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MKT362 Pricing End-of-Course Assessment

End-of-Course Assessment - January Semester 2023
This End-of-Course Assessment ECA paper comprises 11 pages (including the
cover page).
The following particulars to be included clearly on the cover page of both your
Essay and Slides submissions: Course code, Title of the ECA, Student's FULL
name, SUSS PI no., and Submission date.
Late submission will be subjected to the marks deduction scheme. Please refer
to the Student Handbook for details.
Do NOT plagiarise or collude this submission.
Word Count for Section A not to exceed 1,500 words.
ECA Submission Deadline: Friday, 10 March 2023 12:00 pm
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ECA – January Semester 2023
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ECA Submission Guidelines
Please follow the submission instructions stated below:
A - What Must Be Submitted
You are required to submit the following THREE (3) items for marking and grading:
A Report (you should submit this item first as it carries the highest weightage).
A Video Presentation: Refer to Canvas L/LG course site’s announcement on “ECA
Video Submission Technical Know How”, which will be posted three weeks before
the ECA cut-off date.
The set of PowerPoint slides, converted to PDF, upon which the video presentation
is based.
Please verify your submissions after you have submitted the above THREE (3) items.
B - Submission Deadline
The THREE (3) items of Report, Video and Presentation Summary are to be
submitted by 12 noon on the submission deadline.
You are allowed multiple submissions till the cut-off date for each of the THREE
(3) items.
Late submission of any of the THREE (3) items will be subjected to mark-deduction
scheme by the University. Please refer to Section 5.2 Para 2.4 of the Student
C - How the (3) Items Should Be Submitted
The Report: submit online to Canvas via TurnItIn (for plagiarism detection)
The Video: submit online to Canvas (refer to Canvas L/LG course site’s
announcement on “ECA Video Submission Technical Know How”, which will be
posted three weeks before the ECA cut-off date.)
The Presentation Summary:
o Submit online to Canvas via TurnItIn (PPT must be converted to PDF and
submission is in PDF only)
o The PPT must contain at least 20 words
Avoid using a public WiFi connection for submitting large video files. If you are
using public wireless (WiFi) connection (e.g. SG Wireless at public areas), you
might encounter a break in the connection when sending large files.
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ECA – January Semester 2023
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D - Additional guidelines on file formatting are given as follows:
1. Report
2. Video
Please ensure that your Microsoft Word document is generated
by Microsoft Word 2016 or higher.
The report must be saved in .docx format.
Showing your PowerPoint projection in the background is NOT
Time Duration: a minimum of 3 minutes and a maximum of 6
There are two methods for ECA video assignment submission; either
Record LIVE or Upload your video created externally.
For Record Media
Video can be recorded via your Canvas course -> Classroom
Recordings through a desktop/laptop with built-in webcam and
For Upload Media
Video can be recorded using other recording devices and uploaded
as a media file. Do ensure that your video file conforms to these
a) File Format: .mp4
Note: Refer to Canvas L/LG course site’s announcement on “ECA
Video Submission Technical Know How”, which will be posted three
weeks before the ECA cut-off date.
3. Presentation
Your PowerPoint presentation must contain at least 20 words.
Please ensure that your PowerPoint presentation is converted to
PDF format before you submit.
The maximum number of slides is fifteen (15).
Please do NOT download and use PowerPoint slide design
templates from the Internet.
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E - Please be Aware of the Following:
Submission in hardcopy or any other means not given in the above guidelines will not
be accepted. You do not need to submit any other forms or cover sheets (e.g. form ET3)
with your ECA.
You are reminded that electronic transmission is not immediate. The network traffic
may be particularly heavy on the date of submission deadline and connections to the
system cannot be guaranteed. Hence, you are advised to submit your work early.
Canvas will allow you to submit your work late but your work will be subjected to the
mark-deduction scheme. You should therefore not jeopardise your course result by
submitting your ECA at the last minute.
It is your responsibility to check and ensure that your files are successfully submitted
to Canvas.
F - Plagiarism and Collusion
Plagiarism and collusion are forms of cheating and are not acceptable in any form in
a student’s work, including this ECA. Plagiarism and collusion are taking work done
by others or work done together with others respectively and passing it off as your own.
You can avoid plagiarism by giving appropriate references when you use other people’s
ideas, words or pictures (including diagrams). Refer to the APA Manual if you need
reminding about quoting and referencing. You can avoid collusion by ensuring that
your submission is based on your own individual effort.
The electronic submission of your ECA will be screened by plagiarism detection
software. For more information about plagiarism and collusion, you should refer to the
Student Handbook (Section You are reminded that SUSS takes a tough stance
against plagiarism or collusion. Serious cases will normally result in the student being
referred to SUSS’s Student Disciplinary Group. For other cases, significant mark
penalties or expulsion from the course will be imposed.
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Video Presentation Evaluation Criteria
Note: Students will be assessed on the quality of the presentation and not the quality of
the video recording. However, the recording is expected to have video and audio
clarity. Showing your PowerPoint projection in the background is NOT required.
Organisation of Presentation
Logical flow of presentation
Posture & Body Language
Posture: Standing, straight back etc…
Body language:
– Hand gestures supporting oral arguments, etc…
Looking at the video camera
No reading of slides or notes or cue cards
Pace & Articulation
Pace: Speaks neither too fast nor too slow
Articulation: Oral expression is clear and confident in the presentation.
Presentation Summary Evaluation Criteria
Format and Style of Slides
Layout, clarity of text elements, colour blends, graphical enhancements
Clarity and Coherence
Proper flow - title page, introduction, body, results,
recommendations / discussion points, conclusion/summary; quick
to understand, free from grammatical errors
Ability to use creative elements to value-add to the presentation
so as to enhance understanding and clarity of difficult concepts
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Important Note: Grading of TMA/GBA/ECA Submissions
Marks awarded to your assignment are based on the following guidelines:
1. 80% of the marks are allocated to the content of your answers:
 The marks awarded to what your answers cover depend on the extent to which
they cover the key points that correctly and comprehensively address each
 The key points should be supported by evidence drawn from course materials
and, wherever relevant, from other credible sources.
2. 20% of the marks are allocated to the presentation of your answers:
Wherever applicable, the marks awarded to how your answers are presented
depend on the extent to which your answers:
 form a sound reasoning by developing those key points in a clear, logical and
succinct manner;
 provide proper and adequate in-text citations and referencing to content drawn
from course materials and other credible sources;
 strictly follow APA formatting and style guidelines 1, in particular for:
• in-text citations and end-of-report references;
• the identification of figures and tables;
 use, wherever relevant, the specialised vocabulary and terminology commonly
used in discussions about the topic(s) covered by each question;
 provide a reference or bibliography at the end of the main report;
 include the less relevant details in an Appendix;
 use sentence constructions that are grammatically and syntactically correct;
 are free from spelling mistakes; present the workings, numerical formulations
and results in a logical manner that follows the APA formatting and style
 design and present graphs, diagrams and plots that follow the APA formatting
and style guidelines;
 are highly original;
 have proper formatting, which may:
• include a properly formatted cover page;
• respect the answer length/word count set out in the assignment
guidelines, if any is prescribed;
• present answers in paragraphs with proper spacing and page margins;
• include page numbers and appendices, if necessary.
You can find a short tutorial on the APA formatting and style guidelines here:
Additional details (pertaining to tables and figures) can be found here: https://is.gd/O4vDdT.
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(Full marks: 100)
Section A (65 marks)
Answer all questions in this section.
Essay Answers - Word Count: do NOT exceed 1,500 words.
Question 1
“Birdseed costs less than meat,” explained the late Dr Goh Keng Swee in 1968 when
asked why not a zoo. The Minister of Finance saw value in having a bird park as a green
escape in an urbanising city, and thus Jurong Bird Park was built before a zoo.
In comparison to the zoo, its cousin seems overlooked; Jurong Bird Park is hardly
crowded, and shows are not grabbed as quick. The unassuming park was once featured
prominently on the itineraries of foreign dignitaries visiting Singapore in the 1970s, but
is currently is embarking on a swan song as it prepares to close for good. The park will
welcome its final guest on January 3rd next year — exactly 52 years to the day that it
first opened its doors — and will move to a new home at Mandai Wildlife Reserve,
consolidating Singapore’s wildlife destinations to a localised area.
The avian park has endured numerous makeovers through the years and welcomed
more than 41 million guests over half a century. It is Asia's largest bird park and has
been charming visitors since taking flight in 1971. The initial admission ticket price
was set at a humble SGD2.50 (which was reprised for the month of January in 2021 to
celebrate its Jubilee). It boasts the world's largest walk-in 2-ha aviary, home to 600 freeflying birds. Visitors are able to enjoy breakfast with these birds while learning about
the feathered residents from avian-keepers. The park has long been a favourite hangout
for school excursions, family outings and shutterbugs.
In recent attempts to draw more traffic, reduced ticket pricing were advertised.
This move to Mandai will mark its biggest milestone thus far as it becomes part of the
new 126-ha eco-tourism hub. It assimilates into other attractions such as the new River
Wonders (currently known as River Safari) and an upcoming resort of 4.6-ha site for a
338-room hotel immersed in flora and fauna.
Soon to go by the name Bird Paradise, the spirit of Jurong Bird Park continues to live
on as one of the five wildlife parks under Mandai Wildlife Group (MWG). With more
than 3,500 birds from over 400 avian species, Bird Paradise intends to thrill visitors
with a wide array of exhibits; from birds in a dense African rainforest to the squawks
of exotic South American wetlands; and from the fluttering species of the colourful
South-East Asian paddy fields to nestlings in Australia’s dry eucalypt forests.
Encouraging discovery at every turn, visitors can explore 8 walk-in aviaries and
immerse themselves in unique biomes and habitats from around the world at this new
17-ha tourist attraction, including a larger avian hospital.
“It's not just pretty sites at this park,” promoted MWG’s CEO Mr Mike Barclay. “This
new wildlife park is designed to bring visitors closer to stunning bird species. It will be
a platform to further its education and conservation work in the region. Almost a quarter
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of the bird species that will be housed there, are threatened”. Well integrated with
modern technology, Bird Paradise boasts its ability to deepen each visitor's
appreciation of the avian world with a plethora of attractions and an unparalleled
display of South East Asian songbirds, allowing the new bird park to soar to greater
Adapted from “New wildlife park Bird Paradise to open in 2Q-2023, featuring 3,500
birds from over 400 species." – Channel News Asia, Sep 2022.
Question 1a
As Jurong Bird Park eases into the final phase of its Product Life Cycle (PLC), illustrate
the following clearly with appropriate examples:
Question 1a(i)
two (2) pricing challenges faced by the Bird Park.
(10 marks)
Question 1a(ii)
two (2) possible pricing strategies the Bird Park can adopt.
(12 marks)
Question 2
You have been hired as the Marketing Consultant by the new Bird Paradise to prepare
for its official launch in year 2023.
Question 2a
Propose one (1) benefit of collecting survey data for estimation of the the most optimal
(4 marks)
Question 2b
Of the three (3) new product pricing strategies at the Introduction Phase of a
Product Life Cycle, namely, skimming the market, penetrating the market, and neutral
market pricing, recommend an initial ticket price. Select one (1) strategy and explain
how this can be the most effective pricing strategy for the new Bird Paradise. Elaborate
on two (2) advantages of your selected strategy.
(11 marks)
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Question 2c
Propose two (2) pricing challenges of your selected pricing strategy.
(10 marks)
Question 3
Admission tickets of the Jurong Bird Park were once advertised at SGD10 on its
website for several months before it closed; far lower than usual adult ticket prices of
other theme park attractions. Some visitors voiced out on social media to express their
dissatisfaction that the tickets were priced fictitiously low as a bait.
To be aligned with the Singapore Code of Advertising Practice (SCAP) and The
Consumer Protection (Fair Trading) Act (CPFTA) on truthful presentation of
prices, recommend three (3) pricing practices to infer how the new Bird Paradise can
prevent and avoid negative consequences with their new pricing. Provide an example
for each practice you recommended. Two (2) reference files are attached for your
(18 marks)
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Section B (25 marks)
Answer all questions in this section.
Presentation Video
Question 4
Each student is to prepare a video of himself or herself presenting summary answers to
the above 3 questions in Section A. The video recording of the presentation should be
at least 3 minutes but NOT exceeding 6 minutes. Refer to Canvas L/LG-course site’s
announcement on “ECA Video Submission Technical Know How”. There are two (2)
methods for ECA video assignment submission; either Record Media or Upload Media.
For Upload Media, ensure your file size should not exceed 500MB and to be in "mp4"
format. Although students will be assessed on the quality of the presentation and not
the quality of the video recording, however, the recording is expected to have both good
video and audio clarity. Students may include their slides (with or without animation)
in the video, but it is NOT required.
(25 marks)
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Section C (10 marks)
Answer all questions in this section.
Presentation Slides
Question 5
Each student is to prepare a deck of not more than 15 slides (excluding the cover slide)
to support the video presentation in Section B. The slides must be submitted in ".pdf"
format and be without animation. The following particulars to be included clearly on
the cover slide of your Presentation Slides submission: Course code, Title of the ECA,
Student's FULL name, SUSS PI no., and Submission date.
(10 marks)
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