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History Unit Test: Ancient Civilizations & Governments

Unit Test
Part 1
1. Hammurabi was a King of Babylon, which is in modern-day ________.
a. Iran
b. Iraq
c. Syria
d. Afghanistan
2. Jamal Khashoggi was a journalist from Saudi Arabia who wrote for the _____________.
a. New York Times
b. The Globe
c. The Washington Post
d. The Daily Wire
3. The Han Dynasty was an ____________ Monarchy.
a. Communist
b. Democratic
c. Dictatorship
d. Imperial
4. The Senate consisted of several hundred men, mostly from the ________________
class of noble families.
a. Aristocratic
b. Royal
c. Upper-Mid
d. Plebeians
5. In the 5th century BCE, a system of ___________________ was developed in Athens,
in which each citizen could cast a vote on important decisions.
a. Democracy
b. Direct Democracy
c. Socialism
d. Oligarchy
6. The King who is credited with inventing the Spartan system of Government was named
a. Leonidas
b. Euripedes
c. Pericles
d. Lycurgus
7. Hammurabi had ______ laws carved into a stone pillar and placed in a temple.
a. 105
b. 282
c. 285
d. 304
Unit Test
Part 1
8. _______________________ has been the crown Prince and heir to the throne of Saudi
Arabia since 2017.
a. Mohammad bin Salman
b. Mohammad sin Salman
c. Mohammad bin Salmon
d. Mohammad sin Salmon
9. _____________ was a Greek politician and military general from Athens, Greece.
a. Polybius
b. Socrates
c. Plato
d. Pericles
10. Sparta was an ______________; it was ruled by a small group of aristocrats.
a. Democracy
b. Monarchy
c. Oligarchy
d. Republic
11. The Han dynasty was influenced by two belief systems…
a. Confucianism and Daoism
b. Confucianism and Buddhism
c. Confucianism and Catholicism
d. Confucianism and Christianity
12. Ordinary Citizens in the Roman Republic were called _____________, and they
gathered to make decisions by voting.
a. Senators
b. Kings
c. Ephors
d. Plebeians
13. Babylon was part of the Mesopotamia region, the land between the ________ and
_________ Rivers.
a. Tigris and Nile
b. Nile and Shatt Al Arab
c. Tigris and Euphrates
d. Euphrates and Nile
14. In 2018, Jamal Khashoggi was murdered in a Saudi embassy in ___________.
a. Syria
b. Turkey
c. Iraq
d. Iran
Unit Test
Part 1
15. Pericles and the Athenians were involved in the Peloponnesian War, against _________.
a. Greece
b. Persians
c. Sparta
d. Carthage
16. Sparta was a city-state located in Greece and it was most powerful between the
___________ BCE.
a. 7th-2nd
b. 10th-3rd
c. 9th-3rd
d. 12th-8th
17. Saudi Arabia supports a strict Government interpretation of the Quran called
a. Shia
b. Sunni
c. Wahhabism
d. Alawites
18. The Spartans, like the Athenians, believed that a priestess called ________ could
communicate with their many gods and predict the future.
a. Precog
b. Pythia
c. Python
d. Pylota
19. During the Roman Republic, Rome was a __________.
a. Democracy
b. Dictatorship
c. Oligarchy
d. Republic
20. The Roman Consuls only served ________ before being replaced by other consuls.
a. 2 years
b. 5 years
c. 4 years
d. 1 year
Unit Test
Part 1
_____ Foundation
A. To Hold Back
_____ Apparent
B. Seems to be True
_____ Hinder
C. Respect
_____ Rite
D. Relating to International Relations
_____ Capital Offense
E. Ceremony
_____ Oath
F. Choice or Right
_____ Congenial
G. Approve
_____ Clod
H. Prevent Someone From Leaving
_____ Statute
I. Law
_____ Annul
J. Lump
_____ Diplomatic
K. Terrible
_____ Sole
L. Only
_____ Magistrate
M. Promise
_____ Charge
N. Base
_____ Detain
O. Claim
_____ Sacrifice
P. Judge
_____ Reverence
Q. Cancel a Law
_____ Grievous
R. Pleasant
_____ Prerogative
S. Crime Punished by Death
_____ Ratify
T. Killing an animal to please the
Unit Test
Part 1
FEGWord Bank
Figure- Polybius, Pericles, Lycurgus, Wu of Han, Jamal Khashoggi, Hammurabi
Event- Han Dynasty, Roman Republic, The Assassination of Jamal Khashoggi,
Peloponnesian War, Lycurgus Rules Sparta, Hammurabi Publishes Code of Law
Government- Monarch, Monarch, Oligarchy, Imperial Monarch, Direct Democracy, Roman