C EN ERGY Introduction All societies depend on energy resources. We extract energy from sunlight, plants, petrochemicals, wind, water, and other sources and convert it to forms that are useful to us; however with each conversion the quality is degraded as some of the available energy is dispersed or converted to heat. C onverting energy from one form to another in the world around us results from potential and kinetic energy changes at the molecular level. Exothermic reactions can release potential energy and raise the kinetic energy of the surrounding molecules. The usefulness or quality of the energy becomes lessened the more it is dispersed. C.1 Energy sources Understandings A useul energy source releases energy at a reasonable rate and produces minimal pollution. The quality o energy is degraded as heat is transerred to the surroundings. Energy and materials go rom a concentrated into a dispersed orm. The quantity o the energy available or doing work decreases. Renewable energy sources are naturally replenished. Non-renewable energy sources are f nite. Energy density is energy released rom uel/ volume o uel consumed. The e ciency o an energy transer is expressed as useul energy output/ total energy input 100%. Applications and skills Discuss the use o dierent sources o renewable and non-renewable energy. Determine the energy density and speciic energy o a uel rom the enthalpies o combustion, densities and the molar mass o uel. Discuss how the choice o uel is inluenced by its energy density or speciic energy. Determine the eiciency o an energy transer process rom appropriate data. Nature of science Use theories to explain natural phenomena energy changes in the world around us result rom potential and kinetic energy changes at the molecular level. 653 C ENERGY Energy sources: quality and efciency What makes a good energy source? It needs not only to contain a large quantity o potential energy but also or this potential energy to be released or converted, at a reasonable rate, to a useul orm with minimal pollution and unwanted products. I the conversion is too ast a large quantity o the energy is dispersed, while i it is too slow it is not useul. The combustion o glucose is an exothermic reaction: C 6 H 1 2 O 6 ( s) + 6O 2 ( g) 6C O 2 ( g) + 6H 2 O ( l) H = - 2 803 kJ The same amount o energy is released when glucose is burnt in a bomb calorimeter as is released by its oxidation in the human body. The slower rate o oxidation in the body allows the energy to be converted to a useul orm whereas the rapid oxidation o combustion disperses the energy too quickly, lowering its quality. reaction chamber (bomb) ignition wire thermal insulation stirrer electronic thermometer water combustible material + oxygen Figure 1 Combustion in a bomb calorimeter is rapid, resulting in the potential energy being dispersed The International Energy Agency is an autonomous organization that works to ensure reliable, afordable, and clean energy or its member countries and beyond. The distribution o available energy among the particles o a material is known as entropy. The more diferent ways the energy can be distributed, the higher the entropy, and the less energy is available to do useul work. 654 The term quality o energy can have dierent meanings. Energy companies, or example, may consider the cost per unit energy more important than the efciency o its conversion. The efciency o producing electricity rom burning coal averages approximately 3 0% worldwide. This means that 3 0% o the available thermal energy produced rom burning coal becomes electricity. There are also by-products including greenhouse gases and pollutants. Nevertheless, according to the International Energy Agency the cost o obtaining electricity rom coal is 7% less than rom gas and 1 9% less than rom nuclear sources. All energy conversions undergo some orm o quality degradation as some o the energy is dispersed as heat. The energy and materials in the original source change rom a concentrated to a dispersed orm and the energy available to do useul work diminishes. The more the quality o energy is degraded, the less efcient the uel is: useul output energy efciency o energy transer = __ 1 00% total input energy C.1 En ErGy sOurCEs Worked example a) C ompare the efciency o coal, oil, or gas or use in home heating. Table 1 gives some typical efciencies or the conversions in the process. Coveio Coal Oil Ga extraction o raw material processing to a usable orm transporting the uel to a power station chemical potential energy to electricity in a power plant transmission o electricity and conversion to heat in the house 0.67 0.35 0.72 0.92 0.88 0.97 0.98 0.95 0.95 0.35 0.35 0.35 0.90 0.90 0.90 Table 1 The efciency o some energy conversions in the generation, distribution, and use o electrical energy b) S uggest a reason why the efciencies o the last two conversions are the same or each energy source. Solution a) We need to combine (multiply) the efciencies o all the processes rom extracting the uel to converting electricity to heat in the home. The efciency o coal as a uel is: efciency = 0.67 0.92 0.98 0.3 5 0.90 = 0.1 9 or 1 9% efcient 81 % o the chemical potential energy available in coal is dispersed and is not used in heating the house. You should be able to veriy or yoursel that oil is only 9% and natural gas 2 1 % efcient. b) Electricity is generated in the same way in each power plant. The uel boils water to produce steam; this turns turbines which generate electricity. The energy losses are approximately 65 % in each case: only 3 5 % o the initial chemical potential energy is converted to useul electrical energy. This electrical energy is transported to the house and converted to heat in a heater in the same way irrespective o the initial uel source. In this example, it is assumed that gas needs to be used to generate electricity, and then electricity is transmitted to homes. However, gas can be transported to homes and burned in gas urnaces ( table 2 ) , which increases the efciency rom 2 1 % to about 5 6% . Device Eeg taomatio Efciec electric heater electrical thermal nearly 100% battery chemical electrical ~90% home gas urnace (boiler) chemical thermal ~85% home oil urnace (boiler) chemical thermal ~65% home coal urnace (boiler) chemical thermal ~55% solar cell light electrical ~15% incandescent light bulb electrical light ~5% Table 2 The relative efciencies o some energy conversions Energy density and specifc energy The energy density is a useul measure o the quality o a uel, that compares the energy released per unit volume o uel: energy released rom uel energy density = ___ volume o uel consumed Note that because the defnitions o energy density and specifc energy are energy released per unit mass/ volume, these quantities do not have a negative value. 655 C ENERGY One kilogram of coal burnt in a power plant can power a 100 W light bulb for about 4 days. energy released rom uel specifc energy = ___ mass o uel consumed One kilogram of natural gas can power a 100 W bulb for about 6 days. In a similar way the specifc energy is the energy contained per unit mass o a uel: One kilogram of uranium-235 releasing energy in a nuclear reactor can power a 100 W bulb for 140 years. Worked example The standard enthalpy o combustion o carbon is - 3 94 kJ mol - 1 . The density o anthracite, one o the purest coals, is 2 2 67 kg m - 3 . Use this inormation along with the relative atomic mass o carbon to calculate the energy density and specifc energy o this orm o coal, assuming it to be 1 00% carbon. Solution study tip specifc energy = - 3 94 kJ mol - 1 /1 2 .01 g mol - 1 = 3 2 .8 kJ g - 1 You should be able to convert energy densities to any units required, such as kJ cm - 3 . See if you can verify that 7.44 10 7 kJ m - 3 is 74.4 kJ cm - 3 . convert to kJ kg - 1 : 3 2 .8 kJ g - 1 1 000 g kg - 1 = 3 2 800 kJ kg - 1 The Intenational renewable Enegy Agency (IRENA) , based in Abu Dhabi, UAE, was founded in 2009 to promote increased adoption and sustainable use of renewable energy sources (bioenergy, geothermal energy, hydropower, ocean, solar, and wind energy) . energy density = 32 800 kJ kg -1 2267 kg m -3 = 7 435 7600 kJ m -3 E xpressed in scientifc notation to 3 S F ( as the enthalpy o combustion was given to 3 SF) this is 7.44 1 0 7 kJ m - 3 . Renewable energy resources S ome renewable or green energy resources include solar energy, wind energy, biomass, water ( such as tides, currents, and waves) , geothermal energy, and uel cells. Geothermal energy is one o the more widely used commercial orms o renewable energy resources. Although it has an efciency o only about 2 3 % , as with all energy resources it is important to consider not only the efciency o conversion but also the cost per kilowatt-hour. Figure 2 A thermal energy production plant in Iceland. Iceland generates 100% of its energy from renewable resources 656 C. 2 FO ss I l Fu E ls Questions D ecide whether each o the ollowing is true or alse. 1 Ethanol is a uel produced rom plant products by ermentation. It has a density o 789 g dm - 3 and its enthalpy o combustion is - 1 367 kJ mol-1 . 2 a) The energy conversion in an automobile is to convert heat to kinetic energy. a) C alculate the energy density or ethanol. b) The conversion o heat to electricity is usually more ef cient than that o electricity to heat. b) C alculate the specif c energy or ethanol. c) Write a balanced equation or the combustion o ethanol and state the amount, in mol, o carbon dioxide produced per mole o ethanol burned. c) The f nal conversion step in most commercial power plants is work ( kinetic energy) to electricity. d) Explain why this method is still considered green chemistry even though it produces carbon dioxide in the combustion reaction. d) Nuclear energy is a renewable resource. e) Green energy resources are sustainable, renewable, and produce low pollution. C.2 Foi fe Understandings Fossil uels were ormed by the reduction o biological compounds that contain carbon, hydrogen, nitrogen, sulur and oxygen. Petroleum is a complex mixture o hydrocarbons that can be split into diferent component parts called ractions by ractional distillation. Crude oil needs to be re ned beore use. The diferent ractions are separated by a physical process in ractional distillation. The tendency o a uel to auto-ignite, which leads to knocking in a car engine, is related to molecular structure and measured by the octane number. The perormance o hydrocarbons as uels is improved by the cracking and catalytic reorming reactions. Coal gasi cation and liqueaction are chemical processes that convert coal to gaseous and liquid hydrocarbons. A carbon ootprint is the total amount o greenhouse gases produced during human activities. It is generally expressed in equivalent tons o carbon dioxide. Applications and skills Explain the eect o chain length and chain branching on the octane number. Write equations or cracking and reorming reactions, coal gasiication and liqueaction. Identiy various ractions o petroleum based on volatility and uses, their relative volatility and their uses. Discuss advantages and disadvantages o dierent ossil uels. Calculate carbon dioxide production, when diferent uels burn and determine carbon ootprints or diferent activities. Nature of science Scienti c community and collaboration the use o ossil uels has had a key role in the development o science and technology. 657