Our Daily Impact on Water Cycle and Ways for Managing It Each and every one of us, human beings, has a great impact on the water cycle, including myself. Every day I use resources and have a major impact in into this cycle. We often use resources without thinking much about it. We simply take it as normal to us, that enough of these resources are available for the people. Water is just always available for us. At every other day that I take a shower, take a bath, cook or just go swimming in a sea I have an important influence on our water cycle. Water which I use comes from our community water supply system. This water has been treated and purified to get rid of bacteria and so on. This water is from reservoirs filled by the rain and ground water. It does cost much work to bring the water into my home. The used and dirty water from my home goes back into this cycle after a recycling process. Factories and industries that surrounds us such as manufacturing, processing or any other, water is a key necessity. Not only is it used in the process but also in other forms. The pollution from this production has also impacted the water cycle. Also, pollution of, for example, industries and traffic make the rain acid. The acid rain falls and in turn kills a lot of flora and fauna. Also, the groundwater could be polluted from chemicals and other toxins if I do not care about how I dispose of contaminated water and chemicals. So, every time I use a product created from plastics or produced with water, I have also a major impact on our water cycle. If I don’t take care about of our environment and for example don’t recycle waste then definitely I will be impacting negatively on the environment. I consume a lot of electricity in my home, every day. Electricity requires to a whole part, fossil fuels for producing in power stations. There is also an impact on the water cycle – the stations that use coal for example. There is an impact to the cycle because coal is mined in crafts. My life will definitely change significantly if I try to reduce my impacts on the environment because I will have to give up on my comfort. This might include not using most of the stuff that has a huge impact on water resources in the process of production. Doing this can be a great challenge for me. It is not that easy to find a wise way of conserving environment next to my personal lifestyle. To conserve water then my lifestyle has to change, this would include using water sparingly and having to not take long bathing sessions in the name of conserving water. Also, my personal budget is an essential factor in environmentally conscious thinking. But, if we all don’t take care of our environment, we will definitely get negative results, such global warming (which is here with us), toxic water and so on. So, we should find a middle ground in order to deal with this. In conclusion, yes, it is possible to change my current lifestyle to reduce the impact to our water cycle. I can take a shower instead of taking a bath to reduce the amount of water I use for my personal hygiene. I can try to reduce the amounts of used while washing utensils, I could do this by using collected water in a sink instead of having a running tap. I can use also ride to work on a bicycle to reduce my carbon footprint. A big impact to the water cycle has the energy consumption of my electronic devices and light bulbs, which is easy to reduce. I easily can reduce the amount of consumed energy in my home by installing energy saving bulbs or LED lamps to reduce the amount of energy used in my home. Switching off devices that I am not using at that particular time. I know all this is not easy to do in a single go, but by giving myself a timeline can make it much easier to fix this mess. This will in turn help to control Need Help With The Assignment? Our professionals are ready to assist with any writing! GET HELP