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Fast Weight Loss Meal Prep for Women Ebook

Meal Prep
Fast Weight-Loss
for Women
All recipes, eating plans, information and content in this book are the original creations of Liezl
Jayne and Liezl Jayne Strydom and are copyrighted.
All photographs, images and designs have been
created for Fast Weight Loss Meal Prep For
Women, Liezl Jayne and Liezl Jayne Strydom and
are copyrighted.
All rights reserved.
They cannot be used in any form for publishing
or any other commercial purposes without prior
permission from Liezl Jayne and Liezl Jayne
Strydom. Any other information or material available
in this book is copyright, 2020 © Liezl Jayne, 2020
© Liezl Jayne Strydom, ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.
Therefore no part of this book and product may
in any form or by any electronic, mechanical,
photocopying, recording, or any other means be
redistributed, reproduced, stored in a retrieval
system, shared or be broadcast, sold or transmitted
without the prior permission of the publishers, Liezl
Jayne and Liezl Jayne Strydom.
© 2020 Fast Weight Loss Meal Prep For Women
© 2020 Liezl Jayne, ALL RIGHTS RESERVED
© 2020 Liezl Jayne Strydom, ALL RIGHTS RESERVED
Fast Weight Loss Meal Prep For Women 2020
Liezl Jayne 2020
Written by: Liezl Jayne Strydom
Recipes and meal plans: Liezl Jayne Strydom
Layout and design: Jessica Charnock
Editor: Rozanne Leigh Strydom
Photography: Rob Williams
Additional photography: Liezl Jayne Strydom
Photo editor: Ross Charnock
Fast Weight-Loss
Meal Prep For
4 full weeks of healthy meal plans and recipes to save you time and help
you to lose weight - without calorie counting!
About The Author
Meet Liezl Jayne
Hey, I’m Liezl Jayne!
got a copy of my Ebook series The Beautiful Body Guide (which is a 3-part Ebook
I’m from South Africa, but I currently live in Los
series containing a healthy eating guide with
Angeles with my husband Rob (who is also
recipes and an eating plan, a fitness and
South African). I’m a YouTuber, blogger, song-
workout guide, and a 10 day kick-starter guide
writer, singer, and the author of The Beautiful
for weight loss), then you are probably aware
Body Guide. I also have two cute rescue dogs
that I previously lost 40 Lbs.
named Chloe and Rosco!
After graduating high school, I decided to beI’ve created this Ebook because meal prep-
come a Nutritional Therapist to broaden my
ping has helped me so much in my life. It’s
knowledge about nutrition and healthy eating.
helped me to maintain a healthy lifestyle over
I was also keen to know more about healthy
the years by making it easier to make healthy
dieting, because I struggled so much with my
food choices every single day, which allowed
weight and health for years (I was often sick
me to lose a lot of weight. Putting some time
as a child). No diet that I had tried in the past
aside each week to meal prep has improved
seemed to work for me, and I never saw results
my health and life so much. It is an amazing
I wanted no matter how much exercise I did.
tool that you can use to take control of your
Finally, after YEARS of struggling with my
meals and weight, so that you can achieve
weight, I found a simple method (after tons
your goals (even if you have a busy schedule
of research and trial-and-error) that worked
during the week).
for me.
If you’ve been subscribed to my YouTube
As my body began to change, many friends
channel or blog for a while, or you’ve already
and family members wanted to know exact-
ly what I was doing to lose weight, and so I
began to share my methods and steps with
them. The word started to get out about what
I was doing, and I would get messages on
Facebook and emails from women I didn’t even
know who wanted my recipes, eating plans,
and workouts. Eventually, I was emailing so
many women with all of the info, eating plans,
and workouts that I decided to compile all of
my knowledge into Ebooks.
I got really into writing my books, because I’m
so passionate about helping women to get
healthier and lose weight - to get the results
that they want, because I know first hand what
it’s like to struggle. I’m dedicated to sharing
helpful information, easy-to-use eating plans,
safe dieting methods, and workouts that bring
real results.
You can use this Ebook as a set meal plan
which you can follow week by week, or you
can scroll through it and choose any of the
individual meal prep recipes to try!
I hope you enjoy using this Ebook, the weekly
meal plans and all of the recipes!
Contents Page
About This Meal Prep Ebook & Eating Plan
Page 13
Why Meal Prep? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15
How To Get Results With Meal Prep . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18
How To Use This Ebook To Get Results (3 Ways) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19
My Top Tips For Using This Ebook . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19
Meal Prepping Is Easier Than You Think . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20
What Will You Be Eating Each Day? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22
Adjusting The Calories To Suit Your Body
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22
All Of The Weeks & Recipes Are Interchangeable . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22
Your Meal Prep Routine . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22
Tips For Meal Prepping Beginners . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23
Time Saving Tips . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25
How I Meal Prep Every Week . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25
How To Meal Prep Fast
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26
Read This Before You Start . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29
Week #1
Introduction - Meal Overview
Page 30
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32
Grocery Shopping List . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34
Important Notes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36
Week #1 Full Instructions
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38
Final Step: Put All The Meals Together . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45
What You Will Need For This Weeks Meal Storage . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48
Breakfast #1 - Banana Oat Toaster Muffins . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50
Breakfast #2 - Mixed Berry & Banana Protein Smoothie . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 56
Snack #1 - Hummus & Veggies Sticks
Snack #2 - Yogurt with Grapefruit
Lunch #1 - Egg Salad Sandwich
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 60
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 64
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 68
Lunch #2 - Roasted Sweet Potato & Chickpea Salad
...................................... 72
Dinner #1 - Spicy Coconut Chicken & Vegetable Stir-Fry with Brown Rice . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 76
Dinner #2 - Black Bean & Veggie Spaghetti
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 82
Page 88
Week #2
Introduction - Meal Overview
Grocery Shopping List
Important Notes
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 90
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 92
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 94
Week #2 Full Instructions
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 96
Final Step: Put All The Meals Together . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 103
What You Will Need For This Weeks Meal Storage
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 106
Breakfast #1 - Banana & Oat Toaster Pancakes with Peanut Butter & Strawberries . . . . . . . 108
Breakfast #2 - Chocolate, Blueberry & Almond Overnight Oats
Snack #1 - 3 Ingredient Mango Protein Smoothie
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 114
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 118
Snack #2 - Banana Oatmeal Cookies With Raisins & Almonds
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 122
Lunch #1 - Black Bean & Tahini Toast With Cherry Tomatoes
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 126
Lunch #2 - Roast Vegetable, Quinoa & Egg Salad
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 132
Dinner #1 - Chicken & Vegetable Stir-Fry with Quinoa & Olives
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 138
Dinner #2 - Brown Rice Pasta with Lentils, Mushrooms, Brussels Sprouts & Marinara Sauce . . 144
Week #3
Page 150
Introduction - Meal Overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 152
Grocery Shopping List . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 154
Important Notes
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 157
Week #3 Full Instructions
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 158
Final Step: Put All The Meals Together . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 165
What You Will Need For This Weeks Meal Storage . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 168
Breakfast #1 - Chocolate, Banana & Blueberry Toaster Muffins
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 172
Breakfast #2 - Strawberry & Pineapple Protein Smoothie . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 178
Snack #1 - Protein Hot Chocolate with Banana
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 182
Snack #2 - Oven Roasted “Cheese” & Onion Chickpeas
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 186
Lunch #1 - Spicy Shrimp & Roast Potato Salad . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 190
Lunch #2 - Hummus & Roasted Pepper Sandwich . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 196
Dinner #1 - Tomato Chicken Curry, Brown Rice & Roasted Green Beans . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 200
Dinner #2 - Roast Salmon, Sweet Potato, Veggies & Tahini Dip . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 206
Week #4
Page 212
Introduction - Meal Overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 214
Grocery Shopping List . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 216
Important Notes
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 218
Week #4 Full Instructions
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 220
Final Step: Put All The Meals Together . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 227
What You Will Need For This Weeks Meal Storage . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 230
Breakfast #1 - Banana & Peanut Butter Overnight Oats . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 232
Breakfast #2 - Green Mango & Vanilla Protein Smoothie . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 238
Snack #1 - Healthy Peanut Butter Coconut Cookies . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 244
Snack #2 - Easy Apple & Yogurt Bowl . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 248
Lunch #1 - Tuna Salad Sandwich . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 252
Lunch #2 - Hummus, Sweet Potato & Brown Rice Salad
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 256
Dinner #1 - Veggie Rice with Spicy Chicken Drumsticks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 262
Dinner #2 - Pinto Bean & Potato Curry with Brown Rice . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 268
Tips & Suggestions
Page 273
Using Meal Prep With The Beautiful Body Guide & The Point System . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 273
Meal Prep Get’s Quicker Every Time . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 273
Reusing Storage Containers/ Storage Bags . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 273
Vegan & Plant-Based Alternatives
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 274
Gluten, Dairy, Soy & Nut Alternatives . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 276
Calorie Guidelines
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 276
Calorie Amounts Are Only Rough
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 276
Taste Preferences & Switching Ingredients/Recipes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 277
. . . .In. . Different
. . . . . . . . . .Countries
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 278
Seasonal Guidelines & Food Availability
Meal Prep Starts At The Grocery Store . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 280
Ingredient Recommendations & Tips . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 280
Food Storage Tips (Don’t Skip This) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 281
Specific Ingredient Amounts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 281
What About Tea, Coffee, Soda And Juice? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 282
What About Workouts? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 282
What About Extra Snacks? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 284
Staying Hydrated!
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 284
How To Be More Confident . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 284
What Is Your Goal? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 289
“Cheat Meals” Aka: Treat Meals. What About Alcohol, Pizza & Sweet Treats? . . . . . . . . . . . . . 289
What Do You Want More? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 290
How Did You Get Here? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 290
Don’t Get Hung Up On Being “Perfect” . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 294
Brand Glossary - Food Brands That I Use / Recommend
Page 296
Storage Glossary - Meal Prep Containers That I Use
Page 299
Terms & Conditions
Page 301
About This Meal Prep Ebook & Eating Plan
Fast Weight-Loss Meal Prep
For Women
This weight-loss meal plan is specifically
you through the process. This Ebook has 4
designed for women who are trying to lose
complete weekly eating plans with meal prep
recipes for each week. Each week has 2 different dinner options, 2 lunch options, 2 different
Each day has planned meals that amount
breakfasts and 2 different snacks.
to roughly 1400 calories, but you can easily
adjust the amount of calories per day to suit
If you follow a plant-based diet, I’ve creat-
your needs. I’ll show you how to customize
ed simple and easy alternatives for any food
your plan based on your specific calorie needs
items that are not plant-based. However, many
per day from 1200 calories to 1600 calories per
of these recipes are already plant-based. There
day, or more.
are also gluten-free, dairy-free and nut-free
ingredient substitutions, however most of the
Each meal is designed to have roughly 400
recipes are already gluten and dairy-free.
calories, with each snack having a calorie content of approximately 200 calories. I’ve spe-
To get started, you’ll need some containers to
cifically created these meals and recipes to
store your meals in. You’ll need containers for
be filling and give sustained energy, but with
all of your breakfast, lunch and dinner meals,
a lower calorie content. These recipes are bal-
as well as your snacks. I recommend using air-
anced with good whole carbs, good protein and
tight containers so that your meals stay fresh.
healthy fats, as it’s important to nourish your
body with nutrients from all of the food groups
Because the goal is to prep 5 full days of meals
in order to lose weight in a healthy way.
in as little time as possible, it’s important to
follow the instructions and start prepping and
These recipes are all very simple, and you’ll
cooking the foods that take the longest to cook
have a step-by-step instruction guide to get
first. Always make sure that you’ve preheated
your oven, laid out all of the containers you’ll
all of these recipes are based on what I ate
be using, and have your fresh groceries ready
when I was trying to lose weight. If you don’t
before you begin.
like any particular ingredient that I’ve used, use
another similar ingredient that you’d prefer
All of the foods that I’ve used should last for 5
that is roughly the same amount of calories.
days if stored in the fridge or freezer (depending on the recipe and the instructions provided
If you’d prefer, you can make multiple servings
for each one). Just make sure you eat them all
of just one or two of the recipes in this Ebook,
within 5 days.
or you can work through the Ebook, prepping
a full week of recipes as I’ve laid them out. It’s
Heating the pre-maid meals can be done in a
totally up to you!
pan or any other way you’d prefer. You could
even eat them cold - whatever floats your
boat. I often heat my dinners in a pan for a
few minutes on the stove, but I’ve included
specific heating instructions for each recipe.
All the meals are designed to contain roughly
400 calories each, and if you follow the guide-
Plant Based Option
lines with the alternative plant-based options
and portions, your meals should be roughly
400 calories each as well.
I hope you enjoy these meals and recipes!
These are meals that I personally enjoy, and
Why Meal Prep?
and appear on your plate. But I’ve done most
of the work here (so that you don’t have to)
You may have purchased this Ebook still
to make your meal prepping life easier. I’ve
wondering “Why meal prep? How is meal pep
already done all of the difficult calorie
going to help me to lose weight, and get into
calculations and conversions for you, and I’ve
better shape?”
created recipes that offer ideal portion sizes of
approximately 400 calories.
Or you may have quickly downloaded it
thinking: “Yes, this is the weight loss secret I’ve
Meal prepping can be really helpful when it
been waiting my entire life for!”
comes to losing weight because of one thing:
energy. The science of weight loss comes
But here’s the truth: “Meal prep” won’t make you
down to something as simple as energy. In
lose weight. It’s not magic.
life, if you give away more energy than what
you take, you’ll have less energy. The same
However, meal prep can become a vehicle
basic principle applies to the relationship
in your life that can help you to lose weight
between us and the food we eat, where energy
and keep it off. But you still have to put some
is known as something you may have heard of
effort in.
before: Calories.
Let me explain.
I’ll tell you a truth that actually changed my
life and approach to dieting: Losing weight
If you’re trying to lose weight and you’ve
is actually very simple. It’s not easy, but it
already tried a few different approaches, you
is simple.
may have already found that fad diets, fat
loss pills and extreme trends don’t work. Even
Simple, because losing weight is actually a
if you do lose a few pounds initially with one of
very straightforward process. It’s not easy,
these gimmicks, you may find that you gain the
because we still have to put the effort in and
weight back again in no time at all, or worse you
practice discipline in our daily lives to get the
gain more weight back than you had before.
results we want. But don’t be afraid of calories! Calories are not scary, they’re just energy.
I’m not into fad diets or weight loss tricks, but
meal prepping really has helped me to take
All food contains energy to give our bodies
control of my weight and achieve my goals.
energy, which is why it’s necessary to eat: to
have energy for our bodies to function so we
In this Ebook, I’ll show you how doing a little
can live our lives. We need energy live, breath,
bit of meal prep once or twice a week, can help
work and play. Calories are GOOD for us, they
you to take back control of your eating hab-
are not bad. We need calories.
its, your health, your body, your weight, and
your life. You’ll still have to put some effort in
because (unfortunately) the meals in this book
are not going to magically prepare themselves
This is the only weight loss secret
you’ll ever need:
for a while and followed me on YouTube and
my blog, then you may already have a copy
of my other Ebook series The Beautiful Body
If you burn more energy (calories) through dai-
Guide, which contains a calorie counting
ly activities and exercise than the energy you
method I call The Point System (it also
consume everyday from food, then you will
contains a nutrition guide, healthy eating plans,
lose weight.
workout plans and more). The Point System is
something I created to help myself keep track
Now you know the secret to weight
of calories in the easiest way possible without
ever having to “count” them, and I was thrilled
to discover that it’s helped so many other
people on their weight loss journeys too!
On the flip side, if you consume more energy
through food than the energy you burn in a
day through daily activities and exercise, then
Another approach I’ve shared on my You-
you’ll gain weight (unfortunately).
Tube channel and blog, but never before in my
Ebooks, is how I’ve meal prepped to lose
weight. Apart from The Point System, it’s the
It’s simple science.
only thing that has worked for me. So when I
was trying to lose weight, I either followed my
Right now you may be thinking:
point system or I meal prepped.
“Okay so what does this have to do
with meal prep?”
Here’s how I did it: I would use The Point
System if I was making meals from scratch
I’m getting there… you see, if calories are that
everyday, and I would meal prep when I knew
important for weight loss, then we need to keep
I wouldn’t have time to cook during the week.
track of them somehow to lose weight. BUT,
if you’ve ever tried to count calories you may
Meal prepping has saved my butt so many
agree with me that it’s literally THE WORST. It
times (and made it smaller) because if I
sucks SO MUCH.
didn’t have time to prepare fresh meals daily,
I wouldn’t have been able to achieve my goals
to get into better shape and stay healthy.
Calorie counting takes so much time and
mental energy everyday. It drains the life out of
So if you’re like me and you don’t want to count
you. It’s tedious.
every calorie you eat everyday, then take the
I hated counting calories so much, but it was
action of calorie counting before the action of
the only way I could lose weight. It was literally
the only thing that worked for me. So I decided
to come up with some new ways to count cal-
Meal prep is the action before the action. It’s
ories on my own.
the action of preparing your ideal amount of
daily calories in the form of your daily meals,
before the action of eating your daily meals.
If you’ve been on this health journey with me
Let me make that more simple: If you calculate
If you’re trying to lose weight, you may need to
the calories of all of your meals beforehand
eat healthy everyday, but you may also need to
(say, once a week) for the entire week, then you
exercise and stay mindful of your calorie intake.
don’t need to calculate any calories that you
consume during the week.
With any goal, you have to plan the steps you
need to take beforehand to help get you where
And this Ebook will help you to take it a step fur-
you want to be. If you wanted to beat Serena
ther, to make it even easier for you so that you
Williams in a tennis match, you’d need to buy a
don’t EVER have to count calories.
tennis racket and find a coach, and have your
weekly training schedule decided beforehand.
If you follow the full weekly meal prep plans in
In this example, doing those things would be
this Ebook, you don’t have to count any calories
taking the steps to set you up for success. Of
because I have already counted and calculated
course, you still need to show up each day of
them for you. All you need to do is follow the
the week and train with your coach and use a
recipes, prep them so they are ready to go, and
good tennis racket. It’s vitally important to take
grab your pre-prepped food at meal times.
those initial steps that set you up for success.
How To Get Results With Meal
Losing weight is similar in many ways. You
can’t expect to wake up in the morning and just
lose weight. You need to take the initial steps
If you want to achieve your goal of losing weight
first. In this case, you’ve already purchased this
and see results, you can’t just have the dream of
Ebook (which is step 1 in your formula). The
results, or even a seemingly good idea like “I’m
next step would be to prepare your meals for
going to eat healthy everyday”.
the week, and the third step would be to wake
Every goal is different and every goal therefore
up each day and eat them as planned and stick
requires a different formula to achieve your
to your calorie allowance for the day.
desired results. For example, you wouldn’t just
eat healthy if you wanted to beat Serena Wil-
This is what meal prep is: setting yourself up
liams in a tennis match. Yes, eating healthy
for success. It’s taking the steps beforehand
everyday would definitely play a part in getting
by meal prepping each week to help you to
you there, but you’d also have to train every day
achieve your daily goals of eating healthy food
for HOURS. Eating healthy and training every
and being mindful of your calories.
day would be a part of the formula to get you
Taking the action before the action does
something to us psychologically. It sets us up
If you wanted to be an artist, eating healthy
for success. It helps us to follow through and
everyday may again help you to have better
achieve our goals when it gets tough, because
energy to do your best work, but you’d also need
there will be days when it feels tough.
to take some painting lessons, and purchase
some paintbrushes.
Never expect anything to be easy, and that way
you’ll simply breeze through it. If you expect
2. Meal prep any individual recipe
you like, whenever you like
everything in life to be easy, and feel entitled
to have everything you want magically appear
in your lap, then you may be discouraged when
you find things difficult and your journey may
The second way you can use this Ebook, is to
feel like a struggle. Any goal worth achieving
use it as a recipe book instead of a meal prep-
may feel difficult initially, but that difficulty
ping guide for an entire week of meals. Select
makes the success so much sweeter because
any recipe in this Ebook to make whenever it
you worked hard to get it.
suits you. Each recipe will produce 2 or 3 servings of prepped meals, and you can easily
It’s the action before the action that makes the
double the ingredient quantities of any recipe
difference between people who are successful
to make a double batch of 4 to 6 servings per
in achieving their goals, and those who aren’t.
recipe. Sometimes l prep my dinners for 3 days,
or prep all of my breakfasts and lunches for the
By taking the action before the action, and
next 5 days. It’s easy to make a few servings of
prepping your meals ahead of time, you can
my dinner (when I’m cooking dinner for myself
help to set yourself up for the success of losing
that day), so that I have enough dinners for the
weight and getting into better shape.
next few days.
How To Use This Ebook To Get
Results (3 Ways)
3. Mix and match (3 day + 2 day
meal prep)
There are 3 different ways that you can use this
Another way to meal prep for weight loss (in a
meal prep Ebook:
less intense way), is to meal prep twice a week.
It will take less effort to prep meals for 2 or 3
1. Full week meal prep (5 day
meal prep)
days, compared to the amount of effort it will to
require to make 5 days of meals all in one go.
You can meal prep on a Sunday for your Mon-
The first way that you can use this meal prep
day to Wednesday meals, and then meal prep
Ebook, is to use it as a week-by-week meal
again on Wednesday for your Thursday and
prepping guide. If you choose to use it this way,
Friday meals.
you will most likely choose a day in your week
My Top Tips For Using
This Ebook
to prep all of your meals for the week ahead.
On this day, I recommend you start with a clean
and organized kitchen (clean enough to work
in) before you go to the grocery store with the
Make sure to read all of the instructions
shopping list provided to purchase the ingredi-
before you begin. I’ve tried to keep it short
ents you will need. After grocery shopping, you
and sweet, and all of the information in
can begin cooking and meal prepping. Within
this Ebook is here to help you so you can
an hour or two, you’ll have a fridge full of pre-
have a great meal prepping experience,
prepped meals. Don’t forget to have your food
and reach your weight loss goals.
storage containers for the entire week ready!
Meal Prepping Is Easier Than
You Think
Start at week 1, or choose any other week
that you like the look of. Alternatively, make
any individual recipe that looks good to
you or try one the recipes labeled “Liezl’s
If I don’t have brown rice pre-cooked in the
favorite” or “quick recipe”.
fridge, I will never eat it because (honestly) I’m
too lazy and impatient to wait for it to cook. I
Get organized with meal prep storage con-
also don’t have the time to wait for it to cook
tainers (see my recommended list in the
before each meal because it takes about 30-40
minutes to cook. It’s the same thing with sweet
glossary section at the back of this Ebook
potatoes: I refuse to wash, chop up and roast
for the containers/storage I actually use).
potatoes before every meal. I don’t have 60 minutes in my day to do that. BUT I love roasted
Have a clean kitchen to work in, and clean
sweet potatoes. I love adding them into salads,
containers, pots, pans and cooking
eating them as a side with salmon, and I’ll even
add pre-roasted sweet potatoes to a stir fry
with mushrooms, cherry tomatoes, baby spin-
Keep the shopping list on your phone (or
ach, pre-cooked lentils and pre-cooked brown
print the list out for the week you chose).
rice. You see what I’m doing there? The only
ingredients I need to cook from scratch are
Follow the instructions to cook and prep
the mushrooms, cherry tomatoes and baby
all of your meals. You’ll find instructions
spinach. The time-consuming sweet potatoes,
for each individual recipe throughout this
brown rice and lentils are already cooked.
Ebook, and also a full week of meal prep
Meal prepping is GENIUS. And no, I’m not call-
instructions for each set week.
ing myself a genius (because I did not invent
the idea of meal prep), but I have learned so
Store all of your meals as recommended.
much about meal prep over the past 10+ years
You will find recommendations under
through trial-and-error and use it every single
each recipe.
day of my life.
Refer to each recipe page every morning
I started meal prepping in high school (even
(of the meals you’ll be eating that day) for
though I didn’t call it meal prep back then).
heating and eating instructions for those
I would pre-cook chicken and pre-boil eggs to
recipes. Some lunch recipes require that
use in my sandwiches for school. I made THE
you spend 1 or 2 minutes throwing all of
BEST chicken mayonnaise sandwiches and I
your prepped ingredients together in a new
was obsessed with egg salad sandwiches. All
container before you go to school or work.
of my friends wanted a bite of my sandwich
This is so that everything stays fresh.
at break time. In the evenings, my sister and I
would roast a huge tray of root vegetables in the
Enjoy having ready-to-heat-and-eat
oven, and then use them to make the best roast
meals throughout the week.
vegetable salads for the next few days. I start-
ed making overnight oats and healthy breakfast
muffins years ago so that I could enjoy an instant healthy breakfast. This is meal prepping,
and it’s actually much easier than you think.
Here’s how to meal prep: When you make your
dinner, make 4 servings instead of 1 serving,
and save the 3 leftover servings for dinners (or
lunches) for the next 3 days. When you prep a
jar of overnight oats, prep 5 or even 7 jars instead, and then you will have breakfasts already
prepared for the next week. Or you can even just
start by meal prepping basic ingredients that
keep well in the fridge and that can be added to
all sorts of meals.
Brown rice, sweet potatoes, regular potatoes,
quinoa, lentils, black beans, chicken, hard boiled
eggs and root vegetables like butternut squash
or pumpkin are just a few examples of excellent base ingredients that can be prepped every
single week.
If you’ve been a subscriber of my YouTube
channel for a while, you’ve probably seen my
meal prepping videos, and seen how I use meal
prep in my everyday life. When I add brown rice
to a meal, it’s almost always pre-prepped, and if
it’s not already pre-prepped then I’m cooking a
big pot of it as meal prep. I’m so used to doing it
now that I don’t even have to think about it. Meal
prepping once a week is a real game changer.
What Will You Be Eating Each
For a 1600 calorie diet, prepare all 3 meals, and
double all of the snack recipes, so that you have
3 meals and 2 snacks per day.
You may be wondering: “What will I be eating
each day if I follow each week of meal prep in
For a 1800+ calorie diet, prepare all 3 meals, and
this Ebook?”
double up on the snacks and even double up on
an extra meal. I’ve specifically made all of the
If you follow each full week of meal prep (and
meals (the breakfasts, lunches and dinners) to
prep all of the meals and snacks for each week)
be roughly 400 calories, and all of the snacks
here’s what you’ll be consuming:
to be roughly 200 calories. So you can mix and
match meals and quantities to get your desired
amount of calories per day.
Each day you will have 1 x breakfast (roughly
ner (roughly 400 cal)
All Of The Weeks & Recipes Are
I’ve created all of the recipes in this Ebook to
Each day you will have 1 x breakfast (roughly
be interchangeable, meaning that you can mix
400 cal), 1 x lunch (roughly 400 cal), 1 x snack
and match any of the recipes that you want
(roughly 200 cal), and 1 x dinner (roughly 400 cal)
from any week!
Again, all of the meals (the breakfasts, lunches
Each day you will have 1 x breakfast (roughly
and dinners) are roughly 400 calories each, and
400 cal), 1 x lunch (roughly 400 cal), 2 x snacks
all of the snacks are roughly 200 calories each.
(roughly 200 cal each), and 1 x dinner (roughly
So if you don’t like curry, and one of the dinner
400 cal)
recipes in your chosen week is a curry, then
400 cal), 1 x lunch (roughly 400 cal), and 1 x din-
switch that recipe out with any other dinner or
Adjusting The Calories To Suit
Your Body
lunch recipe from any other week.
Your Meal Prep Routine
Keep in mind that we’re all different, and so
every woman has different calorie needs to lose
In life I have found that I am most productive
weight in a healthy way. If you’d like to follow
when I have a set routine to stick to. I have found
a 1400 calorie diet, prepare all 3 meals and the
the same thing with meal prepping. When I prep
snack for everyday that you will see outlined in
my meals ahead of time (or at least some of the
this plan.
ingredients I use in my meals) I make healthier food choices throughout the day. Breakfast,
For a 1200 calorie diet, eat all 3 meals and just
lunch, dinner, snacks - there are a lot of meals
leave out the snacks (that means less prep work
to think about, and a lot of choices that need to
for you).
be made throughout the day to stay healthy. So
meal prep helps me to get rid of that stress that
Tips For Meal Prepping
sometimes comes along with trying to make 3
healthy meals (and snacks) from scratch everyday. It also removes the temptation to reach for
an easy but unhealthy option.
Know the recipes that you are going to
meal prep on the day. It’s important to
Routine and preparation saves time during your
have a clear idea of what you’re doing
day and makes difficult daily choices easier,
before you begin.
allowing you more time to focus on the
important things in your life such as your work,
your friends, and your family.
Have your airtight containers clean and
ready for meal prep.
If you have no food prepped, and you
constantly have to make food from scratch
Have fresh ingredients to work with
throughout the day, while having to make the
(I recommend buying them that day, or the
decision over and over again to use healthier
day before).
ingredients, then you’re not really setting
yourself up for success.
Have an optimistic attitude (don’t be a
grumpy cat because then it won’t be fun).
Trying to lose weight is hard enough.
Trying to be healthy in a world of easy access to
Make sure you eat before you start.
unhealthy food and constant temptation is ex-
Don’t try to do difficult meal prepping
tra hard. Having to make the choice over and
when you are feeling hangry. Have
over again throughout the day to eat healthy
breakfast or a slice of wholegrain toast
food that also offers the right amount of
with some unsweetened peanut butter to
calories for your needs, even though it’s not
fuel you before the work begins!
always the easier choice is REALLY HARD.
If I’m trying to get into better shape, or even just
If something goes wrong don’t have a
meltdown, it will all be okay. You will make
follow a healthier lifestyle, I like to take some of
it through this tough moment, I promise.
those daily decisions out of my day to make it
You can either choose to cook a new pot
easier to achieve my goal of being healthier and
of rice or a new tray of green beans, or just
getting into better shape.
stick with it for that week. It’s not the end
of the world. However, I don’t recommend
And I find if I have a set routine, I stick to it.
eating scorched burned food.
Once you’re done, you should feel proud
of yourself. You did a great job and have
taken a HUGE step toward your goal!
You have set yourself up for success by
prepping all of your meals for the week.
Fast Weight Loss Meal Prep For Women
Time Saving Tips
How I Meal Prep Every Week
You’ll notice that some of the recipes in this
Meal prep can be done in 2 to 3 hours for the
Ebook are marked “quick recipes”. This is to
week, or even as little as one hour for the en-
show you which ones will require the least
tire week. I’ve managed it many times when I’ve
amount of time to prepare. For example, in
been really pressed for time. When I have a real-
one week there might be 2 breakfast options
ly busy week ahead, sometimes 1 or 2 hours is
(breakfast muffins and smoothie prep). While
all I have to prep my meals.
both are easy to make, the smoothie prep will
take under 5 minutes and the muffins should take
Keep in mind that when I was starting out with
approximately 20-30 minutes to make (baking
meal prep it took me longer than that. I get
time included).
quicker and more efficient every time I meal
prep. If you’re trying to follow multiple recipes
Therefore, if you choose to only make the
for the first time and prep 8 different recipes for
smoothie prep (making 5 servings instead of
the first time, it’s probably going to take you lon-
2 or 3), and leave the breakfast muffins, you’ll
ger than an hour or two because it’s your first
save a lot of time for yourself. However, the
time. Meal prepping is a skill, so if you’re try-
breakfast muffins are delicious (and are worth
ing it for the first time, think of it as a skill that
the extra time in my opinion).
you’re still acquiring. Once you’ve got that skill,
you will be able to meal prep FAST. If you’re still
Some people prefer to have fancier snacks,
trying to learn that skill it will take you longer.
while others don’t need them. You can save
time by skipping the snack recipes and just
Some weeks I’ll do basic meal prepping on a
opting for a fruit & nut snack everyday. All
Sunday (where I cook big batches of ingredients
of the snacks provided in this meal plan are
like brown rice, quinoa, chicken, salmon, hard
roughly 200 calories per serving, to make a
boiled eggs, bell pepper, butternut squash and
200 calorie fruit and nut snack you can try
sweet potatoes), and I simply build meals out of
1 medium banana with 14 raw almonds, 1
those ingredients for the rest of the week.
medium apple with 1 Tablespoon of peanut
butter, or 2 cups of cantaloupe melon pieces with
I try to do my meal prepping on a Sunday.
8 raw walnuts (each of these are examples of
Sometimes, when I don’t have time on a Sunday,
200 calorie snacks).
I’ll do it on a Monday night when I’m cooking
dinner. Some weeks, when I know I’m going to be
In this meal prep plan there are 2 recipes for
really busy, I like to fully prepare all of my meals
breakfast, 2 recipes for lunch, 2 recipes for din-
ahead of time. This is my favorite because then
ner and 2 recipes for snacks. This is to keep your
I have yummy meals that I know I can heat up
meals interesting so that you don’t get bored
in 5 minutes! AND when I was trying to lose
throughout the week. However, you can choose
weight, fully prepping my meals was amazing
to only make 1 recipe per breakfast, lunch, din-
because I didn’t want to calculate the calories
ner and snack if you’d prefer to save time.
I ate everyday (no one wants to do that). When
I meal prepped all of my meals for weight loss,
How To Meal Prep Fast
I would pre-calculate the calories in the recipes
I created.
You may be wondering “How exactly do I meal
This is the easiest way for me to lose weight:
prep in the quickest way possible?”
Having 3 pre-prepped meals (and a snack) in
the fridge, ready-to-go with the ideal amount of
I like to do my meal prep for the week on a Sun-
calories for my body’s needs makes it easy for
day, so here’s how I get it done. To be able to
me to reach my goal. Then I don’t have to waste
prep all of my meals in as little time as possible,
mental energy on thinking about what I will eat,
I do a few things ahead of time.
and how many calories I’ve eaten, I can use my
mental energy on more important things like
living my life.
Make sure your meal prep containers for
storage are ready to go (I have listed the ones
Think about it: If you spend an hour cooking
I use in the glossary at the back of this Ebook).
each week (it will take longer if you’re a meal
Make sure you have containers to use that are
prep newbie, but you’ll get quicker every time)
airtight, or your meal prep won’t stay fresh. THIS
to have all of your weekly meals fully prepped,
you can get on with your life during the week
without fussing with calories and without hav-
ing to try to make healthy choices every single
Get a kitchen timer or use multiple timers to
day. You can lose weight and become healthier
time multiple meals. I got some cheap ones
in the easiest way possible.
online. You can also use your phone. These
kitchen timers will be really helpful when you’re
Even if it’s your first time meal prepping, and it
baking or roasting multiple things in the oven at
takes you 4 or more hours to prepare everything
the same time.
on Sunday afternoon, you have still accomplished something great. You’ve set yourself up
for success because you’ve guaranteed that you
Clean your kitchen (so that you have a nice
will be eating healthy meals during the week.
space to work in), and make sure the pots, pans,
Spending 4 hours meal prepping doesn’t seem
appliances and oven trays you’ll be using are
like such a chore when you realize that those 4
clean and ready to use.
hours resulted in you having ready-to-go meals
Trying to meal prep will feel like a nightmare
for the entire week. From Monday to Friday you
if you are starting with a dirty kitchen, trash
can go on and live your life, not worrying about
everywhere, and a sink full of dirty dishes with
counting calories and making choices related to
dirty pots and pans everywhere.
your meals. On Saturday and Sunday (when you
have more time) you can cook healthy meals
from scratch at home, enjoy a treat meal with
Go to the grocery store to get all of your ingre-
your family or friends, and meal prep for the
dients and fresh produce (use the shopping list
following week!
provided for each week in this Ebook). I recommend going the same day that you do your meal
prepping to ensure fresh ingredients (you can’t
and overnight oats, then start with the potatoes
meal prep with ingredients that you purchased
first (because they take the longest to cook).
a week ago and expect your meals to stay fresh
The potatoes could take 40-60 minutes to roast
during the following week). Don’t forget to check
in the oven, so if you spend your first 10 minutes
if you have basic items at home before you go
prepping the smoothies and overnight oats,
to the store (like salt, pepper, baking powder and
you’ve made it impossible to meal prep within
healthy cooking oil spray for example) and don’t
the hour. To save time, start your meal prepping
forget to take the shopping list with you!
session by washing the potatoes, slicing them
and getting them into the oven.
Preheat your oven if any of your recipes require
roasting or baking.
Pay attention if you need to use the same oven
tray or pot for more than one recipe. You need
to time the cooking of these items. For exam-
Lay out all of the containers that you’ll be using
ple, if I have 2 baking trays then I will use one
(knowing what will be used for what).
for the potatoes (which can take up to 60 minutes to cook), and will use the other one to roast
green beans and bell pepper together (which
Organize the raw ingredients into groups before
only takes 20-30 minutes to cook, I’ll divide
you start. Lay out all of the ingredients in front
the tray in half to keep each vegetable separate
of you (on the counters or kitchen table) in rec-
on the tray) and then I’ll reuse that same tray
ipe groups. For example, if I’m making chicken
afterwards to bake healthy snack cookies
curry and banana overnight oats, then I’ll group
(which only takes 12 minutes to bake).
the ingredients for the chicken curry together,
next to all of the ingredients grouped for the
I actually bought 4 cheap oven trays on
overnight oats. If you’re trying to prepare mul-
Amazon to prevent this kind of situation. If I’m
tiple recipes at once, it can get really confusing
meal prepping for Rob as well as myself at the
if you just have a heap of ingredients on the
same time, then I need multiple trays. I line my
counter. It also get’s confusing (and everything
baking trays with aluminum foil (which I
will take longer) if you have half of the ingredi-
reuse over and over) and cover the foil with a
ents “in the back of the pantry somewhere” and
baking sheet (which I use once or twice,
you don’t know where anything is. Organize all
depending what’s been cooked on it) so that I
of the ingredients for each recipe into groups,
can just change out the baking sheet and the
and lay them out in front of you.
baking tray will be clean for the next recipe or
ingredient. This saves a huge amount of time.
TIME SAVING TIP: If you have a lot of things to
with the ingredients that take the longest to
bake or roast in the oven, or you have a lot of
cook. If you need to roast potatoes for a salad
things to cook on the stove, then this is how you
recipe and also need to prep some smoothies
can save a lot of time: If you’ve got green beans
Fast Weight Loss Meal Prep For Women
roasting in the oven on a tray, then make sure all
your dreams. And it starts now. It all starts with
of your ingredients are pre-prepped for the next
the meals that you are about to prep, so that:
recipe (in this example, snack cookies) so that
you can quickly pop the snack cookies into the
oven to bake when the green beans are done.
You have healthy weight loss meals
already prepared for you for the week,
I prefer to get the green beans in the oven and
You can lose weight and get healthy,
straight away make the cookie batter so that it’s
You can achieve your weight and health
full prepared and ready to go. Then I can throw
goals (the promises you made to yourself),
a new baking sheet on the baking tray and get
the cookies on the tray and in the oven within 2
You can build trust with yourself and build
self confidence,
minutes. Keep doing this throughout your meal
prepping session to save time.
You can go out into the world and live life as
the best version of yourself,
Read This Before You Start
You can achieve your other life goals and
I recommend mentally preparing yourself before
Everything you want in life starts right now in the
you begin your meal prepping session. If you be-
kitchen, with meal prep.
gin meal prepping expecting it to take 10 minutes
and be walk-in-the-park easy, you will likely get
But know this: Meal prepping all of your meals for
frustrated, feel tired quickly and give up halfway.
the entire week within one session will take effort. But don’t think about that, think about your
Prepare yourself. Create a nice environment
goal. Think about your ready-to-eat meals that
for yourself to work in, because it only takes 5
you will have, think about how (by meal prepping)
minutes to create a nice space and will make
you will be able to follow through with the goal
the entire experience completely different. If
you have made for yourself to get into shape, and
you start out feeling frustrated or hungry, and
think about how much you will be improving your
you’re trying to work in a dirty kitchen you’re not
entire life by doing something as simple as meal
going to enjoy the process and you’re probably
not going to want to do it again.
If you see a star next to an ingredient in the ingre-
Put on some music that you love (I’ve been
dients section of each recipe, go look in the “Al-
known to blast Britney occasionally), make a cup
ternatives & Suggestions” section for that recipe.
of tea or coffee (I make a matcha latte), have a
big glass of water ready-to-drink by your side.
You can choose to have a smile on your face just
And put a smile on your face.
as easily as you can choose to have a frown on
your face. But which expression do you think will
If you want to accomplish your goals, you will
bring you more fun?
have to put some effort in. And this is why most
people never accomplish their goals. They are
Now blast that music, sip that coffee and get
too lazy. But you are not lazy, you are capable
of achieving the body, the health, and the life of
Fast Weight-Loss Meal Prep For Women
Week #1
Week #1 Introduction
Meal Overview
Breakfast #1
Banana Oat Toaster
Easy, healthy banana & oat toaster muffins. It only
takes 2 minutes to pop them into the toaster in the
morning to give them that ‘fresh out of the oven’ taste.
Top with peanut butter and fresh banana slices.
Breakfast #2
Mixed Berry & Banana Protein
A quick, healthy smoothie to kickstart your morning! A
pretty pink & purple drink packed with lots of nutrients,
vitamins, antioxidants, fiber, protein, healthy fats and
whole carbs! It will help energize you during your day.
Snack #1
Hummus & Veggies Sticks
One of the easiest healthy snacks out there: hummus
and veggies! Hummus and veggie sticks make the
perfect snack.
Snack #2
Yogurt with Grapefruit
This creamy yogurt topped with fresh grapefruit slices
makes a simple, healthy, and decadent snack that will
give you a top-up of energy at any time of the day!
Lunch #1
Egg Salad Sandwich
A classic egg salad sandwich made healthy! A filling
lunch, perfect for those busy days when you need a
good midday meal to keep you energized. This egg
salad sandwich contains lots of protein, healthy fats,
fiber and whole carbs.
Lunch #2
Roasted Sweet Potato &
Chickpea Salad
A roasted sweet potato, chickpea & tomato salad with
peanut butter dressing and rice cakes. Complete with
protein, healthy fats, and fiber, this salad will keep you
full from lunch until dinner.
Dinner #1
Spicy Coconut Chicken & Vegetable
Stir-Fry with Brown Rice
A healthy, spicy coconut chicken and vegetable stir-fry
with brown rice. A simple, tasty, nutritious and filling
dinner that’s easy to heat up, and can be ready to eat
in 2 minutes!
Dinner #2
Black Bean & Veggie Spaghetti
Black bean, tomato, mushroom, spinach & broccoli
pasta! A healthy pasta for dinner with loads of veggies (which means lots of nutrients, antioxidants and
fiber) that’s easy to make, and even easier to heat up!
This dinner will keep you fuller for longer, and will help
reduce late night cravings and snacking.
Week #1
Grocery Shopping List
Grains, Starch & Whole Carbs
☐ 230g sweet potato
☐ *3 to 6 slices bread (see note on lunch
Milk, Yogurt + Plant Based
☐ *1/3 cup milk (see note on breakfast recipe #1 below)
recipe #1)
☐ 2/3 cup + 4 tablespoons dry rolled oats
☐ *1 cup coconut milk/coconut beverage
(*NB, see note on dinner recipe #1)
☐ 1/2 cup dry brown rice
(1 + 1/2 cups cooked)
☐ *114g dry brown rice spaghetti (2 cups
cooked, see note on dinner recipe #2)
☐ *4 small or 2 large brown rice cakes/
crackers (see note on lunch recipe #2)
Fruit + Vegetables
☐ 6 medium bananas
Protein + Plant Based
☐ *360g skinless, boneless chicken breast
meat (or 1 + 1/3 cups chickpeas, or 1 +
1/2 cups pinto beans)
☐ 1 large egg (or 1 Tablespoon chia seeds)
☐ 6 large eggs
(or 2 cups cooked pinto beans)
☐ 2 cups mixed frozen berries
☐ 2 to 4 fresh lemons/limes
☐ 1 cup cooked black beans (about 172g)
☐ 1 small/medium avocado
☐ 1 cup cooked chickpeas
☐ 3 small/medium sized tomatoes
☐ *1/4 cup (25g) + 2 scoops (62g) vanilla
protein powder (see note)
(or a few cherry tomatoes)
☐ 4 cups cherry tomatoes
☐ 2 tablespoons unsweetened peanut butter
☐ 300g red bell pepper
☐ 600g mushrooms
☐ 500g broccoli florets
☐ 1 small/medium onion
☐ Fresh baby spinach (3 big handfuls)
☐ Fresh mixed lettuce/baby spinach
(3 big handfuls)
Baking, Spices + Flavor
☐ 1/4 teaspoon cinnamon
☐ 1/8 teaspoon baking soda
☐ 1/4 teaspoon baking powder
☐ 2 teaspoons coconut oil
☐ 3 teaspoons coconut sugar
☐ 3 tablespoons mayonnaise
(or vegan mayonnaise)
☐ 2 tablespoons rice vinegar/
coconut vinegar
☐ 2 tablespoons coconut aminos
or soy sauce
☐ 1/2 to 1 teaspoon cornstarch
(optional, only if needed)
☐ 2 tablespoons tomato paste
Pantry Staples
☐ Cooking oil spray (I use avocado or coconut cooking oil spray)
☐ Ginger powder
☐ Chili flakes/chili powder (optional)
☐ Oregano
☐ Onion powder
☐ Sea salt
☐ Pepper
Snack Items - 1400 Calorie
A Day Option
Snack Items - 1600 Calorie
A Day Option
☐ 3/4 cup hummus
☐ 1 + 1/2 cups hummus
☐ 3 cups cherry tomatoes
☐ 6 cups cherry tomatoes
☐ 3 medium carrots
☐ 6 medium carrots
☐ *6 small or 3 large brown rice cakes/
☐ *12 small or 6 large brown rice cakes/
crackers (see note on snack recipe #1)
crackers (see note on snack recipe #1)
☐ A few broccoli florets/stems (optional)
☐ A few broccoli florets/stems (optional)
☐ 2 medium / 2 cups grapefruit pieces
☐ 4 medium / 4 cups grapefruit pieces
☐ *1 + 1/2 to 2 cups plain yogurt
☐ *3 to 4 cups plain yogurt
(see note on snack recipe #2)
(see note on snack recipe #2)
Snack Calories
Depending on your current weight, height, and
ly calorie amounts you can do so very easily by
goals, you may want to follow a plan that has
simply including, leaving out, or doubling the
either 1200, 1400, or 1600 calories per day.
snack option).
To make things as simple as possible, I made all
So, whether you’re following a 1200, 1400, or
meal plans based on a 1200 calorie a day total,
1600 calorie diet with this meal plan, the only
and then added snack options which can take
thing that will change will be the snacks (to get
your total to either 1400 or 1600 calories. The
your desired amount of calories per day). No
1200 calorie option has no snacks, the 1400 cal-
matter what your calorie needs are, you can
orie option has one snack per day, and the 1600
still prepare all of the breakfasts, lunches, and
calorie option simply doubles the snacks to give
dinners as they are outlined in this eating plan.
you two snacks per day. (This also means that
if you want to switch between the different dai-
Week #1
1200 Calorie a Day Diet
For a 1200 calorie diet, have all
3 meals each day, and just leave
out the snacks (that means less
prep work for you!). You do not
need to purchase any of the
food items listed under “Snack
Items” in the shopping list.
*BREAD: You can use any kind of bread you
prefer for this recipe. However, calories differ
1400 Calorie a Day Diet
a lot between the different brands and types
If you’d like to follow a 1400
of bread. I recommend using bread that is
calorie diet, you can go ahead
roughly about 60 calories per slice (if you’d
and prepare the 3 meals as well
like to have 2 slices), or roughly 120 calo-
as one snack for each day. You
ries per slice (if you like a denser bread). The
can purchase all of the ingredi-
bread I use with this recipe is a dense, whole
ents on the main shopping list
grain bread with about 120 calories per slice.
as well as all ingredients in the
If you have a gluten intolerance, it would
be in your best interest to use a gluten-free
bread. I recommend using a bread that is as
1600 Calorie a Day Diet
whole grain as possible (meaning that it con-
For a 1600 calorie diet, prepare
tains little or no white flours). I prefer to use
all 3 meals and simply double
a wholegrain, gluten-free bread or a 100%
all of the snack recipes so that
whole grain wheat-free rye bread. Whole grain
you have 3 meals and 2 snacks
breads contain more fiber and will help keep
per day. Purchase all of the
you feeling full for a longer period of time after
ingredients on the main shopping
a meal.
list as well as the ingredients in
the “SNACK ITEMS - 1600 CAL-
spaghetti made from brown rice because it’s
1600 calorie a day snacks are
gluten-free and it’s more wholegrain than
exactly the same as the 1400
white pastas. However, you can use any
calorie a day snacks, they’re
kind of pasta you prefer. I recommend using
just doubled).
a wholegrain pasta made from brown rice
or quinoa, or even wholegrain wheat pasta
(if you are able to eat gluten).
*RICE CAKES/CRACKERS: For the lunch and
snack, I recommend using rice cakes or crackers that have a calorie count of 80-100 calories per serving (2 small rice cakes or 1 large
rice cake per serving). 1 small rice cake is usu-
You can either purchase your yogurt in 2 small
ally 40-50 calories, while 1 large rice cake can
ready-to-go servings, or divide up a larger tub
be 80-100 calories. I recommend using brown
of yogurt into smaller servings.
rice cakes instead of rice cakes made with
white rice, because they contain more fiber.
Calorie reference: The coconut yogurt I use
Alternatively, you can also use any cracker
contains about 100 calories per 1 cup serv-
you prefer instead of rice cakes (I recommend
ing. Full cream yogurt usually contains 100
choosing one that contains more whole grain
calories per 3/4 cup serving, so check the cal-
flours and fewer white processed flours).
ories on the brand you prefer to measure out a
serving size of 100 calories.
*MILK: You can use any milk of your choice
*CHICKEN (TAKE NOTE): Calories are based
(dairy or non-dairy).
on skinless, boneless chicken breast meat.
Calorie Reference: I use an unsweetened almond milk, which is approximately 30 calories
*PROTEIN POWDER: I use a plant-based/
per cup.
vegan vanilla protein powder sweetened with
stevia. You can use any protein powder you
prefer, but I suggest using one that is slightly
many different types of coconut milk avail-
sweetened and flavored with vanilla.
able, and calories can differ a lot from brand
to brand. For this recipe, I use an unsweet-
Calorie reference: The calorie content in pro-
ened coconut milk (also called a coconut bev-
tein powders vary, but the specific brand I use
erage) which is roughly 40 calories per cup (I
contains approximately 110 calories and 22
use the brands So Delicious or Silk). I recom-
grams of protein per 31 grams of powder.
mend using a coconut milk with a similar calorie content per cup. If you’re only able to get
*Other alternatives and substitutions (for
a very thick/calorie dense coconut milk (usu-
ingredients such as nuts, gluten and dairy
ally from a can), dilute it with water to make
products) are available on each individual
it thinner. Use roughly a 40 calorie serving of
recipe page.
coconut milk and mix it with water to make 1
cup of diluted coconut milk.
*Full instructions and suggestions for vegan/plant-based alternatives are available on
*YOGURT: You can use any plain or vanilla yo-
each individual recipe page.
gurt for this recipe. I personally prefer to use
an unsweetened vanilla or plain vegan or co-
*All cup measurements are based on the stan-
conut yogurt. However, you can use any dairy
dard US cup measurement.
or dairy-free yogurt. I suggest a serving size
of 100-110 calories of yogurt per serving.
In total, you’d need about 200-220 calories
worth of yogurt for 2 snacks.
Week #1
This Weeks Full
Meal prepping doesn’t have to take all day. The time it takes to complete your overall meal prep will
depend on the order in which you choose to cook each food item and recipe. You can save a lot of time
during your meal prep session by doing a small amount of planning ahead of time.
After years of trial-and-error with meal prepping, I’ve found that it’s always best to start by first cooking the food item that will take the longest to cook. This usually means that I’ll start by cooking the
sweet potatoes or potatoes, and then work through the recipes in order from longest to shortest
cooking times. So when I plan my meal prep session, I always take note which items will take the
longest amount of time to cook.
Today we start by roasting the sweet potatoes because they require the longest cooking time before
we get started with the brown rice, pasta, breakfast muffins, and the dinner recipes. We’ll finish with
the lunches, breakfast oats and snacks which are quicker to prep.
Before You Start
1. Preheat your oven to 400°F/200°C.
Step #1
Roast The Sweet Potato
1. Line a baking tray with baking paper.
Step #2
Cook The Brown Rice
1. Add 1/2 cup dry brown rice to a small pot
with about 1 + 1/2 cups of hot water.
2. Rinse the sweet potato. Chop the sweet
potato into thin slices, and then halve the
2. Bring to a boil on the stove and then re-
duce the heat, cover with a lid, and simmer
for 30-40 minutes or until fully cooked.
3. Add the slices to the baking tray (lined
Add more water if needed.
with baking paper), and add a quick spray
of cooking oil before tossing.
4. Season with salt and pepper.
5. Roast the sweet potato for 30-60 minutes
(until cooked). Once the sweet potato is
cooked, leave to cool fully before storing.
Step #3
Cook The Pasta
1. Bring a large/medium pot of water to a
Step #5
Bake The Muffins
1. Whisk the egg in a medium/large mixing
boil on the stove before adding the dry
bowl until the consistency is smooth and
pasta to the boiling water.
even. If you want a plant-based substitute
for egg, then omit the egg. You can make
2. Boil the pasta for 8-15 minutes until fully
a chia egg in a separate bowl using chia
cooked. Check the cooking instructions
seeds and water, and leave it to soak until
on your brand of pasta, as cooking times
the chia egg has a gel-like consistency.
may differ.
Don’t add the chia egg to the mixture
immediately as it will be added last.
3. Drain the pasta once fully cooked and
allow to cool before storing.
2. Blend the whole rolled oats in a blender/food processor to make a flour (this
takes less than a minute) or use the same
Step #4
Boil The Eggs
1. Add a pot of hot water to the stove,
amount of oat flour.
3. Peel and roughly smash the banana with
a fork.
adding 6 eggs to the water.
2. Bring the water to a boil on the stove and
4. Add the blended oats (or oat flour) and
smashed banana to the bowl with the egg
boil the eggs for 8-10 minutes
and add the almond milk, protein powder,
(or until hard boiled).
melted coconut oil, cinnamon, baking
soda, baking powder, coconut sugar and
3. After about 10 minutes, remove the pot
sea salt.
from the stove and pour the hot water out
of the pot.
5. Add the chia egg last if you have selected
the plant-based vegan option. Skip this
4. Rinse the eggs under cold water, crack
step if you are using regular egg.
them open and let them sit in the cold
water in the pot for a few minutes. This
will make it easier to remove the shells.
6. Mix all of the ingredients together.
7. Line a muffin tray with muffin papers and
spoon an equal amount of batter into each
muffin paper, making enough muffins for 3
equal servings.
8. This recipes makes roughly 6 medium
4. Slice the mushrooms, and cut the bell
sized muffins. 1 Serving size is approxi-
pepper and broccoli into thin strips.
mately 2 muffins or 1/3 of the batch.
5. After you’ve added the chicken to the pan,
9. Bake for 20-25 minutes or until ready at
add the coconut aminos/soy sauce, onion
powder, pinch of chili flakes/powder, pinch
of ginger powder, coconut sugar, salt, pep-
10. You will know the muffins are ready when
per and lime or lemon juice.
you can pierce one with a sharp knife, and
the knife comes out mostly clean.
6. Add the vegetables and coconut milk once
the chicken is almost fully cooked.
11. Allow the muffins to cool fully before storing them.
7. Stir occasionally for a few minutes over a
medium heat and cover the pot with a lid,
12. Store the muffins in an airtight container
adding a small amount of water if it starts
in the fridge to keep fresh.
to look dry. Remove the lid if there’s too
much liquid in the pot so that it can cook
out. Add cornstarch to thicken the sauce if
Step #6
Cook Chicken & Veg Stir-Fry
1. Chop the onion into fine pieces and add
preferred (see alternatives & suggestions).
8. Once the chicken, vegetable stir-fry and
to a frying pan with a quick spray of
brown rice are cooked, remove from heat
cooking oil spray.
and leave to cool. Make sure the chicken
is fully cooked before removing from heat.
2. Cook over a medium/high heat on the
stove until the onion starts to brown.
You can add a small amount of water to
the pan if it gets too dry or to prevent the
onion from burning.
Cooking the onions first and allowing
them to brown slightly will add a lot of
flavor to the meal.
3. Cut the chicken breast meat into small
pieces and add to the pan along with the
onion to start cooking. If you’d prefer the
vegan alternative, add chickpeas or pinto
beans instead of the chicken.
Step #7
Cook The Black Bean &
Vegetable Pasta Sauce
Step #8
Prep The Egg Salad
1. Peel the eggs and slice them into small
1. Chop the onion into fine pieces and add
pieces, before adding the chopped eggs to
to a frying pan with a quick spray of
a medium-sized bowl. As a plant-based/
cooking oil spray.
vegan alternative to the egg, you can use
pinto beans in this recipe. Drain and rinse
2. Cook over a medium/high heat on the
the beans before smashing them a bit
stove until the onion starts to brown. You
with the back of a fork and mixing them
can add a small amount of water to the
with the other ingredients.
pan if it gets too dry or to prevent the
onion from burning.
2. Substitute 6 large eggs for about 2 cups
cooked and drained pinto beans.
3. Cooking the onions first and allowing
them to brown slightly will add a lot of
3. Mix the chopped egg with 3 tablespoons
flavor to the meal.
of mayonnaise, a squeeze of lemon/lime
juice, oregano, a sprinkle of onion powder,
4. Cut the cherry tomatoes into halves, the
salt and pepper.
mushrooms into slices, and the broccoli
into strips or pieces.
5. Add the tomato and mushrooms to the
Step #9
Prep Hummus & Veggie Snack
pan with the onion. Reduce the stove to a
medium heat.
1. Using 3 small airtight containers, serve 1/4
cup hummus into each to make 3 portions.
6. Mix the tomato paste, lemon/lime juice,
onion powder, oregano, salt and pepper
2. Peel and chop the carrots into strips.
with the vegetables for flavor.
3. Distribute the carrot sticks and whole
cherry tomatoes evenly between the 3 me-
7. Once the mushrooms and tomatoes are
almost fully cooked, add the black beans,
dium sized containers to make 3 portions.
broccoli and baby spinach to the pot. I
Add one or two raw broccoli florets as an
recommend not over-cooking the broc-
optional addition.
coli in this recipe.
4. Serve 1 large or 2 small rice cakes (or
80-100 calories worth of crackers) into
8. Once the black beans and vegetables are
each of the 3 reusable ziplock bags to
cooked, leave to cool fully before storing.
make 3 separate portions.
Step #10
Make The Smoothie Prep
1. Start by taking out 2 reusable ziplock bags.
2. Peel and slice your bananas and avocado.
3. Add 1 banana and 1/2 the avocado to
each of the 2 bags.
4. Measure out 1 cup of frozen mixed berries,
1 scoop of protein powder, and 2 tablespoons of dry rolled oats into each of the
2 ziplock bags.
5. Lastly, add a handful of fresh baby spinach
to each ziplock bag.
Week #1
Final Step
Put All The Meals Together
Breakfast #1
Banana Oat Toaster Muffins
1. Once the batch of muffins has cooled,
they will be ready to store in an airtight
Breakfast #2
Mixed Berry & Banana Protein
1. Once all of your smoothie prep ingredients
have been divided between 2 ziplock bags,
tightly seal the ziplock bags and place
them in the freezer.
2. I like to divide the muffins and toppings
between separate food storage containers
so that everything is ready to go for my
week of prepped meals.
3. Divide the (fully cooled) muffins into 3
servings (the recipe should make 2 to
Lunch #1
Egg Salad Sandwich
1. Using 3 small/medium sized food containers, serve the egg salad equally be-
3 muffins per serving), and place each
tween them to make 3 portions.
serving in separate medium-sized airtight
2. Serve the bread between 3 reusable ziplock/airtight containers to make 3 ready-
4. Measure out 1 tablespoon of peanut
to-eat portions.
butter per serving and place into 3 separate small, airtight containers. You should
have 3 small containers with 1 tablespoon
3. Store 1 medium sized tomato and a small
amount of fresh mixed lettuce/baby
of peanut butter per container.
spinach in each of the airtight containers/
reusable ziplock bags, making 3 portions.
5. Keep the muffins in their separate airtight
containers in the fridge.
4. Once the egg salad has cooled fully, cover
the containers with airtight lids.
6. Store the 3 peanut butter containers and 3
bananas in a cool, dark place.
5. Store the egg salad and the tomatoes/
lettuce in the fridge.
Store the bread in a cool dark place.
Lunch #2
Roasted Sweet Potato
& Chickpea Salad
1. Once the roasted sweet potato has cooled
fully, divide it into 2 separate medium/
large containers to make 2 servings.
9. Store all of the prepped ingredients in the
fridge, and store the rice cakes/crackers
in a cool dark place.
Snack #1
Hummus & Veggie Sticks
1. Cover all of the containers with airtight
lids, and seal all of the ziplock bags.
2. Drain and rinse the chickpeas, and rinse
and dry the cherry tomatoes.
2. Store the vegetables and hummus in
the fridge.
3. Measure out 1/2 cup drained chickpeas to
add to each container (1 cup total). Divide
the cherry tomatoes (leaving the tomatoes
3. Store the rice cakes/crackers in a cool,
dark place.
whole) between the 2 containers (about 1
cup per serving).
4. Add a squeeze of fresh lemon/lime juice
to the each of the 2 containers to keep
Snack #2
Yogurt With Grapefruit
everything fresh, and give it a quick toss.
1. Take out 2 medium-sized airtight
5. Using 2 small containers for the salad
containers to store your snack in.
dressing, measure out 1 tablespoon of
peanut butter to each one with 1 table-
2. Measure out a serving size of
spoon of rice/coconut vinegar, lemon/lime
approximately 100-110 calories of
juice, oregano, salt and pepper.
yogurt for each container.
6. Mix everything together until it makes a
3. Peel and cut the grapefruits into slices.
smooth dressing.
4. Serve 1 sliced medium grapefruit or about
7. Using 2 small reusable ziplock bags/con-
1 cup of grapefruit pieces into each yogurt
tainers, serve 1 or 2 rice cakes/crackers to
each one to make 2 ready-to-eat portions.
5. Cover the containers with airtight lids and
8. Using 2 medium-sized reusable ziplock
store in the fridge.
bags/containers, add a big handful of
mixed lettuce or baby spinach to each of
the bags.
Dinner #1
Spicy Coconut Chicken &
Vegetable Stir-Fry
1. Once the chicken & vegetable stir-fry
and brown rice are fully cooked and have
cooled, you can start to put your meal prep
containers together.
2. Serve the chicken vegetable stir-fry
between 3 medium containers to make 3
3. Using 3 small containers, measure out 1/2
cup of rice to each one to make 3 portions
of rice.
4. Cover all of the containers with airtight lids.
Dinner #2
Black Bean & Veggie Spaghetti
1. Using 2 medium-sized containers, serve
half of the black beans & vegetables into
one container, and the remainders into the
other container.
2. Using another 2 medium-sized containers,
serve half of the cooked spaghetti into
each one (about 1 cup cooked pasta per
3. Once everything has fully cooled, cover
all of the containers with airtight lids and
store in the fridge.
Week #1
What You Will Need For This
Weeks Meal Storage
Storage List
☐ 3 x medium airtight containers to store muffins
☐ 3 x small airtight containers to store peanut butter
☐ 2 x medium/large reusable ziplock bags to store smoothie prep
☐ 3 x small airtight containers/reusable ziplock bags to store lettuce mix and tomatoes
☐ 3 x small airtight containers to store egg salad
☐ 3 x small reusable ziplock bags/airtight containers to store bread
☐ 2 x medium/large airtight containers to store sweet potatoes, chickpeas and tomatoes
☐ 2 x small airtight containers to store dressing
☐ 2 x small reusable ziplock bags or airtight containers to store rice cakes/crackers
☐ 2 x medium reusable ziplock bags or containers to store lettuce mix
☐ 3 x medium reusable airtight containers to store vegetables
☐ 3 x small reusable airtight containers to store hummus
☐ 3 x small reusable ziplock bags/containers to store rice cakes/crackers
☐ 2 x medium-sized reusable airtight containers to store yogurt and grapefruit
☐ 3 x medium airtight containers for the chicken and vegetable stir-fry
☐ 3 x small airtight containers for brown rice
☐ 2 x medium airtight containers to store cooked pasta
☐ 2 x medium airtight containers to store black beans and veggies
Prepped Food Item Checklist
☐ 3 x containers with prepped muffins
☐ 3 x small containers with peanut butter
☐ 3 x medium bananas
☐ 2 x ziplock bags with smoothie prep
☐ 3 x small containers/reusable ziplock with lettuce mix and tomatoes
☐ 3 x small containers with egg salad
☐ 3 x small reusable ziplock bags/containers with bread
☐ 2 x medium/large containers with sweet potatoes, chickpeas and tomatoes
☐ 2 x small containers with dressing
☐ 2 x small reusable ziplock bags/containers with rice cakes/crackers
☐ 2 x medium reusable ziplock bags or containers with lettuce mix
☐ 3 x medium containers with vegetables
☐ 3 x small containers with hummus
☐ 3 x small reusable ziplock bags/containers with rice cakes/crackers
☐ 2 x medium-sized reusable airtight containers to store yogurt and grapefruit
☐ 3 x containers with chicken vegetable stir-fry
☐ 3 x small containers with brown rice
☐ 2 x containers with black beans and vegetables
☐ 2 x containers with cooked pasta
Time Estimates
Prep. Time
Cooking Time
64 - 80 min
103 - 150 min
Take Note: Time Estimates
1. Take note: PREP TIME indicates a realistic
3. Take note: TOTAL TIME can vary greatly
time frame. This is the actual time required
depending on multiple factors such as:
for prepping your meals. This includes
the pace at which each individual works,
chopping the vegetables, mixing the muffin
how many pots and pans you have to use,
batter, prepping the overnight oats, etc.
and how many stove top burners and oven
This should take roughly an hour, or more,
space you have to work with.
of focused time to complete.
I suggest prepping ingredients and recipes
while other ingredients cook on the stove
2. Take note: COOK TIME does not indicate
or bake in oven to speed up the process
a realistic time frame, due to the fact that
and to reduce total time spent on weekly
multiple items will be cooking at the same
meal prepping.
time. Cook time indicates the total stovetop or total oven cooking time for all of the
recipes. However, most of the items will
cook while you prep other items and while
multiple other items are cooking.
Breakfast #1
Banana Oat Toaster
Dietary Notes: Gluten-free, Dairy-free, Vegan option, Nut Free option
Easy, healthy banana & oat toaster muffins are one of my favorite meal prep breakfasts. It only takes
2 minutes to pop them into the toaster in the morning to give them that ‘fresh out of the oven’ taste.
Top with peanut butter and fresh banana slices, and then you’re good to go!
Prep. Time
Cooking Time
Plant Based
5 - 10 min
20 - 25 min
+-400 Cal/Serv
3 Portions
Ripe Bananas
Protein powder
Rolled oats
Baking soda
Baking powder
Coconut sugar
chia seeds
Coconut oil
Sea salt
Peanut Butter
2/3 cup rolled *oats (dry)
1/8 teaspoon baking soda
1 medium ripe banana
1/4 teaspoon baking powder
1/3 cup *milk
A pinch of sea salt
(I use unsweetened almond milk)
1 large *egg (or 1 chia egg)
2 teaspoons *coconut oil (melted)
2 teaspoons *coconut sugar
3 tablespoons *peanut butter
1/4 cup *vanilla protein powder (25g)
3 medium bananas
1/4 teaspoon cinnamon
Storage List
4. Peel and roughly smash the banana with
a fork.
3 x airtight containers to store muffins
3 x airtight containers to store peanut butter 5. Add the blended oats (or oat flour) and
smashed banana to the bowl with the egg
and add the almond milk, protein powder,
melted coconut oil, cinnamon, baking
1. Preheat your oven to 400°F/200°C.
soda, baking powder, coconut sugar and
sea salt.
2. Whisk the egg in a medium/large mixing
bowl until the consistency is smooth and
even. If you want a plant-based alterna-
6. Add the chia egg last if you have selected
the plant-based vegan option (skip this
tive to egg, then miss this step and make
step if you are using regular egg).
a chia egg in a separate bowl using chia
seeds and water. Leave the chia egg to
soak until the chia egg has a gel-like
consistency. Don’t add the chia egg to
the mixture immediately as it will be
7. Mix all of the ingredients together.
8. Line a muffin tray with muffin papers and
spoon an equal amount of batter into
added last.
each muffin paper, making enough muffins for 3 equal servings.
3. Blend the whole rolled oats in a blender/food processor to make a flour (this
takes less than a minute) or use the
9. This recipes makes roughly 6 medium
sized muffins. 1 Serving size is approxi-
same amount of oat flour.
mately 2 muffins or 1/3 of the batch.
10. Bake for 20-25 minutes or until ready at
11. You will know the muffins are ready when
you can pierce one with a sharp knife,
and the knife comes out mostly clean.
12. Allow the muffins to cool fully before
storing them.
13. Store the muffins in an airtight container
in the fridge to keep fresh.
Alternatives & Suggestions
*OATS: Oats are naturally gluten-free, however
maple syrup, raw honey and stevia. Keep in mind
cross-contamination can occur if they are pro-
that sugar substitutes and sweeteners vary in
duced in the same place as wheat, barley or rye.
levels of sweetness, so you may need to adjust
Most people with Coeliac disease can tolerate
the amount used according to taste.
oats that are certified gluten-free.
*PROTEIN POWDER: I use a plant-based/vegan
*MILK: Use any milk of your choice (dairy or non-
vanilla protein powder sweetened with stevia.
dairy). Calorie Reference: I use an unsweetened
You can use any protein powder you prefer, but
almond milk, which is approximately 30 calories
I suggest using one that is slightly sweetened
per cup.
and flavored with vanilla. Calorie reference: The
specific brand I use contains approximately 110
*EGG: As a plant-based alternative to egg, you
calories and 22 grams of protein per 31 grams of
can mix 1 tablespoon of chia seeds together with
powder. The 25 grams of protein powder used in
3 tablespoons of water. Let the chia seeds soak
this recipe contains about 90 calories.
for 5 minutes and then add the chia egg to the
rest of the ingredients before baking.
*PEANUT BUTTER: If you’re looking for a nutfree alternative to peanut butter, you can replace
*COCONUT OIL: As an alternative to coconut oil,
it with butter or a dairy-free/vegan butter. Butter
you can use the same quantity of butter or vegan
melting on top of a warm toasted muffin is just
butter/margarine instead.
as delicious as peanut butter. Use 1 tablespoon
of butter per 1 tablespoon serving of peanut
*COCONUT SUGAR: You can replace coconut
butter. Another option could be to add extra
sugar with maple syrup, honey, or any other
banana slices on top of your breakfast muffins.
sugar or sweetener (such as stevia) you prefer.
Use 1 small / medium banana instead of a 1
My favorite sweeteners are coconut sugar, 100%
tablespoon serving of peanut butter.
How To Store Your Meals
1. Once your batch of muffins has cooled,
they will be ready to store in an airtight
How To Put Your Breakfast
Together (On the Day)
1. These muffins need to be kept in the
fridge so that they stay fresh. To give
them that ‘fresh out of the oven’ taste,
2. I like to divide the muffins and toppings
heat them in a toaster or toaster oven.
between separate food storage containers
so that everything is ready to go for my
2. In the morning, slice each muffin in half
week of prepped meals.
3. Divide the (fully cooled) muffins into 3
and heat them in the toaster.
3. I usually place 2 muffin halves in each
servings (the recipe should make 2 to 3
bread slot at a time, and toast for a
muffins per serving), and place each
minute or two or until they look slightly
serving in separate airtight containers.
toasted and delicious.
4. Measure out 1 tablespoon of peanut butter
4. I personally like to top each muffin half
per serving and place into 3 separate
with a small amount of peanut butter and
small, airtight containers. You should have
a few fresh banana slices, but you can
3 small containers with 1 tablespoon of
substitute these with other toppings of
peanut butter per container.
your choice that have the same or similar
calorie amount.
5. Keep the muffins their separate airtight
containers in the fridge.
5. This healthy breakfast takes only 2
minutes to put together in the morning.
6. Store the 3 peanut butter containers and 3
bananas in a cool, dark place.
6. Eat & enjoy!
Breakfast #2
Mixed Berry & Banana Protein
Dietary Notes: Gluten-free, Dairy-free, Vegan, Nut Free
A quick, healthy smoothie to kickstart your morning! A pretty pink & purple drink packed with lots of
nutrients, vitamins, antioxidants, fiber, protein, healthy fats and whole carbs! It will help energize you
during your day, and keep you fuller for longer, or until your next meal.
Prep. Time
Plant Based
3 - 5 min
+-400 Cal/Serv
2 Portions
2 medium *bananas
2 cups mixed frozen *berries
1 small/medium *avocado
2 scoops vanilla *protein powder
4 tablespoons dry rolled *oats
2 handfuls fresh baby spinach
2 cups of water (or as needed)
Ice to taste
Frozen Berries
Baby Spinach
Storage List
Vanilla protein powder
2 x medium/large reusable ziplock
bags to store smoothie prep
Smoothie Prep
1. Peel and slice your bananas and avocado.
Rolled oats
2. Add 1 banana and 1/2 the avocado to
2 ziplock bags. Measure out 1 cup of
frozen mixed berries, 1 scoop of protein
powder, and 2 tablespoons of dry rolled
oats and a handful of fresh baby spinach
to each ziplock bag.
How To Store Your Meals
Alternatives & Suggestions
1. Once all of your ingredients have been
*BANANA: If you don’t want to use
divided between 2 ziplock bags, tightly
banana in this smoothie, you can also
seal the ziplock bags and place them in
use 1 cup of frozen mango per banana
the freezer.
(2 cups of frozen mango instead of 2
medium bananas).
How To Put Your Breakfast
Together (On The Day)
1. In the morning, use one of your frozen
frozen strawberries for this recipe.
smoothie packs from the freezer.
I use frozen berries because they’re
mend using frozen mixed berries or
affordable, available year-round, and
taste the same as fresh berries when
2. Pour the frozen smoothie mix into a
in a smoothie.
blender with about 1 cup water
(or as needed).
*AVOCADO: Instead of using avocado in this recipe, you can use a plain
3. You can also add ice cubes to make it
dairy yogurt or a plain dairy-free
extra cold (optional).
yogurt (I like to use a plain unsweetened coconut yogurt). Use a serving
4. Blend until smooth, pour into a glass
size of roughly 100 calories of your
& enjoy!
brand of yogurt (example: instead
using 60g or 1/2 a small/medium
5. It takes less than 2 minutes to put
avocado, you can use 3/4 cup full
together in the morning!
cream plain dairy yogurt, or about 1 cup
of plain unsweetened coconut yogurt).
of all brands and types of yogurt
differ, so check your favorite brands
nutritional information to measure
out a 100 calorie serving size. If
you decide to use yogurt instead of
avocado, only add the yogurt to your
smoothie prep when you blend it up
(unlike the avocado that you will add
during the prep stage).
*PROTEIN POWDER: I use a plantbased/vegan vanilla protein powder
sweetened with stevia. You can use
any protein powder you prefer, but
I suggest using one that is slightly
sweetened and flavored with vanilla.
The one I use is about 110 calories per
31g scoop of protein powder.
*OATS: Oats are naturally gluten-free.
However, cross-contamination can
occur if they are produced in the same
place as wheat, barley or rye. Most
people with Coeliac disease can tolerate oats that are certified gluten-free.
*BABY SPINACH: You don’t really
taste a small handful of baby spinach in a smoothie at all, however you
can leave the baby spinach out of this
recipe if you want to, or you can try
another leafy green (like mixed lettuce
greens). Avoid leafy greens that have
a strong flavor, like arugula or kale
(these greens will have a strongest
taste in a smoothie).
Snack #1
Hummus & Veggies Sticks
Dietary Notes: Gluten-free, Dairy-free, Vegan, Nut Free
One of the easiest healthy snacks out there: hummus and veggies! Hummus and veggie sticks make
the perfect snack because hummus contains healthy protein, fats and carbs, and vegetables are
packed with fiber, vitamins and antioxidants! This healthy duo will give you the energy boost you need
to get from one meal to the next without giving you that post-snack sugar crash like a lot of store
bought snacks do.
Prep. Time
Plant Based
3 - 5 min
+-200 Cal/Serv
3 Portions
Broccoli Florets / stems
Brown Rice Cakes / Crackers
Cherry tomatoes
3/4 cup hummus
3 medium carrots
3 cups cherry tomatoes
6 small or 3 large brown *rice cakes/
Storage List
3 x medium reusable airtight containers to
store vegetables
3 x small reusable airtight containers to
store hummus
A few broccoli florets/stems (optional)
3 x small reusable ziplock bags/containers to store rice cakes/crackers
Alternatives & Suggestions
1. Using 3 small airtight containers, serve
1/4 cup hummus into each one to make
3 portions.
snack I recommend using rice cakes
or crackers that are roughly 80-100
calories per serving (2 small rice
2. Peel and chop the carrots into strips.
cakes or 1 large rice cake per serving). 1 small rice cake is usually 40-
3. Distribute the carrot sticks and whole
50 calories, while 1 large rice cake is
cherry tomatoes evenly between the
roughly 80-100 calories. I recommend
3 medium-sized containers to make3
using brown rice cakes instead of rice
portions. Add one or two raw broccoli
cakes made with white rice, because
florets as an optional addition.
they contain more fiber. Alternatively,
you can use any cracker you prefer
4. Serve 1 large or 2 small rice cakes
in place of rice cakes. I recommend
(or 80-100 calories worth of crackers)
choosing a cracker that contains more
into each of the 3 reusable ziplock bags
whole grain flours and fewer white
to make 3 separate portions.
processed flours.
How To Store Your Meals
1. Cover all of the containers with airtight
lids, and seal all of the ziplock bags.
2. Store the vegetables and hummus in the
3. Store the rice cakes/crackers in a cool
dark place.
How To Put Your Snack
Together (On The Day)
1. Your snack is ready to go! Just pack it in
your lunch box or handbag to take with
you to school or work, or keep it at home
as an easy pre-prepped snack.
2. Dip your veggies and rice cakes/crackers
into the hummus.
3. Enjoy!
Snack #2
Yogurt with Grapefruit
This creamy yogurt topped with fresh grapefruit slices makes a simple, healthy, and decadent snack
that will give you a top-up of energy at any time of the day!
Prep. Time
Plant Based
3 - 5 min
+-200 Cal/Serv
2 Portions
2 medium *grapefruits/2 cups
grapefruit pieces
1 + 1/2 to 2 cups plain *yogurt
(I use an unsweetened coconut yogurt)
Storage List
2 x reusable airtight containers to store
yogurt and grapefruit
1. Take out 2 medium-sized airtight
containers to store your snack in.
2. Measure out a serving size of
approximately 100-110 calories of
yogurt per container.
3. Peel and cut the grapefruits into slices.
4. Serve 1 sliced medium grapefruit or
about 1 cup of grapefruit pieces into
each yogurt container.
How To Store Your Meals
Alternatives & Suggestions
1. Cover the containers with airtight lids
grapefruit, you can use any other fruit
and store in the fridge.
with a serving size of approximately
100 calories. Fruits with roughly 100
How To Put Your Snack
Together (On The Day)
calories each: 1 medium grapefruit/1
cup of grapefruit pieces, 1 medium
banana, 1 medium apple, 1 cup fresh
1. Your snack is ready to go! Simply grab the
mango pieces, or 2 cups of fresh
yogurt & fruit container out of the fridge.
cantaloupe. Take note: fruits like
grapefruit and cantaloupe keep well
2. Eat with a spoon straight out of the con-
in the fridge for a few days after
tainer and enjoy!
being cut up. However, fruits like
bananas and apples do not keep well
after being cut up and will need to be
left whole until you’re ready to eat.
*YOGURT: You can use any plain or
vanilla yogurt for this recipe. I personally prefer to use an unsweetened vanilla or plain vegan or coconut
yogurt. However, you can use any
dairy or dairy-free yogurt. I suggest a
serving size of 100-110 calories of
yogurt per serving. In total, you’d
need about 200-220 calories worth of
yogurt for 2 snacks. You can either
purchase your yogurt in 2 small readyto-go servings, or divide up a larger
tub of yogurt into smaller servings.
yogurt I use contains about 100
calories per 1 cup serving. Full cream
yogurt usually contains 100 calories
per 3/4 cup serving, so check the
calories on the brand you prefer to
measure out a serving size of 100
Lunch #1
Egg Salad Sandwich
Dietary Notes: Gluten-free option, Dairy-free, Vegan option, Nut Free
A classic egg salad sandwich made healthy! A filling lunch, perfect for those busy days when you
need a good midday meal to keep you energized. This egg salad sandwich contains lots of protein,
healthy fats, fiber and whole carbs.
Prep. Time
Cooking Time
8 - 10 min
8 - 10 min
Vegan Option
+-400 Cal/Serv
3 Portions
Medium tomatoes
Lemon / Lime
Mixed lettuce/baby spinach
3-6 slices *bread (see note)
Handful of mixed lettuce/baby spinach
6 large *eggs
Lemon/lime juice
3 tablespoons mayonnaise
Onion powder
(or vegan mayonnaise)
3 small/medium sized tomatoes
Salt and pepper
(or a few cherry tomatoes)
Storage List
3 x airtight containers/reusable ziplock
How To Store Your Meals
1. Using 3 small/medium-sized food
bags to store lettuce mix and tomatoes
containers, serve the egg salad equally
3 x airtight containers to store egg salad
between them to make 3 portions.
3 x reusable ziplock bags/ airtight
containers to store bread
2. Serve the bread between 3 reusable
ziplock/airtight containers to make 3
1. Add a pot of hot water to the stove,
adding 6 eggs to the water.
ready-to-eat portions.
3. Store 1 medium sized tomato and a
small amount of fresh mixed lettuce/
baby spinach in each of the small airtight
2. Bring the water to a boil on the stove and
containers/reusable ziplock bags, making
boil the eggs for 8-10 minutes (or until
3 portions.
hard boiled).
3. After about 10 minutes, remove the pot
4. Once the egg salad has cooled fully,
cover the containers with airtight lids.
from the stove and pour the hot water out
of the pot.
5. Cover all of the other containers with
airtight lids, and seal any ziplock bags.
4. Rinse the eggs under cold water, crack
them open and let them sit in the cold
water in the pot for a few minutes. This
6. Store the egg salad and the tomatoes/
lettuce in the fridge.
will make it easier to remove the shells.
5. Peel the eggs and slice them into small
7. Store the bread in a cool dark place.
pieces, before adding the chopped eggs
to a medium-sized bowl. If you’d prefer
the vegan option, add the smashed pinto
beans in the bowl instead of the eggs.
6. Mix the chopped egg with 3 tablespoons
of mayonnaise, a squeeze of lemon/lime
juice, oregano, a sprinkle of onion powder, salt and pepper.
Alternatives & Suggestions
*BREAD: You can use any kind of bread you
going to take it with you in a lunch box to school
prefer for this recipe. However, calories differ
or work.
a lot between the different brands and types
of bread. I recommend using bread that is
*EGG (VEGAN OPTION): As a plant-based/
roughly 60 calories per slice (if you’d like to
vegan alternative to egg, you can use pinto beans
have 2 slices), or roughly 120 calories per slice
in this recipe. As a plant-based/vegan alterna-
(if you prefer a denser bread). The bread I use
tive to the egg, you can use pinto beans in this
with this recipe is a dense, whole grain bread
recipe. Simply drain and rinse the beans straight
with about 120 calories per slice. If you have
from the can before smashing them a bit with
a gluten intolerance, it would be in your best
the back of a fork in a bowl and mixing them with
interest to use a gluten-free bread. I recom-
the other ingredients. Substitute 6 large eggs for
mend using a bread that is as whole grain as
about 2 cups cooked and drained pinto beans.
possible (meaning that it contains little or
no white flours). I prefer to use a wholegrain,
*TAKE NOTE: if you want to make a sandwich to
gluten-free bread or a 100% whole grain
take to school/work, it’s best to make a closed
wheat-free rye bread. Whole grain breads
sandwich that you can pack into a lunch box
contain more fiber and will help keep you feeling
container. Place the egg salad on the first slice,
full for a longer period of time after a meal.
then add a few small cherry tomato slices. Put
the lettuce on top of the tomato so that the
I like to make an open sandwich if I’m at home,
tomato doesn’t touch the bread, which could
but it’s best to make a closed sandwich if you’re
make it soggy.
How To Put Your Breakfast
Together (On The Day)
1. Cut the tomato into thick slices
take to school/work, it’s best to make
(or cut the cherry tomatoes into slices).
a closed sandwich. Put the egg salad
on the first slice, then add a few small
2. Lightly toast the bread (optional) and add
cherry tomato slices. Place the lettuce
it to a plate with the lettuce.
on top of the tomato so that the tomato
doesn’t touch the bread, which could
3. Add the egg salad to the bread and top it
make it soggy.
with tomato slices.
5. Eat fresh or pack into a lunch box
4. Note: if you want to make a sandwich to
and enjoy!
Lunch #2
Roasted Sweet Potato &
Chickpea Salad
Dietary Notes: Gluten-free, Dairy-free, Vegan, Nut Free option
A roasted sweet potato, chickpea & tomato salad with peanut butter dressing and rice cakes.
Complete with protein, healthy fats, and fiber, this salad will keep you full from lunch until dinner.
Prep. Time
Cooking Time
Plant Based
10 - 15 min
30 - 60 min
+-400 Cal/Serv
2 Portions
Peanut Butter
Sweet Potato
Mixed lettuce/baby spinach
Lemon / Lime
Rice Crackers
Rice vinegar/coconut vinegar
Cherry tomatoes
230g sweet potato
4 small or 2 large brown *rice cakes/
1 cup cooked chickpeas
2 tablespoons unsweetened
2 tablespoons rice vinegar/coconut vinegar
*peanut butter
Lemon/lime juice
2 cups cherry tomatoes
2 big handfuls mixed lettuce/baby spinach
Salt and pepper
Storage List
2 x airtight containers to store sweet
How To Store Your Meals
1. Once the roasted sweet potato has cooled
potatoes, chickpeas and tomatoes
fully, divide it into 2 separate medium/
2 x airtight containers to store dressing
large containers to make 2 servings.
2 x reusable ziplock bags or airtight
containers to store rice cakes/crackers
2. Drain and rinse the chickpeas, and rinse
2 x reusable ziplock bags or containers to
and dry the cherry tomatoes.
store lettuce mix
3. Measure out 1/2 cup drained chickpeas to
add to each container (1 cup total). Divide
the cherry tomatoes (leaving the tomatoes
1. Preheat your oven to 400°F/200°C.
whole) between the 2 containers (about 1
cup per serving).
2. Line a baking tray with baking paper.
4. Add a squeeze of fresh lemon/lime juice
3. Rinse the sweet potato.
to the each of the 2 containers to keep
everything fresh, and give it a quick toss.
4. Chop the sweet potato into thin slices,
and then halve the slices.
5. Using 2 containers for the salad dressing, measure out 1 tablespoon of peanut
5. Add the slices to the baking tray (lined
butter to each one with 1 tablespoon of
with baking paper), and add a quick spray
rice/coconut vinegar, lemon/lime juice,
of cooking oil before tossing.
oregano, salt and pepper. Mix everything
together until it makes a smooth dressing.
6. Season with salt and pepper.
6. Using 2 small reusable ziplock bags/con7. Roast the sweet potato for 30-60
tainers, serve 1 or 2 rice cakes/crackers to
minutes (until cooked).
8. Once the sweet potato is cooked, leave to
each one to make 2 ready-to-eat portions.
7. Using 2 reusable ziplock bags/containers,
cool fully before storing.
add a big handful of mixed lettuce or baby
spinach to each of the bags. Cover the
containers with airtight lids, and seal the
reusable ziplock bags.
8. Store all of the prepped ingredients in the
fridge, and store the rice cakes/crackers in
a cool dark place.
Alternatives & Suggestions
calories, use 1 tablespoon/100 calorie serv-
butter is an important ingredient in the dressing
ing size of your chosen peanut-free/nut-free
recipe, but there are some great peanut-free and
nut-free butters out there. If you have a peanut
allergy, but can still eat tree nuts, you can use
*RICE CAKES/CRACKERS: For this lunch I rec-
almond butter as a substitute.
ommend using rice cakes or crackers that have
a calorie count of 80-100 calories per serving
If you cannot eat peanuts or tree nuts, you
(2 small rice cakes or 1 large rice cake per serv-
can try a seed butter such as sunflower seed
ing). 1 small rice cake is usually 40-50 calories,
butter (try the Sun Butter brand), or a 5 seed
while 1 large rice cake can be 80-100 calories.
butter made from various seeds (try the brand
I recommend using brown rice cakes instead of
Beyond The Equator), or even tahini (made from
rice cakes made with white rice, because they
sesame seeds). You can even use a nut-free
contain more fiber.
and seed-free soy butter as a substitute (try the
brand Don’t Go Nuts).
Alternatively, you can also use any cracker
you prefer instead of rice cakes (I recommend
I recommend using an unsweetened sunflower
choosing one that contains more whole grain
seed butter or peanut butter. Calorie reference:
flours and fewer white processed flours).
1 tablespoon of peanut butter is roughly 100
How To Put Your Lunch
Together (On The Day)
1. Start by adding one of the mixed lettuce/
before adding it and tossing everything
baby spinach servings to a plate or lunch
box (if you want to take it with you to
school or work).
4. Keep the rice cakes/crackers separate in
their own container or bag if you’re going
2. Add the roasted sweet potatoes, chick-
to take it in your lunch box, or serve it on
peas and cherry tomatoes to the plate/
the side of your plate.
5. Eat fresh and enjoy!
3. Give the dressing a quick shake or stir
Dinner #1
Spicy Coconut Chicken &
Vegetable Stir-Fry with
Brown Rice
Dietary Notes: Gluten-free, Dairy-free, Vegan option, Nut Free
A healthy, spicy coconut chicken and vegetable stir-fry with brown rice. A simple, tasty, nutritious and
filling dinner that’s easy to heat up, and can be ready to eat in 2 minutes!
Prep. Time
Cooking Time
15 min
30 - 40 min
Vegan Option
+-400 Cal/Serv
3 Portions
Coconut aminos or soy sauce
Coconut milk/ beverage
Brown rice
Broccoli florets
Red bell peppers
Onion powder
Chili flakes/chili powder
Ginger Powder
Onion powder
Ginger Powder
1 + 1/2 cups cooked brown rice
(roughly 1/2 cup dry brown rice)
2 tablespoons coconut aminos or
soy sauce
360g *chicken breast meat
1 teaspoon *coconut sugar
(skinless, boneless)
1 teaspoon onion powder
300g red bell pepper
A pinch of ginger powder
300g mushroom
Chili flakes/chili powder (optional)
300g broccoli florets
Lemon/lime juice
1/2 small/medium onion
Salt and pepper to taste
1 cup *coconut milk/ beverage (NB, see note) •
1/2 to 1 teaspoon *cornstarch (if needed)
Storing List
3 x airtight containers for the chicken and
powder, pinch of chili flakes/powder, pinch
vegetable stir-fry
of ginger powder, salt, pepper and lime or
3 x airtight containers for brown rice
lemon juice.
8. Add the vegetables and coconut milk once
the chicken is almost fully cooked.
1. Add 1/2 cup dry brown rice to a small pot
with 1 cup of hot water.
9. Stir occasionally for a few minutes over a
medium heat and cover the pot with a lid,
2. Bring to a boil on the stove and then re-
adding a small amount of water if it starts
duce the heat, cover with a lid, and simmer
to look dry. Remove the lid if there’s too
for 30-40 minutes or until fully cooked.
much liquid in the pot so that it can cook
Add more water if needed.
out. Add cornstarch to thicken the sauce if
preferred (see alternatives & suggestions).
3. Chop the onion into fine pieces and add to
a frying pan with a quick spray of cooking
oil spray.
10. Once the chicken vegetable stir-fry and
brown rice are cooked, remove from heat
and leave to cool. Make sure the chicken is
4. Cook over a medium/high heat on the
fully cooked before removing from the heat.
stove until the onion starts to brown. You
can add a small amount of water to the
pan if it gets too dry or to prevent the onion from burning. Cooking the onions first
and allowing them to brown slightly will
How To Store Your Meals
1. Once the chicken vegetable stir-fry and
add a lot of flavor to the meal.
brown rice are fully cooked and have
cooled, you can start to put your meal prep
5. Cut the chicken breast meat into small
containers together.
pieces and add to the pan along with the
onion to start cooking. If you’d prefer the
2. Serve the chicken vegetable stir-fry
vegan alternative, add chickpeas or pinto
between 3 medium containers to make
beans instead of the chicken.
3 portions.
6. Slice the mushrooms, and cut the bell
3. Using 3 small containers, measure out 1/2
pepper and broccoli into thin strips.
cup of rice to each one to make 3 portions
of rice.
7. After you’ve added the chicken to the pan,
add the coconut aminos/soy sauce, onion
4. Cover all of the containers with airtight lids.
Alternatives & Suggestions
*COCONUT MILK (TIP): Coconut milk freezes
based alternative for the chicken in this
really well, so I always freeze whatever I won’t
curry, you can use either chickpeas or pin-
be using within the next few days. Pour the ex-
to beans. 1/2 cup of pinto beans is equiv-
tra coconut milk into empty ice cube trays and
alent to 120g serving size of chicken, which
place in the freezer to set. Once set, store the
means you’d need 1 + 1/2 cups for 3 servings.
leftover frozen coconut cubes in a reusable ziplock bag in the freezer until you need it for an-
Alternatively, 1 + 1/3 cups of chickpeas would
other recipe.
make 3 servings. Drain and rinse the beans/
chickpeas before adding them in.
*COCONUT SUGAR: I like to use coconut sugar because it contains some nutrients (unlike a
*CHICKEN (TAKE NOTE): Calories are based on
lot of other sugars), but you can use any other
skinless, boneless chicken breast meat.
sugar you prefer. I recommend using 100% pure
maple syrup, raw honey or coconut sugar.
many different types of coconut milk avail-
*CORNSTARCH: Cornstarch can be used to
able, and calories can differ a lot from brand
thicken the sauce in this recipe. Mix 1/2 or 1
to brand. For this recipe, I use an unsweet-
teaspoon of cornstarch with the coconut milk
ened coconut milk (also called a coconut
or a small amount of water before adding it in
beverage) which is roughly 40 calories per
to the rest of the ingredients in the pot (once
cup (I use the brands So Delicious or Silk).
everything else has already been added). Add
I recommend using a coconut milk with a sim-
the cornstarch and coconut milk/water to an
ilar calorie content per cup. If you’re only able
airtight container with a sealed lid and shake
to get a very thick/calorie dense coconut milk
it up before adding it to the recipe (this will get
(usually from a can), dilute it with water to make
rid of lumps).
it thinner. Use roughly a 40 calorie serving of
coconut milk and mix it with water to make 1
cup of diluted coconut milk.
How To Put Your Dinner
Together (On The Day)
1. You can heat your meal any way
5. If you choose to heat up your meal in a
pan on the stove, keep the rice and
you prefer.
stir-fry separate in the pan, tossing each
one occasionally until heated through.
2. I personally like to heat the chicken
Avoid overcooking to prevent drying.
vegetable stir-fry and brown rice in a
frying pan on the stove over a low to
medium heat.
6. Once the chicken vegetable stir-fry
and brown rice are all heated, serve on
a plate.
3. I recommend using a non-stick frying pan
with a lid so that the food cooks through
without drying or burning.
4. You can use a small amount (a quick
spray) of cooking oil spray to grease
the pan.
Eat and enjoy!
Dinner #2
Black Bean & Veggie Spaghetti
Dietary Notes: Gluten-free option, Dairy-free, Vegan, Nut Free
Black bean, tomato, mushroom, spinach & broccoli pasta! A healthy pasta for dinner with loads
of veggies (which means lots of nutrients, antioxidants and fiber) that’s easy to make, and
even easier to heat up! This dinner will keep you fuller for longer, and will help reduce late night
cravings and snacking.
Prep. Time
Cooking Time
Plant Based
15 min
15 min
+-400 Cal/Serv
2 Portions
Onion powder
Fresh Baby Spinach
Brown Rice spaghetti
Black beans
Cherry tomatoes
Tomatoes paste
1 cup cooked black beans (about 172g)
1/2 small/medium onion
2 cups cooked *brown rice
2 tablespoons tomato paste
spaghetti (114g dry)
Lemon/lime juice
2 cups cherry tomatoes
1 teaspoon onion powder
300g mushrooms
2 teaspoons oregano
200g broccoli
Sea salt and pepper
A big handful fresh baby spinach
Storing List
Alternatives & Suggestions
2 x medium airtight containers to store
cooked pasta
use spaghetti made from brown rice
2 x medium airtight containers to store
because it’s naturally gluten-free and
black beans and veggies
wholegrain, which means it has more
fiber than white pastas. However, you
can use any kind of pasta you prefer.
I recommend using a wholegrain
1. Bring a large/medium pot of water to a
pasta made from brown rice or
boil on the stove before adding the dry
quinoa, or even wholegrain wheat
pasta to the boiling water.
pasta (if you are able to eat gluten).
2. Boil the pasta for 8-15 minutes until
fully cooked.
Check the cooking instructions for your
chosen brand of pasta, as cooking times
may differ.
3. Chop the onion into fine pieces and add to
a frying pan with a quick spray of cooking
oil spray.
4. Cook over a medium/high heat on the
stove until the onion starts to brown.
5. You can add a small amount of water to
the pan if it gets too dry or to prevent the
onion from burning.
6. Cooking the onions first and allowing
them to brown slightly will add a lot of
flavor to the meal.
7. Cut the cherry tomatoes into halves, the
mushrooms into slices, and the broccoli
into strips or pieces.
8. Add the tomato and mushroom them to the
pan with the onion. Reduce the stove to a
medium heat.
9. Mix the tomato paste, lemon/lime juice,
onion powder, oregano, salt and pepper with
the vegetables for flavor.
10. Once the mushroom and tomatoes are
almost fully cooked, add the black beans,
broccoli and baby spinach to the pot.
I recommend not over-cooking the broccoli
in this recipe.
11. Once the black beans and vegetables are
cooked, leave to cool fully before storing.
12. Drain the pasta once fully cooked and allow
to cool before storing.
How To Store Your Meals
1. Using 2 medium-sized containers, serve
half of the black beans & vegetables into
How To Put Your Dinner Together
(On The Day)
1. You can heat your meal in any way you
one container, and the remainders in the
other container.
2. I personally like to heat the black beans,
vegetables, and the cooked pasta in a fry-
2. Using another 2 medium-sized
containers, divide the cooked spaghetti
ing pan on the stove over a low to medium
in half and serve into each container
heat. If you choose to heat up your meal in
(about 1 cup cooked pasta per serving).
a pan on the stove, you can keep each item
separate in the pan, tossing occasionally until heated through (or just toss it all
3. Once everything has fully cooled, cover
all of the containers with airtight lids and
together in a pan). Avoid overcooking to
store in the fridge.
prevent drying.
3. Once everything is heated, serve on a plate
and enjoy!
Fast Weight-Loss Meal Prep For Women
Week #2
Week #2 Introduction
Meal Overview
Breakfast #1
Banana & Oat Toaster Pancakes
with Peanut Butter & Strawberries
The breakfast you’ll look forward to waking up for:
Pre-prepped oat & banana pancakes that only take
2 minutes to heat in the toaster.
Breakfast #2
Chocolate, Blueberry & Almond
Overnight Oats
Chocolate blueberry almond overnight oats: A classic
Liezl Jayne breakfast! Simple, healthy, filling and chocolatey! I love overnight oats for breakfast because they
are so delicious and quick to prep.
Snack #1
3 Ingredient Mango Protein Smoothie
With just 3 ingredients, this might be the easiest protein smoothie ever. My favorite sweet & creamy mango
smoothie is filled with protein, whole carbs and fiber,
making it a filling snack that will give you sustained
energy for the afternoon!
Snack #2
Banana Oatmeal Cookies
With Raisins & Almonds
Healthy snacking “cookies” made with just 2 basic
ingredients: bananas and oats. This week we’re adding
raisins and almonds for that little something extra.
Lunch #1
Black Bean & Tahini
Toast With Cherry Tomatoes
An easy-to-prep, easy-to-eat, protein packed, plantbased sandwich! I love having this healthy black bean
& tahini spread ready-to-go in the fridge so I can grab
it and go whenever I need to. P.S. This recipe is a blog
& YouTube subscriber favorite!
Lunch #2
Roast Vegetable, Quinoa
& Egg Salad
A healthy and filling (and totally delicious) lunch that’s
as easy to eat at school or work as it is to eat at home!
Packed with protein, whole carbs, fiber, healthy fats,
antioxidants and nutrients, it will keep your body and
mind fueled for the afternoon.
Dinner #1
Chicken & Vegetable Stir-Fry
with Quinoa & Olives
A simple, healthy chicken and mixed vegetable stir-fry
with quinoa and Kalamata olives. Easy to make, easy
to heat, and perfect for a quick meal prep dinner!
Dinner #2
Brown Rice Pasta with Lentils,
Mushrooms, Brussels Sprouts
& Marinara Sauce
Liezl’s favorite meal prep dinner! A saucy mix of lentils,
mushrooms and shredded Brussels sprouts served with
brown rice pasta makes a deliciously healthy dinner. The
plant-based protein and veggies are cleverly drenched
in marinara sauce, so you won’t even notice them.
Week #2
Grocery Shopping List
Grains, Starch & Whole Carbs
☐ 4 large eggs (or 4 Tablespoons chia
☐ *4 x slices bread (roughly 100 cal per
☐ 4 teaspoons chia seeds
slice, see note on lunch recipe #1)
☐ 3 tablespoons sunflower seeds
☐ 1 + 2/3 cup dry rolled oats
☐ 40 raw almonds
☐ 1 cup dry quinoa
☐ 3 tablespoons peanut butter
(which makes 3 cups cooked)
☐ 2 tablespoons tahini
☐ *1 + 1/2 cups cooked brown rice pasta
(85g dry, see note on dinner recipe #2)
Fruit + Vegetables
Baking, Spices + Flavor
☐ 30 Kalamata olives (purple olives)
☐ 1 cup marinara pasta sauce (see note on
☐ 2 medium bananas
dinner recipe #2)
☐ 1 cup frozen blueberries
☐ 1 tablespoon unsweetened cocoa powder
☐ 2 cups fresh strawberries
☐ 2 teaspoons 100% *maple syrup
☐ 450g zucchini
☐ 3 tablespoons rice vinegar
☐ 600g red bell pepper
☐ Cinnamon
☐ 1 small/medium onion
☐ 2 to 3 fresh lemons/limes
☐ 300g mushrooms
☐ 100g Brussels sprouts
☐ 3 cups + 4 cherry tomatoes
☐ 3 to 4 big handfuls lettuce mix/
baby spinach/baby kale
Pantry Staples
☐ Cooking oil spray (I use avocado or coconut cooking oil spray)
☐ Oregano
☐ Onion powder
☐ Sea salt
Protein + Plant Based
☐ Pepper
☐ 1*270g skinless, boneless chicken breast
meat (or 1 cup cooked chickpeas)
☐ 1 cup cooked lentils (200g)
☐ 1 cup cooked black beans (about 172g)
☐ 6 large eggs (or 2 cups cooked pinto
Snack Items - 1400 Calorie
A Day Option
Snack Items - 1600 Calorie
A Day Option
☐ 2 cups frozen mango pieces
☐ 4 cups frozen mango pieces
☐ *2 cups milk (I use almond milk, see note
☐ *4 cups milk (I use almond milk, see note
snack recipe #1)
snack recipe #1)
☐ *1 scoop vanilla protein powder (30g)
☐ *2 scoops vanilla protein powder (60g)
☐ 2 medium bananas
☐ 4 medium bananas
☐ 2/3 cup dry rolled oats
☐ 1 + 1/3 cup dry rolled oats
☐ 14 raw almonds
☐ 28 raw almonds
☐ 1/4 cup raisins
☐ 1/2 cup raisins
☐ 1 teaspoon cinnamon
☐ 2 teaspoons cinnamon
Snack Calories
Depending on your current weight, height, and
1200 Calorie a Day Diet
goals, you may want to follow a plan that has
For a 1200 calorie diet, have all 3 meals each
either 1200, 1400, or 1600 calories per day.
day, and just leave out the snacks (that means
less prep work for you!). You do not need to pur-
To make things as simple as possible, I made all
chase any of the food items listed under “Snack
meal plans based on a 1200 calorie a day total,
Items” in the shopping list.
and then added snack options which can take
your total to either 1400 or 1600 calories. The
1400 Calorie a Day Diet
1200 calorie option has no snacks, the 1400 cal-
If you’d like to follow a 1400 calorie diet, you
orie option has one snack per day, and the 1600
can go ahead and prepare the 3 meals as well
calorie option simply doubles the snacks to give
as one snack for each day. You can purchase
you two snacks per day. (This also means that
all of the ingredients on the main shopping list
if you want to switch between the different dai-
as well as all ingredients in the “SNACK ITEMS -
ly calorie amounts you can do so very easily by
simply including, leaving out, or doubling the
1600 Calorie a Day Diet
snack option).
For a 1600 calorie diet, prepare all 3 meals and
So, whether you’re following a 1200, 1400, or
simply double all of the snack recipes so that you
1600 calorie diet with this meal plan, the only
have 3 meals and 2 snacks per day. Purchase all
thing that will change will be the snacks (to get
of the ingredients on the main shopping list as
your desired amount of calories per day). No
well as the ingredients in the “SNACK ITEMS -
matter what your calorie needs are, you can still
1600 CALORIE A DAY OPTION” list. (The 1600
prepare all of the breakfasts, lunches, and din-
calorie a day snacks are exactly the same as the
ners as they are outlined in this eating plan.
1400 calorie a day snacks, they’re just doubled).
Week #2
Important Notes
*BREAD: You can use any kind of bread that you
contains approximately 110 calories and 22
like with this recipe. However, I recommend using
grams of protein per 31 grams of powder.
bread that is roughly 100 calories per slice. If you
have a gluten intolerance, it would be in your best
*Other alternatives and substitutions (for ingre-
interest to use a gluten-free bread. I recommend
dients such as nuts, gluten and dairy products)
using a bread that is as whole grain as possible
are available on each individual recipe page.
(meaning that it contains little or no white flours).
I prefer to use a whole grain gluten-free bread or
*Full instructions and suggestions for vegan/
a 100% whole grain wheat-free rye bread. Whole
plant-based alternatives are available on each
grain breads contain more fiber and will help
individual recipe page.
keep you feeling full for a longer period of time
after a meal.
*All cup measurements are based on the
standard US cup measurement.
*MILK: You can use any milk of your choice (dairy
or non-dairy).
Calorie Reference: I use an unsweetened almond
milk, which is approximately 30 calories per cup.
*BROWN RICE PASTA: I like to use spaghetti
made from brown rice because it’s gluten-free
and it’s more wholegrain than white pastas.
However, you can use any kind of pasta you prefer. I recommend using a wholegrain pasta made
from brown rice or quinoa, or even wholegrain
wheat pasta (if you are able to eat gluten).
*CHICKEN (TAKE NOTE): Calories are based on
skinless, boneless chicken breast meat.
*PROTEIN POWDER: I use a plant-based/vegan
vanilla protein powder sweetened with stevia.
You can use any protein powder you prefer, but I
suggest using one that is slightly sweetened and
flavored with vanilla.
Calorie reference: The calorie content in protein powders vary, but the specific brand I use
Week #2
This Weeks Full
We begin today’s meal prepping process by roasting the vegetables because they require the longest
cooking time. While the vegetables are roasting, cook the quinoa and pasta, and then move on to
prepping the 2 main dinner dishes, the breakfasts, the lunches and the snacks.
Before You Start
1. Preheat your oven to 400°F/200°C.
Step #1
Roast The Vegetables
1. Line a baking tray with baking paper.
Step #3
Cook The Pasta
1. Bring a large/medium pot of water to a
boil on the stove before adding the dry
2. Rinse the bell pepper and cherry tomatoes.
pasta to the boiling water.
3. Slice the bell pepper into strips, and leave
Boil the pasta for 8-15 minutes or until
the cherry tomatoes whole.
fully cooked. Check the cooking instructions on your brand of pasta, as cooking
4. Add the bell pepper slices and cherry
times may differ.
tomatoes to the baking tray (lined with
baking paper), and add a quick spray of
cooking oil before tossing.
5. Season with oregano, salt and pepper.
6. Roast for 20-30 minutes (until cooked).
Step #4
Boil The Eggs
1. Add a pot of hot water to the stove, adding
6 eggs to the water.
2. Bring the water to a boil on the stove and
boil the eggs for about 8-10 minutes (or
Step #2
Cook The Quinoa
1. Add 1 cup dry quinoa to a small pot with 3
until hard boiled).
3. After about 10 minutes, remove the pot
from the stove and pour the hot water out
cups of hot water.
2. Bring to a boil on the stove and then reduce the heat, cover with a lid, and simmer
of the pot.
4. Rinse the eggs under cold water, crack
them open and let them sit in the cold
for 15 minutes or until fully cooked. Add
water for a few minutes.
more water if needed.
This will make it easier to remove the
chicken has started to cook
shells from the eggs.
7. Add some onion powder, oregano, salt,
5. Peel the eggs, leaving them whole.
6. If you’d prefer a vegan option, then omit
pepper and lime or lemon juice for flavor.
8. Cover with a lid, tossing occasionally for
the eggs. Drain and rinse pinto beans,
a few minutes over a medium heat.
which you can mix with the quinoa, once
the quinoa is cooked.
9. Once the chicken & vegetable stir-fry and
the quinoa are both cooked, remove from
heat and leave to cool. Make sure the
Step #5
Cook Chicken & Vegetable
1. Chop the onion into fine pieces and add to
a frying pan with a quick spray of cooking
chicken is fully cooked before removing
from the heat.
Step #6
Cook The Lentil & Veggie
Pasta Sauce
oil spray.
1. Chop the onion into small pieces, and
cook in a frying pan with a small amount
2. Cook over a medium/high heat on the
stove until the onion starts to brown. You
of cooking oil spray over a medium/
can add a small amount of water to the
high heat until slightly browned (but not
pan if it gets too dry or to prevent the on-
ion from burning.
You can add a small amount of water to
the pan while cooking if needed.
3. Cooking the onions first and allowing
them to brown slightly will add a lot of
2. Rinse and slice the mushrooms and brussels sprouts into pieces. Shred the brus-
flavor to the meal.
sels sprouts or cut them into thin slices
and add them to the pan with the onion.
4. Cut the chicken breast meat into small
pieces and add to the pan along with the
onion. If you’d prefer the vegan alternative,
3. Cook the vegetables with pepper and
lemon/lime juice over a medium heat,
add chickpeas instead of the chicken.
tossing often. Cover with a lid when not
5. Rinse the bell pepper and zucchini.
6. Slice the bell pepper and zucchini into
4. Drain and rinse the fully cooked lentils
(if using canned).
strips, and add them to the pan once the
5. Once the vegetables are almost fully
cooked, add the cooked lentils and the
marinara pasta sauce and toss occasion-
Step #8
Cook The Pancakes
ally on the stove until everything is fully
cooked. Avoid overcooking the Brussels
1. Blend the whole rolled oats in a blend-
sprouts, as they taste better when slightly
er/food processor to make a flour (this
crunchy and bright green.
takes less than a minute) or use the same
amount of oat flour.
6. Once cooked, leave to cool fully before
2. Peel the bananas and add them to the
blender with the ground oats, and then
Step #7
Bake Cookies
add the eggs. If you want a plant-based
substitute for the eggs, then omit the
eggs. You can make chia eggs in a separate bowl using chia seeds and water, and
1. Reduce the heat of the oven to
360°F/180°C (even if the vegetables are
leave them to soak until the chia seeds
still busy cooking in the oven).
have a gel-like consistency before adding
to the blender.
2. Line a baking tray with baking paper.
3. Once all of the ingredients have been
added, blend them together to make the
3. Roughly chop the almonds.
4. Peel the bananas and smash with a fork in
a mixing bowl.
4. Once the batter is ready, heat a pan on the
stove. Start with a medium heat, and then
adjust it as needed.
5. Add the dry oats, chopped almonds,
raisins and cinnamon to the smashed
banana and mix everything together.
5. I recommend using a non-stick frying pan
as this makes better pancakes, and you
don’t need to add more calories by adding
6. Measure out heaped tablespoon sizes of
batter at a time, adding the batter to the
butter or oil. You can use a small amount
baking tray to make rough cookie shapes.
(a quick spray) of cooking oil spray if you
need to grease the pan.
7. Make enough cookies to have 3 equal
servings. This recipe should make between
6. Add heaped tablespoon amounts of batter
to the pan to make small pancakes (I usu-
15-18 cookies, or 5-6 cookies per serving.
ally make 3 or 4 small pancakes at a time
in the pan).
8. Bake the cookies for 20 minutes. Leave to
cool before storing.
7. When the pancakes start to bubble on top
they should be ready to flip.
8. When all of the pancakes in the pan are
Step #10
Prep The Overnight Oats
1. Starting with 2 glass jars, measure out 1/2
ready (cooked on both sides), serve them
cup of dry rolled oats to each one.
onto a plate to cool.
2. Measure out 2 teaspoons of chia seeds,
9. Repeat the process until all of the batter
20 raw almonds, 1/2 tablespoon of cocoa
has been used up, and you have a plate of
powder, 1 teaspoon of maple syrup and a
pre-prepped pancakes.
pinch of cinnamon to each jar.
10. Allow the pancakes to cool fully before
3. Add about 1/2 cup water to each jar and
storing them.
mix all of the ingredients in each jar together with the water.
Step #9
Prep The Black Bean & Tahini
Sandwich Spread
4. Add 1/2 cup frozen blueberries to each jar
and mix again.
5. Overnight oats should be left to soak for
at least 8 hours in the fridge (as this takes
1. Drain and rinse the canned
the place of cooking) before eating.
(or fully cooked) black beans before adding
them to a bowl.
2. Roughly smash the beans with the back
of a fork.
3. Add the tahini, lemon/lime juice, salt, pep-
Step #11
Snack Smoothie Prep
1. Prepare 2 small/medium reusable ziplock
per, oregano and onion powder to the black
bags or 2 small/medium containers for
beans and mix to make a spread.
the smoothie prep, and place 1/2 scoop
protein powder and 1 cup of frozen mango
in each bag.
2. Measure out 1 cup milk per small/medium
sized container so that you have 2 servings of pre-measured milk.
Week #2
Final Step
Put All The Meals Together
Breakfast #1
Banana & Oat Toaster
1. Once your batch of pancakes have cooled,
Breakfast #2
Chocolate, Blueberry & Almond
Overnight Oats
1. Once all of the overnight oat ingredients
they will be ready to store in an airtight
have been divided between 2 jars, cover
them with airtight lids and place in them
in the fridge.
2. I like to divide the pancakes and toppings
between separate food storage containers
so that everything is ready to go for my
week of prepped meals.
3. Divide the (fully cooled) pancakes into 3
Lunch #1
Black Bean & Tahini Toast
1. Using 2 small/medium-sized food
servings. This recipe should make 4-8
containers, divide the black bean & tahini
small pancakes per serving. Distribute
spread into 2 servings.
each serving into separate medium-sized
airtight containers.
2. Using 2 small reusable ziplock bags, add a
very small handful of lettuce mix (or baby
spinach) to each bag with 2 whole cherry
4. Taking 3 small, airtight containers, add 1
tomatoes in each bag.
tablespoon of peanut butter per container.
5. Use another 3 small/medium containers
3. Divide the bread into 2 servings, placing
to store the strawberries. Do not pre-wash
2 slices in each of the small/medium air-
or pre-cut the strawberries prior to
tight containers or reusable ziplock bags.
storage as they don’t keep well when wet.
4. Add lids to all of the food containers and
seal the reusable ziplock bags.
6. Keep the pancakes and strawberries in
their separate airtight containers in the
5. Store the black bean & tahini spread, and
the lettuce mix and tomatoes in the fridge.
7. Store the peanut butter in a cool, dark place.
6. Store the bread in a cool, dark place.
Lunch #2
Roast Vegetable, Quinoa
& Egg Salad
8. Using 3 small bowls to make the dressing, add 1 tablespoon of rice vinegar, and
a sprinkle of salt and pepper to each one
with a big squeeze of lemon/lime juice.
1. Once the roasted vegetables, quinoa and
eggs are cooked, leave to cool fully before
9. Cover the containers with airtight lids, and
2. Using 3 small/medium containers, store 2
seal the reusable ziplock bags.
10. Store all of the prepped ingredients in the
eggs in each one to make 3 ready-to-eat
3. Once the roasted vegetables have cooled
fully, divide them into 3 separate containers to make 3 servings, leaving space in
each container for the quinoa.
Snack #1
Mango Protein Smoothie Prep
1. Once all of the smoothie ingredients have
been divided, cover the containers with
airtight lids and tightly seal the reusable
4. Serve out 1/2 cup cooked quinoa to each
ziplock bags.
of the vegetable containers and add a
small squeeze of lemon/lime juice to each
container to keep everything fresh.
2. Store the smoothie prep in the freezer,
and store the milk in the fridge.
5. For the vegan option, add 2/3 cup cooked
and drained pinto beans to each of the
containers (before adding the lemon/lime
Snack #2
Banana Oatmeal Cookies
juice) and toss with the quinoa (using
roughly 2 cups cooked pinto beans to
1. Once the cookies have cooled fully,
portion them out into 3 servings.
replace 6 eggs).
6. Add a big handful of mixed lettuce/leafy
2. Store each serving in a reusable ziplock
bag or a small airtight container.
greens to each of your 3 reusable ziplock
3. Seal the reusable ziplock bags or cover
the containers with airtight lids.
7. Measure out 3 tablespoons of sunflower
seeds between 3 very small containers so
you have 1 tablespoon of sunflower seeds
4. Store in a cool, dry place.
per container.
Dinner #1
Chicken & Vegetable Stir Fry
with Quinoa And Olives
1. Once the chicken & vegetable stir-fry and
the quinoa are both fully cooked and have
cooled, you can start to put your meal prep
containers together.
2. Divide the chicken & vegetable stir-fry
between 3 medium containers to make 3
equal portions.
3. Using 3 small containers, measure out
1/2 cup of quinoa to each one to make 3
portions of quinoa.
4. Lastly, add 10 olives to each of the
3 containers.
Dinner #2
Brown Rice Pasta With Lentil
& Veggie Pasta Sauce
1. Using 2 medium-sized containers, divide
the lentil & vegetable pasta sauce between
the two containers.
2. Using another 2 medium-sized containers,
serve 3/4 of a cup of cooked pasta into
each one to make 2 portions of pasta.
3. Once everything has fully cooled, cover
all of the containers with airtight lids and
store in the fridge.
Week #2
What You Will Need For This
Weeks Meal Storage
Storage List
☐ 2 x mason jars/glass/mugs jars with airtight lids to store overnight oats
☐ 3 x medium airtight containers to store pancakes
☐ 3 x small airtight containers to store peanut butter
☐ 3 x small/medium airtight containers to store strawberries
☐ 2 x small reusable ziplock bags/airtight containers to store lettuce mix and tomatoes
☐ 2 x small/medium airtight containers for the black bean & tahini spread
☐ 2 x small/medium containers or reusable ziplock bags to store bread
☐ 3 x medium airtight containers to store roasted vegetables and quinoa
☐ 3 x small/medium airtight containers to store boiled eggs
☐ 3 x small containers to store salad dressing
☐ 3 x very small containers (or small reusable ziplock bags) to store sunflower seeds
☐ 3 x small/medium reusable bags or containers to store lettuce mix/leafy greens
☐ 2 x small/medium reusable ziplock bags to store smoothie prep
☐ 2 x small/medium airtight containers to store milk
☐ 3 small reusable ziplock bags or 3 small containers to store cookies
☐ 3 x medium airtight containers to store the chicken & vegetable stir-fry
☐ 3 x small airtight containers to store the quinoa
☐ 3 x small airtight containers to store the olives
☐ 2 x medium airtight containers to store the lentil & vegetable pasta sauce
☐ 2 x medium airtight containers to store the cooked pasta
Prepped Food Item Checklist
☐ 2 x mason jars/glass jars with overnight oats
☐ 3 x containers with prepped pancakes
☐ 3 x small containers with peanut butter
☐ 3 x containers with fresh strawberries
☐ 2 x reusable ziplock bags/airtight containers with lettuce mix and tomatoes
☐ 2 x containers with black bean & tahini spread
☐ 2 x containers/reusable ziplock bags with bread
☐ 3 x containers with roasted vegetables and quinoa
☐ 3 x containers with boiled eggs
☐ 3 x small containers with salad dressing
☐ 3 x very small containers (or small reusable ziplock bags) with sunflower seeds
☐ 3 x small/medium reusable bags or containers with lettuce mix/leafy greens
☐ 2 x small/medium reusable ziplock bags with smoothie prep
☐ 2 x small/medium airtight containers with milk
☐ 3 x reusable ziplock bags (or containers) with cookies
☐ 3 x containers with the chicken & vegetable stir-fry
☐ 3 x containers with the quinoa
☐ 3 x small containers with the olives
☐ 2 x containers with the lentil & vegetable pasta sauce
☐ 2 x containers with the cooked pasta
Time Estimates
Prep. Time
Cooking Time
61 - 85 min
85 - 100 min
Take Note: Time Estimates
1. Take note: PREP TIME indicates a realistic
cook while you prep other items and while
time frame. This is the actual time required
multiple other items are cooking.
for prepping your meals. This includes
chopping the vegetables, mixing the muffin
3. Take note: TOTAL TIME can vary greatly
batter, prepping the overnight oats, etc.
depending on multiple factors such as:
This should take roughly an hour, or more,
the pace at which each individual works,
of focused time to complete.
how many pots and pans you have to use,
and how many stove top burners and oven
2. Take note: COOK TIME does not indicate
space you have to work with.
a realistic time frame, due to the fact that
I suggest prepping ingredients and recipes
multiple items will be cooking at the same
while other ingredients cook on the stove
time. Cook time indicates the total stove-
or bake in oven to speed up the process
top or total oven cooking time for all of the
and to reduce total time spent on weekly
recipes. However, most of the items will
meal prepping.
Breakfast #1
Banana & Oat Toaster Pancakes
with Peanut Butter & Strawberries
Dietary Notes: Gluten-free, Dairy-free, Vegan option, Nut Free option
The breakfast you’ll look forward to waking up for: Pre-prepped oat & banana pancakes that only take
2 minutes to heat in the toaster.
Enjoy all the benefits of a perfect breakfast stack without any of the effort. These 3 ingredient pancakes are easy to prep, healthy, filling, full of nutrients, fiber, and contain the 3 macro-nutrients (protein, whole carbs and healthy fats) you need for an energized day.
Prep. Time
Cooking Time
5 - 10 min
10 - 15 min
Vegan Option
+-400 Cal/Serv
3 Portions
chia SEEDS
2/3 cup rolled *oats (dry)
3 tablespoons *peanut butter
2 medium ripe bananas
2 cups fresh *strawberries
4 large *eggs (or 4 chia eggs)
Storage List
3 x airtight containers to store pancakes
3 x containers to store peanut butter
3 x airtight containers to store strawberries
1. Blend the whole rolled oats in a blender/
food processor to make a flour or use the
equivalent amount of oat flour.
2. Peel the bananas and add them to the
blender with the ground oats, and then
add the eggs. If you want a plant-based
substitute for the eggs, then omit the
eggs. You can make chia eggs in a separate bowl using chia seeds and water,
and leave them to soak until the chia
seeds have a gel-like consistency before
(I usually make 3 or 4 small pancakes at
adding to the blender.
a time in the pan).
3. Once all of the ingredients have been
7. When the pancakes start to bubble on top
they should be ready to flip.
added, blend them together.
4. Once the batter is ready, heat a pan on
8. When all of the pancakes in the pan are
the stove. Start with a medium heat, and
ready (cooked on both sides), serve them
then adjust it as needed.
onto a plate to cool.
5. I recommend using a non-stick frying
9. Repeat the process until all of the batter
pan as this makes better pancakes, and
has been used up, and you have a plate
you don’t need to add more calories by
of pre-prepped pancakes.
adding butter or oil. You can use a small
amount (a quick spray) of cooking oil
10. Allow the pancakes to cool fully before
storing them.
spray if you need to grease the pan.
6. Add heaped tablespoon amounts of bat-
11. Store the pancakes in an airtight
container in the fridge to keep fresh.
ter to the pan to make small pancakes
How To Store Your Meals
1. Once your batch of pancakes have
4. Taking 3 small, airtight containers, add 1
cooled, they will be ready to store in an
tablespoon of peanut butter per container.
airtight container.
5. Use another 3 small/medium containers
2. I like to divide the pancakes and toppings
to store the strawberries. Do not pre-
between separate food storage contain-
wash or pre-cut the strawberries prior to
ers so that everything is ready to go for
storage as they don’t keep well when wet.
my week of prepped meals.
6. Keep the pancakes and strawberries in
3. Divide the (fully cooled) pancakes into
their separate airtight containers in the
3 servings. This recipe should make 4-8
fridge. Store the peanut butter in a cool,
small pancakes per serving.
dark place.
Distribute each serving into separate
medium-sized airtight containers.
How To Put Your Breakfast
Together (On The Day)
1. These pancakes need to be kept in the
them on the pancakes. You can
fridge so that they stay fresh. To give
substitute these ingredients for any other
them that ‘fresh out of the pan’ taste,
toppings of your choice.
heat them in a toaster or toaster oven.
6. This delicious, healthy breakfast takes
2. In the morning, just pop them in the
only 2 minutes to put together in the
toaster for 2 minutes.
3. I usually place 1 or 2 pancakes in each
7. Eat & enjoy!
bread slot at a time, and toast for a
minute or two (or until they’re heated
4. I personally like to stack them up on my
plate and top them with peanut butter
and fresh strawberry pieces.
5. Slice the strawberries before placing
Alternatives & Suggestions
*OATS: Oats are naturally gluten-free, howev-
butter. Butter melting on top of a warm stack
er cross-contamination can occur if they are
of pancakes is just as delicious as peanut
produced in the same place as wheat, barley or
butter. Use 1 tablespoon of butter per 1 table-
rye. Most people with Coeliac disease can toler-
spoon serving of peanut butter. Another option
ate oats that are certified gluten-free.
could be to serve extra banana slices on top of
your breakfast pancakes. Use 1 small/medium
*EGG: As a plant-based alternative to egg, you
banana instead of a 1 tablespoon serving of
can mix 1 tablespoon of chia seeds togeth-
peanut butter.
er with 3 tablespoons of water. This mixture
makes 1 chia egg. Use 4 tablespoons of chia
*STRAWBERRIES: I recommend using fresh
seeds with about 12 tablespoons water to make
fruit as a topping because frozen fruit typical-
4 chia eggs. Let the chia seeds soak for 5 min-
ly doesn’t taste as good on top of a stack of
utes and then add the chia egg to the rest of the
pancakes. I love using strawberries, but you can
ingredients before baking.
use any fresh fruit as an alternative topping.
Calorie reference: A 2/3 cup serving of
*PEANUT BUTTER: If you’re looking for a
strawberries is about 30 calories. Try using a
nut-free alternative to peanut butter, you can
serving size of fruit that has the same or similar
replace it with butter or a dairy-free/vegan
calorie content.
Breakfast #2
Chocolate, Blueberry & Almond
Overnight Oats
Dietary Notes: Gluten-free, Dairy-free, Vegan, Nut Free option
Chocolate blueberry almond overnight oats: A classic Liezl Jayne breakfast! Simple, healthy, filling and
chocolatey! I love overnight oats for breakfast because they are so delicious and quick to prep. Tag me
@liezljayne #liezljayne on Instagram so I can see when you snap a pic of your new fave breakfast!
Prep. Time
Plant Based
3 - 5 min
+-400 Cal/Serv
2 Portions
1 cup dry rolled *oats
4 teaspoons *chia seeds
1 tablespoon unsweetened
cocoa powder
2 teaspoons 100% *maple syrup
1 cup *frozen blueberries
40 raw *almonds
Storage List
2 x mason jars/glass/mugs jars with
airtight lids
1. Starting with 2 glass jars, measure out
1/2 cup of dry rolled oats to each one.
2. Measure out 2 teaspoons of chia seeds,
20 raw almonds, 1/2 tablespoon of cocoa powder, 1 teaspoon of maple syrup
and a pinch of cinnamon to each jar.
Alternatives & Suggestions
3. Add about 1/2 cup water to each jar and
mix all of the ingredients in each jar to-
*OATS: Oats are naturally gluten-free,
gether with the water.
however cross-contamination can occur if they are produced in the same
4. Add 1/2 cup frozen blueberries to each jar
place as wheat, barley or rye. Most
and mix again.
people with Coeliac disease can tolerate oats that are certified gluten-free.
5. Overnight oats should be left to soak for at
least 8 hours in the fridge (as this takes the
*CHIA SEEDS: A great alternative for
place of cooking) before eating.
chia seeds is flax seeds. You can use
4 teaspoons of flax seeds in place of 4
How To Store Your Meals
(So They Are Ready To Go)
teaspoons of chia seeds.
*MAPLE SYRUP: I like to use 100%
1. Once all of your ingredients have been
pure maple syrup because it contains
divided between 2 jars, cover them with
some nutrients (unlike a lot of other
airtight lids and place into the fridge.
sugars), but you can use any other
sugar or sweetener.
How To Put Your Breakfast
Together (On The Day)
using frozen blueberries. You can use
fresh blueberries if you prefer.
1. In the morning, simply retrieve your overnight oats jar from the fridge and give it
a quick stir. You can add a small drop of
*ALMONDS: I like to use raw almonds
water when stirring if the consistency is
in this recipe, but you can use any nut
too thick for you.
you prefer in place of almonds. Try to
use a serving size with the same or
2. I love to eat my overnight oats out of the
similar calorie content. For example,
jar with a spoon before I head out for the
40 raw almonds will give you about
day. Sometimes I take it to go and pack it
280 calories, while 31 raw cashews
in my bag to save for later!
will also give you approximately 280
calories. If you have a nut allergy, you
can substitute any other 280 calorie
topping of your choice. Yogurt can be
served on top of the overnight oats.
Easy Heating Instructions
1. If you’re feeling for a cosy morning meal, you can easily heat this
breakfast up in 2 minutes.
2. Get your jar of overnight oats
from the fridge, pour the soaked
oats into a small sauce pot and
stir over a medium heat for a
minute until heated through.
3. Serve in a bowl, eat with a spoon
& enjoy!
Snack #1
3 Ingredient Mango Protein
Dietary Notes: Gluten-free, Dairy-free option, Vegan, Nut Free
With just 3 ingredients, this might be the easiest protein smoothie ever. My favorite sweet & creamy
mango smoothie is filled with protein, whole carbs and fiber, making it a filling snack that will give you
sustained energy for the afternoon!
Prep. Time
Plant Based
3 - 5 min
+-200 Cal/Serv
2 Portions
2 cups *frozen mango pieces
2 cups *milk (I use almond milk)
1 scoop *vanilla protein powder (30g)
Water and ice (if needed)
Storage List
2 x small/medium reusable ziplock
bags to store smoothie prep
2 x small/medium airtight containers
to store milk
Milk / Almond Milk
Smoothie Prep
1. Prepare 2 small/medium reusable
ziplock bags or 2 small/medium
containers for the smoothie prep, and
Vanilla protein powder
place 1/2 scoop protein powder and 1
cup of frozen mango in each bag.
2. Measure out 1 cup milk per small/
medium sized container so that you have
2 servings of pre-measured milk.
How To Store Your Meals
Alternatives & Suggestions
1. Once all of the ingredients have been
*FROZEN MANGO: I like to use 1 cup
divided, cover the containers with airtight
of frozen mango pieces per smoothie,
lids and seal the reusable ziplock bags.
but you can use 1 frozen banana per
serving instead.
2. Store the smoothie prep in the freezer,
Calorie reference: 1 cup frozen mango
and store the milk in the fridge.
and 1 medium banana will both give
you roughly 100 calories.
How To Put Your Smoothie
Together (On The Day)
*MILK: You can use any milk of your
choice (dairy or non-dairy).
Calorie reference: I use an unsweetened
1. At snack time, grab one of the frozen
almond milk, which is approximately
smoothie packs from the freezer, and one
30-40 calories per cup.
of the milk containers from the fridge.
*PROTEIN POWDER: I use a plant-
2. Pour the frozen smoothie mix into a
based/vegan vanilla protein powder.
blender with the milk, and add water if
You can use any protein powder you
prefer, but I suggest using one that’s
slightly sweetened and flavored with
3. Blend until smooth, pour into a glass &
enjoy chilled!
Calorie reference: The protein powder I
use is about 110 calories per 31g scoop
of protein powder.
Snack #2
Banana Oatmeal Cookies With
Raisins & Almonds
Dietary Notes: Gluten-free, Dairy-free, Vegan, Nut Free option
Healthy snacking “cookies” made with just 2 basic ingredients: bananas and oats. This week we’re
adding raisins and almonds for that little something extra. I enjoy switching up the additional ingredients in them so that they taste a little different each time. These soft and chewy cookies are perfect
to keep with you for a ready-to-eat snack.
Prep. Time
Cooking Time
Plant Based
5 min
20 min
+-200 Cal/Serv
3 Portions
Rolled oats
Cinna mon
2 medium bananas (the riper the better)
2/3 cup dry rolled *oats
14 raw *almonds
1/4 cup *raisins
1 teaspoon cinnamon
Storage List
3 x small reusable ziplock bags
or 3 small containers to store cookies
(Makes 15 to 18 cookies)
Alternatives & Suggestions
1. Preheat your oven to 360°F/180°C.
*OATS: Oats are naturally gluten-free,
occur if they are produced in the same
2. Line a baking tray with baking paper.
place as wheat, barley or rye. Most
people with Coeliac disease can toler-
3. Roughly chop the almonds.
ate oats that are certified gluten-free.
4. Peel the bananas and smash with a
*ALMONDS: I like to use raw almonds in
fork in a mixing bowl.
this recipe, but you can use any nut you
prefer instead of almonds. Try to use a
5. Add the dry oats, chopped almonds,
serving size with the same or similar
raisins and cinnamon to the smashed
calorie content. Calorie reference: 14
banana and mix everything together.
raw almonds will give you about 100
calories, while 11 raw cashews will
6. Measure out a heaped tablespoon
give you approximately 100 calories.
amount at a time, adding the batter to the
If you have a nut allergy, you can use 2
baking tray, making rough cookie shapes.
tablespoons of raw sunflower seeds or
1/8 cup dark chocolate chips. Check
7. Make enough cookies to have 3 equal
the serving size of your fave brand, and
servings. This recipe should make
try to stay within a 100 calorie serving
between 15-18 cookies, or 5-6 cookies
size. Alternatively, you can even double
per serving).
up on the raisins in this recipe!
*RAISINS: I like to use unsweetened
8. Bake the cookies for 20 minutes
raisins in this recipe, but you can
(or as needed).
also use dried cranberries instead!
Calorie reference: Substitute 1/4 cup
9. Leave to cool before storing.
dried cranberries for 1/4 cup raisins.
10. Store in airtight containers or airtight
bags to keep fresh.
How To Store Your Meals
1. Once the cookies have cooled fully,
portion them out into 3 servings.
2. Store each serving in a reusable ziplock
bag or a small airtight container.
3. Seal the reusable ziplock bags or cover
the containers with airtight lids.
4. Store in a cool, dry place.
How To Put Your Snack
Together (On The Day)
1. The great thing about this snack is that
it’s fully prepped and ready to eat!
2. Pack your little reusable ziplock bag into
your handbag or backpack & take it with
you to school or work!
3. Eat and Enjoy!
Lunch #1
Black Bean & Tahini Toast With
Cherry Tomatoes
Dietary Notes: Gluten-free option, Dairy-free, Vegan, Nut Free
An easy-to-prep, easy-to-eat, protein packed, plant-based sandwich! I love having this healthy black
bean & tahini spread ready-to-go in the fridge so I can grab it and go whenever I need to. P.S. This
recipe is a blog & YouTube subscriber favorite!
Prep. Time
Plant Based
5 - 10 min
+-400 Cal/Serv
2 Portions
Baby spinach
Lemon / Lime
Sliced bread
1 cup cooked black beans (about 172g)
Lemon/lime juice
4 x slices *bread
Onion powder
(roughly 100 cal per slice)
2 tablespoons *tahini
Salt and pepper
4 cherry tomatoes
Small handful baby spinach/mixed lettuce
Storage List
Alternatives & Suggestions
2 x reusable ziplock bags/airtight
*BREAD: You can use any kind of
containers to store lettuce mix
bread you like with this recipe. How-
and tomatoes
ever, I recommend using bread that is
2 x airtight containers for the black bean
roughly 100 calories per slice. If you
& tahini spread
have a gluten intolerance, it would
be in your best interest to use a glu-
2 x small/medium containers or reusable
ten-free bread. I recommend using a
ziplock bags to store bread
bread that is as whole grain as possible (meaning that it contains little or
no white flours). I prefer to use a whole
grain gluten-free bread or a 100%
1. Drain and rinse the canned (or fully
whole grain wheat-free rye bread.
cooked) black beans before adding
Whole grain breads contain more fiber
them to a bowl.
and will keep you feeling full for a longer period of time after a meal.
2. Roughly smash the beans with the
back of a fork.
*TAHINI: Instead of tahini, you can
also use the same amount of sunflow-
3. Add the tahini, lemon/lime juice, salt,
er seed butter. I recommend using an
pepper, oregano and onion powder to the
unsweetened one.
black beans and mix to make a spread.
How To Store Your Meals
1. Using 2 small/medium-sized food con-
4. Add lids to all of the food containers and
tainers, divide the black bean & tahini
seal the reusable ziplock bags.
spread into 2 servings.
5. Store the black bean & tahini spread, the
2. Using 2 small reusable ziplock bags, add
lettuce mix and tomatoes in the fridge.
a very small handful of lettuce mix
(or baby spinach) and 2 whole cherry
6. Store the bread in a cool, dark place.
tomatoes in each bag.
3. Divide the bread into 2 servings, placing
2 slices in each of the small/medium airtight containers or reusable ziplock bags.
How To Put Your Lunch
Together (On The Day)
1. Cut the cherry tomatoes in half.
2. Lightly toast the bread (optional) and add
to a plate or lunch box if you need to take
your lunch to go.
3. Add the black bean & tahini spread to
each slice. I like to make open sandwiches when I’m having lunch at home. If I’m
on the go, I’ll make a closed sandwich to
take with me.
4. Top with a few lettuce leaves and cherry
tomato halves. If you’re making a closed
sandwich, place the tomatoes between
the black bean spread and the lettuce to
prevent the bread from getting soggy.
5. Eat fresh and enjoy!
Lunch #2
Roast Vegetable, Quinoa
& Egg Salad
Dietary Notes: Gluten-free, Dairy-free, Vegan option, Nut Free
A healthy and filling (and totally delicious) lunch that’s as easy to eat at school or work as it is to eat
at home! Packed with protein, whole carbs, fiber, healthy fats, antioxidants and nutrients, it will keep
your body and mind fueled for the afternoon. A classic Liezl Jayne lunch!
Prep. Time
Cooking Time
15 - 20 min
20 - 30 min
Vegan Option
+-400 Cal/Serv
3 Portions
Cherry tomatoes
Sunflower seeds
Rice vinegar
Red bell peppers
Lettuce mix / Baby
spinach / baby kales
6 large *eggs
1 + 1/2 cups cooked *quinoa
3 big handfuls lettuce mix/
baby spinach/baby kale
(1/2 cup dry quinoa)
3 tablespoons rice vinegar
300g red bell pepper
3 cups cherry tomatoes
Salt and pepper
3 tablespoons *sunflower seeds
10. Add a pot of hot water to the stove,
Storage List
adding 6 eggs to the water.
3 x airtight containers to store roasted
vegetables and quinoa
11. Bring the water to a boil on the stove and
3 x airtight containers to store boiled eggs
boil the eggs for about 8-10 minutes
3 x small containers to store salad dressing
(or until hard boiled).
3 x very small containers (or small reusable
ziplock bags) to store sunflower seeds
12. After about 10 minutes, remove the pot
3 x reusable bags or containers to store
from the stove and pour the hot water out
lettuce mix/leafy greens
of the pot.
13. Rinse the eggs under cold water, crack
them open and let them sit in the cold
1. Preheat your oven to 400°F/200°C.
water for a few minutes.
This will make it easier to remove
2. Line a baking tray with baking paper.
the shells.
3. Rinse the bell pepper and cherry
14. Peel the eggs, leaving them whole.
15. If you’d prefer a vegan option, then omit
4. Slice the bell pepper into strips, and leave
the eggs. Drain and rinse pinto beans,
the cherry tomatoes whole.
which you can mix with the quinoa, once
the quinoa is cooked.
5. Add the bell pepper slices and cherry
tomatoes to the baking tray (lined with
16. Once the roasted vegetables, quinoa
baking paper), and add a quick spray of
and eggs are cooked, leave to cool fully
cooking oil before tossing.
before storing.
6. Season with oregano, salt and pepper.
7. Roast for 20-30 minutes (until cooked).
8. Add 1/2 cup dry quinoa to a small pot
with 1 + 1/2 cups of hot water.
9. Bring to a boil on the stove and then
reduce the heat, cover with a lid and
let simmer for 15 minutes or until fully
cooked. Add more water if needed.
How To Store Your Meals
1. Using 3 small/medium containers, store
9. Store all of the prepped ingredients in
2 eggs in each one to make 3 ready-
the fridge.
to-eat servings.
2. Once the roasted vegetables have cooled
Alternatives & Suggestions
fully, divide them into 3 separate containers to make 3 servings.
**EGG (VEGAN OPTION): As a plantbased/vegan
Leave space in each container for the
you can use pinto beans in this
salad. Simply drain and rinse the
beans straight from the can, and store
3. Serve out 1/2 cup cooked quinoa to each
them in an airtight container with a
of the vegetable containers and add a
squeeze of lemon/lime juice to keep
small squeeze of lemon/lime juice to each
them fresh. When you’re ready to eat
container to keep everything fresh.
the salad, just toss the pinto beans
in with the other salad ingredients.
4. For the vegan option, add 2/3 cup to 1 cup
Substitute 6 large eggs for about 2
(125g) cooked and drained pinto beans to
cups cooked and drained pinto beans.
each of the containers (before adding the
lemon/lime juice) and toss with the quinoa.
*QUINOA: You can use the same
amount of brown rice as you would
quinoa. 1 + 1/2 cups cooked brown rice
5. Add a big handful of mixed lettuce/leafy
will give you roughly the same amount
greens to each of your 3 reusable ziplock
of calories as 1 + 1/2 cups cooked
quinoa. Use 1/2 cup dry brown rice to
make 1 + 1/2 cups cooked brown rice.
6. Measure out 3 tablespoons of sunflower
seeds between 3 very small containers so
*SUNFLOWER SEEDS: As a substitute
you have 1 tablespoon of sunflower seeds
for the sunflower seeds, you can use
per container.
the same amount of pumpkin seeds or
pine nuts.
7. Using 3 small bowls to make the dressing, add 1 tablespoon of rice vinegar, and
a sprinkle of salt and pepper to each one
with a big squeeze of lemon/lime juice.
8. Cover the containers with airtight lids, and
seal the reusable ziplock bags.
How To Put Your Lunch Together
(On The Day)
1. Slice the boiled eggs, or cut each in half.
2. To a plate or a bowl (or a large airtight
container to take to school or work),
add the lettuce mix/leafy greens.
3. Next, add the roasted vegetables,
quinoa (and pinto beans if you’ve
prepped the vegan option), and give
the salad a quick toss.
4. Add the boiled egg slices on top.
5. Shake the salad dressing in the
container with the lid on, or give it a
stir before drizzling it over the salad.
6. Lastly, sprinkle the sunflower seeds
on top.
7. Eat fresh & enjoy!
Dinner #1
Chicken & Vegetable Stir-Fry
with Quinoa & Olives
Dietary Notes: Gluten-free, Dairy-free, Vegan option, Nut Free
A simple, healthy chicken and mixed vegetable stir-fry with quinoa and Kalamata olives. Easy to
make, easy to heat, and perfect for a quick meal prep dinner! The veggies, good protein, fiber, whole
carbs and healthy fats are all the ingredients you need for a filling and satisfying meal.
Prep. Time
Cooking Time
15 min
20 min
Vegan Option
+-400 Cal/Serv
3 Portions
Kalamata olives
Brown rice
Red bell peppers
1/2 cup dry *quinoa
300g red bell pepper
(which makes 1 + 1/2 cups cooked)
1/2 small/medium onion
270g *chicken breast meat
Lemon/lime juice
(skinless, boneless)
30 Kalamata olives (purple olives)
Onion powder
450g zucchini
Salt and pepper to taste
Storing List
Alternatives & Suggestions
3 x medium airtight containers to store the
chicken & vegetable stir-fry
3 x airtight containers to store the quinoa
3 x airtight containers to store the olives
*QUINOA: You can replace the quinoa
with brown rice if you prefer. 1 + 1/2
cups cooked brown rice will give you
roughly the same amount of calories
as 1 + 1/2 cups cooked quinoa. Use
1/2 cup dry brown rice to make 1 + 1/2
1. Add 1/2 cup dry quinoa to a small pot with
cups cooked brown rice.
1 + 1/2 cups of hot water.
2. Bring to a boil on the stove and then re-
plant-based alternative for the chick-
duce the heat, cover with a lid, and simmer
en in this recipe, you can use chick-
for 15 minutes or until fully cooked. Add
peas. 1/3 Cup of chickpeas contains
more water if needed.
of calories as a 90g serving size of
3. Chop the onion into fine pieces and add to
chicken. 1 Cup of chickpeas would
a frying pan with a quick spray of cooking
be equivalent to 3 servings (270g) of
oil spray.
chicken. Drain and rinse the chickpeas
before adding them to the recipe.
4. Cook over a medium/high heat on the
*CHICKEN (TAKE NOTE): Calories are
stove until the onion starts to brown. You
based on skinless, boneless chicken
can add a small amount of water to the
breast meat.
pan if it gets too dry or to prevent the onion from burning.
5. Cooking the onions first and allowing
them to brown slightly will add a lot of
flavor to the meal.
6. Cut the chicken breast meat into small
pieces and add to the pan along with the
onion. If you’d prefer the vegan alternative,
add chickpeas instead of the chicken.
7. Rinse the bell pepper and zucchini.
8. Slice the bell pepper and zucchini into
strips, and add them to the pan once the
chicken has started to cook.
9. Add some onion powder, oregano, salt, pepper and lime or lemon juice for flavor.
10. Cover with a lid, tossing occasionally for a
few minutes over a medium heat.
11. Once the chicken & vegetable stir-fry and
the quinoa are both cooked, remove from
heat and leave to cool.
12. Make sure the chicken is fully cooked before removing from the heat.
How To Store Your Meals
1. Once the chicken & vegetable stir-fry and
the quinoa are both fully cooked and have
cooled, you can start to put your meal
prep containers together.
2. Divide the chicken & vegetable stir-fry
between 3 medium containers to make 3
equal portions.
3. Using 3 small containers, measure out
1/2 cup of quinoa to add each container
to make a total of 3 separate portions of
4. Lastly, add 10 olives to each of the 3
How To Put Your Dinner
Together (On The Day)
1. You can heat your meal in any way
the pan, tossing occasionally until
you prefer.
heated through. Avoid overcooking to
prevent drying.
2. I personally like to heat the chicken & vegetable stir-fry and the quinoa in a frying pan
4. Once the chicken & vegetable stir-fry and
on the stove over a low to medium heat.
quinoa are heated, serve on a plate with
the olives and enjoy!
3. If you choose to heat up your meal in a pan
on the stove, keep everything separate in
Dinner #2
Brown Rice Pasta with Lentils,
Mushrooms, Brussels Sprouts &
Marinara Sauce
Dietary Notes: Gluten-free option, Dairy-free, Vegan, Nut Free
Liezl’s favorite meal prep dinner! A saucy mix of lentils, mushrooms and shredded Brussels sprouts
served with brown rice pasta makes a deliciously healthy dinner. The plant-based protein and veggies
are cleverly drenched in marinara sauce, so you won’t even notice them.
Prep. Time
Cooking Time
Plant Based
10 - 15 min
15 min
+-400 Cal/Serv
2 Portions
1+ 1/2 cups cooked brown rice
Marinara pasta sauce
*pasta (85g dry)
1 cup cooked *lentils (200g)
300g mushrooms
100g brussels sprouts
1 cup *marinara pasta sauce
1/2 medium onion
Lemon / lime juice
Sea salt (optional)
Lemon / lime
Storage List
2 x medium airtight containers to store
Brussels sprouts
the lentil & vegetable pasta sauce
2 x medium airtight containers to store
the cooked pasta
Alternatives & Suggestions
*BROWN RICE PASTA: I like to use
1. Bring a large/medium pot of water to a
boil on the stove before adding the dry
because it’s gluten-free and it’s more
pasta to the boiling water.
wholegrain than white pastas.
2. Boil the pasta for 8-15 minutes until fully
However, you can use any kind of
cooked. Check the cooking instructions
pasta you prefer. I recommend using a
on your brand of pasta, as cooking times
wholegrain pasta made from brown rice
may differ.
or quinoa, or even wholegrain wheat
pasta (if you are able to eat gluten).
3. Chop the onion into small pieces, and
cook in a frying pan with a small amount
of cooking oil spray over a medium/
lentils, you can use 1 cup cooked black
high heat until slightly browned (but not
beans (about 172g) for both servings
burned). You can add a small amount of
(1/2 cup per serving).
water to the pan while cooking if needed.
4. Rinse and slice the mushrooms and
use Rao’s Homemade Marinara Sauce.
brussels sprouts into pieces. Shred the
It’s an all-purpose tomato-based pasta
brussels sprouts or cut them into thin slic-
sauce. You can use any tomato-based
es and add them to the pan with the onion.
or marinara pasta sauce that you prefer.
I recommend using one that is between
5. Cook the vegetables with pepper and lem-
80-100 calories per 1/2 cup serving.
on/lime juice over a medium heat, tossing
The one I use is 90 calories per 1/2
often. Cover with a lid when not tossing.
cup, or 180 calories per 1 cup, and is
dairy-free, gluten-free and sugar-free.
6. Drain and rinse the fully cooked lentils
7. Once the vegetables are almost fully
cooked, add the cooked lentils and the
marinara pasta sauce and toss occasionally. Avoid overcooking the brussels
sprouts, they should be slightly crunchy
and bright green.
8. Once everything is cooked, leave to cool
fully before storing.
How To Store Your Meals
(So They Are Ready To Go)
1. Using 2 medium-sized containers, divide
the lentil & vegetable pasta sauce between
the two containers.
2. Using another 2 medium-sized containers,
serve 3/4 of a cup of cooked pasta into
each one to make 2 portions of pasta.
3. Once everything has fully cooled, cover
all of the containers with airtight lids and
store in the fridge.
How To Put Your Dinner
Together (On The Day)
1. You can heat your meal in any way
you prefer.
2. I personally prefer to heat the lentil &
vegetable pasta sauce along with the
cooked pasta in a frying pan on the stove
over a low to medium heat.
3. You can use a small amount (a quick spray)
of cooking oil spray to grease the pan.
4. If you heat your meal in a pan on the stove,
you can choose to either keep each item
separate or mix it all together in a pan,
tossing occasionally until heated through.
Avoid overcooking to prevent drying.
5. Once everything is heated, serve on a plate
and enjoy!
Fast Weight-Loss Meal Prep For Women
Week #3
Week #3 Introduction
Meal Overview
Breakfast #1
Chocolate, Banana & Blueberry
Toaster Muffins
These easy and healthy chocolate, banana & blueberry
muffins make the perfect meal prep breakfast. Wake up
and pop them into the toaster for the easiest 2 minute
‘fresh out of the oven’ breakfast.
Breakfast #2
Strawberry & Pineapple Protein
A super fruity, creamy smoothie that’s also high in protein? With a breakfast that’s well-balanced with healthy
carbs and fiber from tangy pineapple and sweet strawberries, healthy fats from creamy yogurt, and at least
20g of protein. Blend, and go in 2 minutes!
Snack #1
Protein Hot Chocolate with Banana
An indulgent chocolatey treat for a healthy snack that’s
high in protein, low in sugar, and filling? Yes, please!
Take your average protein snack to the next level with
this pre-prepped hot chocolate mix.
Snack #2
Oven Roasted “Cheese”
& Onion Chickpeas
These small, but filling, oven roasted “cheese” & onion
chickpeas are the perfect snack to throw into a handbag, school bag, or lunch box. They’re the ultimate combination of crispy, toasty, soft and chewy… kind of like
chips or popcorn, only healthier.
Lunch #1
Spicy Shrimp & Roast
Potato Salad
A spicy shrimp and potato salad that will make
you look forward to your lunch break (aren’t those
lunches the best? The one’s that you can’t wait to eat?).
Shrimp is high in protein, low in calories and also filling…
and roasted potatoes make any salad instantly better.
Lunch #2
Hummus & Roasted Pepper
It’s not just another bland and boring ‘healthy’ sandwich. This sandwich is both super tasty (those roasted
bell pepper slices are a sandwich game changer) and
filling from the protein in the hummus, the whole carbs,
Dinner #1
and the veggies that have been cleverly snuck in there!
Tomato Chicken Curry, Brown Rice &
Roasted Green Beans
Healthy chicken curry with brown rice and roasted
green beans. A cosy home-cooked meal perfect for
evenings when you want to curl up with a blanket and
a movie, or just have a few minutes to relax and eat
dinner. Tasty, filling, nourishing and satisfying.
Dinner #2
Roast Salmon, Sweet Potato
Veggies & Tahini Dip
Salmon with roasted sweet potato, veggie stir-fry and
tahini dip. Simple, easy to make, and full of beneficial
ingredients. This is a classic, healthy, weight loss meal
that will satisfy your appetite and keep you feeling fuller for longer because of the balance of protein, whole
carbs, fiber and healthy fats.
Week #3
Grocery Shopping List
Grains, Starch & Whole Carbs
☐ *6 x slices bread (roughly 100 cal per
slice, see note on lunch recipe #2)
Milk, Yogurt + Plant Based
☐ *1/3 cup milk (see notes on breakfast
recipe #1, snack recipe #1)
☐ 1 cup dry brown rice
(which makes 3 cups cooked)
☐ *1 + 1/2 cups plain yogurt (see note on
breakfast recipe #2)
☐ 2/3 cup dry rolled oats
☐ 260g potato
☐ 200g sweet potato
Fruit + Vegetables
Protein + Plant Based
☐ 120g salmon fillet (Or 3/4 cup cooked
☐ 1 medium banana
☐ 3/4 cup blueberries
☐ *360g skinless, boneless, chicken breast
☐ 1 + 1/2 cups fresh raspberries
meat (Or 1 + 1/2 cups pinto beans, or 1 +
☐ 2 cups frozen pineapple pieces
1/3 cups chickpeas)
☐ 4 cups frozen strawberries
☐ 200g pre-cooked, de-veined and peeled
☐ 2 or 3 fresh lemons/ limes
frozen shrimp (Or just less than 1 cup
☐ 2 medium tomatoes
pinto beans)
(or 2 cups cherry tomatoes)
☐ 1 large egg (or 1 Tablespoon chia seeds)
☐ 3 cups + 6 single cherry tomatoes
☐ 1 cup plain hummus
☐ 500g red bell pepper
☐ 4 tablespoons tahini
☐ 200g cauliflower
☐ 7 teaspoons sunflower seeds
☐ 160g brussels sprouts
☐ 3 tablespoons peanut butter
☐ 1 small/ medium onion
☐ *1/4 cup (25g) + 3 + 1/2 scoops (107g)
☐ 300g green beans
vanilla protein powder (see note)
☐ 2 or 3 big handfuls of lettuce mix
or baby spinach
Baking, Spices + Flavor
☐ 2 teaspoons coconut oil
☐ 2 teaspoons coconut sugar
☐ 3 tablespoons unsweetened
cocoa powder
☐ 1/4 teaspoon cinnamon
☐ 1/8 teaspoon baking soda
☐ 1/4 teaspoon baking powder
☐ 2 tablespoon rice vinegar
or coconut vinegar
☐ 2 teaspoons olive oil
☐ Chili flakes or chili powder (optional)
☐ 1-2 teaspoons curry powder (to taste)
☐ Ginger powder
Pantry Staples
☐ Cooking oil spray (I use avocado or
coconut cooking oil spray)
☐ Oregano
☐ Onion powder
☐ Sea salt
☐ Pepper
Snack Items - 1400 Calorie
A Day Option
Snack Items - 1600 Calorie
A Day Option
☐ 3 medium bananas
☐ 6 medium bananas
☐ 3 teaspoons unsweetened cocoa powder
☐ 6 teaspoons unsweetened cocoa powder
☐ *1 + 1/2 cups milk
☐ *3 cups milk
(see notes on snack recipe #1)
☐ 1 + 1/2 scoops *vanilla protein
powder (45g)
(see notes on snack recipe #1)
☐ 3 scoops *vanilla protein powder (90g)
☐ 3 cups cooked chickpeas
☐ 1 + 1/2 cups cooked chickpeas
(250g cooked/canned)
☐ 2 teaspoons *nutritional yeast (optional)
☐ 4 teaspoons *nutritional yeast (optional)
☐ 2 teaspoons onion powder
☐ 1 teaspoon onion powder
Snack Calories
Depending on your current weight, height, and
So, whether you’re following a 1200, 1400, or
goals, you may want to follow a plan that has
1600 calorie diet with this meal plan, the only
either 1200, 1400, or 1600 calories per day.
thing that will change will be the snacks (to get
your desired amount of calories per day). No
To make things as simple as possible, I made all
matter what your calorie needs are, you can still
meal plans based on a 1200 calorie a day total,
prepare all of the breakfasts, lunches, and din-
and then added snack options which can take
ners as they are outlined in this eating plan.
your total to either 1400 or 1600 calories. The
1200 calorie option has no snacks, the 1400 cal-
1200 Calorie a Day Diet
orie option has one snack per day, and the 1600
For a 1200 calorie diet, have all 3 meals each
calorie option simply doubles the snacks to give
day, and just leave out the snacks (that means
you two snacks per day. (This also means that
less prep work for you!). You do not need to pur-
if you want to switch between the different dai-
chase any of the food items listed under “Snack
ly calorie amounts you can do so very easily by
Items” in the shopping list.
simply including, leaving out, or doubling the
snack option).
1400 Calorie a Day Diet
If you’d like to follow a 1400 calorie diet, you
can go ahead and prepare the 3 meals as well
as one snack for each day. You can purchase
all of the ingredients on the main shopping list
as well as all ingredients in the “SNACK ITEMS 1400 CALORIE A DAY OPTION” list.
1600 Calorie a Day Diet
For a 1600 calorie diet, prepare all 3 meals and
simply double all of the snack recipes so that you
have 3 meals and 2 snacks per day. Purchase all
of the ingredients on the main shopping list as
well as the ingredients in the “SNACK ITEMS 1600 CALORIE A DAY OPTION” list. (The 1600
calorie a day snacks are exactly the same as the
1400 calorie a day snacks, they’re just doubled).
Week #3
Important Notes
*BREAD: You can use any kind of bread that you
*CHICKEN (TAKE NOTE): Calories are based on
like with this recipe. However, I recommend using
skinless, boneless chicken breast meat.
bread that is roughly 100 calories per slice. If you
have a gluten intolerance, it would be in your best
*PROTEIN POWDER: I use a plant-based/vegan
interest to use a gluten-free bread. I recommend
vanilla protein powder sweetened with stevia.
using a bread that is as whole grain as possible
You can use any protein powder you prefer, but I
(meaning that it contains little or no white flours).
suggest using one that is slightly sweetened and
I prefer to use a whole grain gluten-free bread or
flavored with vanilla.
a 100% whole grain wheat-free rye bread. Whole
Calorie reference: The calorie content in protein
grain breads contain more fiber and will help
powders vary, but the specific brand I use con-
keep you feeling full for a longer period of time
tains approximately 110 calories and 22 grams
after a meal.
of protein per 31 grams of powder.
*MILK: You can use any milk of your choice
*Other alternatives and substitutions (for ingre-
(dairy or non-dairy).
dients such as nuts, gluten and dairy products)
are available on each individual recipe page.
Calorie Reference: I use an unsweetened almond
milk, which is approximately 30 calories per cup.
*Full instructions and suggestions for vegan/
plant-based alternatives are available on each
*YOGURT: You can use any plain or vanilla yo-
individual recipe page.
gurt for this recipe. I personally prefer to use an
unsweetened vanilla or plain vegan yogurt. How-
*All cup measurements are based on the stan-
ever, you can use any dairy or dairy-free yogurt.
dard US cup measurement.
I suggest a serving size of 100-110 calories of
yogurt per smoothie. In total, you’d need about
200-220 calories worth of yogurt for 2 smoothies.
You can either purchase your yogurt in 2 small
ready-to-go servings, or divide up a larger tub of
yogurt into smaller servings.
If you don’t enjoy yogurt, fresh or frozen avocado
is another delicious dairy-free alternative for this
recipe. Roughly 60g of avocado can substitute a
single serving of yogurt, or 120g for 2 servings.
Week #3
This Weeks Full
Meal prep can feel a bit overwhelming when you’re trying to prep a week’s worth of food… but it
doesn’t have to be! I’ve developed a simple method to help make the prepping and cooking process
as short and fuss-free as possible!
To prep 5 full days of meals, start by prepping and cooking the foods that take the longest to cook.
Foods that typically take longer to cook usually require roasting or baking. Starting with these foods
will help you to create some order in your kitchen, and you’ll see everything come together quickly.
You can easily cut down the cooking time by baking as many trays of food at a time as your oven can
handle. My oven can only hold 2 trays at a time, and so I make sure that any extra trays of uncooked
food are ready to replace any outgoing trays of cooked food. If you have space for three trays at a
time in the oven, take advantage of it and bake as much as you can in one go to speed up the process.
I also like to maximize any space that I have on the trays, and so I bake/roast similar foods together.
For example, I bake potatoes and sweet potatoes together on the same tray because they have similar
baking times, but I make sure the ingredients are separated from each other.
For stove-top recipes, you can cook several dishes simultaneously. Begin with the recipes that take
longer to cook, such as chicken or curry dishes. While those dishes are cooking, start the quicker
meals, such as shrimp, on the another burner.
Today, we begin the prepping process with the potatoes and sweet potatoes because they require the
longest cooking time.
Before You Start
1. Preheat your oven to 400°F/200°C.
Step #1
Thaw Shrimp
1. Measure the correct quantity of frozen
Step #2
Roast Potatoes & Sweet Potatoes
1. Line a baking tray with baking paper.
shrimp and leave it out to thaw.
2. Rinse the potatoes and sweet potatoes.
(skip this step if using the vegan
3. Chop the potatoes and sweet potatoes
into thin slices.
4. On a baking tray lined with baking pa-
6. If you’re making additional roasted chick-
per, add the potatoes to one side and the
peas as plant-based/vegan alternatives
sweet potatoes to the other side of the
for the salmon (dinner #2) or the shrimp
tray. Add a small amount of cooking oil
(lunch #1), you can roast the additional
spray to both the potatoes and sweet po-
chickpeas with this batch.
tatoes before tossing, keeping the sweet
potatoes on one side of the tray, and the
7. Leave to cool before storing.
potatoes on the other side.
5. Season the potato and sweet potato
slices with salt and pepper.
6. Roast in the oven for 30 to 60 minutes
Step #4
Cook Brown Rice
1. Add 1 cup dry brown rice to a small pot
with about 3 cups of hot water.
(or until cooked).
7. Once the potatoes are all cooked, leave
2. Bring to a boil on the stove and then
reduce the heat, cover with a lid, and
them all to cool fully before storing them
simmer for 30 to 40 minutes or until fully
in reusable containers.
Step #3
Roast Chickpeas
1. Line a baking tray with baking paper.
cooked. Add more water if needed.
Step #5
Bake Muffins
1. Whisk the egg in a medium/large mixing
bowl until the consistency is smooth and
2. Open, rinse and drain 250g of cooked/
even. If you want a plant-based substitute
canned chickpeas.
for egg, then omit the egg. You can make
a chia egg in a separate bowl using chia
3. Add the drained chickpeas to the baking
seeds and water, and leave it to soak until
tray with a quick spray of cooking oil
the chia egg has a gel-like consistency.
(just a quick spray).
Don’t add the chia egg to the mixture
immediately as it will be added last.
4. Sprinkle the nutritional yeast, onion powder, salt and pepper to the tray and toss it
2. Blend the whole rolled oats in a blender/
all together with the chickpeas.
food processor to make a flour or use the
same amount of oat flour.
5. Roast for 30-40 minutes, checking and
tossing them every 10 minutes or so,
3. Peel and roughly smash the banana with
until they are crispy and golden.
a fork.
4. Add the blended oats (or oat flour) and
smashed banana to the bowl with the egg
and add the almond milk, protein powder,
cocoa powder, blueberries, melted coconut oil, cinnamon, baking soda, baking
Step #6
Roast Bell Pepper &
Green Beans
1. Line a baking tray with baking paper.
powder, coconut sugar and sea salt.
2. Rinse the bell pepper and the green beans.
5. Add the chia egg last if you have selected
the plant-based vegan option. Skip this
3. Slice the bell pepper into strips.
step if you are using regular egg.
4. Remove the ends from the green beans
6. Mix all of the ingredients together.
7. Line a muffin tray with muffin papers and
5. On a vacant baking tray lined with baking
spoon an equal amount of batter into each
paper, add the bell pepper to one end and
muffin paper, making enough muffins for 3
add the green beans to the other end.
equal servings.
6. Add a quick spray of cooking oil before
8. This recipes makes roughly 12 small
tossing each side, keeping the vegetables
muffins. 1 serving size is approximately 4
muffins of 1/3 of the batch.
7. Season the bell pepper with chili flakes,
9. Have the muffins ready to go in the oven
salt and pepper.
as soon as the chickpeas or potatoes are
ready to come out, and bake for 20
8. Season the green beans with salt and
minutes or until ready at 400°F/200°C.
10. You will know the muffins are ready when
9. Have the bell pepper slices and green
you can pierce one with a sharp knife, and
beans ready to go in the oven as soon as
the knife comes out mostly clean.
the chickpeas, potatoes or muffins are
ready to come out. Bake for 15-30 min-
11. Allow the muffins to cool fully before
utes, or until ready at 400°F/200°C.
storing them.
10. Once the bell pepper and green beans are
cooked, allow them to cool fully before
Step #7
Cook Salmon
1. Line a baking tray with baking paper.
Step #9
Cook Chicken Curry
(Or vegan curry)
1. Chop the onion into fine pieces and add
to a frying pan with a quick spray of
2. Cut the salmon fillet into 2 pieces, adding
cooking oil.
them to the second baking tray.
3. Squeeze lemon/lime juice over the salm-
2. Cook over a medium/high heat on the
on together with sea salt and pepper and
stove until the onion starts to brown. You
bake in the oven for 15-20 minutes (or
can add a small amount of water to the
until cooked to your preference).
pan if it gets too dry or to prevent the
onion from burning.
Step #8
Cook Shrimp
3. Cut the chicken breast meat into small
pieces and add to the pan along with the
onion to start cooking. If you’d prefer the
1. Add the thawed shrimp to a frying pan
vegan alternative, add chickpeas or pinto
with a small amount of cooking oil spray,
beans instead of the chicken.
lemon or lime juice, pepper, sea salt, a
sprinkle of onion powder and a pinch of
chili flakes or chili powder (optional).
4. Slice the cherry tomatoes into pieces
(halves or quarters), and add them to the
onions and chicken.
2. Toss on the stove over a medium to high
heat for a minute or two. Keep in mind
that shrimp can easily overcook and be-
5. After you’ve added the onion, chicken and
tomatoes to the pan, add the curry pow-
come rubbery if you leave it too long on
der, onion powder, pinch of ginger pow-
the stove.
der, salt, pepper and lime or lemon juice.
6. Cover with a lid, stirring occasionally for
a few minutes over a medium heat.
7. Once the curry is cooked, remove from
heat and leave to cool. Make sure the
chicken is fully cooked before removing
from the heat.
Step #10
Make Vegetable Stir-Fry
5. Once all of your ingredients have been
divided between 2 ziplock bags and 2
airtight containers, tightly seal the ziplock
bags and place them in the freezer.
1. Chop the onion into small pieces, and cook
in a frying pan with a small amount of
cooking oil spray over a medium/high heat
6. Cover the 2 yogurt containers with lids and
place in them in the fridge.
until slightly browned (but not burned). You
can add a small amount of water to the pan
while cooking if needed.
2. Rinse and slice the cauliflower and
brussels sprouts into pieces, and add
them to the pan with the onion.
Step #12
Make Protein Hot Choc Prep
1. Prepare 3 small reusable ziplock bags
or 3 small containers for the protein
3. Cook the vegetables over a medium heat
hot chocolate mix, and place 1/2 scoop
with sea salt, pepper, oregano and lemon/
protein powder and 1 teaspoon of cocoa
lime juice, tossing often.
4. Once the vegetables are cooked, leave to
cool fully before storing
powder in each bag.
2. Measure out 1/2 cup milk per small/
medium sized container so that you
have 3 servings of pre-measured milk.
Step #11
Make Vegetable Stir-Fry
1. Start by taking out 2 reusable ziplock bags.
2. Measure out 2 cups of frozen strawberries,
1 cup of frozen pineapple pieces and 1
scoop of protein powder to place into each
of the 2 ziplock bags.
3. Next, take out 2 small/medium sized
airtight containers for the yogurt.
4. Measure out approximately 3/4 cup
(or a serving size close to roughly 100-110
calories) of yogurt for each container.
Week #3
Final Step
Put All The Meals Together
Breakfast #1
Toaster muffins with peanut
butter & berries
1. Once your batch of muffins has cooled,
Breakfast #2
Strawberry & Pineapple Protein
Smoothie Prep
1. If you followed the smoothie prep instruc-
they will be ready to store.
tions in step #10, then you’re done with
smoothie prep!
2. I like to divide the muffins and toppings
between separate food storage containers
2. Once all of your ingredients have been
so that everything is ready to go for my
divided between 2 ziplock bags and 2
week of prepped meals.
airtight containers, tightly seal the ziplock
bags and place them in the freezer.
3. Divide the muffins into 3 servings (the
recipe should make 4 small muffins per
3. Cover the 2 yogurt containers with lids
serving), and place each serving in sepa-
and place in them in the fridge.
rate medium-sized airtight containers.
4. Measure out 1 tablespoon of peanut
butter per serving and place into 3 separate small, airtight containers. You should
Snack #1
Hot Choc Prep & Banana
1. Once all of the protein hot chocolate ingre-
have 3 small containers with 1 tablespoon
dients have been divided between 3 reus-
of peanut butter per container.
able ziplock bags and 3 airtight containers,
tightly seal the reusable ziplock bags.
5. Use another 3 small/medium containers
to store the raspberries. Do not pre-wash
2. Store the reusable ziplock bags and the 3
the raspberries prior to storage as they
bananas in a cool place.
don’t keep well when wet.
3. Cover the 3 milk containers with lids and
6. Keep the muffins and raspberries in their
place in the fridge.
separate airtight containers in the fridge.
7. Store the peanut butter in a cool, dark
Snack #2
Roasted Chickpeas
1. Once the roasted chickpeas have cooled
6. Store the roast potatoes, peppers, shrimp,
salad dressing and salad mix in the fridge.
7. Store the sunflower seeds in a cool,
dark place.
fully, divide them into 2 servings.
2. Store each serving in a reusable ziplock
bag or a small airtight container.
3. Seal the reusable ziplock bags or cover
the containers with airtight lids.
Lunch #2
Hummus & Roasted
Pepper Sandwich
1. Once the roasted bell pepper has cooled
fully, divide it into 3 separate containers to
4. Store in a cool, dry place.
Lunch #1
Shrimp & Roast Potato Salad
1. Using 2 medium sized food containers,
divide the roasted potato and the roasted
make 3 servings.
2. Divide the cup of hummus between
3 containers to make 3 servings
(1/3 cup per serving).
3. Add 2 slices of bread to each of your 3
reusable ziplock bags or containers that
pepper into 2 servings.
2. Using 2 small/medium containers, divide
the shrimp into 2 servings.
you’ll be using to store bread.
4. Take a handful of lettuce mix or baby
spinach and divide it between 3 small
reusable ziplock bags, adding 2 cherry
3. Measure out 4 teaspoons of sunflower
tomatoes to each of the bags.
seeds between 2 very small containers
(2 teaspoons per container).
5. Measure out 3 teaspoons of sunflower
seeds between 3 very small containers so
4. Using 2 medium/large reusable ziplock
you have 1 teaspoon of sunflower seeds
bags, add a big handful of lettuce mix (or
per container.
baby spinach) to each bag with 1 medium
sized tomato (left whole) or 1 cup of cherry tomatoes in each bag.
6. Store all of the prepped ingredients in the
5. Once everything has cooled fully, add lids
to all of the food containers and seal the
reusable ziplock bags.
Dinner #1
Chicken Curry With Rice &
Green Beans
1. Once the chicken curry, brown rice and
Dinner #2
Roast Salmon, Sweet Potato
Veggies & Tahini Dip
1. Using 2 small containers for the dipping
green beans are fully cooked and have
sauce, measure out 1 tablespoon of tahini
cooled, you can start to put your meal prep
and 1 teaspoon of olive oil for each one.
containers together.
2. Mix the tahini and olive oil with lemon or
2. Serve the chicken curry between 3 medium
lime juice, oregano, a pinch of onion
containers to make 3 portions.
3. Using 3 small containers, measure out 1
powder, salt and pepper.
3. Using 2 medium-sized containers, serve
cup of rice to each one to make 3 portions
half of the sweet potatoes and half of the
of rice.
vegetables into one container, and the
remainders in the other container.
4. Lastly, serve the green beans between 3
4. Serve each salmon fillet into a
medium-sized container.
5. Cover all of the containers with airtight lids
and store in the fridge.
5. Once everything has fully cooled, store in
the fridge.
Week #3
What You Will Need For This
Weeks Meal Storage
Storage List
☐ 3 x medium airtight containers to store muffins
☐ 3 x small airtight containers to store peanut butter
☐ 3 x small/medium airtight containers to store raspberries
☐ 2 x medium/large reusable ziplock bags to store smoothie prep
☐ 2 x small/medium airtight containers to store the yogurt
☐ 2 x medium/large reusable ziplock bags/airtight containers to store lettuce mix and tomatoes
☐ 2 x small/medium airtight containers to store salad dressing
☐ 2 x small/medium airtight containers to store cooked shrimp
☐ 2 x medium airtight containers to store roasted potatoes and peppers
☐ 2 x very small containers/reusable ziplock bags to store sunflower seeds
☐ 3 x small/medium airtight containers to store roasted bell peppers
☐ 3 x small airtight containers to store hummus
☐ 3 x very small containers or small reusable ziplock bags) to store sunflower seeds
☐ 3 x small/medium reusable ziplock bags or airtight containers to store bread
☐ 3 x small/medium reusable bags or containers to store lettuce mix and tomatoes
☐ 3 x small reusable ziplock bags to store protein hot chocolate mix
☐ 3 x small/medium airtight containers to store milk
☐ 2 small reusable ziplock bags or 2 small containers to store roasted chickpeas
☐ 3 x medium airtight containers for chicken curry
☐ 3 x medium airtight containers for roasted green beans
☐ 3 x small airtight containers for brown rice
☐ 2 x medium airtight containers to store roasted salmon
☐ 2 x medium airtight containers to store roasted sweet potatoes and veggies
☐ 2 x small airtight containers to store tahini dip
Prepped Food Item Checklist
☐ 3 x containers with prepped muffins
☐ 3 x small containers with peanut butter
☐ 3 x containers with fresh raspberries
☐ 2 x ziplock bags with smoothie prep
☐ 2 x small containers with yogurt
☐ 2 x containers with roasted potato and bell pepper
☐ 2 x containers with cooked shrimp
☐ 2 x containers with prepped salad dressing
☐ 2 x small containers with sunflower seeds
☐ 2 x reusable bags with lettuce mix and tomatoes
☐ 3 x containers with roasted bell peppers
☐ 3 x containers with hummus
☐ 3 x small containers with sunflower seeds
☐ 3 x reusable ziplock bags with bread
☐ 3 x small reusable ziplock bags with lettuce and tomatoes
☐ 3 x reusable ziplock bags with hot chocolate mix
☐ 3 x small containers with milk
☐ 3 x medium bananas
☐ 2 x reusable ziplock bags (or containers) with roasted chickpeas
☐ 3 x containers with chicken curry
☐ 3 x containers with roasted green beans
☐ 3 x small containers with brown rice
☐ 2 x containers with roasted salmon
☐ 2 x containers with roasted sweet potatoes and veggies
☐ 2 x small containers with tahini dip
Time Estimates
Prep. Time
Cooking Time
71 - 90 min
150 - 240 min
Take Note: Time Estimates
1. Take note: PREP TIME indicates a realistic
cook while you prep other items and while
time frame. This is the actual time required
multiple other items are cooking.
for prepping your meals. This includes
chopping the vegetables, mixing the muffin
3. Take note: TOTAL TIME can vary greatly
batter, prepping the overnight oats, etc.
depending on multiple factors such as:
This should take roughly an hour, or more,
the pace at which each individual works,
of focused time to complete.
how many pots and pans you have to use,
and how many stove top burners and oven
2. Take note: COOK TIME does not indicate
space you have to work with.
a realistic time frame, due to the fact that
I suggest prepping ingredients and recipes
multiple items will be cooking at the same
while other ingredients cook on the stove
time. Cook time indicates the total stove-
or bake in oven to speed up the process
top or total oven cooking time for all of the
and to reduce total time spent on weekly
recipes. However, most of the items will
meal prepping.
Fast Weight Loss Meal Prep For Women
Breakfast #1
Chocolate, Banana & Blueberry
Toaster Muffins
Dietary Notes: Gluten-free, Dairy-free, Vegan option, Nut Free option
These easy and healthy chocolate, banana & blueberry muffins make the perfect meal prep breakfast. Wake up and pop them into the toaster for the easiest 2 minute ‘fresh out of the oven’ breakfast.
Top with peanut butter and fresh raspberries for a decadent and quick morning bite.
Prep. Time
Cooking Time
5 - 10 min
20 min
Vegan Option
+-400 Cal/Serv
3 Portions
Baking powder
Baking soda
Vanilla protein powder
Cocoa powder
Coconut sugar
Sea salt
chia seeds
2/3 cup rolled *oats (dry)
1/4 teaspoon cinnamon
1 medium ripe banana
1/8 teaspoon baking soda
1/3 cup *milk (I use almond)
1/4 teaspoon baking powder
1 large *egg (or 1 chia egg)
Pinch of sea salt
2 teaspoons *coconut oil (melted)
2 teaspoons *coconut sugar
1/4 cup *vanilla protein powder (25g)
3 tablespoons of unsweetened cocoa powder
3/4 cup *blueberries
3 tablespoons *peanut butter
1 + 1/2 cups fresh *raspberries
Storage List
6. Add the chia egg last if you have selected
the plant-based vegan option. Skip this
3 x medium airtight containers to store
step if you are using regular egg.
your fresh muffins
3 x small containers to store peanut butter
3 x small airtight containers to store
7. Mix all of the ingredients together.
8. Line a muffin tray with muffin papers and
spoon an equal amount of batter into each
muffin paper, making enough muffins for 3
equal servings.
1. Preheat your oven to 400°F/200°C.
This recipes makes roughly 12 small
2. Whisk the egg in a medium/large mixing
muffins. 1 Serving size is approximately 4
bowl until the consistency is smooth and
muffins or 1/3 of the batch.
even. If you want a plant-based substitute
for egg, then omit the egg. You can make
9. Bake for 20 minutes or until ready at
a chia egg in a separate bowl using chia
seeds and water, and leave it to soak until
the chia egg has a gel-like consistency.
10. You will know the muffins are ready when
you can pierce one with a sharp knife, and
Don’t add the chia egg to the mixture
the knife comes out mostly clean.
immediately as it will be added last.
11. Allow the muffins to cool fully before
3. Blend the whole rolled oats in a
storing them.
blender/food processor to make a flour
(this takes less than a minute) or use the
12. Store the muffins in an airtight container
same amount of oat flour.
in the fridge to keep fresh.
4. Peel and roughly smash the banana with
a fork.
5. Add the blended oats (or oat flour) and
smashed banana to the bowl with the egg
and add the almond milk, protein powder,
cocoa powder, blueberries, melted coconut oil, cinnamon, baking soda, baking
powder, coconut sugar and sea salt.
How To Store Your Meals
1. Once your batch of muffins has cooled, they
3. Use another 3 small/medium containers to
will be ready to store in an airtight container.
store the raspberries. Do not pre-wash the
Divide the (fully cooled) muffins into 3
raspberries prior to storage as they don’t
serving, and place each serving in separate
keep well when wet.
medium-sized airtight containers.
4. Keep the muffins and raspberries in their
2. Measure out 1 tablespoon of peanut butter
separate airtight containers in the fridge.
per serving and place into 3 airtight containers. You should have 3 containers with 1
5. Store the peanut butter in a cool, dark place.
tablespoon of peanut butter per container.
Alternatives & Suggestions
You can use any protein powder you prefer, but
*OATS: Oats are naturally gluten-free.
I suggest using one that is slightly sweetened
and flavored with vanilla.
*MILK: You can use any milk of your choice
(dairy or non-dairy).
*BLUEBERRIES: I use frozen blueberries in this
*EGG: As a plant-based alternative to egg, you
recipe because they are cheaper and available
can mix 1 tablespoon of chia seeds together
all year round.
with 3 tablespoons of water. Let the chia seeds
soak for 5 minutes and then add the chia egg to
*PEANUT BUTTER: If you’re looking for a nut-
the rest of the ingredients before baking.
free alternative to peanut butter, you can replace it with butter or a dairy-free/vegan butter.
*COCONUT OIL: As an alternative to coconut
Butter melting on top of a warm toasted muffin
oil, you can use the same quantity of butter or
is just as delicious as peanut butter. Use 1 ta-
vegan butter/margarine instead.
blespoon of butter per 1 tablespoon serving of
peanut butter. Another option could be to have
*COCONUT SUGAR: You can replace coconut
extra banana slices on top of your breakfast
sugar with maple syrup, honey, or any other
muffins. Use 1 small or medium banana in-
sugar or sweetener (such as stevia) you prefer.
stead of 1 tablespoon serving of peanut butter.
Keep in mind that sugar substitutes and sweeteners vary in levels of sweetness, so you need
*RASPBERRIES: I recommend using fresh
to adjust the amount used according to taste.
fruit as a topping because frozen fruit typically doesn’t taste as good on top of a breakfast
*PROTEIN POWDER: I use a plant-based/vegan
muffin. I love using raspberries, but you can use
vanilla protein powder sweetened with stevia.
any fresh fruit as an alternative topping.
How To Put Your
Breakfast Together
1. These muffins need to be kept in the fridge
Easy Heating
1. Slice each muffin in half and heat in the
so that they stay fresh. To give them that
toaster for 1-2 minutes.
‘fresh out of the oven’ taste, heat them in a
toaster or toaster oven.
2. You can usually fit two halves in each bread
slot at once.
2. In the morning, slice each muffin in half and
heat them in the toaster.
3. Top with peanut butter and fresh
3. I usually place 2 muffin halves in each bread
slot at a time, and toast for a minute or
4. Eat & enjoy!
two or until they look slightly toasted and
4. I personally like to top each muffin half with
a small amount of peanut butter and a few
fresh raspberries, but you can substitute
theses for other toppings of your choice.
Breakfast #2
Strawberry & Pineapple Protein
Dietary Notes: Gluten-free, Dairy-free option, Vegan, Nut Free
A super fruity, creamy smoothie that’s also high in protein? With a breakfast that’s well-balanced with
healthy carbs and fiber from tangy pineapple and sweet strawberries, healthy fats from creamy yogurt,
and at least 20g of protein, you’ll be fueled for the entire morning. Plus, since this smoothie is preprepped, you’ll be saving a ton of time during your breakfast routine. Get up, blend, and go in 2 minutes!
Prep. Time
Plant Based
3 - 5 min
+-400 Cal/Serv
2 Portions
2 cups frozen pineapple pieces
4 cups frozen *strawberries
1 + 1/2 cups *plain yogurt
2 scoops vanilla *protein powder
1 cup of water (or as needed)
Ice to taste
Plain yogurt
Vanilla protein powder
Storage List
2 x medium/large reusable ziplock
bags to store smoothie prep
Pineapple pieces
2 x small/medium airtight containers
to store the yogurt
Smoothie Prep
1. Start by taking out 2 reusable ziplock
bags. Measure out 2 cups of frozen
strawberries, 1 cup of frozen pineapple
pieces and 1 scoop of protein powder to
place into each of the 2 ziplock bags.
2. Next, take out 2 airtight containers for
the yogurt. Measure out approximately 3/4 cup (or a serving size close to
roughly 100-110 calories) of yogurt for
each container.
How To Store Your Meals
1. Once all of your ingredients have been
divided between 2 ziplock bags and 2
airtight containers, tightly seal the ziplock
bags and place them in the freezer.
2. Cover the 2 yogurt containers with lids
and place in them in the fridge.
How To Put Your Smoothie
Together (On The Day)
Alternatives & Suggestions
*FROZEN STRAWBERRIES: I recommend using frozen strawberries or
1. In the morning, grab one of your frozen
frozen mixed berries for this recipe.
smoothie packs from the freezer, and
one of the yogurt containers from the
*YOGURT: You can use any plain or
vanilla yogurt for this recipe. I personally prefer to use an unsweetened
2. Pour the frozen smoothie mix into a
vanilla or plain vegan yogurt. However,
blender with the yogurt, and add 1/2 cup
you can use any dairy or dairy-free yo-
water (or as needed).
gurt. I suggest a serving size of 100110 calories of yogurt per smoothie.
3. You can add ice cubes to make it extra
In total, you’d need about 200-220
chilled (optional).
calories worth of yogurt for 2 smoothies. If you don’t enjoy yogurt, fresh or
frozen avocado is another delicious
4. Blend until smooth, pour into a glass &
dairy-free alternative for this recipe.
Roughly 60g of avocado can substitute a single serving of yogurt, or 120g
5. This pre-prepped smoothie only takes 2
for 2 servings.
minutes to put together in the morning!
*PROTEIN POWDER: I use a plantbased/vegan vanilla protein powder
sweetened with stevia. You can use
any protein powder you prefer, but
I suggest using one that is slightly
sweetened and flavored with vanilla.
Snack #1
Protein Hot Chocolate
with Banana
Dietary Notes: Gluten-free, Dairy-free option, Vegan option, Nut Free
An indulgent chocolatey treat for a healthy snack that’s high in protein, low in sugar, and filling? Yes,
Take your average protein snack to the next level with this pre-prepped hot chocolate mix.
Enjoy the luxury of a decadent, healthy hot chocolate together with a banana on the side (which is super
easy to throw into your bag) any time of day, whether you’re at home, at work or at school.
Prep. Time
Plant Based
3 - 5 min
+-200 Cal/Serv
3 Portions
Vanilla protein powder
3 medium *bananas
3 teaspoons unsweetened cocoa powder
1 + 1/2 cups *milk (I use almond)
1 + 1/2 scoops *vanilla protein powder (45g)
Storage List
3 x reusable ziplock bags to store protein
hot chocolate mix
3 x airtight containers to store milk
How To Make Your Own
Hot Coco Mix
Alternatives & Suggestions
**BANANA: If you’re not bananas
about bananas, you can opt for any
1. Prepare 3 reusable ziplock bags or 3 containers for the protein hot chocolate mix,
other fruit with roughly the same cal-
and place 1/2 scoop protein powder and
orie content, such as a medium-sized
1 teaspoon of cocoa powder in each bag.
apple. Calorie reference: 1 medium
banana is roughly 100 calories.
2. Measure out 1/2 cup milk per container
*MILK: You can use any milk of your
so that you have 3 servings of
choice (dairy or non-dairy).
pre-measured milk.
Calorie reference: I use an unsweetened almond milk, which is approxi-
How To Store Your Meals
mately 30-40 calories per cup.
*PROTEIN POWDER: I use a plant-
1. Once all of the protein hot chocolate ingredients have been divided between 3 reus-
based/vegan vanilla protein powder.
able ziplock bags and 3 airtight containers,
You can use any protein powder you
prefer, but I suggest using one that’s
tightly seal the reusable ziplock bags.
slightly sweetened and flavored with
vanilla. Calorie reference: The protein
2. Store the reusable ziplock bags and the 3
powder I use is about 110 calories
bananas in a cool place.
per 31g scoop of protein powder.
3. Cover the 3 milk containers with lids and
place in the fridge.
Easy Hot Chocolate
1. At snack time, start by heating/boiling
some water to make your protein hot
2. Pour the protein hot chocolate mix into a
mug with a small amount of hot water.
3. Quickly stir the mix into the water until all
of the lumps are gone.
4. Add more hot water, leaving space for
the milk.
5. Add the milk and stir again, keeping the
spoon in the mug to stir occasionally.
6. Munching on a banana on the side makes
this protein hot chocolate even yummier!
7. Eat, drink and enjoy!
Snack #2
Oven Roasted “Cheese”
& Onion Chickpeas
Dietary Notes: Gluten-free, Dairy-free, Vegan, Nut Free
These small, but filling, oven roasted “cheese” & onion chickpeas are the perfect snack to throw into a
handbag, school bag, or lunch box. They’re the ultimate combination of crispy, toasty, soft and chewy…
kind of like chips or popcorn, only healthier. They’re also high in protein (unlike chips and popcorn),
which means they’ll give you fuel and sustained energy for the entire afternoon.
Prep. Time
Cooking Time
Plant Based
5 min
30 - 40 min
+-200 Cal/Serv
2 Portions
Nutritional yeast
CANNED Chickpeas
1 + 1/2 cups cooked chickpeas
Storage List
(250g cooked/canned)
2 teaspoons *nutritional yeast
1 teaspoon onion powder
Salt and pepper (to taste)
A quick spray of cooking oil
2 small reusable ziplock bags or 2 small
containers to store roasted chickpeas
Roasting Instructions
1. Preheat your oven to 400°F/200°C.
2. Line a baking tray with baking paper.
3. Rinse and drain the chickpeas.
4. Add the drained chickpeas to the baking
tray with a quick spray of cooking oil (just
a quick spray).
Alternatives & Suggestions
5. Sprinkle the nutritional yeast, onion
powder, salt and pepper to the tray and
ing nutritional yeast to give certain
toss it all together with the chickpeas.
foods like roasted chickpeas a slight
“cheesy” taste. Nutritional yeast is a
6. Roast for 30-40 minutes, checking and
natural plant-based/vegan food addi-
tossing them every 10 minutes or so,
tive and tastes a bit like cheese. If you
until they are crispy and golden.
don’t want to use nutritional yeast,
you can replace it with a small amount
of curry powder instead. Always start
7. Leave to cool before storing.
with a small amount of spice when
working with curry powder and add
8. Store in an airtight container or airtight
more to taste.
bag to keep fresh.
How To Store Your Meals
How To Put Your Snack
Together (On The Day)
1. Once the roasted chickpeas have cooled
fully, divide them into 2 servings.
1. The great thing about this snack is the
sheer convenience of it. You don’t need
to do anything else on the day. It’s fully
2. Store each serving in a reusable ziplock
prepped and ready to go!
bag or a small airtight container.
3. Seal the reusable ziplock bags or cover
2. Pop your little reusable ziplock bag into
your handbag or backpack & take it with
the containers with airtight lids.
you to school or work!
4. Store in a cool, dry place.
Lunch #1
Spicy Shrimp & Roast
Potato Salad
Dietary Notes: Gluten-free, Dairy-free, Vegan option, Nut Free
The best lunches are the one’s that you can’t wait to eat! This spicy shrimp and potato salad will have
you looking forward to your lunch break all morning!
Shrimp is high in protein, low in calories and filling and roasted potatoes can make any dish instantly
delicious. Take your midday greens to the next level and forget boring salads forever!
Prep. Time
Cooking Time
10 - 15 min
30 - 40 min
Vegan Option
+-400 Cal/Serv
2 Portions
Pinto Beans
Lettuce mix/ baby spinach
Chili flakes
Frozen Shrimp
Red bell pepper
Lemon / Lime
Medium tomatoes
Rice vinegar
200g frozen *shrimp
(or 2 cups cherry tomatoes)
(pre-cooked, de-veined and peeled)
200g red bell pepper
260g potato
Lettuce mix/ baby spinach 2 big handfuls)
2 Tablespoons tahini
Lemon/ lime juice
4 teaspoons *sunflower seeds
Chili flakes/ chili powder (optional)
2 Tablespoon rice vinegar/ coconut vinegar
Pepper and sea salt
2 medium tomatoes
Cooking Oil
Storage List
2 x medium/large reusable ziplock
1. Preheat your oven to 400°F/200°C.
bags/airtight containers to store
lettuce mix and tomatoes
2. Measure out the frozen shrimp and leave
2 x small/medium airtight containers
to thaw in a bowl.
to store salad dressing
2 x small/medium airtight containers
3. Line 2 baking trays with baking paper.
to store cooked shrimp
2 x medium airtight containers to store
4. Rinse the potatoes and bell pepper.
roasted potatoes and peppers
2 x very small containers/reusable
5. Slice the potatoes into pieces, and the bell
ziplock bags to store sunflower seeds
pepper into strips.
6. Add the potato to one of the baking trays
lined with baking paper, and place the bell
Alternatives & Suggestions
peppers on the other tray. Spray some
cooking oil to both the potato and bell
pepper before tossing.
shrimp, you can use pinto beans in
this salad. You can either simply drain
7. Season the potato with salt and pepper,
and rinse the beans straight from
and the bell pepper with chili flakes, salt
the can before adding them to your
and pepper.
salad, or you could roast them first.
8. Roast the potato in the oven for 30 to 60
directions from the chickpea snack in
minutes, and roast the bell pepper for 20 to
week #3. Roasting them with onion
40 minutes (or until cooked).
powder, salt, pepper and a little bit of
spice to taste is delicious!
9. Add the thawed shrimp to a frying pan with
a small amount of cooking oil spray, lemon
Substitute 100g of shrimp for a little
or lime juice, pepper, sea salt, a sprinkle of
less than 1/2 cup (85g) cooked and
onion powder and a pinch of chili flakes or
drained pinto beans (or just less than
chili powder (optional).
1 cup for 200g of shrimp).
*SUNFLOWER SEEDS: As a substitute
10. Toss on the stove over a medium to high
for the sunflower seeds, you can use
heat for a minute or two. Keep in mind that
the same amount of pumpkin seeds or
shrimp can easily overcook and become
pine nuts.
rubbery if you leave it too long on the stove.
11. Using 2 containers with lids to mix the
salad dressing, add 1 tablespoon of
tahini to each of the containers.
How To Store Your Meals
1. Using 2 medium-sized food containers,
divide the roasted potato and the roasted
12. Add 1 tablespoon of rice vinegar or
pepper into 2 servings.
coconut vinegar with lemon/lime juice,
salt, pepper, and a sprinkle of onion
2. Using 2 small/medium containers, divide
powder to each tahini container.
13. Place lids on the containers, and shake
the shrimp into 2 servings.
3. Measure out 4 teaspoons of sunflower
well to mix all of the ingredients together.
seeds between 2 very small containers
Add a tablespoon of water to each
(2 teaspoons per container).
container before shaking/mixing again.
If needed, add another tablespoon of
4. Using 2 medium/large reusable ziplock
water to each one to get the desired
bags, add a big handful of lettuce mix to
consistency for the dressing.
each bag with 1 medium-sized tomato
(left whole) or 1 cup of cherry tomatoes
14. Once the potato, bell pepper and shrimp
in each bag.
are all cooked, leave them all to cool fully
before storing them in containers.
5. Once everything has cooled fully, add lids
to all of the food containers and seal the
reusable ziplock bags.
6. Store the roast potatoes, peppers,
shrimp, salad dressing and salad mix in
the fridge. Store the sunflower seeds in
a cool, dark place.
How To Put Your Lunch
Together (On The Day)
1. Cut the tomato into pieces
4. Shake the salad dressing in the container
(if you used a whole tomato).
with the lid on or give it a stir before drizzling it over the salad.
2. To a plate or a bowl (or a large airtight
container, to take to school or work),
5. Lastly, sprinkle the sunflower seeds on top
add the lettuce mix and tomato pieces/
cherry tomatoes.
6. Eat fresh and chilled and enjoy!
3. Next, add the roast potato and roast
bell pepper slices as well as the cooked
shrimp, and give the salad a quick toss.
Lunch #2
Hummus & Roasted Pepper
Dietary Notes: Gluten-free option, Dairy-free, Vegan, Nut Free
A 2 minute, easy-to-throw-together-on-the-day kind of sandwich that makes your quick lunch break
feel fancy!
It’s not just another bland and boring ‘healthy’ sandwich. This sandwich is both super tasty (those
roasted bell pepper slices are a sandwich game changer) and filling from the protein in the hummus,
the whole carbs, and the veggies that have been cleverly snuck in there!
Prep. Time
Cooking Time
Plant Based
10 min
20 - 40 min
+-400 Cal/Serv
3 Portions
6 x slices *bread
(roughly 100 cal per slice)
1 cup plain *hummus
300g red bell pepper
6 x cherry tomatoes
1 handful lettuce mix/ baby spinach
3 teaspoons *sunflower seeds
Cherry tomatoes
Storage List
Red bell pepper
3 x small/medium airtight containers
to store roasted bell peppers
3 x small airtight containers to store
3 x very small containers or small
reusable ziplock bags to store
sunflower seeds
3 x reusable ziplock bags or
airtight containers to store bread
3 x reusable bags or containers to
store lettuce mix and tomatoes
Alternatives & Suggestions
1. Preheat your oven to 400°F/200°C.
*BREAD:You can use any kind of
bread you like with this recipe. However, I recommend using bread that is
2. Line a baking tray with baking paper.
roughly 100 calories per slice. If you
have a gluten intolerance, it would
3. Rinse the bell pepper.
be in your best interest to use a
gluten-free bread.
4. Slice the bell pepper into strips.
I recommend using a bread that is
5. Add the bell pepper to the baking tray
as whole grain as possible (mean-
(lined with baking paper), and add a quick
ing that it contains little or no white
spray of cooking oil before tossing.
flours). I prefer to use a whole grain
gluten-free bread or a 100% whole grain
6. Season the bell pepper with chili flakes,
wheat-free rye bread. Whole grain
salt and pepper.
breads contain more fiber and will
help keep you feeling full for a longer
7. Roast the bell pepper for 20 to 40
period of time after a meal.
minutes (until cooked).
*HUMMUS: I recommend using a
plain hummus which is usually about
8. Once the bell pepper is cooked, leave to
130 calories per ⅓ cup serving size.
cool fully before storing.
If you don’t like hummus, you can use 1
heaped tablespoon of tahini per serving, or half a small/medium avocado
per serving.
If you choose to substitute avocado
for hummus, I recommend cutting
the avocado fresh before eating and
keeping the other half stored in an airtight container in the fridge to eat the
next day.
*SUNFLOWER SEEDS: As a substitute
for the sunflower seeds, you can use
the same amount of pumpkin seeds
or pine nuts.
How To Store Your Meals
(So They Are Ready To Go)
1. Once the roasted bell pepper has cooled
fully, divide it into 3 separate containers.
2. Divide the cup of hummus between 3
containers to make 3 servings.
3. Add 2 slices of bread to each of your 3
reusable ziplock bags or containers that
you’ll be using to store bread.
4. Take a handful of lettuce mix or baby
spinach and divide it between 3 reusable
ziplock bags, adding 2 cherry tomatoes
to each of the bags.
5. Measure out 3 teaspoons of sunflower
seeds between 3 containers so you have
1 teaspoon of sunflower seeds per container.
6. Store all of the prepped ingredients in the
How To Put Your Lunch Together
(On The Day)
1. Lightly toast the bread (optional).
2. Cut the cherry tomatoes in half.
3. Spread hummus onto the slices of bread.
4. Top with lettuce, roasted pepper slices
and cherry tomato halves.
5. Sprinkle the sunflower seeds and enjoy!
Dinner #1
Tomato Chicken Curry, Brown
Rice & Roasted Green Beans
Dietary Notes: Gluten-free, Dairy-free, Vegan option, Nut Free
Healthy chicken curry with brown rice and roasted green beans. A cosy home-cooked meal perfect
for evenings when you want to curl up with a blanket and a movie, or just have a few minutes to relax
and eat dinner. Tasty, filling, nourishing and satisfying.
Prep. Time
Cooking Time
15 - 20 min
30 - 40 min
Vegan Option
+-400 Cal/Serv
3 Portions
Brown rice
Lemon / LIME
3 cups cooked brown rice (+- 1 cup dry)
1-2 teaspoons curry powder (to taste)
360g *chicken breast meat
1 teaspoon onion powder
(skinless, boneless)
A pinch of ginger powder
3 cups cherry tomatoes
Lemon/lime juice
300g green beans
Salt and pepper to taste
1/2 medium onion
Storing List
3 x airtight containers for chicken curry
3 x airtight containers for roasted
Alternatives & Suggestions
green beans
plant-based alternative for the chick-
3 x airtight containers for brown rice
en in this curry, you can use either
chickpeas or pinto beans. 1/2 cup of
cooked pinto beans is equivalent to
120g serving size of chicken, which
1. Preheat your oven to 400°F/200°C.
means you’d need 1 + 1/2 cups for 3
servings. Alternatively, 1 + 1/3 cups
2. Add 1 cup dry brown rice to a small pot
of cooked chickpeas would make 3
with about 3 cups of hot water.
servings. Drain and rinse the beans/
chickpeas before adding them in.
3. Bring to a boil on the stove and then
reduce the heat, cover with a lid, and
*CHICKEN (TAKE NOTE): Calories are
simmer for 30-40 minutes or until fully
based on skinless, boneless chicken
cooked. Add more water if needed.
breast meat.
4. Line a baking tray with baking paper.
5. Rinse the green beans and cut the ends
off. Add them to the baking tray with a
quick spray of cooking oil spray.
6. Season with salt and pepper.
7. Roast the green beans for 15-30 minutes
or until cooked.
8. Chop the onion into fine pieces and add to
a frying pan with a quick spray of cooking
oil spray.
9. Cook over a medium/high heat on the
stove until the onion starts to brown.
You can add a small amount of water to
the pan if it gets too dry or to prevent the
onion from burning.
10. Cooking the onions first and allowing them
to brown slightly will add a lot of flavor to
the meal.
11. Cut the chicken breast meat into small
pieces and add to the pan along with the
onion to start cooking. If you’d prefer the
vegan alternative, add chickpeas or pinto
beans instead of the chicken.
12. Slice the cherry tomatoes into pieces
(halves or quarters), and add them to the
onions and chicken.
13. After you’ve added the onion, chicken and
tomatoes to the pan, add the curry powder,
onion powder, pinch of ginger powder, salt,
pepper and lime or lemon juice.
14. Cover with a lid, stirring occasionally for a
few minutes over a medium heat.
15. Once the chicken curry, green beans and
brown rice are cooked, remove from heat
and leave to cool.
16. Make sure the chicken is fully cooked
before removing from the heat.
How To Store Your Meals
1. Once the chicken curry, brown rice and
green beans are fully cooked and have
How To Put Your Dinner Together
(On The Day)
1. You can heat your meal in any way you
cooled, you can start to put your meal
prefer. I personally like to heat the chick-
prep containers together.
en curry, green beans and brown rice in a
frying pan on the stove over a low to
2. Serve the chicken curry between 3
medium heat.
medium containers to make 3 portions.
2. If you choose to heat up your meal in a pan
3. Using 3 small containers, measure out
on the stove, keep everything
1 cup of rice to each one to make 3
separate in the pan, turning occasionally
portions of rice.
until heated through.
4. Lastly, serve the green beans between
3. Once the chicken curry, brown rice and
3 containers.
green beans are all heated, serve on a plate
and enjoy!
Dinner #2
Roast Salmon, Sweet Potato,
Veggies & Tahini Dip
Dietary Notes: Gluten-free, Dairy-free, Vegan option, Nut Free
Salmon with roasted sweet potato, veggie stir-fry and tahini dip. Simple, easy to make, and full of
beneficial ingredients. This is a classic, healthy, weight loss meal that will satisfy your appetite and
keep you feeling fuller for longer because of the balance of protein, whole carbs, fiber and healthy fats.
Prep. Time
Cooking Time
15 - 20 min
30 - 40 min
Vegan Option
+-400 Cal/Serv
2 Portions
Onion Powder
Lemon / LIME
Brussels sprouts
Sweet potato
120g *salmon fillet
1/2 medium onion
200g sweet potato
Lemon/lime juice
2 tablespoons tahini
2 teaspoons olive oil
Sea salt and pepper
200g cauliflower
160g brussels sprouts
Storing List
2 x medium airtight containers to store
roasted salmon
2 x medium airtight containers to store
roasted sweet potatoes and veggies
2 x airtight containers to store tahini dip
Roasting Instructions
1. Preheat your oven to 400°F/200°C.
9. Chop the onion into small pieces, and cook
in a frying pan with a small amount of
2. Line 2 baking trays with baking paper.
cooking oil spray over a medium/high heat
until slightly browned but not burned. You
3. Rinse and slice the sweet potato into thin
can add a small amount of water to the
slices, adding them to one of the baking
pan while cooking if needed.
trays with a quick spray of cooking oil.
10. Rinse and slice the cauliflower and
4. Season with salt and pepper.
Brussels sprouts into pieces, and add them
to the pan with the onion.
5. Roast the sweet potato for 30-60 minutes or until cooked.
11. Cook the vegetables over a medium heat
with sea salt, pepper, oregano and lemon/
6. Cut the salmon fillet into 2 pieces, adding
lime juice, tossing often.
them to the second baking tray.
12. Using 2l containers for the dipping sauce,
7. Squeeze lemon/lime juice over the salm-
measure out 1 tablespoon of tahini and 1
on together with sea salt and pepper and
teaspoon of olive oil for each one.
bake in the oven for 15-20 minutes (or
until cooked to your preference).
13. Mix the tahini and olive oil with lemon or
lime juice, oregano, a pinch of onion pow-
8. If you’d prefer the vegan option, you can
der, salt and pepper.
roast chickpeas instead. Drain and rinse
the chickpeas before roasting them. For
14. Once the vegetables, sweet potato and
roasting instructions, follow directions
the salmon are cooked, leave to cool fully
for the chickpea snack in week #3 and
before storing.
season them with onion powder, salt,
pepper and (if you’d prefer) a little bit of
spice to taste.
How To Store Your Meals
1. Using 2 medium-sized containers,
serve half of the sweet potatoes and
How To Put Your Dinner
Together (On The Day)
1. You can reheat your meal any way you
half of the vegetables into one container,
prefer. I recommend reheating the salmon
and the remainders into the other.
at a lower temperature in the oven or using
a frying pan to avoid drying out.
2. Serve each salmon fillet into a
medium-sized container.
2. Preheat your oven to about 275°F/135°C.
3. Once everything has cooled, cover all of
3. Cover the salmon and place in the oven on
the containers with airtight lids and store
a baking tray lined with a baking sheet for
in the fridge.
5-15 minutes (checking every 5 minutes)
until it’s heated throughout.
4. Once everything has fully cooled, cover
all of the containers with airtight lids and
4. Heat the vegetables and sweet potato the
store in the fridge.
same way in the oven.
5. Alternatively, you may choose to heat the
salmon fillet, vegetables and sweet potato
in a frying pan over a low to medium.
Alternatives & Suggestions
6. Flip the salmon, and toss the vegetables
and sweet potatoes occasionally until
based alternative for the salmon, you
heated through (avoid overcooking to
can use chickpeas. Substitute roughly
prevent drying).
3/4 cup (120g) of cooked chickpeas
for 120g of salmon. Drain and rinse
7. Once your salmon, sweet potatoes and
the chickpeas before roasting them.
vegetables have been heated, serve on a
plate with the tahini dip (to dip the veggies
and sweet potatoes into).
directions for the chickpea snack in
week #3 and season them with onion
powder, salt, pepper and a little bit of
8. Eat and enjoy!
spice to taste.
Fast Weight-Loss Meal Prep For Women
Week #4
Week #4 Introduction
Meal Overview
Breakfast #1
Banana & Peanut Butter
Overnight Oats
A quick meal prep breakfast that requires almost no
effort… but don’t let the simplicity of this recipe fool
you! This is a healthy, well-balanced breakfast.
Breakfast #2
Green Mango & Vanilla Protein
Don’t let the bright green color of this smoothie fool
you! Instead of tasting nasty greens, you’ll fall in love
with the decadent tastes of vanilla and mango.
Snack #1
Healthy Peanut Butter Coconut Cookies
These healthy cookies are packed with protein, fiber
and healthy fats. They make the perfect midday treat,
and my fave mid-afternoon pick-me-up! Plus, they’re
super easy to throw in your bag or lunch box to take
with you wherever you go!
Snack #2
Easy Apple & Yogurt Bowl
Apple and yogurt make the perfect “grab and go” snack
for your lunch box. In 2 minutes or less, turn these 2
simple ingredients, along with a sassy sprinkle of cinnamon, into a cute foodie bowl for your Instagram feed.
Lunch #1
Tuna Salad Sandwich
An easy, healthy tuna salad sandwich packed with
protein and the good kind of carbs that we love. Simple-to-make, nutritious, delicious, filling and great for
meal prep. This lunch is perfect for your work or school
lunch box!
Lunch #2
Hummus, Sweet Potato &
Brown Rice Salad
This colorful salad will brighten up your lunch break!
An easy-to-make, easy-to-throw-in-a-lunch-box kind
of meal, that will help keep you feeling energized and
focused throughout the afternoon.
Dinner #1
Veggie Rice with Spicy Chicken
Crispy, spicy chicken drumsticks served with a side of
veggie rice. My favorite way to eat vegetables is when
they’re cleverly snuck into the rice. Healthy, filling,
tasty, and easy-to-make!
Dinner #2
Pinto Bean & Potato Curry with
Brown Rice
A simple, nourishing, and hearty plant-based curry
with brown rice. The perfect meal to end a long day.
Quickly heat your dinner and cosy up with a blanket on
the couch!
Week #4
Grocery Shopping List
Grains, Starch & Whole Carbs
Protein + Plant Based
☐ *4 x slices of bread (roughly 100 cal per
slice, see not on lunch recipe #1)
☐ *4 x small (60g) or 2 x large (120g)
☐ 345g sweet potato
chicken drumsticks
☐ 390g potatoes
(See note or use 1 + 2/3 cups black beans)
☐ 1 + 1/3 cup dry brown rice
☐ 1 can/140g drained tuna (canned in water
not oil, Or 2/3 cup pinto beans)
☐ 1 + 1/2 cups + 4 tablespoons dry rolled oats
☐ 1 + 1/2 cups cooked pinto beans
Fruit + Vegetables
(or 1 + 1/3 cups cooked chickpeas)
☐ 3/4 cup plain hummus
☐ 3 cups frozen mango pieces
☐ 6 teaspoons chia seeds
☐ 3 medium bananas
☐ 3 tablespoons peanut butter
☐ 1 medium avocado (roughly 120g)
☐ *2 scoops vanilla protein powder
☐ 3 cups + 4 single cherry tomatoes
☐ 500g bell pepper
☐ 500g mushrooms
Baking, Spices + Flavor
☐ 500g green beans
☐ 3 teaspoons olive oil
☐ 1 small/medium onion
☐ 3 tablespoons coconut vinegar/
rice vinegar
☐ 3 to 4 fresh lemons/limes
☐ 4 big handfuls mixed lettuce
/ baby spinach
☐ 2 tablespoons of mayonnaise/vegan mayo
☐ 2 tablespoons coconut aminos
(or soy sauce)
☐ 2 small handfuls baby spinach
☐ Cayenne pepper/chili powder (optional)
Milk, Yogurt + Plant Based
☐ *1 cup unsweetened coconut milk/coconut beverage (*NB, see note on dinner
recipe #2)
☐ 1 teaspoon curry powder
☐ Ginger powder
☐ Cinnamon
Pantry Staples
☐ Cooking oil spray (I use avocado or
coconut cooking oil spray)
☐ Oregano
☐ Onion powder
☐ Sea salt
☐ Pepper
Snack Items - 1400 Calorie
A Day Option
Snack Items - 1600 Calorie
A Day Option
☐ 1/4 cup peanut butter (I like to use an
☐ 1/2 cup peanut butter (I like to use an
unsweetened, unsalted one)
unsweetened, unsalted one)
☐ 2 teaspoons chia seeds
☐ 4 teaspoons chia seeds
(+ 2 tablespoons water)
(+ 4 tablespoons water)
☐ 2 tablespoons coconut sugar
☐ 4 tablespoons coconut sugar
☐ 2 tablespoons desiccated coconut
☐ 4 tablespoons desiccated coconut
☐ 1/2 teaspoon cinnamon
☐ 1 teaspoon cinnamon
☐ Small pinch sea salt
☐ Small pinch sea salt
☐ 2 medium apples
☐ 4 medium apples
☐ *2 cups plain yogurt
☐ *4 cups plain yogurt
(see note on snack recipe #2)
(see note on snack recipe #2)
Snack Calories
Depending on your current weight, height, and
1200 Calorie a Day Diet
goals, you may want to follow a plan that has
For a 1200 calorie diet, have all 3 meals each
either 1200, 1400, or 1600 calories per day.
day, and just leave out the snacks (that means
less prep work for you!). You do not need to pur-
To make things as simple as possible, I made all
chase any of the food items listed under “Snack
meal plans based on a 1200 calorie a day total,
Items” in the shopping list.
and then added snack options which can take
your total to either 1400 or 1600 calories. The
1400 Calorie a Day Diet
1200 calorie option has no snacks, the 1400
If you’d like to follow a 1400 calorie diet, you
calorie option has one snack per day, and the
can go ahead and prepare the 3 meals as well
1600 calorie option simply doubles the snacks
as one snack for each day. You can purchase
to give you two snacks per day. (This also
all of the ingredients on the main shopping list
means that if you want to switch between the
as well as all ingredients in the “SNACK ITEMS -
different daily calorie amounts you can do so
very easily by simply including, leaving out, or
doubling the snack option). So, whether you’re
1600 Calorie a Day Diet
following a 1200, 1400, or 1600 calorie diet with
For a 1600 calorie diet, prepare all 3 meals and
this meal plan, the only thing that will change
simply double all of the snack recipes so that
will be the snacks (to get your desired amount
you have 3 meals and 2 snacks per day. Pur-
of calories per day). No matter what your calorie
chase all of the ingredients on the main shop-
needs are, you can still prepare all of the break-
ping list as well as the ingredients in the “SNACK
fasts, lunches, and dinners as they are outlined
in this eating plan.
Week #4
Important Notes
*BREAD: You can use any kind of bread that you
of coconut milk and mix it with water to make 1
like with this recipe. However, I recommend using
cup of diluted coconut milk.
bread that is roughly 100 calories per slice. If you
have a gluten intolerance, it would be in your best
*PROTEIN POWDER: I use a plant-based/vegan
interest to use a gluten-free bread. I recommend
vanilla protein powder sweetened with stevia.
using a bread that is as whole grain as possible
You can use any protein powder you prefer, but I
(meaning that it contains little or no white flours).
suggest using one that is slightly sweetened and
I prefer to use a whole grain gluten-free bread or
flavored with vanilla.
a 100% whole grain wheat-free rye bread. Whole
Calorie reference: The calorie content in protein
grain breads contain more fiber and will keep you
powders vary, but the specific brand I use con-
feeling full for a longer period of time after a meal.
tains approximately 110 calories and 22 grams
of protein per 31 grams of powder.
*YOGURT: You can use any yogurt you prefer! I
like using an unsweetened dairy-free coconut
*CHICKEN (TAKE NOTE): Chicken drumsticks can
yogurt which is roughly 100 calories per cup. Full
range a lot in size. As a rough guideline, a small
cream dairy yogurt is approximately 100 calories
chicken drumstick can weigh 60g (which would
per 3/4 cup serving. I recommend using a plain,
be approximately 100 calories), while a large
unsweetened yogurt. To make this recipe even
chicken drumstick can weigh about 120g (which
easier, purchase 2 small containers of yogurt
would be approximately 200 calories). I recom-
with a serving size of 100-110 cal each, saving
mend either using 2 small drumsticks or 1 large
you time so you don’t have to measure out the
drumstick per serving.
yogurt into small containers.
Calories differ so much from brand to brand, so
*Other alternatives and substitutions (for ingre-
check the calories on the yogurt brand you like
dients such as nuts, gluten and dairy products)
to buy.
are available on each individual recipe page.
*COCONUT MILK (CALORIES): There are so many
*Full instructions and suggestions for vegan/
different types of coconut milk available, and cal-
plant-based alternatives are available on each
ories can differ a lot from brand to brand. For this
individual recipe page.
recipe, I use an unsweetened coconut milk (also
called a coconut beverage) which is roughly 40
*All cup measurements are based on the stan-
calories per cup (I use the brands So Delicious
dard US cup measurement.
or Silk). I recommend using a coconut milk with
a similar calorie content per cup. If you’re only
able to get a very thick/calorie dense coconut
milk (usually from a can), dilute it with water to
make it thinner. Use roughly a 40 calorie serving
Week #4
This Weeks Full
Meal prepping time can easily be reduced with one simple rule: Always start by prepping the food that
takes the longest amount of time to cook.
Foods that typically take longer to cook usually require roasting or baking, but some foods (such as
potatoes cooking in a curry or a stew) can take a long time to cook too. Prepping these foods first will
help you to save a huge amount of time overall, as you can leave them to cook while you get started on
prepping other foods that take less time to cook.
We begin the prepping process today by roasting the sweet potatoes and bell peppers, as well as cooking the potatoes for the curry, because these ingredients require the longest amount of cooking time.
Before You Start
1. Preheat your oven to 400°F/200°C.
Step #1
Roast The Sweet Potato
& Bell Pepper
1. Line a baking tray with baking paper.
Step #2
Cook Potato & Pinto Bean Curry
(Part 1)
1. Peel and chop half a small/medium sized
onion, saving the other half of the onion
2. Rinse the sweet potato and bell pepper.
for the Veggie Rice & Spicy Chicken Drumsticks dinner recipe.
3. Cut the sweet potato and bell pepper into
thin slices.
2. Add the chopped onion to a large pot, with
a small amount of cooking oil spray.
4. Add the sweet potato and bell pepper
slices to the baking tray (lined with baking
3. Cook over a medium/high heat for a few
paper), and add a quick spray of cooking
minutes until slightly browned. Add a
oil before tossing.
small splash of water to the pan if needed,
to avoid burning.
5. Season with oregano, salt and pepper.
4. Chop the potatoes into medium-sized
6. Roast for 30-40 minutes (or until cooked).
pieces and add to the browned onions in
the pot. Cover with a lid and bring to a boil
7. Once the sweet potato and bell pepper are
with about 3 cups of hot water.
cooked, leave to cool fully before storing.
5. Let the potatoes simmer on the stove
6. Once the chia seeds have soaked and have
over a medium heat until soft
a gel-like consistency, add them to the rest
(add more water when needed).
of the ingredients before mixing again.
6. Once the potatoes are soft, you can add
7. Take a tablespoon amount of the cookie
the other ingredients.
batter at a time, and roll it between your
palms to make a small cookie dough ball
Step #3
Cook Brown Rice
1. Add 1 + 1/3 cups dry brown rice to a
and add it to the tray.
8. Keep doing this until all of the batter has
been used up, dividing the batter to make 3
small pot with 4 cups of hot water.
equal servings of cookies. This recipe usually makes 4 cookies per serving and about
2. Bring to a boil on the stove and then
12 cookies in total.
reduce the heat. Cover with a lid, and
simmer for 30-40 minutes or until fully
cooked. Add more water if needed.
9. Once the baking tray has been filled with
cookie dough balls, gently press each one
down onto the tray with the back of a fork
Step #4
Bake Snack Cookies
1. Turn the oven down to 360°F/180°C.
(even if the vegetables are still busy
(this will mould each one into a perfect
cookie shape).
10. Bake in the oven for 10 to 15 minutes.
11. When the cookies are ready, leave to cool
and set fully before removing from the tray
2. Line a baking tray with a baking sheet.
and storing in the refrigerator.
3. In a small bowl, mix 2 teaspoons of chia
seeds together with 2 tablespoons of water. Let the chia seeds soak for 5 minutes
until its consistency becomes gel-like.
Step #5
Cook Chicken Drumsticks
4. To a mixing bowl, measure out 1/4 cup of
peanut butter, 2 tablespoons of desiccated
1. If you are making the vegan/plant-based
option, then you can skip this step.
coconut, 2 tablespoons of coconut sugar
and 1/2 teaspoon of cinnamon.
2. Add the chicken drumsticks to a small/
medium frying pan with a quick spray of
5. Add a very small pinch of sea salt before
cooking oil spray.
mixing everything together.
3. Season the chicken drumsticks (on each
4. Add 1 cup of coconut milk to the pot with
side) with salt, pepper, a pinch of cayenne
1 teaspoon curry powder, 1 teaspoon
pepper/chili powder (optional), onion
onion powder, a pinch of ginger powder,
powder, oregano, a squeeze of lime/lem-
lemon/lime juice, salt and pepper.
on juice, and 1 tablespoon of coconut
aminos/soy sauce.
5. Let everything simmer until fully cooked,
adding more water if needed.
4. Cover pan with a lid and cook over a
medium heat on the stove, turning the
6. Once the curry is fully cooked, remove
drumsticks every few minutes until
from the stove to cool before storing.
browned (add a small splash of water to
the pan if needed, to avoid burning).
5. Cook until the chicken is fully cooked
Step #7
Make Veggie Rice
(you can cut into one of the drumsticks
to see if it’s fully cooked), but avoid
1. Peel and chop half a small/medium sized
overcooking as this can make the meat
onion, the other half leftover from the Pinto
tough when reheating.
Bean and Potato Curry with Brown Rice
dinner recipe.
6. Once cooked, leave the chicken to cool
fully before storing.
2. Add the chopped onion to a separate
medium/large frying pan, with a small
Step #6
Cook Potato & Pinto Bean Curry
(Part 2)
amount of cooking oil spray.
3. Cook over a medium/high heat for a few
minutes until slightly browned, adding a
small splash of water to the pan if needed,
1. Once the potatoes are soft, you can add
to avoid burning.
the rest of the ingredients.
2. Rinse the vegetables before slicing the
4. Rinse all of the vegetables before slicing
the mushrooms and chopping the bell pep-
mushrooms and cutting the green beans
per into small pieces.
into short pieces. Add the washed and
sliced mushrooms and green beans into
the pot.
5. Add the mushrooms and bell pepper to the
pan with the onion straight away to give
them more time to cook, and toss them in
3. Drain and rinse the pinto beans, before
the pan occasionally.
measuring out 1 + 1/2 cups and add them
to the pot of potatoes and vegetables.
6. Add the salt, pepper and onion powder to
the pan with a squeeze of lime/lemon
juice and 1/2 teaspoon of oregano.
Step #9
Prep Overnight Oats
1. Starting with 3 glass jars, measure out
1/2 cup of dry rolled oats to each one.
7. Cut the green beans in short pieces, and
add to the pan when the mushroom and
2. Peel and smash 3 medium bananas (with
bell pepper are almost fully cooked
the back of a fork) in a bowl.
(to avoid overcooking the green beans).
3. Divide the smashed banana between the
8. Once the brown rice is fully cooked,
3 jars so that there is roughly 1 banana
measure out 1 cup and add it to the pan
in each.
with 1 tablespoon of coconut aminos/soy
sauce (if you are making the vegan option,
4. Measure out 2 teaspoons of chia seeds,
you can also add the black beans to the
as well as a pinch of cinnamon per jar.
pan with the rice, as a replacement for the
chicken in the meal).
5. You can either mix the peanut butter into
the overnight oats by measuring out 1
9. Toss everything together in the pan until
tablespoon into each jar, or save it to add
it looks ready.
10. Once veggie rice is cooked, leave to cool
as a topping for your overnight oats.
6. Add about 1/2 cup water to each jar and
fully before storing in airtight containers.
mix all of the ingredients in each jar
together with the water.
7. Overnight oats should be soaked for at
least 8 hours in the fridge before eating.
Step #8
Make Tuna Salad Prep
1. Drain and add tuna (or drain, rinse and add
pinto beans for a vegan option) to a bowl
Step #10
Make Smoothie Prep
1. Start with 2 ziplock bags.
and roughly smash with the back of a fork.
2. Measure out 1 + 1/2 cups of frozen mango
pieces, 1/2 a small to medium avocado
2. Add lemon/lime juice, salt, pepper,
oregano and mayonnaise to the tuna
(roughly 60g), 1 scoop of protein powder, 2
(or pinto beans) and mix everything
tablespoons of dry rolled oats and a small
handful of baby spinach into each of the 2
ziplock bags.
Week #4
Final Step
Put All The Meals Together
Breakfast #1
Banana & Peanut Butter
Overnight Oats
Lunch #1
Tuna Salad Sandwich
1. Divide the tuna salad mix (or pinto bean
1. Once all of your overnight oat jars are
mix) equally between 2 small reusable
prepped, cover each jar with an airtight lid.
2. If you decided to save the peanut butter
2. Store a small handful of baby spinach/
for a topping, measure out 1 tablespoon
mixed lettuce and 4 cherry tomatoes
of peanut butter to each of your 3 small
between 2 small reusable ziplock bags/
containers. Skip this step if you mixed the
reusable containers to make 2 small
peanut butter into the oats.
servings of salad greens (2 cherry
tomatoes and a small amount of lettuce in
3. Cover each of the peanut butter containers
each one).
with a lid, and store in a cool, dark place.
3. Divide 4 slices of bread between 2 reus4. Store all of the overnight oats jars in the
able ziplock bags/reusable containers
Breakfast #2
Green Mango & Vanilla Protein
Smoothie Prep
(2 slices per bag).
4. Cover all of the containers with airtight
lids, and seal all of the ziplock bags.
5. Store the tuna salad mix (or pinto bean
mix) and salad greens in the fridge.
1. Once all of your ingredients have been
divided between 2 ziplock bags, tightly seal
the ziplock bags and place in the freezer.
6. Store the bread in a cool, dark place.
Lunch #2
Hummus, Sweet Potato &
Brown Rice Salad Prep
1. Starting with 3 very small airtight
Snack #1
Healthy Peanut Butter Coconut
1. Once the cookies have cooled fully, you
containers to store the salad dressing
can store them between 3 small reusable
in, measure out 1 tablespoon of coconut
ziplock bags or 3 airtight containers.
vinegar/rice vinegar to each one with 1
teaspoon of olive oil.
2. Tightly seal the reusable ziplock bags
(or cover the containers with airtight lids).
2. Add lemon/lime juice, salt and pepper
to each container and mix all the
3. Store the cookies in the fridge to keep
ingredients together.
3. Serve an equal amount of the roasted
sweet potatoes and bell peppers into
3 medium-sized containers.
4. Using 3 small containers, measure out
Snack #2
Apple & Yogurt Snack
1. Using 2 small reusable airtight
containers, measure out 1 cup of yogurt
1/2 cup cooked brown rice to each one
to each container (or a 100 calorie serving
to make 3 rice servings.
5. Using 3 small containers, measure out
1/4 cup hummus to each one to make 3
hummus servings.
size of your preferred yogurt brand).
2. Cover the containers with airtight lids.
3. Store the yogurt containers and apples in
the fridge.
6. Using 3 medium-sized reusable ziplock
bags (or airtight containers), serve 1 cup
of cherry tomatoes and a big handful of
baby spinach/mixed lettuce into each
7. Once everything has fully cooled, cover
all of the containers with airtight lids,
and seal the ziplock bags before storing
everything in the fridge.
Dinner #1
Veggie Rice With Spicy Chicken
1. Once the veggie rice and the chicken drumsticks are both ready, divide the chicken
drumsticks between 2 containers and the
veggie rice between another 2 containers
(so that you have 2 servings of each).
2. Once everything has cooled fully, cover the
containers with airtight lids and store in the
Dinner #2
Pinto Bean & Potato Curry
with Brown Rice
1. Once the curry is fully cooked, serve it
between 3 medium-sized containers to
make 3 portions.
2. Serve the cooked brown rice between 3
small containers (1/2 cup per container)
to make 3 rice portions.
3. Once everything has cooled fully, cover
all of the containers with airtight lids and
store in the fridge.
Week #4
What You Will Need For This
Weeks Meal Storage
Storage List
☐ 3 x mason jars, glass jars or mugs with airtight lids
☐ 3 x small airtight containers to store peanut butter
☐ 2 x medium to larger ziplock bags to store smoothie prep
☐ 2 x small/medium airtight containers to store tuna mix
☐ 2 x small reusable ziplock bags (or airtight containers) to store lettuce and tomatoes
☐ 2 x small/medium reusable ziplock bags or airtight containers to store bread
☐ 3 x medium airtight containers to store sweet potato and bell pepper
☐ 3 x small airtight containers to store hummus
☐ 3 x small airtight containers to store brown rice
☐ 3 x very small airtight containers to store salad dressing
☐ 3 x small/medium reusable ziplock bags (or airtight containers) to store lettuce and tomatoes
☐ 3 x small reusable ziplock bags/airtight containers to store cookies
☐ 2 x small reusable airtight containers for yogurt
☐ 2 x medium airtight containers to store chicken drumsticks
☐ 2 x medium/large airtight containers to store the veggie rice
☐ 3 x medium airtight containers to store curry
☐ 3 x medium airtight containers to store brown rice
Prepped Food Item Checklist
☐ 3 x jars with overnight oats
☐ 3 x small containers with peanut butter
☐ 2 x ziplock bags with smoothie prep
☐ 2 x small reusable containers with tuna salad mix (or pinto bean mix)
☐ 2 x small reusable ziplock bags/reusable containers with bread
☐ 2 x small reusable ziplock bags/reusable containers with salad greens
☐ 3 x medium airtight containers with sweet potato and bell pepper
☐ 3 x small airtight containers with hummus
☐ 3 x small airtight containers with brown rice
☐ 3 x very small airtight containers with salad dressing
☐ 3 x small/medium reusable ziplock bags with lettuce and tomatoes
☐ 3 x reusable ziplock bags/airtight containers with cookies
☐ 2 x reusable airtight containers for yogurt
☐ 2 x medium airtight containers with chicken drumsticks
☐ 2 x medium/large airtight containers with veggie rice
☐ 3 x containers with pinto bean & potato curry
☐ 3 x containers with cooked brown rice
Time Estimates
Prep. Time
Cooking Time
60 - 77 min
100 - 135 min
Take Note: Time Estimates
1. Take note: PREP TIME indicates a realistic
3. Take note: TOTAL TIME can vary greatly
time frame. This is the actual time required
depending on multiple factors such as:
for prepping your meals. This includes
the pace at which each individual works,
chopping the vegetables, mixing the muffin
how many pots and pans you have to use,
batter, prepping the overnight oats, etc.
and how many stove top burners and oven
This should take roughly an hour, or more,
space you have to work with.
of focused time to complete.
I suggest prepping ingredients and recipes
while other ingredients cook on the stove
2. Take note: COOK TIME does not indicate
or bake in oven to speed up the process
a realistic time frame, due to the fact that
and to reduce total time spent on weekly
multiple items will be cooking at the same
meal prepping.
time. Cook time indicates the total stovetop or total oven cooking time for all of the
recipes. However, most of the items will
cook while you prep other items and while
multiple other items are cooking.
Breakfast #1
Banana & Peanut Butter
Overnight Oats
Dietary Notes: Gluten-free, Dairy-free, Vegan, Nut Free option
A quick meal prep breakfast that requires almost no effort… but don’t let the simplicity of this recipe
fool you! This is a healthy, well-balanced breakfast. The whole carbs from the oats and banana, and
the protein & healthy fats from peanut butter and chia seeds will keep you full throughout the morning,
providing the nutrition your body needs to get you through the day. Usually eaten straight from the
jar with a spoon, it takes just a minute to heat this breakfast up before you get on with your busy day!
Prep. Time
Plant Based
5 min
+-400 Cal/Serv
3 Portions
Rolled Oats
chia SEEDS
1 + 1/2 cups dry rolled *oats
3 medium *bananas
6 teaspoons *chia seeds
3 tablespoons *peanut butter
Storage List
Alternatives & Suggestions
3 x mason jars, glass jars or mugs with
*OATS: Oats are naturally gluten-free,
airtight lids
3 x small airtight containers to store
occur if they are produced in the
peanut butter
same place as wheat, barley or rye.
Most people with Coeliac disease can
tolerate oats labeled gluten-free.
*BANANA: If you don’t love banana
1. Starting with 3 glass jars, measure out
in your breakfast oats, you can use 1
1/2 cup of dry rolled oats to each one.
cup of mango pieces, or 1 chopped
medium apple per serving.
2. Peel and smash 3 medium bananas
Calorie reference: 3 cups of mango
pieces or 3 medium apples have ap-
(with the back of a fork) in a bowl.
proximately the same calorie content
as 3 bananas.
3. Divide the smashed banana between the
3 jars so that there is roughly 1 banana in
*CHIA SEEDS: A great alternative for
each jar.
chia seeds is flax seeds. 6 teaspoons
of flax seeds are the equivalent to 6
4. Measure out 2 teaspoons of chia seeds,
teaspoons of chia seeds.
as well as a pinch of cinnamon per jar.
5. You can either mix the peanut butter into
can be substituted with plain dairy
the overnight oats by measuring out 1
yogurt, or a dairy-free yogurt (I use an
tablespoon into each jar, or save it to add
unsweetened plain coconut yogurt)
as a topping for your overnight oats.
to make this recipe nut-free. 1 tablespoon of peanut butter is roughly 100
6. Add about 1/2 cup water to each jar
calories, so use a serving of yogurt or
and mix all of the ingredients in each
coconut yogurt that equals 100 calo-
jar together with the water.
ries (check the nutritional information
of your chosen brand to measure the
correct serving size). Another nut-free
7. Overnight oats should be soaked
overnight for at least 8 hours in the
alternative for this recipe could be
fridge before eating.
sunflower seeds. Use 2 tablespoons
of raw sunflower seeds instead of 1
tablespoon of peanut butter.
How To Put Your Breakfast
Together (On The Day)
1. Simply grab your overnight oats jar from
the fridge and give it a quick stir. If the
consistency is too thick for you, add a
small drop of water when stirring. Top
with peanut butter if you didn’t already
mix it in during the meal prep stage.
2. Enjoy with a spoon straight out of the
jar before you head out for the day, or
pack in your bag and enjoy when you get
to school or work (make sure your jar is
airtight and won’t leak)!
3. Alternatively, you can get fancy and serve
your overnight oats in a bowl with a peanut butter swirl topping before taking an
Insta pic and tagging me @liezljayne so
that I can see your yummy breakfast.
How To Store Your Meals
Easy Heating
Instructions (Optional)
1. Once all of your overnight oat jars are
prepped, cover each jar with an airtight lid.
1. If you’re in the mood for a cosy breakfast,
you can heat these overnight oats up in
almost no time at all.
2. If you decided to save the peanut butter
for a topping, measure out 1 tablespoon
of peanut butter to each of your 3 small
2. Simply grab your jar of overnight oats
containers. Skip this step if you mixed the
from the fridge, pour the soaked oats into
peanut butter into the oats.
a small sauce pot and stir until heated
through for a minute over a medium heat.
3. Cover each of the peanut butter containers
with a lid, and store in a cool, dark place.
3. Top with peanut butter if you didn’t
already add it to the oats already.
4. Store all of the overnight oats jars in
the fridge.
4. Serve in a bowl, eat with a spoon & enjoy!
Breakfast #2
Green Mango & Vanilla Protein
Dietary Notes: Gluten-free, Dairy-free, Vegan, Nut Free
Don’t let the bright green color of this smoothie fool you! Instead of tasting nasty greens, you’ll fall in
love with the decadent tastes of vanilla and mango. This easy-to-prep smoothie will leave you feeling
vibrant and energized for the day ahead. Plus, once you’ve gotten the prep work out of the way, this
smoothie can be made in less than 2 minutes.
Prep. Time
Plant Based
3 - 5 min
+-400 Cal/Serv
2 Portions
3 cups frozen *mango pieces
2 scoops vanilla *protein powder
1 medium *avocado (roughly 120g)
4 tablespoons dry rolled *oats
2 small handfuls baby spinach
1 cup of water (or as needed)
Ice to taste
Baby Spinach
Storage List
2 x medium to large ziplock bags to
Mango pieces
store smoothie prep
Smoothie Prep
1. Start with 2 ziplock bags.
2. Measure out 1 + 1/2 cups of frozen
mango pieces, 1/2 a small to medium
avocado (roughly 60g), 1 scoop of
Dry Rolled Oats
protein powder, 2 tablespoons of dry
rolled oats and a small handful of baby
spinach into each of the 2 ziplock bags.
Protein Powder
Alternatives & Suggestions
*FROZEN MANGO: If you cannot find frozen
blend it up (unlike the avocado which will be
mango, cut up fresh mango to use and freeze
added during the prep stage).
whatever you don’t use for this recipe. Alternatively, you can also use bananas (3 medium
*OATS: Oats are naturally gluten-free, howev-
sliced bananas instead of 3 cups of mango), or
er cross-contamination can occur if they are
apples (3 medium chopped apples).
produced in the same place as wheat, barley
or rye. Most people with Coeliac disease can
*PROTEIN POWDER: I use a plant-based/vegan
tolerate oats labeled gluten-free.
vanilla protein powder sweetened with stevia.
You can use any protein powder you prefer, but
*BABY SPINACH: You don’t really taste a small
I suggest using one that is slightly sweetened
handful of baby spinach in a smoothie at all,
and flavored with vanilla.
however you can leave the baby spinach out
of this recipe if you want to, or you can sub-
Calorie reference: The protein powder I use is
stitute it with another leafy green (like mixed
about 110 calories per 31g scoop.
lettuce greens) Avoid leafy greens that have
a strong flavor, like arugula or kale (these
*AVOCADO: Instead of using avocado in this
greens have a very strong taste in a smoothie).
recipe, you can use a plain dairy yogurt or a
plain dairy-free yogurt (I like to use a plain un-
Measure out the equivalent of 100 calories. If
sweetened coconut yogurt).
you decide to use yogurt instead of avocado,
add the yogurt to your smoothie prep when you
Calorie reference: Use a serving size equivalent
blend it up (unlike the avocado which will be
to roughly 100 calories of your choice brand of
added during the prep stage).
yogurt. For example, instead of using 60g or
1/2 a medium avocado, you can use 3/4 cup of
full cream plain dairy yogurt or about 1 cup of
plain unsweetened coconut yogurt.
Take note that the calorie content of all brands
and types of yogurt differ, so check the nutritional information of your chosen brand to
measure out the equivalent of 100 calories. If
you decide to use yogurt instead of avocado,
add the yogurt to your smoothie prep when you
How To Store Your Meals
1. Once all of your ingredients have
been divided between 2 ziplock bags,
How To Put Your Breakfast
Together (On The Day)
1. In the morning, grab one of the frozen
tightly seal the ziplock bags and
smoothie packs from the freezer.
place in the freezer.
2. Pour the frozen smoothie mix into a
blender with about 1/2 cup water
(or as needed).
3. Add ice cubes if you want to.
4. Blend until smooth, pour into a glass
& enjoy!
Snack #1
Healthy Peanut Butter
Coconut Cookies
Dietary Notes: Gluten-free, Dairy-free, Vegan, Nut Free option
Cookies for snack time? Yes, please!
These healthy cookies are packed with protein, fiber and healthy fats. They make the perfect midday
treat, and my fave mid-afternoon pick-me-up! Plus, they’re super easy to throw in your bag or lunch
box to take with you wherever you go!
Prep. Time
Cooking Time
Plant Based
5 min
10 -15 min
+-200 Cal/Serv
3 Portions
Peanut butter
CHIA Seeds
1/4 cup *peanut butter
2 tablespoons desiccated coconut
(I like to use an unsweetened, unsalted one)
1/2 teaspoon cinnamon
2 teaspoons chia seeds
Small pinch sea salt
2 tablespoons water
(Makes 12 cookies, 4 cookies per serv)
2 tablespoons *coconut sugar
Storing List
3 x small reusable ziplock bags/airtight
How To Store Your Meals
1. Once the cookies have cooled fully,
containers to store cookies
you can store them between 3 small
reusable ziplock bags or 3 airtight
2. Tightly seal the reusable ziplock bags
(or cover the containers with airtight lids).
3. Store the cookies in the fridge.
1. Preheat your oven to 360°F/180°C.
7. Take a tablespoon amount of the cookie
batter at a time, and roll it between your
2. Line a baking tray with a baking sheet.
palms to make a small cookie dough ball
and add it to the tray.
3. In a small bowl, mix 2 teaspoons of chia
seeds together with 2 tablespoons of
8. Keep doing this until all of the batter has
water. Let the chia seeds soak for 5
been used up, dividing the batter to make
minutes until its consistency becomes
3 equal servings of cookies. This recipe
usually makes 4 cookies per serving and
about 12 cookies in total.
4. To a mixing bowl, measure out 1/4 cup
of peanut butter, 2 tablespoons of
9. Once the baking tray has been filled with
desiccated coconut, 2 tablespoons
cookie dough balls, gently press each one
of coconut sugar and 1/2 teaspoon
down onto the tray with the back of a fork
of cinnamon.
(this will mould each one into a perfect
cookie shape).
5. Add a very small pinch of sea salt before
mixing everything together.
6. Once the chia seeds have soaked and have
10. Bake in the oven for 10 to 15 minutes.
11. When the cookies are ready, leave to cool
a gel-like consistency, add them to the rest
and set fully before removing from the
of the ingredients before mixing again.
tray and storing in the refrigerator.
Alternatives & Suggestions
How To Put Your Snack
Together (On The Day)
(NUT-FREE OPTION): Peanut butter is
1. Your snack is all ready to go! Simply grab
the most important ingredient in this
the cookies from the fridge (you can pack
recipe, but there are some great pea-
them in your lunch box in the morning, or
nut-free and nut-free butters out there
snack on them at home) and enjoy!
that can make great alternatives. If
you have a peanut allergy, but you’re
still able to have tree nuts, you can use
any other tree nut butter you prefer
(for example: almond butter, cashew
butter, or hazelnut butter).
If you cannot eat peanuts or tree nuts,
you can try a seed butter like sunflower seed butter (try the Sun Butter
brand), or a 5 seed butter made entirely from various seeds (try the brand
Beyond The Equator). You could even
use a nut-free and seed-free soy butter as a substitute (try the brand Don’t
Go Nuts). I do not recommend using
tahini made from sesame seeds as it
has a very strong, savory flavor.
Calorie reference: 1 tablespoon of peanut butter is roughly 100 calories, use
1 tablespoon or a 100 calorie serving
size of your chosen peanut-free/nutfree substitute.
*COCONUT SUGAR: I prefer to use coconut sugar because it contains more
nutrients than a lot of other sugars
and sugar substitutes, but you can
use any granulated sugar you like.
However, I don’t recommend using
honey or syrup in this recipe, as it will
change the texture.
Snack #2
Easy Apple & Yogurt Bowl
Dietary Notes: Gluten-free, Dairy-free, Vegan, Nut Free
Apple and yogurt make the perfect “grab and go” snack for your lunch box. In 2 minutes or less, turn
these 2 simple ingredients, along with a sassy sprinkle of cinnamon, into a cute foodie bowl for your
Instagram feed.
Prep. Time
Plant Based
2 min
+-200 Cal/Serv
2 Portions
2 medium *apples
2 cups plain *yogurt
(I use unsweetened coconut yogurt)
Storage List
2 x small reusable airtight containers
for yogurt
1. Using 2 small reusable airtight
containers, measure out 1 cup of
yogurt to each container
(or a 100 calorie serving size for your
preferred yogurt brand).
2. Cover the containers with airtight lids.
How To Store Your Snacks
Store the yogurt containers and apples
in the fridge.
Alternatives & Suggestions
*APPLES: It’s easy to switch up the
fruit in this snack. Yogurt is delicious
How To Put Your Snack Together
(On The Day)
1. Serve the yogurt in a bowl and top with
chopped apple (chop on the day you eat it)
paired with so many different kinds
of fruits. A medium-sized apple is
and add a quick sprinkle of cinnamon. Tag
roughly 100 calories, so you can use
with your Insta pics @liezljayne #liezljayne
any other serving size of fruit with
the equivalent number of calories.
2. Alternatively, pack the yogurt and apple in
your lunch box together with a spoon, and
Calorie reference for 100 cal alterna-
enjoy at school or work.
tives to apple: 1 medium banana, 1
medium grapefruit, 1 medium pear, 2
cups of strawberries, 2 cups cantaloupe pieces, or 1 cup mango pieces.
*YOGURT: Use any yogurt you prefer!
I like using an unsweetened dairyfree coconut yogurt which is roughly
100 calories per cup. Full cream dairy
yogurt is approximately 100 calories
per 3/4 cup serving. I recommend
using a plain, unsweetened yogurt.
To make this recipe even easier,
yogurt with a serving size of 100-110
cal each, saving you time so you don’t
have to measure out the yogurt into
small containers. Calories differ so
much from brand to brand, so check
the calories on the yogurt brand of
your choice.
Lunch #1
Tuna Salad Sandwich
Dietary Notes: Gluten-free option, Dairy-free, Vegan option, Nut Free
An easy, healthy tuna salad sandwich packed with protein and the good kind of carbs that we love.
Simple-to-make, nutritious, delicious, filling and great for meal prep. This lunch is perfect for your
work or school lunch box!
Prep. Time
5 min
Vegan Option
+-400 Cal/Serv
2 Portions
Lemon / LIME
Cherry Tomatoes
Baby spinach/lettuce mix
1 can/140g drained *tuna
Handful fresh baby spinach/lettuce mix
(in water and salt, not oil)
4 cherry tomatoes
4 x slices of *bread
Lemon/lime juice
(roughly 100 cal per slice)
2 tablespoons of mayonnaise/ vegan
Pepper and sea salt
mayonnaise (+-100 cal per tablespoon)
Storing List
2 x airtight containers to store tuna mix
2 x reusable ziplock bags (or airtight
containers) to store lettuce and tomatoes
2 x reusable ziplock bags or airtight
containers to store bread
1. Drain and add tuna (or drain, rinse and
How To Store Your Meal
1. Divide the tuna salad mix (or pinto bean
add pinto beans for a vegan option) to a
mix) equally between 2 small reusable
bowl and smash with the back of a fork.
2. Add lemon/lime juice, salt, pepper,
2. Store a small handful of baby spinach/
oregano and mayonnaise to the tuna
mixed lettuce and 4 cherry tomatoes
or pinto beans) mix everything together.
between 2 small reusable ziplock bags/
reusable containers to make 2 small
servings of salad greens (2 cherry
Alternatives & Suggestions
tomatoes and a small amount of lettuce
in each one).
*TUNA (VEGAN OPTION): As a plantbased/vegan alternative to the tuna, I
3. Divide 4 slices of bread between 2
like to use pinto beans in this sand-
reusable ziplock bags/reusable
wich. You can simply drain and rinse
containers (2 slices per bag).
the pinto beans straight from the can
and add them to the recipe in place of
the tuna. Substitute 1/2 can of tuna
4. Cover all of the containers with airtight
lids, and seal all of the ziplock bags.
(about 70g drained) for 1/3 cup (125g)
cooked and drained pinto beans (2/3
cup pinto beans for 140g tuna).
5. Store the tuna salad mix (or pinto bean
mix) and salad greens in the fridge.
*BREAD: You can use any kind of
bread that you like with this recipe.
6. Store the bread in a cool, dark place.
However, I recommend using bread
that is roughly 100 calories per slice.
If you have a gluten intolerance, it
would be in your best interest to use a
gluten-free bread. I recommend using a bread that is as whole grain as
How To Put Your Lunch
Together (On The Day)
1. Lightly toast the bread (optional) and cut
possible (meaning that it contains
the cherry tomatoes in half.
little or no white flours). I prefer to
use a whole grain gluten-free bread
2. Spread the tuna salad (or pinto bean mix)
or a 100% whole grain wheat-free rye
onto each piece of bread.
bread. Whole grain breads contain
more fiber and will keep you feeling full
for a longer period of time after a meal.
3. Top with lettuce and cherry tomato halves.
4. Eat and enjoy!
Lunch #2
Hummus, Sweet Potato
& Brown Rice Salad
Dietary Notes: Gluten-free, Dairy-free, Vegan, Nut Free
This colorful salad will brighten up your lunch break! An easy-to-make, easy-to-throw-in-a-lunchbox kind of meal, that will help keep you feeling energized and focused throughout the afternoon.
Perfect for packing up in the morning and enjoying at your desk!
Prep. Time
Cooking Time
Plant Based
10 - 15 min
30 - 40 min
+-400 Cal/Serv
3 Portions
Baby spinach/lettuce mix
Cherry Tomatoes
RED Bell Pepper
Lemon / LIME
Sweet potato
3/4 cup plain *hummus
3 teaspoons olive oil
345g sweet potato
3 tablespoons coconut vinegar/rice vinegar
1+1/2 cups cooked brown rice
3 big handfuls baby spinach/mixed lettuce
(about 1/2 cup dry)
Lemon/lime juice
3 cups cherry tomatoes
300g red bell pepper
Sea salt and pepper
Storage List
3 x medium airtight containers to store
1. Preheat your oven to 400°F/200°C .
sweet potato and bell pepper
3 x small airtight containers to store
2. Add 1/2 cup dry brown rice to a small pot
3 x small airtight containers to store
brown rice
with 1 cup of hot water.
3. Bring to a boil on the stove and then
3 x very small airtight containers to store
reduce the heat. Cover with a lid, and
salad dressing
simmer for 30-40 minutes or until fully
3 x small/medium reusable ziplock bags
cooked. Add more water if needed.
(or airtight containers) to store lettuce
and tomatoes
4. Line a baking tray with baking paper.
5. Rinse the sweet potato and bell pepper.
Alternatives & Suggestions
6. Cut the sweet potato and bell pepper into
thin slices.
*HUMMUS: I recommend using a plain
hummus that is roughly 100 calories
per 1/4 cup serving size.
7. Add the sweet potato and bell pepper
slices to the baking tray (lined with baking
If you don’t like hummus, you can
paper), and add a quick spray of cooking
substitute it with 1 tablespoon of tahi-
oil before tossing. Season with oregano,
ni per serving (to drizzle over the rice,
salt and pepper.
bell pepper and sweet potatoes), or
1/2 a small/medium avocado (about
60g per serving).
I recommend cutting the avocado
8. Roast for 30-40 minutes (or until cooked).
9. Once the sweet potato, bell pepper and
brown rice are cooked, leave to cool fully
fresh before eating, and keeping the
before storing.
other 1/2 stored in an airtight container in the fridge for the next day. Another option could be to use 1/3 cup
cooked chickpeas or 1/2 cup cooked
black beans. If using beans or chickpeas, add them straight to the salad,
and squeeze lemon/lime juice over
them to keep them fresh.
How To Store Your Meals
1. Starting with 3 very small airtight
containers to store the salad dressing
How To Put Your Lunch Together
(On The Day)
1. Quickly rinse the baby spinach/lettuce
in, measure out 1 tablespoon of coconut
mix and cherry tomatoes (optional).
vinegar/rice vinegar to each one with 1
teaspoon of olive oil.
2. Add the baby spinach/lettuce mix and
cherry tomatoes to a plate or an airtight
2. Add lemon/lime juice, salt and pepper
lunch box container together with the
to each container and mix all the
roasted sweet potato and bell pepper,
ingredients together.
cooked brown rice, and hummus.
3. Serve an equal amount of the roasted
3. Mix and drizzle the salad dressing over
sweet potatoes and bell peppers into 3
everything before tossing.
medium-sized containers.
4. Eat fresh and enjoy!
4. Using 3 small containers, measure out
1/2 cup cooked brown rice to each one
to make 3 rice servings.
5. Using 3 small containers, measure out
1/4 cup hummus to each one to make
3 hummus servings.
6. Using 3 medium-sized reusable ziplock
bags (or airtight containers), serve 1
cup of cherry tomatoes and a big
handful of baby spinach/mixed lettuce
into each one.
7. Once everything has fully cooled, cover
all of the containers with airtight lids,
and seal the ziplock bags before storing
everything in the fridge.
Dinner #1
Veggie Rice with Spicy Chicken
Dietary Notes: Gluten-free, Dairy-free, Vegan option, Nut Free
Crispy, spicy chicken drumsticks served with a side of veggie rice. My favorite way to eat vegetables
is when they’re cleverly snuck into the rice. Healthy, filling, tasty, and easy-to-make!
Prep. Time
Cooking Time
15 - 20 min
30 - 40 min
Vegan Option
+-400 Cal/Serv
2 Portions
Cayenne pepper/chili powder
Green Beans
Chicken Drumsticks
Olive oil
Brown Rice
Coconut aminos
Lemon / LIME
4 x small (60g) or 2 x large (120g)
*Chicken drumsticks (240g total)
2 tablespoons coconut aminos
(or soy sauce)
1 cup cooked brown rice
Lemon/lime juice
(roughly 1/3 cup dry)
200g green beans
Cayenne pepper/chili powder (optional)
200g bell peppers
Onion powder
200g mushrooms
Salt and pepper (to taste)
1/2 small/medium onion
Storing List
Alternatives & Suggestions
2 x medium airtight containers to store
chicken drumsticks
plant-based alternative to chicken,
2 x medium/large airtight containers to
add black beans to the veggie rice.
store the veggie rice
Drain and rinse the beans, adding
them to the vegetables along with the
cooked rice. Substitute 1 + 2/3 cups
of cooked black beans for the 240g of
chicken drumsticks.
1. Add 1/3 cup dry brown rice to a small pot
with 1 cup of hot water.
en drumsticks can range a lot in
2. Bring to a boil on the stove and then
size. As a rough guideline, a small
reduce the heat, cover with a lid, and
chicken drumstick can weigh 60g
simmer for 30-40 minutes or until fully
cooked. Add more water if needed.
100 calories), while a large chicken
drumstick can weigh about 120g
(which would be approximately 200
3. Add the chicken drumsticks to a small/
medium frying pan with a quick spray of
calories). I recommend either using 2
cooking oil spray.
small drumsticks or 1 large drumstick
per serving.
4. Season the chicken drumsticks (on each
side) with salt, pepper, a pinch of cayenne
pepper/chili powder (optional), onion
powder, oregano, a squeeze of Lime/
lemon juice, and 1 tablespoon of coconut
aminos/soy sauce.
5. Cover pan with a lid and cook over a
medium heat on the stove, turning the
drumsticks every few minutes until
browned (add a small splash of water
to the pan if needed, to avoid burning).
6. Cook until the chicken is fully cooked
(you can cut into one of the drumsticks
to see if it’s fully cooked).
15. Toss everything together in the pan until
7. Peel and chop half a small/medium sized
it looks ready.
onion, saving the other half for the Pinto
Bean & Potato Curry with Brown Rice
16. Once the veggie rice and chicken drum-
dinner recipe.
sticks are cooked, leave to cool fully
before storing in airtight containers.
8. Add the chopped onion to a separate
medium/large frying pan, with a small
amount of cooking oil spray.
9. Cook over a medium/high heat for a few
minutes until slightly browned, adding a
small splash of water to the pan if
needed, to avoid burning.
10. Rinse all of the vegetables before slicing
the mushrooms and chopping the bell
pepper into small pieces.
11. Add the mushrooms and bell pepper to
the pan with the onion straight away to
give them more time to cook, tossing
them in the pan occasionally.
12. Add the salt, pepper and onion powder
to the pan with a squeeze of lime/lemon
juice and 1/2 teaspoon of oregano.
13. Cut the green beans in short pieces, and
add to the pan when the mushroom and
bell pepper are almost fully cooked
(to avoid overcooking the green beans).
14. Once the brown rice is fully cooked,
measure out 1 cup and add it to the pan
with 1 tablespoon of coconut aminos/
soy sauce. If you are making the vegan
option, add the black beans to the pan
together with the rice as a replacement
for the chicken in the meal.
How To Put Your Dinner
Together (On The Day)
1. You can reheat your meal any way you
2. I recommend reheating the chicken at a
low temperature in the oven or using a
frying pan to avoid drying out the meat.
3. Preheat the oven to about 275°F/135°C .
4. Cover the chicken and place in the oven
on a baking tray lined with a baking sheet
for 5-15 minutes (checking every 5
minutes) until it’s heated throughout.
5. Alternatively, you may choose to heat
the chicken in a frying pan over a
low-medium heat on the stove. Cover
the pan with a lid to retain moisture.
6. You can use a small amount (a quick
spray) of cooking oil spray to grease
the pan.
7. Turn the drumsticks occasionally until
How To Store Your Meals
heated through. Avoid overcooking to
prevent drying.
1. Once everything is ready, divide the
chicken drumsticks between 2 contain-
8. Heat the veggie rice in a pan covered
ers and the veggie rice between another
with a lid over a medium heat, tossing
2 containers (so that you have 2
occasionally until fully heated.
servings of each).
9. Once your chicken and veggie rice has
been heated, serve on a plate.
2. Once everything has cooled fully, cover
the containers with airtight lids and
store in the fridge.
10. Eat and enjoy!
Dinner #2
Pinto Bean & Potato Curry
with Brown Rice
Dietary Notes: Gluten-free, Dairy-free, Vegan, Nut Free
A simple, nourishing, and hearty plant-based curry with brown rice. The perfect meal to end a long
day. Quickly heat your dinner and cosy up with a blanket on the couch!
Prep. Time
Cooking Time
Plant Based
15 - 20 min
30 - 40 min
+-400 Cal/Serv
3 Portions
Green beans
Chicken Drumsticks
Lemon / LIME
Ginger Powder
Fresh Cilantro
Coconut Milk
Curry Powder
1 + 1/2 cups cooked *pinto beans
1 teaspoon curry powder
(or 1 + 1/3 cups cooked chickpeas)
1 teaspoon onion powder
390g potatoes
Pinch ginger powder
1+ 1/2 cups cooked brown rice
Lemon/lime juice
(roughly 1/2 cup dry)
Sea salt and pepper
300g mushroom
4 to 5 cups of water (or as needed)
300g green beans
Fresh cilantro to garnish (optional)
1/2 small/medium onion
1 cup unsweetened *coconut milk/coconut
beverage (NB, see note)
Storing List
Alternatives & Suggestions
3 x airtight containers to store curry
*PINTO BEANS: You can use chick-
3 x airtight containers to store brown rice
peas instead of pinto beans for this
recipe. Use 1 + 1/3 cup (roughly 216g)
cooked and drained chickpeas per 1
+ 1/2 cup (roughly 360g) serving of
pinto beans.
1. Add 1/2 cup dry brown rice to a small
pot with 1 cup of hot water.
are so many different types of coconut
2. Bring to a boil on the stove and then
milk available, and calories can differ
reduce the heat. Cover with a lid, and
a lot from brand to brand. For this
simmer for 30-40 minutes or until fully
recipe, I use an unsweetened coconut
cooked. Add more water if needed.
milk (also called a coconut beverage)
which is roughly 40 calories per cup
3. Peel and chop half a small/medium
(I use the brands So Delicious or
sized onion, saving the other half of
Silk). I recommend using a coconut
the onion for the Veggie Rice & Spicy
milk with a similar calorie content per
Chicken Drumsticks dinner recipe.
cup. If you’re only able to get a very
thick/calorie dense coconut milk
4. Add the chopped onion to a large pot,
(usually from a can), dilute it with
with a small amount of cooking oil spray.
water to make it thinner. Use roughly
a 40 calorie serving of coconut milk
and mix it with water to make 1 cup
5. Cook over a medium/high heat for a few
of diluted coconut milk.
minutes until slightly browned. Add a
small splash of water to the pan if
needed, to avoid burning.
Coconut milk freezes really well, so I
always freeze whatever I won’t be
6. Chop the potatoes into medium-sized
using within the next few days.
pieces and add to the browned onions in
the pot. Cover with a lid and bring to
Pour any leftover coconut milk into
a boil with about 3 cups of hot water.
empty ice cube trays and place in
the freezer to set. Once set, store the
7. Let the potatoes simmer on the stove
frozen coconut cubes in a reusable
over a medium heat until soft
ziplock bag in the freezer until you
(add more water when needed).
need it for another recipe.
8. Once the potatoes are soft, add the
other ingredients.
9. Rinse the vegetables before slicing the
How To Store Your Meal
mushrooms and cutting the green beans
into short pieces. Add the washed and
1. Serve the curry between 3 medium-sized
containers to make 3 portions.
sliced mushrooms and green beans into
the pot.
2. Serve the cooked brown rice between 3
small containers ( 1/2 cup per container)
10. Drain and rinse the pinto beans, before
to make 3 rice portions.
measuring out 1 + 1/2 cups and adding
them to the pot of potatoes and vegetables
3. Once everything has cooled fully, cover
all of the containers with airtight lids and
11. Add 1 cup of coconut milk to the pot with
store in the fridge.
1 teaspoon curry powder, 1 teaspoon
onion powder, a pinch of ginger powder,
lemon/lime juice, salt and pepper.
How To Put Your Dinner
Together (On The Day)
12. Let everything simmer until fully cooked,
adding more water if needed.
1. You can reheat your meal any way you
prefer. I recommend reheating the curry
13. Once the curry and the brown rice are
and rice in a pan on the stove (over a low
both fully cooked, remove from the stove
to medium heat).
to cool before storing.
2. I personally prefer to keep the curry on
one side of the pan, and the rice on the
other side of the pan while heating.
3. I recommend using a non-stick frying
pan with a lid so that the food cooks
through without drying or burning.
4. You can use a small amount (a quick
spray) of cooking oil spray to grease the
pan, and a little bit of water if needed.
5. Toss the curry and rice occasionally until
heated through (avoid overcooking to
prevent drying).
6. Serve on a plate, eat and enjoy!
Tips & Suggestions
Some Helpful Information
Using Meal Prep With The
Beautiful Body Guide &
The Point System
don’t let that discourage you. It gets so much
Great news! If you already use The Beautiful
Think of meal prepping like a new skill that
Body Guide (my other Ebook series) and The
you are trying to learn. It may take some time
Point System (the easy calorie tracking system
initially to find and source the ingredients and
I created), you’ll be happy to know that this
containers that you need for meal prepping.
meal prep Ebook works perfectly with them.
You may have to venture out and try out a new
quicker every time you do it, because you learn
as you go.
grocery store to find the ingredients that you
I know a lot of you already use The Beautiful
need. But once you know where to get a certain
Body Guide and The Point System, so it was
ingredient, you know where to get it. You will
important to me that I make this Ebook in-
not have to look for it over and over again! For
ter-usable with them.
example, it may take some effort finding whole
rolled/old fashioned oats initially, but it’s not
However, if you don’t use The Beautiful Body
impossible to find. Open your phone or laptop
Guide or The Point System, then no worries -
and search Google to find brands available to
this Ebook and meal prep eating plan works
you in the area you live.
perfectly as a stand alone guide too! If you are
Reusing Storage Containers/
Storage Bags
using The Point System, then all you need to
know is that each individual meal serving in
this Ebook will give you roughly 400 calories
each (or 4 points each). Each individual snack
Finding the right containers to store your meals
serving in this Ebook amounts to approximate-
and snacks in is really important! Equally as
ly 200 calories each (or 2 points each). So you
important as the meal prep itself.
can enjoy any meal serving for 4 points each,
I like to use glass meal prep containers with
and any snack serving for 2 points each!
BPA-free plastic lids. I ordered some off of
Meal Prep Get’s Quicker
Every Time
Amazon and I reuse them over and over again.
These have been some of the best items I’ve
invested in to help me to maintain my healthy
Meal prepping all of your meals may initially
lifestyle. I recommend trying to find contain-
seem like a daunting task, and it may be a bit
ers that you can use over and over again. They
of extra work and time in the beginning - but
may be a little bit more expensive initially, but
in the long run it will be worth it as you won’t
cess. I simply wash the ziplock bags out after I
need to re-purchase disposable containers
have used them, place them on the drying rack
over and over again. Using disposable plastic
and then they are ready to be used again the
containers that can only be used once or twice
next time I meal prep.
before being thrown away is not good for the
environment or for your wallet. Investing in
I often like to label the ziplock bags with a per-
reusable containers helps prevent unneces-
manent marker so that I can use the same bag
sary waste and can save money in the long run.
for the same type of food item over and over
again. For example, I’ll label a bag “bread” and
I have invested in a whole lot of different types
keep using that bag for bread slices. I’ll label an-
of reusable containers so that I can make use
other bag “smoothie prep” and will keep using
of multiple shapes and sizes (you will find a
that bag over and over again for smoothie prep.
list of the ones that I purchased on Amazon
I do this to avoid cross-contamination, and so
in the Glossary section at the back of this Eb-
that I don’t end up using a bag that once had
ook). Most of them are glass containers with
onion in it for my smoothie prep (for example),
BPA-free lids, and a few of the very small ones
which would affect the taste of the smoothie.
are BPA-free plastic (I couldn’t find tiny glass
ones). I also use glass mason jars for items
It’s really important for us to become more
such as overnight oats. Mason jars are great
aware of the environment, and try to make an
because they are very affordable and can be
effort to reduce plastic waste (the majority of
used over and over again.
waste comes from our homes). So I’m personally trying my best to make small changes in
However, for some items I like to use reusable
my everyday lifestyle to reduce plastic waste
ziplock plastic bags. Ziplock plastic bags are
from my home.
great for items such as smoothie prep that
needs to be stored in the freezer, as well as
small items like bread slices, nuts and seeds.
Vegan & Plant-Based Alternatives
I purchase the slightly pricier ziplock brands
This meal plan uses mostly plant-based
(I find the actual Ziploc brand has the best
ingredients, but there are certain ingredients
ones), because they have a thicker plastic and
in some of the recipes that are not vegan.
last so much longer (the cheap ones are really
However, I do share plant-based alternatives
thin and break easily). I like to reuse these bags
for any ingredients in the recipes that are
over and over and over again, until they are lit-
not vegan (such as chicken, fish, meat and
erally falling apart, and then I wash and recy-
eggs). You will find the recommended vegan
cle them. It is possible to find reusable freezer
alternative listed under each recipe.
bags on Amazon and other online stores.
Take note that the vegan alternatives difI bought a plastic bag drying rack off of Ama-
fer from recipe to recipe, as I have used an
zon (made from bamboo and it wasn’t expen-
alternative that will work best with each recipe
sive), which has helped so much with this pro-
(taste and calorie wise).
Gluten, Dairy, Soy &
Nut Alternatives
follow the recipes (using the recommended
measurements of the foods) once or twice a
week to make the correct meals for your cal-
Most of the recipes in this meal plan are gluten,
orie needs!
dairy and soy-free. You will also find alternatives and suggestions for ingredients that are
Brands and foods differ from country to coun-
not gluten or dairy-free with each recipe. Cer-
try, all over the world. For example, the calories
tain items such as bread can easily be made
in one slice of bread purchased in the US can
gluten-free by using a gluten-free bread (I ei-
be very different to one slice of bread in South
ther use wheat-free rye bread or a gluten-free
Africa. Take note that the calories in a slice of
bread). I’ve also suggested alternatives for any
gluten-free bread can differ greatly based on
dairy items in this meal plan such as milk or
the ingredients used: One slice of bread made
yogurt (I always use unsweetened almond milk
from almond flour and nuts could be more than
or light coconut milk, and unsweetened plain
250 calories per slice, while a slice of bread
coconut yogurt for myself).
made from oat, rice and corn flour could be 60
to 100 calories per slice. Always check the la-
Some of the recipes in this meal plan do con-
bels of the food items that you purchase (like
tain nuts, however I do offer recommendations,
bread, crackers, milk and yogurt) to see what
suggestions and alternatives for people with
the calorie content is. Just because a food is
nut allergies (also, if you suffer from a nut al-
gluten-free or less processed, does not mean
lergy, always make sure that any gluten-free or
it is always a low calorie food.
dairy-free products such as bread, crackers,
yogurt and milk do not contain nuts). There is
Amounts used may differ slightly, but try to
no soy used in the recipes in this meal plan,
stick roughly to the recommended guidelines per
however if you have a soy allergy you should
recipe. For example, if the recipe calls for a slice
always check the ingredients of items such as
of bread that’s 100 calories per slice and all you
bread, crackers, tofu, vegan meat alternatives
can find is a bread that is 80 or 120 calories per
and any other processed foods as they often
slice, that will still be okay. Also take note that
contain soy.
finding items that work with this meal plan may
take a small amount of effort at first, but once
Calorie Guidelines
you’ve found them you can just keep using those
same items each week (if you find a bread you
No need to get obsessive with calories in this
like, or a yogurt or milk brand for example).
meal plan, they’re just rough estimates - because they don’t need to be exact. You don’t
Calorie Amounts Are Only Rough
have to do the calorie calculations for any of
your meals, because it’s all been done for you
already. The point of using this meal plan is so
All of the breakfast, lunch and dinner meals in
that you can eat the rough amount of calories
this Ebook are roughly 400 calories per serving,
you need every day to reach your goals without
and all of the snack recipes in this Ebook are
fussing with calories everyday. You can just
roughly 200 calories.
But, TAKE NOTE that they are only ROUGHLY
Don’t get too hung up on trying to eat exactly
that amount. While it may be important to keep
400 calories per meal, or exactly 200 calories
track of calories while trying to lose weight, the
per snack. We’re taking a way more natural and
amount of calories that we consume does NOT
relaxed approach to calorie counting, making it
need to be exact. It would be almost impos-
a proactive habit and way of life that’s easy to
sible to eat exactly 1400 calories per day for
example. It also would not be healthy (men-
Taste Preferences & Switching
tally) for us to sit and calculate every morsel
of food eaten in a day down to the very last
calorie. Being obsessive about calories is not
good for our mental health, so I don’t want to
There’s no one-size-fits-all approach to taste.
encourage anyone to get into the habit of doing
We all have different taste preferences, and
that. This is why I created The Point System
that’s okay. If you don’t like sweet potato
(which is in my other Ebook The Beautiful Body
and I’ve used sweet potato in a recipe, simply
Guide), and why I created this meal prep eating
switch it out for regular potato (just try to stick
plan. I created both of these Ebooks as ways to
to the same amount of calories). For example,
keep track of calories without having to actual-
if the recipe indicates 1 banana in a smooth-
ly “count” every calorie consumed. I don’t have
ie recipe and you’d rather use mango, use an
time for that kind of obsessiveness, and I bet
amount of mango that offers the same or a
you don’t either.
similar amount of calories (1 medium banana
and 1 cup chopped mango both offer rough-
So in this book, the recipes range from rough-
ly 100 calories). And here’s the key: The cal-
ly 370-430 calories for each of the breakfast,
ories don’t have to be exactly the same (don’t
lunch and dinner meals (roughly 400 calories
get too caught up on that), just use roughly the
each), and approximately 180-220 calories for
same amount.
each of the snack recipes (roughly 200 calories). The calories from the different meals all
If you don’t like the sound of a particular meal
balance each other out (one might be a little
in this plan, or don’t like various ingredients
over, and one might be a little under) to give
used in a particular meal, simply choose a dif-
you the approximate amount of calories your
ferent meal to make from the plan. I created
body needs.
this plan to be versatile and interchangeable
for that very reason. All of the breakfast, lunch
If you choose to follow a 1400 calorie eating
and dinner recipes are roughly 400 calories.
plan to lose weight, you may eat a little over
This means that if you want to eat breakfast
1400 calories one day and a little under the
recipes for breakfast, lunch and dinner you
next day, but it’s all roughly 1400 calories. Even
can. You could prep breakfast recipes from
if you consume 2000 calories one day in the
the book for all of your main meals. How fun!
week, it doesn’t really matter that much. As
However, I recommend adding more vegeta-
long as you are mostly consistent with your
bles into your diet which will be available in the
eating plan the rest of the week, you’ll probably
lunch and dinner recipes. All the snack recipes
still be able to get into better shape.
are roughly 200 calories each, which means
Seasonal Guidelines & Food
Availability In Different Countries
all of the snacks are interchangeable too. So
here’s what you can do to work around your
taste preferences: If you don’t like a breakfast
in week 2, you can choose a breakfast from any
What’s available to us in food stores and
of the other 3 weeks. Same goes for lunch, din-
markets, changes from country to country all
ner, or snacks!
around the world. For example, when I’m in
South Africa I love eating a vegetable called
With that being said, you can train your
Gem Squash, but I’ve never seen it or been able
tastebuds to enjoy different foods. For ex-
to find it in the US - and it’s so easy to find
ample, I used to drink so much soda in high
in South Africa! I also love eating guava and
school. I LOVED SODA. My favorites?
naartjie’s (both fruits) when I’m in South Africa, which I’ve never been able to find in the US.
Mountain Dew, Sprite, Pepsi, South Afri-
But when I’m in the US, I find things like spa-
can Sparletta Cream Soda and South Afri-
ghetti squash (which I’d never heard of before I
can Schweppes Lemon Twist. In high school,
moved here) and any type of fresh berry I could
I was already trying to follow a healthier diet
ever dream of all year round (they’re available
by learning to exclude gluten and dairy from
in South Africa but only seasonally and there
my diet, but soda is gluten and dairy-free so
are not as many variations). The point is that
I drank lots of it. I never thought I’d be able to
food items differ from country to country. Fresh
give up my daily dose of Mountain Dew.
fruit and vegetables also differ from season to
season, because different foods are grown in
However, after I realized how badly it was af-
different seasons.
fecting my anxiety, my energy levels and my
skin, I decided to stop drinking it. My sister
If something in this eating plan is not available
and I started drinking sparkling water instead.
in the country you’re currently living in, or in the
We’d squeeze some fresh lemon or lime into it
season you’re currently in, choose a different
to give it a kick. It initially took some getting
substitution. I love bananas and apples be-
used to (at first, it wasn’t as tasty as Sprite),
cause they’re generally available year round all
but soon (after we got used to the sparkling
around the world, so you should be able to sub-
lemon water) the Soda seemed too sweet.
stitute any fruit for one of those! Just try to use
How did that even happen? I never thought I’d
a substitute with a similar calorie content. For
be able to give up my beloved Mountain Dew.
example, if the recipe calls for 1 grapefruit, you
can search “calories in grapefruit” and you’ll
My tastebuds got used to a new way of eat-
find in the search results that 1 medium grape-
ing, they got used to having the plain water
fruit is roughly 100 calories. When you search
with lemon and then didn’t like the extreme
“calories in banana” you will find that 1 medi-
sweetness of the soda. It’s been 10 years since
um banana is also roughly 100 calories. This is
I gave up soda, and now I can’t even imagine
an ideal substitution because both of them are
drinking it.
roughly the same amount of calories. You can
easily switch out the grapefruit in the recipe
for the banana. Take note, some items such as
the banana in the breakfast muffins are not re-
ing to get rid of the items that are expiring first.
placeable with other fruit, as banana cooks in
a different way to other fruit and is often used
Don’t be that person who buys the baby spinach
for baking. I offer recommendations for alter-
that expires tomorrows and is already starting
native ingredients under each recipe (that will
to go soggy in the bag. Take a minute to look for
work with that particular recipe), so keep those
a bag at the back of the shelf that expires in a
recommendations in mind. If you are not sure
few days time (5 days is a good amount of time).
about an ingredient substitution for a certain
Spending one minute looking for the freshest
recipe, rather switch out that recipe for another
baby spinach will make all of your meals con-
one from the meal plan (ie: choose any other
taining spinach so much fresher that week.
breakfast from the meal plan to replace the
breakfast you don’t want to make).
So purchase the freshest ingredients possible, and keep in mind that if you can only get a
Meal Prep Starts At The
Grocery Store
certain ingredient that expires in 2 days time (a
pack of raspberries for example) and it already
looks like it’s about to expire, you may have to
Meal prepping doesn’t start in the kitchen, it
eat the meals you make with that ingredient
begins at the grocery store! Imagine going to
first. So you would eat the recipes that contain
the market and grabbing the first bag of lettuce
the raspberries within the first 2 days first, and
you see while you’re talking on the phone and
save the meals that contain banana for the last
are not paying attention to what you’re putting
3 days of the meal prep (because maybe that
into your basket. Then you get home and realize
week you got green bananas that were not yet
the lettuce is already going bad, but you still go
ripe, and they needed time to ripen anyway).Al-
ahead and prep salads for 5 days. Do you think
ways check expiration dates on food items at
that salad is going to be fresh the next day?
the grocery store, and it will solve a lot of meal
How about on day 5?
prepping freshness problems!
You see, if you want meals that stay fresh for
Ingredient Recommendations
& Tips
a few days you really need to purchase fresh
ingredients. With meal prep, it’s a necessity to
purchase fresh food. So when you’re at the gro-
In general, I try to eat whole foods and try to
cery store buying food for the week, check the
limit processed foods. For example, I buy and
expiry dates of the food items you are about to
eat whole rolled oats (often called old fash-
purchase (it only takes a few seconds).
ioned oats) instead of instant oats or quick
cooking oats. You see, the instant oats have
I can’t stress the importance of doing this
been processed to make them cook quickly.
enough. I personally look through the bags of
Sadly, in the process of making them instant
baby spinach to find the bag with the latest
to cook, they have lost some of their protein
expiration date. Here’s a tip: workers at the store
and fiber which makes them less filling and re-
usually put the bags with the later expiry dates
sults in them containing fewer nutrients. I find
at the back of the shelves, because they are try-
that when I eat whole rolled oats, I stay fuller
Specific Ingredient Amounts
for longer and have better sustained energy
than when I eat instant oats. The same goes
for bread. I try to buy bread that is as whole
Many recipes call for very specific amounts
grain as possible, meaning that it contains
of certain ingredients. This meal prep plan is
wholegrain flour or wholegrain meal instead of
designed to include ingredient amounts that
white or refined flour (even gluten-free bread
work well with each recipe in terms of taste
can be made with refined flour, which will make
and calories, but the amounts don’t need to al-
it less filling and less nutritious).
ways be exact.
As a rule, I try to eat food in it’s whole form
If a recipe calls for 270g of chicken (for ex-
such as whole oats, wholegrain bread, vegeta-
ample) and you can only find a pack of chick-
bles and fruit in their whole forms, and meat
en that contains 300g of chicken, don’t stress.
that’s in it’s whole form (for example, a salmon
It’s close enough! In this case, you can choose
fillet or a whole chicken breast instead of sau-
to add the additional chicken to the meals if you
sages or burgers, which are processed). Whole
like. Adding an additional 10g of chicken to each
foods are generally more nutrient dense than
serving (if the recipe makes 3 servings) won’t
processed food, contain more fiber and con-
make a huge difference to the taste or calo-
tain fewer unnecessary added ingredients. I
rie content of the recipe. Alternatively, you can
always try to stay away from processed meats,
choose to freeze whatever you had leftover and
because who really knows what’s in there? It
use it the next time you cook a chicken dinner.
could be anything, which is kind of gross!
The same goes with any other fresh ingredi-
Food Storage Tips
(Don’t Skip This)
ents such as fruit, vegetables and meat products. While it’s ideal to find ingredients with a
similar amount in weight or measurement as
If you’re going to make the effort to meal prep,
specified in the recipe, don’t get stressed out
it’s important to make sure you have suitable
if it’s not exact. Some meals may end up hav-
storage containers for your prepped meals. I
ing slightly fewer calories, and some my end
recommend using containers that are fully air-
up having slightly more calories. In the end, it
tight, which will help to keep your food fresher
should all balance itself out. The calories are
for longer. If you don’t use airtight containers
only supposed to be a rough guideline anyway.
and don’t store your meals properly, then you
can’t expect them to last 5 days. Take note of
Pantry staples such as rice, oats, oil, salt, pep-
the storage instructions listed under each rec-
per, spices, and certain baking ingredients
ipe, as the instructions will differ per recipe.
are much easier to store for longer periods of
You don’t have to use fancy containers that all
time. For example, you can purchase uncooked
match, but you do need to use airtight ones.
brown rice in bulk and store it in the pantry for
You can find a list of the containers I use in the
a while.
glossary section at the back of this Ebook.
With ingredients such as bread, I like to use
what I need and freeze the other slices in the
freezer in a reusable ziplock bag. Frozen bread
are not good for us. Sweeteners like stevia,
slices are really easy to heat up in the toaster!
honey, 100% maple syrup, coconut sugar and
This prevents extra bread from going to waste.
monk fruit sugar are healthier options (but stevia is the only calorie free one!).
What About Tea, Coffee, Soda
And Juice?
My mom wouldn’t let my sister and I have sugar in our tea while we were growing up. My dad
You may be wondering: “If I follow this meal
always had milk and 3 teaspoons of sugar in
prep eating plan, can I still drink tea, coffee,
his tea (he’s now down to under 2 teaspoons),
soda and juice?” Well, that’s up to you!
and all I wanted to do was be like my dad. But
my mom didn’t want my sister and I to get into
But remember that juice, soda, and coffee or
the habit of needing sugar in everything (we
tea with added milk, cream and sugar all con-
were both very sick as children and so she was
tain extra calories!
trying to keep us healthy), so my sister and I
had tea with no sugar and often no milk. I did
If you are using this meal prep eating plan as a
sneak sips of tea from my dads mug when my
weight loss tool, then I don’t really recommend
mom wasn’t looking though!
having drinks every day that contain a lot of
calories. I don’t recommend drinking juice or
At the time I hated that my mother was so
sodas at all. If you enjoy coffee and tea, then
health conscious, but now I’m so grateful that
try drinking it black and unsweetened.
she didn’t allow me to have sugar in my tea.
My tastebuds got used to no having no sugar,
It won’t make too much of a difference if you
and now tea with sugar in it doesn’t even taste
have one cup of coffee a day with a splash of
good to me.
unsweetened almond milk and 1 teaspoon of
honey or sweetener, but it will make a differ-
Tastebuds adapt really quickly! The first time
ence if you drink 5 or 6 cups a day with loads
you try something new you might not like it,
of milk and sweetener. The calories from your
but give it a few more tries because it takes the
drinks can add up quickly if you don’t pay at-
average person 11 times of trying something
new to like it!
Try using only a small amount of a lower cal-
What About Workouts?
orie milk (like unsweetened almond milk) instead of a cup of something like double cream
I do recommend working out every week to
milk, as the latter will contain a lot of calories.
form part of a general healthy lifestyle. It’s so
good to be active during the day, and not just
You can also try using a small amount of a
go from desk to car to couch every day. Most
sweetener such as stevia to sweeten your tea
healthcare practitioners and doctors recom-
and coffee. It’s calorie free! However, I don’t
mend working out at least 2 or 3 times a week
recommend using artificial sweeteners or non
to stay healthy.
nutritive sweeteners like aspartame, as these
Staying Hydrated!
It may seem like a chore, but you’ll be grateful
you did your workouts when you have more energy, become more toned, and feel more confi-
We all know that it’s super important to drink
dent in your clothes!
enough water to keep your body hydrated, so I
don’t need to remind you to drink water right?
When you exercise, your body releases something called endorphins, which boosts your
Most health experts and doctors recommend
mood and makes you feel happier! Exercise
that the average person drinks between 8 and
can also help to reduce anxiety, depression
10 glasses of water per day (one glass equals 8
and stress.
oz or about 240 ml). Some health experts also
recommend that you should drink more than
You can use The Beautiful Body Guide Exer-
8 glasses of water per day if you do a lot of
cise & Workout Plan (my fitness Ebook) for 12
exercise, drink a lot of coffee, or haven’t had
weeks of workouts. You can also follow my
enough sleep.
workouts on my YouTube channel, or try any
other workout you prefer!
So this is just a friendly reminder to drink your
daily 8 to 10 glasses of water (and no, soda and
I love to do strength training, high intensity in-
orange juice don’t count as a glass of water).
terval training (HIIT), walking, jogging and kick
There are tons of benefits of drinking enough
boxing. I’ve designed a 16 minute HIIT workout
water, but here’s two quick ones that may in-
that’s really easy to follow… and it only takes
terest you: It will keep your skin looking healthy
16 minutes! I made a video about it on my You-
and dewy, and it will help you to lose weight!
Tube channel (search: “Liezl Jayne 16 min HIIT
How To Be More Confident
workout” on YouTube and you’ll find my favorite fat burning workout).
One of the most common questions that I get
Make sure you check with your doctor or health
asked is about confidence. I receive emails and
care practitioner to see if you’re in a healthy
messages all the time asking me “How can I
state to start new workouts before you begin!
become more confident?”
Did you know that in order to build self con-
What About Extra Snacks?
fidence you need to build trust with yourself?
And the easiest way to build trust with yourself
With this meal prep eating plan there are
is to follow through with the goals and prom-
snacks provided, so it’s not recommended to
ises that you set out for yourself. The easiest
consume any additional snacks during the day.
and best place to start with achieving goals
However, if you feel this eating plan doesn’t of-
(according to entrepreneur and author, Ed Myl-
fer enough calories for you then you can add
ett) is with your physical body. He says that to
extra snacks. Try to choose something healthy
get rid of self doubt, you need to build some-
like a piece of fruit (an apple or a banana) with
thing bigger than that doubt: Confidence
some raw nuts (like almonds or walnuts).
He says that you can’t win when you have
your goal? Or is good energy, good health and a
doubt, and you can’t win when you’re discour-
body that you feel confident in your goal? Every
aged. You have to build trust with yourself, and
moment of every day, your goal is either clos-
that trust will build self confidence.
er to you or further away by each choice you
make. It’s YOUR choice. Remember that you’re
Mylett’s biggest tip for building self confidence
not a victim of your choices, you are in control
is to keep the promises you make to yourself,
of your choices.
and follow through with them. This may sound
simple, but think about it: most of us (myself
You might say: “Oh but my friend brought over
included) often don’t follow through with the
these chocolate chip cookies, and it would’ve
promises and goals that we make for our-
been rude for me not to have one.” Is it rude
selves. We give up when it gets hard and we
to say no to your friend, or is it rude to break a
give up when we feel lazy.
promise that you made to yourself?
Mylett also says that it always starts with your
You could even argue: “I went to my aunt Car-
physical body, that the easiest and quickest
ol’s house and everyone was eating this 3 lay-
way to build self confidence and self trust is
ered chocolate mousse dessert that my cousin
to work on achieving your goals for your body
Lauren made… she served it out to everyone
(for example: losing weight, getting fit by con-
and handed me a bowl of it with a spoon… so I
sistently working out, or becoming healthier by
had to eat it.”
consistently making the choices to eat nourishing foods). He says that when you achieve
Did they force you to eat the 3 layered choc-
self confidence and self trust in one area of
olate mousse cake? I doubt it. No one forced
your life, you can then begin to do build trust in
you, it was your choice. Don’t get me wrong,
other areas of your life.
you can eat it if you want to (no judgment here),
but just take ownership of your choices. Some-
Once you follow through with your promises
one may have handed you a serving of choco-
that you made for yourself and achieve one
late mousse cake, but you chose to eat it.
goal, you will have built a level of trust with
yourself. That trust builds a layer of self con-
Make your goal a priority in your life, and keep
fidence. After you have built that layer of trust
in mind that we can’t always have everything
and confidence with yourself, you can then
we want. We can’t keep having that same gi-
trust yourself with another goal, do the hard
ant slice of 3 layered chocolate mousse cake
work to accomplish that goal, building more
everyday, and expect to lose 40 pounds. Some-
trust with yourself and adding another layer of
times delaying gratification of the 3 layered
chocolate mousse cake will bring on more
gratification later when you achieve your health
It all starts with taking the first step today,
and body goals.
making the choice to keep following through
with your goal and consistently taking steps
in the direction of your goal. Is chocolate cake
What Is Your Goal?
I don’t actually drink much (for health reasons).
What are your goals for your health and weight?
I’m with my sister over Christmas break. From
Be realistic but always keep them in mind. Know
Christmas Eve to New Years Day, it’s a par-
them before you start, so that you know where
ty! It’s our thing. Apart from that, I don’t drink
you are going. Write your goals on sticky notes
much. I enjoy the occasional glass of chardon-
and post them on your fridge and bedroom
nay with family or on a date night with Rob, a
mirror so that you see them everyday. This will
glass of champagne when I’m celebrating a
help keep your goal in your mind (cause when
special occasion, or the very occasional mar-
the day gets busy, it’s easy to forget). Think of
tini or whiskey! Those are my drinks of choice
your goal as a promise to yourself. And it’s not
when I do decide to drink on the odd occasion,
always easy to keep a promise, it takes hard
and I almost never drink more than one drink in
work to stick to your healthy eating plan and
an evening.
But I do “let loose” every year for 1 week when
workout plan everyday. It takes discipline, but a
promise that you made to yourself is the most
When you imagine yourself drinking “a frozen
important promise you can keep. Because at
margarita on girls night” or “a glass of wine
the end of the day, YOU are the only certain
after a long day”, you’re imagining yourself in
thing that you have in your life. Nothing else is
a scene. It’s like a mini movie playing in your
certain (family, friends, money, things… none of
mind and you’re picturing that drink making
it is certain).
you feel a certain way. Maybe it makes you feel
calm… However, you don’t NEED that drink to
make you feel calm.
You are the only certain thing in your own life.
So why would you not want to build that relationship with yourself? Why would you not take
YOU can make the CHOICE to be calm without
the time to follow through with the promises
a drink in your hand. (Also, please make sure
you make to yourself to build that trust with
you are at a legal age to drink alcohol if you are
yourself? You deserve it. So make a promise to
going to do so.)
yourself in the form of the goal that you want,
put the effort in everyday to take one step clos-
There’s nothing wrong with enjoying that fro-
er to achieving that goal, and keep going until
zen margarita on girls night once a week: May-
you achieve it.
be that’s your weekly treat (or “cheat” item),
and maybe you can make a small change to
“Cheat Meals” Aka: Treat Meals
What About Alcohol, Pizza &
Sweet Treats?
your new healthy lifestyle by limiting yourself
to one margarita on girls night instead of two
or three… or four. You really don’t need four
Ah that mimosa on a sunset cruise, those sundowners at the beach, that frozen martini on
girls night, that glass of wine at the end of a
long day, and that beer while watching football… what about that?
What Do You Want More?
How Did You Get Here?
You can’t have that frozen margarita on girls
If you’re 30 Lbs heavier than you want to be, ask
night, that beer on Saturday night at the bar,
yourself “How did I get here?”. And be honest
that hot apple pie with cream at Aunt Carol’s
with yourself, don’t play victim. Take ownership
on Sunday, those 3 fish taco’s on Taco Tuesday
over your past decisions (even if they weren’t
(just cause it was Taco Tuesday), that burg-
great ones). Taking responsibility for your past
er with fries on Thursday night (cause your
decisions will give you power to take ownership
friends were eating it too), that glazed donut
of your future choices, which will help you to
from Dunkin (when you got your black iced cof-
change your life for the better.
fee on Wednesday), that KitKat and Coke from
the vending machine at work (when your energy
I know that when I gained 40 Lbs, I got there by
was low at 11am on Monday), and that cream
eating my feelings in food.
cheese bagel on Friday (cause a work colleague
told you it was really good)… and still expect to
I once ate 3 Labarar snack bars within 5 minutes
achieve your goal of having better health in your
at MIDNIGHT because someone said some-
body and getting into better shape.
thing to me that upset me (they were the regular
size ones, not the mini ones - and I had already
Maybe you want to lose 10 Lbs for a wedding
eaten a HUGE dinner and snacked on an ENTIRE
you’re going to. Perhaps you want to lose 10
full sized bag of salted mixed nuts before).
Lbs for your own wedding. Maybe you’re trying
to lose some baby weight post-pregnancy, or
I was convinced that if I ate healthy food, I could
maybe you’re just wanting to look hot in a biki-
eat whatever I wanted. I believed calories didn’t
ni so that you feel confident when you’re with
matter. But if I’m going to be honest, I still felt
your friends at the beach. The point is that in
guilty. I realize now that I felt guilty because I
life we can’t have everything (sucks, doesn’t
knew I wasn’t even hungry, and yet I continued
it?), we have to choose. YOU have to CHOOSE
to shovel food into my mouth. I couldn’t stop
what you want more, every single day. That
eating, but I convinced myself it was fine be-
choice gives you power.
cause I was consuming healthy food.
That choice will give you power to create the
I once baked a tray of “healthy” chocolate
life that you want, the life that you’ve always
brownies (made with oats, dates, honey, cocoa,
wanted. The truth is that you get to create your
coconut oil and honey) and ate the entire tray
daily life. Everything you have in your life has
(probably 20 brownies, that were about 200 or
been created from choices that you made in
300 calories each) because my best friends and
the past. And your life continues to be created
roommates all went to Thailand for 3 weeks and
by the choices you make every single day. You
I couldn’t afford to go with (even though I had
have the power to change the course of your
planned for months to go with, and desperately
life if you want to, and you can start changing
wanted to go). I was left alone in my apartment
it right now.
for 3 entire weeks while they all went without
me. I was broke, I was lonely, I was sad. My
life felt completely out of control, and on top of
where I wanted it to be, everything felt out of
that, I also had the flu.
control, and I was still broke. I had moved back
in with my parents (because I was broke), and
So I ate.
I was exhausted from working yet another
And then I ate some more.
double shift at the Pizzeria (I pretty much
And then I ate even more - to comfort myself.
worked double shifts 6 days a week at an
Artisan Pizza restaurant), and I still didn’t have
In that same week, I made a batch of home-
enough money to support myself. I hadn’t
made “healthy” chocolate snack bars (there
bought myself new clothes in more than a
were about 30 in the batch, and they were
year, never went on holiday with my friends,
roughly 400 calories each). I ate ALL 30 of them
and barely even saw them cause I was always
within 7 days (that’s roughly 4.2 snack bars
working. So I sat alone in my parents kitch-
a day) and I still ate all of my regular meals.
en and mindlessly ate an entire jar of peanut
During that time, I ate bars of dark chocolate,
butter within a few minutes. I was an
and I heaped spoonfuls of peanut butter into
emotional mess, and I thought eating would
my mouth. I made homemade coconut banana
bring me comfort.
ice cream and ate that too. I ate anything I
could find: All of my own food in the apartment,
Did it help anything? No.
and then went on to eat an entire jar of roasted
almond butter that my roommate had left be-
Did it make me feel even worse? Yes.
hind (unopened). When she eventually returned
from the Thailand trip, I pretended not to know
After bingeing on peanut butter, I was not
anything about it.
anxious… but I also had this sinking feeling that
But the point is: I spent 3 weeks stuffing my face
I also couldn’t control myself around food. That
with food because I felt sorry for myself.
made me feel even worse. I had already gained
a lot of weight, but I couldn’t stop myself from
Another time, I consumed an entire box of pea-
nut butter cluster granola, because I had broken up with my boyfriend of 2 years and it was
Time and time again - I ate my feelings, and then
one of the most difficult decisions that I’ve
I’d have to sit with all of that food in my stomach
ever had to make. So what did I do? I drove to
for the next few hours or days and feel sick. It
my parents house and grabbed the first thing
was awful. When I was sad I ate to feel better,
I saw: An unopened box of peanut butter clus-
but it actually only made me feel worse and I
ter granola. My dad occasionally had a box in
gained a ton of weight: 40 Lbs within 4 months.
the pantry, because he knew I loved it. It was
250 calories per 1/4 cup serving... and I ate
the entire LARGE box of it. It goes on and on. I
It was like that scene in the second Bridget Jones
once at an entire jar of peanut butter (straight
Diary movie when she’s at home wrapped in her
out the jar with a spoon) in one sitting because
duvet eating herself out of house and home.
I was depressed and anxious. My life wasn’t
That was me. (And if you were wondering, yes, I
was also moping around the house wrapped in
No matter what anyone else says, you can lose
my duvet, while I devoured everything in sight…
weight and you can get into better shape. But
Just like Bridget).
only you can do it - no one else can do it for you.
And you will only achieve your goal if you are
Maybe your weight gain journey wasn’t as dra-
willing to put the work in to change your habits
matic as mine, or maybe you have a similar sto-
(like your daily eating habits). It won’t always be
ry to me. It doesn’t matter how you got here, all
easy when you’re tempted with hot gooey choc-
that matters is what you choose to do today and
olate brownies, but always remember that you
tomorrow and the next day. I’ve chosen to im-
are what you eat.
prove my life a little bit everyday by looking after
my body (and no, stuffing your face with count-
So what do you choose? A week of “cheating”
less Oreos is not looking after yourself).
on your goal with cream cheese bagels, beers
and frosted donuts? Or the healthy, confident
Your past doesn’t define you, but your present
body that you’ve always dreamed of?
does. Your present defines your future.
Just because you used to stuff your face
It’s your choice.
every time you felt sad, or mad, or anxious doesn’t mean you still do. Your past actions and
When you have a goal (in this case: improving
thoughts don’t define who you are today, or who
your health and getting into better shape), it’s
you will be tomorrow. You get to choose who
important to keep that goal in the forefront of
you are from now on.
your mind at all times.
Sometimes our past actions have repercus-
You want a hot body? You want a Lamborghini?
sions, which our present and future selves have
Look hot in a bikini? You better work, b**ch.
to sort out.
Oh wait… those are the lyrics from a Britney
In my case, constant emotional eating (my past
song… but maybe you should play that song ev-
actions) resulted in my gaining 40 Lbs within 4
ery time you feel tempted to cheat on your new
months. So the repercussion of that emotional
lifestyle with your old habits. What would Britney
eating was me being 40 Lbs heavier than I pre-
do? She’d probably be up in the gym, or dancing
viously was. I had to make the choice to stop
her little butt off at rehearsals. She wouldn’t be
torturing myself, and I had to make the decision
stuffing her face with Oreos and cream cheese.
everyday to lose that extra weight.
Okay, so obviously you don’t need to deprive
Maybe you were always an overweight kid and
yourself (an occasional treat can be good for
got bullied because of it. That doesn’t mean you
the soul), but doesn’t it feel good when you get
have to be an overweight adult with low con-
to the end of week and you know you did your
fidence. You can change your habits, you can
best to stick to your goal? It feels amazing!
change your body and change your health. You
When you’ve followed through with your goal by
can create any future that you want.
completing your workouts for the week and by
sticking to your eating plan, you can look back
at the end of the week and feel like you’ve made
if you eat multiple slices of cheesecake, or eat
progress. Then you can sit back and enjoy a
cheesecake everyday, you may gain 5 Lbs.
nice slice of caramel swirled chocolate cake
with friends or family and really enjoy your
The point is that you should give yourself per-
treat because you worked hard for it through-
mission to live your life and enjoy it (even if you
out the week.
are trying to lose weight). So, if you take one
thing away from this Ebook, I hope this is it: You
Chocolate cake, double dipped Oreos, peanut
don’t have to be perfect, and you don’t have to
butter cookies, and rocky road ice cream all
deprive yourself of every pleasure in your life to
taste so much better with company anyway.
reach your goal of loving your body.
You’re not really tasting them when you’re
standing in your kitchen alone shoveling hand-
The goal of losing weight is not about being
fuls down your throat (we’ve all been there).
perfect. Even that celebrity who you think is
perfect is not (even though, in my opinion, Kim
Don’t Get Hung Up On Being
Kardashian is close, but even she thinks she
has flaws). The goal of losing weight is to become healthier, That’s it! If you feel unhealthy
If you are trying to lose weight, and decide to fol-
and sluggish all the time because you are over-
low a 1400 calorie eating plan to lose weight, you
weight and you know that you could lose a few
don’t need to be perfect. So take that pressure
pounds, that’s a good reason to make an effort
off of yourself. If you’re trying to lose weight, the
to follow a healthier lifestyle. Achieving optimal
only thing you need to be is consistent. Try to
health should be the goal that drives you, not
be consistent with following your healthy eat-
just trying to change the way you look. Your
ing plan and your workout plan, but you don’t
body will never look like mine, and my body will
have to be perfect. For example, if you workout
never look like yours. Everybody has a different
on Monday and Tuesday and follow your eating
body shape and size, and that’s something you
plan and then skip your workout on Wednesday
need to embrace and accept.
and eat a big slice of chocolate cake… believe it
or not, it’s going to be okay! The whole world is
I may have a smaller frame but I have always
not going to end, I promise!
struggled with cellulite. It’s just by body type. No
matter how much I exercise or how healthy I eat,
Just keep going with your workouts and healthy
I bet I will always have some cellulite. It’s some-
eating plan the rest of the week, and then allow
thing I have to accept because I’ve had cellu-
yourself to enjoy that big juicy cheeseburger (or
lite since I was 12 years old, and it’s never gone
whatever your favorite treat is) for your treat
away completely. Although I have improved it
meal on Friday night. You see, treating your-
significantly from eating healthily, working out
self to a slice of chocolate cake and an amaz-
consistently and dry body brushing, I will NEV-
ing cheeseburger during the week won’t really
ER look like one of those Instagram models who
make a huge dent on your results. Being con-
takes pictures in a thong bikini and has a totally
sistent will impact your results. If you eat a slice
cellulite free butt. I mean, good for her! But that
of cheesecake, you won’t gain 5 Lbs. However,
will probably never be me. However, If I do ever
get rid of it completely, I will share the secrets
self, but I’ve learned to focus my attention on
with you, don’t worry!
my health, not just my appearance. I would be
miserable if I constantly compared myself to In-
I naturally have a small frame, but I do carry a
stagram models, because they always look so
lot of weight on my butt and arms. I frequently
perfect (in my opinion). I may not always look
see mean comments on various social media
perfect, but I’m me and I’m healthy.
accounts criticizing my arms for being heavier
and not toned enough. There are even some fo-
Everyone is on their own journey, and to com-
rums about me on the internet with comments
pare your journey or body to someone else is
that criticize my body, especially my arms, even
not only toxic, but it’s counterproductive. If I’m
though I work out my arms every week. They
healthy and have good energy, then that is good
just don’t tone up like I wish they would. I have
enough for me. I have come to terms with the
a body type that doesn’t build muscle tone very
fact that I will never be perfect. This is some-
easily, so I have to work extra hard to build mus-
thing that was so hard for me to accept in the
cle. However, I’ve had better luck toning my legs
past, but trying to achieve perfection was mak-
and my stomach (my stomach was once much
ing me so unhappy. I will probably never be as
bigger than it is now). Every person has a differ-
toned as some girls that I see online, but I know
ent body type and shape: Some people have lean
I’m healthy. They key to my confidence has been
arms and legs and carry more weight around
re-focusing my efforts onto feeling healthy, and
their stomach area (and that’s okay), and others
not just on how I look. I’ve made health my ul-
carry more weight on their thighs and arms (and
timate goal, and I’ve never felt better about my-
that’s also okay). The most important thing is
self. Confidence is all about how you feel about
that you are healthy. Health is everything! My
yourself, and allowing yourself to radiate that
main goal when I was losing weight was to feel
positive energy wherever you go. People pick
healthier, because I always felt super tired and
up on that positive and confident energy. Most
sluggish with the extra weight. I didn’t feel my-
people won’t even notice those ‘flaws’ you think
self and that didn’t make me feel good. Years
you have if you’re radiating confidence. Confi-
ago when I was trying to lose weight, I wanted
dence is built by being consistent and keeping
to lose weight to look slimmer. In recent years,
the promises you make to yourself. Consistently
my main goal when losing weight has been to
working out, eating healthy meals and following
feel healthier. If you’ve been struggling with
through with the promises you make to your-
your body image and self confidence, then don’t
self will not only make you feel amazing, but it
worry… I’ve been there too! Many, many times.
will build that unshakable confidence that you
The good news is that you can totally build up
crave. So if you made a promise to yourself to
your self confidence and feel better in your body
get your butt to the gym today, then go do it!
and in your skin. I have been able to build up
Follow through with the promises you make to
my own self confidence so much simply by pur-
yourself, and watch your confidence grow.
suing health over perfection. Trying to achieve
perfection is toxic, because no matter how hard
So refocus your goals away from perfection and
you try, you will always see ‘flaws’ in yourself.
onto health and confidence, and you’ll start see-
I still struggle with certain things about my-
ing the results you want!
Brand Glossary
Food Brands That I Use /
These are the food items/pantry staples that I currently use. These are the staple items I keep in
my pantry in California, but keep in mind that these items may not be available where you live.
You don’t need to use the exact same products that I do (I’m simply sharing what I use, because I
thought it might be helpful for some people). I generally find these items at Trader Joe’s, Sprouts,
Costco, on Amazon, and occasionally I’ll shop at Whole Foods too.
At the time of finishing this Ebook, these products are the ones that I like to eat on a weekly basis,
but ingredients in products sometimes change without notice (so always check the food label to
make sure the ingredients suit your needs). If these items are not available near you, search online
for similar products near you.
Wholegrain rye bread:
Coconut yogurt:
Mestemacher Organic Whole Rye Bread, or
So Delicious Dairy-Free Unsweetened Plain
Genuine Bavarian Organic Sunflower Seed
Coconut Yogurt
Rye Bread
Almond milk:
Wholegrain gluten-free bread:
Blue Diamond Almond Breeze Almond Milk
Three Bakers Gluten-Free 7 Ancient Grains
Whole Grain Bread
Coconut milk:
Brown rice cakes:
So Delicious Dairy-Free Unsweetened
Lundberg Organic Thin Stackers Brown Rice
Coconut Milk
(no salt)
Vegan protein powder:
Rye crackers:
Garden of Life Raw Organic Protein (vanilla), or
RyVita Crunch Dark Rye Wholegrain
About Time Ve Vegan Protein Powder (vanilla)
Crispbread, or Finn Crisp Original Sourdough
Rye Thins
Cooking oil spray (coconut):
Trader Joe’s Coconut Oil Spray
Whole rolled/old fashioned oats:
Nature’s Path Organic Old Fashioned Whole
Cooking oil spray (avocado):
Grain Rolled Oats
Primal Kitchen Avocado Oil (cooking spray)
Olive oil:
Brown rice:
California Olive Ranch Extra Virgin Olive Oil
Lundberg Organic California Brown
Basmati Rice
Avocado oil:
Primal Kitchen Avocado Oil
Trader Joe’s Organic Quinoa
Coconut Aminos:
Coconut Secret The Original Coconut Aminos,
Brown rice spaghetti:
Soy-Free Seasoning Sauce
Trader Joe’s Organic Brown Rice Spaghetti
Coconut vinegar:
Brown rice pasta:
Coconut Secret Organic Raw Coconut Vinegar
Trader Joe’s Organic Brown Rice Fusilli
Pasta, or Trader Joe’s Organic Brown Rice
Marinara sauce:
Penne Pasta
Rao’s Homemade Marinara Sauce
Black beans:
Peanut butter:
Trader Joe’s Organic Black Beans
Trader Joe’s Organic Peanut Butter
(creamy, no salt or sugar)
Trader Joe’s Organic Garbanzo Beans
Almond butter:
365 Organic Almond Butter (creamy,
unsweetened & no salt)
Trader Joe’s Steamed Lentils, or WestBrae
Natural Organic Black Lentils
Sunflower seed butter:
Sun Butter Organic Sunflower Butter
Pinto beans:
Trader Joe’s Organic Pinto Beans
Trader Joe’s Organic Tahini
Storage Glossary
Meal Prep Containers
That I Use
I purchased all of my meal prep containers on Amazon, however you can also find containers at
places such as The Container Store, Costco, Walmart, Target or various online stores. My biggest
tip for purchasing meal prep containers is that they need to be airtight, if they are not airtight, your
food may not stay fresh for as long as it should. I mostly use reusable glass containers, with BPA
free plastic lids. These are the ones that I purchased on Amazon (keep in mind that these exact
ones may not be available to you where you live, but you should be able to find similar ones available in your region):
Prep Naturals Glass Meal Prep Containers.
proof lids in the color blue - these are great for
(they have various sizes and shapes
storing salad dressings and small items like
available, I like to use their medium 5-Piece
seeds or nuts)
set and their mixed small, medium & large
Libbey Small Glass Bowls with Lids.
18-Piece set containers)
(I use their 6.25 oz 8-Piece set, these are
Anchor Hocking Classic Glass Food
great for storing smaller food portions such
Storage Containers with Lids.
as yogurt, a single serving of rice, and nuts
(I use the mixed blue 26-Piece Set)
or seeds).
WeeSprout Baby Food Storage Containers.
(I use their small reusable 4oz jars with leak-
Terms & Conditions
Terms of use for Fast
Weight Loss Meal Prep
For Women
Fast Weight Loss Meal Prep For Women is only
If you want to see results of any kind from
intended to provide recommendations, it is not
any product and reach new body goals of any
intended as a medical manual. The information
kind, then you need to take action and follow
shared throughout Fast Weight Loss Meal Prep
through with those actions. However, with this
For Women is only designed to help you make
product there is no “typical” result. With most
more informed decisions about your health.
health, fitness, nutrition and weight-loss related products there is usually never a typical re-
Please note that changes in health, fitness,
sult. Results may vary from person to person,
weight-loss, body image, body toning and gen-
because every person is different.
eral shaping up are not guaranteed in any way
or form. Results will vary from person to per-
Please note that any and all information and
son. It is important to note that Liezl Jayne, Lie-
contents found within Fast Weight Loss Meal
zl Jayne Strydom, Fast Weight Loss Meal Prep
Prep For Women are not meant to cure any
For Women, and the creators of Fast Weight
specific disease or health problem, or fix any
Loss Meal Prep For Women do not guarantee
ailment or problem of any kind. It is always ad-
results or benefits of any kind.
vised to consult your medical practitioner before trying a new diet, eating plan, weight-loss
It is required by law that all businesses identi-
program, fitness plan, exercise program, life-
fy what a “typical” result is to their customers.
style or a new health program to check wheth-
The truth is that most people never do anything
er if it is right for you - and to check whether it
with the products that they purchase (this in-
is suitable for your personal health, body, fit-
cludes weight-loss, fitness and health prod-
ness, weight-loss and lifestyle goals.
ucts), and when they don’t do anything with
them they are usually unable to get the results
Please note that the information, eating plans,
that they desire. If you want to get results from
recipes and exercises found in this Ebook are
this product then you need to take action. Gen-
not meant to cure any specific disease or health
erally speaking, for fast and effective results, it
problem, or fix any ailment or problem of any kind.
is often best to take action immediately. In this
case, taking action may mean changing your
It is always advised to consult your medical
lifestyle, sticking to your diet and completing
practitioner before trying a new diet, eating
all of your workouts as recommended.
plan or a new health program to check whether
if it is right for you - and to check whether it
is suitable for your personal health and nutri-
Meal Prep For Women is not intended as medi-
tion goals. It is always advised to consult your
cal advice, and should not be used to diagnose,
medical practitioner before trying a new fitness
treat, cure or prevent any medical conditions
program or a new workout regime to check
of any kind. You should not use this book as
whether if it is right for you - and suitable for
a substitute for qualified professional health
your personal health and fitness goals.
advice, diagnosis or treatment.
Any and all meal plans, eating plans, recipes,
The information in this Ebook has been de-
ingredients, tips, suggestions, advice, recom-
signed to help individuals within the specified
mendations, guidance, information, workout
market progress towards their health and fit-
recommendations and fitness tips found with-
ness goals. The guidelines found throughout
in Fast Weight Loss Meal Prep For Women
Fast Weight Loss Meal Prep For Women have
have not been formulated to suit any particu-
not been formulated to suit any injuries, health
lar person, or to help any condition of any kind
problems or any other problems that could
- they act only as general recommendations
be aggravated with any kind of diet or way of
for general fitness and health improvement.
eating, or any kind of of low, moderate or high
intensity physical exercise. These guidelines
If you feel dizzy, faint, nauseous, light headed,
are general and have not been specifically
exhausted or sick in any way, or if you suffer
tailored. If you are an individual with such
from any kind of negative affects induced by
problems please seek the help of a doctor, GP
or health professional.
meal plans or physical exercise recommendations in this guide - then you should stop
The materials and content contained in
your meal plan/eating plan and/or workout
Fast Weight Loss Meal Prep For Women are
immediately and seek the medical advice of
not intended to be a substitute for medical
your GP, health practitioner or doctor.
professional advice, diagnosis or treatment.
Although in depth and specific information is
The guidelines, recipes, ingredients, eating
given, users of this specific program should
plans and meal plans found throughout Fast
not rely exclusively on information provided in
Weight Loss Meal Prep For Women have not
this program for their own health needs as it is
been formulated to suit any nutrient deficien-
only a set of guidelines aimed at a broad spec-
cies, intolerances, allergies or any other food
trum audience. All specific medical questions
related health problems. If you are an individu-
should be presented to your own health care
al with such problems please seek the help of
practitioner or doctor.
a doctor, GP or health professional.
Each individual will have their own specific
The information provided in this Ebook is only
health, dietary and fitness needs and therefore
based on recommendations for general health
the information in this book is designed only to
improvement and to promote healthy eating,
be a set of generic guidelines. This book does
healthy exercise and healthy lifestyle habits.
not consider any person’s specific objectives,
The information found in Fast Weight Loss
situations or requirements.
Fast Weight Loss Meal Prep For Women is not
completeness, reliability and relevance to your
written to promote poor body image or any kind
own personal and individual circumstances. It
of extreme training regimes. Liezl Jayne, Liezl
is always advised to obtain appropriate profes-
Jayne Strydom, Fast Weight Loss Meal Prep For
sional health and fitness advice relevant to your
Women, and the creators of Fast Weight Loss
particular circumstances.
Meal Prep For Women should not and cannot
be held liable for the interpretation or use of the
Most of the information, guidelines, recommen-
information provided.
dations and tips found within Fast Weight Loss
Meal Prep For Women have been learned from
Liezl Jayne, Liezl Jayne Strydom, Fast Weight
personal study and personal experience. All
Loss Meal Prep For Women, and the creators of
topics covered in Fast Weight Loss Meal Prep
Fast Weight Loss Meal Prep For Women makes
For Women may be subject to human error and
no warranties or guarantees, expressed or
may not be safe to use for any or all persons.
implied, to the accuracy or completeness,
timeliness or usefulness of any opinions, advice,
Please note that you should always check with
services or any other information contained, or
your medical doctor, GP, health practitioner or
referenced to, in this document. The information
personal dietician to see whether a low calorie
is subject to professional differences of opinion,
diet is suitable for you and your specific health
human error in preparing this information and
needs - and to check whether you are consum-
unique differences in individual’s situations.
ing the right amount calories each day to reach
your health, fitness and weight-loss goals.
Liezl Jayne, Liezl Jayne Strydom, Fast Weight
Loss Meal Prep For Women, and the creators of
Please note that Fast Weight Loss Meal Prep
Fast Weight Loss Meal Prep For Women do not
For Women and all other content created by Lie-
assume any risk for your use of this informa-
zl Jayne, Liezl Jayne Strydom, Fast Weight Loss
tion as such materials or content may contain
Meal Prep For Women, and the creators of Fast
the most recent information. This resource is
Weight Loss Meal Prep For Women is purely in-
not individually tailored. It is a guideline which
tended for entertainment purposes.
has emerged via the combination of personal
experience, learned guidelines and where
No information, advice, facts, tips or sugges-
possible, scientific literature.
tions given by Liezl Jayne, Liezl Jayne Strydom,
Fast Weight Loss Meal Prep For Women, and
Liezl Jayne, Liezl Jayne Strydom, Fast Weight
the creators of Fast Weight Loss Meal Prep For
Loss Meal Prep For Women, and the creators
Women should be taken or accepted as truth. It
of Fast Weight Loss Meal Prep For Women are
is the responsibility of the reader and/ or user to
not liable for any loss resulting from any action
ensure that all of the information given by Liezl
taken or reliance made by you on any informa-
Jayne, Liezl Jayne Strydom, Fast Weight Loss
tion or material contained in this book. If you
Meal Prep For Women, and the creators of Fast
use, or otherwise rely on, any of the information
Weight Loss Meal Prep For Women, or any in-
in this book you are responsible for ensuring, by
formation found in Fast Weight Loss Meal Prep
independent verification, its currency, accuracy,
For Women is correct, accurate, helpful, use-
ful, safe to use, current and suitable for their
Loss Meal Prep For Women, then you should
personal needs.
immediately and consult with your doctor.
It is important to check with your medical
doctor, GP, health practitioner, personal fitness
This terms of use is relevant to all parts of Fast
coach or personal dietician to see whether Fast
Weight Loss Meal Prep For Women, including
Weight Loss Meal Prep For Women and all of
but not exclusive to the recipes, meal plans,
it’s content (including it’s advice, suggestions,
eating plans, ingredients, tips, suggestions,
recommendations, meal plans, eating plans,
recommendations, advice, information, guid-
recipes, ingredients, fitness tips, exercises,
ance and all other content found within any
workout plans and healthy living tips) given by
part of Fast Weight Loss Meal Prep For Women,
Liezl Jayne, Liezl Jayne Strydom, Fast Weight
Fast Weight Loss Meal Prep For Women
Loss Meal Prep For Women, and the creators of
products or Fast Weight Loss Meal Prep For
Fast Weight Loss Meal Prep For Women are safe
Women additional resources - or any other
to use and suitable for your personal needs.
resource by Liezl Jayne, Liezl Jayne Strydom,
Please note that the guidelines found in Fast
Fast Weight Loss Meal Prep For Women, and
Weight Loss Meal Prep For Women are not
the creators of Fast Weight Loss Meal Prep
suitable for any person who is or who may still
For Women.
be developing in any way. These recommendations are not suitable for any woman who is
By reading or using any part of this book or
pregnant, may be pregnant, is trying to become
product in any way, or by reading or using any
pregnant or who is breast feeding. This prod-
other information shared by Liezl Jayne, Liezl
uct is not suitable to be used by men or chil-
Jayne Strydom, Fast Weight Loss Meal Prep
dren under any circumstances.
For Women, and the creators of Fast Weight
Loss Meal Prep For Women, you accept and
Any user of Fast Weight Loss Meal Prep For
agree to this terms of use.
Women, uses all of its information, recommendations, guidelines and tips at their own risk.
Mention of specific companies, organizations,
Liezl Jayne, Liezl Jayne Strydom, Fast Weight
products, persons, or authorities in this Ebook
Loss Meal Prep For Women, and the creators
does not imply endorsement by the author or
of Fast Weight Loss Meal Prep For Women
publisher, nor does specific mention imply that
cannot be held responsible for the interpreta-
they endorse this book and product, its author
tion of any of the information, recommenda-
or publisher.
tions and guidelines by the user.
If at any point you feel faint, dizzy, sick or
suffer from any kind of complaint while
using any of the recommendations, suggestions,
advice, guidance, tips, recipes, eating plans,
exercises or workout plans within Fast Weight
Be a part of the #beautifulbodymovement
I would love to see your amazing transformation!
Please feel free to tag me in your photos via my
social media @liezljayne
- use the hashtags #liezljayne and
#beautifulbodymovement on Instagram
You can also email your progress photos to me at
How to stay in touch:
Blog: www.liezljayne.com
Ebooks: www.liezljayne.com/guides
Youtube: www.youtube.com/liezljayne
Instagram: www.instagram.com/liezljayne
Facebook: www.facebook.com/liezljayne.blog
Twitter: www.twitter.com/liezljayne
Pinterest: www.pinterest.com/liezljayne
Other Ebooks by Liezl Jayne:
Thank you!
Thank YOU so much for reading my book!
I hope that you have found all of the information,
guidance, tips and recommendations that I’ve
shared throughout Fast Weight-Loss Meal Prep For
Women helpful.
And also - a BIG thank you to Rob, Rozanne,
Jessica, Ross, Trish and Barry for helping me to
make Fast Weight-Loss Meal Prep For Women