TWELVE WEEK BOOTCAMP Meet Your Coach BikiniBOOTCAMP Jenna is a top 5 Nationally placed NPC Bikini Competitor and NASM-certified fitness coach from Boise, Idaho. Jenna’s fitness journey began four years ago and has since transpired into more than she ever imagined. After struggling with weight loss and dieting for years, Jenna made a commitment to push herself past her limits and get in the best shape of her life-no excuses. While pursuing her bachelor’s degree in Business Administration in 2017, she began training for her first bikini competition. Through the trials, the early morning cardio, and the late-night studying, Jenna learned quite a bit about herself. She realized who she was, and who she wanted to become. After her first competition, she absolutely fell in love with the sport of bodybuilding and developed a passion for the grind. Post-graduation, Jenna knew that her purpose in life was to share her knowledge and passion for fitness with others. She obtained her NASM CNC (Certified Nutrition Coach) certification and combined her two degrees to create her online coaching business. Since then, she has helped over 100 women achieve their fitness goals and gain their confidence. As for Jenna, she has competed in a total of 9 competitions, where she has won 3 first-place trophies, one overall title, and a top 5 National placement. Her goal is to win a national contest and achieve her IFBB Pro Bikini status. About This Trainer BikiniBOOTCAMP The Bikini Bootcamp was designed to give you a 12 week layout of workouts utilized to get your body in amazing bikini shape. It does not matter what level you are at in your fitness journey. If your goal is to step on stage and compete at a national level, or you are a hardworking mother who wants to become more health focused... This plan can work for you. Below you will find 4 weeks’ worth of weight training, which will be ‘Phase 1’ of your bikini training program. After your first phase is complete, you will restart Week 1 of workouts, and repeat the cycle, until you have completed 3 full Phases. Each time you begin a new Phase, I challenge you to increase the resistance in your exercises. Take log of your PR’s, and push yourself to become stronger and better each Phase! *these workouts do not include cardio recommendations. Please consult further coaching for an ideal cardio regimen for your body type. Nutrition BikiniBOOTCAMP ‘Flexible Dieting’ (aka tracking macros) is the BEST and most efficient method to achieve your fitness goals. Whether you are looking for weight loss, building lean muscle mass, or simply maintaining your current physique, you MUST be aware of the nutrients you are taking in each day. EveryBODY is so different, and that’s what makes us so unique. While a trained nutrition coach can provide macronutrient targets specific to YOU, here are some basic guidelines you can follow. Protein As a basic rule of thumb, you should be eating 1 gram of protein per 1g of lean body mass. So, if you are 140 lbs roughly 15-20% BF, you should be eating 115-120g of protein per day. Carbs The Keto Diet media trend has forever ruined the mentality of women (and men!) when it comes to nutrition. Carbohydrates are your body’s primary source of energy. They are also what builds lean muscle tissue in our bodies, and what helps our muscles repair and recover themselves. Want to look “toned”?! Eat your carbs!! Carbohydrates should consist of 45% -65% of your total daily calories. (2,000 calorie diet = 225-325g) Fats Again, going against ALL the Keto believers out there, our calories coming from fat sources should be limited in order to achieve the firm physique we desire. Fats should supply 20% - 35% of your total daily calories. (2,000 calorie diet = 45-75g) BikiniBOOTCAMP Nutrition CARB YAM/SWEET POTATO WHITE RICE QUINOA POTATOES BROWN RICE VEGETABLES BERRIES OATS ENGLISH MUFFINS FLAXSEED COCONUT CHOCOLATE MOST “JUNK” FOOD NUT BUTTERS CHEESE BREAD TORTILLAS/WRAPS BAGELS NUTS FRUIT RICE CAKES PASTA FAT OILS SEEDS SALAD DRESSINGS BEANS SALMON A WELL-BALANCED OLIVES EGGS W/ YOLK MEAL GROUND TURKEY HUMMIUS GRANOLA BARS GREEK YOGURT PEANUT BUTTER COTTAGGE CHEESE TURKEY BACON/SAUSAGE HAM/PORK CHICKEN BREAST DELI TURKEY COD EGG WHITES TOFU SHRIMP PROTEIN POWDER HALIBUT TUNA LEAN SIRLOIN/BEEF PRO- Suppliment Overview BikiniBOOTCAMP Preparation BikiniBOOTCAMP IT IS NOT A RACE If you’re trying to blast out 15 reps in 15 seconds, you could be risking injury or ineffective muscle contractions that are keeping you from the full benefit of the exercise. “Time under tension” describes the length of time that the muscle is being stimulated during your reps, and is proportional to its growth and increase in size! PROGRESSIVE OVERLOAD Progressive Overload is the process of gradually and consistently increasing the demand put on your muscles to force them to adapt and grow. Svpecially, it will improve muscle strength, endurance, and size. HOW WILL WE USE IT IN YOUR TRAINING? 1.) INCREASING THE RESISTANCE (AKA THE WEIGHT) 2.) INCREASING THE VOLUME (# OF REPS) 3.) INCREASING TIME UNDER TENSION (SLOWER REPS) 4.) DECREASING REST TIME (IN BETWEEN SETS) Equipment As discussed earlier, it is not a race, form is king. Form is not just important for muscle development, but also for your safety and health. For heavier lifts, I recommend wrist wraps and a lifting belt to protect your posture and your back. Resistance bands are also a useful asset to increases tension and improve muscle engagement. Check out the products I use from these companies below. (Coupon: BODYSHOPBABE for 30% off) Week 1 Day 1 LEGS/GLUTES SUMO SQUAT Sumo Squat Close Stance Squat 1.5 Deadlifts Hip Thrust 21’s Cable Glute Kickbacks Frog Pumps Banded Clams Pulse Deadlift CLOSE STANCE SQUAT 5 1 5 6 3 3 3 1 min 5 20 10 15/12/10/8/6/6 21 20 20 1 min 1.5 DEADLIFTS HIP THRUST 21’s CALBLE GLUTE KICKBACKS FROG PUMPS Week 1 Day 2 CHEST/SHOULDER/ABS Dumbbell Bench Press Dumbbell Overhead Press Cable Lateral Raise Banded Lateral Raise Banded Front Raise Lateral Pulse Raise AB Rollouts Toes to Bar 5 3 5 7 3 3 3 3 3 30 20 20 10-12 Failure DUMBBELL BENCH PRESS DUMBBELL OVERHEAD PRESS CABLE LATERAL RAISE Week 1 Day 3 GLUTES KNEELING BANDED SQUAT KNEELING STEP UPS BENCH STEP OVERS Kneeling Banded Squat Bench Step Overs Kneeling Step Ups 3 3 4 20 50 20 Week 1 Day 4 BACK/ABS Deadlift Pull Ups Bent Over Rows Single Arm Cable Row Cable Row Pulldowns Situps Bicycle Crunch 5 5 5 5 3 3 3 3 2 10 20 20 50 100 SITUPS SINGLE ARM CABLE ROW BICYCLE CRUNCHES CABLE ROW Week 1 Day 5 REST Week 1 Day 6 GLUTES Frog Pumps Banded/Barbell Glute Bridge Reverse Pistol Squat Superset Frog Pumps/Jump Squats Kickbacks Adductor Machine 3 8-10 3 3 4 3 20 20 15 60 FROG PUMPS JUMP SQUAT Week 1 Day 7 CHEST/SHOULDER/ABS Barbell Bench Single Arm Overhead Press Cable Lateral Raise Face Pulls Rear Delt Fly Partials Lateral Raise Partial Laterals 4 3 5 3 3 3 1 8 10 10-15 10-15 60 12 60 FACE PULLS SINGLE ARM OVERHEAD PRESS DUMBBELL BENCH PRESS REAR DELT FLY PARTIALS BikiniBOOTCAMP CONGRATULATIONS ON COMPLETING WEEK 1 Notes Week 2 Day 1 ARMS/ABS Chin Ups Dips Barbell Curl Alternating Skull Crusher Alternating Curls Rope Pressdown Rope Curl Stomach Vacuums Cable Crunches V Ups STOMACH VACUUMS V-UPS DIPS 5 5 4 4 4 4 4 3 3 3 ROPE CURLS 5 5 8 20 20 20 20 10 20 10 Week 2 Day 2 LEGS/GLUITES Box Squat Lunges Single Leg Shrimp Squat’ (no assistance if possible) Hip Thrust Hip Thrust Frog Pumps (on Smith Machine & Bench) Ninjas 5 3 5 5 10 5 3 1 2 10 100 20-30 3 20 LUNGES LUNGES HIP THRUSTS NINJAS Week 2 Day 3 REST Week 2 Day 4 SHOULDER/ABS Standing Overhead Press Cable Overhead Press Lateral Raise w/6 Sec. Negatives Lateral Raise Banded Rear Delt Pulse Ring TRX Pushups Situps Planks Horizontal Knee to Elbow HORIZONTAL KNEE TO ELBOW PLANK 5 3 3 1 1 3 2 2 3 8-10 10-15 10-15 100 20 Failure 100 Failure 50 Week 2 Day 5 GLUTES Hip Thrust Pulse Hip Thrust (top ¼ only) Shrimp Squats Assisted w/Band Frog Pump Ankle Weight Kickbacks Banded Prone Jumping Jacks HIP THRUST FROG PUMP SHRIMP SQUAT 3 3 3 3 3 3 12 20 15 20 20 20 Week 2 Day 6 BACK Deadlifts Pullups Bent Over Rows (overhand) Bent Over Rows (underhand) 45-Degree Row Cable Pullover DEADLIFT BENT OVER ROWS 5 5 4 4 4 4 5 Failure 10 10 15 15 Week 2 Day 7 ARMS/ABS Barbell Curl Dips Spider Curls Skullcrushers Hammer Curls Overhead Rope Extension Toes to Bar Plank Reach Outs (reach out and touch wall-full extension) SKULL CRUSHER TOES TO BAR OVERHEAD ROPE EXTENSION 5 5 4 4 4 4 3 1 5 5 8 8 20 20 Failure 100 Week 3 Day 1 LEGS/GLUTES Box Squats Hip Thrust Landmine Lunge, Landmine Stiff Leg Deadlift Single Leg Hip Thrust Banded Abductors in Bottom of Hip Thrust Position Banded Abductors in Top of Hip Thrust Position Banded Side Steps HIP THRUST BOX SQUAT 5 3 3 each leg 5 8 10 3 each leg 3 10 20 3 20 3 1 min. Week 3 Day 2 CHEST/SHOULDER/ABS Bench Press Standing Clean & Press Lateral Raise Face Pulls Cable Lateral Pulse Reps Lateral (top portion) Vacuums ( hold each for 2 sec.) 5 5 3 3 3 3 3 BENCH PRESS FACE PULLS LATERAL RAISES 5 10 21 20 10-15 20 10-12 Week 3 Day 3 GLUTES Hip Thrust 1 ¼ (full concentric, 25% of Eccentric, Then Relock your Hips) 5 12 2 5 5 10 15-20 20 HIP THRUST Deadstop Hip Thrust Barbell Frog Pump on Bench Cable Kneeling Squat (dip belt around hips pulling back) CABLE KNEELING SQUAT Week 3 Day 4 BACK/ABS Deadlifts Pullups Pullup partials (scapula only movement... shoulder to ears stretch ¼ of movement) Dumbbell Seal Rows SUPERSET: Lateral Pulldown Between Cable Crossover/Pullovers Vacuums DEADLIFTS VACUUM LATERAL PULLDOWN 5 5 3 5 5 10 3 10 3 20 20 14 3 Week 3 Day 5 REST Week 3 Day 6 GLUTES Smith Hip Thrust Drop Sets Smith Frog Pumps Kneeling Smith Squat 5 5 5 20 20 20 5 20 5 20 1 60 KNEELING SMITH SQUAT Single Leg Kneeling Smith Squat (knee on bench. Band pulling hips back) Reverse Hyper Abduction (help get a longer range of motion) Banded Kickback (each leg) BANDED KICKBACK FROG PUMP Week 3 Day 7 CHEST/SHOULDER Incline Bench Javelin Press Incline Lateral (lying on side) Lateral Raise Drop Sets (3 drops per set. Ex: 10 reps w/20lbs, 10 reps w/15lbs 10 reps w/10lbs.) SUPERSETS: Banded Rear Delt Partials/ 15 Overhead Dumbbell Press ( these will feel pretty unstable) Patial Laterals (arms in between body band & press out) SIDE LATERAL RAISES OVERHEAD DUMBBELL PRESS 4 3 3 3 8 10 10-15 10-15 3 60 1 60 Week 4 Day 1 ARMS/ABS Chin Ups Dips Barbell Curl Skull Crusher Bicycle Crunches Stomach Vacuums BICYCLE CRUNCHES SKULL CRUSHER VACUUM 10 10 3 3 3 3 10 10 8 20 100 10 Week 4 Day 2 LEGS/GLUTES HIP THRUST Squats Dip Belt Squats Hip Thrust Reverse Hypers 6 Sec. Negatives Barbell Frog Pump Single Leg Hip Thrust FROG PUMP 5 3 5 3 3 5 10 5 10-15 100 10 BikiniBOOTCAMP Week 4 Day 3 REST Week 4 Day 4 SHOULDERS/ABS Seated Clean and Press Lateral Raise TRX Pushups Lateral Raises( see 100’s notes) Banded Rear Dealt Pulses TRX Pushups LATERAL RAISES TOES TO BAR 8-10 10-15 10-15 100 20 Failure 3 3 100 10 Failure Lateral Raises ABS Situps Vacuums Toes to Bar SITUPS 3-5 3-5 3-5 1 1 3 Vacuums Week 4 Day 5 GLUTES KICKBACKS Banded or Barbell Glute Bridges Kickbacks Side Step Up Lunge (with box or bench to the same side as your leg. Use weight if possible) Cable Pull Throughs Single Leg Reverse Hyper or Single Leg Hyper Extension CABLE PULL THROUGHS BANDED GLUTE BRIDGE 5 4 4 8-10 15 15 5 4 10 15 Week 4 Day 6 BACK GIANT SET Rows Lat Pulldowns Bar Row/Inverted Rows Deadlifts 45-Degree Pulldowns 5 5 5 5 3 Inverted Rows DEADLIFTS LATERAL PULLDOWN 10-15 15-20 10-15 10-15 20 Week 4 Day 7 ARMS/ABS Weighted Dips Barbell Curls 5 8 5 5 3 3 3 20 20 20 3 3 3 20 20 20 3 3 25 Failure WEIGHTED DIPS BICEPS SUPERSETS: Dumbbell Curls Cable Rope Curls Rope Curls Partials( hips to ½ way up) DUMBBELL CURLS TRICEPS SUPERSETS: Skull Crushers Rope Push Downs Cable Rope Push Down Partials (chest to ½ way down) Rope Crunches Hanging Leg Raises SKULL CRUSHERS BikiniBOOTCAMP CONGRATULATIONS ON COMPLETING WEEK 4 (NOW REPEAT THIS PROGRAM ADDING MORE WEIGHT. Notes BikiniBOOTCAMP Tips on Recovery Sleep AT LEAST 7 hours per night (DO NOT UNDERESTIMATE THE POWER OF SLEEP). Without proper sleep, even the best workouts and nutrition regimens can have stunted progress. Drink plenty of water (4+ Liters per day, depending on body weight) Stretch Foam roll Hit your daily protein macros every day!! Your body cannot store amino acids. Hitting your protein yesterday does nothing to help you today. You need a constant, ample supply of protein to function and perform optimally. Hit your calories every day! Severe calorie deficits do not equal optimal results. They equal fatigue, stress, increased cortisol, dizziness, hunger, lethargy, emotional lability, shitty lifts, poor performance, propensities to binge and yo-yo diet, and if used long-term, a slowed metabolism. Consider supplements during training to aid in MPS (muscle protein synthesis) and abate catabolic effects of exercise (EAA’s/BCAA’s, glutamine- under “supplements” in your personal program). Ask us what we think would be beneficial to you! Eat before the gym and eat within one hour of leaving the gym. If you train in the evenings, be sure to eat a fueling dinner before going to bed! Get massages if you can, and/or consider chiropractic work Take Epsom salt baths 1-2 times per week Allow minimum 48 hours of recovery in between training days for same muscle groups Take rest days if you need them. Listen to your body if/when it’s telling you “no.” lol When this happens, you will know it. Minimize stress with: Mindfulness Gratitude practices daily Meditation Aromatherapy Sleep hygiene Avoid using more than 300mg caffeine daily Ashwagandha, and/or other cortisol-balancing supplements, etc. BikiniBOOTCAMP Weight Training Through Your Menstrual Cycle THE FOLLICULAR PHASE This is the fun phase! Pain tolerance, endurance, energy/motivation, strength, insulin sensitivity, and force generational capacity are all increased. This phase is the most optimal muscle growth, muscle glycogen is better utilized, and is a good time for higher carbs/refeeds. ◆ This phase begins the first day of your period and ends when you ovulate. THE LUTEAL PHASE This is the phase when life just seems hard. Progesterone, water retention, metabolism, cravings, and mood changes increase. Serotonin and strength decrease. This is where understanding your body can keep you from getting frustrated. It is a natural monthly occurrence. This is a time to accept that your 100% may not be the same every day, and you just do that day’s best! This is a good time to incorporate LISS and maybe even take an extra rest day. Your NEAT will naturally be lower (you’re burning less calories during the day) so make sure to watch your nutrition. Try to plan in treats for the end of the night when you may have cravings. Try to use lower calorie berries for that sweet treat if you are going over calories. ◆ This phase happens between ovulation and your period. THE OVULATION PHASE In this phase you still feel good, but you need to pay extra attention to form! Estrogen and risk of injuries increase. Tendon elasticity decreases. You will still feel strong and energized in this phase, but you are more susceptible to injuries. Studies have shown women are 3x as likely to experience ACL tears during the Ovulation Phase due to greater ACL laxity, greater knee valgus, and greater tibial external rotation during functional activity. ◆ This phase usually happens between day 10-18 of your cycle. This is when an egg is released from the ovary to be fertilized. THE MENSTRUATION PHASE This is when the red gates open! Metabolism returns to normal. Water retention and all PMS symptoms decrease. Mood and energy increase. This is that moment we all have every month: “OHHH THAT’S WHY I WAS CRYING OVER THE HALO TOP?!” All of the PMS symptoms start to subside, and you start to feel like yourself again. The cravings, bloating, and tears have all chilled out. ◆ This is your actual period. Now, we start the cycle all over again. HOW UNDERSTANDING YOUR CYCLE HELPS Knowing what is going on in your body at each phase of your cycle allows you to have grace with yourself. It can help you know when to REALLY push, and when to watch yourself. Knowing all of these symptoms are normal helps with accepting what is going on instead of wondering what is wrong. Know all of this is normal, have patience with yourself, have plans for how to handle each phase, and know it all will pass. If you don’t have a period and you don’t know why, please take that as a check engine light!! Do a self-assessment. That is your body trying to tell you something! Contact @jennajo_ For more information on one-on-one coaching from Jenna’s Bodyshop, visit