Uploaded by Owen Liu

Geology & Hydrology Glossary

Degassing - Degassing, also known as degasification, is the removal of dissolved gases from
liquids, especially water or aqueous solutions.
Angle of Repose - The angle of repose, or critical angle of repose,[1] of a granular material is the
steepest angle of descent or dip relative to the horizontal plane on which the material can be
piled without slumping.
Zone of Transportation - Sediment transport is the movement of solid particles (sediment),
typically due to a combination of gravity acting on the sediment, and/or the movement of the
fluid in which the sediment is entrained.
Zone of deposition - An area where snowfall is preferentially deposited, typically a lee slope.
Zone of Aeration - The area of an unconfined aquifer above the water table where the pore
spaces among soil particles and rock formations are filled with air.
Cut Bank - A cut bank, also known as a river cliff or river-cut cliff, is the outside bank of a curve
or meander in a water channel (stream), which is continually undergoing erosion.
Incised Meander - a river meander which has been cut abnormally deeply into the landscape
because uplift of the land has led to renewed downward erosion by the river.
Yazoo Tributary - A Yazoo stream (also called a Yazoo tributary) is a geologic and hydrologic
term for any tributary stream that runs parallel to, and within the floodplain of a larger river for
considerable distance, before eventually joining it.
Oblique angle - An angle that is not 90 degrees
Angle of momentum - Angular momentum is a measure of the momentum of an object around
an axis
Cone of depression - A cone of depression occurs in an aquifer when groundwater is pumped
from a well. In an unconfined aquifer (water table), this is an actual depression of the water
levels. In confined aquifers (artesian), the cone of depression is a reduction in the pressure
head surrounding the pumped well.
Geyser - A geyser is a rare kind of hot spring that is under pressure and erupts, sending jets of
water and steam into the air.
Spring - A spring is a natural exit point at which groundwater emerges out of the aquifer and
flows onto the top of the Earth's crust to become surface water.
Angularity - Roundness or angularity is a measure of the smoothness of particles
Sphericity - Sphericity is a measure of the degree to which a particle approximates the shape of
a sphere, and is independent of its size.
Limestone - Limestone is a sedimentary rock composed principally of calcium carbonate
(calcite) or the double carbonate of calcium and magnesium (dolomite).
Stalagmite - A stalagmite is an upward-growing mound of mineral deposits that have
precipitated from water dripping onto the floor of a cave.
Stalagtite - a tapering structure hanging like an icicle from the roof of a cave, formed of calcium
salts deposited by dripping water.
Aquiclude - An aquiclude is a geological formation that is impermeable to the flow of water
Laminar Flow - In fluid dynamics, laminar flow is characterized by fluid particles following
smooth paths in layers, with each layer moving smoothly past the adjacent layers with little or no
Physical Abrasion - Abrasion in a stream or river channel occurs when the sediment carried by a
river scours the bed and banks, contributing significantly to erosion.
Lithification - lithification, the complex process whereby freshly deposited loose grains of
sediment are converted into rock
Channelization - Channelization is exactly what it sounds like, the human process of
straightening and deepening channels in rivers.
Capillary fringe - The capillary fringe is the subsurface layer in which groundwater seeps up
from a water table by capillary action to fill pores.
Cirque - Cirques are bowl-shaped, amphitheater-like depressions that glaciers carve into
mountains and valley sidewalls at high elevations.
Playa lake - A dry lake bed, also known as a playa, is a basin or depression that formerly
contained a standing surface water body, which disappears when evaporation processes
exceed recharge.
Kettle Lake - A kettle is a depression or hole in an outwash plain formed by retreating glaciers or
draining floodwaters.
Graben Lake - A graben is a valley with a distinct escarpment on each side caused by the
displacement of a block of land downward.
Maar Lake - A maar is a broad, low-relief volcanic crater caused by a phreatomagmatic
Paternoster Lake - A paternoster lake is one of a series of glacial lakes connected by a single
stream or a braided stream system.
Cryogenic lake - Cryogenic lakes form from the melting of permafrost. They often develop in
polar latitudes.
Doline - a shallow usually funnel-shaped depression of the ground surface formed by solution in
limestone regions. (its a sinkhole)
Caldera - A caldera is a large depression formed when a volcano erupts and collapses