gross mass at the beginning of the leg
40000 kg, Gross mass at the end of the leg 39000 kg Find: True air speed (TAS) and cruise distance (NAM) for a twin jet aeroplane
Correct answer : TAS 433 kt, 227 NAM
(For this Question use Fuel Planning MRJT1) Given: Estimated take-off mass 57000 kg, Ground distance 150 NM, Temperature ISA
-10°C, Cruise at .74 Mach Find: Cruise altitude and expected true air speed
Correct answer : 25000 ft, 435 kt
(For this Question use Fuel Planning MRJT1) Given: Diversion distance 720NM Tail wind component 25kt Mass at point of diversion
55000kg Temperature ISA Diversion fuel available 4250kg What is the minimum pressure altitude at which the above conditions may
be met ?
Correct answer : 20000ft
(For this Question use Fuel Planning MRJT1) Given: Diversion distance 650 NM Diversion pressure altitude 16 000 ft Mass at point of
diversion 57 000 kg Head wind component 20 kt Temperature ISA + 15°C The diversion (a) fuel required and (b) time, are
approximately :
Correct answer : (a) 4800kg (b) 2h 03min
(For this Question use Fuel Planning MRJT1) Given: Distance to alternate 950 NM Head wind component 20 kt Mass at point of
diversion 50000kg Diversion fuel available 5800kg The minimum pressure altitude at which the above conditions may be met is :
Correct answer : 22000ft
(For this Question use Fuel Planning MRJT1) Given: Distance to Alternate 450 NM Landing mass at Alternate : 45 000 kg Tailwind
component : 50 kt The Alternate fuel required is :
Correct answer : 2500 kg
(For this Question use Fuel Planning MRJT1) Given: Brake release mass 57500 kg, Temperature ISA -10°C, Headwind component 16
kt, Initial FL 280 Find: Still air distance (NAM) and ground distance (NM) for the enroute climb 280/.74
Correct answer : 62 NAM, 59 NM
(For this Question use Fuel Planning MRJT1) Given: Brake release mass 57500 kg, Temperature ISA -10°C, Average headwind
component 16 kt, Initial FL 280 Find: Climb fuel for enroute climb 280/.74
Correct answer : 1138 kg
(For this Question use Fuel Planning MRJT1) Given: Brake release mass 57500 kg, Initial FL 280, average temperature during climb
ISA -10°C, average head wind component 18 kt Find: Climb time for enroute climb 280/.74
Correct answer : 13 min
(For this Question use Fuel Planning MRJT1) Given the following : Head wind component 50 kt Temperature ISA + 10°C Brake release
mass 65000kg Trip fuel available 18000kg What is the maximum possible trip distance ?
Correct answer : 2740 NM
(For this Question use Fuel Planning MRJT1) Given : Distance to Alternate : 400 NM Landing mass at Alternate : 50 000kg Headwind
component : 25 kt The alternate fuel required is :
Correct answer : 2800 kg
(For this Question use Fuel Planning MRJT1) Given : Distance C - D : 680NM Long Range Cruise at FL340 Temperature Deviation
from ISA : 0° C Headwind component : 60 kt Gross mass at C : 44 700 kg The fuel required from C - D is :
Correct answer : 3700 kg
(For this Question use Fuel Planning MRJT1) Given : Distance C - D : 540 NM Cruise 300 KIAS at FL 210 Temperature Deviation from
ISA : +20°C Headwind component : 50 kt Gross mass at C : 60 000 kg The fuel required from C to D is :
Correct answer : 4620 kg
(For this Question use Fuel Planning MRJT1) Given : Distance C - D : 3200 NM Long Range Cruise at FL 340 Temperature Deviation
from ISA : +12°C Tailwind component : 50 kt Gross mass at C : 55 000 kg The fuel required from C - D is :
Correct answer : 14 500 kg
(For this Question use Fuel Planning MRJT1) Given : Distance B - C : 350 NM Cruise 300 KIAS at FL 210 Temperature : - 40°C
Tailwind component : 70 kt Gross mass at B : 53 200 kg The fuel required from B - C is :
Correct answer : 1940 kg
(For this Question use Fuel Planning MRJT1) Given : Distance B - C : 1200 NM Cruise Mach 0.78 at FL300 Temperature Deviation
from ISA : -14°C Tailwind component : 40 kt Gross mass at B : 50 200 kg The fuel required from B - C is :
Correct answer : 6150 kg
(For this Question use Fuel Planning MRJT1) Given : Brake release mass : 62 000 kg Temperature : ISA + 15°C The fuel required for a
climb from Sea Level to FL330 is :
Correct answer : 1700 kg
(For this Question use Fuel Planning MRJT1) Given : Brake release mass : 58 000 kg Temperature : ISA + 15 The fuel required to
climb from an aerodrome at elevation 4000 ft to FL300 is :
Correct answer : 1250 kg
(For this Question use Fuel Planning MRJT1) For a flight of 2800 ground nautical miles the following apply : Tail wind component 45kt
Temperature ISA - 10°C Cruise altitude 29000ft Landing mass 55000kg The (a) trip fuel (b) trip time respectively are :
Correct answer : (a) 17100kg (b) 6hr 07 min
(For this Question use Fuel Planning MRJT1) For a flight of 2800 ground nautical miles the following apply : Head wind component: 20
kt Temperature: ISA + 15°C Brake release mass: 64700 kg The (a) trip fuel, and (b) trip time respectively are :
Correct answer : (a) 17000 kg (b) 6hr 45 min
(For this Question use Fuel Planning MRJT1) For a flight of 2800 ground nautical miles the following apply : Head wind component: 15
kt Temperature: ISA + 15°C Cruise altitude: 35000 ft Landing mass: 50000 kg The (a) trip fuel and (b) trip time respectively are :
Correct answer : (a) 17600 kg (b) 6 hr 50 min
(For this Question use Fuel Planning MRJT1) For a flight of 2400 ground nautical miles the following apply : Temperature ISA -10°C
Cruise altitude 29000ft Landing mass 45000kg Trip fuel available 16000kg What is the maximum headwind component which may be
accepted ?
Correct answer : 35 kt
(For this Question use Fuel Planning MRJT1) For a flight of 2400 ground nautical miles the following apply : Tail wind component 25 kt
Temperature ISA -10°C Cruise altitude 31000ft Landing mass 52000kg The (a) trip fuel and (b) trip time respectively are :
Correct answer : (a) 14200kg (b) 5 hr 30 min
(For this Question use Fuel Planning MRJT1) For a flight of 1900 ground nautical miles the following apply : Head wind component 10
kt Temperature ISA -5°C Trip fuel available 15000 kg Landing mass 50000kg What is the minimum cruise level (pressure altitude)
which may be planned ?
Correct answer : 17000 ft
(For this Question use Fuel Planning MRJT1) Finish the ENDURANCE/FUEL CALCULATION and determine ATC ENDURANCE for a
twin jet aeroplane, with the help of the table provided. Contingency is 5% of the planned trip fuel and fuel flow for extra fuel is 2400
Correct answer : ATC ENDURANCE: 04:07
(For this Question use Fuel Planning MRJT1) Find: Time, Fuel, Still Air Distance and TAS for an enroute climb 280/.74 to FL 350.
Given: Brake release mass 64000 kg, ISA +10°C, airport elevation 3000 ft
Correct answer : 26 min, 1975 kg, 157 Nautical Air Miles (NAM), 399 kt
(For this Question use Fuel Planning MRJT1) Find: Final fuel consumption for this leg Given: Long range cruise, Temperature -63°C,
FL 330, Initial gross mass enroute 54100 kg, Leg flight time 29 min
Correct answer : 1093 kg
(For this Question use Fuel Planning MRJT1) Find: Air distance in Nautical Air Miles (NAM) for this leg and fuel consumption Given:
Flight time from top of climb at FL 280 to the enroute point is 48 minutes. Cruise procedure is long range cruise. Temperature is ISA
-5°C. The take-off mass is 56000 kg and climb fuel 1100 kg.
Correct answer : 345 NAM; 1994 kg
(For this Question use Fuel Planning MRJT1) Find the SPECIFIC RANGE for the twin jet aeroplane flying below the optimum altitude
(range loss = 6%) and using the following data. Given: MACH .74 CRUISE, Flight level = 310, Gross mass = 50000 kg, ISA conditions
Correct answer : 176 NAM/1000 kg
(For this Question use Fuel Planning MRJT1) Find the FUEL MILEAGE PENALTY for the twin jet aeroplane with regard to the given
FLIGHT LEVEL . Given: Long range cruise, Cruise mass=53000 kg, FL 310
Correct answer : 4 %
(For this Question use Fuel Planning MRJT1) Find the FUEL FLOW for the twin jet aeroplane with regard to the following data. Given:
MACH .74 cruise, Flight level 310, Gross mass 50000 kg, ISA conditions
Correct answer : 2994 kg/h
(For this Question use Fuel Planning MRJT1) A descent is planned at .74/250KIAS from 35000ft to 5000ft. How much fuel will be
consumed during this descent?
Correct answer : 150kg
(For this Question use Fuel Planning MRJT1 Fig. 4.3.6) In order to find ALTERNATE FUEL and TIME TO ALTERNATE, the
AEROPLANE OPERATING MANUAL shall be entered with:
Correct answer : distance in nautical miles (NM), wind component, landing mass at alternate
(For this Question use Fuel Planning MRJT1 Fig. 4.2.2) Find the SHORT DISTANCE CRUISE ALTITUDE for the twin jet aeroplane.
Given: Brake release mass=45000 kg, Temperature=ISA + 20°C, Trip distance=50 Nautical Air Miles (NAM)
Correct answer : 10000 ft
(For this Question use Fuel Planning MRJT1 Fig. 4.2.2) Find the SHORT DISTANCE CRUISE ALTITUDE for the twin jet aeroplane.
Given: Brake release mass=40000 kg, Temperature=ISA + 20°C, Trip distance=150 Nautical Air Miles (NAM)
Correct answer : 30000 ft
(For this Question use Fuel Planning MRJT1 Fig. 4.2.1) Find the OPTIMUM ALTITUDE for the twin jet aeroplane. Given: Cruise
mass=54000 kg, Long range cruise or .74 MACH
Correct answer : 34500 ft
(For this Question use Fuel Planning MRJT1 Fig. 4.2.1) Find the OPTIMUM ALTITUDE for the twin jet aeroplane. Given: Cruise
mass=50000 kg, .78 MACH
Correct answer : 35500 ft
(For this question use Flight Planning Manual MRJT 1) Given: estimated take-off mass 57 000 kg; still air distance 150 NAM; outside
air temperature (OAT) ISA -10K; cruise at 0.74 Mach. Find : cruise altitude and expected true airspeed
Correct answer : 25 000 ft; 435 kt
(For this question use Flight Planning Manual MRJT 1 Figure 4.5.1) Given: estimated take-off mass 57 500 kg; initial cruise FL 280;
average temperature during climb ISA -10°C; average head wind component 18 kt Find: climb time
Correct answer : 13 min
(For this question use Flight Planning Manual MRJT 1 Figure 4.5.1) Given : mass at brake release 57 500 kg; temperature ISA -10°C;
average head wind component 16 kt initial cruise FL 280 Find: climb fuel
Correct answer : 1138 kg
(For this question use Flight Planning Manual MRJT 1 Figure 4.5.1) Given : brake release mass 57 500 kg temperature ISA -10°C;
head wind component 16 kt initial FL 280 Find: still air distance (NAM) and ground distance (NM) for the climb
Correct answer : 62 NAM; 59 NM
(For this question use Flight Planning Manual MRJT 1 Figure 4.4) Planning a flight from Paris Charles de Gaulle to London Heathrow
for a twin - jet aeroplane. Preplanning: Dry Operating Mass (DOM): 34 000 kg Traffic Load: 13 000 kg The holding is planned at 1 500 ft
above alternate elevation. The alternate elevation is 256 ft. The holding is planned for 30 minutes with no reductions. Determine the
Estimated Landing Mass at alternate Manchester.
Correct answer : 48 125 kg.
(For this question use Flight Planning Manual MRJT 1 Figure 4.4) Given: dry operating mass 35 500 kg; estimated load 12 000 kg,
contingency approach and landing fuel 2 500 kg; elevation at departure aerodrome 500 ft; elevation at alternate aerodrome 30 ft. Find:
final reserve fuel for a jet aeroplane (holding) and give the elevation which is relevant.
Correct answer : 1 180 kg; alternate elevation
(For this question use Flight Planning Manual MRJT 1 Figure 4.3.6) In order to get alternate fuel and time, the twin -jet aeroplane
operations manual graph shall be entered with:
Correct answer : Distance (NM), wind component, landing mass at alternate.
(For this question use Flight Planning Manual MRJT 1 Figure 4.3.6) Given: estimated dry operation mass 35 500 kg; estimated load 14
500 kg; final reserve fuel 1200 kg; distance to alternate 95 NM; average true track 219°; head wind component 10 kt Find : fuel and
time to alternate.
Correct answer : 1 100 kg; 25 min
(For this question use Flight Planning Manual MRJT 1 Figure 4.3.3C) Given: ground distance to destination aerodrome 1 600 NM;
headwind component 50 kt; FL 330; cruise 0.78 Mach; ISA + 20 ° C; estimated landing weight 55000 kg . Find: simplified flight planning
to determine estimated trip fuel and trip time.
Correct answer : 12 400 kg. 03h 55 min
(For this question use Flight Planning Manual MRJT 1 Figure 4.3.1.B) Given : estimated zero fuel mass 50 t; estimated landing mass at
alternate 52 t; final reserve fuel 2 t; alternate fuel 1 t; flight to destination, distance 720 NM, true course (TC) 030, W/V 340/30; cruise:
long range FL 330, outside air temperature -30 ° C. Find : estimated trip fuel and time
Correct answer : 4 800 kg; 01 : 45
(For this question use Flight Planning Manual MEP1 Figure 3.6) A flight is to be made to an airport, pressure altitude 3000 ft, in a multi
engine piston aireroplane (MEP1). The forecast OAT for the airport is -1° C. The cruising level will be FL 110, where OAT is -10° C.
Calculate the still air descent distance for: 145 KIAS Rate of descent 1000 ft/min Gears and flaps up
Correct answer : 20 NM
(For this question use Flight Planning Manual MEP1 Figure 3.1) A flight is to be made from one airport (elevation 3000 ft) to another in
a multi engine piston aireroplane (MEP1). The cruising level will be FL 110. The temperature at FL 110 is ISA - 10° C. The temperature
at the departure aerodrome is -1° C. Calculate the fuel to climb with mixture rich.
Correct answer : 6 US gallon
(For this question use Flight Planning Manual MEP 1 Figure 3.2) A flight is to be made in a multi engine piston aeroplane (MEP1). The
cruising level will be 11000ft. The outside air temperature at FL is -15 ° C. The usable fuel is 123 US gallons. The power is set to
economic cruise. Find the range in NM with 45 min reserve fuel at 45 % power.
Correct answer : 752 NM
(For this Question use Flight Planning & Monitoring SEP1) A flight has to be made with the single engine sample aeroplane. For the
fuel calculation allow 10 lbs fuel for start up and taxi, 3 minutes and 1 gallon of additional fuel to allow for the climb, 10 minutes and no
fuel correction for the descent. Planned flight time (overhead to overhead) is 03 hours and 12 minutes. Reserve fuel 30% of the trip
fuel. Power setting is 25 in.HG (or full throttle), 2100 RPM, 20°C lean. Flight level is 70 and the OAT 11°C. The minimum block fuel is:
Correct answer : 283 lbs
(For this Question use Flight Planning & Monitoring SEP1) A flight has to be made with the single engine sample aeroplane. For the
fuel calculation allow 10 lbs fuel for start up and taxi, 3 minutes and 1 gallon of additional fuel to allow for the climb, 10 minutes and no
fuel correction for the descent. Planned flight time (overhead to overhead) is 02 hours and 37 minutes. Reserve fuel 30% of the trip
fuel. Power setting is 23 in.HG (or full throttle), 2300 RPM, 20°C lean. Flight level is 50 and the OAT -5°C. The minimum block fuel is:
Correct answer : 265 lbs
(For this Question use Flight Planning & Monitoring SEP1 Fig.2.1) Given: Take-off mass 3500 lbs, departure aerodrome pressure
altitude 2500 ft, OAT +10°C, First cruising level: FL 140, OAT -5°C Find the time, fuel and still air distance to climb.
Correct answer : 22 min, 6.7 GAL, 45 NAM
(For this Question use Flight Planning & Monitoring SEP1 Fig. 2.2) Given: FL 75 OAT +10°C Lean mixture 2300 RPM Find: Fuel flow in
gallons per hour (GPH) and TAS.
Correct answer : 11.6 GPH TAS: 160 kt
(For this Question use Flight Planning & Monitoring SEP1 Fig. 2.1)Given: FL 75 OAT: +5°C During climb: average head wind
component 20 kt Take-off from MSL with the initial mass of 3 650 lbs. Find: Time and fuel to climb.
Correct answer : 9 min. 3,3 USG
(For this Question use Flight Planning & Monitoring SEP1 Fig. 2.1)Given: FL 75 OAT: +5°C During climb: average head wind
component 20 kt Take-off from MSL with the initial mass of 3 650 lbs. Find: Still air distance (NAM) and ground distance (NM) using the
graph "time, fuel, distance to climb".
Correct answer : 18 NAM. 15 NM.
(For this Question use Flight Planning & Monitoring MEP1) A flight has to be made with a multi engine piston aeroplane. For the fuel
calculations take 5 US gallons for the taxi, and an additional 13 minutes at cruise condition to account for climb and descent.
Calculated time overhead to overhead is 2h37min. Powersetting is 65%, 2500 RPM. Calculated reserve fuel is 30% of the trip fuel. FL
120. Temperature 1°C. Find the minimum block fuel.
Correct answer : 91 US gallons.
(For this Question use Flight Planning & Monitoring MEP1) A flight has to be made with a multi engine piston aeroplane. For the fuel
calculations take 5 US gallons for the taxi, and an additional 13 minutes at cruise condition to account for climb and descent.
Calculated time from overhead to overhead is 1h47min. Powersetting is 45%, 2600 RPM. Calculated reserve fuel is 30% of the trip
fuel. FL 100. Temperature -5°C. Find the minimum block fuel.
Correct answer : 47 US gallons.
(For this Question use Flight Planning & Monitoring MEP1 Fig.3.2) Given: Aeroplane mass at start-up 3663 lbs, Aviation gasoline
(density 6 lbs/gal)-fuel load 74 gal, Take-off altitude sea level, Headwind 40 kt, Cruising altitude 8000 ft, Power setting full throttle 2300
RPM 20°C lean of peak EGT Calculate the range.
Correct answer : 633 NM
(For this Question use Flight Planning & Monitoring MEP1 Fig. 3.5) Given: FL 75 Lean mixture Economy Powersetting Find: Endurance
in hours with no reserve
Correct answer : 05:01
(For this question Flight Planning Manual MRJT 1 Figure Given: long range cruise; outside air temperature (OAT) -45 ° C in FL
350; mass at the beginning of the leg 40 000 kg; mass at the end of the leg 39 000 kg. Find: true airspeed (TAS) at the end of the leg
and the distance (NAM).
Correct answer : TAS 431 kt; 227 NAM
(For this question Flight Planning Manual MRJT 1 Figure Given: long range cruise: temp. -63° C at FL 330 initial gross mass
enroute 54 100 kg; leg flight time 29 min Find: fuel consumption for this leg
Correct answer : 1 020 kg
(For this question Flight Planning Manual MRJT 1 Figure Given: flight time from top of climb to the enroute point in FL280 is 48
min. Cruise procedure is long range cruise (LRC). Temp. ISA -5° C Take-off mass 56 000 kg Climb fuel 1 100 kg Find: distance in
nautical air miles (NAM) for this leg and fuel consumption:
Correct answer : 345 NAM; 2000 kg
(For this question Flight Planning Manual MRJT 1 Figure Given :FL 330; long range cruise; OAT -63°C; gross mass 50 500 kg.
Find: true airspeed (TAS)
Correct answer : 420 kt
"Integrated range" curves or tables are presented in the Aeroplane Operations Manuals. Their purpose is
Correct answer : to determine the fuel consumption for a certain still air distance considering the decreasing fuel flow with decreasing
You make a diversion from the route given in the flight plan and land at an uncontrolled airfield.
Within what time after landing should you inform ATC?
Correct answer : 30 mins
What is Decision Point Procedures?
It is a procedure to reduce the amount of fuel carried on a flight by:
Correct answer : reducing contingency fuel to only that required from Decision Point to Destination.
Turbo-jet ac; taxi fuel 600kg; fuel flow cruise 10,000kg/hr; fuel flow hold 8,000kg/hr; alternate fuel 10,200kg; flight time 6 hours; visibility
at destination 2000m.
What is the minimum ramp fuel?
Correct answer : 77,800 kg
The still air distance in the climb is 189 Nautical Air Miles and time 30 minutes.
What ground distance would be covered in a 30 kt headwind?
Correct answer : 174 nm
The quantity of fuel which is calculated to be necessary for a jet aeroplane to fly IFR from departure to destination aerodrome is 5,325
kg. Fuel consumption in holding mode is 6 000 kg/hr. Alternate fuel is 4 380 kg. Contingency should be 5% of trip fuel.
What is the minimum required quantity of fuel which should be on board at take-off?
Correct answer : 13 000kg
The planned departure time from the parking area is 1815UTC. The estimated take-off time is 1825UTC.
The IFR flight plan must be filed with ATC at the latest at:
Correct answer : 1715 UTC
Reference computer flight plans.
Are they able to account for bad weather in calculating fuel required?
Correct answer : no
Refer to Jeppesen Manual, any SID chart for London Heathrow.
Which of the following is the correct Minimum Safe Altitude (MSA) for the airport?
Correct answer : West sector 2100 ft within 25 nm
Refer to Jeppesen Manual STAR charts PARIS (Charles-de-Gaulle) (20-2).
The route distance from CHIEVRES (CIV) to BOURSONNE (BSN) is:
Correct answer : 96nm
Refer to Jeppesen Manual SID chart for AMSTERDAM SCHIPOL (10-3).
Which statement is correct for ANDIK departures from runway 19L?
Correct answer : Contact SCHIPOL DEPARTURE 119.05 passing 2000 ft and report altitude
Refer to Jeppesen Manual SID chart for AMSTERDAM ARNEM (10-3B).
The route distance from DER 27 to ARNEM is:
Correct answer : 67 nm
Refer to Jeppesen Manual Paris Charles-de- Gaulle, (21-7), ILS rwy 10.
What is the ILS course?
Correct answer : 088
Refer to Jeppesen Manual Munich SID (10-3D).
Which is the correct departure via KEMPTEN from runway 26L?
Correct answer : KEMPTEN FIVE SIERRA
Refer to Jeppesen Manual MUNICH NDB DME Rwy 26L approach (16-3)
The frequency and identifier of the NDB for the published approaches are:
Correct answer : 400 MSW
Refer to Jeppesen Manual MUNICH ILS Rwy 26R (11-4).
The ILS frequency and identifier are:
Correct answer : 108.7 IMNW
Refer to Jeppesen Manual MADRID, BARAJAS page 11-1. ILS DME Rwy 33.
What is the minimum altitude for glideslope interception?
Correct answer : 4000 ft
Refer to Jeppesen Manual instrument approach chart LONDON HEATHROW ILS DME Rwy 09R (11-1).
The Minimum Descent Altitude (MDA) for an ILS approach, glide slope out, is:
Correct answer : 480 ft
Refer to Jeppesen Manual ED-6.
What is the navaid at 48 30N 007 34E?
Correct answer : VOR/DME
Refer to Jeppesen Manual ED-6.
An aeroplane is flying VFR and approaching position TANGO (N4837 E00916) at FL55 and on a magnetic track of 090. The distance
from TANGO is 20 nm. The navigation aid and frequency at TANGO is
Correct answer : VORTAC 112.50 Mhz
Refer to Jeppesen Manual ED-6.
Flying VFR from VILLINGEN (N4758 E00831) to FREUDENSTADT (N4828 E00824), determine the distance.
Correct answer : 29 nm
Refer to Jeppesen Manual ED-6.
Give the frequency of ZURICH Volmet.
Correct answer : 127.2 Mhz
Refer to Jeppesen Manual ED-6.
The GRENCHEN LSZG aerodrome (N 4711 E 00725) has a tower frequency of 120.10 Mhz. The '(V)' after the frequency indicates?
Correct answer : VDF available
Refer to Jeppesen Manual ED-6.
What is the frequency for Stuttgart ATIS?
Correct answer : 126.12 MHz
Refer to Jeppesen Manual ED-6.
What navigation or communications facilities are at N 4823 E 00839?
Correct answer : VOR
Refer to Jeppesen Manual ED-6.
What navigation or communications facilities are at N 4855 E 00920?
Correct answer : VOR/DME
Refer to Jeppesen Manual ED-6.
Flying VFR from PEITING (47 48N 010 55.5E) to IMMENSTADT (47 33.5N 010 13.0 E) determine the magnetic course.
Correct answer : 243
Refer to Jeppesen Manual E(LO)5.
See DENKO (N52 49 E015 50) What does '440 DRE' mean?
Correct answer : 440 kHz plus ident only when BFO switched on
Refer to Jeppesen Manual E(LO)5.
Fly by G9 from SUBI (N5222.8 E01435.3) to CZEMPIN (N5207.9 E01643.7). What is a suitable FL?
Correct answer : FL070
Refer to Jeppesen Manual E(LO)2.
What is the lowest MEA that can be flown continuously between Jersey (N4913.3W00202.7) and LIZAD (N4935.4 W00420.3)?
Correct answer : FL140
Refer to Jeppesen Manual E(LO)1.
What navaids are shown at TOPCLIFFE (N5412.2 W00122.4)?
Correct answer : TACAN only, channel 84, TOP
Refer to Jeppesen Manual E(LO)1.
What radio navigation aid is at SHANNON (52 43N 008 53W)?
Correct answer : VOR DME SHA 113.3 MHz
Refer to Jeppesen Manual E(LO)1.
The minimum en-route altitude that can be maintained continuously on airway G1 from STUMBLE 113.1 (5200N 00502W) to BRECON
117.45 (5143N 00316W) is:
Correct answer : FL110
Refer to Jeppesen Manual E(HI)5.
What radio navaids are shown at CHIOGGIA (45 04N E012 16)?
Correct answer : VOR/DME freq 114.1, NDB freq 408
Refer to Jeppesen Manual E(HI)5.
On a flight from AMBOISE (N4725.7 E00103.9) to AGEN (N4353.3 E00052.4) . What is the best airway route above FL200?
Correct answer : UA34
Refer to Jeppesen Manual E(HI)4.
What is the best route from CLACTON CLN (N51 50.9 E001 09.0) to MIDHURST MID (N51 03.2 W000 37.4)?
Correct answer : UB29 LAM UR1
Refer to Jeppesen Manual E(HI)4.
The magnetic course and distance from SALZBURG SBG 113.8 (N48 00 E012 54) to STAUB (N48 44 E 012 38) on airway UB5 is:
Correct answer : 346/ 45 nm
Refer to Jeppesen Manual E(HI)4.
What is the lowest continuous MEA from WALLASEY (N52 23.5 W003 08.0) to MIDHURST (N51 03.2 W000 37.4) on UA34?
Correct answer : FL290
Refer to Jeppesen Manual E(HI)3.
Are the VOR and TACAN navaids at OSNABRUCH (N52 12 E008 17) co-located?
Correct answer : No
Refer to Jeppesen Manual chart NAP.
The initial magnetic course from A (64N 006E) to C (62N 020W) is:
Correct answer : 275
Refer to Jeppesen Manual chart E(LO)5.
The airway intersection at RONNEBY (N5618 E01516) is marked by:
Correct answer : a NDB callsign N
Refer to Jeppesen Manual chart E(LO)1.
The magnetic course / distance from WALLASEY WAL 114.1 (N5324 W00308) to LIFFY (N5329 W00530) on airway B1 are:
Correct answer : 279 / 85 nm
Refer to Jeppesen Manual chart E(HI)5.
An appropriate FL for flight along airway UG5 from MENDE-NASBINALS MEN 115.3 (N4436 E00310) to GAILLAC GAI 115.8 (N4357
E00150) is:
Correct answer : FL290
Refer to Jeppesen Manual chart E(HI)4.
The radio aid at ZURICH (N4737 E00849) is:
Correct answer : a VOR , frequency 115.0 MHz
Refer to Jeppesen Manual chart E(HI)4.
An appropriate flight level for flight on airway UG1 from ERLANGEN ERL 114.9 (4939N 01109E) to FRANKFURT FFM 114.2 (5003N
00838E) is:
Correct answer : FL310
Refer to Jeppesen Manual chart E(HI)4.
The magnetic course and distance from ST PREX SPR 113.9 (N4628 E00627) to FRIBOURG FRI 115.1 (N4647 E00714) on airway
Correct answer : 061 / 37 nm
Refer to Jeppesen Manual chart E(HI)4 .
The radio aid at STAD (N5145 E00415) is:
Correct answer : a NDB , frequency 386 kHz
Refer to Jeppesen Manual chart E (LO) 5.
The magnetic course/ distance from EELDE EEL 112.4 (N5310 E00640) to WELGO (N5418 E00725) on airway A7 are:
Correct answer : 024 / 023 / 73 nm
Refer to Jeppesen Manual chart E (HI) 5.
The magnetic course and distance from LIMOGES LMG 114.5 (N45.49 E001.02) to CLERMONT FERRAND CMF 117.5 (N45.47
E003.11) on airway UG22 are:
Correct answer : 094 / 90 nm
Refer to Jeppesen Manual chart 5 AT(HI).
What is the initial grid track from Stornoway (N5812.4 W00611.0) to Keflavik ( N6400 W02240)?
Correct answer : 320
Refer to CAP697 MRJT1, fig 4.4.
The final reserve fuel taken from the HOLDING PLANNING table for the twin-jet aeroplane is based on the following parameters:
Correct answer : pressure altitude, aeroplane mass and flaps up with minimum drag airspeed.
Refer to CAP697 MRJT1 fig 4.3.1c.
Within the limits of the data given, a mean temperature increase of 30C will affect the trip time by approximately:
Correct answer : -5%
Refer to CAP 697 MRJT1, fig 4.3.6.
In order to find ALTERNATE FUEL and TIME TO ALTERNATE, the AEROPLANE OPERATING MANUAL shall be entered with:
Correct answer : distance in nm, wind component, landing mass at alternate
Refer to CAP 697 MRJT1 fig 4.3.3A Given: Cruise M0.78, FL 280, 50,000 kg, 200 nm, wind component 30 kt Head.
Find the fuel required.
Correct answer : 1740 kg
Refer to attached diagram.
Which describes the maximum intensity of icing, if any, at FL180 in the vicinity of Casablanca (N33 W008)
Correct answer : Severe
Refer to attached diagram.
Which of the following flight levels, if any, is forecast to be clear of significant cloud, icing and CAT along the marked route from
SHANNON (53N 10W) to BERLIN (53N 13E)?
Correct answer : FL250
Refer to attached diagram.
In the vicinity of Paris (N49 E003), the tropopause is at about:
Correct answer : FL400
Refer to attached diagram.
At position 37.7N 15.0E what is the worst hazard which could be expected?
Correct answer : Engine flame-out and windscreen damage.
Refer to attached diagram.
What is the wind associated with Munich? (N50 E010)
Correct answer : Maximum wind of 140 kt from 290T
Refer to attached diagram.
What mean temperature (C) is likely on a course360 (T) from N40 to N50 at E020
Correct answer : -49
Refer to attached diagram.
The approximate mean wind component (kt) along the true course 180 from 50N to 40N at 020E is:
Correct answer : 55 kt tailwind
Refer to attached diagram.
The W/V (degrees/ knots) at 60N 040E is:
Correct answer : 050/60
Refer to attached diagram.
What is the temperature deviation (degrees C) from ISA over 60N 000E?
Correct answer : -9
Given: 15,000 kg total fuel, reserve 1,500 kg, TAS 440 kt, wind component 45 head outbound, average fuel flow 2150 kg/hr.
What is the distance to the point of safe return?
Correct answer : 1368 nm
CAP697 SEP1 fig 2.5.
For a flight departing from MSL at 3663lb, cruising at FL80 @2300 RPM, 20 deg C lean of peak EGT, in 40kt headwind, calculate
Correct answer : 5.3hr
CAP697 MRJT1 fig 4.7.2.
ETOPS - ac can not travel more than 120 minutes from a suitable (sic, should read 'Adequate') airfield. Assume LRC and diversion
weight of 40,000kg, what is the still air diversion distance?
Correct answer : 735
CAP697 MRJT1 fig 4.5.2 & For a flight from B to C at FL310. M0.74, ISA - 12C, 957ngm, 40kt tailwind; weight 50,100kg.
How much fuel is required to fly to C?
Correct answer : 4,600kg
Given the following forecast for EHAM, the most likely conditions for an arrival at 0900Z are:
EHAM 231043Z 231812 26009KT 4000 BR -DZ SCT006 BKN012 BECMG 1922 2500 BKN004 BECMG 2201 VRB03KT 0800 BCFG
BKN003 PROB40 0308 0300 FG VV001 BECMG 0709 3500 BR SCT004 BKN006 BECMG 0912 10008KT 9999 NSW SCT018
Correct answer : 3500m in mist, scattered cloud at 400ft., broken at 600ft
For this question, refer to the Training Route Manual chart 5AT(HI).
On airway PTS P from Vigra (62°33'N 006°02'E), the initial great circle grid course is:
Correct answer : 344
A METAR reads:
SA 1430 35002KT 7000 SKC 21/03 Q1024.
Which of the following information is contained in this report?
Correct answer : Temperature, dewpoint
Refer to CAP 697 fig 4.5.1.
Given: aerodrome at MSL; cruise at FL280; ISA-1 deg C; Brake release mass 57 500 kg.
What is the climb fuel required?
Correct answer : 1138 kg
Refer to CAP 697 MRJT fig 4.3.1.
Trip distance 1900 nm, fuel on board 15 000kg, landing weight 50 000kg.
What is the minimum pressure altitude for this flight?
Correct answer : 17 000 ft
Refer to CAP697 MRJT1 fig 4.4.
Given: Mean gross mass 47 000kg
The fuel required for 45 minutes holding in a racetrack pattern at 5000ft is:
Correct answer : 1635kg
Refer to CAP 697 SEP1, fig 2.2.3.
Given: FL75, OAT +10C, Lean mixture, 2300 RPM.
Find fuel flow (GPH) gallons per hour and TAS.
Correct answer : 11.6 GPH 160 kts
Refer to CAP697, SEP1, fig 2.5.
Given: FL75; Lean mixture; Full throttle/2300 RPM; Take-off fuel 444 lbs; Take-off from MSL.
Find endurance in hours.
Correct answer : 5 hrs 12 mins
Refer to Jeppesen Manual North Atlantic Plotting chart.
Flying from A (N58 E004) to B (N62 W020).
What is the great circle distance?
Correct answer : 755 nm
Refer to CAP 697 SEP1, fig 2.1.
Given: FL75, OAT +5C, during climb, average headwind component 20kt, take-off from MSL with initial mass of 3 650 lbs.
Find time and fuel to climb.
Correct answer : 10 min, 3.6 USG
For a planned flight the calculated fuel is as follows:
Flight time 2 hr 42 min. The reserve fuel, at any time, should be not less than 30% of trip fuel remaining. Block fuel 136 kg. Taxi fuel 9
How many kg of fuel should remain after 2 hours flight?
Correct answer : 25 kg trip and 8 kg reserve
Refer to Jeppesen Manual AMSTERDAM SCHIPOL 11-6. ILS DME RWY 22.
Complete the blanks for the missed approach:
'Turn .... on track ....climbing to .... (....)'
Correct answer : left, 160, 2000', 2014
Refer to Jeppesen Manual E(HI)4.
Flying from ABBEVILLE (N5008.1 E00151.3) by UA20 to BIGGIN (N5119.8 E00002.2).
What is the first suitable IFR FL above FL295
Correct answer : 310
Refer to Jeppesen Manual 5AT(HI)
Flying from 80N 170E to 75N 11E. Initial track is 177 grid.
What is the initial true track?
Correct answer : 347
Refer to Jeppesen Manual STAR 10-2 and instrument approach chart 11-4 ILS/DME Rwy 27R for London Heathrow.
Planning an IFR flight from Paris to London (Heathrow).
Name the identifier and frequency of the initial approach fix (IAF) of the BIG2A arrival route
Correct answer : BIG; 115.1 MHz
Refer to CAP697 MRJT1, fig 4.5.1.
Given: brake release mass 57 500 kg, temperature ISA - 1 deg C, headwind component 16 kt, initial FL 280,
Find: still air distance (NAM) and ground distance for the climb.
Correct answer : 62 NAM / 59 nm
Refer to Jeppesen Manual chart E(HI) 4.
An aeroplane has to fly from about 10 nm south east of Salzburg (N4800 E01254) to Klagenfurt (N4636 E01434).
Which statement is correct?
Correct answer : The minimum grid safe altitude is 13400 AMSL.
Refer to Jeppesen Manual chart 5AT(HI)
Route PTS P from VIGRA (N6233.2 E00602.2) to ADOBI (N6830.0 E00300.0).
What is the grid track?
Correct answer : 344
Refer to CAP697 MRJT1 fig 4.5.4 and Jeppesen Manual LONDON Heathrow 10-2 STAR
Aircraft mass 49,700 kg, FL 280. Plan a descent to Heathrow elevation.
What is the descent time?
Correct answer : 19 mins
Refer to CAP697 MRJT1 fig
LRC FL330 Temp -63C Mass 54100kg time 29 mins
Find the fuel consumed.
Correct answer : 1100 kg
Ref CAP697 MRJT1 Fig 4.2.2 &
Estimated take-off mass 57,000 kg. Ground distance 150nm. Temperature ISA-1 deg C. Cruise at M0.74.
What is the optimum cruise altitude and TAS?
Correct answer : 25 000 ft & 435 kt
Refer to CAP 697 fig 4.5.1.
Given: Track 340T; W/V 280/40kt; aerodrome elevation 387 ft; ISA -1 deg C; Brake release mass 52 000 kg; cruise at FL280.
What are the climb fuel and time?
Correct answer : 11 min, 1000 kg
Refer to CAP 697, MRJT1 fig 4.2.1.
Given: Cruise mass = 54 000 kg, Long Range Cruise or 0.74 Mach.
Find the OPTIMUM ALTITUDE for the twin - jet aeroplane.
Correct answer : 34 500 ft
Refer to CAP 697 MRJT1, fig 4.2.2.
Given: Brake release mass = 45 000 kt, Temperature = ISA + 2 deg C, Trip distance = 50 Nautical Air Miles (NAM).
Find the SHORT DISTANCE CRUISE ALTITUDE for the twin - jet aeroplane.
Correct answer : 10 000 ft
Refer to CAP697 MRJT1 fig 4.5.4.
A descent is planned at 0.74M/250KIAS from 35,000 ft to 5,000 ft.
How much fuel will be consumed during this descent?
Correct answer : 150kg
Given: distance A to B = 2050 nm.
Mean groundspeed 'on' = 440 kt
Mean groundspeed 'back' = 540 kt The distance to the point of equal time (PET) between A and B is:
Correct answer : 1130 nm
Refer to CAP 697 fig 4.2.1
Given: Cruise weight 53 000 kg; LRC/ M0.74; cruise at FL310.
What is the fuel penalty?
Correct answer : 4%
Refer to CAP 697, MRJT1, fig 4.5.1.
Given: Brake release mass = 58 000 kg, Temperature = ISA + 15C.
The fuel required to climb from an airfield at elevation 4 000 ft to FL300 is:
Correct answer : 1250 kg
Which statements are correct about computer flight plans?
1). They can file the flight plan for you.
2). In the event of an in-flight re-routing computer automatically generates a new flight plan.
Correct answer : 1 only
Refer to CAP697 MRJT1 fig 4.3.5.
Given: headwind 50kt; Temperature ISA+1 deg C; Brake release mass 65,000kg; Trip fuel 18,000kg.
What is the maximum possible trip distance?
Correct answer : 2740 ngm
Refer to CAP697, MRJT1, fig 4.2.1, 4.2.2.
Given: cruise mass 54000 kg; LRC/0.74M.
Find Optimum Altitude.
Correct answer : 34 500 ft
Refer to CAP697 MRJT1, fig
Aircraft mass at top of climb 61,500kg. Distance 385 nm. FL350, OAT - 54.3.C. Tailwind of 40kt.
Using Long Range Cruise, how much fuel is required?
Correct answer : 2150kg
Refer to CAP 697 MRJT1 fig 4.2.1, 4.2.2,
Given: Brake release weight 45,000 kg, trip distance 120 nm, temperature ISA-10 deg C, cruise at M0.74.
Find optimum pressure altitude and TAS.
Correct answer : FL250 / 435 kt
Maximum Certificated take-off mass 137 000 kg
Actual take-off mass 135 000 kg
For item 9 of the ATS flight plan the wake turbulence category is:
Correct answer : heavy 'H'
Given the following TAF / METAR:
Which best describes the weather, if any, at Lyon / Satolas at 1330 UTC?
LYONS/SATOLAS LFLL/LYS SA1330 121330Z 14007KT 9000 -TSRA FEW020CB SCT033TCU BKN046 09/07 Q1003 NOSIG=
FC1100r 121100Z 121221 VRB03KT 9999 FEW010 SCT020 BKN040 BECMG 1821 33006KT TEMPO 1221 VRB15G20KT 4000
FT1000 121000Z 121812 33004KT 9999 SCT025 BKN060 BECMG 2224 VRB02KT 8000 SCT010 SCT020 BECMG 0204 1500 BR
BKN003 TEMPO 0407 0800 FG OVC002 BECMG 0810 33006KT 9999 SCT015 BKN030=
Correct answer : Light rain associated with thunderstorms
Refer to CAP 697 SEP1 fig 2.2.
A flight has to be made with the SEP1.
For the fuel calculation allow 10 lbs fuel for start up and taxi, 3 mins and 1 gallon of additional fuel to allow for the climb, 10 mins and
no fuel correction for the descent.
Planned flight time (overhead to overhead) is 3 hrs 12 mins. Reserve fuel 30% of the trip fuel. Power setting is 25HG (or full throttle)
2100 RPM, 20 deg C lean. FL70 and OAT is 11C.
The minimum block fuel is:
Correct answer : 283 lb
Given the following TAF / METAR:
What are the lowest cloud conditions (oktas/feet) forecast for JOHANNESBURG/JAN SMUTS at 0300 UTC?
FT0900 120900Z 121212 36010KT 9999 FEW030CB FEW035 PROB40 TEMPO 1318 VRB15KT 3000 TSRA SCT030CB BKN080
FM2000 03005KT CAVOK BECMG 0204 SCT008 SCT100 PROB30 0305 3000 BCFG BKN004 FM0800 34012KT 9999 SCT025
T25/12Z T15/03Z T27/12Z=
Correct answer : 5 to 7 at 400
Refer to CAP697 MRJT1 fig 4.3.6.
Distance to alternate 400nm
Landing mass at alternate 50 000kg
Headwind component 25kt
The alternate fuel required is:
Correct answer : 2800kg
In flight, it is possible to:
i. File an IFR flight plan
ii. Modify an active flight plan
iii. Cancel aVFR flight plan
iv. Close a VFR flight plan
(rules of the air ann2 3.3.5)
Correct answer : i ii iii iv
Using the following information, what is the minimum flight level considering the temperature?
True track 215
Mountain elevation 11,600 ft
Local airfield gives QNH as 1035 mb
Required terrain clearance 1500 ft
Temperature ISA - 15C.
Correct answer : FL140
Refer to CAP 697 MRJT1, fig
Flight time from top of climb to the en route point in FL280 is 48 min.
Cruise procedure is long range cruise (LRC).Temperature is ISA - 5C.
Take - off mass = 56 000 kg,
Climb fuel = 1 100 kg.
Find distance in NAM for this leg and fuel consumption.
Correct answer : 345 nam, 2000 kg
Using the following data, determine the maximum fuel load.
DOM 2800kg
Trip 300
Payload 400kg
MTOM 4,200kg
MLM 3,700kg
Correct answer : 800 kg
Refer to CAP697 MRJT1 fig
Long Range Cruise at FL350
OAT -45C
Gross mass at the beginning of the leg 40,000kg
Gross mass at the end of the leg 39,000kg
Find:True airspeed (TAS) and cruise distance (NAM) for a twin jet aeroplane
Correct answer : TAS 433 KT, 227 NAM
Find the time from A to the Point of Equal Time between A and B:
Course A to B 088(T)
Distance 1250 nm
Mean TAS 330kt
Mean W/V A to B 340/ 60kt
Correct answer : 1 Hour 44 minutes
Refer to CAP 697 MRJT1 fig 4.3.1.
Tail wind component 45kt
Temperature ISA -1 deg C
Cruise altitiude 29,000 ft
Landing mass 55,000 kg
For a flight of 2800 ground nautical miles, the (i) trip fuel and (ii) trip time respectively are:
Correct answer : (i) 17,100 kg (ii) 6hr 07min
From the following data determine the maximum possible take-off fuel:
Dry operating mass = 33 500 kg
Load 7 600 kg
Maximum allowable take-off mass = 66 200 kg
Standard taxi fuel = 200 kg
Tank capacity = 16 100 kg
Correct answer : 15 900kg
Using the following data, the estimated landing mass at the alternate should be:
Dry Op Mass = 33510 kg
Load = 7600kg
Final reserve fuel = 983 kg
Alternate fuel = 1100 kg
Contingency fuel = 102 kg
Correct answer : 42195 kg
When calculating the fuel required to carry out a given flight, one must take into account:
1. the wind
2. foreseeable airborne delays
3. other weather forecasts
4. any foreseeable conditions which may delay landing
The combination which provides the correct statement is:
Correct answer : 1-2-3-4
Refer to CAP697 MRJT1 simplified flight planning.
Planning a flight from Paris (CDG) to London Heathrow for a twin-jet aeroplane.
The wind from London to Manchester is 250/30 kt
mean track 350
distance 160 nm.
Assume the landing mass at alternate is about 50,000 kg.
Find the alternate fuel and time.
Correct answer : 1,450 kg, 32 mins
Given the following TAF / METAR:
What maximum windspeed (kt) is forecast for BORDEAUX / MERIGNAC AT 1600 UTC?
Bordeaux / Merignac
SA1330 121330Z 21005KT 9000 FEW030TCU FEW 033CB SCT040 BKN100 09/08 Q1005 TEMPO 25015G25KT 3000 TSRA
SCT005 BKN015CB=
FC1100r 121100Z 121221 28010KT 9999 -RA SCT020 FEW025CB SCT040 TEMPO 1218 25015G25KT 6000 SHRA SCT008
SCT020CB BKN033 PROB30 TEMPO 1218 28020G30KT 3000 TSRA SCT005 BKN015CB BECMG 1821 22004KT 8000 NSW
FEW006 BKN030=
FT1000 121000Z 121812 30010KT 9999 SCT020 FEW025CB BKN040 BECMG 1822 22004KT 8000 FEW006 BKN030 BECMG 0306
24005KT 6000 SCT007 SCT015 BKN090 BECMG 1012 -RA=
Correct answer : 30
Given the following TAF/ METAR:
What is the earliest time (UTC), if any, that thunderstorms are forecast for Tunis/Carthage?
SA1330 121330Z 24008KT 9999 FEW023 BKN200 24/08 Q1007=
FC1200 121200Z 121322 28012KT 9999 FEW030 SCT200 BECMG 1518 30014KT SCT026 BKN200 TEMPO 1722 32014G25KT
6000 -SHRA FEW023CB=
FT1020 121020Z 121212 26012KT 9999 FEW030 SCT200 BECMG 1619 30014KT 8000 SCT020 BKN100 TEMPO 1802
32014G25KT 6000 SHRA OR -TSSHRA FEW023CB BECMG 0406 28019KT 6000 BECMG 0810 8000 SCT020 SCT026 TEMPO
5000 -SHRA FEW026CB=
Correct answer : 1800
Refer to CAP 697 MRJT1 fig 4.5.2 &
Long range cruise at FL340
Distance C-D 3200 nm
Temperature deviation from ISA +12C
Tailwind component 50 kt
Gross mass at C 55,000 kg
The fuel required C-D is:
Correct answer : 14 400 kg
Given the following flight plan information,
Trip fuel 136 kg
Flight time 2.75 hrs
Reserve fuel 30% of trip
Fuel in tanks Minimum
Taxi fuel 3 kg,
State how 'endurance' should be completed on the ICAO flight plan:
Correct answer : 0334
Refer to CAP 697, MRJT1 fig 4.3.1C.
For a flight of 2400 ground nautical miles the following apply:
Temperature ISA -1 deg C
Cruise altitude 29 000 ft
Landing mass 45 000 kg
Trip fuel available 16 000 kg
What is the maximum headwind component which may be accepted?
Correct answer : 35 kt
Refer to weather information for Birmingham.
What is the total time for which the weather is forecast?
SA0850 280850 18014kt 9999 SCT024 BKN030 BKN045 12/08 Q1011=
FC0600 280600Z 280816 190015G27kt 9999 BKN025 TEMPO 0812 5000 - DZ
BKN012 BECMG 1214 19022G37=
FT0400 280434Z 281212 19022G37 9999 BKN025 TEMPO 1902 5000 RA
BKN010 BECMG 2201 25007kt
Correct answer : 28 hours
Refer to CAP697 MEP1 fig 3.2.
A flight is to be made in a multi-engine piston aeroplane.
Cruising level 11000 ft
OAT in the cruise -15C
Usable fuel 123 US gallons
The power is set to economy cruise.
Find the range in NM with 45 min reserve fuel at 45% power.
Correct answer : 752 nm
Refer to the TAF attached.
What are the lowest cloud conditions forecast for 1900 UTC at HAMBURG (EDDH)?
EDDH 0624 21010KT CAVOK
BECMG 0810 9999 SCT025 SCT040
PROB30 TEMPO 1218 7000 -RADZ BKN012
BECMG 1620 7000 BKN020
TEMPO 1824 4000 RADZ BKN005
Correct answer : 5 to 7 at 500 ft
Refer to weather information for Birmingham.
What is the lowest visibility forecast at 280800Z?
SA0850 280850 18014kt 9999 SCT024 BKN030 BKN045 12/08 Q1011=
FC0600 280600Z 280816 190015G27kt 9999 BKN025 TEMPO 0812 5000 - DZ
BKN012 BECMG 1214 19022G37=
FT0400 280434Z 281212 19022G37 9999 BKN025 TEMPO 1902 5000 RA
BKN010 BECMG 2201 25007kt
Correct answer : 5000m
Refer to CAP 697 MRJT1, fig 4.5.2 and
Distance C - D 540 nm
Cruise 300 KIAS at FL210,
Temperature Deviation from ISA = +2 deg C
Headwind component = 50 kt
Gross mass at C = 60 000 kg
The fuel required from C to D is:
Correct answer : 4 200 kg
Which of the following is correct?
DOM 33,510kg
Traffic load 7,600kg
Trip fuel 2040kg
Final reserve 983kg
Alternative fuel 1100kg
Contingency 5% of trip fuel.
Correct answer : est landing mass at destination 43,295kg
Refer to CAP697 MRJT1, fig 4.3.6.
DOM 35 500 kg
estimated load 14 500 kg,
final reserve fuel 1200 kg,
distance to alternate 95 nm
average true track 219
head wind component 10 kt.
Find fuel and time to alternate.
Correct answer : 1100 kg / 25 min
Using the following data, determine the maximum allowable takeoff fuel?
MTOM 64400kg
MLM 56200kg
MZFM 53300kg
DOM 35500kg
Traffic load 14500kg
Trip fuel 4900kg
Minimum takeoff fuel 7400kg
Correct answer : 11100 kg
Given the following data, determine the Maximum additional load:
MTOM 64 400 kg
MLM 56 200 kg
MZFM 53 000 kg
DOM 35 500 kg
Load 14 500 kg
Trip fuel 4 900 kg
T/O fuel 7 400 kg
Correct answer : 3 000 kg
A multi-engined ac on IFR flight.
Given the following data, and assuming fuel consumption is unchanged, which of the following is correct?
Trip fuel 65 US Gal;
Contingency 5% trip;
Alternate fuel including final reserve 17 US Gal
Useable fuel at departure 93 US Gal.
At a point halfway to destination, fuel consumed is 40 US Gal.
Correct answer : Remaining fuel is insufficient to reach destination with reserves intact.
Refer to CAP 697 SEP1 fig 2.4
Using the following information, calculate the range.
Aeroplane mass at start up 3663 lbs
fuel load (density 6lbs/gal) 74 gal
Take-off altitude sea level
Headwind 40 kt
Cruise altitude 8000 ft
Power setting full throttle 2300 RPM 20 deg C lean of peak
Correct answer : 633 nm
Refer to CAP697 MRJT1 Fig 4.3.2 A.
Planning a flight from Paris (CDG) to London (Heathrow) for a twin-jet aeroplane.
Power setting: M0.74;
FL 280;
Landing Mass 50,000 kg;
Distance to use 200 nm;
W/V from Paris to London is 280/40,
Mean track 340T.
Find the estimated trip fuel
Correct answer : 1,740 kg
Which of the following sequences shows the correct elements of a position report in the correct order?
(i) callsign
(ii) reported position
(iii) heading (ºM)
(iv) level or altitude
(v) next position
(vi) ETA of the next position
(vii) aircraft type
(viii) time of reported position
Correct answer : (i) (ii) (viii) (iv) (v) (vi)
Find the distance to the POINT OF SAFE RETURN (PSR).
Maximum useable fuel = 15 000 kg
minimum reserve fuel = 3 500 kg
Outbound: TAS 425 kt
head wind component = 30 kt
fuel flow = 2150 kg/hr
Return, TAS 430 kt
tailwind component = 20 kt
fuel flow = 2150 kg/hr.
Correct answer : 1125 nm
Refer to CAP697 MRJT1 Fig 4.3.3 C
Using the following information:
Find fuel required and trip time with simplified flight planning.
Twin-jet aeroplane
ground distance to destination 1600 nm
headwind component 50 kt
cruise 0.78Mach
ISA Deviation +2 deg C
landing mass 55,000 kg.
Correct answer : 12,250 kg, 04 hr 00 min
Refer to CAP697 MRJT1, fig 4.3.1.
estimated zero fuel mass 50t;
estimated landing mass at destination 52 t ;
final reserve fuel 2t;
alternate fuel 1t;
flight to destination, distance 720 nm,
true course 030,
W/V 340/30;
cruise: LRC, at FL330 outside air temperature -3 deg C.
Find estimated trip fuel and time.
Correct answer : 4 800 kg / 01hr 45 min
Planning a flight from Paris (Charles-de-Gaulle) to London (Heathrow) for a twin-jet aeroplane. Preplanning.
Given the following data find the Take-off Mass.
Maximum take-off mass = 62 800 kg
Maximum Zero Fuel Mass = 51 250 kg
Maximum Landing Mass = 54 900 kg
Maximum Taxi Mass = 63 050 kg
Assume the following preplanning results:
Trip fuel = 1 800 kg
Alternate fuel = 1 400 kg
Holding fuel ( final reserve) = 1 225 kg
Dry Operating Mass = 34 000 kg
Traffic Load = 13 000 kg
Catering = 750 kg
Baggage = 3 500 kg
Correct answer : 51 515 kg
Refer to CAP697 MRJT1, fig 4.5.1.
Planning an IFR flight from Paris (Charles de Gaulle) to London (Heathrow) for the twin-jet aeroplane.
Estimated take-off mass 52000 kg
Airport elevation 387 ft,
W/V 280 / 40 kt
ISA deviation -1 deg C
average true course 340.
Find the time to top of climb.
Correct answer : 11 min