EXPLORING PROOF & REASONING INSTRUCTION IN LEBANON LEBANESE UNIVERSITY Faculty of Pedagogy Deanery Exploring the Instruction of Proof and Reasoning in Textbooks and by Lebanese Secondary Teachers: Grade 10 –Absolute Value Proposal for a Thesis in the Field of Mathematics Education Submitted by Salam Hassan In Partial Fulfilment of the Requirements for a Research Masters in Mathematics Education Degree Beirut Date: October 14th, 2021 1 EXPLORING PROOF & REASONING INSTRUCTION IN LEBANON 2 Table of Contents Table of Contents ........................................................................................................... 2 Chapter One: Introduction.............................................................................................. 4 1.1 Research Problem................................................................................................. 4 1.2 Rationale .............................................................................................................. 4 1.3 Significance .......................................................................................................... 5 1.4 Theoretical and Conceptual Frameworks............................................................. 6 The Whole Picture: Conceptual Framework .......................................................... 6 1.5 Purpose and Research Questions ......................................................................... 7 Chapter Two: Literature Review .................................................................................... 8 2.1 Thematic Review ................................................................................................. 8 Concluding Statement ............................................................................................ 9 2.2 Operational Definitions ........................................................................................ 9 Justification ............................................................................................................ 9 Proof ..................................................................................................................... 10 Proof-related Reasoning ....................................................................................... 10 Discourse .............................................................................................................. 10 Chapter Three: Methodology ....................................................................................... 11 3.1 Methodology Selected........................................................................................ 11 3.2 Research Sample ................................................................................................ 11 3.3 Instruments of Study .......................................................................................... 12 EXPLORING PROOF & REASONING INSTRUCTION IN LEBANON 3 Studying Textbooks ............................................................................................. 12 Teacher Questionnaire ......................................................................................... 13 Post-questionnaire Interview ................................................................................ 14 Studying Discourse .............................................................................................. 14 3.4 Validity of Instruments ...................................................................................... 14 3.5 Reliability of Instruments................................................................................... 14 3.6 Ethical Concerns ................................................................................................ 15 3.7 Limitations of the study ..................................................................................... 15 3.8 Procedures of the study ...................................................................................... 16 Chapter 4: Results ........................................................................................................ 17 4.1 Data Analysis Procedure .................................................................................... 17 Appendix A .................................................................................................................. 18 Codes for Mathematical Discourse .......................................................................... 18 Classroom Observation Discourse Form ................................................................. 19 Appendix B .................................................................................................................. 20 Section 1: Demographics ......................................................................................... 20 Section 2: Past proof-related reasoning work with students .................................... 21 Section 3: Proof and Reasoning in Absolute Value lesson of grade 10 ................... 22 References .................................................................................................................... 24 List of Figures .............................................................................................................. 29 EXPLORING PROOF & REASONING INSTRUCTION IN LEBANON 4 Chapter One: Introduction 1.1 Research Problem Reasoning-and-proving has been recognized worldwide as a standard of teaching mathematics in schools, and has been incorporated in the modern mathematical curricula with strong emphasis (Hanna & de Villiers, 2008; Hanna et al., 2012; NCTM, 2000, 2009; Stylianides & Stylianides, 2017). Nevertheless, students and even teachers face difficulty with the study of proof (Almeida, 2001; Thompson, 1996; Stylianides, 2014). Furthermore, many studies have conceded that the performance of students in this topic on the secondary and the undergraduate levels is worrisome (e.g., Harel & Sowder, 2007; Hemmi, 2008; Weber, 2001). Through my experience, as a secondary mathematics teacher, I have met colleagues who lack the pedagogical and/or content knowledge to teach reasoning-and-proof to students. They tend to skip this part, as if it is optional and unnecessary. As for students in the secondary level, it is very common to see students struggling with the topic of mathematics in general, and in the reasoning and proof component in particular. 1.2 Rationale The fact that students usually encounter difficulty with reasoning and proof calls for a change in the ways students learn to prove at schools. The change starts by understanding how the three components: the curriculum, the teacher and students interact in classroom settings incorporating mathematical reasoning discourse (Bieda, 2010). A strong emphasis is put on the role of the textbook in affecting students’ conception of proof, and teacher’s beliefs and attitudes toward teaching this concept (Stylianides, 2014; Stylianides & Silver, 2004). However, the present literature has shown that textbooks are not helping students to engage in justifying and reasoning (Bieda, 2010). On the other hand, various research suggests that the cause of students' difficulties in mathematical proof and reasoning is teachers' practice rather than textbooks (Bieda, 2010; EXPLORING PROOF & REASONING INSTRUCTION IN LEBANON 5 Stylianides, 2014). Interestingly, exemplary teaching practices have made reasoning and justifying tasks accessible even to young students at the elementary level (Lampert, 1990; Zack, 1997). Stylianides and Silver (2004) hint at a deficiency in the analyses of the modern curricula for reasoning and proof, and describe it as unavailable. In addition, there is not much research about the extent and type of proof-related educational tasks in domains of mathematics other than geometry (Johnson et al., 2010). With respect to evaluating practice and implementation, Bieda (2010) states that there is a scarcity of available information about the teaching of reasoning skills at schools. In Lebanon, there are several papers that relate to mathematical reasoning education, but they either have different purposes or target different classes (e.g. Al Masri, 2013; Nassar, 2010; Osta et al., 2017). As a result, a further need for multi-level investigation of proof and reasoning education is obvious. In this study, we intend to study textbooks, the teacher plan and implementation of such reasoning tasks with students in classrooms. 1.3 Significance Although our study will focus on one Algebra lesson only in one secondary class, it should give a general view of the nature and extent of proof-related tasks in the Lebanese Math Algebra curriculum. The results should provide an example of how teachers plan tasks of this kind, and how they implement them in a classroom setting. Moreover, we expect that our study may provide an explanation for some of the difficulties that students encounter in the field of proof, and as a result, suggest possible solutions to this issue. As a result, we will then have a research-based study that we can rely on if we want to adapt a change that ensures Lebanese students are receiving and achieving the required skills as adopted by the international vision and standards for mathematics education. EXPLORING PROOF & REASONING INSTRUCTION IN LEBANON 6 In our study, we are targeting multiple audiences. First, curriculum designers might benefit from the results in order to develop the curriculum materials to support proof and reasoning in Algebra. Furthermore, this thesis will be of help for student teacher trainers and tertiary education course designers in the preparation of prospective teachers, to be aware of current problems in practice and tackle this issue in their lesson planning and delivery. Besides, educational stakeholders at the Ministry of Education, and educational supervisors at schools might use the results of this dissertation, to design workshops to help in-practice teachers in overcoming the present difficulties. Last but not least, we aim to help researchers understand more the implication of the textbook, the planning and implementation of proofrelated tasks, on students’ cognitive level in the reasoning and justifying domain. 1.4 Theoretical and Conceptual Frameworks This study is rooted in an integrated theoretical framework composed of three theories: Mathematical tasks framework (Stein et al., 1996), Revised Bloom’s taxonomy (Anderson et al., 2001), and 5 practices model for orchestrating productive mathematics discussions (Stein et. al., 2008). The details of the three theories were not presented in this proposal due to the word limit. The Whole Picture: Conceptual Framework To provide a better and clearer understanding of the framework for our study, we have constructed the map of Figure 1 showing connections between different parts of the theories. Figure 1 Conceptual Framework of this Study EXPLORING PROOF & REASONING INSTRUCTION IN LEBANON 7 Note. Highlighted text represents areas that will be explored in the study. 1.5 Purpose and Research Questions The purpose of this study is to relate the textbook material, the teachers' preparation and the students' implementation and discussion of mathematical tasks to the extent and nature of proof and reasoning task opportunities in the lesson Absolute Value for grade 10 students in Lebanon. Please note that this study is a mixed approach study with a qualitative component, which is the reason why no hypotheses are presented. In particular, our study examines the following questions: 1. What opportunities for proof and reasoning as defined and measured by Thompson et al. (2012) are designed in the mathematics textbooks for grade 10 students in the lesson Absolute Value in Lebanon? 2. To what extent does the Lebanese grade 10 teacher select tasks for instruction that promote students’ reasoning and proving skills in this lesson? 3. What relationship can be seen between teacher’s and students’ engagement in a mathematical discourse in terms of the development of high-level reasoning skills of Lebanese grade 10 students? EXPLORING PROOF & REASONING INSTRUCTION IN LEBANON 8 Chapter Two: Literature Review 2.1 Thematic Review Literature review will be divided into three themes relative to the three areas of the study, and it will be concise in order to respect the word limit of the proposal. The first theme is analyzing the textbooks. Three articles were reviewed, and they all began from the problem of students having difficulty with proof (Bergwall, 2019; Bergwall & Hemmi, 2017; Thompson et al., 2012). They used or built on the Thompson et al. framework to analyze and code the narrative and student tasks sections of the textbooks. The results agreed that there are few opportunities in the textbooks for students to encounter proofrelated reasoning especially in the student tasks parts. It is notable however that in Thompson et al. study (2012), half of the properties in the expository sections were justified either generally or specifically. Second, we are targeting teacher preparation. Davidson et al.’s study (2019) started from the difficulties elementary teachers encounter with reasoning. They focused on preparing material that may help teachers with teaching and assessing reasoning after a short professional development. The results were that teachers need assistance in this field, and this assistance might be in the form of available teaching material. On the other hand, Mwadzaangati (2019) initiated her study again from the difficulties of students with proof. She aimed at the comparison between mathematical tasks as set up in the textbooks and their implementation by teachers. She found that teachers practices have mostly lowered the high level of cognition of tasks set up in the textbooks. Finally, literature on mathematical discourse is reviewed. Legesse et al. (2020) have originated their study from students having trouble in understanding the concepts and procedures of mathematics. They tested the effect of discourse-based instruction on eleventh graders’ performance, and got positive results that this type of instruction, if conducted EXPLORING PROOF & REASONING INSTRUCTION IN LEBANON 9 properly, would enhance students’ understanding. Alternately, Maoto et al. (2018) have studied the learning of representation, reasoning and proof by ten high school math teachers, then analyzed the classroom of one of them while teaching the same processes. The results were that teachers hurry to reach the end process of learning (numerical and symbolic representation) without paying careful attention to the discourse (multiple forms of reasoning). Concluding Statement The factors influencing students’ difficulties with proof explored in the literature suggest three themes: curriculum, teacher choices, and classroom discourse. These factors call for the need to study textbooks, evaluate teacher preparation, and assess students’ engagement in classroom discourse. The reviewed articles provided the framework to study textbooks, hinted at difficulties in teachers’ preparation, and raised the issues of classroom discourse and its importance. Our study will extend the analyses of textbooks to a new domain of Algebra. In addition, it will explore how the content material is used and implemented in the classroom, as suggested by Bergwall (2019) as a “necessary next step” (p. 18). On the other hand, this study will explore the teacher’s choices and actions in terms of opportunities provided for the development of students’ proof and reasoning skills. Needless to say, our study will be done at a different site, locally in Lebanon, where a recorded research of the questions at hand is unavailable. 2.2 Operational Definitions Justification As defined by Bergwall (2019), a justification is any rationale whose goal is to convince the reader that a certain mathematical statement is correct. EXPLORING PROOF & REASONING INSTRUCTION IN LEBANON 10 Proof Thompson et al. (2012) used the terms proof and general argument synonymously. Muca (2015) defines proof as “a chain of mathematical statements starting from a hypothesis to a conclusion by means of logical deduction and proper uses of mathematical language and symbolic notation, where each mathematical statement connects … two or more mathematical ideas” (p. 21). Proof-related Reasoning This term is also expressed as “reasoning-and-proving”. As its name suggests, it refers to proof-related aspects of reasoning, and comprises making mathematical generalizations and providing support to mathematical claims (Stylianides, 2009). Discourse To define mathematical discourse, we will refer to the view of Moschkovich (2007): I view Discourse practices as dialectically cognitive and social. On the one hand, mathematical Discourse practices are social, cultural, and discursive because they arise from communities and mark membership in Discourse communities. On the other hand, they are also cognitive, because they involve thinking, signs, tools, and meanings. (p. 25) EXPLORING PROOF & REASONING INSTRUCTION IN LEBANON 11 Chapter Three: Methodology In this chapter, we will present the proposed research methodology of the study, along with the sample, instruments of study, their validity and reliability, in addition to ethical considerations, limitations and procedures of the study. 3.1 Methodology Selected Problems in education do not come in an exclusive quantitative or qualitative appearance, but rather they are usually a blend of both. This is the reason why it is widely known that a mixed methods approach yields a better understanding of a research problem by providing multiple views and different study methods (Cohen et al., 2018; Creswell, 2012; Creswell & Creswell, 2018; Creswell & Plano Clark, 2017; Hesse-Biber, 2010; Leavy, 2017). In this study, we will start by studying textbooks quantitatively according to Thompson et al. (2012). We will then conduct a questionnaire for teachers followed by some interviews. Finally, we will be analyzing qualitatively classroom discourse while delivering the lesson Absolute Value in grade 10. In order to tackle the three different aspects of our problem, a sequential mixed study approach is essential. 3.2 Research Sample Since we aim to study textbooks, teachers and discourse, our sample will be divided into three groups. Concerning the textbooks, we will study the national textbook “Building Up Mathematics” by CRDP for grade 10 which is used in public schools in Lebanon, and the Collection: Puissance Al-Ahlia textbook “Mathematics FSG” which is widely used in private Lebanese schools. As for the teachers, the sample will be 50 to 100 teachers for the questionnaire answering voluntarily on a Google form. Interviews will be conducted via online virtual EXPLORING PROOF & REASONING INSTRUCTION IN LEBANON 12 meetings based on the results of the questionnaire with teachers who are willing to do the interview. Finally, to study discourse, we will be analyzing sound recorded periods in grade 10 classes of two schools, one public and another private, chosen by convenience. This last method of choice, although may not be representative, will be the only possible choice since recording classroom sessions needs a lot of approvals from teachers and administrators, and it is not easy to get these consents given the present circumstances in Lebanon. 3.3 Instruments of Study Studying Textbooks In the study of textbooks, Thompson et al. (2012) framework will be adopted to code the narrative sections and the exercises. A copy of this framework is provided in figures 2 and 3 below. Figure 2 EXPLORING PROOF & REASONING INSTRUCTION IN LEBANON 13 Figure 3 Teacher Questionnaire The teacher questionnaire is composed of three sections: Demographics, Information about past proof-related reasoning work with students, and Information about incorporating reasoning and proving in the lesson Absolute Value. A copy of this questionnaire is provided in Appendix B. EXPLORING PROOF & REASONING INSTRUCTION IN LEBANON 14 Post-questionnaire Interview The interview questions will be built based on the teachers’ responses to the questionnaire to be more meaningful and informative. Studying Discourse The transcripts of discourse, obtained from audio-recorded sessions, will be studied using the revised OMLI Classroom Observation Protocol (Appendix A). This protocol was adapted from a dissertation by Cayton (2012). 3.4 Validity of Instruments Several measures were and will be taken to ensure the validity of the instruments in the study. First, the framework for coding textbooks was taken from Thompson et al. (2012) which is a valid source, and was built on in several subsequent studies (Bergwall & Hemmi, 2017; Bieda et al., 2014; Davis et al., 2014; Zhang & Qi, 2019). The questionnaire was formed based on the literature review and the research question RQ 2. It will be piloted on a sample of teachers other than the sample of study. It will also be reviewed by three math experts before implementation. The interview questions will be based on the results of the questionnaire, and will also be triangulated before use. The revised OMLI Classroom Observation Protocol, the instrument used to study discourse, is also adapted from a valid source (Cayton, 2012). 3.5 Reliability of Instruments Reliability of an instrument reflects the consistency of results it produces when applied several times at different times (Creswell, 2012). To ensure reliability of the instruments of the study, multiple measures will be taken. First, there will be a test-retest reliability by administering the questionnaire to the same population of teachers twice. In addition, different judges will analyse the results (data) obtained by the instruments. As for EXPLORING PROOF & REASONING INSTRUCTION IN LEBANON 15 the quantitative data, reliability, especially the internal consistency, will be calculated using the Cronbach’s alpha measure. 3.6 Ethical Concerns Ethics will be guaranteed in this study through multiple procedures. As for the questionnaire, it will be filled voluntarily by teachers. Moreover, the interview will be conducted with teachers who offer to do it after telling them that their information will be kept safe, and no personal identifiers will be connected to their responses. As for recording sessions in two classes, the teachers of these classes will do this willingly after getting verbal consent from the administration and the students, and after assuring them that the school’s name and the identity of the students will remain anonymous. The research purposes and procedures of the study will also be communicated to the participants in advance. 3.7 Limitations of the study Of course, it would be inconvenient to study every grade 10 mathematics textbook that might be used in every school in Lebanon. That’s why we chose the two most frequently used textbooks, so our results on textbook analysis will cover most but not all what Lebanese students are exposed to in their school education at the first secondary level regarding proof in the lesson Absolute Value. In order to get more teachers to answer the questionnaire and have a more representative sample, many subjective detailed questions were removed from it. These questions will be postponed to the interview part which will be done with volunteering teachers by convenience, which might be another limitation of the study. Finally, the two grade 10 classes where the sessions will be recorded will be chosen by convenience, and they constitute a very small sample with no specific characteristics that the researcher might want to have or control during the study. In addition, the researcher EXPLORING PROOF & REASONING INSTRUCTION IN LEBANON 16 won’t be able to observe the classes on site, but rather he will ask for recordings of the sessions, which might elicit a new limitation. 3.8 Procedures of the study Our study will be divided into three parts done at different times. First, we will study the textbooks by coding the narrative and the application sections of the lesson using the coding already presented in this chapter. As for the teachers, we will be sending the questionnaire via any available electronic means. Interviews will be conducted via online virtual meetings based on the results of the questionnaire with teachers who are willing to do the interview. Finally, to study discourse, we will be analyzing sound recorded periods in grade 10 classes of two schools. Sessions to be observed will be audio-recorded. The focus of the study will be on teacher to students discourse and vice versa. For this, a sound recorder will be placed next to the teacher, which should capture this discourse clearly enough. Portions of the audio which include the sought for discourse will be transcribed. To analyse the transcripts, the revised OMLI Classroom Observation Protocol (Appendix A) will be used. EXPLORING PROOF & REASONING INSTRUCTION IN LEBANON 17 Chapter 4: Results 4.1 Data Analysis Procedure Data will be dealt with carefully to ensure privacy and confidentiality. Quantitative data obtained from textbooks coding and the questionnaire will be analysed using SPSS software. Analysis of the data will be done through descriptive and inferential statistics. Qualitative data analysis will be content-based, and interpretation will be triangulated to get reliable results. EXPLORING PROOF & REASONING INSTRUCTION IN LEBANON Appendix A Codes for Mathematical Discourse 18 EXPLORING PROOF & REASONING INSTRUCTION IN LEBANON Classroom Observation Discourse Form 19 EXPLORING PROOF & REASONING INSTRUCTION IN LEBANON 20 Appendix B This teacher questionnaire consists of four sections. Kindly, answer all the questions. Section 1: Demographics Q1: Based on its location, which of the following best describes your school? . urban . suburban . rural Q2: Is your school public or private? . public . private Q3: Based on the grade levels it contains, your school is: . secondary only (Grades 10 to 12) . primary and secondary (Grades 1 to 12) Q4: How many students are there in your school? ___________ Q5: How many years have you been teaching secondary classes? . 0 to 5 . 6 to 10 . 11 to 15 . 16 to 20 . more than 20 Q6: How many years have you been teaching grade 10? . 0 to 5 . 6 to 10 . 11 to 15 . 16 to 20 . more than 20 Q7: Have you attended any professional development programs in teaching proof/ absolute value in the last 5 years? . Yes, proof only. . Yes, absolute value only . Yes, both . No Q8: How many classes (sections) do you teach? .1 .2 .3 .4 .5 Q9: How many preparations (different grades) do you have? .1 .2 .3 .4 .5 Q10: How many total students do you teach at school? ___________ Q11: How many grade ten students do you teach? In how many sections? EXPLORING PROOF & REASONING INSTRUCTION IN LEBANON ___________ 21 ___________ Q12: How many other teachers are teaching grade 10 at your school? .0 .1 .2 .3 .4 .5 Q13: Do you have flexibility in selecting what you will teach to students regarding the explanation, exercises and problems? . Yes . No, it is imposed by the math coordinator/Head of Department . Other:… Section 2: Past proof-related reasoning work with students Q1: How often do you involve your students with proof and reasoning activities in your secondary classes? . Rarely . Sometimes . Frequently . Usually Q2: Do you explain to your students the concept and methods of proof? . Yes . No Q3: If the answer to the previous question is yes, what types of proof-related reasoning do you usually teach and encourage? (Check all that apply) . Make a conjecture an argument . Investigate a conjecture . Counterexample . Develop an argument . Correct or identify a mistake . Evaluate . Other:… Q4: If the answer to Q2 is No, what is the main reason? . Students’ level . Coordinator’s decision proof . Limited amount of time . Personal discomfort and difficulty with . Another: …. Q6: How do you implement proof in class? . Direct teacher instruction . Pair/ Group work social talk dealing with mathematical concepts) . Mathematical Discourse (purposive . Other: EXPLORING PROOF & REASONING INSTRUCTION IN LEBANON 22 Section 3: Proof and Reasoning in Absolute Value lesson of grade 10 Q1: Which book for grade 10 mathematics do you use in your school? . National Textbook (CRDP) . Collection: Puissance Textbook (Dar Al Ahlia) . Other: …… Q2: Do you use proof-related reasoning in the narrative section (text/ explanation) of the lesson Absolute Value in grade 10? . Yes . No Q3: If your answer to the previous question is yes, what source do you use for the proof part of the explanation? . The class textbook . Other: …. . The internet Q4: If your answer to Q2 in this section is yes, how do you implement such part in class? . Direct teacher instruction . Pair/ Group work . Mathematical Discourse (purposive social talk dealing with mathematical concepts) Q5: If your answer to Q2 in this section is no, what is the main reason for not incorporating proof in the explanation of this lesson? . Students’ level proof . Coordinator’s decision . Limited time . Personal discomfort and difficulty with . Another: …. Q6: Do you use proof-related reasoning in the exercises/problems section of the lesson Absolute Value in grade 10? . Yes . No Q7: If your answer to the previous question is yes, what source do you use for these exercises/problems? . The class textbook . The internet . Other: …. EXPLORING PROOF & REASONING INSTRUCTION IN LEBANON 23 Q8: If your answer to Q6 in this section is yes, how do you implement such part in class? . Direct teacher instruction . Pair/ Group work . Mathematical Discourse (purposive social talk dealing with mathematical concepts) Q9: If your answer to Q6 in this section is no, what is the main reason for not incorporating proof in the exercises/problems section of this lesson? . Students’ level proof . Coordinator’s decision . Limited time . Personal discomfort and difficulty with . Another: …. Q10: If you were given the choice to incorporate proof in the exercises/problems part of the lesson, which type of proving exercises would you choose? . Proving equalities . Proving inequalities . Another:…. 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