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Economy And Business
Chris Miller: ‘Making chips is the most fascinating
and complicated manufacturing problem in
human history’
The American historian recently published ‘Chip War,’ where he
explains how the world became dependent on semiconductors
US historian Chris Miller, author of the book 'Chip War.'
Madrid - 18 OCT 2022 - 02:56 UTC
The sounds of New York surround Chris Miller as he answers the phone. An
unidentifiable loudspeaker. Exchanges of morning greetings. Finally, the creak
of a closing door and the silence of a room free of intruding noises. Miller, a
professor of international history at the Fletcher School at Tufts University in
Massachusetts, traveled from Boston to the Big Apple to speak on television
about Chip War, a book the Financial Times included in its list of the best
business books of 2022.
Miller put aside his studies on the USSR and Putin’s Russia, to which he devoted
three essays, to delve for five years into the universe of semiconductors – a topic
as relevant as it is complicated, with wide-reaching economic, technological and
geopolitical implications. His research began when he became aware of their
importance in the missile guidance systems during the Cold War. That,
however, was just the tip of the iceberg. “I started realizing that a lot of the
trends that I was interested in understanding, whether it was the shape of
globalization, the structure of supply chains, or the future of military power, you
couldn’t understand any of them without making sense of the role that
semiconductors play in all of those.”
Costa Rica emerges as the winner in ‘chip war’ between US and China
This is seen in the latest controversy in the power play between the United
States and China. Washington recently announced that no company will be
allowed to supply certain semiconductors to Chinese companies if they are
made with American technology; the goal is to prevent Beijing from using them
in the development of its own technology industry or in strategic areas like
supercomputers or next-generation weapons.
The timing of Miller’s book – which is based on more than 100 interviews with
scientists and other industry experts – could hardly be better. And not only
because of the US-China conflict. These microscopic silicon components,
present in vehicles, phones, computers and countless civil and military devices,
were the source of much talk after the Covid-19 pandemic. The shortages of
semiconductors, when consumers rushed to buy again, especially after the
lockdown, meant that millions of cars could not be sold, causing brands
multimillion-dollar losses and delaying deliveries to desperate customers for
many months.
That was when the public realized that cars could not be sold without these
microprocessors, and the words “chips” and “semiconductors” became part of
everyday conversations. “Most people think of chips as being inside computers,
which is certainly true. And that’s one of the major uses of chips. But in fact,
they’re in almost everything we touch that has an on-off switch, from
microwaves to watches. The dishwasher often has one or several chips inside. A
smartphone will have a dozen or so chips inside of it, not only the main chip
that manages the operating system, but also chips for the camera, the audio or
the Wi-Fi.”
Miller draws several conclusions from the thousands of hours he has spent
researching. “The more I dug into their history and the process of how they’re
made, the more I realized that making them is the most fascinating and
complicated manufacturing problem in human history.” This is a technology
that is measured in nanometers (smaller than the coronavirus that stopped the
planet in 2020) and conceived in sophisticated industrial plants that can cost up
to $20 billion (that is the budget of the one that Intel is building in Ohio) and
which need several years before they can operate. What’s more, they depend on
minutely defined supply chains, in a back and forth of materials that, from
design to manufacturing, involves firms from multiple countries.
“It’s so difficult and expensive. There are a small number of firms and countries
that control their use, and that has huge economic ramifications, because if
you’re a company that’s able to play such an irreplaceable role in the supply
chain, you’ve got an incredible market position. But it also has tremendous
geopolitical ramifications because it gives certain countries access and the
ability to cut off other countries from getting the most advanced chips,” he
The name of Taiwan resonates in that select club. That is where the industry
giant Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Company (TSMC) operates, with a
market capitalization of $350 billion. Miller mentions it 200 times in the 400+
pages of his book. The fact that it is in a hot spot due to territorial tensions with
China, under the latent threat of an invasion, could have far-reaching
consequences. A single missile against TSMC’s most advanced factory – Miller
warns in the book – would cause hundreds of billions in losses due to delays in
the production of phones, data centers, vehicles, telecommunications networks
and other technologies.
Just like the concern for gas was not part of the agenda of the Western political
class until Russia invaded Ukraine, semiconductors were not the center of
attention until the shortages. Now, Europe is hoping to boost its own
semiconductor industry and ease its reliance on exports with multimilliondollar investments from Brussels. The EU intends to reach 20% of the global
microprocessor manufacturing quota by 2030 (it currently covers around 10%).
But Miller thinks Europe will remain mutually dependent on other countries,
no matter how many funds are put on the table. The facts indicate so. The Dutch
ASML, for example, is an irreplaceable part of that mechanism, as a
manufacturer of the machinery necessary to produce the chips. “My advice to
European policymakers would be not to embark on some sort of campaign of
self-sufficiency, which is unrealistic and propagandistic [...] because the reality is
that Europe is going to be reliant on Japan and the US, just like Japan in the US
and our allies in Europe. That’s how complicated multinational supply chains
Inside one of the factories of Taiwan's TSMC.
A key element in military supremacy
But this is not just an economic battle. Miller believes that military supremacy is
also at stake. “The balance of military power in the future will be shaped in no
small part by access to the most advanced computer chips. And that’s one of the
reasons why it’s not just finance ministries or economic ministries that are
concerned about this; it’s also defense ministries around the world. The future
of military power will be even more about semiconductors. If you think of
autonomous drones, for example, they’re going to require an enormous amount
of computing power, of memory, of AI, signal processing, and that’s all about the
chips. You only have to look at the Russian missiles that have been shot down by
and taken apart.”
As for the sanctions on the Putin regime, are they helping or hindering access to
semiconductors? “They already face pretty severe restrictions in terms of the
types of chips they [the Russians] can buy. [...] Now, enforcing these bans is, in
some cases, kind of tricky, because there are so many chips in the world and you
can buy them on black markets. But we know that Russia has faced a lot of
difficulty in acquiring chips. [...] Whether it’s missile systems, whether it’s
drones or whether it’s more traditional military gear like tanks, they all require
chips. And for Russia, it will just be more and more difficult to get the chips they
Meanwhile, in high-security laboratories where employees wear bulky
protective suits, the work to take technology further does not stop. Miller
describes the current state of that business battle: “TSMC is in the process of
bringing online its five nanometer chip, and the three nanometer is coming
shortly thereafter. Samsung and Intel are slightly behind. [...] TSMC and others
are already working on their two nanometer processes, and there will be a one
nanometer after that.” Smaller means more information in less space. And
ultimately, the ability to create more advanced civil and military devices.
More information
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