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Tadbhav Anchan
Div: D14A
Roll no: 04
Experiment: 02
Aim: - To study essential Linux Commands
1. Change the modification time of a file to midnight of 01/01/1996
2. Convert all capital letters in a file to small case letters.
3. Change the prompt to “What next” while using the PS command
4. Merge and sort the contents of file a,b and c and display the sorted output on
the screen.
Tadbhav Anchan
Div: D14A
Roll no: 04
5. Extract the address field from a file which contains records having fields like
name :age:address:phone
6. Merge the contents of the file f1 with the inputs supplied from the keyboard and
store the sorted output in a file f2.
7. Display all lines in a file which contain the word ‘poem’ from a file English.txt.
You should be able to report all occurrence like Poem,poEm,POEm,etc.You are
not allowed to use a command line option to ignore the case while searching.
Tadbhav Anchan
Div: D14A
Roll no: 04
8. Search all lines in a file which end with semicolon.
9. Search all lines in a file which do not end with semicolon.
10. Report number of lines which contain a number for each file in the current