Engineering Procedure SAEP-12 Project Execution Plan 8 September 2015 Document Responsibility: Project Management Office Department Note: This version of SAEP-12 is applicable only to projects using the new Capital Management System. All other projects will use the previous version of the procedure dated 19 June 2011. Saudi Aramco DeskTop Standards Table of Contents 1 2 3 4 5 Scope............................................................. 2 Applicable Documents.................................... 6 Instructions..................................................... 7 Responsibilities............................................. 23 Conflicts and Deviations............................... 25 Exhibit A - Table of Contents.............................. 26 Exhibit B - Approval Sheets................................ 27 Exhibit C - Revision Control................................ 31 Exhibit D - Contracting Plan Matrix..................... 32 Exhibit E - Comparison of Various Contracting Alternatives............................... 33 Exhibit F - Project Milestone Schedule............... 34 Exhibit G - Integrated Project Team (IPT) Organization Charts……………………….…. 35 Exhibit H - Project Responsibility Matrix............. 38 Exhibit I - Front End Loading (FEL) Phases & Project Characterization…........................ 39 Exhibit J - FEL Deliverables for Projects Value < $20MM……..………..………………. 40 Previous Issue: 11 January 2015 Next Planned Update: 15 September 2019 Revised paragraphs are indicated in the right margin Primary contact: Doiron, Shannon Earl (doironse) on +966-13-8809161 Copyright©Saudi Aramco 2015. All rights reserved. Document Responsibility: Project Management Office Department Issue Date: 8 September 2015 Next Planned Update: 15 September 2019 1 SAEP-12 Project Execution Plan Scope 1.1 Definition The Project Execution Plan (PEP) is a strategic planning document that defines objectives, plans, requirements and related information necessary for optimum project execution. It is a master reference guide that promotes common understanding and alignment of all project participants. The PEP is prepared by the Project Leader (FPD) during the Business Case (FEL1) and is updated by future Project Manager/Sr. Project Engineer during DBSP phase (FEL2) and by the Project Manager during Project Proposal phase (FEL3) and onward with input from the Proponent and other Saudi Aramco organizations that have key roles in the project's planning and execution. For all versions of the PEP, the Project Sponsor concurs with the recommendations while approval rests with the Construction Agency. 1.2 Purpose The PEP serves as a communication and coordination tool that formally establishes the Project Leader’s/Manager's front-end project planning, with emphasis on identifying issues critical to project success and defining strategies to address these issues. It is an agreement endorsed by the Facilities Planning Department (FPD), Saudi Aramco Project Management Team (SAPMT), Proponent, and Management defining the execution strategy of the project. The PEP provides strategic guidance in developing more detailed tactical planning and execution tools as the project progresses. In one comprehensive document, the PEP relates the approved project scope with contracting and materials plans, cost information, summary schedules, value improving practices implementation (including Project Risk Management), departmental responsibilities, and project staffing requirements. 1.3 Application and Timing The Project Execution Plan is completed in three phases: the Initial PEP, the Abbreviated (Updated) PEP, and the Full (Final) PEP. Initial PEP is mandatory for Type A and B projects Abbreviated PEP is mandatory for Type A, B, and C projects Full PEP is mandatory for: o Type A, B and C projects - over $50MM Page 2 of 42 Document Responsibility: Project Management Office Department Issue Date: 8 September 2015 Next Planned Update: 15 September 2019 SAEP-12 Project Execution Plan - for ≤ $50MM, as recommended by the responsible Construction Agency’s Department Manager o Type C1 projects Exception: PEPs are waived for Master Appropriation projects. For a program that consists of several BIs, a single combined PEP may be prepared provided it addresses matters related to all BIs included in the program. The PEP shall be issued in accordance with the timing outlined below, which is designed to support the PEP's purpose of serving as a strategic planning tool: 1.3.1 Initial PEP To be developed and issued for approval by the Project Leader during the Business Case phase. The Initial PEP is intended to provide a framework for subsequent planning and shall address the following items using the best information currently available: Project Summary (that covers aspects of the Project Charter) Contracting Strategy Master Schedule Project Organization and Interfaces Value Improving Practices (VIP) Plan (including Project Risk Management) As the project progresses through follow-on phases, the Initial PEP is updated to become the Abbreviated PEP. 1.3.2 Abbreviated PEP To be developed by the Construction Agency during the Study phase and updated in the DBSP phase. This is issued for approval by the Project Leader prior to the release of Preliminary Engineering funds. When requested, Project Management Office Department (PMOD)/ Project Execution Metrics Division (PEMD) shall participate and assist in the preparation of the PEP Level I (update from Business Case) and Level II schedules. The Abbreviated PEP is intended to provide an updated and enhanced framework for subsequent planning. As a minimum, the Abbreviated PEP shall address the following items using the best information currently available. It is understood that all sections are subject to further development and change: Page 3 of 42 Document Responsibility: Project Management Office Department Issue Date: 8 September 2015 Next Planned Update: 15 September 2019 SAEP-12 Project Execution Plan Project Summary (reflecting the update of the Project Charter) Contracting Strategy Materials Procurement Strategy Project Organization and Interfaces Project Cost Project Schedule (Level I in Study phase and Level II in DBSP) Value Improving Practices (VIPs) (including Project Risk Management) Project Safety Environmental Assessment Project Closeout Reports Contractor Saudization Plan Maximizing In-Kingdom Engineering, Procurement and Construction Work Pre-Commissioning and Mechanical Completion Plan Projects within Existing Facilities (Non-Grass Roots) Areas of concern The Abbreviated PEP will be the basis for development of the Full PEP if one is to be prepared. The Abbreviated PEP shall be updated or revised as required to reflect major changes in plans if a full PEP is not applicable. 1.3.3 Full (Final) PEP To be developed and issued for approval by the Project Manager by 30% preliminary engineering completion or within 90 days of Project Proposal start date. The Full PEP shall address all items listed in this procedure using the latest information available. SAPMT will report the status of PEP submittals in the PPU or MPU Comments section, as applicable. The PEP shall be updated as the need arises prior to implementing major scope changes, significant changes in the Contracting Plan, and at other times as deemed necessary by the PEP approval authority. SAPMT may issue a completely revised document or an addendum covering the changed section(s) only. Page 4 of 42 Document Responsibility: Project Management Office Department Issue Date: 8 September 2015 Next Planned Update: 15 September 2019 1.4 SAEP-12 Project Execution Plan Important Terms 1) Front End Loading (FEL) is a process that organizes the project life cycle into phases (see Exhibit I), each with defined activities, deliverables and specific objectives. The FEL process is applicable to all projects that apply the Capital Management System (CMS). For more details, refer to Front End Loading Manual. 2) Project Types A, B, C & C1 are categories assigned to projects based on criteria evaluating cost and technical, commercial, and stakeholder complexity. Project categories are determined by FPD (see Exhibit I). 3) Construction Agency is the organization assigned to execute the project. 4) Project Management is the Saudi Aramco Project Management administrative area that is the default Construction Agency for Type A, B and C projects. 5) Proponent is the Saudi Aramco organization that owns, operates, and maintains the completed facility. The Proponent is responsible for signing the Mechanical Completion Certificate as owner of the facility. 6) Integrated Project Team (IPT) is a team composed of appointed members from different organizations who work in an integrated manner and have clear roles and accountabilities toward project planning and execution. 7) Saudi Aramco Project Management Team (SAPMT) is the Construction Agency team assigned to the project during project planning and execution. 8) Project Sponsor (PS) is an Executive or a member of Management, appointed by the Proponent organization, who is accountable for meeting project objectives and steering the IPT towards maximizing investment value. 9) Project Leader is a representative from the Facilities Planning Department (FPD), who leads the IPT during FEL1 and FEL2 phases. 10) Project Manager is a division head-level representative from the Construction Agency, who provides inputs to the Project Leader during FEL2 and leads the IPT during FEL3 and the project’s execution phases. 11) Senior Operations Representative is the Proponent Business Line representative involved in all phases of the project, to ensure the short- and long-term objectives of the Business Line are incorporated during the project development process. Page 5 of 42 Document Responsibility: Project Management Office Department Issue Date: 8 September 2015 Next Planned Update: 15 September 2019 2 SAEP-12 Project Execution Plan Applicable Documents The latest edition of the applicable reference documents shall be applied: Saudi Aramco References Saudi Aramco Engineering Procedures SAEP-13 Project Environmental Impact Assessments SAEP-14 Project Proposal SAEP-16 Project Execution Guide for Process Automation Systems SAEP-21 Project Execution Requirements for Saudi Aramco Royalty/Custody Metering Systems SAEP-25 Estimate Preparation Guidelines SAEP-26 Capital Projects Benchmarking Guidelines SAEP-40 Value Assurance Process SAEP-50 Project Execution Requirements for Third Party Royalty/Custody Metering Systems SAEP-31 Corporate Equipment and Spare Parts Data Requirements SAEP-125 Preparation of Saudi Aramco Engineering Standards SAEP-329 Project Closeout Reports SAEP-360 Project Planning Guidelines SAEP-367 Value Improving Practices Requirements Saudi Aramco General Instructions GI-0002.710 Mechanical Completion and Performance Acceptance of Facilities GI-0020.500 Expenditure Requests GI-0202.451 Engineering Work Order Authorization for Preliminary Engineering Preparation GI-0400.001 Quality Management Roles & Responsibilities GI-0710.002 Classification of Sensitive Documents Page 6 of 42 Document Responsibility: Project Management Office Department Issue Date: 8 September 2015 Next Planned Update: 15 September 2019 SAEP-12 Project Execution Plan Saudi Aramco Engineering Report SAER-5437 Guidelines for Conducting HAZOP Studies Saudi Aramco Cost and Scheduling Manual Supply Chain Management Manual Saudi Aramco Construction Safety Manual Saudi Aramco Safety Management System Capital Management System Efficiency Enablers (CMSEEs) Documentation (for the latest versions of below Manuals, contact Capital Program Efficiency Department) Front End Loading (FEL) Manual Integrated Project Team (IPT) Manual Project Sponsor Manual Target Setting (TS) Manual 3 Instructions The PEP shall include the following sections: 3.1 Table of Contents, Approval Sheet and Revision Control For format, see Exhibits A, B, and C. 3.2 Project Summary Provide a brief synopsis of the objectives, scope, and current progress status of the project. Incorporate into the Project Summary: 3.2.1 Project Purpose Summarize the purpose of the project explaining why it is being done (e.g., to increase production capacity of a plant by 100,000 barrels/day). 3.2.2 Design Basis Provide a synopsis of how the project is to be accomplished (e.g., to increase production by expanding existing facilities or by constructing a new plant) by summarizing the project's basis of design as described in the current scoping paper. Page 7 of 42 Document Responsibility: Project Management Office Department Issue Date: 8 September 2015 Next Planned Update: 15 September 2019 3.2.3 SAEP-12 Project Execution Plan Project Scope Briefly describe what is to be accomplished by the project, such as project activities to be achieved, physical facilities to be built, demolished, or revamped, etc. This information will be a summary of the work described in the current Design Basis Scoping Paper and/or Project Proposal scope of work. 3.2.4 Project Progress Status Define where the project currently stands in the project life cycle, in order to establish the information basis on which the PEP is being prepared. Briefly identify the major ongoing activities and provide current percentage of completion of the Business Case, Design Basis Scoping Paper, Project Proposal, detailed engineering, procurement, and construction, as applicable. 3.2.5 Project Location PEP should state location of project and indicate whether offshore or onshore and reference any issues regarding site selection (Land Use Permit or other issues). 3.2.6 Project hot tap/stopple operations, tie-ins & shutdown requirements In addition to hot tap/stopple operations and tie-ins, the PEP should also identify shutdown requirements and if it is planned during Plant T&I. 3.2.7 Related Projects PEP should identify other related projects that may impact the project positively or negatively. 3.2.8 Deliverables Waiver Request Summarize the plan to prepare the Deliverable Waiver Request (DWR) and obtain its approval. The DWR is concluded at completion of Business Case, Study, DBSP and Finalize FEL phases. The Front End Loading Manual provides recommended deliverables for Type A, B, C and C1 projects over $ 20MM. For Projects less than or equal to $20MM, the recommended deliverables list is provided as Exhibit-J. However, for each individual project, the Project Leader/Manager and the IPT will determine the specific list of deliverables for their project. Page 8 of 42 Document Responsibility: Project Management Office Department Issue Date: 8 September 2015 Next Planned Update: 15 September 2019 SAEP-12 Project Execution Plan The DWR is required for projects Type A, B, C and C1 except for the DWR in the Study Phase, which is not applicable to Type C or C1 projects. Note: 3.3 The DWR is a list of deliverables proposed by the integrated project team (IPT) in order to waive those deliverables in the next FEL Phase that they deem unnecessary or inapplicable to the proposed project or the information that is generally found in these deliverables can be located/obtained from other sources without additional work. It also, provides the rationale for each deliverable included in the deliverable waiver request. For more details on the DWR process, refer to Value Assurance Manual. Contracting The contract development process is often intricate and interrelated and once actions based on a particular strategy are initiated, it may not be practical or possible to modify the strategy. An overall contracting strategy, which addresses all aspects of the work, must be developed and presented by the contract proponent (Construction Agency) to management at an early stage of every project. 3.3.1 Contracting Strategy An initial Contracting Strategy document reflecting the IPT's initial view on what type(s) of contracts to be used shall be prepared as part of each Initial PEP during the Business Case and then updated in following phases with incremental information. The final version is developed in the Project Proposal phase. The Senior Planning Engineer, Contracting Coordinator, and the SAPMT representative provide input for the development of the initial Contracting Strategy. The Project Leader recommends an appropriate Contracting Strategy while the Construction Agency makes the final determination. For the updated and final versions of the Contracting Strategy, input comes from the Senior Project Engineer, Contracting Coordinator, and the FPD representative. This Contracting Strategy shall be updated by the contract proponent (Construction Agency) to reflect any major changes (particularly related to OOK contracts, non-lump sum contracts, and non-competitive awards). For other organizations, the Contracting Strategy is included for information purpose only. If a Full PEP is not prepared, the Contracting Strategy (as applicable) shall be updated even if other parts of the Abbreviated PEP are not. The Contracting Strategy shall summarize the plans for developing and procuring the necessary contracts for the project's major contracting Page 9 of 42 Document Responsibility: Project Management Office Department Issue Date: 8 September 2015 Next Planned Update: 15 September 2019 SAEP-12 Project Execution Plan phases (i.e., Project Proposal, Detailed Design, Procurement and Construction). Information shall be categorized by the major contracting phases mentioned and include the following: a) Type of Contract (Lump Sum Turnkey, Lump Sum, Lump Sum Procure/Build, Reimbursable Cost, Unit Rate, etc.) and the reasons for selection. b) Procurement Method (Competitive Bid, Sole Source, etc.) and reasons for selection and whether an existing General Bid Slate / Screening List will be used. c) Appropriate Project and Contracting Milestones, for example: - Prepare and Issue Bid Packages Expenditure Request Approval (ERA) Contract Award Mechanical Completion On Stream The Contacting Strategy shall include an exhibit illustrating the contracting plan in matrix form (See Exhibit D). 3.3.2 Contracting Plans A Contracting Plan is required for each contract action (or related contract actions) unless the requirement has been waived in writing by the Contracting Representative. The Contracting Plan is the joint responsibility of the Contracting Department and the contract proponent (Construction Agency). After approval by the Contract Signatory, the Contracting Plan shall be incorporated into the Project Execution Plan. For more detailed instructions, refer to the Saudi Aramco Supply Chain Management Manuals, Volume-I, Section 7.3. Prior to carrying out a detailed analysis as part of the Contract Plan, potential contracting alternatives in the form of a summary level schedule comparison shall be prepared (See Exhibit E). 3.4 Materials Procurement The Materials Procurement Strategy describes the potential strategies for the different procurement options available. The Materials Procurement Plan addresses project material requirements, their procurement and movement and it should define the proposed procurement and traffic responsibilities of Saudi Aramco and the Contractor(s). Page 10 of 42 Document Responsibility: Project Management Office Department Issue Date: 8 September 2015 Next Planned Update: 15 September 2019 3.4.1 SAEP-12 Project Execution Plan Materials Procurement Strategy The procurement strategy is to be developed near the end of the DBSP (after all major equipment is identified) and feeds the Materials Procurement Plan during Project Proposal and is done with input from the SAPMT representative, Materials Procurement Coordinator, Contracting Coordinator, and Inspection Coordinator. The recommendations are agreed upon by the relevant departments of the Materials Supply organization (thru Materials Procurement Coordinator) and decisions are made by the Construction Agency. The Materials Procurement Strategy: Provides important project background information that highlights the main procurement requirements for the project. Highlights those items (i.e. long lead and novated items) that require special early attention from a procurement perspective in order to avoid delays in project execution. Details the various strategies that could be used to source equipment and materials, including internal sourcing (using existing inventory), external sourcing by Saudi Aramco, and external sourcing via a contractor. Provides a recommended strategy to utilize for procurement of materials (to be used and detailed further in the Materials Procurement Plan in the Project Proposal phase). Critical and Long Lead-Time Material and Equipment Prepare an itemized listing of material and equipment considered critical and/or long lead items. Specific actions should be identified to ensure that such items will arrive at the designated job site on or before the required dates irrespective if handled by Saudi Aramco or by a contractor. Examples of such actions include use of air freight, dedicated trucks, premiums, penalty and incentives, identification, prioritization, and close monitoring of critical material and its proper ties to the construction schedule, SAPMT representative at vendor's shop, expediting custom clearance, unloading and placing large material on foundations rather than storing, etc. If procurement of major equipment and materials is on the critical path of the project schedule, SAPMT shall consider various strategies to reduce its impact to the project schedule. Such strategies may include early Company procurement, early Company procurement and assignment (“novation”), Company Page 11 of 42 Document Responsibility: Project Management Office Department Issue Date: 8 September 2015 Next Planned Update: 15 September 2019 SAEP-12 Project Execution Plan or Project Proposal Contractor procurement of early vendor engineering (“beneficial engineering”), and early engineering by vendors using time unit rates under the Project Proposal Contractor's contract. Surplus 9COM Material and Equipment Review Surplus 9COM (previously known as Direct Charge – DC) material and equipment list that could be incorporated in the project's design. Surplus 9COM material and equipment should be looked at in the earliest stages of design so that it can be incorporated into the design. Excess 9CAT Materials Review Excess 9CAT (previously known as Saudi Aramco Materials System – SAMS) materials list of high-dollar-value items ($10,000 and above) that could be incorporated in the project's design. 3.4.2 Materials Procurement Plan The Material Procurement Plan is to be completed by the Project Manager nearing completion of the Project Proposal package with input from the Inspection Coordinator and Materials Procurement Coordinator. It also relies upon information from the Procurement Strategy developed in the DBSP phase. The Materials Procurement Coordinator will ensure that recommendations are agreed upon by the relevant departments of the Materials Supply organization before decisions are made by the Construction Agency. This plan designates responsibilities between Saudi Aramco and Contractors for cost effective supply of materials and equipment to meet project schedules. The Materials Procurement Plan requires addressing maximum costeffective usage of locally manufactured materials, use of on-hand and surplus materials, materials quantity concerns, standardization and total cost of ownership, and takes into consideration the guidelines of SAEP-125, Saudi Aramco Engineering Standards, and the Supply Chain Management Manual. Furthermore, the plan should address the use of existing corporate agreements; vendor selection criteria; material quality concerns; documentation; expediting; inspection; packing and marking; shipping, clearance and receiving; storing, issuing, staging, and the return and Page 12 of 42 Document Responsibility: Project Management Office Department Issue Date: 8 September 2015 Next Planned Update: 15 September 2019 SAEP-12 Project Execution Plan disposal of excess project material and equipment. The following should also be considered: Heavy/Oversize Material or Equipment Prepare a list of heavy/oversize material or equipment. Establish responsibilities for heavy lift requirements. Heavy lift planning for materials and equipment, and related requirements, will be coordinated with the Saudi Aramco Heavy Lift Group. Consult with the Materials Logistics Department regarding proposed international shipping arrangements and with the Transportation & Equipment Services Department for in-Kingdom movements of heavy/oversize material or equipment. Start-up, Operating, and Capital Spares Establish responsibilities and requirements for start-up, operating, and capital spares procurement. Ensure compliance to requirements for operating spare parts in accordance with SAEP-31. Address the disposition of contractor procured spares, if applicable. Customs Duties Address responsibility for payment of customs duties, based on the most recent Government regulations including compliance with proper customs exemption requirements if any. Quality Assurance/Quality Control Identify materials quality assurance and quality control planning requirements. Address vendor inspection requirements and plans, including identification of materials to be factory tested and coordination with Saudi Aramco Vendor Inspection. For details, refer to GI-0400.001. 3.5 Pre-commissioning and Mechanical Completion Plan The Pre-commissioning and Mechanical Completion Plan includes all pre-commissioning activities, a listing of all systems/subsystems, a detailed schedule, procedures required to support each system, and the activities that need to be performed prior to handover and the commencement of commissioning, startup and operations. Page 13 of 42 Document Responsibility: Project Management Office Department Issue Date: 8 September 2015 Next Planned Update: 15 September 2019 SAEP-12 Project Execution Plan The development of the Pre-commissioning and Mechanical Completion Plan is initiated during DBSP phase and is progressively elaborated during Project Proposal phase and throughout the subsequent project phases. The development and execution of the Pre-commissioning and Mechanical Completion Plan is the responsibility of the Project Manager with inputs from Safety and Industrial Security (S&IS), Inspection, Proponent etc. The Project Leader/Manager is to provide oversight to ensure that planning is performed as an activity that is planned and tracked. The main components of the Pre-commissioning and Mechanical Completion Plan include the following: Detailed Pre-commissioning Schedule illustrating all major pre-commissioning activities and their timing and duration (to be aligned with the tail-end construction schedule.) Pre-commissioning procedures for all testing and inspection required under the mechanical completion checklist for each system, including the applicable pre-commissioning forms. The procedures should cover all disciplines (for example buildings, electrical systems, instrumentation, nonhydrocarbon mechanical systems, etc.) Identification of the Mechanical Completion Packages, which describe the limit and scope of the system. This is to include drawings that indicate the system boundaries and isolation locations. Vendor Representative Requirements Master of the Punch List/ Exception Item List Database Pre-commissioning Status Tracking System Systems Turnover Sequence - Provides a conceptual plan of the breakdown of the facility into systems and the sequence in which these systems will be checked out and turned over to the Proponent. Also, address specific plans to implement Partial Mechanical Completion, if applicable. For reference and details, please refer to GI-0002.710 and SAEP-367. 3.6 Commissioning and Startup Plan The Commissioning and Startup Plan is a planning document that defines the objectives, plans, requirements, and related activities and information necessary for a successful startup. It is a master reference guide that promotes common understanding and alignment of all project participants. Page 14 of 42 Document Responsibility: Project Management Office Department Issue Date: 8 September 2015 Next Planned Update: 15 September 2019 SAEP-12 Project Execution Plan Saudi Aramco GI-0002.710, provides the framework for startup planning. The Planning for Startup best practice is a useful reference and provides tools designed to assist in developing and implementing an early startup plan (see SAEP-367). The Commissioning and Startup Plan describes the roles and responsibilities of key persons and organizations, as well as the timing of commissioning and startup planning and execution activities. The startup plan shall address the following issues: 3.6.1 Responsibilities and Timing The development of the Commissioning and Startup Plan (as an integral part of the Operational Readiness Plan “ORP”) is the responsibility of the Senior Operations Representative with input from the Project Manager, Safety and Industrial Security (S&IS), Inspection, etc. It also relies upon information from the Pre-commissioning & Mechanical Completion plan, developed in the DBSP phase. The Project Manager is to provide oversight to ensure that commissioning and startup planning is performed as an activity that is planned and tracked. Note: The Operational Readiness Plan (ORP) is a document that highlights and describes activities and resources aiming to ensure the optimization of Operations and Maintenance activities over the facility lifetime (starting after Handover). The ORP also defines how the project will transition into an operating facility and will describe what “operational-type” steps must be taken along the project planning and execution path to have a flawless startup and initial operations. The Sr. Operations Representative (with input from the Project Manager) shall be assigned responsibility for managing the planning of commissioning and startup, specifying when these assignments will be made and what their startup planning responsibilities will entail. He shall identify other key contributors to startup planning and execution, including Inspection, Loss Prevention, contractors, vendors, and others as required, and define their roles and responsibilities. He shall also provide estimated timing and duration of startup planning, pre-commissioning, mechanical completion, and commissioning activities, including operations and maintenance training required prior to startup. 3.6.2 Systems Turnover Sequence Provide a conceptual plan of the breakdown of the facility into systems and the sequence in which these systems will be completed and taken over from the SAPMT. Page 15 of 42 Document Responsibility: Project Management Office Department Issue Date: 8 September 2015 Next Planned Update: 15 September 2019 3.7 SAEP-12 Project Execution Plan Project Cost 3.7.1 Project Funding Describe Preliminary Engineering Funds requirements (see GI-0202.451), Prior Approval Expenditure Request (PAER) Funds requirements (see GI-0020.500) if applicable, and plans for ER Estimate preparation (see SAEP-25). Also, describe the project budget amount and provide a summary of its major elements of engineering, material, and construction if available. Describe the basis of the current estimate. Identify any critical cost items that will require special attention to avoid cost overruns. 3.7.2 Cost Control Describe the strategies to be utilized to ensure effective cost control and accurate cost reporting throughout the project life from Preliminary Engineering Funds approval through project closeout. Address the subjects of work breakdown structure, cost contingency management, cost status reporting systems, and expenditure forecast preparation. Identify any unique project characteristics that may require deviations from standard Saudi Aramco cost control procedures, and provide plans for handling such cases. The project's work breakdown structure should be developed as a unified system that supports integrated cost and schedule control. 3.8 Project Scheduling 3.8.1 Project Schedule Describe the summary logic, interdependencies and contracting strategy used to develop the Project Milestone Schedule. Identify critical risk items, long lead equipment delivery durations and any other factors that could result in potential schedule delays. Provide Project Milestone Schedule (See Exhibit F) in bar chart format summarizing major project activities, milestones, plant outages and interfaces with other projects as applicable. The Project Milestone Schedule shall include but not be limited to identify the following: Contract development and award milestone dates by packages. Value Engineering studies dates Project Proposal review and approval ER Estimate preparation, review and approval dates Page 16 of 42 Document Responsibility: Project Management Office Department Issue Date: 8 September 2015 Next Planned Update: 15 September 2019 SAEP-12 Project Execution Plan Mobilization for engineering, procurement and construction dates as applicable Detail Engineering control points Long lead materials procurement activities and durations including; purchase requisitions, purchase orders, fabrication, ex-works and site delivery dates. Interim construction milestones such as but not limited to; discipline completion dates, building completion dates, shutdowns, pre-commissioning completions by area for Partial MCC’s, pre-commissioning duration, commissioning and startup durations, Beneficial On Stream (BOS) date where applicable, final mechanical completion (MC) date and on stream (OS) or beneficial occupancy date. For details, refer to the Cost & Scheduling Manual available on the PMOD/PEMD website. 3.8.2 Progress Measurement and Schedule Control Describe the methodology to be utilized to ensure accurate progress measurement and effective schedule control throughout the project life. Address the subjects of work breakdown structure, progress reporting systems, responsibilities of contractors with respect to progress measurement and schedule control, and Critical Path Method (CPM) scheduling software requirements. The Saudi Aramco Cost and Scheduling Manual provides a definition of scheduling levels of detail to be used on Saudi Aramco projects. 3.9 Project Organization and Interfaces 3.9.1 Establishing the Integrated Project Team (IPT) Describe the process of establishing the IPT, including the following: Thorough review process that will be conducted to determine the type of disciplines needed to be covered by the IPT. Objectives and responsibilities for the Project Sponsor, Senior Operations Representative, Project Leader, Senior Planning Engineers, Project Manager , Senior Project Engineers, Business Administrator, Safety Specialist and other SAPMT members. This shall also include organizations such as Safety & Industrial Security, Finance, Materials Supply, Engineering Services and others, as appropriate. Page 17 of 42 Document Responsibility: Project Management Office Department Issue Date: 8 September 2015 Next Planned Update: 15 September 2019 SAEP-12 Project Execution Plan In the Initial PEP, include the IPT organization chart for the Business Case and proposed Integrated Staffing Assignment for Study & DBSP phases. In the Abbreviated PEP, include the IPT organization chart for the Study and DBSP phases and proposed Integrated Staffing Assignment for the Project Proposal phase. In an updated Abbreviated PEP or Full PEP (if applicable), include the IPT organization chart for the Project Proposal and proposed Integrated Staffing Assignment for the execution phases. Note: Integrated Staffing Assignment is a document that defines the necessary staffing to perform the activities in the following phase. This ensures that there is no lack of resources to prepare the deliverables for the next gate, and ensures continuity. For typical organization charts for each major phase of the project, see Exhibit G1 to G5. For more details, refer to Integrated Project Team Manual. 3.9.2 SAPMT Interfaces Describe roles, responsibilities, and reporting relationships between the SAPMT, Proponent, and other parties involved in the project, including Saudi Aramco departments and contractors. Include a typical project responsibility matrix (See Exhibit H). Note: Roles and responsibilities of various organizations for execution of projects related to Saudi Aramco and Third party Royalty/Custody Metering Systems and Process Automation Systems (PAS) are specified in SAEP-21, SAEP-50 and SAEP-16, respectively. Describe how the SAPMT will provide effective and efficient communications among the SAPMT, proponent, support groups, and contractors during all phases of the project. Describe how the SAPMT will provide close coordination and effective interface with other BIs, SAPMTs or Proponents, whose work will have direct impact on the Project's activities. 3.9.3 Project Interface Management Plan This plan identifies and details the interfaces among existing and new facilities and among contractors. It provides oversight of the interactions and information flow between the major contractors. The main components of the document include the following: Page 18 of 42 Document Responsibility: Project Management Office Department Issue Date: 8 September 2015 Next Planned Update: 15 September 2019 SAEP-12 Project Execution Plan 1) Project information - Provides a summary of important project background information including actions that will be taken about upgrade, renovation or addition to existing facilities, interfaces between new and existing facilities etc. 2) Contractor Scopes of Work and Interfaces - Defines the division of work between the different contracts associated with the project. 3) Interface Roles & Responsibilities - States the roles and responsibilities between contractors for interface systems. Also, identifies other government/public and private organizations (such as SEC, SSSP, airport authorities, etc.) and their roles and responsibilities. 4) Master Interface Register - Lists the interface points (IPs) and is the primary system used to control engineering, and data associated with physical interfaces. Additionally, it identifies the deliverables associated with construction that depend on others (internal/external) 5) Interface Management Process - Details the Interdependency Schedule (given to contractors to be aware of future requirements of other contractors), and the Interface Execution Plan (describes how contractor will implement the interface scope of work). This section also includes details on the Interface Query Process, Interface Meetings, and Interface Agreements. 6) Tools to be used for interface management, SAPMT and Contractor training in the use of such tools, number of licenses, etc. The Project Manager will initially develop the Interface Management Plan upon completion of DBSP and will issue its final version upon completion of Project Proposal package. PMOD/PEOD’s Project Technology Integration Unit (PTIU) maintains and supports software tools for interface management. Contact PTIU for assistance, if required. 3.10 Value Improving Practices Summarize the plan for implementing Value Improving Practices (including Project Risk Management) and Benchmarking as required per SAEP-367 and SAEP-26, respectively. Provide implementation schedule identifying when and by whom following will be conducted: Contact PMOD/PEOD’s Value Practices Unit (VPU) for assistance with this Page 19 of 42 Document Responsibility: Project Management Office Department Issue Date: 8 September 2015 Next Planned Update: 15 September 2019 SAEP-12 Project Execution Plan section, if required. 3.11 1) Value Engineering 2) Project Risk Management 3) Best Practices Implementation (include Project Management's currentlyidentified or other industry best practices) 4) Benchmarking Project Safety Summarize the plan for implementing project safety studies. The objective in performing these studies is to identify, assess and evaluate (analyze and rank) major hazards and risks to personnel, and other assets. Additional goals are to develop measures to reduce and control risks, improve process safety, protect personnel, the Company’s reputation, assets, and business, and to minimize operability problems. For reference, see SAER-5437 Guidelines for Conducting HAZOP Studies. 3.11.1 Project Safety Studies Preliminary Hazard Analysis All facilities shall perform a Preliminary Hazard Analysis (PreHA) regardless of the type of facilities (includes permanent and project support facilities). Hazard and Operability (HAZOP) Studies The SAPMT and Proponent, in conjunction with the Loss Prevention Department (LPD), Environmental Protection Department (EPD), and Process & Controls System Department (P&CSD) shall decide which projects and specific facilities require HAZOP studies, how many and how detailed each should be. Duplicate facilities shall not require new HAZOP studies. Only new or upgraded facilities that use, produce, process, transport, or store flammable, explosive, toxic (including sewer gases, e.g., H2S), biological or reactive substances in large quantities should have HAZOP studies. The first of the HAZOP studies shall be conducted during the Project Proposal stage (see SAEP-14) and the report shall be incorporated into the Project Proposal. During the Page 20 of 42 Document Responsibility: Project Management Office Department Issue Date: 8 September 2015 Next Planned Update: 15 September 2019 SAEP-12 Project Execution Plan detailed design, HAZOP studies shall be performed, when the facility design is firm and no major design changes are forecasted. The study recommendations shall be incorporated into the final design of the facility. The final HAZOP study shall be performed as soon as the operating procedures are developed in sufficient detail to allow analysis of startup, shutdown, and emergency shutdown modes of operation. The study recommendations shall be incorporated before startup of the facility. Safety Studies Execution The PreHA shall be conducted during the DBSP. HAZOP studies should be part of the Project Proposal and Detailed Design contract, if Saudi Aramco decides the contractor is qualified to support conducting the studies. If the contractor is not qualified to support conducting the study, a subcontractor can be used. The Project Leader/Manager shall notify LPD, EPD, P&CSD, and all other concerned parties at least six weeks in advance of any PreHA and HAZOP study so that qualified personnel can be assigned participate in the studies. Supporting documentation (PFDs, P&IDs, operating procedures, etc.) can be arranged at this time. A copy of each report shall be provided to LPD for review prior to release. The Project Leader/Manager shall distribute copies of the PreHA and HAZOP study reports (as applicable) to all participants within four weeks after the study. 3.11.2 Project Safety Program Describe the safety program for the project. The program should describe the safety objectives for the project and how the program will be managed to ensure these objectives are met. Address the issues of accident prevention and contractor safety that shall also include job site safety. For details, please refer to both Saudi Aramco- Safety Management System and Construction Safety Manual. 3.12 Environmental Assessment Describe the plan for performing the Environmental Assessment and mitigation of environmental impacts as required by SAEP-13. Page 21 of 42 Document Responsibility: Project Management Office Department Issue Date: 8 September 2015 Next Planned Update: 15 September 2019 3.13 SAEP-12 Project Execution Plan Project Closeout Reports Summarize the plan for preparing and submitting the Project Closeout Reports in accordance with SAEP-329. The Project Leader/Manager is to ensure that preparation and submission of the Project Closeout Reports is included as an activity that is planned and tracked. 3.14 Contractor Saudization Plan Address what actions will be taken to promote and support the hiring and training of Saudi Arab personnel by contractors working on the project. 3.15 Maximizing In-Kingdom Engineering, Procurement and Construction Work Address what actions will be taken to promote maximizing the IK engineering, procurement and construction work. Also, address the feasibility of performing portions of any planned LSTK OOK design work IK. 3.16 Projects within Existing Facilities (Non-Grass Roots) Address what actions will be taken with regards to upgrade renovation or addition to existing facilities in the following areas: 3.17 Design and site investigation work required during the project proposal development and detail design phases to determine as-built condition of existing facilities. Risk assessment for items that may impact the project cost estimate. Areas of Concern Address project concerns where corresponding plans of action or solutions have not been completely defined. Concerns for project delivery should be addressed by Project Risk Management, including any unusual efforts or procedures required for successful project completion. Areas of Concern related to external interfaces and engineering or operational issues that may affect the resulting capability provided by the project should also be highlighted here. 3.17.1 Engineering Design Highlight factors that may influence the project design (e.g., operations manning philosophy, operating reliability, capital versus operating costs, material sourcing premiums, labor premiums and location constraints, etc.). Provide action plans to address any concerns. Page 22 of 42 Document Responsibility: Project Management Office Department Issue Date: 8 September 2015 Next Planned Update: 15 September 2019 3.17.2 SAEP-12 Project Execution Plan Construction Highlight factors that can influence the project construction (e.g., site location, security, other projects, etc.). Provide action plans to address any concerns. 3.17.3 Company Interface Summarize other Saudi Aramco activities that will be affected by the project (e.g., maintaining minimum production rates at existing facilities). 3.17.4 Government Interface Identify anticipated interfaces with Saudi Arabian Government authorities including Land Permits and other required approvals. Address the timing and duration of all such activities. 3.17.5 Other Concerns Identify other known factors that may impact efficient execution of the project and provide plans that address the concerns (e.g., SAPMT and others staffing restraints). 4 Responsibilities 4.1 Preparation Preparation of the Initial and Abbreviated PEP are the responsibility of the Project Leader and future Project Manager/Sr. Project Engineer, respectively; coordination of reviews, and obtaining approval signatures are the responsibility of the Project Leader. For the Full PEP, preparation, coordination of reviews, and obtaining approval signatures are the responsibility of the Project Manager. Project Management Office Department (PMOD)/Project Execution Optimization Division (PEOD) is available to explain this procedure. 4.2 Approvals 4.2.1 Initial and Abbreviated PEPs The Initial PEP (for Type A & B projects) and the Abbreviated PEP (for Type A, B & C projects) that are prepared prior to release of Preliminary Engineering funds (and all subsequent revisions) require concurrence of Page 23 of 42 Document Responsibility: Project Management Office Department Issue Date: 8 September 2015 Next Planned Update: 15 September 2019 SAEP-12 Project Execution Plan the Project Sponsor and approval of the Construction Agency Department Manager (see approval sheet, Exhibit B.1). The Project Manager shall submit a copy of the Abbreviated PEP to Project Management Office Department (PMOD)/Project Execution Metrics Division (PEMD) to verify the milestones. Copies of the latest version of the Initial and Abbreviated PEPs shall also be included in the Project Closeout Report to be submitted at DBSP phase completion (see SAEP-329). 4.2.2 Full PEP For Type A, B and C projects with a value over $100MM the original Full PEP requires approval by the Executive Director/Vice President of the Construction Agency after concurrence by the Project Sponsor and Proponent Admin Area Head (see approval sheet, Exhibit B.2). For Type B and C projects with a value: over $50MM and up to $100MM, the original Full PEP requires approval by the Construction Agency’s Area General Manager after concurrence by the Project Sponsor and Proponent Admin Area Head (see approval sheet, Exhibit B.3). of $50MM or below and where the Construction Agency Department Manager has elected to prepare Full PEP, the initial issues only require approval by the Construction Agency Department Manager. For Type C1 projects, Full PEP requires approval by the Executive Director/Vice President of the Proponent Organization after concurrence by the Proponent Department Manager and Project Sponsor (see approval sheet, Exhibit B.4). A revised Full PEP only requires approval by the Construction Agency Department Manager after concurrence by the Proponent Department Manager. A copy of the revised Full PEP shall be forwarded to the signatories of the original Full PEP. PMOD shall review PPU/MPU comments on the status of Full PEP submittals at 30% preliminary engineering as an integral part of BISR reviews. Copies of the latest version of the Full PEP shall be included in the progressive Project Closeout Report (see SAEP-329). Page 24 of 42 Document Responsibility: Project Management Office Department Issue Date: 8 September 2015 Next Planned Update: 15 September 2019 4.3 SAEP-12 Project Execution Plan Distribution The Project Leader is responsible for distributing the signed-off Initial and Abbreviated PEPs. For Full PEPs, the Project Manager is responsible. Original and updated electronic or hard copies of the Initial, Abbreviated and Full PEPs will be distributed. Distribution includes the PEP signatories and Materials Supply's Projects & Strategic Purchasing Department. In addition, copies of revised PEPs shall be distributed to signatories of Rev. 0 PEPs. 4.4 Confidentiality In accordance with GI-0710.002, Classification of Sensitive Documents, PEPs are to be classified as either “Restricted” or “Confidential” (for “major” expansions or developments) and marked and handled accordingly. 5 Conflicts and Deviations 5.1 Any conflicts between this procedure and other applicable Saudi Aramco Engineering Procedures (SAEPs), shall be resolved in writing by the General Supervisor, Project Execution Optimization Division (PEOD), Project Management Office Department (PMOD) of Saudi Aramco, Dhahran. 5.2 Direct all requests to deviate from this procedure following internal Company procedure SAEP-302 and forward such requests for review to General Supervisor PEOD and approval to the Manager, PMOD of Saudi Aramco, Dhahran. 15 September 2014 11 January 2015 8 September 2015 Revision Summary Revised the Next Planned Update, reaffirmed the content of the document, and reissued as major revision to incorporate ATP-Capital Efficiency’s CMS requirements. Editorial revision to clarify definitions and update references and links. Editorial revision to reflect the final two paragraphs are applicable to the entire Section 4.2.2 and not just with Section Page 25 of 42 Document Responsibility: Project Management Office Department Issue Date: 8 September 2015 Next Planned Update: 15 September 2019 SAEP-12 Project Execution Plan Exhibits Exhibit A – Table of Contents SECTION TITLE - APPROVAL SHEET - REVISION CONTROL 1 PROJECT SUMMARY 2 CONTRACTING 3 MATERIAL PROCUREMENT 4 PRE-COMMISSIONING & MECHANICAL COMPLETION PLAN 5 COMMISSIONING & STARTUP PLAN 6 PROJECT COST 7 PROJECT SCHEDULE 8 PROJECT ORGANIZATION AND INTERFACES 9 VALUE IMPROVING PRACTICES (including PROJECT RISK MANAGEMENT) 10 PROJECT SAFETY 11 ENVIRONMENTAL CONSIDERATIONS 12 PROJECT CLOSEOUT REPORTS 13 CONTRACTOR SAUDIZATION PLAN 14 MAXIMIZING IN-KINGDOM ENGINEERING, PROCUREMENT AND CONSTRUCTION WORK 15 PROJECTS WITHIN EXISTING FACILITIES (NON-GRASS ROOTS) 16 AREAS OF CONCERN 17 EXHIBITS Page 26 of 42 Document Responsibility: Project Management Office Department Issue Date: 8 September 2015 Next Planned Update: 15 September 2019 SAEP-12 Project Execution Plan Exhibit B.1 – Approval Sheet for Initial and Abbreviated PEPs (Refer to Section 4.2.1 for approval levels) PROJECT EXECUTION PLAN BUDGET ITEM NO. PROJECT TITLE _____________________________________ PROJECT LEADER FACILITIES PLANNING DEPARTMENT _____________ DATE CONCUR: _____________________________________ DEPARTMENT MANAGER PROPONENT ORGANIZATION ______________ DATE CONCUR: _____________________________________ PROJECT SPONSOR OPERATIONS ORGANIZATION ______________ DATE APPROVE: _____________________________________ DEPARTMENT MANAGER or Higher CONSTRUCTION AGENCY ______________ DATE Page 27 of 42 Document Responsibility: Project Management Office Department Issue Date: 8 September 2015 Next Planned Update: 15 September 2019 SAEP-12 Project Execution Plan Exhibit B.2 – Approval Sheet for Full PEP (Type - A, B & C projects with value > $100MM) (Refer to Section for approval levels) PROJECT EXECUTION PLAN BUDGET ITEM NO. PROJECT TITLE _____________________________________ PROJECT MANAGER PROJECT MANAGEMENT DEPARTMENT _____________ DATE _____________________________________ DEPARTMENT MANAGER PROJECT MANAGEMENT DEPARTMENT ______________ DATE _____________________________________ GENERAL MANAGER AREA PROJECT MANAGEMENT ______________ DATE CONCUR: _____________________________________ DEPARTMENT MANAGER PROPONENT ORGANIZATION ______________ DATE CONCUR: _____________________________________ PROJECT SPONSOR OPERATIONS ORGANIZATION ______________ DATE CONCUR: _____________________________________ VICE PRESIDENT/EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR PROPONENT ORGANIZATION ______________ DATE APPROVE: ____________________________________ VICE PRESIDENT/EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR PROJECT MANAGEMENT ________________ DATE Page 28 of 42 Document Responsibility: Project Management Office Department Issue Date: 8 September 2015 Next Planned Update: 15 September 2019 SAEP-12 Project Execution Plan Exhibit B.3 – Approval Sheet for Full PEP (Type - B & C Projects with value > $50MM < $100MM) (Refer to Section for approval levels) PROJECT EXECUTION PLAN BUDGET ITEM NO. PROJECT TITLE _____________________________________ PROJECT MANAGER CONSTRUCTION AGENCY _____________ DATE _____________________________________ DEPARTMENT MANAGER CONSTRUCTION AGENCY DEPARTMENT ______________ DATE CONCUR: _____________________________________ DEPARTMENT MANAGER PROPONENT ORGANIZATION ______________ DATE CONCUR: _____________________________________ PROJECT SPONSOR OPERATIONS ORGANIZATION ______________ DATE CONCUR: _____________________________________ VICE PRESIDENT/EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR PROPONENT ORGANIZATION ______________ DATE APPROVE: _____________________________________ GENERAL MANAGER AREA CONSTRUCTION AGENCY ______________ DATE Page 29 of 42 Document Responsibility: Project Management Office Department Issue Date: 8 September 2015 Next Planned Update: 15 September 2019 SAEP-12 Project Execution Plan Exhibit B.4 – Approval Sheet for Full PEP (Type - C1 Projects) (Refer to Section for approval levels) PROJECT EXECUTION PLAN BUDGET ITEM NO. PROJECT TITLE _____________________________________ PROJECT MANAGER CONSTRUCTION AGENCY _____________ DATE CONCUR: _____________________________________ DEPARTMENT MANAGER PROPONENT ORGANIZATION ______________ DATE CONCUR: _____________________________________ PROJECT SPONSOR OPERATIONS ORGANIZATION ______________ DATE APPROVE: _____________________________________ VICE PRESIDENT/EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR PROPONENT ORGANIZATION ______________ DATE Page 30 of 42 Document Responsibility: Project Management Office Department Issue Date: 8 September 2015 Next Planned Update: 15 September 2019 SAEP-12 Project Execution Plan Exhibit C – Revision Control Date Rev Description Page 31 of 42 Document Responsibility: Project Management Office Department Issue Date: 8 September 2015 Next Planned Update: 15 September 2019 SAEP-12 Project Execution Plan Exhibit D – Contracting Plan Matrix WORK SCOPE PROJECT PROPOSAL PACKAGE NO. 1 GES Service Order IFP: mm/yy Award: mm/yy Compl: mm/yy PACKAGE NO.2 DETAILED ENGINEERING MATERIAL PROCUREMENT CONSTRUCTION LSTK CONTRACT Selective Bid Screened from SRC Master Bidders List IFP: mm/yy Award: mm/yy Mechanical Completion (MC): mm/yy GES Service Order IFP: mm/yy Award: mm/yy Compl: mm/yy LSPB CONTRACT Open Solicitation with Selective Bidding IFP: mm/yy Award: mm/yy MC: mm/yy Page 32 of 42 Document Responsibility: Project Management Office Department Issue Date: 8 September 2015 Next Planned Update: 15 September 2019 SAEP-12 Project Execution Plan Exhibit E – Comparison of Various Contracting Alternatives YEAR 1 YEAR 2 YEAR 3 YEAR 4 YEAR 5 J F M A M J J A S O N D J F M A M J J A S O N D J F M A M J J A S O N D J F M A M J J A S O N D J F M A M J J A S O N D OPTION I - Normal LSTK PPS DBSP Appr'd. ERA 14 Months Proj Proposal 56D Detailed Design ER Est Budget Est OS 29 Months Procurement Prepare Bld Package Bid / Award M Constructio OPTION II - LSTK w/ Pre Bid - Material NOVATION PPS DBSP Appr'd. ERA 14 Months Proj Proposal 56D Detailed Design ER Est Budget Est OS 26 Months Procurement w/ Novation Prepare Bld Package Bid / Award M Constructio OPTION III - Normal LSPB PPS DBSP Appr'd. 14 Months Proj Proposal OS ERA 56D 36 Months Detailed Design Procurement ER Est Budget Est Bld Package & Bid / Award - Det. Design Bld Package & Bid / Award - LSPB M Construction OPTION IV - LSPB w/ Continuous Engineering PPS DBSP Appr'd. Budget Est ERA 14 Months Proj Proposal 56D ER Est OS 30 Months Procurement Detailed Design Bld Package & Bid / Award - LSPB Constructio M Page 33 of 42 Page 34 of 42 YEAR 1 YEAR 2 YEAR 3 Status Date Month / Day / Year YEAR 4 YEAR 5 PE Funds DBSP ERA CS AWARD Site Prep AWRD LSTK Contract ERA 1st Design Review PPA PO - NOVATED Materials 10 Months DBSP- Compl. PPS 2nd Design Review 30 Montshs ERC O.S MC ERC J F M A M J J A S O N D J F M A M J J A S O N D J F M A M J J A S O N D J F M A M J J A S O N D J F M A M J J A S O N D * Additional Milestone dates should be shown for required Government approval, as applicable ER Completion Commissioning Startup Construction Site Preparation Works Procurement Detailed Design Secure Site Preparation Contract Procure LSTK Contract Prepare ER, Review & Approve Project Proposal (Review & Approval) Project Proposal Development Place PO for NOVATED Materials DBSP Preliminary Engineering Funds Major Milestones (ERA - ERC) ACTIVITY DESCRIPTION PLAN ACTUAL BI-XX-XXXXX BI TITLE PROJECT MILESTONE SCHEDULE Document Responsibility: Project Management Office Department Issue Date: 8 September 2015 Next Planned Update: 15 September 2019 SAEP-12 Project Execution Plan Exhibit F – Project Milestone Schedule Document Responsibility: Project Management Office Department Issue Date: 8 September 2015 Next Planned Update: 15 September 2019 SAEP-12 Project Execution Plan Exhibit G.1 – Integrated Project Team “IPT” (Typical- Business Case “FEL1” Phase) Exhibit G.2 – Integrated Project Team “IPT” (Typical- Study & DBSP “FEL2” Phases) LEGEND: Operations FPD Construction Agency Engineering Services Others Page 35 of 42 Document Responsibility: Project Management Office Department Issue Date: 8 September 2015 Next Planned Update: 15 September 2019 SAEP-12 Project Execution Plan Exhibit G.3 – Integrated Project Team “IPT” (Typical- Project Proposal Phase “FEL3”) Exhibit G.4 – Integrated Project Team “IPT” (Typical- Detailed Design & Procurement Phases) LEGEND: Operations FPD Construction Agency Engineering Services Others Page 36 of 42 Document Responsibility: Project Management Office Department Issue Date: 8 September 2015 Next Planned Update: 15 September 2019 SAEP-12 Project Execution Plan Exhibit G.5 – Integrated Project Team “IPT” (Typical- Construction Phase) LEGEND: Operations FPD Construction Agency Engineering Services Others Page 37 of 42 Document Responsibility: Project Management Office Department Issue Date: 8 September 2015 Next Planned Update: 15 September 2019 SAEP-12 Project Execution Plan Exhibit H – Project Responsibility Matrix Activity Prepare/Execute Manage Consult Approve Budget Brief FPD/P FPD FPD P Design Basis Scoping Paper FPD FPD FPD/ES/S&IS FPD/P/CA/ES Initial FPD FPD CA/P/PMOD/ES P/CA Abbreviated SAPMT FPD CA/P/PMOD/ES P/CA Full SAPMT SAPMT FPD/P/PMOD/ES P/CA Project Proposal C SAPMT FPD/P/ES/S&IS P/ES/CA-EM Expenditure Request FPD/CA/ PMOD SAPMT FPD/PMOD EXCOM Engineering/Design C SAPMT P/ES/S&IS CA Contracting CD/SAPMT SAPMT CD CA-EM/SRC Material Procurement: 9COM 9CAT Inspection Expediting Spare Parts Quality Control C/MS/SAPMT C/MS/SAPMT C/PMC C/PMC C C/PMC SAPMT SAPMT SAPMT SAPMT SAPMT SAPMT MS MS ID MS MS MS/ID CA CA CA CA CA CA Construction C SAPMT ID SAPMT Turnover C SAPMT P SAPMT/P Symbols Description Project Execution Plan Symbols Description C Contractor ID Inspection Department CA Construction Agency MS Materials Supply (SAO/ASC/AOC) CD Contracting Department P Proponent EM Executive Management (SAO) PMC Program Management Contractor EPD Environmental Protection Department PMOD Project Management Office Department ES Engineering Services Organizations SAPMT Saudi Aramco Project Management Team EXCOM Executive Committee S&IS Safety & Industrial Security FPD Facilities Planning Department SRC Services Review Committee Page 38 of 42 Document Responsibility: Project Management Office Department Issue Date: 8 September 2015 Next Planned Update: 15 September 2019 SAEP-12 Project Execution Plan Exhibit I – Front End Loading (FEL) and Project Characterization Front End Loading (FEL) Phases Project Characterization Page 39 of 42 Document Responsibility: Project Management Office Department Issue Date: 8 September 2015 Next Planned Update: 15 September 2019 SAEP-12 Project Execution Plan Exhibit J – FEL Deliverables (for Projects Value < $20MM) (√ symbol shows recommended deliverables) FEL0 FEL1 Sr. # 1 Description FEL2 FEL3 EXECUTION √ 4 Opportunity Statement Proposed Integrated Staffing Assignment VIP - Project Lessons Learned Report ($10MM - $20MM) Deliverable Waiver Request 5 Project Charter 6 Basic Data Requirements 7 Site Selection Assessment 8 Target Setting 9 Environmental Assessment √ 10 Business Case Assessment √ 11 Contracting Strategy √ 12 √ 16 Project Execution Plan Operational Readiness Plan (ORP) including Item-48 VIP - Applicable VIPs Report VIP - Project Risk Management “PRM” ($10MM - $20MM). May be conducted per response of questionnaire. Schedule √ 17 Cost Estimate √ √ 18 Brief and Presentation √ √ 19 Project Assurance Reviews Plan 20 Assurance Review Report 21 Gatekeeper Submittal 22 Gate Outcome Report Facilities Security Assessment for IT Land Use Permit - Saudi Aramco and Government VIP - Technology Selection Report Design Basis Scoping Paper (DBSP) Procurement strategy & Mat. Procurement plan Plot Plans 2 3 13 14 15 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 Preliminary Funding Request VIP - Classes of Facility Quality Rpt. OPERATIONS Business Project Finalize Detailed Procure- Cons- Commis- Start- CloseInitiation Study DBSP Case Proposal FEL Design ment truction sioning up Out √ LLI √ LLC √ √ √ √ √ √* √* √* √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ Page 40 of 42 Document Responsibility: Project Management Office Department Issue Date: 8 September 2015 Next Planned Update: 15 September 2019 FEL0 FEL1 Sr. # 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 Description SAEP-12 Project Execution Plan FEL2 FEL3 EXECUTION VIP - Constructability Review Report VIP - Waste Minimization Report VIP - Process Simplification Report VIP - Energy Optimization Report VIP - Customizing Standards & Specs Report VIP - Reliability Simulation Modelling Report VIP - Design to Capacity Report VIP - Value Engineering Study VIP - Design for Maintainability Report VIP - 3D CAD VIP - Planning for Startup Report Preliminary Process Hazard Analysis Building Risk Assessment Fire Risk Assessment Facilities Security Assessment Report Project Interface Plan √ √ √ √ 51 Stakeholder Management Plan Pre-Commissioning & Mech Completion Plan (to be covered in Item-13) VIP - Predictive Maintenance Report Project Proposal Reviews (30-60-90%) Project Proposal Package 52 Project Quality Plan √ 53 Safety Management System (SMS) √ 54 √ 58 Project Records Book Contracts Procurement & Bid Evaluation Contractor Quality Prequalification Review by Detailed Design Stakeholders Detailed Design 59 Construction Package √ 60 IFP (LSPB Contract) √ 61 Construction Readiness Review 62 Purchase Requisition 48 49 50 55 56 57 OPERATIONS Business Project Finalize Detailed Procure- Cons- Commis- Start- CloseInitiation Study DBSP Case Proposal FEL Design ment truction sioning up Out * * * √ √ √ √ √ √ √ Page 41 of 42 Document Responsibility: Project Management Office Department Issue Date: 8 September 2015 Next Planned Update: 15 September 2019 FEL0 FEL1 Sr. # Description SAEP-12 Project Execution Plan FEL2 FEL3 EXECUTION OPERATIONS Business Project Finalize Detailed Procure- Cons- Commis- Start- CloseInitiation Study DBSP Case Proposal FEL Design ment truction sioning up Out 63 Technical Submittal Reviews √ 64 Inspection Assignment Packages √ 65 Spare Parts Data Packages √ 66 Materials Final Disposition Report √ 67 √ 73 Materials Reports Asset Record (Fixed Assets Work In Progress) Manufacturer’s Drawings, O&M Manuals Purchase Orders EPC/LSPB Construction Kick-Off Meeting EPC/LSPB Construction Notice to Proceed Capital Assets List 74 Construction Progress Reports √ 75 Request for Inspections (RFIs) √ 76 Project Quality Index (PQI) 77 Project Safety Index 78 Inspection Record Books √ 79 Mechanical Completion Certificate √ 80 KPI Sign-Off 81 Actual Manpower Histogram 82 Actual Manpower Curve 83 Exception Items Completed √ 84 Contract Close Out √ 85 90 Commissioning Status Report Performance Acceptance Certificate Ramp-Up Report Commence Production on Specs Notice Production and Specs Monitoring Control Plan Test Under Load Report 91 Project Close-Out Report 92 Financial Close-Out Report 93 Post Project Appraisal Report 68 69 70 71 72 86 87 88 89 √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ Page 42 of 42