FAMILIES AND CHILDREN 2021-2022 FAMILIES AND CHILDREN SPECIALIZATION See the 2021-2022 Curriculum Overview for a full description of the MSW curriculum requirements Based on your chosen Concentration (Clinical, Macro, Clinical/macro, or Macro/clinical), use one of the following checklists to review your requirements: C L I N I C A L F A M I L I E S & C HI L D R E N FOUNDATION COURSE REQUIREMENTS Co-Requisites Cr. Y SOWK 600: Social Welfare and Social Policy 3 Y SOWK 610: Structural Oppression and its Implications for Social Work 3 Y SOWK 630: Social Work Practice with Individuals (fall only) SOWK 631, 635 3 Y SOWK 631: Social Work Practice with Communities & Organizations (fall only) SOWK 630, 635 3 Y SOWK 632: Social Work Practice with Groups and Families (spring only) SOWK 636 3 Y SOWK 635: Foundation Field Practicum I (fall only) SOWK 630, 631 3 Y SOWK 636: Foundation Field Practicum II (spring only) SOWK 632 3 Y SOWK 645: Human Behavior and the Social Environment 3 Y SOWK 670: Social Work Research 3 ADVANCED COURSE REQUIREMENTS Prerequisites Cr. SOWK 600 3 I Select SOWK 704: Social Work and the Law or One SOWK 715: Children and Social Services Policy or Policy SOWK 721: Housing, Homelessness, and Social Policy Y SWCL 700: Advanced Clinical Interventions SOWK 630,631,635 3 I SWCL 744: Psychopathology SOWK 630,631,635 3 Y SWCL 727: Clinical Practice with Families and Children in Child Welfare SOWK 632, 636 3 T SWCL Methods (Any SWCL course) SOWK 632, 636 3 T Elective (Any 700 level course or SOWK 699) Varies 3 T Elective (Any 700 level course or SOWK 699) Varies 3 Y SWCL 794: Advanced Clinical Field Practicum (Fall) SOWK 635, 636 6 T SWCL 795: Advanced Clinical Field Practicum (Spring) SWCL 794 6 TOTAL CREDITS 60 This space intentionally left blank Information continues on the next page 8/13/2021 FAMILIES AND CHILDREN C L I N I C A L / m a c r o F A M I LI E S & C H I L D R E N FOUNDATION COURSE REQUIREMENTS Cr. SOWK 600: Social Welfare and Social Policy 3 SOWK 610: Structural Oppression and its Implications for Social Work 3 SOWK 630: Social Work Practice with Individuals (fall only) SOWK 631, 635 3 SOWK 631: Social Work Practice with Communities & Organizations (fall only) SOWK 630, 635 3 SOWK 636 3 SOWK 630, 631 3 SOWK 632 3 SOWK 632: Social Work Practice with Groups and Families (spring only) SOWK 635: Foundation Field Practicum I (fall only) SOWK 636: Foundation Field Practicum II (spring only) Co-Requisites SOWK 645: Human Behavior and the Social Environment 3 SOWK 670: Social Work Research 3 ADVANCED COURSE REQUIREMENTS Prerequisites Cr. SOWK 600 3 SWCL 700: Advanced Clinical Interventions SOWK 630,631,635 3 SWCL 744: Psychopathology SWCL 727: Clinical Practice with Families and Children in Child Welfare SOWK 630,631,635 3 SOWK 632, 636 3 SOWK 632, 636 3 SOWK 630,631,635 3 SWOA Methods (Any SWOA course) SOWK 632, 636 3 SWCL 794: Advanced Clinical Field Practicum (Fall) SOWK 635, 636 6 SWCL 794 6 TOTAL CREDITS 60 Select SOWK 704: Social Work and the Law or One SOWK 715: Children and Social Services Policy or Policy SOWK 721: Housing, Homelessness, and Social Policy SWCL Methods (Any SWCL course) SWOA 703: Program Development or Select SWOA 704: Community Organization or One SWOA 707: Social Policy and Social Change SWCL 795: Advanced Clinical Field Practicum (Spring) This space intentionally left blank Information continues on the next page 8/13/2021 FAMILIES AND CHILDREN M A C R O F A M I L I E S & C HI L D R E N FOUNDATION COURSE REQUIREMENTS Cr. SOWK 600: Social Welfare and Social Policy 3 SOWK 610: Structural Oppression and its Implications for Social Work 3 SOWK 630: Social Work Practice with Individuals (fall only) SOWK 631, 635 3 SOWK 631: Social Work Practice with Communities & Organizations (fall only) SOWK 630, 635 3 SOWK 636 3 SOWK 630, 631 3 SOWK 632 3 SOWK 632: Social Work Practice with Groups and Families (spring only) SOWK 635: Foundation Field Practicum I (fall only) SOWK 636: Foundation Field Practicum II (spring only) Co-Requisites SOWK 645: Human Behavior and the Social Environment 3 SOWK 670: Social Work Research 3 ADVANCED COURSE REQUIREMENTS Prerequisites Cr. SOWK 600 3 SOWK 630,631,635 3 SWOA Methods (Any SWOA course) SOWK 632, 636 3 SWOA Methods (Any SWOA course) SOWK 632, 636 3 SWOA Methods (Any SWOA course) SOWK 632, 636 3 Elective (Any 700 level course or SOWK 699) Varies 3 Elective (Any 700 level course or SOWK 699) Varies 3 SWOA 794: Advanced Macro Field Practicum (Fall) SOWK 635, 636 6 SWOA 795: Advanced Macro Field Practicum (Spring) SWOA 794 TOTAL CREDITS 6 60 Select SOWK 704: Social Work and the Law or One SOWK 715: Children and Social Services Policy or Policy SOWK 721: Housing, Homelessness, and Social Policy SWOA 703: Program Development or Select SWOA 704: Community Organization or One SWOA 707: Social Policy and Social Change This space intentionally left blank Information continues on the next page 8/13/2021 FAMILIES AND CHILDREN MACRO/clinical FAMILIES & CHILDREN FOUNDATION COURSE REQUIREMENTS Cr. SOWK 600: Social Welfare and Social Policy 3 SOWK 610: Structural Oppression and its Implications for Social Work 3 SOWK 630: Social Work Practice with Individuals (fall only) SOWK 631, 635 3 SOWK 631: Social Work Practice with Communities & Organizations (fall only) SOWK 630, 635 3 SOWK 636 3 SOWK 630, 631 3 SOWK 632 3 SOWK 632: Social Work Practice with Groups and Families (spring only) SOWK 635: Foundation Field Practicum I (fall only) SOWK 636: Foundation Field Practicum II (spring only) Co-Requisites SOWK 645: Human Behavior and the Social Environment 3 SOWK 670: Social Work Research 3 ADVANCED COURSE REQUIREMENTS Prerequisites Cr. SOWK 600 3 SOWK 630,631,635 3 SOWK 632, 636 3 SWOA Methods (Any SWOA course) SOWK 632, 636 3 SWOA Methods (Any SWOA course) SOWK 632, 636 SOWK 630,631,635 3 SOWK 635, 636 3 SOWK 635, 636 6 SWOA 794 6 60 Select SOWK 704: Social Work and the Law or SOWK 715: Children and Social Services Policy or One Policy SOWK 721: Housing, Homelessness, and Social Policy SWOA 703: Program Development or Select SWOA 704: Community Organization or One SWOA 707: Social Policy and Social Change SWOA Methods (Any SWOA course) Select SWCL 700: Advanced Clinical Interventions or One SWCL 744: Psychopathology SWCL 727: Clinical Practice with Families and Children in Child Welfare SWOA 794: Advanced Macro Field Practicum (Fall) SWOA 795: Advanced Macro Field Practicum (Spring) TOTAL CREDITS 8/13/2021 3