COLLEGE OF ARTS AND SCIENCES College INSTITUTIONAL VISION STATEMENT An internationally recognized university, first in quality education, and leader-model in instruction, research and community engagement INSTITUTIONAL MISSION STATEMENT Develop globally competitive and inventive leader-professionals and researchers imbued with wisdom, strong cultural sensitivity and social conscience through holistic and integrated teaching, research and community engagement. CORE VALUES VERITAS (Truth) SAPIENTIA (Wisdom) CARITAS (Charity) EXCELLENTIA (Excellence) PATRIA (Love of Country) FIDES (Faith) INSTITUTIONAL GRADUATE ATTRIBUTES 1. Ability to demonstrate DYCIan core values: faith; wisdom; truth; love of country; charity; and excellence. 2. Ability to uphold professional values and ethics. 3. Ability to apply current and emerging knowledge in practice. PROGRAM LEARNING OUTCOMES COURSE LEARNING OUTCOMES CMO No. 51, series 2017 Re: Policies and Standards for the Bachelor of Arts in Political Science Program LO1. Compare, contrast, and classify the major concepts in the discipline (Foundational) Program Outcomes: DYCI-CD-AAO 1 1 2022.10.28 LO2. Recognize and define the distinctiveness of the discipline; its 4. Capacity to create/develop new knowledge and solutions to social development problems in Students in the discipline must his/her field of engagement. exhibit the following competencies 5. Ability to conceptualize, plan and organize at the end of the undergraduate research and investigations in solving problems program. Graduates should be able in generating solutions. to: 6. Ability to demonstrate respect for diversity of people and culture. a. Compare, contrast, and 7. Ability to build partnership and working classify the major concepts in the relationship with diverse group and/or interdiscipline. professional teams. b. Recognize and define the 8. Ability to communicate professionally and distinctiveness of the discipline, its effectively in influencing and leading people and subfields, theories, and methods. organization. c. Design and execute 9. Ability to demonstrate and use knowledge and research inquiries using appropriate disciplinal expertise in professional practice. quantitative and qualitative 10. Capacity to pursue continuous learning, methods guided by theories or development and personal growth conceptual frameworks. independently. d. Demonstrate written, visual and oral presentation skills to produce and present analytical Program Graduate Attributes: C – Communicator and Concept Creator reports. R – Research Oriented e. Critique, judge and respond A – Analytical and Critical to current issues and problems F- Factfinder based on substantive of the T- Thinker and Investigative historical and contemporary E – Engaging in Social Development development in the national and D – Developer of New Knowledge global contexts; DYCI-CD-AAO 1 1 2022.10.28 subfields, theories, and methods (Foundational) LO3. Design and execute research inquiries using appropriate quantitative and qualitative methods guided by theories or conceptual frameworks (Investigatory) LO4. Demonstrate written, visual, and oral presentation skills to produce and present analytical reports (Transfer) LO 5. Critique, judge and respond to current issues and problems based on substantive historical and contemporary development in the national and global contexts (Transfer) LO 6. Develop a predisposition towards ethical-political involvement and practice in various forms and on different levels of engagement (Investigatory) f. Develop a predisposition towards ethical political involvement and practice in various forms and on different levels of engagement. COURSE SYLLABUS Course Name Course Credits Course Description Contact Hours/Week Prerequisite Course Objectives: Qualitative and Quantitative Analysis of Political DYPSQap323 Course Code Data 3 units This course provides students with the basic concepts and other principles for analyzing data and information, quantitatively and qualitatively as well as its significance and implications in politics, political behavior, and political choices that affect people, and the society. 3 hours @7 weeks (21 hours + 6 hours examinations + 27 hours Asynchronous activities) DYPSFps113- Fundamentals of Political Science At the end of the Module, the following objectives are deemed to be accomplished: a. Profound discernment on the history of empirical inquiry. b. Compare and contrast the different types of political data. c. Evaluation of the major differences between qualitative and quantitative political data. d. Application of the concepts, theories, and principles of political analysis. COURSE OUTLINE AND TIMEFRAME Week Course Content/Subject Matter Week 1 and 2 A. Introduction B. History of Empirical Study C. Types/Examples of Political Data D. Quantitative Method and Analysis DYCI-CD-AAO 1 1 2022.10.28 Week 3 and 4 E. F. G. Application and Synthesis of Quantitative Political Data Qualitative Method and Analysis Application and Synthesis of Qualitative Political Data Week 5 and 6 H. I. How to write a Technical Paper Application/Synthesis of the Quantitative and Qualitative Analysis LEARNING PLAN Desired Assessment Learning Tasks (ATs) Outcome Lecture Lab (DLO) orat ory Understanding Reading of the history of of empirical Suggested inquiry Readings and Analyzing the performin different types g the of Political required Data course LO1. output LO2. LO3. LO4. DYCI-CD-AAO 1 1 2022.10.28 Learning Activities (LAs) Lecture Lab orat ory Activity No 1: Citing one Political Data. Analyze and interpret the same in about 300 words. Activity No. 2 Teaching Activities (TAs) Lectur Labora e tory Lecture and Discuss ions Group and Individ ual Activiti es Course Content/ Subject Matter Textboo ks/ Referen ces Resourc e Materia ls Time table A. file:///C: PDF /Users/w material 10-pcs a8/Dow nloads/T heStudy ofPolitic sEBSUBo okChapt er.pdf Week 1 and 2 Introducti on B. History of Empirical Study C. Types/Exa mples of Political Data D. Quantitati ve Method and Analysis file:///C: /Users/w 10-pc- LEARNING PLAN Desired Assessment Learning Tasks (ATs) Outcome Lecture Lab (DLO) orat ory LO5 LO 6. Reading of Suggested Readings and DYCI-CD-AAO 1 1 2022.10.28 Learning Activities (LAs) Lecture Lab orat ory Analyze and interpret at least three (3) kinds of Quantitati ve Political Data. Teaching Activities (TAs) Lectur Labora e tory Activity No. 3 Using your data in Activity Lecture and Discuss ions Course Content/ Subject Matter Textboo ks/ Referen ces Resourc e Materia ls Time table a8/Dow nloads/t heoryan dmethod s_polsci. pdf https://a wpcontent/ uploads/ 2020/06/ IntroPS_ Methods _PDF.p df E. file:///C: Applicatio /Users/w n and Synthesis of 10-pcQuantitative a8/Dow Political Data nloads/t Week 3 and 4 LEARNING PLAN Desired Assessment Learning Tasks (ATs) Outcome Lecture Lab (DLO) orat ory performin g the required course output Discernment and Analysis of Quantitative Political Data LO1. Learning Activities (LAs) Lecture Lab orat ory No. 2. Generate a Narrative Report with Introducti on, Body, and Conclusio n. LO2. LO3. LO4. LO5 LO 6. DYCI-CD-AAO 1 1 2022.10.28 Activity no. 4 Analyze and interpret at least three (3) Qualitativ e Political Data Teaching Activities (TAs) Lectur Labora e tory Course Content/ Subject Matter Textboo ks/ Referen ces Group and Individ ual Activiti es F. heoryan dmethod s_polsci. pdf Qualitativ e Method and Analysis G. Applicatio n and Synthesis of Qualitative Political Data file:///C: /Users/w 10-pca8/Dow nloads/T heStudy ofPolitic sEBSUBo okChapt er%20(2 ).pdf file:///C: /Users/w 10-pca8/Dow nloads/ Resourc e Materia ls Time table LEARNING PLAN Desired Assessment Learning Tasks (ATs) Outcome Lecture Lab (DLO) orat ory Learning Activities (LAs) Lecture Lab orat ory Teaching Activities (TAs) Lectur Labora e tory Course Content/ Subject Matter Textboo ks/ Referen ces Hay,%2 0C.,%20 (2002)% 20Politi cal%20 %20Ana lysis_A %20Crit ical%20 Introduc tion1.pdf file:///C: /Users/w 10-pca8/Dow nloads/I nstitutio nal_The ory.pdf DYCI-CD-AAO 1 1 2022.10.28 Resourc e Materia ls Time table LEARNING PLAN Desired Assessment Learning Tasks (ATs) Outcome Lecture Lab (DLO) orat ory Learning Activities (LAs) Lecture Lab orat ory Teaching Activities (TAs) Lectur Labora e tory Course Content/ Subject Matter Textboo ks/ Referen ces Resourc e Materia ls Time table file:///C: /Users/w 10-pca8/Dow nloads/s soarhsr2014-3herschin gerPolitical _science _terroris m_and_ gender.p df Reading of Suggested Readings and performin DYCI-CD-AAO 1 1 2022.10.28 Activity No. 5 Using your data in Activity No. 4. Lecture and Discuss ions file:///C: /Users/w 10-pca8/Dow nloads/t heoryan Week 5 and 6 LEARNING PLAN Desired Assessment Learning Tasks (ATs) Outcome Lecture Lab (DLO) orat ory g the required course output Application of theories, principles, and methods of political analysis LO1. DYCI-CD-AAO 1 1 2022.10.28 Learning Activities (LAs) Lecture Lab orat ory Generate a Narrative Report with Introducti on, Body, and Conclusio n Activity No. 6 Creation of a Technical Paper concernin g the role of the social media in determini Teaching Activities (TAs) Lectur Labora e tory Group and Individ ual Activiti es Course Content/ Subject Matter Textboo ks/ Referen ces dmethod s_polsci. pdf file:///C: /Users/w 10-pca8/Dow nloads/T heStudy ofPolitic sEBSUBo okChapt er.pdf https://a wpcontent/ uploads/ 2020/06/ IntroPS_ Methods Resourc e Materia ls Time table LEARNING PLAN Desired Assessment Learning Learning Tasks (ATs) Activities (LAs) Outcome Lecture Lab Lecture Lab (DLO) orat orat ory ory LO2. ng Political LO3. Results and LO4. Preferenc es LO5 LO 6. Suggested Readings and References Teaching Activities (TAs) Lectur Labora e tory Course Content/ Subject Matter Textboo ks/ Referen ces Resourc e Materia ls Time table _PDF.p df file:///C:/Users/w10-pc-a8/Downloads/theoryandmethods_polsci.pdf file:///C:/Users/w10-pc-a8/Downloads/TheStudyofPolitics-EBSUBookChapter.pdf file:///C:/Users/w10-pc-a8/Downloads/theoryandmethods_polsci.pdf file:///C:/Users/w10-pc-a8/Downloads/TheStudyofPolitics-EBSUBookChapter%20(2).pdf file:///C:/Users/w10-pca8/Downloads/Hay,%20C.,%20(2002)%20Political%20%20Analysis_A%20Critical%20Introduction-1.pdf file:///C:/Users/w10-pc-a8/Downloads/Institutional_Theory.pdf file:///C:/Users/w10-pc-a8/Downloads/ssoar-hsr-2014-3-herschingerPolitical_science_terrorism_and_gender.pdf Grading System DYCI-CD-AAO 1 1 2022.10.28 COURSE OUTPUT Asynchronous activities, assessments, quizzes, assignments which may be by group or individual. 60% Course Requirements Classroom Policies WRITTEN EXAMINATIONS Examinations published on Schoology, the Learning Management System to assess the foundation (Prelims: 1st and 2nd weeks), investigatory (Midterms: 3rd and 4th weeks), and transfer knowledge Finals: (5th and 6th weeks) of the students. 20% PARTICIPATION Attendance and participation in synchronous sessions. 15% CHARACTER Adherence to the institutional core values of a DYCIan and the graduate attributes of the college. 5% TOTAL – 100% Compliance with the on-time submission of activities and requirements as stated in the Course Syllabus. Participation on Face-to-face classes during recitation. Passing of the major examinations. Attendance in the F2F classes is a must. Submission of requirements within the deadline is expected, and non-submission may result in an INC grade. Using of cellphone during class hours is prohibited unless allowed during the activities. A 30-minute allowance will be given to the students at the beginning of class, but coming in later may result in non-attendance. Adherence to the policies is hope for every student enrolled in the course. Attachments: (1) Rubrics (2) List of Books and References (transmitted by the Librarian) PREPARED BY: CHECKED BY: JULIETA DELA TONGA-MACTAL, MAED Name of Person Position Title: Faculty/Asst. Program Head (Political Science_ REVIEWED BY: Name of Person Position Title APPROVED BY: DYCI-CD-AAO 1 1 2022.10.28 Name of Person Position Title DYCI-CD-AAO 1 1 2022.10.28 Name of Person Position Title