Fast multipole accelerated boundary integral equation methods N Nishimura Department of Civil Engineering, Kyoto University, Kyoto 606-8501, Japan; Fundamentals of Fast Multipole Method 共FMM兲 and FMM accelerated Boundary Integral Equation Method 共BIEM兲 are presented. Developments of FMM accelerated BIEM in the Laplace and Helmholtz equations, wave equation, and heat equation are reviewed. Applications of these methods in computational mechanics are surveyed. This review article contains 173 references. 关DOI: 10.1115/1.1482087兴 1 INTRODUCTION The first step in the Boundary Integral Equation Method 共BIEM兲 关1兴, or the Boundary Element Method 共BEM—in this article, we shall call this method BIEM兲, is to reduce the 共initial兲 boundary value problem in question into the solution of boundary integral equations. In this way one converts the problem posed in a domain to another defined on the boundary of the domain, thus reducing the dimensionality of the problem by one. Nobody would imagine, at first sight, that this reduction leads to increased computational complexities in comparison with domain methods such as finite element methods 共FEM兲 or finite difference methods 共FDM兲. However, this is the case. Indeed, suppose that one introduces N unknowns to discretize a boundary integral equation. The conventional BIEM will produce an N times N full matrix, whose construction will undoubtedly require operations of complexity proportional to N 2 . Such an approach, unfortunately, is considered expensive in large problems since other major numerical tools such as FDM or FEM do the equivalent jobs with O(N) operations thanks to their banded coefficient matrices. One may argue that the Ns for BIEM and domain methods are different by an order of magnitude. Even with this difference, one sees that BIEM is really inferior to domain methods, at least in 3D problems. Indeed, suppose that one solves a boundary value problem for a cube using O(n) nodes on an edge. In that case the computational complexity of BIEM is O(n 4 ) since N⫽O(n 2 ), while those for FDM or FEM is O(n 3 ) since N⫽O(n 3 ). This is the reason why BIEM has been considered a loser in large problems. However, recent developments of the fast BIEM have revealed that the discretized equation for BIEM may possibly be solved with O(N)⫽O(n 2 ) operations, at least in integral equations for Laplace’s equation, with the help of the Fast Multipole Method 共FMM兲. Although the constant multiplying N in the operation count is quite large, FMM accelerated BIEM usually becomes faster than the conventional BIEM when N is larger than a few hundreds to thousands. BIEM is thus back once again as a practical solver for large scale problems. With fast BIEMs, one can now really appreciate the high accuracy of BIEM in large 3D problems. Also the numerical stability of some BIE formulations 共eg, those which use Fredholm’s second kind of integral equations兲 can now be really enjoyed in problems requiring very high accuracy 共hence very fine discretization兲 or in highly ill-conditioned problems such as those with closely spaced boundaries. FMM was introduced by Rokhlin 关2兴 as an O(N) numerical method for solving an integral equation for 2D Laplace’s equation. This method was further developed and made famous by Greengard 关3,4兴 as he applied FMM to many body problems. FMM and related methods found applications in various fields in science and engineering, such as astrophysics 共eg, 关5兴兲, molecular dynamics 共eg, 关6兴兲, fluid mechanics 共vortex methods, eg, 关7兴兲, etc. The influence of FMM to science and engineering was so profound that this method is ranked among the top ten algorithms of the 20th century along with Dantzig’s simplex method for linear programming, Krylov subspace iteration, QR algorithm, FFT, etc, in a recent article by Board and Schulten 关8兴 共See also the criticism by Makino 关9兴 directed to this reference and the reply from the authors兲. It was after some time that FMM regained popularity as a fast solver of integral equations. Particularly impressive are the developments of FMM accelerated integral equation solvers in electrical engineering where people needed numerical tools for huge boundary value problems related to radar technology, chip industry, etc. Indeed, problems such as the scattering of high frequency electromagnetic waves, or the design of complicated ICs yield boundary value problems with possibly millions of unknowns, and these problems have been solved successfully by these fast BIEMs. The BIEM community in applied mechanics, however, seems to remain rather indifferent to such developments. Transmitted by Associate Editor DE Beskos ASME Reprint No AMR329 $22.00 Appl Mech Rev vol 55, no 4, July 2002 299 © 2002 American Society of Mechanical Engineers Downloaded From: on 05/10/2013 Terms of Use: 300 Nishimura: Fast multipole accelerated BIEMs Some people may argue that the size of the boundary value problems in applied mechanics has not been that large. This might have been true. However, this is simply because it was impossible to solve such huge problems so far. Indeed, with conventional BIEM, for example, one could not go much beyond several thousands of unknowns with a desktop computer. Engineers therefore had to either give up the analysis of large problems or reduce the size of problems by introducing simplifying assumptions such as the twodimensionality of the phenomena, or by using approximate theories such as the theories of plates and shells, approximate theories of composite materials, etc. This does not mean that we do not need solvers for large problems in applied mechanics. Actually, methods of solution of problems of the size of more than 108 unknowns 共which roughly correspond to O(106 ) unknowns with BIEM兲 are investigated in FEM with massively parallel computers. With fast multipole accelerated BIEM, problems of the size of 106 unknowns are well within reach even for users of desktop computers. With increased ability of solvers thus obtained, one is able to investigate problems which have so far been impossible. For example, one may think of computing earthquake motions of a whole regional area, or one may use the ordinary theory of 3D elasticity in place of the theories of plates and shells in problems where effects of supports, edges, connections, etc are important, or one may determine the behavior of composite materials from the analysis of all the constituents, etc. The present author therefore believes that it is worth the efforts to put together important developments in FMM accelerated BIEM made so far in various fields of science and engineering for the benefit of those wishing to use fast BIEMs in their applications in applied mechanics. In doing this, the present author found it necessary to cite many articles from applied mathematics, computational physics, and above all, electrical engineering, because these are where important developments are taking place. Citation of electrical engineering papers in 2D, however, has been limited to those addressing fundamental issues, since applications directed to electrical engineering per se will not be of interest to an audience in applied mechanics. In 3D problems, however, we have cited papers on the Maxwell equations since otherwise we will miss important techniques which should be useful in acoustics and in elastodynamics, as well. Also, we have cited some Japanese articles when there was no other choice. Since some cited papers are from outside applied mechanics or in Japanese, the present author tried to explain the contents of cited papers as thoroughly as possible using words and concepts familiar to those from applied mechanics. For example, the author used the word element even when the original paper uses Nyström’s method 共which does not seem to be a favored choice by engineers兲, replaced the electrical engineering technical term MoM 共Method of Moment兲 by the essentially synonymous BIEM, and showed formulas for direct BIEs, if admissible, instead of the original for indirect BIEs. With such efforts this article may have a flavor of tutorial review. As a matter of fact, FMM accelerated BIEM is not the Appl Mech Rev vol 55, no 4, July 2002 only fast BIEM available. Indeed, the treecode by Barnes and Hut 关10兴, and Hackbusch and Nowak’s panel clustering methods 关11兴 are considered effective, and are closely related to FMM. Because of their similarity to FMM, we shall include discussions on these methods in this article. Also promising are the use of wavelet basis and multigrid methods. Indeed, the use of wavelet basis with BIEM is known to make the coefficient matrix approximately sparse, thus leading to an O(N log␣ N) ( ␣ ⭓0) algorithm. Multigrid methods are also known to accelerate the solution of a certain class of integral equations to an O(N log N) work. Due to the limited space and the inability of the present author, however, detailed descriptions of these methods will not be made in this article. The reader is referred to Beylkin et al 关12兴, Alpert et al 关13兴, Damen et al 关14兴, Wang 关15兴, Petersdorff et al 关16兴, Rathsfeld 关17兴, Lage and Schwab 关18兴, etc for the use of wavelets, and Brandt and Lubrecht 关19兴, etc, for multigrids. Also, we have restricted our attention to papers related directly to BIEM, except for a few fundamental papers, because it is far beyond the ability of the present author to cover all the developments in FMM. Hence, we do not cite papers on astrophysics, molecular dynamics, and vortex methods, although some papers in these fields have relevance to applied mechanics. This article begins with a brief description of the algorithm of the original FMM, which forms the basis of all the subsequent developments. Some explicit formulas used in the FMM for the Laplace and Helmholtz equations are given. Sections 3 and 4 present fundamentals of FMM accelerated BIEM. Section 3 reviews developments of FMM in the Laplace and Helmholtz equations in three parts. The first part presents the fundamentals and applications of the original FMM. The original FMM, however, is found to be inefficient in Helmholtz’ equation with high frequency, and diagonal forms are introduced to remedy this inefficiency. The second part is devoted to the review of these diagonal forms. The diagonal forms, however, are known to have instability problems in the Laplace and the low frequency Helmholtz equations. The third part discusses new FMMs which are diagonal, but are free of the low frequency instability problems. Section 4 is concerned with FMM in the time domain. The first part reviews progress made in the wave equation, and the second part is for the heat equation. We then proceed to applications of fast FMM in computational mechanics in section 5. We shall survey applications in elastostatics, elastodynamics, Stokes flow, etc. This article concludes with some remarks concerning additional information and future directions. Notation In this article, we shall use standard diadic notations for vectors. Also, the position vector of a point x will be denoted by either x or ជ Ox , the latter being the preferred choice when one has to indicate the origin explicitly. Downloaded From: on 05/10/2013 Terms of Use: Appl Mech Rev vol 55, no 4, July 2002 Nishimura: Fast multipole accelerated BIEMs 2 WHAT IS FMM? This section describes the original FMM. 2.1 Basic ideas In BIEM, one converts the 共initial-兲 boundary value problem of interest into an equivalent boundary integral equation, and solves this equation to obtain the solution of the original problem. Suppose that one has thus obtained an integral equation of the following form: f 共 x 兲⫽ 冕 S K 共 x,y 兲 共 y 兲 dy x苸S (1) where f is a given function defined on a set S, K is a given kernel function defined on S⫻S, and is an unknown function on S. The kernel K may include Dirac’s delta and its derivatives, so 共1兲 may not necessarily be of the Fredholm 1st kind. As a matter of fact, the local behavior of K near x⫽y is not quite relevant to our discussion, since we are interested in fast methods of evaluating contributions to the integral in 共1兲 from parts of S located away from x. In BIEM one discretizes the unknown function , and uses collocation, Galerkin’s method, etc, to reduce 共1兲 into a certain algebraic equation, which one solves for the N unknown nodal values for i (i⫽1,...,N). In this statement, N is the number of discretized unknowns. Suppose that one uses a certain iterative method, such as CG, GMRES, Bi-CGSTAB, etc, to solve this discretized equation numerically. In that case, one can solve 共1兲 if one has a method of computing the discretized RHS of 共1兲 for a given . Indeed, these iterative solvers work as one provides a method to compute the matrix–trial vector product. The conventional approach provides an O(N 2 ) algorithm to this end, which is considered expensive in large problems. On the other hand, the fast multipole method proposed by Rokhlin gives a fast method to compute this matrix–trial solution product with O(N) operations. One therefore sees that FMM gives a fast method of solving boundary integral equations provided the employed iterative solver leads to convergence with a small number of iterations. In this section we shall show how one can achieve an order N matrix vector multiplication with the original FMM. 2.2 Mathematical tools for FMM The original FMM is built using the following mathematical tools: Expansion of the kernel function The kernel function K is expanded into the following form K 共 x,y 兲 ⫽ (2) 兺n k (1) n 共 x⫺y0 兲 k n 共 y⫺y0 兲 , (2) k (1) n where y 0 is a certain point. The functions are usually are usually entire functions. singular at the origin, and k (2) n The most obvious expansion of this type is the Taylor series of K with respect to x or y, which is the commonest choice in the panel clustering method proposed by Hackbusch and Nowak 关11兴. Some authors even say that FMM is based on the Taylor expansion of the kernel functions. That this is not 301 true is easily seen in examples for Helmholtz’ equation, etc. This confusion seems to have arisen from the fact that the first FMM paper 关2兴 was for Laplace’s equation in 2D, and Rokhlin used complex variables and the Taylor expansion to derive necessary formulas. Notice, however, that polynomials in complex variables are harmonic. In BIEM, K is related to the fundamental solution which satisfies the given PDE with respect to x and/or y. It is therefore possible to choose k (1) and/or k (2) in a way that n n these functions satisfy the governing equation. The formulas given in Section 2.4 provide such examples. Other possible examples of 共2兲 are: • A kernel function K(x,y) can be viewed as an infinite dimensional matrix. As in matrices, some kernel functions possess a singular value decomposition given by K共x,y 兲⫽ 兺i ui共x⫺y0 兲 s i共 y 0 兲v i共 y⫺y0 兲 , where u i , v i , and s i are certain functions 关20兴. One may arrange this into the form in 共2兲. • Let D be a certain bounded domain, and u i (x) form a complete set of orthonormal eigensolutions of a certain boundary value problem in D with the eigenvalues i . The Green function for this problem is written as ui共x兲ui共y 兲 G共x,y 兲⫽ i i 兺 if i ⫽0 holds for all the relevant i. This gives a decomposition of the form of 共2兲 if K⫽G. Usually an expansion of the form in 共2兲 is valid under a certain condition. A typical one is 兩 x⫺y0 兩 ⬎ 兩 y⫺y0 兩 . (3) usually satisfy equalities of the Also, the functions k (2) n following forms k (2) n 共 y⫺y1 兲 ⫽ R 共 y 1 ,y 0 兲 , 兺m k m(2)共 y⫺y0 兲 c n,m (4) R where y 1 is a point and c n,m (y 1 ,y 0 ) are numbers. Indeed, if (2) k n are chosen as a complete set of independent interior solutions 共entire solutions兲 of a certain PDE, for example, (2) one would be able to expand k (2) n (y⫺y1 ) in terms of k m (y R ⫺y0 ), the coefficients of such expansion being c n,m (y 1 ,y 0 ). When one uses Taylor’s expansion with respect to y to obtain 共2兲, 共4兲 is simply the binomial expansion of a polynomial. Multipole expansion For a set S 0 which is a part of S and a point x which is not contained in S 0 共see Fig. 1兲, we use 共2兲 to obtain 冕 S0 K 共 x,y 兲 共 y 兲 dy⫽ 兺n k (1) n 共 x⫺y0 兲 M n 共 y 0 兲 , (5) where M n (y 0 ) stands for the multipole moment centered at y 0 defined by M n共 y 0 兲 ⫽ 冕 S0 k (2) n 共 y⫺y0 兲 共 y 兲 dy. (6) From 共4兲 and 共6兲 one has the following formula called M2M Downloaded From: on 05/10/2013 Terms of Use: 302 Nishimura: Fast multipole accelerated BIEMs M n共 y 1 兲 ⫽ Appl Mech Rev vol 55, no 4, July 2002 R 共 y 1 ,y 0 兲 . 兺m M m共 y 0 兲 c n,m (7) The function k (1) n also allows the following expansion S 共 x 0 ,y 0 兲 兺m k m(3)共 x⫺x0 兲 c m,n k (1) n 共 x⫺y0 兲 ⫽ (8) (3) near x 0 when x 0 and y 0 are far apart, where x 0 is a point, k m S are functions which are usually entire, and c m,n (x 0 ,y 0 ) are (3) is constants. The commonest choice for k m (3) (2) km ⫽k m . (3) If k (1) n satisfies the governing PDE and k n are chosen to be a complete set of interior solutions of the governing PDE, (3) then 共8兲 is simply the expansion of k (1) n (x⫺y0 ) by k m (x S ⫺x0 ) with c m,n (x 0 ,y 0 ) being the coefficients of the expansion. Or, one may simply expand k (1) n (x⫺y0 ) into a Taylor series at x 0 to obtain an expansion of the form in 共8兲. As in (3) the case of k (2) n , k n satisfies k (3) n 共 y⫺y1 兲 ⫽ ⬘ R 共 y 1 ,y 0 兲 . 兺m k m(3)共 y⫺y0 兲 c n,m (9) With 共5兲 and 共8兲 one obtains the local expansion of the potential function given by 冕 S0 K 共 x,y 兲 共 y 兲 dy⫽ 兺n L n共 x 0 兲 k (3) n 共 x⫺x0 兲 , (10) where the coefficient of local expansion L m (x 0 ) is related to the multipole moment by M2L L m共 x 0 兲 ⫽ S 共 x 0 ,y 0 兲 M n 共 y 0 兲 . 兺n c m,n (11) • Discretize S into N elements, and discretize in an ordinary manner with boundary elements. • Obtain a hierarchical tree structure of elements 共See Fig. 2兲. Namely, take a square which contains S and call it a cell of level 0. Now, we take a cell 共a parent cell兲 of level l (l⭓0) and divide it into four equal sub squares whose size is half of that of the parent cell. A sub square which contains more than one boundary element is called a child cell of the parent. These children are cells of level l⫹1. A cell of level l⫹1 is further subdivided into four sub squares if this cell contains more than a given number 共denoted by M 兲 of boundary elements. Otherwise, one terminates the subdivision. In this manner one determines a quad-tree structure of cells containing boundary elements 共See the lower part of Fig. 2兲. A childless cell is called a leaf. Obviously, the numbers of leaves and other cells are estimated to be O(N/M ) and O(N/M )⫻((1/4)⫹(1/4) 2 ⫹...)⫽O(N/M ), respectively. Also the number of levels are O(log(N/M)). • 共Upward pass兲: Compute M n (y c ) in each cell starting from the leaves and tracing the tree structure of cells upward 共decreasing level number兲, where y c is the centroid of the cell. For leaves, we use the definition in 共6兲 to compute the multipole moments associated with them. For other cells, we add all the moments from their children after shifting the origin to that of the parent by using 共7兲. In this manner, we compute all the multipole moments associated with cells of level l satisfying l⭓2. In this computation, we truncate the infinite sums with respect to n in 共5兲 at n ⫽ p, where p is a certain number. Accordingly, we will compute a finite number of multipole moments for n ⫽0,...,p. The computation of moments at leaves takes As in M2M, we have L2L L n共 y 1 兲 ⫽ 2.3 ⬘ R 共 y 0 ,y 1 兲 . 兺m L m共 y 0 兲 c m,n (12) Algorithm We now describe the FMM algorithm assuming 2D geometry for simplicity. The 3D algorithm is obtained simply by replacing quad-tree by oct-tree, etc, in the following description. Also, the distribution of boundary elements are assumed to be relatively uniform. See Nabors et al 关21兴 for more precise discussions. The FMM algorithm for BIEM goes as follows. Fig. 1 Domain and points Fig. 2 Tree structure Downloaded From: on 05/10/2013 Terms of Use: Appl Mech Rev vol 55, no 4, July 2002 O(pN) operations. A non-leaf cell uses M2M four times with its four children, and the results are added together to obtain its moment. This process obviously takes O(p 2 ⫻(N/M )) operations. Hence, the total complexity of the upward pass is O(pN)⫹O(p 2 (N/M )). • 共Downward pass兲: Compute L n (x c ) in each cell recursively starting from the level 2 cells and tracing the tree structure of cells downward 共increasing level number兲, where x c is the centroid of the cell. To describe how we prepare a few definitions: A cell C ⬘ of level l is said to be far from another level l cell C if they share no vertex. A cell C ⬘ of level l is said to be in the interaction list of another level l cell C if they are far from each other but their parents are not. Finally the local expansion of a cell stands for the sum of the terms of the form given in 共10兲 with x 0 ⫽x c and S 0 taken consecutively to be one of the cells far from C. Consider, for example the black cell in Fig. 3, whose level is assumed to be l. The gray cells form the interaction list of the black cell. Now suppose that the coefficients of the local expansion for the cells of the level less than l are already computed. The local expansion of the black cell C is computed in two steps. Namely, the contributions from the interaction list of C is evaluated using M2L with 共11兲. The contributions from other far cells 共children of the white cells with thick boundaries in Fig. 3兲 are evaluated by using the coefficients of the local expansion of the parent of C 共hatched cell兲 by shifting the center of expansion from the centroid of the parent to that of C. This is considered to be the most ingenious part of the whole FMM algorithm. In the interaction list of each cell, we have at most 27 cells. Hence the M2L operation used for each cell is of the order of O(p 2 ). Also, the inheritance from the parent cell is obtained in an L2L operation per cell, which is another O( p 2 ) operation. Hence the total complexity of the downward pass is O(p 2 (N/M )). • Finally, in leaves, contributions from nearby cells are evaluated directly. Contributions from far cells are evaluated with the help of the local expansion. Since a leaf has at most nine nearby cells, the direct computation takes Nishimura: Fast multipole accelerated BIEMs 303 O((N/M )M 2 )⫽O(NM ) operations. The evaluation of the local expansion at N points takes O(Np) operations. The complexity of the whole process is thus seen to be O(N) if the number of terms p in the multipole expansion and the number of elements in a leaf M are taken constant. The algorithm given above is a simplified version of the more efficient original FMM proposed by Greengard 关3兴. This algorithm is characterized by the use of hierarchical structure of cells consisting of several levels. Therefore, an algorithm of this type is said to be a multilevel one. However, it is possible to design a fast method without using structures of this type. Indeed, suppose that one divides the N boundary elements into m groups each containing N/m elements. Each group has less than a finite number n n of nearby groups with which the interactions have to be evaluated directly. With other groups, however, the interactions are computed with the multipole expansion. In this case the number of operations needed for computing multipole moments in all the groups will be O(pN). The interactions 共M2L兲 between far groups are computed with O(p 2 m 2 ) operations. The contributions from nearby groups take O(n n m(N/m) 2 ) operations, and the local expansion is evaluated with O(pN) operations. For constant p and n n the total complexity becomes O(N 4/3) as one takes m to be O(N 2/3). An approach of this type is called a single stage algorithm or two level algorithm, somewhat confusingly. 2.4 Examples 2.4.1 Laplace’s equation in 3D [3,22,23] In the direct BIEM, one writes the solution for Laplace’s equation in the following form u共 x 兲⫽ 冕 D G 共 x⫺y兲 u 共 y 兲 dS⫺ n 冕 G 共 x⫺y兲 u 共 y 兲 dS, (13) ny D where G is the fundamental solution of the Laplace equation given by G 共 x⫺y兲 ª 1 , 4 兩 x⫺y兩 and D is the domain under consideration. One shows that the following expansion holds true ⬘ 1 1 ជ 兲 , (14) ⫽ R Oy 兲 S n ⬘ ,m ⬘ 共 Ox 共ជ 4 兩 x⫺y兩 4 n ⬘ ⫽0 m ⬘ ⫽⫺n ⬘ n ⬘ ,m ⬘ ⬁ n 兺 兺 Oy 兩 ⬍ 兩 ជ Ox 兩 兲 共兩ជ where ā stands for the complex conjugate of a, and the functions R n,m and S n,m are defined in terms of the polar coordinate (r, , ) of the point x viewed from the origin O and the associated Legendre functions P m n by ជ 兲⫽ R n,m 共 Ox Fig. 3 Neighboring cells and far cells 1 P m 共 cos 兲 e im r n , 共 n⫹m 兲 ! n ជ 兲 ⫽ 共 n⫺m 兲 ! P mn 共 cos 兲 e im S n,m 共 Ox Downloaded From: on 05/10/2013 Terms of Use: 1 r n⫹1 (15) . 304 Nishimura: Fast multipole accelerated BIEMs Appl Mech Rev vol 55, no 4, July 2002 Therefore, for a part of D denoted by S 0 and a point x which is away from S 0 , we have the multipole expansion given by 冕冉 S0 冊 ⬁ ⫽ 2.4.2 Helmholtz’ equation in 2D [27] The solution of the 2D Helmholtz equation u G 共 x⫺y兲 u 共 y 兲 dS 共 y 兲⫺ n ny G 共 x⫺y兲 共 ⌬⫹k 2 兲 u⫽0 n 兺 兺 n⫽0 m⫽⫺n ជ 兲 M n,m 共 O 兲 , S n,m 共 Ox (16) where M n,m (O) stands for the multipole moment centered at O, given by 关22兴 M n,m 共 O 兲 ⫽ 冕冉 S0 冊 ជ兲 u R 共 Oy ជ 兲 共 y 兲 ⫺ n,m R n,m 共 Oy u 共 y 兲 dS. n n (17) In 共16兲, we have assumed that the point x is sufficiently far ជ 兩 ⬎max兩Oy ជ兩 holds. from S 0 that the inequality 兩 Ox y苸S0 As the origin is shifted from O to O ⬘ we obtain the following M2M formula: M n ⬘ ,m ⬘ 共 O ⬘ 兲 ⫽ n⬘ 兺 兺 n⫽0 m⫽⫺n ជ R n,m 共 O ⬘ O 兲 M n ⬘ ⫺n,m ⬘ ⫺m 共 O 兲 . Also, the local expansion is given by S0 ⬁ 冊 n 兺 兺 n⫽0 m⫽⫺n R n,m 共 ជ x 0 x 兲 L n,m 共 x 0 兲 (19) for points x in the neighborhood of a certain point x 0 , where the coefficient of the local expansion L n,m is given by the following M2L formula: L n,m 共 x 0 兲 ⫽ 兺 兺 n ⫽0 m ⫽⫺n ⬘ D G 共 x⫺y兲 ⬘ ⬘ n⬘ 兺 兺 冊 u G 共 x⫺y兲 u 共 y 兲 dS 共 y 兲⫺ n n in D (23) where G is the fundamental solution of Helmholtz’ equation given by i G 共 x⫺y兲 ⫽ H (1) 共 k 兩 x⫺y兩 兲 . 4 0 (24) In this equation, k and H (1) 0 stand for the wave number and the Hankel function of the first kind and 0th order, respectively. Graf’s addition theorem 关28兴 gives ⬁ G 共 x⫺y兲 ⫽ i ជ 兲 I ⫺n 共 Oy ជ 兲, O n 共 Ox 4 n⫽⫺⬁ 兺 (25) where the functions O n and I n are defined by I n 共 x兲 ⫽ 共 ⫺i 兲 n J n 共 kr 兲 e in . (26) In these expressions, J n stands for the Bessel function and (r, ) indicates the polar coordinate of a vector x. The ⫾p term truncation of the series in the RHS of 共25兲 gives a good ជ 兩. approximation for the LHS as one takes p larger than k 兩 Oy The RHS of 共23兲, integrated over a subset S 0 of D, gives 冕冉 S0 G 共 x⫺y兲 ⫽ 共 ⫺1 兲 n (20) Ox 0 兩 ⬎ 兩 ជ x 0 x 兩 has been assumed. and an inequality given by 兩 ជ The L2L takes the following form L n,m 共 x 1 兲 ⫽ 冕冉 冊 u G 共 x⫺y兲 u 共 y 兲 dS 共 y 兲⫺ n n ⬁ ជ0 兲 M n ,m 共 O 兲 , ⫻S n ⬘ ⫹n,m ⬘ ⫹m 共 Ox ⬘ ⬘ ⬁ u共 x 兲⫽ n⬘ ⬁ (22) in O n 共 x兲 ⫽i n H (1) , n 共 kr 兲 e u G 共 x⫺y兲 G 共 x⫺y兲 共 y 兲 ⫺ u 共 y 兲 dS n ny ⫽ in D is known to have a potential representation given by n (18) 冕冉 sion in 共14兲 could have been obtained with the Taylor expansion of the kernel function together with a careful arrangement of terms. n ⬘ ⫽n m ⬘ ⫽⫺n ⬘ R n ⬘ ⫺n,m ⬘ ⫺m 共 ជ x 0 x 1 兲 L n ⬘ ,m ⬘ 共 x 0 兲 (21) as one shifts the center of expansion from x 0 to x 1 . Notice that the formulation presented here is applicable regardless of the types of the boundary conditions, as long as the direct BIEM is used. FMM formulations for other integral equations such as those for indirect BIEM can also be obtained similarly. Finally, we point out that the simplicity of the FMM formulation achieved by the use of solid harmonics in 共15兲 is noticed in 关24 –26兴, etc. As a matter of fact, the function R n,m is a polynomial of the cartesian coordinate, and the expan- i ជ 兲 M ⫺n 共 O 兲 , O n 共 Ox 4 n⫽⫺⬁ 兺 (27) where x is a point which is far from S 0 , and M n is the multipole moment defined by M n共 O 兲 ⫽ 冕冉 S0 ជ兲 I n 共 Oy 冊 ជ兲 u I n 共 Oy u 共 y 兲 dS. 共 y 兲⫺ n n (28) In this formula the origin O is assumed to be located close to S 0 so that 兩 ជ Ox 兩 ⬎max兩ជ Oy兩 holds. The M2M formula is given y苸S0 by ⬁ M n共 O 兲 ⫽ 兺 ⫽⫺⬁ ជ⬘ 兲 M 共 O ⬘ 兲 . I n⫺ 共 OO (29) The expression in 共27兲 allows a local expansion given by 冕冉 S0 G 共 x⫺y兲 冊 u G 共 x⫺y兲 u 共 y 兲 dS 共 y 兲⫺ n n ⬁ ⫽ i ជ 共 ⫺1 兲 n I n 共 O ⬘ x 兲 L ⫺n 共 O ⬘ 兲 , 4 n⫽⫺⬁ 兺 Downloaded From: on 05/10/2013 Terms of Use: (30) Appl Mech Rev vol 55, no 4, July 2002 Nishimura: Fast multipole accelerated BIEMs where O ⬘ is located near x. The coefficient of the local expansion L n is related to M n by the following M2L formula ⬁ L n共 O ⬘ 兲 ⫽ 兺 ⫽⫺⬁ ជ⬘ 兲 M 共 O 兲 . O n⫺ 共 OO (31) Finally, the L2L formula is given by ⬁ L n共 O ⬘ 兲 ⫽ 兺 ⫽⫺⬁ ជ I n⫺ 共 O ⬘O 兲 L 共 O 兲 . (32) These formulas are derived from results in Rokhlin 关27兴. The corresponding 3D formulas 关22兴 are complicated, and are given in terms of the Wigner-3j symbols 关29兴. 3 FMM FOR LAPLACE AND HELMHOLTZ EQUATIONS 3.1 Original FMM and related approaches 3.1.1 Fundamental algorithms The fast multipole method was first introduced by Rokhlin 关2兴 as an order N numerical method of solving integral equations for the Laplace equation in 2D. He uses indirect BIEMs (2) (k (3) with the function k (1,2) n n ⫽k n ) in 共2兲 taken as solutions of the Laplace equation. The formulation uses essentially a real variable approach, although the multipole expansion is obtained with the help of complex variables. Nyström’s method is used to discretize the integral equation. Because of the use of Nyström, his algorithm can be interpreted as a fast method of computing gravitational forces produced by many particles with given masses. This work of Rokhlin is really amazing in that it includes almost all the essence of what is now called the original FMM, except that the proposed algorithm uses a binary tree structure of unknowns, rather than the quad-tree explained in the previous section. Indeed, it is quite interesting to compare Rokhlin’s FMM with related methods to compute mutual forces in particle systems by Appel 关30兴 共which is another amazing paper considering the fact that it stems from the author’s undergraduate thesis written in 1981兲 published in 1985 and Barnes & Hut 关10兴 published in 1986, both of which propose O(N log N) methods for computing gravitation forces between many particles. Interpreted from the point of view of FMM, these papers use only the upward pass and evaluate multipole expansions at each point of observation, considering only the moments of the zeroth and first 共always zero in their approaches兲 order in the expansions. In their approaches, M2M simply reduces to the computation of the total mass and the center of gravitation, and they have no M2L or L2L. Appel’s approach uses a binary tree data structure, while Barnes and Hut introduce quad-tree and oct-tree structures in 2D and 3D problems, respectively. Rokhlin’s approach went beyond these methods by introducing the local expansion which made the complexity of the algorithm O(N). 共Notice, however, that this does not necessarily mean that Rokhlin’s FMM is faster than O(N log N) approaches in problems of any size. For example, FMM is not considered to be the best choice in astrophysical N body problems 关9,31兴.兲 The most outstanding part of Rokhlin’s 305 approach is found in the downward pass which combines M2L and L2L. Unfortunately, this paper 关2兴 is somewhat hard to read because of sporadic misprints and errors. Therefore, the present author recommends this paper only to those who already have some knowledge of FMM. The original FMM was further developed and made famous by Greengard 关3,4兴 as he applied this method to many body problems. The name Fast Multipole Algorithm seems to have appeared for the first time in published materials in 关4兴. The ingenious use of quad-tree in 2D 共or oct-tree in 3D兲 characterizes these works. Greengard and Rokhlin 关4兴 present the non-adaptive version of FMM, where all the leaves have the same level. The thesis of Greengard 关3兴 also includes adaptive FMM where leaves may have varying levels, and details of the FMM formulation in 3D, which was already hinted in Rokhlin 关2兴. Hackbusch and Nowak’s panel clustering method 关11兴, developed independently of FMM, provides another fast algorithm for solving integral equations using tree structures of elements. Panel clustering uses a tree structure of elements, or panels, together with an expansion of the kernel function of the following form: K 共 x,y 兲 ⫽ (2) 兺n k ⬘ (1) n 共 x,y 0 兲 k ⬘ n 共 y 兲 . Notice that the function k ⬘ (2) n (y) is independent of the center of expansion y 0 . An expansion of this form is obtained, for example, by expanding K(x,y) into a Taylor series with respect to y at y 0 , followed by expansion of polynomials. A tree structure called admissible covering 共of the discretized boundary兲 is constructed for each point of evaluation x, in order to obtain multipole moments, or far field coefficients in their terminology. These authors assume no particular structure for this tree in their paper. Their approach in 关11兴 is of the Barnes & Hut type, and the complexity of the algorithm is O 共 N logd⫹2 N 兲 , (33) where d is the dimensionality of the problem. Obviously the M2M in this approach reduces to an identity operator. Further details on the panel clustering algorithm are found in Sauter 关32兴. It would be of interest to consider the reason why the complexity estimates of the FMM and the panel clustering differ. An obvious reason for the appearance of the log N factor in 共33兲 is that Hackbusch and Nowak’s approach is of the Barnes and Hut type. Also, they seem to have the Taylor expansion of kernel functions in mind when they make assumptions on the number of certain operations in their algorithm, and the use of other expansions may change the estimate. Another reason for the difference is that the estimate in 共33兲 gives the complexity when one solves an integral equation with a series of increasingly refined meshes. Indeed, Hackbusch and Nowak derive 共33兲 assuming that the number of terms in the multipole expansion increases proportional to log N as N increases, in order to be consistent with the increased accuracy of the discretized integral equation with the mesh refinement. Hence, their estimate is relevant when one Downloaded From: on 05/10/2013 Terms of Use: 306 Nishimura: Fast multipole accelerated BIEMs is interested in obtaining highly accurate numerical results for an integral equation with very fine meshes. On the other hand the order N estimate given in Section 2.3 assumes that the number of terms in the multipole expansion stays the same as N increases. This can be interpreted as estimating the complexities of a series of different problems with increasing number of unknowns solved with almost the same mesh size 共linear dimension兲 and accuracy. This fact becomes more evident in Helmholtz’ equation, as we shall see later. We thus see that the estimate in 共33兲 cannot be compared directly with the standard O(N) estimate for the FMM. The original panel clustering method by Hackbusch and Nowak, which uses collocation, has been extended to Galerkin in Sauter 关33兴. His approach can be interpreted as using both multipole and local expansions. Sauter’s improved panel clustering 关34兴 uses expansions of the kernel with variable order 共number of terms兲 depending on the level, in a Galerkin discretized integral equation of the second kind with the double layer kernel. This approach is much closer to the original FMM by Rokhlin and Greengard than Hackbusch and Nowak’s version of panel clustering is except for the expansion used, and the complexity of the algorithm is O(N). 3.1.2 Integral equation solvers Several authors have attempted to develop solvers of general boundary value problems for Laplace equations using BIEM and FMM. Greenbaum et al 关35兴 considered both Dirichlet and Neumann problems for Laplace’s equation in 2D. They express solutions of the Dirichlet problem with double layer potentials, and those of the Neumann problem with single layer potentials. When the domain under consideration has holes, they either modify the kernel function or add a logarithmic term for each hole in the double layer formulation. The use of FMM enhances the efficiency of the numerical methods, as expected. Nabors et al 关21,36 –38兴 investigated the use of the first kind integral equation in Dirichlet problems for Laplace’s equation in 3D, expressing the solution with a single layer potential. They were interested in obtaining the integral of the single layer density when the Dirichlet data on each piece of boundary is constant 共capacitance extraction兲. Their approach, however, is applicable to the general Dirichlet problems. They use basis functions, rather than Nyström’s method, and trees having leaves with uniform depths. Also, these authors exclude cells in the second neighborhood 共neighbors of neighbors兲 of a cell C from the definition of cells far from C. In 关36兴, a 3D implementation using a nonadaptive algorithm is presented together with some numerical examples of the size of about 6000 unknowns. In 关37兴, they propose an adaptive FMM 共notice that Greengard’s adaptive algorithm uses trees having leaves with variable depths 关3兴 and, hence, is different from Nabors et al’s兲, which economizes the calculation in the original FMM by skipping some of M2M, M2L, and/or L2L conversions when they are inefficient. These authors also propose to precondition the linear equation using essentially the inverse of the Appl Mech Rev vol 55, no 4, July 2002 part of the coefficient matrix computed directly in FMM, ie, contributions from nearby cells. In 关38兴, they extended their approach to the cases including multiple dielectrics, which is equivalent to inclusion problems with interface conditions of continuous potential and flux, in addition to Dirichlet boundaries. In 关21兴, these authors also make efforts to rigorously prove that the complexity of their algorithm is really O(N). Interestingly, the suspicion raised by Aluru 关39兴 concerning the order N property of the original FMM by Greengard 关3兴 seems to have already been answered in this paper before the question was asked! Some numerical examples for capacitance extraction are given in these papers 关21,36 –38兴. Japanese researchers started investigations of fast BIEM in 1994, as one can see in the work of Watanabe and Hayami 关40兴 which uses FMM 共what they actually did, however, is closer to Hackbusch and Nowak’s panel clustering 关11兴 or Barnes and Hut’s method 关10兴 since they did not implement the downward pass兲 in Laplace’s equation in 2D. Subsequent developments include works by Nishida and Hayami 关41兴 for Laplace’s equation in 3D and Fukui et al 关42,43兴 for 2D problems. Both of them use the original FMM. Nishida and Hayami 关41兴 proposed the use of the block diagonal matrix corresponding to leaves as the preconditioner. Gáspár 关44兴 presents some detail 共eg, explicit formulas for the moments兲 of the multiple expansion in BIEM in Laplace’s equation in 2D. The formulation is of the Barnes and Hut type with no downward pass, and no numerical results are shown. Grama et al 关45兴 propose a variable p implementation in either Barnes and Hut’s approach or FMM for Laplace’s equation to enhance accuracy. Their paper includes examples of solutions to Laplace’s equation in 3D obtained with BIEM and Barnes and Hut’s treecode. 3.1.3 Solvers of specialized problems Efforts are also aimed at applications of FMM in specialized problems. In McKenney et al 关46兴 these authors consider application of FMM to the solution to Poisson’s equation in 2D ⌬u⫽⫺ f in D (34) subject to the homogeneous Dirichlet boundary condition, where the function f is nonzero only in a bounded set. These authors state that the direct evaluation of the volume potential 冕 D G 共 x⫺y兲 f 共 y 兲 dV (35) with FMM will not compete with other Poisson solvers of the domain type. Hence, they use the finite difference method, rather than the direct evaluation of 共35兲, to obtain a particular solution for Poisson’s equation, and add a solution of Laplace’s equation to satisfy the boundary condition. FMM is applied to the boundary integral equation obtained from the double layer representation of the solution of the latter problem. Additional logarithmic terms have to be considered when the domain under consideration has holes. Greengard and Lee 关47兴 considered a related problem of solving Poisson’s equation in the whole plane without Downloaded From: on 05/10/2013 Terms of Use: Appl Mech Rev vol 55, no 4, July 2002 boundary. The exact solution is given by 共35兲, but, again, the authors avoid the direct evaluation because of the same reason. They take a square which includes the support of f in its interior and construct a quad-tree of cells as in Section 2.3. A particular solution of Poisson’s equation is obtained in each of these leaves thus constructed with the help of Chebyshev polynomials. However, one cannot patch these solutions directly, since they are not continuous across the boundaries of the leaf cells. This discontinuity is resolved with the aid of single and double layer potentials having appropriate discontinuities of the particular solution as the density. These authors use FMM in the computation of these layer potentials with known densities. They succeeded in obtaining a fast and very accurate Poisson solver in this way. Nishida and Hayami 关48兴 discussed the use of FMM in the analysis of electron guns. This paper deals with a special case of Poisson’s equation where the source term 共f in 共34兲兲 is composed of many concentrated charges. The motions of the charges are determined in interaction with other charges and walls. These authors use FMM in the direct BIEM to deal with the boundary conditions, as well as in computing the interactions of charges. This paper also discusses methods to compute multipole moments for planar elements using a recursive formula. In a series of papers, Greengard and his group investigated inclusion problems for Laplace’s equation. Analyses of this type are useful in obtaining the effective conductivity of composites, etc. Their problem is to solve Laplace’s equation, in a planar domain 共matrix兲 having many inclusions, under the interface conditions of continuous potential and flux 共normal derivative of the potential multiplied by the conductivity constant兲. The whole system is subjected to either remote uniform field, or periodic boundary conditions. The conductivity varies, but stays constant within an inclusion or in the matrix. In Greengard and Moura 关49兴, they use ordinary single layer potential distributed on the interfaces to represent the solution. They could solve large problems fast with FMM. But the distance between inclusions could not be made too small. To overcome this difficulty, Cheng and Greengard developed a modified integral equation approach 关50兴 for circular inclusions which use single layer potential with a modified kernel function, considering possibility of very dense arrangements of the inclusions. As a matter of fact, they start from the observation that the use of Fourier expansion for the single layer density reduces the single layer potential on a circle with the ordinary fundamental solution into a multipole series located at the center of the circle 共Rayleigh’s method兲. To this series, they add image multipoles considering effects of nearby circles. These authors thus actually deal with the problem of determining the coefficients of the multipole series thus obtained, rather than to attempt to discretize an integral equation with an explicitly written modified kernel function. In 关51兴 they could deal with realistic problems of the size of about 16,000 inclusions 共each having 11 DOF兲 with efficiency and accuracy. See also Cheng 关52兴 for a 3D version. One may also mention the paper by Helsing 关53兴 where similar problems with various shapes of inclusions are solved mainly with ordinary single layer potentials, sometimes with the help of FMM. Nishimura: Fast multipole accelerated BIEMs 307 Nishimura et al 关23兴 used the original FMM for Laplace’s equation in 3D crack problems using collocation. The regularized hypersingular integral equation for crack problems was discretized with piecewise constant shape functions. Pan et al 关54,55兴 consider the problems of determining the capacitance of conductors above stratified dielectric media, or Dirichlet problems for a half space with holes located above strata. Their approach is of interest in that it includes a treatment of the images of the multipole moments in problems where the Green function is expressed as a sum of the source and its mirror images. 3.1.4 Helmholtz equation We have so far seen applications of FMM in Laplace’s equation. Similar approach leads to an O(N) algorithm in Helmholtz equation when the frequency is low. Such an approach is sometimes referred to as low-frequency FMM. One may mention Fukui 关56,57兴, Hoyler and Unbehauen 关58兴 共according to 关59兴—This paper was unavailable to the present author兲, Zhao and Chew 关60兴, etc, as attempts of this type in 2D. Similar attempts in 3D are found in Zhao and Chew 关59兴, Giebermann 关61兴, and Fukui and Kozuka 关62兴. The paper by Giebermann 关61兴 includes 3D numerical examples solved with a new version of panel clustering which uses spherical harmonics rather than the Taylor series to expand kernel functions. Fukui and Kozuka 关62兴 present numerical examples of acoustic half-space problems solved with a lowfrequency formulation of the Barnes and Hut type. Zhao and Chew 关59,60兴 introduce a scaling to keep the magnitudes of all the 共spherical兲 Bessel and Hankel functions moderate since Bessel 共Hankel兲 functions can otherwise become very small 共large兲 in the quasi static cases. These scaling techniques are related to overflow and underflow problems in the evaluation of Bessel and Hankel functions, and should not be confused with instabilities of diagonal forms where loss of information is the issue. See Section 3.2. For high frequency problems, however, approaches of this type will lead to O(N 2 ) algorithms 关63兴 since one cannot take the number of terms p in the multipole expansion independent of the level. This is why the use of diagonal forms, or the high-frequency FMM discussed in the next section is considered imperative in the FMM for the Helmholtz equation when the frequency is high. As will be made clear later, however, the high-frequency FMM does not work in low frequency problems, making low-frequency FMM worth the investigation. 3.2 Diagonal forms One problem of the original FMM is that the M2L is rather expensive. In 2D, for example, the M2L gives an operation of the convolution type 共see 共31兲 for example兲, whose complexity is of the order of O(p 2 ) if one truncates the infinite series with p terms. This operation has to be used 27 times in the worst case in order to evaluate the contributions from all the cells in the interaction list. Even worse is the 3D case where the M2L 共see 共20兲 for example兲 is an O(p 4 ) operation, which has to be repeated 189 times in the worst case. This problem becomes quite serious in Helmholtz equation for high frequency. Consider the 2D case, for example. Downloaded From: on 05/10/2013 Terms of Use: 308 Nishimura: Fast multipole accelerated BIEMs Appl Mech Rev vol 55, no 4, July 2002 One takes a few boundary elements per wavelength in the discretization to maintain accuracy. To express potential fields produced by an aggregate of such elements, one would have to take p proportional to the size of the cell multiplied by the wave number. With such p the total complexity of the original FMM becomes O(N 2 ) 关63兴, thus making a naive use of FMM equally or possibly more expensive than the conventional O(N 2 ) approaches. However, the operations in 共29兲, 共31兲, and 共32兲 are multiplications of matrices to vectors. If one can diagonalize the matrices, the complexities could be reduced. Rokhlin 关27兴 noticed that one can achieve this diagonalization by using finite Fourier transform of the formulas in 共29兲, 共31兲, and 共32兲, since they are of convolutional form. Indeed, he introduces an auxiliary variable q and defines F 共 q;O 兲 ⫽ 兺n e ⫺inq M n共 O 兲 , H 共 q;O ⬘ 兲 ⫽ 兺n e ⫺inq L n共 O ⬘ 兲 , (36) p 共 q,x兲 ⫽ 兺 e ⫺inq O n 共 x兲 n⫽⫺p to rewrite M2M, M2L, and L2L formulas as ជ F 共 q;O 兲 ⫽e ⫺ikk̂•OO ⬘ F 共 q;O ⬘ 兲 , ជ⬘ 兲 F 共 q;O 兲 , H 共 q;O ⬘ 兲 ⫽ 共 q,OO (37) ˆ ជ H 共 q;O ⬘ 兲 ⫽e ikk•OO ⬘ H 共 q;O 兲 , respectively, where k̂共 q 兲 ⫽ 共 cos q,sin q 兲 . (38) The derivation of these formulas uses the following identity p⫽kD⫹c log共 kD⫹ 兲 , 兺n e ⫺inq I n共 x兲 ⫽e ⫺ikk̂•x. Also, in the present context with 共23兲, one has F 共 q;O 兲 ⫽ 冕 ជ e ⫺ikk̂•Oy S0 冉 冊 u 共 y 兲 ⫹ikk̂•nu 共 y 兲 dS. n (39) This is nothing other than the scattering amplitude of the potential function given in 共23兲 共with D replaced by S 0 兲. In practice one computes F in 共39兲 for several 共say N q ⫽2 p兲 directions q j ( j⫽1,...,N q ) in each source cluster of elements, shifts F(q j ;•) with 共37兲 to obtain H(q j ;•) in clusters away from sources and evaluates the potential via i 8 冖 ˆ ជ e ikk•O ⬘ x H 共 q;O ⬘ 兲 dq i ⬃ 8 Nq 兺 j⫽1 e ជx ikkˆ j •O ⬘ H 共 q j ;O ⬘ 兲 w j , called Rokhlin’s diagonal form. Note that the computations in 共37兲 are done with O(N q )⬃O( p) operations. Rokhlin thus showed that this approach gives an O(N 3/2) algorithm in two level approaches, and an O(N 4/3) algorithm with one more hierarchy of clusters. He states that the introduction of quad-tree will further reduce the complexity to O(N log N). These estimates for the complexity are established with an assumption that the number of unknowns per wavelength stays constant as N increases. This means that one is considering a series of problems with increasing N in which either the domain sizes or the wave numbers increase, but the solutions are obtained with almost the same accuracy. Notice that the series in the definition of (q,x) in 共36兲 is truncated at ⫾p terms. This truncation is essential since this series is divergent as p→⬁. This subtlety came from the derivation of 共37兲 from 共31兲 where a summation and an integration has been interchanged; an operation which can be justified only if the series is finite. This number p is typically chosen proportional to kD where D is the diameter of the source region 关27兴. Engheta et al 关64兴 present the same formulation as in 关27兴 using what these authors consider easy words for nonmathematical readers. This paper also includes attempts of avoiding irregular frequencies 共fictitious eigenfrequencies 关65兴兲 by using complexification, or addition of a small artificial imaginary part to the wave number. Rokhlin extended his formulation to 3D in a mathematical paper 关66兴, and in a companion paper by Coifman et al for physicists and engineers 关67兴. This paper by Coifman et al 关67兴 points out the possibility of the instability, or subwavelength breakdown 关68兴 of this formulation when the parameter of truncation p in 共36兲 is taken too large. Empirical formulas for recommended values of p in terms of the wave number k and the diameter D of the domain 共source cell兲 are given in the following form: where c is a number dependent on the precision of the arithmetics. See also Song, Lu, and Chew 关69兴 for a similar result and Darve 关70兴 for a mathematical justification. We shall further discuss this problem in the next section. Epton and Dembart 关22兴 relate translation operators in the original and diagonal form FMMs in Helmholtz’ equation in 3D. Lu and Chew 关63兴 provided another point of view to the diagonal forms for Helmholtz’ equation. They started from the following plane wave expansion of the interior solution I n (x) 共See 共26兲兲: I n 共 x兲 ⫽ 1 共 ⫺1 兲 n 2 冖 ˆ e ikk•x⫹inq dq to obtain (40) where w j is the weight of a certain numerical integration formula. Effects from nearby elements are evaluated in the conventional manner and added to 共40兲. This formulation is G 共 x⫺y兲 ⫽ ⫽ i 4 兺 共 ⫺1 兲 I ⫺ 共 x⫺X⫹Y⫺y兲 O 共 X⫺Y兲 i 8 冖 ˆ e ikk•(x⫺X) 共 q;X⫺Y兲 e ⫺ikk̂•(y⫺Y) dq, Downloaded From: on 05/10/2013 Terms of Use: (41) Appl Mech Rev vol 55, no 4, July 2002 where X and Y are points close to x and y, respectively. As one uses this expansion with 共23兲 one shows that the LHS in 共40兲 is obtained. One thus sees that the plane wave point of view of Lu and Chew gives the same formulation as Rokhlin’s diagonal form. Lu and Chew 关63兴 present numerical examples obtained with a two level implementation whose complexity is O(N 3/2). Implementation of multilevel FMM is done with the help of the quad-tree or oct-tree structures of cells as in the case of the original FMM. One complication, however, comes from the number of directions N q used for q in 共40兲, etc, which is chosen basically proportional to the diameter of cells, as stated above. Hence, the number of directions for level l, denoted by N q,l , approximately doubles as one goes up 共with decreased l兲 the tree of cells by one level (N q,l⫺1 ⬃2N q,l ). Since the quantity F for N q,l⫺1 directions in a parent cell is computed from the Fs for the children known only in N q,l directions, the Fs in the children have to be interpolated into N q,l⫺1 directions before they are shifted to the parent cell by (37) 1 . One also needs a reverse operation 共filtering, or sometimes called anterpolation兲 when one computes H by tracing the tree downward. See Lu and Chew 关71兴, Song and Chew 关72兴, Song, Lu, and Chew 关69兴, and Gyure and Stalzer 关73兴 for details. Numerical implementations of the formulations for Helmholtz’ equation discussed above have been investigated in many publications. Particularly impressive, both qualitatively and quantitatively, are the works by Chew’s group. The two level implementation in 关63兴 was extended by Lu and Chew 关71兴 to a 2D multilevel one whose complexity is O(N log2 N). Wagner and Chew 关74兴 further proposed to use only those directions k̂ close to X⫺Y in 共41兲 with the help of a certain window function to reduce the computational complexity to O(N 4/3) even in the two level formulation in 2D. This approach is named RPFMA 共Ray Propagation Fast Multipole Algorithm兲 关74兴. See also Burkholder and Kwon 关75兴 where the RPFMA idea is more clearly defined, and Rokhlin 关76兴 where the definition of (q;X) is modified so that approaches similar to RPFMA are justified mathematically. RPFMA is extended to 3D electromagnetic scattering problem by Song and Chew 关77兴, who implemented a two level algorithm with curved boundary elements. The multilevel implementation 共MLFMA, Multi Level Fast Multipole Algorithm兲 of this approach with O(N log N) complexity is presented by Song and Chew 关78兴, which developed into a code called FISC 共Fast Illinois Solver Code兲 whose requirements and scaling properties as of 1998 are presented in 关72兴. A remarkable piece of information from this paper is that the number of iterations needed with their code with CG method scales approximately as O(N 1/4) for closed targets solved with CFIE 共to be discussed later兲. For open targets they report a slower O(N 1/2) convergence. Song, Lu, and Chew 关69兴 discuss the preconditioning, truncation of multipole series, and initial guess related to their code. The update of their status with their parallel code named ScaleME is seen in their homepage 关79兴 where they proudly announce that they could solve 3D electromagnetic scattering problems with about 10.2 million unknowns in a few hours 共or, Nishimura: Fast multipole accelerated BIEMs 309 eight times faster than with the previous fastest algorithm, in their expression兲 on the 128-processor Silicon Graphics Origin2000 computer at the University of Illinois’s National Center for Supercomputing Applications. Figure 4 is taken from Chew’s home page 关79兴. Their more recent developments include coupling with FEM 关80兴, use of a higher order basis with Galerkin 关81兴, a fast method of evaluating the 3D counterpart of (q;X) in 共36兲 using a 1D FMM 关82兴 and an application of FMM to a 2D electromagnetic inverse scattering problem of determining the shapes of unknown conductors from the scattering data 关83兴. Other groups also implemented FMM for Helmholtz’s equations. In Gyure and Stalzer 关73兴, these authors present some details of their O(N log2 N) implementation. Specifically, they discuss the issues of interpolation and filtering 共anterpolation兲 of the multipole moments in the upward and downward processes. Dembart and Yip 关68兴 pay particular attention to the problem of subwavelength breakdown to be discussed in the next section. The paper by Darve 关84兴 provides details in the implementation of FMM codes for the Maxwell equation, which are useful in Helmholtz’ equation as well. In high frequency problems for exterior problems, an ordinary BIEM easily breaks down because of the fictitious eigenfrequencies 关65兴. The most standard technique in electromagnetic analysis to avoid fictitious eigenfrequencies is CFIE 共combined field integral equation兲, which is conceptually close to Burton and Miller’s method 关85兴 for direct BIEMs in acoustics or in elastodynamics. Examples of the use of Burton and Miller’s method with FMM in Helmholtz’ equation in 2D are found in Fukui et al 关62,86,87兴. Fukui and Kozuka 关62兴 include discussion and numerical examples of acoustic half-plane problems solved with the diagonal form. Rokhlin’s diagonal form can also be used in Laplace’s equation 关22兴. Or equivalently, one may use discrete Fourier transform to diagonalize the M2M, M2L, and L2L operations in the original FMM 关22兴. A numerical implementation of this type in 3D is found in Elliot and Board 关88兴, where FFT is used to accelerate computation of some convolutions. Here Fig. 4 The computation of the current distribution on the VFY218 plane at 2 GHz. The plane wave is incident 30 degrees from the nose, and is vertically polarized. At 2 GHz, the VFY218 with inlet sealed is 155 wavelengths long, and is refined to 2,032,518 unknowns. The problem can be solved on the Origin 2000 with eight processors, 6.6 GB of memory, and 13 hours of CPU time. Downloaded From: on 05/10/2013 Terms of Use: 310 Nishimura: Fast multipole accelerated BIEMs Appl Mech Rev vol 55, no 4, July 2002 again the instability related to the truncation of the divergent series similar to the one in (36) 3 is observed. Elliot and Board propose to avoid this problem by dividing the series similar to the one in (36) 3 into blocks, and applying FFT to each block followed by a block-level convolution. Finally, we mention the paper by Epton and Dembart 关22兴 once again which is valuable in that the tools used in the original and diagonal form FMMs for both Laplace and Helmholtz equations in 3D are summarized. 3.3 New FMMs Rokhlin’s diagonal form provides a very tricky fast alternative to the original FMM, as we have seen in the previous section. It is instructive to see how the information needed in the original FMM is stored in the formulation using the diagonal form. Consider, for example, the special case of 共41兲 with x⫽X G 共 x⫺y兲 ⫽ i 4 the expression of the fundamental solution in terms of a Fourier integral 共Fourier inversion with respect to 3 has been carried out兲 1 冑共 x 1 ⫺y 1 兲 ⫽ 冕 e i ␣ (x ␣ ⫺y ␣ )⫺(x 3 ⫺y 3 ) 兩 兩 d 1d 2 , 兩 兩 R2 1 冑共 x 1 ⫺y 1 兲 2 ⫹ 共 x 2 ⫺y 2 兲 2 ⫹ 共 x 3 ⫺y 3 兲 2 s() M (k) ⫽ 兺 兺 k⫽1 j⫽1 k e ⫺( k /d)(x 3 ⫺y 3 ) M 共 k 兲d ⫻e i( k /d)((x 1 ⫺y 1 )cos ␣ j ⫹(x 2 ⫺y 2 )sin ␣ j ) ⫹ 共 x 3 ⬎y 3 兲 , (44) 兺j 共 q j ;x⫺Y兲 F 共 q j ;Y 兲 w j (42) where M 共 Y 兲 ⫽I 共 y⫺Y兲 , F 共 q j ;Y 兲 ⫽e ⫺ikk̂(q j )•(y⫺Y) ⫽ 兺n e ⫺iq n M n共 Y 兲 , j (43) and q j and w j are the abscissa and weight of the quadrature rule used to approximate the integral in 共41兲. It would be obvious that one has to be able to recover good approximations for the numbers O (x⫺Y)M ⫺ (Y ) from (q j ;x⫺Y) and F(q j ;Y ) for the diagonal form to work. For moderate values of 兩 x⫺Y兩 , 兩 y⫺Y兩 , and a small k, however, one estimates 冉 ek 兩 y⫺Y兩 兩 M 共 Y 兲兩 ⬃ 冑2 兩 兩 2 兩 兩 1 兩 O 共 x⫺Y兲 兩 ⬃ ⫹ 共 x 2 ⫺y 2 兲 2 ⫹ 共 x 3 ⫺y 3 兲 2 the RHS of which can be evaluated with certain numerical integration formulas as 关90,91兴 兺 O 共 x⫺Y兲 M ⫺ 共 Y 兲 i ⬃ 8 1 2 2 冉 冊 ek 兩 y⫺Y兩 冑 兩 兩 2 兩 兩 2 where ␣ j is a number given by ␣ j ⫽2 j/M (k), is the error term, and d is a scale factor, respectively. Also, the number of integration points s() and M (k), together with the abscissa of the Gauss points k and their weights w k are tabulated in 关89–91兴. In deriving this formula we have assumed that x 3 ⬎y 3 holds. One thus obtains an expansion of the type in 共2兲 for the fundamental solution from the Fourier transform of the fundamental solution, which is readily available for any PDE with constant coefficients. One thus sees that the single layer potential for Laplace’s equation in 3D, for example, allows an expansion of the following form 冕 s() M (k) 共 y 兲 dS y ⬃ 兺 k⫽1 S 0 兩 x⫺y兩 冊 with appropriately chosen origin and d, where E k j (O) is the coefficient of exponential expansion defined by ⫺兩兩 as 兩兩→⬁. Hence 兩 M (Y ) 兩 converges to 0 and 兩 O (x⫺Y) 兩 diverges, both very rapidly, as 兩兩→⬁. This means that the information on M (Y ) (O (x⫺Y)) for large 共small兲 兩兩 is easily lost as one tries to extract it from F(q j ;Y ) in 共43兲 ( (q j ;x⫺Y) in 共36兲兲 with floating point arithmetics, while these numbers O (x⫺Y) and M (Y ) are needed in order to evaluate the multipole expansion accurately. Thus the diagonal form of Rokhlin suffers from instability in Helmholtz’ equation for small wave number or in Laplace’s equation. The new versions of FMM are introduced to resolve this problem 共Laplace 关89–91兴, Helmholtz 关92兴兲. These formulations are designed to remain diagonal while suffering from no instability problems. In the new FMM for Laplace’s equation in 3D by Greengard and Rokhlin 关90兴, they start from k e ⫺( k /d)x 3 M 共 k 兲d ⫻e i( k /d)(x 1 cos ␣ j ⫹x 2 sin ␣ j ) E k j 共 O,d 兲 (45) 兩兩 , 兺 j⫽1 E k j 共 O,d 兲 ⫽ 冕 S0 e ( k /d)y 3 e ⫺i( k /d)(y 1 cos ␣ j ⫹y 2 sin ␣ j ) 共 y 兲 dS. (46) It is easily seen that the shift of the origin of the coefficient of exponential expansion 共this corresponds to M2L in the original FMM兲 reduces to a simple multiplication of an exponential function, thus making the shift operation diagonal. Also, since the exponentials in 共45兲 and 共46兲 are harmonic, they can be expanded with the solid harmonics R N,M 共see 共15兲兲 in a bounded set. This implies that the exponential expansion in 共45兲 共coefficients of exponential expansion in 共46兲兲 can easily be converted into the local expansion 共multipole moments兲 for the original FMM 关90兴. One thus sees that the following algorithm is possible: 1兲 Introduce the tree structure of elements. Downloaded From: on 05/10/2013 Terms of Use: Appl Mech Rev vol 55, no 4, July 2002 2兲 Compute multipole moments in each cell. Up to here the procedure is exactly the same as that in the original FMM. 3兲 Convert multipole expansion into exponential expansion in each cell. 4兲 Shift the coefficients of exponential expansion from source cells to target cells. This operation replaces the M2L in the original FMM. The shifted exponential expansion is added in each target cell to form an exponential expansion with the origin taken in the target cell. This expansion represents the sum of contributions from far cells. 5兲 Convert the exponential expansions in cells into local expansion, and proceed as in the original FMM. Notice, however, that the expression in 共44兲 is valid only for x 3 ⫺y 3 ⬎0. This is why Greengard and Rokhlin introduced 6 kinds of exponential expansions in 关90兴, ie, upward, downward, northward, southward, eastward, and westward 共or z⫹, z⫺, y⫹, y⫺, x⫹, x⫺兲 exponential expansions, taking the direction of exponential decay in the exponential functions as the plus or minus the coordinate directions, respectively. The expression in 共45兲, for example, gives the upward exponential expansion 共the word upward expansion is created by the present author for the purpose of explanation兲. Also, the conversion from these exponential expansions to expansions in the original FMM needs the rotation of the coordinate 关90兴 using formulas given in 关29兴, for example, since Legendre’s functions are not isotropic. In spite of these complications the new FMM was found to be faster than the original FMM 关89–91兴, since this approach reduces the computational complexity needed for M2L from O(p 4 ) to O( p 3 ) 关90兴. The use of rotation in M2M and L2L is another reason for the speedup since the complexities of M2M and L2L are also reduced from O(p 4 ) to O(p 3 ) 关90兴. In addition, this approach is shown to be devoid of the instability seen in the original diagonal form by Rokhlin. This new FMM was formulated by Hrycak and Rokhlin 关89兴 for Laplace’s equation in 2D. This paper includes comparison of the efficiencies of the new and original FMMs in the analysis of particle systems, according to which the new FMM is faster than the original one in all the examples presented. The reduction of the CPU time varies from approximately 10% to 76% depending on the problem. This formulation was tested favorably in an engineering problem by Nishimura et al 关93兴. Indeed, the new FMM was concluded to be about 1.8 times faster than the original FMM for an array of 10 times 10 straight cracks (N⫽20,000). The 3D version of the new FMM presented above is due to Greengard and Rokhlin 关90兴, further details of which, related to numerical implementation, are elaborated in Cheng et al 关91兴. Yoshida et al 关94兴 investigated the use of the new FMM in crack problems for Laplace’s equation in 3D. They found that the new FMM is about 30% faster than the original FMM in problems where the cracks are distributed densely in the domain. The extension of the new FMM to Helmholtz’ equation is made in 关92兴, but the complete details are not available yet. In passing, we note that another O(p 3 ) M2L algorithm for Nishimura: Fast multipole accelerated BIEMs 311 Laplace’s equation in 3D can be obtained simply by rotating the coordinate axes in the original FMM 关25兴. Zhao and Chew state that the rotation technique in Helmholtz’ equation in 3D does not reduce the number of operations, but saves the storage 关95兴. In Helmholtz’ equation in 2D, Hu et al 关96兴 proposed a faster alternative to FMM called FIPWA 共Fast Inhomogeneous Plane Wave Algorithm兲. This approach is related to the new FMM by Greengard and Rokhlin in that an expansion of the fundamental solution is obtained by writing it in the form of a Fourier integral, followed by discretization using a certain numerical integration. Indeed, Hu et al started from an observation that the fundamental solution of Helmholtz’ equation has an integral representation H (1) 0 共 k 兩 x⫺y兩 兲 ⫽ 1 冕 ⌫ ˆ e ikk•(x⫺y) dq, (47) where k̂ is defined in 共38兲, and ⌫ is an infinite path in the complex plane which runs from the north-west to the southeast of x⫺y⫽tan⫺1((x2⫺y2)/(x1⫺y1)) 共See 关96兴. The ⌫ in 共47兲 is identical with the one in 关96兴, although the definition of the angle q in 共47兲 is different from the one in 关96兴兲. As a matter of fact, 共47兲 has been utilized by Burkholder and Kwon 关75兴 and by Michielssen and Chew 关97兴 in different contexts. Suppose now that one computes the single layer potential 冕 S0 H (1) 0 共 k 兩 x⫺y兩 兲 共 y 兲 dS y for x in a ball having the radius of R centered at x o . The surface S 0 is also assumed to be included in a ball having the radius of R centered at y s . In this case, the path ⌫ is chosen to pass the interval ( xo ⫺ys ⫺ 0 , xo ⫺ys ⫹ 0 ), where 0 ⫽sin⫺1(2R/兩xo ⫺ys 兩 ). The above integral is then evaluated as 冕 S0 H (1) 0 共 k 兩 x⫺y兩 兲 共 y 兲 dS y ⫽ 1 兺␣ e ikk(q )•(x⫺x ) ˆ ⫻e ikk(q ␣ )•(xo ⫺ys ) F 共 q ␣ ;y s 兲 w ␣ ˆ ␣ o (48) where q ␣ and w ␣ are the abscissa and weight for the numerical integration used for the q integration on ⌫ and F 共 q;y s 兲 ⫽ 冕 S0 e ⫺ikk̂(q)•(y⫺ys ) 共 y 兲 dS y . (49) Hu et al 关96兴 propose to sample F(q;y s ) at a finite number of points on the real axis in the interval of ( xo ⫺ys ⫺ 0 , xo ⫺ys ⫹ 0 ), and use interpolation and extrapolation 共into the complex plane兲 to compute the sum in 共48兲. The overall complexity of the algorithm is O(N 4/3) in the two level scheme and O(N log N) for the multilevel implementation. In 关96兴 the authors conclude that FIPWA outperforms ordinary FMM and RPFMA. They also point out that FIPWA is more stable than ordinary FMM, as expected. Hu and Chew 关98兴 extends the FIPWA formulation to the case of layered media in 2D. Downloaded From: on 05/10/2013 Terms of Use: 312 Nishimura: Fast multipole accelerated BIEMs 3.4 Related approaches Phillips and White 关99兴 investigated a precorrected-FFT approach in the analysis of Dirichlet problems for the Laplace equation in 3D using single layer potentials. This approach introduces a uniform grid with cubic cells over a right parallelepiped which includes the boundary of the domain in its interior. Each of the cells is a cube with the edge length of a few grid intervals. In this approach the contribution from the elements within a cell to the single layer potential is approximated by a set of sources acting on the grid points associated with the cell, ie, those grid points on the boundary or in the interior of the cell. This approximation is valid away from the cell, of course. The magnitude of the equivalent sources is determined by actually equating the single layer potential in the cell and the potential by the sources at several points away from the cell. The single layer potential at the grid points can now be evaluated easily with the help of FFT since the kernel function depends on x 共point of evaluation兲 and y 共integration point兲 via x⫺y. The estimated values of the single layer potential at grid points are now interpolated to give the values of the single layer potential at the collocation points. However, a careless use of this procedure will estimate contribution from nearby elements inaccurately since the equivalent source approximation is valid only in the far field. Therefore one has to precorrect the estimation by subtracting the inaccurate contribution from the nearby cells and adding back accurate values obtained by direct computation. This approach gives an O(N log N) algorithm, and will be inferior to FMM in very large problems with sparse element distribution, but the authors concluded that this approach is faster than an FMM counterpart in all examples shown in this paper. An advantage of this approach is that one may use Green’s function in place of the fundamental solution without difficulty. Indeed, an application of this approach is attempted by Kring et al 关100兴 in their analysis of water wave problems using Green’s function satisfying linearized boundary condition on the free water surface. This paper also includes examples of the time domain analysis 共with Laplace’s equation兲 with nonlinear boundary condition for the free water surface. See also Korsmeyer et al 关101兴 for more applications to offshore structure problems. Analysis of this type with FFT and a regular grid is applicable also to Helmholtz’ equation. Indeed, Bleszynski et al 关102兴 propose an Adaptive Integral Method 共AIM兲 for electromagnetic scattering problems, whose complexity is estimated to be O(N 3/2 log N) for the case of boundary integral equations. A related formulation for Helmholtz’ equation in 3D is proposed by Bespalov 关103兴. This formulation splits the source at the grid points into the sum of a singular function with a compact support and a smooth part, and uses FFT to take the sum of only the smooth part of the kernel. Also, the 2D nature of the boundary surface is taken into account so that the amount of computation is reduced. The complexity of this approach is also O(N 3/2 log N). The formulation by Bruno and Kunyansky 关104兴 also uses a regular grid and FFT in the analysis of Helmholtz’ equation in 3D, but differs from the precorrected-FFT or Appl Mech Rev vol 55, no 4, July 2002 AIM approaches in that the equivalent sources are distributed two dimensionally on planes containing the faces of a cell, rather than three-dimensionally. Also, the equivalent sources considered in 关104兴 include both monopoles and dipoles. Their approach is characterized by higher accuracy and the complexity of O(N 6/5 log N) to O(N 4/3 log N), the former being for highly complex surfaces and the latter for smooth surfaces. Kapur and Long 关105兴 propose an approach called IES3 which decomposes hierarchically the coefficient matrix into submatrices which allow singular value decompositions 共SVD兲 with small ranks, thus facilitating multiplication with vectors. The SVDs of the submatrices are obtained with an interpolation idea based on sampling of some rows and columns of the submatrices. The complexity of their approach is O(N log N), and the formulation is applicable to any kernel function as long as they are smooth in the far field. Their formulation is applied to both Laplace’s equation and Maxwell’s equation for low frequency. From numerical examples with O(104 ) unknowns, they concluded their formulation to be faster and to yield more accurate results than an FMM based code. Lu and Chew 关106兴 propose what they call fast far-field approximation which resembles FMM, but differs in that it uses the far field approximation instead of the multipole expansion. Michielssen and Chew 关97兴 proposed an approach called Fast Steepest Descent Path Algorithm 共FSDPA兲. This is considered to be a cross between FMM and Matrix Decomposition Algorithm 共MDA兲 关107兴, which is a multilevel fast method of calculating a matrix-vector product having some resemblance to FFT. FSDPA is an O(N 4/3) method, but is considered far from being optimum 关96兴 since it is not diagonal; an observation which led to the development of FIPWA 关96兴. 3.5 Introductory and review articles The introductory article by Ramaswamy et al 关108兴 covers FMM for Laplace and Helmholtz equations including the new FMM, precorrected approaches, wavelets, and Stokes flow problems. This paper puts more stress on explaining basic ideas of the methods covered than to present a list of existing papers. The paper by Seberino and Bertram 关26兴, although written as a research paper, can be recommended also as an introductory paper to FMM for Laplace’s equation in 3D because it is very clearly written and covers various topics from the formulation to parallelization. Also recommendable is the paper by Sun and Pitsianis 关109兴 where the original FMM in Laplace’s equation in 3D is written neatly with matrix notations. Chew et al 关110兴 present various fast methods of solving electromagnetic problems not restricted to boundary integral formulations, but including domain methods, wavelets, etc. This article is particularly useful for those wishing to obtain information on various descendents of FMM and related techniques in equations of the Helmholtz type proposed before 1997. Downloaded From: on 05/10/2013 Terms of Use: Appl Mech Rev vol 55, no 4, July 2002 4 Nishimura: Fast multipole accelerated BIEMs FMM IN TIME DOMAIN 4.1 Wave equation We consider the initial boundary value problem for the wave equation in 3D: ⌬u⫽ 1 ü c2 in D⫻ 共 t⬎0 兲 subject to standard initial and boundary conditions, where D is a domain. The solution to this problem is written as u 共 x,t 兲 ⫽ ⫺ 冕 D G 共 x⫺y,t 兲 * u 共 y,t 兲 dS y n 冕 G 共 x⫺y,t 兲 * u 共 y,t 兲 dS y ny D x苸D (50) where G is the fundamental solution of the wave equation given by ␦ 共 t⫺ 兩 x兩 /c 兲 G 共 x,t 兲 ⫽ 4 兩 x兩 and * indicates the convolution with respect to time t. Also, we have assumed that the initial data u 兩 t⫽0 and u̇ 兩 t⫽0 vanish for the purpose of simplicity. The representation of the solution in 共50兲 and the boundary condition yield an integral equation of the following form 冕 D K 共 x,y 兲共 unknown quantities for t⫽t 兲共 y 兲 dS y ⫽ 冕 D K ⬘ 共 x,y,t 兲 * 共 known quantities before t 兲共 y 兲 dS y (51) where K and K ⬘ are certain kernel functions. The LHS is discretized into a sparse matrix, and solving the resulting linear equations is not expensive once the RHS is obtained. Hence the question is how one computes rapidly the RHS of the above equation, or the terms representing the effects of the past history. It would be a natural question to ask if the developments presented so far for the Helmholtz equation carry over to wave equation as one considers the Fourier inverse transform with respect to the frequency . This approach, although nobody seems to have tried it yet, appears to be out of the question. Indeed, the Fourier inverse transform of the expansion for the fundamental solution 共25兲 for the Helmholtz equation in 2D given in 共24兲 reduces to 1 2 冑t ⫺ 兩 x⫺y兩 2 /c 2 ⫹ 2 冉 冊 冉 冊 ct in ct ⫺in T 兩n兩 e T 兩n兩 e ⬁ 1 兩 x 兩 兩 y兩 ⫽ 2 共 ⫺1 兲 n 2 2 n⫽⫺⬁ 冑t ⫺ 兩 x兩 2 /c 2 ⫹ * 冑兩 y兩 2 /c 2 ⫺t 2 ⫹ 兺 where T n is the Chebyshev polynomial and the angular variables of x and y are denoted by and , respectively. Also, 313 the suffix ⫹ indicates that the corresponding term vanishes if the quantity within the radical symbol is negative. With this expression, one would have to express the solution for large t in terms of functions behaving like polynomials of order n⫺1. It would be obvious that such an approach would yield a disastrous result as time grows. We therefore have to find more sophisticated treatments than this. As we have noticed, Lu and Chew’s point of view 关63兴 for the diagonal form for the Helmholtz equation is that the diagonal form can be interpreted as a plane wave expansion of the fundamental solution. It would therefore be natural to seek a plane wave expansion of the fundamental solution for the wave equation. To derive one, one starts from the Fourier transform of the fundamental solution of the wave equation in 3D. 1 兩 兩 ⫺ 2 /c 2 (52) 2 where and are Fourier parameters for the spatial variable x and t. The fundamental solution satisfying causality 共anticausality兲 is obtained as one computes the Fourier inverse transform of 共52兲 assuming the imaginary part of to be positive 共negative兲, as the limiting absorption principle tells. Indeed, by computing the inverse transform with respect to 3 first, assuming that x 3 ⬎0, and by using a subsequent substitution given by ␣ ⫽ ␣ /c ( ␣ ⫽1,2) one has ␦ 共 t⫾r/c 兲 1 ⫽ 4r 2共 2 兲3c ⫻ 冕冕冕 e i ((x ␣ ␣ ⫹i sgn 冑 ⬎1 ⫻d d d ⫿ t 8 2c 2 冑 2 ⫺1x 3 )/c⫺t) ⫺1 冕 ␦ 共 t⫺k̂•x/c 兲 dS kˆ , S 0 艚(k̂ 3 0) (53) where k̂ indicates the unit outward normal vector to the unit sphere S 0 and ⫽ 冑 ␣ ␣ . Also, the second integral in 共53兲 is taken on the upper half (k̂ 3 ⬎0) or lower half (k̂ 3 ⬍0) of S 0 , respectively, when one chooses upper or lower signs in the same formula. The first integral in 共53兲 for ⬎1 is called the evanescent part, while the integral on the unit sphere is interpreted as a superposition of plane waves. One may eliminate the evanescent parts from these formulas to have t ␦ 共 t⫺r/c 兲 ␦ 共 t⫹r/c 兲 ⫺ ⫽⫺ 4r 4r 8 2c 冕␦ S0 共 t⫺k̂•x/c 兲 dS kˆ (54) This formula holds for an arbitrary r⫽ 兩 x兩 (⫽0). The anticausal fundamental solution 共the second term in the LHS兲 vanishes for a positive t, thus will never be mixed with the physical signal produced by the causal fundamental solution G which arrives at a positive t(⫽r/c). One thus sees that the RHS of 共54兲 does give a plane wave expansion for the fundamental solution G satisfying causality 共the physically meaningful one兲 to within a ghost which vanishes when the true signal is nonzero. This formulation is called the Whittacker-type. As a matter of fact, one may take only a cap shaped part of the unit sphere S 0 visible from the point of Downloaded From: on 05/10/2013 Terms of Use: 314 Nishimura: Fast multipole accelerated BIEMs Appl Mech Rev vol 55, no 4, July 2002 observation x in 共54兲 as the domain of integration to obtain a plane wave representation of the fundamental solution valid to within a ghost. We shall call this the finite-cone formulation after Ergin, Shanker, and Michielssen 关111兴. Of course, the form of the ghost depends on the shape of the cap. When this cap covers the whole unit sphere, the ghost takes the form of the anticausal fundamental solution, as we have seen in 共54兲. We now consider the single layer potential for the wave equation in 3D with the density function , given by u 共 x,t 兲 ⫽ 冕␦ S 冕␦ S ⬇⫺ t 8 2c 冕 冕␦ S0 S 共 t⫺k̂• 共 x⫺y兲 /c 兲 * 共 y,t 兲 dS y dS kˆ (55) and the symbol ⬇ indicates that the equality holds to within the ghost. Now, let x be a point in a spherical region R o centered at x oc having the radius of R. Also, let the surface S be included in a spherical region R s centered at x sc having the radius of R. It is seen from Fig. 5 that the signal from R s reaches R o after T 2 if R c ⬎ 共 T 2 ⫺T 1 兲 c⫹2R (56) holds. Also, this condition guarantees that the ghost produced by in R s vanishes in R o before the arrival of the signal from R s . Hence the condition in 共56兲 is useful in constructing an algorithm for evaluating potentials. We now rewrite 共55兲 into S0 S 共 t⫺k̂• 共 x⫺xoc 兲 /c 兲 * ␦ 共 t⫹k̂• 共 y⫺xsc 兲 /c 兲 * 共 y,t 兲 dS y dS kˆ ⬇⫺ * 共 t⫺ 兩 x⫺y兩 /c 兲 共 y,t 兲 dS y 4 兩 x⫺y兩 * 冕 冕␦ 1 8 2c * t ␦ 共 t⫺k̂• 共 xoc ⫺xsc 兲 /c 兲 共 t⫺ 兩 x⫺y兩 /c 兲 共 y,t 兲 dS 4 兩 x⫺y兩 * where S is a surface, x is a point located away from S, and * denotes the convolution with respect to time. We assume, for a moment, that the density is nonzero only in the time interval given by 0⬍T 1 ⬍t⬍T 2 . This assumption will be removed later. Equation 共54兲 shows that the single layer potential can be rewritten as follows 关111–114兴: u 共 x,t 兲 ⫽ u 共 x,t 兲 ⫽⫺ 1 8 2c 冕 S 兺i ␦ 共 t⫺k̂i • 共 x⫺xoc 兲 /c 兲 * Ti共 t,xoc ⫺xsc 兲 共 y,t⫹k̂i • 共 y⫺xsc 兲 /c 兲 dS y w i where Ti (t,xoc ⫺xsc ) is 共essentially兲 equal to ⫺ 1 ␦ 共 t⫺k̂i • 共 xoc ⫺xsc 兲 /c 兲 8 2c t (57) with k̂i and w i indicating integration points and the corresponding weight of a certain quadrature formula for the integral on S 0 . The integral M i 共 t;x sc 兲 ⫽ 冕 S 共 y,t⫹k̂i • 共 y⫺xsc 兲 /c 兲 dS y , (58) R R T 1 ⫺ ⬍t⬍T 2 ⫹ c c is called SST 共Slant Stack Transform兲 of , or the outgoing ray. As the notation implies, this quantity corresponds to the moment in the FMM in frequency domain. We then translate M i (t;x sc ) to the observation sphere by L i 共 t;x oc 兲 ⫽Ti 共 t⫺k̂i • 共 xoc ⫺xsc 兲 /c 兲 * M i 共 t;x sc 兲 (59) for all k̂i . The quantity L i , called the incoming ray, corresponds to the coefficient of the local expansion in the FMM in frequency domain. Finally, at a point x o we compute u via u共 t 兲⫽ 兺i ␦ 共 t⫺k̂i • 共 xo ⫺xoc 兲 /c 兲 * L i共 t;x oc 兲 w i . (60) We now use the scheme discussed above and the two level implementation to compute the single layer potential u 共 x,t 兲 ⫽ 冕 ␦ 共 t⫺ 兩 x⫺y兩 /c 兲 共 y,t 兲 dS. 4 兩 x⫺y兩 * D (61) We introduce N g disjoint groups of elements, each of which is contained in a sphere centered at x i and having a radius of R. Each group is assumed to contain O(M s ) elements. In general, the source (•,t) may not have a finite duration. Therefore we split (•,t) into sub-sources l (•,t), each of which vanishes outside of an interval 关 T l1 ,T l2 兴 (l ⫽1,2, . . . ) and satisfies 共 •,t 兲 ⫽ 兺 l 共 •,t 兲 . l A typical choice for T l1 and T l2 are Fig. 5 Signal and ghost T l1 ⫽ 共 M 共 l⫺1 兲 ⫺ p 兲 ⌬t, T l2 ⫽ 共 M l⫹ p 兲 ⌬t Downloaded From: on 05/10/2013 Terms of Use: (62) Appl Mech Rev vol 55, no 4, July 2002 Nishimura: Fast multipole accelerated BIEMs where M and p are integers, and ⌬t is used as the time step in a time marching analysis. The number p represents the overlap of the time intervals. With 共62兲, the calculation goes as follows 1兲 Set l⫽1. 2兲 Let t be such that t⭐T l2 holds. a兲 For each point x in a sphere S o , compute directly the contributions from sources (y,s) for s⬍t in spheres S s close to S o , where a sphere S s is said to be close to S o if the following inequality holds 共see 共56兲兲: 兩xoc ⫺xsc 兩 ⭐c 共 T l2 ⫺T l1 兲 ⫹2R. Notice that this part of the calculation is identical with the one used in the conventional approach. b兲 For each point x in a sphere S o , use 共60兲 to compute contributions from sources m (y,s) for m⭐l⫺1 in far spheres S s which satisfy 兩xoc ⫺xsc 兩 ⬎c 共 T l2 ⫺T l1 兲 ⫹2R. (63) It is easily seen that contributions from such spheres for m⫽l do not reach S o unless t⬎T l2 . 3兲 At t⫽T l2 , we compute the outgoing ray associated with l given by 共58兲 at the centroid of each sphere S s , and propagate it via 共59兲 to spheres S o which satisfy 共63兲. The incoming ray at S o from many far spheres S s are added together for each propagation direction k̂i to yield L li . Update l by l⫹1. The above description of the method presents the basis of the fast multipole BIEM for the wave equation in time domain. Here are some more details. 1兲 In practice the source function is rather smooth as a function of time 共or band-limited兲. For such , it is permissible to use a smooth approximation to the derivative of Dirac’s delta as the function Ti in 共57兲 关111,113兴. Indeed, Ergin et al uses K Ti ⫽⫺ t 共 2k⫹1 兲 P k 共 ct/ 兩 xoc ⫺xsc 兩 兲 2 16 兩 xoc ⫺xsc 兩 k⫽0 by N s discrete sources, they found that the computational complexity for the two level algorithm is of the order of O(N t N s3/2 log Ns), and that for the multilevel approach is O(N t N s log2 Ns), where N t is the number of time steps. These estimations may further be improved to O(N t N s4/3 log Ns) and O(N t N s log Ns) with treatments similar to RPFMA 关74兴. In BIE applications one may take N s to be the number of unknowns at a certain time. These authors tried similar analyses with the Whittackertype formulation in 关111兴. One of the advantages of using the Whittacker-type formulation is the simplicity of the formulation. Again, in this paper numerical examples are limited to simple wave fields in 3D produced by a few sources with known time dependence. More interesting numerical examples are found in 关114兴, where the same authors consider the scattering of acoustic waves by a 3D hard object. The direct BIE formulation is used. As is known, the ordinary frequency domain integral equation for exterior problems may fail to give a unique solution at the so called fictitious eigenfrequencies 关65兴. These authors have shown, however, that phenomena similar to the fictitious eigenfrequency also exist in the time domain where the solution to the integral equation is unique, but its discretized equation tends to amplify the error having the frequency close to one of the fictitious eigenfrequencies 关117兴. Based on this observation, they use a formulation of the Burton-Miller type to obtain a stable algorithm. The analyses presented include scattering from cavities, screens, and a submarine shaped object 共about 15,000 DOF兲. 共In passing, we point out that the existence of numerical problems related to the fictitious eigenfrequency in the time domain has been observed by Abboud and Sayah 关118兴 before this paper.兲 The corresponding multilevel implementation has been presented in 关116兴, in which the size of the the problem was increased to as large as 107,500 DOF with 500 time steps. 4.2 Heat equation The solution of the initial boundary value problem for the heat equation 兺 ⫻ P k 共 cos共xoc ⫺xsc ,k̂i 兲兲 315 (64) for ct/ 兩 xoc ⫺xsc 兩 ⭐1, where P k is the Legendre function and K is a certain number. 2兲 The 2D equivalent of 共55兲 is somewhat more complicated including the Hilbert transform instead of the time derivative. See Lu et al 关115兴. 3兲 Here again, one has interpolation and anterpolation issues in multilevel implementations 关116兴. The time domain approach of the type discussed above was first presented by Ergin, Shanker, and Michielssen 关113兴, where the authors developed what they call PWTD 共Plane Wave Time Domain兲 algorithm for the wave equation in 3D based on the finite-cone formulation. They present simple numerical examples of computing wave fields produced by a few sources. They also provide estimates of computational complexities of both two level and multilevel PWTD algorithms. In the context of estimating the wave fields produced u⫽⌬u t in D⫻ 共 t⬎0 兲 (65) is well known to have a potential expression given by u 共 x,t 兲 ⫽ 冕冉 G 共 x⫺y,t 兲 * D u 共 y,t 兲 n 冊 ⫺ G 共 x⫺y,t 兲 * u 共 y,t 兲 dS n ⫹ 冕 D G 共 x⫺y,t 兲 u 0 共 y 兲 dV, (66) where G is the fundamental solution for the heat equation given by G 共 x,t 兲 ⫽ 冉 冊 1 2 冑 t ⫹ d e ⫺ 兩 x⫺y兩 2 /4t , Downloaded From: on 05/10/2013 Terms of Use: (67) 316 Nishimura: Fast multipole accelerated BIEMs Appl Mech Rev vol 55, no 4, July 2002 where d stands for the dimensionality of the problem and u 0 is the initial data. As in the case of the wave equation, the boundary value problem under consideration reduces to a solution of a time dependent boundary integral equation of the form given in 共51兲, with an essentially sparse matrix K, since the fundamental solution in 共67兲 is almost zero outside a small ball centered at y for small t. Therefore, our interest is to find a fast method of evaluating contributions to the integrals in 共66兲 from the past. Consider, for example, the contributions from the single layer potential or the volume potential in 共66兲, which may be discretized as q i, j G 共 x⫺yi ,t⫺ j 兲 , 兺 i, j where q i, j is a certain number, and y i and j are spatial and time integration points, respectively. We may further simplify the expression by extracting the contribution from a certain time j , followed by multiplication of (t⫺ j ) d/2 to consider a sum of the following form: N 兺i q i e ⫺兩x⫺y 兩 / ␦ i 2 (68) where ␦ ⫽4(t⫺ j )⬎0. Greengard and Strain 关119兴 proposed a fast method of computing the sum in 共68兲 for N sources at M points x with O(M ⫹N) operations, improving the performance over the naive O(M N) approach. The mathematical tools used by Greengard and Strain 关119兴 are rather simple, ie, the Taylor 2 expansions of e ⫺ 兩 x⫺y兩 / ␦ which take the following forms: e e ⫺ 兩 x⫺y兩 2 / ␦ ⫺ 兩 x⫺y兩 2 / ␦ ⫽ ⫽ 冉 冊冉 冊 冉 冊 冉 冊 1 x⫺y0 h ␣ ! ␣ 冑␦ 兺 兩 ␣ 兩 ⭓0 兺 共 ⫺1 兲 兩 ␣ 兩 ⭓0 兩␣兩 y⫺y0 ␣ , 冑␦ 1 x⫺x0 ␣ ! 冑␦ ␣ h␣ x0 ⫺y 冑␦ (69) , (70) where we have used the following multi-index notation: 兩 ␣ 兩 ⫽ ␣ 1 ⫹¯⫹ ␣ d , ␣ ␣ ␣ !⫽ ␣ 1 !¯ ␣ d !, ␣ t ␣ ⫽t 1 1 ¯t d d , ␣ D ␣⫽ 1 1¯ d d, h ␣ 共 x兲 ⫽h ␣ 1 共 x 1 兲 ¯h ␣ d 共 x d 兲 . Also, 冉 冊 h n共 t 兲 ⫽ ⫺ d dt 2 i 冑␦ M ␣共 y 0 兲 , 1 ␣! 兺i qi 冉 冊 yi ⫺y0 冑␦ ␣ . (72) 3兲 共Taylor series兲 Use 共70兲 to evaluate 共68兲 as 兺 0⭐␣i⭐p 冉 冊 x⫺x0 冑␦ ␣ L ␣共 x 0 兲 , (73) where L共x0兲⫽ 1 ! 兺i qi共⫺1兲兩兩h 冉 冊 x0 ⫺yi 冑␦ . (74) 4兲 共Hermite⫹Taylor兲 Combine the above two methods to evaluate 共68兲 as in 共73兲 with L 共 x 0 兲 ⫽ 冉 冊 x0 ⫺y0 共 ⫺1 兲 兩  兩 M ␣共 y 0 兲 h ␣⫹ .  ! 0⭐ ␣ i ⭐p 冑␦ 兺 (75) In order to evaluate 共68兲 for many points x i (i⫽1,...,M ), Greengard and Strain 关119兴 introduce a scaling with which all the points x i (i⫽1,...,M ) and y j ( j⫽1,...,N) are included in a unit cube. They then subdivide this cube into small boxes whose side lengths are equal and of the order of 冑␦ . In evaluating the sum in 共68兲 for x i s in a certain box, one may consider only a finite number of nearby boxes as the source boxes, since contributions from farther boxes can be neglected due to the exponential decay of the exponential function in 共68兲. Greengard and Strain then set thresholds M L and N F to the numbers of points x i and y j in target and source boxes, respectively. If the number of source points N B in a box B satisfies N B ⭓N F (N B ⬍N F ), then one sends out Hermite expansion 共Gaussian兲 from B with y 0 set at the centroid of B. If the number of observation points M C in a box C satisfies M C ⭓M L (M C ⬍M L ), one transforms the fields sent to C into Taylor’s series setting x 0 at the centroid of C 共evaluates the fields sent to C immediately兲. These authors concluded that the algorithm thus obtained can be executed with O(M ⫹N) operations for a fixed error bound for the expansion and the numbers ␦ and p. Using this approach, Greengard and Strain 关119兴 could speed up a summation of the form in 共68兲 involving about 100,000 source points 3000 times compared to a naive approach. Greengard and Strain 关119兴 also state that the 共continuous兲 single layer potential 冕 e ⫺t . 冉 冊 x⫺y0 M ␣共y0兲⫽ S0 n G 共 x⫺y,t 兲 共 y 兲 dS could be evaluated effectively with 共71兲 as one replaces 共72兲 with The following four methods are available for evaluating the sum in 共68兲 共Greengard and Strain 关119兴. See Strain 关120兴 for some corrections.兲: 1兲 共Gaussian兲 Use 共68兲 as it is. 2兲 共Hermite expansion兲 Use 共69兲 to evaluate 共68兲 as 共p: integer兲 兺 h␣ 0⭐␣ ⭐p where (71) 1 M ␣共 y 0 兲 ⫽ ␣! 冕冉 S0 yi ⫺y0 冑␦ 冊 ␣ 共 y 兲 dS y . (76) This idea was further investigated and tested numerically by Strain 关121兴. Unfortunately, the proposed approach is somewhat complicated including adaptive mesh refinement, and the numerical test for single layer potential in 2D was concluded to be expensive but accurate. Downloaded From: on 05/10/2013 Terms of Use: Appl Mech Rev vol 55, no 4, July 2002 In 关120兴 Strain extended the approach in 关119兴 to the case where the number ␦ depends either on the source or target locations. Greengard 关122兴 presents a simplified approach for evaluating 共68兲 by using only the Hermite expansion, whose complexity is also O(M ⫹N). The mathematical tools used in the fast method for the heat equation, presented above, are relatively simple, but do not seem to have been tested much in engineering applications related to BIEM. An attempt of using tools for FMM in BIEM for heat equations is found in Takahashi et al 关123兴, where the authors used an expansion of the form 共75兲 in 2D panel clustering BIEM. They use a hierarchical quad-tree structure of boundary elements, whose cell size does not depend on time, thus leaving room for further improvement. One advantage of this approach over the conventional BIEM is that one does not have to store all the boundary data from the past, since one may store just their moments instead. 5 APPLICATIONS IN COMPUTATIONAL MECHANICS 5.1 Linear elasticity 5.1.1 Elastostatics In this section we review fast methods applied to linear elasticity. We consider piecewise homogeneous and isotropic materials, unless stated otherwise. In 2D, Yamada and Hayami 关124兴 formulated a multipole BIEM based on the real variable formulation and the standard direct BIEM. Their approach is close to panel clustering, since their formulation does not include downward pass. Complex variables are used in an auxiliary manner to formulate a multipole expansion of the fundamental solution. They use four 共8兲 types of moments for the single 共double兲 layer potential. Since they considered rather small problems with less than 800 unknowns, they ended up concluding that the proposed approach is slower than the conventional method in analyses using GCR or Bi-CGSTAB as the solvers. In larger problems the conclusion might have been different. Greengard et al 关125兴 proposed an FMM based on the complex variable formulation for elastostatic boundary value problems. The Sherman-Lauricella integral equation is solved with Nyström’s method and GMRES. Since the integral equation is essentially of the Cauchy integral type, the method developed for Laplace’s equation in 2D can be applied with some modification. This paper includes numerical examples of 100 inclusions. Fukui et al 关126兴 presented an FMM formulation for elastostatics in 2D based on the real variable formulation and the standard direct BIEM, using the complex variable in an auxiliary manner. This approach is considered natural since it uses two types of moments 共M n and N n in their notation兲, as is expected from the number of unknown functions. This paper includes numerical examples of the size of 105 unknowns. Greengard and Helsing 关127兴 use Sherman’s complex variable formulation to solve periodic inclusion problems in 2D. Their primal interest was to find a fast and robust nu2D. Nishimura: Fast multipole accelerated BIEMs 317 merical method to obtain the elastic field and effective moduli of composite materials. The periodicity is introduced with the help of lattice sums. Their integral equation is a singular equation of the Cauchy type. The accuracy of the analysis is maintained with the help of an adaptive Gaussian quadrature and a posteriori mesh refinement. This paper includes various numerical examples, the largest being of the size of about 200,000 unknowns. Helsing 关128兴 uses a complex variable formulation for plane crack problems developed by Helsing and Peters 共see references cited in 关128兴兲 to solve a periodic boundary value problem in which the unit cell includes 10,000 randomly oriented cracks. His integral equation is of Fredholm’s second kind with a singular kernel. He claims that the result is accurate to nine digits. Helsing and Jonsson 关129兴 present another complex variable formulation for stress and strain problems for a perforated plate. This formulation is simpler to use than the classical Sherman-Lauricella equation, and is quite stable numerically yielding good results even in problems with closely spaced boundaries. Peirce and Napier 关130兴 propose a spectral multipole method for 2D linear elasticity. This approach is related to the precorrected-FFT method proposed later by Phillips and White 关99兴. Peirce and Napier use multipole expansion of the kernel functions obtained by Taylor’s expansion 共with considerable simplification using biharmonic property of some functions兲 to shift element integrals to grid points. With the use of FFT and local correction, they could evaluate the boundary integrals at the grid points, the interpolation of which gives the values of the boundary integrals at collocation points. Both single and double layer potentials are considered. The use of multipole expansion provides a systematic approach to shift boundary integrals to grid points, but the convolution using FFT has to be applied to each term of the multipole expansion. This is in contrast to the precorrected-FFT where only the convolution of the kernel function and equivalent source needs to be computed. The complexity of the matrix vector product computation with this approach is estimated to be O(N log N). These authors present numerical examples of a punch applied to a granular assembly whose intergranular boundaries are modeled as cracks whose strength is governed by the Mohr-Coulomb law. Richardson et al 关131兴 present a similar method in elastostatics in 2D using both ordinary and traction regularized direct BIEs. An FMM formulation for 2D anisotropic elastostatics is included in the paper by Akaiwa et al 关132兴 which proposes a simulation method for the Ostwald ripening. They use the method proposed in 关35兴 for the simulation of the mass diffusion, and the FMM for anisotropic elastostatics is used in evaluating potentials with known densities. 3D. The first attempt at using fast methods in linear elasticity in 3D is found in Hayami and Sauter 关133,134兴, where they give a sketch of a panel clustering formulation using Taylor expansion and direct BIEM. They state that a fast method for a potential having 兩 x⫺y兩 as the kernel will solve Downloaded From: on 05/10/2013 Terms of Use: 318 Nishimura: Fast multipole accelerated BIEMs Appl Mech Rev vol 55, no 4, July 2002 elasticity problems in 3D as well. The complexity of such formulation is estimated to be N log5 N in 关135兴. In Hayami and Sauter 关136,137兴, they formulated a panel clustering method based on an expansion of 兩 x⫺y兩 in terms of spherical harmonics. They derived a multipole expansion formula for the elastic single layer potential in terms of five types of moments. Their investigations do not include numerical examples. Fu et al 关138兴 developed an FMM formulation for linear elasticity in 3D based on the observation that the elastostatic fundamental solution ⌫ i j in 3D can be written as 冉 冊 冉 冊 1 yj ⫹Q i 共 x 兲 , ⌫ i j 共 x⫺y兲 ⫽ P i j 共 x 兲 兩 x⫺y兩 兩 x⫺y兩 (77) where P i j (x) and Q i (x) are operators defined in terms of the Lamé constants 共, 兲 by 冉 冊 P i j共 x 兲⫽ ⫹3 1 ⫹ ␦i j⫺ x , 8 ⫹2 ⫹2 j i Q i共 x 兲 ⫽ 1 ⫹ 8 ⫹2 i S0 ⌫ i j 共 x⫺y兲 j 共 y 兲 dS y 冕 冕 (1)2 M N,M 共 O 兲⫽ ជ 兲 j 共 y 兲 dS y R N,M 共 Oy (78) y j R N,M 共 ជ Oy 兲 j 共 y 兲 dS y (79) S0 S0 S0 C jknp ⌫ 共 x⫺y兲 n k 共 y 兲 j 共 y 兲 dS y y n ip ⬁ (1)2 Notice that M (1)1 j,N,M has three components and M N,M is a scalar for a given pair of (N,M ), hence one has four types of moments in this formulation. In the same manner Fu et al obtained a multipole expansion of elastostatic double layer potential in terms of 12 types of moments. Their formulation allows a black box use of FMM for Laplace’s equation. Indeed, they compute single and double layer potentials for elastostatics by invoking FMM for Laplace’s equation 16 times. Fu et al 关138兴 presents numerical examples of many spherical inclusions 共not periodic兲 embedded in an infinite elastic space, the largest being of the size of about 400,000 unknowns. They do not present the final numerical results because they performed only one matrix-vector product operation due to a limitation for computer access. Fu et al 关139兴 include discussion on the use of the new FMM in anisotropic elastostatics. Independently of Fu et al’s developments, Yoshida et al 关140兴 derived related, but different multipole expansions for N 1 ⫽ 8 N⫽0 S ជ 兲 M (2)1 共 F ip,N,M 共 Ox 兺 M兺 p,N,M 共 O 兲 ⫽⫺N S (2)2 ⫹G i,N,M Ox 兲 M N,M 共ជ 共 O 兲兲 , (80) where C i jkl ⫽ ␦ i j ␦ kl ⫹ ( ␦ ik ␦ jl ⫹ ␦ il ␦ jk ) is the elasticity tensor, ⫹3 ជ兲 ␦ S 共 Ox ⫹2 i j N,M ⫺ S Ox 兲 ⫽ G i,N,M 共ជ (2)2 M N,M 共 O 兲⫽ ⫹ ជ 兲 j xi S N,M 共 Ox ជ 兲, 共 Ox ⫹2 ⫹ x ជ 兲, S 共 Ox ⫹2 i N,M 冕 冕 M (2)1 p,N,M 共 O 兲 ⫽ is given as a sum of single layer potentials for Laplacian with densities given by j and j y j , postprocessed by P and Q, respectively. Hence one may use the FMM for Laplace’s equation to formulate an FMM for elastostatics. It is obvious that the multipole expansion thus obtained is given in terms of moments defined by 共See 共15兲兲 M (1)1 j,N,M 共 O 兲 ⫽ 冕 ជ 兲⫽ F Si j,N,M 共 Ox and i is the partial differential operator with respect to x i . It would be obvious from 共77兲 that the elastic single layer potential 冕 elastostatic potentials in 3D. They were primarily interested in hypersingular integral equations for crack problems formulated with double layer potential. They tried both the 12 moment expression for the derivative of the double layer potential obtained with regularization, and the four moment expression for the same quantity derived from the following multipole expansion for the double layer potential S0 S0 C jknp C jknp ជ 兲 j n k dS y , R 共 Oy y n N,M (81) (82) (83) ជ 兲 p R N,M 共 Oy ជ 兲兲 j n k dS y . 共共 Oy yn (84) 共See 共15兲兲 They found, in crack problems, that the four moment formulation without regularization is computationally more efficient than the other with 12 moment expression based on regularization. This result, however, is to be expected, since regularization is devised to deal with singularities while FMM is for evaluating far fields to which singularity has little relevance. Their approach does not allow the black box use of FMM for Laplace’s equation, but the forms of M2M, M2L, and L2L formulas in this formulation differ only slightly from the counterparts in the Laplace case. This paper includes numerical examples for crack problems having about 66,000 unknowns. Continuing efforts made in 关140兴, Yoshida et al 关87,141兴 developed a Galerkin formulation for the same integral equations for crack problems. Thanks to improved accuracy of Galerkin’s method and reasonable computational loads for the double integration achieved with the local expansion, they could solve large problems with a small desk top computer. In 关87兴 for example, they present an example of 1000 interacting cracks with about 470,000 unknowns, solved with GMRES. Takahashi et al 关142兴 utilized the same formulation as in 关140兴 to solve ordinary 共not restricted to cracks兲 boundary value problems with direct collocation BIEM. Since ជ 兲⫽ P i j 共 x 兲 S N,M 共 Ox 1 ជ 兲, FS 共 Ox 8 i j,N,M Downloaded From: on 05/10/2013 Terms of Use: Appl Mech Rev vol 55, no 4, July 2002 Q i 共 x 兲 S N,M 共 ជ Ox 兲 ⫽ 1 GS Ox 兲 共ជ 8 i,N,M holds 共see 共77兲兲, the single layer potential also admits a mulS . tipole expansion in terms of functions F Si j,N,M and G i,N,M Because the multipole moments are the coefficients of these functions, one may combine the moments for single and double layer potentials to obtain a four moment multipole expansion for the general direct BIEM. Hence, the number of the types of multiple moments is always four. Fukui et al 关143兴 also obtained the same FMM formulation as in Yoshida et al 关87,140–142兴 for elastostatics using a different derivation. In Yoshida et al 关144兴 these authors modify the formulation presented in 关140兴 by using the new version of FMM proposed by Greengard and Rokhlin 关90兴. They present numerical examples of many crack problems similar to the one considered in 关87兴 solved with a desktop computer, with the number of unknowns increased to 1.2 million. Popov and Power 关145兴 presented an FMM using the Taylor series and the direct BIEM for elastostatics in 3D. Their formulation is closely related to the one proposed earlier by Hayami and Sauter 关133,134兴, but these authors succeeded in actually implementing the formulation. Their paper includes numerical examples of the size of N⫽O(104 ). 5.1.2 Elastodynamics In 2D elastodynamics, Chen et al 关146兴 presented what might be called a straightforward extension of their approach in Helmholtz’ equation using the diagonal form. In this formulation, they work with 16 components of plane waves per directions 共P and S wave components for the two components of single and double layer potentials with densities having two components. This number 16 can be reduced to eight since two of them always appear as a sum兲. This paper includes a numerical example of the scattering from a rough interface between two elastic materials obtained with a two level RPFMA 关74兴. Fukui 关147兴 proposed an FMM of the original type for elastodynamics for low frequency using Galerkin’s vector. This formulation uses four types of moments. This paper includes examples of scattering of a plane wave by many holes. Fujiwara 关148兴 also proposes an FMM of the original type for elastodynamics for low frequency. This formulation is in terms of eight types of moments. But this author considers cases where four of them are zero because of the boundary condition. This paper includes examples of scattering by many cavities or cracks. In 3D, Fujiwara 关149兴 presents a direct extension of the diagonal form for Helmholtz’ equation to elastodynamics. This formulation is in terms of 12 components of plane waves per direction, and the multilevel implementation is combined with the CGS 共Conjugate Gradients Squared兲 solver. The interest in this paper is directed to low frequency problems related to earthquakes. The instability of the diagonal form in low frequency is avoided by taking less terms 共p in (q;•) in 共36兲兲 than required by the accuracy. He presents numerical examples of a concave halfspace 共topography model兲 subjected to an earthquake motion. He also pre- Nishimura: Fast multipole accelerated BIEMs 319 sents an analysis of a basin model 共topography model with the concave part filled with a different material兲, solved with a special preconditioner. Yoshida et al 关150兴 considered low frequency crack problems in 3D. A formulation of the original FMM type with Wigner-3j symbols are used. They utilize the fact that the fundamental solution of elastodynamics can be written as Ui j⫽ 1 4 k T2 冉 i j e ik L r e ik T r ⫹e ips e jqs p q r r 冊 (85) modulo Dirac’s delta to show that the number of the type of moments in isotropic elastodynamics is always four 共two in 2D兲, as in elastostatics, where k L and k T are wave numbers of P and S waves. This number four is equal to the number of components of scalar and vector potentials. Takahashi et al 关151兴 present a fast time domain BIEM for elastodynamics in 2D by combining the decomposition of the fundamental solution similar to 共85兲 and the formulation given in 关115兴. This paper presents numerical examples of the size of O(104 ) spatial DOF and 100–240 time steps. 5.2 Stokes flow and other topics in fluid mechanics The Stokes flow problem is considered to be the limiting case of →⬁ in linear elasticity. However, this problem differs from the elastic one in several aspects, and has been investigated separately in the literature. Greengard et al 关125兴 considered 2D problems using complex variables. They have also shown equivalence of their approach with the so called completed double layer formulation for velocity 共Dirichlet兲 boundary value problems for domains having holes. Their formulation requires introduction of additional logarithmic functions with unknown multipliers, thus distorting the form of the matrix equation to be solved. Greengard et al utilized a special preconditioner to deal with this problem. These authors present numerical examples for domains exterior to many holes, half plane problems, etc, of the size of thousands of unknowns. Gómez and Power 关152兴 proposed real variable approaches based on both direct and indirect BIEs. Their indirect BIEM uses the completed double layer formulation for velocity 共Dirichlet兲 boundary value problems in 2D. The name completed comes from the addition of terms which are deficient in the conventional double layer formulation when the domain has holes. They use an expansion of kernel functions with a real valued Taylor series. Their approach is not the genuine FMM, but has some relevance to Hackbusch’s panel clustering 关11兴 or to Barnes and Hut’s method 关10兴. Indeed, their approach is an O(N log N) one, and does not use the downward pass. These authors say that it was not possible to formulate the downward pass in a way similar to the counterpart in Laplace’s equation. Instead, they evaluate the coefficients of the local expansion in the leaves using M2L directly with cells of each level without using the tree structure or L2L. They concluded that the indirect BIEM is superior to the direct one in terms of convergence. They also discuss parallel implementation of their approach 关153兴, and present numerical examples of the size of several thousands of unknowns. Downloaded From: on 05/10/2013 Terms of Use: 320 Nishimura: Fast multipole accelerated BIEMs Mammoli and Ingber 关154兴 applied Gómez and Power’s approach 关152兴 to the analysis of viscous flow containing floating particles. They present examples of the size of O(10,000) unknowns. These authors also considered parallelization of the same formulation in 关155兴, which includes simulation results of 2D suspension flow with as many as 999 particles. Numerical results are seen to agree qualitatively with experimental results obtained with MRI. Fu and Rodin 关156兴 present a formulation for 3D Stokes flow as an extension of their approach in elastostatics. As in the elastic case, their method invokes the standard FMM routine for Laplace’s equation 16 times and postprocesses to obtain layer potentials for Stokes flow. Their approach is an O(N) one, and should have had no problem with the downward pass. They do not show numerical examples, though. Takahashi et al 关157兴 proposed a four moment formulation for Stokes flow problems in 3D, based on their approach in elastostatics in 3D. This original FMM approach shows no problem with the downward pass, and the complexity of the algorithm is O(N). They present numerical examples based on the direct BIEM in which they did not see convergence problems. The numerical examples include one with more than 1,000,000 unknowns and applications to the determination of permeability constants in underground water flow problems. Zinchenko and Davis 关158兴 utilize a different FMM accelerated boundary integral formulation in their 3D analysis of periodic deformable drops within a viscous medium. Both drops and the medium are viscous fluids governed by Stokes’ equation. Their implementation is considered to be a single stage FMM. The periodic kernel functions can be expressed as a sum of the free space fundamental solution plus an additional term expressing the effect form outside the unit cell. The multipole moments associated with the free space fundamental solution are called the near field multipole moments, and those associated with the other term of the kernel function are named far field moments. It is easy to see that the pair (u i ,p) satisfying u i 共 x 兲 ⫽e ipq x q ,p ⫹ ,i ⫹ ⫻ 冉 1 共 2n⫹3 兲共 n⫹1 兲 共 n⫹3 兲 x p x p p ,i ⫺npx i 2 冊 gives a solution of the Stokes equation, where , are harmonic functions and p is a homogeneous harmonic function of order n. The solutions obtained by substituting appropriate singular 共regular兲 solid harmonics into , , and p in the above expression are known as Lamb’s singular 共regular兲 forms. Their multipole expansion uses Lamb’s singular in 共2兲, and their local expansion is made in forms as k (1) n terms of Lamb’s regular forms. Hence, their formulation is in terms of three types of near field moments, namely the coefficients of solid harmonics appearing in , , and p. They could solve problems including 125 deformable drops with each drop discretized into O(103 ) elements. One could also mention the FMM formulation for Stokes’ flow by Sangani Appl Mech Rev vol 55, no 4, July 2002 and Mo 关159兴, which is not based on an integral equation, but is related to formulations by Cheng and Greengard 关50兴, for example. Ly et al 关160兴 consider an application of FMM 共the authors say that their approach is an O(N log N) one兲 to a simulation of particle dynamics in magnetorheological fluids in 2D. This analysis is aimed at simulating a smart controllable material which may be transformed from liquid to solid states under the action of a magnetic field. From an analytical point of view, this paper deals with essentially the same integral equation as considered in 关49兴 except for the double layer potential on the outer boundary of the domain. The paper by Greengard and Kropinski 关161兴 deals with the incompressible steady and unsteady Navier-Stokes equations in 2D in the special case of a circular domain. The authors state that their approach for the steady state can be extended to the general domain case with techniques developed in 关46,125兴. See also references 关100,101兴, discussed in Section 3.4, which deal with water wave problems. 5.3 Corrosion problems Finally, we mention the paper by Nakayama et al 关162兴 which discusses corrosion problems. Their problems are formulated into a boundary value problem for Laplace’s equation with a boundary condition given in terms of a non-linear relation between the potential and flux 共polarization curve兲 on the boundary. They use the original FMM for Laplace’s equation in 3D and a modified Bi-CGSTAB which takes the non-linearity of the boundary condition into consideration. They apply their technique to a problem of corroded pipes in the soil and conclude that their FMM results agree with another obtained with special pipe elements. 6 CONCLUDING REMARKS 1兲 We have reviewed efforts made so far to enhance the performance of BIEM with the help of FMM and related techniques. These methods combine fast methods of matrix vector multiplication and iterative solvers for a matrix equation to yield O(N 1⫹ ␣ log N) 共␣,⭓0, ␣⬍1. Typically, O(N) in statics兲 solvers of integral equations. 2兲 As we have seen, the FMM accelerated BIEM is already quite a mature technique in electrical engineering, although it is still in an incipient stage in applied mechanics. Indeed, even the FMM formulation in 3D elastostatics is not completely established yet. Some other areas of applied mechanics where further investigation of FMM is needed include elastodynamics, heat equation, etc. Even in areas where FMM formulations are already available, it would be necessary to accumulate further experiences by solving larger problems. 3兲 We can mention the following as other areas of research requiring further investigation: • BIEM has been considered weak in problems where one has to evaluate volume integrals. Such problems include problems with inhomogeneity 共source terms兲, eigenvalue problems, nonlinear problems, etc. With the new machinery for evaluating volume integrals of the Newton poten- Downloaded From: on 05/10/2013 Terms of Use: Appl Mech Rev vol 55, no 4, July 2002 tial type provided by the FMM, the performance of BIEM in these problems may improve. Investigations of FMM in problems of this type, however, seem to remain open except in a few cases including Poisson’s equation. Use of FMM with integral equations defined in a domain 共hence not BIEs兲 is also a possibility. • As Chew et al 关110兴 point out, the number of iterations needed in achieving convergence remains unpredictable. One may possibly remedy this problem numerically by using good preconditioners. Alternatively, one may possibly improve the conditioning of the linear equation by using better integral equations 共See Sections 3.1.3 and 5.1.1 for examples of such attempts兲. Investigations along these lines are considered important. • FMM is not the only fast method for integral equations which uses the tree data structure of elements. Indeed, methods of the Barnes and Hut type use quad- and oct-tree structures of elements, as we have seen. In astrophysics, however, various treecodes based on different tree data structures are in use 共See Anderson 关31兴 for example兲. Use of data structures other than the spatially balanced quadand oct-trees in integral equations can also be an interesting research subject. 4兲 In this article, we did not discuss numerical issues such as estimation of the errors, convergence, etc. As a matter of fact, estimation of errors introduced by truncating various series in the FMM for Laplace’s equation has been a concern since the early paper by Rokhlin 关2兴. The panel clustering community has also been investigating this issue since the Hackbusch and Nowak 关11兴 paper. Related estimates in Helmholtz’ equation are found in Rahola 关163兴 共3D兲, Song et al 关69兴 共3D兲, Koc et al 关164兴 共3D兲, Amini and Profit 关165兴 共2D兲, etc. Labreuche 关166兴 addresses convergence of FMM in Helmholtz’ equation in 2D. 5兲 Parallel implementation of FMM is another big issue which we did not discuss very much in this article. One finds many publications on this subject in particle simulations, but we here cite the paper by Grama et al 关167兴 which considers specifically the parallelization of the Barnes and Hut method applied to BIEM. The papers by Gómez and Power 关153兴, Mammoli and Ingber 关155兴, and Fu et al 关156兴 also include discussions on parallel implementations. 6兲 There are innumerable web sites providing information on FMM. It would be impossible to list all of them, but it should not be very difficult to find them with the help of search engines. We here present just a few URLs containing source codes 关168 –170兴, and bibliography on FMM 关171,172兴. 7兲 Finally, we cite an important reference book on FMM by Chew et al 关173兴, which became available to present author recently. ACKNOWLEDGMENT The author wishes to express his gratitude to Profs/Drs B Alpert, L Greengard, K Hayami, J Helsing, GJ Rodin, SA Sauter, J Strain, S Wandzura, and J White for providing him with information on existing publications, and to Prof WC Nishimura: Fast multipole accelerated BIEMs 321 Chew for permitting the use and providing the original of Fig. 4. Finally, the author would like to thank Drs K Yoshida of Kyoko University and T Takahashi of the Institute of Physical and Chemical Research for their help in preparing the manuscript. REFERENCES 关1兴 Bonnet M 共1995兲, Boundary Integral Equation Methods for Solids and Fluids, Wiley, Chichester. 关2兴 Rokhlin V 共1985兲, Rapid solution of integral equations of classical potential theory, J. Comput. Phys., 60, 187–207. 关3兴 Greengard L 共1988兲, The Rapid Evaluation of Potential Fields in Particle Systems, MIT Press, Cambridge, MA. 关4兴 Greengard L and Rokhlin V 共1987兲, A fast algorithm for particle simulations, J. Comput. 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He conducts research on fundamentals and applications of boundary integral equation methods in continuum mechanics with special attention to wave propagation, fracture, inverse, and large scale problems. He has over 100 publications in archival journals and conference proceedings, and is an author of chapters in 15 books. Downloaded From: on 05/10/2013 Terms of Use: