Part a Appropraition Account $ $ Net Profit Add: 375,000 Interest on Drawings David 10,000 x 5% William 12,000 x 5% Rose 15,000 x 5% 500 600 750 1850 Less: Interest on Cpiatl David William Rose 25,000 x 8% 22,000 x 8% 16,000 x 8% 2,000 1,760 1,280 5,040 Less: Salaries David William Rose 15,000 13,000 16,000 44,000 327,810 Profit to be shared Profit sahre David William Rose 327,810 x 3/10 327,810 x 5/10 327,810 x 2/10 98,343 163,905 65,562 327,810 PARTNER'S CAPITAL ACCOUNT David William Rose Total $ $ $ $ Intresrets on drawings 500 600 750 1850 Opening capital Drawings c/d 10,000 12,000 129,843 188,065 15,000 37,000 Interest on Capital 83,092 401,000 Salaries Profit Share 140343 200665 98842 439850 David Willima $ $ 25,000 22,000 2,000 1,760 15,000 13,000 98,343 163,905 140,343 200,665 b/d 129,843 188,065 Rose Total $ $ 16,000 63,000 1,280 5,040 16,000 44,000 65,562 327,810 98,842 439,850 83,092