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Report Writing Presentation Slide

Eng. Y. Kishanthan
C.Eng, B.Sc. Eng (Hons), MIE (SL), MIET (UK), MIEEE (UK)
Developing listening competencies
Introduction to Cover Letters and CVs
Writing CV
Completing the job application
Cover letters
Preparing for interview
Summary writing
Writing Short Reports
By the end of this session, you should be able
 Identify different types of CVs and the
rationale for choosing one or another
 Understand how to produce an effective CV for
a range of different purposes
A summary of your qualifications
 Education
 Experiences (all types!!!)
 Skills
Marketing tool + an advertisement on you!
 Know your audience
 Be prepared to spend ample time preparing
Most often used when applying for
Can be used to apply for a internship,
graduate or professional school or leadership
positions in particular organizations
A screening tool with the 10-20 second scan
Resume + Interview + References + Job Offer
Comprehensive biographical statement
Usually 3 or more pages in length
Emphasizes qualifications and activities
Should address roles such as teaching,
research, service, professional associations
and presentations
 In
the United States, a curriculum vitae is
used primarily when applying for
academic, scientific, or research
positions. It is also applicable when
applying for fellowships or grants
When seeking a job in Europe, the Middle
East, Africa, or Asia, expect to submit a
CV rather than a resume
CV will give chance to evaluate yourself
CVs are mostly used to screen candidates
for interview
CVs are the first introducer to the
interviewer and explains your complete
Chronological (order of occurrence in time)
Mix of the two
Traditional approach
Can be useful if you have work experience
directly related to the job/sector you’re
applying for
Skills should be referred to in various
sections of the CV
There is a danger that the chronological CV
can be dry to read
In date order (starting with the most recent
April – December 2011: Venture – Editing Assistant
Working with Photoshop, I have learnt various editing styles. I have gained
customer service experience and understand the importance of listening to
what customers want in order to achieve high sales.
February 2009 – March 2010: Topshop – Retail Assistant
My interest in fashion enabled me to help customers and to suggest styles
that might suit them. I helped to design the layout of the stock in the store,
with an aim to increase our revenue by positioning various items in ‘eyecatching’ places.
Includes a separate skills section
Focuses on the skills and attributes you have
which are relevant to the job
Useful if you have limited or unrelated work
Can be more dynamic and interesting to read
than a chronological CV
May result in minimal details in other
sections, therefore creating an imbalanced
Focusing on skills e.g.
Attention to detail – as an Editing Assistant at Venture, I needed to prove
that I could spot any mistakes or flaws in the photographs, as well as being
attentive to the requests of the customers
Computer skills – I regularly used Photoshop during my time at Venture. I
am also a competent user of Microsoft Office, which I proved throughout my
time as a Retail Assistant at Topshop, where I was often required to produce
reports on our sales
Customer service – in all of my roles, customer service has been of key
importance. I have experience of dealing with difficult customers, and try to
ensure that every customer is satisfied with the service they have received.
Choose the best and most relevant elements
of chronological and skills-based CVs
Includes a separate but shorter skills section
than in pure “skills” CV
Allows space to include some commentary
within the work experience section
Personal details
Personal profile/career objective
Education and qualifications
Professional Qualifications
Work experience
Project Experiences
Skills profile (Personal/Technical)
Interests/extra curricular activities
Name (as a heading rather than ‘CV’)
Website/online portfolio/CV
Address (term-time and home)
Telephone number
Email address
◦ Make sure this is a professional email address
The following are not requirements, but if you wish, you
can include:
◦ Nationality
◦ Sex
◦ Date of birth
Might also be called “career objective” or
Purpose is to highlight key points that you
want an employer to know about you (e.g.
skills, experience, career objective)
Less is more. 1 – 3 sentences, maximum of
4 lines
Strong, positive language
Avoid a list of superlatives
A highly motivated BSc ______ student looking
for a work placement in……………. . I have
strong problem-solving skills and a logical
and analytical approach.
A ______ undergraduate with substantial
work experience in ……………, looking for an
opportunity to develop a career in …………….
Start with the most recent
Don’t forget your current study
◦ Mention relevant modules
◦ You might like to mention top marks
Include the years of study
Primary school not needed
Education and Qualifications
2011 – Present
University of Kent
B.Sc (Hons) in Science
Modules include: Contextual Studies, Creative
Project: Communication and Critique
2009 – 2011
Maidstone Grammar School
A-levels: Physics(A), Mathematics (B),
Information Technology (C)
2005 – 2009
Wrotham School
8 GCSEs including English and Maths
There is no need to list every job you’ve
ever had – detail the most relevant
Don’t just list your duties – sell your skills.
Which skills are relevant to the
position/company you are applying to?
Dates, name of company, position and
September 2009 – present
Recruitment administrator (part-time) – NHS
Trust, London
 Drafting letters ensuring clarity, accuracy and
clear presentation
 Organising interview schedules and liaising
with external agencies regarding work permits
and criminal record checks
 Communicating effectively both face to face
and on the telephone
 Accurately maintaining office information
Skills-based and combination CVs will have
separate skills sections
Chronological CVs need to include references to
skills throughout the CV i.e. in all or some of the
education, work experience, interests sections
Include skills which are relevant and of interest to
the job/employer/sector
Always provide evidence for skills
Make links between your skills and the job –
show how you are a good match with the job
Team work
Problem solving
Self awareness
Flexibility and
Commitment and
Team & Staff Supervision. Supervise a 20-person meeting planning
staff. Interview, make hiring recommendations, develop
performance plans and incentive goals, review performance and
progress toward goals, ensure effective on-boarding of new staff.
Expectations include high levels of action ownership, empowerment
and goal achievement.
Best Practices. Actively support the selection and implementation of
technical standards best practices. Developed and delivered
education programs. Personally provided training to managers and
line staff.
Process Innovation. Researched, analyzed, recommended, and
implemented process improvements to distribution of membership
“welcome” packages. Decreased interim from membership purchase
to ship-date from 23 calendar days to 1.5 calendar days in two
created instructed analyzed produced
negotiated designed calculated maintained
administered controlled reviewed
consolidated delivered founded increased
studied invented supplied detected
programmed recommended distributed
developed solved prepared installed
selected arranged formulated solved started
Choose interests and activities which can demonstrate skills
relevant to the job such as:
Your intellectual abilities
Your personality
Your artistic ability
Ideally, one academic and your manager
Ask permission from your reference and let
them know what position(s) you’ve applied
Use relevant references if possible
You can say ‘references available on
request’ rather than including contact
details if you wish
The first visual impression of your CV is important
For standard CVs, use plain white A4 paper
Do not double side
Keep your CV to two sides of paper
Check your spelling
Use bullet points and bold font but in moderation
Formatting – make sure it’s consistent
Size 10-12 font (depending on font style)
Clear font e.g. Arial, Calibri
Focus on accomplishments
Target your CV to that job/company
Use short, concise sentences
Consider your audience
Avoid folding your CV
Don’t include irrelevant information –
previous Salary, unproofed awards, prizes and
publications etc.
Say what you did, not what you think
Personal information – marital status,
religion, health, native place etc.
Avoid unusual font size, stylish letters,
graphics, underlining and unusual spacing
Avoid repeating information
Avoid personal pronouns (I, my, me)
Don’t outsource, do it yourself
4 Marutham nagar, Coimbatore –20
Phone: 0422 - 2405316
e mail: kvenkatesh@rediffmail.com
Objectives :
 seeking a suitable and challenging career-oriented job with an organization where my
knowledge and skills could be utilized to the maximum.
 Bachelor of Commerce
 (Completed in 2004 at Kovai Kalaimagal College of Arts and Science, Bharathiar
University, Coimbatore)
 Diploma in computer Accounting Management (DCAM)
 Presently working as System Administrator cum Accounts Assistants at Cheran
Group of Companies
- Responsibilities: Maintenance of all Accounts, Handle Central Excise and
Commercial Tax, Rectifying the minor problems in computer both software and
hardware.Maintenance and Trouble Shooting of Systems in Lan Environment (10
systems with printers).
 working in a financial company as Accountant (Part time job),
 Attended Advanced Accountancy Training during summer holidays
Skill Sets:
Soft Ware Knowledge:
Language: Visual Basic 6.0, H.T.M.L and Basic
DBMS: Fox Pro, MS-Access and Fox base
Operating System: Windows 98,ME,XP and Ms-Dos
Server Based OS: Windows 2000 Server
Packages: Tally 5.4., Ms-Office and WordStar
Languages Known: Tamil, Hindi, Malayalam, and English
Soft Skills: Good Communication, Key boarding skill, Commitment to the work and
Adjustable with others.
Received a shield for standing FIRST in overall academics during the second year
Best Cadet Award received in NCC for the year 2002- 2003
Participated in H.A.T Competition conducted by Christ College –Bangalore.
Member of Anti Corruption Movement (Chennai)
Minor Project about “Micro Credit for Rural Women Groups” done in UG Course
Check that your CV is:  Easy to read – logical, clear, organised
 Focused – targeted at the opportunity
 Prioritised – it gives the most important and
relevant information towards the beginning
 Positive – it includes pro-active language
 Correct – free of spelling mistakes and other
“ Each job is different and each employer will
be looking for different things. You need to
find out what these are and emphasise the
relevant parts of your CV. This will obviously
take more of your time but can make all the