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Interpersonal Communication Chapter 1 Study Guide

C O M 9 I n t e r p e r s o n a l C o m m u n i c at i o n
Chapter 1 Study Guide
Use this study guide as a tool to organize your learning and prepare for quizzes and exams.
C h a p t e r 1 S t u d y Q u e s ti o n s
Note: Some questions are very straightforward and simply require you to find and report
information. Other questions require you to do some thinking and create an answer that is not
found in the book (e.g., number 3, below). And still others ask you to offer examples from
your experience. These questions will prepare you for possible essay prompts on the exam.
1. What is communication competence?
2. What is self-monitoring?
3. What is the definition of a principle? (Use the dictionary for this one) In
Chapter 1 there are five Communication Principles presented.
Based on the definition of principle you referenced from the dictionary, how
might the five Communication Principles be helpful to us in our study of
interpersonal communication?
4. This question references “key terms” which are listed at the end of the
chapter and appear in bold print throughout the chapter.
List the 7 key terms found in the linear model of communication . (Your
answer for this question can be in list form rather than a complete sentence.)
5. List the 5 key terms found in the transactional model.
6. Compare and contrast the linear and the transactional model.
7. What are the five features that make communication more interpersonal
than impersonal? (Your answer for this question can be in list form rather than a
complete sentence.)
8. Review the seven characteristics of a competent communicator. Which of the
characteristics is your strongest? Give an example from your own
communication that illustrates this characteristic.