Chemical Engineering Technology 1 CET150X Graduate attribute assessment. The Problem You have been employed in a company that primarily produces potassium sulphate (K2SO4). The section of the plant that you are responsible for concentrates K2SO4. You are expected to use 3 different permutation in the process conditions to solve all the unknown composition and flowrates. You are also expected to use Microsoft excel to solve this problem and showing the impact of the 3 permutations. You are expected to write a report for the company stating the outcomes of the permutations A solution M1 containing 18% KCl, 3% K2SO4 and 79% water is fed to the process shown below at the rate of 150 kg/hr. The compositions of the streams are as follows in mass percent. The process conditions are: Permutation 1: Evaporator product (M5): KCl – 17%, K2SO4 – 22%, H2O – 61%. Recycle (M7) KCl – 20%. M3= 100% KCl M4= 100% H20 M6=100% K2SO4 Permutation 2: Evaporator product (M5): KCl – 22%, K2SO4 – 15%, H2O – 63%. Recycle (M7) KCl – 15%. M3= 100% KCl M4= 100% H20 M6=100% K2SO4 Permutation 3: Evaporator product (M5): KCl – 15%, K2SO4 – 25%, H2O – 60%. Recycle (M7) KCl – 15%. M3= 95% KCl, H2O – 5%. M4= 100% H20 M6=100% K2SO4 Activities 1. Class exercise to calculate the first permutations of the GA exercise. 2. Create an excel spreadsheet to explore the three permutation 3. Write a report on the purpose of the project, a comparison of the results and the proposed suggestion and the rationale for choosing the permutation The Questions related to the Problem 1 . For a feed rate of 150 mol/hr of stream 1.1. Draw a block flow diagram and draw and 1.2. Complete the degree-of-freedom analysis table ( use Ms word and Ms Excel) to determine if the process is correctly specified. 2. Determine all unknown flow rates and compositions in the process for all the permutations. RUBRICS FOR GA 1: Problem Solving: Apply engineering principles to systematically diagnoze and solve welldefined engineering problems Level 4 Level 3 Level 2 Level 1 Strong Competent Developing Needs Work Demonstrates a skillful ability to identify / articulate a problem that is strongly supported and clearly liked to the issues at hand 15 14 13 12 Demonstrates ability to identify/ articulate a problem that is clearly linked to the issue at hand. 11 10 9 8 Demonstrates some ability to identify/ articulate a problem that is partially connected to the issue at hand. 7 6 5 Achieved Demonstrates minimal or no ability to identify / articulate a problem. 4 3 2 1 0 RUBRICS FOR GA 2: Application of scientific and engineering knowledge: Apply knowledge of mathematics, natural science, and engineering sciences to defined and applied engineering procedures, processes, systems and methodologies to solve well-defined engineering problems. Level 4 Level 3 Level 2 Level 1 Strong Competent Developing Needs Work Demonstrates a comprehensive understanding of underlying theory and application to the problem. 15 14 13 12 Demonstrates an ability to understand the application of theory to the problem. Demonstrates some ability to understand the application of theory to the problem. 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 Achieved Demonstrates minimal or no ability to understand the application of theory to the problem. 3 2 1 0 RUBRICS FOR GA 5: Engineering methods, skills, tools, including Information Technology: Use appropriate techniques, resources and modern engineering tools, including information technology, prediction and modelling, for the solution of well-defined engineering problems, with an understanding of the limitations, restrictions, premises, assumptions and constraints. Level 4 Level 3 Level 2 Level 1 Strong Competent Developing Needs Work Demonstrates skillful ability to identify the most relevant tools for a range of engineering activity. 15 14 13 12 Demonstrates an ability to identify and use relevant tools for an engineering activity. 11 10 9 Demonstrates some ability to identify and use tools for an engineering activity, but may not identify the most relevant tool. 8 7 6 5 4 Achieved Demonstrates minimal or no ability to identify or use tools for an engineering activity. 3 2 1 0