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Upwork Contractor Onboarding for Payment Research

Upwork Contractor Onboarding
Research Objective
5 minutes
Process Overview
15 minutes
Survey Walkthrough & Tracking Tools
15 minutes
FAQs & Questions From the Floor
10 minutes
Confidential, Client Name
Research Objective
Research Background
Researcher Tasks
• Researchers will be required to:
Stonewater’s main objective for the study
is to understand the payment acceptance
landscape (cash vs. card and non-card
payment methods) within the formal
economy of each country market studied
Across regions, Stonewater wants to
better understand the payment
acceptance landscape for merchants
1. Visit brick-and-mortar shops based on allocated
business types and sizes to conduct in-person
2. Interview merchants with questions provided in
Qualtrics survey, and key in merchant responses
in the same online survey entry
3. Take pictures of each merchant’s storefront and
cashier counter, which are to be uploaded to
Google Drive as proof of completion
Confidential, Client Name
General Process Flow (Researcher Level)
Hired/submitted proposal
via Upwork
Attends briefing
Adjust interview loading
(if needed)
Accepts offer on Upwork
(if haven’t already)
[3rd Jan/1st Milestone]
Research begins; initial
deposit received (20% of
[3rd Milestone] 100% of
the total budget
SWP to verify survey
responses and photos
100% of required
interviews completed
[2nd Milestone] 50% of the
total budget deposited
Additional 100% of the
deposit given as a bonus
for merchant incentive
[Conditional upon
receiving merchant
email/phone number]
Completed / In Progress
50% of required
interviews completed
SWP to verify survey
responses and photos
Additional 100% of the
deposit given as a bonus
for merchant incentive
[Conditional upon
receiving merchant
email/phone number]
Researcher Tasks
SWP Activities
Confidential, Client Name
Process Flow (Merchant Level)
If not within the assigned business
type(s) and/or size(s), terminate the
survey and start with a new merchant
Arrive at stores based on
assigned business types &
If the employee is not willing to participate, or if it is
a micro business without paper documents,
terminate the survey and start with a new merchant
Record business details in
Qualtrics survey with
unique link given (e.g.,
merchant code, address,
business type, etc.)
Take picture of storefront
and cashier counter (can
also do this after the
Approach store owner,
clerk, or cashier with the
introduction in prompt
given to start the
If the employee agrees,
begin the interview with
survey questions; to
record responses on
Qualtrics survey
Upload storefront and
cashier counter photos on
Google Drive (label folder
as merchant code, e.g.,
Pay merchant (if needed)
Submit completed survey
response in Qualtrics
Take picture of storefront
and cashier counter (if
haven’t already)
Key in details of the
completed interview on
shared Google Sheet for
Paste link to Google Drive
folder containing store
photos in the same
Google Sheet
Repeat the process with a new merchant
Researcher Tasks
Option to Do One of the Two
Confidential, Client Name
Script / Spiel as Introduction to Merchants
“Hi, we are conducting a survey to help understand the ways in which businesses like yours accept
payments. For example, cash, credit card, mobile wallets, etc.
The purpose of this survey is to help improve the payment experience for your consumers.
Would you be willing to give me 10 minutes of your time to ask you some questions?”
OPTIONAL (If not keen): “As a way of thanking you, we will provide you with a gift of [USD 4 equivalent in
local currency].”
Confidential, Client Name
Payment Structure
Deposit Amount
Merchant Incentive Deposited as
Example (a scenario where total budget on Upwork is $160
for 40 interviews)
1. Initial Deposit (Research
Start – 3 Jan)
20% of budget
$32 as deposit, to incentivize merchants if needed
2. 50% of Assigned
Interviews Completed
30% of budget
50% of budget
$48 as deposit; $80 as bonus in Upwork (conditional: $4 awarded per
completed interview with merchant email or mobile number provided)
3. 100% of Assigned
Interviews Completed
50% of budget
50% of budget
$80 as deposit; $80 as bonus in Upwork (conditional: $4 awarded per
completed interview with merchant email or mobile number provided)
Confidential, Client Name
What constitutes a valid response?
• Photo included
• Survey fully answered
• Email or mobile provided (for bonus)
How do I respond to merchants asking me why we are running this
• Please say you represent a research company called Stonewater Partners, which is studying the payments landscape in
your market.
How do I address privacy concerns because I am asking for email /
phone numbers?
• This is an anonymous survey. None of the merchant’s identifying details will be shared with third parties. Contact
details and photos are only for verification purposes.
Week of new year, many businesses might not be open?
• Start with the ones that are open. If unable to find required businesses, we can extend the survey timeline for 2-3 days
if needed.
Can I survey multiple outlets or branches of the same large chain?
• No.
Where should I go to seek out merchants?
• Depending on what your assigned business size and merchant categories are, you can go to markets (micro only),
malls, commercial centers. Please list your top 2 areas of research in the tracking document. You can go to additional
areas to hit your targets, but please avoid going to same places already listed in the document by others.
What do I do if I’m conducting a survey and we are interrupted by
• We are providing you with unique survey links per merchant. You can go to another merchant and return to complete
the survey at a better time using the unique link.
For larger businesses, I am probably interviewing an employee.
How do I get the information we need?
• Please ask the employee to provide information to the best of their knowledge, in their day-to-day experience dealing
with customers paying them.
Confidential, Client Name