Work Summary A. Monthly/When needed 家务(每月) B. Weekly/every 2 weeks 每星期工作 C. General Tidying 一般整理 D. Cooking & Preparing Meals 煮餸及准备膳食 E. Laundry and Ironing 洗衣及熨衫 F. Guests 招待客人 G. Emergency Situations 紧急事故 H. Personal Hygiene and Dress 个人卫生及衣着 I. Pixie J. Other 1 A) Monthly/When needed 家务(每月) 1. Balcony and windows 清洁阳台和阳台窗户。 2. Exterior and interior of the refrigerator 清洁雪柜里面及外面。 3. Kettle 水壶。 4. Bathroom air vents 清洁浴室通风口。 5. Bathroom mats 清洁浴室垫。 6. Washing machine/dryer 洗衣机和烘干机。 7. Light shades 灯和周围。 8. Door and doorframes 清洁门口及门框。 9. Vacuum sofa and clean curtains. 清洗窗帘和沙发。 10. Olivia’s toys 玩具 11. Shoes: polish leather shoes, clean non-leather shoes with detergent or wet cloth 用鞋油刷亮皮革的鞋 用清洁剂或湿布清洁非皮革的鞋 B) Weekly/every 2 weeks 每星期/两星期 1. Kitchen 厨房 - Exhaust fans and smoke hoods 清洁抽气扇油 - Exterior and interior of the oven, toaster, microwave and garbage bin 清洁烤箱、微波炉和垃圾桶的内部和外部。 - Exterior of kitchen cabinets 清洁厨柜面。 - Kitchen rack 清洁厨房用的架 2. Bathroom / 浴室 2 - Bathroom tiles, especially corners and places that easily mould, use cleaning bleach gel when needed 清洗墙砖 - Exterior and interior (when required) of the bathroom cabinet 清洁浴室柜内外及架子。 - Glass shower panels 清洁淋浴玻璃板 - Fully clean out Pixie’s litter box 3. Living Room and Bedrooms 客厅和睡房 - Bed sheets, pillow cases and duvet covers 更换及清洗床单、床笠及枕袋。 - Furniture and decorations 所有家俬及摆设均须扫尘 - Mop the floors - Clean the play mat with wet towel 用清水擦拭 bb 游戏垫 C) General Tidying 一般整理 1. Keep the kitchen clean, tidy and free from odor 保持厨房清洁及整理,并避免产生异味 2. Put back everything in their respective places, e.g. Olivia’s toys 所有物品需放在原位。 3. Use separate towels for different purposes, e.g. separate towels for wiping floor, cleaning furniture, cleaning tables, washing dishes, cleaning kitchen and washing toilets etc. 用不同的抹布予不同的用途,例如将不同抹布分别用于抹地、清洁家具、清洁 饭桌、洗杯、洗洗手盆及清洁厨房等。 4. Check everything before going to bed (e.g. turn off lights, close all doors and windows; bring laundry clothes indoor when outside is humid/will rain overnight, etc) 每晚睡前检查房子所有电器关,电磁炉及门窗,阳台衣物收回室内。 D) Cooking & Preparing Meals 煮餸及准备膳食 1. Wash hands thoroughly before preparing or serving food. 必须彻底清洁双手才准备食物。 3 2. 3. Separate knives/cutting boards for fruit, meat and cooked/uncooked food Soak all veg and fruit in water before cooking/serving. Soak in water+salt+baking soda 4. All drinking water must be boiled before serving (except for bottled water), do not boil the same water twice 所有饮用的水必需达到煲滚程度才可供饮用。 5. Read up on recipes and learn to cook more dishes. 须要学习如何去预备及煮餸,要主动去学煮多些不同款式的餸菜。 6. Do not waste food, but throw away any rotten/damaged food 不可浪费食物。 7. If you have to answer the telephone while cooking, wash your hands before and after. 如果你在煮餸时需要接听电话,必须先清洁双手。 8. Ensure that meals are prepared and served at the proper time. 要确保所预备的餸菜能准时预备妥当。 9. Always keep all dishes and cooking utensils clean. 要经常保持碗碟及厨具清洁。 E) Laundry and Ironing/ 洗衣及熨衫 1. 2. Usual wash cycle: mixed fabric mode, extra rinse, 30 degrees, 800 spin Check labels to see if clothes can be put in washing machine or what temperature to use. Some delicates may need handwashing e.g. silks. Please ask if you are unsure what washing cycle to use. 当有需要时要用手洗名贵衣物。 3. Do not mix colors and whites. Ask if you are unsure. 当洗衣时,不可将容易脱色的衣物其他衣物放在同一机洗。如有任何疑问,应 问清楚僱主。 4. Check all pockets before washing. 先检查衣服的口袋里是否有东西要拿出来才清洗衣服。 5. Ensure clothes are inside-out before washing, except for socks. 要确认衣服是向外翻才放进机洗。 4 6. Wash Olivia’s underwear by hand after her bath 7. Remove dirt/stains with pre-soak stain remover before washing. Presoak for maximum 30 minutes, too long will ruin clothes 要先清洁顽固污渍才放在洗衣机内洗。 8. For ironing, ask if you are unsure what temperature should be used for ironing particular clothes. 如对于一些不清楚物料,便要向僱问清楚可用几高温度去熨这些衣服。 9. Tidy up the drawers and wardrobes from time to time 要定期整理衣柜及抽屉内的衣物。 10. Check and replace the dehumidifiers in the wardrobes if they are full/no longer working 检查衣柜里的干燥剂,若失效,需及时换新。 F) Guests 招待客人 1. When there are guests, please help to serve drinks/food 当客人到访,要随时留意她们的需要。例如准备饮品予客人。 2. After the guests have left, please tidy up 当客人离开,要立即收拾整理地方。 G) Pixie 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Food 3 times per day at 7:30am, 2pm, 10pm Each meal ¼ wet food + 2 spoons dry food. Store unused wet food in the fridge If wet food has been taken from the fridge, heat in microwave for 15 seconds, then add dry food and mix together Check litter box a few times per day to remove any used litter Fully clean out litter box weekly Cover sofa and chairs at night so Pixie can’t scratch H) Other 其他 1. In case of illness, please notify us as soon as possible 5 如有不适,要先通知僱主. 2. Please handle things with care. Report any mistakes or accidents immediately and ask for instruction, be honest and do not try to hide any mistakes 如发生任何意外或做错事,应向僱主汇报及寻求指示。 3. Do not use our belongings unless mutually agreed to do so. 不可擅自使用僱主物品。 4. No contents of the house are allowed to be taken away or removed from the house without prior approval. It will be reported to police immediately if any valuables are stolen. 不可未经僱主同意拿取屋内的任何物品离开,否则如有任何贵重物品遗失,僱 主会立即报警。 No friends or relatives are allowed to the house or allowed to stay overnight. 僱主严禁你带朋友或亲属到僱主屋企或让她们过夜。 5. 6. During work hours, please refrain from making personal calls. If you need to make urgent phone calls, please limit them as much as possible. 在工作时间内,不应倾谈私人电话,如你有紧急的电话要致电,也应尽量减 少。 7. Please make sure that you understand instructions clearly by jotting down instructions if necessary or ask to repeat it. 按照你的僱主指示如何处理家务及照顾小朋友,如有需要,可用笔记下重点或 重覆问清楚僱主以确保你能清晰明白僱主的吩咐。 8. Do not borrow money from finance companies. You will be dismissed if it is found that you have an outside loan from finance companies, in accordance with labor law. 不可向财务公司借钱,如僱主发现你向外面的财务公司借钱,僱主会实时与你 终止合约。 9. Do not use your passport as a collateral to borrow money, store your passport in a safe place. 不可用你的护照作为抵押去借钱,所有文件如护照、合约及身份证都应影印副 本,并将你的正本文件分开及存放于安全的地方。 10. Do not use home address and telephone number without permission. 在未获僱主同意下,你不可给予僱主的地址及电话予他人作任何目的。 6 11. No smoking 严禁吸烟。 12. No drugs, you will be dismissed in accordance with labor law 在任何情况,不可吸毒,雇主可因为该原因终止合同。 13. Save water (but do not boil the same water twice) and energy and use less detergent for cleaning 节约用水及能源,少用清洁剂 14. Turn off lights/air conditioners when they are not in use 电灯及风扇用后要记得关掉。 15. Dilute the detergent when washing dishes 每日的清洁只需用水清洁,对于顽固的污渍才用清洁剂。 16. Be honest, polite, trustworthy, have initiative and hardworking. 你必须诚实、服从、有礼、坦诚、主动及勤奋。 I) Emergency Situations 紧急事故 1. Whenever an emergency occurs, call us IMMEDIATELY and ask for specific instructions. However, when FIRE breaks out, take Olivia and LEAVE THE FLAT FIRST and stay at a safe place, then call us for instructions. 当发生任何紧急事故,记得立即通知僱主寻求指示。但如发生火警,应立即带 婴孩离开屋企,留在安全的地方才致电给僱主再作安排。 J) Personal Hygiene and Dress Code 个人卫生及衣着 1. Pay attention to personal hygiene, e.g. wash hands before preparing food and after going to the toilet, shower daily, wash face and brush teeth after waking up 要注意你的个人卫生,例如:替小孩换尿片前后都要洗手,准备食物及如厕后 都要洗手。每天起床后要洗澡、洗面及刷牙。 2. Keep hair clean and tidy 头发不可过长、要保持头发干净整齐。 3. Keep nails short and clean 要保持指甲干净及不可留长指甲。 4. Change underwear daily 7 每天更换内衣裤。 5. Hand wash underwear and socks 每天手洗你的内裤及袜子。 6. Dispose of sanitary pads properly by wrapping them up and putting them in the garbage bags 卫生巾要包好才掉进垃圾桶。 7. Keep the bedroom clean and fresh 你需要与小孩同房,故要经常保持睡房清洁及空气流通,房门要常开。 I am willing to abide by the terms stated above and will discharge my duties according to my employer’s instructions and rules. 我愿意遵守以上的条款及服从僱主的指示及吩咐。 Signed by 签署: Date 日期: 8