ELA E LEELA EDUCATION SOCIETY Veeracharya technical Education Complex, Shelu/ Damat, opposite Shelu Railway Station Taluka Karjat, District Raigad 410 201. G.V. Acharya Institute of what s 8i Data 2 Engineering & Technology 6tate ad explain chanachenisHe oF Big Data. - The len Biq Data Vaniey oF daBa. by da Bi daa Bi4 data 1s s - Means huge valme, high vedoc and lhis Bi daha is ineneaging tnemend ausly dy he mos impontant technolaqies in modenn oand. Colechen oF lanqe data bades a t Canno be poces6ed uging adittoral Comptnq technique s. data also inv olves vanieus tools, fechnlqves and name coonkS. Chenacdeni sHes of biDaka SCale oF data OPFene Vlame Vanie Fonms oF data Bi doa Anaybs data Volme Velocity Venacity Uncentainty oF daha t Huge applietions amount of data is qenenated doninq big data h e Gnent of daka genenated q5 oel qs Soneqe Volme is vey biIn Si2e oUCA LEELA EDUCATION SOCIETY Veeracharya technical Education Complex, Shelu/ Damat, opposite Shelu Railway Station, Taluka Karjat. District Raigad - 410 201. G.V. Acharya Institute of Engineering & Technology (i) Vebei Fontne Cnihcal alpplicaBans e Fasten pnotessing s veny ienpaexbe inpantant hane amketinvldeo Stneaminq huge amaunt oF daa is qenenaBed and toned ersines data. pno cesshq Speed oF pmocessing he qmoon and Monhs of dibal data nepeats may be ia b e dosbled a eveny 16 lesshme 1a tone. Ci) Veviehiand Oaone of daBa is /Sndne Bdh. nstnu having 9eat vaniety. veloccyt b &tneginn Vdume Vexcitye deta Caphuned is n in eendain Fonmat Dda Caphuned Can Vay eay. o accunaey Soonce data. oF gnalbts' depends on he vanaciy oF t e LEELA EDUCATION SOCIETY veeracharya technical Educaton Complex Shelu Damat. opposite Shelu Railway Staton Taluka Kanat Dstnct Raigad 410 201 G.V. Acharya Institute of Engineering & Technology we sl note on - Class ReooF Bi Da C) Stedoned Dah S d e l dte is pena and Fema da has a de Rde lk dta. bke Rtsns tables have Fmed Oumber of Columns qnd deBa Can be insereqsed addin badding Exame Stnened dda incdude moks dota as number s, daes on da hke cnds and umbe s. Sncoed oaka is vey Simple desha , ad easy t hone ina detabase. Snces of Snchred data Humen genened daBa Sensen daka; Racho Fregency1 'D *ag5. e b lg data: Ax kiods oF data about hein achhy. Pain-oF- seale dea: Data Gi) Cachine ghensled daka lnpt dat Chck -6lneam oata Camiene ated cdaba G)sgmoded Snucmed dade .RDems G neenplom asocied Scaes LEELA EDUCATION SOCIETY Veeracharya Complex, Shelu /Damat. opposite Shelu Raulway Station LS G.V. Acharya Institute of Engineering & Technology technical Education Taluka Karjat. District Raigad 410 201. i1) Ua-smebed dads Cnshmchuned aailable dea i genenly_daBa Cole ebed_ in a Fnom oihat Hestnicin hen on any FonmaBs i k e aodio, video daa, i , blog daBa che. Exampe: Onstneted data indode video econins oF Ce SveMance. Sonces oF Oosnsced data Homan gerenabed data Stadetemges Sci eFc data Phegnaphs and vides Ci) achine ge nenaded daBa le daa So cia e i a M.5e data G) lsjenenaed gnucded daa .Hadeop .HBase . 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Ooknoan relattonship intenMehon ship Data lacaton Data anay S1s Cost Facho CAP heanem Centnakaed Pysclkly disamibed AFen he Camplete boila. oenn edate Qnaly S1S, Specatzec hh ed lnexpensNe Commondi as hand ogne and Sooare. boxes In closte mode Consistency lop Prionity Aailo ilh Tp Pioi LEELA EDUCATION SOCIETY Veeracharya G.V. technical Education Taluka Acharya Hadeep a s 410 an FasNon on gnd gnehitechune of Hadoop. biq daa Stonaqe and 6tnes and pnocessb -Gounce, Hqdleop Stanage a s sive daa Hedaop Raigad & Technology of Engineering open an m e coonk. distnibed pecks District Dnaud and Expla Hadoop SoFhoane Karjat. Institute Hadaop ohaIs Station Shelu Railway / Damat, opposite Complex, Shelu 201. clagtens lange of Commodiy data o handan qne h e R o i p e n tant p1ocessing aste pmaces6inq oF Hadaop Physieal Anchiteehne Hame dade Seconday Name ade Jos acken Doarlde Datalade Task Tracken Namedade he is kn Name dode Dada Node e he is kaoon Namedode tsmibded ,Namerade 1s has Datadade asn ashe Tracken aS e masten Slave of Job acker Task Tacker oheh Dadanode 4sk Tacken of HDFS. HDFS. keeps es nack of Component. Dadarlede. Componen iune of yle point h e only = LEELA EDUCATION SOCIETY Veeracharya G.V. Damat, opposite technical Education Complex. Shelu/ 410 201 District Raigad Taluka Karjat, Acharya Institute of Railway Shelu Station Engineering & Technology Danade as he Slave of HoFS bok qddnesse s Fam Nameede. he Daanade takes clten coih he Datarde. dine ehe cent Comenuni hs addnesses Osing updoes t namenade. Caninuady lnFms loca) chenqge Daranode Dtande is kaoon Seconda y Namelede ( S ) State Monitoniny of Evey .S e by doslen has 'esides on machine Job Iacken les Joblecken detenmines MeniHing diFFerenh tasks >asks dob one Job Iracken . 4sk acken .lndiidual nacken Mns tasks a .lask THacke uiple to phocess daemon_per a Gingle ay as enven , nade Intenals asstoomets Fon a Ha doap clu6te asdex dobTacken sk Inacke ndde metaca ta a ee. as5ned by Tasemacke hne s onm HDFS damerdade. coih ComnonicatingConstan Only SXA. b also e Spapshts akes S dene SAA. one on i*s HDFS S clsten oF e Qwe is allvoed. cste1. exected nde. pe Slave panalleb muple tasks b sing AJna Semiali2aio)| 2eokepen(Copndtpoathpa ) . Veeracharya LEELA EDUCATION SOCIETY technical Education Complex, Shelu /Damat. opposite Shelu Railway Station Taluka Karjat. District Raigad 410 201. G.V. Acharya Institute of Engineering & Technology Ecsem Apache Hadoop, has Hadacp Cmore pajecs apRedoce Hadoop Drsibuted ile Ssem. Hqdoop ap Ked»ce is a P noming Onitaq appicaton hiCan data HoFS lnpåralel is e on madel god SoPhoane pnocess vast amasnt of lame clstes of Comptens e Sysen, Cnees mulkple nephcas F he data blocks and distnibded hen on Compen Odes naugh out a dusten t enable reliable, etneney Map pnimony Comptaons Ohen Hadoop -related pmejecds ane Chuksa, 4ive, 4Base, ahar, op and Zookeepeh