Test blueprint Table (Table of Specification) Table 3: Test blueprint framed using themes/domains, competencies and learning outcomes with the hierarchy of learning Patient care 85% Assess, optimiz e, and prepar e patient s for Anesth esia and surgery (15%) Pre-operative Postoperative Assessment and Care 3 AO1: Identify the relevant pre-anesthetic history to Anesthesia and surgery 15 AO2: Determine relevant physical examination to Anesthesia and surgery AO3: Choose relevant laboratory and diagnostic investigations as per patient indication AO4: Interpret laboratory findings & imaging relevant to Anesthesia - 4 7 2 - - AO5: Select routine medications and anesthetic agents AO6: Score and stratify patient clinical status AO7: Decide patient fitness for Anesthesia AO8: Explain components of an Anesthesia management plan based on pre-anesthetic assessment findings AO9: Revise components of informed consent No. of items Attitude Analysis Specific objectives Evaluation Creation/Sy nthesis Skill Knowledge Application Cr. Hr. Competencies Understandi ng Themes and Share of the theme Gene ral objec tives Rememberi ng List of Courses Compe tencies (share of Compe tency) 1 1 AO10: Explain appropriate information to be offered to patients on the anesthetic management plan AO11: Check comprehension of patients, patient families, and other legal body AO12: Calculate intravenous fluid requirement based on patient conditions AO13: Differentiate intravenous fluids with their compositions AO14: Identify the right dose and concentration of emergency drugs required for the provision of safe Anesthesia AO15: Decide patient-specific fasting guidelines AO16: Select appropriate premedication drugs as per the health status of the surgical patient AO17: Analyze the principles of patient and family counseling and education AO18: Justify preoperative cessation of smoking guidelines for Surgical patients AO19: Decide preoperative drug discontinuation/ continuation that is relevant to Anesthesia and No. of items Attitude Evaluation Creation/Sy nthesis Skill Specific objectives Analysis Knowledge Application Cr. Hr. Competencies Understandi ng Themes and Share of the theme Gene ral objec tives Rememberi ng List of Courses Compe tencies (share of Compe tency) No. of items Attitude Evaluation Creation/Sy nthesis Skill Specific objectives Analysis Knowledge Application Cr. Hr. Competencies Understandi ng Themes and Share of the theme Gene ral objec tives Rememberi ng List of Courses Compe tencies (share of Compe tency) surgery. Prepar Basics of Anesthesia e& utilize Anesth esia machin es, equipm ent, supply, and monito ring devices (17%) 3 AO1: Recognize the possible hazards that happen in Anesthesia practice 1 1 AO2: Propose strategies to minimize professional hazards of Anesthesia including operating room pollution AO3: Apply the principle of infection prevention AO4: Apply measures to reduce position and procedure-related injuries AO4: Apply measures to reduce surgical error and patient harm AO5: Explain mechanisms to check the availability, functionality, and connection of medical gas sources AO6: Differentiate medical gas sources AO7: Identify types of medical gases AO8: Outline troubleshooting mechanisms for pipeline, cylinders and Anesthesia machine AO9: Recognize different parts of the Anesthesia 7 4 2 1 1 17 No. of items Attitude Evaluation Creation/Sy nthesis Skill Specific objectives Analysis Knowledge Application Cr. Hr. Competencies Understandi ng Themes and Share of the theme Gene ral objec tives Rememberi ng List of Courses Compe tencies (share of Compe tency) machine AO10: Analyze routine Anesthesia machine functionality test steps AO11: Solve routine Anesthesia machine malfunction AO12: Justify standards of patient monitoring AO13: Interpret common findings from standards patient monitoring (Pulseoxymetery & ETCO2) AO14: Interpret 12 lead ECG AO15: Select airway equipment for different age groups and procedure AO16: Select ancillary equipment used in the management of difficult airway AO17: Select appropriate anesthetic breathing systems AO18: Outline safe utilization principles of a defibrillator for shockable cardiac arrest rhythms Manag e Airway Management 3 AO1: Interpret different airway examination findings AO2: Identify patients with difficult airways using - 4 4 1 1 12 patient s’ airways using differe nt modali ties (12%) relevant history AO3: Propose airway management plan AO4: Suggest airway maneuvers AO5: Evaluate the effectiveness of bag-mask ventilation AO6: Justify the use of airways (oral & nasopharyngeal) AO7: Utilize supraglottic devices (SGDs) LMAs, AO8: Rationalize the use of endotracheal intubation (nasal and oral) AO9: Plan other alternative measures between airway management attempts AO10: Outline management plan for patients with difficult airways according to acceptable guidelines (DAS/ASA) AO11: Recognize the need for consultation for further airway management AO12: Identify extubation criteria 1 1 No. of items Attitude Evaluation Creation/Sy nthesis Skill Specific objectives Analysis Knowledge Application Cr. Hr. Competencies Understandi ng Themes and Share of the theme Gene ral objec tives Rememberi ng List of Courses Compe tencies (share of Compe tency) No. of items Attitude Evaluation Creation/Sy nthesis Skill Specific objectives Analysis Knowledge Application Cr. Hr. Competencies Understandi ng Themes and Share of the theme Gene ral objec tives Rememberi ng List of Courses Compe tencies (share of Compe tency) AO13: Devise management plan for common airway complications Manag e safe Anesth esia (22.5) Obstetrics & Gynecologic Anesthesia, Neonatal &Pediatrics Anesthesia, Geriatric Anesthesia General & urologic surgery Anesthesia, Trauma & orthopedic Anesthesia, Neurosurgery Anesthesia, Thoracic emergency Anesthesia, Naxillofacial and ENT Anesthesia, Ophthalmic 50 AO1: Justify the effect of different anatomic changes of pregnancy on the intraoperative anesthetic management 22. 5 AO2: Justify the effect of different physiologic changes of pregnancy on the intraoperative anesthetic management 1 AO3: Formulate Anesthesia management plan for clients undergoing obstetrics surgery AO4: Develop Anesthesia management options for patients undergoing gynecologic surgery AO5: Outline management plan for intraoperative complications during obstetrics and gynecologic surgery AO6: Recognize neonates in need of resuscitation n AO7: Propose Anesthesia management options for high-risk pregnancy AO8: Choose Anesthesia management for a pregnant 1 5.5 7 3 3 1 Anesthesia, woman coming for non-obstetric surgery Pharmacology for Anesthetists, Anesthesia for coexisting diseases AO9: Explain the anesthetic implication of the anatomic differences between children and adults AO10: Explain the anesthetic implication of physiological and psychological differences between children and adults AO11: Explain the anesthetic implication of the pharmacological differences between children and adults AO12: Devise intraoperative Anesthesia management for common pediatrics and neonatal emergency surgeries AO13: Formulate management plan for common intraoperative complications during pediatrics and neonatal emergency surgeries AO14: Plan Anesthesia for pediatrics and neonate with common comorbidities AO15: Analyze the implications of aging on Anesthesia management No. of items Attitude Evaluation Creation/Sy nthesis Skill Specific objectives Analysis Knowledge Application Cr. Hr. Competencies Understandi ng Themes and Share of the theme Gene ral objec tives Rememberi ng List of Courses Compe tencies (share of Compe tency) AO16: Select appropriate anesthetic drugs and techniques for geriatric patients undergoing surgery AO17: Plan intraoperative Anesthesia care for geriatric patients AO18: Propose management plan for common intraoperative complications for geriatrics AO19: Apply different components of ERAS for Anesthesia management AO20: Predict the effects of different anesthetic drugs on body systems AO21: Select appropriate anesthetic drugs and techniques for common general and urology surgery AO22: Outline management options for common intra-operative complications during general and urology surgery AO23: Plan management for different types of shock AO24: Plan intra-operative Anesthesia management for trauma and orthopedic surgery AO25: Propose management plan for intraoperative No. of items Attitude Evaluation Creation/Sy nthesis Skill Specific objectives Analysis Knowledge Application Cr. Hr. Competencies Understandi ng Themes and Share of the theme Gene ral objec tives Rememberi ng List of Courses Compe tencies (share of Compe tency) complications during orthopedic and trauma patients AO26: Apply principles of damage control resuscitative surgery AO27: Outline Anesthesia management plan for a patient with burn AO28: Choose fluid, electrolyte and blood products AO29: Analyze fluid management considerations for neurosurgeries AO30: Explain the effect of different neurosurgical positioning in anesthetic management AO31: Identify management principles for raised ICP AO32: Plan Anesthesia care for neurosurgeries AO33: Justify management plan for intraoperative complications during neurosurgeries AO34: Propose Anesthesia management plan for head injury patients AO35: Select the appropriate anesthetic drugs and techniques for patients undergoing emergency No. of items Attitude Evaluation Creation/Sy nthesis Skill Specific objectives Analysis Knowledge Application Cr. Hr. Competencies Understandi ng Themes and Share of the theme Gene ral objec tives Rememberi ng List of Courses Compe tencies (share of Compe tency) thoracic surgery AO36: Differentiate common intraoperative complications during thoracic surgery AO37: Recognize the effects of positioning and Anesthesia on respiratory mechanics AO38: Justify indications for lung isolation AO39: Outline Anesthesia management plan for onelung ventilation AO40: Identify intraoperative complications during thoracic surgery AO41: Plan intra-operative anesthetic care for maxillofacial and ENT surgery AO42: Identify challenges specific to maxillofacial and ENT surgeries AO43: Develop management plan for complications specific to maxillofacial and ENT surgeries AO44: Analyze the interaction between ophthalmic medications and anesthetic agents and adjuvants No. of items Attitude Evaluation Creation/Sy nthesis Skill Specific objectives Analysis Knowledge Application Cr. Hr. Competencies Understandi ng Themes and Share of the theme Gene ral objec tives Rememberi ng List of Courses Compe tencies (share of Compe tency) AO45: Explain management principles for raised IOP AO46: Plan intra-operative Anesthesia care for ophthalmic surgery AO47: Outline intraoperative Anesthesia management plan of patients undergoing emergency ophthalmic surgery AO48: Identify intraoperative complications of patients undergoing ophthalmic surgery AO49: Justify day-case patient selection protocols AO50: Select appropriate anesthetic drugs and techniques for day-case patient management AO51: Outline discharge criteria for day-case surgical patients AO52: Identify peculiar challenges and safety risks associated with remote Anesthesia AO53: Devise management plan for complications during remote Anesthesia AO54: Identify relevant anatomical landmarks for regional Anesthesia No. of items Attitude Evaluation Creation/Sy nthesis Skill Specific objectives Analysis Knowledge Application Cr. Hr. Competencies Understandi ng Themes and Share of the theme Gene ral objec tives Rememberi ng List of Courses Compe tencies (share of Compe tency) AO55: Decide patient fitness for regional Anesthesia (Indication/ contraindication) AO56: Identify relevant equipment and material for regional nerve blocks AO57: Evaluate the required volume, dosage, and concentrations of local anesthetics and adjuvants for regional Anesthesia AO58: Explain techniques for spinal Anesthesia AO59: Explain techniques for peripheral nerve blocks AO60: Determine the effectiveness of block AO61: Propose management options for intraoperative complications during regional Anesthesia AO62: Justify the impact of comorbidities on Anesthesia management and patient outcome AO63: Diagnose patients with common co-morbid conditions before Anesthesia and surgery AO64: Suggest optimization plan for patients with common co-morbid conditions before Anesthesia and No. of items Attitude Evaluation Creation/Sy nthesis Skill Specific objectives Analysis Knowledge Application Cr. Hr. Competencies Understandi ng Themes and Share of the theme Gene ral objec tives Rememberi ng List of Courses Compe tencies (share of Compe tency) Attitude No. of items Evaluation Creation/Sy nthesis Skill Specific objectives Analysis Knowledge Application Cr. Hr. Competencies Understandi ng Themes and Share of the theme Gene ral objec tives Rememberi ng List of Courses Compe tencies (share of Compe tency) 1 6 surgery AO65: Select appropriate drugs and techniques for patients with common co-morbidity AO66: Plan intra-operative Anesthesia care technique for patients with a common co-morbid condition AO67: Identify common complications of patients with common co-morbid conditions during Anesthesia and surgery Provide Preoperative and postop Postoperative erative Assessment and care anesth etic care (6%) 3 AO1: Recognize components of postoperative care AO2: Develop a postoperative management plan AO3: Critique the design and staffing of the PACU AO4: Decide patient admission and discharge to and from PACU AO5: Propose appropriate transfer of care and responsibility during the handover of patients AO6: Assess the patient’s status on arrival at PACU AO7: Plan postoperative care during patient transportation from OR - 2 2 1 No. of items Attitude Evaluation Creation/Sy nthesis Skill Analysis Application Specific objectives Understandi ng Knowledge 1.6 AO8: Diagnose common postoperative complications of the surgical patient admitted to PACU AO9: Stratify patient condition using different risk scoring and stratification methods AO10: Devise management plan for common postoperative complications AO11: Recognize the need for consultation in PACU 3 AO1: Identify essential components of history for patients with pain AO2: Rate pain using different pain rating scales AO3: Recognize the impact of pain on different body systems AO4: Recognize pain pathway AO5: Devise a pain management plan using the WHO analgesic ladder AO6: Recognize patients with pain AO7: Measure the effectiveness of pain management regularly 3.5 Regional Anesthesia and Pain Management 0.63 Manag e pain for differe nt patient groups (3.5) 0.63 Cr. Hr. Competencies Rememberi ng Themes and Share of the theme Gene ral objec tives 0.6 List of Courses Compe tencies (share of Compe tency) No. of items Attitude Evaluation Creation/Sy nthesis Skill Specific objectives Analysis Knowledge Application Cr. Hr. Competencies Understandi ng Themes and Share of the theme Gene ral objec tives Rememberi ng List of Courses Compe tencies (share of Compe tency) AO8: Recognize complications related to pain management modalities and drugs AO9: Propose management plan for complications related to pain management modalities and drugs AO10: Recognize the role of psychological, social, rehabilitation, and other support services AO11: Identify common types of chronic pain syndromes Engage in prehospita l, emerg ency, and critical care service s (3.5%) Emergency medicine and Critical Care 1.5 AO1: Recognize critically ill patients 3.5 AO2: Recognize risks associated with patient transfer (physical, psychological, and organizational) AO3: Evaluate the condition of patients during transportation AO4: Apply different stabilization techniques during the transport of a critically ill patient AO5: Apply special precautions during the transfer and intubation of trauma patients AO6: Recognize problems encountered during retrieval of victims from the scene - 2 1 0. 5 AO7: Explain the national Early Warning score AO8: Recognize the goals of initial assessment and monitoring of critically ill patients AO9: Identify danger (warning) signs in critically ill patients AO10: Identify indications for endotracheal intubation of critically ill patients AO11: Apply principles of the primary survey AO12: Apply principles of a secondary survey during patient assessments AO13: Recognize special considerations during the management of pediatric and obstetric critically ill patients AO14: Recognize the need for a multi-disciplinary team during the management of emergency and critically ill patients AO15: Identify common causes of respiratory failure AO16: Recognize patients’ admission and discharge criteria to & from ICU No. of items Attitude Evaluation Creation/Sy nthesis Skill Specific objectives Analysis Knowledge Application Cr. Hr. Competencies Understandi ng Themes and Share of the theme Gene ral objec tives Rememberi ng List of Courses Compe tencies (share of Compe tency) No. of items Attitude Evaluation Creation/Sy nthesis Skill Specific objectives Analysis Knowledge Application Cr. Hr. Competencies Understandi ng Themes and Share of the theme Gene ral objec tives Rememberi ng List of Courses Compe tencies (share of Compe tency) AO17: Recognize indication and principles of mechanical ventilation in ICU AO18: Plan electrolyte and acid-base disturbance management AO19: Apply ABCDE approaches to Manage immediate life-threatening conditions) AO20: Select different settings of ventilation according to the indication Perfor m cardiop ulmona ry resusci tation (CPR) (5.5%) AO1: Analyze the setting to manage critically ill patients 1 1 AO2: Assess critically ill patients regularly using ABCDE AO3: Differentiate patients who need urgent responses AO4: Recognize reversible causes of cardiac arrest AO5: Recognize the importance of high-quality CPR and its impact on survival AO6: Propose management plan for Airway Obstruction 1 1 0. 5 1 5.5 No. of items Attitude Evaluation Creation/Sy nthesis Skill Specific objectives Analysis Knowledge Application Cr. Hr. Competencies Understandi ng Themes and Share of the theme Gene ral objec tives Rememberi ng List of Courses Compe tencies (share of Compe tency) AO7: Plan effective ventilation strategies by using a barrier device AO8: Justify the effectiveness of chest compression AO9: Propose defibrillation using AED AO10: Suggest advanced airway management modalities during life-threatening airway obstructions AO11: Plan management option for patients with respiratory arrest using artificial ventilation AO12: Diagnose cardiac arrest AO13: Develop pharmacological and electrical interventions plan for cardiac arrest AO14: Recognize the role of the multi-disciplinary team during post-resuscitation care AO15: Develop essential post-resuscitation care AO16: Recognize the need for appropriate documentation throughout the peri-arrest period Professionalis m and ethics 8% Uphold the Introduction to Anesthesia II 3 AO1: Justify the applicability of ethical principles in Anesthesia practice - 2 3 1 1 1 8 Anesth esia practic e standar d and ethics and be accoun table to the public and the profess ion (8%) AO2: Solve ethical dilemmas and uncertainties AO3: Analyze ethical Anesthesia practice during interactions with patients and their families/ attendants and colleagues. AO4: Apply different principles to resolve the ethical dilemma AO5: Recognize the role of law in Anesthesia practice AO6: Recognize the rights, interests, and needs of patients and their family AO7: Apply codes of ethics in the practice of Anesthesia per the national guideline AO8: Rationalize the need to practice within the defined scope of professional requirements AO9: Recognize the consequence of breaching the defined scope of practice AO10: Comply with the standard of practice AO11: Identify acute events and complication strategies with the surgical team No. of items Attitude Evaluation Creation/Sy nthesis Skill Specific objectives Analysis Knowledge Application Cr. Hr. Competencies Understandi ng Themes and Share of the theme Gene ral objec tives Rememberi ng List of Courses Compe tencies (share of Compe tency) No. of items Attitude Evaluation Creation/Sy nthesis Skill Specific objectives Analysis Knowledge Application Cr. Hr. Competencies Understandi ng Themes and Share of the theme Gene ral objec tives Rememberi ng List of Courses Compe tencies (share of Compe tency) AO12: Recognize the communication model and process AO13: Propose safe, effective, and consistent communication with a multidisciplinary team AO14: Plan safe, effective, and consistent communication with a patient AO15: Recognize the need for appropriate Anesthesia documentation Education, research, and EBP 2.5 % Demon strate commi tment to excelle nce in Anesth esia practic e throug h the applica Research method, Clinical Audit and Evidence based Practice (2.5%) AO1: Justify the application of research in Anesthesia practice 2.5 AO2: Distinguish the commonly used research designs AO3: Determine sample & sampling methods AO4: Identify appropriate research objectives AO5: Justify Ethical principles in research AO6: Recognize the need for evidence-based practice AO7: Recommend credible online resources for Anesthesia practice - 1 1 .5 tion of eviden ce to practic e and researc h activiti es No. of items Attitude Evaluation Creation/Sy nthesis Skill Specific objectives Analysis Knowledge Application Cr. Hr. Competencies Understandi ng Themes and Share of the theme Gene ral objec tives Rememberi ng List of Courses Compe tencies (share of Compe tency) AO8: Compare different sources of information AO9: Appraise published articles critically AO10: Recognize critically appraised literature AO11: Justify the relevance of clinical audit in Anesthesia practice AO12: Outline audit cycle AO13: Explain performance standards of practice AO14: Choose appropriate audit methodologies AO15: Outline dissemination strategies of clinical audit findings Leadership and management Manag e Anesth esia service in a health facility Leadership and Management (3%) 3 AO1: Assess workplace, health, and safety for patients and staff (eg: AFAT) 1 AO2: Develop Anesthesia service work plan AO3: Prioritize short- and long-term plans for the service in consultation with multidisciplinary team members AO4: Propose appropriate technology and standardized practices that support safe practice - 1 1 3 No. of items Attitude Evaluation Creation/Sy nthesis Skill Specific objectives Analysis Knowledge Application Cr. Hr. Competencies Understandi ng Themes and Share of the theme Gene ral objec tives Rememberi ng List of Courses Compe tencies (share of Compe tency) AO5: Formulate appropriate and corrective measures to solve problems encountered AO6: Develop management plan of conflicts with patients and multidisciplinary team AO7: Evaluate resource utilization as per the plan and organizational policy AO8: Examine the quality of service using key performance indicators AO9: Develop Anesthesia service reports AO10: Analyze report findings to improve Anesthesia practice AO11: Identify Anesthesia service standards Health promotion and disease prevention 1.5 % Asses and diagno se comm unity health proble ms AO12: Formulate strategies for the delivery of highquality Anesthesia service. AO13: Recognize the importance of regular discussions with surgical team members AO1: Assess community health problems Health promotion and disease prevention 1.5% AO2: Prioritize community health problems in relevance to Anesthesia AO3: Recognize national priority diseases and control program AO4: Analyze community needs assessment to provide surgical, Anesthesia, and critical care 1.5 0.5 1 (0.5%) Plan and imple ment health promo tion and disease preven tion interve ntions (1%) AO1: Formulate health education strategies in various contexts/settings A02: Develop means for awareness creation of the Anesthesia profession to the patient AO3: Explain healthy lifestyles (diet, exercise) and behaviors for risk reduction AO4: Apply infection prevention and control strategies AO5: Plan for awareness creation of infection prevention and control (IPC) measures No. of items Attitude Evaluation Creation/Sy nthesis Skill Specific objectives Analysis Knowledge Application Cr. Hr. Competencies Understandi ng Themes and Share of the theme Gene ral objec tives Rememberi ng List of Courses Compe tencies (share of Compe tency)