Subscribe to DeepL Pro to translate larger documents. Visit for more information. MINISTRY OF AGRICULTURE OF THE RUSSIAN FEDERATION FEDERAL STATE BUDGETARY EDUCATIONAL INSTITUTION OF HIGHER EDUCATION "URAL STATE AGRARIAN UNIVERSITY" (Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education Ural State Agrarian University) Faculty of Secondary Vocational Education Field of study: 36.02.01 Veterinary medicine (basic training) Diary ON THE PRACTICE OF STUDY UP.01.01 Implementation of zoohygienic, preventive and veterinary-sanitary measures; From "17" May 2021 to "22" May 2021 B-111, Group B-111, 36.02.01 Veterinary: Elena Olegovna Dobrovolskaya, 1st year student Practice leader: UP.01.01 - Associate Professor, Department of Infectious and Non-Infectious Pathology: Iskandarova Natalia Ivanovna г. Yekaterinburg, 2021 № Date Assignment for the day Work progress n/a 1 2 Mon 17.05.21 Tue 18.05.21 Study the instructions on 1. Performing an outline of the study guide. health and safety at work and 2. Fire safety briefing . personal the 3. Familiarisation with the organisation where the practical examination and treatment of training takes place (means of evacuation, familiarity with animals and in laboratories. the animal wards, sanitary rooms, inner rooms). hygiene Studying in Theoretical parts. Repeat the topics "Disinfection, its types, methods", "Basic sanitary indicators", "Zootechnical Feed Analysis", "Assessi ng the nutritional value of forages according to chemical composition". their 1. Communication with the trainer on the topics of the training practice. 2. Write a brief outline of the theoretical part. 3. Discussion further The implementation of zoohygienic, preventive and veterinarysanitary measures. 3 Wed 19.05.21 Mechanical disinfection 1. It was carried out mechanical backyard. courtyard. It was cleaned soil disinfection rear from various kinds of debris, as well as biological waste from animals. 2. Conditions have been created for the continued presence of animals on the site. 4 Thu 20.05.21 Disinfection enclosures of dog cells, analysis of dog food. Verification indicators. и 1. By me were selected basic tools for prophylactic disinfection of dog enclosures and cages. 2. To begin with, I cleaned the aviaries and other dog-keeping sanitary areas of waste, old coats and food scraps by mechanical disinfection (shaking out the bedding, washing, rinsing with clean water and airing out the area). 3. Chemical treatment of dog house floors, furniture surfaces, sanitary facilities and cleaning equipment with disinfectants. Such as Deo-Chlor Vet, an all-purpose disinfectant disinfectant, Antibacterial, all-purpose "Antivirus", "Akmatol, Prosept, Sanfas. 4. After treating the rooms, I checked the basic sanitary conditions such as temperature, the recirculator schedule and the humidity in the dog house. 5. Changed the water as well as the food. 6. The food was given as directed by the vet. Each dog was given food based on the different types of disease. 5 Fri 21.05.21 Disinfecting the room for cats, their cages. Food analysis. Verification indicators. sanitary 1. Mechanical disinfection was carried out at the beginning of the day in ward 5, a cat called Fikret and Biscotti in a cage. Waste and hair have been removed. Water was changed. A chemical disinfection of the litter box and tray was then carried out. All disinfection was carried out with Antivirus, a universal antibacterial disinfectant. 2. The entire room was then wet-cleaned. 3. was investigated the composition offodder data cats. for Biscotti is prescribed a complete diet "Gastrointestinal. Which consists of easily digestible ingredients, additional electrolytes and a high content of essential nutrients. 6 Sat 22.05.21 Studying Preparing 1. An employee showed a demonstration of how to prepare disinfectant solutions. disinfectants. 2. According to her the example of я prepared made a disinfectant and applied it to the surfaces of the organisation. Final assessment of the practice . Internship supervisor UP.01.01 - Associate Professor, Department of Infectious and Non-Infectious Pathology: Iskandarova Natalia Ivanovna " " 2021г. The results of the internship were communicated to the 1st year student of B-111 group, 36.02.01 "Veterinary": Dobrovolskaya Elena Olegovna " " 2021г. I