GENERAL PHYSICS LABS INSTRUCTOR: DR. ENG. TRAN TRUNG NGHIA MSC. TRAN ANH TU EMAIL: TTNGHIA@HCMUT.EDU.VN Course outline The course provides you an introduction to classical experimental physics. This will include studying some basics concepts in physics, the development of problem-solving skills, and the learning of laboratory techniques. Labs include experiments on mechanics, thermodynamics, electricity, magnetism, and optics. The goals of this course are: To learn how to properly take measurements and record data; To learn how to interpret results both statistically and graphically; To experimentally confirm the theories presented in the lecture. Course learning outcomes STT Chuẩn đầu ra môn học / Course learning outcomes CDIO L.O.1 Đến cuối khóa học, sinh viên sẽ có thể nắm vững các nguyên tắc cơ bản của cơ học, nhiệt động học, điện trường và từ trường ở trình độ đại học. Các sinh viên sẽ có thể hiểu các khái niệm vật lý cơ bản được ứng dụng trong cuộc sống hàng ngày. 1.1.5 At the end of the course, students will be able to master the basic principles of mechanics, thermodynamics, electricity and magnetism at university level. Students can understand the underlying physics concepts applied in daily life. L.O.2 L.O.3 Có khả năng thiết kế, thực hiện, thu thập, xử lý và đánh giá các thí nghiệm vật lý cơ bản. Having the ability of design, realizing, data processing and evaluating basic physics experiments. Có khả năng tự học, tìm hiểu, soạn thảo và trình bày (viết và nói) các chủ đề Vật lý liên quan. Having the competence of self-learning, research, drafting and presentation (written and spoken) physics related topics. 2.1, 2.2 2.1, 2.3 Learning Strategies and Assessment Scheme To ensure the learning outcomes, students must: understand clearly the lab content and prepare the report format before each lab; complete all lab procedure and collect carefully related data; process and evaluate measured data and complete the report. Assessment Scheme: Lab practice and reports: 50% Final exam: 50% Textbooks: [1] Nguyễn Minh Châu, Nguyễn Dương Hùng: Thí nghiệm Vật lý đại cương A1, NXB ĐHQG-HCM, 2007 [2] Huynh Quang Linh, Tran Thi Thu Hanh, Ngo Thi Minh Hien, Vo Nhat Quang, Tran Phuoc Duy and Tran Trung Nghia, General Physics Labs (English version), Internal HCMUT Textbook, 2017. Group and Team The class will be divided into two groups: Group A and Group B. Each group consisted of these small teams (max. 6 teams that called 1a, 1b, 2a, 2b, 3a, 3b). Each team consisted of max. 5 students. Group A will conduct the experiment in the 3rd week, while Group B will prepare their work at home. The following week, group B will conduct the experiment, while group A will submit the experimental report. Then we rotate the groups until each group completes 06 experiments. Each team has a team logbook where you keep records of work done in the laboratory. Schedule 15 weeks (two-hour lab/week) during the semester. Week Work Notes 1 Introduce All class 2 Measurement and Uncertainties All class 3 Group A (Lab.) 4 Group B (Lab.) + Group A (Report) 5 Group A (Lab.) + Group B (Report) 6 Group B (Lab.) + Group A (Report) 7 Group A (Lab.) + Group B (Report) 8 Group B (Lab.) + Group A (Report) 9 Group A (Lab.) + Group B (Report) 10 Group B (Lab.) + Group A (Report) 11 Group A (Lab.) + Group B (Report) 12 Group B (Lab.) + Group A (Report) 13 Group A (Lab.) + Group B (Report) 14 Group B (Lab.) + Group A (Report) 15 Final Exam + Group B (Report) All class General Policies 1. Refrain from smoking, eating, drinking, and littering in all physics laboratories. 2. Stay inside the laboratory only during lab classes. Only officially enrolled students are permitted inside the lab. 3. Use all laboratory fixtures properly. Do not sit on tables and do not open cabinets or lockers unless there is an instruction to do so. 4. Turn off all electrical appliances in the laboratory if they are not being used. If you are the last person to leave the laboratory, turn off the lights and fans/aircon, lock the doors, and close the windows. 5. Use only the computers in the physics lab for purposes related to experiments performed. 6. Maintain the cleanliness of the lab at all times. Always observe proper safety procedures in the lab. Borrowing Procedures and Use of Equipment 1. All pieces of equipment necessary for physics experiments may be borrowed from the Instructor. 2. Students must present an accomplished preparation experiment procedure and an ID before any lab equipment is loaned. 3. Borrow only the pieces of equipment which are specified in your experiment or are required by the lab instructor. 4. The borrower and his/her group are held responsible for all pieces of equipment borrowed from the General Physics Laboratory. 5. Pieces of equipment borrowed must be returned upon completion of the experiment. Lab Safety 1. Students are advised to read all precautionary notes on all pieces of equipment before using them. All questions about safety precautions on the equipment being used must be addressed to the lab instructor. 2. The lab instructor must first check the set-up for experiments requiring the use of electrical components before any of these are plugged in or turned on. In case of faulty equipment, the instructor must be informed immediately so that a replacement can be secured from the Physics Stockroom. 3. Experiments involving the use of boiling water, heaters, and the like must be performed close to the water sinks in the lab. Proper safety procedures must be employed when performing such experiments. 4. Chemicals used in some experiments must be handled with utmost care. Used and unused chemicals must be returned to the Physics Stockroom as soon as the experiment is finished. Chemicals should never be thrown into the water sinks or the trash bins. 5. All injuries, however minor, must be reported to the lab instructor. 6. In case of a minor injury, the instructor and/or the lab technicians may administer first aid. The student may be sent by the instructor to the university clinic accompanied by a person designated by the instructor. 7. If the instructor and/or the lab technicians feel they cannot administer the proper first-aid treatment, the student must be brought to the clinic immediately, if possible accompanied by a lab technician. Special Lab Experiments 1. 2. 3. 4. Special or make-up experiments outside of regular class hours are discouraged. In case of a special or make-up experiment outside the regular class hours, the student has to confirm the availability of the technicians, the equipment, and the lab room before scheduling one with his/her instructor. Special or make-up experiments must only be performed in a lab room. Special or make-up experiments outside the regular class hours are allowed only upon the approval of the lab instructor. No special or make-up experiments are allowed if the lab instructor cannot be present during the special or make-up experiment. Lab technicians are not required to assist the student during the special or make- up experiment. Breakage, Loss, and Damage to Lab Equipment 1. Any incident of breakage, loss, or damage to any lab equipment must be reported immediately to the lab instructor. 2. The borrower and his/her group members are responsible for the replacement or payment of the broken, lost, or damaged equipment. 3. The cost of the damage to the equipment is assessed by the lab coordinator and technicians and a billing statement is forwarded to the borrower. 4. Students must pay for, repair, or replace the broken, lost, or damaged equipment on or before the 12th week of the trimester; otherwise, they would not be cleared from the lab and not be allowed to enroll in the following trimester. Furthermore, they would not be given their final grade for that lab subject. 5. Once the equipment has been paid for, replaced or repaired, students would be issued a clearance by the lab coordinator. Academic Misconduct & Special Accommodations All students must practice academic honesty. Academic misconduct is subject to an academic penalty by the course instructor and/or disciplinary sanction by the University. Students with disabilities may request reasonable modifications by contacting the instructor. The HCMUT assures equal access to instruction through collaboration between students with disabilities, instructors. "Reasonable" means the University permits no fundamental alterations of academic standards or retroactive modifications. GENERAL INSTRUCTIONS 1. You must arrive on time since instructions are given and announcements are made at the start of class. 2. Group and lab partners will be assigned to you in the first lab meeting. You will do experiments in a team but you are expected to bear your share of responsibility in doing the experiments. You must actively participate in obtaining the data and merely watch your partners do it for you. 3. The assigned work place must be kept neat and clean at all times. Coats / jackets must be hung at appropriate place, and all personal possessions other than those needed for the lab should be kept in the table drawers or under the table. GENERAL INSTRUCTIONS (cont.) 4. The data must be recorded neatly with a ballpen and presented in a logical way. You may want to record the data values, with units, in columns and identify the quantity that is being measured at the top of each column. 5. If a mistake is made in recording a datum item, cancel the wrong value by drawing a fine line through it and record the correct value legibly. 6. Get your data sheet, with your name, ID number and date on the right corner, signed by the instructor before you leave the laboratory. This will be the only valid proof that you actually did the experiment. GENERAL INSTRUCTIONS (cont.) 7. Each team will have their own data sheet and submit their own hand-written report for grading to the instructor by the next scheduled lab session. No late reports will be accepted. 8. Actual data must be used in preparing the report. Use of fabricated, altered, and other students’ data in your report will be considered as cheating. No credit will be given for that particular lab and the matter will be reported to the Office. 9. Be honest and report your results truthfully. If there is an unreasonable discrepancy from the expected results, give the best possible explanation. GENERAL INSTRUCTIONS (cont.) 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. If you must be absent, let your instructor know as soon as possible. A missed lab can be made up only if a written valid excuse is brought to the attention of your instructor with in a week of missed lab. You should bring your calculator, a straight-edge scale and other accessories to class. It might be advantageous to do some quick calculations on your data to make sure that there are no gross errors. Eating, drinking, and smoking in the laboratory are not permitted Refrain from making undue noise and disturbance. Any kind of feedback on the improvement of this course is always welcome. REPORT FORMAT 1. Title Page: This page should show only the students’ name, ID number, the name of the experiment, and the name of the student’s partners. 2. Objective: This is a statement giving the purpose of the experiment. 3. Theory: You should summarize the equations used in the calculations to arrive at the results for each part of the experiment. 4. Apparatus: List the equipment used to do the experiment. 5. Procedure: Describe how the experiment was carried out. 6. Calculations and Results: Provide one sample calculation to show the use of the equations. Presents your results in tabular form that is understandable and can be easily followed by the instructor. Use graphs and diagrams, whenever they are required. It may also include the comparison of the computed results with the accepted values together with the pertinent percentage errors. Give a brief discussion for the origin of the errors. 7. Conclusion: Relate the results of your experiment to the stated objective. 8. Data Sheet: Attach the data sheet for the experiment that has been signed by your instructor. Individual Attendance Record Full name Nguyen Van A Student ID 19XXXXX Group: A Team A1b Date Experiment Student’s Signature Lab Session Replacement Form