Jhovan Abasa February 7, 2023 Sir. Mike Ven Atanoza ELECTRO 2 DIODES 1. Diode composition, properties, and characteristics. A diode is a type of electronic component that consists of two electrodes known as anode (which is positively charge electrode) and cathode (the negatively charge electrode). A diode allows an electric current to flow in one direction while blocking it in the opposite direction, which is also referred to as reverse direction. Another property of a diode is that it conducts electric current and is used in a rectifier circuit to convert AC to DC. Forward bias and reverse bias are two well-known diode characteristics. Because forward bias shortens the depletion region, current flows more easily. There is no current flow in reverse bias because they cannot move near the depletion region because it has widened. 2. Diode checking procedure in the ff: Good Diode If the diode is working properly, you should get a reading between 0.5 and 0.9 V, with 0.7 V being typical for forward bias. OL is shown on the multimeter when a good diode is reverse-biased. The diode is acting as an open switch, according to the OL reading. Bad Diode If the meter does not display the above readings, the diode is said to be defective or bad. The diode is bad if readings are the same in both directions. A multimeter will display OL in both directions when the diode is opened. A bad (opened) diode prevents current from flowing in either direction. Shorted Diode If the diode reads low resistances in both directions, this is a sign that the diode is shorted. If a diode shorts, it will burn open if no other failure occurs first. In both directions, a shorted diode shows the same voltage drop reading of approximately 0.4 V. Leaky Diode If you have two readings, the diode is most likely shorted or leaky and should be replaced. The diode leakage current is the current that leaks when a reverse voltage is applied to it.