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Physiotherapy Assignment: Parkinson's Assessment

Assignment of physiotherapy in medical conditions
Name: Apoorv Garg
Roll no.: 04
20th BATCH
Submitted to:
Dr. Sampada
Topic: Find an article written on the assessment of
Parkinson's disease.
Write a note on what you learned from that article in
500 words. (Writing instructions: Font: Times New
Roman, Size 12, 1.5 line spacing)
The Assessment of the Disablement Process in Parkinson’s Disease
The disablement process is a socio-medical model that describes the pathway from
disease to disability via impairments and functional limitations. It is based on the
International Classification of Impairments, Disabilities and Handicap (ICIDH) by the
World Health Organization.
2. Assessment of postural instability
For postural instability, there is really no gold standard. Research findings imply
that the retropulsion test, as proposed by Nutt et al., is the best way to assess
postural stability in PD patients. An unexpected shoulder pull is used in this version
of the retropulsion test. According to the research, this finding is explained by the
fact that unreliable and unpracticed balancing tests resemble real-life situations
when people are forced to adapt to quick and unexpected changes in their
3. Responsiveness of Disabilities and Impairments in Parkinson
Here, the research assessed the response of items from the Activities of Daily Living
(ADL) and Motor section of the Unified Parkinson’s Disease Rating Scale (UPDRS)
in patients with Parkinson’s disease.
The research showed that it is crucial to remember that the responsiveness of the
items doesn't always imply the significance of the change. A modest change in
"walking" may be more meaningful to a patient than a bigger difference in "finger
The least amount of change (minimal clinical important difference, MCID) that
signals an important improvement must be calculated using anchor-based
methodologies, in which clinical outcomes are linked to a patient-based external
criterion of change. The ADL and motor sections have quite different MCIDs.
Because the quality of the assessment scales determines the findings of research that
analyze change over time, responsiveness is an important scale attribute.
4. Assessing Co-morbidity in Patients with Parkinson’s Disease
The purpose of the research was to see how accurate an interview-based
CIRS-G (Cumulative Illness Rating Scale-Geriatric) evaluation for measuring
co-morbidity in outpatients with Parkinson was.
This study shows that an interview-based CIRS-G can provide reliable information
on co-morbidity in patients with Parkinson's disease along with demonstrating
acceptable accuracy for the organ systems, and good agreement for the summary
The CIRS-G has the benefit of being clinically relevant. All illnesses, not just the
most common or life-threatening, can be graded in one of the organ systems, taking
into account the existence and severity of the condition.
Although the CIRS-G is designed for the elderly, the structure and ranking of
relevant body systems permits it use in younger Parkinson patients as well.
5. Reliability and Validity of Beck Depression Index in Parkinson
The Beck Depression Inventory has been used regularly in the assessment of
depression in people with Parkinson's disease (BDI).
The SRD of the overall BDI in PD is 3.3, meaning that a difference of greater than
3.3 on the BDI indicates a real change in follow-up studies. Because lesser
modifications are necessary to overcome measurement error, a low SRD suggests
great potential responsiveness.
BDI is a self-administered depression scale that has been demonstrated to have high
test-retest reliability, internal consistency and is valid, and potentially responsive
instrument for assessing the degree of depression in people with Parkinson's disease.