It’s Annual Competency Time! Each tech must take a packet (they are all labeled with your names) and fill it out. This is for your 6 part binder and JCAHO required. 1. 2. 3. 4. Find your packet with your name on the first page. Print your name at the top of all pages with your unit (Telemetry). On page 2 is ICare values. Make sure to read that. Page 3 is the instruction page. Read, check all spaces and sign at the bottom under Health Technician Employee Signature. Make sure you date it! 5. Page 4 -5 is a Scavenger Hunt. Fill in each empty box with correct answers. Yes, you can help each other. 6. Page 6 is the Code sheet. Explain where you find resource to activate code (hint: your badge) and what each code means. 7. Starting on page 7 is the fun part. Under each box that is labeled ‘Orientee Initials’ that is where you will put your initials. Remember, to fill out your name and unit at the top of each page. The other required information has already been filled out by Kristina- ANM. - Page 7-37 is just you reading the requirement and putting your initials. - Some of them have been labeled N/A by the supervisor. You don’t need to put your initials in that box as it does not apply to Tele. Put N/A in the box for your initials. - Page 37 has already been signed by your evaluator. Turn the completed packet into the supervisor. Til Next Year! Have a great shift!