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Persuasive Speeches: Year 9 Presentation

Year 9
Assessment Task 3
Assessment task objective:
Write and present a speech/interview to the class, adopting a persona and presenting
a clear perspective (viewpoint/stance) on an issue that concerns you.
So this means you need to:
Know your persuasive devices
Know your verbal communication skills
Know your non-verbal communication skills
Know how to structure a persuasive speech
Assessment Details Task 3
Speech script to be written in class and at home, and submitted through Turnitin by the
end of Week 9, Term 1. Performed in class during Week 10.
Need to include a reference list from your research.
You will have a 3-4 minute time limit. That works out to about 600-900 words depending
on how fast you speak
This task is assessing your writing/creating skills and your verbal and non-verbal
communication skills.
*Your speech must be your own, original work (consequences for plagiarism).
Assessment Task 2
How to approach this task:
1. Decide on the issue you wish to examine and brainstorm ideas that would guide your speech..
2. Pick three key ideas and brainstorm evidence and reasons to support these ideas. Think about why
other people would benefit from doing these things/bringing about this change.
3. Draft your introduction, three body paragraphs and conclusion.
4. Edit for accuracy.
5. Edit for clarity and cohesion.
6. Read and make sure that you are within the time limit.
7. Publish a word document to hand in.
Then …
- Transfer your speech onto palm cards (dot points preferred).
- Rehearse your speech, using any visual supports (Powerpoint, posters etc).
- Be ready to perform from MONDAY April 4 (Week 10).
Let’s brainstorm ideas you could write your speech about. Here
are a few to get us started…
I would like to see a world where:
 Noise/air/water pollution is no
longer an aspect of our world.
Everyone has access to food and
Whaling has been stopped.
Teenagers are less stressed.
We live in a more sustainable way.
People are more open minded
about different genders.
Margaret River has more year-round
entertainment for the youth.
People are more aware of the issues
around greyhound racing.
Guided Practice
Now, we need to think of THREE key points or arguments around
that topic.
Let’s do a practise together on the topic “I want a more positive
future where sharks are allowed to exist freely.”
Key point 1. ____________________________________________
Key point 2. ____________________________________________
Key point 3. ____________________________________________
Independent Practice
Now it’s your turn. Think of THREE key points or arguments
around that topic.
Write your brainstorming into your book.
Key point 1. ____________________________________________
Key point 2. ____________________________________________
Key point 3. ____________________________________________
* persuasive techniques used to convey a
viewpoint or convince an audience
* the art of effective or persuasive speaking or
The Greek philosopher Aristotle identified three main
ways to appeal to an audience: logos, pathos, and ethos.
Latin translations:
Logos: Appeal to logic and reason
• Facts
• Statistics
• Expert opinion
• Technical language
• Witness quotes
Pathos: Appeal to values and emotion
• Emotive language
• Figurative Language
• Inclusive Language
• Repetition
• Exaggeration
Ethos: Appeal to credibility
• Personal anecdotes
• Credible sources
• Demonstrating knowledge/expertise
• Revealing qualifications
• Convincing style of presentation
Example Persuasive Speech
As we watch/read the speech, I want you to highlight examples of each
Ethos, Pathos and Logos persuasive techniques in three different
Answer these questions:
1. What is the issue Emma Watson is bring to attention?
2. What is her perspective on the issue? How do you know this?
3. What is she trying to persuade the audience to do/think?
4. Identify different persuasive techniques and explain the effect.
Over this lesson and the next, we will examine different persuasive
Open the word document ‘Year 9 Viewing Sheet’ on Seqta.
As we watch the speeches, you are to identify 3 persuasive techniques,
describe how it is being used (bring in a quote) and explain the effect on
the audience.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vTyLSr_VCcg – Leo Climate Change.
age=en – Ending ageism.
ady - The next outbreak? We’re not ready.
Concept Development: OREO
When we write persuasive speeches, these are the things we need to
• Introduction. This is where you introduce your topic and mention the
(three) key points you will make.
• Body paragraph 1. This is where you discuss your first key point.
• Body paragraph 2. This is where you discuss your second key point.
• Body paragraph 3. This is where you discuss your third key point.
• Rebuttal. This is where you can rebut (argue against) alternative
arguments. (optional)
• Conclusion. This is where you summarise your argument.
Concept Development: Body Paragraphs
To write the body paragraphs of your speech, we are going to use
O = Opinion
R = Reason
E = Example
O = Opinion restated
Concept Development: Body paragraphs
O = State your OPINON or key point. Remember you argue for
ONE key point per paragraph.
R = Give a REASON why this point makes sense.
E = Back up your reason with an EXAMPLE or evidence.
O = Say your OPINION again, to really remind the reader/listener
what your argument is all about.
Guided Practice: Body Paragraphs
Let’s do an example paragraph together.
Our topic is “Horse racing should be banned”.
The three key points are:
1. Because it is cruel to horses
2. Because it is a waste of money
3. Because it is encouraging children to gamble
Guided Practice: Body Paragraphs
Remember, our first key point is “Because it is cruel to horses.”
Opinion: Horse racing should absolutely be banned, because…
Reason: This is an incredibly cruel sport, because…
Example: For example, did you know that…
Opinion: Therefore it is crystal clear that horse racing
Independent Practice: Body Paragraphs
Now it’s your turn to write an OREO paragraph about your first key point.
Opinion: It is clear that…
Reason: This is because…
Example: For example…
Opinion: Therefore it is completely clear that…
Guided Practice: Body Paragraphs
The topic is: “Deforestation should be banned”. (Remember,
deforestation is when old-growth forests are cut down.)
PAIR SHARE: Brainstorm three key points for this topic.
Key point 1:
Key point 2:
Key point 3:
Independent Practice: Body Paragraphs
Now it’s your turn to write an OREO paragraph on this key point “Horse racing should be
banned, because it is a waste of money.”
Opinion: horse racing should absolutely be banned, because…
Reason: This is because…
Example: For example, did you know that…
Opinion: Therefore it is completely clear that deforestation
Have you decided what your topic will be for your speech yet?
Now you need to think of THREE key points or arguments around
that topic.
Write your brainstorming into your book.
Key point 1. ____________________________________________
Key point 2. ____________________________________________
Key point 3. ____________________________________________
SUPER SCAFFOLD – Paragraph 1
OREO argument paragraph:
A topic sentence: Time connective, high modality words, your reason + opinion
A “nut it out” sentence: This is (high modality word) because…
A rhetorical question: Surely you agree that…
For example:
Firstly, you must agree that homework is ridiculous because it prevents children
from being active in those crucial hours after school before the sun sets.
This is important because obesity rates for children in Australia are increasing at
alarming rates and keep them locked up to complete homework, only exacerbates
this critical problem.
Surely you agree that this severe problem is only made worse by excessive amounts
of homework?
SUPER SCAFFOLD – Paragraph 2
OREO argument paragraph:
A topic sentence: Time connective, high modality words, your reason + opinion
A fact or statistic sentence: Did you know that…
A ‘what does this mean’ sentence, including a Rule of 3: This means that…
An ‘imagine a world where’ sentence: Imagine a world where (something
wonderful or awful is happening because of this issue)
For example:
Secondly, you must agree that it’s critical that students have down time after school, so
that they can spend time learning to socialise with friends.
Did you know that in this age of social media and technology, 62% of children are losing
the ability to communicate with one another face to face.
This means that children are becoming isolated, have no friends, and their family miss
Imagine a world where children engaged in productive face to face conversations and
were not distracted by excessive amounts of homework or bright, animated screens.
SUPER SCAFFOLD – Paragraph 3
OREO argument paragraph:
A topic sentence: Time connective, high modality words, your reason + opinion
A hyperbole sentence: The world will come to an end if…
An inclusive language sentence: Surely we can all agree that…
For example:
Thirdly, you must certainly concur that that homework is bad for students’ wellbeing
because if you don’t know how to do your homework when there is no teacher around to
help you, it is obvious that you will feel worse and worse.
The world will come to an end if everyone feels bad, because no one will feel like going
out to see each other, and no one will ever try anything new again.
Surely we can all agree that we don’t want this to happen! Act now!
Concept Development: Persuasive
• We are learning an easy framework which you can use to ‘fill in
the blanks’ and write your own persuasive introduction.
• An introduction needs to contain three sentences:
1. A where and what sentence.
A statement of your position.
3. A “let me convince you” sentence summarising your three
key points.
Concept Development: Where/What
• In your where/what sentence, you must:
Outline where something is happening, and
• Explain what it is
• Examples (Topic: Is television bad for you?)
In homes across Australia, children are wasting hours and hours in front of
that blue screen of death, commonly known as… the television!
Concept Development: Statement of
• The second sentence in your introduction is a statement of
• This sentence:
Tells your reader your opinion about the topic.
• Uses strong verbs to make the strongest argument possible.
Example (Topic: Television is bad for you)
Television is frying children’s brains and they must be putting that
wasted time to better use.
Concept development: “Let me convince
• In your “let me convince you” sentence you must:
Give an indication of the argument you will make.
Example: (Topic: Is television bad for you?)
“Let me convince you of the catastrophic effect that television has on
children’s lives because of key point 1, key point 2 and key point 3.
Concept Development: Persuasive
Topic: TV is bad for children
1. Where/what sentence:
• In homes across Australia, children are wasting hours and hours in
front of that blue screen of death, commonly known as… the
2. Statement of position sentence:
• This sentence tells your reader your opinion about the topic and
strong verbs to make the strongest argument possible.
• Television is frying children’s brains and they must be putting that
wasted time to better use.
3. Let me know you to discover sentence:
Let me convince you the catastrophic effect that television has on
children’s lives, because of key point 1, key point 2, key point 3
Guided Practice: Where/What sentence
• In your where/what sentence, you must:
Outline where something is happening, and
• Explain what it is
• Topic: Junk food should be banned
• ____________________________________
• ____________________________________
Guided Practice: Statement of position
• The second sentence is a statement of position. This sentence:
Tells your reader your opinion about the topic.
• Uses high modality words to make the strongest argument possible.
• Topic: Junk food should be banned
Guided Practice: “Let me convince you”
• In your final “let me convince you” sentence you must:
Give an indication of the argument you will make.
• Topic: Junk food should be banned
Independent Practice
Write your own introduction for your persuasive speech assessment, using this
Sentence 1: A where and what sentence
Sentence 2: A statement of your position.
Sentence 3: A “let me convince you” sentence.
Concept Development: Conclusion
In your conclusion, you must:
Restate your position.
Summarise your three key points
Recommend the reader take an action.
 We can do this using the following sentence structure.
Now you have heard the facts, you must (high modality verb)
It is clear that… (recap body paragraphs 1, 2 and 3)
The clock is ticking: it’s time for you to…
Concept Development: Conclusion
In your conclusion, you must:
Restate your position.
Summarise your three key points
Recommend the reader take an action.
Example: (Topic: Is television bad for you?)
Now you have heard the facts, you must certainly agree that children should not
be wasting their time watching TV every day! It is clear that TV is bad for you
because children become isolated from their friends, they can gain weight and
their ability to concentrate can decrease. The clock is ticking: it’s time for you to
speak to throw away your TV now!
Guided Practice: Conclusion
Let’s write a conclusion together:
Now you have heard the facts, you must (high
modality verb) agree/believe
2. It is clear that…
3. The clock is ticking: it’s time for you to…
Our topic: Junk food should be banned
Introduction. This is where you introduce your topic and mention the (three)
key points you will make.
Body paragraph 1. This is where you discuss your first key point.
Body paragraph 2. This is where you discuss your second key point.
Body paragraph 3. This is where you discuss your third key point.
Rebuttal. This is where you can rebut (argue against) alternative arguments.
– We still need to write this next week
Conclusion. This is where you summarise your argument.
Complete your personal checklist…
Does my speech take a maximum of 3 minutes?
Complete your personal checklist…