Economies of Health The vaccine trial industry in the world: an economic review Abstract In the ongoing pandemic, every individual has understood the importance of vaccine trial industry across the globe. The vaccine industry in the world plays a major role in developing different drugs and vaccine. The vaccine industry is the one which are engaged in research, development, manufacturing, sales, marketing and distribution. The companies earn revenue from the sale of the product mainly. These are different factors along with expectation which drives the industry. There are some international industries involved in these practices. The vaccine development work is done in phases and the third phase which has two part is the most expensive one (around 58%) of the total expenditure. Based on year 2020, the market size is estimated to be 33 billion dollar which is expected to be growing at compound annual growth rate of 5% by the year 2027. In the recent time the increasing demand of vaccine for covid has increased the research, funding and hance the market size of the vaccine in the world. The article published in the international chamber of commerce titled ‘the economic case of global vaccination’ highlight the market size with figures and the research published in the NCBI titled ‘the vaccine industry’ by R. Gordon Douglas and Vijay B. Samant focuses on the development procedure of vaccine, different phases time gaps and the revenue side by looking at the cost and sell data of different leading companies. In this paper we also look at the role of government and different developing partners in order to understand the whole cycle of research to sell and development needs. Objective in this paper we will look at the development phases of any vaccine industry and economic impact it does to any country. As the international council of commerce has predicted that the world economy will fall by about 4% due to covid crisis, the economic impact to different developing as well as the developed country need to be assessed. We will also see the development cases of different vaccine companies and try to estimate the profit share earn by different leading companies. We will also look at the companies getting registered as the vaccine trial industry and their success rates. We will look at the government aids and infrastructure development done in order to develop an industry in a particular country. The paper will also focus on the growth perspective in this industry and look for opportunities, if any, for the growing population. Since the whole process of the industry from the research to development and distribution are in the hands of the industry itself, this paper will look to find the ways, how the process of distribution of developed vaccine be made fair and the effect of cost on the people in general. Methodology used/ Methods: For the collection of reports and data, I will collect it from the economic research done in 2020 and before from the international forum of commerce on the vaccine trial industry. For the economic part and revenue part, we need to collect data from the individual companies and some of the studies done in the market analysis report done by grand view research and the research done by R. Gordon Douglas and Vijay B. Samant published on the NCBI. For the government aids and infrastructure investment as well as the laws in different countries we need to find the different lows prevailing and financial aid programs run by the country and different news articles available on the internet. For the cost and revenue part, we can also estimate using the sales data of the big international companies involved in the clinical trial. For the economic impact as a whole we need to look at the data from world trade organisation and data of different GDP measuring countries. We will look at the leading companies in the vaccine trial industry and their development process and phase wise expenditure done in the past for a successfully developed vaccine in order to understand the actual profit made by these companies like GlaxoSmithKline, Pfizer, Sanofi etc. Literature review: The study on the economic impact is less available as the cost to a company and the revenue are the intrinsic things to be determined, still researched analysis different phases, resources required and the time taken to estimate the cost to company as well as to a society. Similar kind of study is done by Mr Douglas and Mr Samant and published the findings in the NCBI and tries to estimate the size of vaccine industry in the world. They estimate the market size along with the factors required for vaccine development in detail and tries to find the economic impact. Similar kind of study is done in the recent time by the international council of commerce to estimate the market size and further growth opportunity in the clinical trial industry. Different market analysis publications like the grand view research also publishes the market reports on estimated market size, cost incurred in different phases and research and then try to project the profit by estimation of revenue. So, these research findings help to understand the clinical trial industry in the world. Data and further analysis: The different vaccine manufacturing phases include majorly five steps. First of the step include the pre-clinical, research and development phase of the trail. In this phase we look at how vaccine work and how can we develop the required immunity against the disease or the vaccine. The second phase includes the safety check of the vaccine the search for right doses required. In the second step, small group of people are administered to check the safety and dose required also called the phase one of the trail. In the next step relatively large number of people are monitored with the vaccine in order to check the effectiveness. The next step includes the regulatory approval and licensing of the vaccine. This is the phase in which vaccine trials are provided with the regulatory approval, in some cases the emergency use approval is also provided like in the case of the covid 19 vaccine. Now, let’s turn toward the economic impact of this in a country. The economic impact of vaccine development can be calculated in two ways, first directly and second one is indirect effect. The direct impact can be seen as it is the cost-effective measure in comparison to other public investments. The reduction in morbidity and mortality associated with successful vaccine programs, through a combination of direct and indirect protection, has led to reduced incidence of diseases and their associated treatments and healthcare costs (Deogaonkar et al., 2012) which is the indirect benefit. Also, the vaccine cast on an average of $50 investment per life gains in major cases like polio and small pox etc. if we talk about monetary gains, the developing countries like north Africa is expected to extract a profit worth of $27 billion by the end of 2024. The potential growth in Asian pacific region is the most due to rise in the population and disposable income with limited healthcare infrastructure. The rising awareness and immunity understanding has increased the demand in this reason (market analysis by GVR). Along with this there are productive gains as well which are attached to vaccination. The growth in an economy increase help expenditure and heathy nation increases nation’s productivity. So, there are health effect on the economy as well from the vaccination drive. For a nation vaccination is the cost-effective measure for pandemic outbreak control as well. As the vaccination provide the required immunity and the administration of vaccination is relatively cost effective comparing the medical cost and time required and the loss of life. The clinical trials can be classified on the basis of the field in which most researches are done as well. These areas include the autoimmune or inflammation which has the share of 18% in the vaccine market. The pain management research which is about 9%. The next sector which is oncology has a market share of about 30% which is highest among all the sectors. Then comes the CNS condition which is about 20%. Diabetes research and trial takes about 15% of the total research and market share. Obesity, cardiovascular and others comprises of the rest of the market share which is about 8% of the market share. All these sectors and there market shares are growing rapidly and as we see the growing awareness and education is attracting more people towards better health and healthcare practices. Now, the growing market demand and the potential sell, the market of the vaccine industry is also expanding rapidly. It’s not that the vaccine industry dries up all the profit that can be earned from the pharma sector. The cost of research and development and the chances to get success are much less in the pharma sector. In the data published in GAVI, Vaccine production involves high investment costs for research and development, and for production facilities. It also requires significant know-how. Knowhow is difficult to acquire and so technology transfer requires a strong cooperative relationship between the partners. All of these factors create barriers of entry into vaccine production. As a result of these high barriers to entry, there are relatively few vaccine producers, compared with producers of other classes of pharmaceuticals. In addition, the world’s vaccine market is very small—less than 2 percent of the pharmaceutical market— attracting few suppliers. Also, when we look at the success in this industry, they are very small fraction. According to the data published in CDC, only 9.6% is the success rate of a vaccine to get approval from phase one. The graph of the success rate in different phases are given below. According to the data published in the US national library of medicine, currently lists 378,460 studies with locations in all 50 States and in 220 countries. The studies done in US only is about 33% according to the same report. From the data we can find the number of researches done in different branches of medical science like drug or biology, behavioural or other, surgical and other devices. If we talk about other countries, about 60% of the total clinical trial phases are performed in developing countries because of cost effectiveness and relatively easier laws. Over the period, the number of registered trials grown significantly from about 2500 in year 2001 to about 378460 in the starting of the year 2021. The non-US and US and non- US combined research has also increased significantly. With these numbers the growth and investment in these industries has also increased. The government of different countries have also provided with the financial aids to these companies as the fixed cost of a vaccine or clinical trial are very high and the success rate is quite low as we have seen from the data as well. When we look at the historical revenue side of the data, we found that the top performing research companies are making money in millions and billions. The role of government support and infrastructural building by the government and different grants and aids also become important which we see in the following data. Now, let’s see the government expenditure on these clinical researches of various projects. Different countries provide financial support in different manner. Some of the government do partnership to share the cost burden, some provide them tax benefits. Some government purchases a certain amount of doses prepared or some bear the cost of research and development. Let’s look at the data of US economy first which provide infrastructure investment and financial aid directly for research purposes. The table above shows the financial support provided by the US government for various vaccine development to different countries. These expenditure are a significant proportion of the budget expenditure. In the recent time, during this covid pendamic outbreat, US and other government has opened up their treasury for the fast track vaccine development and approval. Along with USA, other developed countries like EU has also funded many research works and clinical trials. In the last 11 months, about 93 billion euros has been spent globally on research and vaccination drive in the world(according to global health watch report of 1st may). The europian union provide financial support based on their certain criteria like the vaccine produced in EU or the number of supply to the union, the scientific approch, coordination with EU norms etc. The developing country like India and other asian countries are also providing financial support. The least developed countries are dependent on the financial help from the global bodies and hence on the humanitarian ground an equitable distribution of vaccine is also necessary. We have seen in the recent time, the developed and financially strong countries have stocked vaccine much greater than their population requirment. In such a scenario the role of global authorities, WHO, CDC becomes significant. Apart from this, those who succeed in the clinical trial, the companies gains significantly. We can see in the recent covid vaccine development, the developing companies have earned in billions. Pfizer, one of the leading company in vaccine development is expected to sell vaccine worth $30 billions in 2021 alone. Moderna is expected to gain about 372% in one years etc. Therefore, on incentive side we can see these profits apart from the government aids provided to these companies for clinical trials. After the production phase by means of research and development then clinical trials and the funding for all of this, the effectiveness measures are calculated and the use approval is applied in front of the regulatory bodies. Now, based on efficiency and immunity againt the disease, and other criteria, a clinical trial finally gets converted into a finished goods. Here also the use approval can be emergency use purpose or the general purpose based on the requirement of the vaccine, like we have the emergency use approval of different covid vaccine in different parts of the world. Apart from this, the role of approving authorities doesn’t get over. They need to monitor the after effects of the vaccination as well. The effectiveness and actual result is seen only after a certain time period, so in such a scenario, the authorities work is to regulartly check for the side effects if any or the symptoms developed in any person after the vaccuination. So, these are all the steps required in a vaccine production and clinical trial. Now, the next important thing to notice is the responsibility of global authorities for an equitable and effective distribution of vaccine as the economically rich countries have resources but the poor will have to suffer, so an effective and equitable distribuition of vaccine is required. For this the coordinated approach of countries are required so as to minimise wastage and stop hoardings.the CDC can play a coordinating role between the countries, in developing countries there is requiremet of policy support as well as government initiative also play significant role. The world also needs to address the cost and financing at global scale for a vaccine which is of mass uses like polio, covid etc. The effective distribution can be done by engaging the local bodies in the distribution process. Conclusion: The clinical trial process is a time taking and costly process. Its not that anyone can reap unlimited benefits from the vaccine development as the research and development costs a lot and the rate of success is quite low. But we have seen that for a disease control, vaccine is one of the best measure as it is cost effective with several benefits as discussed in the paper. Since, the development of clinical trials are costly, so the role of government and financial support becomes crucial and we have seen in figures the financial support provided by the developing world. For an euitable and effective distribution, the role and coordination of global bodies become crucial. So, the clinical trial industry can be seen as one of the best industry in terms of benefits from it to the society. We have also seen in text how much profitable it can be for a company as well a for country and world as a whole. The way forward: The rise in awareness of people towards the immunity requirements and the growing population has given rise to the vaccine demand for different diseases. Over a period there has been significant investment done in the infrastructure development for the clinical trials. In the covid time only, we have witnessed an expenditure of about 93 billion euros been spent for covid vaccine development and research. The government of even the developing countries have understood the requirement of vaccine and clinical trial industry. The profit of some african countries also encourage government in seting up and strenthning the clinical trial industry in the country. The clinical trial industry is expected to grow at a compound annual growth rate of 10.3% from 2020-2025. So, from all this we can say that there is demand and government support as well as the global support, which are sufficient incentive for the further growth in the clinical trial industries.