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Rhetoric Worksheets in English for High School

Pracovný zošit č. 1
LET ME INTRODUCE MYSELF- Match the adjectives with phrases describing personality.
self-confident stubborn
well-balanced wise
She’s the kind of person who…
She’s / He’s…
1. always looks at herself in every mirror she passes.
2. takes care to do things carefully and correctly.
3. is prepared to accept new and different ideas.
4. doesn’t say what she really thinks.
5. other people often find different or unusual.
6. is fairly relaxed about most things.
7. is emotionally in control, not moody.
8. never changes his opinion even when she’s clearly wrong.
9. expresses her ideas or opinions with confidence.
10. is always in a good mood.
11. feels sure about her ability to do things.
12. isn’t very sure about herself.
13. is determined to be successful.
He’s good at…
14. supporting his friends.
15. giving people advice because of his knowledge and experience.
16. keeping his head in a crisis.
She’s not very good at….
17. letting other people share her friends.
18. showing her feelings or expressing her opinions.
He tends to…
19. behave like a child.
20. act without thinking.
21. get angry very easily.
22. think he is better and more important than others.
23. expect good things to happen.
She has / has got…
24. a great sense of humour.
Adjective suffixes. Add one adjective to each column by adding a suffix to the nouns / verbs in the list.
You may need to make other small changes. Add 2 more adjectives to each column.
critic forget mood pessimist
IDIOMS. Match the highlighted idioms with their meanings below.
1. My boss is rather a cold fish. I don’t even know if he likes me or not.
2. She has a heart of gold. She’ll always help anyone with anything.
3. She’s as hard as nails. She doesn’t care who she hurts.
4. I hope Jack doesn’t come tonight. He’s such a pain in the neck.
5. He’s happy as a clam.
A annoying, difficult
B very kind, generous
C extremely happy, cheerful
D distant, unfriendly
E shows no sympathy or fear
Write antonyms to these adjectives:
hard-working ………………………
dumb ………………………………
brave ………………………………
gloomy ……………………………
Match the questions with answers:
What does she look like?
A. Very confident.
What does she like?
B. She’s blonde and rather thin.
What is she like?
C. Sports.
Describe the appearance of these people. What is your first impression? (consider age, job,
nationality, complexion,…)
1. _________________________________ 1. _________________________________
2. _________________________________ 2. _________________________________
3. _________________________________ 3. _________________________________
You see pictures of the same person, but with different facial expressions. Describe the feelings.
6. _________________
7. _________________
8. _________________
9. _________________
Pracovný zošit č. 2
HAIRDOS. Match the names of the following hairdos with the correct number in the picture below.
….bangs / fringe
…. hair-piece / toupee
….loose hair
1. Describe a hairstyle that you’d like to have.
2. What type of hat do you wear during the summer?
3. Pretend that you’d like to ask a penfriend travelling to New York to bring back for you a new sports
jacket and a pair of shoes. Explain to your friend what you want him to buy. Things are expensive
in New York, so make sure that he gets you exactly what you want.
4. Can you sew / knit / crochet? Do you just use a safety pin when a seam rips?
5. You are trying on a new pair of jeans. Describe how they fit.
JEWELLERY AND ORNAMENTS. Give the names of the following items of jewellery and ornaments.
1. _ _ _ o _ _
5. _ _ _ k _ _ _ _
2. _ _ r _ _ _ _
6. _ _ n _ _ _ _
3. _ _ _ _ e _ _ _
4. _ _ _ _
7. _ _ f _ _ _ _ _
8. _ _ _ p _ _
Pracovný zošit č. 3
Who influenced your values and how?
Try to characterize human relations in Slovakia (between neighbours, shop assistant /
customer, co-workers,...)
Are you satisfied with the relationships in your family? What would you like to change if
you could? How would your family be different? What aspects would you like to keep?
A friend in need is a friend in deed. Do you agree?
What are your parents’ fears for you?
Is it easy to teach values? Why? Why not?
List 5 things that you value the most in your life and match specific actions that you take that
express those values. Example: if you value good relationships with others, discuss what you do that
shows how you try to be friendly, helpful, …
Discuss how society (your parents, friends, church, community, TV, radio or newspapers)
influences in your values. Give some examples based on your experience.
Are these expressions showing positive or negative signals?
Your body language looks similar.
Your facial expressions match.
One of you is looking at the other while the other poses for the camera.
Your heads are touching or together.
There’s quite a space between you.
One of you is pushed to the back.
You’re dressed in a similar way.
You’re looking at one another rather than the camera.
You’re only together in a group shot.
Discuss how value decisions are influenced by money.
What’s your definition of a good relationship between classmates, parents, teachers and
students, and parents and their children?
How do relationships change as people get older? How are they different from, between
boys, girls at different ages?
Do you know any disabled people? How are the disabled treated where you live? Discuss the
attitudes of society towards the disabled – information is replacing ignorance, understanding is replacing
fear, practical help is replacing pity. In the past, society first saw the disability, then the person.
Today, they see the person before his disability.
Do you believe that any broken friendship can be fixed? Explain.
Compare how living with your peers would be different to living with your parents.
Describe the ideal relationship.
What values (e.g. responsibility, loyalty, sacrifice,…) do you admire most in people? What
other qualities or character traits do you respect or admire?
What values do you think your parents/ grandparents tried to place in you? Give examples of how
they tried to teach you that.
Complete the article below with the correct prepositions:
Early Sibling Relationships Influence Adult Behaviour
A new study suggests the relationship we have (1)______ our siblings during youth has a considerable
influence (2)______ our social and emotional development as adults.
Laurie Kramer, a University of Illinois researcher, says that although a parent’s influence on a child’s
development shouldn’t be underestimated, neither should a sibling’s. “What we learn from our parents
may overlap quite a bit (3)_______ what we learn from our siblings, but there may be some areas
(4)________which they differ significantly,” Kramer said. Parents are better (5) ________ teaching the
social niceties of more formal settings – (6) ___ example, how to act in public and how not to embarrass
oneself (7) _______ the dinner table.
But “siblings are closer (8) ________ the social environments that children find themselves (9) _____
during the majority of their day, which is why it’s important not to overlook the contributions that they
make on who we end up being,” Kramer said. “We know that having a positive relationship with siblings
is related (10) ____ a whole host of better outcomes for teenagers and adults,” Kramer added.
“A lot of current research looks (11) ______ how children learn undesirable behaviors like smoking,
drinking and other delinquent acts, from exposure (12) _____ an older sibling’s antisocial behaviors as
well as that of their sibling’s friends. “For example, a female teen is (13) _____ higher risk for getting
pregnant if her older sister was a teenage mother. Developing a better understanding of sibling influences
can help us design effective strategies (14) ______ protecting younger children in families.”
Variables such as gender and age difference don’t make much (15) ______ a difference between siblings.
“It’s not all that important whether you’re spaced closer together or farther apart, or if you have a brother
or a sister,” Kramer said.
“What’s really much more important are the social behaviors that children learn (16) _____ their early
years that they can use to develop a positive relationship (17) _______ a sibling. That’s why it’s important
for parents to encourage siblings to be engaged (18) _______ one another and develop a relationship
where there is mutual respect, cooperation and the ability to manage problems.”
Kramer said children who grow up as an only child are not necessarily less socially competent than
children who grow up (19) ________siblings, but they are more likely to have developed social skills
through friends (20) _______ opposed to brothers and sisters.
Complete the article below with the correct form of the verbs in brackets.
We must mend our love-hate relationship with Gypsies
Society (1) _________(love) Gypsies for their romance but loathes them if they come closer. We need a
new attitude to the Traveller community
Rats in Downing Street? After the rodents showed up on TV news film scuttling around the doors of
No.10, David Cameron's people mumbled about (2)_________(get) a cat – but a few days later
(3)__________(call) in the rat-catcher.
Queen Victoria would not have hesitated: at the first hint of rats she would have a flunky despatched to
fetch the rat-catcher pronto. One of her favourites was Matthias Cooper, a Gypsy – and he (4)
__________(not let) her down. Summoned one day to Windsor Castle, the Queen's main residence, he (5)
_________ (catch) 50 rats and excitedly spread them on the expensive carpet. Edward, Prince of Wales,
gave Cooper half a sovereign – a large sum at the time – for his work. Or perhaps it was to prevent further
carpet damage.
"Matty", as he (6) _____________(know), was part of a group of Romanies camped near Claremont
House in Esher, Surrey, where Victoria lived as a princess. She came to know the extended families of
Coopers, Scamps and Smiths well, making little trips (7) ____________ (take) clothes and food to their
tents, then (8) ___________(do) sketches and watercolours of them. It's all in her diaries of 1836 and
1837. On 1 January 1837, she wrote: "I must say that through what I (9) ____________(see) of their
characters they are a superior set of gypsies, full of respect, quiet, discerning and full of affection for one
another." The tone is approving enough to make Cooper's descendants so proud of the royal link that they
want (10) __________(erect) a memorial to "the royal rat-catcher", who lived into his 80s until he was hit
by a train in 1900.
The young Queen's comments, however, with her "superior set of gypsies", (11) ________ (imply) that
the usual set are not up to much. They typify society's appalling condescension to Gypsies: love them for
the excitement and mystery we see in them, loathe them if they try to come closer.
Contrast that with the loathing of Gypsies at Meriden in Warwickshire, a village often said to be at the
geographical heart of middle England. Attitudes fit neatly with the middle England concept: local people
(12) _______________________ (make) it clear for months that they'd like the Travellers to move off a
parcel of greenbelt land they are trying to build on – and never come back. This (13) ______________
(often, reflect) by the media.
A recent example comes from Robin Page, who (14) ___________ (write) a provocative countryside
column for the Daily Telegraph and, as a farmer, obviously merits respects as a rural commentator. His 28
January column includes an item on Gypsies: they "are the problem, those caravan dwellers who don't
travel, pay no rent, drive around with no vehicle licence or car insurance, and who know as much about
income tax as I do about algebra. They spend their time cruising around pinching whatever they can lay
their hands on." But wait, he's not against "real gypsies". "Indeed," he adds, "I (15)____________ (speak)
at a gypsy funeral and regularly attend Appleby Horse Fair."
His opinion is sadly no surprise: the noble Romany v phoney Gypsies concept (16) ___________ (be)
with us for centuries. In 1562 English legislators, (17) ___________ (worry) that Romanies were proving
resistant to deportation, brought in an act that would snare also "counterfeit Egiptians" – local people who
(18) ____________ (marry) into families of the pesky immigrants. The state was determined to clamp
down on everyone connected to Gypsies. It (19) ___________ (not succeed), but it may have helped to
create a literary genre. Later known as rogue literature, this rash of lurid pamphlets and books vilified and
at the same time glorified the exploits of Gypsies, who were said to have prodigious appetites for alcohol,
sex and deception.
Little (20) _____________ (change): we celebrate and condemn Romanies simultaneously. Queen
Victoria may (21)_____________ (have) a soft spot for Gypsies. But unless we somehow get rid of this
loathe-and-love-'em idea, it (22) _________________ (be) a while before they're welcomed into
anybody's castle.
(Adapted from http://www.guardian.co.uk/commentisfree/2011/feb/05/gypsies-society-travellercommunity)
Change the words in brackets into the correct form.
Men and Women Can't Be "Just Friends"
Researchers asked women and men "friends" what they really think—and got very different answers
By Adrian F. Ward
Daily experience suggests that non-romantic (1) _____________ (FRIEND) between males and females
are not only possible, but common—men and women live, work, and play side-by-side, and generally
seem to be able to avoid (2) _______________ (SPONTANEITY) sleeping together. However, new
research suggests that there may be some truth to the (3) ______________ (POSSIBLE) that we may
think we’re capable of being “just friends” with members of the opposite sex, but the opportunity (or
perceived opportunity) for “romance” is often lurking just around the corner, waiting to pounce at the
most inopportune moment.
The results suggest large gender differences in how men and women experience opposite-sex friendships.
Men were much more (4) _____________ (ATTRACT) to their female friends than vice versa. Men were
also more (5) ____________ (LIKE) than women to think that their opposite-sex friends were attracted to
them—a clearly misguided belief. In fact, men’s estimates of how attractive they were to their female
friends had virtually nothing to do with how these women actually felt, and almost everything to do with
how the men themselves felt—basically, males assumed that any romantic (6) ________________
(ATTRACT) they experienced was mutual, and were blind to the actual level of romantic interest felt by
their female friends. Women, too, were blind to the mindset of their opposite-sex friends; because females
generally were not attracted to their male friends, they assumed that this lack of attraction was mutual. As
a result, men consistently overestimated the level of attraction felt by their female friends and women
consistently underestimated the level of attraction felt by their male friends.
Men were also more (7) ______________ (WILL) to act on this mistakenly perceived mutual attraction.
Both men and women were equally attracted to (8) _______________ (ROMANTIC) involved oppositesex friends and those who were single; “hot” friends were hot and “not” friends were not, (9)
________________ (REGARD) of their relationship status. However, men and women differed in the
extent to which they saw attached friends as potential romantic partners. Although men were equally as
likely to desire “romantic dates” with “taken” friends as with single ones, women were sensitive to their
male friends’ relationship status and (10) ______________ (INTEREST) in pursuing those who were
already involved with someone else.
Pracovný zošit č. 4
Holidays and Feast Days
Easter Eggs- Complete the text with the correct form of the verbs in brackets:
The custom of _________ (GIVE) eggs at Easter celebrates new life. Christians remember that Jesus,
after __________ (DIE) on the cross, rose from the dead. This miracle _________ (SHOW) that life
could win over death.
For Christians the egg is a symbol of Jesus' resurrection, as when they ___________ (CRACK) open
they stand for the empty tomb. No-one actually _______ (KNOW) when eggs were first used as symbols
at festival times but it _______ (BE) long before Jesus' time. Eggs _______________ (ALWAYS,
THINK) to be special because although they do not seem alive, they have life within them especially at
springtime when chicks hatch out.
Long ago people ________ (GIVE) gifts of eggs carved from wood or precious stones. The first sweet
eggs that ___________ (EAT) were made in the last 100 years from sugar or marzipan. Since then
chocolate eggs _____________ (BECOME) popular and these are given on Easter Sunday.
In some countries parents tell their children the Easter Hare or Bunny __________ (HIDE) chocolate
eggs and they race to find them round the house or garden. Children in other countries decorate hard12
boiled eggs at Easter time by painting or __________ (DYE) them.
In some countries such as the United States egg rolling is a popular Easter game. This 13
________________ (USUALLY, DO) with coloured eggs. One of the most well- known events
_______ (HOLD) in America on the White House lawn. Children and parents
_______ (PUSH) the
eggs along through the grass with wooden spoons.
Christmas history in America : Complete the gaps with appropriate expressions. There is some help for
you in brackets:
th 1
In the early 17
________ (10 decades), a wave of religious reform changed the way Christmas was
celebrated in Europe. When ________ (his 1. name) Cromwell and his
Puritan forces took over England in 1645, they vowed to rid England of
decadence and, as part of their effort, cancelled Christmas. By popular
demand, Charles II was restored to the ________ (where kings sit) and,
with him, came the return of the popular holiday.
The pilgrims, English separatists that came to America in 1620, were even more orthodox in their Puritan
beliefs than Cromwell. As a result, Christmas was not a holiday in early America. From 1659 to 1681, the
celebration of Christmas was actually outlawed in Boston. Anyone exhibiting the Christmas spirit was
_______ (had to pay the penalty) five shillings. By contrast, in the Jamestown settlement, Captain John
Smith reported that Christmas was ________ (liked) by all and passed without incident.
After the American Revolution, English ________ (habits) fell out of favor,
including Christmas. In fact, Congress was in session on December 25, 1789, the
first Christmas under America’s new ___________ (the fundamental law).
Christmas wasn’t declared a federal holiday until June 26, 1870.
It wasn’t until the 19 century that Americans began to
_________ (eagerly
accept, hug) Christmas. Americans re-invented Christmas, and changed it from a raucous carnival holiday
into a family-centered day of _______ (opposite of war) and nostalgia. But what about the 1800s
peaked American interest in the holiday?
The early 19 century was a period of class conflict and turmoil. During this time,
_____________ (
the state of not having a job)was high and gang rioting by the disenchanted classes often occurred during
the Christmas season.
In 1828, the New York city council instituted the city’s first police force in response to a Christmas
______ (violent disturbance of the public peace). This catalyzed certain members of the upper classes to
begin to change the way Christmas was celebrated in America.
In 1819, best-selling author Washington Irving wrote The Sketchbook of Geoffrey Crayon, gent., a series
of stories about the celebration of Christmas in an English
__________ (the house of the lord). The
sketches feature a squire who invited the peasants into his home for the holiday. In contrast to the
problems faced in American society, the two groups mingled effortlessly. In Irving’s mind, Christmas
should be a peaceful, warm-hearted holiday bringing groups together across lines of wealth or social
Irving’s fictitious celebrants enjoyed “ancient customs,”
_________ (containing) the crowning of a
Lord of Misrule. Irving’s book, however, was not based on any holiday celebration he had attended—in
fact, many historians say that Irving’s account actually “invented” tradition by implying that it described
the true customs of the _________ (spring, summer, fall or winter).
Before the Civil War
The North and South were divided on the issue of Christmas, as well as on the question of __________
(practice of owning slaves). Many Northerners saw ____ (violation of religious or moral law) in the
celebration of Christmas; to these people the celebration of Thanksgiving was more appropriate. But in the
South, Christmas was an important part of the social season. Not surprisingly, the first three states to make
Christmas a legal holiday were in the South: Alabama in 1836, Louisiana and Arkansas in 1838.
In the years after the Civil War, Christmas traditions _______ (to cause to
become widely known) across the country. Children's books played an
important role in spreading the customs of celebrating Christmas, especially the
tradition of trimmed trees and ______ (presents) delivered by Santa Claus.
Sunday school classes encouraged the celebration of Christmas. Women's
magazines were also very important in suggesting ways to decorate for the
holidays, as well as how to make these __________ (ornaments).
By the last quarter of the nineteenth century, America eagerly decorated trees, caroled, baked, and
shopped for the Christmas season. Since that time, materialism, media, advertising, and mass marketing
has made Christmas what it is today. The __________ (customs, set practices) that we enjoy at
Christmas today were invented by blending together customs from many different countries into what
is considered by many to be our national holiday.
Valentine's Day in United States- Complete the gaps with appropriate forms of the words in brackets:
Valentine's Day is _________ (CELEBRATION) on February 14. It is a festival of romantic love and
many people give cards, letters, flowers or presents to their spouse or partner. They may also arrange a
________ (ROMANCE) meal in a restaurant or night in a hotel. Common symbols of Valentine's Day are
hearts, red roses and Cupid.
Many people celebrate their love for their partner by _______ (SEND) cards or letters, giving gifts or
flowers and arranging meals in restaurants or romantic nights in hotels. People who would like to have a
romantic relationship with somebody may use the occasion to make this _______ (KNOW), often
anonymously. Valentine's cards are often decorated with images of hearts, red roses or Cupid. Common
Valentine's Day gifts are flowers chocolates, candy, lingerie and champagne or ________ (SPARKLE)
wine. However, some people use the occasion to present lavish gifts, such as jewelry. Many restaurants
and hotels have special offers at this time. These can ________ (INCLUDING) romantic meals or
weekend breaks.
Valentine's Day is not a public holiday. Government offices, stores, schools and other organizations are
open as usual. Public transit systems run on their regular schedule. Restaurants may be ________
(BUSY) than usual as many people go out for an evening with their spouse or partner. Valentine's Day is
also a very popular date for weddings.
There are a number of Saints called Valentine who are _________ (HONOR) on February 14. The day
became associated with romantic love in the Middle Ages in England. This may have followed on from
the Pagan fertility festivals that were held all over Europe as the winter came to an end. Traditionally,
lovers exchanged __________ (HAND WRITE) notes. Commercial cards became available in the mid
nineteenth century.
The most common Valentine's Day symbols are the heart, particularly in reds and pinks, and pictures or
models of Cupid. Cupid is usually portrayed as a small
________ (WING) figure with a bow and
arrow. In mythology, he uses his arrow to strike the hearts of people. People who have fallen in love are
sometimes said to be 'struck by Cupid's arrow. Other symbols of Valentine's Day are couples in loving
embraces and the gifts of flowers, chocolate, red roses and lingerie that couples often give each other.
Trick-or-Treating – Complete the text with appropriate prepositions:
Trick-or-Treating hasn’t always been a part ___ Halloween celebrations. In fact, Halloween has only
been celebrated ___ the US for a relatively short time. Celebrating All Hallow’s Eve was a practice that
came over ___ the US with the first large wave of immigrants who came from Ireland, England and
Scotland. In some parts of these countries it was common ____ kids to go out “guising” on All Hallow’s
Eve to beg for food, money or other items. People who refused to give anything would sometimes find
chalk drawings ___ their doors the next morning or find they were the victims of other pranks. When
immigrants came to the US they brought their traditions with them and ___ all All Hallow’s Eve each
year in some immigrant communities it would be common to see small children, usually boys, with
makeup or soot on their faces or wearing crude masks made from bags going around begging ___
___ the early 1920s the young trendsetters were beginning to throw lavish Halloween parties and there
was renewed interest in “guising”. Stores started selling pre-made costumes that people could wear to
disguise themselves and indulge ___a little good natured Halloween fun. The 50s and 60s were the
decades when Trick-or-Treating became the important Halloween ritual they are today. Trick-or-Treating
became the focus
___ Halloween celebrations because going Trick-or-Treating was seen as a
wholesome activity
___ the whole family. Trick-or-Treating also became popular in the 50s and 60s
because that was when living in subdivisions and newly built suburban neighborhoods became popular.
Trick-or-Treating remained popular through the 70s and 80s but ___ the 90s the practice of Trick-orTreating began to change. Many different factors like the rise of people living in apartment buildings
instead __ free standing houses in suburban neighborhoods and the rise in non-traditional households
contributed __ the major changes that shaped Trick-or-Treating __ the end of the 90s. In order __
accommodate parents ____ busy schedules and in an effort to make Trick-or-Treating safer for kids it
was moved largely indoors. Malls began to open for specific Trick-or-Treating events where kids
costume could go to different stores to receive candy and coupons. These structured Halloween events
also usually feature games, activities, and clowns and other performers to make the event even more
special. Many neighborhoods have also designated special Trick-or-Treat hours to prevent a lot
Halloween mischief and help protect the safety __ Trick-or-Treaters.
Complete the crossword:
1) 14th February
4) 50 days after Easter
5) crucifixion of Jesus
6) 1st April
9) 5th November
10) biggest street festival in Europe
12) the day after Easter Sunday
12) Sunday of the Resurrection
14) Scots word for the last day of the year
2) the first day of the year
3) 1st May
7) biggest annual event in Ireland
8) the day before Ash Wednesday
11) 31st October
Pracovný zošit č.5
Gap filling - Complete each gap with ONE word.
The Education System in the USA
In the USA, children start school _________ they are five or six years old. Depending on the
state, schooling is compulsory until the age of 16 or 18. Children younger __________ five can
go to a nursery school or preschool. At the age of five or six, the children attend elementary
school (also known as grade school or grammar school), which __________ six years. The first
year at elementary school is called kindergarten. After elementary school, students attend middle
school (also known __________ junior high school) for three years. Then they continue at high
school. In some states, students have to stay in school until they are 18 years old. In other states
they may leave school at 16 or 17 __________ parental permission.
When students in _________ USA say what year they are in, they usually use ordinal numbers,
e. g. ‘tenth grade’. (In the UK students would use cardinal numbers, e. g. ‘year ten’.) At
elementary school there are about 20 to 30 pupils in one class.
At junior and senior high school, mandatory subjects are English, maths, biology, chemistry,
physics, physical education and history. Schools also offer __________ courses from which the
students can choose, e. g. art, modern languages, or computers. Physical education is a very
important subject in the United States – many students participate ________ sports programs.
Gifted and talented students can take advanced courses in their schools or attend additional
courses at community colleges in the afternoons or during the holidays. Often such courses are
later acknowledged ___________ universities, and can facilitate early graduation.
In the USA (as in other English speaking countries) letters instead of numbers are used in reports.
In general, only ___________ A to C are a 'pass' – a plus (+) or minus (-) might be added (e. g.
A-, B+). Most students in the USA are enrolled in public schools. These are financed through
taxes, so parents do not have to pay for their children's education. About 10 % of US students
attend private schools, where parents have to pay a yearly ___________. Another option is
homeschooling: approximately 1-2 % of parents in the USA educate their children at home.
Some reasons
___________ homeschooling are religious views, special needs (e. g.
handicapped children), or problems in traditional schools (bullying, drugs etc.). However, there is
also opposition ___________ homeschooling claiming that the students have difficulties
socializing with others, that homeschooling (often carried out by the parents) is of a poor
academic quality and that (especially concerning religion) extremist views might be encouraged.
It is not common _____________ students in the USA to wear school uniforms, but many
schools have dress codes telling students what kind of clothing is or is not allowed in school.
Some schools (especially private schools) have started to require their students to wear school
uniforms _____________ order to improve school discipline and avoid 'fashion cliques'.
For questions 1-10 choose the answer which best fits each numbered space and circle A,B,C
or D. There is an example at the beginning.
Benefits of studying in UK
So you want to study abroad? Good idea. But _0_ the right host country is probably the most
important decision you'll ever make, one that will affect the course of your personal and
professional life for many, many years. You'll be leaving your country for a new culture, a new way
of life, and new people. _1_ as important as the academic advantages of an international education
are the chances it offers to experience life abroad.
A study abroad education in UK, USA or Australia has always placed great
importance on the ability of students to work independently and develop their own thinking. The
end result is that students emerge _2_ an international education not only with a thorough
understanding of their subject but also with analytical abilities and problem-solving skills that are
much prized by employers in later life.
British Education is known all around the world for its quality. It teaches you skills that are relevant
and much sought-after by companies. British degrees are of variety, affordable, of highest quality
and give compact ability and respectability. UK _3_ international students for generations. In
British education importance is on independent work and to develop your own thinking. Classes
and lectures are often supplemented by small, informal group tutorials in _4_ students are free to
exchange ideas with their teachers.
A qualification from a UK institution is very prestigious, as standards are high at all levels. UK
universities and colleges offer a huge range of academic and vocational opportunities available _5_
all levels, from further to higher education. One of the most attractive features of studying in UK is
that it offers good value for money. Most undergraduate degrees take three years, making them
shorter than similar programmes in other countries and very cost-effective, although nowadays there
are two year degree programmes _6_ mostly by UK colleges. Some postgraduate degrees last only
one year (as opposed to two in other countries), which means you can finish your degree more
quickly and start earning more in the workforce.
The cost of an education in UK consists of two areas: course fees and living costs. Courses in UK
are often shorter, the total cost of study can be lower. Shorter courses also mean students can realise
their earning potential sooner than their counterparts elsewhere. All of which makes UK courses
better _7_ for money overall.
According to the British Council, the average costs for undergraduate courses (in 2009) range from
£8,000 to £17,000. Postgraduate courses cost £7,000 - £17,500 and MBA courses £6,000 £16,000.These UK course fees don't just cover lectures, seminars and practicals. You'll _8_ have
access to college libraries and data archives, extensive research resources, modern computer
facilities, science and practical laboratories, workshops equipped _9_ state-of-the-art equipment,
fantastic sports facilities, personal tutors and experienced, professional support services, leading
thinkers, practitioners, academics and researchers as well as music rooms, film and drama studios,
animation suites and other creative facilities.
The cost of living is not the same _10_ the country. The average annual costs of living for a typical
student in London are £7,200 (£800 per month) and £5,400 outside (£600 per month).
(Adapted from http://www.sundaytimes.lk/100509/Education/ed15.html)
A to choose
B choosing
C to chose
D chosing
A Almost
B However
C Despite
D Unless
A at
B for
C from
D since
A welcomes
B welcomed
C is welcoming
D has been welcoming
A what
B which
C that
D whose
A to
B on
C at
D in
A offered
B available
C accessible
D ready
A price
B amount
C prize
D value
A too
B also
C neither
D either
A on
B in
C from
D with
A throughout
B over
C in
D on
British Schools Put Cameras in Toilets (14th September, 2012)
Over 200 schools in England, Scotland and Wales have (1) ____ video cameras in their toilets,
locker rooms and (2) ____ rooms. The schools said they want to keep their children safe (3) ____
bullying, knife and gun crime, and drugs. There is now a total of 825 cameras operating in 207
schools. Siobhan Freegard, (4) ____ -founder of parenting website NetMums, said: "I think
everybody realises that this…is in the open areas...where a lot of bullying and difficult behaviour
(5) ____ place…An area where teachers are not (6) ____ to be."
Big Brother Watch, a human (7) ____ group, is worried that the privacy of students is not being
protected. It said: "Schools need to come (8) ____ about why they are using these cameras and
what is happening to the (9) ____." One school head told parents they have no need to worry. She
said: "The images are not looked at (10) ____ there has been a reported problem, and all images
are (11) ____ after a maximum of 30 days." In Britain, all schools using CCTV must (12) ____
the rules in the Data Protection Act.
Put the correct words from this table into the article.
Education Helps Keep Blood Pressure Down- Match the following
A new (1) ____ shows that staying in education for a long time helps blood pressure. Scientists
have found a link between the number of years spent studying and (2) ____ blood pressure. The
research looked at data from 4,000 people in the USA. They found that (3) ____ who had a
university education had lower blood pressure (4) ____ people who did not enter higher
education. Study leader Eric Loucks said people who left school (5) ____ were more likely to
have a stressful job and low income. He said both these things contributed (6) ____ stress.
Many people think it is more stressful to stay (7) ____ in education. University exams are famous
for causing students lots of stress. It also (8) ____ strange that people with university degrees
have lower blood pressure than those without. Graduates usually become managers in companies,
or teachers and those (9) ____ are very stressful. The report looked (10) ____ blood pressure
levels at the end of a 30-year period. It (11) ____ be that people who were in education longer
were richer and had a better standard of living. Money worries often (12) ____ lots of stress.
Put the correct words from this table into the article.
going to
Teacher Has Camera in Back of Head - Match the following phrases.
Teachers have always wanted (1) ____ in the back of their heads. One professor is now a step
closer to making that a (2) ____. Wafaa Bilal, a photography lecturer from New York’s Tisch
School of the Arts, has had a camera installed in the back of his head. It is (3) ____ of an art
project called “The 3rd I” from the Mathaf Arab Museum of Modern Art in Doha, Qatar. The
camera will take a (4) ____ shot every minute for one year of Professor Bilal's everyday (5)
____. Bilal said: "I see myself (6) ____ a mirror reflecting some of the social conditions that we
This project seems (7) ____ interesting, but it does raise questions about privacy. Many people
will not want the photos taken by Professor Bilal’s camera to be put (8) ____. The question of
having cameras in the classroom is also a sensitive (9) ____. His university has told students their
teacher will need to cover the camera lens while he is teaching. A school spokesman said: “We
(10) ____ seriously the privacy issues his project (11) ____.” Bilal’s work should result in
525,600 photos, if he takes one a minute. Maybe this idea will catch (12) ____ and we will all
have head cameras one day.
Put the correct words from this table into the article.
Complete the sentences with the verbs given in brackets. Use any appropriate tense or
other verb form. There is an example for you. Write your answers in the space provided.
Dear Richard!
Thank you very much for your letter and the beautiful pictures which I _0___(just,
receive). Excuse me for ___1___ (not, write) to you for such a long time, but I __2__ (be) very
busy ___3___ (prepare) for my school-leaving exam, which I ___4___ (pass) two weeks ago.
The examination was not as difficult as I __5__ (expect). To be honest, I __6___ (not,
study) too much for it. My next exam ____7____ (be) the university entrance exam in two weeks
time. I____8___ (already, borrow) a lot of different books from the library and started ___9__
(study) with my girlfriend who is very good at history. I hope that I ___10___ (do) well on the
test and I’ll __11__ (accept) to study my favourite subject. As soon as I __12___ (get) the results,
I’ll let you ___13__ (know).
How was your holiday? The pictures are really very nice. If I hadn’t had to study so much,
I ___14___ (come) with you and spent a nice week ____15____ (visit) different historic sights.
I’m planning ____16_____ (travel) to the seaside with my friend this summer, but we ___17____
(not, decide) where __18_____ (go).
That’s all for the time being, it’s already 11 p.m. and I ___19____ (get) very tired.
Looking forward to ____20_____ (hear) from you,
have just received
Complete the sentences with the verbs given in brackets. Use any appropriate tense or other
verb form. There is an example for you. Write your answers in the space provided.
I was a bit late for class one day and by the time I got there, most people were already in,
except the teacher. When I __0__ (walk) through the door, everyone started sniggering and
Wendy, who __1__ (stand) at the board, quickly turned it round when she saw me __2__(come).
I knew she __3__ (write) something about me and I walked over, whirled the board
around and read – “Carol is mental”.
Everyone was laughing at me. I quickly rubbed out what was there and, in a fury, hurled
the board round. But I whacked it so hard, it tipped up a bit and hit Wendy on the head. She fell
down on the floor and __4__ (lie) there totally still. There was a huge gash in her head which
__5__ (bleed) so much that I felt a bit faint. I just stood there, then someone started going on at
me, __6__ (say) it looked like Wendy was really badly hurt. My friend Susan __7__ (run) to get a
teacher. The teacher __8__ (take) one look at Wendy and ordered someone to go to the head’s
office and call for an ambulance.
Once Wendy was gone, the teacher __9__ (leave) the room. At first everyone was pretty
quiet, but slowly they started to tell me what they __10__ (think) of me. By this time, the teacher
__11__ (come) back and __12__ (stand) listening at the door. But then she came over to me,
__13__ (calm) everyone down and __14__ (take) me outside. She asked what __15__ (happen)
and I started telling her. But she didn’t have much sympathy for me. She told me what I __16__
(do) to Wendy __17__ (be) serious enough, but then she added that if what she __18__ (hear)
back in the classroom __19__ (be) true, then I __20__ have a serious problem. Adopted from:
Shout Magazine, March 1998
For questions 1-15, read the text below and think of the word which best fits each space.
Use only ONE word in the space provided. There is an example.
Hands __0__ if you didn’t want to come to school today. And now, how many of you __1__ said
that school is boring? Your daily dose of teachers and homework may seem awful, but imagine
__2__ denied all chance of an education. Consider facing a life deprived __3__ the ability to
read, write or do simple sums.
This is the likely future of nearly 120 million primary-aged children worldwide __4__ have never
been to school. And it __5__ calculated that further 150 million __6__ do start lesson will __7__
to drop out before they really learnt anything. Next week the Global Campaign for Education is
highlighting this problem during a week of action when ordinary people are __8__ asked to put
pressure __9__ politicians across the world to ensure education __10__ all children by 2015.
That’s the promise that 180 governments signed up to at the World Education Conference two
years ago in Dakar. Charities that focus __11__ developing countries are concerned that __12__
signs of this goal being achieved are __13__ far not good. They are worried that this undertaking
__14__ fall short in the way a previous one did: in 1990 at a conference in Thailand universal
primary education __15__ promised by 2000.
Adopted from the Guardian Education, 16 April 2002
Pracovný zošit č. 6
1. Why do people travel?
2. What are the advantages and disadvantages of traveling by bus / train / plane?
3. Which means of transport do you prefer using to get to your holiday destination and why?
4. What was the longest journey you have ever made? Describe it.
5. How do you travel to school?
6. How can the accident rate on the roads be reduced?
7. Many cities protect their historical buildings by setting up pedestrian zones where cars are
not allowed. What do you think about this idea?
8. What do you think about cycling trips?
9. Many people consider riding a motorbike to be very dangerous. What do you think?
10. Many people think that traveling to exotic countries might be very dangerous to their health.
Describe how to protect yourself when you go on holiday.
11. What would you take with you if you traveled to an exotic country?
12. Describe how you prepare for your holiday.
13. How do you protect your property when you go on a holiday?
14. What may be the advantages / disadvantages of going on holiday abroad by car?
15. Imagine you were a witness of a car accident in which one person was badly hurt. What would you
do? Would you be able to give first aid?
16. Have you ever flown? If so, describe your flight. If not, describe your expectations.
17. What would you do if you missed your flight abroad?
18. What do you think about safety precautions before flying? (things like no scissors,…)
19. Are you satisfied with the services provided by tourist agencies in Slovakia?
20. Do you prefer traveling with a travel agency or do you organize holidays yourself?
21. Compare staying in a tent with staying in a cottage.
22. Do you like organized holidays (e.g. staying in a hotel) or do you prefer being on your own (e.g.
staying in a tent)? What are the advantages and disadvantages of going on a package holiday and
a self-catering holiday?
23. Describe your dream hotel.
24. There are a lot of competitions in which you may win a holiday trip if you fill in a coupon and send
it to a newspaper. Have you ever tried it?
25. What might attract people to go to spend some time in a jungle? / visiting the ruins of castles and
monasteries? / taking a cable car up a mountain? / watching a volcanic eruption?
Discuss the following ideas
A package holiday is more comfortable than camping but camping is more romantic and adventurous.
Buying timeshares is a way people can spend their holidays in the same hotel each year because they
become part owners and it is theirs to use at a certain time. Agree or disagree.
Roleplay 1
A Sunspot Travel newspaper advert had a last-minute holiday to Turkey for $300. This was a mistake - it
should have been $800.
Role A: You work for Sunspot Travel. You are very tired. You have worked hard all day because many
customers were asking about these last-minute trips. You should offer the customer a different holiday
for $300.
Role B: You want to buy the trip to Turkey for $300. You get very angry when you find out about the
mistake - $800 is too much for you. But still you want to go on holiday. Ask the travel agent for the
other alternatives.
Roleplay 2
A: You class is planning a five-day trip to London. Go to the travel agency, talk to the travel agent
and find out the following information: transport, accommodation, food, insurance.
B: You work at a travel agency. Talk to the client and give information about trips to London you offer
(package holidays, language courses and individual trips).
Write a letter to your friend (180 – 200 words) describing the best / worst holiday you have had so far.
Include the details of your journey to the place of your holiday, facilities the place has got, what you
liked / disliked about the place.
Essay – Why and how do people travel?
- compare all means of transportation and point out the advantages and disadvantages
- comment the public / local means of transportation
- what accidents may happen on the road, on the sea and in the air? Give 5 pieces of advice for safe
- what does a journey by train or plane include?
- Talk about yourself as a passenger (what country would you like to visit? How and why? What would
your dream holidays look like? Why are there travel agencies and what can they arrange for us?)
Choose the best word flight, journey, trip, travel or voyage to fit these gaps:
1. Mark would love to ………………….. round the world in a balloon.
2. The Titanic sank on its maiden …………………. .
3. How long does the …………………. from Prague to Dublin take?
4. My hobbies are reading, tennis and …………………….. .
5. When they were in Paris they took a …………………….. to see the Eiffel Tower.
6. Getting from Košice to Prague involves and overnight train ………………………… .
Fill in the blanks with appropriate words.
Yesterday Jack was supposed to take a (1) __________________ from London to Paris. He got up very
early, put his luggage in the (2) _______________ of his car and tried to start the engine. It wouldn’t start.
Jack lifted the (3) ________________ but he couldn’t see what the matter could be. He immediately
called his local (4) _________________ to ask them to send a (5) ________________ at once.
Fortunately, the garage had a man free and he was with Jack within fifteen minutes. He quickly saw what
the matter was. “You’ve (6) ________________ of petrol,” he said. Jack felt very foolish. “Why didn’t I
(7) _________________ everything last night?” he wondered. Despite all this, he got to the airport,
checked in quite early and then went straight to the (8) ________________ to read a newspaper while he
waited. Soon he heard an announcement. “Passengers on flight BA 752 to Paris are informed that all
flights to and from Paris are (9) _______________ because of a storm.” “If only I had decided to go by
(10) _________________,” Jack thought. “It would probably have been quicker in the end and even if I
sometimes feel sick on the (11) _____________, it can be quite pleasant sitting in a (12)
_______________ on the deck, watching the seagulls and the other (13) ______________. The (14)
______________ on a ship seem to produce much better food than those on an aircraft too.”
Gap filling- Complete the column on the right with appropriate words / phrases.
At the airport
1. Most big airports have several different buildings called
2. Passengers leave from Departures and arrive at
3. Two general words for bags and suitcases are
/ __________________
4. When you arrive at the airport, you go to
to get your boarding pass.
5. Before you get on the plane you have to show identification at
and go through security.
6. After you have arrived you go to baggage reclaim to
7. When you go through
your luggage.
, you may be asked,
“Do you have anything to declare?”
8. A person whose job is to carry your bags for you is called a
9. Ryanair and easyJet were two of the first low-cost
On the plane
10. The pilots and other people who work in the plane are the (air)
11. The people who have paid to travel in a plane are
12. The person who looks after you during a flight is the
13. You can usually ask for a window or aisle
14. The noun from the verb fly is
15. When a plane is going up into the sky it is
16. When a plane is coming down from the air it is
Match the indicated parts of the aircraft with their names: rudder, wing, fuselage, cockpit, nose,
Complete the sentences below with the best answer:
1. During rush hour, there are so many people on the train that all of the seats are taken, so it's
______________ if you want to ride.
A. empty
B. fare
C. standing room only
2. The conductor just made ______________ that the train would be delayed for about 15 minutes due to
an accident.
A. an announcement
B. a reservation
C. a train pass
3. These seats are reserved for senior citizens and the physically impaired, so you might have to
___________ your seat if needed.
A. take
B. give up
C. remove
Reserving a seat at the train station- Complete the dialogue below:
Customer: I’d like a (1) ___________ to London please.
Sales Person: Okay, when for?
Customer: (2) _____________________.
Sales Person: (3) ________________ or return?
Customer: (4) ______________, please.
Sales Person: For how many people?
Customer: (5) _______________.
Sales Person: Smoking or (6) ________________?
Customer: (7) _______________.
Sales Person: What time would you like to go?
Customer: (8) __________________.
Sales Person: Is (9)___________a.m. okay?
Customer: (10) ____________________. (Ask about the price)(11)__________________________?
Sales Person: That will be £ (12)_______. How would you like to pay, (13)_________ or credit card?
Customer: (14) _________________________.
Sales Person: OK, here is your ticket.
Customer: Which (15) _____________________ is it?
Sales Person: Number 2 over there.
Customer: Thank you very much. Goodbye!
Sales Person: Goodbye!
Complete the sentences with so, such, or such a:
1. The flight was _____________ long that I got really bored.
2. I had _____________ noisy child sitting beside me that I couldn’t sleep at all.
3. There was _____________ long delay because of fog that we had to sleep at the airport.
4. My suitcase was _____________ heavy that I had to pay excess baggage.
5. I slept _____________ badly in the plane that it took me two days to recover.
6. We were served _____________ terrible food that I couldn’t eat a thing.
7. There were _____________ many people at check-in that we had to queue for an hour.
Match the indicated parts of the ship with their names: anchor, bow, funnel, stern, mast
Match the indicated parts of the car with their names: boot, tyre, bonnet, engine
Match the indicated parts of the bicycle with their names: stem, saddle, chain, hub, brakes, frame,
spokes, fork, crank, rim
Pracovný zošit č. 7
HOLIDAY OF MY DREAMS-Name the places and types of holiday can you see in the pictures
and match them with their definitions.
1. Camp-site
a) accommodation like a hotel but cheaper and with fewer
Picture no.
2. Safari
b) a holiday in which you pay for travel, accommodation and
food in advance
Picture no.
3. Guesthouse
c) a place where you can pitch a tent or part a caravan
Picture no.
4. Youth hostel
d) a flat which you rent; you cook for yourself
Picture no.
5. Hiking
e) a holiday spent touring on a boat, stopping off to go sightseeing at different ports
Picture no.
6. Package
f) an overland expedition, especially one for hunting or
exploring in eastern Africa
Picture no.
7. Cruise
g) cheap accommodation, mainly for young people, with
more people sleeping in bunk beds in one room
Picture no.
8. Self-catering
h) going on an extended for pleasure or exercise
Picture no.
Gap filling- Complete the sentences with the words from the box. There is some help in the brackets.
1. As soon as we got to the camp site we ______________ (put up) our tent.
2. At the youth hostel my cousin insisted on sleeping in the top ______________ (upper bed).
3. They stayed in a nice little ______________ (cottage) at a holiday camp with two bedrooms and
its own living area.
4. This hotel offers you unsurpassed _______________ (superiority of kind) for unbeatable prices.
5. Take a memorable cruise along the _______________ (awesome in size or extent) river Nile.
6. Visitors to our hotel have _________________ (excluding) access to our own private beach.
7. Experienced skiers can try the most breath-taking of _________________(hills).
8. Be thrilled by visiting the castle of the ________________ (famous, well-known) Count Dracula.
There are five mistakes in the paragraph below. Underline and correct them.
We stayed at a camping in July because all other kinds of holiday accommodations were too expensive for
us. Every day my sister had a sunbath, I made a sightseeing and my parents travelled around. One day we
made an excursion to a local castle.
Things to Consider when Staying in a Foreign Country- Complete the text with appropriate forms of
the verbs in brackets:
Each year, there ___________ hundreds of thousands of tourists in any given foreign country. People love
vacationing to different countries to experience something new. For some people, it _____________
as their dream vacation come true. On the other hand, a handful of people will experience a downright
horrible experience for one reason or another. There are plenty of things you need to take into
consideration when vacationing in a foreign country, and some of these things _________________ by
even the smartest of travelers. Hopefully, you won't make some of the worst mistakes that travelers and
tourists do, but it can happen. Here are some things _______________ when staying in a foreign
1. You need to know everything you can about the city or cities you'll be staying in. Obviously, some
cities are more dangerous than others. Each city will have its own area that is considered the worst area for
tourists, not referring to tourist traps where travelers buy things they don't need. The chances of
______________ or worse are much higher for tourists in foreign areas than for the local population,
especially in "tourist cities". Make sure that you are aware of all of the following locations and areas in the
foreign city you ______________: Your Embassy (if one exists), Your Hotel, Safe Tourist Areas, Areas
Tourists Should Avoid, Local Police Station
2. When you travel abroad, you need to know a little bit about the local population. You don't want to
upset everyone you encounter because you _____________ the customs of the region. Of course, you
___________________learn every custom, but that's not a huge issue. Check out crime rates throughout
the region you are staying in and pay close attention to theft rates with regards to tourists. Without a
doubt, tourists usually stand out in foreign countries and are prime targets for thieves.
3. Always be aware of the foreign exchange rates when you go on a vacation. Make sure that you
____________ the exchange rate each day because it can fluctuate. You could simply exchange all the
money you plan on spending before you travel or after you ____________ in the city. Either way, you
need to be aware of how much you want to spend in your currency and then know how much that
translates to in the foreign country. If you don't plan ahead, then you could possibly end up spending
hundreds more than you originally planned.
4. Are you staying in a house, hostel, or hotel? Obviously, each one is different, but most people end up
staying in hotels when they travel abroad for a simple vacation. You
____________ to get some
information on the hotel you're staying at to make sure that your experience will be enjoyable. Look up
some traveler reviews on different websites. Just make sure that you
____________ in a place that is
safe for tourists, friendly, and honest. Also, get an idea of what restaurants and other things are available
in or around your hotel.
5. In the foreign country, you
_________________ around by public transportation of some kind or
you'll rent your own vehicle. Always be aware of the traffic rules in another country if you'll be doing the
driving because driving on the wrong side of the road is a stupid reason to die. Never ________
unlicensed taxis because the driver could be anyone, including a thief or something worse - stick to
licensed taxis. Being cautious and aware can save yourself a bunch of problems during your vacation.
6. Always be way of foreign water from the tap because it could send you to the hospital. No, that
_______________ that the foreigners are trying to poison you, but different countries treat their waters
with different chemicals. Just because the local population can drink the water does not mean that you can
too. You should always research the local waters to know if they _______ safe for tourists. To stay on
the safe side, you can simply drink bottled water at all times or order something that isn't water.
7. Do your best to look like a local person. You should adhere to the "dress code" of the region you are in.
For instance, you wouldn't walk around in a bikini in the Middle East. Take a look at how everyone
__________ in the country or city you are visiting and try to match their dress. You don't have to blend in
completely, but you should at least give a person the impression that you aren't a tourist. In foreign
countries, tourists are always the target of thieves, so you're doing yourself a favor by dressing like a local
person. Also, you need to follow the "dress code" in a foreign country _________ making local people
8. You ________________ to learn the language of the foreign country you are visiting but you should
at least learn a few phrases, assuming that the area you are visiting isn't English-speaking. Just learn how
to do basic greetings and ask basic questions. Fortunately, a city that has many tourists usually has many
individuals that can speak broken English. These people will know enough to at least help you get
somewhere or order something to eat. This situation
________ frequently in northern Mexico and
Eastern Europe. Of course, you'll need to do some new language learning if you aren't visiting an area in
these regions. Just learn enough to get around the city and take care of yourself in case of an emergency.
You should be taking a vacation to enjoy yourself, so don't fret too much about the details. Honestly, you
don't need to know every single thing about the area you are visiting, but you should have some basic
knowledge about the area, people, customs, and language. Just ______________ to a foreign country
without doing any bit of research or you could find yourself in some trouble. In the end, you should just
have fun on your vacation in a foreign country!
Complete the CONVERSATION AT THE TRAVEL AGENCY. Then act out the dialogue in pairs:
Travel agent: Good morning. Can I help you?
Customer: Yes, we´d like to book a holiday in ___________, please.
Travel agent: How long do you want to go for?
Customer: ___________.
Travel agent: I see. We have some choices for you. First is _______, second ________.
Customer: Could you please tell me the prices of those journeys ?
Travel agent: Yes, of course. The 1 costs ____________________, the 2
is _____________________________ .
Customer: Is the food included in price?
Travel agent: ______________________________.
Customer: And what about accommodation?
Travel agent: ________________________.
Customer: I see. I choose _______________.
Travel agent: Ok. So, when do you want to go?
Customer: On
Travel agent: And how many people will there be?
Travel agent: How do you wish to travel, by air or by coach, or do you want to take the train?
Customer: Oh, I think by
Travel agent: Could I just have your name, please?
Customer: Yes, it´s
…(say your name)…/ My name is ………….
Travel agent: Thank you for choosing us. I will inform you about details of the journey as soon
as possible.
Customer: Ok. Thanks a lot. See you later.
Travel agent: Wish you a good journey !
Pracovný zošit č. 8
Name different parts of the human body.
Name different internal organs and skeleton.
Fill in the blanks with the words below. You may need to change the form of the words. Each word can
be used only once.
practice preventive
General Dental Practice
General dental ____________ includes mouth examination, diagnosis, treatment, and prevention
of __________ . The ____________ frequently uses X-rays and other __________ to ensure correct
diagnosis and _____________ .
Treatment may include filling _____________ , removing the _____________ of teeth, treating
disease of the ____________ , removing _____________ , and replacing ______________ teeth with
bridges and __________ . Anesthesia is often used in any treatment that might cause ___________ .
Teeth may be __________ with amalgam, or _____________ .
Perhaps one of the most important parts of a dentist’s work is ____________ dentistry. If a dentist
___________ a patient’s teeth at regular ___________ , he may find and ___________ a disease before it
becomes serious.
The following problems and pieces of advice have got all mixed up. Can you match them correctly?
1. I keep getting headaches.a) Good, you needn’t come back for a month.
2. I can’t get into my clothes.
b) You really must stop smoking.
3. I can’t sleep at night.
c) Perhaps you should have an eye test.
4. My eyes are often sore
d) You ought to do more exercise – it’s very relaxing.
and I sneeze a lot.
5. I’m going to Nepal on business.
e) You’ll have to have a few injections.
6. I’ve got a bad stomach.
f) You shouldn’t eat so much fried food.
7. I feel much better now, doctor.
g) You really must lose some weight.
8. I’ve got a terrible cough.
h) You should have some allergy tests.
Symptoms- Match the symptoms with the explanation what caused them.
Why are you sneezing? a. I’m terrified by this story.
Why are you crying?
b. I’ve cut myself with a bread-knife.
Why are you yawning? c. I’m bored with this lecture.
Why are you coughing? d. Cigarette smoke irritates my throat.
Why are you bleeding? e. You are hurting me.
Why are you sweating? f. I have a bad cold.
Why are you shivering? g. I’m very cold.
Why are you shaking? h. I must have eaten some bad food.
Why are you vomiting? i. It’s too warm in here.
BODY. Match the Slovak names of the parts of the body with their English counterparts.
1. bile duct
a) hrubé črevo
2. bladder
b) chrbtica
3. gall bladder
c) hrtan
4. large intestine
d) panva
5. larynx
e) močový mechúr
6. pancreas
f) žlčovod
7. pelvis
g) slezina
8. spine
h) priedušnica
9. spleen
i) pankreas
j) žlčník
Each of the ten words below are regularly used to describe an action or gesture made with a part of
the body. Write which.
1. blink
3. cross
5. nod
7. point
2. clench
4. fold
6. stick out
8. shrug 10. stamp
9. snap
Complete the sentences:
1. We have ten _________ on our hands and ten ________ on our feet.
2. The function of the heart is to enable the _________ to circulate.
3. The ____________ is used for digesting food.
4. The flesh your teeth grow from is your _________ .
5. Do you wear your watch on your right ___________ because you are left-handed?
6. A bear crushed him and cracked several of his _________ .
7. With the help of our ___________ we are able to speak and eat.
8. Our _________ enables us to think.
9. At first she thought the boy had a high temperature, but when she put her hand on his
______________ to make sure, she found it was cold.
10. I dropped a heavy box on my ___________ and broke one of my toes.
DISEASES. Give the Slovak names of the following diseases.
7. hepatitis
8. influenza
9. leukemia
chicken pox
10. measles
11. pneumonia
hay fever
12. tuberculosis
Fill in the blank with the right word from the list:
Treatment of a Minor Injury
__________ the wound thoroughly and apply an ____________ to counteract germs which spread
___________ . Otherwise the wound may _________ . Sticking ___________ may be applied or the
___________ may be bandaged. __________ may be smeared over the ___________ .
DRUGS. In most cases drugs are:
taken by mouth
injected into the body
applied to the body surface
Divide the following items into the 3 groups:
powder serum
The following are terms referring to some types of diseases. Match the types with their definitions:
a. indicating hypersensitivity to particular foods, insect stings
b. caused by mental stress
c. coming sharply to a crisis
d. lasting for a long time
e. due to disturbances in anabolic and catabolic processes
f. transmitted genetically from parent to child
g. caused by improper diet
h. spread by bacteria or viruses
i. present from or before birth
j. spreading by physical contact
Fill in the blanks.
He often _ _ _ _ _ r _ from bronchitis/
That’s right, darling. Mummy’s got a fat tummy because she’s _ _ _ g _ _ _ _ .
She is colour-blind, which means that she can’t _ _ _ _ _ n _ _ _ _ _ between colours.
I am allergic to this kind of pollen. I start _ _ _ e _ _ _ _ any time it gets into my nose.
She is not coming today. She has got a _ _ _ cold.
Please don’t cough all over everyone! Your cold may be _ _ _ _ _ t _ _ _ _ .
The epidemic seems to by dying out: only four _ _ _ e _ of bird flu were reported.
The illness from which Alice is suffering has now been _ i _ _ _ _ _ _ _ as pneumonia.
I have a sore _ _ _ o _ _ ; perhaps I smoked too many cigarettes yesterday.
I am very _ _ _ i _ _ _ about her health. She seems so weak and has a high temperature.
INJURIES. Match the name with an explanation:
This BITE on my leg
6. This SCAR on my belly
These BLISTERS on my feet
7. This SCRATCH on my arm
This BRUISE on my eyelid
8. These SPOTS on my cheeks
This CUT on my thumb
9. This STING on my chin
This GRAZE on my knee
I got when I
a. was operated on for appendicitis
b. went on a walking tour in too tight shoes
c. was hit by my friend during our quarrel
d. fell down while running
e. suffered from measles
f. was cutting onions with a sharp knife
g. was attacked by a fierce dog
h. was playing with my cat
i. went to take some honey from the beehive
Complete the sentences with a preposition:
My wife complained that something was wrong ________ her. She said she had a pain _______ her
back and that she suffered ________ bad headaches. As she was getting worse and worse I sent _______
a doctor. Immediately afterwards she was taken ________ hospital. Yesterday she was operated ______
. Now she feels much better.
Fill in the English translation of the word(s) in brackets:
Diane was seriously ill some time ago. She is till weak but her health is _______________
(zlepšovať) rapidly and no doubt she will be all right soon.
I really admire him for the patience and the calm with which he ___________ ( nesie) his terrible illness.
I know he must suffer.
His injuries are so serious that he may ___________ ( ostať) an invalid for the rest of his life.
He eyesight is poor, so he has to wear _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ .( okuliare)
She decided not to marry and to _ _ _ _ _ _ ( venovať )her whole life to helping the mentally retarded.
I have recently read about a youth who _____________ ( zachrániť ) four children from drowning.
The dentist uses a ____________ ( vŕtačka ) to cut into your teeth.
I went to the doctor about my cough and he prescribed some ______________ ( tabletky na cmúľanie).
It was quite a bad cut and it was bleeding, so I put on a _____________ (obväz).
I hurt my wrist yesterday playing football and today it’s _____________ (opuchnutý).
I think he has fainted! Quick, someone, call an ____________ ( sanitka).
There is nothing a doctor can do about the common cold, there’s no known _______________ ( liek).
SPECIALISTS. Give the name of the person defined below:
1. a family doctor
p_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ er
2. someone who looks after sick people in hospital
3. sick person who has to stay in hospital
4. sick person who has to visit hospital regularly for treatment o _ _ - _ _ _ _ _ _ _
5. someone who operates on sick people _ _ _ _ _ o _
6. person badly injured in an accident, fire, war
7. person who helps at the birth of a baby
8. person who specializes in one area of medicine _ p _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
SYMPTOMS. Choose the correct form.
The clinical thermometer is used (for, to) measuring (body’s, body) temperature. It (consists of, contains,
includes) a tube made (from, of, with ) glass, which (comprises, contains, consists of) a certain (amount,
number) of mercury. When the mercury is ( hot, heated), it ( expands, extends, increases) and (raises,
rises) up the tube, which is graduated in degrees Fahrenheit or Centigrade ( according, depending) on the
country of manufacture.
Answer the following questions:
How do you take care of your health?
What’s the definition of health?
Why has health become an international issue?
What’s the programme of the World Health Organization?
Do you go for regular medical check-ups?
Why is sufficient sleep important for our body?
Name some alternative medicine and explain how it works.
Where can you find these patients? Match the patients with the correct wards or departments.
1. Intensive Care Unit
2. Casualty and Emergency Department
3. Paediatric Unit
4. Maternity Unit
5. Orthopaedic Ward
6. Surgical Ward
7. Geriatric Ward
8. Ophthalmic Ward
9. Gynaecological Ward
a) Lucy who has just had a baby
b) Jack who has broken his leg
c) My grandfather who is suffering from pneumonia complications
d) Paul who will have his appendix removed
e) Jane’s mother who is suffering from women’s disease
f) My aunt who will be operated on for an eye cataract
g) Bill who is unconscious
h) Jim who has just been in a car crash
Your daughter who has measles
Some of these words look so much alike that we often confuse them. See if you can get them straight. Here
are some specialists with brief descriptions of their specialties. Check the one correct title that fits the
description in each space.
1. He treats children’s diseases.
a. orthopaedist
b. pediatrician
c. pathologist
2. He corrects deformities of the body.
a. gynaecologist b. orthopaedist
c. pathologist
3. He straightens crooked teeth.
a. orthodontist
b. orthopaedist
c. pathologist
4. He is a medical doctor who specializes in diseases of the eye.
a. oculist
b. optician
c. orthopaedist
5. He makes your eyeglasses.
a. oculist
b. orthopaedist
c. optician
6. He specializes in disorders of the mind.
a. intern
b. psychiatrist
c. physioterapist
7. He treats diseases by electricity.
a. pathologist
b. physiotherapist
c. psychologist
8. His specialty is taking and interpreting X rays.
a. gynaecologist b. neurologist
c. radiologist
9. He specializes in diseases of the nervous system.
a. cardiologist
b. dermatologist c. neurologist
10. He treats diseases of old age.
a. cardiologist
b. geriatrician
c. pediatrician
11. He specializes in skin diseases.
a. dermatologist b. geriatrician
c. pathologist
12. He brings children into the world.
a. gynaecologist b. obstetrician
c. pediatrician
Complete the dialogue at the doctor’s:
Doctor: What seems to be the problem?
Patient: ……………………………………………………………………………………….
Doctor: (Ask how long it has been going on.)………………………………………………...?
Patient: ………………………………………………………………………………………….
Doctor: Well let’s take your temperature and blood pressure and see how they are. Now, take off
your shirt. Take a deep breath. Open your mouth and say AH.
Patient: ………………………………………………………………………………………….?
Doctor: No, it is nothing serious. You have a slightly higher temperature now, but your blood pressure and
pulse are normal. It seems it’s just a tonsillitis.
Doctor: It will be better if you stay at home for a couple of days and I’ll prescribe some medicine for you.
Take these pills three times a day, drink tea with lemon and honey and gargle your throat. Come to see me
next Thursday if you don’t feel better.
Patient: Thank you very much, doctor. Goodbye!
Doctor: Goodbye!
Prepare a similar dialogue (with flu, indigestion,…)
Pracovný zošit č. 9
ITEMS OF CLOTHING: Give the names of each of the indicated parts of clothing:
19 –
20 -
21 -
13 –
22 -
16 -
17 -
18 –
Name the pattern on the following materials:
1…………. 2…………………..…
3…………… 4…………… 5…………...…
CLOTHING. Give the right word:
1. People thought that _______________ would replace the miniskirt with something more modest.
2. His clothes were dirty and his wife on holiday, so he had to send them to the _____________.
3. You use __________ to change the colour of clothes.
4. This coat was a fantastic ______________! It cost only $ 12.
5. My clothes were very dirty so I left them in bucket of water to __________ overnight.
6. I wouldn’t buy this sweater if I were you. It is all right now, but I am sure it will ___________ the
first time you wash it and then it will be too small.
7. She is dressed in __________ because her mother died last week.
8. I can’t ___________ to buy this fur coat. It’s too expensive.
9. John hung his coat on the coat ____________ in the entrance hall.
10. “What do you think about my new dress?” “I think that that ___________ of blue matches your
eyes very well.”
Match the following names of materials with their definitions.
1. corduroy
a. cloth made of flax, used especially foe making shirts, bed-sheets,
2. cotton
b. cloth made from soft hair of sheep, used for making sweaters
3. denim
c. thread spun from a soft white fibrous substance found round the seeds of a
4. flannel
d. material made from the soft thread from the cocoons insects, used for
making scarfs, etc.
5. lace
e. material made from animal skins, used for making shoes, gloves, bags,
6. leather
7. linen
g. synthetic fibre used for making stockings and blouses
8. nylon
h. cloth with a thick soft nap on one side, used for making dresses, etc.
9. silk
thick strong cotton material with raised lines on it; used for making
trousers or suits
10. suede
a delicate fabric of interlacing threads; used for making wedding dresses,
nightgowns, etc.
11. velvet
k. a soft, nappy, woollen cloth of loose texture; used for making shirts or
12. wool
kind of soft leather made from the skin of goats, with the flesh surface
rubbed into a soft nap, used for making gloves, shoes, etc.
a coarse cotton cloth used for jeans
ELEGANCE. Match the styles with the pictures:
crew neck
FOOTWEAR. Match the following names of footwear with their descriptions.
1. boot
a) a loosefitting shoe with uppers made from soft material, worn in
the house
2. clog
b) a heel-less shoe of deer skin or soft leather
3. moccasin
c) a kind of open shoe worn in summer
4. mule
d) a long-legged rubber boot made in one piece
5. pump
e) a kind of light, soft shoe worn for sport, dancing, etc.
6. sandal
f) footwear heavier than a shoe with a part for supporting the ankle
7. slipper
g) a shoe with no back, but only a piece across the toes to hold it on
8. wellington
h) a shoe with a sole made of wood
Which of the following would be worn to a ball by a lady / gentleman? One thing does not
belong here. Find it and underline it.
a bra, a pantyhose, an apron, a ballgown, gloves, high-heels, underwear, loafers, a shirt, a cardigan,
a tuxedo, a bowtie
How do people in England call the following?
a turtle neck ……………………………..
pantyhose ……………………………….….
panties ………………….………………..
a bathing suit ……………………………….
HAIR AND HEADGEAR. Match the names of the following headgear with the correct number
in the picture below.
felt hat
straw hat
top hat
VERB PHRASES - Match the sentences.
1. I’m going to dress up tonight.
2. Please hang up your coat.
3. These jeans don’t fit me.
A. Don’t leave it on the chair.
B. I’ve just spilt coffee on my dress.
C. I’m going to a party.
4. That skirt really suits you.
5. Your bag matches your shoes.
6. I need to get changed.
7. Hurry up and get undressed.
D. Breakfast is on the table.
E. It’s bath time.
F. They’re too small.
G. They’re exactly the same colour.
8. Get up and get dressed.
H. You look great in it.
IDIOMS. Look at the highlighted idioms and match them to their meaning.
1. What a dress! You’re really dressed to kill tonight.
2. That suit fits her like a glove. Did she have it especially made for her?
3. He will have to pull his socks up if he wants to pass the exam.
4. That sounds like a difficult situation. I wouldn’t like to be in your shoes.
A start trying harder
B in your place
C wearing clothes that people will notice / admire
D is exactly the right size
Pracovný zošit č. 10
Quiz. How much do you know about science? Circle the correct answer.
1. How much of human DNA is the same as chimpanzee DNA?
a. Hardly any
b. Some of it.
c. Most of it.
b. neither nitrogen nor carbon dioxide
c. only carbon dioxide
2. The air we breathe contains…
a. Both nitrogen and carbon dioxide
3. When we breathe out, how much of that air is oxygen?
a. None of it
b. All of it.
c. Some of it.
4. While you are asleep, you are in REM sleep (or dreaming sleep) for…
a. all of the night.
b. some of the night.
c. most of the night.
5. When does a lemon tree produce fruit?
a. Nearly all year.
b. Nearly every year.
c. Some years.
6. If blue-eyed parents have one son and one daughter, who will also have blue eyes?
a. Both of them.
b. Neither of them.
c. One of them.
Read the clue and then match it with one of the following:
atoms earth electrons fall Galaxy light
molecules solar system
solid sun
1. The moon goes round the _______________________ .
2. The earth goes round the _______________________.
The sun is at the centre of the _____________________.
4. The solar system is part of the Milky Way ___________________.
5. Nothing can go faster than the speed of ____________________.
6. Gravity makes objects __________________.
7. The three states of matter on earth are gas, liquid and ___________________.
8. Matter is made up of ____________________.
9. Molecules are made up of __________________.
10. Atoms are made up of a nucleus and ____________________.
Complete each sentence with a word from the list:
carbon dioxide circumference equator gasses liquids microscope oxygen solids telescope triangle
1. Oxygen and carbon dioxide are _________________.
2. Blood and oil are ______________.
3. Wood and ice are _______________________.
4. A shape with three sides is a ______________________________.
5. The edge of a circle is called the ____________________________.
6. The imaginary line around the middle of the earth is the __________________________.
7. When we breathe in, our lungs absorb _________________________.
8. When we breathe out, our lungs excrete __________________________.
9. The scientific instrument that makes very small things seem larger is the _____________________.
10. The scientific instrument that makes distant objects seem closer is the ______________________.
How Science Works -Cloze Test Complete each sentence with a word from the list:
telescope test theory undermine
The aim of science is to_______________ new facts about the world. Scientists discover new facts by
making observations, or by doing ________________. For example, astronomers discover new facts by
making observations through a __________________, and chemists discover new facts by doing
experiments in a ____________________. An idea that explains why something is true, or how something
happens, is called a scientific __________________. For example, Charles Darwin created the theory of
________________ to explain how all the different species in nature developed over time. Scientists then
designed experiments, and made observations, in order to _________________ his theory. The results of
an experiment might support a theory, or they might_________________ it. If scientists keep getting
results that undermine a theory, they should accept that it is _________________. But if they keep getting
results that __________________ a theory, they should accept that it is correct. After thousands of
experiments and observations that support Darwin's theory of evolution, for example, it is now regarded as
being _______________________. Scientists who find new evidence that supports or undermines a
theory will publish their results in a scientific __________________. The results will only be accepted as
valid if others can
observation or
This is how science __________________ .
Famous Scientists - Cloze Test Complete each sentence with one of names from the list below:
Albert Einstein Charles Darwin Galileo Galilei
Isaac Newton
Louis Pasteur Marie
Curie Nicolaus Copernicus Niels Bohr Sigmund Freud
Steven Hawking
1. The British biologist who developed the theory of evolution by natural selection was ___________.
2. The Polish–French physicist and chemist who was the first woman to be awarded the Nobel Prize
after making important discoveries about radioactivity was __________________.
3. The British physicist who developed a theory of gravitation after seeing an apple fall from a tree was
4. The Italian astronomer who was jailed by the Roman Catholic Church for publishing important
discoveries about planets and the solar system was ____________________.
5. The Austrian neurologist who founded the field of psychoanalysis and developed new theories of the
unconscious mind and repression was ___________________.
6. The British physicist who made important contributions to the understanding of black holes
despite being afflicted by motor neurone disease was _____________________.
7. The German astronomer who was the first European to state that the Earth and other planets circled
the sun was ___________________.
8. The French chemist who developed several vaccines after making important discoveries about
the causes and prevention of infectious disease was _____________________.
9. The German physicist who revolutionized the whole of modern physics with his theory of general
relativity was _______________________.
10.The Danish physicist who made many contributions to the understanding of atomic structure and
quantum mechanics was ______________________.
Cellular Respiration- Cloze Test Complete each sentence with one of the words from the list below:
atmosphere blood dioxide fat
heart muscles
respiration toilet
When we breathe in, our lungs expand and _______________ is absorbed from the air and passes into the
blood. The oxygen binds to red blood cells and is transported to all the cells in the body when
the________________ pumps. When we eat, the food goes into the stomach where digestion breaks it
down into food ___________________. It then moves into the small intestine where the nutrients are
absorbed into the ___________________ and then carried to every cell in the body. Any food that is not
broken down leaves the body when we go to the __________________. When the oxygen from the air
and the nutrients from food come together in the body's cells, a process called cellular
_________________ occurs. This is a chemical reaction that transforms the nutrients and oxygen into
energy and carbon _________________. The energy is used by the body to build and repair cells and to
power our __________________, or it can be stored in the body as __________________. The carbon
dioxide is a waste product that is passed from the cells back into the blood. The blood then carries it back
to the lungs where it's released into the ________________ when we breathe out.
Interesting Things- Cloze Test Complete each sentence with one of words in the list below:
human physiology
archaeology cosmology entomology
stellar astronomy theoretical physics
1. If you're interested in birds, you should find a book or website about ______________________.
2. If you're interested in how your body works, you should find a book or website about
3. If you're interested in fossils and dinosaurs, you should find a book or website about
4. If you're interested in insects and insect societies, you should find a book or website about
5. If you're interested in the origin and structure of the universe, you should find a book or website about
6. If you're interested in volcanoes and volcanic eruptions, you should find a book or website about
7. If you're interested in sharks, stingrays and other fish, you should find a book or website about
8. If you're interested in the birth, life and death of stars, you should find a book or website about
9. If you're interested in past civilizations like the Mayans, Khmers and Egyptians, you should find a
book or website about _____________________.
10. If you're interested in dark energy, string theory or quantum computing, you should find a book
or website about _____________________.
Branches of Science- Cloze Test Complete each sentence with a word from the list:
astronomy biology
computer science
mathematics meteorology
earth science
1. Matter and energy are studied in ___________________.
2. Substances, and the ways they react and combine, are studied in ________________________.
3. Plants, animals and other living organisms are studied in ______________________.
4. Space and objects like stars and planets are studied in _______________________.
5. The history and structure of our planet is studied in _________________________.
6. Rocks and minerals are studied in ______________________.
7. How the bodies of living things work is studied in ________________________.
8. Numbers, forms and quantities are studied in _________________________.
9. The principles and uses of computers are studied in _______________________.
10. The atmosphere and the weather are studied in _______________________.
Branches of Physics- Cloze Test Complete each sentence with a word from the list:
astrophysics geophysics
quantum physics
theoretical physics
nuclear physics optics particle
1. The study of the properties and behaviour of light is called ………………………………………..
2. The study of the properties and behaviour of sound is called………………………………………..
3. The study of movement or motion and the forces producing motion is called………………………
4. The study of matter and energy at the subatomic level is called………………………………………
5. The study of the properties and interactions of atomic nuclei is called………………………………..
6. The study of the physics of galaxies, stars and outer space is called………………………………….
7. The study of the relations between heat and other forms of energy is called………………………….
8. The study of physical phenomena by utilising mathematical models is called………………………..
9. The study of the physics of the earth, including gravity and magnetic fields, is called……………….
10. The study of subatomic particles such as electrons, protons, and neutrons is called………………...
Branches of Biology- Cloze Test Complete each sentence with a word from the list:
marine biology
evolutionary biology
reproductive biology
human physiology
1. The study of the nervous system is called ……………………………………….
2. The study of how organisms reproduce is called ………………………………………
3. The study of how our bodies work is called ……………………………………….
4. The study of the structure of human or animal bodies is called ………………………………….
5. The study of organisms that live in the sea is called ………………………………………
6. The study of genes, chromosomes, and heredity is called ……………………………………..
7. The study of plants and their structure is called …………………………………………..
8. The study of animals and their behaviour is called ……………………………………
9. The study of the origin and development of species over time is called ……………………………..
10. The study of the complex relationships among animals and plants and their environments is called
Social Sciences- Cloze Test Complete each sentence with a word from the list:
media studies
anthropology archaeology economics human geography linguistics political
science psychology public administration sociology
1. The study of different cultures, customs and beliefs is called ………………………………….
2. The study of money, industry and trade is called ………………………………………
3. The study of society and social behaviour is called ………………………………………..
4. The study of the relationships between human society and the earth's environment and resources is
called …………………………………………..
5. The study of the human mind and human behaviour is called ………………………………………
6. The study of television, radio, newspapers and the Internet is called ……………………………….
7. The study of how political power is gained and used is called ………………………………………
8. The study of government and public policy is called ………………………………………………..
9. The study of ancient societies by searching for very old tools, bones, buildings, etc. is called
10. The study of language and its development is called ………………………………………
Science and Technology- For each sentence, choose the best word or phrase to complete the gap
from the choices below.
1. Technology provides us with many labour ______ devices for our homes.
A safely
B safe
C saving
D saved
2. We are becoming quite _________ on machines like computers.
A dependent
B dependently
C depending
D independent
3. Not every country is as _______________ advanced as Germany.
A technology
B technological
C technologist
D technologically
4. Improvements in the science of __________ have resulted in factories almost completely run by
A automatic
B automation
C automatically
D atomisation
5. Science has always depended on ___________ to determine if theories are really correct.
A experiences
B experiments
C expediences
D expeditions
6. There have been huge ____________ in our lives as a result of scientific developments.
A improvements
B improvisations
C improvement D impoverishment
7. The ________ of scientists in California have changed the way we think about space and the stars.
A founders
B finds
C findings
D finders
8. Scientists believe that there must be a ________ explanation for everything.
A rational
B irrational
C rationed
D rationale
9. Our behaviour is ___________ by our environment. We change to suit the place we are living in.
A condition
B conditioned
C conditioning
D conditional
10. Most successful scientific laboratories receive ___________ from companies and governments.
A sponsors
B sponsoring
C sponsorship
D sponsored
11. It takes many years of development before new hi-tech products can become ____________
A commercial
B commercially
C commerce
D uncommercially
12. One of the most important qualities for any scientist is _________ .
A curious
B curiously
C curiousness
D curiosity
Science and Technology vocabulary test
1. My portable DVD player ________ on batteries so I can watch films anywhere I want.
2. The website offers savings of up to 30% on electrical ________ including televisions, DVD
players, camcorders etc.
3. We've only had the washing machine for a month and it has already broken ________.
4. Do you know who ________ the telephone? – Yes, it was Alexander Graham Bell.
made up
thought out
5. You can get original ________ parts for all kinds of mobile phones at our shop.
6. If you want to find something on the Internet, you need to use a search ________, such as Google
or Yahoo.
7. There wasn't a ________ to plug in an external microphone.
8. Traffic lights weren't working because of ________ cuts, causing traffic jams in many places.
9. After pressing the R button, you will hear a dial tone in the ________.
receiver reception
10. The coffee machine downstairs is out of ________ again. We should call someone to fix it.
Word formation- Complete the table:
1. scientist
2. chemist
3. biologist
4. physicist
5. geneticist
6. geologist
Which scientific subjects
Which ones do you think
do you study at school?
have actually taught you
Which do you enjoy
something useful?
the most / least?
Is there a scientist
(living or dead)
who you admire?
Who is it?
What do you think is
the most important scientific
discovery of recent years?
Are there any scientific
discoveries that you wish
hadn’t been made?
Would you ever agree
to be a volunteer in a clinical
trial of a new drug?
If you were ill, would you
agree to be a guinea pig
for a new kind of treatment?
What scientific
stories are in the news
at the moment?
Are you worried about
any of the things scientists
are currently experimenting
What would you most like scientists
to discover in the near future?
Name the modern inventions you can see in the pictures. Choose one and explain how it works.