POSITION ANGLES AND ALIGNMENTS OF CLUSTERS OF GALAXIES Manolis PLIONIS SISSA - International School for Advanced Studies, Via Beirut 2-4, 34013 Trieste, Italy and ICTP - International Centre for Theoretical Physics Abstract The position angles of a large number of Abell and Shectman clusters, identi ed in the Lick map as surface galaxy-density enhancements, are estimated. In total I determine the major axis orientation of 637 clusters out of which 448 are Shectman clusters (202 of which are also Abell clusters) and 189 are Abell clusters not originally detected by Shectman due to his adopted density threshold. Using published redshifts for 277 of these clusters I have detected strong nearest neighbour alignments over scales up to 15 h 1 Mpc at a & 2:5 3 signi cance level, while quite weak alignments are detected even up to 60 h 1 Mpc. A more signi cant alignment signal ( 4 ) is detected among all neighbours residing in superclusters and having separations . 10 h 1 Mpc. Again, weaker but signi cant alignments are found when larger separations are considered. Since my cluster sample is neither volume limited nor redshift complete, a fact that would tend to wash-out any real alignment signal, the alignments detected should re ect a real and possibly a stronger underline e ect. Subject headings: Cosmology - galaxies: clustering - galaxies: formation Submitted to ApJ Supplements (December 1993) 1 1 Introduction The issue of the elongation of clusters of galaxies (cf. Carter & Metcalfe 1980, Binggeli 1982, Plionis, Barrow & Frenk 1991) and their tendency to be aligned with their nearest neighbour and in many cases with the position angle of their rst ranked galaxy is well studied and well documented, although con icting results appear occasionally in the literature. The alignment e ect was rst noted by Binggeli (1982) who claimed that clusters tend to be aligned with their neighbours over scales of 10-15 h 1 Mpc. Since then, a number of authors have supported the reality of this e ect (Rhee and Katgert 1987, Flin 1987, West 1989a,b, Lambas et:al: 1990, Rhee, van Haarlem & Katgert 1992), although doubts have been put forward about the signi cance and the strength of the e ect (Struble & Peebles 1985; McMillan, Kowalski & Ulmer 1989; Fong, Stevenson & Shanks 1990). Note, however, that Fong et:al: searched for alignments between neighbouring clusters found in 2-dimensions. Any real signal could be diluted by projection and therefore one should be cautious on how to interpret these results. In fact, as it will be shown in what follows, a signi cant alignment signal between neighbours in 3 dimensions becomes insigni cant, although still present, when the cluster pairs are chosen in angular space. Further support for the reality of the alignment e ect comes from the work of Argyres et al (1986) and Lambas, Groth & Peebles (1988) who found that the Lick galaxy counts around Abell clusters tend to be aligned with the cluster major axis out to 15 h 1 Mpc, especially for clusters in high density regions. It was thought initially that the observed alignment e ects would provide a very e ective test to discriminate among di erent models of cosmic structure formation. In the pancake scenario (Zeldovich 1970, Doroshkevich, Shandarin & Saar 1978), like the Hot Dark Matter model, where clusters and galaxies form by fragmentation in already attened sheet- and lament-like superclusters, one expects the clusters to be elongated and aligned. In accordance with this Dekel, West & Aarseth (1984) and West, Dekel & Oemler (1989) found that cluster alignments occur only when the initial uctuation spectrum has a large coherence length as that expected in the HDM model. They where unable to reproduce the observed alignments in hierarchical clustering models, like the Cold Dark Matter (CDM) model, where the cosmic structures form by gravitational clustering from small to large scales (cf. Peebles 1982, Blumenthal et:al: 1984, Davis et:al: 1985, Frenk et:al: 1985, 1988). However, both the asphericity of clusters and the alignment e ect could be produced in hierarchical models by a di erent mechanism. Tidal e ects could in uence the shapes of protoclusters and induce alignments. Indeed, Binney & Silk (1979) found that tidal e ects between protostructures can induce attening and prolate shapes for clusters with a mean ellipticity before virialization is h"i 0:5, which is in good agreement with observations (Plionis, Barrow & Frenk 1991). However this issue is a controversial one since con icting results have been presented in the literature. For example Barnes & Efstathiou (1987) using N-body simulations nd that tidal interactions cannot induce alignments between neighboring protoclusters while Salvador-Sole & Solanes (1993) nd, using analytical methods, that tides can induce the observed alignments. 2 Aside of these con icting results and contrary to the numerical work of Dekel et:al: (1984) and West et:al: (1989), Bond (1987) has shown that within the framework of Gaussian statistics and if the clusters form at the peaks of the eld then an alignment up to 20 h 1 Mpc should be expected even in the CDM model. Soon after, analysis of new high-resolution CDM simulations showed that the alignment e ect is present and even stronger than what was anticipated by the analytical work (West, Villumsen & Dekel 1991 and references therein). In view of these results, it would seem unavoidable to conclude that that cluster-cluster alignments is a generic feature of the cluster formation process which is independent of the speci c model and form of the uctuation spectrum. Therefore, cluster alignments cannot be used as an e ective discriminant between models of structure formation. However, studying alignments and similar features of the distribution of matter on large scales, could provide interesting clues about the details of the cluster formation process and therefore it is essential: 1. To unambiguously determine whether alignments do occur in the real universe. 2. To nd the amplitude of the e ect and the scale over which it takes place. 3. To identify details of the alignment e ect, for example whether galaxies within a cluster exhibit any alignment (cf. Struble 1990, van Kampen & Rhee 1990, Trevese, Cirimele & Flin 1992, Rhee, van Haarlem & Katgert 1992), which could then provide clues about the internal dynamics of the cluster (cf. Rhee & Roos 1990). In this paper I present new cluster position angle determinations for a sample of 637 clusters of galaxies and I study the cluster alignment properties for a subsample of these clusters (N = 277) for which redshift information is available. 2 Cluster Position Angles The cluster- nding algorithm, used to identify clusters from the Lick galaxy catalogue, and the resulting cluster catalogues were presented in Plionis, Barrow & Frenk (1991) [hereafter PBF]. The algorithm is based in identifying surface galaxy-density peaks above a given threshold and connecting in a unique cluster all neighbouring cells that also ful ll the overdensity criteria. A thorough statistical analysis of the distribution of these clusters was presented in Plionis & Borgani (1992), Borgani, Jing & Plionis (1992) and Borgani, Plionis & Valdarnini (1993). I therefore refer the interested reader to those articles as well as to Shane & Wirtanen (1967) and Seldner et:al: (1977) for issues related to the Lick galaxy catalogue and to Plionis (1988) for details of this particular use of the catalogue. I will just remind the reader that the Lick catalogue contains 810000 unique galaxies with mb . 18:8 which are binned in 10 10 arcmin2 cells. The catalogue covers 70% of the sky and its characteristic depth is 210 h 1 Mpc (Groth & Peebles 1977). I determine the orientation of a cluster by estimating its position angle, , measured relative to North in the anticlockwise direction. The principal axes of each cluster and their orientation are calculated by diagonalizing the 2 2 inertia tensor I: 3 Ikl = Xn (rkrl)imi (1) i=1 where k; l = 1; 2, r1 = xi , r2 = yi , mi is the galaxy number-count of the ith cell, n is the number of 10 10 cells for each cluster, and the origin of the coordinate axis is the centre of mass of the cluster. This method for determining cluster position angles is quite di erent from those used in most other studies (cf. Binggeli 1982) which measure the galaxy distribution within a xed circular aperture around each cluster. This method has the disadvantage that it does not map the same area around each cluster but it has the advantage that it avoids any biases resulting from the use of a circular aperture (for a detailed discussion of this see Carter & Metcalfe 1980 and Binggeli 1982.) My primary sample consists of all C36 clusters, ie., those with =h i = 3:6 (see PBF), which sample a large enough area to make the determination of their position angle possible, ie., cover at least ve 10 10 arcmin2 cells. Note that the overdensity threshold used is the same as that used by Shectman (1985) and therefore these clusters correspond to Shectman clusters. In order to test the robustness of the position angle determination the clusters are traced to lower overdensity levels (=h i=3, 2.5 and 1.8) and at each level their position angles are determined. Since, however, at lower overdensities there is a higher probability of the clusters being a ected by projection e ects that could distort their position angles and since projection e ects should cause the apparent position of the cluster centre to vary from level to level, PBF attempted to minimize this problem adopting the following procedure. At each overdensity level the cluster centre of mass is estimated and only those levels are considered for which the cluster centre of mass, calculated at that overdensity, has shifted by < 10 arcmin from its original C36 position (ie., the cluster centre of mass should not move out of its original 10 cell). I also estimate the position angles of all Abell clusters, found at lower overdensity levels and which cover enough area to make the position angle determination possible. Note that in order to eliminate the gross e ects of Galactic extinction the samples are limited to jbj 40. In table 1 I present the C36 cluster position angles with their corresponding Shectman (1985) and Abell (1958) number. Where it was possible I also present the mean and standard deviation of their values from measurements at three, at least, overdensity levels. In such cases the median value is also listed. In table 1b I present the position angles of Abell clusters identi ed at =h i=2.5 and determined at the same level, while in table 1c the listed position angles are of clusters identi ed at a level =h i=1.8. Finally at table 1d I present position angles of clusters identi ed at the =h i=2.5 but estimated at =h i=1.8 i 0 i 0 0 3 Tests for systematic e ects PBF gave a thorough discussion of the most signi cant systematic biases that could a ect the cluster shape parameters and found that the position angles remain mostly una ected by the e ect of the grid while when tracing the clusters to lower overdensity levels they found small variations of their position angle. However, when the cluster sampling area is small (ie, when few 10 10 cells de ne 0 4 0 the cluster), then due to the limiting geometry of the possible cell con guration, the position angles of such clusters tend to have a preferred range of values. Figure 1 shows the position angles as a function of the number of cells, de ning the cluster sampling area, for clusters with only one determination of their position angle. Especially for Ncells 7 the e ect is evident. However, the e ect is suppressed when more than one determinations of the position angle of a cluster is possible and in these cases the nal value of is the average over all the determinations. This can be seen in gure 2 where we plot the position angles of clusters estimated in more than one overdensity level; panel (a) shows the values of hi as a function of the minimum number of cells used while panel (b) the values of as a function of the maximum number of cells used for the hi determination. I conclude that clusters with one position angle determination and Ncells 7, have an uncertainty, due to the grid, of 30 35 and therefore the interested reader should be cautious of this e ect and should consider their position angles rather as indicative. To test whether this e ect is signi cant and whether it could create a systematic orientation bias I calculate, following Struble & Peebles (1985), the following functions: r 2 XN Cn = N cos 2ni i=1 r 2 XN (2) (3) Sn = N sin 2ni i=1 where n 1 and N is the total number of clusters in my sample. If the position angles are independently drawn from a uniform distribution between 0 and 180 then the Cn and Sn have zero mean and unit standard deviation. A systematic bias in the cluster orientations will manifest itself as a large value of jCn j and/or jSn j. For all the 637 cluster position angles I obtain jC1 j, jS1 j . 1:6, jC2 j, jS2j . 1:2 and jC3j, jS3j . 1 indicating that the distribution of position angles has no signi cant deviation from uniformity. However, when I use clusters with only one position angle determination and with Ncells = 5, I get jS2j, jC2 j 2 which re ects the grid e ect mentioned before. PBF found that when they compared the position angles of clusters in common with other studies, the typical uncertainty between the di erent measurements is 30 35, in agreement with West (1989). For example the position angle deviation for the clusters in common with Struble & Peebles (77 clusters) is 0 35:5 while when I compare with 61 common clusters of Rhee et:al: (1992) I nd 1:4 40:5 for those determined by the Fourier method while I nd slightly worse results for their other methods. Interestingly, I nd the best agreement when I compare my cluster position angles with their 1st rank galaxy position angles ( 0:5 39). Note, however, that PBF found that if the comparison is restricted only to those common clusters for which their estimate of the position angle is based on an area similar in size to the circular aperture used in other studies then the position angle deviation is reduced by 50%. This shows that the di erent position angle estimation methods lead to similar values when applied to similar regions around the clusters. 5 4 Alignments of Clusters In order to search for alignments in my sample I collected all the published cluster redshifts to end up with 277 clusters in the North and South galactic hemisphere. For this sample I nd jC1 j, jS1j 1:2, jC2j, jS2j 0:2 and jC3j, jS3j 0:9 which again shows that this sample is free of orientation bias. Note that my sample is not volume limited, a major drawback in such a study, nor is it redshift complete a fact that could hinder me from reaching any strong conclusion, especially if I would not detect any alignments. The distance to each cluster is determined by the usual relation (Mattig 1958): (4) R = H q 2 (1c + z)2 [qz + (q 1)[(1 + 2q z) 21 1]] with q = 0:2. The cluster coordinate system is transformed to a Cartesian one using the transformations: x = R cos b sin l, y = R cos b cos l and z = R sin b. In this coordinate system the relative distance Dij of each cluster pair are found by Dij = (x2ij + yij2 + zij2 )1=2. I determine the position angle ij of each cluster, i, relative to the direction of a neighbour, j , as the acute angle between the major axis of the cluster and the great circle connecting the two clusters. Firstly the position angle of the cluster-pair separation, is , at the position of the primary cluster is found by using straightforward spherical trigonometry and nally ij = i is , where i is the position angle of the primary cluster. The mean ij in an isotropic distribution with large N would be equal to 45. A deviation from this value, in a bias free sample, would be an indication of an alignment/misalignment e ect. A useful measure of such an e ect is given by Struble & Peebles (1985): = XN ij i=1 N 45 (5) If the values of ij are isotropically distributed between 0 and 90 then for large N , h i = 0 and the standard deviation is: = p90 (6) 12N A negative value of would indicate alignment and a positive one a misalignment. We must consider though that a comparison of observations with these formulas should take place only if the determination of position angles does not entail systematic errors. If there is a systematic bias of the cluster position angles towards a preferred direction it could produce a false alignment or misalignment signal. This, however, is not the case for my samples since it was found, in section 3, that such a bias is not present. I searched for two types of cluster alignments: 1. Nearest-Neighbour alignments (N-N) 2. All neighbour alignments within superclusters (A-N) 6 4.1 Nearest-Neighbour Alignments To study this type of alignments I found for each cluster i a neighbour j for which their distance is min[Dij ]. For such pairs we then calculate ij ( nn ) and estimate the alignment signal and its deviation . Note that hmin[Dij ]i is 25 h 1 Mpc, a rather large value but consider that the sample is not volume limited and there are a few clusters with very large redshifts. If we limit the N-N separations to a maximum value of 30 or 50 h 1 Mpc then 14 and 20 h 1 Mpc, respectively. In Table 2 we present our results for di erent limiting cluster pair separations, Dlim . A quite signi cant signal (2:5 e ect) is found when Dlim = 15 h 1 Mpc which persists, although having a smaller value of , even when very large separations are considered (Dlim = 50 - 60 h 1 Mpc). Figure 3 shows the frequency distribution of the nn angles. Figure 3a shows the results for Dlim = 10 and 15 h 1 Mpc (solid and dashed lines respectively) while gure 3b shows the results when all the N-N separations are considered. A clear excess of small nn values is present in all cases, being more pronounced at smaller values of Dlim . I attempted to further test the signi cance of my result by testing whether the observed nn distribution could have been drawn from a uniform one. To this end we perform a KolmogorovSmirnov two-sided test and we nd that the probability of the observed distribution being drawn from a uniform parent distribution is 4 10 2, 3 10 2 and 5 10 2 for Dlim = 10, 15 and 60 h 1 Mpc respectively. 4.2 All-Neighbour Alignments within Superclusters I have used the above procedure to study alignments between all possible cluster-pairs that lie within the same supercluster. Binggeli (1982) has claimed a positive alignment signal of this type, although at a low signi cance level. Similarly, West (1989b) has found that such alignments occur over scales of at least 30 h 1 Mpc and maybe over even larger distances, while Plionis, Valdarnini & Jing (1992), using Abell clusters and a subset of the position angles presented here found that indeed there is a strong alignment signal between all neighbours within superclusters which seems also to be correlated with the shape of the supercluster, being stronger in prolate con gurations. I de ne superclusters using a friend of friend algorithm and two percolation radii, Rp, of 35 h 1 and 25 h 1 Mpc length. Since my main results seem to be insensitive to these two choices of Rp, I will present only those for the Rp = 35 h 1 case. For this value of Rp I obtain 33 superclusters (with more than two members) containing 209 out of the 277 clusters. The alignment signal (eq. 5) is used but note that I used clusters that belong into superclusters of any membership number above unity, while Plionis et:al: (1992) used supercluster with more than 8 members (because they wanted to determine also their shapes). In table 3 I present the values of the alignment signal and its signi cance for di erent cluster separation ranges. Strong alignments occur in my sample only for Dlim = 10 h 1 Mpc while weaker but still signi cant alignments are present even when Dlim 150 h 1 Mpc. Remember, however, that my samples are not volume limited nor redshift complete and therefore even such an alignment signal 7 should be considered as an indication of a probably larger and more signi cant alignment e ect. In gure 4 I present the frequency distribution of the ij angles at four cluster separation ranges. The strong alignment e ect at the D 10 h 1 Mpc range is evident. Our results are in agreement with those of West (1989b) and Plionis et:al: (1992) even more so if we take into account that our samples are not as complete, a fact that would tend wash-out any inherent alignment signal. 4.3 Possible systematic biases The observed alignments could be arti cial, in principle, resulting from the fact that clusters which are near in space are in many occasions also near on the sky and therefore their galaxy density envelopes could overlap in the angular projection. This could produce a directional bias when determining their position angles and thus a preferred orientation along the direction of a neighbour, in particular of the nearest neighbour. A manifestation of such an e ect would be to nd a stronger and more signi cant alignment signal between nearest neighbours in angular space rather than in real 3-D space. Since however, a number of clusters that are neighbours in real space are neighbours also in angular space some weak alignment signal should survive the projection. To test whether this e ect is responsible for the alignment signal found, I searched for nearest neighbour alignments in my sample but using angular separations instead of spatial ones. I found for all separations a signi cantly weaker alignment signal. For example when the angular separations are 1:4 (for which I have in total 66 separation, a value similar to that for D 10 h 1 Mpc) I obtain a weaker and less signi cant alignment signal ( = 4:1 3:2) with a 0.15 probability of the distribution of nn being drawn from a uniform one, con rming that the observed alignment signal in 3-D is not caused by the above mentioned bias. Furthermore, to test whether the grid e ect, mentioned in section 3, has induced the detected cluster alignments, I repeated the N-N analysis but after having reshued the cluster position angles. I performed a 100 such reshuings and I nd, for all separations considered, h i = 0 with a standard deviation equal to that obtained from eq. 6, which indicates that the grid e ect is not responsible for the detected cluster alignment signal. 5 Conclusions I have presented a large number of new cluster position angles. In total 637 position angles were estimated. Using available redshifts for a subset of these clusters I found a strong alignment signal ( 2:5 3 ) between nearest cluster neighbours when their separations are 15 h 1 Mpc, as well as a stronger ( 4 ) signal between all neighbours residing in superclusters when separations 10 h 1 Mpc are considered. A quite weak but signi cant alignment signal persists even when considering larger separations (up to 150 h 1 Mpc). 8 : Mean position angles (column 5) of Abell and Shectman clusters (identi ed at the 3.6 level). We present the number of overdensity levels used to estimate the position angles (column 3), the minimum and maximum number of 10 10 cells, Ncells , de ning the cluster sampling area [at the di erent overdensity levels] (column 4), while for the cases were the position angle () was determined in 3 or more overdensity levels we list also (column 6) and the median value (column 7) [in those cases where 4 levels were used we averge the two central values]. Table 1a 0 0 9 Shectman Abell No of levels min-max Ncells 1 2 4 5 6 8 9 10 11 12 16 18 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 30 31 33 35 37 38 39 42 43 45 46 47 48 50 724 727 757 819 858 879 912 921 949 952 978 986 993 1020 1033 1035 1050 1 2 2 2 2 1 1 2 1 1 1 2 2 3 2 3 3 3 2 2 2 2 3 3 2 1 4 2 1 1 1 4 2 3 6 10-15 7-12 5-9 6-14 7 7 7-10 8 6 6 5-9 7-9 8-20 7-10 5-13 6-13 8-13 5-7 5-8 7-11 8-15 9-27 6-19 6-14 6 10-40 5-28 7 6 8 5-84 5-10 5-13 177.2 65.8 80.4 79.3 36.5 111.0 96.1 103.1 132.4 166.1 0.6 118.1 40.5 165.9 119.8 115.4 19.4 169.3 47.0 119.9 97.8 157.2 114.9 133.7 22.0 109.0 137.1 102.5 60.9 44.5 43.9 93.8 131.6 76.6 10 Med[] ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 14.6 ... 5.7 19.2 3.5 ... ... ... ... 3.4 7.1 ... ... 19.2 ... ... ... ... 21.1 ... 6.5 ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 157.5 ... 114.4 20.1 167.7 ... ... ... ... 113.8 131.8 ... ... 144.6 ... ... ... ... 90.6 ... 74.2 Shectman Abell No of levels min-max Ncells 52 53 54 55 57 59 60 61 62 63 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 1066 1067 1085 1100 1126 1139 1149 1169 1168 1173 1177 1185 1190 1187 1205 1213 1235 4 1 1 2 1 2 2 3 2 1 2 2 1 2 2 2 4 2 2 2 3 1 1 1 3 1 1 2 3 1 3 4 3 2 6-27 8 10 6-10 8 5-10 13-25 5-11 7-9 5 6-11 6-14 10 7-9 6-9 5-11 9-89 5-11 5-9 8-16 14-51 13 5 11 8-16 7 9 11-19 12-29 5 5-16 8-26 8-20 10-11 9.6 45.0 157.4 116.9 176.6 101.4 155.2 102.2 119.7 161.8 91.5 112.5 44.5 138.2 61.5 135.6 52.1 44.0 102.5 13.9 169.4 168.5 180.0 156.7 89.3 61.5 21.3 54.3 96.0 57.6 116.0 50.8 6.4 73.6 11 Med[] 24.0 ... ... ... ... ... ... 6.4 ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 33.8 ... ... ... 47.4 ... ... ... 7.4 ... ... ... 10.4 ... 49.4 29.0 53.5 ... 6.7 ... ... ... ... ... ... 103.6 ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 57.5 ... ... ... 145.4 ... ... ... 91.4 ... ... ... 90.2 ... 107.1 43.2 2.5 ... Shectman Abell No of levels min-max Ncells 97 99 100 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 117 118 119 121 122 124 125 126 131 128 129 130 134 135 136 137 138 1267 1291 1307 1308 1314 1317 1318 1332 1336 1341 1346 1364 1362 1367 1365 1371 1377 1380 1 1 2 1 2 1 3 2 3 1 1 4 2 3 2 1 1 1 1 2 4 2 1 3 1 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 3 1 6 8 6-9 7 8-13 15 7-15 5-7 5-12 7 7 10-26 8-18 6-13 7-13 8 5 5 7 8-11 13-45 17-26 12 9-26 7 21-46 6 9-14 8-12 5 8-17 9-20 10-19 7 30.8 135.0 93.3 7.7 33.7 107.6 172.6 103.2 6.9 80.2 135.8 75.0 97.2 42.6 85.2 1.6 105.5 18.0 135.8 120.4 159.6 164.8 120.9 149.8 78.3 156.8 90.0 118.2 11.7 20.4 100.1 126.5 165.3 173.9 12 Med[] ... ... ... ... ... ... 21.5 ... 9.3 ... ... 2.0 ... 38.2 ... ... ... ... ... ... 20.9 ... ... 5.7 ... 20.9 ... ... 12.4 ... ... 1.4 13.4 ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 1.6 ... 5.0 ... ... 74.4 ... 21.2 ... ... ... ... ... ... 160.1 ... ... 148.2 ... 150.6 ... ... 7.3 ... ... 126.4 165.5 ... Shectman Abell No of levels min-max Ncells 139 140 142 144 145 148 151 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 161 162 163 164 165 167 169 170 171 174 175 176 177 178 180 181 183 184 185 186 1383 1399 1407 1413 1416 1424 1436 1448 1452 1468 1502 1507 1516 1517 1520 1535 1 1 2 2 1 3 1 1 2 2 1 1 2 1 3 3 3 2 1 2 2 2 3 2 3 3 1 3 2 2 4 1 3 3 5 5 5-8 8-12 6 5-17 9 6 5-9 7-17 9 6 9-23 5 5-13 5-12 10-14 5-6 5 8-11 5-7 5-7 9-32 7-11 10-24 7-10 7 8-18 9-20 9-20 17-52 5 5-13 7-13 17.4 72.2 78.9 148.8 90.0 152.1 149.4 0.8 92.8 135.0 117.1 2.2 107.0 73.9 89.3 57.0 29.5 121.3 109.4 106.7 165.8 37.4 4.7 7.1 143.6 60.7 60.3 16.3 89.6 158.0 8.6 19.5 173.6 141.2 13 Med[] ... ... ... ... ... 11.8 ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 13.1 9.8 3.3 ... ... ... ... ... 7.4 ... 15.8 11.2 ... 22.3 ... ... 19.0 ... 45.7 41.2 ... ... ... ... ... 158.4 ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 95.8 58.6 31.4 ... ... ... ... ... 8.1 ... 138.0 64.8 ... 13.7 ... ... 0.5 ... 162.8 129.9 Shectman Abell No of levels min-max Ncells 187 189 190 192 193 194 195 196 197 198 199 201 203 204 208 209 210 211 212 213 215 216 218 219 221 222 224 226 227 228 229 230 231 232 1541 1552 1553 1555 1564 1569 1589 1620 1631 1638 1644 1650 1651 1656 1663 1668 - 4 2 4 1 3 2 2 3 1 1 3 2 1 3 2 3 2 1 3 3 3 3 1 4 2 3 3 2 3 2 1 2 2 2 8-44 6-14 5-40 8 6-20 5-12 5-10 7-18 5 15 7-15 7-22 8 8-23 7-14 29-73 5-8 6 5-14 5-10 20-48 21-45 9 6-17 7-13 32-67 7-14 6-12 6-46 5-13 6 5-7 9-36 6-12 117.0 160.4 163.3 137.1 96.0 113.3 111.1 104.1 162.0 148.6 142.0 142.9 177.8 80.5 48.5 142.5 120.6 64.1 26.9 91.3 86.4 128.8 105.7 145.6 59.3 71.5 30.7 73.8 91.7 113.1 48.4 5.8 101.1 37.6 14 Med[] 9.3 ... 42.6 ... 7.9 ... ... 4.7 ... ... 34.5 ... ... 10.0 ... 5.7 ... ... 5.1 3.8 42.8 1.2 ... 6.2 ... 1.0 20.0 ... 41.0 ... ... ... ... ... 114.2 ... 165.0 ... 94.7 ... ... 104.6 ... ... 152.9 ... ... 78.9 ... 142.6 ... ... 29.4 90.8 91.8 128.1 ... 144.6 ... 71.8 39.0 ... 109.1 ... ... ... ... ... Shectman Abell No of levels min-max Ncells 234 235 236 237 238 240 241 243 244 246 247 248 249 250 253 254 256 257 258 259 261 262 263 264 265 266 267 268 270 271 272 273 274 275 1691 1706 1709 1711 1738 1749 1764 1767 1775 1773 1778 1783 1780 1793 1795 1800 1797 3 3 2 1 2 1 4 1 3 2 3 3 4 3 4 2 1 1 1 1 2 1 3 3 3 4 4 1 1 2 3 3 2 2 14-26 6-14 10-16 6 5-8 5 6-75 9 6-16 6-12 5-27 5-17 8-19 10-27 7-19 5-8 8 5 9 8 6-8 7 12-41 5-14 11-44 6-37 6-18 5 6 8-10 11-21 9-18 6-12 9-16 121.2 130.9 121.8 45.5 158.0 72.2 127.2 158.9 106.9 22.5 69.2 113.0 125.1 168.2 79.7 35.5 50.0 161.5 20.8 33.4 132.8 59.0 88.3 61.1 89.0 86.8 77.0 109.2 92.6 124.7 13.8 48.9 62.2 135.4 15 Med[] 0.7 23.9 ... ... ... ... 22.0 ... 25.7 ... 18.9 16.0 9.6 13.6 22.2 ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 6.0 28.4 21.5 12.1 36.3 ... ... ... 12.6 22.3 ... ... 120.8 138.0 ... ... ... ... 125.9 ... 104.8 ... 71.4 108.2 122.4 169.4 90.0 ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 90.9 71.1 97.5 84.2 65.3 ... ... ... 16.5 57.1 ... ... Shectman Abell No of levels min-max Ncells 276 277 278 279 280 282 283 285 286 287 288 289 290 291 293 294 296 297 298 300 301 304 305 306 307 308 309 310 312 313 314 315 316 317 1809 1812 1825 1834 1831 1836 1852 1873 1882 1890 1899 1904 1906 1 3 2 3 4 4 3 3 1 2 1 3 4 3 3 4 1 1 1 1 2 2 1 2 2 3 3 2 3 2 3 1 4 2 6 6-25 6-9 5-14 8-12 5-37 5-11 6-28 5 6-10 5 5-14 11-74 10-25 6-15 6-35 8 6 6 8 5-27 5-6 6 8-16 7-14 8-11 11-18 5-12 6-12 6-11 9-14 6 7-20 5-8 179.2 26.9 94.8 85.9 83.8 22.0 14.7 164.9 158.9 81.4 161.8 157.2 130.9 18.3 1.2 88.9 70.7 4.3 91.6 178.5 171.9 29.4 91.5 90.7 71.3 26.2 11.9 32.3 61.1 31.9 111.2 91.3 25.2 63.3 16 Med[] ... 8.4 ... 13.4 6.5 10.8 5.4 12.6 ... ... ... 18.1 35.4 15.9 10.1 9.6 ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 34.9 7.2 ... 15.9 ... 4.4 ... 14.8 ... ... 23.5 ... 93.0 86.8 21.1 16.6 162.2 ... ... ... 161.6 124.9 25.0 ... 88.0 ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 46.3 14.8 ... 53.0 ... 110.0 ... 23.7 ... Shectman Abell No of levels min-max Ncells 318 319 321 322 323 324 327 329 331 332 333 334 335 339 340 341 342 343 345 346 347 348 350 351 352 353 354 362 365 366 368 369 370 371 1908 1913 1964 1983 1986 1991 2020 2022 2028 2029 2048 2052 2055 - 2 1 4 1 2 1 3 1 3 3 4 1 1 3 1 4 2 2 3 1 4 2 1 1 2 3 1 3 1 2 1 1 3 1 11-18 6 14-91 5 5-7 12 5-20 6 5-15 5-16 5-13 9 7 11-24 5 9-44 6-9 5-8 5-13 5 7-34 8-10 5 15 7-14 5-37 23 10-19 45 8-12 9 6 5-34 31 20.7 88.4 141.9 69.7 10.0 101.0 99.8 59.0 21.2 58.3 53.3 108.6 81.7 157.4 20.8 5.0 50.5 120.3 17.6 161.9 112.3 53.3 20.1 136.5 19.1 93.4 5.1 124.6 106.2 46.4 3.0 139.4 89.9 138.4 17 Med[] ... ... 26.9 ... ... ... 8.5 ... 6.1 42.5 13.4 ... ... 7.1 ... 25.8 ... ... 8.7 ... 22.1 ... ... ... ... 19.4 ... 3.7 ... ... ... ... 21.6 ... ... ... 132.8 ... ... ... 96.9 ... 18.5 70.6 49.3 ... ... 154.6 ... 4.5 ... ... 18.8 ... 112.1 ... ... ... ... 103.7 ... 126.4 ... ... ... ... 83.8 ... Shectman Abell No of levels min-max Ncells 372 374 375 376 377 378 380 383 384 385 386 389 390 391 392 393 395 396 397 398 400 401 403 404 407 409 411 414 415 416 417 418 427 428 2062 2061 2063 2065 2069 2079 2083 2089 2092 2107 2122 2142 2149 2151 2162 2199 - 1 1 1 3 3 1 2 1 1 1 4 3 1 3 3 4 2 2 3 1 2 2 2 3 3 3 4 3 1 1 1 3 2 2 6 8 8 5-8 20-39 9 25-39 16 6 10 6-20 6-22 6 8-29 7-14 5-20 6-7 5-10 6-16 11 14-25 7-17 5-8 46-74 21-34 8-17 7-23 7-22 8 17 8 5-14 5-10 5-11 137.1 135.5 90.5 83.9 35.2 45.1 176.1 116.4 89.5 37.0 39.9 17.9 87.8 24.9 52.4 150.9 124.7 177.7 90.8 13.8 145.1 139.1 111.4 126.7 169.4 1.7 82.2 54.1 124.6 47.2 124.6 68.8 41.9 72.2 18 Med[] ... ... ... 44.0 6.7 ... ... ... ... ... 2.8 15.3 ... 18.8 24.0 16.1 ... ... 2.9 ... ... ... ... 25.1 29.8 10.2 8.3 46.5 ... ... ... 10.4 ... ... ... ... ... 72.1 32.8 ... ... ... ... ... 39.4 23.4 ... 32.9 46.5 156.2 ... ... 89.4 ... ... ... ... 112.9 3.6 7.3 83.3 72.0 ... ... ... 69.7 ... ... Shectman Abell No of levels min-max Ncells 429 431 432 434 435 437 438 439 440 441 443 444 445 447 450 452 453 454 456 457 461 463 464 467 470 472 473 475 478 479 486 487 488 490 2366 2372 2377 2382 2384 2399 2401 2410 2415 2420 2426 2448 2457 2459 2529 2554 2569 2593 2592 2657 - 2 2 4 2 3 1 1 3 4 3 2 2 2 1 1 1 3 4 1 1 1 3 1 4 3 2 3 1 3 2 3 3 2 1 8 5-6 14-41 7-9 6-10 6 5 16-23 5-18 11-22 7-11 6-7 6-9 6 15 7 7-14 7-21 6 11 8 5-20 5 8-15 5-13 8-10 8-19 9 10-26 6-7 5-16 5-11 5-8 6 133.6 32.8 122.7 33.9 132.3 142.1 0.1 94.4 138.8 121.9 46.8 85.5 59.7 23.8 37.9 59.6 25.5 144.5 134.2 61.1 34.6 90.2 16.7 52.3 110.0 66.8 148.6 59.1 179.0 74.6 84.7 130.3 21.5 0.1 19 Med[] ... ... 14.7 ... 39.3 ... ... 9.2 19.6 4.1 ... ... ... ... ... ... 3.6 5.5 ... ... ... 1.3 ... 17.1 4.6 ... 4.8 ... 4.4 ... 14.6 17.5 ... ... ... ... 127.2 ... 126.9 ... ... 99.6 144.0 123.9 ... ... ... ... ... ... 25.3 145.1 ... ... ... 90.0 ... 43.7 112.5 ... 149.2 ... 178.5 ... 82.9 135.6 ... ... Shectman Abell No of levels min-max Ncells 491 492 494 495 496 498 500 502 503 504 505 508 510 511 512 513 514 517 518 520 522 524 525 526 529 530 532 533 534 536 539 541 542 543 2670 2686 13 16 23 27 44 76 84 85 93 95 98 112 114 3 4 3 1 3 3 3 3 3 3 1 2 2 4 4 4 1 2 3 2 2 4 1 4 1 1 1 2 4 1 2 1 1 1 8-12 8-36 7-19 8 8-22 6-12 7-14 5-10 5-11 8-22 5 14-19 5-9 5-40 7-34 6-20 8 5-11 18-44 7-14 5-10 5-23 6 12-34 6 5 12 10-20 6-11 9 6-9 6 6 6 33.2 39.1 178.1 92.9 124.9 151.8 83.1 49.6 149.6 133.3 70.4 63.5 145.2 65.2 131.0 153.0 31.6 54.1 165.8 145.6 100.2 17.9 133.3 163.1 42.2 161.0 18.2 45.7 3.3 53.6 124.8 46.0 2.6 84.6 20 Med[] 4.9 12.8 18.4 ... 11.2 25.1 28.9 41.7 38.4 11.9 ... ... ... 39.2 38.7 18.2 ... ... 2.6 ... ... 14.9 ... 4.3 ... ... ... ... 34.5 ... ... ... ... ... 32.7 37.2 3.0 ... 124.6 152.9 89.2 70.1 163.3 135.7 ... ... ... 48.6 134.9 147.8 ... ... 166.1 ... ... 20.5 ... 162.9 ... ... ... ... 6.4 ... ... ... ... ... Shectman Abell No of levels min-max Ncells 544 546 547 548 549 550 551 552 553 555 557 559 560 561 563 565 567 568 569 570 571 572 576 578 580 581 582 583 584 585 586 587 588 590 116 117 119 120 126 147 150 151 154 160 168 171 175 193 1 2 2 3 4 3 1 1 2 3 2 1 1 1 1 3 2 2 4 3 3 1 2 1 2 2 1 2 1 2 2 3 2 3 12 10-13 5-10 6-28 15-84 22-45 6 8 6-12 5-14 5-12 12 5 17 12 7-28 7-22 7-12 10-23 5-10 29-47 9 6-9 10 7-9 13-19 5 9-13 8 6-19 5-13 7-14 6-14 9-14 131.8 40.8 36.9 145.9 35.2 28.3 12.1 66.4 15.4 97.3 12.6 15.1 81.9 47.1 150.6 94.2 87.7 77.2 78.8 164.2 40.5 172.2 174.1 0.8 22.8 149.1 95.0 177.3 35.3 78.8 95.9 95.3 104.8 80.1 21 Med[] ... ... ... 44.0 17.1 1.0 ... ... ... 10.3 ... ... ... ... ... 34.3 ... ... 6.3 24.1 13.3 ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 16.4 ... 8.4 ... ... ... 161.2 32.6 28.8 ... ... ... 95.4 ... ... ... ... ... 83.3 ... ... 77.1 176.7 47.6 ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 87.1 ... 82.5 Shectman Abell No of levels min-max Ncells 591 592 593 594 596 598 599 600 601 603 604 608 609 612 615 616 618 619 620 622 623 624 625 627 628 629 630 631 632 633 635 638 639 640 194 256 257 274 295 367 400 415 - 3 3 3 3 1 3 1 1 3 3 2 1 3 3 2 3 3 1 2 3 1 1 3 3 2 2 3 1 2 4 1 3 3 3 9-31 6-22 9-37 5-18 7 5-29 13 5 7-20 8-51 5-8 5 5-17 6-12 8-13 6-31 5-63 5 6-11 6-12 6 6 8-21 7-11 5-7 11-17 5-14 6 6-10 5-42 10 6-21 6-9 10-27 59.7 83.8 25.6 64.7 68.7 67.8 110.4 20.4 170.7 52.0 100.3 134.3 163.2 73.9 89.9 53.9 144.4 74.9 46.2 35.1 12.4 132.2 121.4 43.8 59.1 139.6 12.6 135.4 67.0 90.1 56.8 1.7 48.7 95.3 22 Med[] 5.1 28.3 24.8 47.2 ... 22.0 ... ... 29.5 29.3 ... ... 41.4 2.1 ... 1.5 13.7 ... ... 5.8 ... ... 13.1 27.7 ... ... 30.4 ... ... 13.1 ... 2.3 15.7 10.8 56.8 86.7 12.4 63.8 ... 56.3 ... ... 174.6 66.9 ... ... 173.5 72.7 ... 54.1 139.1 ... ... 38.1 ... ... 123.6 44.8 ... ... 12.7 ... ... 96.1 ... 0.5 43.7 96.8 Shectman Abell No of levels min-max Ncells 641 642 646 647 648 649 420 423 - 1 1 2 2 1 2 6 6 6-8 5-11 8 5-10 Med[] 134.6 91.7 43.3 74.1 159.1 131.8 23 ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... : Position angles of Abell clusters, identi ed at the 3.6 level but estimated at the 2.5 level. Table 1b Abell Ncells 779 1069 1170 1174 1189 1227 1278 1344 1411 1427 1515 5 8 5 6 6 9 5 10 5 5 15 72.2 138.7 158.7 147.5 167.3 145.0 118.9 127.8 44.0 160.4 161.8 Abell Ncells 1518 1524 1729 1796 1818 1921 1926 1953 1982 2120 2153 5 10 14 5 10 8 6 14 13 5 6 69.9 8.8 50.5 109.1 107.5 179.9 47.9 111.0 59.9 18.1 119.6 Abell Ncells 148 152 225 403 2400 2412 2421 2490 2525 2665 8 10 5 5 9 5 6 6 5 5 56.2 110.8 72.2 69.6 142.9 89.7 1.3 18.2 17.0 108.6 : Position angles of Abell clusters, identi ed at the 3.6 level but estimated at the 1.8 level. Table 1c Abell Ncells 865 903 985 987 1092 1201 1242 1262 1292 1327 1387 1441 1625 1688 6 33 11 7 5 23 6 5 7 5 8 9 8 5 12.5 117.5 105.5 171.6 109.0 166.8 17.9 71.1 177.4 146.3 51.7 153.0 150.2 89.7 Abell Ncells 1741 1768 1845 1861 1870 1936 1956 1990 2021 2025 2100 2106 2195 2196 5 7 7 5 10 6 6 5 6 7 6 6 13 5 109.3 133.6 35.5 18.7 72.1 18.9 133.6 70.2 13.1 83.1 14.2 93.6 85.6 70.6 24 Abell Ncells 2208 65 94 144 211 212 240 243 2403 2477 2638 2676 2703 5 10 6 5 8 5 9 5 11 6 8 8 5 20.0 87.0 71.4 18.0 163.6 84.7 36.0 160.8 36.4 91.5 32.0 157.7 71.2 : Position angles of Abell clusters, identi ed at the 2.5 level but estimated at the 1.8 level. Note that there are 12 clusters in common with table 1b, which for comparison reasons we have not averaged their estimated position angles. Table 1d 25 Abell Ncells 716 733 779 795 803 866 878 929 967 992 1003 1022 1051 1069 1097 1098 1108 1109 1118 1132 1135 1141 1143 1152 1170 1179 1189 1198 1216 1218 1257 1264 1375 1390 5 6 13 6 8 7 17 9 6 370 17 11 6 12 11 16 10 30 6 10 14 6 42 7 11 11 32 11 7 9 12 5 5 5 69.8 91.0 77.6 129.4 47.7 82.3 97.1 84.8 109.1 170.8 119.8 58.4 90.4 179.1 86.1 121.3 48.1 7.1 40.5 110.2 44.9 88.1 13.4 58.7 162.2 49.1 10.9 164.3 179.4 175.4 25.0 74.7 0.7 95.4 Abell Ncells 1444 1466 1474 1495 1518 1526 1534 1573 1581 1583 1595 1599 1606 1616 1630 1684 1690 1693 1696 1715 1729 1769 1808 1823 1844 1850 1860 1891 1909 1944 1960 1976 1999 2019 5 8 9 21 10 8 9 9 5 5 14 7 10 8 5 5 9 11 11 5 31 15 6 6 14 18 8 6 7 13 16 7 9 8 71.6 115.2 67.2 144.9 90.8 138.7 12.6 119.9 163.1 162.4 22.3 177.2 78.7 131.5 160.1 19.2 101.2 155.7 6.3 162.2 47.9 75.3 88.4 42.8 12.7 54.4 134.7 133.5 80.8 42.7 108.9 46.8 21.0 170.8 26 Abell Ncells 2148 2169 2175 2177 48 53 103 111 13 172 179 195 207 225 229 267 292 358 395 403 410 428 2346 2361 2365 2412 2490 2495 2511 2525 2528 2549 2583 2589 8 16 9 13 6 10 10 10 6 15 12 5 8 21 8 26 7 10 16 12 6 11 7 6 6 13 13 6 7 12 10 20 13 11 90.5 50.2 103.9 53.2 130.0 119.6 72.3 3.3 145.3 87.0 136.2 159.9 12.1 41.5 22.4 94.7 84.5 9.7 19.6 59.5 91.9 123.4 45.6 87.1 46.2 117.0 16.0 42.5 136.9 144.5 116.8 165.6 11.7 14.5 Abell Ncells 1408 1409 1412 1419 1423 1433 1437 6 9 5 14 11 8 5 89.7 36.2 20.7 33.2 130.4 5.6 58.2 Abell Ncells 2026 2030 2034 2064 2101 2120 2141 6 6 11 6 6 14 8 46.3 179.5 48.8 134.5 91.4 174.0 89.2 27 Abell Ncells 2614 2630 2654 2656 2665 2678 2698 9 7 10 14 15 5 9 84.4 167.2 24.1 26.3 122.1 70.5 19.1 Nearest-neighbour alignment signal and its standard deviation (column 2) as a function of limiting maximum cluster separation (column 1). Column 3 shows the signal to noise ratio, column 4 the number of separations considered and column 5 the probability, estimated from a KolmogorovSmirnov test, that the distribution of nn 's is drawn from a uniform one. Table 2: Dlim (h 1 Mpc) 10 15 30 50 60 -9.4 3.3 -6.3 2.5 -3.9 1.9 -4.3 1.6 -4.4 1.6 Table 3: = No of pairs PKS 2.9 2.5 2.0 2.7 2.8 61 106 192 254 260 0.04 0.03 0.22 0.06 0.05 All-neighbour alignment signal. Dlim (h 1 Mpc) 0 - 10 10 - 30 30 - 50 50 - 150 0 - 150 -10.9 2.9 -2.45 1.13 -2 0.85 -1.5 0.41 -1.8 0.35 = No of pairs 3.8 2.2 2.3 3.6 5.1 80 528 904 3944 5456 28 PKS 2 10 3 0.06 0.015 0.01 10 4 References Argyres, P.C., Groth, E.J. & Peebles, P.J.E. 1986, AJ, 91, 471 Barnes, J. & Efstathiou, G. 1987, ApJ, 270, 20 Binggeli, B. 1982, A&A, 107, 338 Bond, J.R. 1987, in Nearly Normal Galaxies, ed. 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B., 1970, A&A, 5, 84 30 Figure Captions Cluster position angles, , as a function of the number of 10 10 cells, de ning the cluster sampling area, used in their estimation. The position angles estimated only at one overdensity level, are plotted. 0 Figure 1. 0 As in Figure 1 but for clusters with more than one position angle determination: (a.) The average position angle, hi as a function of minimum number of 10 10 cells used in its estimation. (b.) hi as a function of the maximum number of cells used. Figure 2. 0 0 The frequency distribution of nn : (a.) Solid and broken lines corresponds to nearestneighbour separations of D 15 and 10 h 1 Mpc, respectively. (b.) nn distribution for all nearest-neighbour separations. Figure 3. The frequency distribution of all-neighbour relative angles, ij , at the four indicated separation ranges. Figure 4. 31