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Guida alla scrittura di un tema: consigli e struttura

1) Scrivi un titolo accattivante che catturi l’interesse del
lettore (il mio consiglio, però, è quello di scriverlo alla fine).
2) Cerca di collegare il titolo alla conclusione del tema,
per creare coesione nel testo.
3) Un altro modo per creare un testo coeso è collegare i
paragrafi usando espressioni come “firstly”, “secondly”,
“essentially”, “in substance”, “additionally”, ecc.
4) Individua il destinatario del testo e di conseguenza
adatta il registro linguistico più adatto: formale, informale,
amichevole, accademico, e così via.
5) Pianifica. Pensa a come strutturare il tema:
introduzione, tre paragrafi (ognuno per una delle idee),
6) Conta le parole e se il tema è troppo lungo elimina le
parti meno importanti relativamente alla traccia data.
Ecco alcune espressioni utili per:
Esprimere opinioni: in my opinion, I believe (that) –
Motivare: to – in order to – so as to – so that
Fare una lista: firstly – secondly – finally – in the first
place – lastly
Controbattere un’idea: however – although – whereas
– but – nevertheless – in spite of – despite
Aggiungere informazioni: in addition – moreover –
besides – furthermore
Concludere: in conclusion – to sum up – all in all
Example: “Some people think success is everything. For
others, happiness is all they need. In your opinion, what’s
more important, success or happiness?”
Title: What’s more important, success or happiness?
People don’t always agree on what matters the most in life.
Some believe success is the priority, others that happiness,
rather than wealth (benessere) and recognition, is the
most important ingredient.
Discussion (approx. 2 paragraphs)
Money and recognition, which come as a result of success,
make life easier and can help avoid suffering in some way.
However, there is no guarantee that success will protect
you from everything. Successful people suffer from
jealousy, illnesses, drug addictions and other things just
like everybody else.
Success also usually requires tremendous dedication and
effort. It often comes with big responsibilities and that can
have a very negative effect on people’s health and general
well-being. Stress can actually kill people.
Your idea (1 paragraph)
It all depends on the time you have available to spend with
the people you love. What’s all the success in the world
worth if you do not have time to spend with your friends
and family? It seems like a superficial achievement.
To sum up, success is beautiful if you are able to satisfy
the basic human needs of love and companionship as well.
On its own it’s not worth anything. Happiness is a much
more complete achievement.
Now, it’s your turn to write.
“What is your opinion on video games? Do you think that
they can help people in some ways or are they harmful?”