REPUBLIC OF THE PHILIPPINES) ______________________ ) x-----------------------x AFFIDAVIT I, ________________, Filipino, of legal age, and a resident of Brgy. ____________ Philippines, after being duly sworn to in accordance with law, hereby depose and state: That I am the same person executing this Affidavit; That on or about the month of September 2010, __________ obtained several goods from me on credit; That on September 17, 2010, _______ made a partial payment of his loan but leaving a balance of P 33, 152.00; That despite his promise and even after several demands, ___________ failed to pay his unpaid loan; That brought the matter before the Punong Barangay for amicable settlement and again he made a promise to pay. However, he again failed to comply with his promise; As such, I am executing this Affidavit to attest to the truth of the foregoing and for the purpose of filing a complaint against Juanito Eugenio for the collection of his unpaid loan. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand this _______________ at ________________, Philippines. _____________________________ Affiant SUBSCRIBED AND SWORN to before me, this _________________ at ______________ by the Affiant whom I have identified through competent evidence of identity. WITNESS my hand and seal.