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Financial Management Case Studies & Analysis Guidelines

Financial Management
Simulation Game
BITS Pilani
Work Integrated Learning
Programmes Division
Dr. Vaishali Pagaria
BITS Pilani
Work Integrated Learning
Programmes Division
Case Study Analysis Guidelines
General Instructions
It’s a group activity but submission is individual. The same report will be
submitted by all the team members individually on Taxila under
Experimental Learning Assignment 3: Case Study.
Groups are same as CESIM Simulation game activity.
The group is free to select any one case study from the given two.
All the answers must be supported by appropriate and significant analysis.
Calculations must be shown in tabular format followed by interpretation.
Use class material and reference material for better understanding of the
concepts and their applications.
Submission is on E-learn platform.
MS Word/PDF and MS Excel files can be uploaded. The cover page
should include the team no., team members names, IDs and their
Must attach MS Excel file to review the relevant calculations.
Submission dead line: 23rd April 2023.
Weightage : 5% = 5 Marks
Top 5 teams will be asked to present their analysis.
3 BITS Pilani, WILPD
BITS Pilani
Work Integrated Learning
Programmes Division
Case Study 1: Paul V. Dietrich Farms’
Ltd.: Expansion Plan
In November 2020, Paul Dietrich, a seventh-generation Canadian
farmer, was presented with an investment opportunity. A local farmland
owner was selling a 150 acre parcel that adjoined some land Dietrich
already owned. The current owner wished to sell the property privately
and offered the opportunity to bid to only two businesses: Paul V.
Dietrich Farms Ltd. (Dietrich Farms) and a local dairy farm. Dietrich
knew that the local dairy farm was eager to expand its land base and
was aggressive with tits plans to do so. Given that and the recent
appreciation in land values, Dietrich estimated that a competitive bid
would need to be offered to get the deal.
5 BITS Pilani, WILPD
Dietrich wanted to evaluate the attractiveness of this opportunity,
considering the long-term financing required for a land purchase as well
as short-term financing needs to navigate the seasonal nature of
cashflows that came with growing field crops. He new it would be
imperative to consider both how this opportunity would be perceived by
his bank and how best to present this opportunity to his bank. He also
wanted to evaluate whether an investment in tile drainage would be
worthwhile should he be successful in purchasing the 150-acre parcel.
6 BITS Pilani, WILPD
Concepts in Practice
1. Classification of risks:
• Business Risk Vs. Financial Risk
• Market Risk, Credit Risk, Operational Risk
• Leverage and Break Even Analysis
2. Cost of Capital : Financing cost
3. Capital Budgeting:
• Discounted Cash flow methods of evaluation : NPV and
4. Risk Analysis in Capital Budgeting
• Sensitivity Analysis and Scenario Analysis
7 BITS Pilani, WILPD
You are required to answer:
1. What risks and opportunities does Dietrich face in the field cropping
2. Identify key success factors for this industry. Is Dietrich wellpositioned for success?
3. Project Dietrich’s cashflow for 2020-2023 and evaluate the
farmland investment decision. Should Dietrich put in a bid?
4. If Dietrich purchases the land, is the investment in the tile drainage
5. How should Dietrich present his proposed plan to bank?
8 BITS Pilani, WILPD
Hints for Analysis
• Identify all the risks and opportunities of agriculture industry which
may affect Dietrich. Also identify key success factors like strengths.
You can also carry out SWOT analysis of the business.
• Identify relevant costs and project monthly cashflows. You need to
project cash inflows and outflows of the proposed investment. Use
information from Exhibits 5-8.
• Calculate and interpret net present value, internal rate of return, and
discounted cash flow.
• Conduct thoughtful sensitivity analysis that reflects an understanding
on the industry and business risk profiles – Use ‘what if’ analysis.
• Evaluate a business expansion opportunity from the perspective of a
prospective funder i.e. Bank. – Calculate relevant ratios – Use
information from Exhibits 1-3
9 BITS Pilani, WILPD
Reference Articles
1. https://thoughtleadership.rbc.com/farmer-4-0-how-thecoming-skills-revolution-can-transform-agriculture/
2. https://ontariograinfarmer.ca/2020/11/01/watermanagement-4/
3. https://nutrientstewardship.org/implementation/subsurfa
4. http://www.empireconstructionandtrenching.com/theeconomics-of-tile-drainage/
10 BITS Pilani, WILPD
BITS Pilani
Work Integrated Learning
Programmes Division
Case Study 2: California Pizza
Kitchen (CPK)
This case examines the question of financial leverage at California
Pizza Kitchen (CPK) in July 2007. With a highly profitable business and
an aversion to debt, CPK management is considering a debt-financed
stock buyback program. The case is intended to provide an introduction
to the Modigliani and Miller capital structure irrelevance propositions
and the concept of debt tax shields. With the background of a pizza
company, the case provides an engaging context to discuss the "pizza
graphs" that are commonly used in corporate finance curriculum to
illustrate the wealth effects of capital structure decisions.
12 BITS Pilani, WILPD
Concepts in Practice
1. The Modigliani-Miller intuition of capital structure irrelevance;
2. How the cost of equity is affected by capital structure decisions
3. Financial Risk and the levered-beta capital asset pricing model
(CAPM) equation;
4. Interest tax deductibility and the valuation tax shields;
5. Importance of debt capacity in a growing business
13 BITS Pilani, WILPD
You are required to answer:
1. What is going on at CPK? In what way can Susan Collyns facilitate
the success of CPK?
2. May be we can all be right. Is there a case for that?
3. How does debt add value to CPK? Using the scenarios in case
Exhibit 9, what role does leverage play in affecting the return on
equity (ROE) for CPK? What about the cost of capital?
4. Based on the analysis in case Exhibit 9, what is the anticipated
CPK share price under each scenario? How many shares will CPK
be likely to repurchase under each scenario? What role does the
tax deductibility of interest play in encouraging debt financing at
5. What is the case for not doing the recapitalization?
6. What capital structure policy would you recommend for CPK?
14 BITS Pilani, WILPD
Hints for Analysis
In assessing the effect of leverage on the cost of capital, you may assume
that the a firm’s CAPM beta can be modeled in the following manner.
𝛽𝐿 = 𝛽𝑣 [ 1 + (1-T) D/E]
𝛽𝑣 is the firm’s beta without leverage,
T is the corporate income tax rate
D is the market value of the debt
E is the market value of equity
In your estimate, you may assume that the market risk premium in CAPM is
Interest rate of CPK’s credit facility with the Bank of America: LIBOR + 0.8%
= 6.16%
EBIT includes interest income
Market value of debt = book value of the debt
Actual market value of equity equals the share price ($22.10) multiplied by
the current number of shares outstanding (29.13 million)
15 BITS Pilani, WILPD
BITS Pilani
Work Integrated Learning
Programmes Division
Thank You.