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Math Career Options: Top Job Opportunities for Students

Amit Bajaj
CRPF Public School, Delhi
Mathematics: The work of mathematicians falls into two broad
classes: theoretical (pure) mathematics and applied mathematics.
While a PhD is required for many mathematician jobs, you can
also choose to obtain a Professional Science Masters.
Amit Bajaj
CRPF Public School, Delhi
Biomathematics: Mathematical biology or biomathematics is an
interdisciplinary field of study. It models natural and biological
processes using mathematical techniques and tools. Many jobs
involve this interdisciplinary nature, including environmental
scientists, forensic scientists, statisticians, geoscientists and
Amit Bajaj
CRPF Public School, Delhi
Statistics: Statisticians provide crucial guidance in determining
what information is reliable and which predictions can be trusted.
They work in a variety of fields such as medicine, government,
education, agriculture, business, and law. A master’s degree in
statistics or mathematics is the minimum educational requirement,
but research and academic jobs generally require a PhD, while
Federal Government jobs require at least a bachelor’s degree.
Amit Bajaj
CRPF Public School, Delhi
Teaching at K-12 Level: The teaching of mathematics at the K-12 level is a
high-demand field and the need is expected to grow in the future. Teachers at
that level who are bilingual or who are willing to teach in less desirable urban
or rural school districts will have more chances for employment.
Teaching at Postsecondary Level: At the postsecondary level, competition is
expected for tenure-track positions; better opportunities are expected for parttime or non-tenure-track positions. PhD recipients should experience the best
job prospects.
Amit Bajaj
CRPF Public School, Delhi
Computers and Math
Computer Network, Systems, and Database Administrators: Jobs in this category
include network and computer systems administrators, network architects, database
administrators, computer security specialists, Web administrators, and Web developers,
and training requirements vary by occupation.
Computer Science: Computer scientists are the designers, creators, and inventors of
new technology. A PhD is required for most jobs, and an aptitude for math is important.
Amit Bajaj
CRPF Public School, Delhi
Computers and Math
Computer Software Engineers and Computer Programmers: These mathematicians
apply the theories and principles of computer science and mathematical analysis to
create, test, and evaluate the software applications and systems that make computers
work. A bachelor’s degree commonly is required for software engineering jobs, although
a master’s degree is preferred for some positions.
Computer Systems Analysts: Computer systems analysts may design and develop new
computer systems by choosing and configuring hardware and software, or they may
devise ways to apply existing systems’ resources to additional tasks.
Amit Bajaj
CRPF Public School, Delhi
Counting Money
Actuarial Science: Actuarial science takes statistics, finance, and business and applies
that knowledge to finance and especially to insurance.
Economist: Many economists specialize in a particular area of economics, although
general knowledge of basic economic principles is essential. Whether working in
government, industry, research organizations, or consulting firms, economists with a
bachelor’s degree usually qualify for entry-level positions as a research assistant, for
marketing or finance positions, or for various sales jobs. A master’s degree usually is
required to qualify for more responsible research and administrative positions. A PhD is
necessary for top economist positions in many organizations.
Amit Bajaj
CRPF Public School, Delhi
Counting Money
Financial Analysts: Financial analysts provide guidance to businesses and individuals
making investment decisions. Many positions require a master’s degree in finance or a
Master of Business Administration (MBA).
Personal Financial Advisors: Although most planners offer advice on a wide range of
topics, some specialize in areas such as retirement and estate planning or risk
management. Although a bachelor’s degree is a minimum requirement, many financial
advisors also earn a master’s degree in finance or business administration or get
professional designations.
Amit Bajaj
CRPF Public School, Delhi
Other Mathematical Careers
Chemists and Materials Scientists: Chemists and materials scientists
search for new knowledge about chemicals and use it to improve life.
Students planning careers as chemists or materials scientists should take
courses in science and mathematics, should like working with their hands to
build scientific apparatus and perform laboratory experiments, and should
like computer modeling.
Amit Bajaj
CRPF Public School, Delhi
Engineering Technicians: Engineering technicians use the principles and
theories of science, engineering, and mathematics to solve technical
problems in research and development, manufacturing, sales, construction,
inspection, and maintenance. Although it may be possible to qualify for
certain engineering technician jobs without formal training, most employers
prefer to hire someone with a 2-year associate degree or other postsecondary
training in engineering technology.
Amit Bajaj
CRPF Public School, Delhi
Engineers: Engineers apply the principles of science and
mathematics to develop economical solutions to technical
problems. In about twelve different categories of engineering,
graduates typically enter the occupation with a bachelor’s degree
in an engineering specialty, but some basic research positions may
require a graduate degree.
Amit Bajaj
CRPF Public School, Delhi
Environmental Scientists and Specialists: These individuals
analyze measurements or observations of air, food, water, and soil
to determine the way to clean and preserve the environment.
Amit Bajaj
CRPF Public School, Delhi
Market and Survey Researchers: Market and survey researchers
gather information about what people think. Graduates can enter
the occupation with a bachelor’s degree, but those with a master’s
or PhD in marketing or a social science should enjoy the best
Amit Bajaj
CRPF Public School, Delhi
Operations Research Analysts: Using analytical techniques,
operations research analysts help managers to make better
decisions and solve problems. A bachelor’s degree coupled with
extensive coursework in mathematics and other quantitative
subjects usually is the minimum education requirement for a job
in this field.
Amit Bajaj
CRPF Public School, Delhi
Physicists and Astronomers: Applicants may face competition
for basic research positions due to limited funding; however,
those with a background in physics or astronomy may have good
opportunities in related fields, such as engineering and
Amit Bajaj
CRPF Public School, Delhi
Top 7 careers for those who love Mathematics
Mathematics prepares you for careers as actuaries, computer scientists,
mathematicians, statisticians, teachers and more. Advanced skills in
mathematics are a must in many science-related careers. A degree in
math is also a strong background for many computer science and
computer engineering jobs.
For those with a substantial background in mathematics and passion
for numbers, an unlimited number of career opportunities are
Amit Bajaj
CRPF Public School, Delhi
Top Job Opportunities in Maths
Mathematics best job opportunities are available in the following disciplines.
Operation research analyst
Chartered accountant
Software engineers
Computer system analyst
Amit Bajaj
CRPF Public School, Delhi
1) Chartered Accountant:
With the rapid growth in economy, careers in finance and accounts
have gained tremendous popularity and the most esteemed career
option in this filed is that of Chartered Accountant. A Chartered
accountant is somebody who specializes in accounting, auditing
and taxation.
Amit Bajaj
CRPF Public School, Delhi
2) Software Engineers:
A highly fulfilling career, software engineers design and develop software.
They apply the theories and principles of computer science and
mathematical analysis to create, test, analyse and evaluate the software
applications and systems that make computers work. Software engineers
are also experts in theory of computing systems, the structure of
software, and the nature and limitations of hardware to ensure that the
underlying systems will work properly. Professionals in this field have
excellent prospects in the next five to 10 years.
Amit Bajaj
CRPF Public School, Delhi
3) Operations Research Analysts:
Operations research has been defined as an interdisciplinary branch of applied
mathematics and formal science that uses advanced analytical methods such as
mathematical modeling, statistical analysis, and mathematical optimization to arrive at
optimal or near-optimal solutions to complex decision-making problems. Operations
research analysts formulate and apply mathematical modeling methods to develop and
interpret information that assists management with policy formulation and other
managerial functions. They help managers to make better decisions and solve
problems. If you're planning to take this profession be sure you have a thorough
knowledge of strong quantitative and computer skills; advanced knowledge in
Amit Bajaj
CRPF Public School, Delhi
4) Banking:
Jobs in banking field involve aiding people to build fortunes in their
respective life and business fields. You could work in any one of the following
areas in Banking- accountant, customer service, front desk, cash handling,
Account opening, current account, savings account, mortgage loan
underwriter, loan processing officer, back end operations, product marketing
and sales executive, recovery officer, retail asset manager, property appraiser
and customer service executive. As banks provides loans for setting up
business and for various development work and thereby generate thousands
of jobs and career opportunities in the banking finance sector.
Amit Bajaj
CRPF Public School, Delhi
5) Mathematician:
If you're fascinated by Sir Isaac Newton or Archimedes of
Syracuse, then this is the field for you. A mathematician is a
person whose primary area of study or research is mathematics.
Mathematicians are concerned with particular problems related
to logic, space, transformations, numbers and more general ideas
which encompass these concepts. They do research, come up
with problems and solutions, etc.
Amit Bajaj
CRPF Public School, Delhi
6) Teachers:
If you have an affinity for numbers, you can pursue a
career in teaching. A maths teacher is always on demand
as this is considered one of the main subjects throughout
schooling. It is a highly paid job in India as many maths
teachers make a lot of money in giving coaching or tuition
to students.
Amit Bajaj
CRPF Public School, Delhi
7) Computer Systems Analysts:
Professionals in this field use IT tools to help enterprises of all
sizes achieve their goals. Most systems analysts work with
specific types of computer systems-for example, business,
accounting, and financial systems or scientific and engineering
system to prepare cost-benefit and return-on-investment analysis
to help management decide whether implementing the proposed
technology would be financially feasible.
Amit Bajaj
CRPF Public School, Delhi
Career Options in Mathematics
After completing graduation/post graduation in mathematics, there is a
wide array of career prospects in mathematics field. There is a demand
of mathematics students in fields such as statistics, engineering, physical
science, computer science, insurance, economics, astronomy, banking
and accountancy. There is also a wide scope of mathematics in teaching
and research fields.
Amit Bajaj
CRPF Public School, Delhi
Jobs in Mathematics
All the highest paying jobs are directly or indirectly related with mathematics. Mathematics jobs are available in both
government as well as private organisations. In the government sector, mathematics graduates may consumed in
government departments, semi-governments, PSUs, research organisations, technical branches, banking sectors, colleges
and universities. Besides academics jobs, trained mathematicians are also engaged at good remuneration and package in
Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO), Defence Research and Development Organisation (DRDO), National Aeronautic
Limited (NAL) and Society for Electronic Transaction and Security (SETS). Good opportunities are in specific areas such as
financial mathematics and computing along with mathematics.
Financial Mathematics is the booming area where one can get one of the best packages in the industry. IT giants like IBM and
Microsoft hired candidates as scientists where salary is beyond your expectation.
Teaching is one of the most sought after profession after Ph.D. One may appointed as Assistant Professor, Associate
Professor, Reader and Professor in colleges and universities. Schools also offer good jobs for mathematics graduate both in
the government as well as in the private sector.
Amit Bajaj
CRPF Public School, Delhi
Universities and Institutes offer Mathematics
More or less all the universities of the country are offering mathematics. There are about 135 universities, which are offering
post graduate degree in India. Some of the important universities which are offering specialised mathematics are:
Institute of Mathematical Science, Chennai (www.imsc.res.in)
Indian Statistical Institute, Bangalore (www.isib.ac.in)
Tata Institute of Fundamental Research, Mumbai (www.tifr.res.in)
University of Pune (www.unipune.ac.in)
University of Calcutta (www.caluniv.ac.in)
Gobind Ballabh Pant University of Agriculture and Technology (www.gbpuat.ac.in)
Madurai Kamaraj University (www.mkuniversity.org)
Devi Ahilya Vishwavidyalaya, Indore (www.dauniv.ac.in)
North Maharashtra University, Jalgaon (www.nmu.ac.in)
Avinashilingam Institute for Home Science and Higher Education for Women (www.avinuty.ac.in)
University of Madras (www.unom.ac.in)
Bundelkhand University (www.bujhansi.org)
Harish Chandra research Institute, Allahabad (www.hri.res.in)
Amit Bajaj
CRPF Public School, Delhi
Careers one can choose in Mathematics
In India mostly students take up teaching as a career after their graduation or post
graduation in maths.
However there are many other career options which you can choose to with mathematics.
Apart from teaching, the following organisation/deparments are open for students to have
a great career in mathematics
Opportunities in government organisations
ISRO (The Indian Space Research Organisation)
DRDO (Defence Research and Development Organisation)
NAL (National Aeronautics Limited)
These organisations need mathematicians to solve sophisticated mathematical problems
releated to their respective research areas of space, defence and aeronautics.
Amit Bajaj
CRPF Public School, Delhi
Opportunities in Private Industries
IT companies are another good option, where they need mathematicians
to work in their research department. With every little thing having a
computerised chip inside, the complexities involved in calculations and
design of these things need expert mathematicians at its core.
Banks and Insurance companies needs mathematicians who combines
maths and stats to come up with various financial models / products (eg.,
loans, investments etc.,). Only a skilled mathematician is able to
calculate and reason to design such complex and critical financial
Biotechnology companies needs students with strong academic
background in biology and mathematics for their research.
Amit Bajaj
CRPF Public School, Delhi
Opportunities in the field of Teaching
Teaching is always a good option as the salary package offered are decent from the
entry level to lecturers and professors.
With the number of institutions coming up every day we have lack of supply to the
surging demand of lecturers/professors.
Hence, teaching as a career has always been in demand and we have vacant jobs for
specialists in institutions more than the number of students passing out every year.
The following institutions offers great job/ career opportunities to students with good
academic background in mathematics
DST – Department of Science and Technology
IITs – Indian Institute of Technology
IISc – Indian Institute of Science
Amit Bajaj
CRPF Public School, Delhi
Academic Courses
The academic courses a student need to take up for a career in mathematics are:after 12th Courses in Mathematics
B.Sc. – Regular 3-year course (Maths)
B.Sc (Hons) – 4 year course
B.Sc (Acturial Science)
After Graduation Courses in Mathematics
Integrated Courses
A student, after 12th, can also opt for a 4-year or 5-year integrated courses:
4-year B.S. and 1 year M.S prorgramme
IISc is currently having a 4 year B.S (Bachelor’s in Science) and 1 year M.S. (Master’s in Science) programme
for study in Mathematics
Amit Bajaj
CRPF Public School, Delhi
5-year Integrated MSc programme
This is a combined coure viz. BSc (3 years) and MSc (2 years) combined in
to one programme of 5 years.
The following institutions are currently having this 5-year integrated
Central University-Hyderabad
Central University-Pondicherry
Amit Bajaj
CRPF Public School, Delhi
Post Graduation Courses- M.Phil and PhD
With more students taking up teaching as a career, there is also cut-throat competition.
To have an upperhand and to get in to the best Institution it is important that student pursue higher studies in research.
The following institutes offers higher learning in research areas for Mathematics
TIFR – Tata Institute of Fundamental Research
IMSc – Institute of Mathematical Sciences (IMSc)
HRI – Harish Chandra Research Institute
Indian Statistical Institute
IISERs – Indian Institutes of Science Education and Research
NISER – National Institute of Science Education and Research
CMI – Chennai Mathematical Institute
ISRO – It has its institution for research studies at Thiruvananthapuram
Universities – All State and Central Universities
(An M.Phil. is regarded as a senior or second Master’s degree, standing between your Master’s and a Ph.D (Wikipedia). Most
Universities considers M.Phil mandatory to do Ph.D.)
Amit Bajaj
CRPF Public School, Delhi
A few specialistion that you can opt for in Mathematics in higher studies
Complex Dynamics
Mathematical Logic
Differential Equations
Fluid Mechanics
Computational Fluid Dynamics
Image Processing and Probability and Statistics
Amit Bajaj
CRPF Public School, Delhi
For higher studies one needs a scholarship or funding to take care of the stay, tuition
expenses etc., Here are a few important scholarships for students pursing career in
NBHM Scholarships for Masters (http://www.nbhm.dae.gov.in/msc.html) and for
PhD (http://www.nbhm.dae.gov.in/phd.html)
CSIR research fellowship (http://www.csirhrdg.res.in/jrfsrfra2.htm)
KVPY – Kishore Vaigyanik Pratsohan Yojana (http://www.kvpy.org.in/main/)
Some institutes provides stipends to their undergraduates and postgradueates students
as per their academic performance
The current pace of advancement in technology needs a strong backup of mathematical
geniuses for its research and development.
The future for students opting a career in mathematics, thus, looks all secure and vibrant.
Amit Bajaj
CRPF Public School, Delhi
12th standard is the last stage of a student’s school life. After 12th standard, a student
has to decide his path and his career. This step has to be taken after lots of planning and
thinking. You just can’t afford to choose what to do after 12th standard carelessly. You
must take into consideration various factors like- your interests, job scope and
opportunities etc while choosing your career. I think this article will help you deal with it.
There are many courses available to students after 12th standard. Courses like
Engineering, MBBS are main stream, but I will also focus on slightly unknown and unique
courses. Please make sure that you take your own time and think before you choose a
particular course.
Amit Bajaj
CRPF Public School, Delhi
After finishing 12th science stream schooling, one may go for undergraduate B.E. or B.Tech. Engineering program.
The course duration is 4 years. After B.E./B.Tech., one may also go for M.E./M.Tech., which is master degree course
in Engineering! M.E./ M.Tech. program lasts for 2 years. Some of the prominent branches of Engineering areMechanical Engineering
Electrical Engineering
Civil Engineering
Computer Engineering
Information Technology Engineering
Instrumentation and Control Engineering
Petroleum Engineering
Biotechnology Engineering
Amit Bajaj
CRPF Public School, Delhi
Electronics and Communications Engineering
Food Processing and Technology
Chemical Engineering
Textile Engineering
Aeronautical Engineering
Mining Engineering
Agricultural Technology and Engineering
Dairy Technology and Engineering
Those were some of the well known Engineering branches. One may pursue any of the above mentioned courses after 12th
Science. Biotechnology Engineering is one such course that both Mathematics and Biology group students may pursue!
After Engineering, one may easily find relevant jobs both in private as well as public sectors! If B.E./ B.Tech. Degree is
followed up with M.E./M.Tech. Degree, one may also venture into the teaching field and become a College Lecturer!
Amit Bajaj
CRPF Public School, Delhi
After Engineering, B.Sc. programs are what 12th Science students choose often. When it comes to B.Sc.
program, the course duration is 3 years. After graduation, one may go for PG course- M.Sc. It lasts for 2
years. Some good B.Sc. courses areB.Sc. Physics
B.Sc. IT
B.Sc. Chemistry
B.Sc. Mathematics
The beauty associated with B.Sc. program is that many top Universities are offering attractive
scholarships for meritorious students! Also, when B.Sc. is followed up with M.Sc., one may build a good
career in Research and Development field!
Amit Bajaj
CRPF Public School, Delhi
3. B.C.A.
B.C.A. stands for Bachelor of Computer Applications. Like B.Sc., B.C.A. too is a 3 years
long course. This course focuses on Computers, software and applications,
programming languages etc.
After getting B.C.A. Degree, one may also go for PG course- M.C.A. It is a Master
program and lasts 2 years. Talking about job opportunities, one may find jobs in both
private as well as Government sectors. But private sector chips in with more job
opportunities! Especially IT MNCs recruit B.C.A. Graduates in large numbers! One may
also venture into the teaching profession after doing M.C.A.!
Amit Bajaj
CRPF Public School, Delhi
4. Bachelor of Architecture
B.Arch. stands for Bachelor of Architecture. Explaining in simple terms, it is a branch
that deals with planning and construction of homes, buildings, commercial structures,
public utility structures etc.
Duration of B.Arch. course is 5 years. Talking about job opportunities, one may get into
MNCs and top players operating in the Construction as well as building sector. Also, if
you are creative and passionate, you may also start up on your own, planning,
designing and creating homes and small projects. Gradually, you may climb the ladder
and branch out onto bigger ventures!
Amit Bajaj
CRPF Public School, Delhi
5. Bachelor of Pharmacy
Many might be surprised on seeing B.Pharm. in this section! But yeah, even Mathematics group students
may go for B.Pharm.!
Pharmacy course is all about the pharmaceutical sector. It deals with topics such as making medicines,
chemicals involved in making medicines, uses of medicines etc. This course is 4 years long.
After completing B.Pharm., one may follow it up with the Master’s Degree- M.Pharm.! Talking about job
opportunities, Pharmaceutical companies are the prime job providers. One may also get job in hospitals
that hires chemists. Government sector jobs are also available for graduates, such as- in Government
hospitals, as an Officer in the Drugs department etc.
Opening one’s own shop is another option! A combination of B.Pharm. and M.Pharm. can also ensure you
a job in Research sector as well as teaching sector!
Amit Bajaj
CRPF Public School, Delhi
6. Bachelor of Business Administration
This course has nothing to do with science stream. Still, science stream
students are eligible to pursue it!
B.B.A. program’s duration is 3 years. On completion, one may also go for
M.B.A. (Master of Business Administration), which lasts for 2 years.
Job opportunity includes private sector jobs mostly. Managerial posts in
MNCs will be a good place for B.B.A. grads to start off!
Amit Bajaj
CRPF Public School, Delhi
After 12th standard, Mathematics group students may also go for
Commercial Pilot training and become a Commercial Pilot! For this, they
have to attend a Flight Training school.
The course duration varies from one institute to another! In general, it lasts
between 2-3 years. After finishing training, one may land the job of a Ferry
pilot or Commercial pilot in Private or Nationalized Airline companies! After
retirement, one may also become a trainer. This, according to me is an
added advantage that this field offers!
Amit Bajaj
CRPF Public School, Delhi
This is a job oriented course that 12th science Mathematics group students
may pursue. There are many private institutes offering Diploma as well as
certificate programs, when it comes to this course. Duration of the course
may vary from one institute to another. But usually, it is between 1-3 years.
Amit Bajaj
CRPF Public School, Delhi
Looking from career prospects’ point of view, Merchant Navy is a well rewarding
sector! The remuneration is generally high. But the work involved requires hard work
and determination.
Talking about Merchant Navy sector, there are various job posts available, like- Marine
Engineer, Sailor etc. Based on the job post, there are number of courses available too.
Some of the courses are- marine technology and engineering and diploma course to
become sailor.
Amit Bajaj
CRPF Public School, Delhi
Now, it is time to focus on courses meant for Biology group students. Below listed
are the courses that students who had Physics, Chemistry and Biology as their
main subjects in 12th may pursue.
Yes, this is a good option, but there is an age limit. You have to be 19 years old or
younger to appear for NDA (National Defence Academy) exam. You must also have
completed your 12th standard exams with A group. If you manage to pass NDA exam
and SSB interview, you will get admission in NDA, Pune. You have to do a Bsc course
there along with military training and studies. After 3 years in NDA and a year at IMA
(Indian Military Academy), you will get a job in Indian Armed forces as an officer.
Amit Bajaj
CRPF Public School, Delhi
If you don’t get admission in engineering, you can take admission in
diploma engineering. After completing your diploma, you can go for a
degree. After you get your diploma, you have to attend an engineering
college for only 2 years to get a degree.
Amit Bajaj
CRPF Public School, Delhi
Hotel Chefs
There are various other good courses like Hotel Management, Fire Safety Technology,
Welding Technology and Software/Hardware courses. These courses also offer good job
opportunities. Make sure that you get admission in an institute that is approved by the
Government. Diploma course to become Air Hostess is another hot course for 12th
passed students. Students who wish to have an exciting and adventurous career can opt
for this course. The job involves lots of traveling and the pay scale is promising. After
retiring from the profession, one can take up secondary jobs in fields related to
hospitality. Even males can take up this course since male flight attendants are also in
huge demand these days, due to new private airlines opening up.
Amit Bajaj
CRPF Public School, Delhi
13. SOME DESIGN RELATED COURSESBachelor Programs in Design Field- Science stream graduates who have a flair for
designing and fashion can take up any of these design related branches and build a
good career. A list of programs that I found interesting are-
Bachelor of Design (Fashion Designing)– A well known course being taught in NIFT
(National Institute of Fashion Technology), this one is a 4 year long course. The program
is much sought after by students interested in designing clothes and apparels. The job
prospects are good, when it comes to this particular course. After graduating, one has a
wide choice of potential careers to choose from. Some of them are- designers,
freelance design consultants, costume designers, illustrators etc. Also, graduates can
easily land jobs in MNCs related to clothing line and designer wears.
Amit Bajaj
CRPF Public School, Delhi
Bachelor of Design (Leather Design)– Like the previous entry, this one is also a 4 year
long course. Job opportunities are abundant in this field also. Primarily, this field is
associated with designing of leather products, mass manufacturing of it, management
of the good, transportation etc.
Bachelor of Design (Accessory Designing)– The duration of this course is 4 years long.
This field is all about designing high end and innovative designed and crafted
accessories, ornaments etc. Not just ornaments, this field also deals with accessories
like footwear, interior design goods etc.
Bachelor of Design (Textile Design)– 4 years long course. Deals with all aspects
associated with the field of textile manufacturing, processing, designing and
management. One of the most popular courses offered by NIFT. Graduates will be able
to find jobs easily in industries associated with clothes and textile industry.
Amit Bajaj
CRPF Public School, Delhi
Bachelor of Design (Knitwear Designing)– Knit wear is emerging as the next big thing in
the design and textile world. This 4 year long course deals with the fundamentals of
knitting and also incorporates knowledge about state of the art methods and equipment
Bachelor of Design (Fashion Communication)– This is a new course, but surely high on
promise and potential. In a nutshell, it is all about merchandising (visual), exhibiting
design, fashion journalism etc. Graduates can be expected to get hired by media houses,
as a fashion consultant. Graduates can also become chief organizers of fashion events.
Animation film Design– A 4 year long course offered by the prestigious NID (National
Institute of Design). Graduates of this course can become independent animators, work
under big Indian and International media production houses, advertising houses etc. The
job scope is promising, when it comes to this particular field.
Amit Bajaj
CRPF Public School, Delhi
Ceramic and Glass Design– This activity has been practiced by man since
ancient times. This 4 year long course offered by NID also imparts ancient
techniques as well as state of the art methods also!
Furniture and Interior Design– A 4 years long course. Deals with various
aspects of designing, manufacturing, processing etc of wooden and other
types of furniture and interior designing goodies.
Product Design– This field is all about designing useful products or
innovating and improving the design of already created products. This 4
year course is all about innovative attitude and making things more useful
to mankind by improving its design!
Amit Bajaj
CRPF Public School, Delhi
Amit Bajaj
CRPF Public School, Delhi
Amit Bajaj
CRPF Public School, Delhi
Amit Bajaj
CRPF Public School, Delhi
Amit Bajaj
CRPF Public School, Delhi
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