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CS Lab: Classes & OOP in Python

CS 1160
Spring 2023
Lab 10: Classes and Object-Oriented Programming
Assigned: Monday April 10, 2023
Due: Saturday April 15 no later than 11:59 pm.
10 points
Late penalty - 10% per day. Zero grade if more than 48 hours late
Problem Description: Solve Programming Exercise 1 on pages 547-548 of the text.
Include in your solution submittals a UML diagram.
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Required Submittals:
Turn in to the Lab 10 Dropbox the py files (fileprefixlab10Pet.py,
fileprefixlab10PetMain.py and corresponding txt files of your code including
both student solution text files file below. Be sure to include the triple
commented results at the bottom of the fileprefixPetMain.py code file. Your
UML diagram should be uploaded as a pdf file name fileprefixlab10UML.pdf.
Check List and Grading Points (Rubric): 10 points total max
1. Name your file fileprefixlab10PetMain.py and include header block as
(1 points)
# Name: (your name)
# Course: CS 1160
# Assignment: Lab 10
# Date Assigned: 4/10/2023
# Filename: fileprefixlab10PetMain.py
# Brief Description: Classes and Object-Oriented Programming
2. Use meaningful comments in your program. (1 points)
3. Well-structured and properly uses the Pet class (3 points)
4. Includes results for at least two instances of Pets (2 points)
5. Well structured UML diagram (3 points)
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