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Satire Analysis Worksheet: Political Cartoons

FA 2 – Satire analysis
Carefully observe the satires and answer the questions that follow:
Satire 1:
1. What is the event or issue that inspired the cartoon?
2. List the key objects/people and describe what each represents.
3. Identify and explain the specific artistic techniques used in the cartoon (e.g., symbolism,
analogy, exaggeration, labelling, and irony). What is the artist trying to show the reader
by using these techniques?
4. What is the message in this cartoon? Was the cartoonist able to convey his message
successfully? Justify.
5. What groups would agree/disagree with the cartoon’s message. Why or why not?
Saire 2:
1. What is the event or issue that inspired the cartoon?
2. List the key objects/people and describe what each represents.
3. Identify and explain the specific artistic techniques used in the cartoon (e.g., symbolism,
analogy, exaggeration, labelling, and irony). What is the artist trying to show the reader
by using these techniques?
4. What is the message in this cartoon? Was the cartoonist able to convey his message
successfully? Justify.
5. What groups would agree/disagree with the cartoon’s message. Why or why not?
Some more examples of Juvenalian satire.