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XENOKRATEZ'17 - 2nd year Question bank

 XENOKRATEZ’17 Question bank is designed based on the
TamilNadu Dr.MGR Medical University syllabus for the 2nd
year M.B.B.S. students.
 This question bank aids the students to get an overall view about
the University Theory examinations.
 This question bank contains all the important ( Must know ) &
other possible ( Desirable to know ) questions from all the four
 Students are expected to prepare answers atleast for all the
important questions with corresponding labelled diagrams and
flow charts wherever necessary.
 Clinical scenarios have been included in Microbiology and
Pathology sections for practice.
 Key words in clinical scenarios have been highlighted to arrive
at an easy diagnosis.
“Success is the sum of small efforts, repeated
day in and day out”
Page number
Pharmacology Paper - I
Pharmacology Paper - II
Microbiology Paper - I
Microbiology Paper - II
Pathology Paper - I
Pathology Paper - II
Forensic Medicine
 General Pharmacology
 Autonomic Nervous System
 Autacoids
 Respiratory System
 Peripheral Nervous System
 Central Nervous System
 Cardiovascular System
 Diuretics
 Blood
1. Define Biotransformation reaction. Explain Phase 1 and Phase 2 reactions
with suitable examples. Discuss the importance of enzyme induction &
enzyme inhibition.
2. Define drug and dose. Discuss various factors modifying drug’s actions.
Possible Questions
1. Discuss various routes of drug administration. Mention each route with
suitable examples, their advantages and disadvantages.
Short Notes
1. Parenteral route of drug administration
2. Local routes
3. Sublingual route of administration
4. Discuss in detail about the Phase 2 Biotransformation reactions with
suitable examples
5. Microsomal enzyme inducers
6. First pass metabolism ( Pre-Systemic Metabolism )
7. Bioavailability
8. Plasma half life
9. Blood-Brain Barrier
10.Drug tolerance
11.Specialized active transport mechanisms across biological membrane
12.Receptor antagonism of drugs
13.Drug Synergism & Antagonism
14.Fixed dose ratio combinations
18.Newer drug delivery systems
Possible Questions
1. Essential drugs
2. Prolongation of drug action
3. Renal excretion of drug
4. Types of Adverse Drug Reactions
5. New drug development
Short Answers
1. Orphan drugs
2. Enumerate four routes of drug administration
3. Mention two advantages & disadvantages of Sublingual route of drug
4. Name two drugs eliminated through Lungs
5. Mention four drugs delivered by Transdermal patches
6. Name two merits and demerits of Rectal route of drug administration
7. Prodrug
8. Define Plasma half life. Give two examples of drugs with short & long
half life
9. Define Bioavailability. Why is it less when the drug is given orally?
10.First pass metabolism with suitable examples
11.What is First order kinetics?
12.What is Zero order pharmacokinetics?
13.Therapeutic index
14.Therapeutic range ( Therapeutic Window )
15.Drug Potency vs Efficacy
16.Mention four drugs bound to plasma albumin
17.Loading & Maintenance dose
18.First dose effect
19.Controlled release drugs
22.Give two examples for physiological functional antagonism
23.Physiological antagonism
24.What is Competitive antagonism?
25.Mention four methods of prolongation of drug action
26.Consequences of Microsomal inhibition
27.What is Cumulation?
28.Types of Synergism
29.What is Potentiation of drug action? Mention two examples
30.Phase 3 clinical trial
31.What is Phase 4 clinical trial?
32.Define Teratogenicity. Mention four teratogenic drugs
33.What is Fixed dose combination? Give two examples
34.Define Pharmacogenomics
35.Define Anaphylaxis with a suitable example
36.Drugs used for Anaphylactic shock
37.Treatment for drug allergy
38.What is Iatrogenic disease? Give 2 examples
Possible Questions
1. Intramuscular route
2. Vegetable & Animal sources of drugs
3. Solid & liquid dosage forms
4. Pessaries
5. Schedule H
6. OTC drugs
7. Ocuserts
8. Apparent Volume of distribution
9. Hofmann elimination
10.Define Pharmacokinetics & Pharmacodynamics
11.Plateau principle
12.Log Dose Response curve
13.Drug selectivity & sensitivity
14.Certain Safety Factor
15.Down regulation of receptors
17.An 8 year old child accompanied by her mother comes to OPD with
complaints of low grade fever and head ache. Calculate the dose for the
child if the adult dose of Paracetamol is 600mg
18.Rational usage of drugs
19.Name two hepatotoxic drugs
20.Evidence based medicine
1. Classify Sympathomimetic ( Adrenergic ) drugs. Write the mechanism of
action, pharmacological actions, therapeutic uses, adverse effects and
contraindications of Adrenaline.
2. Classify Antimuscarinic ( Anticholinergic ) drugs. Mention the
pharmacological actions of Atropine and its uses. Enumerate Atropine
derivatives and its uses.
3. Classify Anticholinesterases. Discuss the mechanism of action and
indications of reversible Anticholinesterases. Outline the management of
acute Organophosphorous poisoning.
4. Classify Beta blockers. Discuss the pharmacological actions,
pharmacokinetics, adverse effects and uses of Propranolol. Discuss the
role of beta blockers in Thyrotoxicosis.
5. Classify Beta blockers. Mention the advantages of selective over nonselective beta blockers. Discuss the adverse effects of beta blockers.
Short Notes
1. Treatment of OPC poisoning
2. Discuss the drug therapy of Anticholinesterase poisoning
3. Therapeutic uses of Atropine and its substitutes
4. Dicyclomine
5. Adrenaline
6. Classification and therapeutic uses of Alpha blockers
7. Uroselective Alpha adrenergic blockers
8. Clonidine
9. Beta agonists
11.Indications and contraindications of Beta blockers
12.Extracardiac uses of Beta blockers
13.Cardioselective Beta blockers
14.Therapeutic uses of Cholinergic and Adrenergic drugs
15.Treatment of Glaucoma
16.Ocular hypotensives
18.Nasal decongestants
19.Dopamine in cardiogenic shock
Possible Questions
1. Physostigmine
2. Treatment of Belladonna poisoning
3. Drug therapy of Myasthenia gravis
4. Irreversible ChE inhibitors
5. Dopamine
6. Ganglionic stimulants
Short Answers
1. Cholinergic crisis
2. Cholinesterase reactivation in OPC poisoning
3. Why Pralidoxime is not used as antidote for carbamate anticholinesterase
4. Therapeutic uses of Alpha blockers
5. Drugs used in Anaphylactic shock
6. Extravascular uses of Clonidine
7. Mention two uses & adverse effects of Beta blockers
8. Esmolol
9. Contraindications for Beta blockers
10.Mention two adverse effects & uses of Labetalol
11.Name two Central sympatholytic agents. Write two uses
12.Mention two drugs used in Glaucoma with their rationale
13.Rationale of Timolol in glaucoma
14.Name two different drugs used in the treatment of open angle glaucoma
15.Advantages of topical beta blockers over miotics in glaucoma
16.Name two Sialogogues
17.Drugs used in Cardiogenic shock
18.Rationale for use of Dopamine in cardiogenic shock
Possible Questions
1. Heterotropic drug interaction
2. Bethanechol
3. Pilocarpine
10 | P a g e
4. Edrophonium test
5. Oxybutynin
6. Vasomotor reversal of Dale
7. Isoprenaline
8. Therapeutic uses of Prazosin
9. Carvedilol
1. Classify NSAIDs. Write the mechanism of action, pharmacological
actions, therapeutic uses and adverse effects of Salicylates.
2. Classify H1 receptor blockers. Discuss the pharmacology of Mast cell
stabilizers and its uses. Enumerate H2 receptor blockers and its uses.
Short Notes
1. Therapeutic uses of H1 antihistaminics
2. Enumerate second generation H1 antagonists and their uses. Discuss the
differences between first & second generation Antihistamines
3. Drug therapy for Vertigo
4. Therapeutic uses of Prostaglandins
5. Pharmacotherapy of Migraine
6. Sumatriptan
7. Selective 5 HT 1B/1D agonist
8. Mention the mechanism of action, uses and adverse effects of NSAIDs
9. Effects of Aspirin on acid base & electrolyte balance
10.COX-2 inhibitors
11.Treatment of Acute gout
11 | P a g e
12.Drug therapy of Chronic gout
13.Uricosuric agents
14.Acute Paracetamol poisoning
15.Mechanism of action, uses and adverse effects of Ketorolac
16.Mechanism of action & uses of Nimesulide
Possible Questions
1. Ergot alkaloids
2. Prophylaxis of Migraine
3. 5HT antagonists
4. Prostaglandin analogues
5. Platelet activating factor
6. How will you choose NSAIDs for a patient?
Short Answers
1. Two second generation Antihistamines and their therapeutic uses
2. Uses of Cyproheptadine
3. Non-sedating antihistamines
4. Rupatadine and its indications
5. Mention two groups of drugs used in prophylaxis of migraine
6. Write two therapeutic uses of Ondansetron
7. Mention 4 therapeutic uses of Prostaglandins
8. Mention two uses of Dinoprostone
9. Name 2 Leukotriene receptor antagonists and their indications
10.Mention four contraindications for Aspirin
11.Write any two uses and two adverse effects of Aspirin
12.Name two selective COX- 2 inhibitors. Mention two advantages & two
adverse effects
12 | P a g e
14.Give four examples for DMARDs
15.Drugs used in Acute gout
16.Mention the mechanism of action and two uses of Allopurinol
17.Write any one use and one adverse effect of Etanercept
Possible Questions
1. Histamine synthesis and degradation
2. Levocetirizine
3. Drugs inhibiting Histamine release
4. Drug therapy for Motion sickness
5. Azelastine
6. Ibuprofen
7. Etoricoxib
8. Analgesic combinations
9. Pegloticase
1. Classify the drugs used for Bronchial asthma. Discuss the role of
Sympathomimetics in the management of Bronchial asthma.
Short Notes
1. Enumerate and discuss the role of Inhaled corticosteroids in Bronchial
2. Pharmacotherapy of Status asthmaticus
3. Ipratropium bromide
4. Sodium cromoglycate
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5. Mast cell stabilizers
6. Mucokinetic agents ( Expectorants )
7. Bromhexine
8. Antitussives
Possible Questions
1. Choice of treatment in Bronchial asthma
2. Different techniques of administration of Antiasthmatic drugs
3. Management of COPD
Short Answers
1. Mention four Antitussive drugs
2. Mention any four Mucolytics
3. Mention four Antiasthmatic drugs
4. Centrally acting Cough suppressants & their uses
5. Mention two drugs used as Inhalation steroids and two adverse effects
6. Mention two Leukotriene antagonists used in bronchial asthma
7. List two uses of Sodium cromoglycate
8. Zileuton
9. Omalizumab
Possible Questions
1. Demulcents
2. Rationale behind gargling after the use of inhaled corticosteroids
3. Morphine is not preferred as a cough suppressant – Justify
4. Nitric oxide donors
14 | P a g e
1. Classify the drugs used as peripherally acting Skeletal muscle relaxants.
Discuss in detail the pharmacological actions and toxicity produced by
d-Tubocurarine. Add a note on the rationale of using Dantrolene sodium
in the management of Malignant hyperthermia.
Short Notes
1. Succinylcholine ( Depolarising Neuromuscular blocker )
2. Write the differences between Competitive & Non-Competitive
neuromuscular blockers. Write their therapeutic uses and adverse effects
3. Centrally acting skeletal muscle relaxants
4. Discuss the mechanism of action, uses and techniques of Local
5. Complications of Spinal anaesthesia
6. Lignocaine
7. Dantrolene ( Directly acting skeletal muscle relaxant )
Possible Questions
1. Differences between General & Local Anaesthetics
2. Local anaesthetics in the presence of inflammation
3. Ganglionic blockers
Short Answers
1. Mechanism of action of d-Tubocurarine
2. Name four peripherally acting Skeletal muscle relaxants
3. Succinylcholine apnoea
4. Mention two uses of Spasmolytics
5. Mention two therapeutic uses of Lignocaine
6. What is Eutectic mixture? Mention its indications
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7. Bupivacaine
8. Rationale of giving adrenaline along with local anaesthetics
9. Contraindications of adrenaline along with local anaesthetics
Possible Questions
1. Sugammadex
2. Atracurium
3. Baclofenac
4. Phase 2 block
5. Carisoprodol
6. Botulinum toxin
7. Classify Local Anaesthetics
8. Procaine
9. Topical anaesthetics
10.Phentolamine mesylate
11.Bier’s block
12.Drug interactions of Local anaesthetics
1. Enumerate the various Sedative and Hypnotic drugs. Discuss the
mechanism of action, uses and adverse effects of Benzodiazepines.
Briefly discuss the management of acute Barbiturate poisoning.
2. Enumerate Antiepileptic drugs. Discuss the pharmacology of drugs acting
on GABA receptors.
3. Classify Anticonvulsant drugs. Discuss mechanism of action,
pharmacological actions, therapeutic uses and adverse effects of
Benzodiazepines. Write briefly on Flumazenil.
16 | P a g e
4. Classify Antiepileptic drugs with examples for each group. Describe
mechanism of action, adverse effects and therapeutic indications of
Phenytoin ( Diphenyl hydantoin ). How will you manage a known
epileptic with three months of Amenorrhoea?
5. Classify drugs used in the treatment of Parkinsonism. Explain the
mechanism of action and adverse effects of Levodopa. What is the
rationale for use of carbidopa with levodopa? Write briefly on Selegiline.
6. Classify Antiparkinsonian drugs. Write about Dopaminergic agonists.
7. Classify Antidepressants. Write in detail about mechanism of action, uses
& adverse effects of Selective Serotonin Reuptake Inhibitors.
Possible Questions
1. Classify Antipsychotic drugs ( Neuroleptics ). Discuss mechanism of
action, therapeutic uses and adverse effects of conventional
Antipsychotics. Add a note on Mood stabilising agents.
2. Classify Opioid analgesics. Mention pharmacological effects, therapeutic
uses, side effects,contraindications and drug interactions of Morphine.
Short Notes
1. Intravenous General anaesthetics
2. Balanced anaesthesia
3. Propofol as an inducing agent
4. Complications of General anaesthesia
5. Ketamine
6. Pre-anaesthetic medication
7. Neurolept anaesthesia
8. Role of Ethyl alcohol in methyl alcohol poisoning
9. Aldehyde dehydrogenase inhibitors
10.Methanol poisoning
11.Role of Topiramate in epileptic patients
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12.Briefly discuss the drug therapy of Status epilepticus
14.Phenytoin sodium
16.Sodium valproate
17.Pharmacotherapy of Parkinsonism
19.Atypical antipsychotics
20.Compare and contrast Conventional & Atypical antipsychotics
21.Malignant neuroleptic syndrome
22.Tricyclic antidepressants
23.Selective Serotonin Reuptake Inhibitors
25.Opioid receptors
26.Pure opioid antagonists
29.Therapeutic uses of Morphine
30.Treatment of Alzheimer’s disease
Possible Questions
1. Stages of anaesthesia
2. Classify General anaesthetics. Add a note on Inhalational Anaesthetics
3. Nitrous oxide
4. Management of Alcohol dependence
5. Non-Benzodiazepine hypnotics ( Z drugs )
6. Drug therapy for Insomnia
7. Choice of Antiseizure drugs
18 | P a g e
8. Mention the drugs causing Parkinsonism. Discuss the management of
drug induced parkinsonism
9. SNRIs
10.Serotonin syndrome
11.Atypical anxiolytics
12.Endogenous Opioid peptides
13.Treatment of Opioid dependence
16.Cognition Enhancers
17.Management of Neurodegenerative disorders – Huntington’s Chorea and
Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis
Short Answers
1. List two advantages in using nitrous oxide for General anaesthesia
2. Dissociative anaesthesia
3. Halothane
4. Pre-anaesthetic rationale of Atropine
5. Mention any four Pre-anaesthetic medicants
6. Name any two drugs used for Conscious sedation
7. Mention two advantages & disadvantages of Thiopentone sodium
8. Treatment of Methyl alcohol poisoning
9. Mention four common drug interactions in an alcoholic individual
10.What is Fomepizole? Mention its indications
11.Mechanism of action of Disulfiram
12.Mention two Non-Benzodiazepine hypnotics
13.Uses of Diazepam
14.Mention four adverse effects of Phenytoin
15.Drugs used in Status epilepticus
19 | P a g e
16.Dopaminergic agonists in Parkinsonism
17.Rationale of combining l-dopa and carbidopa in the treatment of
18.Serotonin syndrome
19.Serotonin and Noradrenaline Reuptake Inhibitors
22.Mention four atypical antipsychotics
23.Adverse effects of Phenothiazines
24.List four differences between Buspirone and Benzodiazepines
25.Antianxiety drugs
26.Mention four contraindications for Morphine
27.Mechanism of action of Tramadol
28.Mention uses and adverse effects of Theophylline
Possible Questions
1. Second gas effect
2. Diffusion Hypoxia
3. Nitrous oxide is the least potent anaesthetic - Justify
4. Advantages of Isoflurane and Sevoflurane
5. Name the alcoholic beverages and its Food value
6. Acamprosate
7. Ramelteon
8. Types of Epilepsy
9. Amantadine
10.COMT inhibitors
12.Extrapyramidal disturbances of atypical antipsychotics
20 | P a g e
14.MAO-B inhibitors
15.Drug interactions of Tricyclic Antidepressants
16.Cheese reaction
17.Management of Trigeminal neuralgia
19.Uses of Atypical Antidepressants
21.Neurological side effects of typical antipsychotics
22.Drugs used in Absence seizures
24.Withdrawal symptoms
25.Stages of sleep
26.Types of psychoses
30.Drug dependence
31.Designer drugs
1. Classify Antihypertensive drugs. Discuss mechanism of action,
pharmacological actions, therapeutic uses and adverse effects of
2. Classify Antihypertensive drugs. Discuss mechanism of action and
therapeutic uses of Angiotensin Receptor Blockers. Outline briefly about
Hypertensive emergencies and urgencies.
21 | P a g e
3. Classify Antiarrhythmic drugs. Write in detail about mechanism of
action, pharmacokinetics, clinical uses and adverse effects of
4. Classify Antianginal drugs. Discuss the mechanism of action, therapeutic
uses and adverse effects of Glyceryl trinitrate.
5. Classify Antihypertensive drugs. Discuss in detail about the management
of Hypertensive emergency and urgency. Which antihypertensive drugs
are to be avoided in Pregnancy and Why?
Possible Questions
1. Classify drugs used for Heart failure. Mention mechanism of action,
pharmacological actions, therapeutic uses, adverse effects and drug
interactions of Digoxin.
Short Notes
1. Losartan
2. Enumerate Calcium channel blockers. Write briefly on Diltiazem
3. Amlodipine
4. Mechanism of action, therapeutic uses and adverse effects of Digoxin
5. Contraindications for the use of Digitalis
6. Digoxin toxicity
7. Discuss the role of Vasodilators in acute Heart failure
8. Amiodarone
9. Class 3 Antiarrhythmics
11.Potassium channel openers
13.Glyceryl trinitrate
14.Organic nitrates
15.Sodium nitroprusside
22 | P a g e
16.Beneficial effects of Beta blockers in Myocardial infarction
18.Treatment of Myocardial infarction
Possible Questions
1. Agents inhibiting Renin angiotensin system
2. Direct renin inhibitor
3. Choice and use of Antiarrhythmic drugs
4. Role of Beta blockers in Heart failure
5. Pharmacology of Anti Diuretic Hormone (ADH)
6. Drug therapy for Peripheral Vascular Diseases
7. Treatment of Shock
Short Answers
1. Mention four Angiotensin receptor blockers
2. Therapeutic uses of Amiodarone
3. Mechanism of action and uses of Nitrendipine
4. Mechanism of action of Digoxin
5. Name 4 Antiarrhythmics
6. Therapeutic uses of Organonitrates
7. Mention two cardiac glycosides and their indications
8. Postural hypotension
9. Adenosine
10.Adenosine in the management of PSVT
11.What are the antihypertensives to be avoided in Pregnancy? Give reasons
12.Give 2 reasons for using Morphine in Left ventricular failure
13.Name two different categories of drugs used in the treatment of
Congestive heart failure. Give one example in each category
23 | P a g e
Possible Questions
1. Sacubitril
2. Ambrisentan
3. Natriuretic peptide
4. Icatibant ( Bradykinin antagonist )
5. Levosimendan
6. Sotalol
7. Alpha Methyldopa
8. Fenoldopam
9. Ranolazine
11.Positive inotropic drugs
12.Extracardiac adverse effects of Digoxin
13.Arteriolar dilators
14.Drugs for A-V block
15.Types of Arrhythmia and Angina
16.Drugs combinations in Angina
17.Combination therapy in Hypertension
1. Classify Diuretics. Write the mechanism of action, pharmacological
actions, therapeutic uses and adverse effects of Furosemide.
Short Notes
1. Loop diuretics ( High ceiling diuretics )
2. Thiazide diuretics
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3. Mechanism of action, therapeutic uses & adverse effects of
4. Osmotic diuretics
5. Acetazolamide
6. K+ sparing diuretics
7. Antidiuretics
Short Answers
1. Mention the uses and adverse effects of Loop diuretics
2. Write any two indications and two adverse effects of Thiazides
3. Thiazides as antidiuretics
4. Adverse effects of Spironolactone
5. Uses of Acetazolamide
Possible Questions
1. Write two causes and mechanisms of drug resistance to Loop diuretics
2. Drug interactions of Diuretics
3. Eplerenone
4. Amiloride
5. Vasopressin analogues as antidiuretics
6. Tolvaptan
Possible Questions
1. Classify Anticoagulants. Discuss the mechanism of action, therapeutic
uses, adverse effects, contraindications & drug interactions of Warfarin.
25 | P a g e
2. Classify Hypolipidemic drugs. Mention the mechanism of action,
therapeutic uses, adverse effects, drug interactions and contraindications
of Statins.
Short Notes
1. Parenteral Iron therapy
2. Iron preparations and its uses
3. Heparin – Mechanism of action, adverse effects and indications
4. Advantages and therapeutic uses of Low Molecular Weight Heparin
5. Epsilon amino caproic acid
6. Antifibrinolytic drugs
7. Fibrinolytic drugs ( Thrombolytics )
8. Antiplatelet drugs ( Antithrombotic drugs )
9. Glycoprotein II b/III a receptor antagonists
11.Enumerate Statins. Write its mechanism of action and indications
Possible Questions
1. Treatment of Iron deficiency anaemia
2. Pharmacokinetics, clinical uses and adverse effects of Iron
3. Coagulants
4. Oral Anticoagulants and their clinical uses
5. Choice of Anticoagulants for various clinical indications
6. Direct Thrombin Inhibitors
7. Role of Fibrates in dyslipidemia
8. Guidelines on use of Hypolipidemic drugs
9. Pharmacotherapy of Obesity
10.Management of Stroke
26 | P a g e
Short Answers
1. Factors affecting absorption of Iron
2. Citrovorum factor rescue ( Leucovorin rescue )
3. Uses of Erythropoietin
4. Heparin antagonist ( Protamine sulphate )
5. Contraindications of Heparin
6. Heparin vs Warfarin
7. Uses and side effects of Abciximab
8. Dabigatran etexilate
9. Mention four Antiplatelet drugs
10.Mention two uses of Antifibrinolytic drugs
11.Mention four examples of HMG-CoA reductase inhibitors
Possible Questions
1. Uses of Vitamin B-12 and Folic acid
2. Colony Stimulating factors
3. Therapeutic uses of Vitamin – K
4. Styptics
5. Tranexamic acid
6. Contraindications of Thrombolytic therapy
7. Mention the uses and adverse effects of Gemfibrozil
8. Nicotinic acid
9. Colesevelam
10.Plasma expanders
11.Total parenteral nutrition
27 | P a g e
 Gastrointestinal System
 Endocrine System
 Antimicrobial Chemotherapy
 Chemotherapy of Neoplastic Diseases
 Miscellaneous Topics
- Immunomodulators
- Dermatological Pharmacology
- Chelating Agents
- Vaccines and Sera
- Vitamins and Antioxidants
- Drug Interactions
- Enzymes in Therapy
- Geriatric and Paediatric Pharmacology
- Therapeutic Gases
- Antiseptics and Disinfectants
- Environmental toxicants
- Ocular Pharmacology
28 | P a g e
1. Classify drugs used in Peptic ulcer disease. Discuss the mechanism of
action, uses and adverse effects of Proton pump inhibitors.
2. Discuss the pharmacotherapy of Helicobacter pylori infection.
3. Classify Antiemetic drugs. How will you manage:
a)Motion sickness
b)Morning sickness
c)Drug induced postoperative nausea and vomiting ( PONV )
d)Anti-cancer chemotherapy induced vomiting ( CINV )
4. Classify Dopamine receptors and mention its agonists and antagonists.
Write mechanism of action, pharmacological actions, therapeutic uses
and adverse effects of Metoclopramide.
Possible Questions
1. Classify Antidiarrhoeal drugs. Discuss the mechanism of action,
therapeutic uses and adverse effects of non specific Antidiarrhoeal drugs.
Short Notes
1. Triple regimen for H.pylori infection
2. Discuss the mechanism of action, pharmacokinetics, uses and adverse
effects of H2 receptor blockers
3. Ranitidine
4. Proton pump inhibitors
5. Prostaglandin analogues used in treatment of peptic ulcer
6. Bisacodyl
7. Sucralfate
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8. Mention the mechanism of action, uses and adverse effects of
Ondansetron. Why is it advantageous over Metoclopramide?
9. Mechanism of action and therapeutic uses of Metoclopramide
10.Prokinetic drugs
11.5HT3 Antagonists
12.Classify Antiemetic agents
13.Management of Functional constipation
15.Bulk purgatives
16.Antimotility drugs
Possible Questions
1. Aprepitant ( NK1 receptor antagonist )
2. Management of Irritable Bowel syndrome
3. Uses and Contraindications of Purgatives
4. Choice and use of Purgatives
5. Stool softener
6. Treatment of Inflammatory Bowel Disease
Short Answers
1. Justify the role of Misoprostol in prevention and treatment of NSAID
induced gastrointestinal injury
2. Rationale of combining Aluminium and Magnesium salts in antacids
3. Triple drug regimen of Peptic ulcer
4. Mechanism of action of Omeprazole
5. Justify the preference of Ranitidine over Cimetidine
6. Name any four Antiemetics
7. Ondansetron as an antiemetic
8. Name two drugs used in Motion sickness with their rationale
9. Sulfasalazine as an Antidiarrhoeal agent
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11.Super ORS
Possible Questions
1. Anti H.Pylori drugs
2. Gastric acid neutralizers
3. Regulation of gastric acid secretion
4. Probiotics
5. Lactulose is used in hepatic encephalopathy - Justify
6. Role of Zinc administration in paediatric diarrhoea
7. Loperamide
8. Oral rehydration solution
9. Ursodiol ( Gallstone dissolving drugs )
1. Classify Antithyroid drugs. Discuss the adverse effects and clinical uses
of Thyroid hormone synthesis inhibitors. Add a note on treatment of
Thyroid storm.
2. Classify Oral hypoglycemic drugs. Discuss the mechanism of action, uses
and adverse effects of Metformin. Why is it used as a first choice drug in
type 2 Diabetes mellitus patients?
3. Classify the drugs used for Diabetes mellitus. Discuss the actions and the
available preparations of Insulin.
4. Enumerate and discuss the pharmacology of Newer insulin analogues.
Add a note on Insulin resistance.
31 | P a g e
5. Classify drugs used in Diabetes mellitus. Write the mechanism of action
and uses of Oral Hypoglycemic drugs. Enumerate DNA recombinant
derived Insulins.
6. Classify Glucocorticoids ( Corticosteroids ). Enumerate pharmacological
actions, adverse effects and uses of Glucocorticoids. Mention the
precautions on long term therapy.
7. What are the various methods of Hormonal contraception? Discuss the
mechanism of action of Hormonal contraceptives. Mention the
complications of contraceptive use.
Short Notes
1. Propylthiouracil
2. Carbimazole
3. Radioactive Iodine
4. Adverse effects and uses of Iodides
5. Drugs used for Thyrotoxic crisis
6. Therapeutic uses and adverse effects of Gonadotropins
7. Enumerate Insulin analogs. Write their indications and advantages
8. Newer Insulins
9. Human Insulins
10.Insulin resistance
11.Discuss the status of Oral hypoglycemic drugs in type 2 diabetes mellitus
12.Indications for oral Hypoglycemic drugs
13.Management of Diabetic Ketoacidosis
15.Mechanism of action and adverse effects of Metformin
17.Write uses, adverse effects and contraindications of Corticosteroids
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20.Anabolic steroids
21.5 Reductase inhibitors
22.Combined pills
23.Oral contraceptives
24.Indications, advantages and contraindications of OCPs
25.Therapeutic uses and adverse effects of OCPs
26.Enumerate the serious complications of Oral contraceptives
27.Selective Estrogen Receptor Modulators ( SERMs )
29.Emergency contraception
30.Discuss the pharmacological actions, pharmacokinetics, uses and adverse
effects of Oxytocin
31.Ovulation inducing agents
33.Menopausal Hormone Replacement Therapy ( HRT )
Possible Questions
1. Somatostatin and its analogues
2. Management of Hypothyroidism
3. How do you treat Adrenal insufficiency?
4. Drug treatment of Erectile dysfunction
5. Clomiphene citrate
6. Progestin preparations and their therapeutic uses
7. Injectable contraceptives
8. Uterine stimulants
9. Dexamethasone and its role in COVID-19
33 | P a g e
Short Answers
1. Rationale for using Bromocriptine in Acromegaly
2. GnRH analogues
3. Name 2 superactive GnRH agonists & their uses
4. Mention four therapeutic uses of Octreotide
5. Two advantages and two disadvantages of radioactive Iodine
6. Thyroid hormone release inhibitors and their uses
7. Adverse effects of Iodide
8. Mention four uses of Thyroid hormone
9. Enumerate the differences between Propylthiouracil and Carbimazole
10.Mention four newer Oral antidiabetic drugs
11.Name two new Insulin delivery devices
12.Mention four Oral hypoglycemic drugs and their indications
13.Mention two -Glucosidase inhibitors and their indications
14.Sulfonylureas are not effective in type 1 diabetes mellitus. Why?
15.Drug interactions of Sulfonylureas
16.Glucocorticoid antagonists
17.Mechanism of action and uses of Glucocorticoids
18.Mention four inhalational Corticosteroids
19.Name two highly selective corticosteroids and give their uses
20.Contraindications of Steroids
21.Mechanism of action and uses of Finasteride
23.Contraindications of OCPs
24.Name two antiestrogens. Mention two indications
25.Injectable contraceptives
26.Name two SERMs. Mention two therapeutic uses
27.Mention two Tocolytic agents and their uses
28.Differences between Oxytocin and Ergometrine
34 | P a g e
29.Atosiban ( Oxytocin antagonist )
30.Uses and adverse effects of Vitamin D
31.Name any two Bisphosphonates and mention any two uses
Possible Questions
1. Uses of GnRH antagonists
2. Cabergoline
3. Lugol’s Iodine
4. Thyroid storm
5. Saroglitazar
6. Glucagon
7. Classify Glucocorticoids based on their duration of action
8. Glucocorticoid synthesis inhibitors
9. Estradiol
11.Male Contraception
14.Vitamin D preparations
1. Classify Beta-lactam antibiotics. Enumerate the mechanism of action,
adverse effects and therapeutic uses of Penicillin. Brief about
Betalactamase inhibitors.
35 | P a g e
2. Classify Penicillin group of antibiotics. Discuss the mechanism of action
and antibacterial actions of Aminopenicillins. Write the therapeutic uses
and adverse effects of Ampicillin.
3. Classify Fluoroquinolones. Explain the mechanism of action, uses and
adverse effects of second generation Fluoroquinolones.
4. Classify Cephalosporins. Discuss the mechanism of action, uses and
adverse effects of Cephalosporins. Write briefly about Post-antibiotic
5. Classify Macrolide antibiotics. Write the mechanism of action,
antibacterial spectrum, therapeutic uses and adverse effects of
6. Classify Antitubercular drugs according to clinical utility. Discuss the
management of :
a) Newly diagnosed Pulmonary tuberculosis.
b) Previously treated pulmonary tuberculosis.
c) Multidrug resistant tuberculosis (MDR).
7. Enumerate Antitubercular drugs. Discuss the mechanism of action,
pharmacokinetics and adverse effects of Isoniazid and Rifampicin.
8. Classify Antifungal drugs. Write in detail about mechanism of action,
pharmacokinetics, clinical uses, adverse effects and drug interactions of
Fluconazole / Griseofulvin / Ketoconazole.
9. Define Aminoglycoside antibiotics and enumerate them. Discuss the
mechanism of action, common adverse effects of Aminoglycosides. Write
the therapeutic uses of Gentamicin.
10.Classify drugs used in the treatment of Malaria. Outline mechanism of
action and advantages of Chloroquine. Write a note on prophylaxis of
11.Classify Antimalarial drugs. Describe in detail about Chloroquine
resistance malaria treatment.
36 | P a g e
12.Classify Antiamoebic drugs. Write the mechanism of action,
antiprotozoal actions, uses, adverse effects and drug interactions of
13.Classify Antiamoebic drugs. Discuss the adverse effects and indications
of Nitroimidazoles used in Amoebiasis. Write briefly on Nitazoxanide.
Possible Questions
1. Explain the mechanism of action, antimicrobial spectrum, therapeutic
uses, adverse effects and drug interactions of Tetracyclines. Mention the
precautions taken before prescribing Tetracyclines.
2. Classify Antiviral drugs. Enumerate the mechanism of action, therapeutic
uses and adverse effects of Antiviral drugs used for Influenza.
3. Classify Antiretroviral drugs. Discuss the mechanism of action,
therapeutic uses and adverse effects of Protease inhibitors. Add a note on
Pre-exposure prophylaxis of HIV.
Short Notes
1. Broad spectrum Penicillins
2. Anti-pseudomonal Penicillins
3. Respiratory preparations of Penicillins
4. Therapeutic uses and specific adverse effects of Fluoroquinolones
5. Cotrimoxazole
6. Sulfasalazine
7. Trimethoprim
8. Ciprofloxacin
9. Gentamicin
10.Fourth generation Cephalosporins
11.Third generation Cephalosporins
13.Discuss the mechanism of action and adverse effects of Aminoglycosides
37 | P a g e
14.Newer Macrolides
15.Mechanism of action, adverse events and therapeutic uses of
17.Doxycycline and their advantages over Tetracyclines
18.Drugs used in Typhoid fever
19.Short course chemotherapy in the treatment of Tuberculosis ( DOTS )
20.Role of corticosteroids in Tuberculosis management
21.Management of Multidrug resistant Tuberculosis ( MDR-TB )
23.Rifampin ( Rifampicin )
26.Clofazimine in leprosy
27.Management of Lepra reactions
28.Bacterial drug resistance
29.Discuss the principles and guidelines in the treatment of HIV
30.Nucleoside Reverse Transcriptase Inhibitors in the treatment of HIV
31.Highly Active Anti-Retroviral Therapy ( HAART )
32.Fusion inhibitors in HIV infection
33.Prophylaxis of HIV infection
34.Antiretroviral drugs
35.Mention the mechanism of action, uses and adverse effects of Acyclovir
37.Mention uses of Fluconazole and write the advantages of fluconazole
over ketoconazole
38.Discuss the mechanism of action, uses and adverse effects of Terbinafine
39.Artemisinin based combination therapy ( ACT )
40.Management of Cerebral malaria
38 | P a g e
41.Drug therapy of Plasmodium vivax
42.4- Aminoquinolines
43.Extramalarial uses of Chloroquine
44.Erythrocytic schizontocidal agents
46.Mechanism of action, uses and adverse effects of Metronidazole
49.Diethylcarbamazine citrate
Possible Questions
1. Choice of an Antimicrobial agent. Add a note on combined use of
2. Prophylaxis of Surgical site infections
3. Failure of Antimicrobial therapy
4. Drug therapy for Urinary tract infections ( UTI )
5. Penicillinase resistant Penicillins
6. Chloramphenicol
7. Lincosamides
8. Glycopeptide antibiotics
9. Regimen for Treatment of Syphilis and Gonorrhoea
10.Management of patients with adverse drug reactions to ATT drugs
11.Management of Leprosy
12.Drug therapy for Hepatitis-B
13.Drugs used for COVID-19
14.Cinchona alkaloids
15.Pyrantel pamoate
17.Treatment of Amoebiasis
39 | P a g e
18.Management of Leishmaniasis
19.Chemotherapy of Trypanosomiasis
20.Antihelminthic treatment of Neurocysticercosis
Short Answers
1. Mention two advantages of combining Antimicrobial agents with suitable
2. Write examples for bacteriostatic and bactericidal drugs
3. What are Broad spectrum antibiotics?
4. Define Chemoprophylaxis with examples
5. Semi-synthetic Penicillins
6. DHF reductase inhibitors
7. Mention two topically used Sulfonamides and their uses
8. Intra vaginal preparations for Trichomonas vaginalis
9. Why Ciprofloxacin is contraindicated in children less than 8 years of age?
10.Mechanism of action and adverse effects of Fluoroquinolones
11.Give four examples of Fluoroquinolones
12.Mechanism of action of Ciprofloxacin
14.Antibacterial spectrum of Cefotaxime
15.Name two drugs which are third generation Cephalosporins
16.Mention four 2nd generation Cephalosporins
18.Mention two Beta-lactamase inhibitors and their uses
19.Why Imipenem is administered with Cilastatin?
20.Post-antibiotic effect
21.Precautions for use of Tetracyclines
22.Tetracyclines are not used in young children – Why?
23.Grey baby syndrome
40 | P a g e
24.Name two adverse effects of Aminoglycosides
25.Ototoxicity produced by Aminoglycosides
26.Mechanism of action of Cotrimoxazole
27.Discuss the antibacterial spectrum and special pharmacokinetic properties
of Azithromycin
30.Gentamicin – PMMA ( Polymethyl methacrylate ) chain
32.Name two drugs used in Anaerobic infections
33.Anti-anaerobic antibiotics
34.Mention four first line Antitubercular agents
35.Mention four therapeutic uses of Rifampicin
36.Management of Multi drug resistant tuberculosis (MDR-TB) and
Extensive drug resistant tuberculosis (XDR-TB)
37.Role of Clofazimine in lepra reactions
38.Sulfone syndrome
39.Four conditions where multi drug therapy is indicated with antimicrobials
40.Post-exposure prophylaxis for Rabies
41.Mention four Antiretroviral drugs
44.Mention four topical Antifungal drugs
45.Newer formulations of Amphotericin B
46.Name two drugs used in the suppressive prophylaxis of Malaria
47.Artemisinin derivatives in malaria
48.Advantages of Artemisinin based combination therapy
49.Rationale for giving Chloroquine and Primaquine in Acute vivax malaria
50.Extra malarial uses of Chloroquine and its rationale
41 | P a g e
51.Mention four Antimalarial drugs
52.Uses and toxicity of Quinine
53.Write the chemical classification of Antimalarial drugs
55.Name two drugs used for Filariasis. Mention their mechanism of action
56.Diloxanide furoate
58.Albendazole in neurocysticercosis
59.Mention four Antiamoebic drugs
60.Therapeutic effects of Metronidazole
Possible Questions
1. Problems with the use of Antimicrobial drugs
2. Superinfection
3. Concentration Dependent Killing ( CDK )
4. Time Dependent Killing ( TDK )
5. Orally absorbed Sulfonamides
6. Urinary antiseptics
7. Sulbactam
8. Polymyxin
9. Linezolid
10.Regimen for treatment of MAC infection
16.Black water fever
42 | P a g e
19.Role of Ivermectin in COVID-19
1. Enumerate the Antimetabolites used in neoplastic diseases. Write the
mechanism of action and therapeutic uses of Methotrexate. Add a note on
treatment of Methotrexate toxicity.
Short Notes
1. Mechanism of action, uses and adverse effects of Methotrexate
2. Paclitaxel
3. Classification of Anticancer drugs
4. Cyclophosphamide
5. Discuss Alkylating agents used as Anticancer drugs
6. Vinca alkaloids
7. Cisplatin
8. Anticancer antibiotics
Possible Questions
1. General principles of Cancer chemotherapy
2. Toxicity amelioration of Cancer chemotherapy
Short Answers
1. Name two Anticancer antibiotics and write their therapeutic uses
2. Write 4 general toxicities of Cytotoxic drugs
3. Rationale of l-Asparginase in malignancy
4. Name four Microtubule damaging agents used for chemotherapy for
43 | P a g e
5. Plant alkaloids used in Chemotherapy
6. Bleomycin
7. Purine antagonists
Possible Questions
1. Hormones used in Cancer chemotherapy
2. Name 4 targeted drugs
3. Preferred combination chemotherapy
4. Log-kill hypothesis
1. Classify Immunosuppressants. Describe the mechanism of action, adverse
effects and therapeutic uses of Calcineurin inhibitors.
Short Notes
1. Mechanism of action, uses and adverse effects of Calcineurin inhibitors
2. Mycophenolate mofetil
3. Treatment of Scabies
4. Management of Psoriasis
5. PUVA ( Psoralen UltraViolet A )
6. Treatment of Acne vulgaris
7. Chelating agents
8. Penicillamine
9. British Anti-lewisite ( BAL )
10.Iron poisoning
11.Discuss the mechanism of action and indications of Desferrioxamine
44 | P a g e
13.Discuss in detail about pharmacokinetic drug interactions with suitable
14.Therapeutic uses of oxygen
Possible Questions
1. Lead poisoning
2. Mercury poisoning
3. Vaccines
4. Pharmacodynamic drug interactions
5. Drugs to be avoided in elderly and their safer alternatives
6. Drugs contraindicated in pregnancy
7. Therapeutic enzymes
8. Antiseptics and disinfectants
9. Ectoparasiticides
10.Environmental toxicants
11.Discuss the drugs used in Ocular diseases
Short Answers
1. Mention two calcineurin inhibitors and their uses
2. Cyclosporine
3. Mention two Monoclonal antibodies and their uses
4. Monoclonal antibodies as carriers
5. Biological response modifiers
6. Mupirocin
7. Mycophenolate mofetil
8. Immunomodulators
9. Write four Immunosuppressants and their uses
10.Immunosuppression in organ transplantation
11.Mention four drugs for Scabies and their routes of administration
12.Name four Antiseborrheics
45 | P a g e
13.Mention four drugs for Acne
15.Topical therapy used in Psoriasis
16.Therapeutic uses & mechanism of action of Ivermectin
17.Two uses of Penicillamine
18.Mention four factors affecting the absorption of Iron
19.Clinical uses of Desferrioxamine
20.Mention two uses of Dimercaprol. Why is urine alkalinized during
Dimercaprol therapy?
21.Therapeutic uses of Vitamin A and Vitamin C
22.Vitamin K
23.Folinic acid
24.Antioxidant vitamins
25.Mechanism of action and uses of Antioxidants
26.Hepatitis B vaccine
27.Live attenuated and killed Bacterial vaccines
Possible Questions
1. Everolimus
2. IL-1 receptor antagonists
3. Polyclonal antibodies
4. Arsenic poisoning
5. Succimer
6. Toxoids & Immunoglobulins
7. Ampicillin and Gentamicin should not be mixed in the same syringe –
8. Phenol
9. Lindane
10.Carbon monoxide
46 | P a g e
 General Microbiology
 Immunology
 Systematic Bacteriology
- Gram positive cocci
- Gram negative cocci
- Gram positive bacilli
- Gram negative bacilli
- Other group of Bacteria
 Clinical Scenarios
47 | P a g e
1. Describe the morphology of Bacterial cell with the help of a neat diagram
& mention the uses of various appendages.
2. Write in detail about Physiology of Bacteria.
3. Define Sterilization. Describe the principle, mechanism & uses of
4. Classify Sterilization.Write about Sterilization by moist heat with suitable
5. Define Sterilization & Disinfection. Write in detail about Chemical
methods of Sterilization.
6. Define & Discuss the properties of an Ideal Disinfectant. Enumerate the
various disinfecting agents & their applications.
7. Enumerate the methods of Gene transfer & discuss the mechanisms of
Drug resistance in bacteria.
Possible Questions
1. Classify Culture media with examples. What are the basic constituents of
a culture media? Add a note on Culture methods.
Short Notes
1. Louis Pasteur
2. Bacterial capsule
3. Flagella
4. Bacterial growth curve
5. Fimbriae
6. Negative staining - Principle & uses
7. Difference between cell wall of Gram positive & Gram negative Bacteria
8. Electron microscopy
48 | P a g e
9. Fluorescence microscopy
10.Gaseous Sterilization
11.Gaseous Disinfectants
12.Heat Sterilization
13.Moist Heat Sterilization
15.Radiation Sterilization
16.Hot air oven
18.Sterilization by filtration methods
19.Chemical disinfectants
20.High level disinfection in hospital
21.Chocolate agar
22.Anaerobic culture methods
23.Transport media
24.Identification of Bacteria
26.Nucleic acid probes
28.Extrachromosomal genetic elements
30.Transduction - mechanism & types
32.Transposable genetic elements ( Jumping genes )
33.Mechanisms of antibiotic resistance
34.Antibiogram ( Antimicrobial susceptibility testing )
35.Virulence determinants of Bacteria
36.Bacterial virulence
49 | P a g e
38.Sources of human infection
39.Normal microbial flora
40.Role of vectors in transmission of infectious agents
Possible Questions
1. Common staining methods
2. Bright field microscopy
3. Bacterial spores
4. Factors influencing growth of Bacteria
5. Bacterial metabolism
6. Testing of disinfectants
7. Sterilization monitoring & Sterilization controls
8. Central Sterile Supply Department ( CSSD )
9. Spaulding's Classification of Medical devices
10.Plasma Sterilization
11.Rapid ( Automated ) methods for Identification of Bacteria
12.Resistance Transfer Factor ( RTF )
13.Microbial typing
14.Genetic engineering & its Applications
15.Recombinant DNA Technology
16.Disk Diffusion method
17.Types of infections
18.Mechanism of Microbial pathogenicity
Short Answers
1. Koch's postulates
2. Robert Koch
3. Louis Pasteur
4. Metchnikoff
5. Quellung reaction
50 | P a g e
6. Uses of Gram staining
7. Mention two uses of Dark ground microscope
8. Name two Bacteria having peritrichous flagella
9. Name two Bacteria exhibiting Bacterial pleomorphism
10.Name two capsulated Bacteria
11.Fluorescent microscopy
12.Cold sterilization
13.Name four methods of dry heat sterilization
15.Hot air oven
17.Name four chemical methods of Sterilization
18.Biological control for assessing Dry heat & Moist heat sterilization
19.Give two examples for Enriched media
20.Give two examples for Transport media
21.Enriched media
22.Enrichment media
23.Name four selective media and anaerobic media
24.Name four anaerobic methods of cultivation
25.Name two specimens from sterile site
26.Composite media
27.Urease test
28.Indole test
29.Oxidase test
30.TSI agar test
31.Voges-Proskauer test
32.IMViC test
33.Three steps in PCR
51 | P a g e
35.DNA probes
37.Mention the four types of mutations
39.Features of transferable drug resistance
40.Name four pigment producing Bacteria
41.Differences between exotoxin & endotoxin
42.Mention the properties of exotoxin
43.Name two bacteria producing exotoxins
44.Name two bacteria transmitted through rodents
Possible Questions
1. Koch's phenomenon
2. Paul Ehrlich
3. Antony van Leeuwenhoek
4. Joseph Lister
5. Numerical taxonomy
6. Differentiate between Prokaryotes & Eukaryotes
7. Classify Bacteria based on their shape
8. Draw & write the types of flagella with examples
9. Bacterial count
10.Continuous culture
12.Seitz filter
13.Air filters
14.Disinfection of endoscopes
15.Sporicidal agents
52 | P a g e
16.Disinfection of Critical and Semicritical devices
17.Anaerobic culture media
18.Candle Jar
20.Serotyping of Bacterial Strains
21.Gene Sequencing
22. Microarrays
23.Ames test ( Carcinogenicity testing )
24.Diffferentiate between Lytic & Lysogenic cycle
25.Minimum Inhibitory Concentration ( MIC )
26.Why is Multidrug therapy used in Tuberculosis?
27.β lactamase
28.Pathogenicity islands
29.Intracellular parasitism
1. Define & classify Antigen - Antibody reactions. Discuss Agglutination
test with clinical examples.
2. Discuss briefly on Immunofluorescence.
3. Define Complement. Write a note about alternative Complement pathway
& add a note on biological effects of complement and genetic
deficiencies of complement components.
4. Define & classify Hypersensitivity reactions. Describe Type I
5. Define & classify Hypersensitivity reactions. Define Anaphylaxis.
Describe the mediators and pathogenesis of Anaphylaxis.
53 | P a g e
6. Enumerate Hypersensitivity reactions. Discuss in detail about Type IV
Hypersensitivity reaction & add a note on Shwartzman reaction.
Possible Questions
1. Mention the Complement pathways. Discuss the classical pathway in
detail. Describe the regulation of complement pathways.
2. Classify Grafts. Write the types, mechanism & prevention of Graft
rejection in detail. Add a note on Immunosuppressive therapy.
Short Notes
1. Active immunity
2. Passive immunity
3. Acquired immunity
4. Innate immunity
5. Herd immunity
6. Adjuvants
7. Monoclonal antibodies
8. IgG
9. IgE
11.IgM detection in infectious diseases
12.Abnormal immunoglobulins
13.Agglutination reactions
14.Passive agglutination test
15.Precipitation reactions with examples
16.Coombs test
17.Western Blot
19.Complement deficiency diseases
20.Biological functions of Complements
54 | P a g e
21.T cells and B cells
22.CD 8+ T cells
23.Structure and functions of B cells
24.Natural Killer cells
25.Distinguishing factors between T and B lymphocytes
27.Major Histocompatibility Complex
29.Cell mediated immunity
30.Theories of Immune response
31.Type III Hypersensitivity
33.Mechanisms of Autoimmunity
34.Immunological tolerance
35.Systemic autoimmune diseases
36.Graft vs Host reaction
37.Tumour antigens
38.Allograft rejection
39.Immune Surveillance - Possible mechanisms
40.HLA typing & its applications
41.Recombinant DNA technology in vaccine production
42.Hemolytic disease of the newborn ( Erythroblastosis Fetalis )
Possible Questions
1. Secretory Immunoglobulin
2. Immunogenetics ( Genetics of Antibody production )
3. Antibody diversity
4. Structure & functions of Immunoglobulins
5. Flow Cytometry
55 | P a g e
6. Lectin pathway
7. Primary & Secondary lymphoid organs
8. Development & Activation of T cells & B cells
9. Monocytes & Macrophages
10.Antigen presenting cells
11.Mechanism & functions of Cell mediated immune response
12.Mechanism & functions of Antibody mediated immune response
13.Serum Sickness
14.Type 2 Hypersensitivity reactions with examples
15.Classification & pathogenesis of Autoimmune diseases
16.Disorders of Phagocytosis
17.Humoral Immunodeficiency disorders
18.Combined Immunodeficiency disorders
19.Immune response to tumour cells
20.Immunotherapy for tumours
21.National Immunization Schedule
22.Types of vaccines with examples
23.New Vaccine strategies
24.Live attenuated vaccines
Short Answers
1. Give examples for Passive artificial immunity
2. Characteristics of Secondary immune response
3. Hapten
4. Superantigens
5. C-reactive protein
6. Name four determinants of Antigenicity
7. Heterophile antigen-antibody reaction
56 | P a g e
8. Diagram of IgM
9. Diagram of Immunoglobulin
10.Name two adjuvants
11.Name the Immunoglobulin crossing placenta
12.Name the Immunoglobulins that are able to fix complements
13.Affinity & Avidity
14.Give two examples of Agglutination test and Precipitation test
15.Define Agglutination and Precipitation
16.Name the enzymes used in ELISA test
17.DNA probes
18.Coombs test
19.Indirect Coombs test
20.Name two activators of Alternative complement pathway
21.Enumerate four examples of Complement deficiency diseases
23.What are the cells involved in Phagocytosis?
24.Name two tests used to assess the function of Phagocytes
25.Arthus phenomenon
26.Mention the various types of Hypersensitivity reactions
27.Enumerate the primary mediators of Anaphylaxis
28.Name four mechanisms of Autoimmunity
29.Name four non-organ specific Autoimmune disorders
30.Name the Autoimmune diseases
31.Name four Combined immunodeficiency disorders
32.Name four disorders of Phagocytosis
33.Two uses of HLA typing
34.Graft vs Host disease
36.White graft response
57 | P a g e
37.Name four Live attenuated bacterial vaccines
38.Mention the components of Pentavalent vaccine
Possible Questions
1. Differences between active & passive immunity
2. Pattern Recognition receptors & Toll-like receptors
3. Differentiate between paratope & epitope
4. IgD & IgE antibodies
5. Idiotypic antibodies
6. Class switch over
7. Humanized monoclonal antibody therapy
8. Forces binding antigen & antibody
9. Prozone phenomenon
10.Chemiluminescence-linked Immunoassay
11.Immunoelectron microscopy
12.Dendritic cells and Mast cells
13.Cytokine Storm
14.Primary & Secondary Immune response
15.Theobald Smith phenomenon
16.P-K reaction
17.Distinguish between Immediate & Delayed type Hypersensitivity
18.Type 5 Hypersensitivity reaction
19.DiGeorge syndrome
21.Eichwald- Silmser effect
22.Oncofetal antigens
23.Vaccines against tumors ( Cancer vaccines )
24.Cytokine therapy
25.Differences between live & killed vaccines
58 | P a g e
26.Cold chain
27.Vaccine Vial monitor
28.Safe blood transfusion practices
( Staphyloccoccus, Streptococcus, Enterococcus, Pneumococcus )
1. Classify Streptococci. Describe in detail the epidemiology, pathogenesis,
diagnosis and management of Rheumatic fever.
Possible Questions
1. Describe in detail the virulence factors, clinical manifestations &
laboratory diagnosis of Staphylococcus aureus infections. Add a note on
Methicillin Resistant Staphylococcus aureus ( MRSA ).
2. Explain the virulence factors, clinical features, laboratory diagnosis of
Streptococcus pneumoniae ( Pneumococcus ) infections. Write about its
treatment & prevention.
Short Notes
1. Toxic Shock Syndrome
2. Coagulase test
3. Staphylococcal virulence factors
4. Special characters of Staphylococcus aureus
5. Toxins and virulence factors of Streptococci
6. Group B Streptococci
7. Enterococci
8. Unique characters of Enterococcus
59 | P a g e
9. Toxins of Streptococcus pyogenes
10.Non-Suppurative complications of Streptococci infection
11.Differences between alpha haemolytic Streptococci and Pneumococci
12.Quellung reaction ( Neufeld Quellung phenomenon )
13.Infective endocarditis
14.Differences between Pneumococcus and Streptococcus viridans
Possible Questions
1. Coagulase Negative Staphylococci ( CoNS )
2. Post-Streptococcal sequelae
3. Streptococcus agalactiae
4. Viridans Streptococci
5. Vancomycin Resistant Enterococci
6. Pneumococcal vaccines
Short Answers
1. Tube coagulase test
2. Name the types of coagulase test
3. Name 2 CoNS infecting man
4. Laboratory diagnosis of infections by Streptococcus pyogenes
5. Mention four toxins of Streptococcus pyogenes
6. What is Bile solubility test? Describe its principle
Possible Questions
1. Panton Valentine toxin
2. Erysipelas
3. Impetigo
4. Flesh eating bacteria
5. Subacute Bacterial endocarditis ( SABE )
6. Pneumococcal antigen detection in urine
60 | P a g e
( Neisseria & Moraxella )
1. Mention the Bacterial agents causing meningitis. Discuss the pathology
and laboratory diagnosis of Acute pyogenic meningitis caused by any one
of them.
Short Notes
1. Gonococci
2. Laboratory diagnosis of Gonorrhoea
Short Answers
1. Non-Gonococcal urethritis ( Non-specific urethritis )
2. Virulence factors of Neisseria meningitidis
3. Name two primary agents causing purulent Bacterial meningitis
4. Name the selective medium for Gonococcus
Possible Questions
1. Differences between Neisseria meningitidis & Neisseria gonorrhoeae
2. Serotyping of Meningococci based on capsule
3. Waterhouse-Friderichsen syndrome
4. Chemoprophylaxis of Meningococcal meningitis
5. Meningococcal vaccines
6. Fitz-Hugh-Curtis syndrome
7. Ophthalmia neonatorum
8. Commensal Neisseria species
9. Moraxella
61 | P a g e
( Corynebacterium, Bacillus, Anaerobic bacteria, Mycobacteria,
Actinomycetes & Miscellaneous Gram positive bacilli )
1. Classify Anaerobes. Describe the etiology, pathogenesis, laboratory
diagnosis and prophylaxis of Tetanus.
2. Describe the laboratory diagnosis of Pulmonary Tuberculosis.
Possible Questions
1. Discuss the morphology of Corynebacterium diphtheriae. Write about the
clinical features, laboratory diagnosis and treatment of Diphtheria. Add
a note on DPT vaccine.
2. Enumerate the agents of Bioterrorism. Describe in detail the virulence
factors, clinical features, laboratory diagnosis & treatment of Bacillus
anthracis infection.
3. List the Acid fast organisms. Describe the morphology, pathogenesis,
clinical features, laboratory diagnosis & treatment of Leprosy.
Short Notes
1. Tests for toxin production of Corynebacterium diphtheriae
2. Elek's gel precipitation test
3. Bacillus anthrax
4. Malignant pustule
5. Bacterial zoonotic diseases
6. McFadyean's reaction
7. Botulism
8. Gas gangrene
9. Toxins of Clostridium perfringens
10.Non-sporing anaerobic infections
62 | P a g e
11.Tuberculin testing
12.Atypical Mycobacteria
13.Photochromogens & Scotochromogens
14.Lepromin test
15.Biochemical tests to identify Mycobacterium
20.Listeria monocytogenes
Possible Questions
1. Typing of Corynebacterium diphtheriae
2. Bacillus cereus food poisoning
3. Economic importance of Bacillus species
4. Pseudomembranous colitis
5. BCG vaccine
6. Extrapulmonary tuberculosis
Short Answers
1. Dosage schedule of Diphtheria vaccine
2. Name four Bacteria causing food poisoning
3. Name the Bacteria causing malignant pustule
4. Name the Bacterial spore used in biological warfare
5. Anthrax bacilli as a potential agent of Bioterrorism
6. Morphology of Bacillus anthracis
7. Nagler' s reaction
8. Name four Bacterial zoonotic diseases
9. Name four Clostridia causing gas gangrene
10.Name four anaerobic Bacteria
63 | P a g e
11.Name two pathogenic Clostridial species
12.Name two toxins produced by Clostridium tetani
14.Clostridium difficile
15.Four liquid media to grow Mycobacteria
16.Mantoux test
17.Runyon's classification of Atypical ( Non-tuberculous ) Mycobacteria
18.Name the animal models used for the growth of Mycobacterium leprae
19.BCG Vaccine
20.MDR & XDR Tuberculosis
21.Name the clinical forms of Actinomycosis in man
22.Causative agent of Actinomycosis
Possible Questions
1. Non Diphtherial Corynebacteria ( Diphtheroids )
2. Ascoli’s thermoprecipitation test
3. Anaerobic Streptococci ( Peptostreptococci )
4. Trismus ( Lock Jaw )
5. TT vaccine
6. Td vaccine
7. Robertson’s cooked meat broth
8. Neonatal tetanus ( 8th day disease )
9. Normal Anaerobic flora of human body
10.Ghon focus
11.Fluorescence staining for Tubercle bacilli
13.National Tuberculosis Elimination Program ( NTEP )
14.Line probe assay and CBNAAT in diagnosis of Tuberculosis
15.RNTCP grading of sputum smear
64 | P a g e
16.Differences between Eumycetoma & Actinomycetoma
17.Actinomycetes causing COPD and Farmer’s lung
18.Seal finger ( Erysipeloid )
19.Whipple’s disease
( Enterobacteriaceae, Vibrio, Pseudomonas, Yersinia, Pasteurella,
Francisella, Haemophilus, Bordetella, Brucella &
Miscellaneous Gram negative bacilli)
1. Classify Enterobacteriaceae. Write the pathogenesis, diseases caused and
laboratory diagnosis of Salmonella typhi infections.
2. Name the Bacteria causing Pyrexia of Unknown Origin. Write the
pathogenesis, laboratory diagnosis & treatment of Enteric fever.
3. A 15 year old boy presents with history of fever with headache, malaise
and coated tongue of 8 days duration. On examination, he was found to
have step ladder pattern pyrexia, bradycardia and soft palpable spleen.
What is the probable diagnosis? Write the mode of infection,
pathogenesis, laboratory diagnosis and treatment. Add a note on its
4. A 25 year old female admitted with history of watery diarrhoea
resembling rice water of 24 hours duration along with copious vomiting.
What is your diagnosis? Write in detail about the pathogenesis, sample
collection, laboratory diagnosis & treatment of the above clinical
condition. Add a note on its prophylaxis.
5. Enumerate the Bacteria causing diarrhoea. Describe the morphology,
cultural characteristics, pathogenicity & laboratory diagnosis of Vibrio
65 | P a g e
6. Describe in detail about etiology, pathogenesis & laboratory diagnosis of
Bordetella pertussis.
Possible Questions
1. Explain the morphology of Shigella. Describe the pathogenesis,
laboratory diagnosis & treatment of Shigellosis.
2. Mention the agents of Bioterrorism. Discuss the epidemiology,
pathogenesis, clinical features, laboratory diagnosis, treatment &
prevention of Plague.
3. List the Milk borne diseases. Briefly explain the pathogenesis, clinical
features, laboratory diagnosis & treatment of Brucellosis. Add a short
note on its prevention.
4. Enumerate the infectious agents causing Food poisoning. Discuss the
pathogenesis, clinical features, laboratory diagnosis & treatment of
Campylobacteriosis. Write the Food hygiene & safety measures.
Short Notes
1. Enterohemorrhagic E.coli
2. Enterotoxigenic E.coli ( ETEC )
3. Types of diarrheagenic E.coli & their mechanism of action
4. Bacillary dysentery
5. Significant Bacteriuria ( Kass concept )
6. Widal test
7. Laboratory diagnosis of Cholera
8. El Tor Vibrios
9. Differences between Classical and El Tor Vibrios
10.Halophilic Vibrios
11.Non-agglutinating Vibrios
12.Pseudomonas infections
66 | P a g e
15.Soft sore
16.Bordetella pertussis
17.Helicobacter pylori
19.Anaerobic vaginosis
Possible Questions
1. Laboratory diagnosis & Treatment of E.coli infections
2. Klebsiella Infections - Clinical features, Laboratory diagnosis &
3. Yersiniosis
4. Laboratory diagnosis of Carriers of Enteric fever
5. Drug resistance in Typhoidal Salmonella
6. Aeromonas & Plesiomonas Infections - Clinical features, Laboratory
diagnosis & Treatment
7. Pathogenesis, Clinical manifestations, Laboratory diagnosis &
Prophylaxis of Haemophilus influenzae
8. Chancroid
9. HACEK induced Endocarditis
10.Pertussis vaccines
11.Donovanosis ( Granuloma inguinale )
12.Rat-Bite fever
Short Answers
1. Name four different types of diarrheagenic E.coli
2. Name the transmitting agent for plague
3. Three stages of plague
4. Name the Indole negative Proteus species
67 | P a g e
5. What is Pseudohemoptysis?
6. Name the exotoxin producing Shigella species
7. Stalactite growth
8. Name the serological tests for diagnosis of Enteric fever
9. Name the selective media for Vibrio cholerae
10.Name four non cholera Vibrios
11.Name any two pigments produced by Pseudomonas
12.X and V factors of Haemophilus
13.Name the HACEK group of Bacteria
14.Name three species of Brucella
15.Milk ring test
16.Name the blocking antibodies in Chronic Brucellosis
17.Name two Gram negative anaerobic Bacteria
Possible Questions
1. Extended Spectrum β lactamase producing E.coli ( ESBL )
2. Hemolytic uremic syndrome
3. How will you collect urine sample?
4. Special characteristics of Proteus & Pseudomonas
5. Non-Typhoidal Salmonella
6. Vaccines for Typhoid fever
7. Mechanism of action of Cholera toxin
8. Vibrio mimicus
9. Vibrio cholerae O139
10.Transport media used in cholera
11. String test
12.Antipseudomonal drugs
14.Burkholderia cepacia
68 | P a g e
15.Acinetobacter as a nosocomial pathogen
16.Stenotrophomonas maltophilia
17.Haemophilus aegyptius
18.Whooping cough ( 100 days fever )
20.Causative agents of Bacterial vaginosis
( Spirochetes, Rickettsiaceae, Chlamydiae, Mycoplasma )
1. Name the bacteria causing Sexually Transmitted Diseases. Discuss the
clinical features and laboratory diagnosis of Syphilis.
2. Classify Leptospira. Discuss the clinical features & laboratory diagnosis
of Leptospirosis.
3. Classify Rickettsiae. Write in detail about pathogenesis & laboratory
diagnosis of Typhus fever & write about Brill-Zinsser disease.
4. Classify Rickettsiaceae. Write in detail about morphology, cultivation,
antigenic structure, pathogenesis & laboratory diagnosis of Typhus fever.
Possible Questions
1. Discuss the morphology, infections caused, laboratory diagnosis &
treatment of Chlamydiae trachomatis.
2. Describe the morphology of Mycoplasma pneumoniae. Explain its
pathogenesis, clinical features, laboratory diagnosis & treatment. Add a
note on Ureaplasma.
Short Notes
1. Laboratory diagnosis of Syphilis
2. VDRL test
69 | P a g e
3. Relapsing fever
4. Lyme disease - Clinical features & laboratory diagnosis
5. Laboratory diagnosis of Leptospirosis
6. Weil's disease
7. Rickettsiae
8. Weil-Felix test
9. Scrub Typhus fever
10.Lymphogranuloma venereum
11.TRIC agent
12.Laboratory diagnosis of Mycoplasma
Possible Questions
1. Non-Venereal Trepenomatoses
2. Congenital syphilis
3. Emerging Rickettsial infections in India
4. Rocky mountain spotted fever
5. Q fever
6. Atypical pneumonia
Short Answers
1. Name four specific serologic tests for Syphilis
2. Laboratory diagnosis of Primary Syphilis
3. Chancre
4. Non-venereal Treponemes
5. Vincent's angina ( Trench mouth )
6. What is the causative agent for Relapsing fever? What are the two types?
7. Neil-Mooser reaction
8. What are the diseases caused by Mycoplasma?
9. Walking pneumonia
70 | P a g e
Possible Questions
1. Non pathogenic Treponemes
2. Syphilis & HIV co-infection
3. Differences between VDRL & RPR tests
4. Lyme arthritis
5. Genus specific & Serovar specific tests for Leptospirosis
6. Role of PCR in Leptospirosis
7. Culture negative endocarditis
8. Cat-scratch disease
9. Trench fever ( Quintan fever )
10.TWAR agent
11.Cell culture in Chlamydiae
13.Reiter’s syndrome
14.Distinguish between Mycoplasma & L-forms
1. A 5 year old girl from a rural area developed fever, rashes, painful
swelling in knees & wrist. She recovered from pharyngitis 10 days
before. Laboratory report shows elevated ASO titre. What is your
probable diagnosis?
[ Rheumatic fever - Streptococcus pyogenes ]
2. A 30 year old heterosexual male complains of dysuria & pus like
discharge at the tip of his penis. He had been sexually active with 6
partners in the past 8 months. Examination reveals yellow urethral
discharge showing Gram negative diplococci with plenty of pus cells.
What is the diagnosis?
[ Gonorrhoea - Neisseria gonorrhoeae ]
71 | P a g e
3. An 8 year old child from a hilly area presents with fever, throat pain and
noisy breathing. On examination a white patch covering the tonsils was
noted. The child was not immunized upto age. Swabs reveal Gram
positive bacilli arranged in chinese letter pattern. What is your diagnosis?
[ Diphtheria - Corynebacterium diphtheriae ]
4. On examination of a 40 year old dock worker, a black necrotic eschar
surrounded by indurated edema was seen. Swabs from the lesion reveal
Gram positive bacilli with bamboo stick appearance. What is the probable
[ Cutaneous Anthrax - Bacillus anthracis ]
5. A 25 year old male presents with sudden onset of pain in the right leg
with foul smelling discharge. On examination, the leg is swollen &
palpable crepitus is noted. The patient had met with a road traffic
accident 2 days before, which had caused multiple open wounds in his
right leg. Exudates from the wounds revealed thick box car shaped Gram
positive bacilli. What is the probable diagnosis?
[ Gas Gangrene - Clostridium perfringens ]
6. A 28 year old male developed trismus followed by muscle pain and
stiffness, six days after a bullet injury. Later he developed descending
type of spastic paralysis. Then the patient assumed opisthotonus position.
Excised tissue bits from the wound revealed Gram positive bacilli with
terminal & spherical spores. What is your diagnosis?
[ Tetanus - Clostridium tetani ]
7. A 37 year old male came with complaints of fever, night sweats, weight
loss & chronic cough with expectoration for the past 6 months. Sputum
examination showed slender, beaded Acid fast bacilli. What is the
probable diagnosis?
[ Pulmonary Tuberculosis - Mycobacterium tuberculosis ]
72 | P a g e
8. A 23 year old pregnant woman presents with fever, flank pain, increased
frequency of micturition for the past 2 days. Urine sample is collected.
Wet mount examination reveals 12 pus cells /cu.mm. Culture on
MacConkey agar shows flat lactose fermenting colonies. What is the
most probable diagnosis?
[ Urinary Tract Infection - Escherichia coli ]
9. A 50 year old male was admitted in ICU for a cerebrovascular accident.
He had been in ventilator support for the past 3 weeks. Then he
developed productive cough, chest pain & shortness of breath. The
sputum was collected. Culture on nutrient agar revealed green coloured
colonies with metallic sheen appearance. What is the diagnosis?
[ Ventilator associated pneumonia - Pseudomonas aeruginosa ]
10.A 40 year old lorry driver presents with hard chancre in penis & bilateral
inguinal lymphadenopathy for the past 2 weeks. He has a history of
unprotected sexual intercourse with multiple sexual partners. His HIV
antibody test is negative. Laboratory reports show a positive VDRL test.
What is the diagnosis?
[ Syphilis - Treponema pallidum ]
11.During a rainy season, a 35 year old farmer from Vellore presents with
fever, severe calf muscle pain, head ache, conjunctival suffusion &
oliguria. On examination, he has hepatosplenomegaly. Lab investigations
show elevated liver enzymes, raised serum urea & creatinine levels.What
is the most probable diagnosis?
[ Leptospirosis - Leptospira interrogans ]
12.A 30 year old man from a refugee camp presents with fever, rashes in the
upper trunk, myalgia & mental confusion for the past 4 days. Visual
examination of his body & clothing items reveals body louse infestation.
Laboratory reports reveal positive Weil-Felix test. What is your most
probable diagnosis?
[ Epidemic Typhus fever - Rickettsia prowazekii ]
73 | P a g e
 Virology
- General properties of viruses
- DNA viruses
- RNA viruses
- Other group of viruses
 Parasitology
- Protozoa
- Helminths
 Mycology
 Applied Microbiology
 Clinical Scenarios
74 | P a g e
1. Discuss the various methods for isolation of viruses in the laboratory.
2. Discuss briefly on Immunoprophylaxis of viral diseases.
3. Discuss briefly on Viral vaccines.
Short Notes
1. Viral multiplication ( Viral replication )
2. Interferons - Types and Importance
3. Suckling mice – Definition and uses in virology
4. Viral cell culture
5. Tissue culture in virus
6. Viral inclusion bodies
7. Cytopathic effect
Possible Questions
1. Virus Host interactions
2. Laboratory diagnosis of Viral infections
Short Answers
1. Name four DNA viruses
2. Von Magnus phenomenon
3. Viral Interferons
4. Name three blood borne viruses
5. Viral plaques
6. How can the virus be isolated in laboratory?
7. Methods of cultivation of Viruses
8. Primary cell culture
75 | P a g e
9. Discuss the various methods of detecting viral growth in cell culture
10.Real Time PCR
11.Classify Inclusion bodies
12.Phage typing
13.Cytopathic effect of virus
14.Name the Killed viral vaccines
15.Live viral Vaccines
Possible Questions
1. Transmission & Spread of Virus
2. Plaque count
3. Egg inoculation of viruses
4. Chorioallantoic membrane ( CAM )
( Herpes viruses, Adenoviruses, Bacteriophages, Pox viruses
& Other viruses )
1. Classify Herpes viruses. Describe the morphology, pathogenesis and
laboratory diagnosis of acute Herpes simplex viral infection.
2. Classify Herpes viruses. Discuss the laboratory diagnosis of Chicken pox.
Possible Questions
1. Discuss the pathogenesis, clinical features, laboratory diagnosis &
treatment of Epstein Barr virus infections. Write about Kaposi’s sarcoma.
Short Notes
1. Human Herpes virus
2. Herpes zoster
3. Varicella zoster
76 | P a g e
4. Cytomegalovirus
5. Epidemic Keratoconjunctivitis
6. Cutaneous and Genital warts
7. Bacteriophage
Possible Questions
1. Varicella zoster virus in pregnancy & Congenital infection
2. Human Parvovirus B19
3. Adenovirus
4. Classify Papovaviruses. Write Short Notes on Human Papilloma virus
5. Small pox eradication & History of small pox vaccine
6. Molluscum contagiosum virus
7. Latent viral infections
Short Answers
1. Herpes zoster
2. Tzanck smear
3. Latency in Herpes simplex viral infection
4. Paul-Bunnell test
5. Name the virus causing conjunctivitis
6. Orf
7. Name the Epstein-Barr virus associated malignancies
8. Draw & label a Bacteriophage
Possible Questions
1. TORCH agents
2. Post Herpetic neuralgia
3. Exanthem subitum ( 6th disease )
4. Erythema infectiosum ( 5th disease )
5. HPV vaccines
77 | P a g e
6. Vaccinia virus
7. Small pox eradication programme
8. Milker’s nodule
( Picornaviruses, Orthomyxoviruses, Paramyxoviruses, Arboviruses,
Rodent-borne viruses, Rhabdoviruses, HIV, Miscellaneous RNA viruses )
1. Describe the morphology, pathogenesis and laboratory diagnosis of
Influenza virus. Write its prevention.
2. Classify Picornaviruses. Describe the pathogenesis, clinical features and
laboratory diagnosis of Poliovirus. Add a note on prophylaxis against
3. Enumerate the Arboviruses in India. Describe in detail the pathogenesis,
laboratory diagnosis, treatment, prevention and control of Dengue fever.
4. Classify Arboviruses. Discuss briefly on pathogenesis & laboratory
diagnosis of Dengue fever.
5. Classify Rhabdovirus. Describe the pathogenesis, laboratory diagnosis
and prophylaxis of Rabies virus.
6. Explain the pathogenesis, epidemiology, laboratory diagnosis and
prevention of HIV infection.
7. Describe the morphology of HIV. Describe the pathogenesis and
laboratory diagnosis of HIV infection. Add a note on Pre-exposure
Possible Questions
1. Classify Paramyxoviruses. Write the morphology, pathogenesis, clinical
features, laboratory diagnosis, treatment & prevention of Mumps.
78 | P a g e
2. Discuss the pathogenesis, clinical features, complications, laboratory
diagnosis of Rubeola ( Measles ) virus. Add a note on its prevention.
3. Classify Coronaviruses. Discuss the morphology, pathogenesis, clinical
features, laboratory diagnosis, treatment & prevention of COVID-19.
Explain in detail the recent COVID-19 pandemic and other previous
4. Define & Classify Slow virus diseases. Discuss the mechanism, clinical
manifestations, laboratory diagnosis & treatment of Prion diseases. How
will you sterilize the Prion contaminated materials?
Short Notes
1. Differences between Orthomyxo & Paramyxo viruses
2. Diagnosis and Prophylaxis of H1N1 infection
3. Antigenic drift & Antigenic shift
4. Viral Hemagglutinin
5. Prophylaxis of Influenza
6. Specimen collection, transport and laboratory diagnosis of Swine flu
7. Recent Swine flu pandemic
8. Measles virus
9. Pathogenesis and complications of Measles
10.Coxsackie viruses
11.Laboratory diagnosis of Poliomyelitis
12.Polio vaccine
13.Prophylaxis against Poliomyelitis
14.Rhinovirus infection
15.Japanese B encephalitis
16.Viral Haemorrhagic fevers
17.Chikungunya virus
18.Dengue virus
79 | P a g e
19.Kyasanur Forest Disease
20.Prophylaxis against Rabies
21.Methods of HIV transmission
22.Laboratory diagnosis of HIV infection
23.Subacute Sclerosing Panencephalitis
26.Viral gastroenteritis
Possible Questions
1. Parainfluenza viruses
2. Respiratory syncytial virus
3. Congenital Rubella syndrome
4. Polio surveillance & eradication
5. Vaccine associated AFP
6. Hantaviruses
7. Yellow fever
8. Nipah virus
9. Zika virus
10. Ebola virus
11.Paediatric HIV
Short Answers
1. What is antigenic drift?
2. What is antigenic shift?
3. Koplik’s spots
4. MMR vaccine
5. Contraindications for MMR vaccine
6. Vaccines against poliomyelitis
7. Four differences between Salk & Sabin vaccines
80 | P a g e
8. Pulse Polio Immunization ( Mass pulse polio vaccination )
9. Mention the diseases caused by Coxsackie virus
10.Four Arbovirus infections prevalent in India
11.Complications of Dengue virus
12.Name four viruses transmitted through mosquito
13.Name the transmitting agent of Yellow fever and Chikungunya
14.Vectors of KFD and Chikungunya
15.Aedes aegypti as a vector
16.Differences between fixed & street Rabies viruses
17.Negri bodies
18.Complications of neural vaccine
19.Morphology of HIV
20.Modes of HIV transmission in humans
21.Diagnosis of congenital HIV infection
22.Name four opportunistic parasitic & viral infections in AIDS
23.Name two opportunistic diseases associated with HIV
24.What is the normal range of CD4 count?
25.Post exposure prophylaxis of HIV
26.Name two human Slow viral infections
27.Prion proteins
28.Viral diarrhoea
Possible Questions
1. Bird flu
2. Hemagglutination Inhibition test
3. MR Vaccine
4. Echoviruses
5. Acute Encephalitis due to Non-polio Enteroviruses
6. Transovarian transmission
81 | P a g e
7. Chandipura fever
8. West Nile fever
9. Dengue vaccine
10.Source reduction in Aedes control measures
11.Argentine fever
12. Bolivian fever
13.Crimean-Congo Hemorrhagic fever
14.Lassa fever and Rift valley fever
15.Rabies related viruses
16.Control of wild Rabies
17.COVID-19 Vaccine
18.Gerstmann-Straussler-Scheinker syndrome
19.Window period in HIV
20.Adult T cell leukemia
( Hepatitis viruses and Oncogenic viruses )
1. Enumerate the viruses transmitted by Blood transfusion. Write in detail
about Hepatitis B virus and its prophylaxis.
2. Name the viruses infecting the liver ( Hepatotropic Viruses). Describe the
morphology and genomic structure of Hepatitis B virus. Write in detail
regarding epidemiology and laboratory diagnosis of HBV infection.
Possible Questions
1. List the Blood transfusion transmitted infections. Explain the
morphology, modes of transmission, clinical features, laboratory
diagnosis and treatment of Hepatitis C virus infection.
82 | P a g e
Short Notes
1. Laboratory diagnosis of Hepatitis B infection
2. Laboratory diagnosis of Hepatitis C
3. Hepatitis vaccines
4. Oncogenes
Possible Questions
1. Hepatitis A virus
2. Hepatitis E virus
3. Oncogenic RNA viruses
4. Viral oncogenesis
5. Mechanism of oncogenesis by HPV and HBV
Short Answers
1. Delta Hepatitis Agent ( Delta virus )
2. Hepatitis markers
3. What is Dane particle?
4. Mention two Hepatitis viruses associated with cirrhosis
5. Name two Hepatitis viruses producing chronic infection
6. Prevention of Hepatitis B virus infection
7. Viral oncogenes
8. List the viruses which cause cancer in humans ( Oncogenic viruses )
Possible Questions
1. Hepatitis G virus
2. Retroviruses as oncogenic viruses
3. Antiviral therapy in virus associated tumours
4. Oncolytic virus therapy
5. Oncogenicity of Adenovirus
83 | P a g e
1. Name the Haemoflagellates. Write the morphology, life cycle,
pathogenesis, clinical features and laboratory diagnosis of Kala-azar.
2. Discuss briefly on laboratory diagnosis of Leishmaniasis.
3. List the common blood and tissue Flagellates causing human disease.
Describe the pathogenesis, clinical features, laboratory diagnosis &
prophylaxis of Chagas disease.
4. List out the Malarial parasites infecting man. Describe the complications
and laboratory diagnosis of Malignant tertian malaria.
5. Describe the life cycle, pathogenesis, complications & laboratory
diagnosis of Plasmodium falciparum. Add a note on Antimalarial drugs.
6. List the Parasitic zoonotic diseases. Explain the morphology, life cycle,
clinical features, laboratory diagnosis & treatment of Toxoplasma gondii.
Possible Questions
1. Classify Amoebae. Explain the life cycle of Entamoeba histolytica.
Discuss the pathogenesis, clinical features & laboratory diagnosis of
Intestinal amoebiasis. Write the treatment of Amoebiasis.
2. Classify Flagellates. Discuss the morphology, life cycle, clinical
manifestations, laboratory diagnosis & treatment of Giardia lamblia.
3. Describe Trypanosoma brucei under the following headings Morphology, life cycle, diseases caused, laboratory diagnosis &
Short Notes
1. Laboratory diagnosis of Intestinal amoebiasis
2. Extra Intestinal Amoebiasis
84 | P a g e
3. Amoebic Liver abscess
4. Life cycle of Entamoeba histolytica
5. Primary Amoebic Meningoencephalitis
6. Free living amoebae
7. Giardiasis
8. Morphology & Laboratory diagnosis of Kala-azar
9. Complications produced by Plasmodium falciparum
10.Laboratory diagnosis of Malaria
11.Life cycle of Plasmodium vivax
12.Exoerythrocytic schizogony
13.Toxoplasma gondii
14.Congenital toxoplasmosis
15.Cryptosporidium parvum
16.Balantidium coli
Possible Questions
1. Protozoa - Classification & General characteristics
2. Non-pathogenic Amoebae
3. Trichomonas vaginalis
4. New world Leishmaniasis
5. Benign tertian malaria
6. Babesia
7. Toxoplasmosis in immunocompromised patients
8. Microsporidia
Short Answers
1. Define definitive host & intermediate host with examples
2. Name four parasites that do not require intermediate host
3. Name two parasitic diseases in which man is the intermediate host
4. Name two opportunistic amoebae
85 | P a g e
5. What are free living amoebae? Name them
6. Trichomonas vaginalis
7. Diagram of Balantidium coli & Trichomonas vaginalis
8. Name a parasite transmitted by sexual route
9. Vectors for Kala-azar and Cerebral malaria
10.Post Kala-azar dermal leishmaniasis
11.NNN medium ( Novy - McNeal - Nicolle medium )
12.What are Hypnozoites?
13.What is Benign tertian malaria? Name the parasite that causes it
14.Cerebral malaria & its causative agent
15.Peripheral blood smear findings in Plasmodium vivax malaria
17.Balantidium coli
Possible Questions
1. Differentiate between Amoebic dysentery & Bacillary dysentery
2. Polyxenic culture
3. Sappinia diploidea
4. Differences between Naegleria & Acanthamoeba
5. Entero-test
6. Trichomonas tenax
7. Trichomonas hominis
8. Morphology of Hemoflagellates with diagram
9. Antigenic variations in Trypanosomiasis
10.Benign quartan malaria
11.National Malaria control programme
12.Black water fever
13.Drug resistance in malarial parasites
14.Distinguish between Recrudescence & Relapse in malaria
86 | P a g e
1. Describe the morphology, life cycle, pathogenesis & laboratory diagnosis
of Echinococcus granulosus.
2. Classify Nematodes. Describe the life cycle, laboratory diagnosis &
treatment of Ancylostoma duodenale.
3. Enumerate the parasites causing Anemia. Describe in detail morphology,
life cycle & laboratory diagnosis of Ancylostoma duodenale.
4. Enumerate the Intestinal Nematodes of medical importance. Describe the
morphology, life cycle, pathogenesis & laboratory diagnosis of Ascaris
5. Classify Filarial worms. Write in detail about the life cycle, pathogenesis
& laboratory diagnosis of Wuchereria bancrofti.
6. Describe the life cycle of Dracunculus medinensis. Write its clinical
manifestations, laboratory diagnosis & treatment.
Possible Questions
1. Classify Cestodes. Describe the morphology, life cycle, clinical
manifestations, laboratory diagnosis of Taenia saginata.
2. Write the general features of Cestodes. Discuss the morphology, life
cycle, clinical manifestations, laboratory diagnosis of Diphyllobothrium
latum. Add a note on Sparganosis.
3. Classify Trematodes. Discuss the morphology, life cycle, clinical
manifestations, laboratory diagnosis of Schistosoma haematobium. Add a
note on other blood flukes.
4. Write the general characteristics of Trematodes. Describe the
morphology, life cycle, clinical manifestations, laboratory diagnosis of
Liver flukes. Write its treatment.
87 | P a g e
5. Discuss the general features of Nematodes. Write the morphology, life
cycle, clinical manifestations and laboratory diagnosis of Trichuris
6. Enumerate the parasites causing autoinfection. Explain the morphology,
life cycle, clinical manifestations, complications & laboratory diagnosis
of Pin worm.
Short Notes
1. Classification of Nematodes according to the habitat of adult worms
2. Life cycle of Taenia solium
3. Cysticercus cellulosae ( Cysticercosis )
4. Neurocysticercosis
5. Pathogenesis & Laboratory diagnosis of Hydatid disease
6. Hydatid cyst
7. Casoni’s test
8. Larval forms of Diphyllobothrium latum
9. Lung flukes
10.Larva migrans
11.Cutaneous larva migrans
12.Visceral larva migrans
14.Ancylostoma duodenale
15.Life cycle of Hookworm
16.Life cycle of Ascaris lumbricoides
18.Laboratory diagnosis of Filariasis
19.Loa loa
20.Role of Cyclops in parasitic diseases
21.Bile stained eggs
88 | P a g e
22.Viviparous parasites
23.Stool examination of parasitic infections
24.Examination of faeces for parasitic infections
25.Concentration methods for stool examination
Possible Questions
1. Helminths - Classification & General features
2. Spirometra
3. Hymenolepis nana
4. Free living nematodes
5. Clonorchis sinensis
6. Hyperinfection
7. Strongyloidiasis
8. Differences between Ancylostoma duodenale & Necator americanus
9. Gnathostoma species
10.Filariasis - Treatment & prophylaxis
11.Brugia malayi
12.River blindness
13.Mention the various diagnostic methods in parasitology
14.Role of Culture methods in parasitology
15.Sputum examination & Molecular methods in parasitology
16.Thick & Thin blood smear
Short Answers
1. Life cycle of Taenia saginata
2. Scolex of Taenia solium
3. What is Cysticercus cellulosae?
4. Name the skin test used for diagnosis of Hydatid cyst
5. Name the largest & smallest Tapeworms infecting humans
6. Name the medically important Trematodes
89 | P a g e
7. Name the parasites that produce Operculated eggs
8. Swimmer’s itch
9. Name four Intestinal nematodes
10.Name two parasites causing: a) Anemia b)Visual larva migrans
11.Visceral larva migrans
12.Name the Oviparous & Viviparous nematodes
13.Name four bile stained & non-bile stained parasitic eggs
14.Bachman Intradermal test
15.Draw the eggs of Enterobius vermicularis & Ascaris lumbricoides
16.Name the infective stage of Ancylostoma duodenale
17.Creeping eruption
18.Name the parasites that cause anemia. Mention the type of anemia caused
19.Complications of Ascariasis
20.Features to identify Wuchereria bancrofti microfilaria in blood smear
21.Occult filariasis
22.Sheathed microfilaria
23.Draw the diagram of microfilaria
24.Name the definitive host of Wuchereria bancrofti
25.Hetrazan ( DEC ) provocation test
26.What are Calabar swellings? Which parasite causes this lesion?
28.Name two parasites infecting the eye
29.Name four opportunistic parasitic infections in AIDS
30.Name four parasites causing CNS infection
31.Name the parasitic zoonotic diseases
32.Name the concentration methods of Stool examination
90 | P a g e
Possible Questions
1. Taenia multiceps
2. Echinococcus vogeli
3. Watsonius watsoni
4. Hymenolepis diminuta
5. Heterophyes heterophyes
6. Larva currens
7. Pseudo Hookworm
8. Causes of anemia in Hookworm infection
9. NIH swab method
10.Loeffler’s syndrome
11.Charcot-Leyden crystals
12.Mansonella species infecting humans
14.Skin tests for diagnosis of parasitic infections
15.Examination of urine in parasitic infections
Possible Questions
1. Classify Fungi. Mention the causative agents of Opportunistic mycoses.
Discuss the pathogenesis, clinical features, laboratory diagnosis,
treatment of Zygomycosis.
Short Notes
1. Laboratory diagnosis of fungal infections
2. Dimorphic fungi
3. Superficial mycoses
91 | P a g e
4. Tinea versicolor
5. Dermatophytes
6. Laboratory diagnosis of Dermatophytosis
7. Subcutaneous mycoses
8. Mycetoma
9. Sporotrichosis
10.Chromoblastomycosis ( Chromomycosis )
12.Histoplasmosis ( Histoplasma capsulatum )
14.Opportunistic fungi
16.Laboratory diagnosis of Candidiasis
17.Cryptococcosis ( Cryptococcus neoformans )
19.Pneumocystis jirovecii
20.Mycotic keratitis
Possible Questions
1. Blastomycosis
2. Paracoccidioidomycosis
3. Penicilliosis
4. Mycotic poisoning ( Mycotoxicoses )
Short Answers
1. Classify fungi based on morphology
2. Name four Dimorphic fungi
3. Fungal spores
4. Chlamydospore
92 | P a g e
5. Mention four Antifungal agents
6. Negative staining in mycology
7. What are the media used for fungal cultivation?
8. What is the pH of SDA ?
9. Name four Dermatophytes
10.Ectothrix & Endothrix infection of Hair
11.Wood's lamp in mycology
12.Name four organisms causing Mycetoma
13.Enumerate four fungi causing Eumycetoma
14.Name four Fungi causing opportunistic mycosis & superficial mycosis
15.Mention four species of Candida
16.Germ tube test ( Reynolds Braude phenomenon )
17.Name four medically important Candida
18.Name the mycotoxin produced by Aspergillus flavus
20.Draw the morphology of Penicillium
22.Name two pigment producing Fungi
23.Name two fungi causing Oculomycosis
Possible Questions
1. LPCB mount - Constituents & their rationale
2. Cellophane tape mount
3. Piedra
4. Id reaction
5. Hair perforation test
6. Gridley's fungal staining
93 | P a g e
7. Protothecosis
8. Mycetism
9. Pythiosis
10. Lobomycosis
11.Splendore-Hoeppli phenomenon
12.Asteroid body
13.Sclerotic body
15.Microscopic schematic diagram of Rhizopus & Mucor
1. Write an Essay on Emerging and Re-emerging infections and factors
responsible for this.
Possible Questions
1. Define Health care associated infections. Explain the types, modes of
transmission & prevention in detail.
2. List the potential pathogens causing Urinary tract infections. Discuss
their pathogenesis, clinical features, laboratory diagnosis, treatment.
Write the measures for prevention of Hospital acquired UTI.
Short Notes
1. Universal precautions
2. Describe the common types & prevention of HAI
3. Nosocomial infection
4. Infection Control Committee
5. Segregation of Biomedical waste
94 | P a g e
6. Biomedical waste management
7. Bacteriology of milk
8. Clean catch Mid-stream urine
9. Significant Bacteriuria
10.Laboratory diagnosis of Urinary Tract Infection ( UTI )
11.Laboratory diagnosis of Acute pyogenic meningitis
12.Laboratory diagnosis of Bloodstream infections
13.Blood culture
14.Pyrexia of Unknown Origin ( PUO )
15.Antibiotic sensitivity testing
Possible Questions
1. Hand hygiene
2. Surveillance of Hospital acquired infections
3. Prevention of Surgical site infections
4. Antibiotic stewardship
5. Central Sterile Supply Department ( CSSD )
6. Prevention & Management of Needle stick injury
7. Disposal methods for Biomedical waste
8. Operation Theatre sterilization
9. How will you collect & transport specimens?
10.Water quality surveillance
11.Harmful & Beneficial effects of Normal microbial flora
12.Causative agents & laboratory diagnosis of Meningitis
13.Causative agents & laboratory diagnosis of Respiratory tract infections
14.Causative agents & laboratory diagnosis of Sexually transmitted diseases
15.Laboratory diagnosis of common skin & soft tissue infections
16.Define & Classify Zoonoses. List the common zoonotic infections & their
95 | P a g e
Short Answers
1. Spill management
2. Infection control policy
3. Name the most common Bacteria causing nosocomial infections
4. Define Bacteremia, Septicemia, Pyemia & Endotoxemia
5. Eijkman test
6. Presumptive coliform test
7. Bacteriology of water
8. CSF findings in acute Bacterial meningitis
9. Lumbar puncture & collection of CSF sample
10.Aseptic meningitis
11.Role of vectors in transmission of infectious agents
Possible Questions
1. Catheter administration policy
2. Milk borne diseases
3. Probiotics
4. Sterile pyuria
5. Indications for Blood culture
6. Agents causing Bacteremia
7. Steps in the investigation of an outbreak of food poisoning
8. List the pathogens causing infectious diarrhoea
9. Agents causing Surgical site infections
10."Syndromic approach" for Sexually transmitted infections
11.CSF collection & its contraindications
12.Define meningitis & encephalitis
96 | P a g e
1. A 10 year old boy from Tirunelveli presents with abrupt onset of fever,
severe head ache, retro-orbital pain, myalgia & arthralgia. On
examination, positive torniquet test with 25 petechial spots per sq.inch
area in cubital fossa is noted. Laboratory reports show increase in
hematocrit, decrease in platelet count & positive NS1 antigen detection
test. What is the probable diagnosis?
[ Dengue fever – Dengue virus ]
2. A 30 year old woman presents with fever, vomiting, photophobia, sore
throat & restlessness. She reveals a history of street dog bite a month
back. What is your probable diagnosis?
[ Rabies – Rabies virus ]
3. A 40 year old commercial sex worker comes with complaints of
unexplained fever, weight loss, persistent diarrhoea, recurrent oral ulcers
& generalized lymphadenopathy for the past 7 months. On examination,
Oral thrush is noted. What is the diagnosis?
[ AIDS - HIV ]
4. A 45 year old male comes with complaints of fever, head ache, dry
cough, diarrhoea, shortness of breath & loss of smell sensation for the
past 3 days. He is a known diabetic for the past 4 years. His wife & his 15
year old child also present with similar symptoms. He had a history of
international travel to China 15 days back. What is the most probable
[ COVID-19 - Coronavirus ]
5. A 12 year old boy presents with vomiting, loss of appetite & jaundice for
the past 2 months. Tenderness in the right hypochondrium, hepatomegaly
& gynecomastia were noted on examination. He had a past history of
blood transfusion. Laboratory reports show a positive HBsAg test. What
is the diagnosis?
[ Hepatitis - Hepatitis B virus ]
97 | P a g e
6. A 56 year old male presents with white painless patches in the mouth.
The patches are adherent to the mucosa. He was diagnosed to have AIDS
5 years back. He is a known diabetic for the past 10 years. Scraping from
the patches shows Gram positive budding yeast cells with pseudohyphae
on microscopy. What is the most probable diagnosis?
[ Oral candidiasis - Candida albicans ]
7. A 40 year old male presents with fever, jaundice & pain in the right
hypochondrium. He complains of dysentery for the past 2 months. USG
of the abdomen shows enlarged liver with peritonitis. Diagnostic
aspiration from the liver reveals Anchovy sauce pus. What is your
probable diagnosis?
[ Amoebic liver abscess - Entamoeba histolytica ]
8. A 50 year old male from Ramanathapuram comes to the OPD with fever,
chills, rigor, back pain & head ache for the past 5 days. On examination,
anemia, splenomegaly & mild neck stiffness are noted. He develops
seizures immediately after admission. Peripheral blood smear shows
numerous ring stages & crescent-shaped gametocytes inside erythocytes.
What is the probable diagnosis?
[ Malaria - Plasmodium falciparum ]
9. A 24 year old pregnant woman gives birth to a male child. The child is
born with chorioretinitis, intracranial calcifications, hydrocephalus and
deafness. The mother had not undergone TORCH panel test during her
gestation. Placental examination reveals presence of tissue cysts. What is
the diagnosis?
[ Congenital toxoplasmosis - Toxoplasma gondii ]
10.A 40 year old male presents with seizures, increased intracranial tension,
hydrocephalus & visual disturbances. He gives a history of frequently
eating pork in hotels. CT scan shows multiple calcified cysts in the brain
parenchyma. What is your diagnosis?
[ Neurocysticercosis - Taenia solium ]
98 | P a g e
11.A 26 year old male presents with pain in the right hypochondrium &
jaundice. Ultrasonography reveals ‘water lily’ sign. Surgery was done to
remove the cyst. Histopathological examination of the cyst reveals three
layers of cyst wall with brood capsules. What is the probable diagnosis ?
[ Hydatid cyst - Echinococcus granulosus ]
12.During a school health check up in a village, A 7 year old boy was noted
to have pallor & appeared malnourished. Most people in the village
practise open air defecation. Blood examination shows Microcytic
hypochromic anemia. Stool examination reveals round non-bile stained
eggs & segmented ovum with 6 blastomeres. What is the etiological
[ Ancylostoma duodenale ]
13.A 4 year old girl presents with severe colicky abdominal pain, nausea &
vomiting. Examination reveals that she is malnourished. Stool
microscopy shows round bile stained eggs with a thick albumin coat.
What is the causative agent?
[ Ascaris lumbricoides ]
14.A 30 year old male from Cuddalore presents with high grade fever,
rigors, unilateral swelling of the right lower limb, scrotal swelling &
milky white urine. A night time blood sample is collected. Peripheral
blood smear shows presence of microfilariae. What is the most probable
[ Lymphatic filariasis - Wuchereria bancrofti ]
99 | P a g e
 The Cell as a Unit of Health and Disease
 Cellular Responses to Stress and Toxic Insults Adaptation, Injury and Death
 Inflammation and Repair
 Hemodynamic Disorders,Thromboembolic Disease
And Shock
 Genetic Disorders
 Diseases of the Immune System
 Neoplasia
 Infectious Diseases
 Environmental and Nutritional Diseases
 Diseases of Infancy and Childhood
 Diseases of White Blood Cells, Lymph Nodes,
Spleen and Thymus
 Red Blood Cell and Bleeding Disorders
 Clinical Scenarios
100 | P a g e
Short Notes
1. Cell cycle
2. Growth factors
3. Stem cells in tissue homeostasis
Possible Questions
1. Micro-RNA
2. Cytoskeleton and Cell-Cell Interactions
3. Signal Transduction pathways
4. Role of a pathologist in a hospital and importance in diagnosis
Short Answers
1. Write any 2 Stem cell niches
Possible Questions
1. Cellular housekeeping
2. Desmosomes
3. Proteasomes
4. Components of ECM
5. Fibronectin
6. Collagen
7. Elastin
8. Regenerative medicine
9. Ethics and the pathologist
101 | P a g e
1. Define Necrosis. Name its types. Discuss in detail with examples the
different types of necrosis. Differentiate between necrosis and apoptosis.
2. Define Apoptosis. What are the causes, biochemical features and
mechanisms of Apoptosis? Add a note on dysregulated apoptosis.
Possible Questions
1. Classify Cell injury. Discuss the causes, mechanisms, macroscopic and
microscopic features of Cell injury.
2. Mention the types of Degeneration. Discuss the pathology of organs
affected by Fatty changes. Write about Fat stains.
Short Notes
1. Causes of Cell injury and brief about Hyperplasia with suitable examples
2. Metaplasia
3. Free radical cell injury
4. Free radicals
5. Morphological patterns of Tissue necrosis
6. Caseous necrosis
7. Gangrene
8. Apoptosis and its morphological changes
9. Mechanism of Apoptosis
10.Intracellular accumulations
11.Fat stains
12.Fatty changes in Liver
13.Classify Pigments. Write about Lipofuscin
102 | P a g e
14.Pathological calcification
15.Differences between Dystrophic and Metastatic calcification
Possible Questions
1. Cellular adaptations
2. Mechanisms of Cell injury
3. Autophagy
4. Cellular swelling
5. Cellular aging
6. Necroptosis
Short Answers
1. Define Atrophy. Give 2 examples for physiological atrophy
2. Hypertrophy
3. Define Hyperplasia. Give two examples
4. Define Metaplasia. Give examples of Metaplasia
5. Role of Sirtuins in Cellular aging
6. What are different types of necrosis? Give examples
7. Mention four nuclear changes in Necrosis
8. Fat necrosis
9. Differences between Dry gangrene and Wet gangrene
10.Factors down-regulating apoptosis
11.Tigered effect
12.Heart failure cells
13.Dystrophic calcification
14.Four examples of Metastatic calcification
Possible Questions
1. Differences between Hypertrophy and Hyperplasia
2. Differences between Atrophy and Hypoplasia
103 | P a g e
3. Reversible injury
4. Oxidative stress
5. Radiation injury
6. Ischemia-Reperfusion injury
7. Morphology of Gangrene
8. Caspase
9. Pyroptosis
10.Hyaline change
1. Define Inflammation. Describe the causes and major events of Acute
inflammation. Write a note on defective Leukocyte function.
2. Define Inflammation. Enumerate the signs of inflammation. Discuss in
detail about chemical mediators of inflammation.
3. Define Inflammation.Write in detail about the vascular and cellular
changes in inflammation.
Possible Questions
1. Mention the various steps in Tissue repair.Explain wound healing and the
factors affecting it in detail.
Short Notes
1. Chemical mediators of Acute inflammation
2. Role of Arachidonic metabolites in inflammation
3. Chemotaxis
4. Phagocytosis
5. Chemokines
104 | P a g e
6. Defects in Leukocyte function
7. Outcomes of Acute inflammation
8. Granulomatous inflammation
9. Different types of Giant cells with morphology and examples
10.Factors affecting Wound healing
11.Fracture healing
Possible Questions
1. Complement system
2. Discuss briefly on Chronic inflammation
3. Cell and Tissue regeneration. Add a note on Liver regeneration
4. Healing of skin wounds
Short Answers
1. Inflammation
2. Cell derived mediators of inflammation
3. Interleukins
4. Mast cells
5. Acute phase proteins
6. Lipoxins
7. Morphological patterns of Acute inflammation
8. Four Systemic effects of inflammation
9. Weibel-Palade bodies
10.Morphology of Granuloma
11.Giant cells
12.Types of Wound healing
13.Systemic factors that influence wound healing
14.Role of Vitamin-C in wound healing
105 | P a g e
Possible Questions
1. Differences between Acute and Chronic Inflammation
2. Leukocyte adhesion to Endothelium
3. Neutrophil Extracellular Traps
4. Mononuclear Phagocytic system
5. Pathways of Macrophage activation
6. PAMPs
7. Cytokines
8. Leukotrienes
9. Granulation tissue
10.Steps in Scar formation
11.Steps in Angiogenesis
12.Complications of Wound healing
14.Mention the abnormalities in tissue repair
16. Desmoids
17.Wound dehiscence
1. Define and classify Edema. Discuss the etiopathogenesis and pathology
of various types of Edema with examples.
2. Define Edema. Discuss its pathophysiology. Add a note on pulmonary
edema and cerebral edema.
106 | P a g e
3. Define Thrombosis. Write in detail about pathogenesis, causes,
morphology and fate of thrombus.
4. Define and classify Shock. Discuss the pathogenesis of Septic shock.
Describe the morphology of kidney and lungs affected by Shock.
5. A 40 year old male presented with H/o fever, vomiting & diarrhoea.
Patient had a temperature of 103°F, weak rapid pulse, hypotension,
tachypnoea, cold, clammy and cyanotic skin. Blood culture reveals Gram
negative Bacterial infection. What is the diagnosis? Explain the
pathogenesis and morphology.
Short Notes
1. Differences between Exudate and Transudate
2. Cardiac edema
3. Thrombogenesis
4. Morphology of Thrombi
5. Virchow’s triad
6. Embolism
7. Types of Embolism. Write a note on Caisson disease
8. Air embolism
9. Thromboembolism
10.Amniotic fluid embolism
12.Septic shock
13.Pathogenesis of shock
14.Disseminated Intravascular Coagulation
Possible Questions
1. Hemostasis
2. Pathogenesis of Renal edema
107 | P a g e
3. Differences between Thrombus and Blood clot
4. Differences between Thrombophlebitis and Phlebothrombosis
5. Differences between Antemortem thrombus and Postmortem clot
6. Fat embolism
Short Answers
1. Differences between Exudate and Transudate
2. Define Hyperemia and Congestion
3. CVC Liver ( Nutmeg Liver )
4. Gamna-Gandy bodies
5. Antiphospholipid Antibody Syndrome
6. Fate of Thrombi
7. Lines of Zahn
8. Risk factors for DIC
9. Morphology of Infarction
10.Stages of Shock
Possible Questions
1. Morphology of Hyperemia and Congestion
2. Role of endothelium in coagulation
3. Lupus anticoagulant syndrome
4. Hypercoagulable state
5. Hemorrhagic disorders
6. Red infarct and White infarct
Short Notes
1. Types of chromosomal rearrangements
108 | P a g e
2. Familial Hypercholesterolemia
3. Glycogen storage disorders
4. Gaucher disease
5. Niemann-Pick disease
6. Klinefelter syndrome
7. Turner syndrome
8. Trisomy 21 ( Down syndrome )
9. Clinical features of Trisomy 21
10.Mitochondrial inheritance
11.Sex chromatin
12.Hybridisation techniques to detect genomic alterations
13.Fluorescence In Situ Hybridization ( FISH )
Possible Questions
1. X-linked disorders
2. Ehlers-Danlos syndrome
3. Lysosomal storage disorders
4. Fragile X syndrome
5. Prader-Willi syndrome and Angelman syndrome
Short Answers
1. Name four types of chromosomal rearrangements
2. X-linked recessive disorders
3. Name any four autosomal dominant disorders
4. Name any four autosomal recessive disorders
5. Name 2 Trisomy syndromes
6. Gaucher cell
7. Special stain to diagnose Gaucher disease
109 | P a g e
Possible Questions
1. Structure of Chromosome
2. Mutation
3. Polymorphism
4. Patterns of inheritance of Mendelian disorders
5. Marfan syndrome
6. Mucopolysaccharidoses
7. Microdeletion syndrome
8. Multifactorial disorders
9. Indications for Genetic analysis
1. A 23 year old female presented with oral ulcers, malar rash,
photosensitivity and non-erosive arthritis involving both knees.
Laboratory investigations show persistent proteinuria and leucopenia.
What is the probable diagnosis? Discuss the pathogenesis and
morphology of kidney affected by the above disorder.
Possible Questions
1. Define the term- autograft, allograft, isograft and xenograft. Enumerate
the factors affecting tissue rejection. Describe the types and mechanisms
of Allograft rejection.
2. Primary Immunodeficiency disorders.
3. Describe the routes of transmission, pathogenesis, major and minor
signs, pathological changes and laboratory diagnosis of AIDS.
4. Classify Amyloidosis and discuss it in detail.
110 | P a g e
Short Notes
1. Natural Killer cells
2. T- lymphocytes
3. Major Histocompatibility Complex ( MHC )
4. Cytokines
5. Type 1 Hypersensitivity reaction
6. Anaphylactic reaction
7. Antibody mediated ( Type II ) Hypersensitivity reaction
8. Immune complex ( Type III ) Hypersensitivity reaction
9. T-Cell Mediated ( Type IV ) Hypersensitivity reaction
10.Renal changes in SLE
11.Antinuclear Antibodies
12.Mechanism of Autoimmune diseases
13.DiGeorge Syndrome
14.Graft vs Host disease
15.Transplant rejection
16.Pathogenesis of AIDS
17.Opportunistic infections in AIDS
19.Amyloid stains
Possible Questions
1. Innate immunity
2. Drug Induced Lupus Erythematosus
3. Sjogren Syndrome
4. Scleroderma
5. Morphology of Transplant rejection
7. Bruton Agammaglobulinemia
111 | P a g e
Short Answers
1. Macrophages
2. HLA
3. Arthus reaction
4. LE cell
5. Antiphospholipid antibody syndrome
6. Chronic granulomatous disease
7. Hyper IgM syndrome
8. Tumours associated with AIDS
9. Name four infections associated with AIDS
10.Mention 2 sites of biopsy for Amyloidosis
11.Amyloid disease
12.Sago spleen
13.Mention four special stains for Amyloid
Possible Questions
1. Toll-like receptors
2. Dendritic cells
3. Components of Innate immunity
4. Innate lymphoid cells
5. Functional defects in leukocytes
6. Mention four Autoimmune diseases
7. Ataxia telangiectasia
8. Wiskott-Aldrich syndrome
9. Hyperacute rejection
10.Immunological tolerance
112 | P a g e
1. What is Metastasis? What are the different pathways of spread? Write in
detail about the pathways.
2. Define Neoplasia. Write about the molecular basis of cancer. Add a note
on oncogenes and their mode of activation.
3. Write about carcinogenesis – physical, chemical, biological and also the
molecular basis of carcinogenesis.
4. Enumerate various Carcinogenic agents. Classify Chemical carcinogens.
Describe the steps involved in Chemical carcinogenesis.
5. Define Neoplasia. Discuss in detail about the pathogenesis and
pathophysiology of Radiation oncogenesis.
6. Mention the Oncogenic viruses. Describe oncogenesis by Human
papilloma virus.
Short Notes
1. Differentiation and Anaplasia
2. Pre-cancerous lesions
3. Carcinoma in situ
4. Differences between Benign and Malignant tumours
5. Tumour metastasis
6. Tumour antigen
7. Molecular basis of cancer
8. Grading and staging of tumour
9. Tumour suppressor genes
11.Retinoblastoma gene
12.Growth factors
113 | P a g e
13.Chemical carcinogens
14.Microbial carcinogenesis
15.Oncogenic viruses
16.Oncogenic Epstein-Barr virus
17.Fine Needle Aspiration Cytology ( FNAC )
18.Lab diagnosis of cancer
19.Paraneoplastic syndromes
20.Automated tissue processor
21.Tumour markers
Possible Questions
1. Invasion -Metastasis Cascade
2. Trans-ceolomic spread of neoplasm
3. Genomic instability
4. Angiogenesis
5. Occupational cancers
6. RNA oncogenic viruses
Short Answers
1. Modes of spread of tumours
2. Dysplasia
3. Hamartoma
4. Name two familial cancers
5. Mention two sites of Oncocytoma
6. Differences between benign and malignant tumours
7. Neurofibromatosis gene
8. Warburg effect
9. Epigenetic changes
10.Oncofetal antigens
114 | P a g e
11.Name 2 Oncogenic DNA viruses
12.Tumour suppressor genes
13.Transcription factors
14.Paraneoplastic syndromes
15.Exfoliative cytology
Possible Questions
1. Knudson two hit hypothesis
2. BRAF gene
3. Hallmarks of cancer
4. Oncoproteins
5. Non-coding RNA and cancer
6. Teratoma
7. Choristoma
8. Mismatch repair
9. Frozen section
10.Cancer cachexia
1. Discuss the pathogenesis, morphology and clinical features of
Short Notes
1. Morphology of Primary Tuberculosis
2. Ghon’s complex
3. Miliary Tuberculosis
115 | P a g e
4. Morphology of Leprosy
5. Histopathological differences between Lepromatous leprosy and
Tuberculoid leprosy
6. Immunology of Leprosy
7. Primary atypical pneumonia
8. Tertiary syphilis
9. Gas gangrene
13.Viral hemorrhagic fever
15.Fungal granuloma
16.Hydatid cyst
Possible Questions
1. General principles of Microbial pathogenesis
2. Herpes virus infections
3. Epstein-Barr virus
4. Pathogenesis and Investigations of COVID-19
5. Morphology and Clinical features of COVID-19
Short Answers
1. Microscopic features of Lepromatous leprosy
2. Types of leprosy
3. CSF in tuberculous meningitis
4. Gross appearance of Mycetoma foot
5. Prions
6. Warthin-Finkeldey giant cell
116 | P a g e
7. Hematocrit in Dengue fever
8. Mott cells
9. Negri bodies
10.Asteroid bodies
11.Black water fever
Possible Questions
1. Routes of entry of microbes
2. Immune evasion by microbes
3. Spectrum of inflammatory responses to infection
4. Mechanisms of microbial injury
5. Ranke complex
6. Agents of Bio-terrorism
7. Bacterial toxins
8. Mycobacterium avium complex
9. Hidradenitis
10.Scarlet fever
13.Pathology of spleen in Malaria and Kala-azar
14.Hutchinson’s triad
15.Special techniques for diagnosing infectious agents
16.Emerging infectious diseases
17.Modes of transmission of COVID-19
18.At risk people in COVID-19
19.Cytokine storm in COVID-19
117 | P a g e
1. A 12 year old boy weighing 70 kg, does not play outdoor games and is
always infront of his play station with lots of snacks beside him. What is
he having? What are the methods to assess it? Discuss the
etiopathogenesis and its complications.
Short Notes
1. Silicosis
2. Asbestosis
3. Protein energy malnutrition ( PEM )
4. Kwashiorkor
5. Vitamin-D deficiency
6. Rickets
7. Vitamin-A deficiency
8. Obesity
Possible Questions
1. Effects of Tobacco and Alcohol
2. Ionizing radiation - Injuries, morphology and effects on various organs
3. Lead poisoning
Short Answers
1. Blood and marrow changes in Lead poisoning
2. Conditions associated with PEM
3. Vitamin-C deficiency
4. Wilson disease
5. Give 2 examples for Trace elements and their deficiency states
118 | P a g e
Possible Questions
1. Arsenic poisoning
2. Indoor air pollution
3. Thermal injury
4. Electrical injury
5. Occupational diseases
6. Anorexia nervosa and Bulimia
7. Diet and Cancer
Short Notes
1. Haemolytic disease of newborn
2. Neonatal Respiratory Distress Syndrome
3. Cystic fibrosis
4. Wilms tumour
Possible Questions
1. Perinatal infections
2. Necrotizing Enterocolitis
3. Inborn errors of Metabolism
Short Answers
1. Kernicterus
2. Hydrops fetalis
3. Name the childhood malignancies
Possible Questions
1. Malformation
119 | P a g e
2. Pathogenesis of Oligohydramnios
3. Neuroblastoma
4. Sudden Infant Death Syndrome ( SIDS )
5. Hemangioma
1. Define and classify Leukemias. Describe the clinical features, blood and
bone marrow changes and clinical outcome in CML.
2. A 40 year old female complains of loss of weight, huge splenomegaly
with peripheral white blood cell count >1 lakh cells/cc.
a) What is the probable diagnosis?
b) What are the characteristic peripheral smear findings?
c) Describe the course of the disease.
d) What is the chromosomal abnormality involved?
3. Discuss in detail the molecular pathogenesis and morphology of Hodgkin
4. Define and classify Leukemia. Describe the blood and bone marrow
findings in Acute Myeloid Leukemia.
5. A 40 year old male came with H/o chronic fatigue, weight loss for 6
months. O/E pallor, marked splenomegaly were present. Lab report
shows Hb10 gm%, TC 215000/cmm, Platelets 4 lakhs/cmm.
a) What is the probable diagnosis?
b) Write the common genetic abnormality.
c) Describe the blood and bone marrow findings to confirm your
diagnosis. Explain the prognosis of the condition.
120 | P a g e
6. A 60 year old male presented with normocytic normochromic anaemia,
pathological fracture of femur and proteinuria. X ray skull revealed
punched out lesions in the calvarium and peripheral smear shows
rouleaux formation.What is the diagnosis? Discuss in detail the molecular
pathogenesis, morphology, and clinical features of above said disorder.
7. A 70 year old woman was admitted with worsening anemia and
pathological fracture of the humerus. She had an ESR of 120 mm in 1
hour. Her peripheral smear showed increased rouleaux formation. X ray
of skull showed multiple punched out osteolytic lesions.
a) What is the most probable diagnosis? Write briefly on
b) Discuss the Bone marrow changes in the disease.
c) Enumerate the common laboratory investigations for this disease
and enlist the complications of this disease.
8. A 35 year old man was admitted with a H/o painless cervical and axillary
lymphadenopathy. He had history of loss of weight, fever, night sweating
and was found to have cutaneous anergy. No hepatosplenomegaly.
a) What is the probable diagnosis?
b) Give the classification of the condition.
c) Describe the morphology of any two types.
Short Notes
1. Agranulocytosis
2. Eosinophilia
3. Leukemoid reaction
4. Burkitt lymphoma
5. Peripheral smear and bone marrow picture of Multiple myeloma
6. Morphology of Multiple myeloma
7. Bence Jones proteins
121 | P a g e
8. Proteins in urine
9. Plasma cell dyscrasias
10.Hodgkin lymphoma
11.Working formulation classification of NHL
12.FAB classification of leukemia
13.Classification of Acute leukemia. Write its Cytochemistry
14.Molecular pathogenesis of AML and its classification
15.Myelodysplastic syndromes
16.Blood picture of CML
17.Primary Myelofibrosis
18.Leukocyte alkaline phosphatase
19.Morphological defects of Leukocyte
Possible Questions
1. Leukocytosis
2. Lymphadenitis
3. Hemophagocytic lymphohistiocytosis
4. WHO classification of Lymphoid neoplasms
5. Follicular lymphoma
6. Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia
7. Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia
Short Answers
1. Agranulocytosis
2. Mention 2 causes for Pancytopenia
3. Mott cells
4. Russell bodies
5. Name 4 Monoclonal gammopathies
6. Two pathogenic features of Hairy cell leukemia
122 | P a g e
7. Reed-Sternberg cell and its variants
8. Differences between Hodgkin and Non-Hodgkin lymphoma
9. Auer rods
10.Differences between myeloblast and lymphoblast
11.Define Leukemia
13.Pseudo Pelger-Huet anomaly
14.Mutations in CML
15.Philadelphia chromosome
16.Sea blue histiocytes
17.Langerhans cell Histiocytosis
18.Draw - Megaloblast, Mexican hat cell, Pessary cell, Macropolycyte
19.Four indications of Bone marrow aspiration
Possible Questions
1. Leucopenia
2. Follicular hyperplasia
3. Infectious Mononucleosis
4. Smudge cells
5. Sezary syndrome
6. Adult reference ranges for blood cells
7. Prognostic features of Leukemias
8. Ann-Arbor staging of Lymphomas
9. Rye classification
10.Mantle cell lymphoma
11.Adult T cell leukemia
12.Pawn ball megakaryocytes
13.Extranodal lymphomas
14.Mention the causes of Splenomegaly
123 | P a g e
15.Pathology of Chronic venous congestion of Spleen
16.Splenic infarction
18.Thymic hyperplasia
1. Define Anemia. Classify Haemolytic anemia. Discuss the pathogenesis,
clinical features, laboratory diagnosis of Sickle cell anemia.
2. Classify Haemolytic Anemias. Describe the pathogenesis, blood picture,
clinical features of β-Thalassemia major.
3. Define Anemia. Discuss etiopathogenesis with blood and bone marrow
picture in Iron deficiency anemia.
4. List the causes of Megaloblastic anemia. Discuss the pathogenesis,
morphology, bone marrow picture of Megaloblastic anemia.
5. Define Thrombocytopenia. Classify causes of Thrombocytopenia.
Discuss various tests in evaluating Bleeding disorders.
Short Notes
1. Bone marrow changes in Microcytic anemia
2. Evidence of Hemolytic anemia
3. Anemia of Chronic disease
4. Hereditary Spherocytosis
5. Sickle cell anemia
6. Blood and bone marrow picture in Vitamin B12 deficiency anemia
7. Aplastic anemia
8. Sideroblastic anemia
9. Fanconi anemia
124 | P a g e
10.Polycythemia vera
11.Indications of Bone marrow aspiration
13.PCV estimation and its significance
14.Erythrocyte Sedimentation Rate
17.Write briefly about Idiopathic Thrombocytopenic purpura –
pathophysiology, morphology and investigatory findings
18.Chronic immune thrombocytopenic purpura
19.Von Willebrand disease
20.Christmas disease
21.Haemophilia A
22.Coagulation disorders
23.Transfusion reaction
Possible Questions
1. Hemolytic Uremic syndrome
2. Paroxysmal Nocturnal Hemoglobinuria
3. Osmotic fragility
4. Physiology of Hemostasis and Thrombosis
5. Blood donation, collection, preservation and tests performed
Short Answers
1. What are Red cell indices?
2. G6PD deficiency
3. Alpha Thalassemia
4. Howell-Jolly bodies
5. Tests for Sickling
125 | P a g e
6. Give four causes of Iron deficiency anemia
7. Blood picture in Megaloblastic anemia
8. Bone marrow changes in Vitamin B12 deficiency
9. Draw Megaloblast
10.Give four applications of Reticulocyte count
11.What is a Reticulocyte? Mention 2 causes of Reticulocytosis
14.Tear drop cells
15.Bart Hb
16.Heinz bodies
17.Prothrombin time
18.Bleeding time
19.Name 2 inherited disorders of Platelets
20.Causes of Thrombocytopenia
21.Glanzmann thrombasthenia
22.Important investigations necessary for diagnosis of Haemophilia
24.Henoch-Schonlein purpura
25.Bernard-Soulier syndrome
26.Bombay blood group
27.What is Cross matching?
29.Coombs test
30.Rh factor
31.Blood components prepared in a blood bank
32.Hematopoietic cytokines
33.Name two Autosomal recessive hematopoietic disorders
126 | P a g e
Possible Questions
1. Hematopoiesis
2. Microscopy of normal bone marrow
3. Define Anemia
4. Pure red cell aplasia
5. Differences between primary and secondary hemostasis
6. Waterhouse-Friderichsen syndrome
7. Significance of Reverse typing
8. Cross matching
9. Indications for Blood transfusion
1. A 25 year old female complains of pain and swelling over right thigh for
the past 3 months. She was using OCPs for the past 1 year. Then she
developed sudden breathlessness and died. An autopsy was done. What is
the diagnosis?
[ Pulmonary embolism ]
2. A 60 year old female comes to the clinic with complaints of chronic
fatigue and weight loss for past 6 months. On clinical examination, the
patient has anemia and massive splenomegaly and laboratory
investigations shows Hb 7gm%, WBC count 200000/mm3 and platelet
over 4 lakhs mm3. What is your probable diagnosis?
[ Chronic Myeloid Leukemia ]
3. A 50 year old male complains of chronic fatigue and weight loss for 2
months. On clinical examination, he is anemic. Laboratory investigations
reveal Hb 8gm%, WBC count 100000/mm3. Microscopic examination
127 | P a g e
reveals his blast level is increased more than 20% and positive
cytoplasmic staining for MPO.What is the diagnosis?
[ Acute Myeloid Leukemia ]
4. A 30 year old male complained of fever, chills, night sweats and enlarged
axillary lymph node. On laboratory examination PPD was negative.
Lymph node biopsy was done and it revealed owl eye nucleated cells and
immunohistochemistry revealed CD 15+ and CD 30+. Identify the
clinical condition.
[ Hodgkin Lymphoma ]
5. A 10 months old male baby was brought to the pediatric OP with
complaints of dyspnea and swollen hands and feet. On physical
examination the spleen was enlarged. The baby had recurrent respiratory
tract infections. Blood smear reveals abnormal sickle shaped RBCs. What
is the probable diagnosis?
[ Sickle Cell Anemia ]
6. A 1 year old female child was brought to the pediatric OP with
complaints of failure to thrive. On physical examination the patient had
chipmunk facies and splenomegaly. X-ray skull revealed crew-cut
appearance. Hb electrophoresis showed increased HbF and low HbA.
What is your diagnosis?
[ Beta-Thalassemia ]
7. A 22 year old female on her 30th week of gestation comes with
complaints of easy fatigability, weakness and breathlessness. On physical
examination she has pallor and laboratory report reveals Hb 9gm%. She
had poor adherence to her iron tablets.What is the most probable
[ Iron Deficiency Anemia ]
128 | P a g e
 Blood Vessels
 The Heart
 The Lung
 Head and Neck
 The Gastrointestinal Tract
 Liver and Gallbladder
 The Pancreas
 The Kidney
 The Lower Urinary Tract and
Male Genital System
 The Female Genital Tract
 The Breast
 The Endocrine System
 The Skin
 Bones, Joints and Soft Tissue Tumours
 Peripheral Nerves and Skeletal Muscles
 The Central Nervous System
 The Eye
 Clinical Scenarios
129 | P a g e
1. Define Atherosclerosis. Discuss in detail the risk factors, pathogenesis,
morphology and complications of Atherosclerosis.
2. Enumerate the risk factors for Atherosclerosis. Discuss briefly the
pathogenesis and morphology of Atheroma.
Short Notes
1. Atherosclerosis
2. Atheromatous plaque
3. Consequences of Atherosclerosis
4. Aneurysm
5. Dissecting aneurysm
6. Buerger disease
7. Pathogenesis of Essential Hypertension
Possible Questions
1. Hypertensive vascular disease
2. Non-infectious vasculitis
3. Differentiate arterial, venous and neural claudication
4. Vascular tumours
5. Pathology of Vascular intervention
Short Answers
1. Atheroma
2. Atheromatous plaque
3. Raynaud phenomenon
4. Takayasu arteritis
5. Berry aneurysm
130 | P a g e
6. Monckeberg medial sclerosis
7. Superior vena cava syndrome
8. Benign tumours of blood vessels
Possible Questions
2. Kawasaki disease
3. Giant cell arteritis
4. Polyarteritis nodosa
5. Churg-Strauss syndrome
6. Hemangioma
7. Benign tumours of blood vessels
8. Kaposi sarcoma
9. Behcet disease
10.Infectious vasculitis
12.Inferior vena cava syndrome
1. Discuss the etiopathogenesis, pathology, clinical features, laboratory
diagnosis and complications of Rheumatic Heart Disease.
2. Describe the etiology, pathogenesis and morphology of Infective
Endocarditis. Write a note on non-infected vegetations.
3. A 50 year old man collapses suddenly while climbing the stairs with
severe chest pain and profuse sweating. What is the diagnosis? Discuss
the etiopathogenesis of the condition. Write the complications that may
131 | P a g e
4. A 75 year old male presented with dyspnoea and sweating of sudden
onset. He is a known diabetic and hypertensive for 15 years. On
examination, he has weak pulse. What is the diagnosis? Write about the
pathogenesis. Write in detail about the morphological changes that occur.
5. A 50 year old male admitted in emergency care with chest pain, profuse
sweating and rapid pulse.
a) What is your diagnosis?
b) Describe the etiopathogenesis, morphology and complications
of the above mentioned disease.
6. A 50 year old man complains of severe chest pain and sweating.
a) What is the most possible diagnosis for this patient?
b) Enlist the risk factors and discuss in detail the etiopathogenesis
and complications of this disease.
c) Enlist the biochemical tests and their role in diagnosis of this
7. A 47 year old male presented with acute onset of dyspnoea, profuse
sweating and chest pain radiating to the left shoulder. Lab investigations
revealed elevated Troponin -T. What is your diagnosis? Write the
pathogenesis and morphology of the condition.
Short Notes
1. Infective Endocarditis
2. Rheumatic cardiac lesions
3. Cardiac lesions in RHD
4. Rheumatic fever
5. Vegetations of heart
6. Lab diagnosis of Acute MI
7. Enzymes in MI
8. Complications of Myocardial Infarction
132 | P a g e
9. Hypertensive heart disease
10.Fallot's tetralogy
12.Dilated cardiomyopathy
Possible Questions
1. Cardiac failure
2. Congenital Heart disease
3. Restrictive Cardiomyopathy
4. Myocarditis
5. Tumours of Heart
6. Pericarditis
Short Answers
1. Cor pulmonale
2. Name 4 features of Fallot's tetralogy
3. Aschoff bodies
4. Osler nodes
5. Complications of MI
6. Enzymes in Myocardial Infarction
7. Libman-Sacks endocarditis
8. Mention three types of Cardiomyopathy
9. Four causes of Acute myocarditis
10.Types of Acute pericarditis
11.Morphology of Cardiac myxoma
Possible Questions
1. Non-bacterial thrombotic endocarditis
2. Pentalogy of Fallot
133 | P a g e
3. Sudden Cardiac Death
4. Causes of Acquired Heart valve disease
5. Carcinoid Heart disease
6. Complications of Prosthetic valves
7. Name the cardiotoxic drugs
8. Pericardial effusion
9. Hemopericardium
1. Define and classify Bronchogenic carcinoma. Discuss the etiopathogeneis
and morphology of various sub types.
2. A 50 year old male presents with cough, dyspnoea, and intermittent
haemoptysis for two months along with loss of weight and appetite. He is
a chronic smoker for the past 3 decades. CT chest revealed mass lesion in
the right lobe of lung.
a) What is your probable diagnosis?
b) Discuss in detail the classification, morphological features and
the paraneoplastic syndromes associated with it.
3. A 20 year old female comes with H/o pain, swelling & tenderness over
lower end of right femur since 3 months. Suddenly she developed
breathlessness during her treatment and died. Clinical autopsy was done.
a) What is your diagnosis?
b) Mention two investigations to arrive at a diagnosis.
c) Etiopathogenesis of the lesion.
d) Gross and Microscopic picture of the lesion.
e) Mention two autopsy confirmed lesions leading to death.
134 | P a g e
Short Notes
2. Emphysema
3. Pathogenesis of Bronchial asthma
4. Bronchiectasis
5. Morphology of Bronchiectasis
6. Pneumoconiosis
7. Silicosis
8. Write about Asbestos related diseases and their pathogenesis
9. Sarcoidosis
10.Goodpasture syndrome
11.Oat cell carcinoma
12.Small cell carcinoma of lung
13.Bronchoalveolar carcinoma
15.Carcinoid tumour of lung
16.Lobar pneumonia
17.Viral pneumonia
18.Opportunistic lung infections in AIDS
19.Primary pulmonary TB
20.Cystic fibrosis
Possible Questions
1. Pulmonary edema
2. Restrictive diseases of lung
3. Community acquired viral pneumonia
4. Pulmonary Hypertension
5. Pleural effusion
135 | P a g e
Short Answers
1. Name the Obstructive lung diseases
2. Enumerate the types of Emphysema
3. Panacinar emphysema
4. Reid index
5. Ghon's foci
6. Silicosis
7. Byssinosis
8. Sarcoid granuloma
9. Ferruginous bodies
10.Goodpasture syndrome
11.Stages of Lobar pneumonia
12.Stages of Consolidation of lung
14.Causes of Hypersensitivity pneumonitis
Possible Questions
1. Pulmonary hypoplasia
2. Atelectasis
3. Differences between Obstructive and Restrictive lung diseases
4. Chronic bronchitis
5. Name the chronic interstitial lung diseases
6. Coal workers’ pneumoconiosis
7. Occupational lung diseases
8. Pulmonary eosinophilia
9. Smokers’ macrophages
10.Pulmonary Alveolar Proteinosis
11.Surfactant dysfunction disorders
12.Lung abscess
136 | P a g e
13.Fungal pneumonia
14.Pneumonia in the immunocompromised host
15.Paraneoplastic syndromes associated with lung carcinoma
16.Name the non-neoplastic lesions of pleura
Short Notes
1. Thyroglossal duct cyst
2. Paraganglioma ( Carotid body tumour )
3. Pleomorphic adenoma of salivary gland
4. Malignant salivary gland tumours
5. Adamantinoma Jaw
6. Granular cell tumour
Possible Questions
1. Squamous cell carcinoma of Oral cavity
2. Warthin tumour
Short Answers
1. List four etiological factors associated with squamous cell carcinoma of
oral cavity
2. Nasopharyngeal carcinoma
3. Mention the malignant tumours of Salivary gland
4. List four common tumours of Salivary gland
Possible Questions
1. Canker sores
2. Oral thrush
137 | P a g e
3. Name two pre-cancerous lesions of Oral cavity
4. Classify tumours of Salivary glands
5. NUT midline carcinoma
6. Sinonasal papilloma
7. Singers’ nodules
8. Carcinoma of Larynx
9. Branchial cyst
10.Mucoepidermoid carcinoma
1. A sixty year old male presented with anaemia, loss of weight, persistent
abdominal pain, abdominal distension and vomiting. Upper GI endoscopy
and biopsy were done.
a) What is the probable diagnosis?
b) Discuss the etiopathogenesis and morphology of the disease.
2. Classify Inflammatory Bowel Diseases. Discuss briefly the
etiopathogenesis, gross and microscopic morphology of Crohn’s Disease.
Enlist the complications of Crohn’s Disease. Enumerate the differences
between Crohn’s disease and Ulcerative colitis.
3. A 65 year old male presented with complaints of fatigue, weakness,
weight loss, loss of appetite and bleeding PR. Colonoscopy revealed a
hard mass in rectosigmoid.
a) What is your diagnosis?
b) Discuss the various neoplasms arising in rectosigmoid. Write in
detail about morphological types and staging system.
138 | P a g e
Possible Questions
1. Enumerate the Gastric tumours. Discuss in detail the etiopathogenesis,
morphology and clinical features of Adenocarcinoma of Stomach. Add a
note on Gastric carcinoid tumours.
Short Notes
1. Barrett esophagus
2. Peptic ulcer disease
3. H.pylori gastritis
4. Morphology of Chronic gastric ulcer
5. Pathogenesis and morphology of Gastric carcinoma
6. Crohn disease
7. Ulcerative Colitis
8. Gross and microscopic picture of Amoebic dysentery colon
9. Gross and microscopy of Colorectal carcinoma
10.Pathology, morphology and clinical features of Hirschsprung disease
11.Peutz-Jeghers syndrome
12.APUD cell tumours ( Amine Precursor Uptake and Decarboxylation )
Possible Questions
1. Gastro Esophageal Reflux Disease
2. Carcinoma Esophagus
3. Chronic Gastritis
4. Ischemic bowel disease
5. Malabsoprtion syndromes
6. Celiac disease
7. Infectious Enterocolitis
8. Intestinal polyps
9. Neoplastic polyps
139 | P a g e
10.Adenomatous polyposis
11.Morphology of Typhoid and Tuberculous Intestinal ulcers
12.Acute Appendicitis
Short Answers
1. Barrett esophagus
2. Sites of peptic ulcer disease
3. Helicobacter pylori
4. Differences between benign and malignant ulcers of stomach
5. Chronic gastritis
6. Zollinger-Ellison syndrome
7. Linitis plastica
8. Menetrier disease
9. Write 4 clinical features of carcinoid syndrome
10.Mention two microscopic intestinal changes in Malabsorption syndrome
11.Morphologic hallmark of Whipple disease
12.Two differences between Crohn disease and Ulcerative colitis
13.Cobble stone appearance
14.Familial Adenomatous Polyposis syndrome
15.Mutations in Colonic carcinoma
16.Microscopic picture in Acute appendicitis
Possible Questions
1. Meckel diverticulum
2. Achalasia cardia
3. Morphology of two types of hiatus hernia
4. Nutcracker esophagus
5. Esophageal varices
6. Autoimmune gastritis
140 | P a g e
7. GI lymphoma
9. Early gastric carcinoma
10.Etiopathology of Duodenal ulcer
11.Hamartomatous polyps
12.Write the causes of Intestinal obstruction
14.Name four organisms causing Infectious Enterocolitis
15.Differences between primary and secondary intestinal tuberculosis
1. Define and classify Cirrhosis of liver. Describe the morphological
features of most common type of cirrhosis of liver.
2. Explain in detail the classification, etiopathogenesis and prognosis of
tumours of Liver.
3. Discuss the etiopathogenesis of Viral hepatitis and explain in detail about
its serological evaluation.
Short Notes
1. Cirrhosis of the liver
2. Metabolic cirrhosis
3. Laennec cirrhosis – Morphology
4. Alcoholic liver disease
5. Chronic active Viral hepatitis
6. Laboratory diagnosis of Hepatitis
7. Hemochromatosis
141 | P a g e
8. Etiology of Hepatocellular carcinoma
9. Write about Benign neoplasms of liver
11.Biliary Cirrhosis
12.Cholelithiasis ( Gall stones )
Possible Questions
1. Hepatic Failure
2. Portal Hypertension
3. Non Alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease
4. Hepatitis B virus
5. Primary Sclerosing Cholangitis
6. Differentiate Primary biliary cirrhosis & Primary sclerosing cholangitis
7. Hepatic diseases associated with Pregnancy
8. Cholecystitis
Short Answers
1. Bridging necrosis – liver
2. Morphology of Alcoholic liver disease
3. Morphology of Amoebic liver abscess
4. Etiological factors for Hepatocellular carcinoma
5. Mallory-Denk bodies
6. Mention 2 conditions of hereditary unconjugated hyperbilirubinemia
7. Ground glass hepatocytes
8. Wilson disease
9. Mention four pathological effects of gall stones
10.Risk factors for gall stones
11.Alpha-Fetoprotein ( AFP )
142 | P a g e
Possible Questions
1. Alpha 1-Antitrypsin deficiency
2. Cholestasis
3. Causes of Jaundice
4. Nodular hyperplasias of liver
5. Benign tumours of liver
6. Hepatoblastoma
7. Fibropolycystic disease of liver
8. Tumours of Gallbladder
9. Rokitansky-Aschoff sinuses
Short Notes
1. Etiopathogenesis, morphology and clinical features of Acute Pancreatitis
2. Chronic pancreatitis
Possible Questions
1. Adenocarcinoma of Pancreas
Short Answers
1. Mention 2 causes of acute pancreatitis
2. Etiological factors in acute pancreatitis
Possible Questions
1. Name the congenital anomalies of Pancreas
2. Pseudocyst
3. Name the tumours of Pancreas
4. PanIN
143 | P a g e
1. Define Nephritic syndrome. Enlist the causes of nephritic syndrome.
Discuss in detail the pathogenesis and morphology of MPGN
( Membranoproliferative Glomerulonephritis).
2. A 3 year old child was hospitalized for the complaints of fever & passing
smoky urine. The child had recovered from sore throat a week ago.
a) What is your diagnosis?
b) Describe the etiopathogenesis, morphology and laboratory findings
of this condition.
3. A 13 year old female child presents with massive edema and puffiness of
face with decreased urine output.
a) What is your diagnosis?
b) What can be the most probable renal pathology in this child?
c) Write in detail about Minimal change disease.
4. 8 year old boy with old scar of scabies skin lesion, came with history of
haematuria, oliguria and puffiness of face.
a) What is your probable diagnosis?
b) Etiopathogenesis and laboratory investigations.
5. A 12 year old boy presented with fever, oliguria and high coloured urine.
He had sore throat three weeks back.
a) What is your probable diagnosis?
b) Describe the etiopathogenesis of the condition.
c) What are the relevant investigations?
6. Describe the etiopathogenesis, gross and microscopic features of Chronic
144 | P a g e
Possible Questions
1. Explain the pathogenesis and mechanism of glomerular injury in
Glomerular diseases.
Short Notes
1. Urinary findings of acute glomerulonephritis
2. Crescentic glomerulonephritis
3. Rapidly progressive glomerulonephritis
4. Minimal change nephropathy
5. Nephrotic syndrome
6. Lupus nephritis
7. Acute tubular necrosis
8. Chronic pyelonephritis
9. Xanthogranulomatous pyelonephritis
11.Hemolytic uremic syndrome
12.Cystic lesions in kidney
13.Polycystic kidney disease
14.Adult Polycystic kidney disease
15.Renal stones
16.Renal cell carcinoma
17.Clear cell carcinoma - Kidney
18.Wilms tumour
19.Proteins in urine
20.Urinary casts
Possible Questions
1. Acute pyelonephritis
145 | P a g e
2. Myeloma kidney
3. Thrombotic microangiopathy
4. Chronic Kidney Disease
5. Renal failure
6. Immune complex nephritis
7. Hypernephroma
8. Urinary tract obstruction
Short Answers
1. Two differences between nephrotic and nephritic syndrome
2. Write four causes of nephritic syndrome
3. Mention the serological finding in Post infectious glomerulonephritis
4. Wire loop lesion
5. Henoch-Schonlein Purpura
6. Write the causes of Granular contracted kidneys
7. Causes of Acute tubular necrosis
8. Complications of Acute pyelonephritis
9. Microscopic features of Chronic pyelonephritis
10.Analgesic nephropathy
11.Write any two sites of Oncocytoma
12.Different types of Renal stones
13.Main types of Renal calculi
14.Wilms tumour
15.Cystic renal dysplasia
17.Significance of casts in urine
Possible Questions
1. Alport syndrome
146 | P a g e
2. Interstitial nephritis
3. Diabetic glomerulosclerosis
4. IgA nephropathy
5. Renal changes in Hypercalcemia
6. Sickle-Cell nephropathy
7. Malignant Hypertension
8. Hydronephrosis
1. A 65 year old male came with painless firm testicular swelling and loss of
testicular sensation.
a) What is your probable diagnosis?
b) Discuss classification and etiopathogenesis of this condition.
Short Notes
1. Transitional cell carcinoma of Bladder
2. Bowen disease - Pathology
3. Cryptorchidism
4. Gross and microscopic picture of Seminoma testis
5. Benign Prostatic Hypertrophy
Possible Questions
1. Tumours of Urinary bladder
2. Penis - Carcinoma and premalignant lesions
3. Adenocarcinoma Prostate
147 | P a g e
Short Answers
1. Grading of Urothelial malignancy
2. Cryptorchidism
3. Condyloma acuminata of penis
4. Spermatocytic seminoma
5. Differences between classic and spermatocytic seminoma
Possible Questions
1. Causes of ureteral obstruction
2. Urethral caruncle
3. Malakoplakia
4. Hydrocoele
5. Orchitis and Epididymitis
6. Genital tuberculosis
7. Torsion of testis
8. Leydig cell tumour
9. Yolk sac tumour
10.Paratesticular tumors
11.Biomarkers of Testicular germ cell tumours
1. A 60 year old post-menopausal, anorexic, cachectic woman has an
ulcerated and friable cervix that bleeds on touch. These features were
accompanied by foul smelling vaginal discharge.
a. What is your diagnosis?
b. Discuss in detail the etiopathogenesis and morphological features
of your diagnosis.
148 | P a g e
c. Enlist the investigations that will enable diagnosis.
2. A 40 year old female presents with post coital bleeding and foul smelling
discharge per vagina. She lost 15% weight in 2 months, with loss of
a. What is your diagnosis?
b. What is the etiopathogenesis of this condition?
c. What are the morphological features?
3. Classify Ovarian neoplasms. Add a note on Germ cell tumours.
4. Classify Ovarian neoplasms. Discuss in detail the molecular pathogenesis
and morphology of Serous tumours.
5. Classify Ovarian neoplasms. Discuss in detail about Surface epithelial
Short Notes
1. Cervical Intraepithelial Neoplasia (CIN)
2. Etiopathogenesis of Carcinoma cervix
3. Liquid based cytology
4. Mention the malignant tumours of Endometrium. Write a note on
malignant mixed mullerian tumour
5. Endometriosis
6. Dysgerminoma
7. Hydatidiform mole
8. Mucinous cystadenoma of ovary
9. Surface epithelial tumours of ovary
10.Brenner tumour
11.Krukenberg’s tumour
12.Granulosa cell tumour
13.Sex cord stromal tumours of ovary
149 | P a g e
Possible Questions
1. Leiomyoma
2. Choriocarcinoma
3. Pelvic inflammatory disease
4. Endometritis
5. Endometrial hyperplasia
6. Endometrial carcinoma
7. Adenomyosis
8. Benign cystic teratoma of ovary
9. Pre-eclampsia and Eclampsia
Short Answers
1. Cervical Intraepithelial Neoplasia
2. Exfoliative cytology
3. Mention the histopathological features of Endometriosis
4. Mention the types of Endometriosis
5. Endometriosis
6. Microscopic features of Leiomyoma
7. Mention 4 germ cell tumours
8. Adenomyosis
9. Alpha-Fetoprotein
10.Mention 2 histological features of Dysgerminoma
11.Gross appearance of mature cystic Teratoma
12.Call-Exner bodies
13.Struma ovarii
14.Dermoid cyst of ovary
15.Schiller-Duval bodies
16.Sites of Ectopic gestation
17.Mention the sites of Choriocarcinoma
150 | P a g e
18.Classification of Gestational Trophoblastic diseases
Possible Questions
1. Lichen sclerosus
2. Papillary Hidradenoma
3. Paget disease of vulva
4. Premalignant lesions of vagina
5. Sarcoma botryoides of vagina
6. Chronic cervicitis with squamous metaplasia
7. Endometrial polyps
8. Salpingitis
9. Haematocolpos and Haematometra
10.Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome
11.Placental infections
12.Dysgenetic gonads and their significance
13.Placental Site Trophoblastic Tumors
1. A 44 year old nulliparous woman presented with hard, fixed non tender
mass of about 6x4x4 cm in the upper outer quadrant of right breast with
axillary lymphadenopathy.
a. What is your probable diagnosis?
b. Discuss in detail the prognostic and predictive factors of your
2. A 55 year old post menopausal woman presented with hard lump of about
6x6 cm in upper outer quadrant of left breast. FNAC revealed cluster of
pleomorphic cells.
151 | P a g e
a. What is your clinical diagnosis?
b. Discuss the etiopathogenesis, molecular mechanism of
carcinogenesis of the disease.
c. Discuss about prognostic and predictive factors of the disease.
Short Notes
1. Mention the stromal tumours of breast. Write about Phyllodes tumour
2. Prognostic and predictive factors of carcinoma breast
3. Fibroadenoma of breast
4. Risk factors and types of carcinoma breast
5. Comedo carcinoma breast
6. Paget disease of nipple
7. Phyllodes tumour ( Cystosarcoma Phyllodes )
8. Gynecomastia
Possible Questions
1. Inflammatory disorders of breast
2. Fibrocystic breast disease
3. Medullary carcinoma of breast
Shost answers
1. Prolactinoma
2. Paget disease of breast
3. Microscopic features of Phyllodes tumour
4. Gynecomastia
Possible Questions
1. Mammographic screening
2. Duct ectasia
3. Name the benign epithelial lesions of breast
152 | P a g e
4. Duct papilloma
5. Molecular subtypes in breast carcinoma
6. Inflammatory breast cancer
7. Male breast cancer
8. Mucinous carcinoma of breast
9. Papillary carcinoma of breast
10.Peau d’orange appearance of breast
11.Name the malignant tumors of interlobular stroma of breast
1. Classify neoplasms of Thyroid. Write in detail about Papillary carcinoma
of Thyroid.
2. Define Diabetes Mellitus. What are the types? Describe the
pathophysiology, morphology and complications of Diabetes mellitus.
3. Describe the etiopathogenesis of Diabetes. What are the complications?
Short Notes
1. Cretinism
2. Thyroiditis
3. Hashimoto thyroiditis
4. Graves disease
5. Papillary carcinoma thyroid
6. Medullary carcinoma of thyroid
7. Pathogenesis and complications of Diabetes mellitus
8. Renal changes in Diabetes mellitus
9. Diabetic Nephropathy
10.Diabetic Microangiopathy
153 | P a g e
11.Carcinoid syndrome
12.Cushing syndrome
14.APUD cell tumours ( Amine Precursor Uptake and Decarboxylation )
Possible Questions
1. Pituitary tumours
2. Hypothalamic suprasellar tumours
3. Multinodular goiter
4. Hyperparathyroidism
5. Differences between Type 1 and Type 2 Diabetes mellitus
6. Pancreatic Neuroendocrine tumours
7. Adrenocortical insufficiency
8. Multiple Endocrine Neoplasia syndromes ( MEN )
Short Answers
1. Mention two important microscopic features of Hashimoto thyroiditis
2. Hashimoto thyroiditis
3. Classify Thyroiditis
4. Colloid goiter
5. Thyroglossal duct cyst
6. Microscopy of Papillary carcinoma of thyroid
7. Neoplasms of thyroid
8. Psammoma bodies
9. Hurthle cell
10.Secondary hyperparathyroidism
11.Write briefly on types of Hyperparathyroidism
12.Features of Diabetic retinopathy
13.Advanced glycation end products
154 | P a g e
14.Diabetic macrovascular disease
15.Enumerate four complications of Diabetes mellitus
17.Mention 4 features of Addison disease
18.Name four clinical features of Carcinoid syndrome
Possible Questions
1. Pituitary apoplexy
2. Sheehan syndrome
3. Thyroid storm
4. Myxedema
5. Diabetes insipidus
6. Syndrome of Inappropriate ADH secretion ( SIADH )
7. Hypothyroidism and Hyperthyroidism
8. Differential diagnosis of Thyroid nodules
9. Diffuse thyroid enlargement
10.De Quervain Thyroiditis
11.Brown tumour
15.Incretin effect
16.Kimmelstiel-Wilson disease
17.Adrenogenital syndromes
19.Salt-wasting syndrome
20.Adrenocortical neoplasms
155 | P a g e
Short Notes
1. Malignant melanoma
2. Basal Cell Carcinoma
3. Hamartomas
4. Bowen’s disease of skin
5. Melanocytic Nevus
Possible Questions
1. Premalignant lesions of skin
2. Squamous Cell Carcinoma
3. Mycosis fungoides
4. Bullous lesions of skin
5. Chronic inflammatory dermatoses
Short Answers
1. Mole
2. Blue nevus
3. Microscopic features of Basal cell carcinoma
4. Grading of Squamous carcinoma
5. Enlist 2 characteristic features of Mycosis fungoides
6. Condyloma acuminata
Possible Questions
1. Merkel cell
2. Epidermoid cyst and Pilar cyst
3. Ichthyosis
4. Erythema Multiforme
5. Seborrheic keratosis
156 | P a g e
6. Pemphigus and Pemphigoid
7. Verrucae ( Warts )
Short Notes
1. Fracture healing
2. Paget disease of bone
3. Osteomyelitis
4. Pyogenic osteomyelitis
5. Osteoblastoma
6. Osteoclastoma ( Giant cell tumour )
7. Osteochondroma
8. Cartilage forming tumours
9. Ewing sarcoma
11.Aneurysmal bone cyst
12.Osteogenic sarcoma
Possible Questions
1. Osteoarthritis
2. Rheumatoid arthritis
3. Septic arthritis
4. Soft tissue tumours
5. Metabolic bone disorders
157 | P a g e
Short Answers
1. Mention 2 major causes of Osteonecrosis
2. Pott’s spine
3. Enumerate two radiological features of Osteosarcoma
4. Osteogenic sarcoma
5. Histopathological features of Giant cell tumour of bone
6. Enumerate Chondrogenic tumours
7. Chondroblastoma
8. Cartilage forming bone tumours
9. Pannus
Possible Questions
1. Mention the etiological factors of Osteoporosis
2. Pseudo-Gout
3. Lipoma
4. Psoas abscess
5. Soft tissue sarcomas
6. Fibrous dysplasia
Short Notes
1. Duchenne muscular dystrophy
Possible Questions
1. Peripheral Neuropathies
2. Myasthenia Gravis
158 | P a g e
3. Myopathies
4. Peripheral Nerve Sheath Tumours
5. Neurofibromatosis
Short Answers
1. Acoustic schwannoma
Possible Questions
1. Dermatomyositis
2. Schwannoma
3. Guillain-Barre syndrome
4. Hansen disease
Possible Questions
1. Classify tumors of the CNS. Discuss in detail about Gliomas. Add a note
on syndromes associated with brain tumours.
Short Answers
1. Astrocytoma
2. Medulloblastoma
3. Meningioma
4. Clinical features and pathology of Neuroblastoma
5. Prion diseases
Possible Questions
1. Gross and Microscopic features of Cerebral infarction
159 | P a g e
2. Intracranial haemorrhage
3. Viral meningitis
4. Diseases of myelin
5. Pathogenesis and morphology of Alzheimer disease
6. Multiple sclerosis
Short Answers
1. CSF findings in Pyogenic meningitis
2. Tuberculous meningitis
3. Pilocytic astrocytoma
4. Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease
5. Cysticercosis
6. Negri bodies
7. Glioblastoma multiforme
8. Mention 4 common tumours of CNS
Possible Questions
1. Cerebral edema
2. Hydrocephalus and its types
3. Neural tube defects
4. Watershed infarcts
5. Hypertensive encephalopathy
6. Intracranial aneurysm
7. Brain abscess
8. Amoebic meningoencephalitis
9. Von Hippel-Lindau disease
10.Enumerate the neurodegenerative diseases
11.Neurofibrillary tangles
12.Cerebral lymphomas
160 | P a g e
13.Metastatic CNS tumours
Short Notes
1. Retinoblastoma
Possible Questions
1. Cataract
2. Glaucoma
Short Answers
1. Flexner-Wintersteiner rosettes & fleurettes
Possible Questions
1. Retinal vascular disease
2. Retrolental fibroplasia
3. Age-related Macular Degeneration
4. Retinitis pigmentosa
5. Optic neuritis
1. A 56 year old male comes to casualty with sudden onset of chest pain,
dyspnea, profuse sweating, palpitations and rapid pulse. He is a known
hypertensive and diabetic for the past 15 years. ECG shows ST segment
elevation. Elevated cardiac enzymes were noted. What is the diagnosis?
[ Myocardial Infarction ]
161 | P a g e
2. A 29 year old male complains of fever, chest pain and painful lesions in
fingers and toes. He is an IV drug abuser. On auscultation, he had a
murmur. Laboratory investigations reveal that he was anaemic and Gram
staining reveals Gram positive bacterial infection. Trans-oesophageal
ECHO detects lesions on the valves. What is the probable diagnosis?
[ Infective Endocarditis ]
3. A 10 year old male child presents to the paediatric OP with history of
fever, joint pain, palpitations and skin rashes. On auscultation of the
patient, holosystolic murmur was heard. The patient had sore throat 2
weeks before. What is the clinical condition?
[ Rheumatic Heart disease ]
4. A 60 year old male comes to medicine OP with complaints of chronic
cough, loss of appetite, weight loss, chest pain and intermittent
hemoptysis for the past 2 months. He is a chronic smoker for the past 30
years. He smokes nearly 10 packets of cigarettes each day. CT chest
reveals a mass lesion on his left lung. What is the probable diagnosis?
[ Lung Carcinoma ]
5. A 15 year old boy complains of dyspnea, allergic rhinitis and wheeze. He
had similar frequent episodes in the past and more often during winter
season. Identify the clinical condition.
[ Bronchial Asthma ]
6. A 50 year old male complains of dyspnea, weight loss and productive
cough for 1 month. He is a chronic smoker for the past 20 years. On
examination, he appears to be pink in colour. He has pursed lip breathing
and uses accessory muscles of respiration. His chest appears to be barrel
shaped. Chest X-ray shows hyperinflated lungs. What is your diagnosis?
[ Emphysema ]
162 | P a g e
7. A 25 year old female complains of fever with chills, cough with sputum
and chest pain for 4 days. Laboratory findings revealed elevated WBCs.
What is the probable diagnosis?
[ Pneumonia ]
8. A 50 year old male complains of evening rise of temperature, chronic
cough with sputum, dyspnea, chest pain for the past 3 months. He also
complains of loss of appetite, loss of weight and nocturnal sweating for
the past 1 month. Sputum smear reveals Acid fast bacilli. Chest X-ray
shows cavitary lesion in the upper lobe of right lung. What is the clinical
[ Pulmonary Tuberculosis ]
9. A 32 year old male came with complaints of nausea, vomiting, epigastric
pain for 3 weeks. He had irregular eating habits. His pain is aggravated
after taking meals and relieved by antacids. Identify the clinical
[ Peptic Ulcer disease ]
10.A 55 year old male presented with complaints of nausea, vomiting,
epigastric pain, abdominal distension, early satiety and weight loss for the
past 3 months. He has a palpable mass in his left shoulder above the
clavicle and pain in his thigh.What is your diagnosis?
[ Carcinoma of Stomach ]
11.A 25 year old female presents with complaints of diarrhoea, abdominal
pain and fever for 3 days. She also had similar episodes in the past.
Laboratory investigation reveals fecal occult blood positive ( guaiac
positive ). Colonoscopy shows thickened bowel wall with inflamed
mucosal ulcerations and area adjacent to these lesions are normal ( skip
lesions ). What is the probable diagnosis?
[ Crohn’s disease ]
163 | P a g e
12.A 29 year old female complains of bloody diarrhoea, lower abdominal
pain and cramps for 5 days. She also complains of joint pain, eye
irritation and rashes. Colonoscopy reveals diffusely inflamed large
intestine and rectum.What is your diagnosis?
[ Ulcerative Colitis ]
13.A 50 year old male presents with complaints of yellowish discoloration of
skin, abdominal distension and pedal edema. He is an alcoholic for the
past 25 years. Laboratory investigations reveal elevated bilirubin and
elevated liver enzymes.What is the most probable diagnosis?
[ Alcoholic Cirrhosis ]
14.A 45 year old female presented with complaints of abdominal pain and
distension. She had a past history of blood transfusion. On general
examination, she was icteric and lab investigations revealed positive
HbsAg. Identify the clinical condition.
[ Hepatitis B ]
15.A 5 year old child comes with complaints of abdominal mass, hematuria
and abdominal pain. What is the probable diagnosis?
[ Wilms tumor ]
16.A 40 year old male comes with complaints of flank pain, fever and
pyuria. Urine examination reveals pus cells and bacteria. He had a history
recurrent urinary tract infections. Identify the clinical condition.
[ Pyelonephritis ]
164 | P a g e
17.A 50 year old female presents with edematous face and feet, decreased
urine output and few episodes of hematuria. Her urine examination
reveals severe proteinuria. Renal biopsy reveals thickened glomerular
basement membrane and sub-endothelial immune complex deposits.
What is the probable diagnosis?
[ Membrano Proliferative Glomerulonephritis ]
18.A 60 year old male complains of back pain, dysuria and few episodes of
hematuria. X-ray of spine shows osteoblastic lesions. Trans-rectal biopsy
reveals single layer of cuboidal cells that lacks branching. What is your
[ Carcinoma of Prostate ]
19.A 55 year old female complains of abdominal distension, lower
abdominal pain and bleeding PV. She also had significant weight loss.
Laboratory investigation reveals exfoliated tumour cells in ascitic fluid.
Transvaginal ultrasound reveals multiple lesions in both the ovaries. CA125 levels are elevated. What is the most probable diagnosis?
[ Ovarian Carcinoma ]
20.A 55 year old female complains of polyuria, polydipsia and weight loss
for 2 months. She has frequent urinary tract infections. Her random blood
sugar level is 340mg/dl and urine glucose and protein tests are positive.
Identify the clinical condition.
[ Diabetes mellitus ]
21.A 45 year old female complains of swelling infront her neck. She was
working as a radiology technician for the past 15 years. Histopathological
section shows papillary architecture of the cells with intra-nuclear
inclusions. What is your diagnosis?
[ Papillary Carcinoma of Thyroid ]
165 | P a g e
 Introduction
 Legal Procedure
 Medical Law and Ethics
 Identification
 Medicolegal Autopsy
 Death and Its Cause
 Postmortem Changes
 Mechanical Injuries
 Regional Injuries
 Medicolegal Aspects of Wounds
 Thermal Deaths
 Starvation
 Mechanical Asphyxia
 Anaesthetic and Operative Deaths
 Impotence and Sterility
 Virginity, Pregnancy and Delivery
 Abortion
 Sexual Offences
 Infant Deaths
 Blood Stains
 Artefacts
 Forensic Science Laboratory
 Forensic Psychiatry
166 | P a g e
Short Notes
1. Medical etiquette
Short Answers
Possible Questions
1. Forensic medicine
2. Medical jurisprudence
3. Medical ethics
4. Circumstances when a doctor is called to testify
5. Skills needed for medicolegal practice
Short Notes
1. Dying declaration
2. Subpoena
3. Documentary evidence
4. Inquest – Police and Magistrate inquest
5. Sessions court
6. Witness
Possible Questions
1. Courts of law
2. Expert Witness
3. Evidence and its types
167 | P a g e
4. Doctor in witness box
5. Record of evidence
6. Examination of Medicolegal cases
Short Answers
1. Conduct money
2. Perjury
3. Hostile witness
4. Dying deposition
5. Cognizable offence
Possible Questions
1. IPC and CrPC
2. Categories of law
3. Power of magistrates
4. Juvenile courts
5. Offence
6. Punishments
7. Capital punishment
8. Priority of summon
9. Evidence
10.Oral evidence
13.First-Hand knowledge rule
15.Cross examination
168 | P a g e
1. Define Medical Negligence. Various types of negligence with examples.
Precautions a doctor should take to prevent charge of negligence.
Short Notes
1. Privileged communication
2. Serious professional misconduct
3. State Medical Council
4. Indian Medical council and its functions
5. Euthanasia
6. Informed consent
7. Res ipsa loquitur
8. Novus actus interveniens
9. Warning notice
10.Composite negligence
12.Therapeutic misadventure
13.Vicarious liability
Possible Questions
1. Duties of a Medical practitioner
2. Professional secrecy
3. Civil negligence
4. Criminal negligence
5. Differences between civil and criminal negligence
169 | P a g e
Short Answers
1. Dichotomy
2. Infamous conduct
3. Malingering
4. Professional death sentence ( Penal erasure )
5. Paternalism
Possible Questions
1. Indian Medical Council Act
2. National Medical Commission
3. Elements of negligence
4. Medical maloccurence
5. Contributory negligence
6. Corporate negligence
7. Ethical negligence
8. Differences between professional negligence and infamous conduct
9. Therapeutic privilege
10.Loco parentis
11.Consumer Protection Act
Short Notes
1. Corpus delicti
2. Applications of X-ray in Forensic medicine
3. Dactylography
4. Age of Criminal responsibility
5. Cheiloscopy
170 | P a g e
6. Gustafson’s method
7. Intersex
8. Dermatoglyphics
Possible Questions
1. Data used for identification
2. Differences in mandible according to age
3. Medicolegal importance of age
4. Retina scan
5. Scar
6. Hair
7. Differences between animal hair and human hair
8. Forensic odontology
9. Bite marks
10.Charting of teeth
Short Answers
1. Poroscopy
2. Barr body
3. Cephalic index
4. Turner’s syndrome
5. Klinefelter’s syndrome
6. Medicolegal importance of 16 years of age
7. Concealed sex
8. Tattoo marks
9. Calligraphy
Possible Questions
171 | P a g e
1. Identification
2. Sex determination
3. Davidson body
4. Medullary index
5. Krogman’s degree of accuracy
6. Differences between temporary and permanent teeth
7. Mixed dentition
8. Boyde’s method
9. Arcus senilis
10.Sec. 82 IPC
11.Rule of Haase
12.Haase’s modification of Morisson’s law
14.Quetlet’s rule
15.Types of fingerprints
17.Mongolian spots
18.Assailant’s fingerprint
19.Advantages & disadvantages of comparisons of teeth and fingerprint
Short Notes
1. Obscure autopsy
2. Viscera preservation for histopathological examination
3. Psychological autopsy
4. Virtual autopsy ( Virtopsy )
5. Air embolism – cause and autopsy findings
172 | P a g e
6. Exhumation
Possible Questions
1. Define autopsy. What are its types? What are the objectives of autopsy?
2. Preservatives in viscera packing
3. Bloodless dissection of neck
4. Objectives of Medicolegal autopsy
Short Answers
1. Undertaker’s fracture
Possible Questions
1. Methods of removal of organs
2. Differences between antemortem thrombi and postmortem clots
Short Notes
1. Syncope
2. Sudden death
3. Asphyxial stigmata
4. Brain death
5. Modes of death
Possible Questions
1. Criteria for brain death
2. Anoxia
3. Signs of asphyxia
4. Postmortem appearance of asphyxia
173 | P a g e
5. Concealed trauma
6. Vagal inhibition
Short Answers
1. Define Death
2. Define Asphyxia
Possible Questions
1. Types of death
2. Somatic death
3. Bishop’s tripod of life
4. Vegetative state
5. Molecular death
6. Stages of asphyxia
7. Tardieu spots
8. Coma
9. Causes of death and its types
10.Negative autopsy
11.Negri bodies
1. Define Death. What are the changes occurring after death? Briefly
describe Rigor mortis.
2. What are the Postmortem changes? Methods to estimate the time since
174 | P a g e
3. What is Postmortem interval? Explain in detail the various factors used in
determining the postmortem interval.
Possible Questions
1. Postmortem hypostasis
Short Notes
1. Rigor mortis and conditions simulating rigor mortis
2. Suspended animation
3. Algor mortis
4. Adipocere ( Saponification )
5. Livor mortis ( Cadaveric lividity )
6. Eye changes after death
7. Rule of 12 ( Rule of Dozen )
Possible Questions
1. Signs of death
2. Postmortem colour changes
3. Differences between rigor mortis and cadaveric spasm
4. Decomposition and its stages
5. Mummification
Short Answers
1. Postmortem caloricity
2. Cadaveric spasm
3. Casper dictum
4. Embalming
5. Marbling of skin
6. Kevorkian’s sign
175 | P a g e
Possible Questions
1. Immediate, early and late signs of death
2. Tache noir
3. Contact pallor
4. Postmortem colour changes in poisoning
5. Nysten’s rule
6. Radioactive carbon
1. Define Injury. Classify injuries. Explain in detail about Abrasion.
2. Explain about the types and medicolegal importance of Abrasion.
3. Explain Bomb explosive injuries. Write about the methods to identify the
Mutilated bodies.
Possible Questions
1. Explain the types and medicolegal importance of Contusion.
2. Explain the types and medicolegal importance of Laceration.
3. Explain the characters and medicolegal importance of Incised wounds.
4. Explain the types and medicolegal importance of Stab wounds.
5. What is Firearm? Classify firearms. Explain about wounds caused by
Short Notes
1. Fabricated wounds
2. Defence wounds
3. Pseudobruise
176 | P a g e
4. Distinguish postmortem hypostasis and bruise
5. Explain Laceration and its classification
6. Differences between entry and exit bullet wounds
7. Differences between suicidal and homicidal cut throat injury
Possible Questions
1. Differences between artificial bruises and true bruises
2. Differences between suicidal and homicidal wounds
3. Cleavage lines of Langer
4. Weapons causing stab wounds
5. Differences between incised and lacerated wounds
6. Differences between homicidal and suicidal firearm wounds
Short Answers
1. Ricochet bullet
2. Souvenir bullet
3. Dumdum bullet
4. Tandem bullet ( Piggyback bullet )
5. Artificial bruise
6. Chop wounds
7. Cannelure
8. Patterned bruise
9. Tentative cuts
10.Abrasion collar
12.Smokeless gun powder and its composition
13.Puppe’s rule
177 | P a g e
Possible Questions
1. Legal and medicolegal types of injuries
2. Blunt force injuries
3. Differences between antemortem and postmortem abrasions
4. Brush abrasion
5. Patterned abrasion
6. Glass wounds
7. Hara kiri
8. Forensic ballistics
9. Firearms
10.Rifled firearms
11.Shot gun
17.Gun powder
18.Muzzle imprints
19.Back spatter
20.Atypical entrance wound
21.Billiard ball ricochet effect
22.Internal ricochet
23.Bullet fingerprinting
24.Blast lung
25.Molotov cocktail
178 | P a g e
1. Enumerate the various Intracranial hemorrhages. Explain in detail about
Extradural hemorrhage.
Possible Questions
1. Fractures of the skull
2. Traffic accidents
Short Notes
1. Lucid interval in head injuries
2. Contrecoup injury
3. Subdural hemorrhage
4. Intracranial hemorrhage
5. Whiplash injury
Possible Questions
1. Fractures of base of skull
2. Contusion of brain
3. Cerebral laceration
4. Concussion of brain
5. Subarachnoid hemorrhage
6. Intracerebral hemorrhage
7. Non-traumatic intracerebral hemorrhage
8. Differences between post-traumatic intracerebral hemorrhage and
9. Concussion of spine
10.Bumper injuries
179 | P a g e
11.Pedestrian injuries
12.Seat belt injuries
13.Boxing injuries
Short Answers
1. Lucid interval
2. Gutter fracture
3. Pond fracture
4. Spider fracture
Possible Questions
1. Fractures a la signature
2. Ring fracture
3. Ossa triquetra
4. Differences between drunkenness and concussion
5. Rabbit punch
6. Steering wheel impact injury
7. Triage
8. Motor cyclist fracture
9. Boxer’s hemorrhage
10.Punch drunk syndrome
1. Classify Injuries. Differences between antemortem and postmortem
wounds. Write the cause of death from wounds.
180 | P a g e
Short Notes
1. Grievous hurt
2. Dowry deaths and its medicolegal aspects
Possible Questions
1. Punishment for homicide
2. Torture
3. Death in custody
4. Sudden death
5. Excited delirium
6. Shock
7. Wound certificate
Short Answers
Possible Questions
1. Homicide and its types
2. Justifiable homicide
3. Excusable homicide
4. Culpable homicide
5. Murder
6. Hurt
7. Emasculation
8. Dangerous injuries
9. Simple injury
10.Post exercise peril
181 | P a g e
Possible Questions
1. Burns - types, degrees, effects and postmortem appearances.
Short Notes
1. Rule of Nine
2. Scalds
3. Differences between scalds and burns
Possible Questions
1. Sunstroke
2. Degree of burns
3. Effects of burns
4. Thermal fractures
5. Differentiate between epidural hematoma in burns and in trauma
6. Differences between burns from dry heat, moist heat and chemicals.
7. Postmortem appearance in electrical injuries
8. Lightning stroke
Short Answers
1. Joule burn
2. Heat ruptures
3. Heat hematoma
4. Burns – Dupuytren’s classification
5. Filigree burns
182 | P a g e
Possible Questions
1. Paradoxical undressing
2. Hide and die syndrome
3. Pugilistic attitude
4. Flash burns
5. Age of burns
6. Marjolin’s ulcer
7. Antemortem and postmortem burns
8. Postmortem blisters
9. Flash burns ( Spark burns )
10.High voltage burns
11.Crocodile flash burn
13.Exit wound in electrical injuries
14.Judicial electrocution
15.Bone pearls ( Wax drippings )
Possible Questions
Short Notes
1. Starvation
Short Answers
1. Baby farmer
2. Medicolegal aspects of starvation
183 | P a g e
1. Define Asphyxia. Classify mechanical asphyxial deaths. Write in detail
about differences between hanging and strangulation by ligature.
2. Drowning – definition, types, pathophysiology and postmortem features.
Mention the differences between antemortem and postmortem drowning.
3. Hanging – definition and classification. Postmortem features of typical
Possible Questions
1. Explain in detail about Strangulation.
Short Notes
1. Hyoid bone fracture
2. Café coronary
3. Traumatic asphyxia
4. Mugging
5. Diatoms test
6. Drowning in seawater
7. Sexual asphyxia ( Autoerotic death )
Possible Questions
1. Causes of death in hanging
2. Ligature mark in hanging
3. Atypical hanging
4. Judicial hanging
5. Throttling
6. Fingernail abrasions in throttling
184 | P a g e
7. Suffocation
8. Smothering
9. Fresh water drowning
Short Answers
1. Gagging
2. Choking
3. Partial hanging
4. Paltauf’s hemorrhage
5. Lynching
6. Oedema aquosum
7. Cutis anserina
8. Bansdola
9. Dry drowning
10.Anoxic bleb
Possible Questions
1. Pseudo ligature mark
2. Le facie sympathique
3. Postmortem suspension
4. Hangman’s fracture
5. Pseudo-strangulation
6. Garrotting
7. Overlaying
8. Burking
9. Cadaveric spasm in drowning
10.Washerwoman’s hand
12.Emphysema aquosum
185 | P a g e
13.Differences between fresh water and sea water drowning
14.Hydrostatic lung
15.Reliable signs of drowning
1. Explain in detail about the complications and death from anaesthesia and
Short Notes
Possible Questions
1. Malignant hyperthermia
1. Artificial Insemination – definition and types, indications, biological and
legal aspects and precautions of AI.
Short Notes
1. Surrogate motherhood
2. Artificial insemination
Possible Questions
1. Causes of impotence and sterility in male
2. Causes of impotence and sterility in female
186 | P a g e
Short Answers
Possible Questions
1. Impotence
2. Sterility
3. Sexual dysfunction
4. Frigidity
5. Legal issues of impotence and sterility
6. Quoad hoc
7. Vaginismus
8. Fecundation ab extra
Short Notes
1. Signs and symptoms of Recent delivery in living
2. Pseudocyesis
Possible Questions
1. Hymen
2. Differences between virginity and defloration
3. Signs of recent delivery in the dead
4. Differences between parous and nulliparous uterus
Short Answers
1. Lochia
2. Atavism
3. Superfecundation
187 | P a g e
4. Posthumous child
5. False virgin
6. Hymen
7. Superfetation
Possible Questions
1. Virginity
2. Marriage
3. Divorce
4. Types of hymen
5. Causes of rupture of hymen
6. Precipitate delivery
7. Signs of virginity
8. Illegitimacy
1. Define and classify Abortion. Diagnosis and evidence of criminal
abortion in dead. Medicolegal importance of criminal abortion.
Short Notes
1. Criminal abortion and its complications
2. Medical Termination of Pregnancy (MTP) – indications and rules
3. Ecbolics
Possible Questions
1. Methods of criminal abortion
188 | P a g e
2. Evidence of Abortion in the living
Short Answers
Possible Questions
1. Abortifacients
2. Duties of a doctor in criminal abortion
1. Define Rape. Explain the procedure of examination of victim and
materials to be collected for laboratory investigations.
Short Notes
1. Sodomy
2. Molestation
3. Indecent assault
4. Fetichism
5. Chemical examination of seminal fluid
6. Sexual perversions ( Paraphilias )
7. Section 375 of IPC
Possible Questions
1. Examination of hymen
2. Examination of accused in rape
3. Anal examination in sodomy
4. Microscopic examination of semen
5. Consent in sexual intercourse
189 | P a g e
Short Answers
1. Voyeurism ( Scoptophilia )
2. Peeping tom
3. Sadism
4. Bobbit syndrome
5. Marital rape
6. Statutory rape
7. Necrophilia
8. Bestiality
9. Transvestism
Possible Questions
1. Classification of sexual offences
2. Gang rape
3. Date rape
4. Burden of proof
5. Smegma
6. Priapism
7. Fornication
8. Specimen collected from accused in rape
9. Incest
11.Unnatural offences
13.Habitual passive agents in sodomy
14.Buccal coitus
190 | P a g e
17.Lust murder
18.Sexual oralism
22.Barberio’s test
23.False charges of rape
24.Rape on children
Short Notes
1. Hydrostatic test
2. Shaken baby syndrome
3. Battered baby syndrome ( Caffey’s syndrome )
Possible Questions
1. Dead birth
2. Differences in lungs before and after respiration
3. Precipitated labour
4. Differences between head injury during labour and blunt force
5. Munchausen’s syndrome
6. Sudden Infant Death Syndrome ( Crib death )
7. Describe the features of the Live birth. Differentiate between live birth
and still birth
Short Answers
1. Viability
191 | P a g e
2. Viable child
3. Still birth
4. Spalding’s sign
5. Signs of live birth
6. Caput succedaneum
7. Maceration
Possible Questions
1. Infanticide
2. Robert’s sign
3. Cephalhematoma
4. Vernix caseosa
Short Notes
1. Test for blood stains
2. Spectroscopic examination of blood stains
Possible Questions
1. Collection and preservation of blood stains
2. Medicolegal applications of blood groups
3. Applications of DNA fingerprinting
Short Answers
1. Precipitin test
2. Disputed paternity
3. Teichmann’s test
192 | P a g e
Possible Questions
1. Takayama’s test ( Hemochromogen crystal test )
2. DNA fingerprinting
Short Notes
1. Resuscitation artefacts
Possible Questions
1. Artefacts and their types
Short Notes
Possible Questions
1. Lie detection
Short Answers
1. Locard’s principle
2. Narcoanalysis ( Truth serum )
Possible Questions
1. Forensic science
2. Polygraph
3. Brain fingerprinting
4. Forensic Science Laboratory
193 | P a g e
1. Define and classify Insanity. Describe delusions and various types of
Short Notes
1. Impulse
2. Delusions
3. Obsession
4. Hallucinations
5. Mc Naughten rule
6. Psychopathic personality
7. Insane person - civil responsibility
8. Restraint of mentally ill person
Possible Questions
1. Differences between psychoses and neuroses
2. Differences between real and feigned insanity
3. Mental Health Act
4. Criminal responsibility of an insane
5. Mental illness and murder
6. Somnambulism
7. Testamentary capacity in insanity
194 | P a g e
Short Answers
1. Feigned insanity
2. Kleptomania
3. Holograph
4. Hebephrenia
5. Fratricide
Possible Questions
1. Forensic psychiatry
2. Mental impairment
3. Erotomania
4. Twilight state ( Psychomotor automatism )
5. Hysteria
6. Psychopath
7. Mental retardation
8. Confabulation
9. Causes of insanity
14.Lucid interval
15.Psychoses and Neuroses
195 | P a g e
 General Considerations
 Agricultural Poisons
 Corrosive Poisons
 Metallic Poisons
 Inorganic Irritant Poisons
 Organic Irritant Poisons
 CNS Depressants
 Psychotropic Drugs
 Deliriant Poisons
 Drug Dependence and Abuse
 Spinal Poisons
 Cardiac Poisons
 Asphyxiants
 Miscellaneous Poisons
 Food Poisoning
196 | P a g e
1. Define and classify Poison. What are the characters of ideal homicidal
poisoning? Describe the duties of a doctor when a poisoning case was
admitted in the casualty.
2. Describe the procedure of stomach wash with a neat labeled diagram.
Add a note on antidotes.
Short Notes
1. Antidote
2. Ideal homicidal poisoning
3. Duties of medical practitioner in case of poisoning
4. Ideal suicidal poisons
5. Penicillamine
Possible Questions
1. Nature of poisoning
2. Actions of poison
3. Diagnosis of poisoning in the dead
4. Pharmacological antidotes
Short Answers
1. Universal antidote
2. Aphrodisiacs
3. Demulcents
4. Chemical antidote
197 | P a g e
Possible Questions
1. Toxicology
2. Forensic toxicology
3. Drugs and Cosmetics Act
4. Levels of consciousness
5. Types of poisoning
6. Arrow poisons
7. Cattle poisons
8. Chelating agents
9. BAL
10.Multidose activated charcoal
11.Charcoal hemoperfusion
1. Classify Agricultural poisons. Write in detail about the treatment and
postmortem findings in a case of Organophosphorous poisoning.
Short Notes
1. Treatment of organophosphorous poisoning
2. Plant penicillin
Possible Questions
1. Signs and symptoms of OPC poisoning
2. Carbamates
3. Aluminium phosphide
198 | P a g e
Short Answers
1. Insecticides
2. Weed killer
1. Classify Poison. Describe the signs, symptoms, complications, treatment
and postmortem appearances of Sulphuric acid.
Short Notes
Possible Questions
1. Oxalic acid
2. Carbolic acid
3. Caustic alkalis
Short Answers
1. Vitriolage
2. Xanthoproteic reaction
Possible Questions
1. Phenol marasmus
2. Nitric acid
3. Lye
4. Detergent suicide
5. Ammoniacal vapour
199 | P a g e
1. Define Poisoning. Write in detail about signs, symptoms and postmortem
changes of Arsenic poisoning.
2. Describe the signs, symptoms, treatment and autopsy findings in a case of
chronic Mercury poisoning.
3. Describe the signs, symptoms, treatment and autopsy findings in a case of
chronic Lead poisoning.
Short Notes
1. Hydrargyrism
2. Postmortem appearance of Copper sulphate poisoning
3. Blood picture in chronic lead poisoning
Possible Questions
1. Differences between arsenic poisoning and cholera
2. Copper sulphate poisoning
Short Answers
1. Plumbism
2. Rain drop appearance
3. Burtonian line
Possible Questions
1. Aldrich-Mees lines
2. Arseniuretted hydrogen
3. Arsenophagists
4. Medicolegal importance of Arsenic poisoning
200 | P a g e
5. Hatter’s shakes ( Glass-blower’s shakes )
6. Danbury tremors
7. Mercurial erethism
8. Mercurialentis
9. Pink disease
10.Minamata disease
11.Lead palsy
13.Ouch-ouch disease
14.Metal fume fever
Short Notes
Possible Questions
1. Phosphorus poisoning
Short Answers
1. Phossy jaw
Possible Questions
1. Differences between phosphorus poisoning and acute yellow atrophy
2. Differences between white and red phosphorous
3. Iodism
4. Irritant mechanical poisons
5. Powdered glass
201 | P a g e
Possible Questions
1. Classification of Snakes. Snake venom and its types. Signs and symptoms,
treatment and postmortem appearance of snake bite. Differences between
colubrine and viperine bites.
Short Notes
1. Differentiate poisonous and non-poisonous snakes
2. Treatment of viperine snake bite
3. Differences between Russell viper and Cobra
4. Abrus precatorius
5. Spanish fly
Possible Questions
1. Ricinus communis
2. Calotropis gigantea
3. Difference between viperine and colubrine bite
4. Scorpions
Short Answers
1. Oxaluria
2. Snake venoms
3. Ophitoxaemia
4. Sui
5. Viperine snake bite
202 | P a g e
Possible Questions
1. Phytotoxin and toxalbumen
2. Ergots
3. Marking nuts
4. Polyvalent anti-snake venom
1. Describe the signs, symptoms and management in case of Barbiturate
poisoning with coma.
Possible Questions
1. Define Drunkenness. What are various stages of alcohol intoxication?
Write in detail about the clinical examination of a person who has
consumed ethyl alcohol.
2. Define Drunkenness. Describe the clinical features, treatment and
postmortem appearance of methanol poisoning.
Short Notes
1. Treatment of Methyl alcohol poisoning
Possible Questions
1. Blood alcohol concentration and their effects at different levels
2. Treatment of alcoholism
3. Lab investigations for drunkenness
4. Test for determining alcohol in the body ( blood + breath )
5. Opium poisoning
203 | P a g e
6. Hydrocarbon poisoning
Short Answers
1. Knock out drops
2. Mickey Finn
3. Dry wine
Possible Questions
1. Inebriant poison
2. Proof spirit
3. Arrack
4. Stages of alcohol intoxication
5. Mc Ewan’s sign
6. Cause of death in alcohol poisoning
7. Micturition syncope
8. Munich beer heart
9. Widmark’s formula
10.Breath analysis
11.Blood alcohol concentration levels and medical terminologies
12.Alcoholic black out
13.Drunken driving
14.Coma cocktail
16.Speed balls
17.Somniferous poisons
18.Postmortem appearance in barbiturate poisoning
19.Drug automatism
204 | P a g e
Short Notes
Possible Questions
1. Methamphetamine
2. Benzodiazepine
Short Answers
1. LSD
Possible Questions
1. Liquid gold
2. Flashback phenomenon
3. Ecstasy
4. Peyote
5. Psilocybin
Short Notes
Possible Questions
1. Datura fastuosa
2. Cannabis - preparations, signs and symptoms, treatment & postmortem
3. Cocaine
205 | P a g e
Short Answers
1. Run amok
2. Bhang
3. Charas
4. Signs and symptoms of consumption of Cannabis
5. Magnan's symptom
6. Cocainism
Possible Questions
1. Circumstances of Datura poisoning ( Road poison )
2. Mydriatic test
3. Crack
4. Marijuana
5. Stages of cocaine intoxication
6. Postmortem appearance in cocaine intoxication
7. Cocaine psychosis
Short Notes
1. Differentiate drug addiction from drug habituation
Possible Questions
1. Types of dependence
2. Solvent abuse
Short Answers
1. Body packer syndrome ( Surgical mules )
206 | P a g e
Possible Questions
1. Drug dependence
2. Designer drugs
3. Withdrawal symptoms
4. Hot shot
5. Drugs that produce psychosis
6. Treatment of drug dependency
7. Body stuffer syndrome
8. Huffing
9. Bagging
11.Name some hard and soft drugs
Possible Questions
Short Notes
1. Strychnine poisoning
2. Differences between strychnine poisoning and tetanus
Short Answers
1. Conium maculatum
2. Curare
3. Ophisthotonus
207 | P a g e
Short Notes
Possible Questions
1. Nerium odorum
2. Digitalis purpurea
Short Answers
1. Cardiac poison
2. Hippus
3. Aconite
Possible Questions
1. Cerbera thevetia
2. Cerbera odallam
1. Enumerate the Irrespirable gases. Discuss the pharmacological actions,
signs and symptoms, diagnosis, treatment, medicolegal aspects and
postmortem appearances of Carbon monoxide poisoning.
2. Describe the signs and symptoms, diagnosis, treatment, medicolegal
aspects and postmortem appearances of Cyanide ( Hydrocyanic acid )
Short Notes
1. War gases
208 | P a g e
Possible Questions
1. Different levels of CO in blood and their symptoms
2. Chemical warfare
3. Biological warfare
Short Answers
1. Sewer gas
Possible Questions
1. Classification of asphyxiants
2. CO automatism
3. Tear gas
4. Nerve gas
5. Asphyxiants in judicial execution
Possible Questions
Short Notes
1. Paracetamol abuse
Short Answers
1. Methemoglobinemia
2. Formaldehyde
3. Aspirin abuse
209 | P a g e
Short Notes
1. Mushroom poisoning
Possible Questions
1. Botulism
Short Answers
1. Lathyrism
Possible Questions
1. Food poisoning
2. Bacterial food poisoning
3. Icthyotoxicosis
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210 | P a g e