Dynamic Analysis of Structures Dynamic Analysis of Structures John T. Katsikadelis Professor Emeritus of Structural Analysis School of Civil Engineering National Technical University of Athens Academic Press is an imprint of Elsevier 125 London Wall, London EC2Y 5AS, United Kingdom 525 B Street, Suite 1650, San Diego, CA 92101, United States 50 Hampshire Street, 5th Floor, Cambridge, MA 02139, United States The Boulevard, Langford Lane, Kidlington, Oxford OX5 1GB, United Kingdom © 2020 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or any information storage and retrieval system, without permission in writing from the publisher. 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Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data A catalog record for this book is available from the Library of Congress British Library Cataloguing-in-Publication Data A catalogue record for this book is available from the British Library ISBN 978-0-12-818643-5 For information on all Academic Press publications visit our website at https://www.elsevier.com/books-and-journals Publisher: Matthew Deans Editorial Project Manager: Joshua Mearns Production Project Manager: Nirmala Arumugam Cover Designer: Greg Harris Typeset by SPi Global, India Dedication To my wife Efi for her loving patience and support, to my children Stefan and Christina, and to my granddaughter Katharina for patiently enduring and sharing the years of preparation of the book with me. This work is also dedicated to my numerous students whose attendance of the Structural Dynamics course over the past 40 years encouraged an international publication of the book. Preface The statement of the laws of motion by Newton 334 years ago (1686)a was a milestone in the evolution of mechanics and modern engineering. The relation between force (cause) and motion (effect) was quantified as a relation between the linear momentum of the body and the force exerted on it. Thus, this relation from a subject of philosophy up to that time turned out to be a valuable tool of science for the study of the natural world. The subsequent developments in the sciences were rapid. Astronomy, mathematics, mechanics of fluid and deformable bodies, and in general, mechanics of continuous media reached their peaks in the centuries that followed, with immense applications to all engineering disciplines. Nevertheless, the laws of motion, which were stated as an axiom (Axiomata sive Leges Motus) by Newton because, apparently, he could not justify their derivation, was a consequence of the discoveries of great scientists who preceded him such as Galileo,b Kepler,c Hook, etc. The implementation of the laws of motion leads to mathematical models described by differential equations, ordinary or partial, whose solution effort has given a great impetus to the development of mathematics. Unfortunately, analytical solutions are limited to simple problems such as vibrations of discrete systems with a few degrees of freedom; linear vibrations of beams, membranes, plates, and shells with simple geometry; and simple support conditions made from materials, mostly with a linear behavior. These solutions, while useful for extracting qualitative conclusions about the dynamic response of structures, are not capable of solving realistic problems in engineering, where the geometry and loads are complicated while the response is generally nonlinear. Although it has been shown that Newton’s law of motion is of an integer-order derivative,d in recent years, the fractional derivatives have been proven more suitable for modeling the actual structures. However, the use of fractional calculus has not been employed in mathematical physics for three centuries because the a. I. Newton, Philosophiae Naturalis Principia Mathematica, Royal Society Press, London, 1686. b. J.T. Katsikadelis, Derivation of Newton’s law of motion using Galileo’s experimental data, Acta Mech. 226 (2015) 3195–3204, doi:10.1007/s00707-015-1354. c. J.T. Katsikadelis, Derivation of Newton’s law of motion from Kepler’s laws of planetary motion, Arch. Appl. Mech. 88 (2018) (2017) 27–38, doi:10.1007/s00419-017-1245-x. d. J.T. Katsikadelis, Is Newton’s law of motion really of integer differential form? Arch. Appl. Mech. 89 (2019) 639–647, doi:10.1007/s00419-018-1486-3. xv xvi Preface fractional derivative, contrary to the integer-order derivative, has no direct physical or geometrical meaning. Thus, it was not adopted by the famous scientists of earlier centuries who developed modern science and engineering, as they could not visualize the significance of the fractional derivative. Thus, we dare say that in a certain sense, Newton’s Principia has delayed the development of mechanics and engineering. Structural dynamics became a tool for the dynamic analysis of structures only with the advent of computers in the middle of the last century. Nowadays, the cheap, fast, and large-capacity computers as well as the development of efficient numerical methods to solve the equations of motion allow the safe study of complicated structures under dynamic loads. Aircrafts, large bridges, ships, high-rise buildings, dams, fast trains, etc., are now being safely analyzed and designed. The finite element method (FEM) permits the dynamic analysis of continuous systems by modeling them with equivalent discrete systems. The boundary element method (BEM) analyzes with great accuracy the dynamic response of systems described by ordinary or partial differential equations. Besides, the coupling of the two methods paves the way to solving very difficult dynamic problems such as the interaction of the structure with soil or fluids as well as the large deformation analysis of systems with nonlinear constitutive equations. Recently, meshless methods, a numerical tool beyond FEM, have been able to solve efficiently the equations describing the dynamic response of continuous systems. The dynamic analysis of structures today is mainly done by using professional computer codes such as NASTRAN, SAP2000, ETABS, ADINA, etc., which have relatively unlimited capabilities. While these programs are undoubtedly a useful and indispensable tool in the hands of the engineer, they do not allow for an understanding of the dynamic behavior of the structures or the limits of the validity of the results. This can be achieved only with a deep theoretical background, which is constantly expanding with the development of the computational methods in mechanics. The engineer without theoretical knowledge is unable to formulate the structural model. The modeling of structures cannot be done by the computer but only by the engineer, who is the only one responsible for performing proper dynamic analysis. The belief that theoretical knowledge is not necessary today because there are ready-to-use computer codes is, at the very least, dangerous. The engineer should never accept the results of a computer program unless he/she can check their validity and accuracy. Apparently, this is possible only if the engineer has a deep theoretical knowledge of the dynamics of structures. We emphasize that theoretical knowledge today is more necessary than ever. Areas that a few decades ago were covered by applied mathematics and theoretical or applied mechanics have become the subject of the modern engineering praxis. Dynamics of Structures for engineers, particularly for civil engineers, was included as a regular course in the curricula of many universities long ago, Preface xvii particularly after the advent of computers. Therefore, many books have appeared on this subject. However, these books provide a means only to understand the response of simple and mostly unrealistic structures when subjected to dynamic loads, especially to ground motion. The principles of dynamics are illustrated by applying them to very simple models, which cannot describe actual structures and therefore cannot be employed for dynamic analysis and design. We should have in mind that the dynamic analysis of actual structures requires their modeling, the formulation of the governing equations of motion, their solution under any dynamic load, and the physical interpretation of the results. In the last 30 years, almost all seismic codes have encountered earthquake ground motion as an effective dynamic load. The advent of computers in the early 1960s encouraged engineers to develop methods of dynamic analysis of structures, modeled first by the FEM and later by other advanced numerical methods. Today, these methods constitute a powerful tool for dynamic engineering analysis. Thanks to the availability of cheap computer power, every engineer can use them. The essential ingredients of a book on Dynamics of Structures for Civil Engineers should be: (a) The basic concepts and principles of structural dynamics as they are applied to particles as well as rigid and deformable bodies, enabling the student or the engineer to formulate the equations of motion of any structure, no matter how complex, once the dynamic model has been adopted. (b) Realistic modeling of actual structures under dynamic loads. (c) Analysis of the dynamic response of the structure represented by its model under any specified load. The analysis should include single- and multiple-degree-of-freedom systems for linear and nonlinear response under any dynamic excitation. (d) Approximation of real structures using computational methods such as the FEM, which replaces the actual structure (distributed parameter system) with an approximate discrete system for which analysis methods can be applied. (e) Effective present-day numerical methods for dynamic analysis, including the numerical solution of eigenvalue problems and the direct solution of the equations of motion of large systems, namely, systems with a large number of degrees of freedom such as those resulting from the employed discretization. Students attending a course on Dynamics of Structures should be exposed at least to the above subjects. However, not all of them can be found in a single book. Therefore, people interested in structural dynamics should refer to more than one book in order to retrieve the required knowledge. Apparently, these books cannot be used as integrated textbooks in the sense described above. The student should be acquainted with different symbols and approaches, which complicate the acquisition of knowledge, an approach that is, at least, educationally inappropriate. xviii Preface Knowledge of the dynamics of structures is particularly necessary for engineers, who are studying the response of their structures subjected to seismic ground motion. Modern earthquake codes, which as mentioned treat the ground motion as a dynamic load, require a deep theoretical understanding of the dynamics of structures. The aim of this book is to give the student as well as the professional engineer the minimum knowledge necessary to understand the dynamic response of the structures. The author has taught structural dynamics, both as an undergraduate and a graduate course, at the School of Civil Engineering of the National Technical University of Athens (NTUA) continuously since 1981, when it was first introduced as a formal course by the late Prof. A.E. Armenákas. The author’s teaching experience together with his long research in this area have contributed to the presentation of material in a simple and comprehensible way. The book contains numerous illustrative examples that help to understand the theory. Particular emphasis is given to numerical methods, which are presented methodically and given in the form of pseudo-codes so that interested readers can write their own computer codes in the language of their choice. The list of the programs in FORTRAN and MATLAB are given in electronic form on this book’s companion website. Nevertheless, the numerical results in the Examples have been obtained using the MATLAB programs because it is easy for the students to master this language. The programs can be used to solve many problems of engineering praxis. The book is divided into two parts. The first part deals with the single-degree-of-freedom (SDOF) systems and contains nine chapters. In particular, Chapter 1 presents the general concepts and principles of dynamics as they apply to structural dynamics. Chapter 2 deals with the free vibrations of the SDOF systems while Chapter 3 deals with their forced vibrations. Particular emphasis is given to the study of the resonance phenomenon. Chapter 4 presents the most efficient numerical methods for solving the equation of motion. Chapter 5 deals with the nonlinear response of the SDOF systems. Chapter 6 presents the response of structures due to ground motion. Chapter 7 deals with the damping of structures while Chapter 8 approximates the continuous systems by generalized SDOF systems and studies the dynamic response of beams treated as continuous systems. Finally, Chapter 9 describes the analysis of SDOF systems in the frequency domain. The second part deals with the multi-degree-of-freedom (MDOF) systems together with the well-known computational methods for their analysis. It contains seven chapters. In particular, Chapter 10 describes the various methods of modeling of the MDOF systems, which are classified into categories that facilitate the selection of the appropriate method for formulating the equations of motion. Chapter 11 presents in detail the FEM for the dynamic analysis of skeletal structures (trusses, frames, grids) as an extension of the static matrix structural analysis to dynamics. The reduction of degrees of freedom due to the omission of axial deformations in specific structural members as well as the dynamic response of flexible structures containing rigid bodies are also Preface xix discussed. The derivation of the equivalent element nodal quantities, that is, mass and stiffness matrices and forces, are derived by using the Lagrange equations instead of the principle of virtual works. Although the principle of virtual works offers a handy tool for the derivation of these quantities, the use of the Lagrange equations was preferred here. The reason is that the Lagrange equations not only offer a straightforward method for the derivation of the equivalent nodal quantities for all types of elements, especially in complex systems with a nonlinear response, but they also allow understanding of their physical significance. Chapter 12 studies the free vibrations of MDOF systems without and with damping. The linear eigenvalue problem is presented from the mathematical point of view, aiming at drawing useful conclusions about the eigenfrequencies and the mode shapes of the physical systems. Chapter 13 presents the numerical methods for the computation of the eigenfrequencies and mode shapes, especially for systems with a large number of degrees of freedom such as those derived from the application of finite elements. Chapter 14 studies the forced vibrations of MDOF systems. A large part of this chapter is devoted to the mode superposition method. It also discusses the use of Ritz vectors to reduce the degrees of freedom. Particular emphasis is given to the response spectrum method. The response of linear systems when they are subjected to a synchronous and an asynchronous motion of the supports are also discussed. This chapter ends with the presentation of the numerical methods, giving the respective pseudocodes for the time integration of linear and nonlinear systems of equations of motion. Chapter 15 discusses the approximation of multistory buildings by skeletal structures and presents methods of formulating their equation of motion. Finally, Chapter 16 discusses the response of seismically isolated buildings. This chapter is introductory to the subject and aims primarily at understanding the impact of base isolation on structures. The book is supplemented by an appendix. Therein, the basic theory of rigid body dynamics is presented for large and small displacements and the relevant equations are derived, which are employed in the development of the material of the book. In closing, the author wishes to express his sincere thanks to his former student and coworker Dr. A. J. Yiotis for carefully reading the manuscript as well as for his suggestions, constructive recommendations and his overall contribution to minimizing the oversights in the text. Warm thanks also belong to Dr. Nikos G. Babouskos, also a former student and coworker of the author, not only for his careful reading of the manuscript and his apposite suggestions for improvement of the book but also for his assistance in checking the computer programs and in producing the numerical results of examples therein. Finally, thanks belong to Dr. G. Dasios, professor of mathematics at the University of Patras as well as to his former students, Dr. G. Tsiatas, associate professor of mathematics at the University of Patras, and Dr. P. Tsopelas, associate professor of mechanics at NTUA, for reading certain sections of the book and making constructive suggestions. xx Preface It is a pleasure to make grateful acknowledgment of many helpful suggestions contributed by my students who have attended the course over the past 39 years. J.T. Katsikadelis Athens April 2020 Chapter 1 General concepts and principles of structural dynamics Chapter outline 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 Introduction Types of dynamic loads Dynamic degrees of freedom Dynamic model and formulation of the equation of motion of SDOF systems 1.5 Derivation of the equations of motion using d’Alembert’s principle 1.6 Principle of virtual displacements 1.1 3 6 9 11 15 38 1.7 Hamilton’s principle 1.8 Lagrange’s equations 1.8.1 Derivation of Lagrange’s equations 1.8.2 Lagrange multipliers 1.8.3 Small displacements 1.8.4 Raleigh’s dissipation function 1.9 Influence of the gravity loads 1.10 Problems References and further reading 42 54 54 64 68 72 73 74 82 Introduction Apart from static loads, engineering structures may be subjected to dynamic loads, that is, loads whose magnitude as well as direction of action and/or position vary with time. The analysis of stresses and deflections developed in a given structure undergoing dynamic loads is the fundamental objective of the dynamic analysis of structures. Between static and dynamic analysis of structures, there exist two substantial differences: (a) In static analysis, the loads are assumed time-invariant, and the resulting response is unique, at least in linear theory. On the other hand, in dynamic analysis the loads are time-varying and the deformations and stresses depend on time, that is, at each instant the response of the structure is different. (b) In dynamics analysis, the material points of the structure change position with the time, hence they have velocity and acceleration. Inasmuch as the structure has a mass, inertial forces are produced due to the accelerations of the material points. These inertial forces constitute an additional loading that cannot be ignored. To make it tangible, we consider the cantilever beam of Fig. 1.1.1a. The beam has a mass per unit length m and a flexural rigidity EI , both assumed constant along the length, and it is subjected to the timeDynamic Analysis of Structures. https://doi.org/10.1016/B978-0-12-818643-5.00001-7 © 2020 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved. 3 4 PART I Single-degree-of-freedom systems varying position-dependent distributed loading pðx, t Þ (Fig. 1.1.1a). We can derive the equation of motion by considering the dynamic equilibrium of a beam element of length dx (Fig. 1.1.1b). In static consideration, the element would be in equilibrium under the action of the external load pðx, t Þdx and the internal forces, that is, the shear force Q, the bending moment M at the left cross-section of the element, and the shear Q + dQ and moment M + dM at its right cross-section. (a) (b) (c) FIG. 1.1.1 Vibrating cantilever beam. General concepts and principles of structural dynamics Chapter 1 5 The transverse deflection is a function not only of the spatial variable x but also of time t, namely it is u ¼ u ðx, t Þ. As the element has a mass mdx, an inertial € arises, which, according to d’Alembert’s principle (see Section 1.5) force m udx opposes the motion, that is, if the positive transverse displacement u ðx, t Þ in the beam is directed downward, the inertial force is directed upward (see Fig. 1.1.1b and c). Similarly, due to angular acceleration ∂u€ðx, t Þ=∂x of the cross-section, an inertial moment is also developed, which we may neglect [1]. Thus, referring to Fig. 1.1.1b, we obtain the equation of dynamic equilibrium of the beam element in the y direction as € ¼0 Q + Q + dQ + pðx, t Þdx m udx or ∂Q ∂2 u ¼ pðx, t Þ + m 2 ∂x ∂t (1.1.1) From the Euler-Bernoulli beam theory we have Q ¼ EI ∂3 u ∂x 3 (1.1.2) Substituting Eq. (1.1.2) into Eq. (1.1.1) yields EI ∂4 u ∂2 u + m 2 ¼ pðx, t Þ 4 ∂x ∂t (1.1.3) Eq. (1.1.3) is known as the equation of the dynamic equilibrium or the equation of motion of the vibrating beam. It is apparent that if we omit the inertial term m∂2 u=∂t 2 in Eq. (1.1.3), we obtain the equation of the deflection of the beam under static loading, that is, EI d4u ¼ pðx Þ dx 4 (1.1.4) Fig. 1.1.1c shows the beam subjected to the inertial forces. These forces resist the accelerations and they need to be accounted for in the solution. This is the most important characteristic of the dynamic problem. Obviously, the magnitude of the inertial forces depends on the magnitude of the acceleration. When the produced accelerations are very small, as in the case of slow motion, the inertial forces are very small too, and they can be neglected. In this case, the time appears in the equation as a parameter and the response at any instant 6 PART I Single-degree-of-freedom systems can be obtained by the static structural analysis, even though the load and the response are time-varying. This response is pseudodynamic and is referred to as quasistatic. The inertial forces appear in the equation of motion of the structure with the second derivatives of the displacements with respect to time. Therefore, the equations that must be solved in dynamic analysis in order to establish the deformations and stresses in the structure are differential equations, contrary to static analysis where the governing equations are algebraic. For this reason, the solution procedure in dynamic analysis is essentially different from that used in static analysis. 1.2 Types of dynamic loads As already mentioned, dynamic loads are time-varying. Such loads are those due to an unbalanced rotating machinery, the motion of vehicles on structures, blast loads, wind loads, etc. The motion of the support of a structure, even in the absence of external dynamic loads, produces a dynamic response, too. This is the case of seismic ground motion (see Chapter 6). FIG. 1.2.1 Periodic load. Dynamic loads can be classified into two great groups that characterize the approach of evaluating the structural response: The deterministic dynamic loads and the nondeterministic or random dynamic loads. In the first group are the dynamic loads whose time variation is fully determined, regardless of the complexity of their mathematical presentation. They are also referred to as prescribed dynamic loads. They can be represented by an analytic or a generalized function (Dirac or Heaviside) as well as numerically by a set of their values at discrete time instances. The second group includes the loads, whose time variation is not completely known but it can be defined in a statistical sense. In this book, the dynamic response of structures only under deterministic loads is studied. General concepts and principles of structural dynamics Chapter 5 H = me 2 1 7 sin t H(t) 2.5 0 –2.5 T T –5 0 2 4 T t 6 8 10 FIG. 1.2.2 Harmonic loading due to an unbalanced rotating mass. From the analytical point of view, it is convenient to divide the deterministic loads into two basic categories, periodic and nonperiodic loads. Periodic loads are those whose time variation profile repeats continually at regular time intervals T . Mathematically, they can be represented by a periodic function pðt Þ ¼ pðt + nT Þ (1.2.1) where n is a natural number. The time interval T is called the period of the load. A general type of periodic load is shown in Fig. 1.2.1, which also identifies the period of the load. A usual type of periodic load is the harmonic load caused by an unbalanced rotating machine (Fig. 1.2.2); H ¼ mew2 cos wt is the horizontal component of the centrifugal force. Loads that do not show any periodicity are called nonperiodic loads. They may be of long duration, such as those resulting from an earthquake. Nonperiodic loads of short duration are called impulsive loads. A windblast striking a building and the pressure of a bomb explosion on a structure are typical impulsive loads (Fig. 1.2.3). The earthquake produces a special type of load, which is due to the excitation of the support of the 8 PART I Single-degree-of-freedom systems structure and, as we will see later in this book (Chapter 6), it can be reduced to an effective dynamic load if the accelerogram of the ground motion is known (Fig. 1.2.4). FIG. 1.2.3 Nonperiodic load due to explosion. 400 0 –400 0 10 20 30 FIG. 1.2.4 Effective dynamic load pðt Þ ¼ m u€g ðt Þ due to seismic ground motion. If we examine static loading closer, we will see that even what we call static loads are actually dynamic in nature. They are applied starting from a zero value until the final prescribed value is reached within a time span. That is, they are time-varying, thus dynamic. However, the duration of the application of the static load is longer than the period of vibration of the structure. This produces negligible accelerations and consequently the response under a “static load” General concepts and principles of structural dynamics Chapter 1 9 could be considered as a special case of the dynamic problem with negligible accelerations, that is, quasistatic. 1.3 Dynamic degrees of freedom The displacement method is the most suitable method for the dynamic analysis of structures. In this method, the unknowns are the displacements. For structures with distributed mass, the displacements are functions of the spatial coordinates and of the time as well. Their dynamic response is described by partial differential equations of the hyperbolic type, which must be solved in order to determine these displacements. The solutions of such equations belong to the most difficult problems of mathematics. The available solutions refer to simple structures, for example, beams with a constant cross-section, which are not adequate to study the dynamic response of engineering structures. Thanks to the development of modern computational methods such as FEM, BEM and Meshless Methods, the actual structure is approximated by discrete models in which the mass is localized at a finite number of points (nodal points). These models are adequate to represent the effects of all significant inertial forces of a structure. At each instant, the deformed configuration of the structure is determined from the displacementsa of the nodal points, which are functions only of time. The response of the discretized structure is governed by ordinary differential equations, which are easy to solve analytically or at least numerically. The number of the independent nodal displacements required to determine the deformed shape of the moving structure is called the number of degrees of freedom. It is apparent that continuous systems have an infinite number of dynamic degrees of freedom. Structures with one degree of freedom are called single-degree-of-freedom (SDOF) systems. Accordingly, we have two-degree-of-freedom (2 DOF) systems, three-degree-of-freedom (3 DOF) systems, and generally multi-degreeof-freedom (MDOF) systems. Fig. 1.3.1 shows SDOF systems. Fig. 1.3.1a represents the idealization of a silo. It consists of two massless columns and a square rigid plate of mass m. With the assumption that the axial deformation of the columns is negligible, the horizontal displacement u ðt Þ is adequate to completely determine the motion of the system. Hence, the system has one degree of freedom. Likewise, under the same assumptions for the columns, the motion of the water tower of Fig. 1.3.1b can be determined from the angle fðt Þ. Fig. 1.3.1c represents the typical model of a SDOF. Fig. 1.3.2a represents the model of the two-story shear frame. To determine its motion, it is necessary to establish the two independent horizontal displacements u1 ðt Þ and u2 ðt Þ. Fig. 1.3.2b represents a cantilever column with a mass atop. This may be considered as the idealization of a water tower. The whole mass is lumped at the top while the column is massless. During the motion, the mass undergoes horizontal displacement u ðt Þ and rotation fðt Þ. These two geometrical quantities are independent. Hence, the system has two degrees of freedom and thus a. The term displacent denotes both translation and rotation. 10 PART I Single-degree-of-freedom systems two differential equations of motion are necessary to determine these displacements. If, however, the mass m of the system is assumed to be concentrated at a point, its rotational inertia I is equal to zero. Hence, the inertial moment I f€ðt Þ is zero, too, and one of the equations of motion becomes algebraic. This permits the elimination of the rotational displacement, leading to only one equation of motion for u ðt Þ. Consequently, the system has only one dynamic degree of freedom, even though it has two static degrees of freedom. Apparently, the number of static degrees of freedom is not necessarily equal to the number of dynamic degrees of freedom. Concluding, we can say that in an MDOF system, the number of dynamic degrees of freedom is equal to the number of independent differential equations of motion that must be formulated to establish the dynamic response of the system. Massless columns Massless columns (a) (b) (c) FIG. 1.3.1 Systems with one degree of freedom (SDOF). Rigid Rig (a) FIG. 1.3.2 Systems with two degrees of freedom (2 DOF). (b) General concepts and principles of structural dynamics Chapter 1 11 FIG. 1.3.3 Multi-degree-of-freedom (MDOF) system. FIG. 1.3.4 System with infinite degrees of freedom. Continuous system. The lumped mass idealization provides a simple means of reducing the number of degrees of freedom. Fig. 1.3.3 represents the discrete model of a cantilever column, whose mass has been localized at three points. Neglecting the axial deformation of the column and considering plane motion, the system has six degrees of freedom, the three transnational ui ðt Þ and the three rotational, fi ðt Þ. If the masses are fully concentrated so that their rotational inertia can be ignored, the inertial moments Ii f€i are zero and the number of dynamic degrees of freedom reduces to three. Obviously, the number of degrees of freedom increases with the number of nodal points, where the mass of the structure is lumped. As the number of points becomes infinitely large, the discretized structure approaches the continuous system (Fig. 1.3.4). 1.4 Dynamic model and formulation of the equation of motion of SDOF systems The modeling of the real structure plays a fundamental role in the dynamic analysis of structures. It is the most difficult task in dynamic analysis because in this stage of analysis, the experience and theoretical background of the engineer intervene critically in approximating the structural response. 12 PART I Single-degree-of-freedom systems Spring Damper Frictionless rollers FIG. 1.4.1 Model of a SDOF system. Fig. 1.4.1 shows a simple dynamic model of a SDOF system. It consists of a rigid body of mass m constrained to move along the x axis in the plane of the paper, a weightless spring connecting the mass to the firm support, and a damper. Center of mass FIG. 1.4.2 Forces applied to the free body. The forces applied to the body at time t are shown in the free body diagram of Fig. 1.4.2. These are (a) (b) (c) (d) The external load pðt Þ The elastic force fS The damping force fD The inertial force fI . The spring force fS depends on the displacement u ðt Þ and it is generally expressed by a nonlinear function, fS ¼ fS ðu Þ. For linear response of the structure, the force fS is proportional to the displacement and is given by fS ¼ ku (1.4.1) where k is the constant that represents the spring stiffness coefficient, that is, the force required to change the length of the spring by a unit. The force fS represents the elastic force of the structure that resists the motion and tends to bring the body to its initial undeformed position. The damping force fD also resists the motion. It represents the energy loss due to internal or external dissipative forces. Damping forces are complex in nature. Their exact expression in terms of the parameters of motion and of the geometrical and material properties of the structure is complicated and difficult to determine. The simplest form of damping is linear viscous damping. This produces damping forces, which are the easiest to handle mathematically General concepts and principles of structural dynamics Chapter 1 13 and provide analytical results for the response of a system close to the experimental ones. The linear viscous damping mechanism is indicated by a dashpot, as shown in Fig. 1.4.1. In viscous damping, the resisting force is proportional to the velocity fD ¼ cu_ (1.4.2) where c is a constant that can be established experimentally. Inasmuch as the work done by this force is converted to heat, the damping force is a nonconservative force. It is the force that makes the amplitude of a vibrating structure decay. The inertial force fI depends on the mass m of the body and its acceleration € It also resists the motion. It is given by Newton’s second law of motionb u. fI ¼ m u€ (1.4.3) A simple example of a structure that can be modeled as SDOF is the one-story, one-bay frame of Fig. 1.4.3. It consists of two identical weightless columns fixed on the ground and having height h, cross-sectional moment of inertia Ι, and modulus of elasticity E. The cross-sectional moment of inertia of the horizontal beam is assumed infinitely large. This means that the beam behaves like a rigid body of mass m and hence the cross sections of the columns at the roof level cannot rotate when the frame deforms. The frame is subjected to an external horizontal force pðt Þ, as shown in Fig 1.4.3a, which forces the frame to move. Neglecting the axial deformation of the beam and columns, an allowable assumption for frames, the only possible movement is the displacement u ðt Þ at the roof level. The rotation of the beam as a rigid body is excluded because this would cause a change in the length of columns. (a) (b) (c) FIG. 1.4.3 Two-column shear frame. b. Actually, this form of Newton’s law of motion is attributed to L. Euler, who defined it independently as a mechanical principle [2, 3]. This law was recently derived from Kepler’s laws of planetary motion [4]. 14 PART I Single-degree-of-freedom systems Referring to Fig. 1.4.3b, we see that the elastic forces are the shear forces Q at the top cross-sections of the columns. These forces are given by the known relation of statics Q¼ 12EI u ðt Þ h3 (1.4.4) The quantity 12EI =h 3 represents the translational stiffness of the column. This is the force required to produce a unit relative displacement between the end cross-sections of the column. These shear forces tend to restore the frame to the undeformed position. Therefore, they play the role of the spring in the SDOF model with a stiffness coefficient k ¼2 12EI h3 (1.4.5) _ The inertial force is given by fI ¼ m u€ while the damping force by fD ¼ cu. Another convenient model to represent the single-story frame is shown in Fig. 1.4.3c. It consists of a mass m placed at the top of a column with translational stiffness equal to the sum of the translational stiffness coefficients of the columns of the frame. During the motion, the top cross-sections of columns undergo only the translational displacement u ðt Þ. Models of this type are also suitable to idealize multistory shear frames (see Fig. 1.4.4), in which the masses are placed at the floor levels and the girders are assumed rigid. FIG. 1.4.4 Four-story shear frame and its model without damping. (a) (b) FIG. 1.4.5 Two-story, two-bay shear frame and its model without damping. General concepts and principles of structural dynamics Chapter 1 15 Fig. 1.4.5a shows another two-story shear frame. The columns are assumed weightless. Fig. 1.4.5b shows its dynamic model. The column 1-2 is represented by a spring of stiffness k ¼ 12EI =h 3 . The stiffness coefficients k1 and k2 include only the stiffness of the columns with heights h1 and h2 , respectively. Given the dynamic model of the structure, the equation of motion of the system is formulated. For the SDOF system, the equation of motion can be formulated using Newton’s second law of motion as it is applied for the motion of a particle m u€ ¼ F (1.4.6) F ¼ pðt Þ fS fD (1.4.7) where is the resultant of the external forces. Using Eqs. (1.4.1), (1.4.2), (1.4.7), Eq. (1.4.6) is written m u€ + cu_ + ku ¼ pðt Þ (1.4.8) Eq. (1.4.8) is the equation of motion of the SDOF system. The equation of motion represents the dynamic equilibrium of the system. It is an ordinary differential equation of the second order with respect to the unknown variable u ðt Þ. The solution of this equation yields the displacement as a function of time. For MDOF systems, the number of equations of motion that must be formulated is equal to the number of dynamic degrees of freedom. The use of Newton’s law of motion is not always well suited to formulate the equations, especially for MDOF systems or complex SDOF systems. It requires advanced knowledge of the dynamics of the rigid and deformable body as well as mastering various special methods. Generally, the equations of motion can be formulated using: (a) (b) (c) (d) d’Alembert’s principle or method of equilibrium of forces. Principle of virtual work. Hamilton’s principle. Lagrange’s equations. These methods will be presented in the following and will be demonstrated by appropriate examples. The acquaintance with the application of these methods constitutes a fundamental presupposition for the analysis of the dynamic response of structures. 1.5 Derivation of the equations of motion using d’Alembert’s principle Actually, d’Alembert’s principle is a different interpretation of Newton’s second law of motion. Suppose that we write it in the form F m€ u¼0 (1.5.1) 16 PART I Single-degree-of-freedom systems where F is the resultant of all external forces acting on the particle of mass m and € is its acceleration with respect to an inertial frame of reference.c If we consider u that the term m€ u is another force, known as inertial force, then Eq. (1.5.1) states that the vector sum of all forces, external and inertial, is zero during the motion. But this is the necessary and sufficient condition for the static equilibrium of the particle. Thus, in a sense, the dynamic problem is reduced to a problem of statics according to the following statement, known as d’Alembert’s principle. The laws of static equilibrium can be applied also to a dynamic system with respect to an inertial frame of reference if the inertial forces are considered as applied forces on the system together with the actual external forces. The motion of a rigid body of mass m with respect to an inertial frame of reference X, Y ,Z is decomposed into a translational motion of its center of mass, where the whole mass is considered to be concentrated, and a rotational motion about it (Fig. 1.5.1). FIG. 1.5.1 Rigid body moving with respect to the inertial. frame X,Y , Z . If R ¼ X ðt Þi + Y ðt Þj + Z ðt Þk is the position vector of a particle A of the body with respect to the inertial system of axes XYZ and r ¼ x ðt Þe1 + y ðt Þe2 + z ðt Þe3 the position of the same point with respect to the nonrotating system of axes xyz through the center of mass C (see Fig. 1.5.1), then the equations of motion of the body can be written as €c F ¼ mR (1.5.2a) _c Mc ¼ H (1.5.2b) where F ¼ Fx i + Fy j + Fz k is the resultant of the external forces, € c ¼ X€ ci + Y€ c j + Z€c k is the acceleration of the center of mass, R Mc ¼ Mx e1 + My e2 + Mz e3 is the resultant moment of the external forces with c. In classical dynamics, an inertial frame of reference is a frame of reference in which a body with zero force acting upon it is not accelerating; that is, the body is at rest or it is moving at a constant velocity in a straight line [5]. General concepts and principles of structural dynamics Chapter 1 17 _ c is the rate of change of the angular momenrespect to the center to mass, and H tum Hc of the body with respect to the same point given as ZZZ _ c¼ H r r€rdV (1.5.3) V in which r ¼ rðx, y, z Þ is the mass density of the body. Eq. (1.5.2a) is the equation of the translational motion while Eq. (1.5.2b) is the equation of the rotational motion. For a plane body moving in its plane, Eqs. (1.5.2a), (1.5.2b) become (see Appendix) Fx ¼ m X€ c (1.5.4a) Fy ¼ m Y€ c (1.5.4b) Mc ¼ Ic w_ (1.5.4c) where w is the angular velocity of the rotational motion about the center of mass and Ic the polar moment of inertia of the body about the same point. Path of P FIG. 1.5.2 Plane body moving in the XY plane. The system of xy axes moves with P without rotating. It is often convenient to study the motion with reference to an arbitrary point P, which is not the center of mass of the body (see Fig. 1.5.2). Special attention should be paid in this case because Eqs. (1.5.2a), (1.5.2b) take the form € p ¼ m€rc F mR (1.5.5a) €p¼H _p Mp rc m R (1.5.5b) where Rp is the position vector of point P moving with the body and rc the posi_ p are the moment of the tion vector of the center of mass with respect to P. Mp , H external forces and the rate of change of the angular momentum with respect to P, respectively. 18 PART I Single-degree-of-freedom systems When small displacements are considered, as in the theory of linear vibrations, Eqs. (1.5.5a), (1.5.5b) become (see Appendix). (1.5.6a) Fx ¼ m X€ p yc w_ (1.5.6b) Fy ¼ m Y€ p + xc w_ Mp ¼ Ip w_ + m xc Y€ p yc X€ p (1.5.6c) The kinetic energy of a plane body moving in its plane is given (a) with respect to the center of mass 1 1 2 2 T ¼ m X_ c + Y_ c + Ic w2 2 2 (1.5.7) (b) with respect to an arbitrary point P of the body (K€onig’s theorem) 1 1 2 2 T ¼ m X_ p + Y_ p + Ip w2 + m xc Y_ p yc X_ p w 2 2 (1.5.8) We shall write now Eqs. (1.5.4a)–(1.5.4c) in terms of the displacement vector. Apparently, the displacement vector from the beginning of the motion is defined as u ¼ Rðt Þ Rð0Þ ¼ u ðt Þi + v ðt Þj (1.5.9) u ¼ X ðt Þ X ð0Þ, v ¼ Y ðt Þ Y ð0Þ (1.5.10) where € Y€ ¼ v€. Moreover, if fðt Þ represents the change of the rotaHence, X€ ¼ u, _ w_ ¼ f, € Eqs. (1.5.4a)–(1.5.4c) are tion in the same time interval and set w ¼ f, written in terms of displacements as Fx ¼ m u€c (1.5.11a) Fy ¼ m v€c (1.5.11b) Mc ¼ Ic f€ (1.5.11c) €c Fc ¼ m c U (1.5.12) or in matrix form where 8 9 8 9 2 3 m 0 0 < uc = < Fx = Fc ¼ Fx , Uc ¼ vc , mc ¼ 4 0 m 0 5 : ; : ; Mc f 0 0 Ic (1.5.13) are the force vector, the displacement vector, and the mass matrix of the body, respectively. General concepts and principles of structural dynamics Chapter Similarly, Eqs. (1.5.6a)–(1.5.6c) are written Fx ¼ m u€p yc f€ Fy ¼ m v€p + xc f€ Mp ¼ Ip f€ + m xc v€p yc u€p 1 19 (1.5.14a) (1.5.14b) (1.5.14c) or in matrix form €p Fp ¼ m p U where 2 8 9 > < Fx > = Fp ¼ F x > > : ; Mp 8 9 > = < up > Up ¼ vp > ; : > f 3 m 0 my c mp ¼ 4 0 m mx c 5 my c mx c Ic (1.5.15) (1.5.16a) (1.5.16b) (1.5.16c) Note that the mass matrix is not diagonal when the point of reference is not the center of mass. Finally, Eqs. (1.5.7), (1.5.8) are written as 1 1 2 T ¼ m u_ 2c + v_ 2c + Ic f_ 2 2 (1.5.17) 1_T _c ¼ U mc U 2 c 1 1 2 T ¼ m u_ 2p + v_ 2p + Ip f_ + m xc u_ p yc v_ p f_ 2 2 (1.5.18) 1_T _p mp U ¼ U 2 p The set of equations with reference to point P can also be derived from the set of equations with reference to point C by transforming the displacements and the forces from point C to P (see Section 10.7). Example 1.5.1 Equation of motion of an elastically supported body Consider the rigid plate of constant thickness and total mass m shown in Fig. E1.1a. The plate is hinged at O and elastically supported at A. Formulate 20 PART I Single-degree-of-freedom systems the equation of motion of the system for small amplitude motion using the method of equilibrium of forces. Solution The only possible motion of the plate is the rotation in its plane about the point O. Hence, the system has one degree of freedom. The motion can be described either by the rotation fðt Þ about O or by the translational displacement of a point, for example, the displacement u ðt Þ of point B, which is related to fðt Þ as u ðt Þ ¼ a tan fðt Þ afðt Þ, u ðt Þ ¼ BB 0 cos f BB 0 (1) because we have assumed small displacements. Moreover, AA0 ¼ BB 0 =2 ¼ u=2 The applied forces are shown in the free body diagram in Fig. E1.1b. These are: The weight of the body: W ¼ mg (2a) 2 fS ¼ k ðAA0 Þ ¼ ku 3 (2b) The spring force: The inertial force at the center of mass along x fIx ¼ m d2 1 b ðCC 0 Þx ¼ m u€ 2 a dt 2 (2c) The inertial force at the center of mass along y fIy ¼ m d2 1 ðCC 0 Þy ¼ m u€ 2 2 dt (2d) The inertial moment about the center of mass u€ MIc ¼ IC f€ ¼ IC a (2e) pðt Þ (2f) The external force The quantities ðCC 0 Þx and ðCC 0 Þy are the horizontal and the vertical displacements of the center of mass C due to rotation, respectively. They are obtained from Fig. E1.1b as General concepts and principles of structural dynamics Chapter 1 21 (a) (b) (c) FIG. E1.1 Rigid plate in Example 1.5.1. 1b u 2a 1 ðCC 0 Þy ¼ ðOC Þf cos b ¼ u 2 ðCC 0 Þx ¼ ðOC Þf sin b ¼ (3a) (3b) The equation of motion results from the dynamic equilibrium of moments with respect to point O. Thus, we obtain a 2a b a W fS fIx fIy MIc + pðt Þa ¼ 0 2 3 2 2 (4) 22 PART I Single-degree-of-freedom systems which by virtue of Eq. (2) becomes " # a 2 b2 m + + IC 2 2 a2 4 W + pðt Þ u€ + ku ¼ 9 2 Using Steiner’s formula, we have " # a 2 b2 a 2 + b2 IO ¼ m + + IC ¼ m 3 2 2 (5) (6) Hence, Eq. (5) becomes m a 2 + b2 4 W + pðt Þ u€ + ku ¼ 2 3a 9 2 (7) Eq. (7) can be also obtained if we consider the motion with reference to point O and employ Eq. (1.5.14c) for 2a a u€ + W + pðt Þa, MIo ¼ IO f€ u€O ¼ v€O ¼ 0, f€ ¼ IO , MO ¼ fS 3 2 a The weight W can be eliminated from Eq. (7), if the total displacement u ðt Þ is expressed as the sum of the static displacement ust caused by the weight plus the additional dynamic displacement uðt Þ, as shown in Fig. E1.1c, that is, u ðt Þ ¼ ust + uðt Þ (8) The static equilibrium of moments with respect to point O, when the plate is loaded only by the weight yields (see Fig. E1.1c) 4 a kau st ¼ W 9 2 (9) Noting that u€st ¼ 0 because ust is a constant, and using Eqs. (8), (9), Eq. (7) becomes + k ∗ u ¼ p ∗ ðt Þ m ∗ u€ (10) where m∗ ¼ m a 2 + b2 4 , k ∗ ¼ k, p ∗ ðt Þ ¼ pðt Þ 2 3a 9 Eq. (10) has the form of Eq. (1.4.8) and represents the equation of motion of the system. The quantities m ∗ , k ∗ , having dimensions of mass and translational stiffness, respectively, are referred to as the generalized mass and the generalized stiffness of the SDOF system. If the rotation fðt Þ, measured from the position of static equilibrium, is taken as the parameter of motion in place of uðt Þ, the equation of motion results Thus, we have from Eq. (10) using the relation u ¼ fa. 4 IO f€ + ka2 f ¼ apðt Þ 9 (11) General concepts and principles of structural dynamics Chapter 1 23 Example 1.5.2 Equation of motion of a frame with a rigid column Formulate the equation of motion of the plane frame shown in Fig. E1.2a for small amplitude motion. The mass of the horizontal beam CD is negligibly small while the column of height L and nonnegligible width h ¼ L=4 is assumed rigid The elastic stiffness of the ground is simulated by the with total mass m ¼ mL. spring CR while its damping by the two dashpots with damping parameters c. (a) (b) FIG. E1.2 Frame with a rigid column in Example 1.5.2. Solution The only possible motion of the system is the rotation fðt Þ of the column as a rigid body about the hinged support at point A of its base. Because the rotation is small, we have: sin f f, cos f 1, f2 0 Hence u ¼ L sin f ¼ Lf, h h d ¼ sin f f 2 2 24 PART I Single-degree-of-freedom systems h h ð1 2Þ ¼ sin f + L cos f f + L, 2 2 h h ð3 4Þ ¼ L sin f + cos f Lf + , 2 2 h h ð5 6Þ ¼ cos f 2 2 The forces applied on the column are shown in Fig. E1.2b. These are: The elastic moment at the corner C 6EI 4EI d + 1:5L f MS ¼ ð1:5L Þ2 The elastic moment due to the rotational spring MR ¼ CR f ¼ EI L f The moment of inertia of the mass m 2 € MIA ¼ IA f€ ¼ mL 3 f The elastic shear force at the beam end C 12EI 6EI QS ¼ ð1:5L d + ð1:5L f Þ3 Þ2 The damping forces fD ¼ c h2 f_ The external load pðt Þ The equilibrium of moments with respect to point A yields MIA + MS + MR + QS ð3 4Þ + 2fD ð5 6Þ pðt Þ ð1 2Þ ¼ 0 which after substituting their exressions becomes mL2 € cL2 _ 79EI pL 28EI 2 f+ f+ f+ f ¼ Lpðt Þ 3 32 18L 8 9L Further, linearizing (f2 0) gives mL2 € cL2 _ 79EI pL f+ f+ f ¼ Lpðt Þ 3 32 18L 8 (1) (2) If the displacement u ¼ Lf at the level of the beam is taken as the parameter of the motion, the equation of motion becomes m cL 79EI p u€ + u_ + u ¼ pðt Þ (3) 3 32 18L3 8L Example 1.5.3 Equation of motion of a system of rigid bodies The rigid body assemblage shown in Fig. E1.3a consists of the rigid bar AF of total mass m hinged at A, and the rigid square plane body supported rigidly at F. The dynamic excitation of the bar is due to the uniformly distributed transverse load pðt Þ. The motion is constrained by a spring at B and the damper at G. Formulate the equation of motion of the system for small amplitude displacements using the method of equilibrium of forces. The mass per unit length of the bar is ¼ m=3L and the surface mass density of the body is g ¼ 2m=L2 m General concepts and principles of structural dynamics Chapter 1 25 (a) (b) FIG. E1.3 System with two rigid bodies in Example 1.5.3. Solution As the bar AF is rigid, the only possible motion is its rotation about A. Hence, the system has a SDOF. Its motion can be described either by the angle of rotation fðt Þ about the hinge at A or by the transverse displacement of any point along the axis of the bar. We choose the upward displacement u ðt Þ at point B as the parameter of the motion. For small amplitude motion, the forces acting on the system are shown in Fig. E1.3b. These are: The elastic force fS at B: As it opposes the motion, it is directed downward and is expressed as fS ¼ ku (1) The damping force fD at G: It is directed also downward and is expressed as fD ¼ c d d ðGG 0 Þ ¼ c ð1:625u Þ ¼ 1:625cu_ dt dt (2) The inertial force fIK and the inertial moment MIK at the center of mass K of are the bar due the distributed mass m Þ fIK ¼ ðm3L d2 ðKK 0 Þ ¼ 0:75m u€ dt 2 MIK ¼ IK f€ (3) 26 PART I Single-degree-of-freedom systems or taking into account that ð3LÞ3 m ð3LÞ3 ¼ ¼ 0:75mL2 12 3L 12 u u u€ f ¼ ¼ 0:5 , f€ ¼ 0:5 2L L L IK ¼ m we obtain MIK ¼ 0:375mLu€ (4) The inertial force fIG and the inertial moment MIG at the center of mass G of the rigid body due to the mass gL2 =2: L d2 2m L2 d 2 ðGG 0 Þ ¼ 2 ð1:625u Þ ¼ 1:625m u€ (5) fIG ¼ gL 2 2 dt L 2 dt 2 " # LðL=2Þ3 ðL=2ÞL3 u€ G € + ¼ 0:052mLu€ (6) M I ¼ IG f ¼ g 0:5 12 12 L The external load is 2L pðt Þ. The equilibrium of the moments about A yields the equation of motion of the system. Thus, we have fS ð2LÞ fD ð3:25LÞ fIK ð1:5LÞ fIG ð3:25LÞ MIK MIG + pðt Þ ð2LÞ L ¼ 0 (7) or inserting Eqs. (1)–(6) into Eq. (7) we obtain m ∗ u€ + c ∗ u_ + k ∗ u ¼ p ∗ ðt Þ (8) m ∗ ¼ 6:833m, c ∗ ¼ 5:281c, k ∗ ¼ 2k, p ∗ ðt Þ ¼ 2L pðt Þ (9) where The quantities defined by Eq. (9) are referred to as the generalized mass, the generalized damping, the generalized stiffness, and the generalized load, respectively. Once the dynamic displacement u ðt Þ is established from the solution of Eq. (8), the vertical reaction RA can be evaluated from the dynamic equilibrium of forces in the direction of the y axis. This yields RA + pðt Þ2L fIK fIG fS fD ¼ 0 or using Eqs. (1)–(3), (5) we obtain RA ¼ ku + 1:625cu_ + 2:375m u€ 2L pðt Þ General concepts and principles of structural dynamics Chapter 1 27 Example 1.5.4 Equation of motion of a single-story shear building Formulate the equation of motion of the single-story building shown in Fig. E1.4a. The damping is neglected. The columns are fixed on the ground, are inextensible, and their mass is assumed to be lumped at their ends. Moreover, the roof plate is assumed rigid. The material of the structure is reinforced concrete having specific weight g ¼ 24kN=m3 and modulus of elasticity E ¼ 2:1 107 kN=m2 . The total load of the plate (dead and live) is 20kN=m2 . The force pðt Þ acts in the direction of the x axis and is given by pðt Þ ¼ 20sin 13t. The acceleration of gravity is g ¼ 9:81m=s2 and the dimensions of the rectangular cross-sections of columns are k1 : 30 30cm2 and k2 : 30 20cm2 . (b) (a) FIG. E1.4 Single-story shear building in Example 1.5.4. Solution Taking into account that the structure is symmetric with respect to the x axis, the columns are inextensible, and the load pðt Þ acts on the axis of symmetry, the only possible motion of the plate is the horizontal displacement u ðt Þ in the direction of the x axis. The SDOF model of the structure is shown in Fig. E1.4b. The total mass of the system is due to the load of the plate and to half the weight of the columns m¼ 5 10 20 + ð4 0:3 0:3 + 2 0:3 0:2Þ 2 24 ¼ 104:285 9:81 The stiffness of the system is equal to the sum of the translational stiffness coefficients of all columns, which are given as ki ¼ 12EI i hi3 where Ii is the moment of inertia of the cross-section of the i column with respect to the y axis through its mass center and hi its height. Thus, we have 28 PART I Single-degree-of-freedom systems Columns 30 30: k3030 ¼ 12 2:1 107 43 0:304 12 ¼ 2657:8kN=m Columns 30 20: k3020 ¼ 12 2:1 107 43 0:303 0:20 12 ¼ 1771:9kN=m Therefore the stiffness of the system is k ¼ 4 2657:8 + 2 1771:9 ¼ 14175:0kN=m The equation of motion results from the equilibrium of the forces shown in Fig. E1.4b. This yields fI fS + pðt Þ ¼ 0 or m u€ + ku ¼ pðt Þ Substituting the numerical values for m, k and the expression for pðt Þ, the above equation of motion becomes 5:21u€ + 708:75u ¼ sin 13t Example 1.5.5 Equation of motion of a two-story shear frame Formulate the equations of motion of the two-story shear frame shown in Fig. E1.5a using the method of equilibrium of forces. The damping is ignored. Solution The system has two degrees of freedom because the girders are rigid and the axial deformation of columns is ignored. The model of the structure is shown in Fig. E1.5b. The masses are lumped at the story levels. The motion of the system can be fully determined from the horizontal displacements u1 ðt Þ and u2 ðt Þ of the masses m1 and m2 , respectively. Rigid Rigid (a) (b) FIG. E1.5 Two-story shear frame in Example 1.5.5. (c) General concepts and principles of structural dynamics Chapter 1 29 The equations of motion result from the dynamic equilibrium of forces applied to the masses m1 and m2 . These forces are shown in the free body diagrams of Fig. E1.5c. Thus, we obtain m1 u€1 + k1 ðu1 u2 Þ ¼ p1 ðt Þ (1) m2 u€2 k1 ðu1 u2 Þ + k2 u2 ¼ p2 ðt Þ (2) Eqs. (1), (2) are written in matrix form as m€ u + ku ¼ pðt Þ (3) where u¼ u1 m1 0 k1 k1 , m¼ , k¼ , pðt Þ ¼ u2 k1 k1 + k2 0 m2 p1 ðt Þ p2 ðt Þ Example 1.5.6 Equation of motion of a general single-story shear building The rigid horizontal plate is supported by K columns as shown in Fig. E1.6. The columns are fixed on the ground as well as on the plate. Their principal axes have arbitrary directions in the xy plane. Formulate the equation of motion of the ðt Þ through the point A. plate when the plate is loaded by the horizontal load P Solution We choose O xy as the system of reference of the motion, whose origin coincides with point O at the beginning of motion. Let xi , yi represent the coordinates of the center of mass of the cross-section of i column and fi the angle between its principal x axis and the x axis. The axes xy will be referred to as the global axes of the system while the axes xy as the local axes of the column. Inasmuch as the axial deformation of columns is ignored, the only possible motion of the plate is inside its plane, which can be determined by the two translational displacements of a point and the rotation of the plate. We study the motion of the plate with reference to point O and let U , V represent its translational components with respect to the global axes xy, which are the rotation of the plate. As a consequence assumed fixed in the plane, and W of this motion, the cross-section of the i column at the level of the plate undergoes the displacements u i , v i , wi , with respect to its base. These displacements generate elastic forces X i , Y i , M i , which act on the plate. Thus, we define the following vectors and matrices that will be used in the subsequent analysis. 30 PART I Single-degree-of-freedom systems FIG. E1.6 General single-story shear building in Example 1.5.6. (a) In global axes: 8 9 < U = ¼ V displacements of point O of the plate U :; W 8 9 < ui = i ¼ vi displacements of i column D : i; w 8 i9 < X = i ¼ Y i elastic forces of i column F S : i; M (b) In local axes 8 9 < ui = i D ¼ v i displacements of i column : i; w 8 9 < Xi = FiS ¼ Y i elastic forces of i column : i; M General concepts and principles of structural dynamics Chapter 1 31 The transformation matrix for the vector quantities related to i column from the global axes to the local axes is given as 2 3 cos fi sin fi 0 Ri ¼ 4 sin fi cos fi 0 5 0 0 1 Hence, the vectors are transformed from one system of axes to the other as i D i ¼ Ri D i ¼ Ri T D i D i FiS ¼ Ri F S i ¼ Ri T F i F S S where (1a) (1b) (2a) (2b) 3 cos fi sin fi 0 R ¼ 4 sin fi cos fi 0 5 0 0 1 i 1 i T i ¼ R because Ri is orthonormal. is the transpose of R . Note that R i i i The elastic forces X , Y , M are related to the displacements u i , v i , wi by i T 2 12EI y i u h3 12EI x i v Yi ¼ h3 Xi ¼ Mi ¼ GI t i w h (3a) (3b) (3c) where Ix ,Iy are the principal moments of inertia of the column cross-section and It is the torsional constant, E and G are the material constants, and h is the height of the column. Setting 12EI y 12EI x GI t i i , k22 ¼ , k33 ¼ h3 h3 h Eqs. (3a)–(3c) can be written in matrix form as 8 9 2 i 38 9 k11 0 0 < u i = < Xi = i 0 5 vi Y i ¼ 4 0 k22 : i; : i; i 0 0 k33 M w i ¼ k11 (4) or Fi ¼ k i D i (5) 32 PART I Single-degree-of-freedom systems The matrix 2 i 0 k11 6 ki ¼ 4 0 0 3 0 7 i k22 0 5 i 0 k22 is the stiffness matrix of i column. Eq. (5) is transformed in global axes using Eqs. (2b), (1a). Thus, we have i ¼ Ri T F i F S S T ¼ Ri k i D i T i ¼ Ri k i R i D or i D i ¼ k i F (6) i ¼ Ri T k i R i k (7) where is the stiffness matrix of the column in global axes, which becomes after performing the matrix multiplications 2 i 3 i k11 k12 0 6 7 i ¼ 6 ki ki 0 7 (8) k 4 21 22 5 i 0 0 k 33 where i i i k11 ¼ k11 cos 2 fi + k22 sin 2 fi 9 > > > > > > = i i i k22 ¼ k11 sin 2 fi + k22 cos 2 fi i i i i > k12 ¼ k21 ¼ k11 k22 sin fi cos fi > > > > > ; i i k 33 ¼ k33 (9) Inasmuch as the plate is rigid, the displacements ui , vi , wi of the i column of point O. The geometrical reladepend on the plate displacements U , V , W tions result from the following consideration. General concepts and principles of structural dynamics Chapter 1 33 FIG. E1.7 Displacements of point i due to rotation of plate. The point i of the plate undergoes translational displacements due to (a) The translational displacements of point O i u t ¼ U i v ¼ V t (b) The rotation of the plate about O. Referring to Fig. E1.7 and observing that ¼ wi , we obtain cos ai ¼ xi =ri , sin ai ¼ yi =ri , W i sin ai ¼ yi W u r ¼ ri W i cosai ¼ xi W v r ¼ ri W Thus, we have ui ¼ ui t + ui r ¼ U yi W vi ¼ vi t + vi r ¼ V + xi W (10b) wi ¼ W (10c) The previous equations are written in matrix form as 8 9 2 38 9 1 0 y i < U = < ui = vi ¼ 4 0 1 xi 5 V : i; :; 0 0 1 w W or setting 2 3 1 0 yi ei ¼ 4 0 1 xi 5 0 0 1 (10a) (11) 34 PART I Single-degree-of-freedom systems we can write Eq. (11) as i ¼ ei U D (12) The matrix e defined by Eq. (12) is referred to as the translation matrix or transformation matrix of the i column. The equations of motion result from Eqs. (1.5.14a)–(1.5.14c) if they are The external force employed for point O, with P O, up ¼ U , vp ¼ V , f ¼ W. ðt Þ ¼ P x ðt Þ, P y ðt Þ T . Thus, F is equal to the sum of all elastic forces FiS plus P we have i P x ðt Þ K X i € yc W X ¼ m U€ (13a) i € + xc W Y ¼ m V€ (13b) i¼1 P y ðt Þ K X i¼1 ðt Þ M K X i i € i ¼ m xc V€ yc U€ + Io W xi Y yi X + M (13c) i¼1 ðt Þ with respect ðt Þ ¼ xA P y ðt Þ yA P x ðt Þ is the moment of the force P where M to O, m is the mass of the plate, and Io its moment of inertia with respect to O. Eqs. (13a)–(13c) are written in matrix form as 8 9 32 2 38 i 9 2 32 38 € > 1 0 0 1 0 0 > 1 0 yc > m 0 0 < P x ðt Þ > = X < X > = < U K 6 7 6 7 6 7 6 7 i ¼ 4 0 1 0 54 0 m 0 54 0 1 xc 5 V€ P y ðt Þ 4 0 1 0 5 Y > > > > : ; i¼1 : i> ; : € y c xc 1 y i xi 1 M ðt Þ 0 0 Ic 0 0 1 M W 9 > = > ; or ðt Þ P K X T i ¼ ðec ÞT mðec ÞU € ei F (14) i¼1 where 9 8 > = < P x ðt Þ > ðt Þ ¼ P y ðt Þ P > ; : > M ðt Þ 2 3 m 0 0 m ¼ 40 m 0 5 0 0 Ic (15a) (15b) Finally, using Eqs. (6), (12), we obtain the equation of motion U € + K U ¼P ðt Þ M (16) General concepts and principles of structural dynamics Chapter where 3 m 0 m yc ¼ ðec ÞT mec ¼ 4 0 m m xc 5 M m yc m xc Io 1 35 2 ¼ K K X T T ei Ri ki Ri ei (17a) (17b) i¼1 are the mass and stiffness matrices of the structure, respectively. The equation of motion (16) can be transformed with reference to the center of mass by working as follows. Using Eq. (12), we relate the displacements of the center of mass C to the displacements of O. Hence, we have c ¼ ec U U (18) ¼ ðec Þ1 U c U (19) which can be inverted to give We can readily show that 2 3 1 0 yc ðec Þ1 ¼ 4 0 1 xc 5 0 0 1 (20) Substituting Eq. (19) into Eq. (16) and premultiplying it byðec ÞT , we obtaind cU ðt Þc c ¼P € + K mU (21) c ¼ ðec ÞT K ðec Þ1 K (22a) ðt Þ c ðt Þ ¼ ðec ÞT P P (22b) c where Eq. (22a) represents the transformed stiffness matrix of the structure from point O to the center of mass C . The stiffness matrix with respect to an arbitrary point O is, in general, a full 3 3 matrix, namely 3 2 k11 k12 k13 7 ¼6 (23) K 4 k21 k22 k23 5 k31 k32 k33 T d. The notation eT ¼ ðe1 Þ is employed. 36 PART I Single-degree-of-freedom systems The off-diagonal terms cause coupling between the elastic force in one direction and the displacement in another direction. For example, the element k12 represents the force acting in the direction of the x axis when the plate undergoes a unit displacement in the direction of the y axis. Similarly, the element k31 represents the moment acting on the plate about the z axis, if the plate undergoes a unit displacement, U ¼ 1, in the direction of the x axis. The elastic center or center of resistance of the plate is defined as the point of the plate where an applied force in any direction does not produce rotation. This implies the vanishing of the elements k13 and k23 (hence also their symmetric k31 and k32 ) in the stiffness matrix (23). This point can be established as follows. is transformed from point O to the sought elastic cenThe stiffness matrix K ter E ðxE , yE Þ according to Eq. (22a), if ec is replaced by eE . Namely 2 32 3 32 1 0 0 1 0 yE k11 k12 k13 T 1 eE E ¼ eE ¼ 40 1 0 54 k21 k22 k23 54 0 1 xE 5 K K 0 0 1 yE xE 1 k31 k32 k33 or after performing the matrix multiplications 2 E E E3 k11 k12 k13 6 7 6 E E E7 E 6 K ¼ 6 k21 k22 k23 7 7 4 5 E E E k 31 k 32 k 33 2 k12 k11 6 6 ¼ 6 k21 k22 4 k11 yE k21 xE + k31 k12 yE k22 xE + k32 k11 yE k12 xE + k13 3 7 7 k21 yE k22 xE + k23 7 5 2 2 k 13 yE + k 23 xE + k 33 E E The vanishing of the elements k13 and k23 yields k11 yE k12 xE + k13 ¼ 0 k21 yE k22 xE + k23 ¼ 0 from which we establish the coordinates of E k11 k xE ¼ 21 k 11 k13 k23 k12 k12 k yE ¼ 22 k 11 k13 k23 k12 (24a) k21 k22 k21 k22 (24b) General concepts and principles of structural dynamics Chapter 1 37 Thus, the stiffness matrix with respect to the elastic center takes the form 2 E E 32 3 k11 k12 0 k11 k12 0 6 7 7 E ¼ 6 kE kE 0 76 K 5 4 21 22 54 k 21 k 22 0 2 2 E 0 0 k 13 yE + k 23 xE + k 33 0 0 k 33 The coupling is now limited between the translational displacements and the corresponding elastic forces. They can also be decoupled if the matrix is y by rotation transformed into a new system of axes x 0 Ey 0 , resulting from xE through an angle q and demanding the off-diagonal elements to vanish. The i ¼ K E and stiffness matrix in the new system is obtained using Eq. (7) for k 2 3 cos q sin q 0 R ¼ 4 sin q cos q 0 5 0 0 1 Thus, we have ER ^ E ¼ RT K K (25) or after performing the matrix multiplications 3 k11 k22 7 6 k cos 2 q + k sin 2 q k sin 2q 0 sin 2q + k 12 cos2q 22 12 7 6 11 2 7 6 E ^ 7 K ¼ 6 k 11 k 22 2 2 7 6 sin 2q + k12 cos 2q k11 sin q + k22 cos q + k12 sin 2q 0 5 4 2 0 0 k13 y2 + k23 x 2 + k33 E E 2 The vanishing of the off-diagonal elements yields 2k12 tan 2q ¼ k 22 k11 (26) The axes defined by angle q are referred to as the principal directions of stiffness of the structure. The stiffness matrix becomes now diagonal 2 3 k^11 0 0 7 ^E ¼6 K 4 0 k^22 0 5 0 0 k^33 where k^11 ¼ k11 cos 2 q + k22 sin 2 q k12 sin 2q (27a) k^22 ¼ k11 sin 2 q + k22 cos 2 q + k12 cos 2q (27b) k^33 ¼ k13 y2E + k23 x2E + k33 (27c) 38 PART I Single-degree-of-freedom systems The previous analysis allows us to draw the following conclusions: (a) In static analysis, the concepts of the elastic center and the principal directions permit the uncoupling of the three equations of static equilibrium and give a better insight into the deformation of the structure. These concepts, however, do not have any advantage in the dynamic analysis because, in general, the center of mass does not coincide with the elastic center and therefore the equations of motion remain coupled through the second derivatives of the displacements. Apparently, this fact complicates the study of the dynamic analysis. (b) The equations of motion can be decoupled with respect to the physical dis only if the center of mass coincides with the elastic placements U , V , W center. This uncoupling should not be confused with that achieved via modal coordinates (see Chapter 12). 1.6 Principle of virtual displacements D’Alembert’s principle allows the application of the principle of virtual displacements to formulate the equations of motion of structural systems, especially for complex assemblages comprising a number of interconnected particles or rigid bodies of finite size. The principle of virtual displacements or virtual works can be expressed as follows: The necessary and sufficient condition for the dynamic equilibrium of a system is the vanishing of the total work done by the set of all externally applied forces (actual and inertial) when the system is subjected to a virtual displacement, that is, a displacement pattern compatible with the geometrical constraints of the system. Thus, the equations of motion of the dynamic system can be derived by first identifying all forces (imposed external forces, elastic forces, damping forces, and inertial forces) acting on the masses. Then by introducing a virtual displacement corresponding to each degree of freedom, the equations of motion are obtained by setting the virtual work produced by all forces equal to zero. A major advantage of this approach is that the contribution of the work done by the reactions of nonyielding bilateral supports as well as the internal interaction forces on the separated masses do not appear explicitly in the equations. Moreover, the quantities we have to deal with are scalar and not vectorial, thus they can be algebraically manipulated. An important provision for the application of the principle of virtual displacements is that the masses of the system are subjected to small displacements. This implies that the geometry of the structure remains essentially unchanged after the action of the displacements. Example 1.6.1 Equation of motion of a complex SDOF system Formulate the equation of motion of the system shown in Fig. E1.8a by using the principle of virtual displacements for small amplitude motion. It is assumed that the cable can undertake compression. General concepts and principles of structural dynamics Chapter 1 39 (a) (b) FIG. E1.8 System in Example 1.6.1. Solution Because the cable is inextensible, the displaced configuration of the system can be specified either by the angle of rotation of one of the bars or by the transverse displacement of a point on it. Thus, the system has only one degree of freedom. If the upward transverse displacement u ðt Þ of point C is taken as the basic parameter of the motion, then all other displacements can be expressed in terms of it. Fig. E1.8b shows the deformed system with all forces applied to it. The elastic forces fS1 and fS2 are due to the deformation of the springs k1 and k2 . They are directed downward as they oppose the motion. The force fD is due to the viscous damping mechanism and is directed upward as it also opposes the motion. The inertia moments MIA , MIO , and MIE are due to the rotation of the masses about A, O , and E, respectively. All forces are expressed in terms of the single displacement u ðt Þ fS1 ¼ k1 ðBB 0 Þ ¼ ku=2, fS2 ¼ k2 ðCC 0 Þ ¼ 2ku fD ¼ c d ðDD 0 Þ ¼ cu_ dt ð2LÞ3 u€ m 2 u€ MIA ¼ IA f€1 ¼ ¼ 1:333mL 3 2L MIE ¼ IE f€2 ¼ ð1:5LÞ3 u€ m 2 u€ ¼ 0:750mL 3 1:5L MIO ¼ IO f€3 ¼ mL ð0:8LÞ2 u€ 2 u€ ¼ 0:200mL 8 0:4L 40 PART I Single-degree-of-freedom systems If point C is given a virtual displacement du, the forces ride the following displacements d ðCC 0 Þ ¼ du, dðBB 0 Þ ¼ du=2, dðDD0 Þ ¼ du df1 ¼ du=2L, df2 ¼ du=1:5L, df3 ¼ du=0:4L du ðx Þ ¼ xdf1 ¼ xdu=2L The work done by the forces acting on the system due to the virtual displacement should be set equal to zero, that is, fS1 d ðBB 0 Þ fS2 dðCC 0 Þ fD dðDD 0 Þ MIA df1 Z L MIE df2 MIO df3 + pðt Þdu ðx Þdx ¼ 0 (1) 0 Using the expressions for the forces and the displacements in terms of the basic displacement derived previously, Eq. (1) yields 2 u=2L € 2 u=1:5L € 0:25ku 2ku cu_ 1:333mL 0:750mL € 2 u=0:4L + pðt ÞL=4du ¼ 0 0:200mL or, inasmuch as du 6¼ 0, the expression within the square brackets should vanish. This yields the equation of motion (2) m ∗ v€ + c ∗ v_ + k ∗ v ¼ p ∗ ðt Þ where c ∗ ¼ c, k ∗ ¼ 2:25k, p ∗ ðt Þ ¼ 0:25 pðt ÞL m ∗ ¼ 1:667mL, Example 1.6.2 Equation of motion of a rigid body assemblage Formulate the equations of motion of the rigid body assemblage shown inFig. E1.9a by using the principle of virtual displacements on the basis of small amplitude motion. Solution Due to the spring k1 , the rigid bars can rotate independently from each other about their hinged supports at A and F. Hence, the system has two degrees of freedom. Its motion can be specified by the transverse downward displacements u1 ðt Þ and u2 ðt Þ of points C and E, respectively. The forces applied to the displaced system are shown in Fig. E1.9b. They are The elastic force fS1 ¼ k1 ðCC 0 Þ ¼ k ðu2 u1 Þ The elastic force fS2 ¼ k2 ðDD 0 Þ ¼ 4ku 2 The damping force fD ¼ c dtd ðBB 0 Þ ¼ c u_21 u€1 2 €1 The inertial moment MIA ¼ IA f€1 ¼ IA 2a ¼ 4ma 3 u u€2 8ma 2 F € The inertial moment M ¼ IF f2 ¼ IF ¼ u€2 I a 3 The system is given a virtual displacement pattern du1 and du2 corresponding to the two degrees of freedom. The forces ride the following displacements d ðBB 0 Þ ¼ du1 du1 , dðCC 0 Þ ¼ du1 , df1 ¼ 2 2a General concepts and principles of structural dynamics Chapter 1 41 (a) (b) FIG. E1.9 System in Example 1.6.2. d ðDD 0 Þ ¼ 2du2 , d ðEE 0 Þ ¼ du2 , df2 ¼ du2 a According to the principle of virtual displacements, the work done by the applied forces must be equal to zero, that is, MIA df1 fD dðBB 0 Þ + fS1 dðCC 0 Þ fS1 dðEE 0 Þ fS2 dðDD 0 Þ MIF df2 + pðt Þd ðCC 0 Þ ¼ 0 (1) Introducing the expressions of the forces and virtual displacements into terms of the basic displacements in Eq. (1) yields 2ma u_ 1 u€1 c + k ðu2 u1 Þ + pðt Þ du1 4 3 (2) 8ma + u€2 k ðu1 u2 Þ 8ku 2 du2 ¼ 0 3 Inasmuch as the quantities du1 and du2 are arbitrary, Eq. (2) is valid only if 2ma u_ 1 u€1 + c k ðu2 u1 Þ pðt Þ ¼ 0 4 3 (3a) 8ma u€2 + k ð9u2 u1 Þ ¼ 0 3 (3b) 42 PART I Single-degree-of-freedom systems Eqs. (3a), (3b) are the equations of motion of the system. In matrix form they are written as 3 2 2 c 3( ) " #( ) ( ) 2ma 0 u_ 1 k k u1 pðt Þ 0 7 u€1 6 3 44 5 + ¼ (4) 4 5 u€2 + 8ma u2 u_ 2 k 9k 0 0 0 0 3 1.7 Hamilton’s principle The development of dynamics and generally of mechanics has been accomplished through two different approaches. The first is based on Newton’s laws of motion. These laws deal with the motion of a body under the action of forces acting on it. The involved quantities are (i) the imposed forces, which may be externally applied forces, forces of interaction between the masses, and reactions of constraints and (ii) the momentum or the quantity of motion as defined by Newton. Because both quantities are vector quantities, this approach of mechanics is called vectorial mechanics. The analysis of complicated systems by direct application of Newton’s laws of motion becomes increasingly difficult. The principal reason is that the equations are vectorial in nature and the forces and accelerations are often difficult to determine. Moreover, the reactions of the constraints and the interaction forces between bodies must be explicitly accounted in the equations of motion and have to be evaluated even when there is no interest to evaluate them. In addition, each problem seems to require its own particular insights and there are no general procedures for obtaining the equations of motion. The second approach is based mainly on the work of Lagrange and Hamilton and is called analytical mechanics. In this approach, the involved quantities are scalar functions, and therefore the fundamental equations, in contrast to vectorial mechanics, do not depend on the choice of the coordinates. Also, it is not necessary to include explicitly the forces of the constraints and the interaction forces. It will be shown that this approach circumvents to some extent the difficulties found in the direct application of Newton’s law of motion to complicated systems. Furthermore, the equations of motion are formulated in a standard convenient form. Analytical dynamics is based on Hamilton’s principle and Lagrange’s equations. Hamilton’s principle is presented in this section. Lagrange’s equations are presented in the next section resulting directly from Hamilton’s principle. One of the most important principles of dynamics is Hamilton’s principle, named after the famous Irish mathematician and physicist Sir William Rowan Hamilton (1805–65). Inertial and elastic forces are not explicitly involved in this principle; instead, variations of the kinetic and potential energy are utilized. This formulation has the advantage of dealing only with purely scalar quantities. In the procedure of virtual displacements, even though the works themselves are scalar quantities, vector quantities, displacements, and forces are utilized to represent them. Hamilton’s principle is presented here for discrete parameter systems. General concepts and principles of structural dynamics Chapter 1 43 FIG. 1.7.1 Particle moving in space. Consider a particle of mass m moving in space under the action of a force Fðt Þ as shown in Fig. 1.7.1. If r ¼ rðt Þ ¼ x ðt Þi + y ðt Þj + z ðt Þk represents the position vector of the particle at time t, then according to Newton’s second law of motion, the Newtonian path of the particle is governed by the differential equation m d 2r F¼0 dt 2 (1.7.1) We confine our attention to an interval of time during which the particle moves from point 1 at t ¼ t1 to point 2 at t ¼ t2 . We consider now a varied path, specified by rðt Þ + drðt Þ, adjacent to the actual one. We will refer to the quantity drðt Þ ¼ dx ðt Þi + dy ðt Þj + dz ðt Þk as the variation of r. The only restriction is that the two paths coincide at time t ¼ t1 and t ¼ t2 . This implies that the variation dr ¼ drðt Þ vanishes at these instants, that is, drðt1 Þ ¼ drðt2 Þ ¼ 0 (1.7.2) The first step to derive Hamilton’s principle is to take the inner product of the left side of Eq. (1.7.1) with the vector dr and to integrate from time t1 to time t2 . This gives Z t2 m t1 d2r dr F dr dt ¼ 0 dt 2 (1.7.3) Integrating by parts the first term in the above integral and knowing that the operator d acts like the differential operator [6], we obtain Z t2 t1 d 2r dr m 2 drdt ¼ m dr dt dt t2 t1 Z t1 t2 dr dr m d dt dt dt 44 PART I Single-degree-of-freedom systems The term outside the integral is equal to zero because of Eq. (1.7.2). Moreover, we can write the integrand as " # dr dr 1 dr dr 1 dr 2 1 dr 2 ¼ d m ¼m d ¼m d ¼ dT m d dt dt 2 dt dt 2 dt 2 dt where 2 1 dr ¼ x_ ðt Þ2 + y_ ðt Þ2 + z_ ðt Þ2 T¼ m 2 dt (1.7.4) is the kinetic energy of the particle. Hence, the integral (1.7.3) takes the form Z t2 ðdT + F drÞdt ¼ 0 (1.7.5) t1 The variation dr is a virtual displacement that leads from the actual path to the varied one. Hence the term F dr in Eq. (1.7.5) is the virtual work done by the force Fðt Þ. Eq. (1.7.5) is a statement of Hamilton’s principle as it is applied to a particle. This equation can be transformed into a more convenient form if the force Fðt Þ is separated in its conservative and nonconservative components, that is Fðt Þ ¼ Fc ðt Þ + Fnc ðt Þ (1.7.6) A potential function A ¼ Aðx, y, z, t Þ exists from which the conservative force Fc ðt Þ is derived as its minus gradient ∂A ∂A ∂A i+ j+ k (1.7.7) Fc ¼ ∂x ∂y ∂z Hence Fc dr ¼ ∂A ∂A ∂A dx + dy + dz ∂x ∂y ∂z or Fc dr ¼ dA Hence, Hamilton’s principle, Eq. (1.7.5), can be written as Z t2 Z t2 d ðT AÞdt + dWnc dt ¼ 0 t1 t1 where dWnc ¼ Fnc dr represents the virtual work of the nonconservative force. (1.7.8) (1.7.9) General concepts and principles of structural dynamics Chapter 1 45 In the absence of nonconservative forces, Fnc ¼ 0, Eq. (1.7.9) becomes Z t2 d ðT AÞdt ¼ 0 (1.7.10) t1 The scalar quantity L¼T A (1.7.11) is termed the Lagrangian or the kinetic potential. We should emphasize that Hamilton’s principle depends upon the energies of the system and is invariant under the coordinate transformation. Eq. (1.7.10) states that of all possible paths of motion of the particle during an interval of time from t1 to t2 , the actual path is that for which the integral Z t2 Ldt ¼ 0 (1.7.12) t1 has a stationary value. In fact, it can be shown that this value is the minimum value of the integral. The derivation of Hamilton’s principle for a particle can be extended to MDOF systems as well as to continuous systems. The potential energy usually arises from the gravity field. However, it may also arise from other sources such as electrical and magnetic fields. The strain energy U ðt Þ should be included as an additional potential energy. Thus, we can write Z t2 Z d ðU T + AÞdt t1 t2 dWnc dt ¼ 0 (1.7.13) t1 Hamilton’s principle is rather utilized to derive the equations of motion of continuous systems. The equations of motion of discrete parameter systems can result directly from Lagrange’s equations. Example 1.7.1 Equation of motion of the SDOF system Formulate the equation of motion of the SDOF system shown in Fig. 1.4.1 using Hamilton’s principle. Solution The potential energy is due to the strain energy stored in the spring during deformation. It is expressed in terms of the spring stiffness coefficient k and the displacement u as 1 U ¼ ku 2 2 (1) The kinetic energy is due to the motion of the mass m and is given as 1 T ¼ m u_ 2 2 (2) 46 PART I Single-degree-of-freedom systems _ as a dissipative force, is nonconservative. The The damping force fD ¼ cu, virtual work of this force is D _ ¼ fD du ¼ cudu dWnc (3) The negative sign results from the fact that fD is opposite to the virtual displacement du. The external force is also treated as nonconservative and it does the virtual work p ¼ pðt Þdu dWnc (4) Because no conservative external forces act on the system, it is A ¼ 0. The variations dU and dT are obtained from Eqs. (1), (2) _ u_ dU ¼ kudu, dT ¼ m ud (5) Introducing Eqs. (3)–(5) into Hamilton’s principle, Eq. (1.7.13), yields Z t2 Z t2 _ u_ Þdt _ + pðt Þdu dt ¼ 0 ðkudu m ud ½cudu (6) t1 t1 The next step is to remove the variation d u_ of the velocity u_ from Eq. (6). This is achieved using integration by parts as follows: Z t2 Z t2 du _ udt _ ¼ _ m ud m ud dt dt t1 t1 Z t2 d (7) m u_ ðdu Þdt ¼ dt t1 Z t2 € _ tt21 m ududt ¼ ½m udu t1 According to Hamilton’s principle it holds du ðt1 Þ ¼ du ðt2 Þ ¼ 0 Thus, the term outside the integral vanishes and Eq. (7) becomes Z t2 Z t2 _ udt _ ¼ € m ud m ududt t1 (8) t1 Eq. (6) by virtue of Eq. (8) is written as Z t2 ½m u€ + cu_ + ku pðt Þdudt ¼ 0 (9) t1 In order that the integral in Eq. (9) is equal to zero for any time interval ½t1 , t2 , its integrand should vanish, that is, ½m u€ + cu_ + ku pðt Þdu ¼ 0 General concepts and principles of structural dynamics Chapter 1 47 Moreover, because du is arbitrary, it must be m u€ + cu_ + ku pðt Þ ¼ 0 or m u€ + cu_ + ku ¼ pðt Þ (10) which is the equation of motion. Example 1.7.2 Equation of motion of a two-story shear frame Formulate the equations of motion of the frame in Example 1.5.5 using Hamilton’s principle. Solution Referring to Fig. E1.5b and c in Example 1.5.5, we have 1 1 U ¼ k1 ðu1 u2 Þ2 + k2 u22 2 2 1 1 T ¼ m1 u_ 21 + m2 u_ 22 2 2 Their variations are dU ¼ k1 ðu1 u2 Þðdu1 du2 Þ + k2 u2 du2 ¼ k1 ðu1 u2 Þdu1 k1 ðu1 u2 Þdu2 + k2 u2 du2 dT ¼ m1 u_ 1 d u_ 1 + m2 u_ 2 d u_ 2 (1) (2) Integrating by parts the variation dT in the interval ½t1 , t2 yields Z t2 Z t2 dTdt ¼ ðm1 u_ 1 d u_ 1 + m2 u_ 2 d u_ 2 Þdt t1 t1 Z ¼ ½m1 u_ 1 du1 + m2 u_ 2 du2 tt21 t2 ðm1 u€1 du1 + m2 u€2 du2 Þdt t1 and taking into account that du1 ðt1 Þ ¼ du1 ðt2 Þ ¼ du2 ðt1 Þ ¼ du2 ðt2 Þ ¼ 0, we obtain Z t2 Z t2 dTdt ¼ ðm1 u€1 du1 + m2 u€2 du2 Þdt (3) t1 t1 Moreover, it is p dWnc ¼ p1 ðt Þdu1 + p2 ðt Þdu2 and A ¼ 0 (4) Introducing Eqs. (1), (3), (4) into Hamilton’s principle, Eq. (1.7.13), we obtain Z t2 ½k1 ðu1 u2 Þdu1 k1 ðu1 u2 Þdu2 + k2 u2 du2 + m1 u€1 du1 t1 + m2 u€2 du2 p1 ðt Þdu1 p2 ðt Þdu2 dt ¼ 0 48 PART I Single-degree-of-freedom systems or Z t2 f½m1 u€1 + k1 ðu1 u2 Þ p1 ðt Þdu1 + ½m2 u€2 k1 u1 + ðk1 + k2 Þu2 t1 p2 ðt Þdu2 gdt ¼ 0 (5) Because Eq. (5) is valid for any interval ½t1 , t2 , its integrand must be equal to zero, that is, ½m1 u€1 + k1 ðu1 u2 Þ p1 ðt Þdu1 + ½m2 u€2 k1 u1 + ðk1 + k2 Þu2 p2 ðt Þdu2 ¼ 0 (6) Inasmuch as the quantities du1 and du2 are arbitrary, Eq. (6) is valid only if the quantities in the square brackets are equal to zero, that is, m1 u€1 + k1 ðu1 u2 Þ p1 ðt Þ ¼ 0 (7a) m2 u€2 k1 u1 + ðk1 + k2 Þu2 p2 ðt Þ ¼ 0 (7b) which give the equations of motion m1 u€1 + k1 u1 k1 u2 ¼ p1 ðt Þ (8a) m2 u€2 k1 u1 + ðk1 + k2 Þu2 ¼ p2 ðt Þ (8b) Example 1.7.3 Equation of motion of a complex MDOF system The system shown in Fig. E1.9 consists of the three rigid bars AB,BC , CD connected by hinges at points B and C , and it is supported by a roller at point D and a hinge at point A. The relative rotations of the bars at the hinges B and C are restrained by moment-resisting rotational springs with stiffness coefficients k3 ¼ k4 ¼ 4kL2 and by the rotational dashpots with damping coefficients c3 ¼ c4 ¼ 2cL2 . In the transverse direction, the motion is restrained by the two springs at points E and Q with stiffness coefficients k1 ¼ k, k2 ¼ 2k, and the two dashpots at points F and G with damping coefficients c1 ¼ c and c2 ¼ 3c. A constant axial force P is applied at point D. The system is set in motion by the transverse load pðx, t Þ ¼ ðpx=LÞf ðt Þ, linearly distributed along while the the bar CD. The mass per unit length of the bars AB and CD is m bar BC is massless and supports the rigid body S at H having surface mass density g ¼ m=L. Assuming small amplitude displacements, formulate the equations of motion of the system using Hamilton’s principle. FIG. E1.10 System in Example 1.7.3. General concepts and principles of structural dynamics Chapter 1 49 Solution Inasmuch as the bars are assumed rigid, this system has only two degrees of freedom. The displaced configuration of the system can be determined from the two transverse displacements u1 ðt Þ and u2 ðt Þ of points B and C . Referring to Fig. E1.11, we have FIG. E1.11 Deformed configuration of the system. 9 f1 ¼ u1 =4L = f2 ¼ ðu2 u1 Þ=3L ; f3 ¼ u2 =3L (1) The displacements of points of application of the forces and the changes of angles are expressed in terms of the basic quantities u1 and u2 as 9 EE 0 ¼ u1 =4, FF 0 ¼ u1 =2, GG 0 ¼ 3u1 =4 > > = HH 0 ¼ u1 + ðu2 u1 Þ=3, QQ 0 ¼ u2 =2 (2) DfB ¼ f2 f1 ¼ ð4u2 7u1 Þ=12L > > ; DfC ¼ f3 + f2 ¼ ð2u2 u1 Þ=3L The potential energy U due to the deformation of the springs is 1 1 1 1 2 2 U ¼ k1 ðEE 0 Þ + k2 ðQQ 0 Þ + k3 ðDfB Þ2 + k4 ðDfC Þ2 2 2 2 2 which by virtue of Eqs. (2) becomes 1 2 1 2 1 2 ku 1 + ku 2 + k ð4u2 7u1 Þ2 + k ð2u2 u1 Þ2 32 4 72 9 ¼ 0:934ku 21 + 1:361ku 22 1:667u1 u2 U¼ Its variation is dU ¼ k ð1:868u1 1:667u2 Þdu1 + k ð1:667u1 + 2:722u2 Þdu2 (3) The kinetic energy consists of the kinetic energies T1 and T2 of the bars ΑΒ and CD, and of the kinetic energy T3 of the rigid body S. Thus, we have 1 1 1 d 2 2 ðHH 0 Þ T ¼ IA f_ 1 + ID f_ 3 + m 2 2 2 dt 2 1 2 + IH f_ 2 2 (4) 50 PART I Single-degree-of-freedom systems where m ¼ mL, IA ¼ m ð4LÞ3 ð3LÞ3 L3 , ID ¼ m , IH ¼ m 3 3 6 (5) Introducing Eqs. (1), (2), (5) into Eq. (4) yields 2 1 1 1 T ¼ m u_ 21 + m u_ 22 + m ðu_ 2 + 2u_ 1 Þ2 + m ðu_ 2 u_ 1 Þ2 3 2 18 108 ¼ 0:898m u_ 21 + 0:565m u_ 22 + 0:204u_ 1 u_ 2 and its variation dT ¼ m ð1:796u_ 1 + 0:204u_ 2 Þd u_ 1 + m ð0:204u_ 1 + 1:130u_ 2 Þd u_ 2 Rt Using integration by parts in the integral t12 dTdt and taking into account that d du1 ðt1 Þ ¼ du1 ðt2 Þ ¼ du2 ðt1 Þ ¼ du2 ðt2 Þ ¼ 0 and d u_ ¼ d du dt ¼ dt ðdu Þ we obtain Z t2 Z dTdt ¼ t1 t2 ½m ð1:796u€1 + 0:204u€2 Þdu1 + m ð0:204u€1 + 1:130u€2 Þdu2 dt t1 (6) The nonconservative forces include the loading pðx, t Þ and the damping forces. Their virtual work is expressed in terms of the basic quantities as follows: Z 3L x p ¼ pðx, t Þ 1 du2 dx dWnc 3L 0 (7) Z 3L x x pLf ðt Þdu2 ¼ p f ðt Þ 1 du2 dx ¼ 1:5 L 3L 0 D dWnc ¼ c1 d d d ðFF 0 Þd ðFF 0 Þ c2 ðGG 0 ÞdðGG 0 Þ c3 ðDfB ÞdðDfB Þ dt dt dt (8) d c4 ðDfC Þd ðDfC Þ dt Using Eq. (2) and taking into account that c1 ¼ c, c2 ¼ 3c, c3 ¼ c4 ¼ 2cL2 , we can write D dWnc ¼ cð2:840u_ 1 0:833u_ 2 Þdu1 + cð0:833u_ 1 1:111u_ 2 Þdu2 Hence, we have dWnc ¼ cð2:395u_ 1 0:833u_ 2 Þdu1 + cð0:833u_ 1 1:111u_ 2 Þdu2 + 1:5 pLf ðt Þdu2 (9) General concepts and principles of structural dynamics Chapter 51 1 Finally, the potential A of the external conservative forces is due to the constant axial force P . Hence it is A ¼ P ðDD 0 Þ ¼ Pe and dA ¼ Pde (10) The variation de is evaluated as follows. Referring to Fig. E1.11, we have e ¼ ðAD Þ ðAD0 Þ ¼ 10L 4L cos f1 3Lcos f2 3L cos f3 Therefore de ¼ Lð4sin f1 df1 + 3 sin f2 df2 + 3sin f3 df3 Þ ¼ Lð4f1 df1 + 3f2 df2 + 3f3 df3 Þ which is introduced into Eq. (10) to yield 7P P P 2P u1 + u2 du1 + u1 u2 du2 dA ¼ 12L 3L 3L 3L (11) (12) Introducing the expressions for dU , dT , dWnc , and dA into Hamilton’s principle, Eq. (1.7.13), we obtain the following equations of motion 7P u1 1:796m u€1 + 0:204m u€2 + 2:395cu_ 1 0:833cu_ 2 + 1:868k 12L P u2 ¼ 0 + 1:667k + 3L P u1 0:204m u€1 + 1:130m u€2 0:833cu_ 1 + 1:111cu_ 2 + 1:667k + 3L 2P + 2:722k pLf ðt Þ u2 ¼ 1:5 3L or in the matrix form " #( ) " #( ) 2:395 0:833 u_ 1 1:796 0:204 u€1 +c m 0:833 1:111 u€2 u_ 2 0:204 1:130 " #( ) ( ) (13) 1:868 0:583l 1:667 + 0:333l u1 0 +k ¼ 1:667 + 0:333l 2:722 0:667l u2 1:5 pLf ðt Þ where l ¼ P=kL. The elastic forces of the system are fS1 ¼ k ð1:868 0:583lÞu1 + k ð1:667 + 0:333lÞu2 fS2 ¼ k ð1:667 + 0:333lÞu1 + k ð2:722 0:667lÞu2 52 PART I Single-degree-of-freedom systems They may become zero if the system of equations 1:868 0:583l 1:667 + 0:333l u1 k 1:667 + 0:333l 2:722 0:667l u2 ¼ has a nontrivial solution. This occurs if +1:868 0:583l 1:667 + 0:333l 1:667 + 0:333l +2:722 0:667l ¼ 0 0 0 (14) (15) Expanding the determinant yields 0:27797l2 1:7227l + 2:3058 ¼ 0 from which we obtain l1 ¼ 1:9555 l2 ¼ 4:2419 The obtained values of l specify two critical values, Pcr1 ¼ 1:9555kL and Pcr2 ¼ 4:2419kL, of the compressive axial force for which the structure exhibits no resistance to deformation, that is, it has no stiffness and the structure buckles. Therefore, these critical loads are the buckling loads of the structure (first and second). The condition for buckling is the vanishing of the determinant of the stiffness matrix, Eq. (15). The resulting equation is called the buckling equation. It is apparent that if the axial force is tensile, the determinant cannot vanish for real values of the parameter l. Concluding, we can state that tensile axial forces increase the stiffness of the structure while compressive axial forces reduce it and may lead to buckling. Example 1.7.4 Equation of motion of the elastic cantilever beam Derive the equation of motion of the cantilever beam shown in Fig. E1.12. Solution The mass of the beam element is equal to mdx. Its kinetic energy is mdx ½∂u ðx, t Þ=∂t 2 =2, which is integrated along the beam length to yield the kinetic energy of the beam, namely FIG. E1.12 Cantilever in Example 1.7.4. 1 T¼ 2 Z L 0 ∂u ðx, t Þ 2 m dx ∂t (1) General concepts and principles of structural dynamics Chapter 1 53 The strain energy of the beam is obtained by integrating the strain energy density over its volume V , namely Z 1 sx ex dV (2) U¼ 2 V From the beam theory we have sx ¼ M ðx Þ sx ∂2 u ðx, t Þ y, ex ¼ , M ðx Þ ¼ EI E I ∂x 2 Substituting the previous equations into Eq. (2) and integrating over the cross-section of the beam yield 2 2 Z 1 L ∂ u ðx, t Þ U¼ EI dx (3) 2 0 ∂x 2 For the simplicity of the expressions, the differentiation with respect to time t will be designated by an over-dot while that with respect to the spatial coordinated x by a prime. Moreover, the arguments will be dropped for the same reason. Hence, expressions (1) and (3) can be rewritten as Z 1 L m u_ 2 dx (4) T¼ 2 0 Z 1 L 2 U¼ EI ðu 00 Þ dx (5) 2 0 Their variations are Z dT ¼ L _ udx _ m ud (6) EI u 00 du 00 dx (7) 0 Z L dU ¼ 0 Integrating twice by parts the integral representing dU yields Z L L L dU ¼ EI u 0000 dudx ½EI u 000 du 0 + ½EI u 00 du 0 0 (8) 0 The boundary conditions of the beam are At x ¼ 0 u ¼ u 0 ¼ 0, hence du ¼ du 0 ¼ 0 At x ¼ L M ¼ EI u 00 ¼ 0 Q ¼ EI u 000 ¼ 0 Therefore, the quantities outside the integral vanish and Eq. (8) becomes Z L EI u 0000 dudx (9) dU ¼ 0 54 PART I Single-degree-of-freedom systems Because no conservative loads act on the system, it is A ¼ 0. Moreover, the virtual work of the external load is Z L p pðx, t Þdudx (10) dWnc ¼ 0 Introducing Eqs. (5), (9), (10) into Hamilton’s principle, Eq. (1.7.13), we obtain Z t2 Z L Z L Z L _ udx _ EI u 0000 dudx m ud pðx, t Þdudx dt ¼ 0 (11) t1 0 0 0 Interchanging the integration in the second term and performing integration by parts with respect to time, yield Z t2 Z L Z L Z t2 _ udx _ € m ud dt ¼ ½m ududt + ½mudu tt21 dx 0 0 t1 t1 (12) Z t Z L 2 ¼ t1 € ½m ududx dt 0 On the basis of Eq. (12), Eq. (11) becomes Z t2 Z L ½EI u 0000 + m u€ pðx, t Þdudx dt ¼ 0 (13) 0 t1 Because Eq. (13) is valid for any interval ½t1 , t2 , the integrand must vanish, namely Z L ½EI u 0000 + m u€ pðx, t Þdudx ¼ 0 (14) 0 Moreover, because du is arbitrary, Eq. (14) is valid only if EI u 0000 + m u€ pðx, t Þ ¼ 0 (15) which yields the equation of motion of the cantilever EI u 0000 + m u€ ¼ pðx, t Þ (16) Apparently, Eq. 16 is identical to that obtained in Section 1.1. 1.8 Lagrange’s equations 1.8.1 Derivation of Lagrange’s equations In a system with N degrees of freedom, the displaced configuration can be determined from a set of coordinates, which take a certain value at each instant. The system of coordinates for the analysis of a given mechanical system is not necessarily unique. Many coordinate systems are possible. Furthermore, the number of coordinates may vary, but it cannot be less than N . Anyhow, if the number of coordinates is greater than N , then additional equations, referred to as equations General concepts and principles of structural dynamics Chapter 1 55 of constraint, must relate the coordinates so that the number of coordinates is equal to the number of degrees of freedom plus the independent equations of constraint. The requirement that the equations of motion hold together with the equations of constraint complicates the solution. For this reason, we seek, if possible, to choose N independent coordinates, which can specify the configuration of the system. For example, we consider the simple pendulum shown in Fig. 1.8.1a. The rod is rigid and weightless. Its length is L and it can rotate freely about the hinge at O, such that the motion is confined in a single vertical plane. The position of the mass can be specified by the angle q between the vertical axis y and the rod. Hence, the system has a SDOF. However, the displaced configuration can also be determined by the coordinates ðx, y Þ, which represent the position of the mass m within the xy plane. These coordinates, however, are not independent because they must satisfy the constraint equation x 2 + y 2 ¼ L2 (a) (b) FIG. 1.8.1 Simple (a) and double (b) pendulum. Similarly, the configuration of the double pendulum of Fig. 1.8.1b can be specified by the two angles q1 and q2 . Hence the system has two degrees of freedom. On the other hand, the position of the masses m1 , m2 can be determined by the coordinates ðx1 , y1 Þ and ðx2 , y2 Þ, which, however, are not independent because they must satisfy the following two constraint equations x12 + y12 ¼ L21 ðx2 x1 Þ2 + ðy2 y1 Þ2 ¼ L22 The quantities q in the simple pendulum or q1 , q2 in the double pendulum, which would determine the configuration of the system, could be considered as coordinates in a more general sense. Any set of quantities that serves to specify the configuration of the system is referred to as generalized coordinates. The geometrical significance of the generalized quantities is not always cognizable. For systems in motion, the generalized coordinates vary with time and are treated as algebraic variables. The process of obtaining one set of generalized coordinates from another is known as a coordinate transformation. 56 PART I Single-degree-of-freedom systems We consider now a transformation from a set of N generalized coordinates q1 ðt Þ, q2 ðt Þ,…, qN ðt Þ to a set K of ordinary (for example, Cartesian) coordinates x1 ,x2 ,…, xK ðK N Þ. The transformation equations are of the form x1 ¼ x1 ðq1 , q2 , …, qN Þ x2 ¼ x2 ðq1 , q2 , …, qN Þ ⋯ ⋯ xK ¼ xK ðq1 , q2 , …, qN Þ (1.8.1) For example, the transformation equations of the generalized coordinates q1 , q2 to the ordinary coordinates x1 , x1 , y2 , y2 of the double pendulum are x1 ¼ L1 sin q1 y1 ¼ L1 cos q1 x2 ¼ L1 sin q1 + L2 sin q2 y2 ¼ L1 cos q1 L2 cos q2 The kinetic energy of a system with K degrees of freedom may also depend on the generalized coordinates q1 , q2 , …, qN beside the generalized velocities q_ 1 , q_ 2 ,…, q_ N , that is, T ¼ T ðq1 , q2 , …, qN , q_ 1 , q_ 2 , …, q_ N Þ (1.8.2) In conservative systems, the potential energy A depends only on the position, namely, it is A ¼ Aðq1 , q2 , …, qN Þ (1.8.3) The work done by the forces derivable from the potential energy A, when the generalized coordinates qi are given a virtual displacement dqi , is expressed as dA ¼ Q1 dq1 + Q2 dq2 + ⋯ + QN dqN where Q1 ¼ ∂A ∂A ∂A ¼ , Q2 ¼ ¼ , …, QN ¼ ∂q1 ∂q2 ∂qN (1.8.4) The quantity Qi dqi represents the work done through the displacement dqi . Inasmuch as the quantity Qi may or may not represent a force, it is referred to as generalized force. Hence, if qi represents a translational displacement then Qi is a force, whereas if qi represents a rotation then Qi is a moment. In some problems, the quantities dqi may represent surfaces, volumes, etc. Therefore, the nature of the corresponding Qi is defined so that the quantity Qi dqi has the physical dimension of work. Lagrange’s equations may be derived by direct application of Hamilton’s principle. Thus, when the applied forces are conservative, we write Z t2 ðdT dAÞdt ¼ 0 (1.8.5) t1 General concepts and principles of structural dynamics Chapter 1 57 The variations associated with the kinetic energy and the potential energy defined by Eqs. (1.8.2), (1.8.3), respectively, are of the form dT ¼ ∂T ∂T ∂T ∂T dq1 + ⋯ + dqN + d q_ + ⋯ + d q_ ∂q1 ∂qN ∂q_ 1 1 ∂q_ N N dA ¼ ∂A ∂A dq1 + ⋯ + dqN ∂q1 ∂qN Substituting these expressions into Eq. (1.8.5), integrating by parts the terms including d q_ i and taking into account dq1 ¼ dq2 ¼ ⋯ ¼ dqN ¼ 0 at instants t1 and t2 , we obtain Z t2 ∂T d ∂T ∂A ∂T d ∂T ∂A dq1 + ⋯ + dqN dt ¼ 0 ∂q1 dt ∂q_ 1 ∂q1 ∂qN dt ∂q_ N ∂qN t1 Because the time interval ½t1 , t2 as well as the virtual displacements dqi are arbitrary, this previous equation results in the following equations d ∂T ∂T ∂A + ¼ 0 ði ¼ 1, 2, …, N Þ (1.8.6) dt ∂q_ i ∂qi ∂qi which, using Eq. (1.8.4), become d ∂T ∂T ¼ Qi ði ¼ 1, 2, …, N Þ dt ∂q_ i ∂qi (1.8.7) Eq. (1.8.6) or (1.8.7) are the Lagrange equations of motion. When nonconservative forces act on the system in addition to the conservative forces, we can include them in Lagrange’s equations, if the work done by the nonconservative forces riding the virtual displacements is expressed in terms of the generalized forces, that is, dWnc ¼ Q1 dq1 + Q2 dq2 + ⋯ + QN dqN (1.8.8) Introducing Eq. (1.8.8) into Hamilton’s principle, Eq. (1.7.9), the Lagrange equations (1.8.6) become d ∂T ∂T ∂A + ¼ Qi ði ¼ 1, 2, …, N Þ (1.8.9) dt ∂q_ i ∂qi ∂qi The elastic force components, which are derivable from a potential U (strain energy), can be also involved in Eq. (1.8.9). Noting that U ¼ U ðq1 , q2 , …, qN Þ (1.8.10) the associated variation is dU ¼ ∂U ∂U dq1 + ⋯ + dqN ∂q1 ∂qN Therefore, the components ∂U =∂qi express generalized elastic forces and Lagrange’s equations become 58 PART I Single-degree-of-freedom systems d ∂T ∂T ∂V + ¼ Qi ði ¼ 1, 2, …, N Þ dt ∂q_ i ∂qi ∂qi (1.8.11) V ¼U +A (1.8.12) where is the total potential energy of the system. The N generalized forces Qi can be evaluated from the set of K actual forces Fk associated with the set of Cartesian coordinates. For this purpose, we consider the work done by the set of forces Qi when the coordinates qi are given an increment, that is, a virtual displacement dqi dW ¼ N X Qi dqi (1.8.13) i¼1 If dxk represent the ensuing virtual displacements of the coordinates xk then the set of forces Fk do the work dW ¼ K X Fk dxk (1.8.14) k¼1 From physical consideration, the work done by the two sets of forces is the same. The only difference is that they are expressed in two different coordinate systems. Therefore, we can write N X i¼1 Qi dqi ¼ K X Fk dxk (1.8.15) k¼1 or in matrix form QT dq ¼ FT dx (1.8.16) where Q ¼ fQ1 Q2 ⋯ QN gT , dq ¼ f dq1 dq2 ⋯ dqN gT (1.8.17a) F ¼ f F1 F2 ⋯ FK gT , dx ¼ f dx1 dx2 ⋯ dxK gT (1.8.17b) The relation between dxk and dqi results from the transformation equations (1.8.1) by considering the variation of dxk . Thus, we have dxk ¼ ∂xk ∂xk dq1 + ⋯ + dqN ∂q1 ∂qN (1.8.18) or in matrix form dx ¼ Jdq (1.8.19) General concepts and principles of structural dynamics Chapter 1 59 where J is the Jacobian matrix of the transformation (1.8.1), that is, 2 ∂x ∂x ∂x1 3 1 1 ⋯ 6 ∂q1 ∂q2 ∂qN 7 6 7 6 ∂x ∂x ∂x2 7 2 6 2 7 ⋯ 6 7 (1.8.20) J ¼ 6 ∂q1 ∂q2 ∂qN 7 6 7 6 ⋮ 7 ⋮ ⋱ ⋮ 6 7 4 ∂xK ∂xK ∂xK 5 ⋯ ∂q1 ∂q2 ∂qN Substituting Eq. (1.8.19) into (1.8.16) yields QT dq ¼ FT Jdq (1.8.21) QT ¼ F T J (1.8.22) Q ¼ JT F (1.8.23) from which we obtain or Apparently, Eq. (1.8.23) represents the sought relation between Q and F. Example 1.8.1 Equation of motion of the double pendulum Formulate the equations of motion of the double pendulum shown in Fig. 1.8.1b. Solution Because the bars are inextensional, the displaced configuration of the moving system can be specified by the generalized coordinates q1 and q2 . Referring to Fig. 1.8.1b, the Cartesian coordinates of the masses m1 and m2 are expressed in terms of q1 and q2 by the geometrical relations x1 ¼ L1 sin q1 y1 ¼ L1 cos q1 x2 ¼ L1 sin q1 + L2 sin q2 y2 ¼ L1 cos q1 L2 cos q2 (1) The kinetic energy of the system is 1 1 T ¼ m1 x_ 21 + y_ 21 + m2 x_ 22 + y_ 22 2 2 which by virtue of Eqs. (1) becomes 1 1 2 2 T ¼ ðm1 + m2 ÞL21 q_ 1 + m2 L1 L2 q_ 1 q_ 2 cos ðq1 q2 Þ + m2 L22 q_ 2 2 2 The potential energy is A ¼ m1 gy 1 + m2 gy 2 (2) 60 PART I Single-degree-of-freedom systems or using Eqs. (1) A ¼ ðm1 + m2 ÞgL1 cos q1 m2 gL2 cos q2 (3) Differentiating Eqs. (2), (3) yields ∂T ¼ ðm1 + m2 ÞL21 q_ 1 + m2 L1 L2 q_ 2 cos ðq1 q2 Þ ∂q_ 1 d ∂T ¼ ðm1 + m2 ÞL21 q€1 + m2 L1 L2 q€2 cos ðq1 q2 Þ dt ∂q_ 1 m2 L1 L2 q_ 2 sin ðq1 q2 Þ q_ 1 q_ 2 ∂T ¼ m2 L1 L2 q_ 1 q_ 2 sin ðq1 q2 Þ ∂q1 ∂A ¼ ðm1 + m2 ÞgL1 sin q1 ∂q1 ∂T ¼ m2 L1 L2 q_ 1 cos ðq1 q2 Þ + m2 L22 q_ 2 ∂q_ 2 d ∂T ¼ m2 L1 L2 q€1 cos ðq1 q2 Þ m2 L1 L2 q_ 1 sin ðq1 q2 Þ q_ 1 q_ 2 + m2 L22 q€2 _ dt ∂q 2 ∂T ¼ m2 L1 L2 q_ 1 q_ 2 sin ðq1 q2 Þ ∂q2 ∂A ¼ m2 gL2 sin q2 ∂q2 Applying Eq. (1.8.6) for i ¼ 1, 2 and q1 ¼ q1 q2 ¼ q2 , we obtain the equations of motion of the double pendulum 2 ðm1 + m2 ÞL1 q€1 + m2 L2 q€2 cos a + q_ 2 sin a + ðm1 + m2 Þg sin q1 ¼ 0 (4a) 2 L1 q€1 cos a + L2 q€2 L1 q_ 1 sin a + g sin q2 ¼ 0 (4b) where a ¼ q1 q2 Example 1.8.2 Equation of motion of the “soft” pendulum Formulate the equations of motion of the simple pendulum shown in Fig. E1.13, taking into account the axial deformation of the rod (soft pendulum). The undeformed length of the rod is L, its cross-sectional area A, and the modulus of elasticity of the material E. General concepts and principles of structural dynamics Chapter 1 61 FIG. E1.13 “Soft” pendulum in Example 1.8.2. Solution Because the rod is no more inextensional, the system has two degrees of freedom. Its displaced configuration can be specified either by the orthogonal coordinates x and y of the mass or by the angle of the q and the axial deformation of the rod. The kinetic energy of the system is 1 T ¼ m x_ 2 + y_ 2 2 (1) The potential energy of the external force (gravitational force) is A ¼ mgy (2) and the potential of the elastic force 1 U ¼ ke2 (3) 2 where k ¼ EA=L is the axial stiffness of the rod and e its elongation. The latter is expressed in terms of x and y as pffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi e ¼ x 2 + y2 L (4) Introducing Eq. (4) in the expression for the axial stiffness, Eq. (3), yields 2 ffi 1 EA pffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi U¼ (5) x 2 + y2 L 2 L Differentiating the energies, we obtain ! d ∂T ∂A ∂U EA L ¼ m x€, ¼ 0, ¼ 1 pffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi x dt ∂x_ ∂x ∂x L x 2 + y2 ! d ∂T ∂A ∂U EA L ¼ m y€, ¼ mg, ¼ 1 pffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi y dt ∂y_ ∂y ∂y L x 2 + y2 (6) (7) Introducing Eqs. (6), (7) into Lagrange’s equations (1.8.11), we obtain the equations of motion of the soft pendulum ! EA L 1 pffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi x ¼ 0 (8a) m x€ + L x 2 + y2 62 PART I Single-degree-of-freedom systems ! EA L m x€ + 1 pffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi y ¼ mg L x 2 + y2 (8b) Example 1.8.3 Equation of motion of a general one-story shear building Formulate the equations of motion of the one-story building in Example 1.5.6 using the method of Lagrange’s equations. Solution The system has three degrees of freedom. We choose the displacements U , V of about the z axis as the genpoint O in the plane of the plate and its rotation W eralized coordinates of the system, namely q1 ¼ U , q2 ¼ V , q3 ¼ W Because the point O is not the center of mass of the plate, the kinetic energy is given by the expression (1.5.18) (K€ onig’s theorem) 1 1 _ 2 m y U_ W _ _ + m xc V W T ¼ m U_ 2 + V 2 + Io W c 2 2 (1) The potential energy U consists of the strain energy of all columns. For the i column it is i 2 i 2 i 1 h i i 2 i i u + k22 v + k33 w Ui ¼ k11 2 or using matrix notation 8 9 i k 0 0 < u i = 1 i i i 11 i 1 T (2) Ui ¼ u v w 0 k22 0 v i ¼ Di ki Di ; : 2 2 0 0 k i wi 33 Taking into account that (see Eqs. 1a, 12 of Example 1.5.6) i T T e i T Ri T ¼ Ri ei U, ¼U D i ¼ Ri D D Eq. (2) is written as 1 T i kU Ui ¼ U 2 where i ¼ ei T Ri T ki Ri ei k Thus, we have U¼ K X 1 Ui ¼ UT KU 2 i¼1 1 2 2 + 2k23 V W 2 + 2k12 U V + 2k13 U W ¼ k11 U + k22 V + k33 W 2 (3) General concepts and principles of structural dynamics Chapter 1 63 ij are the elements of the matrix where k ¼ K K X i ¼ k i¼1 K X T T ei Ri k i Ri e i (4) i¼1 Because there are no external conservative forces, it is A¼0 (5) The generalized forces result from Eq. (1.8.20). In this case it is F ¼ P x ðt Þ P y ðt Þ 0 T The transformation relations between the displacements u, v, w of a point y of the plate and the displacements of point O are x, v ¼ V + xW, w¼W u ¼ U yW, which yields the Jacobian matrix, Eq. (1.8.20) 2 ∂u ∂u ∂u 3 6 ∂U 6 6 ∂v J¼6 6 ∂U 6 4 ∂w ∂U 7 2 3 ∂V ∂W 7 1 0 0 ∂v ∂v 7 7 ¼ 4 0 1 05 7 ∂V ∂W 7 y x 1 5 ∂w ∂w ∂V ∂W Thus, for point A we have Q ¼ JT F ¼ P x ðt Þ P y ðt Þ y A P x ðt Þ + xA P y ðt Þ Differentiation of Eq. (1) yields d ∂T € m yc W ¼ m U€ dt ∂U_ ∂T ¼0 ∂U ! d ∂T € + mx c W ¼ m V€ dt ∂ V ∂T ¼0 ∂V d ∂T € m y U€ + m xc V€ ¼ Io W c dt ∂W _ ∂T ¼0 ∂W Moreover, Eq. (3) yields T (6) (7a) (7b) (7c) (7d) (7e) (7f) 64 PART I Single-degree-of-freedom systems ∂U ¼ k11 U + k12 V + k13 W ∂U (8a) ∂U ¼ k21 U + k22 V + k23 W ∂V ∂U ¼ k 31 U + k 32 V + k 33 W ∂W (8b) (8c) Introducing Eqs. (6)–(8) into the Lagrange equations (1.8.11) with N ¼ 3, ¼ 0, yields the equation of motion and taking into account that A U , V , W of the structure U € + K U ¼P ðt Þ M (9) where 2 m 6 ¼6 0 M 4 0 m my c mx c m yc 3 7 mx c 7 5, Io 2 k 11 6 ¼ 6 k21 K 4 k31 3 k12 k13 7 k22 k23 7 5, k32 k33 9 8 P ðt Þ > > = < x P ðt Þ ¼ P y ðt Þ > > ; : y A P x ðt Þ + xA P y ðt Þ As was anticipated, Eq. (9) is identical to Eq. (16) of Example 1.5.6. 1.8.2 Lagrange multipliers Lagrange’s equations result as a direct application of Hamilton’s principle provided that the energies (kinetic and potential) as well as the virtual work of the nonconservative forces can be expressed in terms of the generalized coordinates and velocities, as is indicated in Eqs. (1.8.2), (1.8.3), (1.8.8), (1.8.10). Lagrange’s equations apply to linear as well as to nonlinear systems. In certain cases, it is impossible or it is not convenient to choose N independent coordinates. Then, we choose K > N coordinates and we introduce n ¼ K N constraint equations, which in general have the form g1 ðq1 , q2 , …, qK Þ ¼ 0 g2 ðq1 , q2 , …, qK Þ ¼ 0 … … gn ðq1 , q2 , …, qK Þ ¼ 0 We distinguish two approaches to derive the equations of motion: (1.8.24) General concepts and principles of structural dynamics Chapter 1 65 (a) Eq. (1.8.24) can be solved in terms of n ¼ K N coordinates. Then the redundant coordinates can be eliminated from Eqs. (1.8.2), (1.8.3), (1.8.8), (1.8.10), and the equations of motion are formulated using Lagrange’s equations (1.8.11). If the constraint equations are linear, the technique presented in Section 1.8.1 can also be employed to reduce the number of equations to N . (b) Eq. (1.8.24) cannot be solved in terms of n ¼ K N coordinates. In this case, the equations of motion can be derived by using the method of Lagrange multipliers. The second approach preserves the symmetry of the problem because there are no preferred coordinates while others are eliminated. Though the method of Lagrange multipliers deals with more coordinates than the degrees of freedom of the system, quite often this procedure results in simpler equations. To illustrate the method of Lagrange multipliers, we consider the variations of the constraint functions given by Eq. (1.8.24) dg1 dg1 dq1 + ⋯ + dqK ¼ 0 dq1 dqk dg2 dg2 dq1 + ⋯ + dqK ¼ 0 dg2 ¼ dq1 dqk … … dgn dgn dgn ¼ dq1 + ⋯ + dqK ¼ 0 dq1 dqk dg1 ¼ (1.8.25) which we write as K X aji dqi ¼ 0 ðj ¼ 1, 2, …, n Þ (1.8.26) dgj dqi (1.8.27) i¼1 where aji ¼ If we assume that the constraints are frictionless, then no work is done by the constraint forces Ri when they ride any virtual displacement dqi , that is, K X Ri dqi ¼ 0 (1.8.28) i¼1 Now we multiply Eq. (1.8.26) by a factor known as the Lagrange multiplier. Thus, we obtain K X aji dqi ¼ 0 ðj ¼ 1, 2, …, n Þ (1.8.29) lj i¼1 66 PART I Single-degree-of-freedom systems where we note that a separate equation is written for each of the constraints. Next, we subtract the sum of equations of the form (1.8.29) from Eq. (1.8.28) and, interchanging the order of summation, we obtain ! K n X X Ri lj aji dqi ¼ 0 (1.8.30) i¼1 j¼1 from which, noting that dqi are arbitrary, we conclude that n n X X dgj Ri ¼ lj aji ¼ lj dqi j¼1 j¼1 (1.8.31) The constraint forces Ri constitute additional generalized forces, which must be included in Lagrange’s equations. Thus Eq. (1.8.11) become n X d ∂T ∂T ∂V dgj + ¼ Qi + lj ði ¼ 1, 2, …, K Þ (1.8.32) dt ∂q_ i ∂qi ∂qi dqi j¼1 What we have accomplished by this procedure is the inclusion of the constraint reactions in the equations of motion as additional generalized forces. Therefore, the number of unknowns becomes K + n, namely the K generalized coordinates Qi ðt Þ and the n functions lj ðt Þ. The available equations are also K + n, that is Eq. (1.8.24) plus Eq. (1.8.32). Eq. (1.8.32) can be derived from Hamilton’s principle if the potential energy of the external forces is replaced by n X ¼A lj gj (1.8.33) A j¼1 is referred to as the reduced potential energy. For a more The function A advanced formulation, including nonholonomic constraints and a dynamic treatment of the Lagrange multipliers, see Ref. [7]. Example 1.8.4 Equation of motion of the simple pendulum using Lagrange multipliers Formulate the equations of motion of the simple pendulum shown in Fig. E1.14 in terms of the Cartesian coordinates x ðt Þ, y ðt Þ, assuming that the rod is weightless and rigid. FIG. E1.14 Pendulum in Example 1.8.4. General concepts and principles of structural dynamics Chapter 1 67 Solution The kinetic and the potential energies of the system are 1 T ¼ m x_ 2 + y_ 2 2 A ¼ mgy U ¼0 Because the rod is rigid, the coordinates must satisfy the constraint equation g1 ¼ x 2 + y 2 L2 ¼ 0 Differentiating the quantities T and A we obtain d ∂T ∂T ∂A ∂g1 ¼ 2x, Q1 ¼ px ¼ 0, ¼ m x€, ¼ 0, ∂x dt ∂x_ ∂qi ∂x d ∂T ∂T ∂A ∂g1 ¼ 2y, Q2 ¼ py ¼ m y€, ¼ 0, ¼ mg, ∂y dt ∂y_ ∂y ∂y Applying Eq. (1.8.32) for q1 ¼ x and q2 ¼ y we obtain the equations of motion m x€ ¼ px + 2xl (1a) m y€ + mg ¼ py + 2yl (1b) x 2 + y2 l 2 ¼ 0 (1c) Eqs. (1) must be solved for the three unknowns x, y, and l. It should be noted that two of these equations are differential and one algebraic and therefore special care is required for their solution. A convenient method is to differentiate the constraint equation twice with respect to time and then to solve the € y€ and the parameter resulting linear system of equations for the accelerations x, l. For the problem at hand, we obtain x x€ + y y€ ¼ 2T m Eqs. (1a), (1b), (2) are combined and written in matrix form 9 2 38 9 8 m 0 2x < x€ = < px = 4 0 m 2y 5 y€ ¼ py mg ; : ; : 2T =m x y 0 l (2) (3) which are solved to yield px py mg L2 x€ + x x_ 2 + y_ 2 ¼ y 2 xy m m 2 px 2 2 2 py mg L y€ + y x_ + y_ ¼ xy + x m m (4a) (4b) 68 PART I Single-degree-of-freedom systems xpx y py mg T L l¼ 2 2 2 (4c) Eqs. (4a), (4b) are solved using techniques for nonlinear differential equations. Analytical solutions are in general out of the question. However, a numerical solution is always feasible using the methods presented in Chapter 5. Once the coordinates x ðt Þ, y ðt Þ and the Lagrange multiplier l have been established, they are utilized in Eq. (1.8.31) to evaluate the constraint forces, which are the components of the axial force of the rod. Thus, we have qffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi ∂g ∂g (5) Rx ¼ l ¼ 2lx, Rx ¼ l ¼ 2ly, S ¼ R2x + R2y ¼ 2lL ∂x ∂y 1.8.3 Small displacements So far, we have not imposed any restrictions on the magnitude of the displacements in our discussion on Lagrange’s equations. Therefore, the derived equations of motion hold equally for small and large displacements and they are in general nonlinear differential equations. For small displacements, however, about the position of static equilibrium, the equations of motions are highly simplified as they become linear. This is very important in structural dynamics, where we usually deal with small displacements and the resulting linear differential equations can be readily solved and predict the response of the structure. Potential energy and stiffness matrix We shall consider a system of particles that is in static equilibrium under the action of a set of conservative forces. If its configuration is specified by ordinary coordinates x1 ,x2 , …, x3 N , then the condition for static equilibrium is that the virtual work done by the applied forces Fi is zero, that is, dW ¼ 3N X Fi dxi ¼ 0 (1.8.34) i¼1 for all virtual displacements dxi consistent with the constraints, which are assumed workless and bilateral. Inasmuch as the forces are conservative, they are derivable from a potential function V ¼ V ðx1 , x2 , …, x3N Þ, V ¼ U + A, according to the relation Fi ¼ ∂V ∂xi (1.8.35) Using Eq. (1.8.35), Eq. (1.8.34) is written as dW ¼ 3N X ∂V i¼1 ∂xi dxi ¼ 0 (1.8.36) General concepts and principles of structural dynamics Chapter 1 69 If the number of degrees of freedom is n < 3N , dx’s are not independent. It is possible to find n independent generalized coordinates by considering transformation equations, that is, x1 ¼ x1 ðq1 , q2 , …, qn Þ x2 ¼ x2 ðq1 , q2 , …, qn Þ … … x3N ¼ x3N ðq1 , q2 , …, qn Þ (1.8.37) Then we have dxi ¼ n X ∂xi j¼1 ∂qj dqj (1.8.38) Substituting the previous expression for dxi into Eq. (1.8.36), we obtain dW ¼ 3N X n X ∂V ∂xi i¼1 j¼1 ∂xi ∂qj dqj ¼ 0 (1.8.39) Noting that 3N ∂V X ∂V ∂xi ¼ ∂qj ∂xi ∂qj i¼1 (1.8.40) and interchanging the order of summation, Eq. (1.8.39) becomes dW ¼ n X ∂V j¼1 ∂qj dqj ¼ 0 (1.8.41) Because dqj are assumed to be independent, the virtual work is zero only if the coefficients of dqj are zero at the equilibrium condition, that is, if ∂V ¼ 0, j ¼ 1, 2, …, n (1.8.42) ∂qj 0 The subscript zero denotes that the derivatives refer to the equilibrium position. Let us expand now the potential energy function V ðq1 , q2 , …, qn Þ in a Taylor series about the position of equilibrium n n X n 2 X ∂V 1X ∂ V dqi + dqi dqj + ⋯ (1.8.43) V ¼ V0 + ∂qi 0 2 i¼1 j¼1 ∂qi ∂qj 0 i¼1 We can arbitrarily set the potential energy at the reference position equal to zero, that is, (1.8.44) V0 ¼ 0 70 PART I Single-degree-of-freedom systems If we now assume that the displacements about the equilibrium position are small, we can neglect terms of order higher than the second in Eq. (1.8.43). Thus, using Eqs. (1.8.41), (1.8.44) the expression for the potential energy is simplified as n X n 2 1X ∂ V qi qj (1.8.45) V¼ 2 i¼1 j¼1 ∂qi ∂qj 0 or setting kij ¼ kji ¼ ∂2 V ∂qi ∂qj (1.8.46) 0 we can write Eq. (1.8.45) in the form V¼ n X n 1X kij qi qj 2 i¼1 j¼1 (1.8.47) The quantities kij defined by Eq. (1.8.46) are the stiffness coefficients of the system. Thus we see that the potential energy is expressed by a homogeneous quadratic function of the generalized coordinates qi if small motions about the position of equilibrium are examined. Eq. (1.8.47) is written in matrix form 1 V ¼ qT kq 2 where 8 9 2 k11 k12 q1 > > > > < = 6 k21 k22 q2 , k ¼6 q¼ 4 ⋮ ⋮ ⋮> > > > : ; qn kn1 kn2 (1.8.48) 3 ⋯ k1n ⋯ k2n 7 7 ⋱ ⋮ 5 ⋯ knn (1.8.49) The matrix k is called the stiffness matrix of the system. The expression for the potential energy given in Eq. (1.8.47) is an example of a quadratic form. For a system whose reference equilibrium configuration is stable, the potential energy V is positive for all possible values of qi , except q1 ¼ q2 ¼ … ¼ qn ¼ 0. In this case, the function V is referred to as positive definite. This condition, however, puts restrictions on the allowable values of kij . It is clear that all diagonal elements must be positive. The necessary and sufficient condition that V be positive definite is that 2 3 k11 k12 ⋯ k1n k k 6 k21 k22 ⋯ k2n 7 7 k11 > 0, 11 12 > 0, …, 6 (1.8.50) 4 ⋮ ⋮ ⋱ ⋮ 5>0 k21 k22 kn1 kn2 ⋯ knn General concepts and principles of structural dynamics Chapter 1 71 Kinetic energy and mass matrix The kinetic energy is 2 3N 1X ∂xk T¼ mk ∂t 2 k¼1 (1.8.51) Differentiating Eq. (1.8.37) with respect to time yields n ∂xk X ∂xk ¼ q_ ∂t ∂qj j j¼1 (1.8.52) Consequently, it is about the position of the static equilibrium ∂xk ∂t 2 n X n X ∂xk ∂xk ¼ q_ i q_ j ∂q i 0 ∂qj 0 0 i¼1 j¼1 (1.8.53) Introducing this expression into Eq. (1.8.51) we can write the kinetic energy in the form T¼ n X n 1X mij q_ i q_ j 2 i¼1 j¼1 (1.8.54) where it was set mij ¼ mji ¼ 3N X k¼1 mk ∂xk ∂qi ∂xk 0 ∂qj 0 (1.8.55) The quantities mij defined by Eq. (1.8.55) are the inertia coefficients of the system. Eq. (1.8.54) is written in matrix form 1 T ¼ q_ T mq_ 2 (1.8.56) where 8 9 2 m11 m12 q_ 1 > > > > < = 6 m21 m22 q_ 2 , m ¼6 q_ ¼ 4 ⋮ ⋮> ⋮ > > > : ; q_ n mn1 mn2 3 ⋯ m1n ⋯ m2n 7 7 ⋱ ⋮ 5 ⋯ mnn (1.8.57) The matrix m is called the mass matrix of the system. The kinetic energy is a positive definite quadratic function because it is the sum of positive quantities, that is, the kinetic energies of the masses of the individual particles. 72 PART I Single-degree-of-freedom systems The equations of motion are obtained by applying Eq. (1.8.11). Differentiating the kinetic energy, Eq. (1.8.54), and the potential energy, Eq. (1.8.47), yields ∂T ¼0 ∂qi X n d ∂T ¼ mij q€j dt ∂q_ i j¼1 n ∂V X ¼ kij qj ∂qi j¼1 Substituting into Lagrange’s equations, we obtain the following equations of motion n X j¼1 mij q€j + n X kij qj ¼ Qi ði ¼ 1, 2, …, n Þ (1.8.58) j¼1 or in matrix form m€ q + kq ¼ pðtÞ (1.8.59) where p(t)¼Q The matrices m and k are symmetric. It is an advantage of the Lagrange formulation of the equations of motion that it preserves the symmetry of the coefficient matrices for those cases where T and V are represented by quadratic functions of the velocities and displacements, respectively. 1.8.4 Raleigh’s dissipation function The dissipative forces arising in a mechanical system are nonconservative forces. Therefore, they are not derivable from a potential function. They are involved in the Lagrange equations with their virtual work. When the dissipative forces are due to such sources as air resistance or internal friction, they are usually assumed to depend linearly on the velocities along with the physical coordinates and opposed to the motion, that is fDj ¼ n X cij q_ j (1.8.60) i¼1 where cij ¼ cji are the damping coefficients of the linear viscous damping. Apparently, we can construct a quadratic function R¼ n X n 1X cij q_ i q_ j 2 i¼1 j¼1 (1.8.61) General concepts and principles of structural dynamics Chapter which yields fDj ¼ n X ∂R ¼ cij q_ j ∂q_ j i¼1 1 73 (1.8.62) If these forces are introduced as generalized forces in Lagrange’s equations (1.8.11) and shifted to the left side, we obtain d ∂T ∂T ∂V ∂R + + ¼ Qi ði ¼ 1, 2, …, n Þ (1.8.63) dt ∂q_ i ∂qi ∂qi ∂q_ i The function R defined by Eq. (1.8.61) is known as Raleigh’s dissipation function. The equations of motion, Eq. (1.8.58), become now n X mij q€j + j¼1 n X j¼1 cij q_ j + n X kij qj ¼ pi ði ¼ 1, 2, …, n Þ (1.8.64) j¼1 where pi denotes the nonconservative external forces. Eq. (1.8.64) is written in matrix form m€ q + cq_ + kq ¼ p (1.8.65) The matrix c is called the damping matrix of the system. 1.9 Influence of the gravity loads We consider the system of Fig. 1.9.1a, which can move in the vertical direction. Apparently, the weight of the body must be added to the external forces. If the vertical displacement from the undeformed position is designated by u ¼ u ðt Þ, the equation of motion will read m u€ + cu_ + ku ¼ pðt Þ + W (a) FIG. 1.9.1 Influence of the gravity load. (b) (1.9.1) 74 PART I Single-degree-of-freedom systems The elongation ust of the spring under its own weight will be ust ¼ W =k ¼ constant (1.9.2) u ¼ ust + uðt Þ (1.9.3) Further we set where uðt Þ represents the vertical displacement measured from the position of the static equilibrium. Differentiating Eq. (1.9.3) yields _ u€ ¼ u€ u_ ¼ u, (1.9.4) Using Eqs. (1.9.3), (1.9.4), the equation of motion (1.9.1) becomes + cu_ + ku st + k u ¼ pðt Þ + W m u€ or using Eq. (1.9.2) we obtain + cu_ + k u ¼ pðt Þ m u€ (1.9.5) The conclusion drawn from Eq. (1.9.5) states that, in the study of the dynamic response of a system undergoing small displacements, the loads due to gravity can be neglected. Of course, the total displacements will result as the sum of the static plus dynamic displacements. That is, the superposition principle is valid. 1.10 Problems Problem P1.1 The plane square rigid body B of side length L and surface mass density g is supported by two identical inclined columns having cross-sectional moment of inertia I , modulus of elasticity E, and negligible mass. Derive the equation of motion neglecting the axial deformation of the columns (Fig. P1.1). FIG. P1.1 Structure in problem P1.1 General concepts and principles of structural dynamics Chapter 1 75 Problem P1.2 Consider the structure of Fig. P1.2a. The square plate of constant thickness h ¼ a=10 and mass density g is supported at its center by a flexible column having a circular cross-section with diameter d ¼ a=10, height a, and material constants E, n. The plate is loaded by a force P acting in the plane of the plate at point (Aða=8, a=6Þ and in the direction ∡x, P ¼ b ¼ 30° as shown in Fig. P1.2b. Derive the equations of motion of the plate when the mass of the column is neglected. (a) (b) FIG. P1.2 Structure in problem P1.2 FIG. P1.3 Structural model in problem P1.3 Problem P1.3 The semicircular rigid plate of constant thickness and total mass m is supported as shown in Fig. P1.3. Taking into account that the support at point O is a hinge, formulate the equation of motion of the plate using (i) the method of equilibrium of forces, (ii) the principle of virtual displacements, and (iii) the method of the Lagrange equations. Problem P.1.4 Consider the system shown in Fig. P1.4. The bars AD and EG are rigid with masses m and m=3 , respectively. The mass at end D is concentrated. The elastic supports at points at B, E , and D are simulated by springs with a stiffness k while the end G is supported by a viscous damper with a damping coefficient c. The rod CE is weightless and rigid. Derive the equation of motion using the principle of virtual displacements. 76 PART I Single-degree-of-freedom systems FIG. P1.4 System in problem P1.4 Problem P1.5 Consider the system shown in Fig. P1.5. The mass m is supported at the top of the flexible and massless column 2 3, which is supported The support 1 is on the ground by means of the rigid body 1 2 of mass 2a m. elastically restrained by the rotational spring CR . Formulate the equation of ¼ m=a. motion of the structure using CR ¼ EI =2a, m FIG. P1.5 Structure in problem P1.5 Problem P1.6 Consider the two-story frame of Fig. P1.6. The columns 1 2, 10 20 , and the beam 3 30 are rigid while the columns 2 3, 20 30 , and the beam 2 20 are massless and flexible with cross-sectional moment of inertia I and modulus of elasticity E. The supports at 1 and 10 are elastically restrained by rotational springs with a stiffness CR . Formulate the equation of motion of ¼ m=a. the structure taking CR ¼ EI =2a and m FIG. P1.6 Two-story frame in problem P1.6 General concepts and principles of structural dynamics Chapter 1 77 Problem P1.7 The system of Fig. P1.7 consists of the beam AB and the rigid body S interconnected at B. The beam AB has a negligible mass, modulus of elasticity E , and cross-sectional moment of inertia I . The beam is fixed at A while the rigid body is elastically restrained at C by a rotational spring with a stiffness CR ¼ EI =10L. The total mass m is uniformly distributed. The system is loaded by the concentrated moment M ðt Þ at point B. Derive the equation of motion of the system using Lagrange’s equations. FIG. P1.7 System in problem P1.7 10 10 FIG. P1.8 Frame in problem P1.8 Problem P1.8 The frame of Fig. P1.8 consists of the rigid beam BD of total mass m and the two massless and flexible columns AB and CD with a cross-sectional moment of inertia I and modules of elasticity E. The two massless cables FB and GD have cross-sectional area A and cannot undertake compressive force. Derive the equation of motion of the structure taking ¼ m=5a. I =A ¼ a2 =25 and m Problem P1.9 Consider the two-story frame of Fig. P1.9. The columns of the frame are rigid and have a surface mass density g. Their elastic support on the ground is simulated by the rotational springs with a stiffness CR ¼ EI =10a. The horizontal beams are massless and flexible with a cross-sectional moment of inertia I and modulus of elasticity E. Derive the equation of motion when the structure is subjected to the horizontal loads pðt Þ at the beam levels. 78 PART I Single-degree-of-freedom systems FIG. P1.9 Two-story frame in problem P1.9 Problem P1.10 The hinge O of the soft pendulum of Fig. P1.10 is elastically restrained by the rotational spring with a stiffness CR ¼ EAL=10. The length of the rod is L, its cross-sectional area A, and the modulus of elasticity E. Formulate the equation of motion of the pendulum. FIG. P1.10 Soft pendulum in problem P1.10 Problem P1.11 The rigid bar AB of circular cross-section and mass density ¼ m=a is hinged at point A (Fig. P1.11). The cables DB,FB have crossm sectional area A and modulus of elasticity E. They are assumed massless and are prestressed so that they can undertake compressive forces. Formulate = FIG. P1.11 Structure in problem P1.11 General concepts and principles of structural dynamics Chapter 1 79 the equation of motion of the structure taking into account that the load P is removed suddenly at instant t ¼ 0. Evaluate the minimum prestressing force of the cables DB, FB so that they can undertake compressive loads. Problem P1.12 Consider the structure of Fig. P1.12. The column AC has a ¼ m=a; it is supported by circular cross-section and a mass per unit length m a spherical hinge on the ground and is kept in place by three elastic cables of cross-sectional area A and modulus of elasticity E. The cables are assumed massless and are prestressed so that they can undertake compressive force. Derive the equation of motion of the structure when it is loaded by the horizontal force P ðt Þ acting at the top of the column in the direction ∡x,P ¼ b (Fig. P1.12b). (a) (b) FIG. P1.12 Structure in problem P1.12 Problem P1.13 The silo of Fig. P1.13 is supported on its fundament by four identical columns of a square cross-section. The silo is full of material of density g. The ground yields elastically with a subgrade constant Ks . The silo and the fundament are rigid. Derive the equation of motion of the structure when it is loaded by the horizontal force P ðt Þ acting at the top of the silo in the direction (a) (b) FIG. P1.13 Silo on elastic subgrade. (a) Vertical section. (b) Plan form. 80 PART I Single-degree-of-freedom systems ∡x,P ¼ b (Fig. P1.13b) using the following data: Side of the columns a=4; thickness of the bottom and walls of the silo a=8; density of the material of the silo 1:5g; and soil constant Ks ¼ EI =1500a 3 . Problem P1.14 Consider the one-story building of Fig. P1.14. The rigid plate is an equilateral triangular with a side a and it is supported by three columns of height a, rectangular cross-section a=10 a=20, and modulus of elasticity E. The columns are fixed at both ends. Derive the equation of motion of the plate when a horizontal force P ðt Þ acts at point Að0, a=5Þ in the direction ∡x, P ¼ b. The dead weight of the plate is included in p (kN=m2 ). Rigid plate FIG. P1.14 One-story building in problem P1.14 Problem P1.15 The two one-story buildings of Fig. P1.15 are connected with a beam as shown in the figure. All columns have a square cross-section with a moment of inertia Ic ¼ 2I . The connecting beam has a square cross-section with moment of inertia Ib ¼ I . The structure is loaded by the horizontal force F(t) at the level of the plates as shown in Fig. P1.15b. Formulate the equations of motion using Lagrange’s equations. Assume: Torsion constant It ¼ 2:25d 4 =16, d ¼side length of the square cross-section of the beam. Rigid plate (a) beam (b) FIG. P1.15 Structure in problem P1.15. (a) vertical section, (b) plan form. Problem P1.16 The system of Fig. P1.16 consists of the block of mass m1 , which can slide without friction on the inclined surface, and the pendulum of General concepts and principles of structural dynamics Chapter 1 81 length L and mass m2 , which is pivoted at the center of mass of the block. The rod of the pendulum has a cross-sectional area A and modulus of elasticity E. Assuming plane motion, derive the equation of motion of the system taking EA=L ¼ 5k and m1 ¼ 5m2 . . FIG. P1.16 System in problem P1.16 Problem P1.17 Derive the equation of motion of the system shown in Fig. P1.17. The mass of the case is m2 . Use m2 ¼ 5m1 , k2 ¼ 3k1 , c2 ¼ 1:5c1 . FIG. P1.17 System in problem P1.17 Problem P1.18 Consider the crane of Fig. P1.18. The horizontal beam is assumed rigid. The column is flexible with a cross-sectional moment of inertia I and the cable axially deformable with cross-sectional area A. The mass of the cable and column is negligible. Derive the equation of motion of the system when it is loaded by the horizontal force pðt Þ in the plane of the structure using I =A ¼ a 2 =100 and a common modulus of elasticity E. 82 PART I Single-degree-of-freedom systems FIG. P1.18 Crane in Problem P1.18. References and further reading [1] S. Timoshenko, D.H. Young, W. Weaver Jr., Vibration Problems in Engineering, fifth ed., John Wiley, New York, 1990. [2] R.L. Coelho, On the deduction of Newton’s second law, Acta Mech. 229 (5) (2018) 2287–2290. [3] Euler, L. (1912). Decouverte d’un Nouveau Principe de Mecanique, Memoires de l’academie des sciences de Berlin 6, 185–217, in: Opera Omnia, Series II, vol. 5, 81–108, Leipzig. [4] J.T. Katsikadelis, Derivation of Newton’s Law of Motion from Kepler’s Laws of Planetary Motion, Arch. Appl. Mech. 88 (2018) 27–38, https://doi.org/10.1007/s00419-017-1245-x. [5] D.T. Greenwood, Principles of Dynamics, Prentice-Hall, Englewood Cliffs, NJ, 1965. [6] J.T. Katsikadelis, The Boundary Element Method for Engineers and Scientists, Academic Press, Elsevier, Oxford, UK, 2016. [7] S. Natsiavas, E. Paraskevopoulos, A set of ordinary differential equations of motion for constrained mechanical systems, Nonlinear Dyn. 79 (2015) 1911–1938. [8] E.N. Strømmen, Structural Dynamics, Springer Series in Solid and Structural Mechanics, Springer, New York, 2014. Chapter 2 Single-degree-of-freedom systems: Free vibrations Chapter outline 2.1 Introduction 2.2 Free undamped vibrations 2.3 Free damped vibrations 2.3.1 Critically damped system 2.3.2 Underdamped system 2.1 83 83 91 91 92 2.3.3 Overdamped system 2.4 Conservation of energy in an undamped system 2.5 Problems References and further reading 96 97 99 103 Introduction In this chapter, the free vibrations of a single-degree-of-freedom system (SDOF) are studied, that is, its response when it is not subjected to any external force, pðt Þ ¼ 0, but it is excited by an initial displacement and/or initial velocity. The dynamic model of the system is shown in Fig. 1.4.1 and the equation of motion (1.4.8) takes the form m u€ + cu_ + ku ¼ 0 (2.1.1) Eq. (2.1.1) is an ordinary linear homogeneous differential equation of the second order with constant coefficients and its solution can be obtained using known mathematical methods. Inasmuch as we are interested in the physical response of the system described by this equation, it is advisable to analyze the free vibration response in two stages, first for c ¼ 0 and then c 6¼ 0. In the first case, we speak of free undamped vibrations while in the second case we speak of free damped vibrations. Illustrative examples analyzing the free vibrations of SDOF systems are presented. The pertinent bibliography with recommended references for further study is also included. 2.2 Free undamped vibrations Although systems without damping do not exist in the real world, the undamped response is studied because it provides an insight into the free vibration response of damped systems. In the absence of damping, c ¼ 0, Eq. (2.1.1) becomes m u€ + ku ¼ 0 Dynamic Analysis of Structures. https://doi.org/10.1016/B978-0-12-818643-5.00002-9 © 2020 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved. (2.2.1) 83 84 PART I Single-degree-of-freedom systems We look for a solution in the form [1,2] u ¼ elt (2.2.2) where l is an arbitrary constant to be determined. Substitution of Eq. (2.2.2) into Eq. (2.2.1) gives 2 ml + k elt ¼ 0 (2.2.3) Because for t 0 it is elt 6¼ 0, Eq. (2.2.3) holds only if ml2 + k ¼ 0 (2.2.4) Eq. (2.2.4) is the characteristic equation of the differential equation (2.2.1). Its solutions are pffiffiffiffiffiffiffi l1 ¼ iw, l2 ¼ iw, i ¼ 1 (2.2.5) where rffiffiffiffiffi k w¼ > 0: m (2.2.6) The general solution of Eq. (2.2.1) is u ðt Þ ¼ A0 eiwt + B 0 eiwt (2.2.7) where A0 and B 0 are arbitrary constants. Using Euler’s formula eiwt ¼ cos wt i sin wt (2.2.8) u ðt Þ ¼ ðA0 + B 0 Þcos wt + i ðA0 B 0 Þsin wt (2.2.9) Eq. (2.2.7) is written as or introducing the new arbitrary constants A ¼ A0 + B 0 and B ¼ i ðA0 B 0 Þ we can write u ðt Þ ¼ A cos wt + B sin wt (2.2.10) The velocity is obtained by the differentiation of Eq. (2.2.10) u_ ðt Þ ¼ wA sin wt + wB cos wt (2.2.11) The arbitrary constants A and B can be determined if the displacement u ðt Þ and the velocity u_ ðt Þ of the moving system are known at a certain instant t0 . Usually, it is taken t0 ¼ 0 and the quantities u ð0Þ ¼ u0 and u_ ð0Þ ¼ u_ 0 are referred to as the initial conditions of the motion. Single-degree-of-freedom systems: Free vibrations Chapter 2 85 Eqs. (2.2.10), (2.2.11) for t ¼ 0 give A ¼ u0 (2.2.12a) u_ 0 w (2.2.12b) B¼ and Eq. (2.2.10) becomes u ðt Þ ¼ u0 cos wt + u_ 0 sin wt w (2.2.13) Obviously, it is u ðt Þ ¼ 0, when u0 ¼ u_ 0 ¼ 0. Hence, the system is set to motion only if it is given an initial displacement and/or an initial velocity. We set sffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi 2ffi u_ 0 r ¼ ðu 0 Þ2 + (2.2.14) w and we write Eq. (2.2.13) in the form u0 u_ 0 u ðt Þ ¼ r cos wt + sin wt r rw (2.2.15) Inasmuch as it is u_ 0 1 rw u0 1, r 2 2 u0 u_ 0 and + ¼1 r rw (2.2.16) we can set u0 ¼ cos q r u_ 0 ¼ sin q rw and (2.2.17) and Eq. (2.2.15) becomes u ðt Þ ¼ rcos ðwt qÞ (2.2.18) where q ¼ tan 1 u_ 0 wu0 (2.2.19) Eq. (2.2.18) states that the motion of the system is a harmonic vibration with amplitude ju ðt Þjmax ¼ r, angular velocity w, and phase angle q. The 86 PART I Single-degree-of-freedom systems geometrical meaning of Eq. (2.2.18) is shown in Fig. 2.2.1. The displacement u ðt Þ of the system can be visualized as the projection OA0 of the radius r ¼ OA on the horizontal diameter, pffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi when it rotates counterclockwise with a constant angular velocity w ¼ k=m starting off at an angle q equal to the phase angle. The quantity w is referred to as the natural frequency of the system. Its physical dimension is s1 and it is measured in radians per second. The natural frequency is also called eigenfrequency as it results as an eigenvalue of the eigenvalue problem of linear algebra (see Chapter 12). FIG. 2.2.1 Geometrical meaning of the free undamped vibration. The time required for the undamped system to complete one cycle of free vibration is referred to as the natural period of vibration of the system, which is denoted by T and measured in seconds. It is related to the natural frequency of vibration through T¼ 2p w (2.2.20) f¼ 1 T (2.2.21) The inverse of the period expresses the number of cycles that the system performs in 1 s. This is referred to as the natural cyclic frequency. The unit of f is the hertz (Hz) (cycles per second, cps) and it is related to w through f¼ w 2p (2.2.22) The displacement versus time for a system with w ¼ 8s1 , u0 ¼ 0:05m, and u_ 0 ¼ 1m=s is shown in Fig. 2.2.2. Single-degree-of-freedom systems: Free vibrations Chapter 87 2 0.2 T = 2p /w (du/dt)0 0.15 0.1 0.05 u0 0 –0.05 - –0.1 –0.15 –0.2 T = 2p /w 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 FIG. 2.2.2 Response of an undamped SDOF system. Example 2.2.1 Free undamped vibrations of an one-story shear building Consider the one-story shear building shown in Fig. E2.1. The columns are assumed massless, inextensible, and fixed on the base. Moreover, the slab is assumed uniform and rigid. The material constants are E ¼ 2.1 107 kN/m2 and n ¼ 0:2. The total load of the plate (dead plus live) is 70kN=m2 . The dimensions of the column cross-sections are k1 30 30cm2 and k2 30 20cm2 . The acceleration of gravity is g ¼ 9:81m=s2 . Determine: (i) The natural frequencies of the building. (ii) The motion of the slab as well as of the top cross-section of the columns ki , if the horizontal force P ¼ 1:0 103 kN at point Að2:0, 1:0Þ of the slab acting in the direction b ¼ ∡x,P ¼ p=6 is removed suddenly at t ¼ 0. (a) (b) FIG. E2.1 One-story shear building in Example 2.2.1. (a) Vertical section. (b) Plan form. 88 PART I Single-degree-of-freedom systems Solution The motion of the slab is described by the two displacements U ,V of its center O along the x,y axes, respectively, and its rotation W about O. The stiffness and mass matrices of the structure can be established using Eqs. (17a), (17b) for the single-story building in Example 1.5.6. However, taking into account that the structure is symmetric with respect to both axes, the three components of the motion are uncoupled and an ad hoc solution can be readily obtained. (i) The stiffness of the columns in the x and y directions are: kx1 ¼ ky1 ¼ 12EI 1y ¼ 1360:8kN=m h3 (1a) kx2 ¼ 12EI 2y ¼ 907:2kN=m h3 (1b) ky2 ¼ 12EI 2x ¼ 403:2kN=m h3 (1c) Hence the respective stiffnesses of the structure are Kx ¼ 4kx1 + 2kx2 ¼ 7257:6kN=m (2a) Ky ¼ 4ky1 + 2ky2 ¼ 6249:6kN=m (2b) The torsional stiffness KW is equal to the moment produced by the elastic forces of the columns for unit rotation of the slab. Referring to Fig. E2.2, we have FIG. E2.2 Displacements of point i due to rotation of slab. u i ¼ ri W sin ai ¼ yi W (3a) v i ¼ ri W cos ai ¼ xi W (3b) Single-degree-of-freedom systems: Free vibrations Chapter 2 89 Hence, the elastic forces at the top cross-section are fx i ¼ kxi yi W (4a) fy i ¼ kyi xi W (4b) Besides these forces, a torsional moment is produced due to the rotation of the top cross-section of the column M i ¼ kWi W, kW i ¼ GI it , h G¼ E 2ð 1 + n Þ (5) The moment of the elastic forces of column i with respect O is M i ¼ yi2 kxi + xi2 kyi + kWi W (6) and its torsional stiffness results for W ¼ 1 kWi ¼ yi2 kxi + xi2 kyi + kWi (7) Taking into account that [3] It1 0:141 0:34 ¼ 1:142 103 m4 It2 0:196 0:3 0:23 ¼ 4:7040 104 m4 kW1 ¼ GI 1t GI 2 ¼ 1998:7kNm, kW 2 ¼ t ¼ 823:2kNm h h (8) x1 ¼ x6 ¼ 4:85m, x2 ¼ x5 ¼ 0, x3 ¼ x4 ¼ 4:85m y1 ¼ y2 ¼ y3 ¼ 2:85m, y4 ¼ y5 ¼ y6 ¼ 2:85m we obtain the torsional stiffness of the structure KW ¼ 6 X yi2 kxi + xi2 kyi + kWi ¼ 1:9663 105 kNm (9) i¼1 The mass of the slab and its moment of inertia with respect to O are m ¼ 10 5 70=9:81 ¼ 356:78kNm1 s2 Io ¼ 10 53 + 103 5 70=9:81 ¼ 3716:44kNs2 12 Therefore, the three natural frequencies w1 ,w2 ,w3 are (10) (11) 90 PART I Single-degree-of-freedom systems 9 rffiffiffiffiffiffi Kx 1 > > w1 ¼ ¼ 4:510s > > > m > > > rffiffiffiffiffiffi = Ky 1 w2 ¼ ¼ 4:185s > m > > > rffiffiffiffiffiffiffi > > KW 1 > ; w3 ¼ ¼ 7:274s > I0 (12) (ii) The components of the force P are Px ¼ P cos b ¼ 866:02kN Py ¼ P sin b ¼ 500:0kN (13) and its moment with respect to O MO ¼ yA Px + xA Py ¼ 1866:02kNm which produces the static displacements (14) 9 > = U0 ¼ Px =Kx ¼ 0:1193m V0 ¼ Py =Ky ¼ 0:0800m W0 ¼ MO =KW ¼ 0:949 10 2 rad (15) > ; The slab performs free vibrations with initial conditions U ð0Þ ¼ U0 , U_ ð0Þ ¼ 0, V ð0Þ ¼ V0 , V ð0Þ ¼ 0, Wð0Þ ¼ W0 , W_ ð0Þ ¼ 0. Hence, the displacements of the center of the slab are U ðt Þ ¼ U0 cos w1 t, V ðt Þ ¼ V0 cos w2 t, Wðt Þ ¼ W0 cos w2 t (16) while the displacements of the i column ui ðt Þ ¼ U ðt Þ yi Wðt Þ, vi ðt Þ ¼ V ðt Þ + xi Wðt Þ, wi ðt Þ ¼ Wðt Þ (17) Fig. E2.3 presents the displacements of the column at the upper right corner (x1 ¼ 4:85m, y1 ¼ 2:85m) 0.2 u1(t) 0.15 v1(t) w1(t) 0.1 0.05 0 –0.05 –0.1 –0.15 –0.2 0 1 2 3 4 5 t FIG. E2.3 Displacements u ðt Þ,v ðt Þ and rotation wðt Þ of the top cross-section of column at x1 ¼ 4:85m, y1 ¼ 2:85m in Example 2.2.1. Single-degree-of-freedom systems: Free vibrations Chapter 2.3 2 91 Free damped vibrations In this case, it is c 6¼ 0 and the equation of motion (2.1.1) becomes m u€ + cu_ + ku ¼ 0 (2.3.1) We look again for a solution of the differential equation (2.3.1) in the form of Eq. (2.2.2). This produces the following characteristic equation ml2 + cl + k ¼ 0 or l2 + c l + w2 ¼ 0 m The two roots of Eq. (2.3.2) are evaluated from the expression rffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi c c 2 l1,2 ¼ w2 2m 2m (2.3.2) (2.3.3) The type of the root depends on the discriminant of the quadratic polynomial, Eq. (2.3.2) D¼ c 2m 2 w2 (2.3.4) Eq. (2.3.2) has for: D > 0 two discrete real roots D ¼ 0 one double real root D < 0 two complex conjugate roots The type of root of Eq. (2.3.2) determines the form of the solution of the differential equation (2.3.1), and consequently the physical response of the system. Therefore, we distinguish three types of motion with damping, according to whether the discriminant is positive, negative, or zero. It is expedient to discuss first the case when the discriminant vanishes, which expresses the condition for critical damping. 2.3.1 Critically damped system The value of the damping coefficient c for which the discriminant vanishes is called critical damping and it is denoted by ccr . The system under critical damping is called a critically damped system. This designation is justified because, as we shall see below, this value represents the transition threshold from oscillatory to nonoscillatory motion and vice versa. Eq. (2.3.4) for D ¼ 0 determines this value as c ¼ ccr ¼ 2mw (2.3.5) For this value of c, Eq. (2.3.3) gives the double root l ¼ w (2.3.6) 92 PART I Single-degree-of-freedom systems and the general solution of Eq. (2.3.1) is u ðt Þ ¼ ðA + Bt Þewt (2.3.7) The arbitrary constants are evaluated from the initial conditions u ð0Þ ¼ u0 and u_ ð0Þ ¼ u_ 0 . Thus, we obtain A ¼ u0 , B ¼ wu0 + u_ 0 (2.3.8) u ðt Þ ¼ ½u0 + ðwu0 + u_ 0 Þt ewt (2.3.9) and Eq. (2.3.7) becomes Fig. 2.3.1 shows the plot of the displacement given by Eq. (2.3.9) if u0 ¼ 0:05m, u_ 0 ¼ 0:2ms1 , w ¼ 8s1 . We see that the motion of the critically damped system is nonoscillatory, but the displacement vanishes exponentially, that is, the system returns to static equilibrium in infinite time. 0.07 0.06 (du/dt)0 0.05 u(t) 0.04 0.03 u0 0.02 0.01 0 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 t FIG. 2.3.1 Response of a system with critical damping. 2.3.2 Underdamped system This case is the most interesting because in all structural systems and in the majority of the mechanical systems, the damping is much less than the critical. To facilitate the study of the underdamped systems, we introduce the damping ratio x, which is defined as c c <1 (2.3.10) x¼ ¼ ccr 2mw Single-degree-of-freedom systems: Free vibrations Chapter Using Eq. (2.3.10), we write Eq. (2.3.3) as qffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi l1,2 ¼ xw w x 2 1 2 93 (2.3.11) or l1,2 ¼ xw iwD where wD ¼ w qffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi 1 x2 (2.3.12) (2.3.13) Further, the equation of motion (2.3.1) can be written as u€ + 2xwu_ + w2 u ¼ 0 (2.3.14) u ðt Þ ¼ A0 eðxw + iwD Þt + B 0 eðxwiwD Þt ¼ exwt ðA0 eiwD t + B 0 eiwD t Þ (2.3.15) whose general solution is or using Eq. (2.2.8), we obtain u ðt Þ ¼ exwt ðA cos wD t + B sin wD t Þ (2.3.16) The arbitrary constants A,B are evaluated from the initial conditions u ð0Þ ¼ u0 and u_ ð0Þ ¼ u_ 0 . These yield A ¼ u0 , B ¼ u_ 0 + u0 xw wD and Eq. (2.3.16) is written as u_ 0 + u0 xw u ðt Þ ¼ exwt u0 cos wD t + sin wD t wD (2.3.17) (2.3.18) We observe that in the absence of damping, that is, x ¼ 0, it is wD ¼ w and Eq. (2.3.18), as anticipated, becomes identical to Eq. (2.2.13). Eq. (2.3.18) can also be written in the form u ðt Þ ¼ rexwt cos ðwD t qÞ (2.3.19) where the amplitude r and the phase angle q are evaluated from the relations s ffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi ffi u_ 0 + u0 xw 2 2 (2.3.20a) + ðu0 Þ r¼ wD 1 u_ 0 + u0 xw q ¼ tan (2.3.20b) wD u0 Fig. 2.3.2 shows the plot of the displacement given by Eq. (2.3.19) with u0 ¼ 1m, u_ 0 ¼ 1ms1 , w ¼ 6s1 , x ¼ 0:07. Moreover, Fig. 2.3.3 presents the 94 PART I Single-degree-of-freedom systems dynamic response of a SDOF system for various values of the damping ratio and u0 ¼ 1, u_ 0 ¼ 7ms1 , w ¼ 6s1 . From the plot of Eq. (2.3.19), we conclude that the motion of an underdamped system is harmonic vibration with frequency wD and period T ¼ 2p=wD , whose amplitude, however, decays exponentially with time and is bounded by the envelops rexwt . Hence, wD is called the damped frequency and the respective period the damped period of the underdamped system. 2 T = 2p /wD 1.5 T T 1 u(t) 0.5 re−xw t u0 0 –0.5 −re-xw t –1 –1.5 –2 0 1 2 3 4 5 t FIG. 2.3.2 Response of an underdamped SDOF system. 2 x=0 x=0.03 x=0.06 x=0.1 1.5 1 u(t) 0.5 0 –0.5 –1 –1.5 –2 0 1 2 3 4 5 t FIG. 2.3.3 Response of an underdamped SDOF system for various values of the damping ratio. Single-degree-of-freedom systems: Free vibrations Chapter 2 95 If we denote the displacement at time t by u ðt Þ, then the displacement at time t + nT , that is, after n complete cycles, will be u ðt + nT Þ ¼ rexwðt + nT Þ cos ½wD ðt + nT Þ q (2.3.21) Because T¼ 2p wD (2.3.22) we have u ðt + nT Þ ¼ re 2p xw t + n w D ¼ rexwt e cos ½ðwD t + 2npÞ q p2npx ffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi 1x2 cos ðw D t qÞ (2.3.23) 2npx pffiffiffiffiffiffiffi2ffi ¼ u ðt Þe 1x from which we obtain u ðt Þ 2npx ¼ pffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi d ¼ ‘n u ðt + nT Þ 1 x2 (2.3.24) The quantity d defined by Eq. (2.3.24) is called the logarithmic decrement and can be employed to determine the damping ratio x experimentally, when the displacements u ðt Þ and u ðt + nT Þ between n consecutive cycles are measured. Example 2.3.1 Free damped vibrations of a silo Fig. E2.4 presents the idealization of a silo. It consists of two massless and inextensional columns of cross-sectional area a a and a square rigid plate of mass m. At time t ¼ 0, the silo is displaced horizontally by a force P. Then the force is suddenly removed and the system starts to vibrate. For P ¼ 200 kN, h ¼ 5m, a ¼ 0:3m, E ¼ 2.1 107 kN/m2, m ¼ 100kN=ms2 determine: (i) The damping ratio x of the system, if the horizontal displacement is reduced to u1 ¼ 0:1u0 after n ¼ 5 oscillations. (ii) Determine the displacement at time t1 ¼ 2. FIG. E2.4 Model of the silo in Example 2.3.1. 96 PART I Single-degree-of-freedom systems Solution (i) The only possible motion of the structure is its horizontal displacement u ðt Þ. Hence, the system has a single degree of freedom. The stiffness k of the structure is due to the relative displacement of the column ends, which yield the stiffness k ¼2 12EI 12 2:1 107 0:34 =12 ¼ 2 ¼ 2721:6kN=m h3 53 (1) The force P produces an initial displacement u0 ¼ P=k ¼ 200=2721:6 ¼ 0:0735m (2) Eq. (2.3.24) for n ¼ 5, u1 ¼ 0:1u0 gives x ¼ 0:0731. pffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi (ii) The natural frequency is w ¼ k=m ¼ 5:2169s1 . The motion of the silo is given by Eq. (2.3.18) with u0 ¼ 0:0735m, u_ 0 ¼ 0, pffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi wD ¼ w 1 x2 ¼ 5:2029 u ðt Þ ¼ exp e0:3813t ½0:07349 cos 5:203t + 0:005386 sin 5:203t (3) which for t ¼ t1 ¼ 2 gives u ðt1 Þ ¼ 0:0211m. 2.3.3 Overdamped system When the damping is greater than the critical, that is, c > ccr , the system is said to be overdamped. Hence c c >1 (2.3.25) x¼ ¼ ccr 2mw then Eq. (2.3.3) gives two distinct real roots qffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi l1, 2 ¼ xw W, W ¼ w x2 1 x > 1 (2.3.26) and Eq. (2.3.1) has the general solution u ðt Þ ¼ exwt A0 eWt + B 0 eWt (2.3.27) Taking into account that cosh Wt ¼ eWt + eWt , 2 sinh Wt ¼ eWt eWt 2 (2.3.28) Eq. (2.3.27) can be written in the alternative form u ðt Þ ¼ exwt ðA cosh Wt + B sinh Wt Þ (2.3.29) Single-degree-of-freedom systems: Free vibrations Chapter 2 97 The arbitrary constants A,B are evaluated from the initial conditions u ð0Þ ¼ u0 and u_ ð0Þ ¼ u_ 0 . Then, Eq. (2.3.29) becomes u_ 0 + u0 xw sinh Wt (2.3.30) u ðt Þ ¼ exwt u0 cosh Wt + W Eq. (2.3.30) has been plotted in Fig. 2.3.4 with u0 ¼ 1m, u_ 0 ¼ 10ms1 , and w ¼ 6s1 . It becomes evident that the motion of the overdamped system is nonoscillatory. 1.5 x =1 x =1.5 x =2 x =2.5 u(t) 1 0.5 0 0 0.5 1 t 1.5 2 FIG. 2.3.4 Response of an overdamped SDOF system for various values of the damping ratio. 2.4 Conservation of energy in an undamped system The free undamped vibrations of the SDOF system are governed by Eq. (2.2.1), namely m u€ + ku ¼ 0 (2.4.1) Multiplication of the previous equation by the velocity u_ yields m u€u_ + ku u_ ¼ 0 (2.4.2) 1 2 1 2 md u_ + kd u ¼ 0 2 2 (2.4.3) which may be written as 98 PART I Single-degree-of-freedom systems and after integration over the interval ½0, t gives 1 1 m u_ 2 + ku 2 ¼ E 2 2 (2.4.4) where E denotes the constant 1 1 E ¼ m ½u_ 0 2 + k ½u0 2 2 2 (2.4.5) The first term on the left side of Eq. (2.4.4) represents the kinetic energy T of the system while the second term represents the potential energy U , which in this case is the elastic energy of the spring. Thus, we may write T +U ¼E (2.4.6) and make the following statement: In a system that performs free undamped vibrations, the total energy, kinetic plus potential, remains constant during the whole duration of the motion and is equal to the sum of the kinetic and potential energy given to the system at the start of the motion. Eq. (2.4.4) for u_ ¼ 0 gives the maximum value of the potential energy 1 Umax ¼ ku 2max ¼ E 2 hence rffiffiffiffiffiffi 2E umax ¼ k (2.4.7) (2.4.8) Similarly, the maximum value of the kinetic energy is obtained from the same equation for u ¼ 0 1 Tmax ¼ m u_ 2max ¼ E 2 hence rffiffiffiffiffiffi 2E u_ max ¼ m (2.4.9) (2.4.10) Eqs. (2.4.7), (2.4.9) imply Umax ¼ Tmax (2.4.11) 1 2 1 ku ¼ m u_ 2max ¼ E 2 max 2 (2.4.12) or Single-degree-of-freedom systems: Free vibrations Chapter 2 99 Using Eq. (2.2.18) the potential energy is written 1 1 U ¼ ku 2 ¼ kr2 cos 2 ðwt qÞ 2 2 (2.4.13) which takes its maximum value when cos ðwt qÞ ¼ 1. Thus, we have 1 Umax ¼ kr2 2 (2.4.14) Similarly, the kinetic energy is written 1 1 T ¼ m u_ 2 ¼ mw2 r2 sin 2 ðwt qÞ 2 2 (2.4.15) which takes its maximum value when sin ðwt qÞ ¼ 1. Thus, we have 1 Tmax ¼ mw2 r2 2 (2.4.16) Substituting Eqs. (2.4.14), (2.4.16) into Eq. (2.4.11) yields 1 1 mw2 r2 ¼ kr2 2 2 (2.4.17) which provides the following relation for computation of the natural frequency of the system rffiffiffiffiffi k w¼ (2.4.18) m The method we just described for the evaluation of the natural frequency of a system based on the conservation of energy is known as the Rayleigh method. Actually, Eq. (2.4.18) is identical to Eq. (2.2.6). Obviously, the present method does not seem to provide any advantage over the direct method. This is generally true. The Rayleigh method is particularly useful for the approximate determination of the natural frequency of continuous systems, for which an analytical solution is either very difficult or impractical to obtain (see Chapters 8 and 12). Nevertheless, modern numerical methods have significantly limited the use of the Rayleigh method. Of course, this method is very useful in cases where we want to check the correctness of numerical approaches in problems for which analytical or other numerical solutions are not available for comparison. 2.5 Problems Problem P2.1 The structure of Fig. P2.1 consists of two identical rigid bars BA and BC , both having line density m (mass/length). The support A is a hinge while the support C is a simple support. The bracing rod DF has a 100 PART I Single-degree-of-freedom systems cross-sectional area A, a modulus of elasticity E, and a negligible mass. A vertical force P applied at point B is suddenly removed at t ¼ 0. Determine the motion of the structure taking the horizontal displacement u ðt Þ of C as the parameter of motion. Data: m ¼ 5kg=m, a ¼ 3m, E ¼ 2.1 108 kN/m2, A ¼ 12cm2 . FIG. P2.1 Structure in Problem 2.1. Problem P2.2 An equipment of weight 15kN is supported on the horizontal base by three identical systems, each consisting of a spring and a damper placed at the three vertices of an equilateral triangle. The projection of the weight center of the equipment coincides with that of the triangle. The weight of the equipment produces a static deflection ust ¼ 2:5cm. The system performs free vibrations. The dampers are regulated so that the amplitude of vibration reduces to 1=10 of the initial deflection after five complete cycles. Determine the damping coefficient c and compare the frequencies w and wD . Problem P2.3 The wooden body of mass m1 is constrained by the spring k and the damper c as shown in Fig. P2.3. A projectile of mass m2 ¼ 0:2m1 is fired into the body and becomes implanted in it. If the speed of the projectile is v, determine (i) the maximum displacement if x ¼ 0. (ii) the displacement u ðt Þ of the body if x ¼ 0:1. FIG. P2.3 SDOF system in Problem P2.3. Problem P2.4 A SDOF system of mass m and stiffness k performs free vibrations. At the end of four complete cycles, the displacement is u ð0Þ=3. If the mass Single-degree-of-freedom systems: Free vibrations Chapter 2 101 of the system is increased by 50%, determine the amplitude of the vibrations after four complete cycles. Problem P2.5 The packing of a sensitive instrument is modeled by the system of Fig. P2.5. During transportation, the box of mass m2 ¼ 10m1 falls vertically from a height h. Assuming that the box does not bounce after the collision with the ground, determine the motion of the instrument. What is its maximum acceleration? FIG. P2.5 Structural system in Problem P2.5. Problem P2.6 The horizontal force P applied to the structure of Fig. P2.6 is suddenly removed at t ¼ 0. Determine the motion of the structure when (i) the cables are free of any pretension and (ii) have been prestressed to withstand compression, and compute the minimum required pretension forces. In both cases, the cables are assumed massless. Data: a ¼ 2m, P ¼ 100kN, m ¼ 100 kNm1 s2 , E ¼ 2.1 107 kN/m2, I ¼ 880cm4 , A ¼ 5cm2 FIG. P2.6 Structure in Problem P2.6. Problem P2.7 In the structure of Fig. P2.7, the rigid rod AB of circular crosssection and line mass density m ¼ m=a is supported on the ground by a spherical hinge and held in vertical position by three identical elastic massless cables of cross-sectional area A and modulus of elasticity E. The cables are prestressed 102 PART I Single-degree-of-freedom systems so that they can withstand compression. Their anchor points D,G,F form an equilateral triangle. Determine the motion of the structure if the horizontal force P applied at the top of the rod in the direction of the y axis is suddenly removed at t ¼ 0. Evaluate the minimum values of the prestress forces, which ensure the capability of the cables to withstand compression. Data: a ¼ 2m, m ¼ 100 kN m1s2, A ¼ 5cm2 , E ¼ 2.1 108 kN/m2, P ¼ 100kN. (a) (b) FIG. P2.7 Structure in Problem P2.7. (A) Vertical view. (B) Plan form. Problem P2.8 In the pendulum of Fig. P2.8, the rigid rod suspending the concentrated mass m has a line mass density m ¼ 2m=L. The hinge O is elastically restrained by the rotational spring with stiffness CR ¼ kL2 =2. The rod is displaced by an angle q0 from the vertical position and then is left to move. Considering small displacements, derive the equation of motion and compute its period. FIG. P2.8 Pendulum in Problem P2.8. Problem P2.9 The rigid silo of Fig. P2.9 is supported on its fundament by four identical columns of square cross-sections with a side length a=8. The silo is full of material with density g. The bottom and the walls of the silo have a thickness a=8 and material density 1:5g. Compute the frequencies and the periods of the structure. Single-degree-of-freedom systems: Free vibrations Chapter (a) 2 103 (b) FIG. P2.9 Silo on four columns. (a) Vertical section. (b) Plan form. References and further reading [1] F.B. Hildebrand, Advanced Calculus for Applications, Prentice-Hall, Inc, Englewood Cliffs, NJ, 1962. [2] E. Kreyszig, Advanced Engineering Mathematics, fourth ed., John Wiley & Sons, New York, 1979. [3] S. Timoshenko, J.N. Goodier, Theory of Elasticity, McGraw-Hill, New York, 1951. [4] S. Graham Kelly, Mechanical Vibrations, Schaum’s Outline Series, McGraw-Hill, New York, 1996. [5] W.T. Thomson, Theory of Vibration with Applications, fifth ed., Prentice Hall, Upper Saddle River, NJ, 1998. [6] S.S. Rao, Mechanical Vibrations, fifth ed., Prentice Hall, Upper Saddle River, NJ, 2011. Chapter 3 Single-degree-of-freedom systems: Forced vibrations Chapter outline 3.1 Introduction 105 3.2 Response to harmonic loading 106 3.2.1 Response of undamped systems to harmonic loading 106 3.2.2 Response of damped systems to harmonic loading 110 3.3 Response to arbitrary dynamic loading—Duhamel’s integral 113 3.3.1 Undamped vibrations 113 3.3.2 Damped vibrations 116 3.4 Analytical evaluation of the Duhamel integral-applications 117 3.4.1 Response to step function load 117 3.4.2 Response to ramp function load 120 3.4.3 Response to step function load with finite rise time 121 3.5 Response to impulsive loads 125 3.1 3.5.1 Rectangular pulse load 3.5.2 Triangular pulse load 3.5.3 Asymmetrical triangular pulse load 3.5.4 Response to piecewise linear loading 3.6 Response to a periodic loading 3.6.1 Periodic loads 3.6.2 Fourier series 3.6.3 Response of the SDOF system to periodic excitation 3.7 Response to unit impulse 3.7.1 The delta function or Dirac’s delta function 3.7.2 Response to unit impulse 3.7.3 Response to arbitrary loading 3.7.4 The reciprocal theorem in dynamics 3.8 Problems References and further reading 126 128 131 135 137 137 138 143 146 146 148 151 151 152 157 Introduction In this chapter, the forced vibrations of the SDOF system are studied. The dynamic model of the system is shown in Fig. 1.4.1 and the motion of the system is governed by Eq. (1.4.8), namely m u€ + cu_ + ku ¼ pðt Þ (3.1.1) where pðt Þ represents an arbitrary function of time. First, the response under a harmonic load is examined. This type of loading is particularly important in the dynamic analysis of structures because it allows understanding the major Dynamic Analysis of Structures. https://doi.org/10.1016/B978-0-12-818643-5.00003-0 © 2020 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved. 105 106 PART I Single-degree-of-freedom systems differences between the static and dynamic response and identifying phenomena such as resonance that are not conceived by the static consideration. Moreover, the harmonic load analysis allows studying the response of SDOF systems under a general periodic load using the Fourier series representation of a periodic load. Then, the response of a SDOF system under an arbitrary load is studied using Duhamel’s integral. Finally, the response to a unit load is discussed by exploiting the properties of the Dirac delta function. The chapter ends by presenting the dynamic reciprocal theorem. Throughout the chapter, illustrative examples analyzing the forced vibrations of SDOF systems are presented. The pertinent bibliography with recommended references for further study is also included. The chapter is enriched with problems to be solved aiming at better understanding the theoretical issues. 3.2 Response to harmonic loading In this section, we study the motion of SDOF systems subjected to harmonic excitations whose magnitudes may be represented by a sine or cosine function of time, that is, pðt Þ ¼ p0 sin wt (3.2.1a) pðt Þ ¼ p0 cos wt (3.2.1b) or where p0 is a constant representing the amplitude of the force and w is the frequency known as the excitation frequency. As mentioned in Section 3.1, the study of the response of a SDOF system under harmonic loads is particularly important in the dynamic analysis of structures because it allows understanding the major differences between the static and dynamic response and identifying phenomena such as resonance that are not realized by the static consideration. In fact, any load that is periodic can be treated by resolving it into its harmonic components using the Fourier series representation of a periodic function. The response of the system is obtained as the superposition of individual responses to the harmonic components of the external excitation. We defer this discussion to Section 3.6. 3.2.1 Response of undamped systems to harmonic loading We study first the response of the system to harmonic loading in absence of damping. In this case, the equation of motion (3.1.1) for the sine load becomes m u€ + ku ¼ p0 sin wt (3.2.2) Eq. (3.2.2) is an ordinary linear nonhomogeneous differential equation of the second order with constant coefficients and its solution can be obtained using any established mathematical method [1, 2]. Here, we look for a solution in the form u ¼ uh + up (3.2.3) Single-degree-of-freedom systems: Forced vibrations Chapter 3 107 where uh is the solution of the homogeneous equation and up a particular solution of the nonhomogeneous equation, that is any function that satisfies Eq. (3.2.2). The solution of the homogeneous equation was obtained in Section 2.2, where the free undamped vibrations were discussed. It is given by Eq. (2.2.10), namely pffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi (3.2.4) uh ¼ A cos wt + B sin wt, w ¼ k=m There are general methods for obtaining a particular solution [1, 2]. A simple method that can be applied in this case is the method of undetermined coefficients. According to this method, we look for a solution up in the form up ¼ C sin wt (3.2.5) where C is a constant to be determined. Substituting Eq. (3.2.5) into Eq. (3.2.2) yields m w2 + k C p0 ¼ 0 from which we obtain C¼ p0 1 , k 1 b2 (3.2.6a) w w (3.2.6b) b¼ and the particular solution (3.2.5) becomes up ¼ p0 1 sin wt k 1 b2 (3.2.7) Hence the general solution of Eq. (3.2.2) reads u ðt Þ ¼ Acos wt + B sin wt + p0 1 sin wt k 1 b2 (3.2.8) The arbitrary constants A and B are evaluated from the initial conditions. We examine the case u ð0Þ ¼ u_ ð0Þ ¼ 0. The expression for the velocity is obtained by differentiation of Eq. (3.2.8) with respect to time t u_ ðt Þ ¼ Aw sin wt + Bw cos wt + p0 w cos wt k 1 b2 (3.2.9) For the considered initial conditions, Eqs. (3.2.8), (3.2.9) give A ¼ 0 and B ¼ p0 b k 1 b2 and Eq. (3.2.8) becomes u ðt Þ ¼ p0 1 b sin wt Þ ð sin wt k 1 b2 (3.2.10) 108 PART I Single-degree-of-freedom systems Obviously ust ¼ p0 =k (3.2.11) denotes the static displacement that would be produced by a load p0 , equal to the amplitude of the harmonic excitation, if it were to be applied statically. The time-dependent quantity Rðt Þ ¼ u ðt Þ 1 b sin wt Þ ¼ ð sin wt ust 1 b 2 (3.2.12) is called the response ratio. It is dimensionless and expresses the number that must multiply the static displacement at time t to obtain the respective dynamic displacement. The response ratio provides a measure of the influence of the dynamic loading. The extreme value D ¼ max jRðt Þj (3.2.13) is referred to as the dynamic magnification factor (DMF). It is a very useful quantity in dynamic analysis because, if it has been established for a given loading, the extreme state of deformation and stress can be obtained by static analysis. Eq. (3.2.12) for b ¼ 1 takes the indeterminate form Rðt Þ ¼ 0 0 whose limit can be determined using the L’H^ opital rule. Thus, on the basis of Eq. (3.2.6b) we obtain b sin wt sin wt b!1 1 b2 ‘im Rðt Þ ¼ ‘im b!1 sin bwt b sin wt b!1 1 b2 ¼ ‘im wt cos bwt sin wt ¼ ‘im b!1 2b ¼ (3.2.14) wt cos wt sin wt 2 From the latter relation, it is concluded that when b tends to 1, that is, when the excitation frequency w of the harmonic force approaches the natural frequency of the system, the dynamic displacement grows indefinitely with time, although the amplitude of the harmonic loading is finite. This phenomenon is called resonance. The growth of the amplitude of the displacement with time due to resonance is shown in Fig. 3.2.1. The response is periodic with a period Single-degree-of-freedom systems: Forced vibrations Chapter 3 109 2p=w. A measure of the growth rate can be obtained by taking the difference of the amplitudes of two consecutive peaks. The time peak occurs when 20 w t/2 15 2p /w 2p /w 10 R(t) 5 0 –5 p p –10 –15 –20 –w t/2 0 2 1 3 4 5 t FIG. 3.2.1 Response ratio of an undamped system at resonance, D ¼ max jRðt Þj ! 1 when t ! 1 (w ¼ 7, b ¼ 1). dRðt Þ w2 sin wt ¼ ¼0 dt 2 (3.2.15) or t¼ np n ¼ 1, 2, … w Hence the difference between consecutive peaks is np p np + R R ¼ p cos np w w w ¼ p (3.2.16) (3.2.17) the When the excitation force is of the cosine type, pðt Þ ¼ p0 cos wt, employed procedure yields the particular solution up ¼ p0 1 cos wt k 1 b2 (3.2.18) and the general solution for zero initial conditions, u ð0Þ ¼ u_ ð0Þ ¼ 0, is obtained as u ðt Þ ¼ p0 1 b cos wt Þ ð cos wt k 1 b2 (3.2.19) 110 PART I Single-degree-of-freedom systems 3.2.2 Response of damped systems to harmonic loading In this case, the equation of motion (3.1.1) for the sine load becomes m u€ + cu_ + ku ¼ p0 sin wt (3.2.20) The general solution of Eq. (3.2.20) can be sought again in the form u ¼ uh + up (3.2.21) where uh is the homogeneous solution and up a particular solution of the nonhomogeneous equation. We will limit our discussion to underdamped systems. Thus, the homogeneous solution is given by Eq. (2.3.16), namely uh ¼ exwt ðA cos wD t + B sin wD t Þ (3.2.22) which was derived in Section 2.3.2. The particular solution is established using the method of undetermined coefficients. According to this method, up is sought in the form [1, 2] + C2 cos wt up ¼ C1 sin wt (3.2.23) which is introduced into Eq. (3.2.20) to yield C1 ¼ p0 1 b2 p0 2xb , C2 ¼ k 1 b 2 2 + ð2xbÞ2 k 1 b2 2 + ð2xb Þ2 (3.2.24) Hence, the general solution of Eq. (3.2.20) becomes u ðt Þ ¼ exwt ðA sin wD t + B cos wD t Þ |fflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflffl{zfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflffl} Transient response + p0 1 2xb cos wt (3.2.25a) 1 b2 sin wt 2 k 1 b2 + ð2xb Þ2 |fflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflffl{zfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflffl} Steady-state response the previous procedure yields If the excitation force is p0 cos wt, u ðt Þ ¼ exwt ðA sin wD t + B cos wD t Þ |fflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflffl{zfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflffl} Transient response + p0 1 + 1 b2 cos wt (3.2.25b) 1 b2 2xb sin wt 2 k 1 b2 + ð2xbÞ2 |fflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflffl{zfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflffl} Steady-state response It is clear that the first term in Eq. (3.2.25a) decays rapidly with time because of the exponential term exwt , so its contribution becomes negligible after a short time, which, of course, depends on the damping ratio. Thus, the response of the system is governed by the second term. For this reason, we say that the Single-degree-of-freedom systems: Forced vibrations Chapter 3 111 first term expresses the transient response while the second term expresses the steady-state response of the system. This is shown in Fig. 3.2.2. FIG. 3.2.2 Response of an underdamped system to harmonic loading ðw ¼ 5, w ¼ 6, p0 =k ¼ 1, x ¼ 0:1, u0 ¼ 1, u_ 0 ¼ 10Þ. Referring to Eq. (3.2.25a) we see that the steady-state response can be written in the form qÞ u ðt Þ ¼ rsin ðwt (3.2.26) where r¼ i1=2 2 p0 h 2xb 1 b 2 + ð2xbÞ2 , q ¼ tan 1 k 1 b2 (3.2.27) Therefore, the steady-state response of the underdamped system subjected to a harmonic loading is an undamped free vibration. The DMF is h i1=2 2 r ¼ 1 b2 + ð2xbÞ2 (3.2.28) D ¼ max jRðt Þj ¼ p0 =k We observe that D ¼ D ðbÞ. Consequently the maximum value of D is obtained when dD ¼0 db This condition gives qffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi b ¼ 1 2x 2 (3.2.29) (3.2.30) 112 PART I Single-degree-of-freedom systems 6 x=0 5 x=0.1 D (b) 4 3 2 x=0.2 x=0.3 ξ=0.7 x=0.5 1 ξ=1.0 0 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 Frequency ratio, b 2.5 3 FIG. 3.2.3 Variation of the amplitude of the response ratio Dðb, x Þ. and Dmax ¼ 1 pffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi 2x 1 x2 (3.2.31) Apparently, the maximum value of the dynamic factor does not occur for b ¼ 1. Nevertheless, for a small value of x it is b 1, for example, for x ¼ 0:05 Eq. (3.2.30) gives b ¼ 0:9975. Fig. 3.2.3 shows the variation of D versus the frequency ratio b for different values of the damping ratio x. Note that if x ¼ 0, Dmax becomes infinite. 6 4 1/2x R(t) 2 0 –2 –1/2x –4 –6 0 5 t 10 15 FIG. 3.2.4 Response ratio of an underdamped system at resonance (w ¼ 5, x ¼ 0:1, b ¼ 1, D ¼ max jRðt Þj ! 1=2x when t ! 1). Single-degree-of-freedom systems: Forced vibrations Chapter 3 113 Let us study now the response of the system when b ¼ 1, which is the conventional value for resonance. For this value of b it is w ¼ w and Eq. (3.2.25a) becomes u ðt Þ ¼ exwt ðAsin wD t + B cos wD t Þ p0 cos wt k 2x (3.2.32) If we assume zero initial conditions, u ð0Þ ¼ u_ ð0Þ ¼ 0, Eq. (3.2.32) gives " ! # 1 xwt x pffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi sin wD t + cos wD t cos wt e Rðt Þ ¼ 2x 1 x2 (3.2.33) The time variation of Rðt Þ is shown in Fig. 3.2.4. We observe that the DMF D ¼ max jRðt Þj, for x 6¼ 0 tends asymptotically to the value 1=2x. Namely, the presence of damping prevents the occurence of infinite displacements when x 6¼ 0. The conclusion drawn from this analysis is that damping limits considerably the consequences of resonance. However, the resonance phenomenon should not be ignored in structural design because it produces displacements much larger than the static ones. 3.3 Response to arbitrary dynamic loading—Duhamel’s integral 3.3.1 Undamped vibrations In this section, we study the response of undamped SDOF systems when the external loading pðt Þ is neither harmonic nor periodic, but an arbitrary function of time. In this case, the equation of motion is m u€ + ku ¼ pðt Þ (3.3.1) which we write in the form u€ + w2 u ¼ pffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi 1 pðt Þ, w ¼ k=m m (3.3.2) There are several methods to obtain the solution of Eq. (3.3.2). A convenient, straightforward, and rather simple method for solving ordinary differential equations with constant coefficients is the Laplace transform method [1, 3]. This method is based on the Laplace transform, which for a function u ðt Þ, t 0 is commonly denoted by L and defined as Z 1 u ðt Þest dt (3.3.3) L½u ðt Þ ¼ U ðs Þ ¼ 0 where s is the variable of the transform. 114 PART I Single-degree-of-freedom systems The inverse Laplace transform is defined as the function u ðt Þ, which results as the solution of the integral equation (3.3.3), when the function U ðs Þ is given. It is denoted by u ðt Þ ¼ L1 ½u ðt Þ (3.3.4) and it is given by the Fourier-Mellin integral. A method to evaluate the Laplace transform of a simple function as well as its inverse is to use the Tables of Laplace transform [4]. On the other hand, ready-to-use computer applications such as Wolfram ALFA, etc., are also available. These applications can be employed to obtain the Laplace transform and its inverse of complicated functions. Using integration by parts, we can derive the Laplace transform of the derivatives of a function u ðt Þ. Thus, we have L½u_ ðt Þ ¼ sU u ð0Þ (3.3.5a) L½u€ðt Þ ¼ s2 U ½su ð0Þ + u_ ð0Þ (3.3.5b) Application of the Laplace transform to both sides of Eq. (3.3.2) yields 1 L u€ + w2 u ¼ L½pðt Þ m or L½u€ + w2 L½u ¼ 1 L½pðt Þ m (3.3.6) which by virtue of Eq. (3.3.5b) becomes s2 U ðs Þ ½su ð0Þ + u_ ð0Þ + w2 U ðs Þ ¼ 1 P ðs Þ m (3.3.7) where P ðs Þ is the Laplace transform of pðt Þ. Eq. (3.3.7) is an algebraic equation with respect to U ðs Þ giving U ðs Þ ¼ s2 s 1 1 1 u ð 0Þ + 2 P ðs Þ u_ ð0Þ + 2 2 2 +w s +w m s + w2 (3.3.8) The function u ðt Þ is obtained by taking the inverse Laplace transform of Eq. (3.3.8), namely u ðt Þ ¼ L1 U ðs Þ Single-degree-of-freedom systems: Forced vibrations Chapter 3 115 or u ðt Þ ¼ u ð0ÞL1 s2 s s 1 s + u_ ð0ÞL1 2 + L1 2 P ðs Þ 2 2 +w s +w m s + w2 (3.3.9) From the table of the Laplace transforms we obtain L1 L1 s2 s ¼ cos wt + w2 (3.3.10a) s2 1 sin wt ¼ 2 +w w (3.3.10b) Now we focus our attention on the last term on the right side of Eq. (3.3.9). Its inverse Laplace transform can be obtained using the convolution theorem. The convolution of two functions f ðt Þ and g ðt Þ denoted by f ðt Þ∗ g ðt Þ or ðf ∗ g Þt is defined as Z t f ðt τÞg ðτÞdτ f ðt Þ∗ g ðt Þ ¼ 0 (3.3.11) Z t g ðt τÞf ðτÞdτ ¼ 0 The Convolution Theorem Let f ðt Þ and g ðt Þ be functions with Laplace transforms F ðs Þ and G ðs Þ, respectively, that is, L½f ðt Þ ¼ F ðs Þ and L½g ðt Þ ¼ G ðs Þ, then L½ðf ∗ g Þðt Þ ¼ F ðsÞG ðsÞ or equivalently Z 1 t L ½F ðs ÞG ðs Þ ¼ ðf ∗g Þðt Þ ¼ f ðt τÞg ðτÞdτ (3.3.12a) (3.3.12b) 0 Eq. (3.3.12b) can be employed to obtain the inverse Laplace of the last term on the right side of Eq. (3.3.9). Thus, for F ðs Þ ¼ 1=ðs2 + w2 Þ and G ðs Þ ¼ P ðs Þ, we obtain Z t 1 1 P ð s Þ ¼ pðτÞ sin ½wðt τÞdτ (3.3.13) L1 2 s + w2 mw 0 Hence, substituting Eqs. (3.3.10a), (3.3.10b), (3.3.13) into Eq. (3.3.9) gives the solution of Eq. (3.3.1) u ðt Þ ¼ u_ ð0Þ sin wt + u ð0Þcos wt w Z t 1 pðτÞsin ½wðt τÞdτ + mw 0 |fflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflffl{zfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflffl} Duhamel’s integral (3.3.14) 116 PART I Single-degree-of-freedom systems It obvious that the first two terms in Eq. (3.3.14) express the contribution of the initial conditions to the motion of the system. The third term, which expresses the contribution of the external loading, is known as the Duhamel integral for the undamped system. 3.3.2 Damped vibrations When damping is taken into account, the motion is governed by Eq. (3.1.1), namely m u€ + cu_ + ku ¼ pðt Þ (3.3.15) which for an underdamped system is written as u€ + 2xwu_ + w2 u ¼ 1 pðt Þ m (3.3.16) For an arbitrary loading function pðt Þ, the solution of Eq. (3.3.16) is obtained using the Laplace transform method following the procedure presented in the previous section. Thus taking the Laplace transform of Eq. (3.3.16), we obtain L½u€ + 2xwL½u_ + w2 L½u ¼ 1 L½pðt Þ m (3.3.17) Using Eqs. (3.3.5a), (3.3.5b) and solving for U ðs Þ, we obtain U ðs Þ ¼ s 1 u ð 0Þ + 2 ½2xwu ð0Þ + u_ ð0Þ 2 + 2xws + w s + 2xws + w2 1 P ðs Þ + m s 2 + 2xws + w2 s2 (3.3.18) The evaluation of the inverse Laplace transform using the table of the Laplace transforms requires the factorization of the denominator polynomial f ðs Þ ¼ s 2 + 2xws + w2 (3.3.19) l1 ¼ xw + iwD , l2 ¼ xw iwD (3.3.20) s 2 + 2xws + iw2 ¼ ðs l1 Þðs l2 Þ (3.3.21) Its roots are Hence From the table of the Laplace transforms we obtain L1 1 1 l1 t ¼ e e l2 t l1 l2 ðs l1 Þðs l2 Þ 1 ¼ exwt sin wD t wD (3.3.22a) Single-degree-of-freedom systems: Forced vibrations Chapter L1 L1 s 1 l1 t ¼ l1 e l2 el2 t ðs l 1 Þð s l 2 Þ l1 l2 P ðs Þ 1 ¼ ðs l 1 Þ ð s l 2 Þ wD ¼e Z t xwt 3 117 (3.3.22b) cos wD t pðτÞexwðtτÞ sin wD ðt τÞdτ (3.3.22c) 0 The last expression was obtained using the convolution theorem. By virtue of Eqs. (3.3.22a)–(3.3.22c), Eq. (3.3.18) gives u ðt Þ ¼ L1 ½U ðsÞ ¼ u_ ð0Þ + u ð0Þxw sin wD t + u ð0Þ cos wD t exwt wD Z t 1 + pðτÞexwðtτÞ sin ½wD ðt τÞdτ mwD 0 |fflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflffl{zfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflffl} (3.3.23) Duhamel’s integral It is obvious that the first term in Eq. (3.3.23) expresses the contribution of the initial conditions to the motion of the system. The last term represents the Duhamel integral for the underdamped motion. It is obvious that Eq. (3.3.23) for x ¼ 0 yields Eq. (3.3.14) as anticipated. The Duhamel integral can also be derived using the method described in Section 3.7.3. 3.4 Analytical evaluation of the Duhamel integral-applications The analytical evaluation of the Duhamel integral presents considerable difficulties, especially when damping is taken into account. In practical terms, the analytical integration is recommended when the excitation function is simple. In recent years, however, the development of symbolic languages, such as MATHEMATICA and MAPLE, has boosted interest in the use of analytical integration. This paragraph presents some applications of the Duhamel integral that help in understanding the response of an SDOF system under certain characteristic forms of dynamic loading. The integration is performed analytically. 3.4.1 Response to step function load A step load is a nonperiodic load applied suddenly at t ¼ t0 and remains constant during the whole duration of the motion. Mathematically, this load can be represented using the Heaviside step function pðt Þ ¼ p 0 H ðt Þ where H ðt t0 Þ ¼ 0, t < t0 1, t > t0 (3.4.1) (3.4.2) 118 PART I Single-degree-of-freedom systems is the Heaviside step function and p0 the magnitude of the load. Fig. 3.4.1 shows the step function load applied at t ¼ 0. FIG. 3.4.1 The step function load. For u ð0Þ ¼ u_ ð0Þ ¼ 0 the displacement is obtained from the Duhamel integral in Eq. (3.3.14) Z t Z t 1 p0 p0 sin ½wðt τÞdτ ¼ sin ½wðt τÞd ½wðt τÞ u ðt Þ ¼ mw2 0 mw 0 p0 ¼ ½ cos wðt τÞt0 mw2 or u ðt Þ ¼ p0 ð1 cos wt Þ k (3.4.3) Taking into account that ust ¼ p0 =k represents the static displacement, the response ratio is R ðt Þ ¼ u ðt Þ ¼ ð1 cos wt Þ ust (3.4.4) and the DMF D ¼ max jRðt Þj ¼ 2 (3.4.5) Eq. (3.4.5) shows that the suddenly applied load produces a maximum displacement that is twice as large than the displacement that the load p0 would produce if it were applied statically (slowly). This is an elementary but important result that illustrates the difference between static and dynamic loading of a structure. When the damping is taken into account, the displacement for zero initial conditions, u ð0Þ ¼ u_ ð0Þ ¼ 0, is obtained from Eq. (3.3.23) Z t p0 exwðtτÞ sin ½wD ðt τÞdτ (3.4.6) u ðt Þ ¼ mwD 0 The evaluation of the Duhamel integral is more complicated. Nevertheless, using MAPLE we obtain ! " # p0 x 1 cos wD t + pffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi sin wD t exwt u ðt Þ ¼ (3.4.7) k 1 x2 Single-degree-of-freedom systems: Forced vibrations Chapter 119 3 2.5 x=0 2 x=0.05 x=0.15 R(t) 1.5 1 0.5 0. –0.5 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 t/TD (TD=2p /w D) FIG. 3.4.2 Response ratio of a system under step load. We observe that Eq. (3.4.7) for x ¼ 0 becomes identical to Eq. (3.4.3). The response ratio results from Eq. (3.4.7) " Rðt Þ ¼ 1 ! # x xwt cos wD t + pffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi sin wD t e 1 x2 (3.4.8) Fig. 3.4.2 shows the plot of Eq. (3.4.8) for different values of the damping ratio. The extreme values of Rðt Þ occur when " # 2 dR xwt ðwx Þ ¼e + wD sin wD t ¼ 0 wD dt (3.4.9) which gives tn ¼ np wD n ¼ 0,1, 2, … (3.4.10) Substituting tn into Eq. (3.4.8) yields Rðtn Þ ¼ 1 ð1Þn enx= pffiffiffiffiffiffiffi2ffi 1x (3.4.11) 120 PART I Single-degree-of-freedom systems The maximum value results for n ¼ 1. Hence D ¼ 1 + ex= pffiffiffiffiffiffiffi2ffi 1x (3.4.12) that is, the maximum displacement occurs at the first peak, where t1 ¼ p=wD . This is shown in Fig. 3.4.2. Eq. (3.4.12) for x ¼ 0 gives D ¼ 2 as anticipated. 3.4.2 Response to ramp function load The ramp function load is a load that increases linearly with time. Mathematically, it is defined by pðt Þ ¼ lt t0 (3.4.13) where l is a nonzero constant denoting the rate of increase of the load (Fig. 3.4.3). FIG. 3.4.3 Ramp function load; l ¼ p0 =t1 . For zero initial conditions, u0 ¼ u_ 0 ¼ 0, the response of an undamped SDOF system to a ramp function load is obtained by substituting the load pðt Þ ¼ p0 t=t1 into the Duhamel integral in Eq. (3.3.14) p0 =t1 u ðt Þ ¼ mw Z t τ sin ½wðt τÞdτ (3.4.14) 0 which after integration gives u ðt Þ ¼ p0 t sin wt k t1 wt1 (3.4.15) Fig. 3.4.4 shows the response ratio Rðt Þ ¼ u ðt Þ=ust , ust ¼ p0 =k, of the undamped system to a ramp function load. We see that it oscillates about the line p0 t=t1 . Single-degree-of-freedom systems: Forced vibrations Chapter 121 3 30 25 R(t) 20 15 10 5 0 0 0.5 1 1.5 t/T 2 2.5 3 FIG. 3.4.4 Response ratio of a system under ramp function load (t1 ¼ T =10). For damped systems, the analytical evaluation is rather complicated. However, it can be evaluated using a symbolic language. 3.4.3 Response to step function load with finite rise time. Static load The step function load with finite rise time is a constant load that, however, is not applied suddenly, but rises linearly up to a value p0 within a time t1 , the rise time, and thereafter remains constant, as shown in Fig. 3.4.5. Mathematically it is defined by (p 0 t t t1 (3.4.16) pðt Þ ¼ t1 p0 t > t1 FIG. 3.4.5 Step function load with finite rise time. For zero initial conditions, u0 ¼ u_ 0 ¼ 0, the response of the system is obtained by studying the motion in two phases: 122 PART I Single-degree-of-freedom systems Phase Ι: Forced vibration under a ramp function load. This phase starts at t ¼ 0 and ends at t ¼ t1 . The response of the undamped system is given by Eq. (3.4.15) u I ðt Þ ¼ p0 t sin wt , 0 < t t1 k t1 wt1 (3.4.17) Phase ΙI: Forced vibration under a step function load. This phase starts at t ¼ t1 with initial conditions uII ð0Þ ¼ uI ðt1 Þ, u_ II ð0Þ ¼ u_ I ðt1 Þ and loading pðt Þ ¼ p0 . The solution is given by Eq. (3.3.14). The value of the Duhamel integral is given by Eq. (3.4.3). Thus, we have uII ðt Þ ¼ p0 u_ I ðt1 Þ sin wt+ uI ðt1 Þcos wt+ ð1 cos wtÞ k w (3.4.18) where t¼ t t1 > 0. Note that for t1 ¼ nT , n ¼ 1, 2, …, Eq. (3.4.17) gives uI ðt1 Þ ¼ p0 , u_ I ðt1 Þ ¼ 0 k (3.4.19) and substituting into Eq. (3.3.18) gives p0 k (3.4.20) RII ðt Þ ¼ 1 (3.4.21) uII ðt Þ ¼ or which means that the motion in the constant load phase is not oscillatory but the displacement is constant and equal to the static displacement. Fig. 3.4.6 presents the response ratio Rðt Þ for different values of t1 . We observe that for smaller values of t1 =T , the response is similar to that of a step function load while for larger values, the response is similar to that of a static load. Therefore, the loads in real structures should not be applied suddenly but slowly rising, that is, in time much larger than the natural period of the structure to avoid dynamic magnification effects. Due to this property, the step function load with finite rise time is also called static loading. Single-degree-of-freedom systems: Forced vibrations Chapter 3 123 FIG. 3.4.6 Response ratio of a system under a step function load with finite rise time. Example 3.4.1 Blast load on one-story building A blast-induced pressure wave strikes the one-story building in Example 2.2.1 in the x direction. The time variation of the blast pressure is represented by pðt Þ ¼ p0 ð1 t=t0 Þet=t0 (Fig. E3.1). Determine the stress resultants max Qx , max Mx of the columns. The peak positive pressure is p0 ¼ 12kN=m2 and the duration of the positive phase t0 ¼ 1. The system is at rest at t ¼ 0. FIG. E3.1 Blast-induced pressure in Example 3.4.1. Solution The mass of the structure, its stiffness in the x direction, and the corresponding natural frequency were evaluated in Example 2.2.1 m ¼ 356:78kN m1 s2 , k ¼ Kx ¼ 7257:6kN=m, w ¼ w1 ¼ 4:51 124 PART I Single-degree-of-freedom systems If A represents the area of the surface struck by the blast-induced pressure, the peak force applied at the floor level of the building is 1 1 P ¼ A p0 ¼ 5 5 12 ¼ 150kN=m2 2 2 (1) ust ¼ P=k ¼ 150=7257:6 ¼ 0:02067m (2) Hence Because the system is at rest at t ¼ 0, the response is given by Eq. (3.3.14) with u0 ¼ u_ 0 ¼ 0 Z t P ð1 τÞexp ðτÞsin ½wðt τÞdτ (3) u ðt Þ ¼ mw 0 The analytical evaluation of the Duhamel gives ( P 2w3 w2 ð w2 1 Þ u ðt Þ ¼ sin wt coswt k ðw2 + 1Þ2 ð w2 + 1Þ 2 w2 ð w2 1 Þ w2 + t exp ðt Þ exp ð t Þ ð w 2 + 1Þ ð w 2 + 1Þ 2 ) (4) 1.5 D = 1.265 1 R(t) 0.5 0 tmax = 0.563 –0.5 –1 –1.5 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 t 3 3.5 4 4.5 5 FIG. E3.2 Response ratio in Example 3.4.1. Fig. E3.2 shows the plot of the response ratio Rðt Þ ¼ u ðt Þ=ðP=k Þ. The DMF was found at D ¼ max jRðt Þj ¼ 1:1265. It was determined as the maximum value of the array used to plot Rðt Þ. Thus, we have umax ¼ Du st ¼ 1:1265 0:02067 ¼ 0:02328m (5) Single-degree-of-freedom systems: Forced vibrations Chapter 3 125 The extreme values of the shear forces and bending moments are: Columns 30 30 max Qx ¼ kx umax ¼ 1360:8 0:02328 ¼ 31:68kN h max Mx ¼ max Qx ¼ 31:68 5=2 ¼ 79:20kNm 2 Columns 30 20 max Qx ¼ kx umax ¼ 907:2 0:02328 ¼ 21:12kN h max Mx ¼ max Qx ¼ 21:12 5=2 ¼ 52:80kNm 2 3.5 Response to impulsive loads p(t) In this section, a special group of dynamic loads with similar characteristics will be considered: the impulsive loads or shock loads. The main characteristics of such loads are their short duration and their high intensity (large magnitude). Their duration is of the order of the natural period of the structure. Impulsive loads are of great importance in the design of certain structural systems, for example, buildings subject to aboveground wind blasts or explosions. Because of the short duration, the maximum response is reached before damping starts to absorb much energy. As a result, the maximum response is not significantly affected by the presence of damping. Therefore, we can ignore damping in the study of the SDOF systems under impulsive loads in the analysis that follows. The time function representing the impulsive load is arbitrary, e.g., Fig. 3.5.1. Nevertheless, important conclusions can be drawn by considering impulsive loads with a regular shape. The response of a system to an impulsive load is studied in two phases. The first phase is a forced vibration under the impulsive load with zero initial conditions while the second phase is a free vibration with initial conditions being the displacement and velocity that the system attains at the end of the first phase. t FIG. 3.5.1 Time variation of an impulsive load. 126 PART I Single-degree-of-freedom systems The response of the system to an impulsive load can be analyzed using the methods presented in previous sections for the solution of the differential equation of motion under an arbitrary loading, that is, either by solving directly the differential equation or by evaluating Duhamel’s integral. Another method to obtain the response is to express the pulse as the superposition of two or more simpler pulses for which the response solution is available or simple to determine (Fig. 3.5.2). Nevertheless, the analytical methods, especially for arbitrary impulse loads, have lost their importance because of the development of efficient numerical methods. For this reason, only two simple impulsive loads are considered, the rectangular pulse load and the triangular pulse load. p(t ) p0 O p(t ) p 0H (t ) if t t1 p(t ) 0 if t t1 t t1 p(t ) p0 O t1 p(t ) p0 sin t if t t1 p(t ) 0 if t t1 t FIG. 3.5.2 Impulsive loads represented by simple functions. 3.5.1 Rectangular pulse load The rectangular pulse load is shown in Fig. 3.5.3. Mathematically, this load is defined as t t1 p0 (3.5.1) pðt Þ ¼ 0 t > t1 FIG. 3.5.3 Rectangular pulse load. Single-degree-of-freedom systems: Forced vibrations Chapter 3 127 Phase Ι: Forced vibration The response of the system is a forced vibration due to the suddenly applied load p0 at t ¼ 0 with zero initial conditions, u0 ¼ u_ 0 ¼ 0. The displacement is given by Eq. (3.4.3), namely p0 uI ðt Þ ¼ ð1 cos wt Þ, 0 < t t1 (3.5.2) k Phase ΙΙ: Free vibration The displacement is given by Eq. (2.2.13), namely uII ðt Þ ¼ u_ I ðt1 Þ sin wt+ uI ðt1 Þcos wt, w t¼ t t1 0 (3.5.3) where p0 ð1 cos wt1 Þ k p0 w u_ I ðt1 Þ ¼ sin wt1 k uI ðt1 Þ ¼ (3.5.4a) (3.5.4b) We now evaluate the DMF D. First, we assume that the maximum displacement occurs in Phase I. Eq. (3.5.2) has a maximum when p0 w sin wt ¼ 0 or wt ¼ np n ¼ 1, 2, … u_ I ðt Þ ¼ k from which we obtain np n 2p nT ¼ ¼ (3.5.5) w 2w 2 Therefore, the displacement can reach its maximum umax within Phase I if t1 T =2. In this case, it is D ¼ 2. We assume now that t1 < T =2, then the maximum displacement umax occurs in Phase II. Hence, it will be t¼ FIG. 3.5.4 Response spectrum for rectangular pulse load. 128 PART I Single-degree-of-freedom systems sffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi u_ I ðt1 Þ 2 umax ¼ + ½ u I ðt1 Þ 2 w (3.5.6) Using Eqs. (3.5.4a), (3.5.4b) the previous relation becomes sffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi p0 2p 2p 2p 1 2cos t1 + cos 2 t1 + sin 2 t1 umax ¼ k T T T sffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi p0 2p 2 1 cos ¼ t1 k T or umax ¼ 2p0 t1 sin p k T (3.5.7) and the DMF D will be given by D¼ umax t1 ¼ 2sin p , p0 =k T t1 T 2 (3.5.8) Eq. (3.5.8) shows that the maximum response depends only on the ratio t1 =T . The plot of the function D ¼ D ðt1 =T Þ shown in Fig. 3.5.4 is referred to as the displacement response spectrum or simply the response spectrum of the impulsive load (see also Chapter 6). It is evident that the response spectrum of a pulse load serves to determine the maximum response of the system under this load without solving the differential equation of motion for the particular pulse load. 3.5.2 Triangular pulse load The next impulsive load is the decreasing triangular pulse load shown in Fig. 3.5.5a. Mathematically, this load is defined as 8 t < t t1 p0 1 (3.5.9) pðt Þ ¼ t 1 : 0 t > t1 (a) (b) FIG. 3.5.5 Decomposition of a triangular pulse load. (c) Single-degree-of-freedom systems: Forced vibrations Chapter 3 129 The response of the system is studied again in two phases: Phase Ι: Forced vibration Eq. (3.5.9) suggests that the pulse load can be considered as the superposition of a rectangular pulse and a ramp function pulse (Fig. 3.5.5b and c) and use the solutions we already found for the respective load functions, that is, Eqs. (3.4.3), (3.4.15). Thus, we obtain uI ðt Þ ¼ p0 sin wt t 1 cos wt + , k t1 w t1 0 t t1 (3.5.10) t¼ t t1 0 (3.5.11) Phase ΙΙ: Free vibration The displacement is given by Eq. (2.2.13) uII ðt Þ ¼ u_ I ðt1 Þ sin wt+ uI ðt1 Þcos wt, w where u I ðt1 Þ ¼ p0 sin wt1 coswt1 k t1 w (3.5.12a) u_ I ðt1 Þ ¼ p0 w cos wt1 1 + sin wt1 wt1 k wt1 (3.5.12b) We now evaluate the DMF D. The maximum displacement in Phase I is obtained when u_ I ðt Þ ¼ w sin wt + cos wt 1 ¼0 t1 t1 (3.5.13) which may be written as 2p t1 t t sin 2p + cos 2p 1¼0 T T T (3.5.14) When t1 =T is specified, Eq. (3.5.14) is a nonlinear algebraic equation for the ratio t=T . Solving this equation and introducing the obtained solution in Eq. (3.5.10) yield the respective maximum displacement max uI . The curve RI in Fig. 3.5.6 represents the function max uI =ust versus t1 =T . 130 PART I Single-degree-of-freedom systems In Phase II, the maximum response is obtained from the expression sffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi u_ I ðt1 Þ 2 max uII ¼ + ½uI ðt1 Þ2 (3.5.15) w where uI ðt1 Þ and u_ I ðt1 Þ are given by Eqs. (3.5.12a), (3.5.12b), which yield when expressed in terms of t1 =T 2 uI ðt1 Þ ¼ p0 6 6 k4 sin 2p 2p t1 T t1 T 2 u_ I ðt1 Þ ¼ p0 w 6 6 k 4 cos 2p t1 2p T t1 T 3 cos 2p t1 7 7 T 5 (3.5.16a) 3 + sin 2p t1 1 7 7 t1 5 T 2p T (3.5.16b) The curve RII in Fig. 3.5.6 represents the function max uII =ust versus t1 =T . From this figure, we conclude that for t1 =T 0:4 the maximum response D of the system to the triangular pulse load occurs in Phase II while for t1 =T > 0:4 it occurs in Phase I. R = maxu /ust D(t1/T) D(0.4)=1.0513 R = maxu /ust t1/T FIG. 3.5.6 DMF for the triangular pulse load. Single-degree-of-freedom systems: Forced vibrations Chapter 3.5.3 3 131 Asymmetrical triangular pulse load The next impulsive load is the asymmetrical triangular pulse load shown in Fig. 3.5.7. The response can be determined in three phases using the solutions obtained in Sections 3.4.2 and 3.5.2. Phase Ι: Forced vibration uI ðt Þ ¼ p0 sin wt t , k t1 w 0 t t1 (3.5.17) Phase II: Forced vibration uII ðt Þ ¼ u_ I ðt1 Þ sin wet + uI ðt1 Þ cos wet w p0 sin wet et , + 1 cos wet + t2 k t2 w (3.5.18) 0 et ¼ t t1 < t2 Phase ΙΙΙ: Free vibration uIII ðt Þ ¼ u_ II ðt1 + t2 Þ sin wt+ uII ðt1 + t2 Þcos wt, w t¼ t ðt1 + t2 Þ 0 (3.5.19) FIG. 3.5.7 Asymmetrical triangular pulse load. 132 PART I Single-degree-of-freedom systems Table 3.5.1 summarizes the response ratios for various loadings. TABLE 3.5.1 Response ratios Rðt Þ for various loading functions. Loading pðt Þ Response ratio Rðt Þ Rðt Þ ¼ 1 cos wt Rðt Þ ¼ 1 cos wt, t t1 Rðt Þ ¼ coswðt t1 Þ cos wt, t t1 Rðt Þ ¼ 1 sin wt t , t t1 t1 w Rðt Þ ¼ 1 + 1 ½ sinwðt t1 Þ sin wt , t t1 wt1 Rðt Þ ¼ 1 cos wt + Rðt Þ ¼ sin wt t , t t1 wt1 t1 sinwt1 sinwðt t1 Þ cos wt, t t1 wt1 1 sin wt t1 t , 0t 2 t1 w 2 1 t1 t1 sin wt , t t1 t1 t + 2sin w t Rðt Þ ¼ 2 2 t1 w Rðt Þ ¼ Rðt Þ ¼ 2 t1 sinwt , t t1 sinwðt t1 Þ + 2sinw t 2 wt1 Rðt Þ ¼ b sinwt sin wt 1 b2 Example 3.5.1 One-story building under an impulsive moment The rigid slab of the one-story building of Fig. E3.3a,b is loaded by the impulsive moment M ðt Þ, whose time variation is shown in Fig. E3.3c. The columns are assumed massless and fixed on the ground. The pulse data are: M0 ¼ 300kNm, M1 ¼ 500kNm, t1 ¼ T , where T is the period of the structure. The other data are the same as in Example 2.2.1. Single-degree-of-freedom systems: Forced vibrations Chapter 3 133 y k1 k2 M (t ) O k1 (a) (b) k2 10 m k1 5m x k1 (c) FIG. E3.3 One-story building under impulsive load. Determine the stress resultants max Qx , max Qy , max Mx , max My , and max Mf of the corner columns using time history analysis. Solution Because the structure is symmetric with respect to both axes x and y, the only possible motion of the slab due to the moment M ðt Þ is the rotation fðt Þ about its center O. Hence the equation of motion of the slab is IO f€ðt Þ + Kf fðt Þ ¼ M ðt Þ (1) where IO is the moment of inertia of the mass of the plate with respect to O and Kf the torsional stiffness of the structure. These quantities have been computed in Example 2.2.1. Thus we have IO ¼ 3:7164 103 kNm s2 (2) Kf ¼ 1:9663 105 kNm (3) rffiffiffiffiffiffi Kf ¼ 7:2738 w¼ IO (4) 2p ¼ 0:869s w (5) t1 ¼ T ¼ 0:869s (6) T¼ 134 PART I Single-degree-of-freedom systems The motion is studied in two phases. Phase Ι: 0 t t1 . Forced vibration The solution is given by the Duhamel integral Z t 1 fI ðt Þ ¼ M ðτÞsin wðt τÞdτ IO w 0 (7) Taking into account that M ðt Þ ¼ M0 + M1 M0 t t1 (8) we have 1 M0 fI ðt Þ ¼ IO w Z t 0 M1 M0 sin wðt τÞdτ + t1 Z t τ sin wðt τÞdτ (9) 0 Apparently, the response results as the superposition of a rectangular pulse and a ramp function pulse. Hence, using Eqs. (3.4.2), (3.4.15), we obtain fI ðt Þ ¼ 1 M0 M1 M0 sin wt ð1 cos wt Þ + t wt1 IO w w w (10) M0 M1 M0 sin wt ð1 cos wt Þ + t Kf Kf t1 w (11) or f I ðt Þ ¼ which for the adopted data becomes fI ðt Þ ¼ 1:525 103 ð1 cos wt Þ + 1:177 103 t sin wt w (12) Phase ΙI: t1 < t. Free vibration The solution is fII ðt Þ ¼ f_ I ðt1 Þ sin wðt t1 Þ + fI ðt1 Þcos wðt t1 Þ w (13) Eq. (12) for t ¼ t1 gives fI ðt1 Þ ¼ 1:017 103 and f_ I ðt1 Þ ¼ 0 (14) and Eq. (13) becomes fII ¼ 1:017 103 cos wðt t1 Þ (15) Single-degree-of-freedom systems: Forced vibrations Chapter 135 3 The response of the structure is shown in Fig. E3.4. –3 4 ×10 fmax = 3.594e-3 3 f(t) 2 1 0 tmax = 0.462 –1 –2 t1 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 t FIG. E3.4 Response of the structure in Example 3.5.1. The stress resultants of the columns are computed using Eqs. (4a), 4(b), (6) of Example 2.2.1. Thus, for the upper right column we have kx1 ¼ ky1 ¼ 1360:8kN=m, kf1 ¼ 1:9985 103 kNm x1 ¼ 4:85m, y1 ¼ 2:35m max Qx1 ¼ kx1 y1 fmax ¼ 11:49kN (16a) max Qy1 ¼ ky1 x1 fmax ¼ 23:72kN (16b) h max Mx1 ¼ max Qx1 ¼ 28:73kNm 2 h max My1 ¼ max Qy1 ¼ 59:30kNm 2 max Mf1 ¼ kf1 fmax ¼ 7:183kNm 3.5.4 (16c) (16d) (16e) Response to piecewise linear loading Certain types of loading can be represented by straight-line segments within generally unequal time intervals, as shown in Fig. 3.5.8. The accelerogram, that is, the employed recording of the acceleration of the ground motion during an earthquake, is a representative example of such loading. 136 PART I Single-degree-of-freedom systems FIG. 3.5.8 Piecewise linear loading. The loading function in the i interval is given by the expression pðt Þ ¼ ai + bi t, ti1 t ti , i ¼ 1, 2, …, n (3.5.20) where ai ¼ pi1 , bi ¼ pi pi1 , to ¼ 0 ti ti1 (3.5.21) The response is obtained in n phases, where n is the number of intervals. The solution in the interval ti1 t ti is given by Eq. (3.3.23). Hence we have ui ðtÞ ¼ u_ ðti1 Þ + u ðti1 Þxw sin wD t+ u ðti1 Þcos wD t exwt wD Z t 1 + ðai + bi τÞexwðt τÞ sin ½wD ðt τÞdτ mwD 0 (3.5.22) where t¼ t ti1 , 0 t ti ti1 . The Duhamel integral can be evaluated as a sum of two integrals: one due to the constant term ai of the loading and the other due to the linear term. The inteð1Þ ð2Þ grals are denoted by Di ðt Þ and Di ðt Þ, respectively. The first integral is obtained from Eq. (3.4.7) for p0 ¼ ai ai ð1Þ Di ðtÞ ¼ k " 1 ! # x xwt cos wD t + pffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi sin wD t e 1 x2 (3.5.23a) The analytical evaluation of the second integral is rather complicated. Therefore, the recourse to a symbolic language is inevitable. Thus, using MAPLE, we obtain # (" ) 2x2 1 bi 2x 2x ð2Þ sin wD t+ cos wD t exwt + t (3.5.23b) Di ð t Þ ¼ k wD w w Substituting Eqs. (3.5.23a), (3.5.23b) into Eq. (3.5.22) gives ui ðtÞ ¼ Ai0 + Ai1 t+ exwt Ai2 cos wD t+ Ai3 sin wD t (3.5.24) Single-degree-of-freedom systems: Forced vibrations Chapter 3 137 in which 1 xbi ai 2 w k bi Ai1 ¼ , Ai2 ¼ u ðti1 Þ Ai0 k 1 i u_ ðti1 Þ + xwAi2 Ai1 A3 ¼ wD Ai0 ¼ (3.5.25) Differentiating Eq. (3.5.24) with respect to time gives the velocity u_ i ðt Þ ¼ Ai1 + exwt xwAi2 + wD Ai3 cos wD t xwAi3 + wD Ai2 sin wD t (3.5.26) The presented method is exact. However, numerical methods are more convenient to compute the response to a piecewise linear loading (see Chapter 4). 3.6 3.6.1 Response to a periodic loading Periodic loads A periodic load is one whose time variation profile repeats continually at regular intervals T . It can be represented by a periodic function pðt Þ ¼ pðt nT Þ, n ¼ 0,1, 2, … (3.6.1) The smallest constant T that satisfies Eq. (3.6.1) is called the period of the periodic function. Fig. 3.6.1 shows examples of periodic functions. Many loadings in nature are periodic or can be approximated by periodic loads. (a) (b) (c) FIG. 3.6.1 Examples of periodic loads. 138 PART I Single-degree-of-freedom systems 3.6.2 Fourier series The periodic function can be represented by the Fourier series, that is, a trigonometric series of the form [5] pðt Þ ¼ a0 + 1 X ðan cos nw0 t + bn sin nw0 t Þ (3.6.2) n¼1 where an ,bn are constant coefficients to be determined and w0 ¼ T =2p is the fundamental frequency of the periodic function. The coefficients an , bn , n ¼ 0, 1, 2, … are known as the Fourier series coefficients. They can be determined using the orthogonality property of the sine and cosine functions presented below. In general, a set of functions F : ffn ðt Þg is called orthogonal in a interval ½t1 , t2 , if for any two functions fm , fn F, m, n N holds Z t2 0 if m 6¼ n (3.6.3) fm ðt Þfn ðt Þdt ¼ cn if m ¼ n t1 where cn is a constant. The set F of functions fn is complete if no other function outside F exists that satisfies the orthogonality condition (3.6.3). It can be readily shown that the set F ¼ f1, cos w0 t, cos 2w0 t, cos 3w0 t, …sin w0 t, sin 2w0 t, sin 3w0 t, …g (3.6.4) is orthogonal in ½T =2, T =2 and complete. Indeed, have Z T =2 1cos mw0 tdt ¼ 0 for each m (3.6.5a) T =2 Z T =2 T =2 Z T =2 T =2 Z cos mw0 t cos nw0 tdt ¼ T =2 T =2 Z 1sin mw0 tdt ¼ 0 T =2 T =2 for each m (3.6.5b) 0 if m 6¼ n T=2 if m ¼ n (3.6.5c) cos mw0 t sin nw0 tdt ¼ 0 for each m, n sin mw0 t sin nw0 tdt ¼ 0 if m 6¼ n T =2 if m ¼ n (3.6.5d) (3.6.5e) The coefficients an are evaluated by multiplying Eq. (3.6.2) by cos mw0 t, integrating over the interval ½T =2, T =2, and using the orthogonality relations (3.6.5a)–(3.6.5e). Thus, we obtain Single-degree-of-freedom systems: Forced vibrations Chapter a0 ¼ 1 T 2 an ¼ T Z T =2 T =2 Z T =2 T =2 3 139 pðt Þdt (3.6.6a) pðt Þcos nw0 tdt (3.6.6b) Similarly, the coefficients bn are evaluated by multiplying Eq. (3.6.2) by sin mw0 t, integrating over the interval ½T =2, T =2, and using the orthogonality relations (3.6.5a)–(3.6.5e). Thus, we obtain bn ¼ 2 T Z T =2 T =2 pðt Þ sin nw0 tdt (3.6.6c) The series (3.6.2) represents the function pðt Þ, that is, converges to pðt Þ for n ! 1, provided that it satisfies the following conditions, known as Dirichlet conditions: (a) The function pðt Þ has a finite number of discontinuities in one period. (b) The function pðt Þ has a finite number of maxima and minima in one period. (c) The function pðt Þ is absolutely integrable over a period, that is, Z T =2 (3.6.7) jpðt Þjdt ¼ k < 1 T =2 We shall say that that the function pðt Þ is piecewise continuous in the finite interval ½T =2, T =2, if it satisfies conditions (a) and (b). At the points of discontinuity, for example, point t1 in Fig. 3.6.1c, the Fourier series converges to the mean value 1 p t1 + p t1+ 2 (3.6.8) where p t1 and p t1+ are the left and right limits of pðt Þ at t1 . In practice, the periodic function pðt Þ is approximated by a finite number of terms of the Fourier series, that is, by a finite Fourier series. Let k X ðan cos nw0 t + bn sin nw0 t Þ (3.6.9) Sk ð t Þ ¼ a 0 + n¼1 be the sum of the first k + 1 terms of the Fourier series, which will represent the function pðt Þ in the interval ½T=2, T =2. Then we will have pðt Þ ¼ a0 + k X n¼1 ðan cosnw0 t + bn sin nw0 t Þ + ek ðt Þ (3.6.10) 140 PART I Single-degree-of-freedom systems where ek ðt Þ ¼ pðt Þ Sk ðt Þ (3.6.11) is the error between pðt Þ and its approximation. The mean square error Ek is given by Z 1 T =2 ½ek ðt Þ2 dt Ek ¼ T T =2 " #2 (3.6.12) Z k X 1 T =2 pðt Þ a0 ðan cos nw0 t + bn sin nw0 t Þ dt ¼ T T =2 n¼1 The error Ek is a function of a0 , an and bn . Therefore, it is minimized when ∂Ek ∂Ek ∂Ek ¼ 0, ¼ 0, ¼ 0, ðn ¼ 1, 2, …, k Þ ∂a0 ∂an ∂bn Differentiating Eq. (3.6.12) and interchanging differentiation with integration give " # Z k X ∂Ek 2 T=2 ¼ pðt Þ a0 ðan cos nw0 t + bn sin nw0 t Þ dt (3.6.13a) ∂a0 T T=2 n¼1 " # Z k X ∂Ek 2 T =2 ¼ pðt Þ a0 ðan cos nw0 t + bn sin nw0 t Þ cos nw0 tdt ∂an T T =2 n¼1 ∂Ek 2 ¼ ∂bn T Z T =2 T =2 " pðt Þ a0 k X # (3.6.13b) ðan cos nw0 t + bn sin nw0 t Þ sin nw0 tdt n¼1 (3.6.13c) Using the orthogonality relations (3.6.5a)–(3.6.5e), the integrals (3.6.13a)– (3.6.13c) become Z ∂Ek 1 T =2 ¼ a0 pðt Þdt ¼ 0 (3.6.14a) ∂a0 T T =2 Z ∂Ek 2 T =2 ¼ an pðt Þcos nw0 tdt ¼ 0 (3.6.14b) ∂an T T =2 Z ∂Ek 2 T =2 ¼ bn pðt Þ sin nw0 tdt ¼ 0 (3.6.14c) ∂bn T T =2 We observe that the values of the coefficients a0 , an , bn obtained by Eqs. (3.6.14a)–(3.6.14c) are identical to those obtained by Eqs. (3.6.6a)– (3.6.6c). Therefore, we may conclude that if a function is approximated by a finite Fourier series, the mean square error is minimized. Single-degree-of-freedom systems: Forced vibrations Chapter 3 141 Moreover, when a function is approximated by a finite Fourier series, the error in the discontinuity region is considerable, even if the number of terms of the series is very large. This is known as the Gibbs phenomenon. A technique to overcome this problem is to adapt a suitable function at the region of discontinuity that restores continuity (Fig. 3.6.2a). Similarly, a concentrated load can be replaced with a bell-shaped function (Fig. 3.6.2b). This, of course, can be done if the physical problem under consideration is not altered by this substitution. For example, the functions p t1 + p t1+ p t1 p t1+ pðt t 1 Þ , jt t1 j e (3.6.15a) sin pðt Þ ¼ 2e 2 2 pðt Þ ¼ P pðt t1 Þ 1 + cos 2e 2e (3.6.15b) where e is a small number can play this role. (a) (b) FIG. 3.6.2 Functions pðt Þ replacing pðt Þ in the interval ½t1 e, t1 + e. Example 3.6.1 Fourier series expansion of a periodic function. Gibbs phenomenon Expand the periodic function of Fig. 3.6.1b in Fourier series if t1 ¼ T =2. Solution The function pðt Þ within a period is defined as if 0 t < T =2 2p0 t=T pðt Þ ¼ 0 if T=2 < t T (1) We readily prove that the Dirichlet conditions are satisfied. Hence, the function can be expanded in Fourier series. Eqs. (3.6.6a)–(3.6.6c) give Z 1 T 1 pðt Þdt ¼ p0 (2a) a0 ¼ T 0 4 Z 2 T cos np 1 an ¼ pðt Þcos nw0 tdt ¼ p0 (2b) T 0 n 2 p2 142 PART I Single-degree-of-freedom systems 2 bn ¼ T Z T pðt Þ sin nw0 t ¼ p0 0 cos np np (2c) Hence pðt Þ ¼ N N p0 p0 X cos np 1 p0 X cos np + 2 sin nw0 t cos nw t + 0 4 p n¼1 p n¼1 n2 n (3) Fig. E3.5 shows the graphical representation of the finite Fourier series in Eq. (3) for various values of N with p0 ¼ 1, T ¼ 1. We observe that the convergence is very slow at point t ¼ T =2 due to the Gibbs phenomenon. N = 20 1.2 N = 100 1.2 1 0.8 0.8 0.6 0.6 p(t) p(t) 1 0.4 0.4 0.2 0.2 0 0 –0.2 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 t 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 –0.2 1 N = 1000 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.8 0.8 0.6 0.6 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1 0.7 0.8 0.9 1 p(t) p(t) 1 0.5 t N = 2000 1.2 1 0.4 0.4 0.4 0.2 0.2 0 0 –0.2 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 t 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1 –0.2 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 t 0.6 FIG. E3.5 Gibbs’s phenomenon in Example 3.6.1. Example 3.6.2 Fourier series expansion of a periodic load Expand the periodic load of Fig. E3.6 in Fourier series if t1 ¼ T =3. FIG. E3.6 Periodic load in Example 3.6.2. Single-degree-of-freedom systems: Forced vibrations Chapter 3 143 Solution The function pðt Þ within a period T ¼ 3t1 can be represented using the delta function.a Thus we obtain pðt Þ ¼ P ½d ðt T =3Þ d ðt 2T =3Þ Eqs. (3.6.6a)–(3.6.6c) give Z 1 T a0 ¼ pðt Þdt ¼ 0 T 0 Z 2 T 2P 2np 4np cos cos an ¼ pðt Þcos nw0 tdt ¼ T 0 T 3 3 Z 2 T 2P 2np 4np bn ¼ pðt Þ sin nw0 t ¼ sin sin T 0 T 3 3 Inserting these values of the coefficients in Eq. (3.6.2) we obtain ( 1 2P X 2np 4np cos cos cos nw0 t pðt Þ ¼ T n¼1 3 3 ) 2np 4np + sin sin sin nw0 t 3 3 3.6.3 (1) (2a) (2b) (2c) (3) Response of the SDOF system to periodic excitation As was shown in the previous section, any periodic function can be expressed as a sum of harmonic functions. Theoretically, an infinite number of harmonic terms are required to represent accurately the function as a Fourier series. However, the contribution of the terms decreases with increasing n. Consequently, a few terms are adequate to approximate the loading with acceptable accuracy. For periodic loading, each term of the series represents harmonic excitation. Thus, the total response of an SDOF system to a periodic loading can be obtained as the sum of the responses of the individual harmonic terms, provided that the system is linear, which allows the application of the superposition principle. In subsequent analysis, we assume that the periodic excitation acts for a sufficiently long time, by which the transient response due to the initial conditions has decayed. Thus, only the steady-state response will be considered. The steady-state response to the constant load pðt Þ ¼ p0 can be obtained from Eq. (3.2.25a) by setting p0 ¼ a0 , x ¼ 0, w ¼ 0 and neglecting the transient response. This yields ao (3.6.16a) u 0 ðt Þ ¼ k a. The delta function d ðt t0 Þ and its properties are discussed in Section 3.7.1. 144 PART I Single-degree-of-freedom systems For the sine term bn sin nw0 t the steady-state response results from Eq. (3.2.25a) by setting p0 ¼ bn , w ¼ nw0 , and b ¼ b n ð¼ nw0 =wÞ unsin ðt Þ ¼ bn 1 1 b2n sin nw0 t 2xbn cos nw0 t 2 2 2 k 1b + ð2xbn Þ n (3.6.16b) while for the cosine term an cos nw0 t the steady-state response is obtained from Eq. (3.2.25b) by setting p0 ¼ an , w ¼ nw0 , and b ¼ b n ð¼ nw0 =wÞ uncos ðt Þ ¼ an 1 2xbn sin nw0 t + 1 b 2n cos nw0 t k 1 b 2 2 + ð2xb Þ2 n n (3.6.16c) The steady-state response of the damped system to periodic loading results as the superposition of responses to individual terms of the Fourier series u ðt Þ ¼ u0 ðt Þ + n X unsin ðt Þ + n¼1 n X uncos ðt Þ (3.6.17) n¼1 Inserting Eqs. (3.6.16a)–(3.6.16c) into Eq. (3.6.17) gives u ðt Þ ¼ 1 ao X an 1 + 2xbn sin nw0 t + 1 b2n cos nw0 t 2 2 2 k k 1b + ð2xb n Þ n¼1 n + 1 X bn n¼1 2 2 k 1b n 1 + ð2xb n Þ2 1 b2n sin nw0 t 2xbn cosnw0 t (3.6.18) or u ðt Þ ¼ 1 ao X 1 1 + an ð2xbn Þ + bn 1 b2n sin nw0 t 2 k k 1 b 2 + ð2xb Þ2 n¼1 n n 2 + an 1 b n bn ð2xbn Þ cos nw0 t (3.6.19) Theoretically, there is no transient response when x ¼ 0. However, for small values of damping, which is the usual case in our structures, the steady-state response can be obtained from Eqs. (3.6.16b), (3.6.16c) for x 0. This yields unsin ðt Þ bn 1 sin nw0 t k 1 b2n (3.6.20a) uncos ðt Þ an 1 cos nw0 t k 1 b 2n (3.6.20b) Single-degree-of-freedom systems: Forced vibrations Chapter 3 145 which are actually approximations of the particular solutions (3.2.7) and (3.2.18) of the undamped motion due to harmonic loading. On the basis of Eqs. (3.6.20a), (3.6.20b), (3.6.16a), the approximate steadystate response becomes u ðt Þ 1 1 X ao X an 1 bn 1 + cos nw0 t + sin nw0 t 2 k k k 1 b 2n 1 b n n¼1 n¼1 (3.6.21) The response is a periodic function with a period T ¼ 2p=w0 . The contribution of each harmonic term in the series (3.6.19) depends on: (i) the amplitudes an and bn of the harmonic components of the load, and (ii) the value of b n . The terms with b n near 1 have the greatest influence on the response. It should be noted that in the case bn ¼ 1, x ¼ 0 is meaningless. Example 3.6.3 Response of an SDOF system subjected to periodic loading Determine the response of a SDOF system subjected to the periodic loading of Fig. 3.6.1b. Adopt t1 ¼ T =2, x ¼ 0, T ¼ 1, b ¼ 1:25. Solution The function pðt Þ within a period is defined as 2p0 t if 0 < t < 1=2 pðt Þ ¼ 0 if 1=2 < t 1 (1) The Fourier series coefficients are obtained using Eqs. (3.6.6a)–(3.6.6c). They have already been evaluated in Example 3.6.1. Then the response to the periodic loading is obtained from Eq. (3.6.19). Fig. E3.7 shows the response ratio Rðt Þ ¼ u ðt Þ=ðp0 =k Þ (a) for different numbers of series terms and (b) for n ¼ 50 and various values of damping ratio x. We observe that a small number of terms gives an acceptable accuracy of the response while the response for small values of x is very close to that with x ¼ 0, which justifies the expression (3.6.21). (a) (b) FIG. E3.7 Response to periodic loading in Example 3.6.3. 146 PART I Single-degree-of-freedom systems 3.7 Response to unit impulse 3.7.1 The delta function or Dirac’s delta function In problems of mechanics, we often come across concentrated loads, that is, actions that are applied to a very small region, theoretically at a point in space or an instant in time. In this section, we present a mathematical tool, the delta function or Dirac’s delta function, that allows us to handle impulsive loads in a simple way and understand better the dynamic response of SDOF systems to such loads and in general to arbitrary dynamic loads. Let P ¼ 1 be a unit force that acts on the SDOF system at time t ¼ 0. First, we consider that the force is not imposed instantaneously but it is distributed over a small time interval ½e, +e and let pðt Þ denote its distribution. This distribution, which most probably has the shape shown in Fig. 3.7.1, is not known. Nevertheless, we know that it is sufficiently “concentrated” about t ¼ 0 and that Z +1 pðt Þdt ¼ 1 (3.7.1) 1 FIG. 3.7.1 Distribution of a concentrated impulsive force over the interval ½e, +e. namely, the total force is equal to unity. If we skip the problem of determining analytically the function pðt Þ, we may assume a priori a prescribed shape for this function, for example, k=2, jt j < 1=k pk ðt Þ ¼ (3.7.2a) 0, jt j 1=k or pk ðt Þ ¼ where k is a positive number. k pð1 + k 2 t 2 Þ (3.7.2b) Single-degree-of-freedom systems: Forced vibrations Chapter 3 147 Fig. 3.7.2a and b show both functions pk defined in Eqs. (3.7.2a), (3.7.2b), respectively. Moreover, they satisfy Eq. (3.7.1), which means that they are equivalent to pðt Þ and can represent the actual force P. (a) (b) FIG. 3.7.2 Functions pk sufficiently concentrated for large values of k. The distribution of pðt Þ becomes more “concentrated” as the value of k in Eqs. (3.7.2a), (3.7.2b) increases. The limiting case for k ! 1 yields a fictitious distribution per unit time, which is denoted by d ðt Þ and defined by d ðt Þ ¼ ‘im pk ðt Þ k!1 (3.7.3) The function d ðt Þ is known as the delta function or Dirac’s delta function. When the concentrated force acts at instant t ¼ t1 , the delta function is denoted by dðt t1 Þ. In mathematics, the delta function is treated in the theory of generalized functions [6, 7]. We give below the definition of the delta function as a generalized function, and we mention some of its properties [8, 9]. For a point source applied at t ¼ 0, the one-dimensional delta function is defined by the relation Z +1 d ðt Þf ðt Þ dx ¼ f ð0Þ (3.7.4) 1 or by the relation Z +1 1 dðt t1 Þf ðt Þ dt ¼ f ðt1 Þ (3.7.5) for a point source applied at t ¼ t1 . The function f ðt Þ is continuous in a finite interval containing the source point t ¼ 0 or t ¼ t1 . The one-dimensional delta function can also be described by the relations 0, t 6¼ 0 d ðt Þ ¼ (3.7.6a) 1, t ¼ 0 148 PART I Single-degree-of-freedom systems and Z +1 1 Z d ðt Þdt ¼ e e d ðt Þdt ¼ 1 (3.7.6b) where e is a small positive number. According to this definition, the function dðt Þ has zero value everywhere except at t ¼ 0, where it becomes infinite, and satisfies Eq. (3.7.6b). Eq. (3.7.4) may be obtained using the mean value theorem of integral calculus. Thus, referring to Fig. 3.7.2a and choosing e ¼ 1=k, we obtain Z +e Z 1 1 f ðt Þd ðt Þdt ¼ ‘im f ðt Þpk ðt Þdt ¼ ‘im f ðt ∗ Þ 2e e!0 e!0 2e 1 e (3.7.7) ¼ ‘im ½f ðt ∗ Þ ¼ f ð0Þ e!0 where t* is a value of t in the interval (e, þe) Moreover, using integration by parts we can show Z b m d m d ðt t1 Þ m d f ðt1 Þ f ðx Þ dt ¼ ð 1 Þ , a < t1 < b dt m dt m a (3.7.8) 3.7.2 Response to unit impulse In dynamics, loads pðt Þ distributed over a very short interval ½e, +e are referred to as impulsive loads (see Section 3.5). The integral of the distribution of the impulsive load over the interval it acts is defined as the impulse of the load and is denoted by I , namely Z +e pðt Þdt (3.7.9) I¼ e If the impulsive load P is concentrated and acts at instant t ¼ t1 , it can be denoted by pðt Þ ¼ Pdðt t1 Þ Obviously, Eq. (3.7.5) for P ¼ 1 gives Z +e Pdðt t1 Þdt ¼ 1 I¼ (3.7.10) (3.7.11) e From Newton’s second law of motion, we have (see Appendix) d ðm u_ Þ ¼ pðt Þ dt (3.7.12a) or if the mass is constant m d u_ ¼ pðt Þ dt (3.7.12b) Single-degree-of-freedom systems: Forced vibrations Chapter which after integration over the interval ½e, +e gives Z +e +e m ½u_ e ¼ pðt Þdt 3 149 (3.7.13) e or for e ! 0 where mDu_ ¼ 1 (3.7.14) Du_ ¼ u_ t1+ u_ t1 (3.7.15) Hence the impulsive load produces an abrupt change (discontinuity) of the velocity at time t1 . If the system is at rest before the action of the impulsive load, then it is u_ t1 ¼ 0 and Eq. (3.7.14) gives u_ ðt1 Þ ¼ 1 m (3.7.16) where t1 designates t1+ . Therefore, Eq. (3.7.16) presents the initial velocity given to the system by the impulsive load. However, the displacement remains continuous, which means that (3.7.17) Du ¼ u t1+ u t1 ¼ 0 If the elastic and damping forces are taken into account, then Eq. (3.7.12b) is written m d u_ du ¼ pðt Þ c ku dt dt which after integration over the interval ½e, +e gives Z +e Z +e +e +e pðt Þdt c½u e k u ðt Þdt m ½u_ e ¼ e (3.7.18) (3.7.19) e Applying the mean value theorem of integral calculus to the integral of elastic force, we write Eq. (3.7.19) as Z +e +e +e m ½u_ e ¼ pðt Þdt c½u e ku ðt ∗ Þ2e, e < t ∗ < e (3.7.20) e which by virtue of Eqs. (3.7.15), (3.7.17) becomes if e ! 0 mDu_ ¼ 1 (3.7.21) This means that the elastic and damping forces do not influence the change of the velocity when an impulsive load is applied. If u t1 ¼ u_ t1 ¼ 0, then Eqs. (3.7.16), (3.7.17) imply that the unit impulse produces free vibrations with initial conditions u ðt1 Þ ¼ 0, u_ ðt1 Þ ¼ 1=m, where t1 designates t1+ . h(t-t) 150 PART I Single-degree-of-freedom systems t =1 t FIG. 3.7.3 Response to unit impulse. If τ denotes the instant t1 and h ðt τÞ then we obtain from Eq. (2.3.18) h ðt τ Þ ¼ u ðt Þ the produced displacement, 1 xwðtτÞ e sin ½wD ðt τÞ, t τ mwD (3.7.22a) Obviously, for the undamped system, x ¼ 0, it is h ðt τÞ ¼ 1 sin ½wðt τÞ, t τ mw (3.7.22b) Eqs. (3.7.22a), (3.7.22b) express the response of the SDOF system to a unit impulse acting at time τ. Note that h ðt τÞ ¼ 0 if t < τ. Fig. 3.7.3 shows the response to a unit impulse acting at t1 ¼ τ ¼ 1. The derivation of the response function h ðt τÞ presented previously was achieved by physical consideration. Mathematically, it expresses the solution of the equation of motion under the external loading pðt Þ ¼ d ðt τÞ, that is, u€ + 2xwu_ + w2 u ¼ 1 d ðt τ Þ m (3.7.23) The solution of the above equation can be obtained from Eq. (3.3.23) for zero initial conditions and pðt Þ ¼ dðt t1 Þ. Thus, we have 1 u ðt Þ ¼ mwD Z 0 t dðτ t1 ÞexwðtτÞ sin ½wD ðt τÞdτ (3.7.24) Single-degree-of-freedom systems: Forced vibrations Chapter 3 151 which by virtue of Eq. (3.7.5) gives u ðt Þ h ð t t1 Þ ¼ 1 xwðtt1 Þ e sin ½wD ðt t1 Þ, t t1 mwD (3.7.25) or by setting t1 ¼ τ, we recover Eq. (3.7.22a). Eqs. (3.7.22a), (3.7.22b) represent the Green’s function of the equation of motion of the damped and undamped SDOF systems, respectively. 3.7.3 Response to arbitrary loading The arbitrary loading pðt Þ can be visualized as a sequence of pulse loads of infinitesimal duration with magnitude P ¼ pðτÞdτ in the interval ½ 0, t . The response of the system to this pulse load is du ¼ ½pðτÞdτh ðt τÞ (3.7.26) Apparently, the response of the system at time t is the sum of all infinitesimal responses from t ¼ 0 τ ¼ t. This sum is expressed by the integral Z t Z t du ¼ pðτÞh ðt τÞdτ (3.7.27) u ðt Þ ¼ 0 0 The integral (3.7.27) is known as the convolution integral of the functions pðt Þ and h ðt Þ, to which we referred as the Duhamel integral in Section 3.2.2. 3.7.4 The reciprocal theorem in dynamics In statics, the reciprocity is expressed by Betti’s theorem, also known as the Maxwell-Betti reciprocal work theorem, introduced by Enrico Betti in 1872. This theorem is valid for systems with linear behavior and reads If two sets of loads FI and FII act separately on a linearly elastic structure, the work WI , II done by the first set of loads in acting through the displacements UII produced by the second set of loads is equal to the work WII , I done by the second set of loads in acting through the displacements UI produced by the first set of loads, namely WI , II ¼ WII , I (3.7.28) In dynamics of linear systems, the reciprocity is expressed by the dynamic reciprocal theorem [10], known also as the dynamic Betti-Rayleigh theorem. This theorem for SDOF systems reads If two loadings pI ðt Þ and pII ðt Þ act separately on a linear dynamic system and produce the responses uI ðt Þ and uII ðt Þ then the convolution CI , II of the loading pI ðt Þ with the response uII ðt Þ is equal to the convolution CII , I of the loading pII ðt Þ with the response uI ðt Þ 152 PART I Single-degree-of-freedom systems CI , II ¼ CII , I (3.7.29) or using definition (3.3.11) for the convolution, we may write pI ðt Þ∗ uII ðt Þ ¼ pII ðt Þ∗ uI ðt Þ or in integral form Z t Z t pI ðτÞuII ðt τÞdτ ¼ pII ðτÞuI ðt τÞdτ 0 (3.7.30a) (3.7.30b) 0 The dynamic reciprocal theorem is readily proved by taking into account that the convolution satisfies the following properties [8]: ðiÞ f ðt Þ ∗g ðt Þ ¼ g ðt Þ ∗f ðt Þ ðiiÞ f ðt Þ∗ ½g ðt Þ∗ q ðt Þ ¼ ½g ðt Þ ∗f ðt Þ∗ q ðt Þ (3.7.31a) (3.7.31b) where f ðt Þ, g ðt Þ, and q ðt Þ are arbitrary functions. If h ðt Þ represents the response to the unit impulse, Eqs. (3.7.22a), (3.7.22b), we may write on the basis of Eq. (3.7.25) uI ðt Þ ¼ pI ðt Þ ∗h ðt Þ (3.7.32a) uII ðt Þ ¼ pII ðt Þ∗ h ðt Þ (3.7.32b) We may further write pI ðt Þ ∗uII ðt Þ ¼ pI ðt Þ∗ ½pII ðt Þ∗ h ðt Þ ¼ pI ðt Þ∗ ½h ðt Þ ∗pII ðt Þ ¼ ½pI ðt Þ ∗h ðt Þ∗ pII ðt Þ ¼ uI ðt Þ ∗pII ðt Þ (3.7.33) ¼ pII ðt Þ∗ uI ðt Þ which proves the dynamic reciprocal theorem. The dynamic reciprocal theorem has many applications in mechanics, for example, moving loads, the boundary integral equation method for dynamic problems [10], etc. 3.8 Problems Problem P3.1 A machine carrying a mass m0 is placed on the slab of the building of Fig. P3.1. The mass rotates eccentrically about the point ð2:5, 2:0Þ at a distance s ¼ 1:0m with a frequency f ¼ 4Hz. The columns are massless, inextensible, and fixed on the base while the slab is assumed uniform and rigid. Determine the time history of the shear forces Qx , Qy , the bending moments Mx , My , and the torsion moment Mw at the top of the columns. The material constants are E ¼ 1:2 107 kN=m2 , n ¼ 0:2. The total load of the plate (dead plus live) is q ¼ 12kN=m2 ; m0 ¼ m=5, where m is the total mass of the slab. The acceleration of gravity is g ¼ 9:81m=s2 . Single-degree-of-freedom systems: Forced vibrations Chapter 3 153 FIG. P3.1 Building in problem P3.1 Problem P3.2 A SDOF system with parameters m, k, x is subjected to Determine the expression of the steady-state harmonic loading p ¼ p0 cos wt. response and show that its amplitude is the same with that produced by the load ing p ¼ p0 sin wt. Problem P3.3 An undamped SDOF system is subjected to the loading When w ¼ w1 , the system is set in resonance. Subsequently, a mass p ¼ p0 sin wt. Dm ¼ 0:20kN m1 s is added and the system is set in resonance, when w ¼ 0:6w1 . Determine the mass m of the system. Problem P3.4 The one-story building of Fig. P3.4a is supported by three columns placed at the vertices of an equilateral triangle. The slab is rigid and the columns are fixed at both ends and have a rectangular cross-section, a modulus of elasticity E, and negligible mass. The slab is subjected to the load for 0 t t1 and pðt Þ ¼ 0 for t1 < t (Fig. P3.4b) acting in pðt Þ ¼ p0 cos 3 wt (a) FIG. P3.4 One-story building in problem P3.4 (b) 154 PART I Single-degree-of-freedom systems the x direction. Plot the response ratio Rðt Þ of the structure and the stress resultants at the base of the columns 1 and 3 using the following data: Height of columns a ¼ 4m, cross-section of columns a=10 a=20, side length of the triangular slab a, p0 ¼ 10kN, E ¼ 2:1 107 kN=m2 , load of the plate, including x ¼ 0:05, w ¼ 8s1 , acceleration of the dead load, q ¼ 20kN=m2 , t1 ¼ p=2w, 2 gravity g ¼ 9:81m=s . Problem P3.5 The structure of Fig. P3.5a consists of the rigid girder BC and the two flexible columns AB and CD having a cross-sectional moment of inertia I and a modulus of elasticity E. The cables FB and GC have cross-sectional area A, cannot withstand compression, and are assumed massless. The structure is subjected to the impulsive loads pðt Þ shown in Fig. P3.5b and c. Study the response of the structure and determine the maximum error when the impulsive loads are substituted by equivalent concentrated forces. Plot the function D ðt1 =T Þ for the two load cases. For which value of the ratio t1 =T is the maximum error less than 2%? Data: a ¼ 1:5m, I ¼ 33,740cm4 (IPE450), E ¼ 2:1 108 kN=m2 , ¼ 1:0kNm1 s2 =m, p10 ¼ 10kN. The value p20 is deterA ¼ 3cm2 , t1 ¼ 0:1, m mined so that both loads have the same impulse. (a) (b) FIG. P3.5 Structure in problem P3.5 (c) Single-degree-of-freedom systems: Forced vibrations Chapter 3 155 Problem P3.6 Consider the structure of Fig. P3.6. The rigid column AC of circu is supported by the three elastic cables lar cross-section and mass per unit length m of cross-sectional area A and modulus of elasticity E. The support on the ground is a spherical hinge. The cables have been prestressed so that they can withstand compression. Three advertising panels are massless fixed at the top of the columns, as shown in the figure. The structure is subjected to the wind blast load of Fig. P3.6c in the y direction (see Fig. P3.6b). Determine the minimum prestress force of the cables. The cables and the panels have negligible mass. Use the data a ¼ 5:0m, ¼ 0:5kNm1 s2 =m, E ¼ 2:1 108 kN=m2 , A ¼ 4cm2 , p0 ¼ 4kN=m2 , m t1 ¼ 0:1s. (a) (b) (c) FIG. P3.6 Structure in problem P3.6 156 PART I Single-degree-of-freedom systems Problem P3.7 The one-story building in Example 2.2.1 is subjected to a blast pressure in the x direction. The time variation of the blast pressure is approximated as shown in Fig. P3.7. Determine the stress resultants max Qx and max Mx of the columns. The peak positive pressure is p0 ¼ 10kN and the peak negative pressure is p1 ¼ 0:2p0 ; t1 ¼ 0:2s and t2 ¼ 5t1 . The system is at rest at t ¼ 0. 10 8 6 p 4 0 2 t1 0 t2 p1 –2 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 FIG. P3.7 Blast pressure in problem P3.7 Problem P3.8 Show that an impulsive load generated by the load pðt Þ and acting over the interval ½t1 , t2 can be represented as pI ¼ ½H ðt t1 Þ H ðt t2 Þpðt Þ, where H ðt ti Þ is the Heaviside step function. Write a MATLAB program that constructs the impulsive load. Problem P3.9 Determine the dynamic response of a SDOF system subjected to w ¼ 1:1w, x ¼ 0, and the sine periodic loading of Fig. P3.9. Assume: T ¼ p=w, x ¼ 0:1. FIG. P3.9 Periodic load in problem P3.9 Single-degree-of-freedom systems: Forced vibrations Chapter 3 157 Problem P3.10 Determine the dynamic response of a SDOF system subjected T ¼ p=w, x ¼ 0, to the periodic loading of Fig. P3.10. Assume w ¼ 1:1w, and x ¼ 0:1. FIG. P3.10 Periodic load in problem P3.10 References and further reading [1] F.B. Hildebrand, Advanced Calculus for Applications, Prentice Hall, Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey, 1962. [2] E. Kreyszig, Advanced Engineering Mathematics, fourth ed., John Wiley & Sons, New York, 1979. [3] R.V. Churchill, Operational Mathematics, second ed., MacGraw-Hill Book Company, Inc., New York, 1958. [4] F. Oberhettinger, L. Badii, Tables of Laplace Transforms, Springer-Verlag, Berlin/Heidelberg/ New York, 1973. [5] H.P. Hsu, Fourier Analysis, Simon and Schuster, New York, 1967. [6] G.F. Roach, Green’s Functions, Van Nostrand Reinhold Company, London, 1970. [7] Μ. Greenberg, Application of Green’s Functions in Science and Engineering, Prentice Hall, Englewood Cliff, NJ, 1971. [8] T. Myint-U, L. Debnath, Linear Partial Differential Equations for Scientists and Engineers, fourth ed., Birkh€auser, Boston, 2007. [9] J.T. Katsikadelis, The Boundary Element Method for Engineers and Scientists, Academic Press, Elsevier, Oxford, UK, 2016. [10] J. Dominguez, Boundary Elements in Dynamics, Computational Mechanics Publications, Southampton, Boston, 1993. Chapter 4 Numerical integration of the equation of motion Chapter outline 4.1 Introduction 4.2 The central difference method 4.3 The average acceleration method 4.4 The analog equation method 4.5 Stability of the numerical integration methods 4.5.1 Errors in the numerical integration 4.5.2 Difference equations 4.5.3 Difference equations and stability of the numerical integration methods 4.1 159 160 164 169 174 174 175 4.5.4 Stability of the central difference method 4.5.5 Stability of the average acceleration method 4.5.6 Stability of the analog equation method 4.6 Accuracy of the numerical integration 4.7 Problems References and further reading 180 182 185 185 188 189 178 Introduction The previous analysis shows that an analytical solution of the equation of motion for an single-degree-of-freedom (SDOF) system is possible only if the external force is described by a simple function. If the excitation force varies arbitrarily with time or is given by a set of its values, an analytical solution is out of the question. However, such problems can be tackled numerically by time step integration methods for differential equations. The literature about these methods is vast. Extensive chapters and whole books cover this subject. They present the mathematical development of these methods, their computer implementation, and their accuracy, convergence, and stability. Several computer packages include ready-to-use subroutines for the solution of the differential equation of motion. Some of these methods have been specially developed for the study of the dynamic response of systems. A survey of these methods is given in [1, 2]. The central difference method (CDM), Houbolt’s method, Wilson’s q-Method, and Newmark’s method are the most well known among them [3, 4]. Nevertheless, with the increase of cheap computer power, some of them have lost their importance while others have taken dominating places in the computational arena. Dynamic Analysis of Structures. https://doi.org/10.1016/B978-0-12-818643-5.00004-2 © 2020 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved. 159 160 PART I Single-degree-of-freedom systems These methods determine the displacement u ðt Þ by numerical integration of the equation of motion m u€ + cu_ + ku ¼ pðt Þ (4.1.1) The displacement u ðt Þ is computed step by step. The numerical methods start from the values u ð0Þ and u_ ð0Þ, which are known at t ¼ 0, and subsequently marching in the integration time, these quantities are computed at instants Dt, 2Dt, 3Dt,… where Dt denotes a small time interval. The development of these methods is based on two assumptions. The first assumption is that the equation of motion (4.1.1) is satisfied at discrete time instants Dt apart, contrary to the analytical methods in which the equation is satisfied at any instant t. This means that the equilibrium of all forces, namely inertial, damping, elastic, and external, is satisfied only at discrete instants within the time interval of the solution. The second assumption is that the parameters of the solution, namely the displacement, velocity, and acceleration, vary within the time interval Dt according to a prescribed law. The accuracy, stability, and efficiency of the solution method depend on the numerical integration scheme as well as on the magnitude of Dt. In the following sections, only some of these methods, which are usually employed for the study of the dynamic response of systems, will be briefly discussed. We confine our presentation to the central difference method (CDM), Newmark’s average acceleration method (AAM) [5], and the analog equation method (AEM), a new efficient method based on the principle of the analog equation [6]. The presentation that follows is intended to discuss only the basic concepts underlying these methods and provide a few computational algorithms together with the computer programs based on them. While this material would be sufficient for many practical problems and research applications, the reader should recognize that a wealth of knowledge exists on the subject. 4.2 The central difference method In this method, the values of u ðt + Dt Þ and u ðt Dt Þ of the function u ðt Þ at instants t + Dt and t Dt (Fig. 4.2.1) are approximated by their Taylor series 1 1 u ðt + Dt Þ ¼ u ðt Þ + Dt u_ ðt Þ + Dt 2 u€ðt Þ + Dt 3 u ___ðt Þ + ⋯ 2 6 1 1 ___ðt Þ + ⋯ u ðt Dt Þ ¼ u ðt Þ Dt u_ ðt Þ + Dt 2 u€ðt Þ Dt 3 u 2 6 (4.2.1) (4.2.2) Subtracting Eq. (4.2.2) from Eq. (4.2.1) yields 2 ___ðt Þ + ⋯ u ðt + Dt Þ u ðt Dt Þ ¼ 2Dt u_ ðt Þ + Dt 3 u 6 (4.2.3) For small values of Dt, the terms of order higher than two can be neglected and Eq. (4.2.3) yields the following relation for the approximation of the first derivative at time t u_ ðt Þ u ðt + Dt Þ u ðt Dt Þ 2Dt (4.2.4) Numerical integration of the equation of motion Chapter 4 161 FIG. 4.2.1 Discretization of the interval ½0, T into N equal intervals h ¼ T =N . Further, adding Eqs. (4.2.1), (4.2.2) and neglecting the terms of order higher than three, we obtain the following expression to approximate the second derivative of u ðt Þ at time t u€ðt Þ u ðt + Dt Þ 2u ðt Þ + u ðt Dt Þ Dt 2 (4.2.5) Substitution of the derivatives u_ ðt Þ and u€ðt Þ into Eq. (4.1.1) with their approximations (4.2.4) and (4.2.5) gives m u ðt + Dt Þ 2u ðt Þ + u ðt Dt Þ u ðt + Dt Þ u ðt Dt Þ + ku ðt Þ ¼ pðt Þ +c 2 Dt 2Dt which is solved for u ðt + Dt Þ to yield m m c 2m c + u ð t + Dt Þ ¼ p ð t Þ k u ðt Dt Þ u ð t Þ Dt 2 2Dt Dt 2 Dt 2 2Dt (4.2.6) The previous equation may be written as K^ u ðt + Dt Þ ¼ P^ (4.2.7) where m c K^ ¼ 2 + Dt 2Dt 2m m c P^ ¼ pðt Þ k 2 u ðt Þ u ðt Dt Þ Dt Dt 2 2Dt (4.2.8) (4.2.9) The quantities K^ and P^ are referred to as the effective stiffness and the effective load, respectively. Obviously, Eq. (4.2.7) allows the evaluation of the displacement at instant t + Dt, if the displacements at the two preceding instants t and t Dt are known. Because u ð0Þ is known from the initial 162 PART I Single-degree-of-freedom systems conditions, the procedure starts at t ¼ Dt. Obviously, this requires the value of u ðDt Þ, which is unknown in the first instance, but it can be determined from Eq. (4.2.2) for t ¼ 0. Thus neglecting terms of order higher than two, we have 1 u ðDt Þ u ð0Þ Dt u_ ð0Þ + Dt 2 u€ð0Þ (4.2.10) 2 In the above equation, the quantities u ð0Þ and u_ ð0Þ are known from the initial conditions while u€ð0Þ can be computed from the equation of motion, Eq. (4.1.1), for t ¼ 0. Thus, we obtain u€ð0Þ ¼ ½pð0Þ cu_ ð0Þ ku ð0Þ=m (4.2.11) The stability of the CDM requires that time step Dt is less than a certain critical value, that is, qffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi Dt Dtcr ¼ T 1 x2 =p (4.2.12) where T is the period of the system (see Eq. 4.5.30). Otherwise, the procedure “blows up” with time and the solution makes no sense. This is discussed in Section 4.5. Because T is usually a small number, Dt should be small, which implies that a large number of time steps are required to solve the equation of motion. This has been a major drawback of the method, especially in older times when the computer capabilities in terms of memory and speed were restricted. This fact has led researchers to develop integration methods in which the size of the time step is not restricted by a critical value. Table 4.2.1 presents the TABLE 4.2.1 Central difference method (CDM). A. Data w (or k), m, x, u0 , u_ 0 , ttot , pðt Þ B. Initial computations B.1. k ¼ mw2 (or w ¼ pffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi k=m ), c ¼ 2mwx, T ¼ 2p=w, ust ¼ pmax =k B.2. u€0 ¼ ðp0 cu_ 0 ku 0 Þ=m pffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi B.3. Choose Dt < Dtcr ¼ T 1 x2 =p and compute B.4. ao ¼ 1=Dt 2 , a1 ¼ 1=2Dt, a2 ¼ 2ao , a3 ¼ 1=a2 B.5. uDt ¼ u0 Dt u_ 0 + a3 u€0 , K^ ¼ ao m + a1 c C. For each time step compute: C.1. P^t ¼ pt ðk a2 m Þut ðao m a1 cÞutDt C.2. ut + Dt ¼ P^t =K^ , Rt + Dt ¼ ut + Dt =ust C.3. u_ t ¼ a1 ðut + Dt utDt Þ, u€ðt Þ ¼ ao ðut + Dt 2ut + utDt Þ C.4. Increase time t ¼ t + D and check: If t ttot end. Else set utDt ¼ ut , ut ¼ ut + Dt and go to C.1 Numerical integration of the equation of motion Chapter 4 163 algorithm for the numerical implementation of the CDM in pseudocode-type notation so that the reader can write a computer code in the language of his/ her preference. Adhering to the steps of Table 4.2.1, a computer program called centr_ diff_lin.m has been written in MATLAB for the numerical integration of the equation of motion using the CDM. The program is available on this book’s companion website. It computes the displacement u ðt Þ, the velocity u_ ðt Þ, the acceleration u€ðt Þ, and the response ratio Rðt Þ ¼ u ðt Þ=ðpmax =k Þ and gives their graphical representation. Moreover, it computes the dynamic magnification factor D ¼ max jRðt Þj and the time tmax it occurs. The user of the program is responsible for providing the function representing the excitation force. Example 4.2.1 Response of a SDOF using the central difference method (CDM) Using the CDM, determine the response of a SDOF system with m ¼ 100kN m1 s2 , k ¼ 2500kN=m, x ¼ 0:05, and u ð0Þ ¼ u_ ð0Þ ¼ 0, and subjected to the load pðt Þ ¼ po exp ð1 0:5t Þ, po ¼ 100kN. Solution The solution is obtained using the program centr_diff_lin.m with Dt ¼ 0:01. Fig. E4.1 gives the response of the SDOF system. Moreover, Fig. E4.2 shows Displacement 0.2 Velocity 0.5 u(t) u,t(t) 0.1 0 0 –0.1 0 5 10 –0.5 0 t 1 R(t) u,tt (t) Response ratio 2 2 0 0 –2 –4 10 t Acceleration 4 5 0 5 10 –1 0 t FIG. E4.1 Response of the SDOF system in Example 4.2.1. 5 t 10 164 PART I Single-degree-of-freedom systems the displacement u ðt Þ as compared with the exact one together with the error u ðt Þ uex ðt Þ. The exact solution was obtained by analytical evaluation of Duhamel’s integral giving u ðt Þ ¼ 4po ð1 2xwÞ 10:5t 1xwt e + cos w t + sin w t D D e 2wD m ð1 4xw + 4w2 Þ (1) 0.2 1 u(t) computed u(t) exact 0.15 x 10 -4 u-uex 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 0.05 –0.2 u(t) 0.1 0 –0.4 0 –0.6 –0.8 -0.05 0 2 4 6 8 10 –1 0 2 4 6 8 10 t FIG. E4.2 Computed solution and error in Example 4.2.1. 4.3 The average acceleration method In 1959, N. M. Newmark developed a family of time step methods for the numerical integration of the equation of motion [5] based on the approximation of the acceleration in each time step. In the following, we describe only the well-known AAM (Average Acceleration Method), which is also known as Newmark’s method with b ¼ 1=4 or Newmark’s trapezoidal rule method. The AAM is the most widely employed numerical method in structural dynamics as it is simple to implement numerically as well as being unconditionally stable and accurate (see Section 4.5.5). It can also be employed to solve nonlinear equations of short duration motion [6, 7]. In this method, the acceleration in the interval t to t + Dt is assumed constant and equal to its mean value (Fig. 4.3.1) 1 u€ðt + τÞ ¼ ½u€ðt Þ + u€ðt + Dt Þ 2 0 τ Dt Integrating with respect to τ yields τ u_ ðt + τÞ ¼ ½u€ðt Þ + u€ðt + Dt Þ + C1 2 (4.3.1) Numerical integration of the equation of motion Chapter 4 165 FIG. 4.3.1 Variation of the acceleration, velocity, and displacement in the average acceleration method. where C1 is an arbitrary constant. For τ ¼ 0 we obtain C1 ¼ u_ ðt Þ, hence τ u_ ðt + τÞ ¼ u_ ðt Þ + ½u€ðt Þ + u€ðt + Dt Þ 2 0 τ Dt (4.3.2) Integrating once more with respect to τ yields u ðt + τÞ ¼ τu_ ðt Þ + τ2 ½u€ðt Þ + u€ðt + Dt Þ + C2 4 which for τ ¼ 0 yields C2 ¼ u ðt Þ. Thus we have u ðt + τÞ ¼ u ðt Þ + τ u_ ðt Þ + τ2 ½u€ðt Þ + u€ðt + Dt Þ 0 τ Dt 4 (4.3.3) Eqs. (4.3.2), (4.3.3) for τ ¼ Dt give u_ ðt + Dt Þ ¼ u_ ðt Þ + Dt ½u€ðt Þ + u€ðt + Dt Þ 2 u ðt + Dt Þ ¼ u ðt Þ + Dt u_ ðt Þ + Dt 2 ½u€ðt Þ + u€ðt + Dt Þ 4 (4.3.4) (4.3.5) 166 PART I Single-degree-of-freedom systems Setting Du ¼ u ðt + Dt Þ u ðt Þ (4.3.6a) Du_ ¼ u_ ðt + Dt Þ u_ ðt Þ (4.3.6b) Du€ ¼ u€ðt + Dt Þ u€ðt Þ (4.3.6c) Eqs. (4.3.4), (4.3.5) are written as Du_ ¼ Dt ½2u€ðt Þ + Du€ 2 Du ¼ Dt u_ ðt Þ + Dt 2 ½2u€ðt Þ + Du€ 4 (4.3.7) (4.3.8) € we obtain Solving Eq. (4.3.8) for Du, Du€ ¼ 4 ½Du Dt u_ ðt Þ 2u€ðt Þ Dt 2 (4.3.9) Moreover, substituting Eq. (4.3.9) into Eq. (4.3.7) yields Du_ ¼ 2 Du 2u_ ðt Þ Dt (4.3.10) We shall now express Du in terms of u_ ðt Þ and u€ðt Þ. For this purpose, we apply Eq. (4.1.1) at time t + Dt and t. This yields m u€ðt + Dt Þ + cu_ ðt + Dt Þ + ku ðt + Dt Þ ¼ pðt + Dt Þ m u€ðt Þ + cu_ ðt Þ + ku ðt Þ ¼ pðt Þ which after subtracting give mDu€ + cDu_ + kDu ¼ Dp (4.3.11) where Dp ¼ pðt + Dt Þ pðt Þ Substituting Eqs. (4.3.9), (4.3.10) into Eq. (4.3.11) yields K^ Du ¼ P^ (4.3.12) where 2c 4m + K^ ¼ k + Dt Dt 2 4m ^ + 2c u_ ðt Þ + 2m u€ðt Þ P ¼ Dp + Dt (4.3.13) (4.3.14) Numerical integration of the equation of motion Chapter 4 167 The quantities K^ and P^ are referred to as effective stiffness and effective load, respectively. Eq. (4.3.12) allows the computation of Du when u_ ðt Þ and u€ðt Þ are known at time t. Then Du€ðt Þ and Du_ ðt Þ can be computed using Eqs. (4.3.9), (4.3.10). Subsequently, the values of u ðt + Dt Þ, u_ ðt + Dt Þ, u€ðt + Dt Þ result from the expressions u ðt + Dt Þ ¼ u ðt Þ + Du (4.3.15a) u_ ðt + Dt Þ ¼ u_ ðt Þ + Du_ (4.3.15b) u€ðt + Dt Þ ¼ u€ðt Þ + Du€ (4.3.15c) It may be more convenient to compute the acceleration u€ðt Þ using the equation of motion (4.1.1) than Eq. (4.3.15c), that is, u€ðt + Dt Þ ¼ ½pðt + Dt Þ cu_ ðt + Dt Þ ku ðt + Dt Þ=m (4.3.16) Table 4.3.1 presents the algorithm for the numerical implementation of the AAM in pseudocode-type notation so that the reader can write a computer code in the language of his/her preference. TABLE 4.3.1 Average acceleration method (AAM). A. Data w (or k), m, x, u0 , u_ 0 , ttot , pðt Þ B. Initial computations B.1. k ¼ mw2 (or w ¼ pffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi k=m ), c ¼ 2mwx, ust ¼ pmax =k B.2. u€0 ¼ ðp0 cu_ 0 ku 0 Þ=m B.3. Choose Dt (usually Dt ¼ 0:1T =p) and compute B.4. K^ ¼ k + 2c=Dt + 4m=Dt 2 C. For each time step compute C.1. Dp ¼ pðt + Dt Þ pðt Þ, P^ ¼ Dp + ð4m=Dt + 2cÞu_ ðt Þ + 2m u€ðt Þ ^ K^ C.2. Du ¼ P= Du_ ¼ 2Du=Dt 2u_ ðt Þ Du€ ¼ 4½Du Dt u_ ðt Þ=Dt 2 2u€ðt Þ C.3. u ðt + Dt Þ ¼ u ðt Þ + Du u_ ðt + Dt Þ ¼ u_ ðt Þ + Du_ u€ðt + Dt Þ ¼ u€ðt Þ + Du€ C.4. Increase time t ¼ t + Dt and check: If t ttot end. Else set u_ ðt Þ ¼ u_ ðt + Dt Þ, u€ðt Þ ¼ u€ðt + Dt Þ and go to C.1 168 PART I Single-degree-of-freedom systems As will be shown, contrary to the CDM, the stability of the AAM does not demand any restriction on the size of the time step Dt. The time step, however, is influenced by the accuracy of the method and its capability to describe an oscillatory motion. Therefore, it must be small enough. The selection of Dt equal to 1/10 of the period of the system or of the period of the excitation force produces accurate results. Adhering to the steps of Table 4.3.1, a computer program called av_acc_lin.m has been written in MATLAB for the numerical integration of the equation of motion. The program is available on this book’s companion website. It computes the displacement u ðt Þ, the velocity u_ ðt Þ, the acceleration u€ðt Þ, and the response ratio Rðt Þ ¼ u ðt Þ=ðpmax =k Þ and gives their graphical representation. Moreover, it computes the dynamic magnification factor D ¼ max jRðt Þj and the time tmax it occurs. The user of the program is responsible for providing the function of the excitation force. Example 4.3.1 Response of an SDOF using the average acceleration method (AAM) Determine the response the SDOF system in Example 4.2.1 using the AAM. Solution The solution was evaluated using the program av_acc_lin.m with Dt ¼ 0:01. Fig. E4.3 gives the graphical representation of the displacement together with the error u ðt Þ uex ðt Þ. The computed error by the AAM is almost double the error of the CDM. Moreover, Fig. E4.4 shows the response of the system under the harmonic load p ¼ 2 sin 5t. Obviously, this excitation produces resonance (w ¼ w ¼ 5). 0.2 2 u(t) computed u(t) exact x 10−4 1.5 u-uex 0.15 1 0.5 u(t) 0.1 0 0.05 –0.5 –1 0 –1.5 −0.05 0 2 4 6 8 10 –2 0 t FIG. E4.3 Computed solution and error in Example 4.3.1. 2 4 6 t 8 10 Numerical integration of the equation of motion Chapter Displacement 0.01 u,t(t) u(t) 0.02 0 –0.005 –0.01 0 –0.02 0 5 10 15 –0.04 5 10 15 Response ratio 10 5 R(t) 0.1 u,tt (t) 0 t t Acceleration 0.2 0 –0.1 –0.2 169 Velocity 0.04 0.005 4 0 –5 0 5 10 –10 15 0 5 10 15 t t FIG. E4.4 Response of the system in Example 4.3.1 under harmonic load. 4.4 The analog equation method The AEM (Analog Equation Method) is a general method for solving differential equations, ordinary or partial, linear or nonlinear, of the elliptic, parabolic, or hyperbolic type. The AEM is based on the principle of the analog equation, according to which a differential equation can be replaced by another equation, the so-called analog equation, provided that the substitute equation retains the principal mathematical symbol of the differential equation, that is, the highest order derivative of the original differential equation. Thus, a differential equation whose solution cannot be obtained can be reduced to an equation with a known solution. The AEM, which was first presented in 1994 [8], has been employed as a computational method for the solution of numerous difficult problems in engineering science and mathematical physics [9–11]. Here, the AEM is presented for the solution of the equation of motion in structural dynamics as developed in [6]. It is self-starting, unconditionally stable, accurate, and conserves energy. It performs well when large deformations and long-time durations are considered and it can be used as a practical method for the integration of the equations of motion in cases where widely used time integration procedures, for example, Newmark’s AAM, become unstable [6, 7]. We consider the IVP (initial value problem) for the SDOF system m u€ + cu_ + ku ¼ pðt Þ t ½0, ttot , ttot > 0 (4.4.1) 170 PART I Single-degree-of-freedom systems u ð0Þ ¼ u0 , u_ ð0Þ ¼ u_ 0 (4.4.2) Let u ¼ u ðt Þ be the sought solution. Then, if the operator d =dt is applied to it, we have 2 2 u€ ¼ q ðt Þ (4.4.3) where q ðt Þ is a fictitious source, unknown in the first instance. Eq. (4.4.3) is the analog equation of Eq. (4.4.1). It indicates that the solution of Eq. (4.4.1) can be obtained by solving Eq. (4.4.3) with the initial conditions (4.4.2), if the q ðt Þ is first established. This is achieved as follows. Taking the Laplace transform of Eq. (4.4.3) we obtain 1 1 1 U ðs Þ ¼ u ð0Þ + 2 u_ ð0Þ + 2 Q ðs Þ s s s (4.4.4) where U ðs Þ,Q ðs Þ are the Laplace transforms of u ðt Þ,q ðt Þ, respectively. The inverse Laplace transform of Eq. (4.4.4) gives the solution in integral from Z t u ðt Þ ¼ u ð0Þ + u_ ð0Þt + q ðτÞðt τÞdτ (4.4.5) 0 Thus, the IVP of Eqs. (4.4.1), (4.4.2) is transformed into the equivalent Volterra integral equation for q ðt Þ. Eq. (4.4.5) is solved numerically within a time interval ½0, T . The interval ½0, T is divided into N equal intervals, Dt ¼ h, h ¼ T =N , in which q ðt Þ is assumed to vary according to a certain law, for example, constant, linear, etc. In this analysis, q ðt Þ is assumed to be constant and equal to the mean value in the interval h (Fig. 4.4.1). That is qrm ¼ qr1 + qr 2 (4.4.6) FIG. 4.4.1 Discretization of the interval ½0, T into N equal intervals h ¼ T=N . Hence, Eq. (4.4.5) at instant t ¼ nh can be written as un ¼ u0 + nh u_ 0 " Z Z h m m + q1 ðnh τÞdτ + q2 0 h 2h Z ðnh τÞdτ + ⋯ + qnm nh ðn1Þh # ðnh τÞdτ (4.4.7) Numerical integration of the equation of motion Chapter 4 171 which after evaluation of the integrals yields un ¼ u0 + nh u_ 0 + c1 n 1 X ½2ðn r Þ + 1qrm + c1 qnm r¼1 n 1 X ¼ un1 + h u_ 0 + 2c1 qrm + c1 qnm (4.4.8) r¼1 where c1 ¼ h2 2 (4.4.9) The velocity is obtained by direct differentiation of Eq. (4.4.5) using Leibnitz’ rule for integrals [12]. Thus, we have Z t u_ ðt Þ ¼ u_ ð0Þ + q ðτÞdτ (4.4.10) 0 Using the same discretization for the interval ½0, T to approximate the integral in Eq. (4.4.10), we have u_ n ¼ u_ 0 + c2 n1 X qrm + c2 qnm r¼1 (4.4.11) ¼ u_ n1 + c2 qnm where Solving Eq. (4.4.11) for n1 P r¼1 c2 ¼ h qrm (4.4.12) and substituting into Eq. (4.4.8) gives un ¼ un1 + h u_ n c1 qnm By virtue of Eq. (4.4.6), Eqs. (4.4.13), (4.4.11) are written as c1 c1 qn h u_ n + un ¼ qn1 + un1 2 2 c2 c2 qn + u_ n ¼ u_ n1 + qn1 2 2 (4.4.13) (4.4.14) (4.4.15) Moreover, Eq. (4.4.1) at time t ¼ nt is written as mq n + cu_ n + ku n ¼ pn Eqs. (4.4.14), (4.4.15), (4.4.16) can 2 2 3 0 m c k 8 9 q 6 1 7< n = 6 1 c h 1 7 u_ 6 c 6 ¼6 2 1 6 2 1 7 n 4 5: ; 4 1 1 un c2 1 0 c2 2 2 be combined as 3 0 0 8 9 8 9 7< qn1 = < 1 = 0 1 7 u_ + 0 p 7 n1 ; : ; n 5: 0 u n1 1 0 (4.4.16) (4.4.17) 172 PART I Single-degree-of-freedom systems Because m 6¼ 0, the coefficient matrix in Eq. (4.4.17) is not singular for sufficient small h and the system can be solved successively for n ¼ 1, 2, … to yield the solution un and the derivatives u_ n , u€n ¼ qn at instant t ¼ nh T . For n ¼ 1, the value q0 appears in the right side of Eq. (4.4.17). This quantity can be readily obtained from Eq. (4.4.1) for t ¼ 0. Thus, we have q0 ¼ ðp0 cu_ 0 ku 0 Þ=m (4.4.18) Eq. (4.4.17) can be also written as Un ¼ AUn1 + bpn , n ¼ 1, 2, …,N (4.4.19) in which 8 9 < qn = Un ¼ u_ n : ; un 2 31 2 3 0 0 0 m c k 6 1 7 6 1 7 6 6 c1 0 1 7 c1 h 1 7 6 7 6 7 A¼6 2 7 6 2 7 4 1 5 4 1 5 c2 1 0 c2 1 0 2 2 31 2 m c k 8 9 7 <1= 6 1 7 6 c h 1 1 7 b¼6 7 :0; 6 2 5 4 1 0 c2 1 0 2 (4.4.20a) (4.4.20b) (4.4.20c) The recurrence formula (4.4.19) can be employed to construct the solution algorithm. However, the solution procedure can be further simplified. Thus, applying Eq. (4.4.19) for n ¼ 1, 2, … we have U1 ¼ AUo + bp1 U2 ¼ AU1 + bp2 ¼ AðAUo + bp1 Þ + bp2 ¼ A2 Uo + Abp1 + bp2 ⋯ ¼ ⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯ (4.4.21) Un ¼ An Uo + An1 p1 + An2 p2 + ⋯A0 pn b Obviously, the last of Eq. (4.4.21) gives the solution vector Un at instant tn ¼ nh using only the known vector U0 at t ¼ 0. The matrix A and the vector b are computed only once. Table 4.4.1 presents the algorithm for the numerical implementation of AEM in pseudocode-type notation so that the reader can write a computer code in the language of his/her preference. Numerical integration of the equation of motion Chapter 4 173 Adhering to the steps of Table 4.4.1, a computer program called aem_lin.m has been written in MATLAB for the numerical integration of the equation of motion using the AEM. The program is available on this book’s companion website. It computes the displacement u ðt Þ, the velocity u_ ðt Þ, the acceleration u€ðt Þ, and the response ratio Rðt Þ ¼ u ðt Þ=ðpmax =k Þ and gives their graphical representation. Moreover, it computes the dynamic magnification factor D ¼ max jRðt Þj and the time tmax it occurs. The user is responsible for providing the function of excitation force. TABLE 4.4.1 The analog equation method (AEM). A. Data w (or k), m, x, u0 , u_ 0 , ttot , pðt Þ, ttot B. Initial computations Choose: h ð¼ Dt Þ and compute ntot , Compute: k ¼ mw2 , c ¼ 2mwx q0 ¼ ðp0 cu_ 0 ku 0 Þ=m, c1 ¼ h 2 =2, c2 ¼ h Formulate: U0 :¼ fq0 u_ 0 u0 gT 3 2 31 2 2 31 0 0 0 m c k m c k 8 9 7 6 c1 7 6 1 6 c1 7 <1= 6 c1 0 1 7 6 6 h 1 7 h 1 7 6 7 6 7 6 7 Compute: A ¼ 6 2 7, b ¼ 6 2 7 6 2 7 :0; 5 4 c2 5 4 4 c2 5 0 1 1 0 1 0 c2 1 0 2 2 2 C. Compute solution for n :¼ 1 to ntot Un ¼ AUn1 + bpn end Example 4.4.1 Response of an SDOF system using the analog equation method Determine the response the SDOF system in Example 4.2.1 using the AEM. Solution The solution is obtained using the program aem_lin.m with Dt ¼ 0:01. Fig. E4.5 gives the graphical representation of the displacement together with the error u ðt Þ uex ðt Þ. Moreover, Fig. E4.6 shows the response of the system under the static load p ¼ t, if 0 t 1 and p ¼ 1, if 1 < t. 174 PART I Single-degree-of-freedom systems 0.2 2 u(t) computed u(t) exact x 10−4 u-uex 1.5 0.15 1 0.5 u(t) 0.1 0 0.05 –0.5 –1 0 –1.5 –0.05 0 2 4 6 8 10 –2 t 0 2 4 6 8 10 FIG. E4.5 Computed solution and error in Example 4.4.1. × 10 6 -4 Displacement 10 Velocity du(t) u(t) 0 2 0 5 –5 0 10 -3 2 × 10 Acceleration 1.5 10 1 R(t) 0 5 t Response ratio t ddu(t) -4 5 4 0 × 10 –2 –4 0 0.5 5 10 0 0 t 5 10 t FIG. E4.6 Response of the system in Example 4.4.1 under static load. 4.5 Stability of the numerical integration methods 4.5.1 Errors in the numerical integration The numerical integration of the differential equations, hence of the equation of motion, introduces errors, which influence not only the accuracy of the obtained solution but also its capability to produce a reliable solution, that is, a solution that within certain accuracy represents the actual solution. Factors that may Numerical integration of the equation of motion Chapter 4 175 contribute to errors in the results obtained from well-defined loadings are of three types [13]: (i) Round-off errors: They result from calculations being done using numbers expressed by too few digits. (ii) Truncation errors: They are introduced in representing u ðt + Dt Þ or u_ ðt + Dt Þ by a finite number of terms in the Taylor series expansion. (iii) Instability errors: They are introduced by amplification of the errors from one step to the subsequent one during the computations. The stability of any method is improved by reducing the length of the time step. Round-off errors are random in nature and therefore must be treated by statistical methods. In computer calculations, it is often possible to reduce the roundoff errors by using a higher precision in the computations. Truncation errors are accumulated locally at each step. These errors provide a useful criterion for measuring the accuracy of the various methods of numerical integration, provided that the employed numerical scheme is stable. To study the stability of the numerical method, it is important to know the influence of the error introduced at one step on the computations at the next step. If the error tends to increase, then the solution soon becomes unbounded and ceases to make sense. In this case, we say that the method is unstable. The study of the stability of numerical integration methods of the differential equation of motion and general of IVPs of differential equations is facilitated by the use of difference equations, elements of which are discussed below. 4.5.2 Difference equations If tn represents the time nh ðh ¼ Dt Þ, n ¼ 0, 1, 2… and un the displacement at the same time, then we may write Eq. (4.2.6) as un + 1 ¼ 2a1 un a2 un1 + gn (4.5.1) where a1 ¼ 2 h 2 w2 , 2ð1 + hwx Þ a2 ¼ 1 hwx , 1 + hwx gn ¼ pn h 2 m ð1 + hwx Þ Eq. (4.5.1) is a recursive relation, which permits the computation of un + 1 from its previous two values. Applying this relation successively for n ¼ 0, 1, … we have 9 For n ¼ 0 u1 ¼ 2a1 uo a2 u1 + g0 > > > > For n ¼ 1 u2 ¼ 2a1 u1 a2 u0 + g1 = (4.5.2) For n ¼ 2 u3 ¼ 2a1 u2 a2 u1 + g2 > ⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯ > > > ; For n ¼ n un + 1 ¼ 2a1 un a2 un1 + gn 176 PART I Single-degree-of-freedom systems We observe that un + 1 can be computed if the two initial values u1 and uo are known. Eq. (4.5.1) may also be written as un + 1 2a1 un + a2 un1 ¼ gn (4.5.3) Eq. (4.5.3) is a difference equation of the second order [14] whose solution can yield un + 1 using the recursive procedure (4.5.2). Because Eq. (4.5.3) is linear with respect to un1 , un , and un + 1 , it is called a linear difference equation. If gn ¼ 0 the difference equation is called homogeneous while if gn 6¼ 0 it is called nonhomogeneous. In general, an equation of the form un + k + a1 un + k1 + a2 un + k2 + … + ak un ¼ gn (4.5.4) where a1 ,a2 , …,ak are constants is a linear difference equation of order k with constant coefficients. The solution of the difference equation is a sequence of uk values for which it is true. The order of the difference equation is the difference between the largest and the smallest value of the argument k appearing in it. First, we examine the homogeneous linear difference equation ðgn ¼ 0Þ. The solution of this equation is sought in the form un ¼ rn , which is inserted in Eq. (4.5.4) to give rn + k + a1 rn + k1 + a2 rn + k2 + … + ak rn ¼ 0 or dividing by rn we obtain the characteristic equation of the difference equation (4.5.4) pðrÞ ¼ rk + a1 rk1 + a2 rk2 + … + ak ¼ 0 (4.5.5) which is polynomial of order k. If we assume that all roots r1 ,r2 ,…,rk of pðrÞ are distinct, then rn1 ,rn2 ,…, rnk are solutions of Eq. (4.5.4). Moreover, because of the linearity of the equation un ¼ c1 rn1 + c2 rn2 + … + ck rnk (4.5.6) is also a solution for all n for which the difference equation is defined with c1 ,c2 ,…, ck being arbitrary constants. Eq. (4.5.6) is the general solution of the difference equation (4.5.4). The arbitrary constants c1 ,c2 ,…, ck are determined from the k initial conditions. If two roots of the polynomial (4.5.5) are complex conjugate, say r1 ¼ a + ib and r2 ¼ a ib, then we can write them in exponential form r1 ¼ reiq , where r¼ qffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi a2 + b 2 , r2 ¼ reiq (4.5.7) q ¼ tan 1 ðb=aÞ (4.5.8) Numerical integration of the equation of motion Chapter 4 177 Using Euler’s identity (2.2.8), we obtain rn1 ¼ r n einq ¼ r n ð cos nq + i sin nqÞ: rn2 ¼ r n einq ¼ r n ð cos nq i sin nqÞ thus we can write c1 rn1 + c2 rn2 ¼ r n ½ðc1 + c2 Þcos nq + iðc1 c2 Þsin nq ¼ r n c10 cos nq + c20 sin nq (4.5.9) where c10 ¼ c1 + c2 and c20 ¼ iðc1 c2 Þ. We conclude from Eq. (4.5.9) that the contribution of the complex roots to the solution is oscillatory. Finally, we examine the case where the polynomial (4.5.5) has a double root, say r1 . Then, the second solution will be nrn1 . This is verified by direct substitution of un ¼ nrn1 into Eq. (4.5.4). Thus we obtain ðn + k Þrn1 + k + a1 ðn + k 1Þrn1 + k1 + … + ak1 ðn + 1Þrn1 + 1 + ak nrn1 ¼ nrn1 rk1 + a1 rk1 + … + ak1 r1 + ak 1 + rn1 + 1 krk1 + a1 ðk 1Þrk2 + … + ak1 1 which yields nrn1 pðr1 Þ + rn1 + 1 p0 ðr1 Þ ¼ 0 The latter relation results because not only pðr1 Þ ¼ 0 but also p0 ðr1 Þ ¼ 0. The solution of the nonhomogeneous equation, gn 6¼ 0, is obtained as the sum of the homogeneous solution uno and a particular solution of the nonhomogeneous equation unp , namely un ¼ uno + unp (4.5.10) In the special case where gn ¼ g ¼ constant, the particular solution is readily obtained. Indeed, introducing un ¼ G ¼ constant in Eq. (4.5.4) yields ð1 + a1 + a2 + … + ak ÞG ¼ g from which we obtain G¼ g 1 + a1 + a2 + … + ak (4.5.11) provided that 1 + a1 + a2 + … + ak does not vanish. Example 4.5.1 Solution of a second-order difference equation Find the solution of the IVP un + 2 2un + 1 + 2un ¼ 0 (1) u0 ¼ 0, u1 ¼ 1 (2) Solution The characteristic equation of (1) is r2 2r + 2 ¼ 0 (3) 178 PART I Single-degree-of-freedom systems Its roots are r1 ¼ 1 + i, r2 ¼ 1 i and Eq. (4.5.8) give pffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi pffiffiffi r ¼ 12 + 12 ¼ 2, q ¼ tan 1 ð1Þ ¼ p=4 Hence, Eq. (4.5.9) gives np np + c2 sin un ¼ 2n=2 c1 cos 4 4 (4) Applying the initial conditions gives c1 ¼ 0, c2 ¼ 1 and the solution becomes np (5) un ¼ 2n=2 sin 4 Example 4.5.2 Solution of a third-order difference equation Find the solution of the IVP un + 3 2un + 2 un + 1 + 2un ¼ 0 (1) u0 ¼ 0, u1 ¼ 1, u2 ¼ 1 (2) Solution The difference equation is of the third order. Its characteristic equation is r3 2r2 r + 2 ¼ 0 (3) Its roots are þ1, 1, 2. Hence the general solution of (1) is un ¼ c1 ð1Þn + c2 ð1Þn + c3 ð2Þn ¼ c1 + ð1Þn c2 + 2n c3 (4) Applying the initial conditions gives the following system for the arbitrary constants c1 ,c2 , c3 c1 + c2 + c3 ¼ 0 c1 c2 + 2c3 ¼ 1 c1 + c2 + 4c3 ¼ 1 (5) which is solved to give c1 ¼ 0, c2 ¼ 1=3, c3 ¼ 1=3. Therefore, we obtain the closed form solution for the difference equation 1 2n un ¼ ð1Þn + 3 3 (6) 4.5.3 Difference equations and stability of the numerical integration methods Along with the widespread use of computers for solving differential equations, it was observed that some known integration schemes lead to errors in the solution that are much greater than expected due to discretization. Moreover, these errors for a certain value of the variable t increased, although the time step Numerical integration of the equation of motion Chapter 4 179 Dt ¼ h was reduced. To understand this behavior, we examine the solution of the differential equation u_ ¼ 2u + 1, u ð0Þ ¼ 1 (4.5.12) Using the central difference to approximate the derivative, we obtain the difference equation un + 1 + 4hu n un1 ¼ 2h (4.5.13) where h is the constant time step of the integration. The solution of the previous difference equation is un ¼ c1 rn1 + c2 rn2 + 1 2 (4.5.14) where r1 and r2 are the roots of the characteristic equation r2 + 4hr 1 ¼ 0 These roots are r1, 2 ¼ 2h pffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi 1 + 4h 2 pffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi Expanding 1 + 4h 2 in the Taylor series and keeping only the linear terms, the roots are expressed as r1 ¼ 1 2h (4.5.15a) r2 ¼ ð1 + 2h Þ (4.5.15b) and Eq. (4.5.14) is written un ¼ c1 ð1 2h Þn + c2 ð1Þn ð1 + 2h Þn + 1 2 (4.5.16) It is known from differential calculus that ‘im ð1 + eÞ1=e ¼ e e!0 Using this relation and taking into account that n ¼ tn =h, we obtain for a given tn ‘im ð1 + 2h Þn ¼ ‘im ð1 + 2h Þð1=2hÞð2tn Þ ¼ e2tn h!0 h!0 In the same way, we obtain ‘im ð1 2h Þn ¼ e2tn h!0 Consequently, for h ! 0 the solution (4.5.16) becomes 1 2tn + + c2 ð1Þn e2tn u n ¼ c1 e 2 (4.5.17) 180 PART I Single-degree-of-freedom systems On the other hand, the exact solution of Eq. (4.5.12) is un ¼ c1 e2tn + 1 2 (4.5.18) Evidently, the first term in Eq. (4.5.17) is the exact solution. The second term is spurious (extraneous) and results from the fact that the first-order differential equation is substituted by a second-order difference equation. The application of the initial conditions would give c2 ¼ 0 if the computations were exact. In practice, however, errors are introduced, which are mainly due to the rounding of numbers or the inaccuracy of the starting value. Therefore, the constant c2 is not exactly zero and consequently, a small error is introduced in each integration step. This is magnified because it is multiplied by the factor ð1Þn e2tn , which increases exponentially. Because the first term of the solution (4.5.17) diminishes exponentially, the introduced error due to the spurious solution dominates the exact solution and leads to a totally wrong result. We describe a method as unstable if the error increases exponentially with tn . For the first order differential equations, the one-step integration methods do not exhibit instability for small values of h. The multistep methods, however, which lead to difference equations of order greater than one, introduce spurious solutions and they may be unstable either for all values of h or for a certain region of the values of h. In order to decide whether a multistep method is stable, we work as follows. If the multistep method leads to a difference equation of order k, we find the roots of the characteristic equation. If ri (i ¼ 1,2, …,kÞ are these roots, the general solution will be un ¼ c1 rn1 + c2 rn2 + … + ck rnk One of the solutions, say rn1 , will tend to the actual solution of the differential equation. The remaining roots are spurious. We will say that a multistep method is strongly stable if for h ! 0 the spurious roots satisfy the condition jri j < 1, i ¼ 2, 3, …, k (4.5.19) Because we do not know which is the actual solution, the above condition should apply to all roots ri . Apparently, this condition ensures that the error diminishes as n increases. On the contrary, the error increases exponentially if jri j > 1. 4.5.4 Stability of the central difference method As was shown in Section 4.5.2, the CDM leads to the difference equation (4.5.3), namely un + 1 2a1 un + a2 un1 ¼ gn (4.5.20) Numerical integration of the equation of motion Chapter 4 181 where a1 ¼ 2 h 2 w2 1 hwx pn h 2 , gn ¼ , a2 ¼ 1 + hwx 2ð1 + hwx Þ m ð1 + hwx Þ (4.5.21) The characteristic equation of Eq. (4.5.20) is r2 2a1 r + a2 ¼ 0 whose roots are r1, 2 ¼ a1 (4.5.22) qffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi a21 a2 The type of root depends on the sign of the discriminant D ¼ a21 a2 , which may be written as pffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi pffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi s2 s 2 1 x2 s + 2 1 x2 , s ¼ hw D ðs Þ ¼ 4ð1 + sxÞ2 Because pffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffis > 0, the sign of the discriminant depends only on the factor s 2 1 x2 . Hence, we distinguish the following two cases pffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi qffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi qffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi 2 1 x2 T 2 ðiÞ Dðs Þ > 0 s > 2 1 x ¼ 1 x2 or h > (4.5.23) p w pffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi qffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi qffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi 2 1 x2 T 2 ¼ 1 x 2 (4.5.24) ðiiÞ Dðs Þ 0 s 2 1 x or h p w In case (i), the characteristic equation has two real roots, r1 , r1 , The stability of the solution requires that jr1 j < 1 and jr2 j < 1. But it can be shown that jr2 j > 1, hence jr1 j > 1. Consequently, the solution is unstable in this case. In case (ii), the characteristic equation has two complex conjugate roots qffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi r1, 2 ¼ a1 i a2 a21 (4.5.25) This gives pffiffiffiffiffi j r1 j ¼ j r2 j ¼ a2 ¼ sffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi 1 sx 1 1 + sx (4.5.26) Consequently, the solution is stable in case (ii). The stability criterion (4.5.26) is also explained by writing the complex roots in exponential form r1 ¼ reiqt , where pffiffiffiffiffi r ¼ a2 ¼ r2 ¼ reiqt sffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi rffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi 1 hwx a2 1 and q ¼ tan 1 1 1 + hwx a21 (4.5.27) (4.5.28) 182 PART I Single-degree-of-freedom systems Then solution (4.5.20) is written as pffiffiffiffiffi n un ¼ ð a2 Þ ðc1 cos nq + c2 sin nqÞ + unp (4.5.29) pffiffiffiffiffi which is bounded because a2 1. The previous investigation leads to the conclusion that the CDM is stable if the time step satisfies the condition. qffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi T T (4.5.30) Dt < 1 x2 p p This condition imposes a constraint on the size of the time step. In such a case, we say that the numerical integration method is conditionally stable. It should be noted that this condition is never a restriction for SDOF systems because the accuracy of the results requires choosing a much smaller time step, usually Dt ¼ 0:1T =p is adequate. 4.5.5 Stability of the average acceleration method We consider the equation of motion (4.4.1) at time t ¼ nt u€n + 2xwu_ n + w2 un ¼ pn , pn ¼ pn =m (4.5.31) and the approximate expressions (4.3.5) and (4.3.4) for the displacement and velocity at the same instant, namely un ¼ un1 + h u_ n + h2 ½u€n1 + u€n 4 h u_ n ¼ u_ n1 + ½u€n1 + u€n 2 The previous three equations can be combined as 2 3 2 3 1 2xw w2 8 9 0 0 0 8 9 8 9 7< u€n1 = < 1 = 6 h2 7< u€n = 6 h 2 6 7 6 7 h 1 0 1 7 u_ 6 7 u_ n1 + 0 pn 6 7: 6 4 7: n ; ¼ 6 4 4h 5 un1 ; : 0 ; 4 h 5 un 1 0 1 0 2 2 (4.5.32) (4.5.33) (4.5.34) Solving for the vector Un ¼ f u€n u_ n u_ n gT , we obtain Un ¼ AUn1 + b pn , n ¼ 1, 2, …,N (4.5.35) 3 31 2 1 2xw w2 0 0 0 7 6 h2 7 6 h2 7 6 7 6 h 1 0 1 6 7 6 7 A¼6 4 7 7 64 5 4 h 5 4h 1 0 1 0 2 2 (4.5.36a) where 2 Numerical integration of the equation of motion Chapter 2 1 2xw w2 6 6 h2 6 b ¼ 6 4 0 6 4 h 1 2 31 7 7 1 7 7 7 5 0 8 9 1> > > = < > 0 > > > ; : > 0 4 183 (4.5.36b) Applying Eq. (4.5.35) for n ¼ 1, 2, … we have U1 ¼ AUo + b p1 U2 ¼ AU1 + b p2 ¼ AðAUo + b p1 Þ + b p2 (4.5.37) ¼ A2 Uo + Ab p1 + b p2 ⋯ ¼ ⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯ Un ¼ An Uo + An1 p1 + An2 p2 + …A0 pn b The matrix A is known as the amplification matrix. The stability of the method requires that An is bounded. This is true if the spectral radius of A satisfies the condition [15] rðAÞ ¼ max fjr1 j, jr2 j, jr3 jg 1 (4.5.38) where ri (i ¼ 1, 2, 3) are the eigenvalues of the matrix A. Using a symbolic language (here MATLAB) we find pffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi pffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi 4 s2 + 4s x2 1 4 s 2 4s x2 1 r1 ¼ , r2 ¼ , r3 ¼ 0 4 + 4sx + s 2 4 + 4sx + s 2 (4.5.39) where s ¼ xw. The type of the roots r1 , r2 depends on the sign of the discriminant DðxÞ ¼ x2 1. Hence, we distinguish the following two cases (i) If D ðx Þ > 0, both eigenvalues are real. It can be shown that jr1 j < 1, hence jr2 j < 1. Therefore, the method is stable (ii) If DðxÞ 0, the eigenvalues are complex conjugate pffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi 4 s 2 i4s 1 x2 r1,2 ¼ 4 + 4sx + s 2 and j r1 j ¼ j r2 j ¼ qffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi ð4 s 2 Þ2 + 16s2 1 x 2 ð4 + 4sx + s 2 Þ The equality is valid for x ¼ 0. ¼ sffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi ðs 2 + 4Þ2 16s 2 x2 ½ðs 2 + 4Þ + 4sx 2 1 (4.5.40) 184 PART I Single-degree-of-freedom systems The conclusion is that the AAM is stable without imposing any constraint on the size of the time step. We say in this case that the integration method is unconditionally stable. Essentially, the procedure based on the condition (4.5.38) to prove the stability of the AAM is not different from that presented in Section 4.5.3, where the stability results from the response of the difference equation. This is shown in what it follows. We write Eq. (4.5.35) for tn ,tn1 , tn2 Un AUn1 ¼ b pn Un1 AUn2 ¼ b pn1 Un2 AUn3 ¼ b pn2 (4.5.41) or in matrix form 9 8 8 9 3> Un > > > I A 0 0 < = < pn = U n1 4 0 I A 0 5 ¼ b pn1 > Un2 > : ; > 0 0 I A > pn2 ; : Un3 2 (4.5.42) Eq. (4.5.42), beside the displacements un ,un1 ,un2 , un3 , contains the velocities u_ n , u_ n1 , u_ n2 , u_ n3 and the accelerations u€n , u€n1 , u€n2 , u€n3 . Reordering these equations and eliminating the velocities and accelerations yield the equation un 2a1 un1 + a2 un2 + a3 un3 ¼ c1 pn + c2 pn1 + c3 pn2 (4.5.43) where a1 ¼ 4 w2 h 2 4 4sx + w2 h 2 , a2 ¼ , 4a 4a 1 + xwh 1 xwh , c2 ¼ , c1 ¼ a a a3 ¼ 0 (4.5.44) c3 ¼ 0 (4.5.45) where a ¼ 1 + xwh + w2 h 2 4 Eq. (4.5.43) is a difference equation whose characteristic equation is r3 2a1 r2 + a2 r ¼ 0 The roots of Eq. (4.5.46) are pffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi pffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi 4 s 2 + 4s x 2 1 4 s 2 4s x2 1 r1 ¼ , r2 ¼ , r3 ¼ 0 4 + 4sx + s 2 4 + 4sx + s 2 that is, they are identical to the eigenvalues of the matrix A. (4.5.46) (4.5.47) Numerical integration of the equation of motion Chapter 4.5.6 4 185 Stability of the analog equation method The stability of the AEM is studied by considering the eigenvalues of the amplification matrix A given by Eq. (4.4.20b). Hence, the stability requires the validity of Eq. (4.5.38). Using a symbolic language (here MATLAB) we obtain the three eigenvalues pffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi pffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi 4 s2 + 4s x2 1 4 s 2 4s x2 1 r1 ¼ , r2 ¼ , r3 ¼ 0 (4.5.48) 4 + 4sx + s 2 4 + 4sx + s 2 where s ¼ xw. Obviously, they are identical to those given by Eq. (4.5.39). Consequently, we can state that the AEM is unconditionally stable. 4.6 Accuracy of the numerical integration The methods for numerical integration of the equation of motion found in the literature are numerous. They are either unconditionally stable or conditionally stable. In the latter case, wDt must be less than a certain value, which is greater than one, for example, in the method of central differences this value is pffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi 2 1 x2 . However, the accuracy of the results requires values of wDt much smaller than one. Therefore, the limitation of ensuring the stability of the solution is not decisive for the choice of the integration step, at least for the SDOF systems. Hence, the choice of method should be based on the relative accuracy of the numerical results. Actually, the accuracy of the numerical method depends on the truncation error in the Taylor series representing the derivatives (for example, CDM) or the approximation of the second derivative within the time step (for example, AAM, AEM). For free vibrations, as a measure of the relative accuracy, we define the quantities T T T (4.6.1) rn rn + 1 rn (4.6.2) PE ¼ and AD ¼ where T and T are the exact and the approximate periods, respectively, and rn ,rn + 1 are the amplitudes at the consecutive times tn ,tn + 1 . The first relation expresses the period elongation (PE) while the second the amplitude decay (AD) over time. The numerical solution obtained by the AAM or the AEM can be written in terms of the eigenvalues un ¼ c10 rn1 + c20 rn2 ð r 3 ¼ 0Þ (4.6.3) 186 PART I Single-degree-of-freedom systems or un ¼ r n ðc1 sin nq + c2 cos nqÞ n + c2 cos wt nÞ ¼ r n ðc1 sin wt (4.6.4) pffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi where r ¼ a 2 + b2 , q ¼ tan 1 ðb=a Þ, a ¼ Reðr1 Þ, b ¼ Imðr1 Þ, w ¼ q=h, tn ¼ nh. The corresponding exact solution is qffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi (4.6.5) un ¼ exwtn ðc1 sin wD tn + c2 cos wD tn Þ, wD ¼ 1 x2 , tn ¼ nh Comparison of Eqs. (4.6.4), (4.6.5) could show the accuracy of the numerical scheme. Thus, the period elongation is pffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi T T h 1 x2 ¼ PE ¼ 1 (4.6.6) T q For the amplitude decay, we can define an equivalent damping ratio x from the relation n ¼ exqn r n ¼ exwt (4.6.7) x ¼ ln r=q (4.6.8) which gives The difference Dx ¼ x x can be employed as a measure for the amplitude decay. The dependence of the period elongation and amplitude decay on h=T is shown in Figs. 4.6.1 and 4.6.2, respectively. Obviously, for small values of h=T the scheme is accurate. Note that for x ¼ 0 it is jr2 j ¼ jr3 j ¼ r ¼ 1 and Eq. (4.6.8) yields x ¼ 0. That is, there is no amplitude decay. Period elongation % 0.25 x=0 x = 0.1 x = 0.2 0.2 0.15 0.1 0.05 0 0 0.05 0.1 0.15 0.2 h/T FIG. 4.6.1 Period elongation versus h=T for different values x. 0.25 0.3 Numerical integration of the equation of motion Chapter 4 187 −3 2 x 10 x=0 x = 0.1 x = 0.2 0 Δx −2 −4 −6 −8 0 0.05 0.1 0.15 h/T 0.2 0.25 0.3 FIG. 4.6.2 Amplitude decay Dx ¼ x x versus h=T for different values of x. Example 4.6.1 Stability of Houbolt’s method Houbolt’s method for the numerical integration of the equation of motion in the absence of damping requires the solution of the difference equation [4] 2 + s 2 un + 1 5un + 4un1 un2 ¼ 0, s ¼ wh (1) Investigate the stability of the method. Solution The characteristic equation of Eq. (1) is 2 + s 2 r3 5r2 + 4r 1 ¼ 0 (2) Its roots are 1 b 12a 25 2 +5 3a 2 b pffiffiffi 3 b 1 b 12a 25 12a 25 + +5 i +2 r2,3 ¼ 3a 4 b b 6a 2 r1 ¼ (2) (3) where a ¼ 2 + s2 (4) pffiffiffi pffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi1=3 b ¼ 720a + 108a 2 + 1000 + 12 3a 104a + 100 + 27a 2 (5) The stability condition requires that jr1 j < 1 and jr2 j ¼ jr3 j < 1. This condition is satisfied, as is shown in Fig. E4.7. 188 PART I Single-degree-of-freedom systems 1 |r1| 0.9 |r2| 0.8 |r3| 0.7 0.6 0.5 |r2|=|r3| 0.4 0.3 0.2 0.1 0 | r1| (spurious) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 h/t FIG. E4.7 Houbolt’s method. Roots of the characteristic equation. 4.7 Problems Problem P4.1 Find the solution of the IVPs for the difference equations un + 1 3un ¼ 5, u0 ¼ 1 un + 2 4un + 1 + 3un ¼ 2n , u0 ¼ 0, u1 ¼ 1 Hint: The particular solution of (ii) will be sought in the form gn ¼ 2n c, where c is a constant. Problem P4.2 A SDOF system is subjected to pulse the load t pðt Þ ¼ p0 1 1 + et=t1 , 0 t t1 t1 pðt Þ ¼ 0, t > t1 Study the response of the system using (i) The central difference method. (ii) The average acceleration method. (iii) The analog equation method. Compare the results with the exact solution. Data: u ð0Þ ¼ u_ ð0Þ ¼ 0, m ¼ 50kNm1 s2 , x ¼ 0:05, w ¼ 5s1 , p0 ¼ 100kN, t1 ¼ 0:5s and ttot ¼ 10s. Problem P4.3 A SDOF system is subjected to the piecewise linear load pðt Þ shown in Fig. P4.3. Use the three discussed numerical methods to establish its response. Numerical integration of the equation of motion Chapter 4 189 Compare the results with the exact solution. Data: u ð0Þ ¼ u_ ð0Þ ¼ 0, m ¼ 50kN m1 s2 , x ¼ 0:05, w ¼ 5s1 , ti ¼ 0:01i, pi ¼ 20 1 + ð1Þi ði + 5Þ= ði + 1Þ , i ¼ 0, 2, …,100. FIG. P4.3 Piecewise linear load in Problem P4.3. References and further reading [1] M.A. Dokainish, K. Subbaraj, A survey of direct time-integration method in computational structural dynamics. I. Explicit methods, Comput. Struct. 32 (1989) 1371–1386. [2] K. Subbaraj, M.A. Dokainish, A survey of direct time-integration methods in computational structural dynamics. II. Implicit methods, Comput. Struct. 32 (1989) 1387–1401. [3] C.H. Norris, Structural Design for Dynamic Loads, McGraw-Hill, New York, 1959. [4] K.J. Bathe, E.L. Wilson, Numerical Methods in Finite Elements, Prentice-Hall, Englewood Cliffs, NJ, 1976. [5] N.M. Newmark, A method of computation of structural dynamics, J. Eng. Mech. 85 (1959) 67–94. [6] J.T. Katsikadelis, A new direct time integration method for the equations of motion in structural dynamics, ZAMM Z. Angew. Math. Mech. 94 (9) (2014) 757–774, https://doi.org/ 10.1002/zamm.20120024. [7] K.J. Bathe, Conserving energy and momentum in nonlinear dynamics: a simple implicit time integration scheme, Comput. Struct. 85 (2007) 437–445. [8] J.T. Katsikadelis, The analog equation method–a powerful BEM-based solution technique for solving linear and nonlinear engineering problems, in: Transactions on Modelling and Simulation, vol. 7, WIT Press, pp. 167–182, www.witpress.com, 1743-355X. [9] J.T. Katsikadelis, The analog boundary integral equation method for nonlinear static and dynamic problems in continuum mechanics, J. Theor. Appl. Mech. 40 (4) (2002). [10] J.T. Katsikadelis, The Boundary Element Method for Plate Analysis, Academic Press, Elsevier, Oxford, UK, 2014. [11] J.T. Katsikadelis, The Boundary Element for Engineers and Scientists, Academic Press, Elsevier, Oxford, UK, 2016. [12] F.B. Hildebrand, Advanced Calculus for Applications, Prentice-Hall, Inc., Englewood Cliffs, NJ, 1962. [13] J.L. Humar, Dynamics of Structures, second ed., A.A. Balkema Publishers, Lisse, NL, 2002. [14] F. Scheid, Numerical Analysis, second ed., Schaum’s Outline Series, McGraw-Hill, New York, 1998. [15] U.N. Faddeeva, Computational Methods in Linear Algebra, Dover Publications, New York, 1959. Chapter 5 Nonlinear response: Single-degree-of-freedom systems Chapter outline 5.1 Introduction 191 5.2 The central difference method 195 5.3 The average acceleration method 197 5.1 5.4 The analog equation method 5.5 Problems References and further reading 203 211 215 Introduction The equation of motion of a vibrating system expresses the equilibrium condition of all forces applied to the system, namely the external excitation force, the inertial force, the damping force, and the elastic force. The equilibrium condition reads fI ðt Þ + fD ðt Þ + fS ðt Þ ¼ pðt Þ (5.1.1) The forces fI , fD , and fS depend on the physical properties of the system. In the systems we analyzed, the physical properties are not time-dependent and the dependence of these forces on the cause that produces them is linear, that is, fI ¼ m u€ (5.1.2a) fD ¼ cu_ (5.1.2b) fS ¼ ku (5.1.2c) where m, c,k are constant quantities. Systems with such a physical response are referred to as linear systems. In general, however, Eq. (5.1.2a)-(5.1.2c) may be of the form fI ¼ m ðt Þu€ (5.1.3a) _ tÞ fD ¼ fD ðu, u, (5.1.3b) _ tÞ fS ¼ fS ðu, u, (5.1.3c) Dynamic Analysis of Structures. https://doi.org/10.1016/B978-0-12-818643-5.00005-4 © 2020 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved. 191 192 PART I Single-degree-of-freedom systems That is, the mass may vary with time and the damping and elastic forces may _ t Þ, fS ðu, u, _ t Þ. In this case, _ and t, that is, fD ðu, u, be nonlinear functions of u, u, Εq. (5.1.1) takes the form _ t Þ + fS ðu, u, _ t Þ ¼ pðt Þ m ðt Þu€ + fD ðu, u, (5.1.4) which is a nonlinear differential equation of the second order. A dynamic system, whose response is described by Eq. (5.1.4), is referred to as nonlinear. Although systems with variable mass are not unusual [1], our discussion will be limited to systems with constant mass. Besides, the forces fD and fS will be considered of the form fD ðu_ Þ and fD ðu Þ. Thus, Eq. (5.1.4) becomes m u€ + fD ðu_ Þ + fS ðu Þ ¼ pðt Þ (5.1.5) We distinguish two types of nonlinearity: the geometric nonlinearity, which is due to large displacements implying large deformations of the structure, and the material nonlinearity, which is due to nonlinear constitutive equations (e.g., hyperelastic or elastoplastic materials). Of course, both types of nonlinearity can simultaneously characterize the response of a system. The analytical solution of the nonlinear equations of motion is a difficult and complicated mathematical problem. Exact solutions are available only for a few cases and for differential equations of a specific form [2, 3]. The existing solutions aim rather at a qualitative study of the response of the system described by a nonlinear equation than at offering a computational means for practical analyses. The knowledge of the nonlinear response of the single-degree-of-freedom (SDOF) systems comes from approximate methods, and mainly from numerical methods. Therefore, the recourse to numerical methods to solve the nonlinear equations of motion is inevitable. The step-by-step methods play a dominant role. The Runge-Kutta methods, usually employed for the solution of nonlinear equations, belong to these methods [4]. The dynamic response of nonlinear systems can be studied effectively by demanding the fulfillment of equation motion (5.1.5) at discrete time instants Dt apart by the use of the step-by-step integration methods we discussed in Chapter 4. These methods as developed for nonlinear equations of motion are presented directly below while for the analytical methods, the reader is advised to look in the vast related literature [2, 3, 5]. Example 5.1.1 Systems with a geometrical nonlinearity Derive the equation of motion of the system shown in Fig. E5.1. The supports at A,B and the interconnection at C are hinges. The mass m at C is concentrated. The system is set to motion by the initial conditions u0 , u_ 0 and/or the vertical external force pðt Þ. The bars are assumed massless. Nonlinear response: Single-degree-of-freedom systems Chapter l A 5 193 l C φ u(t ) E, A B E, A m p(t ) fI fS S S p(t ) FIG. E5.1 SDOF system with nonlinear response. Solution During the motion, the force pðt Þ, the inertial force fI , and the elastic forces of the bars are in equilibrium The inertial force is given by the relation fI ¼ m u€ (1) The total elastic force is caused by the elongation of the bars and is given by fS ¼ 2S sin f (2) where S¼ EA d l (3) E is the modulus of elasticity of the material of the bar, A its cross-sectional area, and d the elongation of the bars. The elongation of the bars at time t is d¼ pffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi l 2 + u2 l (4) and u sin f ¼ pffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi l 2 + u2 (5) 194 PART I Single-degree-of-freedom systems Hence, the elastic force in Eq. (2) by virtue of Eqs. (3)–(5) is expressed as 2 3 u6 1 7 fS ðu Þ ¼ 2EA 41 qffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi5 l 2 1 + ðu=l Þ (6) and the equation of motion (5.1.1) in the absence of damping becomes 2 3 u6 1 7 m u€ + 2EA 41 qffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi5 ¼ pðt Þ l 1 + ðu=l Þ2 (7) Obviously, the equation of motion is nonlinear. Fig. E5.2 shows the graph of fS ðu Þ. Because d 2 fS =du 2 > 0 the curve is concave upward. In this system, the slope kT increases continually, which implies that the elastic force increases with increasing u. In this case, we say that the system exhibits hardening, in contrast to other systems that exhibit softening. In the latter systems, the curve fS ðu Þ is concave downward (d 2 fS =du 2 < 0), that is, the slope kT decreases continually, which implies that elastic force decreases with increasing u, for example, a system with stiffness fS ¼ 40u u 3 exhibits softening; see Fig. E5.3. FIG. E5.2 System with hardening. Nonlinear response: Single-degree-of-freedom systems Chapter 5 195 FIG. E5.3 System with softening. 5.2 The central difference method We consider the case where the damping force depends linearly on the velocity (viscous damping) and the elastic force depends nonlinearly on the displacement, then Eq. (5.1.5) becomes m u€ + cu_ + fS ðu Þ ¼ pðt Þ (5.2.1) The central difference method (CDM) developed for linear equations can be readily adjusted to solve this equation explicitly. Thus, using Eqs. (4.2.4), (4.2.5) to replace the derivatives in Eq. (5.2.1), we obtain m un + 1 2un + un1 un + 1 un1 + fS ðun Þ ¼ pn +c 2 h 2h or solving for un + 1 gives K^ un + 1 ¼ P^ (5.2.2) (5.2.3) where m c K^ ¼ 2 + h 2h m c 2m P^ ¼ pn fS ðun Þ + 2 un 2 un1 h h 2h (5.2.4) (5.2.5) Eq. (5.2.3) is used to compute un + 1 from the displacements at the two preceding instants. The value of u1 is computed from Eq. (4.2.10), namely 1 u ðDt Þ u ð0Þ Dt u_ ð0Þ + Dt 2 u€ð0Þ 2 (5.2.6) 196 PART I Single-degree-of-freedom systems in which u€0 results now from Eq. (5.2.1) for t ¼ 0 u€0 ¼ ½p0 cu_ 0 fS ðu0 Þ=m (5.2.7) Obviously, the numerical algorithm presented in Table 4.2.1 can be employed to write a computer code for the nonlinear response of the SDOF systems after modifying appropriately to include the nonlinear restoring force fS ðu Þ. On the basis of this algorithm, a computer program called centr_diff_nlin.m has been written in MATLAB for the numerical integration of the nonlinear equation of motion using the CDM. The program is available on this book’s companion website. Example 5.2.1 Simple pendulum. CDM solution Solve the initial value problem (IVP) describing the motion of the simple pendulum (Fig. E5.4) under its own weight, namely g (1) q€ + sin q ¼ 0 l qð0Þ ¼ q0 (2a) q_ ð0Þ ¼ q_ 0 (2b) where qðt Þ represents the angle of the pendulum from the vertical position, l is its length, and g the acceleration of gravity. The equation of motion (1) can be readily derived using the method of Lagrange’s equations (see Section 1.8). Eq. (1) admits an exact solution [6] npffiffiffi hpffiffiffiffiffiffiffi io k sn g=l ðt + T0 Þ; k (3) qðt Þ ¼ 2 sin1 where k ¼ sin 2 ðq0 =2Þ and T0 is the quarter of the period; sn represents the sn-Jacobean elliptic function [7]. Solution The response of the pendulum for l ¼ g, q0 ¼ 0:40p, and q_ 0 ¼ 0 is obtained using the program centr_diff_nlin.m with Dt ¼ 0:01. It is shown in Fig. E5.5 as compared with the exact one. FIG. E5.4 Simple pendulum. Nonlinear response: Single-degree-of-freedom systems Chapter t 5 197 t FIG. E5.5 Response of the simple pendulum in Example 5.2.1. 5.3 The average acceleration method The average acceleration method (AAM) presented in Section 4.3 can be modified to solve the nonlinear equation of motion, Eq. (5.2.1). Although this method becomes unstable for long-duration motions [9], it is presented here because it is still widely used for the solution of the nonlinear equation of motion. At time t + Dt this equation is written m u€ðt + Dt Þ + fD ðt + Dt Þ + fS ðt + Dt Þ ¼ pðt + Dt Þ (5.3.1) Subtracting Eq. (5.2.1) from the foregoing equation yields mDu€ + DfD + DfS ¼ Dp (a) (5.3.2) (b) FIG. 5.3.1 Tangent and secant of (a) damping and (b) stiffness curve. Expanding fD ðt + Dt Þ and fS ðt + Dt Þ in the Taylor series gives DfD ¼ fD ðt + Dt Þ fD ðt Þ ¼ fD ðu_ + Du_ Þ fD ðu_ Þ df 1 d 2 fD ðDu_ Þ2 + ⋯ ¼ D Du_ + d u_ 2 d u_ 2 (5.3.3) 198 PART I Single-degree-of-freedom systems DfS ¼ fS ðt + Dt Þ fS ðt Þ ¼ fS ðu + Du Þ fS ðu Þ df 1 d 2 fS ¼ S Du + ðDu Þ2 + ⋯ du 2 du 2 (5.3.4) For small values of Dt, the quantities Du, Du_ are also small. Thus, neglecting the nonlinear terms in Eqs. (5.3.3), (5.3.4), we obtain DfD cT Du_ (5.3.5) DfS kT Du (5.3.6) Obviously, cT and kT express the slope of the tangent to the curves fD ðu_ Þ and fS ðu Þ, respectively, at time t. Referring to Fig. 5.3.1a, we have fD ðt + Dt Þ ¼ fD ðt Þ + DfD However, the exact value of DfD is DfD ¼ Du_ tan fc where fc is the angle of the secant. Hence, approximating DfD by Eq. (5.3.5) introduces the error (see Fig. 5.3.1a) eD ¼ ðcT tan fc ÞDu_ (5.3.7) because cT is the slope of the tangent. Similarly, the use of kT to approximate DfS introduces the error (see Fig. 5.3.1b) eS ¼ ðkT tanfk ÞDu (5.3.8) The errors eD and eS cannot be avoided because u_ ðt + Dt Þ and u ðt + Dt Þ are not known at instant t + Dt. However, as we will show, they can be kept under a given bound, which specifies the accuracy of the solution procedure. By virtue of Eqs. (5.3.5), (5.3.6), Eq. (5.3.2) is written in incremental form mDu€ + cT Du_ + kT Du ¼ Dp (5.3.9) The previous equation is of the form (4.3.11). Hence, the AAM is suitable to _ we obtain solve it. Thus, using Eqs. (4.3.9), (4.3.10) to express Du€ and Du, 2 Du 2u_ ðt Þ Dt (5.3.10) 4 ½Du Dt u_ ðt Þ 2u€ðt Þ Dt 2 (5.3.11) Du_ ¼ Du€ ¼ Then Eq. (5.3.9) becomes 2cT 4m 4m + 2 Du ¼ Dp + + 2cT u_ ðt Þ + 2m u€ðt Þ kT + Dt Dt Dt (5.3.12) Nonlinear response: Single-degree-of-freedom systems Chapter 5 199 or k ∗ Du ¼ Dp∗ (5.3.13) where k ∗ ¼ kT + and Dp∗ ¼ Dp + 2cT 4m + 2 Dt Dt 4m + 2cT u_ n + 2m u€n Dt (5.3.14) (5.3.15) The value of Du obtained from Eq. (5.3.13) is used in Eq. (5.3.10) to eval_ Then we obtain uate Du. un + 1 ¼ un + Du (5.3.16a) u_ n + 1 ¼ u_ n + Du_ (5.3.16b) The acceleration u€n + 1 is evaluated directly from Eq. (5.3.1) u€n + 1 ¼ 1 ½pn + 1 fD ðu_ n + 1 Þ fS ðun + 1 Þ m (5.3.16c) Apparently, the value u€n + 1 obtained from the above equation reduces the error introduced by cT and kT . The study of the stability of the time step integration schemes for nonlinear differential equation of motion is an issue beyond the scope of this book. The described method gives good results if the slope of the tangent is close to that of the secant. For this reason, it is recommended to check the following errors at the end of each step kT ksec cT csec a a, ec ¼ (5.3.17) ek ¼ kT cT where ksec ¼ DfS DfD , csec ¼ Du Du_ (5.3.18) and a is a small specified number defining the upper bound of the error, for example, a ¼ 0:01. If it is min fek , ec g > a (5.3.19) then we must reduce the time step Dt and repeat the computations. Table 5.3.1 presents the algorithm for the numerical solution of the nonlinear equation of motion (5.1.5) using the AAM. 200 PART I Single-degree-of-freedom systems TABLE 5.3.1 Average acceleration method. Nonlinear equation of motion. A. Data m, fD ðu_ Þ, fS ðu Þ, pðt Þ, u ð0Þ, u_ ð0Þ, ttot , a B. Initial computations u€ð0Þ ¼ fpð0Þ fD ½u_ ð0Þ fS ½u ð0Þg=m Select: Dt and set t ¼ 0 and C. In each step compute 1. kT ¼ ðdf S =du Þt cT ¼ ðdf D =d u_ Þt 2. k ∗ ¼ kT + 2cT =Dt + 4m=Dt 2 , Dp ¼ pðt + Dt Þ pðt Þ 3. p∗ ¼ Dp + ð4m=Dt + 2cT Þu_ ðt Þ + 2m u€ðt Þ 4. Du ¼ p∗ =k ∗ , Du_ ¼ 2Du=Dt 2u_ ðt Þ 5. u_ ðt + Dt Þ ¼ u_ ðt Þ + Du_ u€ðt + Dt Þ ¼ fpðt + Dt Þ fD ½u_ ðt + Dt Þ fS ½u ðt + Dt Þg=m c Df =Du_ S =Du ek ¼ kT Df , ec ¼ T cTD kT 6. Check: if max fec , ek g < a go to the next time step. Else set t ¼ t + Dt and check if t > ttot end. Else set u ðt Þ ¼ u ðt + Dt Þ, u_ ðt Þ ¼ u_ ðt + Dt Þ, u€ðt Þ ¼ u€ðt + Dt Þ, and go to C.1 When the damping force depends linearly on the velocity, then the response is governed by Eq. (5.2.1). In this case, the previously presented incremental method can be improved by employing an iterative procedure within each step, which minimizes the error introduced by the tangent stiffness kT . The starting point is Eq. (5.3.13), which we write as k ∗ du ð1Þ ¼ Dp∗ (5.3.20) The quantity du ð1Þ is the first approximation to Dun within the time step from tn to tn + 1 . That is Dunð1Þ ¼ du ð1Þ (5.3.21) FIG. 5.3.2 Graph of the function p*(u). The index n denotes the number of the step that brings us from the displacement un to un + 1 . Fig. 5.3.2 presents the graph of the function p∗ ðu Þ. Apparently, Nonlinear response: Single-degree-of-freedom systems Chapter 5 201 the displacement du ð1Þ resulting from Eq. (5.3.20) decreases Dp∗ by dpð1Þ . Hence, there is a remaining force DF ð2Þ ¼ Dp∗ dpð1Þ (5.3.22) which must be equilibrated. The change dpð1Þ is computed using Eq. (5.3.20), if the tangential slope kT is replaced with the slope of the secant " # fS un + du ð1Þ fS ðun Þ 2c 4m ð1Þ + dp ¼ + du ð1Þ Dt Dt 2 du ð1Þ 2c 4m ¼ fS un + du ð1Þ fS ðun Þ + + 2 du ð1Þ Dt Dt which by virtue of Eq. (5.3.14) becomes dpð1Þ ¼ fS un + du ð1Þ fS ðun Þ + ðk ∗ kT Þdu ð1Þ (5.3.23) The remaining force DF ð2Þ produces an additional displacement du ð2Þ , which is computed from the relation k ∗ du ð2Þ ¼ DF ð2Þ (5.3.24) Hence, the new approximation to Dun is Dunð2Þ ¼ du ð1Þ + du ð2Þ ¼ Dunð1Þ + du ð2Þ (5.3.25) Then, it is used to compute the new remaining force DF ð3Þ ¼ DF ð2Þ dpð2Þ (5.3.26) where dpð2Þ ¼ fS un + Dunð2Þ fS un + Dunð1Þ + ðk ∗ kT Þdu ð2Þ (5.3.27) The force DF ð3Þ produces the additional displacement du ð3Þ , which is computed from the relation k ∗ du ð3Þ ¼ DF ð3Þ (5.3.28) Thus, the new approximation of Dun is Dunð3Þ ¼ Dunð2Þ + du ð3Þ (5.3.29) Consequently, for the i + 1 approximation it is DF ði + 1Þ ¼ DF ðiÞ dpðiÞ dpðiÞ ¼ fS un + DunðiÞ fS un + Dunði1Þ + ðk ∗ kT Þdu ðiÞ (5.3.30) (5.3.31) 202 PART I Single-degree-of-freedom systems k ∗ du ði + 1Þ ¼ DF ði + 1Þ (5.3.32) Dunði + 1Þ ¼ DunðiÞ + du ði + 1Þ (5.3.33) Note that for i ¼ 1 it must be set Dunð0Þ ¼ 0 and DF ð1Þ ¼ Dp∗ . The iteration procedure is terminated after I iterations, if du ði + 1Þ e DunðI Þ (5.3.34) where e is a specified small number. Then we assume that the convergence has been achieved. The value Dun ¼ DunðI Þ is considered exact and it is used to compute un + 1 and u_ n + 1 , u€n + 1 . Subsequently, the procedure continues to the next step. The iterative procedure within the time step from tn to tn + 1 is summarized in Table 5.3.2. This procedure is known as the modified Newton-Raphson method. TABLE 5.3.2 Modified Newton-Raphson method for the minimization of the error in the average acceleration method. A. Initial values ð0Þ ð0Þ un + 1 ¼ un , fS ¼ fS ðun Þ, DRð1Þ ¼ Dp∗n B. In each iteration i ¼ 1,2,3,… compute: 1. du ðiÞ ¼ DRðiÞ =k ∗ ði Þ ði1Þ 2. un + 1 ¼ un + 1 + du ðiÞ ði Þ ði1Þ DpðiÞ ¼ fS fS ði + 1Þ ði Þ 3. + ðk ∗ kT Þdu ðiÞ 4. DR ¼ DR DpðiÞ 5. du ði + 1Þ ¼ DRði + 1Þ =k ∗ 6. If du ði + 1Þ =DunðI Þ > e set i ¼ i + 1 and go to B.2 Adhering to the steps in Table 5.3.1, a computer program called av_acc_ nlin.m has been written in MATLAB for the solution of the nonlinear equation of motion. The electronic version of the program is available on this book’s companion website. Example 5.3.1 Simple pendulum. AAM solution Solve the IVP describing the motion of the simple pendulum (Fig. E5.4) under its own weight. The motion is described by Eqs. (1), (2a), (2b) of Example 5.2.1. Solution The solution is obtained using the program av_acc_nlin.m with Dt ¼ 0:01. The response is shown in Fig. E5.5 as compared with the exact one. Nonlinear response: Single-degree-of-freedom systems Chapter 5.4 5 203 The analog equation method The solution procedure developed in Section 4.4 for the linear equation of motion can be straightforwardly extended to the nonlinear equation. The nonlinear IVP treated here is described by the equations m u€ + fD ðu_ Þ + fS ðu Þ ¼ pðt Þ u ð0Þ ¼ u0 , u_ ð0Þ ¼ u_ 0 (5.4.1) (5.4.2) where fD ðu_ Þ and fS ðu Þ are nonlinear functions of their arguments. Applying Eq. (5.4.1) for t ¼ nDt, we obtain mq n + fD ðu_ n Þ + fS ðun Þ ¼ pn , qn ¼ u€n Moreover, Eqs. (4.4.14), (4.4.15) hold also, that is, 2 c1 3 2 c1 3 " #( ) " #( ) + h 1 u_ n 0 1 u_ n1 6 27 6 2 7 qn + 4 q ¼ +4 5 c2 c2 5 n1 1 0 un un1 1 0 + 2 2 (5.4.3) (5.4.4) TABLE 5.4.1 The analog equation method. Nonlinear equation of motion. A. Data Read: m, fD ðu_ Þ, fS ðu Þ, u0 , u_ 0 , pðt Þ, ttot B. Initial computations 1. Select: h ¼ Dt and compute ntot 2. Compute: c1 ¼ h 2 =2, c2 ¼ h, q0 ¼ ½pðt Þ fD ðu_ 0 Þ + fS ðu0 Þ=m C. Compute solution for n ¼ 1 to ntot solve for fqn u_ n un gT the system of the nonlinear algebraic equations: mq n + fD ðu_ n Þ + fS ðun Þ ¼ pn 2 c 3 2 c 3 1 1 + h 1 u_ n 0 1 u_ n1 6 27 6 2 7 ¼ + 4 c 5qn + 4 c 5qn1 2 2 1 0 un 1 0 un1 + 2 2 Eqs. (5.4.3), (5.4.4) constitute a system of three algebraic equations, one nonlinear and the other two linear. They can be solved successively for n ¼ 1, 2, … to yield the solution un and the derivatives u_ n , u€n ¼ qn at instant t ¼ nh T . For n ¼ 1, the value q0 appears in the right side of Eq. (5.4.4). This quantity is readily obtained from Eq. (5.4.1) for t ¼ 0. This yields q0 ¼ ½pð0Þ fD ðu_ 0 Þ + fS ðu0 Þ=m (5.4.5) Several procedures can be applied to solve this system of algebraic equations. For example, a simple procedure is to substitute un and u_ n from Eq. (5.4.4) into Eq. (5.4.3) and solve the resulting nonlinear equation for qn . This can be achieved by employing any ready-to-use subroutine for nonlinear algebraic equations, for example, MATLAB function fsolve. The steps of the 204 PART I Single-degree-of-freedom systems solution procedure are presented in Table 5.4.1. Adhering to the steps of this table, a computer program called aem_nlin.m has been written in MATLAB for the numerical integration of the nonlinear equation of motion using the AEM. The program is available on this book’s companion website. It computes the displacement u ðt Þ, the velocity u_ ðt Þ, and the acceleration u€ðt Þ. Example 5.4.1 The Duffing equation. AEM solution Use the AEM to solve the IVP for the Duffing equation u€ + 0:2u_ + u + u 3 ¼ pðt Þ (1) u ð 0Þ ¼ 0 (2a) u_ ð0Þ ¼ 1 (2b) For pðt Þ ¼ e0:1t ½ð0:01sin t 0:2cost sin t Þ 0:2ð0:1 sin t cos t Þ + sin t + e0:2t ð sin t Þ3 Eq. (1) admits an exact solution uexact ðt Þ ¼ e0:1t sin t. Solution The solution is obtained using the program aem_nlin.m with Dt ¼ 0:01. The graph of the solution is shown in Fig. E5.6 as compared with the exact one. 1 Computed Exact 0.8 error X103 0.6 0.4 0.2 0 −0.2 −0.4 −0.6 −0.8 0 5 10 15 t FIG. E5.6 Solution u and error u uexact in Example 5.4.1. 20 25 Nonlinear response: Single-degree-of-freedom systems Chapter 5 205 Example 5.4.2 Response of a nonlinear system with hardening Use the AEM to study the dynamic response of the SDOF system shown in Fig. E5.1, when it is subjected to: (i) An initial displacement u0 ¼ 0:05m from the position of static equilibrium. (ii) External load p0 ¼ mg suddenly applied at time t ¼ 0. (iii) External load pðt Þ ¼ 10 sin Wt. Data: m ¼ 3:8722kN m1 s2 , E ¼ 2:1 108 kN=m2 , A ¼ 3:142 104 m2 , g ¼ 9:81m=s2 , l ¼ 3:00m. Solution (i) The static displacement ust produced by the weight of the body is calculated from Eq. (7) of Example 5.1.1 for u€ ¼ 0 and pðt Þ ¼ mg, namely qffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi (1) 2EAðust =l Þ 1 1= 1 + ðust =l Þ2 ¼ mg which is solved for the data of the problem to yield ust ¼ 0:25m. The external force is the constant weight of the body, that is, pðt Þ ¼ mg, while the elastic force (2) fS ðust + u Þ where u ¼ u ðt Þ denotes the additional displacement due to the dynamic response. Thus, the equation of motion becomes m u€ + fS ðust + u Þ ¼ mg (3) u_ 0 ¼ 0 (4) with initial conditions u0 ¼ 0:05m, It should be noted that due to the nonlinearity of the elastic force, the superposition of the displacements does not apply. The computed response of the system with Dt ¼ 0:01 is shown in Fig. E5.7. (ii) In this case the equation of motion reads m u€ + fS ðu Þ ¼ mg (5) u0 ¼ 0, u_ 0 ¼ 0 (6) with initial conditions where u ¼ u ðt Þ denotes the total dynamic displacement from the undeformed position. The computed response of the system with Dt ¼ 0:01 is shown in Fig. E5.8. (iii) In this case, the IVP becomes m u€ + fS ðu Þ ¼ mg + 10sin Wt (7) u0 ¼ 0, u_ 0 ¼ 0 (8) The computed response with Dt ¼ 0:01 is shown in Fig. E5.9 for the ratio pffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi W=w ¼ 0:1, where w ¼ EA=lm . In all cases, the results are compared with those obtained by the CDM 206 PART u(t) I Single-degree-of-freedom systems t u(t) FIG. E5.7 Response in Example 5.4.2 (i). t FIG. E5.8 Response in Example 5.4.2 (ii). FIG. E5.9 Response in Example 5.4.2 (iii). Nonlinear response: Single-degree-of-freedom systems Chapter 5 207 Example 5.4.3 Response of a nonlinear system with softening Study the dynamic response of a SDOF system with the following data: m ¼ 1kN m1 s2 , u ð0Þ ¼ 1m, u_ ð0Þ ¼ 1m=s, fS ¼ 2u 3 , and ttot ¼ 1s. Because d 2 fS=du 2 ¼ 12u < 0 the system exhibits softening. The integration of the equation of motion will be performed using all three methods, that is, CDM, AAM, and AEM. The problem admits an exact solution u ðt Þ ¼ 1=ð1 + t Þ. Solution The IVP is u€ 2u 3 ¼ 0 (1) u0 ¼ 1, u_ 0 ¼ 1 (2) The solution in the interval 0 t 1 for Dt ¼ 0:001 is shown in Fig. E5.10. FIG. E5.10 Response of the SDOF system in Example 5.4.2. 208 PART I Single-degree-of-freedom systems Example 5.4.4 Response of an elastoplastic system In this example, the dynamic response of a system with material nonlinearity is studied. The one-story building (Fig. E5.11a) is modeled as a SDOF system with mass m. The structure is subjected to the horizontal rectangular pulse load pðt Þ of Fig. E5.11b. The material is elastoplastic in nature. This yields the forcedisplacement relation shown in Fig. E5.12 due to the elastoplastic hinges produced by the horizontal load. Neglecting damping, study the response of the system using both the AAM and AEM. Data: t1 ¼ 0:25s, fSy ¼ 69:68kN, k ¼ 5360kN=m, m ¼ 36kN m1 s2 , and p0 ¼ 45kN. (b) (a) FIG. E5.11 System with a material nonlinearity in Example 5.4.4. FIG. E5.12 Restoring force in Example 5.4.4. Solution It is fSy 69:68 ¼ 0:013m ¼ yield displacement uy ¼ ¼ k 5360:00 um ¼ maximum displacement where the velocity changes sign uR ¼ um uy ¼ remaining plastic deformation The equation of motion is m u€ + fS ðu Þ ¼ pðt Þ Nonlinear response: Single-degree-of-freedom systems Chapter 5 209 where fS is the stiffness of the structure. It is fS ¼ ku if u < uy ¼ 0:013m if u fS ¼ fSy y u um fS ¼ fSy k ðum u Þ if um 2uy < u < um , u_ < 0 Moreover, we have rffiffiffiffiffi k w¼ ¼ 12:20s1 , m T¼ 2p ¼ 0:515s w (i) Solution by the AAM. We employ the AAM following the displacement step by step. At instant t we have pðt Þ fS ¼ 0:0278½pðt Þ fS m 4m 4 36 k ∗ ¼ kT + 2 ¼ k + ¼ kT + 1, 440, 000, kT ¼ 0, u > uy Dt 0:012 The numerical results obtained by the AAM with Dt ¼ 0:01 < T =10 are shown in Table E5.1 for two different time steps. u€ ¼ (ii) Solution by AEM. A computer program has been written in MATLAB for the evaluation of the elastoplastic response of the SDOF system. The obtained numerical results are shown in Table E5.1 for two different time steps. Finally, the time history of response of the system as well as of the restoring force are shown in Fig. E5.13. and Fig. E5.14. TABLE E5.1 Numerical solution of elastoplastic system in Example 5.4.4. u ðt Þ (cm) Dt ¼ 0:01 t (s) AEM AAM Dt ¼ 0:001 AEM AAM 0.00 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.05 0.124 0.151 0.149 0.151 0.10 0.503 0.550 0.546 0.551 0.15 1.003 1.053 1.050 1.055 0.20 1.446 1.483 1.480 1.484 0.25 1.721 1.745 1.743 1.745 0.30 1.643 1.709 1.677 1.677 Continued TABLE E5.1 Numerical solution of elastoplastic system in Example 5.4.4.—cont’d u ðt Þ (cm) Dt ¼ 0:01 t (s) AEM AAM Dt ¼ 0:001 AEM AAM 0.35 1.134 1.234 1.177 1.175 0.40 0.378 0.487 0.423 0.421 0.45 0.353 0.262 0.312 0.313 0.50 0.796 0.744 0.763 0.763 0.55 0.791 0.786 0.768 0.766 0.60 0.341 0.374 0.324 0.321 0.65 0.393 0.343 0.408 0.412 0.70 1.147 1.107 1.164 1.167 0.75 1.649 1.642 1.671 1.673 0.80 1.718 1.757 1.747 1.747 0.85 1.330 1.410 1.363 1.362 0.90 0.624 0.726 0.659 0.658 0.95 0.145 0.049 0.111 0.113 1.00 0.701 0.637 0.663 0.663 FIG. E5.13 Displacement in Example 5.4.4. Nonlinear response: Single-degree-of-freedom systems Chapter 5 211 FIG. E5.14 Restoring force in Example 5.4.4. 5.5 Problems Problem P5.1 Show that the motion of the simple pendulum is governed by the IVP g (1) q€ + sin q ¼ 0, qð0Þ ¼ q0 , q_ ð0Þ ¼ q_ 0 l Solve the equation of motion numerically when g=l ¼ 1, q0 ¼ 0:1p, q_ 0 ¼ 0 and compute the period T of the pendulum. Give the graphical representation of the function T ¼ T ðq0 Þ, 0:1 q0 1 for the two time steps Dt ¼ 0:1 and Dt ¼ 0:0001. Compare with the exact expression sffiffiffi Z l p=2 df sin ðq=2Þ pffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi , k ¼ sin ðq0 =2Þ, sin f ¼ (2) T ðq 0 Þ ¼ 4 g 0 sin ðq0 =2Þ 1 k 2 sin 2 f Use numerical integration to evaluate the Legendre elliptic integral of first kind in Eq. (2). Problem P5.2 The support O of the simple pendulum in Fig. P5.2 is subjected The rotation about the to the horizontal harmonic motion u ðt Þ ¼ u0 sin wt. support is elastically restrained by the spring CR . Study the motion of the system if g=l ¼ 1, u0 w2 =l ¼ 5, CR ¼ kl 2 =2, q0 ¼ p=6, q_ 0 ¼ 0, u0 ¼ 0:1m, w ¼ 5s1 . 212 PART I Single-degree-of-freedom systems FIG. P5.2 Pendulum in problem P5.2. Problem P5.3 Study the response of the system shown in Fig. P5.3, when (i) u ð0Þ ¼ 0:05m, u_ ð0Þ ¼ 0, pðt Þ ¼ 0. The initial displacement will be taken from the position of the static equilibrium. (ii) u ð0Þ ¼ u_ ð0Þ ¼ 0, pðt Þ ¼ mg ð1 t=t1 ÞH ðt1 t Þ:pffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi where w ¼ kmin =m . (iii) u ð0Þ ¼ u_ ð0Þ ¼ 0, P ðt Þ ¼ 15sin wt, (iv) Plot of the dependence of the period T as a function of u0 , T ¼ T ðu0 Þ, if u_ ð0Þ ¼ 0 and pðt Þ ¼ 0. The initial displacement will be taken from the position of the static equilibrium. Data: t1 ¼ 1s, ttot ¼ 5s, m ¼ 10kN m1 s2 , E ¼ 2:1 108 kN=m2 , A ¼ 1cm2 , L ¼ 4:0m, and g ¼ 9:81 ms2 . The cables are assumed massless to avoid the sag due to self-weight [10–12]. FIG. P5.3 System in problem P5.3. Problem P5.4 Study the response of the system shown in Fig. P5.3 if the elastic force is approximated by the first three terms of its Tailor series. Compare the results with those in Problem P5.3 when pðt Þ ¼ mg ð1 t=t1 ÞH ðt1 t Þ and u ð0Þ ¼ u_ ð0Þ ¼ 0. Problem P5.5 The response of a nonlinear system is governed by the following equation, known as the van der Pol equation u€ m 1 u 2 u_ + u ¼ 0 Plot the solution u ðt Þ, if u ð0Þ ¼ 0, u_ ð0Þ ¼ 0:1 and for (i) m ¼ 0:2 (ii) m ¼ 1:2. Problem P5.6 The horizontal beams of the frame in Fig. P5.6 have negligible mass and are flexible while the shear walls having a uniform mass density with Nonlinear response: Single-degree-of-freedom systems Chapter 5 213 specific weight g are assumed rigid. Their support on the ground is elastic and it is expressed by the relation 1 (a) MR ¼ CR f f2 4 The system is set in motion by the initial conditions u0 ¼ 5cm, u_ 0 ¼ 0. Plot the dependence of the ratio T=T0 (T0 is the period of the structure resulting when the nonlinear term in Eq. a is ignored) on the initial displacement and discuss the influence of the nonlinearity of the elastic supports on the response of the structure. Data: a ¼ 5m, g ¼ 24kN=m3 , E¼2.1107kN/m2, CR ¼ EI =5a, and cross-sectional dimensions of the beam 0:20 0:40m2 . FIG. P5.6 Frame in problem P5.6. Problem P5.7 The buoy of Fig. P5.7 consists of two massless cones with a base dimeter 2R and a height h. A concentrated mass m attached at the bottom of the body keeps the buoy floating at the position shown in the figure. Study the FIG. P5.7 Floating buoy in problem P5.7. 214 PART I Single-degree-of-freedom systems vertical motion of the buoy if it is displaced vertically downward from the equilibrium position by u0 . Data: m ¼ 10kNm1 s2 h ¼ 5m, R ¼ 2m, u ð0Þ ¼ 0:30m, u_ ð0Þ ¼ 0, and specific weight of the liquid g ¼ 2kN=m3 . Problem P5.8 The water tower of Fig. P5.8a is subjected to the blast load of Fig. P5.8b. The response of the structuren is elastoplastic. The h iorestoring force in the elastic branch is given by fS ¼ ku 1 + 1= 1 + ð10u Þ6 =2 (Fig. P5.8c). The structure is modeled by a SDOF system. Study the response of the structure in the interval of t 0 ¼ 1s. Data: m ¼ 50kNm1 s2 , k ¼ 2000kN=m, x ¼ 0:07, p0 ¼ 25kN, t1 ¼ 0:1s, and yield displacement uy ¼ 0:1m. (b) (a) { (c) FIG. P5.8 Water tower in problem P5.8. } Nonlinear response: Single-degree-of-freedom systems Chapter 5 215 References and further reading [1] J.T. Katsikadelis, Derivation of Newton’s law of motion using Galileo’s experimental data, Acta Mech. 226 (9) (2015) 3195–3204, https://doi.org/10.1007/s00707-015-1354-y. [2] H. Nayfeh, D.T. Mook, Nonlinear Oscillations, John Wiley & Sons, Inc, New York, 1995. [3] F. Verhulst, Nonlinear Differential Equations and Dynamical Systems, Springer, SpringerVerlag, Berlin Heidelberg, 1996. [4] J.C. Butcher, Numerical Methods for Ordinary Differential Equations, second ed., John Wiley & Sons Ltd, 2008. [5] H.T. Davis, Introduction to Nonlinear Differential and Integral Equations, Dover Publications Inc, New York, 2010. [6] A. Belendez, C. Pascual, D.I. Mendez, T. Belendez, C. Neipp, Exact solution for the nonlinear pendulum, Rev. Bras. Ensimo Fis. 29 (4) (2007) 645–648. [7] M. Abramowitz, I.A. Stegun (Eds.), Handbook of Mathematical Functions, Dover Publications, New York, 1970. [8] K.J. Bathe, Conserving energy and momentum in nonlinear dynamics: a simple implicit time integration scheme, Comput. Struct. 85 (2007) 437–445. [9] J.T. Katsikadelis, A new direct time integration method for the equations of motion in structural dynamics, Angew. Math. Mech. 94 (9) (2014) 757–774, https://doi.org/10.1002/ zamm.20120024. [10] J.W. Leonard, Tension Structures, McGraw-Hill, New York, 1988. [11] J.T. Katsikadelis, Finite deformation of cables under 3-D loading: an analytic solution, in: D.E. Beskos, D.L. Karabalis, A.N. Kounadis (Eds.), Proc. of the 4th National Congress on Steel Structures, Patras, May 24–25, vol. II, 2002, pp. 526–534. [12] C.G. Tsiatas, J.T. Katsikadelis, Nonlinear analysis of elastic cable-supported membranes, Eng. Anal. Bound. Elem. 35 (2011) 1149–1158. Chapter 6 Response to ground motion and vibration isolation Chapter outline 6.1 Introduction 6.2 Equation of motion: Relative displacement 6.2.1 Response spectra 6.3 Equation of motion in terms of the total displacement 6.1 217 217 220 6.4 Vibration isolation 6.4.1 Transmission of force 6.4.2 Transmission of motion 6.5 Problems References and further reading 235 235 237 240 243 230 Introduction Structural systems are often excited by the motion of their support. The response of a structure to support excitation is dynamic even though no external dynamic loads act on it. The seismic motion of the ground represents a typical example of support excitation of structures. The study of the response of structures to earthquake-induced motion is a specific but very important subject of structural dynamics. It is discussed in depth in books on earthquake engineering as well as in books on structural dynamics, preparing engineers to design structures for earthquake-induced motion [1,2]. This book treats the dynamic response of structures when the excitation force is known. Therefore, the discussion in this chapter is limited only to the study of the dynamic response of the SDOF system due to support excitation. Besides, some basic concepts such as the response spectrum concept, which facilitates the dynamic analysis of structures due to ground motion, are presented. The general problem of the support excitation of structures will be examined later when the MDOF (multi-degreeof-freedom) systems are studied. The transmission of vibrations from the structure to the fundament and vice versa are also discussed. Illustrative examples analyzing the response of SDOF systems due to ground motion are presented. The pertinent bibliography with recommended references for further reading is also included. The chapter is enriched with problems to be solved. 6.2 Equation of motion: Relative displacement Fig. 6.2.1 shows a simplified dynamic model of a one-story shear building whose support moves horizontaly according to a known law described by the Dynamic Analysis of Structures. https://doi.org/10.1016/B978-0-12-818643-5.00006-6 © 2020 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved. 217 218 PART I Single-degree-of-freedom systems function ug ðt Þ. The usual method to analyze the motion of the system is to decompose the total displacement, namely the displacement with respect to a fixed reference frame, utot , in two components (Fig. 6.2.1) utot ðt Þ ¼ ug ðt Þ + u ðt Þ (6.2.1) where u ðt Þ is the relative displacement of the top of the column with respect to its base. The deformation of the structure is caused by the relative displacement u ðt Þ. Therefore, the elastic force fS ðt Þ and the damping force fD ðt Þ depend only on u ðt Þ and u_ ðt Þ, respectively. However, the inertial force fI ðt Þ depends on the total acceleration u€tot ðt Þ. Thus, we will have fI ðt Þ ¼ m u€tot ðt Þ, fS ðt Þ ¼ ku ðt Þ, fD ðt Þ ¼ cu_ ðt Þ (6.2.2) utot ug Fixed axis of reference m m c (a) fI u k k ug (t ) (b) m mutot fS fD c cu ku (c) FIG. 6.2.1 SDOF system subjected to ground motion (a), Dynamic model (b), Forces on the free body (c). The dynamic equilibrium of the system (see Fig. 6.2.1c) requires fI ðt Þ + fD ðt Þ + fS ðt Þ ¼ 0 which by virtue of Eq. (6.2.2) becomes m u€tot + cu_ + ku ¼ 0 (6.2.3) m u€ + cu_ + ku ¼ m u€g (6.2.4) or using Eq. (6.2.1) we have Response to ground motion and vibration isolation Chapter 6 219 Eq. (6.2.4) is an equation of forced motion, where the excitation function is m u€g . In this case, the excitation function is called effective load and is denoted by pðt Þ ¼ m u€g ðt Þ (6.2.5) We observe that the influence of the ground motion on the structure does not depend directly on the ground displacement ug ðt Þ, but on its acceleration u€g ðt Þ. Therefore, the dynamic response of the structure due to ground motion can be studied if the accelerogram of the seismic motion is known, namely if there is a record of the function u€g ðt Þ during the earthquake (see Fig. 6.2.2). It must be emphasized that the initial conditions u ð0Þ and u_ ð0Þ for the relative displacement do not vanish if ug ð0Þ 6¼ 0 or u_ g ð0Þ 6¼ 0, even though the system is at rest at time t ¼ 0. Indeed, if utot ð0Þ ¼ 0, u_ tot ð0Þ ¼ 0 ug,tt (cm/s2) max ug,tt=258.59 – – – t FIG. 6.2.2 Accelerogram from Athens earthquake, Sept. 7, 1999 (Recorded by ITSAK, Α399-1. V2, longitudinal component, max u€g ¼ 258:59cm=s2 ). then Eq. (6.2.1) gives u ð0Þ ¼ ug ð0Þ, u_ ð0Þ ¼ u_ g ð0Þ (6.2.6) Eq. (6.2.4) can also be written as m u€ + 2mwx u_ + ku ¼ m u€g ðt Þ (6.2.7a) u€ + 2xwu_ + w2 u ¼ u€g ðt Þ (6.2.7b) or 220 PART I Single-degree-of-freedom systems Apparently, Eq. (6.2.7b) states that the deformation of the system due to given ground acceleration u€g ðt Þ depends only on the natural frequency w, hence on the natural period T ¼ 2p=w, and on the damping ratio x, that is, u ¼ u ðt, T , x Þ. Consequently, two systems with the same natural period T and the same damping ratio x will undergo the same displacement u ðt Þ under the same ground motion, in spite of the fact that the two systems may have different masses or different stiffnesses. The negative sign in the effective load pðt Þ ¼ m u€g ðt Þ affects only the direction of the displacement and not its magnitude. In practice, this has little significance inasmuch as the engineer is usually interested in the maximum absolute value of u ðt Þ. Therefore, the sign can be omitted in this case. This assumption allows us to write the Duhamel integral in the forma 1 u ðt Þ ¼ U ðt Þ (6.2.8) wD where Z t (6.2.9) U ðt Þ ¼ u€g ðτÞexwðtτÞ sin wD ðt τÞdτ 0 For a given ground motion and a fixed damping ratio, we can evaluate the largest absolute value of the function U ðt Þ, hence of u ðt Þ, for an interval of values of the natural period T of the damped SDOF system and plot the curves u ðT , xÞ ¼ max t ju ðt, T , xÞj for discrete values of the damping ratio x. Fig. 6.2.3 shows the curves u ðT , xÞ ¼ U ðT , x Þ=wD , 0 < T 2 for different values of x, when the ground motion is induced by the Athens earthquake, Sept. 7, 1999. The respective accelerogram is shown in Fig. 6.2.2. The curves u ðT , x Þ were obtained by direct solution of Eqs. (6.2.7a), (6.2.7b). The solution can be obtained using either the analytic solution presented in Section 3.5.4 or numerically using any of the methods presented in Chapter 4. 6.2.1 Response spectra The curve u ðT , x Þ ¼ max t ju ðt, T , x Þj is called the response spectrum of the relative displacement or the deformation response spectrum. The response spectrum, introduced by M. A. Biot in 1932 [3], can be used as a practical means to study the effect of the ground motion on structures. It is clear that the deformation response spectrum permits the direct evaluation of the absolute maximum value of the relative displacement of the SDOF system for a specified excitation without solving the equation of motion, if its natural period T and damping ratio x are given. pffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi a. In Eqs. (6.2.8) and (6.2.9), we can set wD ¼ w 1 x 2 w, because in real structures the value of the damping ratio is small (x ¼ 3% 15%, hence x2 ≪1) and the error due to this approximation is much smaller than that due to the uncertainty of the determination of u€g ðt Þ. Response to ground motion and vibration isolation Chapter 6 221 u T T (s) FIG. 6.2.3 Deformation response spectrum u ðT , x Þ for Athens earthquake, Sept. 7, 1999. Similarly, we define the relative velocity spectrum and the acceleration response spectrum as the graphs of the curves u_ ðT , xÞ ¼ max t ju_ ðt, T , x Þj and u€tot ðT , xÞ ¼ max t ju€tot ðt, T, x Þj, respectively. The expression of the relative velocity results by direct differentiation of Eq. (6.2.9) with respect to time t. Because t appears as a parameter in the limits of the integral, the derivative can be obtained using Leibnitz’s rule [4]. Thus, we obtain Z t (6.2.10) u€g ðτÞexwðtτÞ cos wD ðt τÞdτ u_ ðt Þ ¼ wxu ðt Þ + 0 which by virtue of Eq. (6.2.8) is written x u_ ðt Þ ¼ pffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi U ðt Þ + U ðt Þ 1 x2 (6.2.11) where it was set U ðt Þ ¼ Z t u€g ðτÞexwðtτÞ cos wD ðt τÞdτ (6.2.12) 0 Differentiation of the expression (6.2.10) gives the relative acceleration and the total acceleration is obtained from Eq. (6.2.1), which gives u€tot ðt Þ ¼ u€g ðt Þ + u€ðt Þ. However, the total acceleration can be obtained directly from Eq. (6.2.7b), that is u€tot ðt Þ ¼ 2xwu_ ðt Þ w2 u ðt Þ 222 PART I Single-degree-of-freedom systems which by virtue of Eqs. (6.2.8), (6.2.11) becomes w u€tot ðt Þ ¼ pffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi 2x2 1 U ðt Þ 2xwU ðt Þ 1 x2 (6.2.13) The graphs of the absolute maximum of the functions (6.2.11) and (6.2.13), that is, u_ ðT , xÞ ¼ max t ju_ ðt, T , x Þj and u€tot ðT , xÞ ¼ max t ju€tot ðt, T , x Þj, in an interval of the undamped natural period T for a fixed value of the damping ratio x of the SDOF systems give the response spectra of the relative velocity and the (total) acceleration. Figs. 6.2.4 and 6.2.5 show these response spectra for the accelerogram of Fig. 6.2.2. The curves were obtained by direct solution of Eq. (6.2.7b). It should be noted that the quantities u ðT , xÞ, u_ ðT , xÞ, and u€ðT , xÞ do not occur at the same time instant. The shear force at the base of the SDOF system of Fig. 6.2.1 is equal to the elastic force, that is, Qo ¼ fS ¼ ku or taking into account that k ¼ mw2 and using Eq. (6.2.8) we obtain w Qo ¼ m pffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi U ðt Þ (6.2.14) 1 x2 Obviously, the maximum value of the base shear force is w max Qo ¼ m pffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi U ðT , xÞ 1 x2 (6.2.15) T (s) FIG. 6.2.4 Response spectrum of the relative velocity u_ ðT , xÞ for the Athens Earthquake, Sept. 7, 1999. Response to ground motion and vibration isolation Chapter 6 223 T (s) FIG. 6.2.5 Response spectrum of the total acceleration u€tot ðT , xÞ for the Athens earthquake, Sept. 7, 1999. For small values of the damping ratio (say, 0 x 0:15), we may set x 2 0. Thus, the last two equations become Qo ¼ mwU ðt Þ (6.2.16) max Qo ¼ mwU ðT , x Þ (6.2.17) We observe that the quantity wU ðT , x Þ in Eq. (6.2.17) has dimensions of acceleration. In earthquake engineering, this quantity is designated by Spa ðT , x Þ and it is known as spectral pseudoacceleration. It is an important quantity because it allows direct evaluation of the maximum elastic force (base shear force) in the SDOF system from the graph of Spa ðT , xÞ. The quantity Spv ðT , x Þ ¼ U ðT , x Þ has dimensions of velocity and it is known as spectral pseudovelocity. Actually, the quantities Spv ðT , x Þ, Spa ðT , x Þ are different from u_ ðT , xÞ and u€tot ðT , x Þ. Therefore, they should not be confused. Nevertheless, it is Spa ðT , xÞ ¼ u€tot ðT , xÞ, if x ¼ 0. Indeed, Eq. (6.2.3) for x ¼ 0 becomes u€tot ¼ w2 u ¼ wU ðt Þ (6.2.18) u€tot ðT , x Þ ¼ Spa ðT , x Þ (6.2.19) from which we obtain The deviation of the pseudoacceleration from the extreme value of the total acceleration is small for small values of x (say 0 x 0:1). Thus we may set Spa ðT , x Þ u€tot ðT , x Þ. This is shown in Fig. 6.2.6. 224 PART I Single-degree-of-freedom systems (utot),tt(T,0) Spa(T,0) T (s) FIG. 6.2.6 Response spectra Spa ðT , x Þ and u€tot ðT , x Þ, ðx ¼ 0Þ. For the sake of uniform notation, we set Sd ðT , x Þ ¼ u ðT , xÞ. It is obvious that if one of the quantities Sd ðT , x Þ, Spv ðT , xÞ, Spa ðT , xÞ is known, the remaining quantities result immediately. Thus, if Sd ðT , xÞ is known then we obtain Spv ðT , xÞ ¼ wSd ðT , x Þ (6.2.20) Spa ðT , x Þ ¼ wSpv ðT , xÞ (6.2.21) The above relations are valid because the resulting values refer to the same time and even at the instant where the maximum displacement Sd ðT , xÞ occurs. Eq. (6.2.17) can be written as max Qo ¼ mS pa ðT , x Þ ¼W Spa ðT , xÞ g (6.2.22) where W is the weight of the SDOF system and g the acceleration of gravity. The ratio e¼ Spa ðT , x Þ g (6.2.23) referred to as the elastic seismic coefficient is a quantity specified in the earthquake codes and it is used to evaluate the maximum equivalent shear force at the base of a SDOF shear building. Response to ground motion and vibration isolation Chapter 6 225 The response spectra of the displacement, pseudovelocity, and pseudoacceleration contain the same information for the dynamic response of the system because each of them results from another by multiplying or dividing it by a constant number. The reason for using the three spectra is that each of them refers to a different natural quantity. We saw that Sd ðT , x Þ expresses the extreme value of the relative displacement while Spa ðT , x Þ is employed to evaluate the shear force at the base of the one-story shear building. Finally, Spv ðT , x Þ is used to calculate the extreme value of the energy of the system during the earthquake. Indeed, the maximum value of the energy of deformation is 1 E ðT , xÞ ¼ kSd ðT , x Þ2 2 1 Spv ðT , xÞ2 ¼ k w2 2 1 ¼ mS pv ðT , xÞ2 2 (6.2.24) Fig. 6.2.7 presents the graphs of Sd ðT , x Þ, Spv ðT , x Þ, and Spa ðT , xÞ for the Athens earthquake, Sept. 7, 1999. In earthquake engineering, the three plots are usually presented in a single graphical representation using a logarithmic scale for the four axes [2]. All previous results have been obtained by direct solution of the equation of motion. For this reason, a computer program has been written in MATLAB and given the name response_spectrum_aem.m. The program evaluates the spectra of the deformation, relative velocity, and acceleration and makes their graphs. The program uses the numerical method presented in Section 4.4. The user should provide the one-dimensional array containing the values of the accelerogram at the respective times. The electronic version of the program is given on this book’s companion website. Example 6.2.1 Fig. E6.1a shows a cement silo of square plan form supported on four identical columns. The silo is made of reinforced concrete. When the silo is empty, a horizontal load P in the x direction is applied, which causes a horizontal displacement of the silo equal to 5cm. Then, the force is suddenly removed and the system starts to vibrate. After time to the silo has performed six complete vibrations and the amplitude was reduced to 1cm. Determine: (i) The damping ratio x. (ii) The damping coefficient c, the damped natural frequency wD , and the time to (iii) The displacement after 40 and 60s. (iv) The maximum shear force max Q and the maximum bending moment max M of the columns, when the silo is full and is subjected to the support of duration t1 ¼ 3s in the absence of damping. excitation ug ¼ uo sin wt Determine also the dynamic magnification factor D. 226 PART I Single-degree-of-freedom systems Sd (a) (b) Spa (c) FIG. 6.2.7 Response spectra for the Athens earthquake, Sept. 7, 1999 (x ¼ 0:1). Response to ground motion and vibration isolation Chapter 6 227 5m 2.5 m z x 1m utot P ug u m c 10 m k x (a) (b) FIG. E6.1 Silo in Example 6.2.1 Data: Specific weight of cement g c ¼ 17kN=m3 , specific weight of reinforced concrete g b ¼ 24kN=m3 , uo ¼ 1:7mm, w ¼ 2:5s1 , modulus of elasticity of the reinforced concrete E ¼ 2:1 107 kN=m2 , cross-sectional area of columns 0:35 0:35m2 , and thickness of the silo walls and bottom 0:20m. The axial deformation of the columns is ignored while their mass is assumed lumped at their ends. Solution The walls of the silo do not deform inside their plane. Therefore, the silo behaves in actual fact as a rigid body. Because the axial deformation of the columns is neglected, the only possible motion of the structure in the xz plane is the horizontal one along the x axis. This is shown in the dynamic model of the system in Fig. E6.1b. (i) Τhe damping ratio x is computed from the relation (2.3.24) for n ¼ 6, t ¼ 0, u ð0Þ ¼ 5cm, u ðnT Þ ¼ 1cm. This yields x 1 5 pffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi ¼ ‘n 2 2 6p 1 1x which gives x ¼ 4:265%. (ii) The computation of c and wD requires the determination of the mass m and the stiffness k of the structure 2 24 5:0 4:62 2:5 + 4:62 0:2=0:928 + 4 0:352 10=2 9:81 ¼ 40:6kNm1 s2 m¼ 12EI 12 2:1 107 0:354 =12 ¼ 4 ¼ 1260:5kN=m h3 103 pffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi w ¼ 1260:5=40:6 ¼ 5:57s1 k ¼4 228 PART I Single-degree-of-freedom systems Hence c ¼ 2mwx ¼ 2 40:6 5:57 0:04265 ¼ 19:3kNm1 s qffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi pffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi wD ¼ w 1 x 2 ¼ 5:57 1 0:042652 ¼ 5:56s1 to ¼ 6T ¼ 6 2p ¼ 6:78s wD (iii) The system performs free damped vibrations. The displacement u ðt Þ is computed from Eq. (2.3.18) for u ð0Þ ¼ 0:05m, u_ ð0Þ ¼ 0, x ¼ 0:04265, w ¼ 5:57s1 , wD ¼ 5:56s1 . Thus we have u ðt Þ ¼ e0:238t ð5cos 5:56t + 0:214 sin 5:56t Þ 102 (1) which yields u ð40Þ ¼ 0:282 103 cm, u ð60Þ ¼ 0:268 105 cm (iv) When the silo is filled with cement, we have 17 ¼ 142:1kNm1 s2 m ¼ 40:6 + 4:62 2:5 + 4:62 0:8=3 9:81 pffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi w ¼ 1260:5=142:1 ¼ 2:97834s1 The motion is examined in two phases. Phase Ι (0 t 3). The motion is forced vibration. The equation of motion is given by Eq. (6.2.4) for c ¼ 0, that is m u€ + ku ¼ pðt Þ (2) The effective force is ¼ 142:1 1:7 103 2:52 sin wt ¼ 1:5098 sin wt pðt Þ ¼ mu o w2 sin wt The displacement is given by Eq. (3.2.8). Because the system is at rest at t ¼ 0, it is utot ð0Þ ¼ u_ tot ð0Þ ¼ 0. Hence u ð0Þ ¼ utot ð0Þ ug ð0Þ ¼ 0 and o ¼ 2:5 1:7 103 ¼ 4:25 103 m=s u_ ð0Þ ¼ u_ tot ð0Þ u_ g ð0Þ ¼ wu These initial conditions yield A¼ u_ ð0Þ Po b and B ¼ 0 k 1 b2 w Hence u I ðt Þ ¼ po 1 u_ ð0Þ b sin wt Þ ð sin wt sin wt + k 1 b2 w Response to ground motion and vibration isolation Chapter 6 229 ¼ 2:5=2:98 ¼ 0:8389, po ¼ 1:5098kN, The above relation for b ¼ w=w k ¼ 1260:5kN=m, and u_ ð0Þ ¼ 4:25 103 m=s yields Þ uI ðt Þ ¼ 103 ð4:8303 sin wt 4:0545sin wt Þ u_ Ι ðt Þ ¼ 102 ð1:4386 cos wt 1:0136 cos wt Phase II (t 3). The motion is free vibration and the displacement is given by Eq. (2.2.13). Thus we have uII ðt Þ ¼ u_ I ð3Þ sin wet + uI ð3Þ cos wet , et ¼ t 3 0 w (3) The initial conditions for this phase are uI ð3Þ ¼ 1:5309 103 m, u_ I ð3Þ ¼ 1:620884630 102 ms1 which give ffi sffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi u_ ð3Þ 2 max uII ¼ r ¼ + u_ ð3Þ2 ¼ 5:65341 103 m w (4) R(t) Fig. E6.2 shows the time history of the response ratio Rðt Þ ¼ u ðt Þ=ðpo =k Þ. We observe that the max u takes place in phase II. Hence the dynamic load factor is max uII ¼ 4:7199 (5) D¼ p0 =k t (s) FIG. E6.2 Time history of the response ratio Rðt Þ in Example 6.2.1. 230 PART I Single-degree-of-freedom systems and 12EI k max u ¼ max uII ¼ 1:781kN 3 h 4 h max M ¼ max Q ¼ 8:907kNm 2 max Q ¼ (6a) (6b) 6.3 Equation of motion in terms of the total displacement In certain cases, it is convenient to formulate the equation of motion in terms of the total displacement utot ðt Þ. Then, the elastic force and damping force will be expressed as (6.3.1) fS ¼ k utot ug , fD ¼ c u_ tot u_ g The dynamic equilibrium yields the following equation of motion (6.3.2) m u€tot + c u_ tot u_ g + k utot ug ¼ 0 or m u€tot + cu_ tot + ku tot ¼ pðt Þ (6.3.3) pðt Þ ¼ cu_ g + ku g (6.3.4) where now Eq. (6.3.3) is suitable to study the dynamic response when the u€g does not exist in the classical sense or the supports of the structure undergo different excitations (see Example 6.3.2). Example 6.3.1 The support of a SDOF system, whose dynamic model is shown in Fig. E6.3a, undergoes a sudden constant displacement ug ¼ u0 . Determine the dynamic response of the system when utot ð0Þ ¼ u_ tot ð0Þ ¼ 0. (a) FIG. E6.3 SDOF system in Example 6.3.1 (b) Response to ground motion and vibration isolation Chapter 6 231 Solution The function representing the ground motion is shown in Fig. E6.3b. The problem can be solved by the following two ways: (a) Formulating the equation of motion in terms of the total displacement, that is, Eq. (6.3.3). This yields m u€tot + ku tot ¼ ku 0 (1) This implies that an effective constant excitation force pðt Þ ¼ ku 0 is suddenly applied. The solution of Eq. (1) is obtained from Eq. (3.4.3) for p0 ¼ ku 0 . Hence pffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi (2) utot ðt Þ ¼ u0 ð1 cos wt Þ, w ¼ k=m We observe that ðutot Þmax ¼ 2u0 The relative displacement is u ðt Þ ¼ utot ug ¼ u0 cos wt (3) which yields an elastic force fS ¼ ku ¼ ku 0 cos wt (4) max jfS j ¼ ku 0 (5) and (b) Formulating the equation of motion in terms of the relative displacement u ðt Þ. In this case, we have ug ð0Þ ¼ u0 , u_ g ð0Þ ¼ 0, u€g ð0Þ ¼ 0 Consequently pðt Þ ¼ 0, u ð0Þ ¼ utot ð0Þ ug ð0Þ ¼ u0 , u_ ð0Þ ¼ u_ tot ð0Þ u_ g ð0Þ ¼ 0 and the equation of motion becomes m u€ + ku ¼ 0 (4) with initial conditions u ð0Þ ¼ u0 , u_ ð0Þ ¼ 0. The solution of Eq. (4) is obtained from Eq. (2.2.13) as u ðt Þ ¼ u0 cos wt (5) which is identical with that given by Eq. (3). Example 6.3.2 The supports of the columns of the one-story frame of Fig. E6.4 qÞ and ug2 ¼ uo sin wt. are subjected to the displacements ug1 ¼ uo sin ðwt Determine the equation of motion of the structure and give the expressions of the relative displacement u ðt Þ and the stress resultants Q ðt Þ, M ðt Þ at the top cross-sections of the columns. The dead load of the rigid beam is included 232 PART I Single-degree-of-freedom systems utot (t ) p utot (t ) EI h 40 × 80 35 × 70 ug 1 L ug 2 FIG. E6.4 One-story frame in Example 6.3.2 in the load p. The material of the columns is reinforced concrete. Data: specific weight of concrete g ¼ 24kN=m3 , u0 ¼ 0:02m, x ¼ 0:05, w ¼ 2:5rad=s, u ð0Þ ¼ 0, u_ ð0Þ ¼ 0, L ¼ 15m, h ¼ 7m, E ¼ 2:1 107 kN=m2 , and p ¼ 200kN=m. The mass of the columns is assumed lumped at their ends. Solution The system has one degree of freedom. The equation of motion with respect to the total displacement utot ðt Þ is m u€tot + c1 u_ tot u_ g1 + c2 u_ tot u_ g2 + k1 utot ug1 + k2 utot ug2 ¼ 0 (1) or m u€tot + cu_ tot + ku tot ¼ pðt Þ (2) c ¼ c1 + c2 , k ¼ k1 + k2 (3) p ¼ c1 u_ g1 + c2 u_ g2 + k1 ug1 + k2 ug2 (4) where The mass of the system is m¼ 200 15 + ð0:35 0:70 + 0:40 0:80Þ ð7=2Þ 24 ¼ 310:6kNm1 s2 9:81 The stiffness of the columns k1 ¼ 12EI 1 12 2:1 107 0:70 0:353 ¼ ¼ 1837:5kN=m h3 12 73 k2 ¼ 3EI 2 3 2:1 107 0:80 0:403 ¼ ¼ 783:7kN=m h3 12 73 Hence the stiffness of the system is k ¼ k1 + k2 ¼ 2621:2kN=m Response to ground motion and vibration isolation Chapter 6 233 The natural frequency is pffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi w ¼ 2621:2=310:6 ¼ 2:905s1 and the natural period T ¼ 2p=w ¼ 2:163s The damping coefficient c is c ¼ 2mwx ¼ 2 310:6 2:905 0:05 ¼ 90:23kNm1 s and the damped frequency wD ¼ w qffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi 1 x2 ¼ 2:901s1 The damping coefficients c1 and c2 that contribute to the effective force cannot be directly determined. However, they can be estimated by setting c1 ¼ ac and c2 ¼ ð1 a Þc, 0 a 1 Apparently, the cases a ¼ 0 and a ¼ 1 are not realistic. For the data of the problem, Eq. (2) becomes 310:6u€tot + 90:23u_ tot + 2621:2utot ¼ pðt Þ (5) qÞ + 15:67sin wt pðt Þ ¼ 36:75sin ðwt qÞ + ð1 a Þ cos wt + 1:80w½a cos ðwt (6) where utot(t) (m) Eq. (5) can be solved using the analytic method presented in Chapter 3. Figs. E6.5 and E6.6 show the graphs of utot ðt Þ for various values of the phase angle q and the allocation coefficient a. Fig. E6.7 shows the influence of a on the maximum displacement max |utot ðt Þ|. t FIG. E6.5 Total displacement for different values of the phase angle q in Example 6.3.2 (a ¼ 0:2). I Single-degree-of-freedom systems utot(t) (m) 234 PART t max|utot(t)| FIG. E6.6 Total displacement for different values of the allocation coefficient a in Example 6.3.2 (q ¼ 3p=4). a FIG. E6.7 Extreme value max|utot ðt Þ| versus the allocation coefficient a in Example 6.3.2 (x ¼ 0:05). From the study of the numerical results, we may draw the following conclusion: The percentage allocation of the damping to the two columns does not affect significantly the dynamic response of the structure. Consequently, an arbitrary but reasonable allocation, for example, 0:4 < a < 0:6, allows treating practical cases of asynchronous support excitations. Response to ground motion and vibration isolation Chapter 6 235 The stress resultants Q ðt Þ and M ðt Þ at the top cross-sections of the columns are evaluated from the relations. 12EI 1 utot ug1 ¼ 1837:5 utot ug1 3 h 3EI 2 Q2 ðt Þ ¼ 3 utot ug2 ¼ 783:7 utot ug2 h 6EI 1 M1 ðt Þ ¼ 2 utot ug1 ¼ 6431:2 utot ug1 h 3EI 2 M2 ðt Þ ¼ 2 utot ug2 ¼ 5485:9 utot ug2 h Q1 ðt Þ ¼ 6.4 Vibration isolation Very often, machines that generate vibrations are mounted on our structures. These vibrations, which are transferred to the supporting structure (soil, foundation), are annoying or even harmful and need to be minimized. This is achieved by inserting spring and damping devices between the machine and its foundation. An inverse problem arises when vibrations from the environment (ground support) are transferred to the structure. This problem occurs when sensitive instruments are placed on top or inside moving structures (earthquake motion of a building, motion of a car on a rough road, spacecrafts, airplanes, ships, etc.) or special structures near vibration generation sources (monuments). In the first situation, we talk about the transmission of force while the second is about the transmission of motion. 6.4.1 Transmission of force Let us consider first the force isolation problem. Fig. 6.4.1 presents a SDOF system consisting of a mass m mounted on the fundament by means of a system of springs and dampers having total stiffness k and total damping c. A vertical is applied to the mass. The transfer of force is harmonic force p ¼ p0 sin wt FIG. 6.4.1 Force transmitted to the foundation. 236 PART I Single-degree-of-freedom systems examined when the motion is in the steady state phase. Hence, the vertical displacement is given by Eq. (3.2.26), that is, qÞ u ðt Þ ¼ rsin ðwt (6.4.1) where i 1 2 p0 h 2 1 b2 + ð2xb Þ2 k 2xb q ¼ tan 1 , b ¼ w=w 1 b2 r¼ (6.4.2a) (6.4.2b) The total force transmitted to the foundation is f ¼ fS + fD ¼ ku + cu_ qÞ + crw cos ðwt qÞ ¼ krsin ðwt (6.4.3) q fÞ ¼ fT sin ðwt where qffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi k 2 + ðcwÞ2 1 cw f ¼ tan k fT ¼ r (6.4.4) (6.4.5) Using Eqs. (6.4.2a), (6.4.2b) for the expression of r and c=k ¼ 2x=w, the previous relations are written as vffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi u u 1 + ð2xbÞ2 (6.4.6) fT ¼ p0 t 2 1 b2 + ð2xb Þ2 f ¼ tan 1 ð2xb Þ (6.4.7) The ratio TR ¼ fT =p0 is called the transmission ratio or transmissibility. It provides a measure of the force transmitted from the vibrating machine to the fundament. Fig. 6.4.2 shows the graph of the function TRðb, x Þ for various values of pffiffix.ffi We observe that the reduction of the transmitted force is achieved for b > 2. It is also apparent that the reduction of the ratio TR increases with decreasing x. Theoretically, the value x ¼ 0 gives the minimum value of the transmission ratio. However, this is not realistic for two reasons: first, because the actual isolation systems have damping and second, some damping is desirable to avoid adverse results at the startup of the machine as it passes through the resonance frequency. 6 237 TR=fT /p0 Response to ground motion and vibration isolation Chapter – – FIG. 6.4.2 Transmissibility for harmonic excitation. 6.4.2 Transmission of motion In this case, the problem is to determine the motion that is transmitted from the ground to the machine and in general to the structure supported on the ground. Fig. 6.4.3 shows a mass supported on the ground by means of a system of springs and dampers with total stiffness k and damping c. The vertical ground motion is harmonic ug ¼ u0 sin wt (6.4.8) FIG. 6.4.3 Ground motion transmitted to the structure. The equation of motion with respect to the relative displacement is m u€ + cu_ + ku ¼ m w2 u0 sin wt (6.4.9) The relative displacement in the steady state is given by Eq. (3.2.25) for p0 ¼ m w2 u0 . That is 238 PART I Single-degree-of-freedom systems m w2 u0 1 2xb cos wt 1 b2 sin wt 2 2 2 k 1 b + ð2xbÞ u0 2xb3 cos wt ¼ 1 b2 b 2 sin wt 2 2 2 1 b + ð2xbÞ u ðt Þ ¼ (6.4.10) and the total displacement utot ¼ ug + u u0 + 2xb3 cos wt ¼ u0 sin wt 1 b2 b 2 sin wt 2 1 b2 + ð2xbÞ2 nh o i u0 2xb 3 cos wt ¼ 1 b2 + ð2xb Þ2 sin wt 2 1 b2 + ð2xbÞ2 Þ ¼ uT sin ðwt (6.4.11) where vffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi u u 1 + ð2xbÞ2 uT ¼ u0 t 2 1 b2 + ð2xb Þ2 ! 2xb3 1 ¼ tan 1 b 2 + ð2xb Þ2 (6.4.12) (6.4.13) From Eqs. (6.4.8), (6.4.12), we obtain vffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi u ðu€tot Þmax ðutot Þmax uT u 1 + ð2xbÞ2 TR ¼ ¼ ¼ ¼ t 2 u0 ug max u€g max 1 b2 + ð2xb Þ2 (6.4.14) We observe that the transmissibility of the amplitude of the ground harmonic motion is the same as that of the force transmissibility. The same is valid for the extreme values of the accelerations. Example 6.4.1 A sensitive instrument of weight W ¼ 30kN is installed at a place where the environment exerts vertical harmonic motion with a cyclic frequency f ¼ 15Hz and maximum amplitude u0 ¼ 0:02m. For the insulation of the motion, the instrument is placed on an elastic layer with stiffness k ¼ 28kN=m and damping x ¼ 0:1. Determine (i) the acceleration transmitted to the instrument and (ii) If the smooth functioning of the instrument requires that the acceleration applied to it is less than 0:1g, indicate how to ensure that by using the same elastic layer. Solution (i) Computation of the transmission ratio TR The mass and the natural frequency of the instrument are Response to ground motion and vibration isolation Chapter 6 239 W 30kN ¼ ¼ 3:058kNm1 s2 g 9:81m=s2 rffiffiffiffiffi rffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi k 28 w¼ ¼ ¼ 3:026s1 m 3:058 m¼ The circular frequency of the harmonic motion and the maximum acceleration are w ¼ 2pf ¼ 94:248s1 u€g max ¼ w2 u0 ¼ 177:653 ¼ 18:109g g ¼ 9:81ms2 hence w b ¼ ¼ 31:147 w and vffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi u u 1 + ð2xbÞ2 ¼ 0:0065 TR ¼ t 2 1 b 2 + ð2xbÞ2 Consequently, the maximum acceleration transmitted to the instrument is ðu€tot Þmax ¼ TR u€g max ¼ 0:118g (ii) Modification of the system so that ðu€tot Þmax < 0:1g It must be vffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi u u ðu€tot Þ 1 + ð2xbÞ2 0:1g ¼ max < ¼ 0:0055 TR ¼ t 2 2 2 u€g max 18:109g 1 b + ð2xbÞ For the same elastic layer, the stiffness k and the damping coefficient c are unaltered. Consequently, the transmission ratio TR can be modified if the ratio b is changed. But because w is prescribed, this ratio can be changed, only if the natural frequency w is changed. This is possible if the mass of the system (instrument) is changed by an increment Dm. Let m 0 ¼ m + Dm be the new mass and x 0 , w0 the new damping ratio and the frequency of the system (instrument), respectively. Then we will have rffiffiffiffiffiffi w0 m (1) ¼ w m0 c ¼ 2mwx ¼ 2m 0 w0 x0 240 PART I Single-degree-of-freedom systems which yield mw x ¼x 0 0 ¼x mw 0 Moreover, we have w b ¼ 0¼b w 0 rffiffiffiffiffiffi m m0 rffiffiffiffiffiffi m0 m (2) (3) From Eqs. (2), (3) we obtain x0 b0 ¼ xb ¼ 3:115 Consequently, it must be vffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi vffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi u u 2 u u 1 + ð2x 0 b0 Þ 1 + ð2 3:115Þ2 u TR ¼ u < 0:0055 ¼ t t 2 2 2 2 2 1 b0 + ð2x0 b 0 Þ 1 b0 + ð2 3:115Þ2 which holds if 33:885 < b0 ¼ b pffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi m 0 =m or m 0 > 3:619kNm1 s2 Hence Dm 0:561kNm1 s2 . 6.5 Problems Problem P6.1 The supports 1 and 2 of the structure shown in Fig. P6.1 are sub and ug2 ðt Þ ¼ u0 sin ðwt p=3Þ, respecjected to the motions ug1 ðt Þ ¼ u0 sin wt tively. A plane square rigid body of side a and density g is attached to node 3. The mass of the column and the beam is neglected. Determine the response of the structure and the reactions at the supports as well as the forces that produce the support excitations. Data: L ¼ 8m, a ¼ 2m, cross section of the FIG. P6.1 Structure in problem P6.1 Response to ground motion and vibration isolation Chapter 6 241 beam and the column IPE360, w ¼ 10s1 , u0 ¼ 3cm, g ¼ 10kN=m2 , and E ¼ 2:1 108 kN=m2 . ug,tt Problem P6.2 A SDOF system with parameters m, x,k is subjected to ground motion whose accelerogram is given by u€gi ¼ 100ð1Þi ½ði + 5Þ=ði + 1Þ ði + 1Þ=ði + 5Þ with duration t1 ¼ 2:5s (Fig. P6.2). Compute and plot the response spectra of the displacement, velocity, and acceleration for the interval of the natural period 0 < T 2 and x ¼ 0:05, 0:1. Data: u ð0Þ ¼ u_ ð0Þ ¼ 0, u€g ð0Þ ¼ 0, m ¼ 4, and k ¼ 100. (ug)i (ug)i t FIG. P6.2 Accelerogram in problem P6.2 Problem P6.3 The rigid vertical column AC (Fig. P6.3) of a circular cross is supported on the ground by means of a spherical hinge section, line density m at A and three elastic cables of cross-sectional area A and modulus of elasticity E. (a) FIG. P6.3 Structure in problem P6.3 (b) 242 PART I Single-degree-of-freedom systems The cables have been prestressed so that they can undertake compressive forces. which are The column carries three advertising panels of total mass 10ma, arranged as in Fig. P6.3b. Their support on the column extends to a length 1:25a. The structure is subjected to ground motion in the y direction, whose accelerogram u€g ðt Þ is given in Problem P6.2. Determine the minimum prestressing force of the cable GB using the results of Problem P6.2. The cables are assumed ¼ 0:5kNm1 s2 =m, E ¼ 2:1 108 kN=m2 , and massless. Data: a ¼ 5m, m 2 A ¼ 4cm . Problem P6.4 The one-story building of Fig. P6.4 is subjected to ground motion whose accelerogram u€g ðt Þ is given in Problem P6.2. The motion takes place in the direction of angle b with respect to the x axis. Determine the dynamic response of the structure and plot the relative displacement u ðb Þ of the top cross-section of columns 1 and 2 as a function of the angle b, 0 b 2p. Moreover, compute the extreme normal stresses of the same cross-sections due to bending. Data: x ¼ 0:07 and E ¼ 2:1 107 kN=m2 . The mass of the columns is neglected. The load q includes also the dead weight of the slab. FIG. P6.4 One-story building in problem P6.4 Problem P6.5 The vertical columns of the frame in Fig. P6.5 have specific weight g b and are assumed rigid. The elastic support on the ground is simulated by the rotational springs CR . The horizontal beams are flexible with crosssectional moment of inertia I and modulus of elasticity E while their mass and axial deformation are assumed negligible. The structure is subjected to of total duration ttot ¼ 3s. Give the horizontal ground motion ug ðt Þ ¼ u0 sin wt the graph of the response spectrum of the rotation of the structure and compute the extreme values of the shear force and the bending moment of the beams. Data: Cross-sectional area of the beams A ¼ a=10 a=10, CR ¼ EI =a, E ¼ 2:1 107 kN=m, g b ¼ 24kN=m3 , u0 ¼ 0:03m, w ¼ 3, 5 and 7s1 . Response to ground motion and vibration isolation Chapter 6 243 =∞ FIG. P6.5 Frame in problem P6.5 Problem P6.6 A vehicle traveling with a velocity v¼80km/h on a multispan bridge (Fig. P6.6) is idealized by the SDOF system of Fig. P6.6a. The length of each span is L ¼ 20m. The deck of the bridge has been permanently deformed due to creep so that each span can be simulated by a sinusoidal curve with amplitude h ¼ 5cm. The stiffness of the system is k ¼ 10kN=m and its damping ratio x ¼ 0:15. The tires of the wheels are assumed undeformable. The total weight of the vehicle is W ¼ 20kN. (i) Determine the vertical motion of the vehicle, (ii) Compute the maximum acceleration applied to the passenger of the vehicle, and (iii) Compute the velocity that causes resonance to the vehicle and gives its extreme amplitude. (a) h h (b) L FIG. P6.6 Vehicle traveling on a bridge in problem P6.6 References and further reading [1] R.W. Clough, J. Penzien, Dynamic of Structures, second ed., McGraw-Hill, Inc., New York, 1993. [2] A.K. Chopra, Dynamics of Structures: Theory and Applications to Earthquake Engineering, Prentice Hall, Englewood Cliffs, NJ, 1995. [3] M.A. Biot, Vibrations of buildings during earthquake, in: Transient Oscillations in Elastic System, Aeronautics Department, Calif. Inst. of Tech., Pasadena, CA, 1932. Chapter II in Ph.D. Thesis No. 259. 244 PART I Single-degree-of-freedom systems [4] F.B. Hildebrand, Advanced Calculus for Applications, Prentice Hall, Englewood Cliffs, NJ, 1962. [5] R.R. Craig Jr., J. Andrew, A.J. Kurdila, Fundamentals of Structural Dynamics, second ed., John Wiley, New Jersey, 2006. [6] J.W. Leonard, Tension Structures, McGraw-Hill, New York, 1988. [7] J.T. Katsikadelis, Finite deformation of cables under 3-D loading: an analytic solution, in: D.E. Beskos, D.L. Karabalis, A.N. Kounadis (Eds.), Proc. of the 4th National Congress on Steel Structures, Patras, May 24–25, vol. II, 2002, pp. 526–534. Chapter 7 Damping in structures Chapter outline 7.1 7.2 7.3 7.4 7.5 Introduction Loss of energy due to damping Equivalent viscous damping Hysteretic damping Coulomb damping 7.5.1 Free vibrations with Coulomb damping 7.5.2 Forced vibrations with Coulomb damping 7.6 Damping modeling via fractional derivatives 7.1 245 246 249 250 252 252 255 257 7.6.1 Introduction 7.6.2 The fractional derivative 7.7 Measurement of damping 7.7.1 Free vibration decay method 7.7.2 Resonance amplitude method 7.7.3 Width of response curve method 7.8 Problems References and further reading 257 258 260 261 262 263 265 267 Introduction In this chapter, the damping of structures is discussed. Damping appears in all mechanical systems that perform vibrations. It is the dissipation of energy in a vibrating structure. The type of energy into which the mechanical energy is transformed depends on the system and the physical mechanism that causes the dissipation. The energy is lost either in the form of heat or is radiated into the environment. For example, the loss of energy in the form of heat is perceived when an iron rod is subjected to alternating bending. The sound produced by a body that is hit represents the loss of energy dissipated into the environment. In the study of vibrations, we are interested in the damping related to the response of the structure. Damping is due to different energy dissipation mechanisms acting simultaneously. In spite of the age-long detailed studies on the damping of structures, the understanding of damping mechanisms is quite primitive. A well-known method to get rid of this problem is to use so-called viscous damping. This approach was first introduced by Rayleigh [1] via his famous dissipation function (see Section 1.8.4). The loss of energy of a vibrating system reduces the amplitude of the free vibration. When a system undergoing forced vibrations reaches the phase of the steady-state response, the loss of energy is balanced by the energy input into the system by the excitation force. In vibrating systems, we distinguish different types of damping forces, which may be due to the internal molecular friction, the sliding friction, or the Dynamic Analysis of Structures. https://doi.org/10.1016/B978-0-12-818643-5.00007-8 © 2020 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved. 245 246 PART I Single-degree-of-freedom systems resistance of the fluid in which the system moves. Sophisticated mathematical models of damping forces are complex and are not convenient to study the vibrations. For this reason, simplified damping models have been developed that allow an adequate study of the dynamic response of structures. We have already used the model of viscous damping, which leads to equations that can be solved analytically. The presented examples facilitate the comprehension of all concepts. The pertinent bibliography with recommended references for further study is also included. The chapter is enriched with problems to solved. 7.2 Loss of energy due to damping The energy loss is determined in the phase of the steady-state response. The graphical representation of the relationship fD ðu Þ between the damping force and the displacement varies greatly for different types of damping. In all cases, however, the curve is closed in a complete oscillation and includes a region called the hysteresis loop, whose area is equal to the energy lost per cycle (see also Refs. [2–5]). In general, the loss of energy is expressed by the integral Z T WD ¼ fD ðu Þdu (7.2.1) 0 where T ¼ 2p= w the period of the vibration in the steady-state response. The quantity WD depends on several factors such as temperature, frequency, or amplitude of the vibration. In this section, we consider the simplest form of energy loss, that is, the loss due to viscous damping. The damping force, in this case, is given by the relation _ Moreover, the displacement in the steady-state phase, due to the fD ¼ cu. t, is given by Eq. (3.2.26), namely harmonic force pðt Þ ¼ p0 sin w t qÞ u ðt Þ ¼ rsin ðw (7.2.2) p0 1 qffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi k 2 2 1 b + ð2xbÞ2 (7.2.3) where r¼ tan q ¼ 2xb 1 b2 (7.2.4) Consequently t qÞ u_ ðt Þ ¼ r w cos ðw The integral (7.2.1) yields Z WD ¼ T 0 (7.2.5) cu_ 2 dt ¼ c w2 r 2 Z ¼ pc wr2 2p= w 0 t qÞdt cos 2 ðw (7.2.6) Damping in structures Chapter 7 247 Of particular loss at resonance. Then it is pffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi interest is the pffiffiffiffiffiffienergy ffi ¼ w ¼ k=m , c ¼ 2mxw ¼ 2x km and Eq. (7.2.6) becomes w WD ¼ 2xpkr2 (7.2.7) Moreover, the energy input into the system is due to the work that the force t produces in a complete oscillation. Namely pðt Þ ¼ p0 sin w Z T pðt Þdu Wp ¼ 0 Z ¼ 2p= w 0 t qÞ sin w tdt p0 r w cos ðw (7.2.8) ¼ p0 rp sin q Taking into account that (see Eq. 3.2.27) 2xb sin q ¼ qffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi ¼ 2xbrk=p0 2 1 b2 + ð2xbÞ2 (7.2.9) we can write Eq. (7.2.8) as wr2 ¼ WD Wp ¼ pc (7.2.10) Indeed, during the steady-state response, the input into the system by the excitation force is equal to the dissipated energy due to damping. We come to the same conclusion if we examine the work produced by the elastic and inertial forces. The work produced by the elastic force in a cycle is Z T fS ðu Þdu WS ¼ 0 Z ¼ 2p= w 0 r ¼ kw 2 _ ku udt Z 2p= w 0 (7.2.11) t qÞ cos ðw t qÞdt ¼ 0 sin ðw Similarly, the work produced by the inertial force is Z T fI ðu Þdu WI ¼ 0 Z ¼ 0 2p= w _ m u€udt ¼ m w3 r2 Z 2p= w 0 (7.2.12) t qÞ cos ðw t qÞdt ¼ 0 sin ðw 248 PART I Single-degree-of-freedom systems Thus, it must be WI + WD + W S ¼ Wp (7.2.13) which by virtue of Eqs. (7.2.11), (7.2.12) yields Eq. (7.2.10). Eq. (7.2.5) yields 2 r2 cos 2 ðw t qÞ u_ ðt Þ2 ¼ w 2 2 t qÞ r 1 sin 2 ðw ¼w 2 r2 u 2 ¼w (7.2.14) fD2 ¼ c2 u_ ðt Þ2 2 r2 u 2 ¼ c2 w (7.2.15) hence which is readily transformed into 2 fD 2 u + ¼1 r c wr (7.2.16) FIG. 7.2.1 Hysteresis loop in a system with viscous damping. The above relation represents an ellipse with semiaxes r and c wr in the plane u, fD , Fig. 7.2.1. The area of the ellipse is pc wr2 , that is, it is equal to the energy lost in a cycle. Therefore, the hysteresis loop of a system with viscous damping is an ellipse. The properties of damping in the material systems are expressed in different ways depending on the scientific area where they are applied. Here we mention two units for measuring the relative dissipated energy that are most commonly encountered: the specific damping capacity and the specific damping factor. The specific damping capacity is defined as wD ¼ WD U where U ¼ kr2 =2 is the elastic energy of the system. (7.2.17) Damping in structures Chapter 7 249 The specific damping factor is defined as ¼ WD 2pU (7.2.18) For viscous damping the above quantities result as wD ¼ pc wr2 2pc w 2pð2mwx Þ w ¼ ¼ ¼ 4pxb mw2 kr2 =2 mw2 ¼ 2xb 7.3 (7.2.19) (7.2.20) Equivalent viscous damping When the damping of the structure is not inherently viscous, the curve fD ðu Þ is not generally an ellipse. It is, however, possible to determine an equivalent viscous damping coefficient ceq by equating the area WD of the experimentally obtained damping loop in a cycle of harmonic vibration (Fig. 7.3.1) with the theoretical value of the area of the hysteresis loop representing dissipation of energy due to viscous damping. FIG. 7.3.1 Energy dissipated in a cycle of harmonic vibration determined experimentally. On the basis of Eq. (7.2.6) we write WD ¼ ceq p wr2 (7.3.1) from which we define the equivalent damping coefficient ceq ¼ WD p wr2 (7.3.2) and the respective damping ratio ceq xeq ¼ pffiffiffiffiffiffiffi 2 km (7.3.3) 250 PART I Single-degree-of-freedom systems 7.4 Hysteretic damping When the structure is subjected to cyclic loading, the dissipation of energy occurs in the interior of the material of the structure. Experiments performed by many researchers have shown that in most structural materials, such as steel and aluminum, the energy loss per cycle does not depend on the frequency of the external excitation force, at least for a wide range of frequencies, but it is proportional to the square of the amplitude of the oscillation. This damping is called structural damping or hysteretic damping. The equation of motion for forced vibrations with hysteretic damping is of the form m u€ + f ðu Þ ¼ pðt Þ (7.4.1) where f ðu Þ is in general a nonlinear function of the displacement. The solution of Eq. (7.4.1) can be obtained numerically using any of the methods presented in Chapter 5. The force f ðu Þ can be expressed as the sum of two forces, an elastic force with a mean value fS ¼ ku and a damping force fD ¼ k u_ w (7.4.2) where is the constant of damping. This is the simplest model that can be used to represent the hysteretic damping. The loss of energy in a cycle due to hysteretic damping results from Eq. (7.2.6), if the coefficient c is replaced with k= w. This yields WD ¼ kpr2h (7.4.3) where rh is the amplitude of the vibration with hysteretic damping. We observe that the dissipation of energy per cycle does not depend on the excitation fre , but on the square of the amplitude of the vibration. quency w Apparently, the function f ðu Þ representing the resisting force can be written f¼ k u_ + ku w (7.4.4) and the equation of motion (7.4.1) for harmonic excitation takes the form m u€ + k t u_ + ku ¼ p0 sin w w (7.4.5) w, which yields We define the damping coefficient ch ¼ k= x h ¼ ch =2mw ¼ =2b (7.4.6) that is, the damping ratio changes with b. The solution of Eq. (7.4.5) for the steady-state response is obtained from Eq. (7.2.2), if x is replaced with xh . Thus Damping in structures Chapter t qh Þ u ðt Þ ¼ rh sin ðw 7 251 (7.4.7) where rh ¼ p0 1 ffi qffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi 2 k 1 b2 + 2 tan qh ¼ 1 b2 (7.4.8) (7.4.9) Working as in Section 7.2, we can determine the geometry of the hysteresis loop for this type of damping. Thus, we obtain from Eq. (7.4.7) 2 cos 2 ðw t qh Þ u_ ðt Þ2 ¼ r2h w 2 2 1 sin 2 ðw t qh Þ ¼ rh w 2 r2h u 2 ¼w (7.4.10) Moreover, it is fD2 ¼ ðf ku Þ2 ¼ k w 2 u_ 2 (7.4.11) ðf ku Þ2 ¼ 2 k 2 r2h u 2 (7.4.12) 2 f ku 2 u + ¼1 krh rh (7.4.13) which by virtue of (7.4.10) is written as or Therefore, in the plane u, f , Eq. (7.4.13) represents a rotated ellipse (Fig. 7.4.1). The area of the ellipse is pkr2h and expresses the loss of energy in a cycle. We observe that Eq. (7.4.13) does not involve the excitation frequency. This implies that the hysteresis loop can be determined experimentally using a low excitation frequency, that is, quasistatic, by plotting the loaddisplacement curve. For f ¼ 0, we obtain the abscissa of the ellipse on the u axis d ¼ rh pffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi (7.4.14) 1 + 2 which can be used to evaluate the damping coefficient . Hence d ¼ qffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi r2h d 2 (7.4.15) 252 PART I Single-degree-of-freedom systems FIG. 7.4.1 Hysteresis loop in a system with hysteretic damping. 7.5 Coulomb damping As mentioned in Section 7.1, damping is due to various energy dissipation mechanisms acting simultaneously. Although the model of viscous damping or hysteretic damping in most cases can adequately approximate the behavior of the structure, it is not suitable to describe the response of the structure when forces due to Coulomb friction are present. These forces arise on the dry contact interface of two bodies with a relative sliding. The friction force is expressed by the relation F ¼ mN , where N is the force normal to the contact surface and m the friction coefficient, which is determined experimentally and is greater before the sliding. The direction of the frictional force is opposite to that of motion, that is, its sign is opposite to the sign of the velocity. Therefore, we can set F ¼ signðu_ ÞmN (7.5.1) _ ju_ j signðu_ Þ ¼ u= (7.5.2) where 7.5.1 Free vibrations with Coulomb damping We consider the SDOF system of Fig. 7.5.1a, which is sliding on a dry surface. When the body is moving to the right (Fig. 7.5.1b) the equilibrium of forces yields the equation of motion m u€ + ku ¼ F (7.5.3) while when the body is moving to the left (Fig. 7.5.1c) the equilibrium of forces yields the equation of motion m u€ + ku ¼ F (7.5.4) Damping in structures Chapter 7 253 (a) (b) (c) FIG. 7.5.1 Motion with Coulomb friction. On the basis of Eq. (7.5.1), Eqs. (7.5.3), (7.5.4) can be combined as m u€ + ku ¼ F signðu_ Þ (7.5.5) m u€ + F signðu_ Þ + ku ¼ 0 (7.5.6) or Eq. (7.5.6) is nonlinear because of the term of damping and can be solved by any of the methods developed in Chapter 5. In the following, an analytical solution of Eq. (7.5.6) is presented with zero initial conditions, u ð0Þ ¼ u0 , u_ ð0Þ ¼ 0. The body is displaced from the equilibrium position to the right by u0 and we study the subsequent motion. The body will move to the left according to Eq. (7.5.4). A particular solution to this equation is up ðt Þ ¼ F k (7.5.7) Hence the general solution of Eq. (7.5.4) is u ðt Þ ¼ A cos wt + B sin wt + F k (7.5.8) Applying the initial conditions u ð0Þ ¼ u0 , u_ ð0Þ ¼ 0 (7.5.9) F A ¼ u0 , B ¼ 0 k (7.5.10) gives and the displacement (7.5.8) becomes F F u ðt Þ ¼ u 0 cos wt + k k (7.5.11) 254 PART I Single-degree-of-freedom systems Eq. (7.5.11) holds until the velocity vanishes, namely t ¼ p=w. At that instant, the body is at the extreme left position, where the displacement is u ðp=wÞ ¼ ðu0 2F=k Þ. The body will now start moving to the right with initial conditions p F p u ¼ u0 2 , u_ ¼0 (7.5.12) w k w The motion is now described by Eq. (7.5.3), which has a particular solution up ðt Þ ¼ F k (7.5.13) and general solution u ðt Þ ¼ A cos wt + B sin wt F k (7.5.14) The initial conditions (7.5.12) give A ¼ u0 3F , B¼0 k (7.5.15) and Eq. (7.5.14) becomes F F u ðt Þ ¼ u 0 3 cos wt k k FIG. 7.5.2 Free vibrations with Coulomb damping. (7.5.16) Damping in structures Chapter 7 255 Eq. (7.5.16) holds until the body reaches the extreme right position, namely until the instant t ¼ 2p=w. At that time, the body has completed a full oscillation and the displacement is u ð2p=wÞ ¼ ðu0 4F=k Þ. This solution procedure continues to obtain the response of the next oscillations. The graphical representation of the displacement versus time is shown in Fig. 7.5.2. The curve was obtained by numerical integration of the equation of motion (7.5.6) with m ¼ 10kNm1 s2 , T ¼ 0:5s, F ¼ 23:685kN, u0 ¼ 0:55m, u_ 0 ¼ using the program aem_nlin.m developed in Chapter 5. The numerical results coincide with those obtained by the above-presented analytical solution. The motion is a vibration with a period T ¼ 2p=w, which means that the Coulomb friction does not affect the frequency or the period of vibration. The amplitude of vibration is reduced in each cycle by 4F=k. A consequence of this is that the envelopes of the curve are straight lines, unlike in the cases of viscous or hysteretic damping where the envelopes are exponential functions. The motion of the system continues until the elastic force ku becomes smaller than the force F of the friction. Until now, no difference was made between static friction Fs ¼ ms N and dynamic friction Fd ¼ md N . The first occurs when the body is stationary and the second when the body moves. Generally, it is md < ms , hence the dynamic friction coefficient md will be used in the equation of motion while the static friction coefficient ms is used for the control of the motion. In viscous or hysteretic damping, theoretically, the body does not stop moving because the amplitude of the vibration reduces exponentially. Nevertheless, real structural systems stop after a finite time. This is due to the fact that the Coulomb friction coexists with other forms of damping and forces the moving systems to stop. 7.5.2 Forced vibrations with Coulomb damping In this case, the equation of motion becomes m u€ + F signðu_ Þ + ku ¼ pðt Þ (7.5.17) An analytical solution can be achieved by splitting the above equation into two equations. Thus the equation describing the motion to the right is m u€ + ku ¼ F + pðt Þ whose general solution is u ðt Þ ¼ Acos wt + B sin wt F 1 + k mw Z t 0 pðτÞ sin wðt τÞdτ (7.5.18) (7.5.19) On the other hand, the equation describing the motion to the left is m u€ + ku ¼ F + pðt Þ whose general solution is F 1 u ðt Þ ¼ A cos wt + B sin wt + + k mw Z 0 t pðτÞsin wðt τÞdτ (7.5.20) (7.5.21) 256 PART I Single-degree-of-freedom systems t the general solution is (see Eq. 3.2.8) For a harmonic load pðt Þ ¼ p0 sin w u ðt Þ ¼ A cos wt + B sin wt F p0 1 w t, b ¼ + sin w k w k 1 b2 (7.5.22) Apparently, the derivation of the solution for forced vibrations becomes quite complicated if we follow the procedure applied for the free oscillations, that is, by splitting the equation of motion into two equations. Nevertheless, for small damping, we can approximate the solution in the phase of the steady-state response. Thus, the solution is given by Eq. (7.2.2). The graph of the friction force versus displacement in one cycle takes the form of the rectangle of Fig. 7.5.3. Hence, the work produced by the friction force in a complete oscillation is WD ¼ 4Fr (7.5.23) We can determine an equivalent coefficient of viscous damping by equating the loss of energy (Eq. 7.5.23) with that of the viscous damping given by Eq. (7.3.1). Namely, FIG. 7.5.3 Hysteresis loop in a system with Coulomb damping. ceq p wr2 ¼ 4Fr (7.5.24) which gives 4F p wr (7.5.25) ceq 2F ¼ 2mw pkrb (7.5.26) ceq ¼ and an equivalent damping ratio xeq ¼ Damping in structures Chapter 7 257 Substituting this value of the damping ratio in Eq. (7.2.3) yields r¼ p0 1 ffi qffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi 2 k 2 2 1 b + ð4F=pkrÞ (7.5.27) which is solved for r to give vffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi u p0 u1 ð4F=pp0 Þ2 r¼ t 2 k 1 b2 (7.5.28) Eq. (7.5.28) holds if 1 ð4F=pp0 Þ2 > 0, that is, when F=p0 < p=4. Obviously, for F=p0 > p=4 r becomes imaginary and this method for determining an equivalent damping coefficient does not apply. The phase angle results from Eq. (7.2.4) by setting x ¼ xeq and taking the value of r from Eq. (7.5.28). Thus, we have 4F=pp0 tan q ¼ qffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi 1 ð4F=pp0 Þ2 (7.5.29) The plus sign is valid when b < 1 while the minus sign is valid when b > 1. 7.6 7.6.1 Damping modeling via fractional derivatives Introduction In the modeling of the linear elastic behavior of structures, damping has been classically modeled as being linearly dependent on velocity. This damping model is adequate for the dynamic analysis of lightly damped structures. However, this model, while mathematically straightforward, fails to describe the damping response of heavily damped structures. This drawback is more pronounced in materials used in devices aimed at increasing the damping of structures, such as seismic isolators. Historically, the need for more refined models to control damping has pushed researchers to use viscoelastic models in the dynamic analysis of structures. Applicable viscoelastic models are expressed as a series of ordinary time derivatives relating time-dependent stress to strain fields. These models yield acceptable plots of material properties, but they have drawbacks. Normally, these models contain many terms, making them mathematically cumbersome and increasing the order of the differential equations describing the response of the system. An alternative representation of these models is realized via fractional derivatives, that is, derivatives of noninteger order [6]. The real strength of this approach is that the fractional derivative models describe 258 PART I Single-degree-of-freedom systems damping effects using fewer material parameters than the integer order differential models but with equal precision. This approach involves fractional differential equations, which needs acquaintance with fractional calculus. 7.6.2 The fractional derivative The fractional (noninteger order) derivatives are as old as calculus. The theory of derivatives of noninteger order goes back to G. W. Leibnitz. After Leibnitz defined the derivative of integer order, d n y=dx n with n being an integer, L’H^ opital asked: “What if n is a fraction, say n ¼ 1=2?” Leibnitz gave an answer to this question (Sept. 30, 1695) concluding “It will be a paradox” and added prophetically “From this apparent paradox, one day useful consequences will be drawn” [7]. For three centuries, the fractional derivative inspired pure theoretical mathematical developments useful only for mathematicians. The integer order derivative allows giving geometrical interpretations to the proposed physical models resulting from Newton’s law of motion. Apparently, this made the then-revolutionary concepts accessible to contemporary scientists, who were well experienced in geometry. In a sense, the long delay to apply fractional calculus may be attributed to this fact. We recall that fractional derivatives lack the straightforward geometrical interpretation of their integer counterparts. However, research carried out in recent years has pointed out that fractional order derivatives provide an effective tool to reliably model many complex physical and engineering systems. In recent years, this fact gave a great boost to the study of fractional differential equations. In this context, many books on fractional calculus as well as numerous publications on the study of physical and engineering systems via fractional derivatives have been written; see for example [8] and the references therein. There are several definitions of the fractional derivative [8]. The RiemannLiouville and Caputo fractional derivatives are among the most widely used. Nevertheless, as the scope of this section is not to give a detailed account of this subject, we will restrict our discussion to the Caputo derivative, defined as Z t 1 u ðmÞ ðτÞ DCa u ðt Þ ¼ dτ, m 1 < a < m (7.6.1) Gðm aÞ 0 ðt τÞa + 1m where Gðz Þ is the gamma function with argument z, a is the order of the fractional derivative, and m an integer. It can be shown that lim DCa u ðt Þ ¼ u ðmÞ ðt Þ a!m lim DCa u ðt Þ ¼ u ðm1Þ ðt Þ u ðm1Þ ð0Þ a!m1 (7.6.2) Obviously, for m ¼ 1, the fractional derivative interpolates the first-order derivative [9]. Fig. 7.6.1 shows the fractional derivative of the function u ¼ t t 3 =6 + t 5 =120 for various orders of the fractional derivative. Damping in structures Chapter 7 259 1.2 D 1u 1 c D 0.99999u 0.8 c D 0.9u 0.6 c D 0.5u c 0.4 D 0.1u c 0.2 D 0.00001u 0 u c −0.2 −0.4 −0.6 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 FIG. 7.6.1 The fractional derivative of the function u ¼ t t 3 =6 + t 5 =120 for various orders. If damping is modeled via the fractional derivative, the equation of motion of a SDOF system is written as m u€ + cD aC u + ku ¼ pðt Þ (7.6.3) Obviously, for a ! 1, we obtain the equation of motion with viscous damping m u€ + cu_ + ku ¼ pðt Þ (7.6.4) while for a ! 0 the equation of motion becomes m u€ + ðc + k Þu ¼ pðt Þ + cu 0 (7.6.5) that is, it yields the elastic response with stiffness k ∗ ¼ c + k and excitation force p∗ ¼ pðt Þ + cu 0 . The Caputo derivative is employed because, contrary to other types of fractional derivatives, it allows the application of initial conditions having a direct physical significance. Eq. (7.6.3) represents a fractional differential equation. Analytical solutions of such equations are difficult or impossible to obtain. This reason has recently boosted the development of efficient numerical methods for solving fractional differential equations [10, 11]. Fig. 7.6.2 shows the free vibration response of an DOF system for various values of the order a 260 PART I Single-degree-of-freedom systems FIG. 7.6.2 Free vibration response of a SDOF system for various values of the order a. The solution of Eq. (7.6.3) has been obtained using the method presented in [11]. The developed MATLAB program has been given the name three_term_FD.m and is included on this book’s companion website. Note that for a 1 and a 0 the solutions are identical to the corresponding analytical ones. The fractional calculus has allowed the definition of any order of fractional derivative, real or imaginary. This fact enables us to consider the fractional derivative to be a function of time (explicit variable-order fractional derivative) or of some other time-dependent variable (implicit variable-order fractional derivative). Thus, the variable-order Caputo derivative for m ¼ 1 reads Z t 1 u_ ðτÞ aðt Þ DC u ð t Þ ¼ dτ ðExplicitÞ (7.6.6a) Gð1 aðt ÞÞ 0 ðt τÞaðt Þ Z t 1 u_ ðτÞ aðu Þ dτ ðImplicitÞ (7.6.6b) DC u ð t Þ ¼ Gð1 aðu ÞÞ 0 ðt τÞaðu Þ Z t 1 u_ ðτÞ aðu_ Þ DC u ð t Þ ¼ dτ ðImplicitÞ (7.6.6c) Gð1 aðu_ ÞÞ 0 ðt τÞaðu_ Þ The concept of a variable-order fractional derivative exhibits notable advantages over the constant order derivative and it has been recently used to model the dynamic response of actual structures [12, 13]. 7.7 Measurement of damping As stated in Chapter 1, the mass and stiffness of a dynamic system can be determined from its physical characteristics. The mass can be determined from the geometry and the mass density of the structural elements. The stiffness is also Damping in structures Chapter 7 261 determined if the geometry and material properties of the structural elements are known. However, it is difficult or at least impractical to relate damping to known or measurable physical characteristics of the system. Therefore, the damping of a given structure cannot be measured precisely during the design phase, but only experimentally after its construction. There are several experimental techniques to measure the damping of a structure. Most of them are based on the assumption that the damping is viscous. When damping is not viscous in nature, an equivalent viscous damping is usually determined. 7.7.1 Free vibration decay method This is the simplest and most frequently used method of determining the viscous damping ratio x through experimental measurements. This method was already presented in Chapter 2 when we discussed the free damped vibrations. The system is excited by means of an appropriate experimental instrumentation and is left to perform free oscillations. Subsequently, the peak amplitudes ui and ui + n over n consecutive cycles are measured. As shown in Section 2.3.2, the damping ratio can be calculated using Eq. (2.3.24), namely 2npx ui pffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi ¼ ln (7.7.1) ui + n 1 x2 which yields dn x ¼ pffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi 2 4p n 2 + d n 2 where dn ¼ ln ui ui + n (7.7.2) (7.7.3) This method was illustrated in Example E6.2.1. When the damping is hysteretic, the damping force is given by Eq. (7.4.2). In w, provided that the damping is small. Hence, free vibrations, it can be set as w the equivalent damping coefficient ch and the damping ratio are obtained from the relations k w xh ¼ 2 ch ¼ (7.7.4a) (7.7.4b) The hysteretic damping coefficient is obtained by using Eq. (7.7.2), if it is set x ¼ xh . This yields 262 PART I Single-degree-of-freedom systems 2dn ¼ pffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi 2 4p n 2 + dn 2 (7.7.5) Example 7.7.1 Evaluation of damping in a SDOF system In a test, the silo in Example 2.3.1 is subjected to harmonic excitation at a frequency 15s1 and the force-displacement relation is obtained at the steady state. The amplitude of the displacement is measured as 10 cm, and the energy loss per cycle 50kNm. If damping is considered to be viscous, determine c and x. Solution The mass of the system is m ¼ 100kNm1 s2 , the stiffness k ¼ 2721:6kN=m, and frequency w ¼ 5:2169s1 , taken from Example 2.3.1. (i) For viscous damping, the energy loss per cycle is given by Eq. (7.2.6), namely WD ¼ pc wr2 (1) 1 ¼ 15s , r ¼ 0:1m, WD ¼ 50kNm gives which for w WD 50 ¼ ¼ 106:10 p wr2 p 15 0:12 (2) c 106:10 ¼ ¼ 0:102 2mw 2 100 5:2169s1 (3) c¼ x¼ 7.7.2 Resonance amplitude method t. In the phase of The system is subjected to harmonic excitation pðt Þ ¼ p0 sin w the steady-state response, the amplitude and the phase angle are given by Eq. (3.2.27), namely i 2 p0 h 2 1 b2 + ð2xb Þ2 k 2xb q ¼ tan 1 1 b2 1 r¼ (7.7.6a) (7.7.6b) For b ¼ 1 Eq. (7.7.6b) yields q ¼ 90° regardless of the value of x. If the employed experimental instrumentation allows the measurement of the phase angle q, then we adjust the excitation frequency so that q ¼ 90° and we measure the amplitude of vibration r. Besides, setting b ¼ 1 in Eq. (3.2.28) we obtain D ¼ max jRðt Þj ¼ which yields r 1 ¼ p0 =k 2x (7.7.7) Damping in structures Chapter x¼ p0 =k 2r 7 263 (7.7.8) This previous method requires knowledge of the stiffness k of the structure, which is determined either from the physical characteristics of the structure or experimentally, for example, by imposing a load and measuring the resulting displacement. If the measurement of the phase difference is not easy, then we measure experimentally the amplitude of the vibration in the range of resonance. Subsequently, we plot the curve Dðb Þ ¼ rðb Þ=ðp0 =k Þ (see Fig. 7.7.1) and determine its maximum. Then Eq. (3.2.31), namely Dmax ¼ 1 pffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi 2x 1 x 2 (7.7.9) FIG. 7.7.1 Graphical representation of the curve D ðbÞ in the range of resonance. allows the evaluation of x. For small values of x, it is x 2 0, hence x 1=2Dmax . This method also requires knowledge of the stiffness k of the structure. 7.7.3 Width of response curve method The width of the response curve DðbÞ in the range of resonance can be used to determine the damping of the structure. In this method, the frequencies corresponding to the phase angles 45° are measured. One of these frequencies is 264 PART I Single-degree-of-freedom systems below the resonance frequency while the other is above it (see Fig. 7.7.2). The respective values of b are obtained from Eq. (7.7.6b). Thus, we have 2xb1 ¼1 1 b21 (7.7.10a) 2xb2 ¼ 1 1 b22 (7.7.10b) 1 b21 2xb1 ¼ 0 (7.7.11a) 1 b22 2xb2 (7.7.11b) which can be written as ¼0 D FIG. 7.7.2 Response curve DðbÞ in the neighborhood of resonance to determine bI and b II . Subtracting the previous equations gives 1 2 w 1 1w x ¼ ðb 2 b 1 Þ ¼ 2 2 w (7.7.12) 1 and w 2 have Eq. (7.7.12) can be used to calculate x when the frequencies w been measured and the natural frequency w is known or can be determined. The previously described method is based on the capability of measuring the phase angle, which may not be simple because it requires complex instrumentation. However, another property of the response curve may be used to determine the damping ratio. This method is not based on the measurement of the phase angle, but on experimental measurements. The response curve D ðb Þ is plotted in the range of resonance and the values b corresponding to Damping in structures Chapter 7 265 pffiffiffi 1= 2Dmax are determined. It is apparent from Fig. 7.7.2 that these values are two, which are denoted by bI and bII . For small values of the damping ratio, it is Dmax 1=2x. Besides, using Eq. (3.2.28) we can write 1 1 1 pffiffiffi ¼ qffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi 2 2x 2 1 b2 + ð2xb Þ2 The solution of the above equation gives two values of b qffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi 2 2 b I ¼ 1 2x 2x 1 + x2 (7.7.13) (7.7.14a) qffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi b 2II ¼ 1 2x2 + 2x 1 + x2 (7.7.14b) pffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi Using the binomial theorem to expand 1 + x 2 and neglecting terms of order higher than the second, the above relations reduce to b2I 1 2x 2x 2 (7.7.15a) b2II 1 + 2x 2x 2 (7.7.15b) or after expanding in Taylor series qffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi 3 bI 1 2x 2x2 1 x x 2 2 qffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi 3 b II 1 + 2x 2x2 1 + x x 2 2 (7.7.16a) (7.7.16b) which give 1 x ¼ ðbII b I Þ 2 (7.7.17) Eq. (7.7.17) is similar to Eq. (7.7.12), but avoids the measurement of the phase angles. 7.8 Problems Problem 7.1 The damping force applied to a system moving in a fluid is given by the relation fD ¼ lu_ a , where l and a are real constants. Give: (i) The graphical representation of the displacement u ðt Þ when the system performs free vibrations with initial conditions u ð0Þ ¼ 0:02m, u_ ð0Þ ¼ 0. (ii) The graphical representation of the displacement u ðt Þ when the system is t with zero initial conditions. subjected to the harmonic load pðt Þ ¼ p0 sin w Data: m ¼ 10kNm1 s2 , k ¼ 1500kN=m, l ¼ 100, a ¼ 3, p0 ¼ 300kN, and ¼ 2s1 . w 266 PART I Single-degree-of-freedom systems Problem 7.2 The system of Fig. P7.2 is subjected to Coulomb damping. Give: (i) The graphical representation of the displacement u ðt Þ when the system performs free vibrations with initial conditions (a) u ð0Þ ¼ 0:40m, u_ ð0Þ ¼ 0 and (b) u ð0Þ ¼ 0, u_ ð0Þ ¼ 2:8ms1 . (ii) The graphical representation of the displacement u ðt Þ when the system is t with zero initial conditions. subjected to the harmonic load pðt Þ ¼ p0 sin w (iii) Calculate the equivalent damping ratio xeq of the equivalent viscous damping. =w ¼ 0:4, N ¼ 70kN, Data: m ¼ 10:132kNm1 s2 , k ¼ 1600kN=m, b ¼ w m ¼ 0:32, and p0 ¼ 1:57F. FIG. P7.2 System subjected to Coulomb damping. Problem P7.3 Two bodies B1 and B2 with masses m1 and m2 , respectively, are placed on two inclined planes whose angles are f1 and f2 , as shown in Fig. P7.3. The bodies are connected by a massless cable of length L and axial stiffness k ¼ EA=L. The friction coefficient between the bodies and the inclined planes is m while between the cable and the pulley it is zero. Determine the equation of motion of the system. FIG. P7.3 System in problem P7.3. Problem P7.4 The damping of a SDOF system is expressed by the Caputo fractional derivative of order a ¼ 0:5. Compare the response of the system with that of viscous damping. Data: m ¼ 10kNm1 s2 , x ¼ 0:1, k ¼ 500kN=m, p ¼ p0 sin 5t, and p0 ¼ 2kN. Hint: Use the program three_term_FD.m available on this book’s companion website. Damping in structures Chapter 7 267 References and further reading [1] L. Rayleigh, Theory of Sound, second ed., Dover Publications, New York, 1877; reissued 1945. [2] R.W. Clough, J. Penzien, Dynamics of Structures, second ed., McGraw-Hill, New York, 1993. [3] A.K. Chopra, Dynamics of Structures: Theory and Applications to Earthquake Engineering, Prentice Hall, Englewood Cliffs, NJ, 1995. [4] J.L. Humar, Dynamics of Structures, second ed., A.A. Balkema Publishers, Lisse, NL, 2002. [5] S. Adhikari, Damping Models for Structural Vibration, Dissertation submitted to the University of Cambridge for the Degree of Doctor of Philosophy, Trinity College, Cambridge, 2000. [6] R.L. Bagley, P.J. Torvik, Fractional calculus—a different approach to the analysis of viscoelastically damped structures, AIAA J. 27 (1998) 1412–1417. [7] G.W. Leibniz, S€amtliche Schriften und Briefe, 3te Reihe, Mathematischer, Naturwissenschaftlicher und Technischer Briefwechsel, Band VI, Letter 163, 2004, p. 510. BerlinBrandenburgischen Akademie der Wissenschaften und Akademie der Wissenschaften in G€ ottingen. [8] I. Podlubny, Fractional Differential Equations, Academic Press, New York, 1999. [9] J.T. Katsikadelis, Generalized fractional derivatives and their applications to mechanical systems. Arch. Appl. Mech. 85 (2015) 1307–1320, https://doi.org/10.1007/s00419-014-0969-0. [10] K. Diethelm, N.J. Ford, A.D. Freed, Y. Luchko, Algorithms for fractional calculus: a selection for numerical Methods, Comput. Methods Appl. Mech. Eng. 194 (2005) 743–773. [11] T. Katsikadelis, Numerical Solution of multi-term fractional differential equations, ZAMM, Z. Angew. Math. Mech. 89 (7) (2009) 593–608. [12] C.F.M. Coimbra, Mechanics with variable-order differential operators, Ann. Phys. (Leipzig) 12 (11–12) (2003) 692–703, https://doi.org/10.1002/andp.200310032. [13] J.T. Katsikadelis, Numerical solution of variable order fractional differential equations, arXiv:1802.00519 [math.NA] (2018). Chapter 8 Generalized single-degree-offreedom systems—Continuous systems Chapter outline 8.1 Introduction 8.2 Generalized single-degree-offreedom systems 8.3 Continuous systems 8.3.1 Introduction 8.3.2 Solution of the beam equation of motion 8.1 269 275 284 284 285 8.3.3 Free vibrations of beams 8.3.4 Orthogonality of the free-vibration modes 8.3.5 Forced vibrations of beams 8.4 Problems References and further reading 286 291 293 295 297 Introduction In this chapter, the method of global shape functions is employed to approximate the response of continuous systems by SDOF systems, which we call generalized SDOF systems. The example that follows helps in understanding the basic ingredients of the method as well as the error introduced by the lumped mass assumption. In order to study the dynamic response of the frame shown in Fig. 8.1.1a, we approximate it by the model of Fig. 8.1.1b. As mentioned, in formulating this model, it was assumed that the mass of the columns is concentrated at their ends, that is, half at the top and half at the foot of the column. The consequence of this assumption is that the elastic curve of the columns has the form of an unloaded beam fixed at both ends, whose end cross-sections undergo a relative displacement u ðt Þ. This assumption is, however, not entirely correct because the mass of the columns is actually distributed along their length. This fact, apparently, pro u€ ðx, t Þ, where uðx, t Þ is the actual elastic curve duces inertial forces fI ðx, t Þ ¼ m of the columns (see Fig. 8.1.1c). Thus, the problem would be correctly addressed if the columns were treated as systems of infinite degrees of freedom, that is, continuous systems whose top cross-sections are connected by the rigid beam of mass m. Such an approach, however, would be quite difficult because the analysis leads to partial differential equations (see Section 1.1). Nevertheless, it is possible to approximate the system by another model, which is closer Dynamic Analysis of Structures. https://doi.org/10.1016/B978-0-12-818643-5.00008-X © 2020 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved. 269 270 PART I Single-degree-of-freedom systems to the actual system than that of Fig. 8.1.1b. In this model, we consider that the mass is distributed along the length of columns, but their deformed shape is chosen so that it is close to the actual one. We observe that the end cross-sections of the columns in Fig. 8.1.1a do not rotate during the motion. Hence the shape function ðx Þ ( see Eq. (8.1.1)) representing the shape of the elastic curve should be chosen so that it satisfies the geometrical boundary conditions at the ends of the columns, which demand ð0Þ ¼ 0, 0 ð0Þ ¼ 0, ðh Þ 6¼ 0, and 0 ðh Þ ¼ 0. The functions ðx Þ are not unique. They constitute an infinite set of functions called geometrically admissible functions. (a) (b) (c) FIG. 8.1.1 Model of a two-column frame with rigid beam. After this consideration, we may set uðx, t Þ ¼ ðx Þu ðt Þ (8.1.1) where u ðt Þ is a time-dependent function denoting the displacement of a certain cross-section of the column, say at x ¼ a, 0 < a h. This yields uða, t Þ ¼ ða Þu ðt Þ ¼ u ðt Þ, which implies that ða Þ ¼ 1. If it is taken a ¼ h, then u ðt Þ ¼ uðh, t Þ represents the displacement at the top of the column. Eq. (8.1.1) states that the shape of the elastic curve remains the same during motion while its values are multiplied by the common factor u ðt Þ. The function ðx Þ, which approximates the elastic curve, is referred to as shape function. In the example of Fig. 8.1.1, a shape function for the columns is the elastic curve of a beam with constant stiffness EI , whose ends are subjected to a relative displacement equal to one. Therefore, the shape function is obtained from the solution of the differential equation of the elastic curve of the beam in the absence of loading (Fig. 8.1.2a) EI d 4 ðx Þ ¼0 dx 4 (8.1.2) Generalized single-degree-of-freedom systems—Continuous systems Chapter 8 271 (a) (b) FIG. 8.1.2 Shape function (a) and and deflection curve (b) in Example 8.1.1 with boundary conditions ð0Þ ¼ 0, 0 ð0Þ ¼ 0, ðh Þ ¼ 1, 0 ðh Þ ¼ 0 (8.1.3) Integrating Eq. (8.1.2) yields ðx Þ ¼ c 1 x3 x2 + c2 + c3 x + c4 6 2 (8.1.4) where ci (i ¼ 1, 2, 3, 4) are arbitrary constants. Applying now the boundary conditions (8.1.3), we obtain c1 ¼ 12 , h3 c2 ¼ 6 , h2 c3 ¼ 0, c4 ¼ 0 (8.1.5) Then substituting these values for the arbitrary constants into Eq. (8.1.4) yields the shape function x 2 x 3 ðx Þ ¼ 3 2 ¼ 3x2 2x3 , x ¼ x=h (8.1.6) h h After the selection of the shape function, the motion of the system is determined by the time-dependent function u ðt Þ. The equation of motion can be derived using different methods such as Hamilton’s principle, Lagrange equations, or the principle of virtual work. To implement these methods, it is necessary to determine the elastic energy U and the kinetic energy T of the system as well as the virtual work of the external force pðt Þ. (a) Evaluation of the elastic energy U . The elastic energy is due to the strain energy of the two columns because of bending. The strain energy per unit volume is 1 U0 ¼ s x e x 2 (8.1.7) 272 PART I Single-degree-of-freedom systems where sx is the normal stress on the cross-section of the column and ex the corresponding strain. For a linearly elastic material with modulus of elasticity E, it is ex ¼ sx =E. Taking into account that the bending stress in a beam is sx ¼ Mx y=I ðx Þ, we obtain 1 Mx y 2 U0 ¼ (8.1.8) 2E I ðx Þ where I ðx Þ is the moment of inertia of the, in general, variable cross-section and Mx the bending moment. Hence, the total elastic energy of the one column is Z U ¼ U0 dV 2 V (8.1.9) Z 1 Mx y 2 ¼ dV V 2E I ðx Þ where V is the volume of the column. It is known from the beam theory that Mx ¼ EI ðx Þu00 ðx, t Þ which is introduced into Eq. (8.1.9) to yield Z U 1 h 2 ¼ EI ðx Þ½u00 ðx, t Þ dx 2 2 0 (8.1.10) (8.1.11) For I ðx Þ ¼ I ¼ constant and uðx, t Þ ¼ ðx Þu ðt Þ, the previous equation becomes Z h U EI 2 2 ¼ ½u ðt Þ ½ 00 ðx Þ dx (8.1.12) 2 2 0 Differentiating Eq. (8.1.6) twice with respect to x gives 00 ðx Þ ¼ 6 ð1 2xÞ h2 (8.1.13) Substituting Eq. (8.1.13) into Eq. (8.1.12) and integrating give U 1 12EI 2 ¼ u 2 2 h3 (8.1.14) Therefore, the elastic energy of the two columns is U¼ 12EI 2 u h3 (8.1.15) 12EI udu h3 (8.1.16) and its variation dU ¼ 2 Generalized single-degree-of-freedom systems—Continuous systems Chapter 8 273 (b) Evaluation of the kinetic energy T . The kinetic energy is due to the velocity u_ ðt Þ of the mass m of the horizontal beam as well as to the velocity u_ ðx, t Þ at points x of the column axis. Thus, we have of the mass m Z h 1 1 2 2 ½u_ ðx, t Þ dx m (8.1.17) T ¼ m u_ + 2 2 2 0 By virtue of Eq. (8.1.1), the above relation is written as Z h 1 u_ 2 ½ ðx Þ2 dx T ¼ m u_ 2 + m 2 0 (8.1.18) Then using Eq. (8.1.6) and integrating give 1 u_ 2 T ¼ m u_ 2 + 0:371mh 2 (8.1.19) Þud _ u_ dT ¼ ðm + 0:742h m (8.1.20) and (c) Evaluation of the virtual work dWnc . This is due to the nonconservative external force pðt Þ. This is dWnc ¼ pðt Þdu (8.1.21) Now we proceed to the derivation of the equation of motion using: 1. Hamilton’s principle. Substituting Eqs. (8.1.16), (8.1.20), (8.1.21) into Eq. (1.7.13) and taking into account that A ¼ 0, we obtain Z t2 EI Þud _ u_ pðt Þdu dt ¼ 0 24 3 udu ðm + 0:742h m (8.1.22) h t1 which after elimination of du_ using integration by parts yields the equation of motion m ∗ u€ + k ∗ u ¼ p∗ ðt Þ (8.1.23) where m ∗ ¼ m + 0:741mh, k∗ ¼ 24EI , p∗ ðt Þ ¼ pðt Þ h3 (8.1.24) 2. Lagrange equations. The equation of motion will result from Eq. (1.8.11) by setting qi ¼ u, A ¼ 0 and Qi ¼ pðt Þ. This gives d ∂T ∂T ∂U + ¼ pðt Þ (8.1.25) dt ∂u_ ∂u ∂u which by virtue of Eqs. (8.1.15), (8.1.19) yields Eq. (8.1.23). 274 PART I Single-degree-of-freedom systems 3. The principle of virtual work. The principle of virtual work stated in Section 1.6 for rigid bodies can also be extended to deformable bodies, but now we must take account of the work done by the internal forces in riding through the virtual deformation. Thus, for a deformable body, the principle of virtual work becomes dWex ¼ dWin (8.1.26) where dWex and dWin denote the virtual work of the external and internal forces, respectively. For the system of Fig. 8.1.1, the external forces are the excitation force pðt Þ and the inertial forces. Hence Z h € 2 dWex ¼ m udu u€ ðx, t Þd uðx, t Þdx + pðt Þdu m 0 which by virtue of Eqs. (8.1.1), (8.1.6) becomes € 0:742mhdu dWex ¼ m udu + pðt Þdu (8.1.27) The virtual work of the internal forces for the two columns is obtained from the relationa Z dWin ¼ 2 sx dex dV (8.1.28) V where V is the volume of the column. Taking into account that sx ¼ Mx y=I , sx ¼ Eex , Mx ¼ EI u00 ðx, t Þ, we obtain from Eq. (8.1.28) dWin ¼ 2 12EI udu h3 (8.1.29) Substituting Eqs. (8.1.27), (8.1.29) into Eq. (8.1.26) yields the equation of motion (8.1.23). a The expression for the strain energy of a beam due to bending is derived from the strain energy of the beam by taking its variation ([1], Chap. 1): Z Z 1 1 Win ¼ sx ex dV ¼ Es2 dV (a) 2 V 2 V x which by taking the variation gives Z dWin ¼ Z Eex dex dV ¼ V sx dex dV V (b) Generalized single-degree-of-freedom systems—Continuous systems Chapter 8 275 FIG. 8.1.3 Dependence of T*/T on the ratio of the column mass over total beam mass in the frame of Fig. 8.1.1 If the mass of the column is assumed concentrated at the ends of the columns, the coefficients of the corresponding equation of motion result as m ∗ ¼ m + mh, k∗ ¼ 24EI , p∗ ðt Þ ¼ pðt Þ h3 (8.1.30) Fig. 8.1.3 We observe that the generalized mass is less by 0:259mh. where T ∗ shows the variation of the ratio T ∗ =T versus the ratio mh=m, is the natural period of the generalized single-degree-of-freedom system and T the the period of the model in Fig. 8.1.1b. We observe that the lumped mass assumption has a small influence on the natural period when the mass of the columns with respect to the mass of the horizontal beam is small. Illustrative examples facilitating the comprehension of all concepts are presented and the pertinent bibliography with recommended references for further study is also included. The chapter is enriched with problems to be solved. 8.2 Generalized single-degree-of-freedom systems After the introductory example in the previous section, we can extend the discussed method to approximate the response of a more complex system with a generalized SDOF system. When the members of the system are undeformed, the substitute SDOF system represents the actual response of the system. Such examples were discussed in Chapter 1. Example 1.7.3 is a representative case. The shape function of that example is shown in Fig. E1.11. However, when the members connecting the lumped masses are deformable, then the generalized SDOF system simulating the actual one can be used to approximate its response. The accuracy of the approximation depends on the selection of the shape function. 276 PART I Single-degree-of-freedom systems Nevertheless, the method allows us to approximate easily the dynamic characteristics of a complex system, thus circumventing exact solution methods. To illustrate the application of the method to complex systems, we consider the beam of Fig. 8.2.1a, which is fixed at point 1 and simply supported at point 2. Moreover, the beam rests on the nonhomogeneous Winkler’s type elastic foundation with variable reaction modulus k ðx Þ. The foundation reacts also with distributed linear damping having coefficient cðx Þ. The cross-section of the beam is variable, hence I ¼ I ðx Þ and m ¼ m ðx Þ. The beam caries the lumped masses mi with rotational inertia Ii at points x ¼ xi , i ¼ 1, 2, …,N . The beam is loaded by the distributed load pðx, t Þ and the axial load P at the end cross-section 2. The beam may also be subjected to concentrated loads and/or concentrated and distributed moments. However, for the convenience of the illustration of the method, these loads are not considered. To treat the structure as a generalized SDOF, we will seek the transverse deflection in the form of Eq. (8.1.1), that is, uðx, t Þ. The shape function ðx Þ will be selected so that ð0Þ ¼ 0, 0 ð0Þ ¼ 0, ðLÞ ¼ 0, 0 ðLÞ 6¼ 0 (8.2.1) The deflection curve of the beam fixed at one end and simply supported at the other is a geometrically admissible function and thus can be used as a shape function. Taking ðL=2Þ ¼ 1, we may write uðx, t Þ ¼ ðx Þu ðt Þ (8.2.2) Obviously, it is uðL=2, t Þ ¼ u ðt Þ, hence u ðt Þ represents the displacement at the middle of the beam. We will use Hamilton’s principle to derive the equation of motion of the generalized SDOF system. For this purpose, we evaluate the quantities U , K , dWnc , and A. (a) (b) (c) (d) FIG. 8.2.1 Beam resting on foundation with nonhomogeneous elastic and damping reaction. Generalized single-degree-of-freedom systems—Continuous systems Chapter 8 277 (a) Evaluation of the elastic energy U . This energy consists of the strain energy of the beam due to bending and the elastic energy of the springs of Winkler’s model. That is, Z Z 1 L 1 L 2 00 EI ðx Þ½u ðx, t Þ dx + k ðx Þ½uðx, t Þ2 dx (8.2.3) U¼ 2 0 2 0 which yields Z L Z dU ¼ EI ðx Þu00 ðx, t Þd u00 ðx, t Þdx + 0 L k ðx Þuðx, t Þd uðx, t Þdx (8.2.4) 0 Eq. (8.1.1) gives duðx, t Þ ¼ ðx Þdu, du00 ðx, t Þ ¼ Eq. (8.2.4) becomes 00 ðx Þdu. Thus, dU ¼ k ∗ udu (8.2.5) where Z k∗ L ¼ 00 EI ðx Þ½ Z 2 L ðx Þ dx + 0 k ðx Þ½ ðx Þ2 dx (8.2.6) 0 (b) Evaluation of the kinetic energy T . This energy consists of the kinetic energy of the distributed mass m ðx Þ and the kinetic energy of the lumped masses mi .That is Z N N h i2 1 L 1X 1X 2 2 0 T¼ m ðx Þ½u_ ðx, t Þ dx + mi ½u_ ðxi , t Þ + Ii u_ ðxi , t Þ 2 0 2 i¼1 2 i¼1 (8.2.7) 0 where u_ ðx, t Þ and u_ ðx, t Þ are the transverse velocity and the angular velocity, respectively, at the cross-section x. Eq. (8.2.7) gives Z L N X dT ¼ m ðx Þu_ ðx, t Þdu_ ðx, t Þdx + mi u_ ðxi , t Þdu_ ðxi , t Þ 0 i¼1 (8.2.8) N X 0 0 + Ii u_ ðxi , t Þdu_ ðxi , t Þ i¼1 which by virtue of Eq. (8.1.1) results in _ u_ dT ¼ m ∗ ud (8.2.9) where Z m∗ L ¼ 0 m ðx Þ½ ðx Þ2 dx + N X i¼1 mi ½ ðxi Þ2 + N X i¼1 Ii ½ 0 ðxi Þ 2 (8.2.10) 278 PART I Single-degree-of-freedom systems (c) Evaluation of the virtual work dWnc of the nonconservative forces. This is due to the damping force fD ðx, t Þ ¼ cðx Þu_ ðx, t Þ and the external force pðx, t Þ. Hence we have Z L Z L cðx Þu_ ðx, t Þd uðx, t Þdx + pðx, t Þd uðx, t Þdx (8.2.11) dWnc ¼ 0 0 which by virtue of Eq. (8.1.1) gives dWnc ¼ ½c∗ u_ + p∗ ðt Þdu (8.2.12) where Z L c∗ ¼ cðx Þ ðx Þdx (8.2.13a) pðx, t Þ ðx Þdx (8.2.13b) 0 Z L p∗ ðt Þ ¼ 0 (d) The potential A of the conservative forces. This is due to the work of the axial force P. Obviously, if the axial deformation is neglected, it is A ¼ 0. But if we consider shortening of the beam due to bending, that is, if we adopt large displacements, then the shortening is expressed by the nonlinear term of the strain-displacement relation. Thus, according to the nonlinear theory of elasticity, we have [1, 2] 1 ∂u 2 ex ¼ (8.2.14) 2 ∂x and the total shortening is DL ¼ 1 2 Z L ½u0 ðx, t Þ dx 2 (8.2.15) 0 Consequently 1 A ¼ PDL ¼ P 2 Z L ½u0 ðx, t Þ dx 2 (8.2.16) 0 and Z dA ¼ P L u0 ðx, t Þd u0 ðx, t Þdx (8.2.17) 0 which by virtue of Eq. (8.1.1) gives dA ¼ k∗ udu (8.2.18) Generalized single-degree-of-freedom systems—Continuous systems Chapter 8 279 where k∗ ¼ P Z L ½ 0 ðx Þ dx 2 (8.2.19) 0 Substituting Eqs. (8.2.5), (8.2.9), (8.2.12), (8.2.18) into Hamilton’s principle, Eq. (1.7.13), results in Z t2 Z t2 _ u_ k∗ udu dt k ∗ udu m ∗ ud ½c∗ u_ + p∗ ðt Þdudt ¼ 0 (8.2.20) t1 t1 or after integration by part to eliminate the derivative from du_ Z t2 m ∗ u€ + c∗ u_ + k ∗ k∗ u p∗ ðt Þ dudt ¼ 0 (8.2.21) t1 from which we obtain the equation of motion of the generalized SDOF system m ∗ u€ + c∗ u_ + k ∗ k∗ u ¼ p∗ ðt Þ (8.2.22) Looking at the equation of motion (8.2.22), we draw a useful conclusion regarding the stability of the structure. It is evident that the stiffness of the system vanishes when the axial load P takes the critical value Z Pcr ¼ k ∗ = h ½ 0 ðx Þ dx 2 (8.2.23) 0 This value of the axial force is the buckling load of the structure. A consequence of this is the vanishing of the natural frequency, qffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi w¼ k ∗ k∗ =m ∗ ¼ 0. Therefore, a method of determining the buckling load is to find the value of the compressive axial load, which annuls the natural frequency. This method is known as the dynamic criterion for buckling. The method of approximating the continuous systems by a generalized SDOF system can be successful with regard to the displacement. However, we should be careful when we need to determine the stress resultants from the obtained deflection curve using the known relations M ðx, t Þ ¼ EI u00 ðx, t Þ 000 Q ðx, t Þ ¼ EI u ðx, t Þ (8.2.24) (8.2.25) The stress resultants resulting from the above relations may deviate considerably from the actual ones. This is illustrated by the following example. We consider the cantilever beam of Fig. 8.2.2. The function px (8.2.26) ðx Þ ¼ 1 cos 2L 280 PART I Single-degree-of-freedom systems is a geometrically admissible function, that is, ð0Þ ¼ 0, 0 ð0Þ ¼ 0, ðLÞ ¼ 1, 0 ðLÞ 6¼ 0 (8.2.27) FIG. 8.2.2 Cantilever beam as generalized SDOF system Therefore, it can be used as a shape function for the cantilever beam and the resulting displacement is px uðx, t Þ ¼ 1 cos u ðt Þ (8.2.28) 2L Eq. (8.2.25) gives Q ðx, t Þ ¼ EI p 2 2L sin px u ðt Þ 2L (8.2.29) which results in Q ð0, t Þ ¼ 0 (8.2.30) This result is absurd. Nevertheless, this problem can be circumvented if the stress resultant is evaluated using the procedure described in Example 8.2.1. Example 8.2.1 The industrial chimney of length L ¼ 75m shown in Fig. E8.1 consists of the outer reinforced concrete shell, which supports the linings. The thickness of the thermal insulation layer is ti ¼ 0:10m and that of the refractory layer tr ¼ 0:10m. The chimney is fixed on the ground. 1. Determine the natural frequency of the structure using two different shape functions: (i) the elastic curve of a cantilever with constant cross-section under a uniformly distributed load, and (ii) the first vibration mode of a cantilever with constant cross-section. 2. Study the dynamic response of the chimney subjected to the impulsive wind pressure shown in Fig. E8.1b. The analysis will be done using the shape function that produces more accurate results. 3. Compute the bending moment and shear force at the base of the chimney and give their expressions as a function of time. 4. Compute the dynamic magnification factor D ¼ max jRðt Þj for the displacement. Data: Specific weight of reinforced concrete: g b ¼ 24kN=m3 Generalized single-degree-of-freedom systems—Continuous systems Chapter 8 281 Specific weight of thermal insulation: g i ¼ 0:7kN=m3 Specific weight of refractory bricks: g r ¼ 20kN=m3 Peak value of wind pressure: pw ¼ 1kN=m2 Time duration of wind pressure: t1 ¼ 2s (a) (b) FIG. E8.1 Industrial chimney and loading. Modulus of elasticity of reinforced concrete: E ¼ 2:1 107 kN=m2 Solution Computation of m ∗ ,k ∗ ,p∗ ðt Þ. Mean radius of reinforced concrete shell: r ðx Þ ¼ 3:05 0:0243x Mean radius of thermal insulation: ri ðx Þ ¼ 2:85 0:0233x Mean radius of the refractory lining: rr ðx Þ ¼ 2:75 0:0233x Thickness of reinforced concrete: t ðx Þ ¼ 0:30 0:002x The mass and the moment of inertia m ðx Þ ¼ ½2pr ðx Þt ðx Þg b + 2pri ðx Þti g i + 2prr ðx Þtr g r =g (1) I ðx Þ pr ðx Þ3 t ðx Þ (2) 1. The natural frequency of the chimney (i) The shape function is the elastic curve of a cantilever with constant cross-section under a uniformly distributed load p ¼ 8EI =L4 , that is, 282 PART I Single-degree-of-freedom systems ðx Þ ¼ 1 2 6x 4x3 + x4 , x ¼ x=L 3 Computation of the integrals using MATLAB gives Z L 2 ∗ EI ðx Þ½ 00 ðx Þ dx ¼ 2977:6218 k ¼ (3) (4) 0 Z m∗ L ¼ m ðx Þ½ ðx Þ2 dx ¼ 120:9955 (5) 0 Hence w¼ pffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi k ∗ =m ∗ ¼ 4:9608 (6) (ii) The shape function is the first vibration mode of a cantilever with a uniform cross-section (see Section 1 ðx Þ ¼ ½ cosh lx cos lx 0:7341ð sinh lx sinh lx Þ, l ¼ 1:8751=L (7) 3 Z L 2 k∗ ¼ EI ðx Þ½ 00 ðx Þ dx ¼ 2715:2000 (8) 0 Z L m∗ ¼ m ðx Þ½ ðx Þ2 dx ¼ 116:8332 0 w¼ pffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi k ∗ =m ∗ ¼ 4:8208 (9) (10 Obviously, case (ii) is more accurate because it yields a smaller natural frequency (see Chapter 12). 2. The dynamic response of the chimney The outer diameter of the chimney is d ðx Þ ¼ 6:40 0:0507x (11) hence the wind load per unit length is given by where pðx, t Þ ¼ pw d ðx Þf ðt Þ (12) 8 t > > 2 if 0 t t1 =2 > > < t1 t f ðt Þ ¼ 2 1 if t1 =2 t t1 > > > t 1 > : 0 if t1 t (13) hence the peak load of the generalized SDOF system is Z L p∗w ¼ pw d ðx Þ ðx Þdx ¼ 106:81 0 (14) Generalized single-degree-of-freedom systems—Continuous systems Chapter 8 283 The dynamic response will be obtained from the solution of the equation of motion m ∗ u€ + k ∗ u ¼ p∗w f ðt Þ (15) The solution of Eq. (15) is obtained analytically in three phases. Phase Ι. 0 t 1. The solution is given by Eq. (3.4.15) 2p∗w sin wt t ¼ 0:039337t 0:008160 sin 4:8208t (16a) uI ¼ w k ∗ t1 Phase ΙΙ. 1 t 2, et ¼ t 1. The solution is given by Eqs. (3.3.14), (3.5.10) p∗w sin wet e u_ I ð1Þ sin wet + uI ð1Þcos wet + t (16b) 1 cos wet + uII ðt Þ ¼ w w k∗ where uI ð1Þ ¼ 0:04745m, u_ I ð1Þ ¼ 0:03508m=s Phase IΙΙ. 2 t, ^t ¼ t 2. The solution is given by Eq. (2.2.13) uIII ðt Þ ¼ u_ II ð2Þ sin w^t + uII ð2Þcos w^t w (16c) where uII ð2Þ ¼ 0:01447m, u_ II ð2Þ ¼ 0:00759m=s Fig. E8.2 shows the graphical representation of the response ratio Rðt Þ, from which we conclude that max jRðt Þj occurs in phase ΙI. The numerical solution gives D ¼ 1:2673 occurring at t ¼ 1:12s. FIG. E8.2 Graphical representation of the response ratio in Example 8.2.1 284 PART I Single-degree-of-freedom systems The stress resultants at the base of the chimney are obtained by considering the equilibrium of all external forces, that is, Q ð0, t Þ, M ð0, t Þ, the wind pressure pðx, t Þ, and the inertia force fI ðx, t Þ. Thus, referring to Fig. E8.3, we have FIG. E8.3 External forces in Example 8.2.1 Z L Q ð0, t Þ + Z 0 Z L M ð0, t Þ L fI ðx, t Þdx pðx, t Þdx ¼ 0 0 Z L xf I ðx, t Þdx + 0 xpðx, t Þdx ¼ 0 0 By setting in the previous equilibrium equations ðx, t Þ ¼ m ðx Þ ðx Þu€ðt Þ and pðx, t Þ ¼ pw d ðx Þf ðt Þ fI ðx, t Þ ¼ m ðx Þu€ we obtain after the evaluation of the integrals Z Z L m ðx Þ ðx Þdx + pw f ðt Þ Q ð0, t Þ ¼ u€ðt Þ 0 Z L M ð0, t Þ ¼ u€ðt Þ Z L L m ðx Þ ðx Þxdx pw f ðt Þ 0 d ðx Þdx 0 d ðx Þxdx 0 which yield Q ð0, t Þ ¼ 211:6454u€ðt Þ + 337:4063f ðt Þ (17) M ð0, t Þ ¼ 10421:7751u€ðt Þ 10870:3125f ðt Þ (18) 8.3 Continuous systems 8.3.1 Introduction The modeling of a structure as a continuous system can accurately express its real response, provided that the employed constitutive relations represent the actual physical law that relates the stresses and strains. As we saw in Generalized single-degree-of-freedom systems—Continuous systems Chapter 8 285 Section 1.1, this modeling leads to partial differential equations of the hyperbolic type, namely, for the vibrations of the beam [3] EI ∂4 u ∂2 u + m ¼ pðx, t Þ ∂x 4 ∂t 2 (8.3.1) where u ¼ u ðx, t Þ represents the transverse displacement, EI the bending stiff the mass per unit length, and pðx, t Þ the transverse load ness of the beam, m density. Similarly, for the vibrations of the thin plate [1] ∂4 u ∂4 u ∂4 u r ∂2 u pðx, y, t Þ + 2 + + ¼ ∂x 4 ∂x 2 ∂y 2 ∂y 4 D ∂t 2 D (8.3.2) where u ¼ u ðx, y, t Þ represents the transverse displacement, D the bending stiffness of the plate, r the surface mass density, and pðx, y, t Þ the transverse load density. The above equations are more complicated for the shell and become even more complicated if the thickness of the structural element is variable or the response is nonlinear [1, 4]. The effort to obtain analytical solutions of the equations governing the response of continuous systems has inspired mathematicians and applied physicists to develop the theory of partial differential equations [5, 6]. This, however, did not satisfy people who wanted to use the derived solutions in engineering praxis because these solutions treat a very limited number of problems. The development of approximate and especially of modern numerical solutions (e.g., FEM, BEM, MM) has provided us with efficient tools to solve problems of mathematical physics and engineering described by complicated ordinary and partial differential equations. The question that arises nowadays and demands investigation is how reliably these equations describe the actual response of physical systems. The system identification based on experimental data can answer this question. Though the available professional computer codes efficiently analyze engineering problems, they cannot give adequate insight into the dynamic response of structures. Therefore, the use of analytical methods is necessary to understand the response of structures and to develop simple and desired-accuracy solutions, which are very useful to check new numerical methods. Because the scope of this book is the analysis of structures consisting of straight-line structural elements, the discussion will be limited to the solution of the equation of the vibrating beam. Results of this analysis are used in SDOF generalized systems. 8.3.2 Solution of the beam equation of motion The transverse flexural vibrations of the beam with constant stiffness are governed by Eq. (8.3.1) subjected to the specified boundary and initial conditions. The solution u ¼ u ðx, t Þ can be obtained in the form u ¼ uh + up (8.3.3) 286 PART I Single-degree-of-freedom systems where uh is the solution of the homogeneous equation ∂4 uh ∂2 uh 2 ¼0 +m 4 ∂x ∂t and up a particular solution of the nonhomogeneous equation EI EI (8.3.4) ∂4 up ∂2 up + m ¼ pðx, t Þ ∂x 4 ∂t 2 (8.3.5) 8.3.3 Free vibrations of beams For pðx, t Þ ¼ 0, Eq. (8.3.1) yields the homogeneous equation, which represents the equation of free vibrations of the beam. Assuming constant mass, ¼ constant, and dropping the subscript for convenience in Eq. (8.3.4), m we write this equation as ∂4 u ∂2 u + m ¼0 (8.3.6) ∂x 4 ∂t 2 Eq. (8.3.6) is solved using the method of separation of variables for partial differential equations [6], that is, the solution is sought in the form EI u ðx, t Þ ¼ fðx ÞY ðt Þ (8.3.7) This equation indicates that the free vibration motion is the product of a specific deflection shape fðx Þ and an amplitude Y ðt Þ depending on time. Introducing the above expression for the deflection into Eq. (8.3.6) gives ðx ÞY€ ðt Þ ¼ 0 EI fðivÞ ðx ÞY ðt Þ + mf (8.3.8) EiI fðivÞ ðx Þ Y€ ðt Þ ¼ fðx Þ m Y ðt Þ (8.3.9) which is written as For the obvious problem associated with the possibility of the vanishing of the product fðx ÞY ðt Þ, we refer to [7, 8]. Here, we just state that the roots of the denominator in Eq. (8.3.9) coincide with those of the nominator, an assumption that permits this division. Because the left side of Eq. (8.3.9) is independent of t and the right side independent of x, this equation is valid only if both sides are equal to a constant l. Hence EI fðivÞ ðx Þ Y€ ðt Þ ¼ ¼l fðx Þ m Y ðt Þ or Y€ ðt Þ + lY ðt Þ ¼ 0 (8.3.10a) Generalized single-degree-of-freedom systems—Continuous systems Chapter 8 287 m f ðx Þ ¼ 0 (8.3.10b) EI If l 0, the solution of Eq. (8.3.10a) does not represent an oscillatory motion. Therefore, l must be a positive constant, l ¼ w2 . Thus, the solution of Eq. (8.3.10a) is (see Section 2.2) fðivÞ ðx Þ l Y ðt Þ ¼ A cos wt + B sin wt (8.3.11) where A,B are arbitrary constants depending on the initial conditions Y ð0Þ and Y_ ð0Þ. Thus we have Y ðt Þ ¼ Y ð0Þcos wt + Y_ ð0Þ sin wt w (8.3.12) Apparently, w is the natural frequency of the vibration, unknown in the first instance. Similarly, Eq. (8.3.10b) is written as fðivÞ ðx Þ b 4 fðx Þ ¼ 0 (8.3.13) where b 4 ¼ w2 m EI (8.3.14) The solution of Eq. (8.3.13) is sought in the form fðx Þ ¼ C 0 ekx (8.3.15) which is introduced into Eq. (8.3.13) to give the characteristic equation k 4 b4 ¼ 0 (8.3.16) k1, 2 ¼ ib, k3, 4 ¼ b (8.3.17) whose roots are Using each of these roots in Eq. (8.3.15) yields four terms, which are added to give the general solution fðx Þ ¼ C10 eibx + C20 eibx + C30 ebx + C40 ebx (8.3.18) where C 0 i ði ¼ 1, 2, 3, 4Þ are arbitrary complex constants. Using Euler’s formula (2.2.8) and the expressions of the hyperbolic sine and cosine, Eq. (8.3.18) becomes fðx Þ ¼ C1 cos bx + C2 sin bx + C3 cosh bx + C4 sinh bx (8.3.19) in which Ci ði ¼ 1, 2, 3, 4Þ are new arbitrary constants related to C 0 i ði ¼ 1, 2, 3, 4Þ, and can be determined from the boundary (support) conditions of the one-span beam. 288 PART I Single-degree-of-freedom systems In the following, the above-described procedure for free-vibration analysis is illustrated by analyzing the simply supported and the cantilever beams. For further reading, the reader is advised to look in Refs. [9–13]. The simply supported beam For a simply supported beam of length L (Fig. 8.3.1) the support conditions are realized as: u ð0, t Þ ¼ 0, M ð0, t Þ ¼ EI u 00 ð0, t Þ ¼ 0 (8.3.20a) u ðL, t Þ ¼ 0, M ðL, t Þ ¼ EI u 00 ðL, t Þ ¼ 0 (8.3.20b) which by virtue of Eq. (8.3.7) become fð0ÞY ðt Þ ¼ 0, f00 ð0ÞY ðt Þ ¼ 0 (8.3.21a) fðLÞY ðt Þ ¼ 0, f00 ðLÞY ðt Þ ¼ 0 (8.3.21b) FIG. 8.3.1 Vibration modes and natural frequencies of a uniform simply supported beam. Inasmuch as Eqs. (8.3.21a), (8.3.21b) are valid for all values of t, they are satisfied only if fð0Þ ¼ 0, f00 ð0Þ ¼ 0 (8.3.22a) fðLÞ ¼ 0, f00 ðLÞ ¼ 0 (8.3.22b) Introducing Eq. (8.3.19) into Eq. (8.3.22a) yields C1 + C3 ¼ 0 (8.3.23a) Generalized single-degree-of-freedom systems—Continuous systems Chapter 8 289 C1 + C3 ¼ 0 (8.3.23b) C1 ¼ C3 ¼ 0 (8.3.24) from which we obtain Further, introducing Eq. (8.3.19) into Eq. (8.3.22b), we obtain C2 sin bL + C4 sinh bL ¼ 0 (8.3.25a) b2 ½C2 sin bL + C4 sinh bL ¼ 0 (8.3.25b) Eqs. (8.3.25a), (8.3.25b) provide the system of two homogeneous algebraic equations for the evaluation of C2 ,C4 , that is, sin bL sinh bL C2 0 ¼ (8.3.26) sin bL sinh bL C4 0 The system has a nontrivial solution if its determinant vanishes, that is, sin bL sinh bL ¼ 0 (8.3.27) Nevertheless, because sinh bL 6¼ 0, it must be sin bL ¼ 0 (8.3.28) np , n ¼ 1, 2, … L (8.3.29) which is satisfied if bn ¼ Introducing this value of b n into Eq. (8.3.14) gives the corresponding natural frequencies rffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi EI 2 2 wn ¼ n p (8.3.30) 4 mL Substituting Eq. (8.3.28) into Eq. (8.3.26), we obtain " #( ) ( ) 0 0 sinh bL C2 ¼ 0 0 sinh bL C4 (8.3.31) which yields C4 ¼ 0 and C2 ¼ arbitrary, therefore fðx Þ ¼ C2 sin bx On the basis of Eq. (8.3.29), we obtain the mode shapes np x , n ¼ 1, 2, … fn ðx Þ ¼ C2 sin L (8.3.32) (8.3.33) The first three of these mode shapes are shown in Fig. 8.3.1 along with their natural frequencies 290 PART I Single-degree-of-freedom systems The cantilever beam For a cantilever beam of length L the support conditions are realized as: u ð0, t Þ ¼ 0, u 0 ð0, t Þ ¼ 0 00 (8.3.34a) 000 M ðL, t Þ ¼ EI u ðL, t Þ ¼ 0, Q ðL, t Þ ¼ EI u ðL, t Þ ¼ 0 (8.3.34b) which by virtue of Eq. (8.3.7) become fð0ÞY ðt Þ ¼ 0, f0 ð0ÞY ðt Þ ¼ 0 (8.3.35a) f00 ðLÞY ðt Þ ¼ 0, f000 ðLÞY ðt Þ ¼ 0 (8.3.35b) Because Eqs. (8.3.35a), (8.3.35b) are valid for all values of t, they are satisfied only if fð0Þ ¼ 0, f0 ð0Þ ¼ 0 (8.3.36a) f00 ðLÞ ¼ 0, f000 ðLÞ ¼ 0 (8.3.36b) Introducing Eq. (8.3.19) into Eqs. (8.3.36a), (8.3.36b) yields the system of equations for the evaluation of the coefficients Ci 2 38 9 8 9 1 0 1 0 > > >0> > > > C1 > 6 0 7 < C2 = < 0 = 1 0 1 6 7 (8.3.37) ¼ 4 cos bL sin bL coshbL sinh bL 5> C3 > > 0 > > ; : > ; > : > 0 sin bL cos bL sinh bL cosh bL C4 Eq. (8.3.37) has a nontrivial solution if the matrix vanishes, that is, 1 0 1 0 1 0 cos bL sin bL cosh bL sin bL cos bL sinh bL determinant of the coefficient 0 1 ¼0 sinh bL cosh bL (8.3.38) or after evaluation of the determinant cos bL cosh bL + 1 ¼ 0 (8.3.39) The roots bn , n ¼ 1, 2, … of Eq. (8.3.39) are used in Eq. (8.3.14) to obtain the natural frequencies of the vibrating cantilever beam. Substituting Eq. (8.3.39) into Eq. (8.3.37) and solving the resulting homogeneous system of equations, we obtain C3 ¼ C1 , C4 ¼ C2 , C2 ¼ cos b n L + cosh bn L C1 sin b n L + sinh bn L (8.3.40) which are introduced into Eq. (8.3.19) to give the mode shapes cos b n L + cosh bn L ð sin bn x sinh bn x Þ fn ðx Þ ¼ C1 cos bn x cosh b n x sin b n L + sinh bn L (8.3.41) Generalized single-degree-of-freedom systems—Continuous systems Chapter 8 291 Table 8.3.1 gives the first five roots of bn L of Eq. (8.3.39). They have been obtained numerically using the function fsolve of MATLAB. Note that for n > 3 they can be obtained from the relation p (8.3.42) bn L ð2n 1Þ 2 The first three of these mode shapes are shown in Fig. 8.3.2 along with their natural frequencies TABLE 8.3.1 First five roots of Eq. (8.3.39). n bn L 1 1.8751040688 2 4.6940911329 3 7.8547574382 4 10.995540734 5 14.137168391 FIG. 8.3.2 Vibration modes and natural frequencies of a uniform cantilever beam. 8.3.4 Orthogonality of the free-vibration modes The infinite set of free-vibration mode shapes F : ffn ðx Þg, n ¼ 1, 2, … has a nice property. They are orthogonal in the interval ½0, L, that is, they satisfy the orthogonality condition (see Section 3.6.2) 292 PART I Single-degree-of-freedom systems Z L 0 if r 6¼ n cn if r ¼ n fr ðt Þfn ðt Þdt ¼ 0 (8.3.43) for any two functions fn ,fr F, m, nN . In the language of partial differential equations, the free-vibration modes are called the eigenfunctions of the eigenvalue problem described by the differential equation (8.3.13) and its boundary conditions. The orthogonality condition is readily proved by proceeding as follows. The mode shapes fn ,fr satisfy Eq. (8.3.13), that is, fðnivÞ ðx Þ b4n fn ðx Þ ¼ 0 (8.3.44a) fðrivÞ ðx Þ b 4r fr ðx Þ ¼ 0 (8.3.44b) Multiplication of Eq. (8.3.44a) by fr ðx Þ and integrating over the interval ½0, L gives Z L Z L fn ðx Þfr ðx Þdx ¼ fðnivÞ ðx Þfr ðx Þdx (8.3.45) b4n 0 Z 0 0 Further, integrating the right side of the above equation twice by parts gives Z L L L L 4 00 00 00 0 000 fn ðx Þfr ðx Þdx fn ðx Þfr ðx Þ 0 + fn ðx Þfr ðx Þ 0 ¼ bn fn ðx Þfr ðx Þdx 0 (8.3.46) Obviously, the terms in square brackets in the above equation vanish if either end of the beam is simply supported, fixed, or free. Thus, we have Z L Z L 4 bn fn ðx Þfr ðx Þdx ¼ f00n ðx Þf00r ðx Þdx (8.3.47a) 0 0 Similarly, multiplying Eq. (8.3.44b) by fn ðx Þ, integrating over the interval ½0, L, and performing the integrations by parts yields the symmetric relation Z L Z L fn ðx Þfr ðx Þdx ¼ f00n ðx Þf00r ðx Þdx (8.3.47b) b4r 0 0 Subtracting Eq. (8.3.47b) from Eq. (8.3.47a) gives Z L 0 ¼ b 4n b4r fn ðx Þfr ðx Þdx (8.3.48) 0 which for b 4n 6¼ b4r results in the orthogonality condition for the mode shapes Z L fn ðx Þfr ðx Þdx ¼ 0 (8.3.49) 0 It can also be shown that the set F : ffn ðx Þg is complete, that is there is no other function outside the set F, which satisfies the condition (8.3.49). Generalized single-degree-of-freedom systems—Continuous systems Chapter 8 293 8.3.5 Forced vibrations of beams The method of separation of variables can be employed to study the forced vibrations of one-span beams by solving Eq. (8.3.1). The beam may be subjected to initial conditions u ðx, 0Þ ¼ f ðx Þ, u_ ðx, 0Þ ¼ g ðx Þ The total flexural displacement of the beam is obtained as the superposition of all modal contributions, namely u ðx, t Þ ¼ ∞ X fn ðx ÞYn ðt Þ (8.3.50) n¼1 Substituting the previous equation into Eq. (8.3.1), multiplying by fr ðx Þ, and integrating over the interval ½0, L, we obtain X Z L Z L ∞ ∞ X ðivÞ € n ðx Þfr ðx Þdx Yn ð t Þ EI fn ðx Þfr ðx Þdx + Y n ðt Þ mf n¼1 0 Z L ¼ 0 n¼1 fr ðx Þpðx, t Þ (8.3.51) 0 Using now the orthogonality condition (8.3.49) and taking into account Eqs. (8.3.45), (8.3.14), we obtain Mn Y€ n ðt Þ + Kn Yn ðt Þ ¼ Pn ðt Þ (8.3.52) where Z L Mn ¼ m 0 Z f2n ðx Þdx, Kn ¼ w2n Mn , Pn ¼ L fn ðx Þpðx, t Þdx (8.3.53) 0 denote the modal mass, the modal stiffness, and the modal force. These quantities are also referred to as the generalized mass, the generalized stiffness, and the generalized force, respectively. The solution of Eq. (8.3.52) is given by Eq. (3.3.14), that is, Z t 1 Y_ n ð0Þ Y n ðt Þ ¼ sin wn t + Yn ð0Þcos wn t + Pn ðτÞsin ½wn ðt τÞdτ wn M n wn 0 (8.3.54) The initial conditions Yn ð0Þ, Y_ n ð0Þ for the time function result from Eq. (8.3.50). This yields u ðx, 0Þ ¼ ∞ X fn ðx ÞYn ð0Þ ¼ f ðx Þ (8.3.55) n¼1 Multiplying the previous equations by fn ðx Þ, integrating over the interval ½0, L, and using the orthogonality condition (8.3.49), we obtain 294 PART I Single-degree-of-freedom systems Z Yn ð 0Þ ¼ L f ðx Þfn ðx Þdx 0 Z L 0 (8.3.56a) f2n ðx Þdx Similarly, we obtain Z Y_ n ð0Þ ¼ 0 L g ðx Þfn ðx Þdx Z L 0 (8.3.56b) f2n ðx Þdx Example 8.3.1 A simply supported beam of length L is subjected to a suddenly applied uniform p0 under zero initial conditions, f ðx Þ ¼ g ðx Þ ¼ 0. Determine the expressions of the displacement, bending moment, and shear force. Solution 1. Determine the natural frequencies and mode shapes of the vibration. They are obtained from Eqs. (8.3.30), (8.3.33): rffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi np EI 2 2 x , n ¼ 1, 2, … (1) wn ¼ n p ð x Þ ¼ sin , f n 4 mL L 2. Determine the modal mass, modal force, and initial conditions. They are obtained from Eqs. (8.3.53), (8.3.56a), (8.3.56b): Z L np mL Mn ¼ m x dx ¼ (2) sin 2 L 2 0 Z L np L x dx ¼ p0 ½1 ð1Þn Pn ¼ p 0 sin (3) L np 0 Yn ð0Þ ¼ 0, Y_ n ð0Þ ¼ 0 (4) 3. Determine the time-varying amplitudes Yn ðt Þ. Substituting Eqs. (2)–(4) into Eq. (8.3.54) and using Eq. (3.4.3) give Yn ð t Þ ¼ 4p0 L4 ð1 cos wn t Þ, n ¼ 1, 3, 5, … n 4 p4 EI (5) Hence u ðx, t Þ ¼ ∞ ∞ np X 4p0 L4 X 1 x ð1 cos wn t Þ, fn ðx ÞYn ðt Þ ¼ 4 sin 4 L p EI n¼1 n n¼1 n ¼ 1, 3, 5, … (6) Generalized single-degree-of-freedom systems—Continuous systems Chapter 8 295 The bending moment and the shear force are evaluated from the expressions M ðx, t Þ ¼ EI u 00 ðx, t Þ ¼ EI f00 ðx ÞY ðt Þ 000 000 Q ðx, t Þ ¼ EI u ðx, t Þ ¼ EI f ðx ÞY ðt Þ 8.4 (7) (8) Problems Problem 8.1 The television tower of Fig. P8.1 is subjected to seismic ground motion ug ðt Þ. Derive the equation of motion if the structure is approximated by a SDOF system. The reaction moment of the elastic ground is represented by the nonlinear expression MR ¼ CR f + 14 f2 , where CR ¼ KI f ; If is the moment of inertia of the planform of the fundament and K ¼ E=10h the foundation modulus with E being the modulus of elasticity of the material of the structure. The cross-section of the flexible column, the planform of the fundament, and the body B are circular with diameters D, Df ¼ 8D, and DB ¼ 5D, respectively. The density of the material is r. The fundament and the body B are assumed rigid. FIG. P8.1 Television tower in problem P8.1 Problem P8.2 The continuous beam of Fig. P8.2 rests on Winkler’s elastic foundation with variable modulus k ðx Þ. The beam is axially subjected to the load P. Determine the value of the load that produces buckling. FIG. P8.2 Continous beam on nonhomogeneous Winkler’s elastic foundation in problem P8.2 296 PART I Single-degree-of-freedom systems Problem P8.3 A vehicle of weight W ¼ 30kN is traveling on a simply supported bridge with velocity v ¼ 80km=h as shown in Fig. P8.3a. The vehicle is simulated by a single wheel of negligible mass. Determine the dynamic magnification factor for the bridge when the beam is approximated by a generalized SDOF system. The material of the bridge is prestressed concrete with modulus of elasticity E ¼ 2:1 107 kN=m2 and specific weight g ¼ 25kN=m3 . The cross-section of the bridge is shown in Fig. P8.3b. (a) (b) FIG. P8.3 Simple supported bridge in Problem P8.3 Problem P8.4 Use the method of separation of variables to solve the equation of free flexural vibrations of the: (a) Fixed-fixed beam. (b) Fixed-simply supported beam In both cases, determine the natural mode shapes and the frequency equation. Compute the first three natural frequencies. Problem P8.5 Analyze the free flexural vibrations of the two-span continuous beam of Fig. P8.5 by solving the equation of motion of the beam. Hint: Consider the continuity condition at support 2, that is, u 0 I ðL, t Þ ¼ u 0 II ð0, t Þ. FIG. P8.5 Two-span continuous beam in problem P8.5 Generalized single-degree-of-freedom systems—Continuous systems Chapter 8 297 References and further reading [1] J.T. Katsikadelis, The Boundary Element Method for Plate Analysis, Academic Press, Elsevier, Oxford, UK, 2014. [2] D.O. Brush, B.O. Almroth, Buckling of Bars, Plates and Shells, McGraw-Hill, New York, 1975. [3] S. Timoshenko, D.E. Young, W. Weaver Jr., Vibration Problems in Engineering, fourth ed., John Wiley & Sons, New York, 1974. [4] J.T. Katsikadelis, G.C. Tsiatas, Nonlinear dynamic analysis of beams with variable stiffness, J. Sound Vib. 270 (2004) 847–863. [5] E. Zauderer, Partial Differential Equations of Applied Mathematics, second ed., John Wiley & Sons, Singapore, 1989. [6] T. Myint-U, L. Debnath, Linear Partial Differential Equations for Scientists and Engineers, fourth ed., Birkh€auser, Boston, 2007. [7] E.C. Titchmarsh, Eigenfunction Expansions, Part I (1958) & Part II (1962), Oxford University Press, Oxford, UK, 1958. [8] G.L. Cain, G.H. Meyer, Separation of Variables for Partial Differential Equations: An Eigenfunction Approach, in: Studies in Advanced Mathematics, CRC Press, London, 2006. [9] R.W. Clough, J. Penzien, Dynamics of Structures, McGraw-Hill, New York, 1993. [10] J.L. Humar, Dynamics of Structures, second ed., A.A. Balkema Publishers, Lisse, NL, 2002. [11] A.K. Chopra, Dynamics of Structures: Theory and Applications to Earthquake Engineering, Prentice Hall, Englewood Cliffs, NJ, 1995. [12] S.S. Rao, Vibration of Continuous Systems, John Wiley & Sons, New Jersey, 2007. [13] L. Meirovitch, Analytical Methods in Vibration, Macmillan, London, 1967. Chapter 9 Analysis in the frequency domain Chapter outline 9.1 Introduction 9.2 Complex form of the Fourier series 9.3 Complex dynamic response to periodic load 9.4 Fourier integral representation of a nonperiodic load 9.5 Response to a nonperiodic load 9.1 299 301 303 304 9.6 Discrete Fourier transform 9.7 Application of the discrete Fourier transform to dynamic analysis 9.8 Fast Fourier transform 9.8.1 The Sande-Tukey algorithm 9.9 Problems References and further reading 310 313 314 315 320 322 307 Introduction The methods we discussed in the previous chapters for solving the equation of motion of a SDOF system were accomplished using time as an independent variable or, said differently, the solution was obtained in the time domain. These methods are either analytical, which in the general case lead to the evaluation of the Duhamel integral, or numerical, implemented by the step-by-step integration methods. Occasionally, simpler or more convenient analytical or numerical solutions may be possible for certain types of dynamics problems, using integral transforms such as the Laplace transform or the Fourier transform. The integral converts the linear differential equation into a linear algebraic equation, from which the integral transform of the unknown function is obtained. Then the inverse transform results in the solution in the time domain. We have already discussed the Laplace transform in Section 3.3, where it was employed to solve the equation of motion of a SDOF system under an arbitrary external excitation. The Laplace transform uses a parameter that does not have a direct physical meaning. Instead, the parameter in the Fourier transform has the physical meaning of frequency [1–3]. The method of analyzing dynamical systems using the Fourier transform is known as the analysis in the frequency domain. It plays an important role in studying the dynamic response of linear systems, that is, systems described by linear differential equations. Dynamic Analysis of Structures. https://doi.org/10.1016/B978-0-12-818643-5.00009-1 © 2020 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved. 299 300 PART I Single-degree-of-freedom systems The analysis in the frequency domain is employed in many fields of engineering science and physics. Therefore, the available related literature is extensive and reference to it is made with regard to the specific scientific discipline under treatment. As we have seen in Section 3.4, the drawback of time-domain analysis is the evaluation of the Duhamel integral, which can be achieved analytically only for very simple loading functions. Instead, the Fourier transform converts the convolution integral, such as the integral of Duhamel, into the product of the transforms of the functions involved in the convolution. Then the inverse transform of the product gives the response of the system in the time domain. The efficiency of the method depends on the possibility of finding the Fourier transform of the functions of the convolution as well as the inverse of their product. There are tables [4] that give the Fourier transform and its inverse for a variety of functions. Unfortunately, these functions are rather simple while the use of tables requires tedious analytical work with the risk of a possible error. Certainly, the symbolic languages such as MAPLE, MATHEMATICA, and WOLFRAM ALPHA offer new possibilities for the application of the method. Nevertheless, the Fourier transform method cannot always meet the practical needs, especially when the load function is specified by a set of values, as for example the accelerogram of an earthquake. For this reason, the Fourier transform for a long time has not been equally applied to the dynamic analysis of structures as it has to other areas of engineering science. The use of numerical methods of computing the Fourier transform has brought to light this method in its discrete form, referred to as the discrete Fourier transform. Of course, the discrete Fourier transform is not simpler or more functioning than the numerical methods of evaluating the Duhamel integral. Therefore, its use would have been limited if a specific algorithm for the numerical computation of the Fourier transform had not been developed, the so-called Fast Fourier transform, which limits the numerical computations by several orders and makes dynamic analysis in the frequency domain quite effective. Besides its effectiveness, the analysis in the frequency domain has other important advantages. It shows clearly the frequencies of the loading, providing thus the possibility of detecting those frequencies that unfavorably excite the structure. It is also suitable for the study of systems involving large or infinite regions, such as the interaction of dams in large reservoirs with waves, soil structure interaction in earthquake engineering, and, in general, problems where the physical characteristics of the system such as stiffness or damping depend on the frequency of the oscillation. For these reasons, it was considered appropriate to include a brief discussion of the analysis in the frequency domain in this book. Apparently, this would enable the engineers involved in earthquake analysis to understand the capabilities of the method. The method could be presented starting from the mathematical development of the Fourier transform [4], but in order to understand its physical significance, the complex Fourier series and the response of the SDOF system to periodic Analysis in the frequency domain Chapter 9 301 loading are preceded. Then, the method extends to nonperiodic loads by introducing the Fourier integral and the Fourier transform. The chapter closes with the presentation of the discrete Fourier transform and the fast Fourier transform. 9.2 Complex form of the Fourier series In Section 3.6, the dynamic response of a structure under a general periodic load was obtained in the time domain by expanding the periodic load in Fourier series, that is, by representing it through an infinite sum of harmonic loads. This procedure was discussed in detail there. However, the study of the response of a system in the frequency domain is facilitated by representing the Fourier series (3.6.2) in exponential form. We recall that pðt Þ ¼ a0 + 1 X t + bn sin n w t Þ ðan cos n w (9.2.1) n¼1 a0 ¼ an ¼ 2 T bn ¼ 2 T 1 T Z Z T =2 T =2 T =2 Z T =2 T =2 T =2 pðt Þdt ¼ 1 T Z T 0 pðt Þdt (9.2.2a) tdt, n ¼ 1, 2, 3… pðt Þcos n w (9.2.2b) tdt, pðt Þ sin n w (9.2.2c) n ¼ 1, 2, 3… From Euler’s formula (2.2.8), we have t ¼ cos n w einwt + einwt 2 (9.2.3a) t ¼ sin n w einwt einwt 2i (9.2.3b) Substituting Eq. (9.2.3a) into Eq. (9.2.2b) gives Z 1 T =2 an ¼ pðt Þ einwt + einwt dt T T =2 Replacing n with n in the previous equation gives Z 1 T =2 an ¼ pðt Þ einwt + einwt dt ¼ an T T =2 Similarly, substituting Eq. (9.2.3b) into Eq. (9.2.2c) yields Z 1 T =T ein wt einwt dt: bn ¼ pðt Þ T T =2 i (9.2.4a) (9.2.4b) (9.2.5a) 302 PART I Single-degree-of-freedom systems Hence 1 bn ¼ T Z T =2 T =2 pðt Þ einwt einwt dt ¼ bn i (9.2.5b) The Fourier series (9.2.1) by virtue of Eqs. (9.2.3a), (9.2.3b) becomes pðt Þ ¼ a0 + 1 1 X einwt + einwt X ein wt einwt + an bn 2 2i n¼1 n¼1 1 1 1X 1X ¼ ao + ðan ibn Þeinwt + ðan + ibn Þeinwt 2 n¼1 2 n¼1 (9.2.6) Further, using Eqs. (9.2.4a), (9.2.5a), the previous equation becomes pðt Þ ¼ ao + ¼ 1 1 1X 1 X ðan ibn Þeinwt + ðan ibn Þein wt 2 n¼1 2 n¼1 1 X cn e (9.2.7) t in w n¼1 in which the series coefficients are given as 1 cn ¼ ðan ibn Þ 2 Z T =2 1 ¼ pðt Þ einwt + einwt ein wt einwt dt 2T T =2 Z 1 T =2 pðt Þeinwt dt ¼ T T =2 (9.2.8a) and 1 ¼ ðan + ibn Þ Z2 1 T =2 ¼ pðt Þeinwt dt T T =2 Z 1 T =2 c0 ¼ pðt Þdt ¼ a0 T T =2 cn (9.2.8b) (9.2.8c) Eq. (9.2.7) represents the complex form or exponential form of the Fourier series. From Eq. (9.2.7), the reasonable question arises as to how it is possible for a real function to be expressed as a sum of complex terms. It is easy, however, to prove that the right side of this equation is a real function as long as we think that to each term cn einwt the term cn ein wt corresponds, whose sum yields a real function. Analysis in the frequency domain Chapter 9.3 9 303 Complex dynamic response to periodic load In Section 3.6.3, the method of determining the steady-state response of a SDOF system subjected to a periodic load was presented. In this method, the periodic load was analyzed into harmonic terms, both sine and cosine, by expanding it in a Fourier series. After establishing the steady-state response for each term, the total response was obtained as the sum of all responses. Following a similar procedure, it is easy to determine the steady-state response to a periodic load when it is has been expanded in a complex Fourier series. To this end, we must first determine the steady-state response of the system when subjected to the load pðt Þ ¼ p0 eiwt . In this case, the equation of the SDOF system is written m u€ + cu_ + ku ¼ p0 eiwt (9.3.1) The solution will be obtained as a sum of the homogeneous solution uh and a particular solution up of the nonhomogeneous equation. The homogeneous solution is given by Eq. (3.2.22), namely uh ¼ exwt ðA cos wD t + B sin wD t Þ (9.3.2) The particular solution is sought in the form up ¼ Ceiwt (9.3.3) Substituting the previous expression into Eq. (9.3.1) gives p0 C¼ 2 + icw + kÞ ðm w which is inserted into Eq. (9.3.3) to yield p0 eiwt up ¼ 2 + icw +k m w (9.3.4) (9.3.5) Hence, the general solution of Eq. (9.3.1) is u ðt Þ ¼ exwt ðA cos wD t + B sin wD t Þ + p0 eiwt 2 +k m w + icw (9.3.6) The first term in Eq. (9.3.6) becomes negligible with increasing time and it represents the transient response of the system. The second term expresses the steady-state response and can be written as Þp0 eiwt u ðt Þ ¼ H ðw (9.3.7) where it was set 1 2 + icw +k m w 1 , b ¼ w =w ¼ k 1 b 2 + 2ixb Þ ¼ H ðw (9.3.8) 304 PART I Single-degree-of-freedom systems Þ is called the complex frequency response function, also The function H ðw known as the transfer function. In summary, setting p0 ¼ cn we may write the steady-state response to a periodic load as u ðt Þ ¼ 1 X Þeinwt c n H ðw (9.3.9) n¼1 where cn ¼ 1 T Z T =2 T =2 pðt Þeinwt dt ¼ 1 T Z 0 T pðt Þein wt dt (9.3.10) 9.4 Fourier integral representation of a nonperiodic load When the load is nonperiodic, it cannot be represented as a Fourier series. But it is possible to express the nonperiodic function in the form of an integral over the interval ð1, 1Þ, which one might regard as a Fourier series whose period is infinitely large. In Section 3.6.2, we saw that a function periodic in the interval ½0, 1Þ or ð1, 1Þ is expanded in a Fourier series, Eq. (9.2.1). The coefficients in this equation are written as Z 1 T =2 a0 ¼ pðτÞdτ (9.4.1a) T T =2 Z 2 T =2 τdτ, n ¼ 1, 2, 3… an ¼ pðτÞcos n w (9.4.1b) T T =2 Z 2 T =2 τdτ, n ¼ 1, 2, 3… bn ¼ pðτÞ sin n w (9.4.2) T T =2 The previous equations resulted from Eq. (9.2.2a), Eq. (9.2.2b), Eq. (9.2.2c) by substituting t with τ in the integrand. Note that it is allowed because τ is a dummy variable. Substituting Eqs. (9.4.1a), (9.4.1b), (9.4.2) in Eq. (9.2.1) yields " # Z 1 Z T =2 1 T =2 2X τ cosn w tdτ pðτÞdτ + pðτÞ cos n w pðt Þ ¼ T T =2 T n¼1 T =2 " # (9.4.3) 1 Z T =2 2X τ sin n w tdτ + pðτÞ sin n w T n¼1 T =2 or 1 pðt Þ ¼ T Z 1 2X pðτÞdτ + T n¼1 T =2 T =2 "Z T=2 T =2 # ðτ t Þdτ pðτÞcos n w (9.4.4) Analysis in the frequency domain Chapter 9 305 If the function pðt Þ is not periodic, we may set ( Z " #) 1 Z T =2 1 T=2 2X ðτ t Þdτ pðτÞdτ + pðτÞcos n w pðt Þ ¼ lim T !1 T T=2 T n¼1 T =2 (9.4.5) in which t does not change in passing to the limit. It is assumed that the function pðt Þ satisfies the Dirichlet conditions (see Section 3.6.2). Therefore, it is absolutely integrable over the interval ½T =2, T =2, that is, Z 1 Z T =2 1 T =2 k (9.4.6) j a0 j ¼ pðτÞdτ jpðτÞjdτ < T T =2 T T =2 T which vanishes for T ! 1. Hence ( " #) 1 Z T =2 2X ðτ t Þdτ pðt Þ ¼ lim pðτÞ cos n w T !1 T T =2 n¼1 (9.4.7) If we set now n + 1 w n ¼ ¼w n , D w¼w nw 2p T (9.4.8) we may write Eq. (9.4.7) as pðt Þ ¼ lim T !1 1 X n ÞD P ðw w (9.4.9) n¼1 n Þ is the value of the function where P ðw Z 1 T =2 ðτ t Þdτ Þ ¼ pðτÞcos w P ðw p T =2 (9.4.10) is understood as a continuous variable (Fig. 9.4.1) ¼w n , where w for w FIG. 9.4.1 Fourier transform of p(t). 306 PART I Single-degree-of-freedom systems Þ, we readily deduce that the sum From the graphical representation of P ðw 1 X n ÞD P ðw w (9.4.11) n¼1 Þ. When T ! 1, then D approaches the area under the curve y ¼ P ðw w ! 0 and the sum (9.4.11) becomes a definite integral. Consequently, we may write Eq. (9.4.9) as Z 1 Þd w pðt Þ ¼ P ðw (9.4.12) 0 or by virtue of Eq. (9.4.10) Z 1 Z 1 1 ðτ t Þdτ d w pðt Þ ¼ pðτÞcos w p 1 0 (9.4.13) The integral (9.4.13) is known as the Fourier integral. The Fourier integral converges to the function if it is piecewise continuous in every finite interval and absolutely integrable over ð1, 1Þ. At points of discontinuity, the Fourier integral converges to the mean value. The Fourier integral can be expressed in a complex form using Euler’s formula, Thus, writing i 1h ðτ t Þ ¼ eiwðτt Þ + eiwðτt Þ cos w (9.4.14) 2 and inserting into Eq. (9.4.13) splits it into two integrals, that is, Z Z 1 Z Z 1 1 1 1 1 ðτt Þ ðτt Þ iw i w + pðτÞe dτ d w pðτÞe dτ d w pðt Þ ¼ 2p 0 2p 0 1 1 to Changing the integration variable from w w in the second integral, we obtain Z Z 1 1 1 pðτÞeiwτ dτ eiwt d w (9.4.15) pðt Þ ¼ 2p 1 1 The forgoing relation allows writing Z 1 Þ ¼ P ðw pðτÞeiwτ dτ 1 or returning to the variable t from τ Z Þ ¼ P ðw 1 1 pðt Þeiwt dt and inserting it into Eq. (9.4.15), gives Z 1 1 Þeiwt d w pðt Þ ¼ P ðw 2p 1 (9.4.16) (9.4.17) Analysis in the frequency domain Chapter 9 307 Þ defined by Eq. (9.4.16) is called the (direct) Fourier The function P ðw transform of pðt Þ while the function pðt Þ resulting from Eq. (9.4.17) is called Þ. the inverse Fourier transform of P ðw In the time domain, a function will be denoted by a small letter while its Fourier transform is by the same capital letter. The relationship between them will be symbolized by Þ pðt Þ , P ðw (9.4.18) Usually, we denote the Fourier transform of a function pðt Þ by F ½pðt Þ while its inverse is by F 1 ½pðt Þ, namely Þ ¼ F ½pðt Þ P ðw (9.4.19) Þ pðt Þ ¼ F 1 ½P ðw (9.4.20) The Fourier transform of the derivative of a function pðt Þ is readily established by applying integration by parts to Eq. (9.4.16). Generally, for a function of which the ðn 1Þ order derivatives are continuous and the nth order derivative is piecewise continuous, it can be shown that Z 1 Þn P ðw Þ pðnÞ ðt Þeiwt dt ¼ ðiw (9.4.21) 1 Example 9.4.1 The Fourier transform of a function Find the Fourier transform of the function pðt Þ ¼ ejt j . Z Solution Þ ¼ P ðw ¼ 1 1 Z 0 ejt j eiwt dt eð1iwÞt dt + 1 1 1 + 1 + iw 1 iw 2 ¼ 2 1+w Z 1 eð1 + iwÞt dt 0 ¼ 9.5 Response to a nonperiodic load In Section 3.7.3, we have seen that the response of a SDOF system to an arbitrary load is given by the convolution integral Z t u ðt Þ ¼ pðt Þ∗ h ðt Þ ¼ pðτÞh ðt τÞdτ (9.5.1) 0 where h ðt τÞ is the response to the unit impulse given by h ðt τ Þ ¼ exwðtτÞ sin wD ðt τÞ, t > τ mwD (9.5.2) 308 PART I Single-degree-of-freedom systems for x 6¼ 0 and h ðt τ Þ ¼ 1 sin wðt τÞ, t > τ mw for x ¼ 0. The integral (9.5.1) can be also written as Z 1 u ðt Þ ¼ pðt Þ∗ h ðt Þ ¼ pðτÞh ðt τÞdτ (9.5.3) (9.5.4) 1 because pðτÞ ¼ 0, when τ < 0 and h ðt τÞ ¼ 0, when τ > t. The establishment of the response to an arbitrary load in the frequency domain is achieved by taking the Fourier transform of the convolution (9.5.4). Thus, we have Z 1 Z 1 Þ ¼ U ðw pðt Þh ðt τÞdτ eiwt dt (9.5.5) 1 1 If we set t τ ¼ s, then t ¼ τ + s and Eq. (9.5.5) gives Z 1 Z 1 Þ ¼ h ðs Þeiws ds pðτÞeiwτ dτ U ðw 1 Z1 1 ÞpðτÞeiwτ dτ H ðw ¼ 1 Z 1 Þ ¼ H ðw pðτÞeiwτ dτ (9.5.6) 1 ÞH ðw Þ ¼ P ðw From Eq. (9.5.6) we deduce that the Fourier transform of the response to an arbitrary load, namely of the convolution integral, is equal to the product of the Fourier transforms of the functions in the convolution. Hence, we may write symbolically Þ pðt Þ , P ðw (9.5.7) Þ h ðt Þ , H ðw (9.5.8) Þ u ðt Þ ¼ pðt Þ ∗h ðt Þ , U ðw (9.5.9) The Fourier transform of the function u ðt t0 Þ is obtained as Z 1 F½uðt t0 ¼ u ðt t0 Þeiwt dt 1 Z 1 ¼ u ðxÞeiwðx + t0 Þ dt 1 Z 1 ¼ eiwt0 u ðx Þeiwx dt 1 ¼ eiwt0 F ½u ðt Þ (9.5.10) Analysis in the frequency domain Chapter 9 309 The forgoing equation represents the shifting property of the Fourier transform. Þ of the response h ðt τÞ to the unit impulse can The Fourier transform H ðw be obtained as follows. The equation of motion of the response h ðt τÞ to the unit impulse results by setting pðt Þ ¼ d ðt τÞ in the equation of the SDOF system. That is, m h€ + ch_ + kh ¼ dðt τÞ By virtue of Eqs. (9.5.10), (9.4.21), (3.7.6b), Eq. (9.5.11) gives 2 + ci w + k H ðw Þ ¼ 1 m w (9.5.11) (9.5.12) from which we obtain Þ ¼ H ðw 2 ðm w 1 + kÞ + ci w (9.5.13) or 1 Þ ¼ 2 H ðw k b 1 + 2ixb (9.5.14) Eq. (9.5.14) is identical to Eq. (9.3.8), that is, the complex response function is the Fourier transform of the response of the SDOF system to the unit impulse. Example 9.5.1 The Fourier transform method for the dynamic response of a SDOF system Determine the response of a SDOF (k,w,x) system subjected to the load pðt Þ ¼ p0 , 0 < t using the frequency domain analysis. Solution The Fourier transform of the load is Z Z 1 1 1 1 p0 t i w Þ ¼ P ðw p0 e dt ¼ p0 eiwt dt ¼ 2p 1 2p 0 2pi w (1) The Fourier transform of the response to the unit impulse is 1 , b ¼ w Þ ¼ 2 =w H ðw k b 1 + 2ixb Consequently, by virtue of Eq. (9.5.9), we obtain p0 2 Þ ¼ P ðw ÞH ðw Þ ¼ U ðw k b 1 + 2ixb 2pi w (2) (3) The response in the time domain results as the inverse Fourier transform of Þ, that is, U ðw Z 1 p0 eiwt 2 dw (4) u ðt Þ ¼ 2pik 1 w b + 2ixb 1 310 PART I Single-degree-of-freedom systems which is further written as p0 u ðt Þ ¼ 2pikw Z 1 eiwbt db 1 b ðb b 1 Þðb b 2 Þ where b 1 , b2 are the roots of the polynomial b2 + 2ixb 1, namely qffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi qffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi b 1 ¼ ix + 1 x2 , b 2 ¼ ix 1 x 2 (5) (6) The integral (5) is evaluated using the method of closed line integrals in the complex domain of b. This method yields u ðt Þ ¼ 0, t 0 " !# p0 x xwt 1e cos wD t + pffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi sin wD t , 0 < t u ðt Þ ¼ k 1 x2 From the last example, we observe that the dynamic analysis in the frequency domain requires the evaluation of complicated integrals, even for the simplest load cases. This problem is circumvented by applying numerical methods for the evaluation of the Fourier transform, such as the discrete Fourier transform (DFT), and the fast Fourier transform (FFT). These methods are discussed in the next sections. 9.6 Discrete Fourier transform In the previous paragraph, we developed the method of dynamic analysis in the frequency domain. The steps we followed are summarized as follows: Þ ¼ F ½pðt Þ and 1. We take the Fourier transforms of the loading function, P ðw Þ ¼ F ½h ðt Þ. the response function to the unit pulse H ðw Þ ¼ P ðw ÞH ðw Þ obtained 2. We evaluate the product of the two transforms U ðw in the previous step. 3. We evaluate the inverse Fourier transform, which gives the response of the Þ in the time domain. system u ðt Þ ¼ F 1 ½U ðw The success of the method is based on the capability of finding the Fourier transform of a given function and its inverse. However, this is not always easy. With the exception of simple functions whose Fourier transforms are obtained from tables [4], their establishment requires the computation of complicated integrals, a task that is difficult, tedious, or even impossible. Very often, the loading function is specified by a set of values at distinct time instants, for example, the accelerogram of an earthquake. As we mentioned, the previous difficulties can be overcome by developing methods for the numerical computation of the Fourier transform (direct and inverse). The discrete Fourier transform (DFT) is among them. Below, we present the numerical Analysis in the frequency domain Chapter 9 311 implementation of the DFT and its application for dynamic analysis in the frequency domain. We consider the function pðt Þ of Fig. 9.6.1, which is defined in the interval 0 t ttot . tot FIG. 9.6.1 Nonperiodic function expanded perodically. Then we assume that the function is periodically extended from 1 to +1 with a period T0 ttot to include a number of zero values of pðt Þ in T0 . If this function is expanded in Fourier series, we obtain by virtue of Eqs. (9.2.7), (9.2.8a), (9.2.8b), (9.2.8c) 1 X pðt Þ ¼ cn ein wt (9.6.1) , (9.6.2) n¼1 1 cn ¼ T0 1 ¼ T0 Z T0 =2 T0 =2 Z T0 0 pðt Þeinwt dt pðt Þe t in w n ¼ 0, 1, 2, … dt The integral (9.6.2) can be evaluated numerically. For this purpose, we divide the interval T0 into N equal subintervals of length Dt ¼ T0 =N and approximate the integral with a sum of N rectangles. If we set s ðt Þ ¼ pðt Þeinwt (9.6.3) then we have cn ¼ 1 1 NX s ðtk ÞDt T0 k¼0 (9.6.4) where s ðtk Þ is the value of the integrand at instants tk ¼ kDt. That is, s ðtk Þ ¼ pðtk ÞeinwkDt (9.6.5) 312 PART I Single-degree-of-freedom systems or taking into account that ¼ 2p=T0 ¼ 2p=N Dt w T0 ¼ N Dt, (9.6.6) we obtain s ðtk Þ ¼ pðtk Þe2pikn=N (9.6.7) and Eq. (9.6.4) becomes cn ¼ 1 1 NX pðtk Þe2pikn=N N k¼0 (9.6.8) As was shown in Section 3.6, the Fourier series can be approximated by a sum of finite terms, Eq. (3.6.9), with very good accuracy even in cases of a discontinuous function, as demonstrated by Example 3.6.2. Therefore, on the basis of Eq. (9.6.6) we can write Eq. (9.6.1) as M X pðtk Þ ’ cn e2pikn=N (9.6.9) n¼M In the foregoing equation, we split the sum into two sums 1 X pðtk Þ ¼ cn e2pikn=N + M X cn e2pikn=N (9.6.10) n¼0 n¼M then taking into account that the function pðt Þ is periodic with a period T0 ¼ N Dt, we can write the first sum as 1 X cn e2pikn=N ¼ n¼M 1 X cn + N e2pik ðn + N Þ=N (9.6.11) n¼M Subsequently, setting M ¼ ðN 1Þ=2, n~ ¼ n + N and taking into account the periodicity of pðt Þ, we can write the right side of the previous equation as 2M X cn~ e2pik n~ =N ¼ n~ ¼M + 1 M X cn e2pikn=N (9.6.12) n¼1 Substituting Eq. (9.6.11) into Eq. (9.6.10), and taking into account Eq. (9.6.12), we obtain pðtk Þ ¼ 2M X cn e2pikn=N (9.6.13) cn e2pikn=N (9.6.14) n¼0 or because 2M ¼ N 1, it follows: pðtk Þ ¼ N 1 X n¼0 Analysis in the frequency domain Chapter 9 313 In order to match the expressions between the continuous Fourier transform and the discrete Fourier transform, we set cn ¼ Pn and Eqs. (9.6.8), (9.6.14) are written Pn ¼ 1 1 NX pk e2pikn=N , N k¼0 pk ¼ N 1 X Pn e2pikn=N , k ¼ 0, 1, 2, …,N 1 k ¼ 0, 1, 2, …,N 1 (9.6.15) (9.6.16) n¼0 The foregoing relations express the discrete Fourier transform (DFT), direct and inverse, respectively. The DFT approximates numerically the continuous Fourier transform, defined by Eqs. (9.4.16), (9.4.17). The accuracy of the DFT is very good if Dt is selected small. However, there is a fundamental difference between the continuous Fourier transform and the discrete Fourier transform. The first provides the exact transform of the actual function while the second assumes a periodic extension of the function. This means that the discrete transform is applicable when the interval T0 is finite. It holds only within the period. Outside it, the two transforms are completely different unless the function happens to be periodic. 9.7 Application of the discrete Fourier transform to dynamic analysis As we mentioned in Section 9.5, the response in the time domain of a SDOF system subjected to an arbitrary load is given by the convolution integral of the load function pðt Þ and the response function to the unit impulse h ðt Þ. Namely, u ðt Þ ¼ pðt Þ ∗h ðt Þ (9.7.1) Eq. (9.7.1) can be used as the basis to obtain the response in the frequency domain by the DFT adhering to the following steps: 1. We compute the DFT of the function pðt Þ, 0 t ttot , which is assumed extended periodically with a period T0 ttot so that pðtN Þ ¼ 0. Pn ¼ 1 1 NX pðtk Þe2pikn=N N k¼0 (9.7.2) 2. We compute the DFT of the response function h ðt Þ. This requires the confinement of h ðt Þ in an interval equal or smaller than T0 . Hn ¼ 1 1 NX h ðtk Þe2pikn=N N k¼0 (9.7.3) 314 PART I Single-degree-of-freedom systems 3. We compute the DFT of the product U n ¼ Pn H n (9.7.4) 4. We compute the inverse DFT of the product u ðtk Þ ¼ N 1 X Un e2pikn=N , k ¼ 0, 1, 2, …,N 1 (9.7.5) n¼0 which yields the response in the time domain. Details about the application of the DFT method to dynamic analysis can be found in the relevant literature, for example, Refs. [3, 5]. 9.8 Fast Fourier transform The discrete convolution of two functions pðt Þ, h ðt Þ is defined as u ðtk Þ ¼ N 1 X pðtm Þh ðtkm ÞDt, tk ¼ kDt, tkm ¼ ðk m ÞDt (9.8.1) m¼0 where both functions pðt Þ and h ðt Þ are periodic, that is, pðtm + rN Þ ¼ pðtm Þ (9.8.2a) h ðtm + rN Þ ¼ h ðtm Þ, r ¼ 0, 1, 2, … (9.8.2b) Eq. (9.8.1) gives the dynamic response u ðtk Þ directly in the time domain at time tk if pðt Þ represents the load and h ðt Þ the response to the unit impulsive load. We observe that the time-domain analysis based on Eq. (9.8.1) requires N 2 multiplications between real numbers. Instead, for the dynamic analysis in the frequency domain, the required multiplications are N 2 between real and complex numbers as dictated by each of Eqs. (9.7.2), (9.7.3), N of complex numbers as dictated by Eq. (9.7.4), and N 2 multiplications of complex numbers as dictated by Eq. (9.7.5). It is clear that the dynamic analysis in the frequency domain using the DFT requires significantly more computations, a fact that does not encourage its use. However, it is possible to reduce the number of computations drastically by taking advantage of the harmonic properties of the involved functions. The algorithm that reduces the calculations is referred to as the fast Fourier transform (FFT). The appearance of the FFT gave an impetus to dynamic analysis in the frequency domain. The number of operations (multiplications) required by the FFT decreases from N 2 to N log 2 N . Fig. 9.8.1 illustrates the advantage of FFT Analysis in the frequency domain Chapter 9 315 over DFT. The first FFT algorithm was developed by Gauss in the early 19th century [6]. Also, the contributions of Runge, Danielson, Lanczos, and others in the early 20th century were significant. However, its use did not attract the interest of many researchers because the calculations had to be performed by hand. It was only with the advent of computers that the FFT came to the foreground. In 1965, J. W. Cooley and J. W. Tukey published an algorithm for calculating the FFT [7, 8]. This algorithm is similar to that of Gauss and others and is named after them as the Cooley-Tukey algorithm. Today, there are several algorithms for FFT based on this algorithm. Below we present the Sande-Tukey algorithm that is a variation of the Cooley-Tukey. FIG. 9.8.1 Number of operations in DFT and FFT. 9.8.1 The Sande-Tukey algorithm In this algorithm, we assume that N is a power of 2, that is, N ¼ 2M (9.8.3) where M is an integer. This constraint is introduced to simplify the algorithm. In general, the DFT can be represented as Pn ¼ N 1 X k¼0 ~k ¼ pk =N , n ¼ 0, 1, 2, …,N 1 ~k e2pikn=N , p p (9.8.4) 316 PART I Single-degree-of-freedom systems Eq. (9.8.4) can also be written in the form Pn ¼ N 1 X ~k W nk p (9.8.5) k¼0 where W is the complex weight function defined as W ¼ e2pi=N (9.8.6) We divide now the interval into two subintervals, and we express Eq. (9.8.4) as Pn ¼ ðNX =2Þ1 N 1 X ~ pk e2pikn=N + ~k e2pikn=N , n ¼ 0, 1, 2, …,N 1 (9.8.7) p k¼N =2 k¼0 Then we introduce a new variable m ¼ k N =2, so that the total number of the indices is the same in both sums. Thus, we may write the foregoing equation as Pn ¼ ðNX =2Þ1 ~k e2pikn=N + p ðNX =2Þ1 ~m + N =2 e2pinðm + N =2Þ=N p (9.8.8) m¼0 k¼0 or Pn ¼ ðNX =2Þ1 ~k + epin p ~k + N =2 e2pikn=N p (9.8.9) k¼0 n We observe that eipn ¼ ðeip Þ ¼ ð1Þn . Consequently, for points with even n this factor is equal to one while with odd n it is equal to 1. The next step is to separate the terms of Eq. (9.8.9) into two sums corresponding to the even and odd values of n. Hence, for even values, we have P2n ¼ ðNX =2Þ1 ~k + N =2 e2pik ð2nÞ=N ~k + p p k¼0 ¼ ðNX =2Þ1 k¼0 (9.8.10) ~k + N =2 e2pikn=ðN =2Þ ~k + p p Analysis in the frequency domain Chapter 9 317 while for odd values P2n + 1 ¼ ðNX =2Þ1 ~k + N =2 e2pik ð2n + 1Þ=N ~k p p k¼0 ¼ ðNX =2Þ1 (9.8.11) ~k + N =2 e2pik=N e2pikn=ðN =2Þ ~k p p k¼0 where n ¼ 0, 1, 2, …, ðN =2Þ 1. By virtue of Eq. (9.8.6), Eqs. (9.8.10), (9.8.11) may be written P2n ¼ NX =21 ~k + N =2 W 2kn ~k + p p (9.8.12) ~k ~ pk + N =2 W k W 2kn p (9.8.13) k¼0 P2n + 1 ¼ NX =21 k¼0 We can now make an important observation, which is the key to the method. The even and the odd expressions can be considered as two DFTs of N =2 points each. We further set ~k + p ~k + N =2 gk ¼ p ~k p ~k + N =2 W k , k ¼ 0, 1, 2, …, ðN =2Þ 1 hk ¼ p (9.8.14) (9.8.15) Hence P2n ¼ Gn P2n + 1 ¼ Hn ) , n ¼ 0, 1, 2, …, ðN =2Þ 1 (9.8.16) In other words, a computation at N points has been replaced by two computations at N =2 points each. Because each of the latter computations requires ðN =2Þ2 complex calculations against N 2 required by the initial computation, the number of multiplications is reduced to 2ðN =2Þ2 ¼ N 2 =2. It is obvious, therefore, that the process of bisecting the transforms can be repeated in a second stage. We can thus compute 4 DFT with N =4 points each using the first and last point of each sequence of N =4 points. This technique continues and ends in 318 PART I Single-degree-of-freedom systems DFT with two points (see Fig. 9.8.2). The total number of complex multiplication for a given DFT reduces to N log 2 N . The importance of FFT over DFT is demonstrated in Fig. 9.8.1. FIG. 9.8.2 Flow chart of the first substitution stage of the DFF with N points by two DFF of N =2 points each when N ¼ 8. On the basis of the previous analysis, a computer program has been written in MATLAB that evaluates the dynamic response of a SDOF. The program uses the MATLAB functions fft.m and ifft.m. This program, which is given the name FFT_dymamic.m, is available on this book’s companion website. Example 9.8.1 The Fourier transform for the dynamic response of a SDOF system Determine the response of SDOF system subjected to the Athens earthquake in 1999 using the FFT method. Data: m ¼ 1, x ¼ 0:1, k ¼ 25, and pðt Þ ¼ u€g ðt Þ where u€g ðt Þ is the accelerogram of the earthquake. Solution The solution is obtained using the program FFT_dymamic.m. The response of the system is shown in Fig. E9.1 as compared with the numerical solution in the time domain using the program aem.lin.m given in Section 4.4. It is obvious that the computed responses by both methods are graphically identical. u(t) (m) Analysis in the frequency domain Chapter u,t(t) (m/s) t u,tt(t) (m/s2) t t FIG. E9.1 Dynamic response of the SDOF system using FFT in Example 9.8.1. 9 319 320 PART I Single-degree-of-freedom systems Example 9.8.2 Amplitude spectrum of an accelerogram Compute and plot the amplitude spectrum of the 1999 Athens earthquake using the FFT method. Solution The amplitude spectrum is established by computing the magnitude of the values of the Fourier transform of the accelerogram and it is plotted versus the frequency (Hz) in the interval of the duration of the excitation. Fig. E9.2 shows the amplitude spectrum of the Athens 1999 earthquake as computed using the program FFT_Ampl_Spectrum.m, which utilizes the function fft.m of MATLAB. The program FFT_Ampl_Spectrum.m is available on this book’s companion website. FIG. E9.2 Amplitude spectrum of the 1999 Athens earthquake in Example 9.8.2. 9.9 Problems Problem P9.1 Write a computer program for the evaluation of DFT and compute the DFT of the function shown in Fig. P9.1. Then compute the inverse DFT and compare the results with the exact function. FIG. P9.1 Function p(t) in problem P9.1 Analysis in the frequency domain Chapter 9 321 Problem P9.2 The SDOF system m, x,k is subjected to a ground motion ug ðt Þ. Study its dynamic response using: (a) The exact analytic method in the time domain. (b) The numerical computation of the convolution integral in the time domain. (c) The DFT in the frequency domain. h i Data: x ¼ 0:1, u€gi ¼ 20 1 + ð1Þi ði + 5Þ=ði + 1Þ , ti ¼ 0:05i, i ¼ 1, 2, …,20, u ð0Þ ¼ u_ ð0Þ ¼ 0, and w ¼ 4ps1 . Þ versus the freProblem P9.3 Give the graph of the Fourier transform Aðw quency (Hz) of the accelerogram of the Mexico City earthquake using the FFT. The file Mexico_Earthquake.txt including the values of the accelerogram is available on this book’s companion website. Problem P9.4 The water tower of Fig. P9.4a is subjected to the load pðt Þ ¼ 150sin pt=t1 , t1 ¼ 0:5 (Fig. P9.4b), which acts at the center of mass of the tank. Approximating the structure by a generalized SDOF system, study the dynamic response in the frequency domain for ttot ¼ 1s. The material of the structure is reinforced concrete with a specific weight g ¼ 25kN=m3 . The column and the tank have a circular cross-section. The interior of the tank is divided into small compartments to eliminate the liquid-structure interaction phenomena. Use the first mode shape of the cantilever with a constant cross-section as a shape function, that is, ψðx Þ ¼ ½ coshlx cos lx 0:7341ð sinh lx sinhlx Þ=3, l ¼ 1:8751=L, where L is the length of the cantilever. (b) (a) FIG. P9.4 Water tower (a) and load (b) in problem P9.4 322 PART I Single-degree-of-freedom systems References and further reading [1] R. Bracewell, The Fourier Transform and Its Applications, McGraw-Hill, New York, 1978. [2] T. Myint-U, L. Debnath, Linear Partial Differential Equations for Scientists and Engineers, fourth ed., Birkh€auser, Boston, 2007. [3] J.L. Humar, Dynamics of Structures, second ed., A.A. Balkema Publishers, Lisse, NL, 2002. [4] F. Oberhettinger, Tabellen zur Fourier Transformation, 1957 Sringer-Verlag, Berlin, 1957. [5] R.R. Craig Jr., A.J. Kurdila, Fundamentals of Structural Dynamics, second ed., John Wiley, New Jersey, 2006. [6] M.T. Heideman, D.H. Johnson, C.S. Burrus, Gauss and the history of the fast Fourier transform, IEEE ASSP Mag. 1 (4) (1984) 14–21. [7] J.W. Cooley, J.W. Tukey, An algorithm for the machine calculation of complex Fourier series, Math. Comput. 19 (1965) 297–301. [8] J.F. Hall, A FFT algorithm for structural dynamics, Earthq. Eng. Struct. Dyn. 10 (1982) 797–811. [9] W.H. Press, B.P. Flannery, S.A. Teukolsky, W.T. Vetterlin, Numerical Recipes in FORTRAN, second ed., Cambridge University Press, New York, 1992. Chapter 10 Multi-degree-of-freedom systems: Models and equations of motion Chapter outline 10.1 Introduction 10.2 Systems with localized mass and localized stiffness 10.3 Systems with distributed mass and localized stiffness 10.4 Systems with localized mass and distributed stiffness 10.4.1 The method of influence coefficients 325 327 328 330 334 10.5 Systems with distributed mass and distributed stiffness 10.5.2 The method of global shape functions 10.6 Mixed systems 10.7 Transformations of the equations of motion 10.8 Problems References and further reading 341 342 347 351 354 358 10.1 Introduction So far, we have studied the dynamic response of SDOF systems. We have also shown how a system with infinite degrees of freedom can be approximated by a SDOF system. The trustworthiness of this approximation depends on various issues. If the actual distribution of the physical properties of the structure, that is, mass and stiffness, and that of the external force produce deformation during the motion similar to the assumed, then the approximation with a SDOF system gives acceptable results. A key shortcoming of this approximation is the difficulty in determining the degree of reliability of the obtained results. In general, however, the study of the dynamic response of structures requires their modeling with MDOF systems, especially when the deformation shapes are complicated. In engineering structures, the mass, though distributed to all its members, is usually lumped at certain points or regions. For example, in buildings the mass is lumped at the levels of the stories or in a water tower at the top of the column that supports the tank. This fact allows describing the motion of a structure with that of a MDOF system with deformation parameters the displacements of the points where the dynamic characteristics (mass and moment of inertia) are concentrated. Fig. 10.1.1a shows a three-story frame whose horizontal beams are virtually rigid. In this structure, the mass of the columns is negligible compared to that of Dynamic Analysis of Structures. https://doi.org/10.1016/B978-0-12-818643-5.00010-8 © 2020 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved. 325 326 PART II Multi-degree-of-freedom systems the beams. Hence, the mass is lumped at the level of the beams and the structure can be approximated by the model of Fig. 10.1.1b. The deformation shape during motion is shown in Fig. 10.1.1c. Obviously, its motion can be determined by establishing the displacements u1 ðt Þ, u2 ðt Þ, and u3 ðt Þ, that is, the system has three degrees of motion. (a) (b) (c) FIG. 10.1.1 Three-story frame (a), dynamic model (b) and deformation shape (c). (a) (b) FIG. 10.1.2 Water tower (a) and its deformed dynamic model (b). Fig. 10.1.2a shows a water tower. With the assumption that the mass of the column is negligible compared with that of the tank, we can model the water tower with the system of Fig. 10.1.2b. That is, the water tower is simulated by a flexible column, which is fixed at the ground and has a mass m at its top with a moment of inertia Io . The mass m can move horizontally and rotate within the plane. The determination of the motion requires the establishment of the displacement u ðt Þ and the rotation fðt Þ of the top cross-section of the column, that is, the system has two degrees of freedom. The MDOF systems can be categorized as follows: 1. Systems with localized mass and localized stiffness. 2. Systems with distributed mass and localized stiffness. MDOF systems: Models and equations of motion Chapter 10 327 3. Systems with localized mass and distributed stiffness. 4. Systems with distributed mass and distributed stiffness. 5. Mixed systems resulting from a combination of the systems of previous categories. In what it follows, the term localized mass denotes a lumped mass that may have a moment of inertia while the term concentrated mass denotes a mass that is concentrated at a point and has a zero moment of inertia. The above classification is useful as it dictates a convenient method to formulate the equations of motion of the MDOF system. Its effectiveness is explained by illustrative examples. The pertinent bibliography with recommended references for further study is also included. The chapter is enriched with problems to be solved. 10.2 Systems with localized mass and localized stiffness The system of Fig. 10.2.1a consists of two rigid bodies with masses m1 and m2 , whose horizontal motion is elastically constrained by two massless springs k1 and k2 . The system has localized masses and stiffnesses. The degrees of freedom are two, the displacements u1 ðt Þ and u2 ðt Þ. The equations of motion can be derived using the method of the equilibrium of the forces (D’Alembert’s principle) presented in Section 1.5. The forces applied to the masses are shown in Fig. 10.2.1b. The equilibrium of mass m1 gives fI 1 + fD1 + fS1 ¼ p1 (10.2.1) m1 u€ 1 + c1 ðu_ 1 u_ 2 Þ + k1 ðu1 u2 Þ ¼ p1 ðt Þ (10.2.2) or Similarly, the equilibrium of mass m2 gives fI 2 + fD2 fD1 + fS2 fS1 ¼ p2 (10.2.3) or m2 u€2 c1 u_ 1 + ðc2 + c1 Þu_ 2 k1 u1 + ðk2 + k1 Þu2 ¼ p2 ðt Þ or (10.2.4) Eqs. (10.2.2), (10.2.4) are written in matrix form m1 0 u€1 c1 c1 u_ 1 k1 k1 u1 + + u€2 u_ 2 c1 c2 + c1 k1 k2 + k1 u2 0 m2 p1 (10.2.5) ¼ p2 M€ u + Cu_ + Ku ¼pðt Þ where c1 c1 k1 k1 m1 0 , C¼ , K¼ M¼ 0 m2 c1 c1 + c2 k1 k1 + k2 (10.2.6) (10.2.7) 328 PART II Multi-degree-of-freedom systems are the mass, the damping, and stiffness matrices of the system, respectively, and p1 ð t Þ u1 (10.2.8) , pðt Þ ¼ u¼ u2 p2 ðt Þ the displacement and load vectors. (a) (b) FIG. 10.2.1 System with localized mass and localized stiffness (a). Forces applied to the masses m1 and m2 (b). 10.3 Systems with distributed mass and localized stiffness The system of Fig. 10.3.1a consists of the rigid bar AC , whose mass is uni and the circular formly distributed along its length with line mass density m, also uniformly distributed. The motion of rigid body of total mass m ¼ mL, the system is elastically constrained by the two massless springs, k1 ¼ k and k2 ¼ 2k. A damper with damping coefficient c acts at point C . The system is loaded by the moment M ðt Þ and the force pðt Þ. This structure, which represents a system with distributed mass and localized stiffness, has two degrees of freedom. We choose the vertical displacement u ðt Þ of the end C of the bar and the rotation fðt Þ of the circular body to determine the motion of the system. Referring to Fig. 10.3.1b, the equilibrium of the rigid bar with respect to point A gives: MDOF systems: Models and equations of motion Chapter 10 329 (a) (b) FIG. 10.3.1 System with distributed mass and localized stiffness (a). Forces acting on the two bodies (b). MIA + 2Lf D + Lf S1 + 2Lf S2 ¼ pðt ÞL (10.3.1) Obviously, we have MIA ¼ IA ð2LÞ3 u€ 4 u€ _ fS1 ¼ 0:5ku 2 u€ , fD ¼ cu, ¼m ¼ mL 3 2L 3 2L fS2 ¼ 2k ðu 0:5LfÞ which are substituted into Eq. (10.3.1) to yield 2 9 1 u€ + cu_ + ku kLf ¼ pðt Þ mL 3 4 2 (10.3.2) Similarly, the equilibrium of the circular body with respect to point O gives MIO 0:5Lf S2 ¼ M ðt Þ (10.3.3) Taking into account that MIO ¼ IO f€ ¼ mL 3€ 1 mL 4€ f, fS2 ¼ 2k ðu 0:5LfÞ f ¼ p ð 0:5L Þ 8 pð0:5LÞ2 2 and substituting into Eq. (10.3.3), we obtain 3€ mL f kLu + 0:5L2 kf ¼ M ðt Þ 8 (10.3.4) 330 PART II Multi-degree-of-freedom systems Eqs. (10.3.2), (10.3.4) are the equations of motion, which in matrix form become M€ u + Cu_ + Ku ¼pðt Þ (10.3.5) where 3 2 " # 9 0 mL c 0 7 63 k kL , C¼ , K¼ M¼4 4 35 mL 0 0 kL 0:5L2 k 0 8 2 (10.3.6) represent the mass, damping, and stiffness matrices of the system and 9 8 < 1 pðt Þ = u (10.3.7) u¼ , pðt Þ ¼ 2 f ; : M ðt Þ the displacement and load vectors. 10.4 Systems with localized mass and distributed stiffness The system of Fig. 10.4.1 a represents an example of this case. It consists of the flexible column AO, whose mass is assumed negligible, and the plane square body of side length a and mass m uniformly distributed. (a) (b) FIG. 10.4.1 System with localized mass and distributed stiffness (a). Deformed dynamic model (b). The equations of motion will results from the motion of the plane rigid body in its plane. We examine the motion with respect to the point O, which does not coincide with the center of mass of the body. In general, the system has three degrees of freedom, namely the horizontal displacement, the vertical displacement, and the rotation about O. Because the column is flexible, the horizontal displacement and the rotation are due to the bending deformation. The vertical displacement is caused by (i) the axial deformation of the column, which is very small and thus MDOF systems: Models and equations of motion Chapter 10 331 neglected, and (ii) the shortening of the chord of the deflection curve, which is also neglected in the linear theory. Therefore, the parameters of the motion are the horizontal displacement u ðt Þ and the rotation fðt Þ, Fig. 10.4.1b. In the following, the equations of motion are derived using two different methods. 1. The method of the Lagrange equations (i) Elastic energy: This is due to the bending deformation of the column. The deflection curve can be set in the form uðx, t Þ ¼ 1 ðx Þu ðt Þ + 2 ðx Þfðt Þ (10.4.1) where 1 ðx Þ and 2 ðx Þ are the elastic curves of the column for u ðt Þ ¼ 1, fðt Þ ¼ 0 and fðt Þ ¼ 1, u ðt Þ ¼ 0, respectively. They can be obtained from the solution of the following two boundary value problems d4 1 ¼ 0, dx 4 1 ð0Þ ¼ 0, 1 0 ð0Þ ¼ 0, 1 ðh Þ ¼ 1, 1 0 ðh Þ ¼ 0 (10.4.2a) and d4 2 ¼ 0, dx 4 2 ð0Þ ¼ 0, 2 0 ð0Þ ¼ 0, 2 ðh Þ ¼ 0, 2 0 ðh Þ ¼ 1 (10.4.2b) Integrating of the differential equation (10.4.2a) gives 1 ðx Þ ¼ 1 3 1 2 c1 x + c2 x + c3 x + c4 6 2 (10.4.3) After evaluation of the arbitrary constants by applying the boundary conditions, we obtain x 2 x 3 +2 ¼ 3x2 + 2x3 , x ¼ x=h (10.4.4) 1 ðx Þ ¼ 3 h h Similarly, we obtain x 2 x 1 ¼ hx 2 ðx 1Þ, x ¼ x=h ð x Þ ¼ h 2 h h (10.4.5) The elastic energy is given (see Eq. 8.1.11) Z 1 h 2 EI ½u00 ðx, t Þ dx U¼ 2 0 which by virtue of Eq. (10.4.1) becomes Z 1 h 00 2 EI 1 ðx Þu ðt Þ + 002 ðx Þfðt Þ dx U¼ 2 0 (10.4.6) Differentiating Eq. (10.4.6) with respect to u ðt Þ and fðt Þ gives 332 PART II Multi-degree-of-freedom systems ∂U ¼ EI ∂u Z h 0 00 1 ðx Þu ðt Þ + Z ¼ EIu ðt Þ 0 h 2 00 1 ðx Þ dx 00 2 ðx Þfðt Þ 00 1 ðx Þdx Z h + EI fðt Þ 00 00 2 ðx Þ 1 ðx Þdx 0 12EI 6EI u+ 2 f h3 h Z h 00 ∂U 00 00 ¼ EI 1 ðx Þu ðt Þ + 2 ðx Þfðt Þ 2 ðx Þdx ∂f 0 Z h Z h 00 00 ¼ EIu ðt Þ 1 ðx Þ 2 ðx Þdx + EI fðt Þ (10.4.7a) ¼ 0 ¼ 0 2 00 2 ðx Þ dx (10.4.7b) 6EI 4EI f u+ h2 h (ii) Kinetic energy: The kinetic energy with respect to point O is evaluated from Eq. (1.5.8). Taking the origin of the coordinates at point O we have: _ xc ¼ 0, yc ¼ a=2, IP ¼ IO and Eq. (1.5.8) XP ¼ u, YP ¼ 0, w ¼ f, becomes 1 1 a T ¼ m u_ 2 + IO f_ 2 m u_ f_ 2 2 2 (10.4.8) Differentiating Eq. (10.4.8) with respect to u_ and f_ gives ∂T a ¼ m u_ m f_ ∂u_ 2 ∂T a ¼ IO f_ m u_ 2 ∂f_ (10.4.9a) (10.4.9b) (iii) Generalized forces: They result from Eq. (1.8.23) by setting q1 ¼ u, q2 ¼ f. Thus, we obtain Q1 ¼ pðt Þ, Q2 ¼ pðt Þa=2 (10.4.10a,b) (iv) The potential of the external conservative forces: Because there are no conservative forces, it is A ¼ 0. Substituting Eqs. (10.4.7a), (10.4.7b), (10.4.9a) (10.4.9b), (10.4.10a,b) into the Lagrange equation (1.8.11) gives a 12EI 6EI m u€ m f€ + 3 u + 2 f ¼ pðt Þ 2 h h a 6EI 4EI a f ¼ pðt Þ IO f€ m u€ + 2 u + 2 h h 2 (10.4.11a) (10.4.11b) MDOF systems: Models and equations of motion Chapter 10 333 or in matrix form M€ u + Ku ¼pðt Þ where 2 u u¼ , f 2 3 12EI 6EI 6 h3 h2 7 7 K¼6 4 6EI 4EI 5 h2 h ( ) pðt Þ a pðt Þ ¼ pðt Þ 2 ma 3 m 2 5, M ¼ 4 ma IO 2 (10.4.12) (10.4.13a,b) (10.4.13c,d) 2. The method of equilibrium of forces The forces acting on the square rigid body during the motion are shown in Fig. 10.4.2. The equilibrium of forces may be considered either with respect to point O or to the center of mass C . FIG. 10.4.2 Free body diagram. a. Equilibrium with respect to point O. Because point O does not coincide with the mass center, the equations of motion will be obtained from Eqs. (1.5.14a), (1.5.14b), (1.5.14c) by taking the origin of axes at the point O and setting: P O, uP ¼ u, vP ¼ 0, xc ¼ 0, yc ¼ a=2, Fx ¼ pðt Þ fS , Fy ¼ 0, MO ¼ pðt Þa=2 MS . Thus, we obtain a (10.4.14a) m€ u m f€ + fS ¼ pðt Þ 2 a a (10.4.14b) m u€ + IO f€ + MS ¼ pðt Þ 2 2 The elastic forces fS and MS are the shear force and the bending moment of a beam fixed at end A and subjected to the displacement u and rotation f at end O. Thus, we have fS ¼ 12EI 6EI u+ 2 f 3 h h (10.4.15a) 334 PART II Multi-degree-of-freedom systems MS ¼ 6EI 4EI f u+ 2 h h (10.4.15b) Obviously, they are identical to those given by Eqs. (10.4.7a), (10.4.7b). Substituting the previous expressions for fS and MS in Eqs. (10.4.14a), (10.4.14b) yields a 12EI 6EI m€ u m f€ + 3 u + 2 f ¼ pðt Þ 2 h h a 6EI 4EI a f ¼ pðt Þ IO f€ m u€ + 2 u + 2 h h 2 (10.4.16a) (10.4.16b) which are identical to Eqs. (10.4.11a), (10.4.11b). b. Equilibrium with respect to the mass center C . The equations of motion will be obtained from Eqs. (1.5.11a), (1.5.11b), (1.5.11c) by setting uc ¼ u af=2, Fx ¼ fS + pðt Þ, MC ¼ MS fS a=2. Thus, we obtain a m€ u m f€ + fS ¼ pðt Þ (10.4.17a) 2 a Ic f€ + MS + fS ¼ 0 (10.4.17b) 2 The first of the above equations is identical to (10.4.14a). The second equation, however, looks different from (10.4.14b). Nevertheless, multiplying Eq. (10.4.17a) by a=2 and adding it to (10.4.17b) gives a 2 a a f€ + MS ¼ pðt Þ u + IC + m (10.4.18a) m€ 2 2 2 Because IC + m ða=2Þ2 ¼ IO (Steiner’s formula), the previous equation becomes a a u + IO f€ + MS ¼ pðt Þ (10.4.18b) m€ 2 2 which is identical to (10.4.14b). The above transformation of the equations of motion from the center of mass to point O is rather occasional. A formal method to transform the equations of motion when we change the point of reference is presented in Section 10.7. 10.4.1 The method of influence coefficients The equations of motion of linear systems with localized masses and distributed stiffnesses can be derived using the method of influence coefficients, which is based on the superposition principle. A frame structure can be idealized as an assemblage of beam elements interconnected at nodal points. We illustrate this MDOF systems: Models and equations of motion Chapter 10 335 method with the plane frame of Fig. 10.4.3. The masses are localized at the nodes, where the external loads are applied. In the general case in which the axial deformation of the beams and columns is not neglected, each node i has three degrees of freedom with respect to the global system of axes X Y , Y axes, respectively, and a rotatwo translations ui , vi in the directions of the X, tion fi about the Z axes. Hence, the frame of Fig. 10.4.3 with n ¼ 6 free nodes has in total N ¼ 3n ¼ 18 degrees of freedom. FIG. 10.4.3 Frame with n ¼ 6 nodes. Referring to Fig. 10.4.4, we represent the displacement vector by T ¼ u1 v1 f1 u2 v2 f2 ⋯ ui vi fi ⋯ un vn fn u (10.4.19) or if they are labeled from 1 to N ¼ 3n, we may write uT ¼ f u1 u2 u3 u4 u5 u6 ⋯ u3i2 u3i1 u3i ⋯ uN g (10.4.20) where u3i2 ¼ ui , u3i1 ¼ vi , u3i ¼ fi , i ¼ 1, 2, …,n FIG. 10.4.4 Nodal displacements of the frame. N ¼ 3n ¼ 18. (10.4.21) 336 PART II Multi-degree-of-freedom systems Similarly, we formulate the vector of the external nodal loads (Fig. 10.4.5) FIG. 10.4.5 External loads acting on the nodes of the frame. pðt ÞT ¼ f px1 py1 M1 px2 py2 M2 ⋯ pxi pyi Mi ⋯ MN g ¼ f p1 p2 p3 p4 p5 p6 ⋯ p3i2 p3i1 p3i ⋯ pN g (10.4.22) where p3i2 ¼ pxi , p3i1 ¼ pyi , p3i ¼ Mi , i ¼ 1, 2, …,n (10.4.23) The number of equations will be equal to the number of degrees of freedom. The equations of motion can be formulated using the method of equilibrium of forces. If fIi , fDi , fSi represent the inertia, damping, and elastic forces, respectively, and pi ðt Þ the external load in the direction of the displacement ui , then it should be (see Fig. 10.4.6) fIi + fDi + fSi ¼ pi ðt Þ, (a) i ¼ 1, 2, …,N (10.4.24) (b) FIG. 10.4.6 Equilibrium of forces (a) or moments (b) in the direction of the displacement ui . Eq. (10.4.24) holds in the direction of all displacement components u1 , u2 ,…,uN , N ¼ 3n. The expressions of the forces fIi , fDi , fSi can be determined using the following method, which is referred to as the method of influence coefficients. MDOF systems: Models and equations of motion Chapter 10 337 Elastic forces In a SDOF system, the elastic force depends only on one displacement. Apparently, in a MDOF system this force will depend on all the displacements. Thus, for a linear system, the superposition principle allows writing fSi ¼ ki1 u1 + ki2 u2 + … + kij uj + … + kiN uN (10.4.25) FIG. 10.4.7 Stiffness influence coefficients ki4 . where kij are constants expressing the stiffness influence coefficients or simply the stiffness coefficients. They relate the elastic force fSi to the displacement uj . The physical meaning of the coefficient kij results by setting uj ¼ 1 and uk6¼j ¼ 0 in Eq. (10.4.25), that is, by applying a unit displacement along the degree of freedom j, holding all other displacements zero, as shown in Fig. 10.4.7. This yields fSi ¼ kij (10.4.26) Eq. (10.4.26) states that the stiffness coefficient kij expresses the elastic force applied along the degree of freedom i for a unit displacement along the degree of freedom j, that is, the displacement uj , while all other displacements are zero. Fig. 10.4.7 shows the deformation of the frame when the displacement u4 ¼ 1 is applied at node 4 while all other displacements are zero, that is, uj ¼ 0 ( j ¼ 1, 2, …, N , j 6¼ 4). Obviously, the stiffness influence coefficients are equal to the forces required to maintain the deformed shape of the frame when subjected to the displacement u4 ¼ 1. For i ¼ 1, 2, …, N , Eq. (10.4.25) yields N equations, which we write in matrix form 9 2 8 38 9 k k ⋯ k1N > f > > > > > u1 > = 6 11 12 < S1 > 7< u2 = fS2 k k ⋯ k 21 22 2N 7 ¼6 (10.4.27) 4 ⋯ ⋯ ⋯ ⋯ 5> ⋮ > ⋮ > > > > > ; ; : : > fSN kn1 kn2 ⋯ kNN uN 338 PART II Multi-degree-of-freedom systems or f S ¼ ku where 9 8 fS1 > > > > > > < fS1 = , fS ¼ > > ⋮ > > > > ; : fSN 8 9 u1 > > > > > > < u2 = u¼ , > > ⋮ > > > > : ; uN (10.4.28) 2 3 k11 k12 ⋯ k1N 6k k ⋯ k 7 2N 7 6 21 22 k¼6 7 4⋯ ⋯ ⋯ ⋯ 5 kn1 kn2 ⋯ kNN (10.4.29) The vector f S with dimensions N 1 represents the vector of the elastic forces, the vector u with dimensions N 1 represents the vector of the displacements, and the matrix k with dimensions N N represents the stiffness matrix of the structure. Obviously, this method, which explains the physical meaning of the stiffness coefficients, is by no means suitable for their evaluation because it requires N static analyses of the fixed structure successively for u1 ¼ 1, u2 ¼ 1, …, uN ¼ 1. The stiffness matrix, however, can be established using other methods of structural analysis, for example, the flexibility method or the direct stiffness method. Anyhow, the establishment of the stiffness matrix of a structure is a subject of the static structural analysis and it is evaluated using the most suitable method for a particular structure. Damping forces The concept of the influence coefficients can be employed to express the damping forces fDi . Thus, assuming viscous damping we may write fDi ¼ ci1 u_ 1 + ci2 u_ 2 + … + cij u_ j + … + ciN u_ N (10.4.30) Applying Eq. (10.4.30) for i ¼ 1, 2, …, N yields N equations, which we write in matrix form 9 2 8 38 9 c11 c12 ⋯ c1N > u_ 1 > fD1 > > > > > > > > = < f = 6 c c ⋯ c 7> < u_ > D2 2N 7 2 6 21 22 ¼6 (10.4.31) 7 > 4 ⋯ ⋯ ⋯ ⋯ 5> ⋮ > ⋮ > > > > > > > > > ; : : ; fDN cn1 cn2 ⋯ cNN u_ N or f D ¼ cu_ where 9 8 fD1 > > > > > > < fD2 = , fD ¼ > > ⋮ > > > > ; : fDN 8 9 u_ 1 > > > > > > < u_ 2 = u_ ¼ , > > ⋮ > > > > : ; u_ N (10.4.32) 2 c11 c12 ⋯ c1N 6c c ⋯ c 2N 6 21 22 c¼6 4⋯ ⋯ ⋯ ⋯ cn1 cn2 ⋯ cNN 3 7 7 7 5 (10.4.33) MDOF systems: Models and equations of motion Chapter 10 339 FIG. 10.4.8 Damping influence coefficients ci4 . The vector f D with dimensions N 1 represents the vector of the damping forces, the vector u_ with dimensions N 1 represents the vector of the velocities, and the matrix c with dimensions N N represents the damping matrix of the structure. The elements cij of the damping matrix are the damping influence coefficients. Their physical meaning is analogous to that of the stiffness influence coefficients, namely cij expresses the damping force applied along the degree of freedom i for unit velocity along the degree of freedom j, that is, u_ j ¼ 1, while all other velocities are zero. Fig. 10.4.8 show the damping influence coefficients at the nodes of the frame, when u_ 4 ¼ 1, u_ j ¼ 0 (j ¼ 1, 2, …, N , j 6¼ 4). Note that the damping coefficients, contrary to the stiffness coefficients, cannot be established from the geometrical data of the structure and the physical properties of its elements. In Section 12.11, we will show how the damping matrix of the structure can be established by assuming known damping ratios for each mode shape estimated from experimental data obtained from similar structures. Inertial forces Similarly, we can relate the inertial force fIi to the acceleration u€ j . Thus, we may write fIi ¼ mi1 u€ 1 + mi2 u€ 2 + … + mij u€ j + … + miN u€ N (10.4.34) For i ¼ 1, 2, …, N , Eq. (10.4.34) yields N equations, which we write in matrix form 8 9 2 38 9 m11 m12 ⋯ m1N > fI 1 > u€ 1 > > > > > = < = 6 < > 7 €2 fI 2 m m ⋯ m u 21 22 2N 7 ¼6 (10.4.35) ⋮ > 4 ⋯ ⋯ ⋯ ⋯ 5> ⋮ > > > > ; ; : > : > fIN mn1 mn2 ⋯ mNN u€ N or f I ¼ m€ u (10.4.36) 340 PART II Multi-degree-of-freedom systems where 8 9 fI 1 > > > = < > fI 2 , fI ¼ ⋮ > > > ; : > fIN 8 9 u€ 1 > > > = < > u€ 2 €¼ u , > > > ⋮ > ; : u€ N 2 m11 m12 6 m21 m22 m¼6 4 ⋯ ⋯ mn1 mn2 3 ⋯ m1N ⋯ m2N 7 7 ⋯ ⋯ 5 ⋯ mNN (10.4.37) The vector f I with dimensions N 1 represents the vector of the inertial € with dimensions N 1 represents the vector of the accelforces, the vector u erations, and the matrix m with dimensions N N represents the mass matrix or inertial matrix of the structure. The elements mij of the mass matrix are the mass influence coefficients. Their physical meaning is analogous to that of the stiffness and damping influence coefficients, namely mij expresses the inertial force applied along the degree of freedom i for unit acceleration along the degree of freedom j, that is, u€ j ¼ 1, while all other accelerations are zero. Fig. 10.4.9 shows the mass influence coefficients at the nodes of the frame, when u€ 4 ¼ 1, u€ j ¼ 0 (j ¼ 1, 2, …, N , j 6¼ 4). FIG. 10.4.9 Mass influence coefficients mi4 . In actual structures, the mass is distributed. The model that considers the mass lumped at certain points of the structure, for example, at the nodes of a frame, approximates adequately the dynamic response of the structure. When it is assumed that the lumped mass has no geometrical dimensions, that is, it is simulated by a material particle, then its rotational inertia is zero and the respective influence coefficients vanish. Writing now Eq. (10.4.24) for all directions i ¼ 1, 2, …, N , we obtain fI 1 + fD1 + fS1 ¼ p1 ðt Þ fI 2 + fD2 + fS2 ¼ p2 ðt Þ … … … … fIN + fDN + fSN ¼ pN ðt Þ (10.4.38) f I + f D + f S ¼ p ðt Þ (10.4.39) or MDOF systems: Models and equations of motion Chapter 10 341 which by virtue of Eqs. (10.4.28), (10.4.32), (10.4.36) gives the equation of motion of the structure m€ u + cu_ + ku ¼ pðt Þ (10.4.40) 10.5 Systems with distributed mass and distributed stiffness Systems with distributed mass and distributed stiffness are also referred to as continuous systems or distributed parameter systems. Theoretically, they have infinite degrees of freedom and their motion is described by partial differential equations. The systems of Fig. 10.5.1 belong to this category. (a) (b) FIG. 10.5.1 Continuous systems: (a) Cantilever beam, (b) Chimney fixed on the ground. Continuous systems can be approximated by MDOF systems, even if the mass distribution does not necessarily have a particular concentration at some points. This approximation can be realized using two methods. The first method analyzes the structure by expressing its deformed shape as a superposition of a series of global shape functions of the spatial coordinates, each multiplied by its own generalized coordinate. This method is known as the method of global shape functions. On the contrary, the second method treats the structure as a discrete MDOF system in which the mass and stiffness are concentrated at certain points, but with interacting displacements. The discretization can be performed either by the flexibility method or the stiffness method. The latter is realized by the finite element method (FEM) [1], in which the structure is approximated by a set of discrete elements with known deformation and inertial properties. Both methods, that is, the method of the global shape functions and the FEM, convert the governing partial differential equation into a system of ordinary differential equations of motion, which can be solved by wellestablished numerical methods. Consequently, the dynamic analysis of continuous systems through a direct analytical solution of partial differential equations, a very difficult and in most cases insurmountable mathematical 342 PART II Multi-degree-of-freedom systems problem, is circumvented. Nevertheless, the research is ongoing and new efficient methods have been developed for solving time-dependent structural problems, for example, the boundary element method (BEM) [2] or the meshless methods beyond the element methods [3]. The method of global shape functions is presented below while the FEM is presented in this Chapter 11. 10.5.1 The method of global shape functions In this method, it is assumed that the continuous function u ðx, t Þ, which represents the displacement of the points of the structure, can be approximated by the finite superposition series uðx, t Þ ¼ 1 ðx Þu1 ðt Þ + 2 ðx Þu2 ðt Þ + … + N ðx ÞuN ðt Þ ¼ N X i ðx Þui ðt Þ i¼1 (10.5.1) The functions i ðx Þ express shapes of deformation of the structure and are referred to as global shape functions while ui ðt Þ are functions of time that express the generalized coordinates, for example, displacements or rotations of certain points of the structure. The minimum requirements for the expression (10.5.1) to approximate the actual deformation u ðx, t Þ are: (i) the shape functions must be at least geometrically admissible, that is, satisfy the geometric (essential) boundary (support) conditions of the structure, and (ii) must be linearly independent, that is, any of them cannot result as a linear combination of two or more of the others. The generalized coordinates are the unknown time functions, which must be determined by the solution of equations of motion. The number of generalized coordinates is equal to the degrees of freedom of the substitute MDOF system, which approximates the actual continuous system. The equations of motion are usually derived using the principle of virtual work, the Lagrange equations, or the Hamilton principle. Here, the latter approach, as presented for the generalized SDOF system in Section 8.2, is employed to illustrate the method of global shape functions. FIG. 10.5.2 Cantilever beam. MDOF systems: Models and equations of motion Chapter 10 343 Suppose we are going to apply the method of global shape functions to approximate the dynamic response of the cantilever beam of Fig. 10.5.2. The cantilever has variable stiffness I ðx Þ and mass m ðx Þ. It is loaded by the transverse load pðx, t Þ and the axial force P at the free end. (i) Elastic energy: The elastic energy is equal to the strain energy of the cantilever and it is given (see Eq. 8.1.11) Z 1 L 2 EI ðx Þ½u00 ðx, t Þ dx (10.5.2) U¼ 2 0 Its variation is Z dU ¼ L EI ðx Þu00 ðx, t Þd u00 ðx, t Þdx (10.5.3) 0 or using Eq. (10.5.1) Z L N X dU ¼ EI ðx Þ 0 Z ¼ 00 i ui i¼1 L N X N X EI ðx Þ 0 ¼ ! N X ! 00 j duj j¼1 00 00 i j ui duj dx ! dx (10.5.4) i¼1 j¼1 N X N X kij ui duj i¼1 j¼1 where Z L kij ¼ 0 EI ðx Þ 00 00 i j dx (10.5.5) (ii) Kinetic energy: The kinetic energy is due to the transverse displacements and rotations of the mass elements. Thus, we have Z Z h i2 1 L 1 L 2 0 m ðx Þ½u_ ðx, t Þ dx + I ðx Þ u_ ðx, t Þ dx (10.5.6) T¼ 2 0 2 0 The second term in the above expression is due to the rotation of the cross-sections and its contribution is small. In the following development, without limiting the generality, we omit this term for the sake of simplicity. The variation of the kinetic energy is Z L m ðx Þu_ ðx, t Þd u_ ðx, t Þdx (10.5.7) dT ¼ 0 or using Eq. (10.5.1) 344 PART II Multi-degree-of-freedom systems Z dT ¼ L m ðx Þ 0 Z ¼ i u_ i i¼1 L m ðx Þ ! N X j d u_ j j¼1 N X N X dx ! j u_ i d u_ j i 0 ¼ ! N X dx (10.5.8) i¼1 j¼1 N X N X mij u_ i d u_ j i¼1 j¼1 where Z L mij ¼ m ðx Þ i j dx (10.5.9) 0 (iii) Virtual work of the nonconservative forces: The nonconservative forces are the load pðx, t Þ and the damping force. The damping may be external or internal. As in the case of generalized SDOF systems (see Fig. 8.2.1), we assume that the external damping force is viscous and is distributed along the length of the beam, that is, fD ðx, t Þ ¼ cðx Þu_ ðx, t Þ, where cðx Þ is the damping coefficient. The internal damping is due to the deformation of the element of the beam, resists it, and depends on the velocity of the strain. Hence, if the produced stress is denoted by sD , we may write ∂ex (10.5.10) sD ¼ cs ∂t where cs is the coefficient of the internal damping and ex the stain. Then, the virtual work of the internal nonconservative forces is Z in (10.5.11) dWnc ¼ sD dex dV V Taking into account that sx M y, M ¼ EI ðx Þu00 ðx, t Þ ex ¼ , sx ¼ E I ðx Þ Eq. (10.5.11) becomes Z L 00 in dWnc ¼ cs I ðx Þu_ ðx, t Þd u00 ðx, t Þdx (10.5.12) (10.5.13) 0 or using Eq. (10.5.1) Z L N X in ¼ cs I ðx Þ dWnc 0 Z ¼ i¼1 L cs I ðx Þ 0 ¼ ! 00 i u_ i N X N X i¼1 j¼1 N X N X i¼1 j¼1 cijin u_ i duj N X ! 00 j duj j¼1 00 00 i j u_ i duj dx ! dx (10.5.14) MDOF systems: Models and equations of motion Chapter 10 345 where Z cijin L ¼ 00 00 i j dx c s I ðx Þ 0 (10.5.15) The virtual work of the external damping force is Z L ex dWnc ¼ cðx Þu_ ðx, t Þd uðx, t Þdx (10.5.16) 0 or using Eq. (10.5.1) ! ! Z L N N X X ex c ðx Þ dWnc ¼ i u_ i j duj dx 0 Z i¼1 L ¼ c ðx Þ 0 ¼ j¼1 N X N X i ! j u_ i duj dx (10.5.17) i¼1 j¼1 N X N X cijex u_ i duj i¼1 j¼1 where Z cijex ¼ L c ðx Þ i j dx (10.5.18) 0 Finally, the virtual work due the external nonconservative load pðx, t Þ is Z L p dWnc ¼ pðx, t Þd uðx, t Þdx (10.5.19) 0 or using Eq. (10.5.1) Z p dWnc ¼ L pðx, t Þ 0 ¼ N X j duj dx j¼1 N X (10.5.20) pj ðt Þduj j¼1 where Z L pj ðt Þ ¼ pðx, t Þ j dx (10.5.21) 0 Consequently, the virtual work due to all nonconservative forces is dWnc ¼ N X N X i¼1 j¼1 cij u_ i duj + N X j¼1 pj ðt Þduj (10.5.22) 346 PART II Multi-degree-of-freedom systems where it was set cij¼ cijin + cijex (10.5.23) (iv) The potential energy of the conservative forces: The potential energy of the conservative forces is due to the constant axial force P. Thus, we have A ¼ Pe (10.5.24) where e is the shorting of the elastic curve due to bending and is given as Z Z L 1 L 0 2 ex dx ¼ ½u ðx, t Þ dx (10.5.25) e¼ 2 0 0 The variation of the potential energy is dA ¼ Pde Z L ¼ P u0 ðx, t Þd u0 ðx, t Þdx (10.5.26) 0 or using Eq. (10.5.1) Z dA ¼ P L 0 Z ¼ P ! 0 i ui i¼1 L 0 ¼ P N X N X j¼1 N X N X 0 i ! 0 j duj dx ! 0 j ui duj dx (10.5.27) i¼1 j¼1 N X N X kGij ui duj i¼1 j¼1 where Z kGij ¼ 0 L 0 i 0 j dx (10.5.28) Substituting the previous expressions for dU ,dK , dWnc , and dA in Hamilton’s principle, Eq. (1.7.13), produces the following equations of motion N X j¼1 mij u€ j + N X cij u_ j + j¼1 N X kij Pk Gij uj ¼ pi , i ¼ 1, 2…, N (10.5.29) j¼1 or in matrix form M€ u + Cu_ + ðK PKG Þu ¼pðt Þ (10.5.30) The matrices M, C, K represent the mass, damping, and stiffness matrices, respectively. Their elements are evaluated from Eqs. (10.5.9), MDOF systems: Models and equations of motion Chapter 10 347 (10.5.23), (10.5.5). The matrix KG , whose elements are evaluated from Eq. (10.5.28), is referred to as the geometric stiffness matrix. It expresses here the influence of the axial force on the dynamic response of the structure. It is obvious that the compressive axial force reduces the stiffness of the system while the tensile force increases it. The vanishing of the determinant of the total stiffness matrix K PKG , namely det ðK PKG Þ ¼ 0 (10.5.31) yields the N values of the buckling load. The method of global shape functions is also known as the Ritz method. The shape functions are, as we have already mentioned, geometrically admissible and linearly independent functions representing deformation patterns of the entire structure. They are chosen arbitrarily but appropriately, based on the experience of the user of the method. The success of the method depends on the choice of shape functions, but this is still a difficult problem [4]. The use of the Ritz method has been substantially reduced with the emergence of modern computational methods, such as the finite element method (FEM) [1], the boundary element method (BEM) [2], and the meshless methods [3]. However, it is useful either as the theoretical background for developing new computational methods or for testing them. 10.6 Mixed systems Mixed systems are those resulting from the combination of the previously discussed categories. As an example of this case, we refer to the structure of Fig. 10.6.1a. Indeed, this system has localized masses (m1 ,m2 ), distributed masses (mass of bars), localized stiffness (stiffness kR of the rotational spring), and distributed stiffnesses (stiffness of bars). We assume: m1 ¼ m2 ¼ m, ¼ m=a, kR ¼ EI =4a. m (a) (b) FIG. 10.6.1 Mixed system (a) and motion parameters (b). 348 PART II Multi-degree-of-freedom systems For the determination of motion, we take as degrees of freedom the displace ments of the masses, namely the rotation f1 of the mass m1 , the displacement u, and the rotation f2 of the mass m2 ; see Fig. 10.6.1b. The equations of motion will be derived using the Lagrange equations. (i) Elastic energy: If u1 , u2 , u3 , u4 denote the displacements and the rotations at the ends of the beam element as in Fig. 10.6.2, its elastic curve can be set in the form uðx, t Þ ¼ 1 ðx Þu1 + 2 ðx Þu2 + 3 ðx Þu3 + 4 ðx Þu4 (10.6.1) The shape functions i express the elastic curves of the beam for ui ¼ 1, when uj ¼ 0, j 6¼ i. Following the procedure presented in Section 10.4, we obtain. FIG. 10.6.2 Degrees of freedom of the beam element. 1 ðx Þ ¼ 1 3 x 2 x 3 ¼ 1 3x 2 + 2x 3 L 2 x x 1 ¼ Lx ðx 1Þ2 2 ðx Þ ¼ L L L x 2 x 3 2 ¼ 3x2 2x3 3 ðx Þ ¼ 3 L L x 2 x 1 ¼ Lx2 ðx 1Þ ð x Þ ¼ L 4 L L L +2 (10.6.2a) (10.6.2b) (10.6.2c) (10.6.2d) where x ¼ x=h (10.6.3) For the element 2–3 holds: u1 ¼ af1 , u2 ¼ f1 , u3 ¼ u a f2 =2, u4 ¼ f2 , L ¼ 3a. For the element 4–5 holds: u1 ¼ u + a f2 =2, u2 ¼ f2 , u3 ¼ 0, u4 ¼ 0, L ¼ 3a. The elastic energy is given by the expression Z Z 1 3 1 5 1 2 2 2 U¼ EI ½u00 ðx, t Þ dx + EI ½u00 ðx, t Þ dx + kR f1 (10.6.4) 2 2 2 4 2 or using Eq. (10.6.1), we obtain MDOF systems: Models and equations of motion Chapter 1 f1 , f2 ¼ U u, 2 Z + 3a EI 0 1 2 Z 00 1 ðx Þa f1 + 3a EI 0 00 1 ðx Þ 00 2 ðx Þf1 + u + a f2 =2 + 00 3 ðx Þ u a f2 =2 + 00 2 2 ðx Þf2 dx 10 349 00 2 4 ðx Þf2 dx 1 2 + kR f1 2 (10.6.5) Differentiating the above relation yields after evaluation of the integrals ∂U ¼ k11 u + k12 f1 + k13 f2 ∂u ∂U ¼ k21 u + k22 f1 + k23 f2 ∂f1 ∂U ¼ k31 u + k32 f1 + k33 f2 ∂f2 (10.6.6a) (10.6.6b) (10.6.6c) where 8 EI 10 EI , k12 ¼ k21 ¼ , k13 ¼ k31 ¼ 0 9 a3 9 a2 121 EI 17 EI 38 EI , k23 ¼ k32 ¼ , k33 ¼ k22 ¼ 36 a 9 a 9 a Therefore the stiffness matrix of the system is 2 3 32 40a 0 EI 4 k¼ 40a 121a2 17a 2 5 36a 3 0 17a 2 152a 2 k11 ¼ (ii) Kinetic energy: The kinetic energy results from the expression Z Z 1 3 1 5 2 2 ½u_ ðx, t Þ dx + ½u_ ðx, t Þ dx T¼ m m 2 2 2 4 (10.6.7) (10.6.8) 1 1 1 + I1 f_ 12 + m u_ 2 + IC f_ 22 2 2 2 or using Eq. (10.6.1), we obtain 1 Z 3a h _ f_ 1 , f_ 2 ¼ 1 ðx Þa f_ 1 + 2 ðx Þf_ 1 + 3 ðx Þ u_ a f_ 2 =2 + m T u, 2 0 Z i2 1 3a h 1 ðx Þ u_ + a f_ 2 =2 + 2 ðx Þf_ 2 dx m + 2 0 _ 4 ð x Þf 2 i2 dx 2 2 1 1 1 2 + I1 f_ + m u_ + IC f_ 2 2 2 1 2 (10.6.9) 350 PART II Multi-degree-of-freedom systems Differentiating the above relation yields after evaluation of the integrals d ∂T + m12 f€1 + m13 f€2 (10.6.10a) ¼ m11 u€ dt ∂u_ ! d ∂T + m22 f€1 + m23 f€2 (10.6.10b) ¼ m21 u€ dt ∂f_ 1 ! d ∂T + m32 f€1 + m33 f€2 (10.6.10c) ¼ m31 u€ dt ∂f_ 2 where 2712 558 m, m12 ¼ m21 ¼ ma, m13 ¼ m31 ¼ 0 840 840 2294 2 675 2 1832 2 m22 ¼ ma , m23 ¼ m32 ¼ ma , m33 ¼ ma 840 840 840 m11 ¼ Therefore, the mass matrix of the system is 2 3 2712 558a 0 m 4 m¼ 558a 2294a 2 675a 2 5 840 0 675a 2 1832a 2 (10.6.11) (iii) Generalized forces: The virtual work of the nonconservative forces is due to the load pðt Þ. Thus, we have Q1 d u + Q2 df1 + Q3 df2 ¼ pðt Þd u + a f2 =2 ¼ pðt Þd u pðt Þadf2 =2 (10.6.12) from which we obtain Q1 ¼ pðt Þ Q2 ¼ 0 Q3 ¼ pðt Þa=2 Hence the equation of motion of the mixed system is 38 9 € 2712 558a 0 > = < u > m6 € 2 2 7 f 4 558a 2294a 675a 5 1 > 840 ; : € > 0 675a 2 1832a 2 f2 9 (10.6.13) 2 38 9 8 32 40a 0 pðt Þ u > > > > < = < = EI 6 2 2 7 + 40a 121a ¼ 0 17a f 4 5 1 > > 36a3 : > ; > : ; pðt Þa=2 f2 0 17a 2 152a 2 2 MDOF systems: Models and equations of motion Chapter 10 351 10.7 Transformations of the equations of motion In the previous sections, we presented various methods for the formulation of the equations of motions of a MDOF system with N degrees of freedom. In each case, a set of independent displacements is selected, which, as stated in Section 1.8, expresses the generalized coordinates or simply the coordinates, as we will now be referring to, of the system and are denoted by the vector of the displacements u in the equation of motions. It is often necessary or con venient to express the equations in a system of also independent coordinates u other than that originally selected. The transformation of the coordinates from u to u is a linear relation of the form u ¼R u (10.7.1) where R is the N N square matrix referred to as the transformation matrix. If M, C, and K are the mass, damping, and stiffness matrices, respectively, and pðt Þ the vector of the external loads in the original system of coordinates u, K C, and the vector p ðt Þ in the transwe need to determine the matrices M, . This can be achieved using the principle of virformed system of coordinates u tual work as follows. The elastic forces in the coordinates u are given by the relation f S ¼Ku (10.7.2) by the relation while in the coordinates u f S ¼K u (10.7.3) a virtual displacement d We give u u. Then the corresponding virtual displacement du results from the relation (10.7.1) du ¼Rd u (10.7.4) The virtual work done by the elastic forces f S due to the virtual displacement du is dWS ¼duT f S ¼ duT Ku (10.7.5) or using Eqs. (10.7.1), (10.7.4) uT RT KR u dWS ¼d (10.7.6) Similarly, the virtual work of the elastic forces in the system of the coordi is nates u S ¼d dW uT f S u ¼ d uT K (10.7.7) 352 PART II Multi-degree-of-freedom systems S ¼ dWS , which gives Obviously, it must be d W u u ¼ d uT K d uT RT KR or RT KR u ¼0 d uT K (10.7.8) and d Because the vectors u u are nonzero, it must be ¼ RT KR K (10.7.9) Similarly, by considering the virtual work of the inertial forces f I ¼ M€ u and f I ¼ M u € in the two systems of coordinates u and u , we obtain ¼ RT MR M (10.7.10) Further, by considering the virtual work of the damping forces f D ¼ Cu_ kai f D ¼ C u _ in the two systems of coordinates, we prove that ¼ RT CR C (10.7.11) Finally, by expressing the virtual work of the external forces in the two systems of coordinates, we have dWp ¼ duT pðt Þ ¼ ðRd uÞT pðt Þ (10.7.12) ¼ d uT RT pðt Þ and p ¼ d ðt Þ dW uT p (10.7.13) p , we obtain Because these two virtual works are equal, dWp ¼ d W ðt Þ ¼ RT pðt Þ p (10.7.14) Example 10.7.1 The equation of motion of the system shown in Fig. 10.4.1 with respect to point O is (see Eqs. 10.4.11a, 10.4.11b): 2 ma 3 ( pðt Þ ) m u 6 2 7 u€ + k11 k12 a ¼ (1) 4 ma 5 € pðt Þ f k21 k22 f IO 2 2 where k11 ¼ 12EI , h3 k12 ¼ k21 ¼ 6EI , h2 k22 ¼ 4EI h Transform Eq. (1) with respect to the mass center C of the body. (2) MDOF systems: Models and equations of motion Chapter 10 353 Solution If u and f denote the displacement of the mass center and its rotation about it, then the transformation relations result by geometrical consideration as a (3) u ¼ u + f 2 f ¼ f (4) or Hence " a # u u 1 2 ¼ f f 0 1 " a# 2 , R¼ 0 1 1 " 1 0 RT ¼ a 1 2 (5) # (6) Then Eq. (10.7.10) gives 2 a 32 a 3 # m m 1 0 2 74 1 2 5 6 ¼ a M 4 5 a 1 0 1 IO m 2 2 " # m 0 ¼ 0 IC " (7) where a2 6 is the moment of inertia with respect to the center of mass C . Further, Eq. (10.7.9) gives 3 " #" #2 1 0 k11 k12 1 a ¼ a 4 25 K 1 k21 k22 0 1 2 " # k11 k12 ¼ k21 k22 IC ¼ m (8) (9) where 12EI k11 ¼ k11 ¼ 3 h a 6EI k 12 ¼ k 21 ¼ k11 + k12 ¼ 3 ða + h Þ 2 h a 2 12EI a 2 ah h 2 + k11 + ak 12 + k22 ¼ 3 + k 22 ¼ 4 3 2 h 2 (10) 354 PART II Multi-degree-of-freedom systems Finally, Eq. (10.7.14) gives 9 38 1 0 < pðt Þ = ðt Þ ¼ 4 a 5 p a 1 : pðt Þ ; 2 2 ( ) pðt Þ ¼ 0 2 Therefore, the transformed equation of motion is 2 3( ) ( " #( ) ) 2 a+h m 0 u pðt Þ u€ 6EI 4 + 3 3a 2 + 6ah + 2h 2 5 ¼ h 0 IC f 0 a+h f€ 6 (11) (12) Note that we obtain the same equations if the equations are derived directly with respect to center of mass C . 10.8 Problems Problem P10.1 Formulate the equations of motion of the system shown in Fig. P10.1. Data: k1 ¼ 3k, k2 ¼ 2k, k3 ¼ k, c1 ¼ c3 ¼ c, c2 ¼ 2c, m1 ¼ m2 ¼ m, and m3 ¼ 2m. FIG. P10.1 System in problem P10.1. Problem P10.2 A square plate with a side length a, constant thickness d ¼ a=10, and mass density g is supported by three columns of height h ¼ a=2 and square cross-section of a side length b ¼ a=20 (Fig. P10.2). Neglecting the axial deformation and the mass of the columns, formulate the equations of motion of the structure using the Lagrange equations. The module of elasticity is E and the shear modulus G ¼ 0:4E. MDOF systems: Models and equations of motion Chapter 10 355 FIG. P10.2 Structure in problem P10.2. Problem P10.3 A rigid bar of total mass m is supported by the three springs k1 , k2 , k3 and the damper c as shown in Fig. P10.3. The circular disc of mass 0:5m at the end D of the bar has a diameter 0:2L. Formulate the equation of motion. Data: k2 ¼ 1:5k1 and k3 ¼ 2k1 . FIG. P10.3 System in problem P10.3. Problem P10.4 Formulate the equations of motion of the plane frame of Fig. P10.4 when the supports 1 and 2 are subjected to the horizontal displacements ug1 ðt Þ and ug2 ðt Þ, respectively. Give the expressions for the evaluation of the support reactions. The beams are assumed rigid (I ¼ 1) while the columns have the same cross-section and modulus of elasticity E. FIG. P10.4 Frame in problem P10.4. 356 PART II Multi-degree-of-freedom systems Problem P10.5 The beam of Fig. P10.5 consists of the flexible and massless per unit length. The beam is clamped part AB and the rigid part BC of mass m at A while the hinged support at C is elastically restrained by the rotational spring CR ¼ EI =10L. The beam is loaded by a concentrated moment M ðt Þ applied at B. Formulate the equation of motion of the structure and give the expressions for the evaluation of the support reactions. FIG. P10.5 Beam in problem P10.5. Problem P.10.6 The structure of Fig. P10.6 consists of the two bars AB and BC . The bar AB is massless and flexible and is simply supported at A while per unit length and is elastically restrained at the bar BC is rigid with mass m the hinged end C by the rotational spring CR ¼ EI =10L. The structure is loaded by a concentrated moment M ðt Þ applied at B. Formulate the equation of motion of the structure and give the expressions for the evaluation of the support reactions. FIG. P10.6 Structure in problem P10.6. Problem P10.7 Formulate the equation of motion of the plane frame of Fig. P10.7. The massless cables FB and GC have cross-sectional area A and are prestressed so that they can undertake compressive forces. Data: ¼ m=a (kg=m), and CR ¼ EI =10L. I =A ¼ a2 =25, m MDOF systems: Models and equations of motion Chapter 10 357 FIG. P10.7 Plane frame in problem P10.7. Problem P10.8 Formulate the equations of motion of the system shown in per unit length while the cable Fig. P10.8. The bar AB is rigid and has mass m pffiffiffi and the pulley are assumed massless. The total length of the cable is 1:5a 2. The hinged support at A is elastically restrained by the rotational spring is moving downward with CR ¼ EAa=250. The hanging body of mass m ¼ ma a velocity v ¼ v0 sin wt. FIG. P10.8 System in problem P10.8. Problem P10.9 The thin spherical tank of Fig. P10.9 has a diameter R ¼ a=3 and is full with a liquid of density g. It is supported on the ground through nine, hinged at both ends, massless rods of cross-sectional area A and modulus of elasticity E. The points 10 ,20 ,30 lie on a horizontal circular ring of the spherical tank at a height a from the ground and at a distance R=3 from the center of the sphere. The mass of the tank is neglected. 358 PART II Multi-degree-of-freedom systems Formulate the equation of motion when 1. The structure performs free vibrations. 2. The structure is subjected to ground motion ug ðt Þ in the direction b with respect to the x axis. FIG. P10.9 Spherical tank in problem P10.9. Problem P10.10 A vehicle traveling along a bridge is idealized as shown in Fig. P10.10. The unsprung mass mc is connected to the sprung mass through the suspension system (k,c). The bridge has a span L and is simply supported. Using the Ritz method, formulate the equation of motion of the system bridgevehicle when the vehicle is traveling with a constant velocity v. The bridge is simulated by a two-degree-of-freedom system with global shape functions n ¼ sin ðnpx=LÞ, n ¼ 1, 2. The mass mc maintains its contact to the bridge dur ing the motion. Data: mc ¼ m0 =10, m0 ¼ mL=20, and k ¼ EI =100L. FIG. P10.10 Vehicle traveling on a bridge in problem P10.10. References and further reading [1] O. Zienkiewicz, R. Taylor, The finite element method, seventh ed., Butterworth-Heinemann, Oxford, UK, 2013. [2] J.T. Katsikadelis, The boundary element method for engineers and scientists, second ed., Academic press, Elsevier, Oxford, UK, 2016. [3] G.R. Liu, Meshfree methods: moving beyond the finite element method, second ed., CRC Press, Boca Raton, FL, 2010. [4] J.T. Katsikadelis, A generalized ritz method for partial differential equations in domains of arbitrary geometry using global shape functions. Eng. Anal. Bound. Elem. 32 (5) (2008) 353–367, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.enganabound.2007.001. Chapter 11 The finite element method Chapter outline 11.1 Introduction 359 11.2 The finite element method for the plane truss 360 11.2.1 Properties of the plane truss element 360 11.2.2 Transformation of the nodal coordinates of the truss element 374 11.2.3 Equation of motion of the plane truss 377 11.2.4 Steps to formulate the equations of motion for a plane truss by the finite element method 381 11.2.5 Modification of the equations of motion due to the supports of the structure 382 11.3 The finite element method for the plane frame 392 11.3.1 Properties of the plane frame element 392 11.3.2 Transformation of the nodal coordinates of the plane frame element 410 11.4 Static condensation: Guyan’s reduction 424 11.5 Flexural vibrations of a plane frame 429 11.6 Reduction of the degrees of freedom due to constraints 439 11.7 Axial constraints in the plane frame 442 11.8 The finite element method for the plane grid 453 11.8.1 Properties of the plane grid element 453 11.8.2 Transformation of the nodal coordinates of the plane grid element 463 11.9 The finite element method for the space frame 476 11.9.1 Properties of the space frame element 476 11.9.2 Transformation of the nodal coordinates of the space frame element 482 11.10 The finite element method for the space truss 494 11.10.1 Properties of the space truss element 494 11.10.2 Transformation of the nodal coordinates of the space truss element 498 11.11 Rigid bodies within flexible skeletal structures 503 11.11.1 Rigid bodies in spaces frames 503 11.11.2 Rigid bodies in spaces trusses, plane grids, plane frames, and plane trusses 510 11.12 Problems 517 References and further reading 521 Dynamic Analysis of Structures. https://doi.org/10.1016/B978-0-12-818643-5.00011-X © 2020 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved. 359 360 PART II Multi-degree-of-freedom systems 11.1 Introduction The distributed mass is the usual case we encounter in actual structures, that is, the actual structures should be modeled as continuous systems. This modeling leads to partial differential equations with prescribed initial and boundary conditions. The solution of such equations is a difficult mathematical problem, even for individual components of structures (e.g., beams, plates, walls, etc.). On the other hand, the method of global shape functions, which can provide an acceptable solution, has limited capabilities due to the difficulty in choosing the global shape functions [1]. In practice, this method cannot cope with conventional structures such as a multistory frame or a grid. Besides, it cannot be programmed for automatic use on a computer. Therefore, neither method is suitable for the dynamic analysis of realistic structures in engineering. At this dead end, the finite element method (FEM) method gives a way out. The FEM represents a major breakthrough in the field of computational mechanics. Extensive literature on the general formulation of the FEM [2] as well as on its application to dynamic problems is now available [3]. In the finite element approach, the structure being analyzed (e.g., frame, wall, plate, shell, three-dimensional deformable body, or a combination of them) is divided into a finite number of small subregions, elements, which are interconnected at discrete points, the nodes, where the compatibility condition for the displacements and the equilibrium of equivalent nodal forces are ensured. After the discretization, we assume that the field function (the displacement in this case) within each element varies according to a known law, which is expressed as a superposition of shape patterns, the shape functions, corresponding to unit values of the element nodal displacements. After that, the elastic and kinetic energy as well as the virtual work of the nonconservative nodal forces in terms of the nodal displacements, viewed as generalized coordinates, are established. The equivalent nodal forces (elastic, inertial, damping, and external forces) may result by the use of the Lagrange equations or the principle of virtual work. Finally, the compatibility of the nodal displacements and the equilibrium of the nodal forces give the differential equations of motion of the structure. The FEM is presented below only for skeletal structures, that is, structures consisting of straight-line elements (trusses, frames, grids) because surface structures (walls, plates, shells) as well as three-dimensional (3D) deformable bodies do not fall within the scope of this book. 11.2 The finite element method for the plane truss 11.2.1 Properties of the plane truss element We consider a plane truss element with a variable cross-section Aðx Þ, mass per unit length m ðx Þ, and modulus of elasticity E, whose local axis in the undeformed state coincides with the x axis. The ends j, k of the element are called nodes of the element, thus any quantity (force, displacement) associated with them is referred to as nodal quantity (e.g., nodal force, nodal displacement). The finite element method Chapter 11 361 Fig. 11.2.1 Degrees of freedom of a plane truss element. In the deformed state at time t, the ends of the elements are displaced to points j 0 , k 0 and the element occupies the position j 0 k 0 (Fig. 11.2.1). The element has four degrees of freedom, the displacements u1 ðt Þ, u2 ðt Þ of node j and the displacements u3 ðt Þ, u4 ðt Þ of node k. These quantities constitute the nodal coordinates of the plane truss element. A typical point x of the element axis undergoes two displacements, the axial displacement u ðx, t Þ and the transverse one v ðx, t Þ. We consider the element as a generalized system and apply the Ritz method presented in Section 10.5.1. Thus, we set the axial displacement in the form u ðx, t Þ ¼ u1 ðt Þ 1 ðx Þ + u 3 ðt Þ 3 ðx Þ (11.2.1) where 1 ðx Þ and 3 ðx Þ are shape functions expressing the axial deformation for u1 ¼ 1, u3 ¼ 0 and u1 ¼ 0, u3 ¼ 1, respectively. The functions 1 ðx Þ and 3 ðx Þ can be established as follows. The equilibrium of the element dx (see Fig. 11.2.2) yields dN ¼0 dx (11.2.2) N ¼ Aðx Þsx ¼ EAðx Þex d i ¼ EAðx Þ dx (11.2.3) d d i ¼0 EAðx Þ dx dx (11.2.4) or taking into account that we write Eq. (11.2.2) as and after integration Z i ¼ c1 Fig. 11.2.2 Beam element dx. dx + c2 Aðx Þ (11.2.5) 362 PART II Multi-degree-of-freedom systems The arbitrary constants c1 and c2 are evaluated from the boundary conditions. It is obvious that for a variable cross-section, the determination of the shape functions requires the evaluation of the integral in Eq. (11.2.5). This relation, although it gives shape functions expressing the exact static axial deformation, is not suitable for the automation of the method because different shape functions have to be determined for elements with a different law of variation of the cross-section. This difficulty is surpassed if we accept the same shape functions for all elements, regardless of the variation law of the cross-section and, indeed, those resulting from Eq. (11.2.4) for a constant cross-section. In that case, we obtain i which for 1 ð0Þ ¼ 1 and ¼ c1 x + c2 1 ð LÞ ¼ 0 gives 1 ðx Þ ¼ 1 x, and for 3 ð 0Þ ¼ 0 and x ¼ x=L (11.2.6a) 3 ð LÞ ¼ 1 3 ðx Þ ¼ x, x ¼ x=L (11.2.6b) The shape functions (11.2.6a), (11.26b) can also result if we arbitrarily accept a linear law of variation of axial displacement within the element. The assumption of linear variation of the displacement is at the expense of accuracy. However, the error is acceptable when the element is small and the crosssectional variation is not intense. This becomes clear from Example 11.2.1. Taking into account that the element is a straight line in the deformed state, we can write the transverse displacement asa v ðx, t Þ ¼ u2 ð1 x Þ + u4 x ¼ u2 2 ðx Þ + u4 4 ðx Þ (11.2.7) a. Due to the axial deformartion we should write v ðx, t Þ ¼ u2 ð1 x 0 Þ + u4 x 0 , x0 ¼ x 0 =L0 But it is x0 ¼ x0 x + u ðx, t Þ x=L + u ðx, t Þ=L u ðx, t Þ ¼ x+ ¼ L0 L + ðu3 u1 Þ 1 + ðu3 u1 Þ=L L (a) (b) because ðu3 u1 Þ=L≪1: Eq. (a) by virtue of Eq. (b) becomes u ðx, t Þ u ðx, t Þ + u4 x + v ðx, t Þ u2 1 x L L u4 u2 u ðx, t Þ u2 ð1 x Þ + u4 x L u2 ð1 x Þ + u4 x 2 because the nonlinear term u4 u L u ðx, t Þ is much smaller compared to the linear ones and thus it can be neglected. The finite element method Chapter 11 363 Obviously, it is 2 ðx Þ ¼ 1 ðx Þ and 4 ðx Þ ¼ 3 ðx Þ. The equivalent nodal forces in the directions of the degrees of freedom can be established using the method of the Lagrange equations or the principle of virtual work. Both methods are presented in the following. The method of the Lagrange equations We refer to Eq. (1.8.11), which we write for the truss element d ∂T ∂T ∂U ∂A + + ¼ Qi , i ¼ 1, 2, 3, 4 dt ∂u_ i ∂ui ∂ui ∂ui (11.2.8) The forces ∂A=∂ui , derived from the potential A, are gravitational forces. As shown in Section 1.9, they are ignored in the linear dynamic analysis but the deformation produced by them should be superimposed to that resulting from the dynamic analysis in order to obtain the total deformation of the structure. Obviously, we deduce from Eq. (11.2.8) that the terms d ∂T ∂T (11.2.9) fIi ¼ dt ∂u_ i ∂ui fSi ¼ ∂U ∂ui (11.2.10) express the nodal inertial force and the nodal elastic force, respectively, in the direction of the generalized coordinate ui . Finally, the force Qi in Eq. (11.2.8) includes the nonconservative generalized forces. In our case, these are the damping forces fDi and the external forces pi . Regarding the sign convention for the nodal forces, they are positive when their direction coincides with the positive direction of the axes they refer. (i) Nodal elastic forces and stiffness matrix of the truss element Eq. (11.2.7) expresses the displacement of the element as a rigid body. Therefore, the elastic energy is due only to the axial deformation of the element given by Z 1 sx ex dV (11.2.11) U¼ 2 V Taking into account that sx ¼ Eex , ex ¼ ∂u=∂x, the previous relation becomes Z Z 2 1 L ∂u E dxdydz U¼ 2 0 A ∂x (11.2.12) 2 Z L 1 ∂u ¼ EAðx Þ dx 2 0 ∂x or using Eq. (11.2.1) 364 PART II Multi-degree-of-freedom systems U ðu1 , u3 Þ ¼ 1 2 Z L EAðx Þ u1 0 2 0 0 1 ðx Þ + u3 3 ðx Þ dx (11.2.13) The nodal elastic forces result from Eq. (11.2.10) for i ¼ 1, 2, 3, 4. Thus, we obtain fS1 ¼ ∂U ¼ k11 u1 + k13 u3 ∂u1 (11.2.14a) ∂U ¼0 ∂u2 (11.2.14b) ∂U ¼ k31 u1 + k33 u3 ∂u3 (11.2.14c) ∂U ¼0 ∂u4 (11.2.14d) fS2 ¼ fS3 ¼ fS4 ¼ where Z L kij ¼ 0 EAðx Þ 0i ðx Þ 0j ðx Þdx, Eqs. (11.2.14a)–(11.2.14d) are written in 8 9 2 k11 0 k13 fS1 > > > > 6 > > > > > > < fS2 = 6 0 0 0 6 ¼6 > > 6 > > 4 k31 0 k33 > fS3 > > > > > : ; fS4 0 0 0 i, j ¼ 1, 3 matrix form as 38 9 0 > u1 > > > > > > 7> > = < > 07 7 u2 7 > u3 > 07 > > > 5> > > > ; : > u4 0 (11.2.15) (11.2.16) or f eS ¼ ke ue (11.2.17) u are the vectors of the nodal elastic forces and the nodal displacewhere ments, respectively, and ke the stiffness matrix of the e truss element. Hence, the element matrix ke for the plane truss element is defined as 2 3 k11 0 k13 0 6 7 60 0 0 07 6 7 e k ¼6 (11.2.18) 7 6 k31 0 k33 0 7 4 5 f eS , e 0 0 0 0 Obviously, we deduce from Eq. (11.2.15) that kij ¼ kji . Hence, the stiffness matrix is symmetric. For an element with a constant cross-section Aðx Þ ¼ Ae and a length Le , Eq. (11.2.15) is integrated analytically and Eq. (11.2.18) yields The finite element method Chapter 2 1 e6 EA 0 ke ¼ e 6 L 4 1 0 3 0 1 0 0 0 07 7 0 1 05 0 0 0 365 11 (11.2.19) It should be noted that Eq. (11.2.10) expresses the Castigliano theorem. Therefore, the previous method for establishing the stiffness matrix is identical to the so-called energy method. (ii) Nodal inertial forces and mass matrix of the truss element In the FEM, the equivalent inertial forces are obtained by two different assumptions of the mass distribution on the element: the consistent mass assumption, which assumes a continuous distribution of the mass on the element, and the lumped mass assumption, which lumps the mass at its nodes. The inertial mass matrices resulting from both assumptions are derived below. (a) Consistent mass matrix During the motion, the infinitesimal mass m ðx Þdx undergoes the two displacements u ðx, t Þ and v ðx, t Þ. Therefore, the kinetic energy of the truss element will be given by the expression Z n o 1 L m ðx Þ ½u_ ðx, t Þ2 + ½v_ ðx, t Þ2 dx (11.2.20) T¼ 2 0 or using Eqs. (11.2.1), (11.2.7) Z n 1 L T ðu_ 1 , …, u_ 4 Þ ¼ m ðx Þ ½u_ 1 2 0 2 1 ðx Þ + u_ 3 3 ðx Þ + ½u_ 2 1 ðx Þ + u_ 4 3 ðx Þ 2 o dx (11.2.21) The inertial forces result from Eq. (11.2.9) for i ¼ 1, 2, 3, 4. performing the differentiations we obtain d ∂T ∂T ¼ m11 u€1 + m13 u€3 fI 1 ¼ dt ∂u_ 1 ∂u1 d ∂T ∂T ¼ m22 u€2 + m24 u€4 fI 2 ¼ dt ∂u_ 2 ∂u2 d ∂T ∂T ¼ m31 u€1 + m33 u€3 fI 3 ¼ dt ∂u_ 3 ∂u3 d ∂T ∂T fI 4 ¼ ¼ m42 u€2 + m44 u€4 dt ∂u_ 4 ∂u4 Thus, after (11.2.22a) (11.2.22b) (11.2.22c) (11.2.22d) where Z mij ¼ mi + 1, j + 1 ¼ 0 L m ðx Þ i ðx Þ j ðx Þdx, i, j ¼ 1, 3 (11.2.23) 366 PART II Multi-degree-of-freedom systems Eqs. (11.2.22a)–(11.2.22d) are written in matrix form 8 9 2 38 9 m11 0 u€ fI 1 > m13 0 > > > > > > 1> > > > > > > > 7> < fI 2 = 6 < m22 0 m24 7 u€2 = 60 7 6 ¼6 > u€3 > fI 3 > m33 0 7 > > > > 5> 4 m31 0 > > > > > > ; > > ; : : fI 4 m44 0 m42 0 u€4 (11.2.24) or €e f eI ¼ me u (11.2.25) €e are the vectors of the nodal inertial forces and the nodal accelerwhere f eI , u ations, respectively, and me the mass matrix of the e truss element. Therefore, the element mass matrix me is defined as 2 3 m13 0 m11 0 60 m22 0 m24 7 7 me ¼ 6 (11.2.26) 4 m31 0 m33 0 5 m44 0 m42 0 Obviously, we deduce from Eq. (11.2.23) that mij ¼ mji . Hence, the mass matrix is symmetric. Eq. (11.2.23) is integrated For an element with a constant mass, m ðx Þ ¼ m, analytically and Eq. (11.2.26) gives 2 3 2 0 1 0 e6 m 60 2 0 17 7 me ¼ (11.2.27) 6 41 0 2 05 0 1 0 2 e Le is the total mass of the e element. where m e ¼ m (b) Lumped mass matrix According to this assumption, the mass of the element is concentrated at its nodes by static considerations, that is, they are obtained as the reactions of a simply supported beam under the load m ðx Þ (see Fig. 11.2.3). Thus, we have Z L m ðx Þð1 x Þdx (11.2.28a) m1 ¼ 0 Z L m2 ¼ m ðx Þxdx (11.2.28b) 0 Therefore, the kinetic energy of the truss element is given by the expression 1 1 T ¼ m1 u_ 1 2 + u_ 2 2 + m2 u_ 3 2 + u_ 4 2 2 2 (11.2.29) The finite element method Chapter 11 367 Fig. 11.2.3 Lumped mass assumption. The inertial forces result from Eq. (11.2.9) for i ¼ 1,2, 3, 4. Hence, after performing the differentiations, we obtain d ∂T ∂T ¼ m11 u€1 (11.2.30a) fI 1 ¼ dt ∂u_ 1 ∂u1 d ∂T ∂T ¼ m22 u€2 (11.2.30b) fI 2 ¼ dt ∂u_ 2 ∂u2 d ∂T ∂T ¼ m33 u€3 (11.2.30c) fI 3 ¼ dt ∂u_ 3 ∂u3 d ∂T ∂T fI 4 ¼ ¼ m44 u€4 (11.2.30d) dt ∂u_ 4 ∂u4 where m11 ¼ m22 ¼ m1 , m33 ¼ m44 ¼ m2 Eqs. (11.2.30a)–(11.2.3d) are written in matrix form as 8 9 2 38 9 m11 0 fI 1 > 0 0 u€ > > > > > > 1> > > > > > > > 7> < fI 2 = 6 < m22 0 0 7 u€2 = 60 6 7 ¼6 > 0 m33 0 7 fI 3 > u€3 > > > > > 40 5> > > > > > > ; > ; : : > fI 4 0 0 0 m44 u€4 Therefore, the element mass matrix me is defined as 2 3 m11 0 0 0 60 m22 0 0 7 6 7 me ¼ 6 7 40 0 m33 0 5 0 0 0 (11.2.31) (11.2.32) (11.2.33) m44 We observe that the lumped mass assumption results in a diagonal mass matrix. Eqs. (11.2.28a), For an element with constant mass, m ðx Þ ¼ m (11.2.28b) give e Le =2 m11 ¼ m22 ¼ m33 ¼ m44 ¼ m (11.2.34) 368 PART II Multi-degree-of-freedom systems and the mass matrix, Eq. (11.2.33), becomes 2 1 0 0 1 e6 0 1 0 e m ¼ m 6 2 40 0 1 0 0 0 3 0 07 7 05 1 (11.2.35) e Le is the total mass of the truss element e. where m e ¼ m (iii) Nodal damping forces and damping matrix of the truss element We consider only internal damping. It is therefore due to the deformation of the truss element; it resists it and depends on the velocity of the strain. If we denote with sD the axial stress due to damping, we can write sD ¼ cs ∂ex ∂t (11.2.36) where cs is the coefficient of the internal damping and ex the axial strain. The virtual work of the internal damping force in the truss element is Z in (11.2.37) dWnc ¼ sD dex dV V Taking into account that ex ¼ ∂u=∂x, the previous relation becomes Z L ∂2 u ðx, t Þ ∂u ðx, t Þ in d dx (11.2.38) ¼ c s Að x Þ dWnc ∂x∂t ∂x 0 or using Eq. (11.2.1) Z L in dWnc ¼ cs Aðx Þ u_ 1 0 d u1 0 0 1 ðx Þ + u_ 3 3 ðx Þ 0 0 1 ðx Þ + u 3 3 ðx Þ dx ¼ ðc11 u_ 1 + c13 u_ 3 Þdu1 ðc31 u_ 1 + c33 u_ 3 Þdu3 (11.2.39) where Z L cij ¼ 0 cs Aðx Þ 0i ðx Þ 0j ðx Þdx, i, j ¼ 1, 3 (11.2.40) The damping forces are obtained as generalized forces from Eqs. (11.2.8), (1.8.8) for i ¼ 1, 2, 3, 4. Thus we have fD1 ¼ Q1 ¼ c11 u_ 1 + c13 u_ 3 (11.2.41a) fD2 ¼ Q2 ¼ 0 (11.2.41b) fD3 ¼ Q3 ¼ c31 u_ 1 + c33 u_ 3 (11.2.41c) fD4 ¼ Q4 ¼ 0 (11.2.41d) The finite element method Chapter 11 369 The minus sign in the above relations is due to the fact that they are shifted to the left side of Eq. (11.2.8) in order that their positive direction is the same with that of fIi and fSi . Eqs. (11.2.41a)–(11.2.41d) are written in matrix form as 8 9 2 38 9 c11 0 c13 0 > u_ 1 > fD1 > > > > > > > > > > > > > 7> < fD2 = 6 6 0 0 0 0 7< u_ 2 = 6 7 ¼6 (11.2.42) 7 u_ > > fD3 > > > > 4 c31 0 c33 0 5> 3> > > > > > > > ; > ; : : 0 0 0 0 fD4 u_ 4 or f eD ¼ ce u_ e (11.2.43) where f eD , u_ e are the vectors of the nodal damping forces and nodal velocities, respectively, and ce is the damping matrix of the e truss element. Therefore, the element damping matrix ce is defined as 2 3 c11 0 c13 0 60 0 0 07 6 7 ce ¼ 6 (11.2.44) 7 4 c31 0 c33 0 5 0 0 0 0 Obviously, we deduce from Eq. (11.2.40) that cij ¼ cji . Hence, the damping matrix is symmetric. For an element with a constant cross-section, Aðx Þ ¼ Ae , Eq. (11.2.40) are integrated analytically and Eq. (11.2.44) becomes 2 3 1 0 1 0 6 7 cs A e 6 0 0 0 0 7 7 ce ¼ e 6 (11.2.45) 7 L 6 4 1 0 1 0 5 0 0 0 0 The evaluation of the matrix ce requires knowledge of the coefficient cs , the determination of which is practically not feasible. The damping matrix in engineering praxis, as we will see in Section 12.11.3, is constructed by assuming known values of the damping ratio for each vibration mode, which are estimated by experiments on similar structures. Nevertheless, we presented this approach for the completeness of FEM, which is structured through the element approach. (iv) Equivalent nodal loads of the truss element The truss element can also be subjected to axial external loading, which may consist of a distributed load pðx, t Þ and a finite number of concentrated loads Pk ðt Þ, k ¼ 1, 2, …, K , acting at the points xk of the element, Fig. 11.2.4. 370 PART II Multi-degree-of-freedom systems Fig. 11.2.4 Loading and equivalent nodal loads of a plane truss element. Obviously, equivalent nodal loads will act only in directions of u1 and u3 . The loads pðx, t Þ and Pk ðt Þ are considered as nonconservative, thus the equivalent loads can be established as generalized forces in the directions of u1 and u3 . The virtual work due to axial displacement is Z L K X p dWnc ¼ pðx, t Þdu ðx, t Þdx + Pk du ðxk , t Þ 0 Z ¼ 0 k¼1 L pðx, t Þ½du1 1 ðx Þ + du3 3 ðx Þdx + K X Pk ðt Þ½du1 1 ðxk Þ + du3 3 ðxk Þ k¼1 ¼ p1 ðt Þdu1 + p3 ðt Þdu3 (11.2.46) where it was set Z pi ðt Þ ¼ 0 L pðx, t Þ i ðx Þdx + K X Pk ðt Þ i ðxk Þ, i ¼ 1, 3 (11.2.47) k¼1 The nodal load forces are obtained from Eq. (11.2.8) for i ¼ 1, 2, 3, 4, that is, Q1 ¼ p1 , Q2 ¼ 0, Q3 ¼ p3 , Q4 ¼ 0. Hence, the vector of the equivalent nodal load forces for the e element is p e ð t Þ ¼ f p 1 ð t Þ 0 p 3 ð t Þ 0g T (11.2.48) Example 11.2.1 Compute the stiffness, mass, and damping matrices as well as the vector of the nodal load forces of an element with variable cross-section and compare them to those of the element with a constant cross-section equal to the mean value of the variable cross-section. Data: Aðx Þ ¼ A0 1 + x x2 , x ¼ x=L, pðx, t Þ ¼ p0 ðt Þ 1 + x x 2 . Modulus of elasticity E, material density r, and damping coefficient cs . Solution The mean cross-sectional area is Z L Z L 7A0 ¼1 Aðx Þdx ¼ A0 1 + x x 2 dx ¼ A 6 L 0 0 (1) The finite element method Chapter 11 371 Moreover, from Eq. (11.2.6a), we obtain 1 0 1 ðx Þ ¼ , 0 3 ðx Þ ¼ L 1 L (2) Stiffness matrix. The elements of the stiffness matrix are computed from Eq. (11.2.15), which gives Z L EAðx Þ 0i ðx Þ 0j ðx Þdx kij ¼ 0 (3) EA ¼ L Obviously, the stiffness matrix of the element with a variable cross-section is the same as that of an element with a constant cross-section equal to the mean cross-section. Hence, we may write 2 3 1 0 1 0 6 0 0 0 07 EA 6 7 ke ¼ (4) L 4 1 0 1 0 5 0 0 0 0 Mass matrix. The elements of the from Eq. (11.2.23), which gives 2 23 me 6 e 60 m ¼ 70 4 12 0 consistent mass matrix are computed 0 23 0 12 12 0 23 0 3 0 12 7 7 0 5 23 (5) where m e ¼ 7rA0 L=6 is the total mass of the element. Comparison with the mass matrix of the element of constant cross-section, Eq. (11.2.27), shows that the deviation is negligible, ð23=70Þ=ð2=6Þ 0:99, ð12=70Þ=ð1=6Þ 1:03. The elements of the mass matrix for lumped mass assumption are computed from Eq. (11.2.28), which give Z 1 7 rA0 L 1 + x x 2 xdx ¼ rLA0 (6) m11 ¼ m22 ¼ 12 0 Z 1 7 m33 ¼ m44 ¼ rA0 L 1 + x x 2 ð1 x Þdx ¼ rLA0 (7) 12 0 2 3 1 0 0 0 1 60 1 0 07 7 (8) me ¼ m e 6 2 40 0 1 05 0 0 0 1 where m e ¼ 7rA0 L=6 is the total mass of the element. 372 PART II Multi-degree-of-freedom systems Damping matrix. The elements of the damping matrix are computed from the Eq. (11.2.40), which gives 2 3 1 0 1 0 6 0 0 0 07 cs A 6 7 ce ¼ (9) L 4 1 0 1 0 5 0 0 0 0 Nodal Load forces. They are computed from Eq. (11.2.47), which gives pe ðt Þ ¼ pe ðt Þ f 1 0 1 0 gT 2 (10) where pe ðt Þ ¼ 7p0 ðt ÞL=6 is the total load of the element. The method of virtual work The method of virtual work is the usual method employed in FEM to derive the pertinent nodal forces and matrices of the element. This principle states that if a deformable system being in equilibrium under a set of forces is given virtual displacements that are consistent with the constraints on the system, the virtual work dWex done by the external (applied) forces riding the virtual displacements equals the virtual work done by the internal forces, dWin . We illustrate this method by deriving the equivalent elastic nodal and inertial forces as well as the stiffness and mass matrices of the truss element. For the other element equivalent nodal forces matrices, we refer to the method of the Lagrange equations, where the virtual work of the damping and external forces was evaluated, cases (iii) and (iv). (i) Nodal elastic forces and stiffness matrix of the truss element The virtual work due to the axial elastic deformation of the element when it is given a virtual displacement du is equal to the virtual strain energy Z Z L Aðx ÞEex dex dx (11.2.49) dWin ¼ sx dex dx ¼ 0 V where V is the volume of the element. Taking into account Eq. (11.2.1), we obtain ex ¼ dex ¼ d ∂u ¼ u1 ∂x ∂u ¼ du1 ∂x + u3 0 3 ¼½ 0 1 0 3 u1 u3 + du3 0 3 ¼½ 0 1 0 3 du1 du3 0 1 0 1 ¼ N0 u ¼ duT N0 (11.2.50) T (11.2.51) where N0 ¼ ½ 0 1 0 3 , u¼ u1 , du ¼ u3 du1 du3 (11.2.52) The finite element method Chapter Substituting Eqs. (11.2.50), (11.2.51) into Eq. (11.2.49) yields Z L T 0T 0 EAðx ÞN N dx u dWin ¼ du 11 373 (11.2.53) 0 Besides, the virtual work of the equivalent elastic nodal forces f S ¼ ½ fS1 fS3 T is dWex ¼ duT f (11.2.54) Inasmuch as dWin ¼ dWex we obtain fS1 k k u1 ¼ 11 13 fS3 k31 k33 u3 (11.2.55) where Z kij ¼ 0 L EAðx Þ 0i ðx Þ 0j ðx Þdx, i, j ¼ 1, 3 (11.2.56) Further, taking into account that fS2 ¼ fS4 ¼ 0, we can write Eq. (11.2.55) 8 9 2 38 9 k11 0 k13 0 > u1 > fS1 > > > > > > > 6 > = = < < > 7> fS2 6 0 0 0 0 7 u2 ¼6 (11.2.57) 7 > 4 k31 0 k33 0 5> fS3 > u3 > > > > > > > > > : ; : ; 0 0 0 0 fS4 u4 which is identical to Eq. (11.2.16). (ii) Nodal inertial forces and mass matrix of the truss element The internal inertial force of mass element m ðx Þdx is fI ðx, t Þ ¼ m ðx Þ½u€ðx, t Þ + v€ððx, t Þdx (11.2.58) and the virtual work produced when the end displacements are given a virtual displacement ðdu1 , du2 , du3 , du4 Þ is Z L m ðx Þ½u€ðx, t Þdu + v€ðx, t Þdv dx (11.2.59) dWin ¼ 0 which by virtue of Eqs. (11.2.1), (11.2.7) is written as Z L € dWin ¼ duT m ðx ÞNT Ndx u (11.2.60) 0 where N¼½ 1 2 3 4¼ 1 ½ ð1 xÞ ð1 x Þ x x L (11.2.61) The integral in Eq. (11.2.60) gives the mass matrix of the truss element 374 PART II Multi-degree-of-freedom systems 2 Z me ¼ 0 L m11 0 m13 0 3 6 7 m24 7 m22 0 60 7 m ðx ÞNT Ndx ¼ 6 6m 0 m33 0 7 4 31 5 0 m42 0 (11.2.62) m44 where Z mij ¼ mi + 1, j + 1 ¼ L m ðx Þ i ðx Þ j ðx Þdx, i, j ¼ 1, 3 (11.2.63) 0 Consequently, Eq. (11.2.60) becomes dWin ¼ duT m€ u (11.2.64) Besides, the virtual work of the equivalent nodal inertial forces is dWex ¼ duT f I Inasmuch as dWin ¼ dWex we obtain 8 9 2 m11 0 fI 1 > m13 > > > > > 6 > > = < m22 0 fI 2 60 ¼6 6 > fI 3 > m33 > > > 4 m31 0 > > ; : > fI 4 0 m42 0 (11.2.65) 38 9 u€ > > > 1> > > > 7> < m24 7 u€2 = 7 u€3 > 0 7 > > 5> > > > ; : > m44 u€4 0 (11.2.66) which is identical to (11.2.32). From the previous discussion, it becomes clear that the method of the Lagrange equations is more convenient to derive the equivalent element quantities (nodal forces and matrices), provided that the reader is familiar with this method. 11.2.2 Transformation of the nodal coordinates of the truss element In order to formulate the equilibrium equations at the nodes of the truss, all element nodal quantities, forces, and displacements should be referred to a single system of axes. The key to achieving this is the transformation matrix of the components of a vector with respect to a rotated system of axes. Thus, we consider two systems of axes in the plane, O x y and Oxy. The second system results by rotating the first through an angle f about the z axis (Fig. 11.2.5) in the positive sense, that is, counterclockwise. If ða1 , a2 Þ and ða1 , a2 Þ denote the components of a vector a with respect to these systems of axes, the following transformation relation is valid ( ) " #( ) cos f sin f a1 a1 ¼ (11.2.67) sin f cos f a2 a2 The finite element method Chapter 11 375 Fig. 11.2.5 Transformation of the coordinates of a vector. The previous relation is readily obtained by projecting the broken line OAP successively onto the axes Ox and Oy and taking into account that OA ¼ a1 , AP ¼ a2 , OC ¼ a1 , and CP ¼ a2 (see Fig. 11.2.5). Eq. (11.2.67) is written as a ¼L a where a¼ a1 , a2 a ¼ a1 , a2 (11.2.68) L¼ cos f sin f sin f cos f (11.2.69) The matrix L is referred to as the transformation matrix of the components of a plane vector. It can be readily shown that L1 ¼LT (11.2.70) that is, the matrix L is orthonormal. Thus Eq. (11.2.68) is readily inverted to a ¼LT a (11.2.71) ! We now consider the element e, whose longitudinal axis j k defines the right-handed system of axes jxy. Let O xy be another arbitrarily chosen righthanded system of axes and let f be the angle between x and x axes, that is, the angle that the axis x sweeps when it is rotated counterclockwise to coincide with the x axis, Fig. 11.2.6. The axes x, y are called the global axes while the axes x, y defined by the truss element are called the local axes. Any quantity, force, or displacement referred to the global axes will be henceforth designated by an overbar. Fig. 11.2.6 Nodal displacements of the truss element in global and local axes. 376 PART II Multi-degree-of-freedom systems Empoying Eq. (11.2.67) for the nodal u1 cos f ¼ u2 sin f u3 cos f ¼ u4 sin f displacements, we obtain sin f u1 (11.2.72a) cos f u2 sin f u3 (11.2.72b) cos f u4 The previous two relations can be combined as 8 9 2 38 9 cos f sin f 0 0 u1 > > > > > > > u1 > < = 6 7< u2 = sin f cos f 0 0 u2 6 7 ¼ 0 cos f sin f 5> u > 4 0 u > > > > ; ; : 3> : 3> 0 0 sin f cos f u4 u4 (11.2.73) or ue ¼Re ue (11.2.74a) ue ¼ðRe ÞT ue (11.2.74b) and after inverting where 2 cos fe 6 sin fe Re ¼ 6 4 0 0 sin fe 0 cos f 0 0 cos fe 0 sin fe 3 0 7 0 7 e5 sin f cos fe (11.2.75) represents the transformation matrix of the plane truss element e. The vectors of the equivalent nodal forces are defined with respect to the global axes as shown in Fig. 11.2.7. It is obvious that they also obey the transformation law (11.2.74b). Thus, we have f e ¼ðRe ÞT f e S S (11.2.76) f e ¼ðRe ÞT f e I I (11.2.77) f e ¼ðRe ÞT f e D D (11.2.78) pe ðt Þ ¼ðR Þ p ðt Þ (11.2.79) e T e Fig. 11.2.7 Nodal forces of the truss element in global and local axes. The finite element method Chapter 11 377 Eq. (11.2.76) is further written as f e ¼ðRe ÞT f e S S ¼ ðRe ÞT ke ue (11.2.80) e T e ¼ ðR Þ k Re ue or f e ¼ke ue S (11.2.81) e k ¼ ðRe ÞT ke Re : (11.2.82) where is the element stiffness matrix with respect to the global axes. Similarly, we obtain f e ¼m e ue I (11.2.83) f D ¼ ce ue (11.2.84) e ¼ ðRe ÞT me Re m (11.2.85) ce ¼ ðRe ÞT ce Re (11.2.86) where 11.2.3 Equation of motion of the plane truss The formulation of the equations of motion in FEM can be viewed as a process of assembling of the element stiffness, mass, and damping matrices as well as of the external nodal forces into the corresponding global matrices and global load nodal vector of the structure. This process involves first the formulation of the global displacement vector u. This vector contains all nodal displacements of the truss referred to the global axes including those of the supports. If the truss has n nodes, then the vector u will have N ¼ 2n elements. The displacements of the i node will take the places 2i 1 and 2i in the global vector. Thus, if j, k denote the numbers of origin and the end of the e element, the displacements ue will take the places u2j1 , u2j , u2k1 , u2k in u. This can be realized computationally by means of the linear transformation ue ¼ae u (11.2.87) where ae is an 4 N Boolean matrix, that is, a matrix consisting of zeros and ones. ð11:2:88Þ 378 PART II Multi-degree-of-freedom systems The above transformation is inverted asb u ¼ðae ÞT ue (11.2.89) ^f e S If denotes the enlarged vector with dimension N , then the assemblage e of the elements of f S can be realized according to Eq. (11.2.89) ^f e ¼ ðae ÞT f e S S e The next step is to write the relation f S (11.2.90) ¼k u as a relation between ^f S and u. Starting with Eq. (11.2.90) and using the transformations (11.2.87), we obtain e e ^f e ¼ ðae ÞT f e S S e T e e ¼ ða Þ k u ¼ ðae ÞT k ae u ^ e u ¼K e e (11.2.91) where ^ e ¼ ðae ÞT ke ae K (11.2.92) denotes the enlarged stiffness matrix with dimensions N N . Obviously, the e ^ e are: places of the elements of k in K k^2j1,2j1 ¼ k11 , k^2j1,2j ¼ k12 , k^2j1, 2k1 ¼ k13 , k^2j1, 2k ¼ k14 k^2j, 2j1 ¼ k21 , k^2j,2j ¼ k22 , k^2j,2k1 ¼ k23 , k^2j, 2k ¼ k24 k^2k1,2j1 ¼ k31 , k^2k1,2j ¼ k32 , k^2k1, 2k1 ¼ k33 , k^2k1, 2k ¼ k34 k^2k, 2j1 ¼ k41 , k^2k,2j ¼ k42 , k^2k,2k1 ¼ k43 , k^2k, 2k ¼ k44 Following the same process, we obtain the relations ^f e ¼M ^ e u€ I (11.2.93) ^f e D (11.2.94) ^ e u_ ¼C b. The matrix a is not square, therefore it cannot be inverted. The inverse transformation (11.2.89) can be proved either by inspection or by considering the equality of the work produced by the nodal forces in the two systems of diplacements ue and u. Indeed, according to Eq. (11.2.87) we have f e ¼ae^f e where f and ^f e are element force vectors with a dimension 4 and N , respectively. e Equating the works gives ^f e T e u ¼ f ue ¼ ae ^f e ¼ ^f e which results in Eq. (11.2.89). T T ue ðae ÞT ue The finite element method Chapter ^e ðt Þ ¼ ðae ÞT pe ðt Þ p ^f e , I 11 379 (11.2.95) ^f e , D ^e ðt Þ denote the enlarged nodal inertial, damping matrices, and p where and load vector, respectively, while ^ e ¼ ðae ÞT m e ae M ^e e T e e C ¼ ða Þ ca (11.2.96) (11.2.97) ðt Þ with a dimenFinally, all nodal loads are assembled into a load vector P sion N , corresponding to u. Hence, the loads applied to node i will take the ðt Þ. places P2i1 and P2i in P The equations of motion can be derived using the method of the Lagrange equations with generalized coordinates the components of the vector u. Thus, we have: Elastic energy. The elastic energy of the e element is e 1 Ue ¼ uT ^f S 2 1 ^e u ¼ uT K 2 (11.2.98) and the total elastic energy is U¼ Ne 1X ^ e u uT K 2 e¼1 1 ¼ uT K u 2 N X N 1X ij ui uj K ¼ 2 i¼1 j¼1 (11.2.99) where ¼ K Ne X ^e K (11.2.100) e¼1 represents the stiffness matrix of the structure with Ne denoting the number of all elements. Kinetic energy. Similarly, the kinetic energy of the structure results as the sum of the kinetic energies of all elements T¼ Ne 1X T ^e u_ u_ M 2 e¼1 1 T ¼ u_ M u_ 2 N X N 1X ij u_ i u_ j ¼ M 2 i¼1 j¼1 (11.2.101) 380 PART II Multi-degree-of-freedom systems where ¼ M Ne X ^e M (11.2.102) e¼1 represents the mass matrix of the structure. Virtual work of the damping forces. For the e element, we have e dWDe ¼ d uT ^f D ^ e u_ ¼ d uT C (11.2.103) and the total virtual work of the damping forces is dWD ¼ Ne X ^ e u_ d uT C e¼1 u_ ¼ d uT C ¼ N X N X ij u_ j d ui C (11.2.104) i¼1 j¼1 where ¼ C Ne X ^e C (11.2.105) e¼1 represents the damping matrix of the structure. Virtual work of the external loads. It results as the sum of all external loads, ðt Þ applied ^e ðt Þ and the loads P namely of the equivalent element nodal loads p directly to the nodes of the truss. Therefore, we have uT Pðt Þ + dWp ¼ d Ne X ^ ðt Þe d uT p e¼1 ¼ d u T Ne X ðt Þ + ^ e ðt Þ p P ! (11.2.106) e¼1 ¼ d u pðt Þ T where ðt Þ + pðt Þ ¼ P Ne X ^ e ðt Þ p (11.2.107) e¼1 represents the vector of all external loads. Applying Eq. (1.8.11), we obtain ∂T ¼0 ∂ ui (11.2.108a) The finite element method Chapter 11 381 X N d ∂T ¼ Mij u€j dt ∂u_ i j¼1 (11.2.108b) N ∂U X ¼ Kij uj ∂ u i j¼1 (11.2.108c) ij u_ j + pi ðt Þ Qi ¼ C (11.2.108d) and the equation of motion becomes N X j¼1 ij u€j + M N X j¼1 ij u_ j + C N X ij uj ¼ pi ðt Þ K (11.2.109) j¼1 or u_ + K u€ + C u ¼ M pðt Þ (11.2.110) Obviously, Eq. (11.2.110) has the same form as that obtained using the methods discussed in Chapter 10. 11.2.4 Steps to formulate the equations of motion for a plane truss by the finite element method The formulation of the equations of motion for a structure (here the plane truss) by the FEM based on the analytical procedure described in the previous section can be summarized as a sequence of the following steps: Fig. 11.2.8 Plane truss (n ¼ 5, N ¼ 2n ¼ 10, Ne ¼ 8). (i) Idealization of the truss by a set of finite elements interconnected at its nodes. This step includes (Fig. 11.2.8): a. Selection of the system of global axes x y. b. Numbering the nodes of the truss ð1, 2, …, n Þ and determining their coordinates with respect to the global axes. c. Determination of the vector of the N ¼ 2n degrees of freedom u. ðt Þ of the external loads directly applied to d. Formulation of the vector P the nodes of the truss. 382 PART II Multi-degree-of-freedom systems e. Numbering of the elements ð1, 2, …, Ne Þ and determination of their orientation by selecting the positive direction of the local x axis. (ii) For each element ðe ¼ 1, 2, …, Ne Þ a. Compute the matrices: – ke using Eq. (11.2.18) – me using Eq. (11.2.26) or (11.2.33) depending on the mass assumption – ce using Eq. (11.2.44), if the coefficient cs is given – pe ðt Þ using Eq. (11.2.48) – Re using Eq. (11.2.75) – ae using Eq. (11.2.88) b. Compute the matrices and load vector: e k ¼ ðRe ÞT ke Re e ¼ ð Re Þ T m e Re m ce ¼ ðRe ÞT ce Re pe ðt Þ ¼ ðRe ÞT pe ðt Þ c. Using Eqs. (11.2.92), (11.2.96), (11.2.97), (11.2.95), formulate the enlarged matrices and load vector ^ e , and p ^ e, C ^ e, M ^ e ðt Þ – K (iii) Compute the matrices and the load vector of the structure ¼ K Ne X e¼1 ¼ ^ e, M K Ne X e¼1 ¼ ^ e, C M Ne X e¼1 ^ e , pðt Þ ¼ P ðt Þ + C Ne X ^ e ðt Þ p e¼1 11.2.5 Modification of the equations of motion due to the supports of the structure Eq. (11.2.110) describes the motion of the free structure. However, the truss may be supported at some of its nodes. Supporting the structure means constraining certain degrees of freedom or, in other words, specifying certain nodal displacements. The minimum number of degrees of freedom that should be constrained is three in order to prevent the movement of the structure as a rigid body. These degrees of freedom are selected so that an infinitesimal movement is excluded. Let s be the number of the specified degrees of freedom, hence s elements of the vector u are known while f ¼ N s are unknown. We reorder the elements of u to separate the known displacements from the unknown ones and we denote by us the vector of the known (support) displacements and by uf the vector of the unknown (free) displacements. The elements of us are equal to zero for The finite element method Chapter 11 383 nonyielding supports. In general, the elements of us may depend on time, us ¼ us ðt Þ, as in the case of support excitation. The nodal quantities ui and pi ðt Þ are referred to as dual quantities. For a well-posed problem, the dual quantities cannot be specified simultaneously. Either ui is specified and pi ðt Þ is unknown or pi ðt Þ is specified and ui is unknown. Consequently, the vector ps ðt Þ, which corresponds to us , contains the unknown nodal forces, namely the support reactions plus the element nodal contributions, while the vector pf ðt Þ, which corresponds to uf , contains the known nodal forces. The N equations of motion (11.2.110) will be solved to determine the unknown vectors uf and ps ðt Þ. The solution procedure requires first the rearrangement of the equations of motion, which is done as follows. We rearrange the elements of u so that the known elements occupy the last positions. This rearrangement can be done computationally by the transformation u ¼Ve u (11.2.111) where e u is the rearranged vector and V is a square Boolean matrix. As an example, we consider the truss of Fig. 11.2.8. The specified displacements are u1 ¼ u2 ¼ u4 ¼ 0. Therefore the rearranged displacement vector is e e1 u e2 u e3 u e4 u e5 u e6 u e7 u e8 u e9 u e10 g uT ¼ f u ¼ f u3 u5 u6 u7 u8 u9 u10 u1 u2 u4 g and the matrix V is defined from the 9 2 8 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 u1 > > > > > > > > 6 > > u2 > > 60 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 > > > > 6 > > > > 61 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 > > u 3 > > > > > 6 > 60 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 > > > u4 > > 6 > > > > > < u = 6 60 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 5 ¼6 60 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 > > u6 > > 6 > > > > 6 > > > > 60 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 u > 7 > > > 6 > > > > 60 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 > u8 > > > 6 > > > > 6 > > > > u > > 9 > 40 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 > > > ; : 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 u10 relation 9 38 u3 > 0 0 > > > > > > > > u5 > 1 07 > 7> > > > > 7> > > > 0 0 7> u 6 > > > 7> > > > 7 > > 0 1 7> u 7 > > > > > > 7> 0 0 7< u8 = 7 or u ¼ Ve u 0 07 u9 > > > 7> > > > 7> > > > u10 > 0 07 > > > 7> > > > > 7 > 0 0 7> u > 1 > > > > 7> > > > > 5 0 0 > u > 2 > > > > ; : 0 0 u4 (11.2.112) (11.2.113) K C, and the vector pðt Þ We can readily show that the matrices M, are rearanged by virtue of matrix V as e ¼ VT MV M (11.2.114a) e ¼ VT CV C (11.2.114b) e ¼VT KV K (11.2.114c) e pðtÞ ¼VT pðtÞ (11.2.114d) 384 PART II Multi-degree-of-freedom systems Thus, the rearranged equations of motion become ee eu e u ¼e e€ + C M u_ + Ke pðt Þ which are partitioned after separating the known from the unknown displacements ð11:2:115Þ or " e ff M e fs M e e Msf Mss # e€f u e u€s " e ff C e fs C + e e Csf Css # e_ f u e u_ s " e ff K e fs K + e e Ksf Kss # e uf e us ¼ e p f ðt Þ e p s ðt Þ (11.2.116) Performing the matrix multiplications in the previous equation yields e ff e e ff e e ff e M u€f + C u_ f + K uf ¼ e pf∗ ðt Þ e sf e e ss e e ss e e sf e e ss e e sf e u€f + M u€s + C u_ f + C u_ s + K uf + K us ¼ e p s ðt Þ M (11.2.117) (11.2.118) where it was set e fs e e fs e e fs e e u€s C u_ s K us pf ðt Þ M pf∗ ðt Þ ¼ e (11.2.119) Eq. (11.2.117) is the equation of motion of the supported truss. Its solution gives the vector of the unknown displacements e uf , which is then inserted in Eq. (11.2.118) to obtain the vector of nodal forces e ps ðt Þ. Note that this vector contains the equivalent element nodal loads contributing to the supported node. Obviously, when the support displacements do not depend on time, Eq. (11.2.119) becomes e fs e e us pf ðt Þ K pf∗ ðt Þ ¼ e (11.2.120) The finite element method Chapter 11 385 and Eq. (11.2.118) is written e sf e e sf e e sf e e ss e M u€f + C u_ f + K uf + K us ¼ e ps ðt Þ (11.2.121) Finally, when the supports do not yield, the foregoing equations are further simplified and become e p f ðt Þ pf∗ ðt Þ ¼ e (11.2.122) e sf e e sf e e sf e u€f + C u_ f + K uf ¼ e p s ðt Þ M (11.2.123) Example 11.2.2 Formulate the equations of motion of the truss in Fig. E11.1a when (i) It is subjected to the external loading. (ii) The support 1 is subjected to the vertical motion ug ðt Þ. Assumed data: Nodal coordinates: 1ð0, 0Þ, 2ð3, 3:5Þ, 3ð6, 0Þ; cross-sectional areas of the bars: A1 ¼ 1:5A, A2 ¼ A3 ¼ A; distributed load on the element 1: pðx, t Þ ¼ P ðt Þ=L1 ; damping coefficient: cs ¼ 0, modulus of elasticity E; material density: r, lumped mass assumption. (a) Fig. E11.1a Plane truss in Example 11.2.2. Solution (i) Equation of motion under the external loading. (b) Fig. E11.1b Nodal displacements of the plane truss in Example 11.2.2. 386 PART II Multi-degree-of-freedom systems The truss has n ¼ 3 nodes, hence the free structure has N ¼ 2n ¼ 6 degrees of freedom (see Fig. E11.2b). The numbering of the elements and the positive direction of the local axes are shown in Fig. E11.1b. TABLE E11.1 Geometrical data of the elements in Example 11.2.2. e xj xk D x yj yk 1 0 6 6 0 0 2 0 3 3 0 3.5 3 3 6 3 3.5 0 D y Le cos fe sinfe 0 6 1 3.5 4.61 0.651 þ0.759 3.5 4.61 0.651 0.759 0 1. Computation of ke , me , ce , pe ðt Þ, Re , e ¼ 1, 2, 3 Matrices ke . The elements have constant cross-section. Thus Eq. (11.2.19) gives 2 3 2 3 0:25 0 0:25 0 0:217 0 0:217 0 6 0 6 0 0 0 07 0 0 07 3 7 2 6 7 k1 ¼ EA6 4 0:25 0 0:25 0 5, k ¼ k ¼ EA4 0:217 0 0:217 0 5 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Matrices me . The elements have constant cross section. Thus, we obtain from Eq. (11.2.35) 2 2 3 3 4:5 0 0 0 2:305 0 0 0 6 0 4:5 0 0 7 60 7 2:305 0 0 2 3 6 7 7 m1 ¼ rA6 4 0 0 4:5 0 5, m ¼ m ¼ rA4 0 5 0 2:305 0 0 0 0 4:5 0 0 0 2:305 Matrices ce . It is given cs ¼ 0. Thus, Eq. (11.2.45) gives ce ¼ 0. Vectors pe ðt Þ. They are obtained from Eq. (11.2.47), which gives 9 8 8 9 0:5P ðt Þ > 0> > > > > > = = < < > 0 0 , p2 ðt Þ ¼ p3 ðt Þ ¼ p1 ðt Þ ¼ 0:5P ðt Þ > 0> > > > > > ; ; : : > 0 0 Matrices Re . The direction cosines cos fe and sin fe of the element axes are calculated from the global coordinates of the element nodes and are given in Table E11.1. Thus, we have 2 3 2 3 1 0 0 0 0:651 0:759 0 0 60 1 0 07 6 0:759 0:651 0 7 0 2 6 7 7 R1 ¼ 6 4 0 0 1 0 5, R ¼ 4 0 0 0:651 0:759 5 0 0 0 1 0 0 0:759 0:651 The finite element method Chapter 11 387 2 3 0:651 0:759 0 0 6 0:759 0:651 0 7 0 7 R3 ¼ 6 40 0 0:651 0:759 5 0 0 0:759 0:651 e e , pe ðt Þ, e ¼ 1, 2, 3 2. Computation of k , m e Matrices k . Eq. (11.2.82) gives 2 0:25 0 0:25 6 0 0 0 k1 ¼ EA6 4 0:25 0 0:25 0 0 0 2 0:092 0:107 6 0:107 0:125 2 6 k ¼ EA4 0:092 0:107 0:107 0:125 2 0:092 0:107 6 0:107 0:125 k3 ¼ EA6 4 0:092 0:107 0:107 0:125 3 0 07 7, 05 0 3 0:092 0:107 0:107 0:125 7 7 0:092 0:107 5 0:107 0:125 3 0:092 0:107 0:107 0:125 7 7 0:092 0:107 5 0:107 0:125 e . Eq. (11.2.85) gives Matrices m 2 3 2 4:5 0 0 0 2:305 6 0 4:5 0 0 7 60 1 2 3 6 6 7 m ¼ rA4 , m ¼ m ¼ rA4 0 0 4:5 0 5 0 0 0 0 4:5 0 0 2:305 0 0 0 0 2:305 0 3 0 7 0 7 5 0 2:305 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 Vectors pe ðt Þ. Eq. (11.2.79) gives 9 8 8 9 0:5P ðt Þ > 0> > > > > > = = < < > 0 0 1 2 3 , p ðt Þ ¼ p ðt Þ ¼ p ðt Þ ¼ 0:5P ðt Þ > 0> > > > > > ; ; : : > 0 0 ^ e, M ^ e, p ^e ðt Þ, e ¼ 1, 2, 3 3. Computation K The element 2 1 0 6 0 1 a1 ¼ 6 40 0 0 0 assembly matrices ae are 3 2 0 0 0 0 1 0 6 0 0 0 07 7, a2 ¼ 6 0 1 40 0 0 0 1 05 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 3 2 0 0 6 07 7, a3 ¼ 6 0 40 05 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 3 0 07 7 05 1 388 PART II Multi-degree-of-freedom systems They yield the enlarged element matrices: ^ e . Eq. (11.2.92) gives Matrices K 2 3 0:25 0 0 0 0:25 0 6 0 0 0 0 0 07 6 7 6 0 0 0 0 07 ^ 1 ¼ EA6 0 7, K 6 0 0 0 0 0 07 6 7 4 0:25 0 0 0 0:25 0 5 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 3 0:092 0:107 0:092 0:107 0 0 6 0:107 0:125 0:107 0:125 0 0 7 6 7 6 7 ^ 2 ¼ EA6 0:092 0:107 0:092 0:107 0 0 7 K 6 0:107 0:125 0:107 0:125 0 0 7 6 7 4 0 0 0 0 0 05 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 60 0 0 7 0 0 0 6 7 6 7 0 0 0:092 0:107 0:092 0:107 3 ^ 6 7 K ¼ EA6 7 0 0 0:107 0:125 0:107 0:125 6 7 4 0 0 0:092 0:107 0:092 0:107 5 0 0 0:107 0:125 0:107 0:125 ^ e . Eq. (11.2.96) gives Matrices M 2 3 4:5 0 0 0 0 0 6 0 4:5 0 0 0 0 7 6 7 6 7 ^ 1 ¼ rA6 0 0 0 0 0 0 7 M 60 0 0 0 0 0 7 6 7 4 0 0 0 0 4:5 0 5 0 0 0 0 0 4:5 2 3 2:305 0 0 0 0 0 60 2:305 0 0 0 07 6 7 6 0 0 2:305 0 0 07 2 ^ 6 7 M ¼ rA6 0 0 2:305 0 0 7 60 7 40 0 0 0 0 05 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 60 0 0 7 0 0 0 6 7 6 7 0 0 ^ 3 ¼ rA6 0 0 2:305 0 7 M 60 0 0 7 2:305 0 0 6 7 40 0 0 5 0 2:305 0 0 0 0 0 0 2:305 The finite element method Chapter 11 389 ^e ðt Þ. Eq. (11.2.95) gives Vectors p 9 8 8 9 0:5P ðt Þ > 0> > > > > > > > > > > > > > 0 0> > > > > > > > = = < < > 0 0 1 2 3 ^ ðt Þ ¼ p ^ ðt Þ ¼ ^ ðt Þ ¼ , p p 0 0> > > > > > > > > > > > > > 0:5P ðt Þ > 0> > > > > > > > ; ; : : > 0 0 M and total load vector pðt Þ of 4. Computation of the total matrices K, the truss 2 0:342 0:107 0:092 0:107 0:25 0 0 0 3 6 7 6 0:107 0:125 0:107 0:125 0 7 0 6 7 6 7 3 X e 0:092 0:107 7 6 0:092 0:107 0:184 0 ¼ ^ ¼ EA6 7 K K 6 0:107 0:125 0 0:25 0:107 0:125 7 6 7 e¼1 6 7 6 0:25 0 0:092 0:107 0:342 0:107 7 4 5 2 6:805 6 60 6 3 60 X e ¼ ^ ¼ rA6 M M 6 60 e¼1 6 6 40 0:107 0:125 0:107 0 0 0 0 0 6:805 0 0 0 0 0 4:610 0 0 0 0 0 4:610 0 0 0 0 0 6:805 0 0:125 3 7 7 7 7 7 7, 7 7 7 5 0 0 0 0 0 6:805 9 8 9 8 9 8 P1 + 0:5P ðt Þ > 0:5P ðt Þ > P1 > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > 0 P2 > P2 > > > > > > > > > > > > = 3 < = = < < X 0 P ð t Þ P ð t Þ ðt Þ + ^ e ðt Þ ¼ ¼ + p pðt Þ ¼ P 0 > > > > 3P ðt Þ > > 3P ðt Þ > > > > > e¼1 > > > > > > > > > > > 0:5P ðt Þ > 0:5P ðt Þ > > > > > > 0 > > > > > > > ; : ; : ; : 0 P6 P6 Note that P1 , P2 , P6 denote the unknown support reactions e M e and load vector e 5. Computation of the modified matrices K, pðt Þ Due to the supports, the displacement vector should be modified as e e2 u e3 u e4 u e5 u e6 g ¼ f u3 u4 u5 u1 u2 u6 g e1 u uT ¼ f u 390 PART II Multi-degree-of-freedom systems Therefore, the matrix V defined by Eq. (11.2.111) is 2 3 0 0 0 1 0 0 60 0 0 0 1 07 6 7 61 0 0 0 0 07 7 V¼6 60 1 0 0 0 07 6 7 40 0 1 0 0 05 0 0 0 0 0 1 Then, applying Eqs. (11.2.114a), (11.2.114c), (11.2.114d) gives – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – e ff , M e fs , M e sf , M e ss , K e ff , K e fs , K e sf , K e ss and 6. Formulation of the matrices M ps ðt Þ vectors e pf ðt Þ, e e K, e e These matrices are obtained after partitioning M, pðt Þ on the previously indicated partition. Thus, we have 2 3 2 4:610 0 0 0 0 e fs ¼ M e sf ¼ rA4 0 0 e ff ¼ rA4 0 5, M 4:610 0 M 0 0 6:805 0 0 2 3 6:805 0 0 e ss ¼ rA4 0 5 6:805 0 M 0 0 6:805 basis of the 3 0 05 0 The finite element method Chapter 2 0:184 0 e ff ¼ EA6 K 4 0 0:25 0:092 0:107 0:092 3 2 0:092 0:107 11 391 0:107 3 7 e 6 7 0:107 5, K fs ¼ EA4 0:107 0:125 0:125 5 0:342 0:25 0 0:107 2 3 2 3 0:092 0:107 0:25 0:342 0:107 0 e ss ¼ EA4 0:107 0:125 0 e sf ¼ EA4 0:107 0:125 0 5, K 5 K 0:107 0:125 0:107 0 0 0:125 9 9 8 8 < P ðt Þ = < P1 + 0:5P ðt Þ = e , e ps ðt Þ ¼ P2 pf ðt Þ ¼ 3P ðt Þ ; ; : : 0:5P ðt Þ P6 7. Equation of motion of the truss Because e us ¼ 0, it is also e u€s ¼ 0 and Eq. (11.2.119) gives e pf∗ ðt Þ ¼ e pf ðt Þ. Hence, Eq. (11.2.117) results in the following equation of motion 2 38 9 2 38 € 9 > e 0:184 0 0:092 > u 4:610 0 0 e1 > u > > > > > > 1> = < 6 7< = 6 7 6 7 7 u € e + EA 0 0:250 0:107 rA6 0 4:610 0 u 4 5> 2 > 4 5> e 2 > > > > > ; > : > ; : e3 0:092 0:107 0:342 0 0 6:805 u e€3 u 9 8 P ðt Þ > > > > = < ¼ 3P ðt Þ > > > > ; : 0:5P ðt Þ The solution of the equation of motion yields the vector e uf and Eq. (11.2.118) the nodal forces at the supports 8 9 2 38 9 e1 = 0:125 0 0:107 < u ps1 = <e e e2 0:092 0:092 5 u ps2 ¼ EA4 0 : ; : ; e e3 0:125 0:107 0 ps3 u Hence, the reactions at the supports are 8 9 8 9 8 9 ps1 = < 0:5P ðt Þ = < P1 = < e P ¼ e 0 p : 2 ; : s2 ; : ; e P6 ps3 0 (ii) Equation of motion due to the vertical motion ug ðt Þ of the support 1. In this case it is e pf ðt Þ ¼ 0, 8 9 < P1 = e ps ðt Þ ¼ P2 , : ; P6 8 9 <0 = e us ¼ ug ðt Þ : ; 0 392 PART II Multi-degree-of-freedom systems and Eq. (11.2.119) gives e fs e e fs e e fs e e u€s C u_ s K us pf∗ ðt Þ ¼ M or 9 8 < 0:107 = e pf∗ ðt Þ ¼ EA 0:125 ug ðt Þ ; : 0 Hence, the equation of motion becomes 9 2 38 u 2 38 € 9 > e1 > 0:184 0 0:092 > 4:610 0 0 <u = E < e1 > = 40 5 u e2 0:250 0:107 5 u 4:610 0 e€2 + 4 0 > > : > ; r 0:092 0:107 0:342 > ; 0 0 6:805 : u e3 u e€3 9 8 0:107 = E< ¼ 0:125 ug ðt Þ ; r: 0 and Eq. (11.2.123) gives the reactions 9 8 8 9 2 38 9 e1 = 0:092 0:107 0:250 < u = <0 < P1 = 5 u e2 + rA 6:805 u€g P2 ¼ EA4 0:107 0:125 0 ; : : ; : ; e3 0:107 0:125 0:107 0 u P6 9 8 < 0:107 = + EA 0:125 ug ; : 0 ef ¼ f u e1 u e2 u e3 gT can be converted to Remark: The displacement vector u the original vector of the free nodal displacements, that is, u ¼ f u3 u4 u5 gT ef . by inverting the transformations that have created u 11.3 The finite element method for the plane frame 11.3.1 Properties of the plane frame element We consider a plane frame element with variable cross-section Aðx Þ, crosssectional moment of inertia I ðx Þ, mass per unit length m ðx Þ, and modulus of elasticity E. The element local axis in the undeformed state coincides with the x axis. The frame element is a beam, therefore it is also called a beam element. The ends j,k are the nodes of the element, thus any quantity (force, displacement) associated with them is referred to as nodal quantity (i.e., nodal force, nodal displacement). In the deformed state at time t, the ends of the element are displaced to the points j 0 , k 0 and the element occupies the position j 0 k 0 (Fig. 11.3.1). The element, besides the axial deformation, undergoes a flexural deformation due to the end transverse displacements and rotations. The element has six degrees of freedom: the displacements u1 ðt Þ, u2 ðt Þ and the rotation u3 ðt Þ ¼ q1 of node j as well as the displacements u3 ðt Þ, u4 ðt Þ and rotation The finite element method Chapter 11 393 u6 ðt Þ ¼ q2 of node k. These six quantities represent the nodal coordinates of the plane frame element. A typical point x of the element axis undergoes two displacements: the axial displacement u ðx, t Þ and the transverse displacement v ðx, t Þ. The rotation of the cross-section v 0 ðx, t Þ has a small influence on the dynamic properties of the beam so it is ignored in the presentation that follows. We consider the element as a generalized system and apply the Ritz method presented in Section 10.5.1. Thus, we set the axial displacement in the form u ðx, t Þ ¼ u1 1 ðx Þ + u 4 4 ðx Þ (11.3.1) where 1 ðx Þ and 4 ðx Þ are shape functions expressing the axial deformation for u1 ¼ 1, u4 ¼ 0 and u1 ¼ 0, u4 ¼ 1, respectively. These functions for an element with constant cross-section were obtained in Section 11.2.1 as 1 ðx Þ ¼ 1 x (11.3.2a) 4 ðx Þ ¼ x (11.3.2b) where x ¼ x=L. Fig. 11.3.1 Degrees of freedom of a plane frame element. The transverse displacement can be set in the form v ðx, t Þ ¼ u2 2 ðx Þ + u3 3 ðx Þ + u5 5 ðx Þ + u6 6 ðx Þ (11.3.3) where i ðx Þ are shape functions expressing the elastic curve of the element for ui ¼ 1, ði ¼ 2, 3, 5, 6Þ and uj ¼ 0, j 6¼ i. These functions can be determined from the solution of the beam equation under bending. Without restricting the generality, we assume that the Bernoulli assumption is valid for the bending of the element. Therefore, the transverse deformation results only from bending. In this case, the elastic curve is obtained by successive integration of the equation d2 d 2 ðx Þ ¼0 (11.3.4) EI ð x Þ dx 2 dx 2 The solution of this equation, although it gives shape functions expressing the exact static transverse deformation of the beam element, is not suitable for the automation of the method because different shape functions have to be determined for elements with a different law of variation of the moment of 394 PART II Multi-degree-of-freedom systems inertia. As we pointed out in Section 11.2.1, this difficulty is surpassed if we accept the same shape functions for all elements, regardless of the variation law of the cross-section. Apparently, the shape functions resulting from Eq. (11.3.4) for a constant cross-section are suitable. In this case, the solution of Eq. (11.3.4) is given by the cubic polynomial ðx Þ ¼ c 1 x3 x2 + c2 + c3 x + c4 6 2 (11.3.5) x2 + c2 x + c3 2 (11.3.6) and its first derivative by 0 ðx Þ ¼ c1 The arbitrary constants are evaluated from the boundary conditions. Thus, the shape function 2 ðx Þ results 3 ðx Þ results 5 ðx Þ results 6 ðx Þ results for for for for 2 ð0Þ ¼ 1, 3 ð0Þ ¼ 0, 5 ð0Þ ¼ 0, 6 ð0Þ ¼ 0, 0 2 ð0Þ ¼ 0, 0 3 ð0Þ ¼ 1, 0 5 ð0Þ ¼ 0, 0 6 ð0Þ ¼ 0, 2 ðLÞ ¼ 0, 3 ðLÞ ¼ 0, 5 ðLÞ ¼ 1, 6 ðLÞ ¼ 0, 0 2 ðLÞ ¼ 0 0 3 ðLÞ ¼ 0 0 5 ðLÞ ¼ 0 0 6 ðLÞ ¼ 1 This procedure yields 2 ðx Þ ¼ 1 3x 2 + 2x 3 2 3 3 ðx Þ ¼ L x 2x + x 5 ðx Þ ¼ 3x 6 ðx Þ ¼ L (11.3.7a) (11.3.7b) 2x3 (11.3.7c) x + x (11.3.7d) 2 2 3 where x ¼ x=L. Fig. 11.3.2 Shape functions of the transverse deformation of the beam element. The finite element method Chapter 11 395 The cubic polynomials given by Eqs. (11.3.7a)–(11.3.7d) are known as Hermitian polynomials. Their graphic representation is shown in Fig. 11.3.2. Obviously, they satisfy the differential equation of the elastic curve of a beam with a constant cross-section. However, as mentioned, they can be used as shape functions of elements with a variable cross-section, provided that the elements are small. The accuracy of the solution is improved by subdividing the element into smaller elements. This technique increases the number of elements. The equivalent nodal forces of the element will be obtained using the methods employed for the truss element. It should be recalled here that, unlike the classic notation of statics, the nodal forces are positive when they act in the direction of the axis they refer. This is shown in Fig. 11.3.3. The actions in the directions of the coordinates u1 , u2 , u4 , and u5 are forces while in the directions of u3 and u6 are moments. In the following, the nodal elastic forces are established using both methods, the method of the Lagrange equations and that of the virtual work. Fig. 11.3.3 Positive direction of the nodal forces af the plane frame element. The method of the Lagrange equations (i) Nodal elastic forces and stiffness matrix of the beam element The elastic energy is due to the axial deformation of the element given by the Eq. (11.2.12), that is, Z 1 L 2 EAðx Þ½u 0 ðx, t Þ dx (11.3.8) Ua ¼ 2 0 as well as to the bending deformation of the element given by Eq. (10.5.2), that is, Z 1 L 2 Ub ¼ EI ðx Þ½v 00 ðx, t Þ dx (11.3.9) 2 0 Hence, the total elastic energy is U ¼ Ua + U b Z Z 1 L 1 L 2 2 ¼ EAðx Þ½u 0 ðx, t Þ dx + EI ðx Þ½v 00 ðx, t Þ dx 2 0 2 0 (11.3.10) 396 PART II Multi-degree-of-freedom systems which by virtue of Eqs. (11.3.1), (11.3.3) becomes Z 2 1 L EAðx Þ u1 01 ðx Þ + u4 04 ðx Þ dx U ðu1 , u2 , …, u6 Þ ¼ 2 0 Z 1 L + EI ðx Þ u2 002 ðx Þ + u3 003 ðx Þ + u5 2 0 00 5 ðx Þ + u6 2 00 6 ðx Þ dx (11.3.11) The nodal elastic forces result from Eq. (11.2.10) for i ¼ 1, 2, …,6. Thus, after performing the differentiation, we obtain fS1 ¼ ∂U ¼ k11 u1 + k14 u4 ∂u1 (11.3.12a) fS2 ¼ ∂U ¼ k22 u2 + k23 u3 + k25 u5 + k26 u6 ∂u2 (11.3.12b) fS3 ¼ ∂U ¼ k32 u2 + k33 u3 + k35 u5 + k36 u6 ∂u3 (11.3.12c) fS4 ¼ ∂U ¼ k41 u1 + k44 u4 ∂u4 (11.3.12d) fS5 ¼ ∂U ¼ k52 u2 + k53 u3 + k55 u5 + k56 u6 ∂u5 (11.3.12e) fS6 ¼ ∂U ¼ k62 u2 + k63 u3 + k65 u5 + k66 u6 ∂u6 (11.3.12f) where Z L kij ¼ Z kij ¼ 0 0 L EAðx Þ 0i ðx Þ 0j ðx Þdx, i, j ¼ 1, 4 EI ðx Þ 00 00 i ðx Þ j ðx Þdx, i, j ¼ 2, 3, 5, 6 Eqs. (11.3.12a)–(11.3.12f) are written in matrix form as 38 9 9 2k 8 0 k14 0 0 > u1 > fS1 > 11 0 > > 6 > > > > > u2 > > 6 0 k22 k23 0 k25 k26 7 > > f > > > 7> = 6 = < S2 > < > 7 0 k k 0 k k fS3 u 32 33 35 36 3 7 ¼6 6 7 u4 > > > 6 k41 0 0 k44 0 0 7> > fS4 > > > > > >u > > > > 4 0 k52 k53 0 k55 k56 5> > > ; ; : fS5 > : 5> u6 fS6 0 k62 k63 0 k65 k66 (11.3.13a) (11.3.13b) (11.3.14) or f eS ¼ ke ue f eS , (11.3.15) where ue are the vectors of the nodal elastic forces and the nodal displacements, respectively, and ke is the stiffness matrix of the e beam element. Therefore, the matrix ke for the plane beam is defined as The finite element method Chapter 2 k11 60 6 60 e k ¼6 6 k41 6 40 0 0 k22 k32 0 k52 k62 0 k23 k33 0 k53 k63 k14 0 0 k44 0 0 0 k25 k35 0 k55 k65 3 0 k26 7 7 k36 7 7 0 7 7 k56 5 k66 11 397 (11.3.16) Obviously, we deduce from Eqs. (11.3.13a), (11.3.13b) that kij ¼ kji . Hence, the stiffness matrix is symmetric. For an element with a constant cross-section Aðx Þ ¼ Ae , I ðx Þ ¼ I e and length Le , Eqs. (11.3.13a), (11.3.13b) are integrated analytically and Eq. (11.3.16) becomes 3 2 EA EA 0 0 0 0 7 6 L L 7 6 12EI 6EI 12EI 6EI 7 6 7 6 0 0 6 L3 L2 L3 L2 7 6 6EI 4EI 6EI 2EI 7 7 6 0 0 7 6 2 2 e L L L L 7 6 (11.3.17) k ¼6 7 EA EA 7 6 0 0 0 0 7 6 L L 7 6 12EI 6EI 12EI 6EI 7 6 7 6 0 0 3 2 6 L L L3 L2 7 4 6EI 2EI 6EI 4EI 5 0 0 L2 L L2 L Note that the superscript e in Ae , I e , and Le has been dropped from the elements of the matrix in Eq. (11.3.17) for the sake of simplicity of the expressions. (ii) Nodal inertial forces and mass matrix of the beam element As in the case of the truss, the equivalent inertial nodal forces for the beam element are obtained by two different assumptions of the mass distribution on the element: the consistent mass assumption, which assumes a continuous distribution of the mass on the element, and the lumped mass assumption, which lumps the mass at its nodes. The inertial mass matrices resulting from both assumptions are derived below. (a) Consistent mass matrix During the motion, the infinitesimal mass m ðx Þdx undergoes the two displacements u ðx, t Þ and v ðx, t Þ. Therefore, the kinetic energy of the beam element will be given by the expression.c c. Due to bending, the cross-sections of the beam rotate by an angle v 0 ðx, t Þ. Under this rotation the mass element m ðx Þdx exhibits a kinetic energy rðx ÞI ðx Þv_ 0 ðx, t Þdx=2, where rðx Þ is the mass density of the material. Therefore, Eq. (11.3.18) should also include the term Z Z 1 L 1 L rðx ÞI ðx Þv_ 0 ðx, t Þdx ¼ rðx ÞI ðx Þ u_ 2 02 ðx Þ + u_ 3 03 ðx Þ + u_ 5 05 ðx Þ + u_ 6 06 ðx Þ dx 2 0 2 0 However, it can be shown that the contribution of this term is small and it can be neglected. 398 PART II Multi-degree-of-freedom systems T¼ 1 2 Z L n o m ðx Þ ½u_ ðx, t Þ2 + ½v_ ðx, t Þ2 dx (11.3.18) 0 or using Eqs. (11.3.1), (11.3.3), the previous equation becomes Z h i 1 L m ðx Þ ½u_ 1 1 ðx Þ + u_ 4 4 ðx Þ2 dx T ðu_ 1 , u_ 2 , …, u_ 6 Þ ¼ 2 0 Z 1 L m ðx Þ½u_ 2 2 ðx Þ + u_ 3 3 ðx Þ + u_ 5 5 ðx Þ + u_ 6 + 2 0 6 ðx Þ 2 dx (11.3.19) The nodal inertial forces result from Eq. (11.2.9) for i ¼ 1, 2, …, 6. Thus, after performing the differentiations, we obtain d ∂T ∂T fI 1 ¼ ¼ m11 u€1 + m14 u€4 (11.3.20a) dt ∂u_ 1 ∂u1 d ∂T ∂T ¼ m22 u€2 + m23 u€3 + m25 u€5 + m26 u€6 (11.3.20b) fI 2 ¼ dt ∂u_ 2 ∂u2 d ∂T ∂T fI 3 ¼ ¼ m32 u€2 + m33 u€3 + m35 u€5 + m36 u€6 (11.3.20c) dt ∂u_ 3 ∂u3 d ∂T ∂T ¼ m41 u€1 + m44 u€4 (11.3.20d) fI 4 ¼ dt ∂u_ 4 ∂u4 d ∂T ∂T ¼ m52 u€2 + m53 u€3 + m55 u€5 + m56 u€6 (11.3.20e) fI 5 ¼ dt ∂u_ 5 ∂u5 d ∂T ∂T fI 6 ¼ ¼ m62 u€2 + m63 u€3 + m65 u€5 + m66 u€6 (11.3.20f) dt ∂u_ 6 ∂u6 where Z mij ¼ L m ðx Þ i ðx Þ j ðx Þdx, i, j ¼ 1, 4 and i, j ¼ 2, 3, 5, 6 (11.3.21) 0 Eqs. (11.3.20a)–(11.3.20f) 8 9 2m fI 1 > 11 0 > > > > > 60 m22 > > f I 2 > = 6 < > 60 m fI 3 32 ¼6 6 m41 0 f > > I 4 > 6 > > > > m52 > 40 > fI 5 > ; : fI 6 0 m62 are written in matrix form as 38 9 0 m14 0 0 u€1 > > > > > m23 0 m25 m26 7 > > u€2 > > 7> = < m33 0 m35 m36 7 € u 3 7 0 m44 0 0 7 > > u€4 > 7> > > > 5 m53 0 m55 m56 > > ; : u€5 > € u m63 0 m65 m66 6 (11.3.22) or €e f eI ¼ me u (11.3.23) The finite element method Chapter 11 399 €e are the vectors of the nodal inertial forces and the nodal accelerwhere f eI , u ations, respectively, and me the mass matrix of the e beam element. Therefore, the mass matrix me is defined as 2 3 m11 0 0 m14 0 0 60 m25 m26 7 m22 m23 0 6 7 60 m32 m33 0 m35 m36 7 6 7 e (11.3.24) m ¼6 7 6 m41 0 0 m44 0 0 7 6 7 40 m55 m56 5 m52 m53 0 0 m62 m63 0 m65 m66 Obviously, we deduce from Eq. (11.3.21) that mij ¼ mji . Hence, the mass matrix is symmetric. Eq. (11.3.21) are integrated For an element with constant mass, m ðx Þ ¼ m, analytically and Eq. (11.3.24) becomes 2 3 140 0 0 70 0 0 60 156 22L 0 54 13L 7 6 7 2 27 e 60 0 13L 3L 22L 4L m 6 7 (11.3.25) me ¼ 6 7 420 6 70 0 0 140 0 0 7 6 7 40 54 13L 0 156 22L 5 2 22L 4L2 0 13L 3L 0 e Le is the total mass of the e element. Note that the superscript where m e ¼ m e e in L has been dropped from the elements of the matrix in Eq. (11.3.25) for the sake of simplicity of the expressions. The shape functions employed to derive the mass matrix are the same as those employed to derive the stiffness matrix. The mass matrix resulting in this way is referred to as the consistent mass matrix. (b) Lumped mass matrix According to this assumption, the mass of the element is concentrated at its nodes by static considerations, that is, they are obtained as the reactions of a simply supported beam under the load m ðx Þ (see Fig. 11.2.3). Thus, we have Z L m ðx Þð1 x Þdx (11.3.26a) m1 ¼ 0 Z m2 ¼ L m ðx Þxdx (11.3.26b) 0 Therefore, the kinetic energy of the beam element will be given by the expression 1 1 T ¼ m1 u_ 1 2 + u_ 2 2 + m2 u_ 4 2 + u_ 5 2 2 2 (11.3.27) 400 PART II Multi-degree-of-freedom systems The nodal forces result from Eq. (11.2.9) for i ¼ 1, 2, 3, 4. Thus, after performing the differentiations, we obtain d ∂T ∂T ¼ m11 u€1 (11.3.28a) fI 1 ¼ dt ∂u_ 1 ∂u1 d ∂T ∂T fI 2 ¼ ¼ m22 u€2 (11.3.28b) dt ∂u_ 2 ∂u2 d ∂T ∂T ¼0 (11.3.28c) fI 3 ¼ dt ∂u_ 3 ∂u3 d ∂T ∂T ¼ m44 u€4 (11.3.28d) fI 4 ¼ dt ∂u_ 4 ∂u4 d ∂T ∂T fI 5 ¼ ¼ m55 u€5 (11.3.28e) dt ∂u_ 5 ∂u5 d ∂T ∂T ¼0 (11.3.28f) fI 6 ¼ dt ∂u_ 6 ∂u6 where m11 ¼ m22 ¼ m1 , m44 ¼ m55 ¼ m2 Eqs. (11.3.28a)–(11.3.28f) are written in matrix form as 8 9 2 38 9 fI 1 > > m11 0 0 0 0 0 > > > > > > u€1 > > > 6 > fI 2 > > > u€2 > > 7> 0 0 0 0 0 m > > > 22 > > > 7> = = 6 < <f > 6 7 € 0 0 0 0 0 0 u I3 3 7 ¼6 60 07 0 0 m44 0 > fI 4 > > > > u€4 > > 6 7> > > > > > > 4 5> 0 0 0 0 0 m u€5 > > > > > 55 > > > fI 5 > ; > : > : ; 0 0 0 0 0 0 u€6 fI 6 (11.3.29) (11.3.30) Eqs. (11.3.26a), (11.3.26b) For an element with constant mass, m ðx Þ ¼ m, are integrated analytically to give e Le =2 m11 ¼ m22 ¼ m33 ¼ m44 ¼ m and the mass matrix (11.3.30) becomes 2 1 0 60 1 6 e 60 0 m 6 me ¼ 6 2 60 0 6 40 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 3 0 07 7 07 7 7 07 7 05 0 (11.3.31) (11.3.32) e Le is the total mass of the e element. where m e ¼ m We observe that the lumped mass assumption results in a diagonal mass matrix. The finite element method Chapter 11 401 (iii) Nodal damping forces and damping matrix of the beam element As in the case of the truss element, we assume only internal damping. It is therefore due to the deformation of the beam element, it resists it, and depends on the velocity of the strain. If we denote by sD the axial stress due to damping, we may write sD ¼ cs ∂ex ∂t (11.3.33) where cs is the coefficient of the internal damping and ex the axial strain. The virtual work of the internal damping force in the beam element is Z in ¼ sD dex dV (11.3.34) dWnc V Taking into account that ex ¼ sx N ðx Þ M ðx Þ , sx ¼ + y, N ðx Þ ¼ EAðx Þu 0 , M ðx Þ ¼ EI ðx Þv 00 ðx, t Þ E Aðx Þ I ðx Þ the previous relation gives dWnc ¼ Z L Z0 L cs Aðx Þu_ 0 ðx, t Þdu 0 ðx, t Þdx (11.3.35) cs I ðx Þv_ 00 ðx, t Þdv 00 ðx, t Þdx 0 or using Eqs. (11.3.1), (11.3.3) Z L in dWnc ¼ cs Aðx Þ u_ 1 01 ðx Þ + u_ 4 Z 0 0 4 ðx Þ d u1 0 0 1 ðx Þ + u 4 4 ðx Þ dx cs I ðx Þ u_ 2 002 ðx Þ + u_ 3 003 ðx Þ + u_ 5 005 ðx Þ + u_ 6 006 ðx Þ 0 d u2 02 ðx Þ + u3 03 ðx Þ + u5 05 ðx Þ + u6 06 ðx Þ dx ¼ ðc11 u_ 1 + c14 u_ 4 Þdu1 ðc41 u_ 1 + c44 u_ 4 Þdu4 L ðc22 u_ 2 + c23 u_ 3 + c25 u_ 5 + c26 u_ 6 Þdu2 ðc32 u_ 2 + c33 u_ 3 + c35 u_ 5 + c36 u_ 6 Þdu3 ðc52 u_ 2 + c53 u_ 3 + c55 u_ 5 + c56 u_ 6 Þdu5 ðc62 u_ 2 + c63 u_ 3 + c65 u_ 5 + c66 u_ 6 Þdu6 (11.3.36) where Z cij ¼ 0 L cs Aðx Þ 0i ðx Þ 0j ðx Þdx, i, j ¼ 1, 4 (11.3.37a) 402 PART II Multi-degree-of-freedom systems Z cij ¼ 0 L c s I ðx Þ 00 00 i ðx Þ j ðx Þdx, i, j ¼ 2, 3,5, 6 (11.3.37b) Writing Eq. (1.8.11) for the beam element, we obtain the nodal damping forces as generalized forces for i ¼ 1, 2, …,6. Thus we have fD1 ¼ Q1 ¼ c11 u_ 1 + c14 u_ 4 (11.3.38a) fD2 ¼ Q2 ¼ c22 u_ 2 + c23 u_ 3 + c25 u_ 5 + c26 u_ 6 (11.3.38b) fD3 ¼ Q3 ¼ c32 u_ 2 + c33 u_ 3 + c35 u_ 5 + c36 u_ 6 (11.3.38c) fD4 ¼ Q4 ¼ c41 u_ 1 + c44 u_ 4 (11.3.38d) fD5 ¼ Q5 ¼ c52 u_ 2 + c53 u_ 3 + c55 u_ 5 + c56 u_ 6 (11.3.38e) fD6 ¼ Q6 ¼ c62 u_ 2 + c63 u_ 3 + c65 u_ 5 + c66 u_ (11.3.38f) Eqs. (11.3.38a)–(11.3.38f) are written in matrix form as 8 9 2 38 9 c11 0 0 c14 0 0 > fD1 > > > > > > u_ 1 > > > 7> > 6 > > > > > > > > 6 7 > > > _ f c 0 c c 0 c u D2 > 22 23 25 26 > 2 > > > > 6 > > > 7> > > > > > 7> = 6 < fD3 > < 6 0 c32 c33 0 c35 c36 7 u_ 3 = 6 7 ¼6 7 u_ > > fD4 > > > > 4> 6 c41 0 0 c44 0 0 7> > > > > > > > 6 7> > > > > > > > > 6 7 > > > > _ 0 c f c 0 c c u > > > > D5 52 53 55 56 5 4 5 > > > > > > > ; : ; : > fD5 0 c62 c63 0 c65 c66 u_ 6 (11.3.39) or f eD ¼ ce u_ e (11.3.40) where f eD , u_ e are the vectors of the nodal damping forces and nodal velocities, respectively, and ce is the damping matrix of the beam element e. Hence, the damping matrix ce is defined as 2 3 c11 0 0 c14 0 0 6 7 6 0 c22 c23 0 c25 c26 7 6 7 6 7 0 c c 0 c c 6 7 32 33 35 36 e 6 7 (11.3.41) c ¼6 7 6 c41 0 0 c44 0 0 7 6 7 60 c c 0 c c 7 52 53 55 56 5 4 0 c62 c63 0 c65 c66 For an element with constant cross-section Aðx Þ ¼ Ae , I ðx Þ ¼ I e and length L , Eqs. (11.3.37a), (11.3.37b) are integrated analytically and Eq. (11.3.41) becomes. e The finite element method Chapter 2 cs A cs A 0 0 6 L L 6 6 12c I 6c I s s 6 0 0 6 L3 L2 6 6 6cs I 4cs I 6 0 6 0 2 6 L L ce ¼ 6 6 cs A cs A 6 0 0 6 L L 6 6 12c I 6c I s s 6 0 0 3 2 6 L L 6 4 6cs I 2cs I 0 0 2 L L 11 403 3 0 0 7 7 12cs I 6cs I 7 7 3 L L2 7 7 6cs I 2cs I 7 7 2 7 L L 7 7 7 0 0 7 7 7 12cs I 6cs I 7 2 7 L3 L 7 7 6cs I 4cs I 5 2 L L (11.3.42) Note that, the superscript e in Ae , I e , and Le has been dropped from the elements of the matrix in Eq. (11.3.42) for the sake of simplicity of the expressions. (iv) Equivalent nodal loads of the beam element The equivalent nodal forces can be evaluated in two ways: (a) as generalized forces in the direction of the nodal displacements ue and (b) as static equivalent forces. In the first case, the shape functions utilized to derive elastic forces are employed too. The so-resulting vector of the equivalent nodal forces is referred to as the consistent load vector. Fig. 11.3.4 Loading and consistent equivalent nodal loads of a plane beam element. (a) Consistent nodal load vector Referring to Fig. 11.3.4, the virtual work produced by the displacements of the beam element dx is Z L Z L p px ðx, t Þdu ðx, t Þdx + py ðx, t Þdv ðx, t Þdx (11.3.43) dWnc ¼ 0 0 which by virtue of Eqs. (11.3.1), (11.3.3) becomes p dWnc ¼ p1 ðt Þdu1 + p2 ðt Þdu2 + p3 ðt Þdu3 + p4 ðt Þdu4 + p5 ðt Þdu5 + p6 ðt Þdu6 (11.3.44) 404 PART II Multi-degree-of-freedom systems where it was set Z L pi ðt Þ ¼ Z pi ðt Þ ¼ px ðx, t Þ i ðx Þdx, i ¼ 1, 4 (11.3.45a) 0 L py ðx, t Þ i ðx Þdx, i ¼ 2, 3, 5, 6 (11.3.45b) 0 The nodal load vector results from Eq. (11.3.44) pe ðt Þ ¼ f p1 ðt Þ p2 ðt Þ p3 ðt Þ p4 ðt Þ p5 ðt Þ p6 ðt Þ gT (11.3.46) (b) Statically equivalent nodal load vector In this case, the bending deformation of the beam element is ignored and its transverse deformation is assumed linear, hence it is given by the relation v ðx, t Þ ¼ u2 in which 2 ðx Þ ¼ 1 ðx Þ ¼ 1 x, 2 ðx Þ + u 5 5 ðx Þ 5 ðx Þ ¼ 4 ðx Þ ¼ x and Eq. (11.3.44) becomes p ¼ p1 ðt Þdu1 + p2 ðt Þdu2 + p4 ðt Þdu4 + p5 ðt Þdu5 dWnc (11.3.47) where it was set Z L pi ðt Þ ¼ px ðx, t Þ i ðx Þdx, i ¼ 1, 4 (11.3.48a) py ðx, t Þ i ðx Þdx, i ¼ 2, 5 (11.3.48b) 0 Z pi ðt Þ ¼ L 0 Consequently pe ðt Þ ¼ f p1 ðt Þ p2 ðt Þ 0 p4 ðt Þ p5 ðt Þ 0 gT (11.3.49) Inserting the expressions of the linear shape function in Eqs. (11.3.48a), (11.3.48b) yields Z L Z L px ðx, t Þð1 xÞdx, p4 ðt Þ ¼ px ðx, t Þxdx (11.3.50) p1 ðt Þ ¼ 0 Z p 2 ðt Þ ¼ 0 0 L Z py ðx, t Þð1 xÞdx, p5 ðt Þ ¼ L py ðx, t Þxdx (11.3.51) 0 namely, the equivalent nodal loads are obtained as the reactions of a simply supported beam under the loads px ðx, t Þ and py ðx, t Þ. Hence, their name statically equivalent nodal loads. The finite element method Chapter 11 405 The forces resulting in this way are less accurate because the transverse displacement is approximated by a linear polynomial instead of a cubic one. The linear shape functions are not geometrically admissible, which means that the conditions of the Ritz method are violated. Nevertheless, the accuracy of the results is acceptable, especially when the elements are small. The statically equivalent nodal load vector is particularly useful when inertial forces due to the rotations of the cross-sections are ignored, as in the lumped mass assumption. (v) Geometric stiffness matrix of the beam element When the produced rotation of the cross-sections is significant, there may be shortening of the length of the element even if the axial deformation is ignored (∂u=∂x ¼ 0). This shortening is due to the nonlinear term of the straindisplacement relation [4,5], that is, 1 ∂v ðx, t Þ 2 (11.3.52) ex ¼ 2 ∂x In the presence of an axial force N ðx Þ, the elastic energy due to its shortening is Z 1 L N ðx Þex dx UG ¼ 2 0 (11.3.53) Z 1 L ∂v ðx, t Þ 2 N ðx Þ dx 2 0 ∂x which by virtue of Eq. (11.3.3) becomes Z 1 L UG ¼ N ðx Þ u2 02 ðx Þ + u3 03 ðx Þ + u5 2 0 2 0 0 5 ðx Þ + u6 6 ðx Þ dx Differentiation of the previous expression for UG with respect to ui , i ¼ 1, 2, …,6, results in the additional elastic nodal forces fG1 ¼ ∂UG ¼0 ∂u1 (11.3.54a) fG2 ¼ ∂UG ¼ kG22 u2 + kG23 u3 + kG25 u5 + kG26 u6 ∂u2 (11.3.54b) fG3 ¼ ∂UG ¼ kG32 u2 + kG33 u3 + kG35 u5 + kG36 u6 ∂u3 (11.3.54c) fG4 ¼ ∂UG ¼0 ∂u4 (11.3.54d) 406 PART II Multi-degree-of-freedom systems fG5 ¼ ∂UG ¼ kG52 u2 + kG53 u3 + kG55 u5 + kG56 u6 ∂u5 (11.3.54e) fG6 ¼ ∂UG ¼ kG62 u2 + kG63 u3 + kG65 u5 + kG66 u6 ∂u6 (11.3.54f) where Z kGij ¼ 0 L N ðx Þ 0i ðx Þ 0j ðx Þdx, i, j ¼ 2, 3, 5, 6 Eqs. (11.3.54a)–(11.3.54f) 8 9 2 0 0 fG1 > > > > > > > > 6 0 kG22 f > > G2 > = 6 < > 6 0 kG32 fG3 ¼6 6 > > 60 0 > fG4 > > > > > 4 0 kG52 > > > fG5 > ; : fG6 0 kG62 are written in matrix form as 38 9 0 0 0 0 u1 > > > > > > > > kG23 0 kG25 kG26 7 u > 2> > 7> = < 7 kG33 0 kG35 kG36 7 u3 0 0 0 0 7 > > u4 > 7> > > > kG53 0 kG55 kG56 5> > > > u5 > ; : kG63 0 kG65 kG66 u6 (11.3.55) (11.3.56) or f eG ¼ keG ue (11.3.57) ue are the vectors of the elastic nodal forces and the nodal displacewhere ments, respectively, and keG is the geometric stiffness matrix of the e beam element. Therefore, the matrix keG for the plane frame is defined as 2 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 6 0 kG22 kG23 0 kG25 kG26 7 6 7 6 0 kG32 kG33 0 kG35 kG36 7 7 (11.3.58) keG ¼ 6 60 0 0 0 0 0 7 6 7 4 0 kG52 kG53 0 kG55 kG56 5 0 kG62 kG63 0 kG65 kG66 f eG , When the axial force is constant, N ðx Þ ¼ N , Eq. (11.3.55) are integrated analytically and Eq. (11.3.58) becomes 3 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 7 6 12 12 60 1 0 1 7 7 6 L L 7 6 7 6 4L L 60 1 0 1 7 6 N 3 3 7 7 (11.3.59) keG ¼ 6 6 10 6 0 0 0 0 0 0 7 7 7 6 6 0 12 1 0 12 1 7 7 6 L L 7 6 5 4 L 4L 0 1 0 1 3 3 The axial force may be a priori known, as it happens when the structure is under stress before the dynamic loads are applied. The total stiffness of the The finite element method Chapter 11 407 element is the sum ke + keG . Thus, we conclude from Eq. (11.3.59) that the stiffness increases if the axial force is tensile while it decreases if it is compressive. The vanishing of the stiffness leads to the buckling of the structure. The axial force is given by the relationd N ðx Þ ¼ EA ∂u ∂x EA ðu1 + u4 Þ L ¼ (11.3.60) namely, it depends on the displacements. Therefore, if the geometric stiffness is taken into account in the analysis, the problem becomes nonlinear. The method of virtual work The application of this method is illustrated with the derivation of the stiffness matrix of the beam element, under both axial and bending deformation. The virtual work due to the axial deformation is written as Z Z L AEeax deax dx (11.3.61) dWina ¼ sax deax dx ¼ 0 V Using Eq. (11.3.1) and taking into account that 8 9 u1 > > > > > > > u2 > > > > > = < ∂u u3 a 0 0 0 0 ¼ N0a u ex ¼ ¼ u 1 1 + u 4 4 ¼ ½ 1 0 0 4 0 0 u4 > > ∂x > > > > > u > > > > ; : 5> u6 deax ¼ N0a du (11.3.62) (11.3.63) where Na ¼ ½ 1 0 0 4 0 0 u ¼ f u1 u2 u3 u4 u5 u6 gT (11.3.64a) (11.3.64b) Substituting now Eqs. (11.3.62), (11.3.63) into Eq. (11.3.61) yields Z L T dWina ¼ duT EAðx ÞN0 a N0a dx u (11.3.65) 0 The virtual work due to the bending deformation is Z b dWin ¼ sbx debx dx V " # ∂u 1 ∂v 2 [4]. d. The exact expression for the axial force is N ðx Þ ¼ EA + ∂x 2 ∂x (11.3.66) 408 PART II Multi-degree-of-freedom systems Using Eq. (11.3.3), we obtain sbx ¼ M y ¼ Eyv 00 ¼ Ey ½ 0 I 00 2 00 3 00 5 0 8 9 u1 > > > > > > > u > > = < 2> u3 00 ¼ EyN00b u 6 u > > 4 > > > > > > > ; : u5 > u6 debx ¼ yN00b du where N00b ¼ ½ 0 00 2 00 3 00 5 0 00 6 (11.3.67) Substituting the foregoing expressions for sbx and debx into Eq. (11.3.66) and integrating over the cross-section, we obtain Z L T EI ðx ÞN00 b N00b dx u (11.3.68) dWinb ¼ duT 0 The total virtual work of the internal forces is Z L Z T EAðx ÞN0 a N0a dx + dWin ¼ dWina + dWinb ¼ duT 0 L 0 T EI ðx ÞN00 b N00b dx u (11.3.69) which is set equal to the virtual work of the equivalent nodal forces, that is, dWex ¼ duT f S to yield 9 2k 8 fS1 > 11 > > 6 > > > 60 > fS2 > > > = 6 < 0 fS3 ¼6 6 k41 fS4 > > > > 6 > > > 40 > > ; : fS5 > fS6 0 0 k22 k32 0 k52 k62 0 k23 k33 0 k53 k63 k14 0 0 k44 0 0 0 k25 k35 0 k55 k65 38 9 0 > u1 > > > > u2 > k26 7 > > 7> = < > 7 k36 7 u3 u4 > 0 7 > > 7> > > > > 5 k56 > ; : u5 > u k66 6 (11.3.69) (11.3.70) where Z L kij ¼ Z kij ¼ 0 0 L EAðx Þ 0i ðx Þ 0j ðx Þdx, i, j ¼ 1, 4 EI ðx Þ 00 00 i ðx Þ j ðx Þdx, i, j ¼ 2, 3, 5, 6 (11.3.71a) (11.3.71b) Obviously, Eq. (11.3.70) is identical to Eq. (11.3.14). A similar procedure will give the remaining element matrices. The finite element method Chapter 11 409 Example 11.3.1 Compute the stiffness and mass matrices and the nodal load vector of a beam element, which is subjected to the loads px ðx, t Þ ¼ pðt Þ 1 + x x 2 and py ðx, t Þ ¼ 3pðt Þð1 x Þ, x ¼ x=L. The height of the crosssection varies linearly, h ðx Þ ¼ h ð1 + 0:5x Þ, while its width b is constant. The material density is r. Consider the lumped mass assumption. Solution i. Stiffness matrix: We set A ¼ bh, I ¼ bh 3 =12. Hence Aðx Þ=A ¼ ð1 + 0:5x Þ, I ðx Þ=I ¼ ð1 + 0:5x Þ3 . Then we obtain from Eq. (11.3.13) Z L k11 ¼ EAðx Þ 0 0 1 ðx Þ 1 ðx Þdx c ¼ 1:25k11 EAðx Þ 0 0 1 ðx Þ 4 ðx Þdx c ¼ 1:25k14 0 Z L k14 ¼ 0 Z L k22 ¼ 0 EI ðx Þ Z L k23 ¼ EI ðx Þ 0 Z L k25 ¼ EI ðx Þ 0 Z L k26 ¼ Z L k33 ¼ 00 00 3 ðx Þ 3 ðx Þdx c ¼ 1:4875k33 L EI ðx Þ 0 L EI ðx Þ 0 L k55 ¼ EI ðx Þ 0 Z L k56 ¼ EI ðx Þ 0 k66 ¼ 0 L c ¼ 2:09375k25 EI ðx Þ k35 ¼ Z 00 00 2 ðx Þ 5 ðx Þdx c ¼ 1:7k23 c ¼ 2:4875k26 Z k36 ¼ 00 00 2 ðx Þ 3 ðx Þdx 00 00 2 ðx Þ 6 ðx Þdx 0 Z c ¼ 2:09375k22 EI ðx Þ 0 Z 00 00 2 ðx Þ 2 ðx Þdx EI ðx Þ 00 00 3 ðx Þ 5 ðx Þdx 00 00 3 ðx Þ 6 ðx Þdx 00 00 5 ðx Þ 5 ðx Þdx c ¼ 2:125k36 c ¼ 2:09375k55 00 00 5 ðx Þ 6 ðx Þdx 00 00 6 ðx Þ 6 ðx Þdx c ¼ 1:7k35 c ¼ 2:4875k56 c ¼ 2:66875k66 The superscript c refers to the element of constant cross-section A ¼ bh. 410 PART II Multi-degree-of-freedom systems m ðx Þ ¼ rAðx Þ ¼ rAð1 + 0:5x Þ ii. Mass matrix: Substituting Eq. (11.3.26), we obtain Z L m11 ¼ m22 ¼ m ðx Þð1 xÞdx ¼ 0 Z m44 ¼ m55 ¼ L m ðx Þxdx ¼ 0 into 7 rAL 12 8 rAL 12 iii. Nodal load vector: Using Eqs. (11.3.50), (11.3.51), we obtain Z L p1 ðt Þ ¼ 0 px ðx, t Þð1 x Þdx ¼ Z L p4 ðt Þ ¼ px ðx, t Þxdx ¼ 0 Z L p2 ðt Þ ¼ 7 pðt ÞL 12 7 pðt ÞL 12 py ðx, t Þð1 x Þdx ¼ pðt ÞL 0 Z p5 ðt Þ ¼ 0 L 1 py ðx, t Þxdx ¼ pðt ÞL 2 11.3.2 Transformation of the nodal coordinates of the plane frame element The translational components u1 and u2 are transformed from the local to the global system of axes according to Eq. (11.2.67), while the component u3 , which expresses a rotation about the z axis, remains unaltered in the rotated system because the local axis z and the global axis z are identical, Fig. 11.3.5. Hence, we can write cos f sin f u1 u1 ¼ (11.3.72a) u2 sin f cosf u2 u3 ¼ u3 which may be combined as 3( ) ( ) 2 cos f sin f 0 u1 u1 u2 ¼ 4 sin f cos f 0 5 u2 u3 u3 0 0 1 (11.3.72b) (11.3.73a) The finite element method Chapter 11 411 Fig. 11.3.5 Nodal displacements of the beam element in global and local axes. Similarly, we obtain 3( ) ( ) 2 cosf sin f 0 u4 u4 u5 ¼ 4 sin f cos f 0 5 u5 u6 u6 0 0 1 (11.3.73b) Eqs. (11.3.73a), (11.3.73b) are further combined as 8 9 2 38 9 cos f sin f 0 0 0 0 > u1 > > > > > > u1 > > 6 > > > > > u2 > 7> sin f cos f 0 0 0 0 u > > > 2 > > > 7> = 6 = < > < 6 7 0 0 1 0 0 0 u3 u 3 7 ¼6 6 0 0 cos f sin f 0 7 > > 6 0 > > u4 > > u4 > 7> > > > > > > 4 5> 0 0 0 sin f cos f 0 u > u > > > > 5 > > ; > ; : : 5> 0 0 0 0 0 1 u6 u6 (11.3.74) or ue ¼ Re ue (11.3.75a) ue ¼ ðRe ÞT ue (11.3.75b) hence where 2 cos fe 6 sin fe 6 6 0 e R ¼6 6 0 6 4 0 0 sin fe cos fe 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 cos fe 0 sin fe 0 0 0 0 0 sin fe cos fe 0 3 0 07 7 07 7 07 7 05 1 (11.3.76) represents the transformation matrix of the e plane frame element. Eq. (11.3.75b) holds because the matrix Re is orthonormal. e e e The global vectors of the nodal forces f S , f I , f D and pe ðt Þ are defined in relation to ue . Their transformation obeys the same law, Eq. (11.3.75b). Thus, we have 412 PART II Multi-degree-of-freedom systems f e ¼ðRe ÞT f e S S (11.3.77) f e ¼ðRe ÞT f e I I (11.3.78) f e D (11.3.79) ¼ðRe ÞT f eD pe ðt Þ ¼ðR Þ p ðt Þ e T e (11.3.80) Using Eqs. (11.3.15), (11.3.23), (11.3.40), (11.3.75a), the first three of the foregoing equations are transformed in the global axes as f e ¼ ke ue S (11.3.81) f e I u ¼m (11.3.82) f D ¼ c u (11.3.83) e k ¼ ðRe ÞT ke Re (11.3.84) e ¼ ð Re Þ T m e Re m (11.3.85) ce ¼ ðRe ÞT ce Re (11.3.86) e €e e _e where e e , and ce representing the stiffness, mass, and damping matrices of the with k , m e beam element in global axes, respectively. Note that the lumped mass matrix remains unaltered under this transformation. Applying the procedure presented in Section 11.2.3 for the plane truss, we obtain the equation of motion of the plane frame u_ + K u€ + C u ¼ M pð t Þ (11.3.87) which gives after applying the support conditions and partitioning e ff e e ff e e ff e u€f + C u_ f + K uf ¼ e pf∗ ðt Þ M e sf e e ss e e sf e e ss e e sf e e ss e M u€f + M u€s + C u_ f + C u_ s + K uf + K us ¼ e p s ðt Þ (11.3.88) (11.3.89) where e fs e e fs e e fs e e u€s C u_ s K us pf ðt Þ M pf∗ ðt Þ ¼ e (11.3.90) Apparently, Eqs. (11.3.88), (11.3.89), (11.3.90) are the counterpart of Eqs. (11.2.117), (11.2.118), (11.2.119), which hold for the plane truss. For the sake of convenience, we write Eq. (11.3.88) as M€ u + C€ u + Ku ¼ pðt Þ (11.3.91) The finite element method Chapter 413 11 Example 11.3.2 Formulate the equation of motion of the frame shown in Fig. E11.2. Fig. E11.2 Frame in Example 11.3.2 Assumed data: Coordinates of frame nodes: 1ð0, 0Þ, 2ð0, 5Þ, 3ð4, 8Þ, 4ð10, 0Þ. Properties of the elements: A1 ¼ A, A2 ¼ A3 ¼ 2A, I1 ¼ I , I2 ¼ I3 ¼ 8I , I =A ¼ ðL1 =50Þ2 . Load pðx, t Þ ¼ P ðt Þ=L2 . Damping coefficient cs ¼ 0, modulus of elasticity E, material density r. Lumped mass assumption. Solution The system has n ¼ 4 nodes, hence the free structure has N ¼ 3n ¼ 12 degrees of freedom, (u3i2 , u3i1 , u3i , i ¼ 1, 2, 3, 4). The numbering of the elements and the positive direction of the local axes are chosen as in Fig. E11.2. TABLE E11.2 Geometrical data of the elements in Example 11.3.2. e xj xk D x yj yk 1 0 0 0 0 5 2 0 4 4 5 3 4 10 6 8 D y Le cos fe sinfe 5 5 1 0 8 3 5 0.8 0.6 0 8 10 0.6 0.8 1. Computation of ke , me , ce , pe ðt Þ, Re for e ¼ 1, 2, 3 Matrices ke . The elements have constant cross-section. Therefore, Eq. (11.3.17) is employed, which gives 414 PART II Multi-degree-of-freedom systems 2 3 2500 0 0 2500 0 0 6 0 12 30 0 12 30 7 6 7 6 0 30 100 0 30 50 7 EI 6 7 1 k ¼ 6 7 125 6 2500 0 0 2500 0 07 6 7 4 0 12 30 0 12 30 5 0 30 50 0 30 100 3 2 5000 0 0 5000 0 0 6 0 96 240 0 96 240 7 7 6 6 0 240 800 0 240 400 7 EI 6 7 2 k ¼ 7 6 125 6 5000 0 0 5000 0 07 7 6 4 0 96 240 0 96 240 5 0 240 400 0 240 800 2 3 2500 0 0 2500 0 0 6 0 12 60 0 12 60 7 6 7 6 7 EI 0 60 400 0 60 200 3 6 7 k ¼ 7 2500 0 0 2500 0 0 125 6 6 7 4 0 12 60 0 12 60 5 0 60 200 0 60 400 Matrices me . The elements have constant cross-section. Therefore, Eq. (11.3.32) is employed for lumped mass assumption, which gives 2 3 2 3 2:5 0 0 0 0 0 5:0 0 0 0 0 0 6 0 2:5 0 0 0 0 7 6 0 5:0 0 0 0 0 7 6 7 6 7 6 7 60 0 0 0 0 07 0 0 0 0 0 07 2 6 7 m1 ¼ rA6 ¼ rA , m 6 0 0 0 2:5 0 0 7 6 0 0 0 5:0 0 0 7 6 7 6 7 4 0 0 0 0 2:5 0 5 4 0 0 0 0 5:0 0 5 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 3 10:0 0 0 0 0 0 6 0 10:0 0 0 0 07 6 7 6 0 0 0 0 0 07 3 6 7 m ¼ rA6 0 0 10:0 0 0 7 6 0 7 4 0 0 0 0 10:0 0 5 0 0 0 0 0 0 Matrices ce . It is cs ¼ 0 and Eq. (11.3.42) gives ce ¼ 0. Vectors pe ðt Þ. To be consistent to the lumped mass assumption, the statically equivalent nodal load vector will be employed. Therefore, Eqs. (11.3.50), (11.3.51) give for the load-free elements 1 and 3, p1 ðt Þ ¼ p2 ðt Þ ¼ p3 ðt Þ ¼ p4 ðt Þ ¼ 0 while for element 2, we obtain p1 ðx, t Þ ¼ PLð2t Þ cos fð2Þ sin fð2Þ , p2 ðx, t Þ ¼ PLð2t Þ cos 2 fð2Þ The finite element method Chapter 11 415 where cos fð2Þ ¼ 0:8, sin fð2Þ ¼ 0:6. Thus, we have 9 8 8 9 0:048P ðt Þ > 0> > > > > > > > > > > > > > 0:064P ð t Þ 0> > > > > > > > = = < < > 0 0 2 1 3 , p ðt Þ ¼ p ðt Þ ¼ p ðt Þ ¼ 0:048P ðt Þ > 0> > > > > > > > > > > > > 0:064P ðt Þ > 0> > > > > > > > ; ; : : > 0 0 Matrices Re . The direction cosines cos fe and sin fe are computed from the Cartesian coordinates of the element nodes and are given in Table E11.2. Thus employing Eq. (11.3.76), we obtain 2 3 2 3 0 1 0 0 0 0 0:8 0:6 0 0 0 0 6 1 0 0 0 0 0 7 6 0:6 0:8 0 0 0 0 7 6 7 6 7 6 7 6 0 0 1 0 0 07 0 0 1 0 0 07 2 6 7 ¼ R1 ¼ 6 , R 6 0 0 0 0 1 07 6 0 0 0 0:8 0:6 0 7 6 7 6 7 4 0 0 0 1 0 0 5 4 0 0 0 0:6 0:8 0 5 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 2 3 0:6 0:8 0 0 0 0 6 0:8 0:6 0 0 0 07 6 7 6 0 0 1 0 0 07 3 6 7 R ¼6 0 0 0:6 0:8 0 7 60 7 40 0 0 0:8 0:6 0 5 0 0 0 0 0 1 e e , pe ðt Þ for e ¼ 1, 2, 3 2. Computation of k , m e Matrices k . They are computed using Eq. (11.3.84) 2 3 12 0 30 12 0 30 6 0 2500 0 0 2500 07 6 7 6 EI 30 0 100 30 0 50 7 1 6 7 k ¼ 0 30 12 0 30 7 125 6 6 12 7 4 0 2500 0 0 2500 05 30 0 50 30 0 100 2 3 3234:6 2353:9 144:0 3234:6 2353:9 144:0 6 2353:9 1861:4 192:0 2353:9 1861:4 192:0 7 6 7 6 EI 144:0 192:0 800:0 144:0 192:0 400:0 7 2 6 7 k ¼ 144:00 3234:6 2353:9 144:0 7 125 6 6 3234:6 2353:9 7 4 2353:9 1861:4 192:0 2353:9 1861:4 192:0 5 144:0 192:0 400 144:0 192:0 800:0 416 PART II Multi-degree-of-freedom systems 2 3 907:7 1194:2 48:0 907:6 1194:2 48:0 6 1194:2 1604:3 36:0 1194:2 1604:3 36:0 7 6 7 6 EI 48:0 36:0 400:0 48:0 36:0 200:0 7 6 7 k3 ¼ 907:7 1194:2 48:0 7 125 6 6 907:6 1194:2 48:0 7 4 1194:2 1604:3 36:0 1194:2 1604:3 36:0 5 48:0 36:0 200:0 48:0 36:0 400:0 e . They are computed using Eq. (11.3.85) Matrices m 2 3 2 2:5 0 0 0 0 0 5:0 60 7 60 2:5 0 0 0 0 6 7 6 60 60 0 0 0 0 07 2 7, m 6 1 ¼ rA6 ¼ rA m 60 7 60 0 0 2:5 0 0 7 6 6 40 5 40 0 0 0 2:5 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 10:0 6 0 6 6 0 3 ¼ rA6 m 6 0 6 4 0 0 0 10:0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 10:0 0 0 0 0 0 0 10:0 0 0 5:0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 5:0 0 0 0 0 0 0 5:0 0 3 0 07 7 07 7 07 7 05 0 3 0 07 7 07 7 07 7 05 0 Vectors pe ðt Þ. They are computed using Eq. (11.3.80). 9 8 8 9 0 0> > > > > > > > > > > > > > > 0:08P ð t Þ 0> > > > > > > > = = < < > 0 0 2 1 3 , p ðt Þ ¼ p ðt Þ ¼ p ðt Þ ¼ 0 0> > > > > > > > > > > > > > > 0:08P ð t Þ 0> > > > > > > > ; ; : : > 0 0 ^ e, M ^ e, p ^e ðt Þ for e ¼ 1, 2, 3 3. Computation of the enlarged matrices K Assembly matrices ae . By inspection, we obtain 2 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 60 6 6 60 6 1 a ¼6 60 6 6 40 3 2 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 60 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 07 6 7 6 7 60 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 07 6 7 2 7, a ¼ 6 60 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 07 6 7 6 7 40 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 05 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 07 7 7 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 07 7 7 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 07 7 7 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 05 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 The finite element method Chapter 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 60 6 6 60 6 3 a ¼6 60 6 6 40 11 417 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 07 7 7 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 07 7 7 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 07 7 7 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 05 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 ^ e . They are computed using the relation K ^ e ¼ ðae ÞT ke ae Matrices K 2 12 6 0 6 6 6 30 6 6 12 6 6 6 0 6 6 30 EI 6 ^1 ¼ K 6 125 6 0 6 6 0 6 6 6 0 6 6 0 6 6 4 0 0 0 6 60 6 6 60 6 6 60 6 6 60 6 6 60 ^ 2 ¼ EI 6 K 6 125 6 0 6 6 60 6 6 60 6 6 60 6 6 60 4 0 30 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2500 0 0 100 30 30 12 0 0 2500 0 0 50 0 30 2500 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 07 7 7 50 0 0 0 0 0 0 7 7 30 0 0 0 0 0 0 7 7 7 0 0 0 0 0 0 07 7 100 0 0 0 0 0 0 7 7 7 0 0 0 0 0 0 07 7 0 0 0 0 0 0 07 7 7 0 0 0 0 0 0 07 7 0 0 0 0 0 0 07 7 7 0 0 0 0 0 0 05 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3234:6 2353:9 144:0 3234:6 2353:9 144:0 0 0 2353:9 1861:4 0 0 144:0 192:0 800:0 0 0 3234:6 2353:9 0 0 192:0 2353:9 1861:4 192:0 144:0 192:0 400:0 144:0 3234:6 2353:9 144:0 0 0 2353:9 1861:4 192:0 2353:9 1861:4 192:0 0 0 3 2500 0 2 30 12 144:0 192:0 192:0 400:0 144:0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 800:0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 7 0 0 07 7 7 0 0 07 7 7 0 0 07 7 7 0 0 07 7 7 0 0 07 7 7 0 0 07 7 7 0 0 07 7 7 0 0 07 7 7 0 0 07 7 7 0 0 07 5 0 0 0 418 PART 2 II Multi-degree-of-freedom systems 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 6 60 6 60 6 6 60 6 6 60 6 6 60 EI 6 ^3 ¼ K 125 6 60 6 60 6 6 60 6 6 60 6 6 40 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 907:6 1194:2 0 0 0 0 0 1194:2 0 48 1604:3 36 0 0 0 0 0 48 36 400 0 0 0 0 0 907:6 1194:2 48 0 0 0 0 0 1194:2 1604:3 0 0 0 0 0 0 48 36 0 907:6 200 1604:3 36 400 0 1194:2 36 907:6 1194:2 36 1194:2 48 3 7 07 7 07 7 7 07 7 7 07 7 7 07 7 7 48 7 7 36 7 7 7 200 7 7 7 48 7 7 7 36 5 1194:2 1604:3 48 0 ^ e . They are computed using the relation M ^ e ¼ ðae ÞT m e ae Matrices M 3 2 2:5 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 60 2:5 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 07 7 6 60 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 07 7 6 7 6 0 0 2:5 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 7 60 7 6 60 0 0 0 2:5 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 7 7 6 60 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 07 7 6 1 ^ M ¼ rA6 7, 60 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 07 7 6 60 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 07 7 6 60 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 07 7 6 7 6 60 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 07 7 6 40 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 05 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 60 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 07 6 7 60 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 07 6 7 6 7 6 0 0 0 5: 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 7 6 7 6 0 0 0 0 5: 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 7 6 7 60 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 07 6 7 2 ^ ¼ rA6 M 7 6 0 0 0 0 0 0 5: 0 0 0 0 0 7 6 7 6 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 5: 0 0 0 0 7 6 7 60 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 07 6 7 6 7 60 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 07 6 7 40 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 05 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 The finite element method Chapter 2 0 60 6 60 6 60 6 60 6 6 60 3 ^ M ¼ rA6 60 6 60 6 60 6 60 6 40 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 10: 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 10: 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 10: 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 10: 0 11 419 3 0 07 7 07 7 07 7 07 7 7 07 7 07 7 07 7 07 7 07 7 05 0 ^e ðt Þ. They are computed using the relation p ^ e ðt Þ ¼ ðae ÞT pe ðt Þ Vectors p 9 8 8 9 0 0> > > > > > > > > > > > > > 0 > 0> > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > 0 > 0 > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > 0 0 > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > 0:08P ð t Þ 0 > > > > > > > = = < < > 0 0 2 1 3 ^ ðt Þ ¼ p ^ ðt Þ ¼ ^ ðt Þ ¼ , p p 0 0> > > > > > > > > > > > > > > 0:08P ð t Þ 0> > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > 0 0 > > > > > > > > > > > > > > 0 >0> > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > 0 0 > > > ; ; : : > 0 0 K, pðt Þ of the frame 4. Computation of the total matrices M, 2 2:5 60 6 60 6 6 60 6 60 6 3 X 6 ¼ ^ e ¼ rA6 0 M M 60 6 e¼1 60 6 6 60 6 60 6 40 0 0 2:5 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 7:5 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 7:5 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 15: 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 15: 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 10: 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 10: 0 3 0 07 7 07 7 7 07 7 07 7 07 7 07 7 07 7 7 07 7 07 7 05 0 ¼ K 3 X ^e K e¼1 2 12 0 6 0 2500 6 6 6 30 0 6 6 12 0 6 6 6 0 2500 6 0 EI 6 6 30 ¼ 6 125 6 0 0 6 6 0 0 6 6 6 0 0 6 6 0 0 6 6 4 0 0 0 0 30 12 0 30 0 0 0 0 0 0 100 0 30 2500 0 0 50 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 30 3246:6 2353:9 114 3234:6 2353:9 144 0 0 0 50 2353:9 114 4361:4 192 2353:9 144 1861:4 192 192 400 0 0 0 0 1159:7 3465:7 192 156 192 900 0 3234:6 2353:9 144 0 2353:9 1861:4 192 0 144 192 400 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 4142:28 1159:7 192 156 907:68 1194:2 1194:2 1604:3 48 36 9 8 0 > > > > > > > > 0 > > > > > > > > 0 > > > > > > > > 2P ð t Þ > > > > > > > > 0:08P ð t Þ > > > > 3 = < X 0 ðt Þ + ^ e ðt Þ ¼ pðt Þ ¼ P p 0 > > > > e¼1 > > > 1:08P ðt Þ > > > > > > > > > > > 0 > > > > > > > > 0 > > > > > > > > 0 > > ; : 0 1200 48 36 200 907:68 1194:2 1194:2 1604:3 48 36 907:68 1194:2 1194:2 1604:3 48 36 0 3 07 7 7 07 7 07 7 7 07 7 07 7 7 48 7 7 36 7 7 7 200 7 7 48 7 7 7 36 5 400 The finite element method Chapter 11 421 K, pðt Þ due to support conditions of 5. Modification of the matrices M, the frame Referring to Fig. E11.2, the displacement vector should be rearranged as e e1 u e2 u e3 u e4 u e5 u e6 u e7 u e8 u e9 u e10 u e11 u e12 g uT ¼ f u ¼ f u4 u5 u6 u7 u8 u9 u12 u1 u2 u3 u10 u11 g Hence, the matrix V is 9 2 8 0 e1 > u > > > > >u 60 > > e 2 > > > 6 > > 60 > > e3 > u > > 6 > > > > > > e4 > u > 6 > 61 > > > > 60 > e u5 > > > > = 6 < 60 e6 u ¼6 60 e u > 7 > > > 6 > > > >u 60 e > > 8 > > 6 > > > >u 60 > > e 9 > > 6 > > > > 60 > > e u 10 > > 6 > > > > 40 > > e u 11 > > ; : 0 e12 u defined from the relation 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 38 9 0 > u4 > > > > > > u5 > 07 > 7> > > > > > > 07 u > > 6 7> > > > > > 07 u > 7 7> > > > > > 07 > > u8 > > 7> = < 07 7 u9 07 > u12 > > 7> > > > u1 > 07 > > > 7> > > > > > 07 u 2 > > 7> > > > u > > 07 3 > > 7> > > > > > 1 5> u 10 > > ; : 0 u11 Applying Eqs. (11.2.114a), (11.2.114c), (11.2.114d), we obtain 422 PART II Multi-degree-of-freedom systems e ff , M e fs , M e sf , M e ss , K e ff , K e fs , K e sf , K e ss , 6. Formulation of the matrices M e pf ðt Þ, e p s ðt Þ e M, e e These matrices result directly from K, pðt Þ taking into account the partitioning dictated by the separation of the free displacements from the specified (support) ones. Thus, we have 2 3 2 3 7:5 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 60 60 0 0 0 07 7:5 0 0 0 0 07 6 7 6 7 60 7 60 0 0 0 07 0 0 0 0 0 07 6 6 7 e ff ¼ rA6 0 e 6 7 0 0 15: 0 0 0 7 M 6 7, Mfs ¼ rA6 0 0 0 0 0 7 60 7 6 7 0 0 0 15: 0 0 7 6 60 0 0 0 07 40 5 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 05 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 3 2 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2:5 0 0 0 0 60 0 0 0 0 0 07 60 2:5 0 0 0 7 7 7 6 6 e ss ¼ rA6 0 e sf ¼ rA6 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 7, M 0 0 0 0 7 M 7 7 6 6 40 0 0 0 0 0 05 40 0 0 10: 0 5 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 10: 2 3 3246:6 2353:9 114 3234:6 2353:9 144 0 6 2353:9 4361:4 192 2353:9 1861:4 192 07 6 7 6 114 7 192 900 144 192 400 0 6 7 EI e 6 Kff ¼ 3234:6 2353:9 144 4142:2 1159:7 192 48 7 6 7 125 6 7 6 2353:9 1861:4 192 1159:7 3465:7 156 36 7 4 144 192 400 192 156 1200 200 5 0 0 0 48 36 200 400 3 2 12 0 30 0 0 6 0 2500 0 0 0 7 7 6 6 30 0 50 0 0 7 7 6 EI e fs ¼ 6 0 0 0 907:6 1194:2 7 K 7 125 6 6 0 0 0 1194:2 1604:3 7 7 6 4 0 0 0 48 36 5 0 0 0 48 36 The finite element method Chapter 11 423 2 3 12 0 30 0 0 0 0 6 0 2500 0 0 0 0 07 6 7 e sf ¼ EI 6 30 K 0 50 0 0 0 07 6 7 125 4 0 0 0 907:6 1194:2 48 48 5 0 0 0 1194:2 1604:3 36 36 2 3 12 0 30 0 0 6 0 2500 0 0 0 7 7 EI 6 e 6 30 0 100 0 0 7 Kss ¼ 6 7 125 4 0 0 0 907:6 1194:2 5 0 0 0 1194:2 1604:3 9 8 2:0P > > 9 8 > > > > > 0:08P > P1 > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > = = < P2 > < 0 e , e ps ðt Þ ¼ P3 0 pf ðt Þ ¼ > > > > > > > > > P10 > > 1:08P > > > > > ; > : > > > > > P11 0 > > ; : 0 7. Equation of motion In as much as e us ¼ 0, it is also e u€s ¼ 0 and Eq. (11.3.90) yields e pf∗ ðt Þ ¼ e pf ðt Þ. The equation of motion results from Eq. (11.3.88). Thus we obtain 2 7:5 60 6 60 6 6 rA6 0 6 60 6 40 0 2 0 7:5 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 15:0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 15:0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 38 9 0 > e€1 > u > > > > > > > 07 u 7> > e€2 > > > > > 7 0 7> e€3 > <u = 7 € 07 u e4 7> € > > > 0 7> e5 > >u > > 7> > > €6 > 0 5> > > e u > :€ > ; 0 e7 u 38 9 e1 > 3246:6 2353:9 114:0 3234:6 2353:9 144:0 0 > >u > > 6 2353:9 4361:4 192:0 2353:9 1861:4 192:0 7> > > > e2 > u 0 6 7> > > > > 6 114:0 7 > e3 > 192:0 900:0 144:0 192:0 400:0 0 7> u < = 6 EI 6 7 e4 + 6 3234:6 2353:9 144:0 4142:2 1159:7 192:0 48:0 7 u 7> > 125 6 >u > 6 2353:9 1861:4 192:0 1159:7 3465:7 156:0 36:0 7> e5 > > > > 6 7> > > > > 4 144:0 5 e 192:0 400:0 u 192:0 156:0 1200:0 200:0 > 6 > > > : ; e7 u 0 0 0 48:0 36:0 200:0 400:0 8 9 2:0P > > > > > > 0:08P > > > > > > > > > > > > 0 < = ¼ 0 > > > > > 1:08P > > > > > > > > > 0 > > > > : ; 0 424 PART II Multi-degree-of-freedom systems The solution of the equation of motion gives the vector e uf . Then Eq. (11.3.89) yields the support reactions because there are no nodal element loads in the direction of the supports, hence e sf e e uf p s ðt Þ ¼ K or 8 9 e1 > u > > 2 3> 8 9 > > > e2 > 12 0 30 0 0 0 0 u P > > 1 > > > > > > > > > > > > 6 7 > > > e 0 2500 0 0 0 0 0 u P < 2 = EI 6 = 7< 3 > 6 7 e4 50 0 0 0 0 7 u P3 ¼ 6 30 0 > > 7> > > > 125 6 > > > 4 0 e5 > 0 0 907:68 1194:2 48 48 5> u > P10 > > > > : ; > > > > > e 0 0 0 1194:2 1604:3 36 36 > u P11 > 6> > : > ; e7 u 11.4 Static condensation: Guyan’s reduction Often the inertial forces in the directions of some coordinates are small and can be omitted. This allows reducing significantly the number of equations of motion to be solved. Such a case is common in the FEM, where the kinetic energy of the rotational degrees of freedom is neglected because it is small compared to that of the translational degrees. If the elements of the displacement vector are reordered so that the vector ut includes the translational degrees of freedom and the vector uq the rotational ones, then for C ¼ 0 and M diagonal Eq. (11.3.91) is written as €t u Ktt Ktq ut pt Mtt 0 + ¼ (11.4.1) €q Kqt Kqq uq pq 0 0 u where the vector pq ðt Þ includes the actions (moment) applied directly to the nodes. Obviously, Eq. (11.4.1) yields after performing the multiplications €t + Ktt ut + Ktq uq ¼ pt ðt Þ Mtt u (11.4.2a) Kqt ut + Kqq uq ¼ pq ðt Þ (11.4.2b) Eq. (11.4.2b) is quasistatic and can be used to eliminate uq from Eq. (11.4.2a). Τhe matrix Kqq is square and can be inverted. Thus solving Eq. (11.4.2b) for uq gives uq ¼ K1 qq ðpq ðt Þ Kqt ut Þ which is substituted into Eq. (11.4.2a) to yield €t + Ktt∗ ut ¼ pt∗ ðt Þ Mtt u (11.4.3) The finite element method Chapter 11 425 where Ktt∗ ¼ Ktt Ktq K1 qq Kqt (11.4.4a) pt∗ ¼ pt Ktq K1 qq pq (11.4.4b) Ktt∗ The matrix is called the statically condensed stiffness matrix while the procedure producing it is referred to as the static condensation. Obviously, when pq ¼ 0, pt∗ ¼ pt . The reduction of the degrees of freedom can also be achieved when the mass matrix is not diagonal or the inertial forces in the rotational degrees of freedom are not negligible. In the employed technique, a subset of the coordinates is selected arbitrarily as the set of active (or “master”) coordinates, say ut , and the remaining coordinates are dependent (or “slave”) coordinates, say uq . In this case, the mass matrix of Eq. (11.4.1) is written in the partitioned form Mtt Mtq (11.4.5) M¼ Mqt Mqq where now the matrices Mtq , Mqt , Mqq may not vanish. The starting point is Eq. (11.4.2b), which for pq ðt Þ ¼ 0 becomes uq ¼ K1 qq Kqt ut (11.4.6) In the foregoing equation ut represents the independent coordinates and uq the dependent ones. Thus, we can write I ut ¼ ut (11.4.7) K1 uq qq Kqt or u ¼ Tut where I T¼ K1 qq Kqt (11.4.8) (11.4.9) represents the transformation matrix of the independent coordinates ut to u. By virtue of the transformation (11.4.9), the elastic energy is written 1 U ¼ uT Ku 2 1 ¼ uTt TT KTut 2 1 ¼ uTt K ut 2 (11.4.10) 426 PART II Multi-degree-of-freedom systems where K ¼TT KT ¼Ktt Ktq K1 qq Kqt (11.4.11) Similarly, the kinetic energy is written 1 K ¼ u_ T Mu_ 2 1 ¼ u_ Tt TT MTu_ t 2 1 ¼ u_ Tt M u_ t 2 (11.4.12) where M ¼TT MT " #" # I Mtt Mtq 1 ¼ I Kqt Kqq Mqt Mqq K1 qq Kqt (11.4.13) 1 1 1 ¼Mtt Mtq K1 qq Kqt + Kqt Kqq Mqq Kqq Kqt Kqt Kqq Mqt Obviously, if M is diagonal then Mtq ¼ Mqt ¼ 0 and the foregoing equation becomes 1 M ¼ Mtt + Kqt K1 qq Mqq Kqq Kqt (11.4.14) Finally, the virtual work of the external nodal loads is written dWp ¼duT pðt Þ ¼duTt TT pðt Þ (11.4.15) ¼duTt p ∗ ðt Þ where p ∗ ðt Þ ¼TT pðt Þ ¼pt ðt Þ K1 qq Kqt pq ðt Þ (11.4.16) This reduction of the degrees of freedom is known as the Guyan reduction [6]. Obviously, in this reduction, the stiffness of the structure is not affected, as all elements of the original stiffness matrix contribute to the reduced stiffness matrix. On the contrary, the reduced mass matrix is affected as it involves combinations of elements of the mass and stiffness matrix. This technique reduces the number of equations. Nevertheless, it introduces approximations, and the reliability of the results depends on the selection of the eliminated degrees of freedom. The finite element method Chapter 11 427 Example 11.4.1 Formulate the equation of motion of the frame in Example 11.3.2 after the static condensation of the rotational degrees of freedom. Solution e3 , u e6 , u e7 The rotational degrees of freedom are u6 , u9 , u12 , will take the places u in the modified displacement vector e uf . Therefore, the elements of the vector e uf must be reordered as follows: 38 9 8 9 2 e1 > 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 > u u1 > > > > > > 6 > > > > > 7> > > > > > 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 e u u 2> 2> 6 7> > > > > > > > > > > 6 7 > 6 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 7> > > > > e4 > u = 6 = < u3 > < 7 7 u 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 e u4 ¼ 6 5 6 7 > > > 6 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 7> > >u > >u > > > e > > > > 6 7 5 3> > > > > 6 > > > > > 7> > > > > > 4 5 e 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 u u 6> 6> > > > > > ; ; : > : > e7 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 u u7 which defines the transformation matrix 2 1 0 0 60 1 0 6 6 60 0 0 6 6 VC ¼ 6 0 0 1 6 60 0 0 6 6 40 0 0 0 0 0 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 07 7 7 0 1 0 07 7 7 0 0 0 07 7 1 0 0 07 7 7 0 0 1 05 0 0 0 1 e ff and the vector e e ff , K pf as and modifies the matrices M 2 7:5 0 0 0 6 0 7:5 0 0 6 6 6 0 0 15:0 0 6 6 T e M ¼ VC Mff VC ¼ 6 0 0 0 15:0 6 6 0 0 0 0 6 6 0 0 0 4 0 0 0 0 0 3 0 0 0 0 0 07 7 7 0 0 07 7 7 0 0 07 7 0 0 07 7 7 0 0 05 0 0 0 428 PART II Multi-degree-of-freedom systems The implied partitioning of the matrices M, K, and vector pðt Þ in the foregoing equations yields 2 2 7:5 60 Mtt ¼ rA6 40 0 3 0 0 0 7:5 0 0 7 7 0 15 0 5 0 0 15 3 3246:6 2353:9 3234:6 2353:9 7 EI 6 6 2353:9 4361:4 2353:9 1861:4 7, Ktt ¼ 4 125 3234:6 2353:9 4142:2 1159:7 5 2353:9 1861:4 1159:7 3465:7 2 3 114 144 0 7 EI 6 6 192 192 0 7 Ktq ¼ 4 5 144 192 48 125 192 156 36 2 3 2 3 114 192 144 192 900 400 0 EI 4 EI 4 400 1200 200 5 144 192 192 156 5, Kqq ¼ Kqt ¼ 125 125 0 0 48 36 0 200 400 2 3 2 3 2P ðt Þ 0 6 0:08P ðt Þ 7 7, pq ðt Þ ¼ 4 0 5 pt ðt Þ ¼ 6 4 0 5 0 1:08P ðt Þ Applying Eqs. (11.4.4a), (11.4.4b) gives (11.4.4a) 2 3 3222:71 2389:02 3205:83 2387:19 7 EI 6 6 2389:02 4308:10 2396:65 1810:18 7, Ktt∗ ¼ 4 5 3205:83 2396:65 4101:75 1196:10 125 2387:19 1810:18 1196:10 3412:98 9 8 2:0P ðt Þ > > > > > > < 0:08P ðt Þ = ∗ pt ðt Þ ¼ > > 0 > > > > ; : 1:08P ðt Þ The finite element method Chapter 11 429 Hence, the equation of motion after the static condensation is 2 7:5 6 60 rA6 60 4 0 2 38 9 > u€1 > > > > 7> 7:5 0 0 7< u€2 = 7 0 15 0 7 u€4 > > > 5> > ; : > 0 0 15 u€5 0 0 0 38 9 8 9 2389:02 3205:83 2387:19 > u1 > > 2:0 > > > > > > 6 7> > > 2389:02 4308:10 2396:65 1810:18 7< u2 = < 0:08 = EI 6 6 7 + ¼ 7 u > > 0 >P ð t Þ 125 6 > > 4 3205:83 2396:65 4101:75 1196:10 5> 4> > > > ; : ; > : > 1:08 2387:19 1810:18 1196:10 3412:98 u5 3222:71 11.5 Flexural vibrations of a plane frame In a frame structure, the work due to the axial deformation of its elements is small compared to that due to bending deformation. Thus, in the usual cases, the axial deformation is omitted in order to reduce the number of equations of motion to be solved, which is an important issue in the dynamic analysis.e This omission is particularly convenient in small plane frames with elements parallel to the global axes (e.g., rectangular frames), where the equations of motion can be easily derived by hand without recourse to the FEM. This is illustrated with the examples below. However, the general problem of neglecting the axial deformations in frames is discussed in Section 11.7. In flexural vibrations, the displacement vector results by omitting the degrees of freedom u1 and u4 in the direction of the element local x axis. The remaining degrees of freedom are shown in Fig. 11.5.1 after the renumbering. Thus, the displacement vector is written now u ¼ f u1 u2 u3 u4 gT (11.5.1) where u1 , u3 are the translational degrees of freedom and u2 , u4 the rotational ones. Then the reduced stiffness, mass, and damping matrices and the vectors of the nodal forces of the element will result from the corresponding original ones by omitting the nodal forces in these directions. Thus, for an element with a constant cross-section, the stiffness matrix results from Eq. (11.3.17) by omitting the first and fourth line as well as the first and fourth column. This yields e. The omission of the axial deformation is not always permitted because it may lead to considerable mistakes in certain structures such as high-rise buildings, whose overall deformation pattern resembles that of a cantilever when subjected to horizontal loads. Obviously, this deformation cannot be realized when the axial deformation of the columns is neglected. 430 PART II Multi-degree-of-freedom systems Fig. 11.5.1 Degrees of freedom of a beam element with bending deformation. 2 12EI 6EI 3 6 L L2 6 4EI 6 6EI 6 2 6 L ke ¼ 6 L 6EI 6 12EI 6 3 2 6 L L 4 6EI 2EI L2 L 3 12EI 6EI L3 L2 7 7 6EI 2EI 7 7 2 L L 7 7 12EI 6EI 7 7 L3 L2 7 6EI 4EI 5 2 L L (11.5.2) Similarly, the consistent mass matrix is obtained from Eq. (11.3.25) as 2 3 156 22L 54 13L 4L2 13L 3L2 7 me 6 6 22L 7 (11.5.3) me ¼ 6 7 420 4 54 13L 156 22L 5 13L 3L2 22L 4L2 and the lumped mass matrix from Eq. (11.3.32) as 2 3 1 0 0 0 7 me 6 60 0 0 07 me ¼ 6 7 2 40 0 1 05 (11.5.4) 0 0 0 0 The damping matrix is obtained from Eq. (11.3.42) as 2 3 12cs I 6cs I 12cs I 6cs I 3 6 L3 L2 L L2 7 6 7 6 6cs I 4c I 6c I 2c s s sI 7 6 7 2 6 L2 7 L L L e 6 7 c ¼6 12cs I 6cs I 7 6 12cs I 6cs I 2 7 6 L3 L2 L3 L 7 6 7 4 6cs I 2cs I 6cs I 4cs I 5 2 L2 L L L (11.5.5) The finite element method Chapter while the geometric stiffness matrix for Eq. (11.3.59) 2 12 1 6 L 6 4L 6 1 N6 e 3 6 kG ¼ 6 12 10 6 6 L 1 4 L 1 3 11 431 constant axial force results from 12 L 1 12 L 1 3 1 7 L 7 7 7 3 7 7 1 7 7 4L 5 3 (11.5.6) Finally, the consistent nodal load vector is obtained from Eq. (11.3.46), which for a constant load py ðx, t Þ ¼ pe becomes pe ðt Þ ¼ p e Le 2 1 L L 1 6 6 T (11.5.7) and the static equivalent nodal load vector is obtained from Eq. (11.3.49) as p e Le (11.5.8) f 1 0 1 0 gT 2 In the following examples, the formulation of the equation of motion of certain frames with elements parallel to the global axes is presented. The method of influence coefficients is employed to establish the matrices of the structure. pe ðt Þ ¼ Example 11.5.1 Formulate the equation of motion of the structure shown in Fig. E11.3a. Consider the lumped mass assumption for the column. Examine the case I0 ¼ 0. Assumed material density r ¼ m=10AL. Solution The structure may be viewed as a plane frame consisting of a single element, the beam column. Obviously, the system has two free degrees of freedom in global axes: the nodal displacement u1 and the rotation u2 of the top cross-section (see Fig. E11.3b). Hence, the stiffness matrix of the structure is (a) (b) (c) (d) (e) Fig. E11.3 Structure in Example 11.5.1 (a), parameters of motion (b), deformation patterns (c), (d), and beam element degrees of freedom (e) ¼ k 11 K k 21 k12 k22 (1) 432 PART II Multi-degree-of-freedom systems are evaluated by considering the The elements of the stiffness matrix K deformation of the system in global axes. The matrix element kij expresses the elastic force in the direction of ui , when uj ¼ 1 while the remaining displacements are zero (i, j, ¼ 1, 2). The deformation patterns are shown in Fig. E11.3c and d. The nodal elastic forces can be evaluated using the stiffness matrix of the beam element with a constant cross-section, Eq. (11.5.2), when matching u1 ¼ u1 , u2 ¼ u2 , u3 ¼ u4 ¼ 0 (see Fig. E11.3e). Consequently, we obtain: With reference to Fig. E11.3c 12EI ð1Þ k11 ¼ k11 ¼ 3 , L 6EI ð1Þ k21 ¼ k21 ¼ 2 L With reference to Fig. E11.3d 6EI ð1Þ k12 ¼ k12 ¼ 2 , L 4EI ð1Þ k22 ¼ k22 ¼ L Obviously, it is not necessary to evaluate the element k21 because the stiffness matrix is symmetric. Thus, we have 2 12EI 6EI 3 L3 L2 7 ¼6 K 4 5 6EI 4EI L2 L The mass matrix is m11 0 M¼ 0 m22 (2) (3) where ð1Þ 11 ¼ m11 + m ¼ rAL=2 + m ¼ 1:05m and m22 ¼ I0 m Hence, the mass matrix of the structure is ¼ 1:05m 0 M 0 I0 (4) The vector of the nodal loads is pðt Þ ¼ Therefore, the equation 11 0 m 22 0 m pðt Þ M ðt Þ of motion of the structure is pðt Þ u1 u€1 k11 k12 + ¼ € M ðt Þ u2 u2 k 21 k 22 (5) (6) or after performing the operations 11 u€1 + k11 u1 + k12 u2 ¼ pðt Þ m (7a) 22 u€2 + k21 u1 + k22 u2 ¼ M ðt Þ m (7b) The finite element method Chapter 11 433 22 ¼ I0 ¼ 0 static condensation is applied and Eq. (7b) becomes When m k21 u1 + k22 u2 ¼ M ðt Þ (8) from which we obtain 1 1 u2 ¼ k22 M ðt Þ k22 k21 u1 (9) Then substituting into Eq. (7a) gives ∗ 11 u€1 + k11 u1 ¼ p ∗ ðt Þ m (10) 3EI 1 ∗ k11 ¼ k11 k12 k22 k21 ¼ 3 L (11) where 1 p ∗ ðt Þ ¼ pðt Þ k12 k22 M ðt Þ ¼ pðt Þ 3 M ðt Þ 2L (12) ∗ Inserting the values for k11 and p ∗ ðt Þ into Eq. (10) yields the condensed equation of motion 1:2m u€1 + 3EI M ðt Þ u1 ¼ pðt Þ 1:5 3 L L (13) We observe that the moment M ðt Þ in the direction of u2 adds a force in the direction of u1 . Example 11.5.2 Formulate the equation of motion of the plane frame shown Fig. E11.4 by neglecting the axial deformation and the damping of the elements. Column 1 is elastically supported on the ground, whose stiffness is simulated by the rotational spring kR ¼ EI =2L. All elements have a constant cross-section. Their properties are shown in the figure. The mass matrix will be obtained using the lumped mass assumption. The rotational degrees of freedom will be condensed. Assume M ðt Þ ¼ 2P ðt ÞL. Fig. E11.4 Frame in Example 11.5.2. 434 PART II Multi-degree-of-freedom systems Solution Inasmuch as the axial deformation of the elements is neglected, the degrees of freedom of the structure are reduced to seven, two translational, u1 , u2 , and five rotational, u3 , u4 , u5 , u6 , u7 . The degrees of freedom are shown in Fig. E11.5. Fig. E11.5 Degrees of freedom of the frame in Example 11.5.2. Stiffness matrix. The stiffness matrix will have the form (a) (b) (c) (d) (e) (f) (g) Fig. E11.6 Deformation patterns of the frame in Example 11.5.2 due to unit nodal displacements. The finite element method Chapter 2 k11 6 6 k 21 6 6 k31 6 ¼6 K 6 k41 6 6 k51 6 6 4 k 61 k12 k22 k32 k13 k23 k33 k42 k43 k52 k53 k62 k63 k14 k24 k34 k15 k25 k35 k44 k45 k54 k55 k64 k65 k16 k26 k36 k46 k56 k66 k 71 k 72 k 73 k 74 k 75 k76 11 3 k17 7 k27 7 7 k37 7 7 7 k47 7 7 k57 7 7 7 k67 5 k77 435 (1) Its elements will be computed as the elastic forces at the nodes by giving a unit value to each displacement and keeping the other displacements equal to zero, following the method of the influence coefficients discussed in Section 10.4.1. For the economy of the computation, we will take advantage of the symmetry of the matrix and restrict the computations to the elements of the main diagonal and those below it. are computed by referring to The elements of the 1st column of K Fig. E11.6a. The displacement u1 ¼ 1 “activates” (deforms) the elements 1 and 3. Their matching with the beam element is shown in Fig. E11.5, namely: Element 1: u1 ¼ u1 , u2 ¼ 0, u3 ¼ 0, u4 ¼ 0 Element 3: u1 ¼ u1 , u2 ¼ 0, u3 ¼ 0, u4 ¼ 0 Then, with reference to Eq. (11.5.2), we obtain 12EI 12EI 27 EI 12EI ð1Þ ð3Þ ð3Þ k11 ¼ k11 + k11 ¼ + 3 ¼ , k 21 ¼ k31 ¼ 3 L 2 L3 L ð2LÞ3 6EI 3 EI 6EI 3 EI ð1Þ ð1Þ k31 ¼ k41 ¼ ¼ , k 41 ¼ k21 ¼ ¼ ð2LÞ2 2 L2 ð2LÞ2 2 L2 6EI 6EI ð3Þ ð3Þ k51 ¼ k21 ¼ 2 , k61 ¼ k41 ¼ 2 , k71 ¼ 0 L L The elements of the 2nd column of K are computed by referring to Fig. E11.6b. The displacement u2 ¼ 1 activates (deforms) the elements 3, 4, and 6. Their matching with the beam element is: Element 3: u1 ¼ 0, u2 ¼ 0, u3 ¼ u2 , u4 ¼ 0 Element 4: u1 ¼ u2 , u2 ¼ 0, u3 ¼ 0, u4 ¼ 0 Element 6: u1 ¼ u2 , u2 ¼ 0, u3 ¼ 0, u4 ¼ 0 Then, with reference to Eq. (11.5.2), we obtain 12EI 12EI 12EI 36EI ð3Þ ð4Þ ð6Þ k22 ¼ k33 + k11 + k11 ¼ 3 + 3 + 3 ¼ 3 L L L L 6EI ð3Þ k32 ¼ 0, k42 ¼ 0, k52 ¼ k23 ¼ 2 L 6EI 6EI 6EI ð3Þ ð4Þ ð6Þ k62 ¼ k43 + k21 ¼ 2 + 2 ¼ 0, k72 ¼ k21 ¼ 2 L L L 436 PART II Multi-degree-of-freedom systems are computed by referring to The elements of the 3rd column of K Fig. E11.6c. The rotation u3 ¼ 1 activates (deforms) only element 1. Its matching with the beam element is: Element 1: u1 ¼ 0, u2 ¼ 0, u3 ¼ u2 , u4 ¼ 0 Then, with reference to Eq. (11.5.2), we obtain 4EI EI 5 EI 2EI EI ð1Þ ð1Þ k33 ¼ k44 + kR ¼ + ¼ , k 43 ¼ k24 ¼ ¼ 2L 2L 2 L 2L L k 63 ¼ 0, k 73 ¼ 0 k 53 ¼ 0, are computed by referring to The elements of the 4th column of K Fig. E11.6d. The rotation u4 ¼ 1 activates (deforms) the elements 1 and 2. Their matching with the beam element is: Element 1: u1 ¼ 0, u2 ¼ u4 , u3 ¼ 0, u4 ¼ 0 Element 2: u1 ¼ 0, u2 ¼ u4 , u3 ¼ 0, u4 ¼ 0 Then, with reference to Eq. (11.5.2), we obtain 4EI 4ð8EI Þ 34EI ð1Þ ð2Þ k44 ¼ k22 + k22 ¼ + ¼ 2L L L 2ð8EI Þ 16EI ð2Þ ¼ , k54 ¼ k42 ¼ L L k64 ¼ 0, k74 ¼ 0 are computed by referring to The elements of the 5th column of K Fig. E11.6e. The rotation u5 ¼ 1 activates (deforms) the elements 2 and 3. Their matching with the beam element is: Element 2: u1 ¼ 0, u2 ¼ 0, u3 ¼ 0, u4 ¼ u5 Element 3: u1 ¼ 0, u2 ¼ u5 , u3 ¼ 0, u4 ¼ 0 Then, with reference to Eq. (11.5.2), we obtain 4ð8EI Þ 4EI 36EI ð2Þ ð3Þ k55 ¼ k44 + k22 ¼ + ¼ L L L 2EI ð3Þ , k75 ¼ 0 k65 ¼ k42 ¼ L are computed by referring to The elements of the 6th column of K Fig. E11.6f. The rotation u5 ¼ 1 activates (deforms) the elements 3, 4, and 5. Their matching with the beam element is: Element 3: u1 ¼ 0, u2 ¼ 0, u3 ¼ 0, u4 ¼ u6 Element 4: u1 ¼ 0, u2 ¼ u6 , u3 ¼ 0, u4 ¼ 0 Element 5: u1 ¼ 0, u2 ¼ u6 , u3 ¼ 0, u4 ¼ 0 The finite element method Chapter 11 437 Then, with reference to Eq. (11.5.2), we obtain 4EI 4EI 4ð8EI Þ 88 EI ð3Þ ð4Þ ð5Þ k66 ¼ k44 + k22 + k22 ¼ + + ¼ L L 1:5L 3 L 2ð8EI Þ 32 EI ð5Þ k76 ¼ k42 ¼ ¼ 1:5L 3 L are computed by referring to Finally, the elements of the 7th column of K Fig. E11.6g. The rotation u7 ¼ 1 activates (deforms) the elements 5 and 6. Their matching with the beam element is: Element 5: u1 ¼ 0, u2 ¼ 0, u3 ¼ 0, u4 ¼ u7 Element 6: u1 ¼ 0, u2 ¼ u6 , u3 ¼ 0, u4 ¼ 0 Then, with reference to Eq. (11.5.2), we obtain 4ð8EI Þ 4EI 76 EI ð5Þ ð6Þ k77 ¼ k44 + k22 ¼ + ¼ 1:5L L 3 L Therefore, the stiffness matrix is ð2Þ Mass matrix. The lumped mass assumption for the elements, Fig E11.7a, concentrates the mass at the nodes of the frame as shown in Fig. E11.7b. Obviously, inertial forces arise only in the directions of the translational degrees of freedom u1 and u2 . Thus, we have ð1Þ ð2Þ ð2Þ ð3Þ m11 ¼ m1 + m1 + m2 + m1 ¼ 11:5mL ð3Þ ð4Þ ð5Þ ð5Þ ð6Þ m22 ¼ m2 + m1 + m1 + m2 + m1 ¼ 16:5mL Therefore the mass matrix of the structure reads ð3Þ 438 PART (a) II Multi-degree-of-freedom systems (b) Fig. E11.7 Lumped masses of the elements (a) and nodal masses of the frame (b) in Example 11.5.2. Vector of the external nodal loads. This includes the nodal loads that are directly applied to the nodes of the frame as well as those resulting from the contribution of the equivalent nodal loads due to the element loads. In our problem, only element 6 is loaded. To be consistent with the mass matrix, the equivalent nodal load will be obtained from Eq. (11.3.51). 9 8 Hence 2 > > > = < P ðt Þ > 3 p1 ðt Þ ð6Þ ¼ p ðt Þ ¼ p3 ðt Þ > > > ; : 1 P ðt Þ > 3 Therefore, the vector of the external loads of the structure reads Static condensation. This includes the elimination of the five rotations M , and pðt Þ is indicated in u3 , u4 ,…, u7 . The required partitioning of K, Eqs. (2), (3), (4). Thus, we have 2 3 2 3 27 3 3 tq ¼ EI 4 2 L 2 L 6L 6L 0 5 tt ¼ EI 4 2 12 5, K K L3 L3 12 36 0 0 6L 0 6L 3 2 2 3 5 2 2 3 0 0 0 7 62L L L 0 7 6 62 7 7 6 2 6 7 34L2 16L2 0 0 7 6L 63 7 7 6 6 L 0 7 7 60 62 7 2 2 2 EI EI 16L 36L 2L 0 7 6 6 7 , Kqq ¼ 3 6 Kqt ¼ 3 6 7 7 L 6 6L 6L 7 L 6 7 88 32 60 6 7 0 2L2 L2 L2 7 6 6 6L 0 7 3 3 7 7 6 4 5 4 32 2 76 2 5 L L 0 0 0 0 6L 3 3 The finite element method Chapter 11 439 9 8 0 > > 9 8 > > > > > > P ðt Þ = 0 = < < mL 33 0 , pq ðt Þ ¼ 0 , pt ðt Þ ¼ 2 Mtt ¼ > : P ðt Þ ; > 2 0 23 > > 0 > > > > 3 ; : 2P ðt ÞL Applying Eqs. (11.4.4a), (11.4.4b) give " # 10:209 10:344 EI 0:546 ∗ tt ¼ K , p ∗ t ðt Þ ¼ P ðt Þ 0:837 L3 10:344 33:131 Therefore the equation of motion reads 33 0 EI mL 10:209 10:344 0:546 ¼ P ðt Þ + 3 0:837 L 10:344 33:131 2 0 23 11.6 Reduction of the degrees of freedom due to constraints The number of degrees of freedom for the dynamic analysis of plane and space frames may be considerably reduced by introducing axial constraints as a consequence of ignoring the axial deformation of the elements. Before studying this particular problem, we will discuss the following problem. We assume that the equations of motion have been derived with respect to N generalized coordinates u, that is, M€ u + Cu_ + Ku ¼pðt Þ (11.6.1) and that the coordinates u are not independent, but they are constrained by K < N linear constraint equations Du ¼0 (11.6.2) where D is a K N rectangular matrix. The problem is to determine L ¼ N K independent equations of motion with respect to L independent generalized coordinates, which will be solved to obtain the dynamic response of the system. We cope with this problem by proceeding as follows. We choose L independent displacements (coordinates) and we partition the displacement vector as u ¼ ua ub (11.6.3) where ua are the independent and ub the dependent displacements. Then we write Eq. (11.6.2) as 440 PART II Multi-degree-of-freedom systems ½ Da Db ua ub ¼0 (11.6.4) or Da ua + Db ub ¼0 (11.6.5) a ub ¼ D1 b Da u (11.6.6) which gives From Eq. (11.6.6), we conclude that the selection of the independent coordinates cannot be arbitrary, but they must be chosen so that the inversion of the matrix Db is ensured. This is accomplished, as will be shown in Section 11.7, by the Gauss-Jordan elimination method. Generally, after selecting the independent coordinates, it is necessary to rearrange the elements of the vector u to comply with the partition suggested by Eq. (11.6.3). Then Eq. (11.6.1) is written u€ + K u€ + C u ¼ M pðt Þ (11.6.7) K, C, u, and pðt Þ are the modified matrices and vectors after the where M, rearrangement. Eq. (11.6.3) can be further written u ¼ I ua D1 b Da (11.6.8) u ¼T ua (11.6.9) or where I is the unit matrix with dimensions L L and T¼ I D1 b Da (11.6.10) Eq. (11.6.9) expresses a linear transformation, which transforms the independent coordinates ua into u. This transformation can be employed to reduce the number of Eq. (11.6.1). Indeed, the kinetic energy of the system is 1 T u_ T ¼ u_ M 2 (11.6.11) or using Eq. (11.6.9) 1 T u_ a T ¼ u_ a TT MT 2 1 T^ ¼ u_ a M u_ a 2 (11.6.12) The finite element method Chapter 11 441 where ^ ¼ TT MT M (11.6.13) is the L L reduced transformed mass matrix. is partitioned as indicated by the vectors ua and ub , we have If the matrix M " ¼ M ab aa M M ba M bb M # (11.6.14) and Eq. (11.6.13) gives n ^ ¼ I D1 D M a b T " #( aa M ab o M I ) ba M bb D1 M b Da ab D1 Da D1 Da T M aa M ba + D1 Da ¼M b b b (11.6.15) T bb D1 Da M b Similarly, the elastic energy of the system is 1 u U ¼ uT K 2 1 ua ¼ uTa TT KT 2 (11.6.16) 1 ^ ¼ uTa K ua 2 where ^ ¼ TT KT K (11.6.17) is the L L transformed reduced stiffness matrix. as M in Eq. (11.6.14) we obtain from Eq. (11.6.17) Partitioning K ^¼ I K D1 b Da " #( aa K ab I K ) ba K bb D1 K b Da T 1 1 ba + D1 Da aa K ab D Da D Da K ¼K b b b (11.6.18) T bb D1 Da K b 442 PART II Multi-degree-of-freedom systems The transformed damping matrix is established by considering the virtual work of the nodal damping forces uT f D dWD ¼ d ¼ d uT Cu_ u_ a ¼ d uTa TT CT (11.6.19) ^ u_ a ¼ d uTa C Hence, we have ^ ¼ TT CT C (11.6.20) Similarly, we establish the transformed vector of the external loads that is, dWp ¼d uT pðt Þ ¼d uTa TT pðt Þ (11.6.21) ^ ðt Þ ¼d uTa p Hence ^ðt Þ ¼TT pðt Þ p ¼ pa ðt Þ D1 b Da T pb ðt Þ (11.6.22) 11.7 Axial constraints in the plane frame In Section 11.5, we examined the flexural vibrations of plane frames. We saw that the mass, stiffness, and damping matrices of the elements have dimensions 4 4 if the axial deformation is ignored. Using these matrices in Example 11.5.2, we formulated the equations of motion of a plane frame with elements parallel to the global axes. Obviously, the procedure we used is tedious even for simple frames having elements parallel to the global axes because its implementation requires the inspection of the user, which, however, does not facilitate the automation of the method. The difficulty becomes practically insurmountable when the frame has elements inclined with respect to the global axes. Neglecting the axial deformation implies the equality of the displacements u1 and u4 in local axes (see Fig. 11.7.1). This annuls the nodal elastic and damping forces in those directions, ðfS1 ¼ fS4 ¼ 0, fD1 ¼ fD4 ¼ 0Þ, but not the inertial forces ðfI 1 , fI 4 6¼ 0Þ. This becomes evident by setting u1 ¼ u4 in Eqs. (11.3.14), (11.3.22), (11.3.39), and taking into account Eqs. (11.3.13a), (11.3.21), (11.3.37a), respectively. The inertial behavior of the element in the direction of its local x axis can be simulated with that of a one-dimensional rigid body within the frame. To tackle this problem, we must start by considering the frame elements with the six degrees of freedom. The finite element method Chapter 11 443 Fig. 11.7.1 Degrees of freedom of an element with flexural vibrations, u4 ¼ u1 . We consider the beam element with its six degrees of freedom with respect to global axes, as shown in Fig. 11.7.1. If we want to study only the flexural vibrations of the frame, we must neglect the axial deformation of the elements. This entails the imposition of constraints on the translational degrees of freedom. These constraints result from the fact that the projections of end displacements on the element axis must be equal [7,8], that is, u1 cos f + u2 sin f ¼ u4 cos f + u5 sin f (11.7.1) The degrees of freedom of a frame with n nodes are N ¼ 3n, of which Nt ¼ 2n are translational degrees of freedom. However, these degrees are not independent because they are subject to constraints of the form (11.7.1). The maximum number of constraints is at first sight Kmax ¼ Ne , where Ne is the number of the elements of the frame. Therefore the independent translational degrees of freedom are 2n Ne 0. Obviously, this is true if the layout of the elements is such that each of them constrains only one degree of freedom. Nevertheless, this is not always true as one can readily understand from the frames of Fig. 11.7.2. More specifically, the frame of Fig. 11.7.2a has Nt ¼ 4 translational degrees of freedom. The three elements impose three axial constraints, that is, it is Nc ¼ Ne ¼ 3, where Nc denotes the number of constraints. Thus the remaining translational degrees are: Nt Nc ¼ 4 3 ¼ 1. In the frame of Fig. 11.7.2b, the four elements impose four axial constraints, that is Nc ¼ Ne ¼ 4, hence Nt Nc ¼ 4 4 ¼ 0, which means that all translational degrees of freedom are constrained. Further, in the frame of Fig. 11.7.2c, the fifth element is redundant because the translational degrees of freedom are again four, Nc ¼ 4, while it is Ne ¼ 5. In this case, we say that the frame is overconstrained. The frame of Fig. 11.7.2d has four elements, that is, Ne ¼ 4. However, the number of constraints is three, Nc ¼ 3, because, in this layout, the elements 3 and 4 lie on a straight line and consequently cannot constrain the normal displacement un . Finally, the number of constraints in the frame of Fig. 11.7.2e is Nc ¼ 4, even it is Ne ¼ 5. From the previous examples, it becomes apparent that the number of elements Ne cannot determine the number of active axial constraints. In simple 444 PART II Multi-degree-of-freedom systems frames, this can be done by inspection. However, a general procedure should be developed that would allow determining automatically the number of active constraints, rejecting the redundant ones and separating the independent degrees of freedom from the dependent ones. This procedure is presented right below. The constraint equation (11.7.1) for the typical element e starting at the point j and ending at the point k is written u3j2 cos fe + u3j1 sin fe u3k2 cos fe u3k1 sin fe ¼ 0 (11.7.2) which for e ¼ 1, 2, …, Ne yields D ut ¼ 0 (11.7.3) where D is an Ne Nt matrix and ut the vector of the translational degree of freedom. Matrix D can be formulated by establishing appropriate assembly matrices. As we will show below, the rank of the matrix D will determine the active constraints. Eq. (11.7.3) is written ½ Da Db ua ub ¼0 (11.7.4) or Da ua + Db ub ¼0 (11.7.5) where ua the independent and ub the dependent displacements. Eq. (11.7.5) yields a ub ¼ D1 b Da u (11.7.6) The foregoing equation points out that the selection of ub cannot be arbitrary, but such to ensure invertibility of the matrix Db , that is, det ðDb Þ 6¼ 0. Hence the dimensions of Db , which is a submatrix of D, cannot be greater than the rank of D. The determination of the rank can be achieved using the Gauss-Jordan elimination [9]. This method is a variation of the Gauss elimination. The main difference is that by the elimination procedure, zeros are generated both below and above each pivot element. Besides, all rows are normalized via division by the pivoting elements. Therefore, the resulting matrix that determines the rank of the constraint matrix is a unit matrix and not an upper diagonal matrix. This matrix is also known as the reduced row echelon form. There are ready-to-use computer functions that transform a matrix to this form, for example, the function R ¼ rref (A) of MATLAB transforms the matrix A into a reduced row echelon matrix R. The finite element method Chapter (a) (b) (c) (d) 11 445 (e) Fig. 11.7.2 Frames with axial constraints. This method leads to an automatic selection of the independent node translations. The procedure is better understood by applying it to the frames of Fig. 11.7.2. Frame of Fig. 11.7.2a The Cartesian coordinates of the nodes are 1 ð0, 0Þ, 2 ð0, 3Þ, 3 ð4, 4Þ, 4 ð6, 0Þ. The computed geometrical data of the elements are shown in Table 11.7.1. 446 PART II Multi-degree-of-freedom systems TABLE 11.7.1 Geometrical data of the elements of the frame in Fig. 11.7.2a. Number of element e Node j Node k D x 1 1 2 0 2 2 3 3 3 4 D y Le cosfe 3 3 0 1 4 1 4.123 0.970 0.243 2 4 4.472 0.447 0.894 The constraint equations are three, namely 8 9 2 3> u1 > 8 9 > > 0 1 0 0 > = <0= < > 6 7 u2 ¼ 0 4 0:970 0:243 0:977 0:243 5 > > : ; > u4 > 0 0 0 0:447 0:894 > ; : > u5 sin fe (11.7.7) Hence 3 0 1 0 0 7 6 D ¼ 4 0:970 0:243 0:970 0:243 5 0 0 0:447 0:894 2 (11.7.8) Gauss-Jordan elimination. Before starting the elimination, it is convenient to interchange the first with second row. Thus, we have 2 3 0:970 0 0:970 0:243 40 5 1 0 0 0 0 0:447 0:894 Dividing the second row by 0:970 gives 2 3 1 0 1 0:250 40 1 0 5 0 0 0 0:447 0:894 Then, dividing the third row by 0:447 gives 2 3 1 0 1 0:250 40 1 0 0 5 0 0 1 2:000 The finite element method Chapter Finally, adding the third row to the first row gives 2 3 1 0 0 2:225 40 1 0 0 5 0 0 1 2:000 447 11 (11.7.9) Therefore, the rank of the matrix D is 3, hence Nt ¼ 4, Nc ¼ 3, N ¼ 4 3 ¼ 1. We can take u1 as the independent. Thus, referring to Eq. (11.7.7) we have 2 3 1:000 0 0 Db ¼ 4 0:243 0:977 0:243 5 (11.7.10a) 0 0:447 0:894 2 3 0 Da ¼ 4 0:970 5 (11.7.10b) 0 Note that we can also use Eq. (11.7.9) instead of Eq. (11.7.7) to obtain 2 3 1 0 0 (11.7.11a) Db ¼ 4 0 1 0 5 0 0 1 2 3 0 Da ¼ 4 0:856 5 (11.7.11b) 0:572 because Eq. (11.7.7) are homogeneous and the Gauss-Jordan elimination does not change the order of the unknowns. Apparently, performing Gauss-Jordan elimination by inspection is a tedious task and it becomes too complicated for large matrices. However, computer codes have been developed to apply this technique and ready-to-use programs are available. Frame of Fig. 11.7.2b The Cartesian coordinates of the nodes are 1 ð0, 0Þ, 2 ð0, 3Þ, 3 ð4, 4Þ, 4 ð6, 0Þ, 5ð4, 6Þ. The computed geometrical data of the elements are shown in Table 11.7.2. TABLE 11.7.2 Geometrical data of the elements of the frame in Fig. 11.7.2b. Number of element e Node j Node k D x 1 1 2 0 2 2 3 3 3 4 3 D y Le cosfe sinfe 3 3 0 1 4 1 4.123 0.970 0.243 4 2 4 4.472 0.447 0.894 5 0 2 2 0 1 448 PART II Multi-degree-of-freedom systems The constraint equations are four, namely 2 38 9 8 9 0 1:000 0 0 > > > > >0> > u1 > 6 0:970 0:243 0:970 0:243 7< u2 = < 0 = 6 7 ¼ 40 0> 0 0:447 0:894 5> > > > > u4 > ; ; : > : 0 u5 0 0 0 1 Hence 2 0 6 0:970 D¼6 40 0 (11.7.12) 3 1:000 0 0 0:243 0:970 0:243 7 7 0 0:447 0:894 5 0 0 1 The Gauss-Jordan elimination gives 2 1 0 60 1 D¼6 40 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 (11.7.13) 3 0 07 7 05 1 (11.7.14) the rank of which is 4, thus Nt ¼ 4, Nc ¼ 4, N ¼ 4 4 ¼ 0. Therefore, there is no translational independent variable, which means that the number of active constrains is equal to the number of degrees of freedom. Frame of Fig. 11.7.2c The Cartesian coordinates of the nodes are 1 ð0, 0Þ, 2 ð0, 3Þ, 3 ð4, 4Þ, 4 ð6, 0Þ, 5ð4, 6Þ, 6ð6, 4Þ. The computed geometrical data of the elements are shown in Table 11.7.3. TABLE 11.7.3 Geometrical data of the elements of the frame in Fig. 11.7.2c. Number of element e Node j Node k D x 1 1 2 0 2 2 3 3 3 4 5 D y Le cos fe 3 3 0 1 4 1 4.123 0.970 0.243 4 2 4 4.472 0.447 0.894 3 5 0 2 2 0 1 3 6 2.5 0 2.5 1 0 The constraint equations are five, namely 8 9 2 3 8 9 >0> 0 1:000 0 0 > > > >0> > > > u1 > 6 0:970 0:243 0:970 0:243 7> = < > = > < u > 6 7> 2 6 7 ¼ 0 0 0:447 0:894 7 60 6 7> u4 > > >0> > > > 40 0 0 1:000 5> > > > ; > : > > ; : > u5 0 0 0 1:000 0 sinfe (11.7.15) The finite element method Chapter Hence 2 0 1:000 0 0 11 449 3 6 7 6 0:970 0:243 0:970 0:243 7 6 7 D¼6 0 0:447 0:894 7 60 7 6 7 0 0 1:000 5 40 0 0 1:000 0 (11.7.16) The Gauss-Jordan elimination gives 2 1 60 6 D¼6 60 40 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 3 0 07 7 07 7 15 0 (11.7.17) the rank of which is 4. Therefore, there is no translational independent variable. Apparently, the fifth constraint is redundant. Frame of Fig. 11.7.2d The Cartesian coordinates of the nodes are 1 ð0, 0Þ, 2 ð0, 3Þ, 3 ð4, 4Þ, 4 ð6, 0Þ, 5ð3, 6Þ. The computed geometrical data of the elements are shown in Table 11.7.4. TABLE 11.7.4 Geometrical data of the elements of the frame in Fig. 11.7.2d. Number of element e Node j Node k 1 1 2 D x D y 2 0 3 3 0 1 2 3 4 1 4.123 0.970 0.243 3 3 4 2 4 4.472 0.447 0.894 4 3 5 1 2 2.236 0.447 0.894 Le The constraint equations are four, namely 2 38 9 8 9 0 u 0 1:000 0 0 > > > > > > > 1> = <0> = > < u > 6 0:970 0:243 0:970 0:243 7> 2 6 7 ¼ 6 7 40 u4 > 0:447 0:894 5> 0 > >0> > > > > ; : > ; > : > 0 u5 0 0 0:447 0:894 cosfe sin fe (11.7.18) 450 PART II Multi-degree-of-freedom systems Hence 2 3 0 1:000 0 0 6 0:970 0:243 0:970 0:243 7 6 7 D¼6 7 40 0 0:447 0:894 5 0 0 0:447 0:894 (11.7.19) The Gauss-Jordan elimination gives 2 3 1 0 0 2:250 60 1 0 0 7 6 7 D¼6 7 4 0 0 1 2:000 5 0 0 0 (11.7.20) 0 the rank of which is 3. Therefore, there is one independent displacement, which means that the number of active constraints is three. Frame of Fig. 11.7.2e The Cartesian coordinates of the nodes are 1 ð0, 0Þ, 2 ð0, 3Þ, 3 ð4, 4Þ, 4 ð6, 0Þ, 5ð3, 6Þ, 6(6,4). The computed geometrical data of the elements are shown in Table 11.7.5. TABLE 11.7.5 Geometrical data of the elements of the frame in Fig. 11.7.2e. Number of element e Node j Node k 1 1 2 D x D y 2 0 3 3 0 1 2 3 4 1 4.123 0.970 0.243 3 3 4 2 4 4.472 0.447 0.894 4 3 5 1 2 2.236 0.447 0.894 5 3 6 2 0 2 Le cos fe 1 sinfe 0 The constraint equations are five, namely 8 9 0> 38 9 > > > > > u > > > > 1 > > > > > > > > > > > 7> 6 0 > > > > > > > 6 0:970 0:243 0:970 0:243 7> > > > = 7< u2 = < > 6 7 6 ¼ 0 0:447 0:894 7 0 60 > 7> 6 > > > > > > > > 60 > > > > > u4 > 0 0:447 0:894 7 > > > 5> 4 > > > 0 > > > > > > : ; > > > > u5 0 0 1 0 ; : > 0 2 0 1:000 0 0 (11.7.21) The finite element method Chapter Hence 2 0 6 0:970 6 D¼6 60 40 0 3 1:000 0 0 0:243 0:970 0:243 7 7 0 0:447 0:894 7 7 0 0:447 0:894 5 0 1 0 The Gauss-Jordan elimination gives 2 1 0 60 1 6 D¼6 60 0 40 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 3 0 07 7 07 7 15 0 11 451 (11.7.22) (11.7.23) the rank of which is 4. Therefore, there is no translational independent variable. Apparently, the fifth constraint is redundant. Example 11.7.1 Formulate the equations of motion of the frame in Example 11.3.2, when the axial constraints of the elements are taken into account. Fig. E11.8 The translational degrees of freedom. Solution We note that in this example, two elements of the frame are not parallel to the global axes. Therefore, the procedure for flexural vibrations described in Example 11.5.2 is not convenient to formulate the equation of motion of the structure. Consequently, the general procedure for the FEM analysis of a plane frame should be employed. First, the mass and stiffness matrices and the vector of the nodal loads with respect to the seven free degrees of freedom are computed. Then, the rotational degrees of freedom u3 , u6 , u7 are eliminated by static condensation. This results in a system with four translational degrees of freedom (Fig. E11.8). 452 PART II Multi-degree-of-freedom systems Subsequently, the three axial constraints are imposed as described in Section 11.7, which leads to the elimination of three translational displacements. Thus, the final equation will have only one degree of freedom. The relevant matrices have been computed in Example 11.4.1, namely 2 7:5 60 6 Mtt ¼ rA6 40 0 0 7:5 0 0 0 0 15 0 3 2 3 0 3222:71 2389:02 3205:83 2387:19 7 0 7 EI 6 7 6 2389:02 4308:10 2396:65 1810:18 7 7, Ktt∗ ¼ 6 7 5 4 125 0 3205:83 2396:65 4101:75 1196:10 5 15 2387:19 1810:18 1196:10 3412:98 8 9 2:0P ðt Þ > > > > > < 0:08P ðt Þ > = ∗ pt ðt Þ ¼ > > 0 > > > > : ; 1:08P ðt Þ The translational displacements are shown in Fig. E11.8. Obviously, the active constraints are three. Nevertheless, we apply the procedure described in Section 1.7. TABLE E11.3 Geometrical data of the elements. Number of Element e Node j Node k D x 1 1 2 2 2 3 3 D y Le 0 5 5 0 1 3 4 5 5 0.8 0.6 4 6 8 10 0.6 0.8 cos fe sinfe On the base of the geometrical data shown in Table E11.3, the constraint equations are 8 9 8 9 3> u1 > > 0 > 2 > > > > 0 1:0 0 0 > = <0> = > < > 7 u2 6 ¼ 0:8 0:6 0:8 0:6 5 4 > > >0> > > > u4 > 0 0 0:6 0:8 > ; : > ; > : > 0 u5 hence 2 0 1:0 0 0 0 0 0:6 0:8 3 6 7 D ¼ 4 0:8 0:6 0:8 0:6 5 Using the Gauss-Jordan Elimination, we find out that the rank of the matrix D is 3. Thus, the number of independent degrees of freedom is equal The finite element method Chapter 11 453 to 4 3 ¼ 1. Taking u1 as the independent displacement, we can write the constraint equations as 2 38 9 8 9 2 3 e2 = < 0 = 1:0 0 0 0 <u 4 0:8 5 u e4 ¼ 0 e1 + 4 0:6 0:8 0:6 5 u : ; : ; e5 0 0:6 0:8 u 0 0 hence 2 3 2 3 0 1:0 0 0 Da ¼ 4 0:8 5, Db ¼ 4 0:6 0:8 0:6 5 0 0 0:6 0:8 Consequently, Eq. (11.6.10) gives T¼ I D1 b Da 9 8 1 > > > > > = <0 > ¼ > 0:64 > > > > > ; : 0:48 The matrices Mtt , Ktt∗ , pt∗ ðt Þ are modified due to the axial constraints by virtue of Eqs. (11.6.13), (11.6.17), (11.6.22). Thus, we have M ¼ TT Mtt T ¼ 17:10rA K ¼ TT Ktt∗ T ¼ 0:2306EI pðt Þ ¼ TT pt∗ ðt Þ ¼ 1:4816P ðt Þ Therefore the equation of motion of the frame is 17:10rAu€1 + 0:2306EI u1 ¼ 1:4816P ðt Þ From the solution of the foregoing equation, we determine the displacement e1 . Subsequently, the remaining translational displacements are computed from u the relation e2 u e4 u e5 gT ¼ T u1 ub ¼ f u Then the rotations are computed from Eq. (11.4.2b) uq ¼ K1 qq Kqt ut 11.8 The finite element method for the plane grid 11.8.1 Properties of the plane grid element We consider the grid of Fig. 11.8.1, whose plane coincides with the global x y plane. The axis of the e element defines its local x axis. The local y axis lies in the x y plane while the local z axis coincides with the global axis z 454 PART II Multi-degree-of-freedom systems (Fig. 11.8.2). The element cross-sections are symmetric with respect to the xz plane. The nodal loads consist of forces in the z direction and of moments about x and y axes (Fig. 11.8.1). The elements may be subjected to loads normal to the xy plane and moments about x and y axes. Moreover, the axial deformation of the elements is ignored. Under these assumptions, the nodes of the grid undergo rotations about the global axes x, y and a translational displacement normal to the x y plane. These global displacements produce the rotations u1 , u4 about the local x axis, the rotations u2 , u5 about the local y axis, and the translational displacements u3 , u6 in the direction of the z axis at the ends of the element (see Fig. 11.8.2). Thus the element displacement vector is u ¼ f u1 u2 u3 u4 u5 u6 g (11.8.1) The displacements u1 , u4 produce torsion of the element while the displacements u2 , u3 , u5 , u6 produce bending in x z plane. The bending deformation of the element is given by Eq. (11.3.3) after changing appropriately the role of the shape functions i ðx Þ to correspond to the nodal displacements. Thus, we have v ðx, t Þ ¼ u2 2 ðx Þ + u3 3 ðx Þ + u5 5 ðx Þ + u6 6 ðx Þ (11.8.2) where now 2 ðx Þ ¼ L x 2x 2 + x 3 3 ðx Þ ¼ 1 3x 5 ðx Þ ¼ L + 2x 3 (11.8.3b) x 2 + x3 (11.8.3c) 6 ðx Þ ¼ 3x Fig. 11.8.1 Plane grid. 2 2 (11.8.3a) 2x3 (11.8.3d) The finite element method Chapter 11 455 Fig. 11.8.2 Nodal displacements of the grid element. The sign of 2 ðx Þ and 5 ðx Þ has changed because the directions of the corresponding displacements have changed with reference to Fig. 11.3.1. In order to determine the torsional deformation of the element, we consider elements of constant cross-section. Regarding elements of variable cross-section, we approximate them by a series of rigidly interconnected elements of constant cross-section. This avoids the use of advanced methods employed for torsional analysis to elements of variable cross-section. The rotation qðx, t Þ about the x due to the rotations u1 and u4 is written in the form qðx, t Þ ¼ u1 1 ðx Þ + u 4 4 ðx Þ (11.8.4) The shape functions 1 ðx Þ and 4 ðx Þ can be obtained from the solution of the equilibrium equation of beam with constant cross-section subjected to the end rotations u1 , u4 . Thus, referring to Fig. 11.8.3, we have Fig. 11.8.3 dM t ¼0 dx (11.8.5) where Mt is the twisting moment given by Mt ¼ GI t dq dx (11.8.6) in which G ¼ E=2ð1 + n Þ is the shear modulus and It the torsional constant. 456 PART II Multi-degree-of-freedom systems Substituting Eq. (11.8.6) into Eq. (11.8.5) yields d 2q ¼0 dx 2 (11.8.7) q ¼ c1 x + c2 (11.8.8) from which we obtain The boundary conditions for Eq. (11.8.7) are qð0Þ ¼ u1 and qðLÞ ¼ u4 , which are applied to Eq. (11.8.8) and give the arbitrary constants u4 u1 c1 ¼ c2 ¼ u4 , L Introducing these values in Eq. (11.8.8) yields qðx, t Þ ¼ u1 ð1 xÞ + u4 x, x ¼ x=L (11.8.9) Therefore, the shape functions defined by Eq. (11.8.4) are 1 ðx Þ ¼ 1 x, 4 ðx Þ ¼ x (11.8.10) The value of It obtained on the base of the Saint-Venant theory depends on the shape of the cross-section of the bar. For a circular cross-section, It is equal to the polar moment of inertia with respect to its center. For a cross-section of arbitrary shape, It is calculated from the expression [4] Z 2 It ¼ y + z 2 zfy + yfz dydz (11.8.11) A where f ¼ fðy, z Þ is the warping function of the cross-section with respect to the twist center and is obtained from the solution of the following boundary value problem ∂2 f ∂2 f + ¼0 ∂y 2 ∂z 2 y, zA (11.8.12a) ∂f ¼ zn y yn z ∂n y, zG (11.8.12b) in which A is the cross-section of the bar and G its boundary; ny , nz are the components of the unit vector normal to the boundary of the cross-section. For the solution of the torsion problem, the reader is advised to look in the literature. A detailed study of the Saint-Venant torsion problem is presented in [4]. The Saint-Venant theory under certain support conditions, which approach the Saint-Venant assumptions, gives acceptable results. This, however, does not always hold in actual structures. It is well known that the response of a beam under general twisting loading and general boundary conditions leads to the problem of nonuniform torsion. This problem has been extensively examined in the literature, for example, [10, 11]. The finite element method Chapter 11 457 Fig. 11.8.4 Positive directions of the nodal forces of the grid element. The equivalent nodal forces of the grid element will be obtained using the Lagrange equations. Fig. 11.8.4 shows the positive directions of element nodal forces. The actions in the directions of u1 , u2 , u4 , and u5 are moments while in the directions of u3 and u6 are forces. (i) Nodal elastic forces and stiffness matrix of the grid element The elastic energy is due to the torsional deformation of the element given by the expressionf 1 2 Ut ¼ GI t ðq0 Þ L 2 (11.8.13) as well as to the bending deformation of the element given by Eq. (10.5.2), that is, f. The elastic energy due to torsion is given by Ut ¼ Taking into account that 1 2 Z V G g 2yx + g 2zx dV , y,zA g yx ¼ q0 fy z , g zx ¼ q0 ðfz + y Þ (1) (2) and that q0 ¼ dq=dx is constant, Eq. (1) becomes 1 2 Ut ¼ Gq0 L 2 Z Z A f2y + f2z zfy + yfz dA + zfy + yfz + y 2 + z 2 dA (3) A The second integral is equal to It while the first one is equal to zero. Indeed, the first integral is transformed as Z h Z i f2y + f2z dA + ðzfÞy + ðyfÞz dA R¼ A A Z Z Z (4) f fyy + fzz dA + ffn dA f zn y yn z dA ¼ A A A ¼0 The foregoing result is obtained by applying the Gauss-Green theorem to the first term and the Gauss divergence theorem to the second term and taking into account that fyy + fzz ¼ 0 and fn ¼ zn y yn z . Hence, Eq. (3) becomes 1 1 2 Ut ¼ GI t ðq0 Þ L ¼ Mt q0 L 2 2 (5) 458 PART II Multi-degree-of-freedom systems Ub ¼ 1 2 Z L EI ½v 00 ðx, t Þ dx 2 (11.8.14) 0 Thus, the total elastic energy is U ¼Ut + Ub 1 1 2 ¼ GI t ðq0 Þ L + 2 2 Z L EI ½v 00 ðx, t Þ dx 2 (11.8.15) 0 which by virtue of Eqs. (11.8.2), (11.8.4) becomes 1 U ðu1 , u2 , …, u6 Þ ¼ GI t u1 01 ðx Þ + u4 04 ðx Þ L 2 Z 1 L + EI u2 002 ðx Þ + u3 003 ðx Þ + u5 2 0 2 00 00 5 ðx Þ + u6 6 ðx Þ dx (11.8.16) Differentiation of the foregoing equation with respect to ui , i ¼ 1, 2, …, 6 yields the nodal elastic forces. Thus, we obtain 9 2 8 38 9 k11 0 0 k14 0 0 > u1 > fS1 > > > > > > > > 6 0 k k 0 k k 7> > > >u > > > fS2 > 22 23 25 26 7> > > > > 6 2> > > > > > > > 7 6 = < f = 6 0 k k 0 k k 7< u > 32 33 35 36 S3 3 7 ¼6 (11.8.17) 7 6 > u > f > 6 k41 0 0 k44 0 0 7> > > > 6 > > S4 > > 4> > > > > 7 > > > > > 4 0 k52 k53 0 k55 k56 5> u5 > fS5 > > > > > > > > ; ; : : > u6 fS6 0 k62 k63 0 k65 k66 in which Z L kij ¼ Z kij ¼ GI t 0 L EI 0 0 0 i ðx Þ j ðx Þdx, 00 00 i ðx Þ j ðx Þdx, i, j ¼ 1, 4 (11.8.18a) i, j ¼ 2, 3, 5, 6 (11.8.18b) or f eS ¼ ke ue (11.8.19) u are the vectors of the nodal elastic forces and nodal displacements, where respectively, and ke the stiffness matrix of the e grid element. Further, substituting Eqs. (11.8.3a)–(11.8.3d) and (11.8.10) into Eqs. (11.8.18a), (11.8.18b) and performing the integration gives f eS , e The finite element method Chapter 2 GI t 0 6 L 6 6 4EI 6 0 6 L 6 6 6EI 6 0 2 6 L ke ¼ 6 6 GI t 6 0 6 L 6 6 2EI 6 0 6 L 6 4 6EI 0 L2 0 6EI 2 L 12EI L3 0 6EI L2 12EI 3 L GI t L 0 0 GI t L 0 0 11 459 3 0 0 7 7 2EI 6EI 7 7 L L2 7 7 6EI 12EI 7 2 3 7 L L 7 7 7 7 0 0 7 7 4EI 6EI 7 7 7 L L2 7 6EI 12EI 5 L2 L3 (11.8.20) The superscript e has been dropped from Ite , I e , and Le for the sake of the simplicity of the expressions. (ii) Nodal inertial forces and mass matrix of the grid element The equivalent inertial nodal forces result again on the base of two different assumptions regarding the mass distribution along the length of the element, namely the consistent mass assumption and the lumped mass assumption. The inertial mass matrices resulting from both assumptions are derived right below. (a) Consistent mass matrix During the motion, the infinitesimal mass m ðx Þdx of the element undergoes the two displacements, that is, the rotation qðx, t Þ and the transverse displacement v ðx, t Þ. Therefore, the kinetic energy of the grid element will be given by the expression Z o 2 1 Ln I0 ðx Þ q_ ðx, t Þ + m ðx Þ½v_ ðx, t Þ2 dx (11.8.21) T¼ 2 0 where I0 ðx Þ is the polar moment of inertia of the mass m ðx Þ ¼ rAðx Þ with respect to the axis of the element, which is assumed to coincide with the twist axis. Using Eqs. (11.8.2), (11.8.4), Eq. (11.8.21) becomes Z h i 1 L I0 ðx Þ ½u_ 1 1 ðx Þ + u_ 4 4 ðx Þ2 dx T ðu_ 1 , u_ 2 , …, u_ 6 Þ ¼ 2 0 Z 1 L m ðx Þ½u_ 2 2 ðx Þ + u_ 3 3 ðx Þ + u_ 5 5 ðx Þ + u_ 6 6 ðx Þ2 dx + 2 0 (11.8.22) 460 PART II Multi-degree-of-freedom systems The nodal inertial forces result from Eq. (11.2.9) for i ¼ 1, 2, …, 6. Thus, after performing the differentiations, we obtain 38 9 8 9 2m 0 0 m14 0 0 fI 1 > 11 > > u€1 > > > > 6 7> > > > > > > > > 6 7 > > > > 0 m m 0 m m f € > > > u 22 23 25 26 I2 > 2> > > > 6 7 > > > > 6 > > > > > 7> > > < fI 3 = 6 0 < 7 m32 m33 0 m35 m36 7 u€3 = 6 ¼6 (11.8.23) 7 > > 6 m41 0 u€4 > fI 4 > 0 m44 0 0 7 > > > > > > > > 6 7 > > > > > > > 7> > 6 > > > > > > 6 > > fI 5 > > u€5 > 0 m52 m53 0 m55 m56 7 > > > > 4 5 > > > ; : ; : > u€6 fI 6 0 m62 m63 0 m65 m66 where Z L mij ¼ Z mij ¼ I0 ðx Þ i ðx Þ j ðx Þdx i, j ¼ 1, 4 (11.8.24a) i, j ¼ 2, 3, 5, 6 (11.8.24b) 0 L m ðx Þ i ðx Þ j ðx Þdx 0 Eq. (11.8.23) is written in matrix form €e f eI ¼ me u (11.8.25) € are the vectors of the nodal inertial forces and the nodal acceleru where ations, respectively, and me the mass matrix of the e grid element. For an element with constant mass, m ðx Þ ¼ rA, rI ðx Þ ¼ rI 0 , Eqs. (11.8.24a), (11.8.24b) are integrated analytically and the mass matrix becomes 3 2 140rg2 0 0 70rg2 0 0 7 6 60 22L 0 3L2 13L 7 4L2 7 6 7 6 7 6 e 60 22L 156 0 13L 54 7 m 7 6 (11.8.26) me ¼ 7 420 6 6 70rg2 0 0 140rg2 0 0 7 7 6 7 6 2 2 60 4L 22L 7 3L 13L 0 5 4 f eI , e 0 13L 54 0 22L 156 p ffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi where m e ¼ rALe is the mass of the element and rg ¼ I0 =A the radius of gyration of the cross-section. (b) Lumped mass matrix According to this assumption, the mass of the element is concentrated at its nodes by static considerations, that is, they are obtained as the reactions of a simply supported beam under the load m ðx Þ (see Fig. 11.2.3). Thus, we have The finite element method Chapter Z m1 ¼ 0 L m ðx Þð1 x Þdx Z m2 ¼ L m ðx Þxdx 11 461 (11.8.27a) (11.8.27b) 0 Therefore, the kinetic energy of the element is 1 1 T ¼ m1 u_ 3 2 + m2 u_ 6 2 2 2 (11.8.28) which by virtue of Eq. (11.2.9) for i ¼ 1, 2, …,6 yields 8 9 2 0 fI 1 > > > > > > 60 >f > > > I2 > > > 6 > > = 6 <f > 60 I3 ¼6 > 6 > fI 4 > > 60 > > > > 6 > > > > fI 5 > 4 0 > > ; : > 0 fI 6 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 m1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 38 9 u€1 > > > > > > > u€ > > 0 7 2> > 7> > > > 7> < 0 7 u€3 = 7 0 7 > > u€4 > 7> > > > 7> > > > > 5 € 0 > u 5 > > > ; : m2 u€6 0 (11.8.29) For an element of constant cross-section, m ðx Þ ¼ rA, the mass matrix becomes 3 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 60 0 0 0 0 07 7 6 7 6 e 60 0 1 0 0 07 m 6 7 me ¼ (11.8.30) 7 2 6 60 0 0 0 0 07 7 6 40 0 0 0 0 05 0 0 0 0 0 1 where m e ¼ rAe Le is the mass of e the element. (iii) Nodal damping forces and damping matrix of the grid element Following a procedure analogous to that for the plane frame, we can construct a damping matrix for the grid element. However, as we will see in Section 12.11, the practical significance of the damping matrices constructed in this way is limited and therefore, for reasons of saving space, we avoid its derivation here. (iv) Equivalent nodal loads of the grid element The equivalent nodal loads can be evaluated in two ways: (a) as generalized forces in the direction of the nodal displacements ue and (b) as static equivalent forces. In the first case, the shape functions of the stiffness matrix are used and 462 PART II Multi-degree-of-freedom systems the resulting vector of the equivalent nodal forces is referred to as a consistent nodal load vector. (a) Consistent nodal load vector We assume that the element is loaded by the transverse load pz ðx, t Þ and the twisting moment mx ðx, t Þ. Referring to Fig. 11.8.5, the virtual work produced during the deformation of a beam element dx is Fig. 11.8.5 Loading and equivalent nodal loads of a plane grid element. Z p dWnc ¼ L Z L mx ðx, t Þdqðx, t Þdx + 0 pz ðx, t Þdv ðx, t Þdx (11.8.31) 0 which by virtue of Eqs. (11.8.2), (11.8.4) gives p ¼ p1 ðt Þdu1 + p2 ðt Þdu2 + p3 ðt Þdu3 + p4 ðt Þdu4 + p5 ðt Þdu5 + p6 ðt Þdu6 dWnc (11.8.32) where Z L pi ðt Þ ¼ mx ðx, t Þ i ðx Þdx, i ¼ 1, 4 (11.8.33a) i ¼ 2, 3, 5, 6 (11.8.33b) 0 Z L pi ðt Þ ¼ pz ðx, t Þ i ðx Þdx, 0 Consequently, the resulting vector of equivalent nodal loads of the e element is 9 8 p1 ðt Þ > > > > > > > > > p2 ðt Þ > > > > > > = < p ðt Þ > 3 e (11.8.34) p ðt Þ ¼ > > p ð t Þ 4 > > > > > > > > > p5 ðt Þ > > > > > ; : p6 ðt Þ The finite element method Chapter 11 463 (b) Statically equivalent nodal load vector In this case, we assume that the grid element is a simply supported beam under the load pz ðx, t Þ and the torsional moment mx ðx, t Þ. Actually, the components p2 ðt Þ and p5 ðt Þ are zero. The remaining components are obtained as the reactions of the simply supported beam Z L mx ðx, t Þ i ðx Þdx, i ¼ 1, 4 (11.8.35a) pi ðt Þ ¼ 0 Z p i ðt Þ ¼ L pz ðx, t Þ i ðx Þdx, i ¼ 3, 6 (11.8.35b) 0 where now 3 ðx Þ ¼ 1 x, 6 ðx Þ ¼ x. Hence, we have 9 8 p1 ðt Þ > > > > > > > > 0 > > > > = < p3 ðt Þ e p ðt Þ ¼ > > > p4 ðt Þ > > > > > > > > >0 ; : p6 ðt Þ (11.8.36) The statically equivalent vector of the nodal loads is particularly useful when the rotational inertial nodal forces of the element are ignored. 11.8.2 Transformation of the nodal coordinates of the plane grid element The displacements u1 , u2 are transformed into the global system of axes according to Eq. (11.2.67), while the component u3 , which expresses the displacement in the direction of the z axis, remains unaltered in the rotated system because the local z axis and the global z axis are identical. Hence, we have u1 cos f sin f u1 ¼ (11.8.37a) u2 sin f cos f u2 u3 ¼ u3 The previous relations can be written 8 9 2 cos f sin f < u1 = u2 ¼ 4 sin f cos f : ; 0 0 u3 (11.8.37b) as 38 9 0 < u1 = 0 5 u2 : ; 1 u3 Similarly, we obtain 8 9 2 38 9 cosf sin f 0 < u4 = < u4 = u ¼ 4 sin f cos f 0 5 u5 : 5; : ; u6 u6 0 0 1 (11.8.38a) (11.8.38b) 464 PART II Multi-degree-of-freedom systems Eqs. (11.8.38a), (11.8.38b) are combined 8 9 2 cos f sin f 0 0 u1 > > > > > > > > 6 sin f cos f 0 0 u > > 2 > = 6 < > 6 0 0 1 0 u3 ¼6 0 0 cos f > 6 > u4 > > 6 0 > > > 0 0 sin f > 4 0 > u5 > > > : ; 0 0 0 0 u6 as 0 0 0 sin f cos f 0 38 9 0 > u1 > > > > > > > 07 > > > u2 > 7< = 7 0 7 u3 07 > > u4 > 7> > > 0 5> u5 > > > > ; : > 1 u6 (11.8.39) or where 2 ue ¼ Re ue (11.8.40a) ue ¼ ðRe ÞT ue (11.8.40b) 3 cos fe sin fe 0 0 cos fe 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 cos fe 0 0 sin fe 7 07 7 0 07 7 7 e sin f 0 7 7 7 cos fe 0 5 0 0 0 6 e 6 sin f 6 6 0 6 Re ¼ 6 6 0 6 6 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 (11.8.41) 1 is the transformation matrix of the plane grid element e. e e e The global vectors of the nodal forces f S , f I , f D , and pe ðt Þ are defined in relae tion to u . Their transformation obeys the same law, that is, Eq. (11.8.40b). Thus, we obtain f e ¼ðRe ÞT f e S S (11.8.42) f e ¼ðRe ÞT f e I I (11.8.43) f e ¼ðRe ÞT f e D D (11.8.44) pe ðt Þ ¼ðRe ÞT pe ðt Þ (11.8.45) Using Eqs. (11.8.19), (11.8.25), (11.3.41), (11.8.40a), the first three of the foregoing equations are transformed into the global axes as f e ¼ke ue S (11.8.46) f e I e €e (11.8.47) e _e f e ¼ D c u (11.8.48) u ¼m e e , and where k , m ce represent the stiffness, mass, and damping matrices of the e grid element in global axes, respectively, and are given by e k ¼ ðRe ÞT ke Re (11.8.49) The finite element method Chapter 11 465 e ¼ ð Re Þ T m e Re m (11.8.50) ce ¼ ð Re Þ T ce Re (11.8.51) Note that the lumped mass matrix remains the same under this transformation. Applying the procedure presented in Section 11.2.3 for the plane truss, we obtain the equation of motion of the plane grid, which, if damping is taken into account, is written as ee e u ¼e ee u_ + Ke pð t Þ u€ + C M (11.8.52) or after applying the support conditions e ff e e ff e e ff e M u€f + C u_ f + K uf ¼ e pf∗ ðt Þ e sf e e ss e e ss e e sf e e ss e e sf e u€f + M u€s + C u_ f + C u_ s + K uf + K us ¼ e ps ðt Þ M (11.8.53) (11.8.54) where e fs e e fs e e fs e e u€s C u_ s K us pf ðt Þ M pf∗ ðt Þ ¼ e (11.8.55) For convenience we will write Eq. (11.8.53) Check this as M€ u + C€ u + Ku ¼ pðt Þ (11.8.56) Example 11.8.1 Formulate the equation of motion of the plane grid of Fig. E11.9. The grid is fixed at nodes 3 and 4. The element 1 is loaded by the transverse t. A moment M ðt Þ ¼ 3p0 L2 sin w t acts at the node 2 load pðx, t Þ ¼ p0 sin w t. The cross-section while the support 1 is subjected to the rotation qg ðt Þ ¼ q0 sin w of all elements is rectangular with aspect ratio h=b ¼ 2. Consider lumped mass assumption for the elements. Data: L ¼ 3:0m, h ¼ 0:50m, a ¼ p=4, E ¼ 2:1 107 kN=m2 , n ¼ 0:2, q0 ¼ 0:5p0 , mass density r. Solution The system has n ¼ 4 nodes. Hence, the free structure has N ¼ 3n ¼ 12 degrees of freedom. The numbering of the nodes and the positive direction of the elements are shown in Fig. E11.9 Fig. E11.9 Plane grid in Example 11.8.1. 466 PART II Multi-degree-of-freedom systems 1. Computation of ke , me , ce , pe ðt Þ, Re for e ¼ 1,2, 3. Matrices ke . All elements have a rectangular cross-section with side lengths h ¼ 0:50 m and b ¼ 0:25 m. Their cross-sectional moment of inertia is I ¼ bh 3 =12. The torsional constant of the elements is given by the relation It ¼ b3 h [12]. For h=b ¼ 2 it is ¼ 0:229. Hence, It ¼ 0:229hb3 ¼ 0:6866I . Moreover, G ¼ E=2ð1 + n Þ ¼ 0:4166E. The stiffness matrices of the elements are computed using Eq. (11.8.20) 2 3 2:572 0 0 2:572 0 0 6 0 36:0 18:0 0 18:0 18:0 7 6 7 6 EI 0 18:0 12:0 0 18:0 12:0 7 7 k1 ¼ k 2 ¼ k 3 ¼ 3 6 0 0 2:572 0 0 7 L 6 6 2:572 7 4 0 18:0 18:0 0 36:0 18:0 5 0 18:0 12:0 0 18:0 12:0 Matrices me . For lumped mass assumption, the mass matrices are computed using Eq. (11.8.30) 2 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 60 0 0 0 0 0 7 6 7 6 0 0 1:5 0 0 0 7 7 m1 ¼ m2 ¼ m3 ¼ rA6 60 0 0 0 0 0 7 6 7 40 0 0 0 0 0 5 0 0 0 0 0 1:5 Vectors pe ðt Þ. To be consistent with the lumped mass assumption, the vectors pe ðt Þ will be computed as the static equivalent nodal loads. Thus, using Eq. (11.8.36), we have 9 8 0 > > > > > 0 > > > > > > = < 1:5 > 1 t, p2 ðt Þ ¼ p3 ðt Þ ¼ 0 p0 sin w p ðt Þ ¼ > > 0 > > > > > > > > > ; : 0 > 1:5 TABLE E11.4 Geometrical data of the elements. Element number e xj 1 0 2 3 D x yj yk D y Le 0 0 0 3 3 3 0 1 0 2.12 2.12 3 5.12 2.12 3 0.707 0.707 0 2.12 2.12 3 5.12 2.12 3 0.707 0.707 xk cosfe sinfe The finite element method Chapter 11 467 On the base of the geometrical data given in Table E.11.4, we obtain 2 0 6 1 6 6 6 0 R1 ¼ 6 6 0 6 6 4 0 3 2 0 0 0 0:707 7 6 0 0 07 6 0:707 7 6 7 6 0 0 1 0 0 0 7 , R2 ¼ 6 7 6 0 0 0 0 1 07 6 7 6 4 0 0 0 1 0 0 5 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 3 0 07 7 7 1 0 0 07 7 0 0:707 0:707 0 7 7 7 0 0:707 0:707 0 5 0 0 0:707 0 0:707 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 0:707 0:707 0 0 0 6 0:707 0:707 0 0 0 6 6 6 0 0 1 0 0 R3 ¼ 6 6 0 0 0 0:707 0:707 6 6 4 0 0 0 0:707 0:707 0 0 0 0 0 1 3 0 07 7 7 07 7 07 7 7 05 1 e e , pe ðt Þ for e ¼ 1, 2, 3 2. Computation of k , m e Matrices k . They are computed using Eq. (11.8.49) 2 3 36:0 0 18:0 18:0 0 18:0 6 0 2:57 0 0 2:57 0 7 6 7 6 7 6 7 18:0 0 12:0 18:0 0 12:0 EI 1 6 7 k ¼ 36 L 6 18:0 0 18:0 36:0 0 18:0 7 7 6 7 4 0 2:57 0 0 2:57 0 5 18:0 0 12:0 18:0 0 12:0 3 2 19:29 16:71 12:73 7:71 10:29 12:73 6 16:71 19:29 12:73 10:29 7:71 12:73 7 7 6 7 6 7 6 12:73 12:73 12:0 12:73 12:73 12:0 EI 2 7 6 k ¼ 36 L 6 7:71 10:29 12:73 19:29 16:71 12:73 7 7 7 6 4 10:29 7:71 12:73 16:71 19:29 12:73 5 2 12:73 12:73 12:0 12:73 12:73 12:0 19:29 16:71 12:73 7:71 10:29 12:73 12:73 12:73 12:0 12:73 12:73 12:0 3 6 16:71 19:29 12:73 10:29 7:71 12:73 7 6 7 6 7 6 7 12:73 12:73 12:0 12:73 12:73 12:0 EI 7 k3 ¼ 3 6 6 L 6 7:71 10:29 12:73 19:29 16:71 12:73 7 7 6 7 4 10:29 7:71 12:73 16:71 19:29 12:73 5 468 PART II Multi-degree-of-freedom systems e . They are computed using Matrices m 2 0 0 60 0 6 6 60 0 1 2 3 m ¼ m ¼ m ¼ rA6 60 0 6 6 40 0 0 0 Eq. (11.8.50) 0 0 0 0 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 7 7 7 7 7 0 7 7 7 0 5 0 0 0 1:5 0 0 0 1:5 0 0 0 0 Vectors pe ðt Þ. They are computed using Eq. (11.8.45) 9 8 0 > > > > > > > 0 > > > > > = < 1:5 1 t, p2 ðt Þ ¼ p3 ðt Þ ¼ 0 p0 sin w p ðt Þ ¼ 0 > > > > > > > 0 > > > > > ; : 1:5 ^ e, M ^ e, p ^e for e ¼ 1, 2, 3 3. Computation of the enlarged matrices K Assembly matrices ae . 2 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 60 6 6 60 1 a ¼6 60 6 6 40 2 2 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 07 7 7 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 07 7, 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 07 7 7 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 05 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 60 6 6 60 2 a ¼6 60 6 6 40 3 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 07 7 7 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 07 7 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 07 7 7 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 05 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 60 6 6 60 3 a ¼6 60 6 6 40 3 3 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 07 7 7 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 07 7 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 07 7 7 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 05 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 The finite element method Chapter 11 469 ^ e . They are computed using the relation K ^ e ¼ ðae ÞT ke ae (see Matrices K Eq. 11.2.92) 2 3 36:0 0 18:0 18:0 0 18:0 0 0 0 0 0 0 6 0 2:572 0 0 2:572 0 0 0 0 0 0 07 6 7 6 18:0 0 12:0 18:0 0 12:0 0 0 0 0 0 0 7 6 7 6 7 18:0 36:0 0 18:0 0 0 0 0 0 0 7 6 18:0 0 6 7 6 0 2:572 0 0 2:572 0 0 0 0 0 0 07 6 7 6 18:0 7 0 12:0 18:0 0 12:0 0 0 0 0 0 0 EI 6 7 ^1 ¼ 6 K 7 L3 6 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 07 6 7 6 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 07 6 7 6 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 07 6 7 6 7 6 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 07 6 7 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 05 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 60 6 6 60 6 60 6 6 60 6 EI 6 60 2 ^ K ¼ 36 L 60 6 60 6 6 60 6 60 6 6 40 0 2 0 60 6 6 60 6 60 6 60 6 6 60 EI 3 ^ K ¼ 36 L 6 60 6 60 6 60 6 60 6 6 40 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 19:29 16:71 12:73 7:71 10:29 12:73 16:71 19:29 12:73 10:29 7:71 12:73 12:73 12:73 12:0 12:73 12:73 12:0 7:714 10:29 12:73 19:29 16:71 12:73 10:29 7:71 12:73 16:71 19:29 12:73 12:73 12:0 12:73 12:73 12:0 12:73 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 19:29 16:71 12:73 0 0 0 16:71 19:29 12:73 0 0 0 12:73 12:73 12:0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 7:714 10:29 12:73 0 0 0 10:29 7:71 12:73 0 0 0 12:73 12:73 12:0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 0 07 7 7 07 7 07 7 7 07 7 07 7 7 07 7 07 7 7 07 7 07 7 7 05 0 3 0 0 0 0 7 0 0 0 0 7 7 0 0 0 0 7 7 0 7:71 10:29 12:73 7 7 0 10:29 7:71 12:73 7 7 7 0 12:73 12:73 12:0 7 7 7 0 0 0 0 7 7 7 0 0 0 0 7 7 0 0 0 0 7 7 0 19:29 16:71 12:73 7 7 0 16:71 19:29 12:73 5 0 12:73 12:73 12:0 470 PART II Multi-degree-of-freedom systems ^ e . They are computed Matrices M (see Eq. 11.2.96) 2 0 0 0 0 0 60 0 0 0 0 6 6 0 0 1:5 0 0 6 60 0 0 0 0 6 6 60 0 0 0 0 6 60 0 0 0 0 1 ^ M ¼ rA6 60 0 0 0 0 6 60 0 0 0 0 6 6 60 0 0 0 0 6 60 0 0 0 0 6 40 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 60 6 60 6 60 6 60 6 6 ^ 2 ¼ rA6 0 M 60 6 60 6 60 6 60 6 40 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ^ e ¼ ð ae Þ T m e ae using the relation M 0 0 0 0 0 1:5 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1:5 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1:5 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 60 6 6 60 6 60 6 6 60 6 60 ^ 3 ¼ rA6 M 6 60 6 60 6 6 60 6 60 6 6 40 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 0 07 7 07 7 07 7 7 07 7 07 7, 07 7 07 7 7 07 7 07 7 05 0 3 0 07 7 07 7 07 7 07 7 07 7 07 7 07 7 07 7 07 7 05 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 7 7 7 0 0 0 0 0 0 7 7 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 7 7 7 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 7 7 0 0 0 0 1:5 0 0 0 0 0 0 7 7 7 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 7 7 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 7 7 7 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 7 7 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 7 7 7 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 5 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1:5 The finite element method Chapter 11 471 ^e ðt Þ. They are computed using the relation p ^e ðt Þ ¼ ðae ÞT pe ðt Þ Vectors p (see Eq. 11.2.95) 9 8 8 9 0 > 0> > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > 0 0 > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > 1:5 0 > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > 0 0 > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > 0 0 > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > = < 1:5 = <0> p0 sin w ^ 2 ðt Þ ¼ p ^ 3 ðt Þ ¼ ^ 1 ðt Þ ¼ t, p p > > 0 > 0> > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > 0 > >0> > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > 0 0 > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > 0 > >0> > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > 0 0 > > > > > > > ; ; : : > 0 0 3 P ¼ 4. Computation of M ¼ ^ e, K M e¼1 2 3 P ^ e , and p ¼ Pðt Þ + K e¼1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 6 60 6 6 60 6 60 6 6 60 6 6 60 ¼ rA ¼ 6 M 6 60 6 6 60 6 6 60 6 6 60 6 60 4 3 P ^ e ðt Þ p e¼1 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 7 0 0 0 0 0 0 7 7 7 0 1:5 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 7 7 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 7 7 7 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 7 7 7 0 0 0 0 4:5 0 0 0 0 0 0 7 7 7 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 7 7 7 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 7 7 7 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 7 7 7 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 7 7 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 7 5 0 0 0 0 0 1:5 3 36:0 0 18:0 18:0 0 18:0 0 0 0 0 0 0 6 0 2:572 0 0 2:57 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 7 7 6 6 18:0 0 12:0 18:0 0 12:0 0 0 0 0 0 0 7 7 6 7 6 6 18:0 0 18:0 74:57 0 18:0 7:71 10:29 12:73 7:71 10:29 12:73 7 7 6 6 0 2:572 7:71 12:73 10:29 7:71 12:73 7 0 0 41:14 25:46 10:29 7 6 7 6 18:0 0 25:46 36:0 12:73 12:73 12:0 12:73 12:73 12:0 12:0 18:0 EI 7 6 ¼ 6 K 7 L3 6 0 0 0 0 7 0 0 7:71 10:29 12:73 19:29 16:71 12:73 7 6 6 0 0 0 0 7 0 0 10:29 7:714 12:73 16:71 19:29 12:73 7 6 6 0 0 0 0 7 0 0 12:73 12:73 12:0 12:73 12:73 12:0 7 6 7 6 6 0 0 0 0 19:29 16:71 12:73 7 0 0 7:71 10:29 12:73 7 6 4 0 0 0 0 16:71 19:29 12:73 5 0 0 10:29 7:714 12:73 0 0 0 12:73 12:73 12:0 0 0 0 12:73 12:73 12:0 2 ðt Þ + pðt Þ ¼ P 3 X i¼1 ^ i ðt Þ ¼ p 9 8 Mg > > > > > > > > > > P 2 > > > > > > > > > > P3 > > > > > > 2 > > 3p L sin w t > > 0 > > > > > > > > 0 > > > > > > = <0 > P7 > > > > P > 8 > > > > P > 9 > > > > P > 10 > > > > P 11 > > : P12 > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > ; + 9 8 0 > > > > > > > > > > 0 > > > > > > > > > 1:5 > > > > > > > > 0 > > > > > > > > > > > 0 > > > > > = < 1:5 > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > : 0 0 0 0 0 0 > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > ; p0 sin w t ¼ 9 8 Mg > > > > > > > > > > P 2 > > > > > > > > > t > P3 1:5p0 sin w > > > > > > > > sin w t 27p > > 0 > > > > > > > > 0 > > > > > > = < 1:5p sin w t > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > : 0 P7 P8 P9 P10 P11 P12 > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > ; The finite element method Chapter 11 473 Note that Mg denotes the moment that produces the rotation qg ðt Þ. It is unknown and will be established as a reaction force. M, pðt Þ due to support conditions of the 6. Modification of the matrices K, grid. Referring to Fig. E11.9, the displacement vector should be modified as e e1 u e2 u e3 u e4 u e5 u e6 u e7 u e8 u e9 u e10 u e11 u e12 g uT ¼ f u ¼ f u4 u5 u6 u1 u2 u3 u7 u8 u9 u10 u11 u12 g Hence, the matrix V that rearranges the 2 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 6 60 0 0 0 1 0 0 6 6 60 0 0 0 0 1 0 6 61 0 0 0 0 0 0 6 6 60 1 0 0 0 0 0 6 6 60 0 1 0 0 0 0 6 V¼6 60 0 0 0 0 0 1 6 6 60 0 0 0 0 0 0 6 6 60 0 0 0 0 0 0 6 6 60 0 0 0 0 0 0 6 60 0 0 0 0 0 0 4 matrices of the structure is 3 0 0 0 0 0 7 0 0 0 0 07 7 7 0 0 0 0 07 7 0 0 0 0 07 7 7 0 0 0 0 07 7 7 0 0 0 0 07 7 7 0 0 0 0 07 7 7 1 0 0 0 07 7 7 0 1 0 0 07 7 7 0 0 1 0 07 7 0 0 0 1 07 5 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 e ¼ VT KV, e ¼ VT MV, e Thus, using the equations K M pðt Þ ¼ VT pðt Þ, we obtain 474 PART II Multi-degree-of-freedom systems Following the indicated partitioning, we obtain 2 18:0 6 0 6 6 6 18:0 6 6 2 3 6 7:71 74:57 0 18:0 6 EI EI 6 7 e ff ¼ 4 0 e sf ¼ 6 K 41:14 25:46 5, K 6 10:29 3 3 L L 6 6 12:73 18:0 25:46 36:0 6 6 6 7:71 6 6 4 10:29 2:57 6 e fs ¼ EI 6 K 3 L 4 18:0 0 18:0 0 2:57 0 18:0 0 12:0 2 36:0 6 0 6 6 6 18:0 6 6 6 0 6 EI e 0 Kss ¼ 3 6 L 6 6 0 6 6 6 0 6 6 4 0 0 0 18:0 2:57 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 7:71 10:29 10:29 12:73 7:714 12:73 12:73 12:73 0 0 0 0 12:0 0 0 0 12:0 0 10:29 12:73 7:71 12:73 12:73 12:0 10:29 12:73 12:73 7:714 12:73 2 18:0 0 12:0 12:73 7:71 18:0 10:29 0 7 10:29 7 5 12:73 12:0 0 0 18:0 0 3 7:71 12:73 0 0 3 7 7 7 7 12:0 0 0 0 0 12:0 0 7 7 0 19:29 16:71 12:73 0 0 19:29 7 7 0 16:71 19:29 12:73 0 0 16:71 7 7 7 0 12:73 12:73 12:0 0 0 12:73 7 7 7 0 0 0 0 19:29 0 0 7 7 0 0 0 0 16:71 0 0 5 0 0 0 0 12:73 0 0 3 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 5 The finite element method Chapter 2 0 60 6 60 6 2 3 60 0 0 0 6 e e 4 5 , Mss ¼ rA6 Mff ¼ rA 0 0 0 60 60 0 0 4:5 6 60 6 40 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1:5 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1:5 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 11 475 3 0 0 7 7 0 7 7 0 7 7 0 7 7 0 7 7 0 7 7 0 5 1:5 e sf ¼ 0 e fs ¼ M M 9 9 8 8 Mg q g ðt Þ > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > 0 P2 > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > P 1:5p sin w t 0 > > > 3 > 0 9 8 > > > > > > > > > > > > 27 P 0 = = < 7 = < < es ð t Þ ¼ 0 e , u t, e p0 sin w pf ðt Þ ¼ 0 p s ð t Þ ¼ P8 > > > ; > : > > > > P9 1:5 0 > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > P 0 10 > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > P 0 11 > > > > ; ; : : P12 0 e ff ¼ 0 The equation of motion results from Eq. (11.8.53) with C e ff e e ff e u€f + K M uf ¼ e pf∗ ðt Þ Taking into account that q0 ¼ 0:5p0 , Eq. (11.8.55) gives 8 9 < 18 = e fs u e sf us ¼ 0 €s K e t p sin w pf ðt Þ M p ∗ f ðt Þ ¼ e : ; 0 7:5 Hence, the equation of motion is 5. Static condensation The rotational degrees of freedom u4 , u5 are statically condensed. Obviously, the displacements should be rearranged as u6 , u4 , u5 . This defines the modification matrix 2 3 0 1 0 VC ¼ 4 0 0 1 5 1 0 0 476 PART II Multi-degree-of-freedom systems which yields Ktt ¼ 36 EI EI EI 18:0 , K ¼ ½ 18:0 25:45 , K ¼ tq qt L3 L3 L3 25:45 EI 74:57 0 Kqq ¼ 3 0 41:14 L Mtt ¼ 4:5rA, Mtq ¼ Mqt ¼ Mqq ¼ 0 t, pq ¼ pt ¼ 1:5p0 sin w 27 t p0 sin w 0 Hence Ktt∗ ¼ Ktt Ktq K1 qq Kqt ¼ 15:91 EI L3 t pt∗ ¼ pt Ktq K1 qq pq ¼ 5:017p0 sin w which are inserted into Eq. (11.4.3) to give the final form of the equation of motion 4:5rA u€6 + 15:91 EI t u6 ¼ 5:017p0 sin w L3 11.9 The finite element method for the space frame 11.9.1 Properties of the space frame element We consider the space frame of Fig. 11.9.1, whose nodes are determined by their Cartesian coordinates with respect to the global system of axes x y z. The loads applied to the nodes may consist of forces or moments while the elements may be loaded by distributed and/or concentrated loads (forces or moments). The axis of the e element determines its local x axis while the y and z axes lie on the principal planes of bending (see Fig. 11.9.2). The nodes of the frame, hence the ends of the elements, undergo six displacements (three translations and three rotations). Therefore, the nodal displacements of the element are 12, six for each end, and are numbered as shown in Fig. 11.9.2. They are represented by the vector u ¼ f u1 u2 u3 u4 u5 u6 u7 u8 u9 u10 u11 u12 g (11.9.1) The finite element method Chapter 11 477 Fig. 11.9.1 Space frame. Fig. 11.9.2 Nodal displacements of a space frame element. The displacements u1 , u7 produce axial deformation of the element, the displacements u4 , u10 produce torsion, and the displacements u2 , u6 , u8 , u12 and u3 , u5 u9 , u11 produce bending in the planes x y and x z, respectively. The elastic energy of the element is U ¼ Ua + Ut + Uby + Ubz (11.9.2) where Ua ,Ut ,Uby , Ubz represent the elastic energies due to axial and torsional deformation as well as to bending deformation in the planes xy and xz, respectively. Using appropriately the shape functions developed for the plane frame and grid elements, we can express the displacements of a cross-section x of the space frame element as u ðx, t Þ ¼ u1 qðx, t Þ ¼ u4 1 ðx Þ + u 7 7 ðx Þ (11.9.3a) 4 ðx Þ + u10 10 ðx Þ (11.9.3b) v ðx, t Þ ¼ u2 2 ðx Þ + u6 6 ðx Þ + u8 8 ðx Þ + u12 12 ðx Þ (11.9.3c) w ðx, t Þ ¼ u3 3 ðx Þ + u5 5 ðx Þ + u9 (11.9.3d) 9 ðx Þ + u11 11 ðx Þ 478 PART II Multi-degree-of-freedom systems where u, v,w are the translations in the directions of the x, y, z axes, respectively, and q the rotation about the x while i ðx Þ (i ¼ 1,2, …,12) are given by 1 ðx Þ ¼ 4 ðx Þ ¼ ð1 x Þ 7 ðx Þ ¼ 2 ðx Þ ¼ (11.9.4a) 10 ðx Þ ¼ x 3 ðx Þ ¼ 1 3x 6 ðx Þ ¼ 5 ðx Þ ¼ L 2 (11.9.4b) + 2x3 x 2x 2 + x3 2 3 12 ðx Þ ¼ 11 ðx Þ ¼ L x + x 9 ðx Þ ¼ 8 ðx Þ ¼ 3x 2 2x3 (11.9.4c) (11.9.4d) (11.9.4e) (11.9.4f) On the base of Eqs. (11.3.8), (11.3.9), (11.8.13), Eq. (11.9.2) yields Z Z 1 L 1 L 2 2 0 EA½u ðx, t Þ dx + GI t ½q0 ðx Þ dx U ðu1 , …, u12 Þ ¼ 2 0 2 0 (11.9.5) Z Z 1 L 1 L 2 2 00 00 + EI z ½v ðx, t Þ dx + EI y ½w ðx, t Þ dx 2 0 2 0 Further, for the consistent mass assumption, the kinetic energy is given by Z n o 1 L T ðu_ 1 , …, u_ 12 Þ ¼ m ðx Þ ½u_ ðx, t Þ2 + ½v_ ðx, t Þ2 + ½w_ ðx, t Þ2 dx 2 0 (11.9.6) Z 2 1 L _ I0 ðx Þ q ðx, t Þ dx + 2 0 while for the lumped mass assumption by 1 1 T ðu_ 1 , …, u_ 12 Þ ¼ m1 u_ 21 + u_ 22 + u_ 23 + m2 u_ 27 + u_ 28 + u_ 29 2 2 (11.9.7) where Z L m1 ¼ 0 Z L m ðx Þð1 xÞdx, m2 ¼ m ðx Þxdx (11.9.8) 0 The element mass and stiffness matrices as well as the equivalent nodal forces are obtained using the method of the Lagrange equations as described for the plane frame and the grid element. In the following, we consider an element with constant cross-section. (i) Nodal elastic forces and stiffness matrix of the space frame element For an element with a constant cross-section, the stiffness matrix having dimensions 12 12 results as e e k k e (11.9.9) k ¼ jje jk kkj kekk The finite element method Chapter 11 479 where 2 L2 A 0 6 60 6 6 60 6 E kejj ¼ 3 6 L 6 60 6 6 6 40 2 0 0 0 12Iz 0 0 0 0 12Iy 0 0 0 0 6LI z 0 0 0 0 0 0 12Iz 0 0 0 L2 A 6 60 6 6 60 6 E e kkk ¼ 3 6 L 6 60 6 6 60 4 2 6 6 6 6 6 6 E kekj ¼ 3 6 L 6 6 6 6 6 4 0 12Iy 0 0 0 0 6LI y 0 0 4L2 Iz 0 6LI y 4L2 Iy 0 L2 A 0 0 0 0 0 12Iz 0 0 0 0 0 12Iy 0 6LI y 0 0 0 0 0 0 6LI z 6LI y 0 G 2 L It 0 E 0 2L2 Iy 0 0 kejk ¼ kekj 3 4L2 Iz 0 (11.9.10a) 7 6LI z 7 7 7 7 0 7 7 7 7 0 7 7 7 0 5 G 2 L It 0 E 6LI z 0 0 4L2 Iy 0 6LI y 0 0 7 6LI z 7 7 7 7 0 7 7 7 7 0 7 7 7 0 5 6LI y G 2 L It E 3 0 0 (11.9.10b) 3 7 6LI z 7 7 7 7 0 7 7 7 7 0 7 7 7 0 5 (11.9.10c) 2L2 Iz T (11.9.10d) In the previous matrices, A is the area of the cross-section of the element e, L its length, Iy , Iz are the cross-sectional moments of inertia with respect to the y and z axes, respectively, and It the torsional constant of the cross-section. Note that the superscript e has been omitted from Ite , Iye , Ize , and Le for the simplicity of the expressions. (ii) Nodal inertial forces and mass matrix of the space frame element (a) Consistent mass matrix The consistent matrix results as " m ¼ e mejj mejk mekj mekk # (11.9.11) 480 PART where II Multi-degree-of-freedom systems 2 3 140 0 0 0 0 0 60 156 0 0 0 22L 7 6 7 e 6 m 60 0 156 0 22L 0 7 7 mejj ¼ 0 7 0 0 140rg2 0 420 6 60 7 40 0 22L 0 4L2 0 5 0 22L 0 0 0 4L2 2 3 140 0 0 0 0 0 60 156 0 0 0 22L 7 6 7 e 6 m 0 0 156 0 22L 0 7 e 6 7 mkk ¼ 0 7 0 0 140rg2 0 420 6 60 7 40 0 5 0 22L 0 4L2 0 22L 0 0 0 4L2 2 3 70 0 0 0 0 0 60 54 0 0 0 13L 7 6 7 e 6 m 0 0 54 0 13L 0 7 e 6 7 mkj ¼ 0 7 0 0 70rg2 0 420 6 60 7 40 0 5 0 13L 0 3L2 0 13L 0 0 0 3L2 mejk ¼ mekj (11.9.12a) (11.9.12b) (11.9.12c) T m e ¼ rAL is the total mass of the e element and rg ¼ gyration of the cross-section. (11.9.12d) pffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi I0 =A is the radius of (b) Lumped mass matrix According to this assumption, the mass of the element is concentrated at its nodes, that is, they are obtained as the reactions of a simply supported beam under the load m ðx Þ. Thus, for an element with constant mass, the mass lumped assumption yields 2 3 m1 0 0 0 0 0 6 0 m1 0 0 0 0 7 6 7 6 0 0 m1 0 0 0 7 e 6 7 mjj ¼ 6 (11.9.13a) 7 60 0 0 0 0 07 40 0 0 0 0 05 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 3 m2 0 0 0 0 0 6 0 m2 0 0 0 0 7 6 7 6 0 0 m2 0 0 0 7 e 6 7 mkk ¼ 6 (11.9.13b) 7 60 0 0 0 0 07 40 0 0 0 0 05 0 0 0 0 0 0 mejk ¼ mekj ¼ 0 (11.9.13c) The finite element method Chapter 11 481 (iii) Equivalent nodal loads of the space frame element (a) Consistent nodal load vector The element is subjected to the axial load px ðx, t Þ, the transverse loads py ðx, t Þ, pz ðx, t Þ, and the torsional moment mx ðx, t Þ. The resulting equivalent load vector is pe ð t Þ ¼ pej pek (11.9.14) where pej ¼ f p1 p2 p3 p4 p5 p6 gT (11.9.15a) pek ¼ f p7 p8 p9 p10 p11 p12 gT (11.9.15b) The components pi (i ¼ 1, 2, …, 12) are given by Z L px ðx, t Þ i ðx Þdx, i ¼ 1, 7 pi ðt Þ ¼ (11.9.16a) 0 Z L pi ðt Þ ¼ py ðx, t Þ i ðx Þdx, i ¼ 2, 6, 8, 12 (11.9.16b) pz ðx, t Þ i ðx Þdx, i ¼ 3, 5, 9, 11 (11.9.16c) 0 Z L pi ðt Þ ¼ 0 Z L pi ðt Þ ¼ mx ðx, t Þ i ðx Þdx, i ¼ 4, 10 (11.9.16d) 0 (b) Statically equivalent nodal load vector In this case, we assume that the element is a simply supported beam under the loads px ðx, t Þ, py ðx, t Þ, pz ðx, t Þ and the torsional moment mx ðx, t Þ. Apparently, the components p5 ðt Þ, p6 ðt Þ, p11 ðt Þ, and p12 ðt Þ are zero. The remaining components result as Z L px ðx, t Þ i ðx Þdx, i ¼ 1, 7 (11.9.17a) p i ðt Þ ¼ 0 Z L pi ðt Þ ¼ py ðx, t Þ i ðx Þdx, i ¼ 2, 8 (11.9.17b) pz ðx, t Þ i ðx Þdx, i ¼ 3, 9 (11.9.17c) 0 Z pi ðt Þ ¼ Z pi ðt Þ ¼ 0 L 0 L mx ðx, t Þ i ðx Þdx, i ¼ 4, 10 (11.9.17d) 482 PART where II Multi-degree-of-freedom systems i ðx Þ ¼ 1 x, i + 6 ðx Þ ¼ x, i ¼ 1, 2, 3, 4. Therefore pej ðt Þ ¼ f p1 p2 p3 p4 0 0 gT (11.9.18a) pek ¼ f p7 p8 p9 p10 0 0 gT (11.9.18b) 11.9.2 Transformation of the nodal coordinates of the space frame element We consider the two systems of axes: the global system x y z and the local system xyz. The latter is defined by the axis x of the element and the principal axes y, z of its cross-section, Fig. 11.9.3. The base unit vectors of the two systems are denoted by ei and ei i ¼ 1, 2, 3, respectively. The projection of ei on the axes x, y z gives e1 ¼ l11 e1 + l12 e2 + l13 e3 (11.9.19a) e2 ¼ l21 e1 + l22 e2 + l23 e3 (11.9.19b) e3 ¼ l31 e1 + l32 e2 + l33 e3 (11.9.19c) The quantities lij are the direction cosines of the xyz axes with respect to x y z. Because ei are unit vectors and normal to each other, we have 6 j. jei j2 ¼ l2i1 + l2i2 + l2i3 ¼ 1 and ei ej ¼ li1 lj1 + li2 lj2 + li3 lj3 ¼ 0, i ¼ For the matrix of the direction cosines 2 3 l11 l12 l13 (11.9.20) L ¼ 4 l21 l22 l23 5 l31 l32 l33 we can readily show that det ðLÞ ¼ 1. Hence, the matrix L is orthonormal and consequently L1 ¼ LT Fig. 11.9.3 Global and local systems of axes of the space frame element. (11.9.21) The finite element method Chapter 11 483 A vector a is written with respect to the two systems of axes a ¼ a1 e1 + a2 e2 + a3 e3 (11.9.22) a ¼ a1 e1 + a2 e2 + a3 e3 (11.9.23) where a1 , a2 ,a3 and a1 , a2 , a3 denote the components of vector a with respect to the local and global axes, respectively. Substituting Eqs. (11.9.19a)–(11.9.19c) into Eq. (11.9.23) gives e1 + ðl12 a1 + l22 a2 + l32 a3 Þ e2 a ¼ðl11 a1 + l21 a2 + l31 a3 Þ + ðl13 a1 + l23 a2 + l33 a3 Þ e3 (11.9.24) which, when compared with Eq. (11.9.22), yield a1 ¼ l11 a1 + l21 a2 + l31 a3 a2 ¼ l12 a1 + l22 a2 + l32 a3 a3 ¼ l13 a1 + l23 a2 + l33 a3 (11.9.25) a ¼ LT a (11.9.26) a ¼ L a (11.9.27) or and by virtue of Eq. (11.9.21) The matrix L is the transformation matrix of the components of a vector from the axes x y z to xyz. In two dimensions, the matrix L is determined from the Cartesian coordinates of the end points of the element. These are, however, not adequate in three dimensions because an infinite number of systems may have the common x axis. In order to define the system of local axes, we must also know one of the principal axes of the cross-section. The simplest way to accomplish it is to specify the global coordinates of a point P xp , yp , zp on one of the principal planes, say of xy. The direction cosines of the x axis are computed from the relations l11 ¼ yk yj xk xj zk zj , l12 ¼ , l13 ¼ L L L (11.9.28) where xj , yj , zj , ðxk , yk , zk Þ are the global coordinates of the end points of the h i 2 2 2 1=2 . The points e element with length L ¼ xk xj + yk yj + zk zj j and P define the vector r ¼ xp xj e1 + yp yj e2 + zp zj e3 (11.9.29) The vector e3 is obtained from the vector product e3 ¼ e1 r je1 rj (11.9.30) 484 PART II Multi-degree-of-freedom systems This is a unit vector and as a vector product, it is normal to the plane defined by the vectors e1 and r, that is, it is in the direction of the local z axis. Its components give the direction cosines l31 , l32 , l33 . Finally, the direction cosines l21 , l22 , l23 will result from the components of the vector e2 ¼ e3 e1 (11.9.31) Apparently, the end displacements (translations and rotations) of the element are transformed according to Eq. (11.9.27). Thus, we have 8 9 2 38 9 l11 l12 l13 < u1 = < u1 = u ¼ 4 l21 l22 l23 5 u2 (11.9.32a) : 2; : ; u3 l31 l32 l33 u3 8 9 2 38 9 l11 l12 l13 < u4 = < u4 = (11.9.32b) u5 ¼ 4 l21 l22 l23 5 u5 : ; : ; u6 l31 l32 l33 u6 8 9 2 38 9 l11 l12 l13 < u7 = < u7 = ¼ 4 l21 l22 l23 5 u8 (11.9.32c) u : 8; : ; u9 l31 l32 l33 u9 9 8 9 2 38 l11 l12 l13 < u10 = < u10 = ¼ 4 l21 l22 l23 5 u11 (11.9.32d) u ; : 11 ; : u12 l31 l32 l33 u12 which are combined to yield ue ¼ Re ue where 2 L 60 e R ¼6 40 0 0 L 0 0 0 0 L 0 (11.9.33) 3 0 07 7 05 L (11.9.34) Obviously, the matrix Re with dimensions 12 12 represents the transformation matrix of the e space frame element. This vector is orthonormal, hence Eq. (11.9.33) is inverted as ue ¼ ðRe ÞT ue (11.9.35) The vectors of the equivalent nodal forces obey the same transformation law. Namely f e ¼ðRe ÞT f e S S (11.9.36) f e I (11.9.37) ¼ðRe ÞT f eI The finite element method Chapter f e ¼ðRe ÞT f e D D 11 485 (11.9.38) pe ðt Þ ¼ðRe ÞT pe ðt Þ (11.9.39) e It can be readily shown that the stiffness matrix k , damping matrix ce , and e of the element e with respect to the global axes are computed mass matrix m from the relations e k ¼ ðRe ÞT ke Re (11.9.40) e T e (11.9.41) e T (11.9.42) ce ¼ ð R Þ c Re e ¼ ð R Þ m e Re m Applying the procedure presented in Section 11.2.3 for the plane truss, we obtain the equation of motion of the space frame, which, if damping is taken into account, is written as u_ + K u€ + C u ¼ M pðt Þ (11.9.43) or after applying the support conditions and partitioning e ff e e ff e e ff e u€f + C u_ f + K uf ¼ e pf∗ ðt Þ M e sf e e ss e e ss e e sf e e ss e e sf e u€f + M u€s + C u_ f + C u_ s + K uf + K us ¼ e ps ðt Þ M (11.9.44) (11.9.45) where e fs e e fs e e fs e e u€s C u_ s K us pf ðt Þ M pf∗ ðt Þ ¼ e (11.9.46) For convenience, we will write Eq. (11.9.44) as M€ u + Cu_ + Ku ¼ pðt Þ (11.9.47) Example 11.9.1 Compute the transformation matrix L of the space frame element, which is determined from the end coordinates j ð2, 1, 1Þ, k ð5, 2, 2Þ and the point P ð7, 0, 0Þ of the principal xy plane. Solution First, we compute Dx ¼ xk xj ¼ 3, Dy ¼ yk yj ¼ 1, Dz ¼ zk zj ¼ 1 pffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi L ¼ 32 + 11 + 12 ¼ 3:317 and using Eq. (11.9.28), we obtain l11 ¼ Dx Dy Dz ¼ 0:904, l12 ¼ ¼ 0:301, l13 ¼ ¼ 0:301 L L L (1) 486 PART II Multi-degree-of-freedom systems Then we compute rp ¼ xp xj e1 + yp yj e2 + zp zj e3 2 ¼5 e1 e2 e3 e1 6 e1 rp ¼ 6 4 0:904 e2 e3 0:301 3 7 0:301 7 e1 + 2:412 e2 2:412 e3 5 ¼ 0 1 1 qffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi je1 rj ¼ 02 + 2:4122 + ð2:412Þ2 ¼ 3:141 5 (2) and Eq. (11.9.30) gives e3 ¼ e1 r ¼ 0 e1 + 0:707 e2 0:707 e3 je1 rj (3) Finally, using Eq. (11.9.31), we obtain 2 3 e2 e3 e1 6 7 e2 ¼ e3 e1 ¼ 6 0:707 0:707 7 e1 + 0:639 e2 0:639 e3 (4) 40 5 ¼ 0:426 0:904 0:301 0:301 Hence 2 0:904 0:301 0:301 3 6 7 7 L¼6 4 0:426 0:639 0:639 5 0 0:707 0:707 (5) Example 11.9.2 Formulate the equation of motion of the space frame of Fig. E11.10a. The nodal coordinates are 1 ð0:886L, 0, 0:5LÞ, 2 ð0, 0:5L, 0:5LÞ, 3 ð0, 0:5L, 0:5LÞ, 4 ð0:886L, 0, 0:5LÞ. The frame is fixed at nodes 1 and 4. The local z axis of all elements is parallel to the zx plane. The elements have a rectangular cross-section A with dimensions h and b in the directions of y and z axes, respectively. The axial deformation of the elements is ignored and the lumped mass assumption is adopted. The element 2 is loaded by the distributed load py ðx, t Þ ¼ 5f ðt Þ while a moment Mðt Þ ¼ f 0 0 200Lf ðt Þ gT is applied at node 3. Assume: h=b ¼ 2, A ¼ 300Iy , elastic constants E, n ¼ 0:2, and mass density r. The finite element method Chapter 487 11 (a) Fig. E11.10a Space frame in Example 11.9.2. (b) Fig. E11.10b Translational and rotational degrees of freedom in Example 11.9.2. Solution The system has n ¼ 4 nodes. Thus, the free structure has N ¼ 6n ¼ 24 degrees of freedom. We set Iy ¼ I , hence A ¼ 300I , Iz ¼ 4I , and It ¼ 0:229hb3 ¼ 2:748I . Moreover, it is G ¼ 0:4166E. TABLE E11.5 Geometrical data of the elements. e xj xk D x yj yk 1 0.886L 0 0.886L 0 0.5L 0.5L 0.5L 0.5L 0 0 0.5L 0.5L L 0.5L 0.5L 0 2 0 0 0 0.5L 0.5L 3 0 0.886L 0.886L 0.5L 0 D y 0.5L zj zk D z 488 PART II Multi-degree-of-freedom systems Computation of ke , me , pe , Re for e ¼ 1, 2, 3. Applying Eqs. (11.9.10a)– (11.9.10d) we obtain 2 7500 60 6 EI 6 0 k1jj ¼ 3 6 L 6 60 40 0 0 0 0 0 48 0 0 0 0 12 0 30 0 0 28:62 0 0 30 0 100 120 0 0 0 2 7500 0 60 48 6 EI 6 0 0 1 kkk ¼ 3 6 0 0 L 6 6 40 0 0 120 3 0 120 7 7 0 7 7, 0 7 7 0 5 400 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 120 7 7 12 0 30 0 7 7 0 28:62 0 0 7 7 30 0 100 0 5 0 0 0 400 2 3 7500 0 0 0 0 0 6 0 48 0 0 0 120 7 6 7 6 EI 0 0 12 0 30 0 7 1 6 7, k 1 ¼ k1 kjk ¼ 3 6 kj jk 0 0 28:62 0 0 7 L 6 0 7 4 0 0 30 0 50 0 5 0 120 0 0 0 200 T k2 ¼ k3 ¼ k1 The lumped mass assumption results in the matrices me 2 0:5 60 6 60 1 mjj ¼ rAL6 60 6 40 0 0 0:5 0 0 0 0 0 0 0:5 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 m1jk ¼ m1kj 0 0 0 0 0 0 T 3 2 0 0:5 60 07 7 6 6 07 7, m1 ¼ rAL6 0 kk 60 07 7 6 40 05 0 0 0 0:5 0 0 0 0 ¼ 0 and m2 ¼ m3 ¼ m1 0 0 0:5 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 0 07 7 07 7 07 7 05 0 The finite element method Chapter 11 489 Because the loading is referred to the global axes, we obtain directly the equivalent nodal loads pe ðt Þ 9 9 8 8 8 9 0 > 0 > 0> > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > 2:5 2:5 0> > > > > > > > > > > > = = = < < < > 0 0 0 2 2 1 1 3 3 Lf ðt Þ, pk ¼ Lf ðt Þ, pj ¼ pk ¼ pj ¼ pk ¼ pj ¼ 0 > 0> > > 0 > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > 0 > 0 > 0> > > > > > > > > > > > ; ; ; : : : > 0 0 0 Taking the positive direction of the local x to coincide with increasing node number and the points P1 20 , P2 O, P3 30 to define the principal planes xy of the elements 1, 2, 3, respectively, and Table E11.5, we obtain: Element 1: e1 ¼ ½ 0:866 0:500 0 , rP1 ¼ f 4:33 0 0 gT , e3 ¼ e1 rP1 ¼ ½ 0 0 1 , e2 ¼ e3 e1 ¼ ½ 0:5 0:866 0 je1 rP1 j 2 1 3 L 0:866 0:500 0 60 1 1 6 4 5 L ¼ 0:5 0:866 0 , R ¼ 4 0 0 0 1 0 2 0 L1 0 0 0 0 L1 0 3 0 0 7 7 0 5 L1 Element 2: e1 ¼ ½ 0 0 1 , rP2 ¼ ½ 0 2:5 2:5 , e3 ¼ e1 rP2 ¼ ½ 1 0 0 je1 rP2 j e2 ¼ ½ 0 1 0 2 3 2 L2 0 0 1 60 L2 ¼ 4 0 1 0 5, R2 ¼ 6 40 1 0 0 0 0 L2 0 0 0 0 L2 0 3 0 0 7 7 0 5 L2 490 PART II Multi-degree-of-freedom systems Element 3: e1 ¼ ½ 0:866 0:500 0 , rP3 ¼ ½ 0 2:5 0 , e3 ¼ e1 rP3 ¼ ½ 0 0 1 je1 rP3 j e2 ¼ ½0:50 0:866 0 2 3 3 L 0:866 0:500 0 60 3 3 L ¼ 4 0:500 0:866 0 5, R ¼ 6 40 0 0 1 0 2 0 L3 0 0 0 0 L3 0 3 0 0 7 7 0 5 L3 K and total load vector p of the strucComputation of total matrices M, ture. First, we transform the element matrices and load vectors from the local to global axes using Eqs. (11.9.39), (11.9.40), (11.9.42). Then we determine the element assembly matrices ae ðe ¼ 1, 2, 3Þ, which are used to evaluate the enlarged element matrices and load vectors. Finally, we evaluate the total matrices and the total load vector of the free structure from the relations ¼ K 3 X e¼1 e ¼ ðae ÞT k ae , M 3 X e ae , pðt Þ ¼ Pext + ða e ÞT m e¼1 3 X ðae ÞT pe e¼1 where Pext ¼ f0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 200Lf ðt Þ 0 0 0 0 0 0gT is the vector of the loads directly applied to the nodes. Subsequently, the transformation matrix V is constructed by considering the support conditions. After e ff and e ff , K partitioning the transformed matrices, we compute the matrices M ∗ e the load vector pf using Eqs. (11.9.44) and (11.9.45). This procedure yields the equation of motion in terms of the 12 free degrees of freedom ef ¼ f u7 u8 u9 u10 u11 u12 u13 u14 u15 u16 u17 u18 gT u e ff e e ff e u€f + K uf ¼ pt∗ M Then, reordering the displacements to separate the translations from the rotations and eliminating the six rotational degrees of freedom yields the following equation with respect to the six translational degrees of freedom f u7 u8 u9 u13 u14 u15 gT 2 38 € 9 u7 > > > > > > > > 7> > > € 7 > > 8 > u 1:0 0 0 0 0 7> > > > > > 7> > > > < 7 0 1:0 0 0 0 7 u€9 = 7 > u€13 > > 0 0 1:0 0 0 7 > > 7> > > > 7> > > > > 7 € u 0 0 0 1:0 0 5> > 14 > > > > > > > :€ > ; u15 0 0 0 0 1:0 1:0 0 6 60 6 6 60 6 rAL6 60 6 6 60 4 0 0 0 0 0 9 38 u7 > 225L2 + 7:68 130L2 6:17 3:17 4:68 0:976 3:17 > > > > > 7> 6 130L2 6:17 75L2 + 13:6 > u8 > 1:68 0:976 1:26 1:68 > > 7> 6 > > < = 7 6 2 2 EI 6 6:17 1:68 300L + 7:66 3:17 1:68 300L 0:88 7 u9 + 36 7 7> u13 > 4:68 0:976 3:17 225L2 + 7:68 130L2 + 6:17 3:17 L 6 > > > 7> 6 > > 2 > 5 4 0:976 u14 > 1:68 1:26 1:68 1:68 75L + 13:6 > > > > : ; u15 3:17 1:68 300L2 0:88 3:17 1:68 300L2 2 8 9 9:39 > > > > > > > > > 16:26 2:5L > > > > > < = 0 ¼ f ðt Þ > > 140:61 > > > > > > > > 243:54 2:5L > > > > : ; 0 492 PART II Multi-degree-of-freedom systems To save space, the intermediate computed matrices are not given here because they are very large. The reader can find them on this book’s companion website. Reduction of the degrees of freedom due to axial constraints. The equations of the constraints are l111 u7 + l112 u8 + l113 u9 ¼ 0 l211 u7 + l212 u8 + l213 u9 ¼ l211 u13 + l212 u14 + l213 u15 l311 u13 + l312 u14 + l313 u15 ¼ 0 Using the computed values for lij the constraint matrix is 2 3 0:866 0:5 0 0 0 0 6 7 D ¼ 40 0 1 0 0 15 0 0 0 0:866 0:5 0 The Gauss-Jordan elimination yields 2 3 1 0:577 0 0 0 0 6 7 1 0 0 1 5 4 0 0 0 0 0 1 0:577 0 We readily conclude that the rank of the constraint matrix is 3. Therefore, the independent displacements are 3. In the following, we take u8 u9 u14 as independent displacements. This requires the rearrangement of the equations using the transformation matrix 2 3 0 0 0 1 0 0 61 0 0 0 0 07 6 7 6 7 60 1 0 0 0 07 ^ 6 7 V¼6 7 60 0 0 0 1 07 6 7 40 0 1 0 0 05 0 0 0 0 0 1 which transforms the constraint equations to The finite element method Chapter 11 Thus the constraint matrix becomes Hence 2 3 2 3 0:5 0 0 0:866 0 0 0 1 5, Da ¼ 4 0 1 0 5, Db ¼ 4 0 0 0 0:5 0 0:866 0 2 3 1 0 0 6 0 7 1 0 6 7 6 7 I 0 0 1 6 7 ¼ T¼ 1 6 7 Db Da 6 0:577 0 0 7 4 0 0 0:577 5 0 1 0 2 ^ ¼ TT M 3 1:33 0 0 ^TM e tt V ^ T ¼ rAL4 0 V 2 0 5 0 0 1:33 2 ^ ¼ TT K 23:3 ^TK e ∗V ^ T ¼ EI 4 3:35 V tt L3 1:43 3:35 13:5 3:35 3 1:43 3:35 5 23:3 9 8 21:68 2:5L = < T ∗ ^ p ðt Þ ¼ ^ðt Þ ¼ TT V f ðt Þ 0 p t ; : 324:73 2:5L and the sought equation of motion reads 9 9 38 2 38 1:33 0 0 < u€8 = EI 23:3 3:35 1:43 < u8 = 4 3:35 13:5 3:35 5 u9 rAL4 0 2 0 5 u€9 + ; : € ; L3 : 0 1:33 u14 1:43 3:35 23:3 u14 2 9 8 < 21:68 2:5L = f ðt Þ ¼ 0 ; : 324:73 2:5L 493 494 PART II Multi-degree-of-freedom systems 11.10 The finite element method for the space truss 11.10.1 Properties of the space truss element In a space truss (Fig. 11.10.1), the rods are interconnected at the nodes, which are spherical hinges and as such allow freely the relative rotation of the end cross-sections. In the deformed state at time t, the ends of the element j, k are displaced to points j 0 , k 0 and the element occupies the position j 0 k 0 . Therefore, the vector of nodal coordinates is (see Fig. 11.10.2) u ¼ f u1 u2 u3 u4 u5 u6 gT (11.10.1) According to what we mentioned for the plane truss, a point on the x local axis of the element will undergo displacements along the x, y and z axes, that is, u ðx, t Þ ¼ u1 1 ðx Þ + u4 4 ðx Þ (11.10.2a) v ðx, t Þ ¼ u2 2 ðx Þ + u 5 5 ðx Þ (11.10.2b) w ðx, t Þ ¼ u3 3 ðx Þ + u6 6 ðx Þ (11.10.2c) Fig. 11.10.1 Space truss. Fig. 11.10.2 Nodal displacements of a space truss element. The finite element method Chapter 11 495 where 1 ðx Þ ¼ 2 ðx Þ ¼ 3 ðx Þ ¼ 1 x, 4 ðx Þ ¼ 5 ðx Þ ¼ x ¼ x=L 6 ðx Þ ¼ x (11.10.3a) (11.10.3b) Because the element does not undergo bending, the axes on the cross-section of the rod may have any orientation. Nevertheless, it is recommended to take them in the directions of the cross-sectional principal axes. The elastic energy of the element is due only to the axial deformation. Therefore, for an element with variable cross-section Aðx Þ and mass m ðx Þ, it is Z 1 L 2 EAðx Þ½u 0 ðx, t Þ dx (11.10.4) U ðu1 , u2 , …, u6 Þ ¼ 2 0 The kinetic energy for consistent mass assumption is Z n o 1 L T ðu_ 1 , u_ 2 , …, u_ 6 Þ ¼ m ðx Þ ½u_ ðx, t Þ2 + ½v_ ðx, t Þ2 + ½w_ ðx, t Þ2 dx 2 0 (11.10.5) while for lumped mass assumption is 1 1 T ðu_ 1 , u_ 2 , …, u_ 6 Þ ¼ m1 u_ 21 + u_ 22 + u_ 23 + m2 u_ 24 + u_ 25 + u_ 26 2 2 (11.10.6) where Z m1 ¼ L Z m ðx Þð1 x Þdx and m2 ¼ 0 L m ðx Þxdx (11.10.7) 0 Applying the procedure developed for the plane truss, we obtain the stiffness matrix, the mass matrix, and the vector of equivalent nodal forces of the space truss. (i) Nodal elastic forces and stiffness matrix of the space truss element The relation between the elastic nodal forces and nodal displacements is in which f eS ¼ ke ue (11.10.8) 8 9 fS1 > > > > > > >f > > S2 > > > > > > = <f > S3 e fS ¼ > > fS4 > > > > > > > > > > f > > S5 > ; : > fS6 (11.10.9a) 496 PART II Multi-degree-of-freedom systems 2 8 9 u1 > > > > > > > > > u2 > > > > > > = <u > 3 e u ¼ > > u4 > > > > > > > > > > u > > 5 > ; : > u6 (11.10.9b) k11 0 0 k14 0 0 60 6 6 60 ke ¼ 6 6k 6 41 6 40 0 3 0 0 k44 0 0 0 0 07 7 7 0 07 7 0 07 7 7 0 05 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 (11.10.9c) where Z kij ¼ L EAðx Þ 0 0 i 0 j dx, i, j ¼ 1, 4 (11.10.10) For Aðx Þ ¼ A ¼ constant it is 2 3 1 0 0 1 0 0 6 0 0 0 0 0 07 7 6 7 e6 6 0 0 0 0 0 07 EA 7 ke ¼ e 6 7 L 6 6 1 0 0 1 0 0 7 7 6 4 0 0 0 0 0 05 0 0 0 (11.10.11) 0 0 0 (ii) Nodal inertial forces and mass matrix of the truss element The relation between the inertial nodal forces and nodal displacements is €e f eI ¼ me u (11.10.12) 8 9 fI 1 > > > > > > >f > > I2 > > > > > > = <f > I3 e fI ¼ > > fI 4 > > > > > > > > > > f > > I 5 > ; : > fI 6 (11.10.13a) in which The finite element method Chapter 8 9 u€1 > > > > > > > > > €2 > u > > > > > = < u€ > 3 e € ¼ u > > u€4 > > > > > > > > > > € u > > 5 > ; : > u€6 and me is the mass matrix. For the consistent mass assumption, we obtain 2 3 m11 0 0 m14 0 0 60 0 m25 0 7 m22 0 6 7 6 0 0 m36 7 0 0 m 33 e 6 7 m ¼6 0 m44 0 0 7 6 m41 0 7 40 0 m54 0 5 m52 0 0 m66 0 0 m63 0 11 497 (11.10.13b) (11.10.14) where Z mij ¼ mi + 1, j + 1 ¼ mi + 2, j + 2 ¼ L m ðx Þ i ðx Þ j ðx Þdx, i, j ¼ 1, 4 0 (11.10.15) ¼ constant the matrix For m ðx Þ ¼ m 2 2 0 60 2 6 me 6 e 60 0 m ¼ 6 6 61 0 40 1 0 0 in Eq. (11.10.14) becomes 3 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 07 7 2 0 0 17 7 (11.10.16) 0 2 0 07 7 0 0 2 05 1 0 0 2 ¼ rAL is the total mass of the element. where m e ¼ mL For lumped mass assumption, the mass matrix results as 2 3 m11 0 0 0 0 0 60 0 0 0 7 m22 0 6 7 6 0 0 7 0 0 m33 0 7 me ¼ 6 60 0 7 0 0 m44 0 6 7 40 0 0 0 m55 0 5 0 0 0 0 0 m66 where m11 ¼ m22 ¼ m33 ¼ m1 , m44 ¼ m55 ¼ m66 ¼ m2 and Z L Z L m ðx Þð1 xÞdx, m2 ¼ m ðx Þxdx m1 ¼ 0 0 (11.10.17) (11.10.18) 498 PART II Multi-degree-of-freedom systems ¼ constant, Eq. (11.10.17) becomes When m ðx Þ ¼ m 2 3 1 0 0 0 0 0 60 1 0 0 0 07 6 7 60 0 1 0 0 07 1 7 me ¼ m e 6 7 2 6 60 0 0 1 0 07 40 0 0 0 1 05 0 0 0 0 0 1 (11.10.19) (iii) Equivalent nodal loads of the space frame element If the element is subjected to the axial load pðx, t Þ, the equivalent nodal load vector is 9 8 p1 ðt Þ > > > > > > > > 0 > > > > = < 0 e (11.10.20) p ðt Þ ¼ p4 ðt Þ > > > > > > > > 0 > > > > ; : 0 where Z L pi ðt Þ ¼ px ðx, t Þ i ðx Þdx, i ¼ 1, 4 (11.10.21) 0 11.10.2 Transformation of the nodal coordinates of the space truss element By selecting the local axes y, z to coincide with the principal axes of the crosssection, we can compute the matrix of the direction cosines of the element exactly as for the space frame element. Then, the nodal coordinates at the end points are transformed according to Eqs. (11.9.32a), (11.9.32b). Hence, we will have 8 9 2 38 9 l11 l12 l13 < u1 = < u1 = ¼ 4 l21 l22 l23 5 u2 (11.10.22a) u : 2; : ; u3 l31 l32 l33 u3 8 9 2 38 9 l11 l12 l13 < u4 = < u4 = ¼ 4 l21 l22 l23 5 u5 (11.10.22b) u : 5; : ; u6 l31 l32 l33 u6 which are combined to ue ¼ ðRe ÞT ue (11.10.23) The finite element method Chapter where Re ¼ L 0 0 L 11 499 (11.10.24) is the transformation matrix of the e element of the space truss with dimensions 6 6. The remaining procedure for formulating the equation of motion is the same as for the plane truss. Example 11.10.1 Formulate the equation of motion of the space truss of Fig. E11.11. All bars have the same cross-sectional area A. The distributed load on element 1 is pðx, t Þ ¼ ð1 x=LÞP ðt Þ=L. Assume: modulus of elasticity E, material density r, lumped mass assumption. Solution Fig. E11.11 Space truss in Example 11.10.1. The free structure has n ¼ 4 nodes and N ¼ 3n ¼ 12 degrees of freedom. We assume that the principal planes xy of all elements are normal to the plane x y. Thus, we take the projection of the node 4 on the plane x y as point P, that is, P ð1:5, 2, 0Þ, which is common for all elements. Then, taking into account the geometrical data of Table E11.6, we obtain TABLE E11.6 Geometrical data of the elements. e xj xk D x yj yk D y zj zk D z L 1 3 1.5 1.5 0 2 2 0 4 4 4.717 2 0 1.5 1.5 0 2 2 0 4 4 4.717 3 3 1.5 1.5 4 2 2 0 4 4 4.717 500 PART II Multi-degree-of-freedom systems Computation of the transformation matrices Re, e¼1,2,3 Element 1 e1 ¼ f 0:318 0:424 0:848 gT , e3 ¼ rP1 ¼ f 1:5 2 0 gT e1 rP1 T T ¼ f 0:8 0:6 0 g , e2 ¼ e3 e1 ¼ f 0:508 0:678 0:530 g je1 rP1 j 2 3 " # 1 L 0 7 0:678 0:530 5, R1 ¼ 0 L1 0:800 0:600 0 0:318 6 L1 ¼ 4 0:508 0:424 0:848 Element 2 e1 ¼ f 0:318 0:424 0:848 gT , e3 ¼ rP2 ¼ f 1:5 2 0 gT e1 rP2 ¼ f 0:8 0:6 0 gT , e2 ¼ e3 e1 ¼ f 0:508 0:678 0:530 gT je1 rP2 j 2 3 2 0:318 0:424 0:848 L 0 L ¼ 4 0:508 0:678 0:530 5, R2 ¼ 0 L2 0:800 0:600 0 2 Element 3 e1 ¼ f 0:318 0:424 0:848 gT , rP3 ¼ f 1:5 2 0 gT e3 ¼ e1 rP3 ¼ f 0:8 0:6 je1 rj 2 0:318 L3 ¼ 4 0:508 0:800 0 gT , e2 ¼ e3 e1 ¼ f 0:508 0:678 0:530 gT 3 3 0:424 0:848 L 0 3 5 0:678 0:530 , R ¼ 0 L3 0:600 0 Computation of ke , me , pe ðt Þ, e ¼ 1, 2, 3 2 3 1 0 0 1 0 0 6 0 0:5 0 0 0 0 7 6 7 6 7 0 0 0:5 0 0 0 EA 6 7 k1 ¼ k2 ¼ k3 ¼ 6 7 L 6 1 0 0 1 0 0 7 6 7 4 0 0 0 0 0:5 0 5 0 0 0 0 0 0:5 2 3 0:5 0 0 0 0 0 60 0:5 0 0 0 0 7 6 7 6 0 0 0:5 0 0 0 7 7 m1 ¼ m2 ¼ m3 ¼ rAL6 60 0 0 0:5 0 0 7 6 7 40 0 0 0 0:5 0 5 0 0 0 0 0 0:5 The finite element method Chapter Z p11 ðt Þ ¼ L 1 ðx Þdx ¼ 0:333P ðt Þ, pðx, t Þ 4 ðx Þdx ¼ 0:167P ðt Þ 0 Z p14 ðt Þ ¼ pðx, t Þ 11 L 0 9 8 0:333 > > > > > > > > 0 > > > > = < 0 1 P ðt Þ, p ðt Þ ¼ 0:167 > > > > > > > > > > > >0 ; : 0 p2 ðt Þ ¼ p3 ðt Þ ¼ 0 e e , pe ðt Þ, e ¼ 1, 2, 3 Computation of k , m T k1 ¼ R1 k1 R1 3 2 0:101 0:135 0:27 0:101 0:135 0:27 6 0:135 0:18 0:36 0:135 0:18 0:36 7 7 6 7 6 0:27 0:36 0:719 0:27 0:36 0:719 7 EA 6 7 6 ¼ L 6 0:101 0:135 0:27 7 7 6 0:101 0:135 0:27 7 6 4 0:135 0:18 0:36 0:135 0:18 0:36 5 0:27 T k2 ¼ R2 k2 R2 2 0:101 6 0:135 6 6 0:27 EA 6 6 ¼ 6 L 6 0:101 6 4 0:135 0:27 T k3 ¼ R3 k3 R3 2 0:101 6 0:135 6 6 0:27 EA 6 6 ¼ 6 L 6 0:101 6 4 0:135 0:27 0:36 0:719 0:27 0:135 0:27 0:36 0:101 0:135 0:719 0:27 3 0:36 7 7 7 0:36 0:719 0:27 0:36 0:719 7 7 0:135 0:27 0:101 0:135 0:27 7 7 7 0:18 0:36 0:135 0:18 0:36 5 0:36 0:719 0:27 0:36 0:719 0:18 0:36 0:135 0:18 0:101 0:135 0:27 0:135 0:27 0:18 0:36 0:36 0:135 0:18 0:719 0:27 0:36 0:135 0:27 0:101 0:18 0:36 0:135 0:27 0:36 0:719 3 0:36 7 7 7 0:719 7 7 0:135 0:27 7 7 7 0:18 0:36 5 0:36 0:719 501 502 PART II Multi-degree-of-freedom systems 2 0:5 0 0 0 0 3 0 6 0 0:5 0 0 0 0 7 7 6 7 6 6 0 0 0:5 0 0 0 7 7 1 ¼m 2 ¼m 3 ¼ rAL6 m 6 0 0 0 0:5 0 0 7, 7 6 7 6 4 0 0 0 0 0:5 0 5 0 0 0 0 0 0:5 9 8 0:106 > > > > > > > > > 0:141 > > > > > > = < 0:283 > P ðt Þ, p2 ðt Þ ¼ p3 ðt Þ ¼ 0 p1 ðt Þ ¼ > > 0:053 > > > > > > > > > 0:070 > > > > > ; : 0:141 Subsequently, the assembly matrices ae , ðe ¼ 1, 2, 3Þ are formulated 2 1 60 6 60 a1 ¼ 6 60 6 40 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 60 6 60 a3 ¼ 6 60 6 40 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 2 0 0 60 07 7 6 6 07 7, a2 ¼ 6 0 60 07 7 6 40 05 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 3 0 07 7 07 7 07 7 05 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 3 0 07 7 07 7 07 7 05 1 and the total matrices of the structure are computed, namely ¼ K 3 X e¼1 e ¼ ðae ÞT k ae , M 3 X e¼1 e ae , pðt Þ ¼ Pðt Þ + aT m 3 X ðae ÞT pðt Þe e¼1 e M e and load vector p eðt Þ due to support conditions Modified matrices K, The equation of motion will be derived with respect to the three free degrees of freedom of node 4. Due to the support conditions, the displacement vector should be modified as e e1 u e2 u e3 u e4 u e5 u e6 u e7 u e8 u e9 u e10 u e11 u e12 g uT ¼ f u ¼ f u10 u11 u12 u1 u2 u3 u4 u5 u6 u7 u8 u9 g The finite element method Chapter Therefore, the matrix V 2 0 60 6 61 6 60 6 61 6 60 V¼6 60 6 60 6 60 6 60 6 40 0 11 503 defined by Eq. (11.2.111) is 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 0 07 7 07 7 07 7 07 7 07 7 07 7 07 7 07 7 07 7 05 0 After partitioning the modified matrices, the equation of motion results from Eq. (10.2.117) which in terms of the original numeration reads 9 9 2 38 38 0:303 0:135 0:270 < u10 = 1:5 0 0 < u€10 = EA 4 0:135 0:539 0:359 5 u11 rAL4 0 1:5 0 5 u€11 + ; :€ ; : L 0:270 0:359 2:157 u12 0 0 1:5 u12 9 8 < 0:053 = ¼ 0:929 P ðt Þ ; : 1:859 2 11.11 Rigid bodies within flexible skeletal structures Skeletal structures may often embrace bodies of finite dimensions whose deformation is very small compared to that of the elements of the structure. These bodies may be considered as rigid bodies. Fig. 11.11.1 shows examples of such structures. During motion, these bodies oblige the ends of the elements connected with them to ride the displacements of the rigid body, which are three for the plane body and six for the three-dimensional body. 11.11.1 Rigid bodies in spaces frames First, we will derive the equations of motion of a space frame embracing rigid bodies. We consider an element e, whose ends j and k are connected to the bodies ðJ Þ and ðK Þ, respectively, Fig 11.11.2. Points J and K of the bodies, which in general do not coincide with the center of mass of the bodies, are taken as points of reference of their motion. The axes x y z are parallel to the global axes of the structure. All points of reference of the motion are considered as virtual (fictitious) nodes of the frame, the displacements of which will be the 504 PART II Multi-degree-of-freedom systems Fig. 11.11.1 Rigid bodies B in skeletal structures. Fig. 11.11.2 Element e of a space frame with rigid bodies at its ends. coordinates of the motion. This imposes the transfer of the element end forces from its ends j and k to J and K , respectively. This is achieved by working as follows. The positive direction of the element is from point j to point k. We denote by y j ¼ yj yJ , D z j ¼ zj zJ the coordinates of point j with D x j ¼ xj xJ , D respect to the system J x y z (see Fig. 11.11.3). The position vector defined by the relation x j i + D y j j + D zj k rj ¼ D (11.11.1) will be referred to as the translation (transfer) vector or the offset vector and is directed from point J to point j. (i) Transfer of the nodal forces from j to J The finite element method Chapter 11 505 Fig. 11.11.3 Rigid body (J ). The nodal element forces at the end j and those transferred to point J are given by ð11:11:2a; bÞ in which f aj , f aJ denote forces while f bj , f bJ moments all referred to the global system of axes. Nevertheless, the overbars are omitted here for the sake of simplifying the symbols. Therefore, the vector f j has dimensions 6 1 and may e e represent any of the vectors f I , f S , pe ðt Þ at j. The damping is not considered here but it will be introduced as proportional damping in the final equation of motion (see Section 12.11). Due to transfer, we have (11.11.3a) f aJ ¼ f aj f bJ ¼ f bj + rj f aj (11.11.3b) After expanding the vector product using vector components, the foregoing equations are written as ð11:11:4Þ or f J ¼ Tj f j (11.11.5) 506 PART II Multi-degree-of-freedom systems where Tj ¼ I 0 ej I (11.11.6) represents the transformation matrix of the end forces from point j to J . I represents 3 3 unit matrix and 2 3 0 D zj D yj zj 0 D xj 5 (11.11.7) ej ¼ 4 D D yj D xj 0 is the offset (or eccentricity) matrix, which is equal to zero in the absence of a rigid body because rj ¼ 0. Obviously, the matrix ej is antisymmetric, namely eTj ¼ ej (11.11.8) Eq. (11.11.5) can be readily inverted by taking point j as a reference point and repeating the previous procedure. This yields f j ¼ TTj f J where TTj ¼ I ej I eTj ¼ ¼ 0 I 0 I (11.11.9) (11.11.10) (ii) Transfer of the displacements from J to j The nodal displacements at J and those transferred to point j are denoted in correspondence to Eq. (11.11.2a) , Eq. (11.11.2b) by ð11:11:11a; bÞ in which uaj ,uaJ denote translations while ubj , ubJ rotations. The displacements at j in terms of the displacements J are given by the expressions uaj ¼ uaJ (11.11.12a) ubj ¼ ubJ + uaJ rj (11.11.12b) The term uaJ rj in Eq. (11.11.12b) results from Eq. (Α.2.10) of Appendix Α by setting w ¼uaJ and R ¼ rj . After expanding the vector product using vector components, the foregoing equations yield The finite element method Chapter uj ¼ TTj uJ 11 507 (11.11.13) Similar relations are obtained for the nodal displacements and forces at end k. Namely uk ¼ TTk uK (11.11.14) f k ¼ TTk f K (11.11.15) where TTk 2 I eTk ¼ 0 I (11.11.16) 3 0 D zk D yk zk 0 D xk 5 ek ¼ 4 D D y k D xk 0 (11.11.17) y k , D z k are the coordinates of the point k with respect The quantities D x k , D to the system of axes K x y z (see Fig. 11.11.2). Thus, the offset vector is x k i + D y k j + D zk k rk ¼ D (11.11.18) Eqs. (11.11.5), (11.11.15) are combined as f 0 e ¼ Te f e where f e ¼ fj 0e , f ¼ fk (11.11.19) fJ T 0 , Te ¼ j fK 0 Tk (11.11.20) Similarly, Eqs. (11.11.13), (11.11.14) are combined as u0 ¼ Te ue e (11.11.21) where ue ¼ uj e , u0 ¼ uk uJ uK (11.11.22) The quantities provided with a prime are referred to the virtual nodes J and K . (iii) Transformation of the stiffness matrix, mass matrix, and equivalent nodal load vector due to the offset Eq. (11.11.19) is written as f 0 e ¼ Te f e S S e ¼ Te k ue e e (11.11.23) e T 0e ¼ T k ðT Þ u hence the transformed stiffness matrix is 0e e k ¼ Te k ðTe ÞT (11.11.24) 508 PART II Multi-degree-of-freedom systems Applying the same procedure yields the transformed mass matrix 0 ¼ Te m e ðTe ÞT m e (11.11.25) The vector of the equivalent nodal forces is transformed according to Eq. (11.11.19). Thus, we have p0 ðt Þe ¼ Te pðt Þe (11.11.26) The remaining procedure to formulate the equation is known. That is, e e e ^ 0 , and p ^0 , M ^0 ðt Þ using the assembly we formulate the enlarged matrices K matrices and we establish the equation 0 u0 ¼ p0 ðt Þ 0 u€0 + K M (11.11.27) where 0¼ M Ne X e¼1 0 ¼ ^0 , K M e Ne X ^ 0 , p0 ðt Þ ¼ P0 ðt Þ + K e e¼1 Ne X ^ 0 ðt Þe p (11.11.28) e¼1 The components of the vector P0 ðt Þ represent the loads that are applied directly to the virtual nodes. But in real structures, the external loads are usually applied to points not coinciding with the virtual nodes, therefore they must previously be transferred to these points. The procedure is the same as that employed for the element nodal forces. Thus, if P is the point of application of the load with an offset vector. x p i + D y p j + D zpk rp ¼ D (11.11.29) its transfer from P to J is performed using the relation PJ ðt Þ ¼ Tp Pp (11.11.30) Eq. (11.11.27) is not the equation of motion of the structure because so far the inertial forces produced by the motion of the rigid bodies have not been included in it. Apparently, these forces are the most important in the considered type structures. This is achieved if the motion of the rigid bodies is taken into account. In Appendix, it is shown that the motion of a rigid body with respect to its center of mass is described by Eqs. (A.2.2), (A.2.8), namely €c F ¼ mR (11.10.31a) _ c Mc ¼ H (11.10.31b) where F is the resultant force, Mc the resultant moment with respect to the center of mass, and Hc the angular momentum. Introducing Eq. (A.2.14) in Eq. (11.11.31b), using (Α.2.11) and neglecting the nonlinear terms (the products of rotations) because we examine small displacements, we obtain the linearized Euler’s equations with respect to the principal axes of the body The finite element method Chapter €c F ¼ mR 11 509 (11.11.32a) Mc ¼ Ix w_ x + Ixy w_ y + Ixz w_ z e1 + Iyx w_ x + Iy w_ y + Iyz w_ z e2 + Izx w_ x + Izy w_ y + Iz w_ z e3 (11.11.32b) The quantities Ix , Ixy , …, Iz are the moments and the products of inertia, which are given by Eq. (Α.2.15). Using the notation of the current section, we write the forgoing equations €c f c ¼ Mc u (11.11.33) where 8 9 8 9 2 m fc1 > uc1 > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > 60 f u > > > > c2 c2 > > 6 = = < > < > 60 f uc3 , Mc ¼ 6 f c ¼ c3 , uc ¼ 60 uc4 > > > > > > fc4 > > 6 > > > > > > > > 40 u > > > > > fc5 > > ; ; : : c5 > 0 fc6 uc6 0 m 0 0 0 0 0 0 m 0 0 0 0 0 0 Ix Iyx Izx 0 0 0 Ixy Iy Izy 3 0 0 7 7 0 7 7 Ixz 7 7 Iyz 5 Iz (11.11.34) f c , uc , and Mc the vector of the inertia forces applied at the center of mass C , the displacement vector of the center of mass and the mass (inertia) matrix of the body with respect to center of mass, respectively. If the point of reference of the motion is not the center of mass, but an arbitrary point P, then Mc must be transformed from C to P. The transformation of f c and uc is achieved by Eqs. (11.11.5), (11.11.13). Thus, we have where f p ¼ Tc f c (11.11.35) uc ¼ TTc up (11.11.36) 3 0 D zc D yc I 0 , ec ¼ 4 D zc 0 D xc 5 Tc ¼ ec I D y c D xc 0 2 (11.11.37) y c ¼ yc yp , D z c ¼ zc zp are the components of the and D x c ¼ xc xp , D offset vector rc from the center of mass to the reference point P. After that, we may write f p ¼ Tc f c €c ¼ Tc M c u €p ¼ Tc Mc TTc u Hence Mp ¼ Tc Mc TTc (11.11.38) 0 of Then the mass matrices of all rigid bodies are added to mass matrix M Eq. (11.11.27) after they are enlarged by appropriate assembly matrices. Therefore, we obtain the equation of motion 510 PART II Multi-degree-of-freedom systems 0 u0 ¼ p0 ðt Þ ∗ u€0 + K M (11.11.39) where now ∗¼ M Nb X ^i + M p i¼1 Ne X ^0 M e (11.11.40) e¼1 ^ i are the enlarged mass matrices of the Nb rigid bodies. The procein which M p ∗ is illustrated with Example 11.11.1. dure of determining M 11.11.2 Rigid bodies in spaces trusses, plane grids, plane frames, and plane trusses Rigid bodies enclosed in the other types of skeletal structures can be studied following the procedure developed for the space frame. They differ only in the transformation matrix Tj and in the inertia matrix Mc . These matrices for all types of structures are summarized in Table 11.11.1. The transformation matrices can be readily found from that valid for the space frame (Type 5 in Table 11.11.1) by deleting appropriate rows and columns. For example, point TABLE 11.11.1 Transformation matrices Tj and rigid body mass-inertia matrix Mc of skeletal structures. Type of structure 1. Plane truss (structure in xy-plane) 2. Plane frame (bending in xy-plane) 3. Grid (structure in xy-plane) 4. Space truss 5. Space frame Tj 2 Mc 3 1 0 4 0 1 5 D yj D xj 2 3 1 0 0 4 0 1 05 D xj 1 D yj 2 3 1 0 D yj 4 0 1 D xj 5 0 0 1 3 2 1 0 0 6 0 1 0 7 7 6 6 0 0 1 7 7 6 7 6 0 D z D y j j7 6 4 D zj 0 D xj 5 D yj D xj 0 2 1 0 0 0 6 0 1 0 0 6 6 0 0 1 0 6 6 0 D zj D yj 1 6 4 D zj 0 D xj 0 D yj D xj 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 1 0 3 0 07 7 07 7 07 7 05 1 m 40 0 2 m 40 0 2 Ix 4 Iyx 0 2 m 60 6 60 6 60 6 40 0 2 m 60 6 60 6 60 6 40 0 3 0 0 m 05 0 Iz 3 0 0 m 05 0 Iz 3 Ixy 0 Iy 0 5 0 m 0 m 0 0 0 0 0 0 m 0 0 0 0 0 0 Ix Iyx Izx 0 0 0 Ixy Iy Izy 0 m 0 0 0 0 0 0 m 0 0 0 0 0 0 Ix Iyx Izx 0 0 0 Ixy Iy Izy 3 0 0 7 7 0 7 7 Ixz 7 7 Iyz 5 Iz 3 0 0 7 7 0 7 7 Ixz 7 7 Iyz 5 Iz The finite element method Chapter 11 511 J for a plane body in a plane truss has three displacements, two translations in the x and y directions and a rotation about the z axis. However, a joint j of the truss has only two displacements, the translations in the x and y directions. Therefore, we keep only the first, second, and sixth rows and the first and second columns in the 6 6 matrix. Thus, a 3 2 transformation matrix results for the plane truss. It should be noted that the 3 3 matrix pertaining to the grid requires not only the deletion of rows and columns but also their rearrangement. The inertia matrix Mc results from the inertia properties of the rigid body moving within the structure. It can also be found from that valid for the space frame (Type 5 in Table) by deleting appropriate rows and columns. Example 11.11.1 Formulate the equation of motion of the truss of Fig. E11.12. Coordinates of nodes: 1ð0, 0Þ, 2ð4, 0Þ, 3ð0, 3Þ, 4ð4, 3Þ, 5ð8, 3Þ; cross-section of bars: A1 ¼ A2 ¼ 1:5A, A3 ¼ A5 ¼ A, A4 ¼ A6 ¼ A7 ¼ 2:1A, A ¼ 27cm2 ; damping coefficient: cs ¼ 0; modulus of elasticity: E ¼ 2:1 108 kN=m2 ; acceleration of gravity g ¼ 9:81m=s2 material density r ¼ 7:55kNm1 s2 =m3 ; consistent mass assumption. The plane rigid body B has dimensions 3:0 3:0 0:02 m3 and specific weight 24kN=m3 . Fig. E11.12 Plane truss in Example 11.5.2. Solution The structure has n ¼ 5 nodes. We take node 1 as the point of reference of the motion of the rigid body. The free structure has N ¼ 9 degrees of freedom, namely the translational displacements u1 , u2 and the rotation u3 of the rigid body about point 1 and the six displacements of nodes 2, 4, 5 (see Fig. E11.12). Thus, it is u ¼ f u1 u2 u3 u4 u5 u6 u7 u8 u9 gT Computation of ke , me , pe ðt Þ for e ¼ 1, …,7 2 0:375 6 0 k1 ¼ k2 ¼ EA6 4 0:375 0 3 2 0 0:375 0 0:250 6 0 0 07 7, k3 ¼ EA6 0 4 0:250 0 0:375 0 5 0 0 0 0 3 0 0:250 0 0 0 07 7 0 0:250 0 5 0 0 0 512 PART II Multi-degree-of-freedom systems 2 0:420 6 0 4 7 6 k ¼ k ¼ EA4 0:420 0 3 2 0 0:20 6 07 7, k5 ¼ EA6 0 4 0:20 05 0 0 0 0:420 0 0 0 0:420 0 0 2 0:70 6 0 k6 ¼ EA6 4 0:70 0 2 2 6 0 m1 ¼ m2 ¼ rA6 41 0 0 2 0 1 2 3:50 6 0 m4 ¼ m7 ¼ rA6 4 1:75 0 0 0:70 0 0 0 0:70 0 0 3 2 0 1:333 6 17 7, m3 ¼ rA6 0 4 0:666 05 1 0 2 0 2 0 3:50 0 1:75 0 1:75 0 3:50 0 2 2:10 6 0 m6 ¼ rA6 4 1:05 0 0 0:20 0 0 0 0:20 0 0 3 0 07 7 05 0 0 1:333 0 0:666 3:50 0 1:05 0 2:10 0 3 0 0:666 7 7 5 0 0:666 0 1:333 0 3 2 0 1:667 6 1:75 7 7, m5 ¼ rA6 0 4 0:833 0 5 0 2:10 0 1:05 3 0 07 7 05 0 1:333 0 1:667 0 0:833 0:833 0 1:667 0 3 0 1:05 7 7 0 5 2:10 p1 ðt Þ ¼ p2 ðt Þ ¼ p3 ðt Þ ¼ p4 ðt Þ ¼ p5 ðt Þ ¼ p6 ðt Þ ¼ p7 ðt Þ ¼ 0 Computation of Re 2 1 60 1 2 3 R ¼R ¼R ¼6 40 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 3 2 0 0:8 6 0:6 07 4 7 7, R ¼ R ¼ 6 4 0 05 1 0 2 3 2 0:8 0:6 0 0 0 6 0:6 0:8 0 7 6 1 0 5 6 7, R ¼ 6 R ¼6 4 0 4 0 0 0:8 0:6 5 0 0 0:6 0:8 0 e e , pe ðt Þ Computation of k , m 2 0:375 6 0 1 2 k ¼ k ¼ EA6 4 0:375 0 0 0:375 0 0 0 0:375 0 0 0:6 0 0:8 0 0 0:8 0 0:6 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 3 2 0 0:250 6 0 07 3 7, k ¼ EA6 4 0:250 05 0 0 3 0 0 7 7 0:6 5 0:8 3 0 07 7 15 0 0 0:250 0 0 0 0:250 0 0 3 0 07 7 05 0 3 0 0:833 7 7 5 0 1:667 The finite element method Chapter 513 11 2 2 3 0:268 0:202 0:268 0:202 0 0 6 0:202 0:151 0:202 0:151 7 6 0 0:7 4 7 6 6 6 7 k ¼ k ¼ EA4 , k ¼ EA4 0:268 0:202 0:268 0:202 5 0 0 0:202 0:151 0:202 0:151 0 0:7 3 0 0 0 0:7 7 7 0 0 5 0 0:7 2 3 0:128 0:096 0:128 0:096 6 0:096 0:072 0:096 0:072 7 7 k5 ¼ EA6 4 0:128 0:096 0:128 0:096 5 0:096 0:072 0:096 0:072 2 2 3 2 0 1 0 1:333 0 0:666 60 2 0 17 60 1:333 0 1 2 3 7 ¼ rA6 ¼ rA6 ¼m m 4 1 0 2 0 5, m 4 0:666 0 1:333 0 1 0 2 0 0:666 0 2 2 3 3:50 0 1:75 0 1:667 0 6 6 7 0 3:50 0 1:75 0 1:667 7, m 7 ¼ rA6 5 ¼ rA6 4 ¼ m m 4 1:75 0 4 0:833 0 3:50 0 5 0 1:75 0 3:50 0 0:833 2 2:10 60 6 ¼ rA6 m 4 1:05 0 0 2:10 0 1:05 1:05 0 2:10 0 3 0 0:666 7 7 5 0 1:333 0:833 0 1:667 0 3 0 0:833 7 7 5 0 1:667 3 0 1:05 7 7 0 5 2:10 Computation of Te Because point 1 has been chosen as the point of reference, only the elements 2 and 5 are affected by the motion of the rigid body. Referring to Table 11.11.1 and Eqs. (11.11.24), (11.11.25), we obtain 2 3 1 0 0 0 2 3 6 0 1 0 07 1 0 6 7 7 y 3 ¼ 3, T2j ¼ 4 0 1 5 and T2 ¼ 6 Element 2. D x 3 ¼ 0, D 6 3 0 0 0 7 4 0 0 1 05 3 0 0 0 0 1 2 3 0:375 0 1:125 0:375 0 6 0 0 0 0 07 6 7 02 1:125 0 3:375 1:125 07 k ¼ EA6 6 7 4 0:375 0 1:125 0:375 0 5 0 0 0 0 0 514 PART II Multi-degree-of-freedom systems 2 1 0 0 60 1 0 1 0 6 Element 5. D y 3 ¼ 3, D x 3 ¼ 0, T5k ¼ 4 0 1 5 and T5 ¼ 6 60 0 1 40 0 0 3 0 0 0 3 2 3 0:128 0:096 0:128 0:096 0:384 6 0:096 0:072 0:096 0:072 0:288 7 6 7 05 7 k ¼ EA6 6 0:128 0:096 0:128 0:096 0:384 7 4 0:096 0:072 0:096 0:072 0:288 5 0:384 0:288 0:384 0:288 1:152 2 3 0e 3 0 07 7 07 7 15 0 0e ¼ m e , p0 e ¼ pe . For the remaining elements e ¼ 1, 3, 4, 6, 7 it is k ¼ k , m e Computation of the mass matrix M1 It is convenient to express the area AB and the density rB of the plane body in terms of A, r. Thuswe obtain AB ¼ 3333:33A, rB ¼ 0:324r. This yields m ¼ 21:6rA, Ic ¼ 21:6rA 32 + 32 =12 ¼ 32:4rA. Then from Table 11.11.1, we have 2 3 2 3 2 3 1 0 0 21:6 0 0 1 0 0 1 05 1 05 ¼ 4 0 Mc ¼ rA4 0 21:6 0 5 Tc ¼ 4 0 xc 1 1:5 1:5 1 0 0 32:4 D y c D and by virtue of Eq. (11.11.38), we obtain 2 21:6 0 M1 ¼ rA4 0 21:6 32:4 32:4 3 32:4 32:4 5 128:9 Finally, the load P ðt Þ is transferred from point A to 1 8 9 2 3 1 0 < 0= 0 ¼ 1 P ðt Þ P1 ðt Þ ¼ 4 0 1 5 P ðt Þ : ; 3 3 3 The finite element method Chapter Assembly matrices ae ðe ¼ 1, 2, …, 7Þ. Referring to Fig. 2 2 3 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 60 1 0 0 0 60 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 07 2 6 6 7 a1 ¼ 6 4 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 5, a ¼ 6 0 0 1 0 0 40 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 3 2 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 6 7 6 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 7 4 60 1 0 0 0 a3 ¼ 6 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 5, a ¼ 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 2 3 2 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 60 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 07 6 7 6 60 0 0 0 1 5 6 7 a ¼6 6 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 7, a ¼ 4 0 0 0 0 0 40 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 05 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 3 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 60 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 07 7 a7 ¼ 6 40 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 05 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 The assembly matrix for the 2 1 ap ¼ 4 0 0 11 515 E11.12, we have 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 07 7 0 0 0 07 7 1 0 0 05 0 1 0 0 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 07 7 1 0 0 05 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 3 0 07 7 05 0 plane rigid body is 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 05 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 Note that the dimensions of a2 and a5 are 5 9 while the dimensions of ap are 39. The enlarged element matrices and load vectors are computed using Eqs. (11.2.92), (11.2.95), (11.2.96), namely e e e ^ 0 ¼ ðae ÞT k0 e ae , p ^ 1 ¼ ðap ÞT M1 ap ^ 0 ¼ ðae ÞT m 0 ae , K ^0 ðt Þ ¼ ðae ÞT p0 ðt Þ, M M e e and load vector pðt Þ are computed using The total stiffness matrix K Eqs. (11.2.100), (11.2.107), respectively, namely ¼ K Ne X e¼1 ^ 0 , pðt Þ ¼ P ðt Þ + K e Ne X ^ 0 ðt Þ p e e¼1 ðt Þ is the vector of the external loads, that is, where P ðt Þ ¼ P ðt Þf 0 1 3 0 0 0 1 0 5 gT P 516 PART II Multi-degree-of-freedom systems Regarding the total mass matrix, it is computed using Eq. (11.11.40) ∗ ¼M ^1+ M 7 X ^0 M e e¼1 Taking into account the support conditions ( u 2 ¼ u4 ¼ u5 ¼ 0), the following transformation matrix V is constructed 2 3 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 60 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 07 6 7 60 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 07 6 7 60 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 07 6 7 7 V¼6 60 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 17 60 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 07 6 7 60 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 07 6 7 40 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 05 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 and the load vector pðt Þ yielding the ∗, K which modifies the matrices M equation of motion e ff e e ff e u€f + K uf ¼ e pf∗ ðt Þ M where 2 30:77 6 43:40 6 6 e ff ¼ rA6 2:75 M 6 0 6 4 0 0 43:40 2:75 0 162:60 3:00 0 3:00 8:93 0 0 0 8:93 0 0:67 0 0 0 0:67 0 0 0:67 0 4:83 0 3 0 0 7 7 0 7 7: 0:67 7 7 0 5 4:83 2 3 1:15 1:51 0:64 0:20 0 0 6 1:51 4:53 0:12 0 7 0 0 6 7 6 0:64 0:12 0:89 0:20 0:25 0 7 e ff ¼ EA6 7, K 6 0:20 0 7 0:20 0:85 0 0 6 7 4 0 0 0:25 0 0:52 0:20 5 0 0 0 0 0:20 0:15 e uf ðt Þ ¼ f u3 u4 u6 u7 u8 u9 gT pf∗ ðt Þ ¼ P ðt Þf 0 3 0 1 0 5 gT , e Remark. The solution of the equation of motion gives the components of the displacement e uf ðt Þ due to the dynamic loads. However, the weight Wc ¼ 3 3 0:02 24 ¼ 4:32kN of the rigid body produces a static deformation, which should be added to the dynamic one in order to obtain the total deformation. This is achieved as follows. The finite element method Chapter First, the weight Wc is transferred from point C to point 1 8 9 2 3 1 0 < 0 = 0 ¼ 4:32 1 5 W1 ¼ 4 0 Wc : ; 6:48 1:5 1:5 11 517 T This yields the load vector Pst ¼ 0 4:32 6:48 0 0 0 0 0 0 , which is e st ¼ VPst ¼ 0 6:48 0 0 0 0 4:32 0 0 T . modified due to the supports to P e stf ¼ 0 6:48 0 0 0 0 T and finally Then we obtain P e ff ust ¼ K 1 Pstf ¼ 1 f 2:34 3:07 3:45 1:37 3:45 4:60 gT EA 11.12 Problems Problem P11.1 A plane truss element of length L has variable cross-section A ¼ A0 1 0:05x2 , x ¼ x=L. The element is loaded by the distributed axial load t and the suddenly applied concentrated load P ¼ P0 at pðx, t Þ ¼ p0 ð1 + xÞ sin w the cross-section x ¼ 0:25L. Compute: (a) the matrices ke , me and the vector pe . For the mass matrix consider (i) consistent mass assumption and (ii) lumped mass assumption. Compare ke , me with those resulting when the exact shape functions are employed. (b) Transform ke , me , pe to the pffiffiffi system of axes, global if the coordinates of element end points j and k are 1 + 3 L=2, 3L=2 and ðL=2, LÞ, respectively. Problem P11.2 The height of the cross-section Aðx Þ ¼ bh ðx Þ of a plane frame element of length L varies linearly so that h ðLÞ ¼ 0:5h ð0Þ. The element is t, the distributed bendloaded by the distributed load py ðx, t Þ ¼ p0 ð1 x Þsin w t as well as by the concentrated ing moment mz ðx, t Þ ¼ m0 1 x + x 2 cos w load Py ðL=3Þ and the concentrated moment Mz ð3L=4Þ, which are applied suddenly. Compute the matrices ke , me and the vector pe ðt Þ and compare them with those resulting when the exact shape functions are employed. Consider the lumped mass assumption for the mass matrix. Problem P11.3 Considering only flexural vibrations, formulate the equation of motion of the frame of Fig. P11.3. Use lumped mass assumption for the element mass. Fig. P11.3 Frame in problem P11.3. 518 PART II Multi-degree-of-freedom systems Problem P11.4 Considering only flexural vibrations, formulate the equation of motion of the frame of Fig. P11.4. Assume CT ¼ EI =L and lumped mass assumption for the element mass. Fig. P11.4 Frame in problem P11.4. Problem P11.5 Find the number of the active axial constraints of the frame of Fig. P11.5 and determine its degrees of freedom after their reduction due to static condensation and axial constraints. The coordinates of the nodes are: Að0, 0Þ, B ð7, 0Þ, 1ð0, 3Þ, 2ð0, 8Þ, 3ð4, 8Þ, 4ð6, 8Þ. Fig. P11.5 Frame in problem P11.5 Problem P11.6 Neglecting the axial deformation, formulate the equation of motion of the frames of Fig. P11.6. The finite element method Chapter 11 519 Fig. P11.6 Frames in problem P11.6. Problem P11.7 Neglecting the axial deformation of the beam elements, formulate the equation of motion of the frame of Fig. P11.7. The elements have a length L ¼ 4a, cross-sectional area A, moment of inertia I , modulus of elasticity The rigid bodies B1 and B2 have dimensions a a E, and line density m. and 1:5a 0:5a, respectively, and unit thickness. Their material density is r. Consider lumped mass assumption for the elements. Fig. P11.7 Frame in problem P11.7. Problem P11.8 Formulate the equation of motion of the grid of Fig. P11.8. Assume the data: coordinates of nodes 1ð0, 0Þ, 2ð2, 0Þ, 3ð3, 2Þ, 4ð3, 2Þ; rectangular cross-section of all elements h b ¼ 0:50 0:30m2 ; material constants E ¼ 2:1 107 , G ¼ 0:4E, r ¼ 2:4kNm1 s2 /m3; loading pðx, t Þ ¼ p0 f ðt Þ, M ðt Þ ¼ p0 L2 f ðt Þ. Consider lumped mass assumption for the elements. 520 PART II Multi-degree-of-freedom systems Fig. P11.8 Grid in problem P11.8. Problem P11.9 Formulate the equation of motion of the space frame of Fig. P11.9. The principal plane xy of the elements is vertical. Assume data: t, G ¼ 0:4E, 1 ð2a, 0, 0Þ, 2 ð2a, 1:5a, a Þ, 3 ða, 1:5a, a Þ, pðx, t Þ ¼ p0 sin w 4 ð0, 1:5a, a Þ, 5 ða, 5a, 0Þ. The elements have a square cross-section with side length a=15. Fig. P11.9 Space frame in problem P11.9. Problem P11.10 A rigid circular plate of radius R and thickness 0:1a is supported on the ground by truss bars as shown in Fig. P11.10. The plate is horizontal and stands off at a distance h ¼ 0:5a from the ground. The support points on the ground lie on the vertices of an equilateral triangle. A horizontal force P ¼ 100kN produced by a rotating mass is applied at the center of the plate. Formulate the equation of motion of the structure. Assume: a ¼ 20m, R ¼ 4m, cross-sectional area of the bars A; density of the plate r; modulus of elasticity E; load of the plate q ¼ 10kN=m2 ; lumped mass assumption for the elements. Fig. P11.10 Structure in problem P11.10. The finite element method Chapter 11 521 Problem P11.11 Formulate the equation of motion of the space frame of Fig. P11.11. The axial deformation of the elements is neglected and the lumped mass assumption is adopted. All elements have a rectangular cross-section with dimensions h and b in the directions of the principal axes y and z, respectively. The plane xy is vertical. The shape of the rigid body is a rectangular parallelepiped with dimensions a 0:5a 0:4a. The force P ðt Þ is applied at the middle 300 of the edge. The material constants are: modulus of elasticity E, Poisson’s ratio n ¼ 0:2, and density r. Fig. P11.11 Space frame in problem P11.11. References and further reading [1] J.T. Katsikadelis, A generalized Ritz method for partial differential equations in domains of arbitrary geometry using global shape functions. Eng. Anal. Bound. Elem. 32 (5) (2008) 353–367, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.enganabound.2007.001. [2] O. Zienkiewicz, R. Taylor, The Finite Element Method, seventh ed., Butterworth-Heinemann, Oxford, UK, 2013. [3] T.J.R. Hughes, The Finite Element Method: Linear Static and Dynamic Finite Element Analysis, Prentice-Hall, Inc., Englewood Cliffs, NJ, 1987 [4] J.T. Katsikadelis, The Boundary Element Method for Engineers and Scientists, second ed., Academic Press, Elsevier, Oxford, UK, 2016. [5] D.O. Brush, B.O. Almroth, Buckling of Bars, Plates and Shells, McGraw-Hill, New York, 1975. [6] R.G. Guyan, Reduction of stiffness and mass matrices, AIAA J. 3 (1965) 380. 522 PART II Multi-degree-of-freedom systems [7] W. Weaver Jr., P.R. Johnston, Structural Dynamics by Finite Elements, Prentice Hall, Englewood Cliffs, NJ, 1987. [8] W. Weaver Jr., M. Eisenberger, Dynamics of frames with axial constraints, ASCE J. Struct. Eng. 109 (3) (1983) 773–784. [9] S. Lipschutz, M. Lipson, Linear Algebra (Fourth Edition), Schaum’s Outline Series, McGrawHill Companies, Inc., New York, 2009 [10] V.Z. Vlasov, Thin-walled Elastic Beams, second ed., Israel Program for Scientific Translations, Jerusalem, Israel, 1961. [11] E.J. Sapountzakis, V.G. Mokos, Warping shear stresses in nonuniform torsion, Comput. Methods Appl. Mech. Eng. 192 (2003) 4337–4353. [12] S. Timoshenko, G.N. Goodier, Theory of Elasticity, second ed., McGraw-Hill, NY, 1951. [13] R. Debasish, G.V. Rao, Elements of Structural Dynamics: A New Perspective (1st Edition), John Wiley & Sons, 2012. Chapter 12 Multi-degree-of-freedom systems: Free vibrations Chapter outline 12.1 Introduction 523 12.2 Free vibrations without damping 524 12.3 Orthogonality of eigenmodes 532 12.4 Eigenmodes of systems with multiple eigenfrequencies 534 12.5 The linear eigenvalue problem 541 12.5.1 The standard eigenvalue problem of linear algebra 541 12.5.2 Properties of the eigenvalues and eigenvectors 544 12.5.3 The generalized eigenvalue problem 552 12.6 The Rayleigh quotient 558 12.7 Properties of eigenfrequencies and modes of MDOF systems without damping: A summary 563 12.8 Solution of the vibration problem without damping 563 12.9 The method of mode superposition 565 12.10 Solution of the vibration problem with damping 570 12.10.1 Direct solution of the differential equation 571 12.10.2 Linearization of the quadratic eigenvalue problem 575 12.10.3 The use of a proportional viscous damping matrix 578 12.11 Construction of a proportional damping matrix 584 12.11.1 Rayleigh damping 584 12.11.2 Additional orthogonality conditions: Caughey damping matrix 587 12.11.3 Construction of theo proportional damping matrix using the modal matrix 590 12.12 Problems 597 References and further reading 600 12.1 Introduction In this chapter, we study the dynamic response of multi-degree-of-freedom (MDOF) systems in the absence of external forces. Like the SDOF systems, the MDOF systems perform oscillations caused by initial displacements and/ or initial velocities. In accordance with the SDOF systems, we call these Dynamic Analysis of Structures. https://doi.org/10.1016/B978-0-12-818643-5.00012-1 © 2020 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved. 523 524 PART II Multi-degree-of-freedom systems oscillations free vibrations of MDOF systems. In this case, it is pðt Þ ¼ 0 and the equation of motion (see Eq. 10.2.6) becomes M€ u + Cu_ + Ku ¼0 (12.1.1) where M is the mass matrix, C the damping matrix, K the stiffness matrix, and u ¼ uðt Þ the displacement vector. When damping is neglected, C ¼ 0, we talk about free vibrations without damping or free undamped vibrations. Their study plays an important role in the analysis of the MDOF systems because, in addition to facilitating the understanding of their dynamic response by introducing the physical concepts of the eigenfrequencies, periods, and mode shapes, it also serves to develop methods for solving free vibration problems with damping as well as forced vibration problems. As mentioned, the equation describing the free undamped vibrations results from Eq. (12.1.1) by setting C ¼ 0. Thus, we have M€ u + Ku ¼0 (12.1.2) The solutions of Eqs. (12.1.1) and (12.1.2) under the specified initial conditions uð0Þ and u_ ð0Þ are the subject that will be discussed in this chapter. All presented material is illustrated by appropriately chosen examples. The pertinent bibliography with recommended references for further study is also included. The chapter is enriched with problems to be solved. 12.2 Free vibrations without damping We look for a solution of Eq. (12.1.2) in the form u1 ¼ b1 T ðt Þ, u2 ¼ b 2 T ðt Þ, …,uN ¼ bN T ðt Þ (12.2.1) where b1 , b2 ,…,bN are constants and T ðt Þ a function of time, which is common for all displacements. If we define the vector b ¼ fb 1 , b2 , …, b N gT , then we can write Eq. (12.2.1) in the form u ¼bT ðt Þ (12.2.2) Substituting Eq. (12.2.2) into Eq. (12.1.2) yields MbT€ ðt Þ + KbT ðt Þ ¼0 (12.2.3) Τ Premultiplying the foregoing equation by b gives bΤ MbT€ ðt Þ + bΤ KbT ðt Þ ¼0 (12.2.4) Taking into account that both quantities bΤ Mb, bΤ Kb are constants and excluding the value T ðt Þ ¼ 0 (see Section 8.3.3), we may write Eq. (12.2.4) as T€ ðt Þ bΤ Kb ¼ T ðt Þ bΤ Mb (12.2.5) Because the right side of Eq. (12.2.5) is a constant, say l, it implies that also the left side is a constant, namely Multi-degree-of-freedom systems: Free vibrations Chapter T€ ðt Þ ¼l T ðt Þ 12 525 (12.2.6) or T€ ðt Þ + lT ðt Þ ¼ 0 (12.2.7) The constant l is unknown in the first instance and will be determined subsequently. Eq. (12.2.7) allows us to determine the time-dependent function T ðt Þ. To this end, we look for solutions representing oscillatory motion. We distinguish three cases: (i) l ¼ 0. In this case, Eq. (12.2.7) becomes T€ ðt Þ ¼ 0 (12.2.8) T ðt Þ ¼ C 1 t + C 2 (12.2.9) which is integrated to yield where C1 , C2 are arbitrary integration constants. Obviously, the function T ðt Þ obtained from Eq. (12.2.9) implies that Eq. (12.2.2) does not represent an oscillatory motion. Therefore, the value l ¼ 0 must be excluded. (ii) l ¼ w2 < 0. In this case, Eq. (12.2.7) becomes T€ ðt Þ w2 T ðt Þ ¼ 0 (12.2.10) whose solution is (see Chapter 2) T ðt Þ ¼ C1 ewt + C2 ewt (12.2.11) From the foregoing expression of T ðt Þ, it follows that Eq. (12.2.2) does not represent an oscillatory motion. Consequently, the negative values of the constant l must also be excluded. (iii) l ¼ w2 > 0. In this case, Eq. (12.2.7) becomes T€ ðt Þ + w2 T ðt Þ ¼ 0 (12.2.12) whose solution is (see Chapter 2) T ðt Þ ¼ c cos wt + d sin wt ¼ a cos ðwt qÞ (12.2.13) where c,d or a,q are arbitrary integration constants. From the foregoing expression of T ðt Þ, it follows that the displacements obtained by Eq. (12.2.2) are bounded and the function T ðt Þ expresses a harmonic oscillation with the natural frequency w. Eq. (12.2.12) gives T€ ðt Þ ¼ w2 T ðt Þ, which is substituted into Eq. (12.2.3) to yield K w2 M bT ðt Þ ¼ 0 (12.2.14) 526 PART II Multi-degree-of-freedom systems Because the foregoing equation must hold for all values of t > 0, it must be K w2 M b ¼0 (12.2.15) Eq. (12.2.15) represents a system of N linear algebraic equations, which can be solved to determine the vector b ¼ fb1 , b 2 , …, bN gT , that is, the amplitude of the displacements. The system of Eq. (12.2.15) is homogeneous; therefore it has a nontrivial solution only if the determinant of the coefficient matrix vanishes, namely det K w2 M ¼0 (12.2.16) or k11 w2 m11 k21 w2 m21 ⋯ k N 1 w2 m N 1 k12 w2 m12 k22 w2 m22 ⋯ k N 2 w2 m N 2 ⋯ ⋯ ⋯ ⋯ k1N w2 m1N k2N w2 m2N ¼0 ⋯ kNN w2 mNN (12.2.17) The expansion of the determinant in Eq. (12.2.17) produces a polynomial of the N degree with respect to w2 . Therefore Eq. (12.2.16) may hold true for its N values w2 . These values are the eigenfrequencies or natural frequencies of the system. Eq. (12.2.16), from which the eigenfrequencies are determined, is referred to as the frequency equation of the system. As we will show below, the roots of Eq. (12.2.16) are real and positive for the problems of dynamics we examine. The eigenfrequencies are arranged in the order of magnitude, w1 < w2 … < wN , the smallest of which is called the fundamental eigenfrequency. The eigenfrequencies may be all distinct or some of them may be multiple. First, we assume that the system has discrete eigenfrequencies. For each value wi , we obtain a system of linear algebraic equations of the form (12.2.15), which allows the determination of the corresponding vector bðiÞ . Due to the fact that the determinant is equal to zero, the number of independent equations is ði Þ ði Þ ði Þ N 1, which implies that one of the components b 1 , b2 ,…,b N of the vector ði Þ ði Þ b can be determined arbitrarily. In this respect, we may take b 1 ¼ 1, and write the system of Eq. (12.2.15) as ð12:2:18Þ ði Þ Partitioning the matrix A and the vector b Eq. (12.2.18) and defining the matrices ði Þ A11 ¼ k11 w2i m11 11 ¼ K w2i M ði Þ as indicated in (12.2.19a) Multi-degree-of-freedom systems: Free vibrations Chapter ði Þ A12 ¼ k12 w2i m12 ⋯ k1N w2i m1N 1ðN 1Þ 2 3 k21 w2 m21 ði Þ 5 A21 ¼ 4 ⋮ 2 kn1 wi mN 1 ðN 1Þ1 2 3 k22 w2i m22 ⋯ k2N w2i m2N ði Þ 5 A22 ¼ 4 ⋮ ⋮ ⋮ 2 2 kN 2 wi mN 2 ⋯ kNN wi mNN ðN 1ÞðN 1Þ 8 ðiÞ 9 < b2 = ði Þ b2 ¼ ⋮ : ðiÞ ; bN ðN 1Þ1 we can write Eq. (12.2.18) as " # ði Þ ði Þ 1 0 A11 A12 ¼ ði Þ ði Þ ði Þ b 0 A21 A22 2 12 527 (12.2.19b) (12.2.19c) (12.2.19d) (12.2.19e) (12.2.20) which after performing the multiplication gives A11 + A12 b2 ¼ 0 ði Þ ði Þ ði Þ (12.2.21a) ði Þ A21 ði Þ ði Þ + A22 b2 (12.2.21b) ¼0 The second of the foregoing equations, that is, Eq. (12.2.21b), can be used to ði Þ establish the vector b2 . Thus we have h i1 ði Þ ði Þ ði Þ A21 (12.2.22) b2 ¼ A22 ði Þ Eq. (12.2.21a) must hold true if the value of b2 obtained from Eq. (12.2.21b) is inserted in it. Therefore, this equation can be employed to verify ði Þ the computed value of b2 . Eq. (12.2.18) states that for each value wi , we obtain a vector bðiÞ , which henceforth will be denoted by bi for convenience. These vectors are called eigenvectors and are displayed in a square matrix B of dimensions N N , each column of which is an eigenvector 2 3 1 1 ⋯ 1 6 b21 b 22 ⋯ b2N 7 7 (12.2.23) B ¼ ½ b1 b2 ⋯ bN ¼ 6 4⋯ ⋯ ⋯ ⋯ 5 bN 1 b N 2 ⋯ bNN For each value of wi , Eq. (12.2.2) gives a solution of the form ui ¼ bi ðci cos wi t + d sin wi t Þ ¼ bi ai cos ðwt qi Þ which is called an eigensolution. (12.2.24) 528 PART II Multi-degree-of-freedom systems The superposition of the solutions given by Eq. (12.2.24) for i ¼ 1, 2…, N , gives the general solution for the free vibration problem of the MDOF system with N degrees of freedom. Thus we have u¼ N X bi ðci cos wi t + di sin wi t Þ (12.2.25) i¼1 or u¼ N X bi ai cos ðwi t qi Þ, ai ¼ qffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi ci2 + di2 , qi ¼ tan 1 ðdi =ci Þ (12.2.26) i¼1 The 2N arbitrary constants ci ,di or ai ,qi are established from the initial conditions using the method we will describe after discussing the properties of the eigenvectors. From Eq. (12.2.24), we conclude that the deformation pattern of the system due to an eigensolution is given by a certain shape, which is expressed by the components of the eigenvector bi multiplied each instant by the value of the corresponding common time function T ðt Þ ¼ ai cos ðwi t qi Þ. The deformation shape defined by vector bi is called the i-eigenmode of the free vibration. As previously mentioned, the components of the eigenvector are determined relative to one of its components, which can be arbitrarily chosen. Therefore, the absolute magnitude of the eigenvector is not determined, that is, the eigenvectors define only directions in the N -dimensional space while their measure remains undetermined. In view of this fact, it is appropriate to adopt a standard scale-setting procedure for measuring it. This process is called normalization. A common method of normalization is the use of the nondimensional vectors 2 3 2 3 b1i f1i 6 f2i 7 7 1 6 7 6 b2i 7 fi ¼ 6 (12.2.27) 4 ⋯ 5 ¼ max b 4 ⋯ 5 ki fNi bNi The vectors fi (i ¼ 1,2…,N ) are called the normal modes or normal eigenmodes of the vibration of the system. The shape of deformation defined by the eigenmode fi is also referred to as the i-mode shape or simply the i-mode of the free vibration. The N normal modes can then be displayed in a single square matrix, each column of which is a normal mode, namely 2 3 f11 f12 ⋯ f1N 6 f21 f22 ⋯ f2N 7 7 F ¼ ½ f1 f2 ⋯ fN ¼ 6 (12.2.28) 4⋯ ⋯ ⋯ ⋯ 5 fN 1 fN 2 ⋯ fNN The matrix F is called the modal matrix. Multi-degree-of-freedom systems: Free vibrations Chapter 12 529 Another method of normalization of the eigenvectors, which is usual in theoretical discussions and computer programs, is to normalize the modes with respect to the mass. In this method, the scale-setting for measuring the components of the eigenvector is chosen so that the following relation is satisfied fTi Μfi ¼ 1 (12.2.29) where fi represents the i normalized vector and Μ the mass matrix of the system. This is achieved as follows: Let mi be the number that must multiply the elements of bi in order to normalize it. Thus, we will have fi ¼ mi bi Substituting it into Eq. (12.2.29) gives 1 ¼ fTi Μfi ¼ m2i bTi Μbi from which we obtain 1 mi ¼ qffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi bTi Μbi (12.2.30) Hence bi ffi (12.2.31) fi ¼ qffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi bTi Μbi qffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi qffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi If it is M ¼ I, then the scalar quantity bTi Ιbi ¼ bTi bi is the magnitude of bi , that is, the normalized eigenvector fi is a unit vector. The described process is also called orthonormalization with respect to mass. The establishment of the natural frequencies wi and mode shapes fi can be achieved when the flexibility matrix F ¼ K1 is known without inverting it to obtain the stiffness matrix. For this purpose, Eq. (12.2.15) is premultiplied by the matrix F to yield FMw2 FK b ¼0 (12.2.32) then taking into account that FK ¼ I, Eq. (12.2.32) becomes FM 1 I b ¼0 w2 (12.2.33) which allows the establishment of the inverse of the eigenfrequencies, 1=w2i , and the eigenvectors bi . It should be noted that the matrix FM is not in general symmetric. Example 12.2.1 Compute the eigenfrequencies and mode shapes of the twostory shear frame of Fig. E12.1a. Assume data: h1 ¼ 3:5m, h2 ¼ 4:0m, q1 ¼ 40kN=m, q2 ¼ 50kN=m, and L ¼ 6:0m. The cross-sectional area of the 530 PART II Multi-degree-of-freedom systems columns of the second floor is 25 25cm2 while that of the first floor is 30 30cm2 . The material of the structure is reinforced concrete with a specific weight g b ¼ 24kN=m3 and modulus of elasticity E ¼ 2:1 107 kN=m2 . The dead weight of the beams is included in the loads q1 ,q2 . Consider lumped mass assumption of the columns. Solution (a) (b) FIG. E12.1 Two-story shear frame. The system has two degrees of freedom. Its dynamic model is shown in Fig. E12.1b. (i) Computation of the mass matrix M. 6:0 40 + 2 0:25 0:25 m11 ¼ 3:5 24 2 9:81 ¼ 25kNm1 s2 3:5 4:0 + 0:30 0:30 24 2 2 9:81 6:0 50 + 2 0:25 0:25 m22 ¼ ¼ 32 kNm1 s2 Hence M¼ 25 0 0 32 (ii) Computation of the stiffness matrix K. Employing the method used in Example 11.5.2, we obtain ð1Þ ð2Þ k11 ¼ k11 + k11 ¼ 2 ¼2 12EI 1 h13 12 2:1 107 0:254 ¼ 3826:5kN=m 3:53 12 (1) Multi-degree-of-freedom systems: Free vibrations Chapter ð1Þ ð2Þ k21 ¼ k31 + k31 ¼ 2 12 531 12EI 1 h13 12 2:1 107 0:254 ¼ 3826:5kN=m 3:53 12 12EI 1 12EI 3 ð1Þ ð2Þ ð3Þ ð4Þ k22 ¼ k33 + k33 + k11 + k11 ¼ 2 3 + 2 3 h1 h2 ¼ 2 ¼2 12 2:1 107 0:254 12 2:1 107 0:304 + 2 ¼ 9142:1kN=m 3:53 12 43 12 Hence K¼ 3826:5 3826:5 3826:5 9142:1 (2) (iii) Computation of the eigenfrequencies. The frequency equation results from Eq. (12.2.16) as 3826:5 25w2 3826:5 det K w2 M ¼ 2¼0 3826:5 9142:1 32w (3) Expansion of the determinant yields the polynomial w4 438:7506w2 + 25425:1792 ¼ 0 (4) whose roots are w21 ¼ 68:7089, w22 ¼ 370:0416 and the eigenfrequencies w1 ¼ 8:289, w2 ¼ 19:236 (5) (iv) Computation of the eigenmodes. For N ¼ 2, Eqs. (12.2.21) become 3826:5 25w2i 3826:5b2i ¼ 0 3826:5 + 9142:1 32w2i b2i ¼ 0 The first of the foregoing equation gives: For i ¼ 1, b21 ¼ 3826:50=9142:1 32 8:2892 ¼ 0:5511 For i ¼ 2, b22 ¼ 3826:50= 9142:1 32 19:2362 ¼ 1:41751 Therefore, the matrix of the eigenvectors is B¼ 1 1 0:5511 1:41751 (6) 532 PART II Multi-degree-of-freedom systems FIG. E12.2 Mode shapes of the shear frame in Example 12.2.1. The normalization based on Eq. (12.2.27) gives the modal matrix F¼ 1 0:7054 0:5511 1 (7) while the normalization based on Eq. (12.2.31) gives b1 f1 ¼ qffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi bT1 Μb1 1 0:1697 1 ¼ sffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi ffi 0:5511 ¼ 0:0935 25 0 1 f 1 0:5511 g 0 32 0:5511 b2 f2 ¼ qffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi bT2 Μb 1 0:1061 1 ffi ¼ sffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi ¼ 1:41276 0:1499 25 0 1 f 1 1:41276 g 0 32 1:41276 Hence the modal matrix is F¼ 0:1697 0:1061 0:0935 0:1499 (8) Fig. E12.2 presents the normal modes of the dynamic model of the frame resulting from the first normalization, Eq. (7). 12.3 Orthogonality of eigenmodes As we have already pointed out and will prove in Section 12.5, the eigenfrequencies w2i resulting from the frequency equation (12.2.16) are real and positive for the problems we encounter in the dynamics of structures. In the Multi-degree-of-freedom systems: Free vibrations Chapter 12 533 following, we will derive the orthogonality conditions satisfied by the eigenmodes. For the simplicity of the proof, we will assume that the eigenfrequencies are distinct. We write Eq. (12.2.15) for the two eigenfrequencies wn and wi , where wn 6¼ wi , respectively Kbn ¼w2n Mbn (12.3.1) Kbi ¼w2i Mbi (12.3.2) Kfn ¼w2n Mfn (12.3.3) Kfi ¼w2i Mfi (12.3.4) or after normalization Premultiplying now both sides of Eq. (12.3.3) by fTi gives fTi Kfn ¼w2n fTi Mfn (12.3.5) Transposing both sides of the foregoing equation, we obtain fTn KT fi ¼w2n fTn MT fi (12.3.6) Further, using the symmetry of the matrices K and M, that is, KT ¼ K and M ¼ M, we obtain T fTn Kfi ¼w2n fTn Mfi Next, premultiplying both sides of Eq. (12.3.4) by (12.3.7) fTn gives fTn Kfi ¼w2i fTn Mfi (12.3.8) Finally, by subtracting Eq. (12.3.8) from (12.3.6), we obtain 2 wn w2i fTn Mfi ¼ 0 (12.3.9) fTn Mfi ¼ 0, (12.3.10) or wi 6¼ wn Eq. (12.3.10) states that the eigenmodes are orthogonal with respect to the mass matrix. This relation expresses the first orthogonality condition of the eigenmodes. It is evident from Eq. (12.3.8) that fTn Kfi ¼ 0, wi 6¼ wn (12.3.11) Eq. (12.3.11) states that the eigenmodes are also orthogonal with respect to the stiffness matrix. This relation expresses the second orthogonality condition of the eigenmodes. 534 PART II Multi-degree-of-freedom systems Example 12.3.1 Verify the orthogonality conditions for the eigenmodes in Example 12.2.1: 0:1697 0:1061 , f2 ¼ f1 ¼ 0:0935 0:1499 Solution The computed mass and stiffness matrices are M¼ 25 0 3826:5 3826:5 , K¼ 0 32 3826:5 9142:1 (a) The first orthogonality condition gives fT1 Mf2 ¼ f 0:1697 0:0935 g T 25 0 0 32 0:1061 0:1499 (b) The second orthogonality condition gives fT1 Kf2 ¼ f 0:1697 0:0935 gT 3826:5 3826:5 3826:5 9142:1 ¼0 0:1061 0:1499 (1) ¼0 (2) Because the eigenmodes have been orthonormalized with respect to the mass, we may write 0:1697 0:1061 0:0935 0:1499 T 25 0 0 32 0:1697 0:1061 1 0 ¼ 0:0935 0:1499 0 1 or FT MF ¼ I (3) 12.4 Eigenmodes of systems with multiple eigenfrequencies In complex systems with many degrees of freedom, it is possible that a number of eigenfrequencies are equal or differ very little from each other. In these cases, we say that the system has multiple eigenfrequencies. Systems including a rigid body motion are treated as systems with multiple eigenfrequencies (see Example 12.4.2). Let wn be the eigenfrequency, which has a multiplicity p, namely wn ¼ wn + 1 ¼ wn + 2 ¼ ⋯ ¼ wn + p1 (12.4.1) As we will show in the next section, in a system with p equal eigenfrequencies, there are p linearly independent eigenmodes corresponding to the multiple eigenfrequency, provided that its algebraic multiplicity is equal to its geometric Multi-degree-of-freedom systems: Free vibrations Chapter 12 535 multiplicity, that is, if the eigenvalue problem has no degenerate eigenvalues.a These eigenmodes can be determined as follows. The rank of the matrix Aðwn Þ defined by Eq. (12.2.18) for w ¼ wn is N p. We partition this matrix as " #( ) ðn Þ ðn Þ ðn Þ 0 b1 A11 A12 ¼ (12.4.2) ðn Þ ðn Þ ðn Þ 0 A21 A22 b2 where ðn Þ A11 : has dimensions : p p ðn Þ A12 : ðn Þ A21 : ðn Þ A22 : ðn Þ b1 : ðn Þ b2 : (12.4.3a) has dimensions : p ðN pÞ (12.4.3b) has dimensions : ðN pÞ p (12.4.3c) has dimensions : ðN pÞ ðN pÞ (12.4.3d) has dimensions : p 1 (12.4.3e) has dimensions : ðN pÞ 1 (12.4.3f) Eq. (12.4.2) after performing the multiplication gives ðn Þ ðn Þ ðn Þ ðn Þ ðn Þ ðn Þ A21 b1 ðn Þ ðn Þ + A22 b2 A11 b1 + A12 b2 ¼ 0 Because ðn Þ A22 (12.4.4a) ¼0 is not singular, Eq. (12.4.4b) is solved for 1 ðn Þ ðn Þ ðn Þ ðn Þ b2 ¼ A22 A21 b1 (12.4.4b) ðn Þ b2 (12.4.5) If we now choose arbitrarily p linearly independent vectors, each of them with dimension p ðn Þ ðn + 1Þ b1 ,b1 ðn + p1Þ , ⋯,b1 then Eq. (12.4.5) can be used to determine the p vectors ðn Þ ðn + 1Þ b2 ,b2 ðn + p1Þ , ⋯,b2 For example, a set of p arbitrary linearly independent vectors is 8 9 8 9 8 9 1> 0> 0> > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > 0 1 = < = < = <0> ðn Þ ðn + 1Þ ðn + p1Þ b1 ¼ 0 ,b1 ¼ 0 ,⋯, b1 ¼ 0 > > > > > > > > > ⋮> ⋮> ⋮> > > > > > > > > > ; ; ; : > : > : > 0 p1 0 p1 1 p1 (12.4.6) The so-obtained arbitrary p vectors bðnÞ ,bðn + 1Þ , ⋯,bðn + p1Þ corresponding to the multiple eigenfrequency wn are obviously linearly independent; however, a. If the eigenvalue problem has degenerate eigenvalues, the eigenvectors are established from the p solution of the eigenvalue problem K w2n M b ¼0, instead of K w2n M b ¼0 [1]. 536 PART II Multi-degree-of-freedom systems they do not satisfy in general the orthogonality condition between each other. As we will see in Section 12.8, The fulfillment of the orthogonality condition is necessary for the solution of the free vibration problem of the MDOF systems. This can be achieved using the Gram-Schmidt orthogonalization process, which is described right below FIG. 12.4.1 Geometrical interpretation of Gramm-Schmidt orthogonalization. Let x1 ,x2 ,…, xN be a set of N linear independent but not orthogonal vectors. These vectors constitute the basis of a space with N dimensions. We can readily show that the vectors defined by the relations e x1 ¼ x1 e x2 ¼ x2 e x3 ¼ x3 e xT1 x2 x1 j2 je e xT1 x3 e x1 e xN ¼ xN e x1 e xT2 x3 e x2 x1 j x2 j2 je je ⋯ ¼ ⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯ 2 e xT1 xN x1 j2 je e x1 e xT2 xN x2 j2 je e x2 ⋯ (12.4.7) e xTN 1 xN xN 1 j2 je e xN 1 are orthogonal to each other. From the geometrical point of view, the vector e xk is equal to xk minus its projection on the space defined by the vectors e x1 ,e x2 ,…,e xk1 . For example, the vector e x2 is equal to x2 minus its projection on the vector e x1 . This is shown in Fig. 12.4.1. The orthogonality of the eigenvectors with respect to the mass, which is also needed, is achieved using the following relations. e x1 ¼ x1 e x2 ¼ x2 e xT1 Mx2 e x1 e x1 xT1 Me e x3 ¼ x3 e e xT1 Mx3 xT2 Mx3 e e x x2 1 e e x1 x2 xT1 Me xT2 Me ⋯ ¼ ⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯ e xN ¼ xN e e e xT1 MxN xT MxN xT MxN e e e x1 2T x2 ⋯ TN 1 xN 1 T e e e x1 x2 xN 1 x1 Me x2 Me xN 1 Me (12.4.8) Multi-degree-of-freedom systems: Free vibrations Chapter 12 537 Example 12.4.1 Compute the eigenfrequencies and eigenmodes of a structure whose stiffness and mass matrices are: 2 3 2 3 3826 1913 7652 25 0 25 5, M ¼ 4 0 8 K ¼ 4 1913 2285:5 6484 16 5 (1) 7652 6484 21307:08 25 16 67 Solution (i) Computation of the eigenfrequencies. The frequency equation is given by the determinant 3826 25w2 1913 7652 + 25w2 2 2 ¼0 det ½AðwÞ ¼ 1913 2285:5 8w 6484 16w 2 7652 + 25w2 6484 16w2 21307:08 67w (2) which after expanding yields the characteristic polynomial w6 507:4355w4 + 55567:85905w2 1746816:390 ¼ 0 (3) from which we obtain the roots w21 ¼ w22 ¼ 68:7088, w23 ¼ 370:0179 (4) and the eigenfrequencies w1 ¼ w2 ¼ 8:2891, w3 ¼ 19:2358 (5) We observe that the structure has two equal eigenfrequencies, that is, p ¼ 2. (ii) Computation of the eigenmodes. For w1 ¼ w2 ¼ 8:2891 we have Because the rank of the matrix is N p ¼ 3 2 ¼ 1, the nonvanishing determinants have dimensions 1 1 and Að1Þ is partitioned as shown above. Thus partitioning Að1Þ as indicated, we have ðn Þ A11 ¼ ðn Þ A12 ¼ 2108:2705 1913:0000 1913:0000 1735:8266 (6) 5934:2705 5384:6531 (7) ðn Þ A21 ¼ ½ 5934:2705 5384:6531 ðn Þ A22 ¼ ½16703:5650 (8) (9) 538 PART II Multi-degree-of-freedom systems For n ¼ 1,we obtain 1 ð1Þ ð1Þ b1 ¼ and Eq. (12.4.5) gives b2 ¼ f0:3553g. Hence 0 8 9 <1 = b1 ¼ 0 : ; 0:3553 For n ¼ 2,we obtain 0 ð2Þ ð2Þ and Eq. (12.4.5) gives b2 ¼ f0:322365g. Hence b1 ¼ 1 8 9 < 0 = 1 b2 ¼ : ; 0:322365 (10) (11) For n ¼ 3 the eigenfrequency is discrete, w3 ¼ 19:2358, the rank of the matrix is 3 1 ¼ 2, and the matrix Að3Þ is partitioned as ð12Þ Thus we have ð3Þ A11 ¼ ½ 5424:4 ð3Þ (13) A12 ¼ ½ 1913 1598:4 (14) 1913 1598:4 (15) ð3Þ A21 ¼ ð3Þ A22 ¼ 674:6280 563:7440 563:7440 3483:9921 and Eq. (12.2.22) gives h i1 2:8357 ð3Þ ð3Þ ð3Þ ð3Þ A21 ¼ . Hence b1 ¼ f1g, b2 ¼ A22 8 90 < 1 = b3 ¼ 2:8357 : ; 0 (16) (17) (iii) Orthogonalization of the eigenmodes. The computed eigenvectors b1 , b2 , and b3 are linearly independent. This is readily verified by computing the determinant of the eigenvectors, which apparently does not vanish 1 0 1 (18) det ðBÞ ¼ 0 1 2:8356 ¼ 1:26936 0:3553 0:322365 0 Multi-degree-of-freedom systems: Free vibrations Chapter 12 539 However, they do not satisfy the orthogonality condition. They are made orthogonal using the Gram-Schmidt process described previously. Thus applying Eq. (12.4.8), we obtain e1 ¼ b1 ¼ f 1 0 0:3553 gT b eT Mb2 b e e1 ¼ f 0:3868 1 0:4598 gT b2 ¼ b2 1T b e1 e Mb b (19) 1 e3 ¼ b3 ¼ f 1 2:8357 0 gT b and after their orthonormalization with respect to the mass matrix, we obtain 2 3 0:2524 0:2551 0:1058 F ¼ 4 0:0000 0:6595 0:3000 5 (20) 0:0897 0:3032 0:0000 Example 12.4.2 Determine the eigenfrequencies and eigenmodes of the free moving flexible bar of Fig. E12.3a by considering only flexural vibrations. The bar is approximated by two equal elements. The element properties r, A,E,I are assumed constant. Consider lumped mass assumption. FIG. E12.3a Moving flexible bar in Example 12.4.2. Solution For lumped mass assumption, the dynamic model of the system is shown in Fig. E12.3b. The system has six degrees of freedom, which are reduced to three, u1 , u2 ,u3 , after the static condensation of the rotations. FIG. E12.3b Dynamic model in Example 12.4.2. Thus the mass matrix results as 2 3 1 0 0 rAL 4 M¼ 0 2 05 4 0 0 1 (1) 540 PART II Multi-degree-of-freedom systems and the stiffness matrix as 2 3 1 2 1 12EI K ¼ 3 4 2 4 2 5 L 1 2 1 The frequency equation is 1 l 2 1 ¼ l 2 ð l 4Þ ¼ 0 det ½AðlÞ ¼ 2 4 2l 2 1 2 1l (2) (3) where l ¼ w2 rAL4 =48EI . The roots of Eq. 3 are l1 ¼ l2 ¼ 0, l3 ¼ 4 (4) Obviously, there is a double eigenfrequency equal to zero, which is due to the rigid body motion of the bar. The eigenvectors corresponding to the double eigenfrequency are established using the procedure presented in Section 12.4. Thus, for l1 ¼ l2 ¼ 0 it is ð5Þ Because the rank of the matrix is 3 2 ¼ 1, the nonvanishing determinants have dimensions 1 1. Assuming the partitioning of Aðl1 Þ and Aðl1 Þ shown in Eq. 5, we have ð1Þ A11 ¼ 1 2 1 ð1Þ ð1Þ ð1Þ , A12 ¼ , A21 ¼ ½ 1 2 , A22 ¼ ½1 2 4 2 For n ¼ 1 1 ð1Þ ð1Þ and Eq. (12.4.5) gives b2 ¼ f1g. Hence l1 ¼ 0, b1 ¼ 0 8 9 < 1= 0 bð1Þ ¼ : ; 1 For n ¼ 2 1 ð2Þ ð2Þ and Eq. (12.4.5) gives b2 ¼ f1g. Hence l2 ¼ 0, b1 ¼ 1 8 9 <1= bð2Þ ¼ 1 : ; 1 (6) (7) (8) For n ¼ 3 it is l3 ¼ 4, the rank of the matrix is 3 1 ¼ 2, and the matrix Aðl3 Þ is partitioned as Multi-degree-of-freedom systems: Free vibrations Chapter 12 541 Therefore ð3Þ ð3Þ ð3Þ A11 ¼ ½3, A12 ¼ ½ 2 1 , A21 ¼ 2 4 2 ð3Þ , A22 ¼ 1 2 3 and Eq. (12.2.22) give h i1 1 ð3Þ ð3Þ ð3Þ b2 ¼ A22 A21 ¼ . Hence 1 8 9 < 1= bð3Þ ¼ 1 : ; 1 (9) The graphical representations of the eigenmodes are shown in Fig. E12.3c. FIG. E12.3c Eigenmodes in Example 12.4.2. We readily find out that the orthogonality condition with respect to the mass matrix is satisfied. 12.5 The linear eigenvalue problem 12.5.1 The standard eigenvalue problem of linear algebra As already mentioned, the problem of determining the eigenfrequencies and eigenmodes is directly related to the linear eigenvalue problem of the linear algebra [1, 2], is stated as follows. which Let A ¼ aij be a square N N matrix and x an N 1 vector, whose components with respect to a certain base are x1 ,x2 ,…, xN . The relation y ¼Ax (12.5.1) represents a linear transformation, which transforms the vector x to the vector y with components y1 ¼ a11 x1 + a12 x2 + ⋯ + a1N xN y2 ¼ a21 x1 + a22 x2 + ⋯ + a2N xN ⋯ ¼ ⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯ yN ¼ aN 1 xN 1 + aN 2 x2 + ⋯ + aNN xN (12.5.2) In general, the matrix A is complex. However, in the problems we are studying, it is real. For example, we consider the matrix A¼ 2 1 5:5 3 (12.5.3) 542 PART II Multi-degree-of-freedom systems Eq. (12.5.1) transforms the vector x ¼ f 2 3 gT to y1 2 1 2 1 ¼ ¼ y2 5:5 3 3 2 (12.5.4) The vectors x and y are shown in Fig. 12.5.1. FIG. 12.5.1 Transformation of a vector x to a vector y. In general, the direction of y is different than that of x. The question now arises whether for the given square matrix A a vector x exists, which when premultiplied by the matrix produces a vector that is proportional to the original vector. The answer is affirmative. The constant of proportionality is called an eigenvalue of the matrix. Mathematically, this is expressed as Ax ¼ lx (12.5.5) ðA lIÞx ¼ 0 (12.5.6) or where I is the N N unit matrix and l is the corresponding eigenvalue. Eq. (12.5.6) is written in expanded form as 2 38 9 8 9 0> A11 l A12 ⋯ A1N x1 > > > > = < > = > < > 6 A21 7 0 A l ⋯ A x 22 2N 2 6 7 (12.5.7) ¼ 4⋯ 5> ⋯ > > ⋯ > ⋯ ⋯ ⋯ > ; : > ; > : > 0 AN 1 xN AN 2 ⋯ ANN l The foregoing relation represents a system of N linear algebraic equations, which can be solved to determine the vector x. Because the system is homogeneous, a nontrivial solution can be obtained only if the determinant of coefficient matrix is equal to zero, that is, A11 l A12 ⋯ A1N A21 A22 l ⋯ A2N ¼0 det ðA lIÞ ¼ (12.5.8) ⋯ ⋯ ⋯ ⋯ AN 1 AN 2 ⋯ ANN l Multi-degree-of-freedom systems: Free vibrations Chapter 12 543 Expanding the determinant yields a polynomial of N degree with respect to l, namely PðlÞ ¼ a0 lN + a1 lN 1 + ⋯ + aN 1 l + aN (12.5.9) which is referred to as the characteristic polynomial of the matrix A. The equation det ðA lIÞ ¼ PðlÞ ¼ 0 (12.5.10) is called the characteristic equation of A. Because it was assumed that A is a real matrix, the coefficients of PðlÞ are also real. It is known from the fundamental theorem of algebra that PðlÞ has N roots l1 ,l2 ,…,lN , which may be real or complex conjugate while some of them may be multiple. The roots lk ðk ¼ 1, 2, …, N Þ are called the eigenvalues of A. Understandably, for each lk , the system of Eq. (12.5.7) yields a vector xk , which is real or complex depending on whether lk is real or complex. The vectors xk (k ¼ 1, 2, …, N ) are called the eigenvectors of A. Obviously, if xk is an eigenvector then rxk , with r being a scalar, is also an eigenvector. This means that only the line of action of the eigenvector is determined while its magnitude is undetermined. The pairs ðlk , xk Þ, k ¼ 1, 2, …,N , are referred to as eigenpairs. Example 12.5.1 Determine the eigenvalues and the eigenvectors of the matrix given by Eq. (12.5.3). Solution The characteristic equation is 2 l 1 2 5:5 3 l ¼ l + 5l + 0:5 ¼ 0 (1) The degree of the characteristic equation is 2, thus two eigenvalues are obtained l1 ¼ 0:1021, l2 ¼ 4:8980 (2) The corresponding equation will be obtained from Eq. (12.5.7) for N ¼ 2. Thus for l1 ¼ 0:1021, we have 2 ð0:1021Þ 1 x1 0 ¼ (3) 5:5 3 ð0:1021Þ x2 0 which gives x1 ¼ 1 1:8779 and for l2 ¼ 4:8980, we have 2 ð4:8980Þ 1 5:5 3 ð4:8980Þ (4) x1 x2 0 ¼ 0 (5) 544 PART II Multi-degree-of-freedom systems which gives x2 ¼ 1 2:8978 (6) 12.5.2 Properties of the eigenvalues and eigenvectors In this section, we will present some properties of the eigenvalues and eigenvectors that are useful for the development of numerical methods for calculating the eigenfrequencies and eigenmodes of the free vibrations of the MDOF systems, but also in general for the study and understanding of their dynamic response. Let x ¼ fx1 , x2 , …, xN gT and y ¼ fy1 , y2 , …, yN gT be two, in general, complex eigenvectors of the N dimensional space. Their inner or scalar product is defined by the relation N X xk yk ¼ xT y (12.5.11) k¼1 is the vector with components yk , the complex conjugate of yk . where y We readily verify that the inner product obeys the following rules: (i) (ii) (iii) (iv) > 0 if x 6¼ 0 and xT x ¼ 0 if x ¼ 0 xT x T ¼ yT x x y ¼ a x T y ðaxÞT y Þ ¼ a xT y where a is a complex scalar and a its conjugate. xT ðay ¼ x, y ¼ y and therefore xT y ¼ yT x. If x and y are real then x 1. The matrix A and its transpose AT have the same eigenvalues. This follows directly from the fact that the determinant of the matrix does not change if its lines are interchanged with its columns. Therefore, the matrices A and AT have the same characteristic polynomial, that is, (12.5.12) det ðA lIÞ ¼ det AT lI ¼ PðlÞ ¼ 0 hence the same eigenvalues. 2. If lr and ls are two distinct eigenvalues, lr 6¼ ls , of a real matrix A and ls the complex conjugate of ls , then the eigenvectors xr of A corresponding to 0s ¼ 0. lr and x0s of AT corresponding to ls are orthogonal, xTr x To prove this property, we formulate the inner product of the vectors yr ¼ Axr and x0s in two ways: Besides, Taking into account that Axr ¼ lr xr and property (iii) of the inner product, we have 0s 0s ¼ðAxr ÞT x yTr x 0s ¼ ðlr xr ÞT x 0s ¼ lr xTr x (12.5.13a) Multi-degree-of-freedom systems: Free vibrations Chapter 12 545 T ¼ AT , Taking into account that the matrix A is real, hence A 0 ¼ ls xs , we obtain on the basis of property (iv) of the inner product AT x0s 0s ¼ ðAxr ÞT x 0s yTr x Tx 0s ¼ xTr A 0 0 s s ¼ xTr AT x 0 s x s ¼ xTr l (12.5.13b) ¼ ls xTr x Subtracting Eq. (12.5.13b) from Eq. (12.5.13a) yields 0s ¼ 0 ðlr ls ÞxTr x Apparently, because it was assumed that lr 6¼ ls , we obtain 0s ¼ 0 xTr x (12.5.14) When all eigenvalues are distinct, this property produces N 2 N orthogonality relations between the eigenvectors of the matrices A and AT . 3. If the eigenvalues l1 ,l2 ,…,lN of the matrix A are distinct, then the eigenvectors x1 ,x2 , …,xN are linearly independent. Let k < N eigenvectors x1 ,x2 , …,xk be linear independent. Then the eigenvectors xk + 1 ,xk + 2 ,…,xN can be expressed as linear combinations of the independent ones, namely xj ¼ k X ci xi , j ¼ k + 1, k + 2, …,N (12.5.15) i¼1 which when multiplied by A, gives Axj ¼ k X ci Axi i¼1 k X ¼ ci li xi (12.5.16) i¼1 On the other hand, we have Axj ¼ lj xj ¼ k X lj ci xi (12.5.17) i¼1 Subtracting Eq. (12.5.17) from (12.5.16), we obtain by virtue of Eq. (12.5.15) k X i¼1 lj li ci xi ¼ 0 (12.5.18) 546 PART II Multi-degree-of-freedom systems Because it was assumed that lj 6¼ li and xi are linearly independent, it implies that all coefficients ci are zero, thus Eq. (12.5.15) gives xj ¼ 0. This, however, is absurd because xj as an eigenvector cannot be equal to zero. Therefore, x1 , x2 ,…,xN are linearly independent. 4. If the matrix A is symmetric, then its eigenvalues are real. To prove this property, we formulate the inner product of the vectors y ¼ Ax and x in two ways as previously. First, we obtain on the basis of Eq. (12.5.13a) ¼lxT x yT x (12.5.19) Then taking into account that the matrix A is real and symmetric, it holds T ¼ AT ¼ A, AT x ¼ l s x0 , Ax ¼ lx, and on the basis of property (iv) of A s the inner product, we obtain ¼ðAxÞT x yT x ¼ x T AT x x ¼ xT A T ¼ x Ax ¼ xT lx Tx ¼ lx (12.5.20) Subtracting Eq. (12.5.20) from Eq. (12.5.19) yields xT x ¼0 ll (12.5.21) > 0 and and on the basis of property (i) it is xT x l¼l (12.5.22) hence the eigenvalue l is real. The orthogonality properties are simplified significantly for real and symmetric matrices because, in addition to real eigenvalues, they have real eigenvectors, too. Moreover, the matrices A and AT , in addition to having the same eigenvalues, have the same eigenvectors, x0 ¼ x. Thus Eq. (12.5.14) can be written as xTr xs ¼ 0 (12.5.23) 5. If the real matrix A is symmetric and positive definite, then its eigenvalues are positive. Consider the matrix A and an arbitrary vector x ¼ fx1 , x2 , …, xN gT . The homogeneous polynomial of the second degree defined by Pðx1 , x2 , …, xN Þ ¼ N X N X i¼1 k¼1 aik xi xk (12.5.24) Multi-degree-of-freedom systems: Free vibrations Chapter 12 547 or PðxÞ ¼ xT Ax (12.5.25) is referred to as the quadratic form of the matrix A. For a real and symmetric matrix A, the coefficients of the polynomial PðxÞ are real and aik ¼ aki . The quadratic form PðxÞ is called positive definite, if T x Ax > 0, if x 6¼ 0 PðxÞ ¼ (12.5.26) xT Ax ¼ 0, if x ¼ 0 A matrix A is called positive definite if its quadratic form is positive. A direct consequence of this is that the diagonal elements of A are positive. Indeed, if we take xi ¼ 1 and xk ¼ 0, k 6¼ i, then Eq. (12.5.24) gives Pðx1 , x2 , …, xN Þ ¼ aii > 0 (12.5.27) Let x be an eigenvector of A. Because A is real and symmetric, the eigenpair ðl, xÞ is real according to the previous property. To prove that l > 0 we write Eq. (12.5.25) as T xT Ax ¼ AT x x ¼ ðAxÞT x (12.5.28) ¼ lxT x Because xT x > 0, hence xT Ax > 0, the foregoing relation gives l¼ xT Ax >0 xT x (12.5.29) 6. To each eigenvalue of a symmetric matrix there correspond as many linearly independent eigenvectors as the multiplicity of the eigenvalue. Let A be an N N symmetric matrix. We assume that we have computed the eigenvalue lk and the corresponding eigenvector xk . Note that the eigenvalue problem has no degenerate eigenvalues because the matrix is assumed symmetric. We construct now an N N orthonormal matrix Q, whose first column is the vector xk , namely ^ , QT Q ¼ I Q ¼ xk Q (12.5.30) ^ Apparently, the dimensions of Q are N ðN 1Þ. The construction of Q is always possible because the vectors in Q provide a basis of the N dimensional space defined by A. This is understood from Example 12.5.2, which is presented below. First we evaluate " # xTk T ^ Q AQ ¼ A xk Q T ^ Q " # (12.5.31) ^ xTk Axk xTk AQ ¼ ^ ^ T Axk Q ^ T AQ Q 548 PART II Multi-degree-of-freedom systems ^ T Axk ¼ Then taking into account that Axk ¼ lk xk , xTk xk ¼ 1, Q T T T T ^ ^ ^ lk Q xk ¼ 0, xk AQ ¼ Q A xk ¼ 0 because it was assumed AT ¼ A, we write the foregoing relation as QT AQ ¼ lk 0 ^ 0 A (12.5.32) where ^ ¼Q ^ ^ T AQ A (12.5.33) ^ ¼ c, that is, a conis a fully populated ðN 1Þ ðN 1Þ. If N ¼ 2, then A T stant, and the matrix Q AQ becomes diagonal QT AQ ¼ lk 0 0 c (12.5.34) Premultiplying the previous equation by Q gives lk 0 0 c lk 0 ^ ¼ x Q 0 c AQ ¼ Q (12.5.35) ^ is another eigenvector of A and c is the other eigenvalue Hence Q regardless of whether lk is a multiple or a distinct eigenvalue. For arbitrary N the proof is achieved by mathematical induction. Taking into account the previous proof, the Gramm-Schmidt orthogonalization, and property (4), we deduce that an N N symmetric matrix has N orthonormal eigenvectors. Example 12.5.2 Construct the orthonormal matrix Q ¼ ½ x1 x2 x3 , from xT1 ¼ f 1:5 3 2 g. Solution We normalize the vector x1 with respect to its magnitude jx1 j ¼ 3:9051. Thus we obtain xT1 ¼ f 0:3841 0:7682 0:5121 g The vector relation xT2 (1) ¼ f x12 x22 x32 g can be computed from the orthogonality xT1 x2 ¼ 0:3841x12 0:7682x22 + 0:5121x32 ¼ 0 (2) Thus, by determining the two components arbitrarily, then the third component is computed from Eq. (2). In this respect, we take arbitrarily x12 ¼ 5, x22 ¼ 1. Then Eq. (2) gives x32 ¼ 5:25 and xT2 ¼ f 5 1 5:25 g (3) Multi-degree-of-freedom systems: Free vibrations Chapter 12 549 which is normalized with respect to its magnitude jx2 j ¼ 7:3186 and becomes xT2 ¼ f 0:6832 0:1366 0:7173 g (4) The vector xT3 ¼ f x13 x23 x33 g can be computed from the orthogonality relations xT1 x3 ¼ 0:3841x13 0:7682x23 + 0:5121x33 ¼ 0 (5) xT2 x3 ¼ 0:6832x13 0:1366x23 0:7173x33 ¼ 0 (6) Thus, by determining x13 arbitrarily, say x13 ¼ 1, the foregoing relations yield the linear system of equations 0:7682x23 + 0:5121x33 ¼ 0:3841 (7) 0:1366x23 0:7173x33 ¼ 0:6832 (8) from which we obtain x23 ¼ 1:0070, x33 ¼ 0:7606, hence x3 ¼ f 1 1:0070 0:7606 gT (9) which is normalized with respect to its magnitude jx3 j ¼ 1:6102 and becomes x3 ¼ f 0:6211 0:6254 0:4724 gT Therefore the requested orthonormal matrix is 2 3 0:3841 0:6832 0:6211 Q ¼ 4 0:7682 0:1366 0:6254 5 0:5121 0:7173 0:4724 (10) (11) The vectors x1 ,x2 , x3 provide a new basis in the three-dimensional space. 7. Reduction of a square matrix to diagonal form From the previous properties, it can be concluded that the real and symmetric matrix A with dimensions N N has always N eigenvectors, which are linearly independent and orthogonal to each other. Therefore, the eigenvectors can provide a new basis in the N dimensional space. A vector x represented with respect to the new basis will have components x^1 , x^2 ,…, x^N . On this basis, we can write x ¼ x^1 x1 + x^2 x2 + … + x^N xN (12.5.36) x ¼ X^ x (12.5.37) or where 2 X ¼ ½ x1 x2 x11 6 x21 ⋯ xN ¼ 6 4⋯ xN 1 x12 x22 ⋯ xN 2 ⋯ ⋯ ⋯ ⋯ 3 x1N x2N 7 7 ⋯ 5 xNN (12.5.38) 550 PART II Multi-degree-of-freedom systems represents the transformation matrix. It should be noted that matrix X can be inverted,because the vectors xi are linearly independent, that is, det ðXÞ 6¼ 0. Next, we transform the relation y ¼Ax with respect to the new base. According to Eq. (12.5.37), the vector y is written ^ ¼ X1 y y ¼ X1 Ax ¼ X1 AX^ x ^x ¼ A^ (12.5.39) where ^ ¼ X1 AX A (12.5.40) But it holds AX ¼ A½ x1 x2 ⋯ xN ¼ ½ Ax1 Ax2 ⋯ AxN ¼ ½ l1 x1 l2 x2 ⋯ lN xN (12.5.41) ¼ XL where 2 l1 60 L ¼6 4⋯ 0 0 l2 ⋯ ⋯ ⋯ ⋯ ⋯ 0 3 0 0 7 7 ⋯ 5 lN (12.5.42) is a diagonal matrix with elements the N eigenvalues of A. Finally, Eq. (12.5.40) by virtue of Eq. (12.5.41) becomes ^ ¼ X1 XL ¼ L A (12.5.43) L ¼ X1 AX (12.5.44) or using Eq. (12.5.40) that is, the matrix A in the space defined by the eigenvectors takes a diagonal form. Further, solving Eq. (12.5.44) with respect to A gives A ¼ XLX1 (12.5.45) The forgoing representation of A is called the spectral decomposition of the matrix. Taking into account the orthogonality property of the eigenvectors, we obtain Multi-degree-of-freedom systems: Free vibrations Chapter 2 x1 T x1 6 0 XT X ¼ XXT ¼ 6 4⋯ 0 0 x2 T x2 ⋯ 0 ⋯ ⋯ ⋯ ⋯ 3 0 7 0 7 5 0 T xN xN 12 551 (12.5.46) which, ffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiif the eigenvectors are normalized with respect to their magnitude, p xi T xi ¼ 1, becomes XT X ¼ XXT ¼ I (12.5.47) X1 ¼ XT (12.5.48) A ¼ XLXT (12.5.49) Hence and Eq. (12.5.45) becomes 8. Similar matrices have the same eigenvalues. We consider that the change of the base is performed by the transformation x ¼T^ x (12.5.50) where T is a nonsingular matrix. The matrix A is transformed in the space defined by the new base according to Eq. (12.5.40), when we set X ¼ T. Hence ^ ¼ T1 AT A (12.5.51) The above transformation is referred to as a similarity transformation ^ are similar matrices. while A and A ^ is The eigenvalue problem for the matrix A ^ lI x ^¼0 A (12.5.52) and its characteristic polynomial ^ lI ^ ðlÞ ¼ det A P ¼ det T1 ðA lIÞT (12.5.53) ¼ det T1 det ðA lIÞ det ðTÞ ¼ det T1 det ðTÞPðlÞ Because det T1 and det ðTÞ are nonzero constants, we obtain ^ ðlÞ ¼ PðlÞ ¼ 0. Hence the characteristic polynomials P ^ ðlÞ and PðlÞ P ^ have the same roots, which implies that the matrices A and A have the same eigenvalues. Note that the property of the product of determinants has been 552 PART II Multi-degree-of-freedom systems employed to reach the foregoing conclusion, that is, det ðABCÞ ¼ det ðAÞdet ðBÞ det ðCÞ. Regarding the eigenvectors, they are transformed according to Eq. (12.5.50). 12.5.3 The generalized eigenvalue problem The problem of determining the eigenvalues and eigenvectors of a matrix as stated above represents the typical or standard eigenvalue problem. However, the eigenvalue problem for determining the eigenfrequencies and mode shapes has a more general form ðA lBÞx ¼ 0 (12.5.54) This problem is known as the generalized eigenvalue problem of linear algebra. In the literature, it is also referred to as the linearized eigenvalue problem. The study of the properties of the eigenvalues and eigenvectors of the generalized eigenvalue problem, Eq. (12.5.54), is facilitated if it is transformed to the standard eigenvalue problem, Eq. (12.5.6). Thus, the properties that apply to the standard eigenvalue problem can be transferred to the generalized eigenvalue problem. Without excluding the generality, the discussion will be restricted to real, symmetric, and positive definite matrices A and B because in free vibrations, they represent the stiffness and mass matrices, that is, A ¼ K and B ¼ M. Their positive definiteness results from the fact that the elastic energy U ðuÞ and the kinetic energy T ðu_ Þ are expressed by positive definite quadratic forms, that is, 8 1 > < uT Ku > 0, if u 6¼ 0 U ðuÞ ¼ 2 (12.5.55) > : 1 uT Ku ¼ 0, if u ¼ 0 2 8 1 > < u_ T Mu_ > 0, if u_ 6¼ 0 T ðu_ Þ ¼ 2 (12.5.56) > : 1 u_ T Mu_ ¼ 0, if u_ ¼ 0 2 Applying Eq. (12.5.49) to matrix B we have eX eL eT B¼X (12.5.57) e is the diagonal matrix of the eigenvalues of B and X e the matrix where L of its eigenvectors. Obviously, when the matrix B is diagonal, as in the case e ¼ I. of concentrated masses, then X Further, we can set B ¼ SST (12.5.58) Multi-degree-of-freedom systems: Free vibrations Chapter where e S¼X pffiffiffiffi e L 12 553 (12.5.59) e are positive because B The matrix S is real on account that the elements of L was assumed positive definite. Substituting Eq. (12.5.59) into Eq. (12.5.54), yields Ax ¼ lSST x (12.5.60) ^ ¼ ST x x (12.5.61) ^ x ¼ ST x (12.5.62) We define now the vector thenb 1 Premultiplying Eq. (12.5.60) by S and using Eq. (12.5.62) yield ^ lI x ^¼0 A (12.5.63) where ^ ¼ S1 AST A (12.5.64) ^ is real and symmetric. Therefore, according to Obviously, the matrix A ^ are real. Moreover, taking into property 3, its eigenvalues and eigenvectors x ^ satisfy the orthogonality condition, x ^Ti x ^j ¼ 0, i 6¼ j, account that the vectors x we obtain. T ^Ti x ^j ¼ ST xi ST xj x ¼xTi SST xj ¼xTi Bxj , i 6¼ j (12.5.65) ¼0 which implies that the eigenvectors of the generalized eigenvalue problem are orthogonal with respect to the matrix B. The eigenvalue problems (12.5.54) and (12.5.63) have the same eigenvalues. Indeed, we can set I ¼ S1 SST ST and write Eq. (12.5.63) by virtue of Eqs. (12.5.64) and (12.5.58) as 1 ^¼0 S ðA lBÞST x (12.5.66) ^ ðlÞ are the characteristic polynomials of the eigenvalue If PðlÞ and P problems (12.5.54) and (12.5.63), respectively, we obtain 1 b. The notation ST ¼ ST is employed. 554 PART II Multi-degree-of-freedom systems ^ lI ^ ðlÞ ¼ det A P ¼ det S1 ðA lBÞST (12.5.67) ¼ det S1 det ðA lBÞdet ST ¼ det S1 PðlÞ det ST Because det S1 6¼ 0 and det ST 6¼ 0, it implies that both eigenvalue problems have the same characteristic equation, hence the same eigenvalues. The spectral decomposition of matrix B requires the complete solution of the eigenvalue problem. Therefore, the transformation of the generalized eigenvalue problem on the basis of Eq. (12.5.59) is not the most convenient one. A usual method to determine the matrix S is the Cholesky decomposition method, or the square root method, in which the matrix B is written in the form of a product, that is, B ¼ UT U (12.5.68) where U is an upper triangular matrix. Hence S ¼ UT (12.5.69) 9. If the matrices A and B real, symmetric, and positive definite, then the generalized eigenvalue problem has positive eigenvalues. This is readily proved by premultiplying Eq. (12.5.54) by xT . This gives xT Ax ¼ lxT Bx (12.5.70) Because A and B are positive definite, we obtain l¼ xT Ax >0 xT Bx (12.5.71) 10. The eigenvectors xi of the generalized eigenvalue problem are orthogonal with respect to the matrices A and B. It was previously shown that xTi Bxj ¼ 0, i 6¼ j (12.5.72) Consequently, we obtain xTi Axj ¼ lxTi Bxj ¼0 (12.5.73) Multi-degree-of-freedom systems: Free vibrations Chapter 12 555 Example 12.5.3 Transform the generalized eigenvalue problem into a standard eigenvalue problem using the spectral decomposition method, when A¼ 50 40 2:5 1 , B¼ 40 90 1 3:2 Solution The characteristic equation of B is 2:5 l e 1 ¼l e2 5:7l e + 7:0 ¼ 0 1 e 3:2 l (1) from which we obtain e2 ¼ 3:909 e1 ¼ 1:790, l l (2) Hence e ¼ 1:790 0 L 0 3:909 (3) The eigenvectors are computed from the solution of the homogeneous linear system e 1 x1 0 2:5 l (4) e x2 ¼ 0 1 3:2 l e1 ¼ 1:790 and l e2 ¼ 3:909. for l Thus, we obtain the matrix of the eigenvectors normalized with respect to their magnitude " # 0:8157 0:5784 e¼ X (5) 0:5785 0:8158 Using Eq. (12.5.59) we obtain pffiffiffiffi e ¼ 1:0913 1:1435 , S1 ¼ 0:6097 0:4323 e L S¼X 0:2926 0:4126 0:7740 1:6129 (6) and on the basis of Eq. (12.5.64) ^ ¼ S1 AST ¼ A 14:3213 2:1288 2:1288 29:2564 (7) 11. If the real and symmetric matrix A is singular, then the generalized eigenvalue problem has at least one zero eigenvalue and the corresponding eigenvector is different from zero. 556 PART II Multi-degree-of-freedom systems First, we will show that this property holds for the standard eigenvalue problem Ax ¼ lx. For this purpose, we write A in the form of its spectral decomposition, A ¼ XLXT (12.5.74) Because it was assumed that A is it implies that det ðAÞ ¼ 0. singular, Moreover, Eq. (12.5.47) gives det XT det ðXÞ ¼ 1, hence det ðAÞ ¼ det XT det ðLÞdet ðXÞ ¼ det ðLÞ ¼l1 l2 ⋯lN (12.5.75) ¼0 from which we conclude that at least one of the li is zero and the eigenvalue problem for this value becomes Axi ¼ 0 (12.5.76) which yields xi 6¼ 0 because det ðAÞ ¼ 0. The generalized eigenvalue problem Ax ¼ lBx is transformed to the ^ x ¼ l^ standard eigenvalue problem A^ x, hence it is ^ ¼ l1 l2 ⋯lN det A (12.5.77) which by virtue of Eq. (12.5.64) gives ^ ¼ det S1 det ðAÞdet ST det A ¼0 (12.5.78) because it was assumed det ðAÞ ¼ 0. Eqs. (12.5.77) and (12.5.78) imply ^i 6¼ 0 and that at least one of the eigenvalues li is zero. Moreover, it is x ^i 6¼ 0. by virtue of Eq. (12.5.62), we obtain xi ¼ ST x If the matrices A and B represent the stiffness and mass matrices of the structure, that is, A ¼ K, B ¼ M, then the eigenvector xi corresponding to the zero eigenvalue represents rigid body motion. This is shown right below. If we set xi ¼ ui , then Kui represents the vector of the elastic force f Si corresponding to the displacement ui , that is f Si ¼ Kui (12.5.79) Kui ¼ li Mui ¼0 (12.5.80) or because li ¼ 0 Hence f Si ¼ 0 while Eq. (12.5.76) yieldsui 6¼ 0, which is due to the motion of the structure as a rigid body. Multi-degree-of-freedom systems: Free vibrations Chapter 12 557 12. If the real and symmetric matrix B is singular, then the generalized eigenvalue problem has at least one infinite eigenvalue. This is shown if the eigenvalue problem is written in the form Bx ¼ mAx (12.5.81) where m ¼ 1=l. 13. Any vector u with a dimension N can be represented as the superposition of the eigenvectors of the eigenvalue problem. We showed that the set of the eigenvectors x1 ,x2 ,…, xN of an N N symmetric matrix is linearly independent and can be employed as a base of the N dimensional space to represent an arbitrary vector u in that space. Thus we may set u ¼ a1 x1 + a2 x2 + ⋯ + aN xN (12.5.82) u ¼ Xa (12.5.83) or where X is the matrix of the eigenvectors and a ¼ fa1 , a2 , …, aN gT the vector of the coefficients. The matrix X is not singular because the eigenvectors xi are linearly independent. Hence a ¼ X1 u (12.5.84) a ¼ XT u (12.5.85) or using Eq. (12.5.48) or ai ¼ xi T u, i ¼ 1, 2, …,N (12.5.86) Similarly, we can use the eigenvectors of the generalized eigenvalue problem to represent the vector u. The establishment of the coefficients ai in that case is established by premultiplying both sides of Eq. (12.5.82) by xTi B and noting that xTi Bxj ¼ 0 for i 6¼ j. This yields ai ¼ xTi Bu xTi Bxi (12.5.87) If the eigenvectors xi are normalized with respect to B so that xTi Bxi ¼ 1, then Eq. (12.5.87) gives ai ¼ xTi Bu, i ¼ 1, 2, …,N (12.5.88) a ¼ XT Bu (12.5.89) or The representation of a vector as a superposition of the eigenvectors as in Eq. (12.5.82) is known as the expansion theorem. As we will see in 558 PART II Multi-degree-of-freedom systems Section 14.5, this theorem is a special case of a Ritz vector representation when the eigenvectors are used as Ritz vectors. 14. If a real and symmetric matrix A is singular, then the quadratic form PðuÞ ¼ uT Au is positive semidefinite, that is, PðuÞ ¼ uT Au 0 for u 6¼ 0. We write the vector u in the form of Eq. (12.5.83) and the matrix A in the form of Eq. (12.5.49). Thus we have PðuÞ ¼uT Au ¼aT XT AXa ¼aT La ¼ (12.5.90) N X li ai2 i¼1 Because A is singular, at least on of its eigenvalues is zero, say lk ¼ 0. If we take u ¼ xk , it will be ak 6¼ 0, ai6¼k ¼ 0 and Eq. (12.5.90) becomes PðuÞ ¼lk ak2 ¼0 (12.5.91) Therefore PðuÞ ¼ uT Au 0 for u 6¼ 0 (12.5.92) 12.6 The Rayleigh quotient In Section 12.5, we discussed the standard and the generalized eigenvalue problems and we studied the properties of the eigenvalues and eigenvectors. In this section, we will supplement these properties with Rayleigh’s quotient, which yields further important properties that are very useful for the numerical computation of eigenvalues and eigenvectors. The Rayleigh quotient for an N N symmetric matrix A is the scalar quantity defined by the relation rðuÞ ¼ uT Au uT u (12.6.1) where u is a vector with dimension N . We will show that the following properties hold. 1. If l1 l2 l3 ⋯ lN are the eigenvalues of A, then l1 rðuÞ lN (12.6.2) and it is rðuÞ > 0, if A is positive definite and rðuÞ 0 if A is positive semidefinite. Moreover, it is rðuÞ ¼ l1 if u ¼ x1 and rðuÞ ¼ lN if u ¼ xN . Multi-degree-of-freedom systems: Free vibrations Chapter 12 559 On the basis of the expansion theorem, Eq. (12.5.82), we may set u¼ N X ak xk (12.6.3) k¼1 where the eigenvectors xk of A are assumed normalized with respect to their magnitude, that is xTi xj ¼ d ij (12.6.4) where dij is the Kronecker delta defined as d ij ¼ 1 if i ¼ j and dij ¼ 0 if i 6¼ j. Substituting Eq. (12.6.3) into Eq. (12.6.1) and taking into account Eq. (12.6.4) and Axk ¼ lk xk yield rðuÞ ¼ l1 a12 + l2 a22 + ⋯ + lN aN2 a12 + a22 + ⋯ + aN2 (12.6.5) which for l1 6¼ 0 becomes rðuÞ ¼ l1 a12 + ðl2 =l1 Þa22 + ⋯ + ðlN =l1 ÞaN2 a12 + a22 + ⋯ + aN2 (12.6.6) Because lk =l1 1 (k ¼ 2, 3, …, N ), it follows that the nominator of the foregoing fraction is greater or equal to the denominator, hence rðuÞ l1 . If u ¼ x1 we have a1 ¼ 1, a2 ¼ a3 ¼ ⋯ ¼ aN ¼ 0 and Eq. (12.6.5) gives rðuÞ ¼ l1 . Similarly, for lN 6¼ 0 Eq. (12.6.5) is written as rðuÞ ¼ lN a12 ðl1 =lN Þ + ðl2 =lN Þa22 + ⋯ + aN2 a12 + a22 + ⋯ + aN2 (12.6.7) The nominator of the forgoing fraction is less or equal to the denominator because lk =lN 1 (k ¼ 1, 2, …,N 1), hence rðuÞ lN . If u ¼ xN we have a1 ¼ a2 ¼ ⋯ ¼ aN 1 ¼ 0, aN ¼ 1 and Eq. (12.6.7) gives rðuÞ ¼ lN . 2. If the vector u is chosen from a subset of vectors that is orthogonal to the first k 1 eigenvectors of A, then rðuÞ lk (12.6.8) Applying the expansion theorem, Eq. (12.5.82), we have u ¼ a1 x1 + a2 x2 + ⋯ + ak1 xk1 + ak xk + ⋯ + aN xN (12.6.9) Due to the assumed orthogonality, it is uT xj ¼ 0, j ¼ 1, 2, …,k 1 and Eq. (12.5.86) gives aj ¼ 0, j ¼ 1, 2, …,k 1. Hence Eq. (12.6.9) is written as u¼ N X j¼k aj xj (12.6.10) 560 PART II Multi-degree-of-freedom systems Substituting the previous expression for u into Rayleigh’s quotient, Eq. (12.6.1), yields rðuÞ ¼ lk ak2 + lk + 1 ak2 + 1 + ⋯ + lN aN2 ak2 + ak2 + 1 + ⋯ + aN2 a 2 + ðlk + 1 =lk Þak2 + 1 + ⋯ + ðlN =lk ÞaN2 ¼lk k ak2 + ak2 + 1 + ⋯ + aN2 (12.6.11) Inasmuch as lk + 1 =lk 1, ⋯,lN =lk 1, it follows that the nominator of the foregoing fraction is greater or equal to the denominator, hence rðuÞ lk . If u ¼ xk we have ak ¼ 1, ak + 1 ¼ ⋯ ¼ aN ¼ 0 and Eq. (12.6.11) gives rðuÞ ¼ lk . 3. If the vector u deviates from the eigenvector xk by an error of order e, then Rayleigh’s quotient approximates the eigenvalue lk with an error of order e2 , namely rðuÞ ¼ lk + O e2 (12.6.12) To prove this statement we set u u ¼ xk + ee (12.6.13) where ee u is the deviation of u from xk and expresses the contribution of the remaining eigenvectors. Substituting Eq. (12.6.13) into Eq. (12.6.1) gives xTk + ee uT Aðxk + ee uÞ rðuÞ ¼ uT ðxk + ee uÞ xTk + ee (12.6.14) T xTk Axk + ee u Axk + exTk Ae u + e2 e u uT Ae ¼ e + e2 u eT u e uT xk + exTk u xTk xk + ee Further, by virtue of the expansion theorem, Eq. (12.5.82), we can write e u¼ N X aj x j (12.6.15) j ¼1 j 6¼ k Substituting the foregoing expression for e u into Eq. (12.6.14) and taking into account the orthogonality of the eigenvectors, we obtain lk + e2 rðuÞ ¼ N X j¼1, j6¼k 1 + e2 S lj aj2 (12.6.16) Multi-degree-of-freedom systems: Free vibrations Chapter 12 561 where it was set S¼ N X j ¼1 j 6¼ k aj2 (12.6.17) Expanding the denominator in Eq. (12.6.16) in series using the polynomial theorem for a negative exponent, we obtain 1 + e2 S 1 ¼ 1 e2 S + e4 S 2 e6 S 3 + ⋯ (12.6.18) which is introduced into Eq. (12.6.16) to give 0 1 B C N X B C 2 2C 2 4 2 6 3 rðuÞ ¼B l + e a l j j C 1e S +e S e S +⋯ B k @ A j ¼1 j 6¼ k 0 1 (12.6.19) B X C B N C 2 ¼lk + e B lj aj lk S C C + higher order terms @j ¼1 A 2B j 6¼ k Obviously, Eq. (12.6.19) proves Eq. (12.6.12). The Rayleigh’s quotient for the standard eigenvalue problem and the properties resulting thereof can be extended to the generalized eigenvalue problem as well. This becomes obvious if the generalized eigenvalue prob^ x ¼ l^ lem Ax ¼ lBx is transformed into the standard one A^ x. Thus writing Rayleigh’s quotient in the form ^Þ ¼ rðu ^u ^T A^ u T ^ u ^ u (12.6.20) and taking into account that (see Eqs. 12.5.58, 12.5.61, and 12.5.64) ^ ¼ S1 AST ^ ¼ ST u, A ST S ¼ B, u Eq. (12.6.20) becomes rðuÞ ¼ uT Au uT Bu (12.6.21) 562 PART II Multi-degree-of-freedom systems Example 12.6.1 Determine the eigenfrequencies and eigenmodes of the twostory building in Example 12.2.1 using the properties of Rayleigh’s quotient. Solution The mass and stiffness matrices of the building were computed in Example 12.2.1, that is, M¼ 25 0 , 0 32 K¼ We take u¼ 3826:5 3826:5 3826:5 9142:1 1 x (1) (2) where x is an unknown. We will determine x so that Rayleigh’s quotient takes an extreme value. For this purpose, we formulate Rayleigh’s quotient, Eq. (12.6.21), for A ¼ K and B ¼ M. Thus we obtain rðx Þ ¼ uT Ku uT Mu ½1 x 3826:5 3826:5 1 3826:5 9142:1 x 25 0 1 ½1 x 0 32 x 9142:1x 2 7653:0x + 3826:5 ¼ 32x 2 + 25 ¼ (3) The value of x is obtained by establishing the extreme values of the function rðx Þ. Thus we obtain drðx Þ 244896x 2 + 212209x 191325 ¼ dx ð32x 2 + 25Þ2 (4) ¼0 Eq. (4) has two roots: x1 ¼ 0:5511 kai x2 ¼ 1:4176. For these values, the second derivative d 2 rðx Þ 107 ð1:567x 3 + 2:037x 2 3:673x 0:530Þ ¼ dx 2 ð32x 2 + 25Þ3 (5) gives d 2 rðx 1 Þ d 2 rðx 2 Þ ¼ 399:98 > 0, ¼ 60:4469 < 0 (6) dx 2 dx 2 Therefore, x1 yields the minimum and x2 the maximum. On the base of Eq. (3), we obtain 1 rðx1 Þ ¼ l1 ¼ w21 ¼ 68:7089, w1 ¼ 8:289, u1 ¼ (7) 0:5511 Multi-degree-of-freedom systems: Free vibrations Chapter rðx2 Þ ¼ l2 ¼ w22 ¼ 370:0416, w2 ¼ 19:236, u2 ¼ 12 1 1:4127 563 (8) Normalizing the eigenmodes with respect to the mass, we obtain F¼ 0:1697 0:1061 0:0935 0:1499 (9) Obviously, the obtained eigenfrequencies and mode shapes are identical to those obtained by the method in Section 12.2. 12.7 Properties of eigenfrequencies and modes of MDOF systems without damping: A summary The properties of the generalized eigenvalue problem are applied to the problem of the free vibrations of MDOF systems if the matrices A and B in Eq. (12.5.54) represent the stiffness and mass matrices, respectively, that is, A ¼ K, B ¼ M. Then the eigenvalues express the squares of the eigenfrequencies, li ¼ w2i , and the eigenvectors the normalized eigenmodes of the vibrations. In Table 12.7.1, these properties are summarized using the terminology employed in free vibration analysis. TABLE 12.7.1 Properties of the eigenfrequencies and eigenmodes in free vibrations of MDOF systems without damping. 1. When K and M are real, symmetric, and positive definite, then all eigenfrequencies are positive. 2. When K is singular, det ðKÞ ¼ 0, at least one eigenfrequency is zero and the corresponding eigenmodes express rigid body motion while the elastic energy is positive semidefinite, U ðuÞ ¼ 12 uT Ku 0 for u 6¼ 0. 3. When M is singular, det ðMÞ ¼ 0, at least one eigenfrequency is infinite and the kinetic energy is positive semidefinite, T ðu Þ ¼ 12 u_ T Mu_ 0 for u_ 6¼ 0. 4. To each eigenfrequency there correspond as many linearly independent eigenvectors as the multiplicity of the eigenfrequency. 5. The eigenmodes, including those corresponding to a repeated eigenfrequency, are linearly independent and orthogonal with respect to M and K, that is fTm Mfn ¼ 0, m 6¼ n fTm Kfn m 6¼ n ¼ 0, 6. Any arbitrary vector u with dimension N can be expressed as a superposition of the N eigenmodes u ¼ Fa, a ¼ FT Mu 12.8 Solution of the vibration problem without damping In Section 12.2, it was shown that the solution of Eq. (12.1.2) is given by Eq. (12.2.25) or Eq. (12.2.26), which we rewrite here for convenience 564 PART II Multi-degree-of-freedom systems uðt Þ ¼ N X fi ðci cos wi t + di sin wi t Þ (12.8.1) i¼1 or uðt Þ ¼ N X fi ai cos ðwi t qi Þ (12.8.2) i¼1 in which wi and fi are the eigenfrequencies and eigenmodes, respectively, obtained from the solution of the eigenvalue problem Kf ¼ lMf (12.8.3) The use of the eigenmodes fi instead of the eigenvectors bi is permitted qffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi because the normalization coefficient mi ¼ 1= fTi Mfi can be incorporated in the arbitrary constants ci, di or ai ,qi . The solution of the vibration problem is accomplished when the arbitrary constants are determined. This is achieved by using the 2N initial conditions specified by the displacement vector uð0Þ and velocity vector u_ ð0Þ, each of dimension N , at t ¼ 0. Eq. (12.8.1) for t ¼ 0 gives or uð0Þ ¼ f1 c1 + f2 c2 + ⋯ + fN cN (12.8.4) uð0Þ ¼ Fc (12.8.5) T where F is the modal matrix and c ¼ fc1 , c2 , ⋯, cN g the vector of the unknown coefficients ci. Eq. (12.8.5) provides a system of N linear algebraic equations with respect to N unknowns, whose solution results in the vector c, namely c ¼ F1 uð0Þ (12.8.6) The constants di are determine by differentiating Eq. (12.8.1) and using an analogous procedure. The foregoing solution requires the inversion of the matrix F, which is not a simple task. This can be avoided if the orthogonality of the eigenmodes with respect to the mass is employed. For this purpose both sides of Eq. (12.8.4) are premultiplied by fTi M. Thus we obtain fTi Muð0Þ ¼ fTi Mfi ci because the terms fTi Mfj (12.8.7) ¼ 0, i 6¼ j, vanish. Therefore fTi Muð0Þ fTi Mfi (12.8.8) ci ¼ fTi Muð0Þ (12.8.9) ci ¼ which is further written as Multi-degree-of-freedom systems: Free vibrations Chapter 12 565 if the eigenmodes have been orthonormalized with respect to the mass, that is, fTi Mfi ¼ 1 (see Eq. 12.2.29). The same procedure is used to evaluate the coefficients di . Differentiating Eq. (12.8.1) with respect to time yields u_ ðt Þ ¼ N X fi wi ðci sin wi t + di cos wi t Þ (12.8.10) i¼1 and for t ¼ 0 u_ ð0Þ ¼ f1 w1 d1 + f2 w2 d2 + ⋯ + fN wN dN (12.8.11) Premultiplying the foregoing equation by fTi M yields di ¼ 1 fTi Mu_ ð0Þ wi fTi Mfi (12.8.12) di ¼ 1 T f Mu_ ð0Þ wi i (12.8.13) and if fTi Mfi ¼ 1 The constants ai ,qi are evaluated from the relations qffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi ai ¼ ci2 + di2 , qi ¼ tan 1 ðdi =ci Þ (12.8.14) 12.9 The method of mode superposition The solution to the problem of free vibrations can be obtained in another way, which is based on the expansion theorem. Thus according to Eq. (12.5.82) the displacement vector can be represented as uðt Þ ¼f1 Y1 ðt Þ + f2 Y2 ðt Þ + ⋯ + fN YN ðt Þ ¼FYðt Þ (12.9.1) The foregoing equation transforms the components of the vector u ¼ f u1 u2 ⋯ uN gT referred to a system with base vectors e1 ð1, 0, …, 0Þ, e2 ð0, 1, …, 0Þ, …,eN ð0, 0, …, 1Þ into the components Y ¼ f Y1 Y2 ⋯ YN gT referred to the system with base vectors the eigenmodes f1 , f2 ,⋯,fN . The components Yn , n ¼ 1, 2, …,N are generalized coordinates and are referred to as modal or normal coordinates. Substituting Eq. (12.9.1) into Eq. (12.1.2) yields M f1 Y€ 1 + f2 Y€ 2 + ⋯ + fN Y€ N + Kðf1 Y1 + f2 Y2 + ⋯ + fN YN Þ ¼ 0 (12.9.2) fTn and taking into account Then, premultiplying the foregoing equation by the orthogonality conditions fTn Mfj ¼ 0 and fTn Kfj ¼ 0 for n 6¼ j, we obtain 566 PART II Multi-degree-of-freedom systems fTn Mfn Y€ n + fTn Kfn Yn ¼0, n ¼ 1, 2, …, N (12.9.3) Setting further Mn ¼ fTn Mfn (12.9.4) Kn ¼ fTn Kfn (12.9.5) Eq. (12.9.3) is written Mn Y€ n + Kn Yn ¼0, n ¼ 1, 2, …,N (12.9.6) The quantities Mn and Kn express the generalized mass and the generalized stiffness of the nth eigenmode, respectively, and are called the generalized or modal mass and generalized or modal stiffness. Further, taking into account that Kfn ¼ w2n Mfn (see Eq. 12.3.3), we obtain Kn ¼ w2n Mn (12.9.7) and observing that Mn 6¼ 0, Eq. (12.9.6) becomes Y€ n + w2n Yn ¼ 0, n ¼ 1, 2, …,N (12.9.8) The transformation of the natural coordinates un to modal coordinates reduces the system of the N coupled equations to a set N uncoupled equations of a SDOF system. Hence, the solution of the nth equation is given by Eq. (2.2.13), namely Y_ n ð0Þ sin wn t + Yn ð0Þcoswn t, n ¼ 1, 2, …,N (12.9.9) wn The quantities Yn ð0Þ, Y_ n ð0Þ represent the initial conditions of the transformed equations and can be obtained from the specified initial conditions for the physical displacements, that is, uð0Þ, u_ ð0Þ, as follows. Premultiplied Eq. (12.9.1) by fTn M yields Yn ¼ Y n ðt Þ ¼ fTn Muðt Þ , Mn n ¼ 1, 2, …,N (12.9.10) and differentiating it with respect to t gives f Mu_ ðt Þ , Y_ n ðt Þ ¼ n Mn T n ¼ 1, 2, …,N (12.9.11) For t ¼ 0, Eqs. (12.9.10) and (12.9.11) give the sought initial conditions fTn Muð0Þ , Mn n ¼ 1, 2, …,N (12.9.12) f Mu_ ð0Þ , Y_ n ð0Þ ¼ n Mn n ¼ 1, 2, …,N (12.9.13) Y n ð 0Þ ¼ T Multi-degree-of-freedom systems: Free vibrations Chapter 12 567 The foregoing relations are further simplified if the eigenmodes are normalized on the basis of Eq. (12.2.29). This gives Mn ¼ fTn Μfn ¼ 1 (12.9.14) Kn ¼ w2n (12.9.15) that is, the modal masses become equal to the unity and the modal stiffnesses equal to the square of the corresponding eigenfrequency. Thus, we have Yn ð0Þ ¼ fTn Muð0Þ, n ¼ 1, 2, …,N (12.9.16) Y_ n ð0Þ ¼ fTn Mu_ ð0Þ, n ¼ 1, 2, …,N (12.9.17) The vector un ¼ fn Yn , n ¼ 1, 2, …,N expresses the contribution of the nth eigenmode to the displacement vector u and is referred to as the nth modal component of the displacement vector. Hence, Eq. (12.9.1) is written as u ¼ u 1 + u2 + ⋯ + u N (12.9.18) which implies that the displacement vector is the superposition of the modal components or, in other words, the displacement vector is the superposition of the eigenmodes multiplied by a time-dependent weight coefficient. This method of solving the equation of motion for the free vibration problem is known as the modal superposition method or the method of the superposition of the eigenmodes. It is used not only for free undamped vibrations but also for damped vibrations as well as for forced vibrations. The superposition is illustrated in Fig. 12.9.1, where the mode shapes correspond to those of the two-story shear frame in Example 12.2.1. FIG. 12.9.1 Modal superposition. Example 12.9.1 Determine the displacements of the frame in Example 12.2.1 using the modal superposition method to solve the equation of motion. Assumed initial conditions uð0Þ ¼ f0:03 0:01gT , u_ ð0Þ ¼ 0. Solution In Example 12.2.1, it was found M¼ 25 0 3826:5 3826:5 , K¼ 0 32 3826:5 9142:1 (1) 568 PART II Multi-degree-of-freedom systems w1 ¼ 8:289, 0:1697 f1 ¼ , 0:0935 w2 ¼ 19:236 0:1061 f2 ¼ 0:1499 (2) Because the eigenmodes are orthonormalized with respect to the mass, the modal matrices resulting from Eq. (12.9.14) are M1 ¼ fT1 Μf1 ¼ 1, M2 ¼ fT2 Μf2 ¼ 1 Applying Eqs. (12.9.12) and (12.9.13) gives 25 0 0:03 Y1 ð0Þ ¼ ½ 0:1697 0:0935 ¼ 0:15720 0 32 0:01 25 0 0:03 ¼ 0:0316 Y2 ð0Þ ¼ ½ 0:1061 0:1499 0 32 0:01 (3) (4) (5) Y_ 1 ð0Þ ¼ Y_ 2 ð0Þ ¼ 0 (6) Y1 ¼ 0:15720cos 8:289t (7a) Y2 ¼ 0:0316cos 19:236t (7b) Thus Eq. (12.9.9) gives Then Eq. (12.9.1) gives the displacement vector 2:6677 0:3353 u 1 ðt Þ cos 8:289t + 102 cos 19:236t ¼ 102 1:4698 0:4700 u 2 ðt Þ (8) Example 12.9.2 The loads P1 and P2 applied to the structure in Fig.E12.4a are removed suddenly at t ¼ 0. Determine the ratio P1 =P2 so that the structure vibrates in the form of the second eigenmode. The axial deformation of the col ¼ 1, umn is neglected. Consider lumped mass assumption. Assume a ¼ 1, m E ¼ 2:1 107 kN=m2 , and column cross-section 0:20 0:20 m2 . (a) (b) FIG. E12.4 Structure in Example 12.9.2 (a); Parameters of motion (b). Multi-degree-of-freedom systems: Free vibrations Chapter 12 569 Solution The system has two degrees of freedom, the horizontal displacement u and the rotation f at the top of the column shown in Fig. E12.4b. The equation of motion can be obtained either by applying Eqs. (A.4.8) or by considering the structure as a plane frame consisting of one element and including a rigid body at its free end (see Section 11.11). Here, Eqs. (A.4.8) are employed. Thus, € Fx ¼ fS , Fy ¼ 0, MP ¼ MS , IP ¼ IO , setting yc ¼ 0, XP ¼ u, YP ¼ 0, w_ ¼ f, we obtain m u€ + fS ¼ 0 (1) Fy ¼ mx c f€ (2) IO f€ + MS ¼ 0 (3) The elastic forces are applied at point O and are given by the relations fS ¼ k11 u + k12 f MS ¼ k21 u + k22 f Eqs. (1) and (3) are combined in matrix form M€ u + Ku ¼ 0 (4) where M¼ m 0 k k , K ¼ 11 12 0 Io k21 k22 Note that Eq. (2) will be used to evaluate the unknown force Fy once u,f are established from the solution of Eq. (4). Stiffness matrix: The stiffness matrix will result from Eq. (11.5.2) for u3 ¼ u4 ¼ 0. Thus, we have 2 3 2 3 3a 3 12EI 6EI 6 ð4a Þ3 ð4a Þ2 7 EI 6 7 6 16 8 7 K¼6 (5) 7¼ 4 5 4 6EI 4EI 5 a 3 3a 2 a 8 ð4a Þ2 4a Mass matrix: We have 1 + ð3a Þ10m ¼ 32a m m ¼ ð4a Þm 2 Z 2a 2 dx ¼ 30ma 3 Io ¼ 10mx a hence M¼ m 0 32 0 ¼ ma 0 Io 0 30a 2 (6) 570 PART II Multi-degree-of-freedom systems Eigenvalues and eigenmodes: They are obtained from the eigenvalue problem 4 =EI ðK lMÞb ¼ 0, l ¼ w2 ma (7) l1 ¼ 3:606, l2 ¼ 106:133 (8) which yields F¼ 0:1654 0:0625 0:0645 0:1708 (9) Initial conditions: There are only initial displacements, which are equal to the static displacements due to the loads P1 , P2 . They are evaluated from the relation P1 0:7619P1 + 0:5714P2 ¼ 102 uð0Þ ¼ K1 (10) 2P2 a 0:2857P1 0:2857P2 In order that the structure vibrates in the form of the second eigenmode, it must be Y1 ðt Þ 0, which holds if Y1 ð0Þ ¼ Y_ 1 ð0Þ ¼ 0. Inasmuch as u_ ð0Þ ¼ 0, Eq. (12.9.17) gives Y_ 1 ð0Þ ¼ 0. If we take uð0Þ ¼ kf2 , with k being an arbitrary constant, then Eq. (12.9.16) gives Y1 ð0Þ ¼fT1 Muð0Þ ¼kfT1 Mf2 (11) ¼0 Therefore, it must be 0:7619P1 + 0:5714P2 0:0625 2 ¼k 10 0:2857P1 0:2857P2 0:1708 (12) from which we obtain P1 ¼ 212:1k, P1 ¼ 271:9k P1 =P2 ¼ 0:7801 (13) 12.10 Solution of the vibration problem with damping In the case of free vibrations with damping, the damping matrix C does not vanish. Thus the equation that must be solved is M€ u + Cu_ + Ku ¼0 (12.10.1) subject to the specified initial conditions uð0Þ, u_ ð0Þ. In the following, three methods are presented for the solution of this problem. Multi-degree-of-freedom systems: Free vibrations Chapter 12 571 12.10.1 Direct solution of the differential equation We look for a solution of the form u ¼ belt which is substituted into Eq. (12.10.1) to yield 2 l M + lC + K b ¼0 (12.10.2) (12.10.3) The foregoing equation represents a homogeneous system of N linear algebraic equations, which can be solved to give a nontrivial vector b, provided that the determinant of the coefficient matrix is zero. Namely SðlÞ ¼ l2 M + lC + K (12.10.4) det l2 M + lC + K ¼ 0 (12.10.5) Expansion of the determinant yields a real polynomial of 2N degree in l, whose vanishing gives the characteristic equation of the differential equation of motion Eq. (12.10.1), namely PðlÞ ¼ a0 l2N + a1 l2N 1 + ⋯ + a2N ¼ 0 (12.10.6) According to the fundamental theorem of algebra, Eq. (12.10.6) has 2N roots l1 ,l2 ,…,l2N . Because the coefficients of the polynomial are real, the roots are either real or complex conjugate pairs. Eq. (12.10.3) represents an eigenvalue problem referred to as a quadratic eigenvalue problem. For each value of ln a vector bn is obtained, which is real or complex depending on whether ln is real or complex. Assuming that the roots are discrete, the general solution of Eq. (12.10.1) is given by the superposition u¼ 2N X an bn eln t (12.10.7) n¼1 where an are 2N arbitrary constants, which are determined from the initial conditions. The response of the system depends on the type of roots ln . We distinguish the following cases: (i) Real roots Let ln be a real root, the corresponding solution (12.10.2) is un ¼ bn eln t (12.10.8) Obviously, for ln > 0 the solution diverges exponentially while for ln < 0 it converges exponentially. In both cases, the motion of the system is not an oscillation. If the root has a multiplicity k, then the solution (12.10.2) becomes [3] 572 PART II Multi-degree-of-freedom systems un ¼ bn a0 + a1 t + ⋯ + t k1 eln t (12.10.9) which again diverges or converges exponentially depending on whether ln > 0 or ln < 0, respectively, and the motion of the system is not an oscillation. (ii) Complex roots. m is also a root. Let lm be complex, then its complex conjugate l We set m ¼ m iwm lm ¼ mm + iwm and l m (12.10.10) m are also complex conjugate and their The respective vectors bm and b contribution to the general solution is m e lm t um ¼am bm elm t + am∗ b m eiwm t (12.10.11) ¼emm t am bm eiwm t + am∗ b m cos wm t + i am bm a ∗ b ¼emm t am bm + am∗ b m m sin wm t The constants am , am∗ are arbitrary constants, hence they can be chosen so that they are complex conjugates, that is am ¼ cm + id m and am∗ ¼ cm id m (12.10.12) where cm and dm are also arbitrary constants. Further, we set m ¼ pm iqm bm ¼ pm + iqm and b (12.10.13) Substituting Eqs. (12.10.12) and (12.10.13) into Eq. (12.10.11) gives um ¼ 2emm t ½ðcm pm dm qm Þ cos wm t ðcm qm + dm pm Þsin wm t (12.10.14) The factor within the square bracket expresses a harmonic vibration. Its amplitude diverges exponentially if mm > 0 and converges exponentially if mm < 0. Finally, if mm ¼ 0, the roots are imaginary and the amplitude of vibration remains constant. The vibration with mm > 0 is known as flutter or negative damping. The solution is obtained as a superposition of the terms given by Eq. (12.10.14), namely u¼ N X um (12.10.15) m¼1 Eq. (12.10.14) implies that the natural components of the displacements are real, and as would be anticipated, the general solution is real. Multi-degree-of-freedom systems: Free vibrations Chapter 12 573 Eq. (12.10.14) is further written 3 0 8 8 8 8 9 91 9 91 p1m > q1m > p1m > > > > > > p1m > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > 7 C C 6B > B > > > > > > > > > > > > > > 7 C C 6B > B > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > 7 C C 6B > B > > > > > > > > p p q p > > > > > > > > 2m > 2m >C 2m > 2m >C 7 6B > B > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > 7 C C 6B > B > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > 7 C C 6B > B > > > < ⋮ > < < ⋮ > < ⋮ > = =C = =C 7 6B > B > 7 C C 6B B m t m C cos wm t Bcm C sin wm t 7 6Bcm um ¼2e dm + dm > > > > > > 7 C C 6B > B > > > > > > > > p q p p > > > > > > > > 7 C C 6B > B im im im im > > > > > > > > > > > > > > 7 C C 6B > B > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > 7 C C 6B > B > > > > > > > > ⋮ > > > > > > 7 C C 6B > B > > > > > > > > ⋮ ⋮ > > > > > > 7 C C 6B > B > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > 5 A A 4@ > @ > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > : : : : ; ; ; ; pNm qNm pNm pNm 9 8 r1m cos ðwm t q1m Þ > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > r cos ð w t q Þ > > m 2m 2m > > > > > > > > > > > > = < ⋮ ¼2emm t > > > r cos ðwm t qim Þ > > > > > > > im > > > > > > > > > > ⋮ > > > > > > > > > > ; : rNm cos ðwm t qNm Þ 20 (12.10.16) where rim ¼ qffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi ðcm pim dm qim Þ2 + ðcm qim + dm pim Þ2 qin ¼ tan 1 ðcm qim + dm pim Þ cm pim dm qim (12.10.17a) (12.10.17b) It becomes obvious from Eq. (12.10.17b) that the displacement components in a vibration mode have different phase angles, contrary to the undamped vibrations where the phase angles are the same within a vibration mode (see Eq. 12.8.2). Example 12.10.1 Determine the displacements of the frame in Example 12.2.1 in the presence of damping by direct solution of the equation of motion. Assume: C¼ 30 5 , uð0Þ ¼ f0:03 0:01gT , u_ ð0Þ ¼ 0 5 40 Solution The matrices M kai K were computed in Example 12.2.1. Hence, we have M¼ 25 0 , 0 32 K¼ 3826:5 3826:5 3826:5 9142:1 (1) 574 PART II Multi-degree-of-freedom systems The characteristic equation results from Eq. (12.10.5) det l2 25 0 30 5 3826:5 3826:5 +l + 0 32 5 40 3826:5 9142:1 ¼0 (2) which after expanding gives l4 + 2:45l3 + 440:219375l2 + 486:3225l + 25425:17925 ¼ 0 The roots of the polynomial (3) are 9 8 9 8 0:52764 + 8:27232i > l1 > > > > > > > = < = < 0:52764 8:27232i l2 ¼ 0:69736 + 19:22372i > l > > > > > ; : ; > : 3> 0:69736 19:22372i l4 and Eq. (12.10.3) gives b1 ¼ b2 ¼ b3 ¼ b4 ¼ +0:87585 0:69134 103 i +0:48259 + 0:12547 102 i +0:87585 + 0:69134 103 i +0:48259 0:12547 102 i +0:57638 + 0:30308 102 i 0:81719 + 0:21377 102 i +0:57638 0:30308 102 i 0:81719 0:21377 102 i (3) (4) (5) The general solution is given by Eq. (12.10.7) for N ¼ 2 u¼ 4 X an bn eln t (6) n¼1 The previous equation for t ¼ 0 gives uð0Þ ¼ 4 X an bn (7) an ln bn (8) n¼1 u_ ð0Þ ¼ 4 X n¼1 which are further written in matrix form B uð0Þ a¼ BL u_ ð0Þ (9) where B is the matrix of the vectors bn with dimensions 2 4, L the diagonal matrix of ln with dimension 4 4, and a the vector of the coefficients an . Multi-degree-of-freedom systems: Free vibrations Chapter 12 Eq. (9) for the data of the problem gives 9 8 9 8 a1 > > +0:15232 101 0:99900 103 i > > > > = = > < < > a2 +0:15232 101 + 0:99900 103 i ¼ a > > > +0:28787 102 0:93751 104 i > > > ; ; > : : 3> a4 +0:28787 102 + 0:93751 104 i 575 (10) Finally, applying Eq. (12.10.15) for N ¼ 1, 2, and taking into account Eq. (12.10.14) give u1 +0:26681 101 0:52764t ¼e cos 8:27232t u2 +0:14704 101 +0:17710 102 + sin 8:27232t +0:92599 103 +0:33190 102 +e0:69736t cos 19:22372t 0:47044 102 +0:90624 104 + sin 19:22372t 0:16553 103 12.10.2 Linearization of the quadratic eigenvalue problem As mentioned in the previous section, Eq. (12.10.3) represents the second-order eigenvalue problem, commonly known as the quadratic eigenvalue problem. The 2N values ln , which make the determinant SðlÞ equal to zero, are its eigenvalues. Moreover, the 2N vectors bn obtained from Eq. (12.10.3) are its eigenvectors. In the previous section, we presented a direct method for determining these quantities. Another method is to transform the quadratic eigenvalue problem to a standard eigenvalue problem. This method is of great interest because it allows methods applied to undamped vibrations to be applied also to damped vibrations. It is based on the transformation of the equation of motion to two first-order equations. To this end, we set u_ ¼ x1 and u ¼ x2 (12.10.18) x_ 2 ¼ x1 (12.10.19) Mx_ 2 Mx1 ¼ 0 (12.10.20) hence or premultiplying by M Moreover, Eq. (12.10.1) is written as Mx_ 1 + Cx_ 2 + Kx2 ¼0 (12.10.21) 576 PART II Multi-degree-of-freedom systems Eqs. (12.10.20) and (12.10.21) are combined to 0 M x_ 1 M 0 x1 0 + ¼ x_ 2 M C 0 K x2 0 (12.10.22) or ^ x_ + Kx ^ ¼0 M where ^¼ M 0 M ^ M 0 , K¼ , x¼ M C 0 K (12.10.23) x1 x2 ¼ u_ u (12.10.24) Eq. (12.10.23) accepts a solution of the form x ¼ belt which is substituted into Eq. (12.10.23) to give ^ lM ^ b¼0 K (12.10.25) (12.10.26) namely, the quadratic eigenvalue problem of order N is transformed into a gen^ and K ^ are real eralized linear eigenvalue problem of order 2N . The matrices M and symmetric. Thus, according to the first property in Table 12.7.1, the eigenvalue problem in Eq. (12.10.26) has real eigenvalues but not positive because these matrices are not positive definite. The transformation to a standard eigenvalue problem using the method presented in Section 12.5.3 produces a matrix ^ in Eq. (12.5.64) that is not real. Therefore, if the matrix M ^ is not singular, it is A convenient to transform Eq. (12.10.26) as ^ lI b ¼ 0 A (12.10.27) where ^ ¼M ^ ^ 1 K A (12.10.28) Eq. (12.10.27) gives 2N eigenvalues and the respective eigenvectors bn that ^ and K ^ (see Section 12.5.2, satisfy the orthogonality condition with respect to M property 2). The eigenvalues of the problems we encounter are complex with a negative real part and express convergent vibrations. ^ we will have If the eigenvectors are orthonormalized with respect to M, ^ n ¼1 fTn Mf (12.10.29) ^ n ¼ ln fTn Kf (12.10.30) The general solution of Eq. (12.10.23) is obtained as a superposition of the solutions of Eq. (12.10.25), namely x¼ 2N X n¼1 an fn eln t (12.10.31) Multi-degree-of-freedom systems: Free vibrations Chapter 12 577 where an are arbitrary constants determined from the following initial conditions u_ ð0Þ xð0Þ ¼ (12.10.32) uð0Þ Eq. (12.10.31) for t ¼ 0 gives 2N X xð0Þ ¼ an fn (12.10.33) n¼1 ^ and by using Eq. (12.10.29) becomes which if premultiplied by fTn M ^ ð 0Þ an ¼ fTn Mx (12.10.34) The coefficients an , the eigenvalues ln , and the eigenvectors fn are complex conjugate. Hence we may set an ¼ cn + id n , an ¼ cn id n (12.10.35) ln ¼ mn + iwn , n ¼ m iwn l n (12.10.36) fn ¼ pn + iqn , n ¼ pn iqn f (12.10.37) Apparently, for each pair of eigensolutions, we will have n xm ¼ xn + x ¼ 2emn t ½ðcn pn dn qn Þcos wn t ðcn qn + dn pn Þ sin wn t (12.10.38) and the general solution is obtained as x¼ N X xm (12.10.39) m¼1 The solution of Eq. (12.10.23) may result by considering the transformation of xðt Þ in terms of the modal coordinates Yðt Þ x ¼ FY (12.10.40) If L represents the matrix of the eigenvalues and F the matrix of the ^ we have eigenvectors orthonormalized with respect to M, ^ ¼I FT MF (12.10.41) ^ ¼L FT KF (12.10.42) Substituting Eq. (12.10.40) into Eq. (12.10.23) gives ^ Y_ + KFY ^ MF ¼0 (12.10.43) which is further premultiplied by F and gives by virtue of Eqs. (12.10.41) and (12.10.42) T Y_ LY ¼ 0 (12.10.44) 578 PART II Multi-degree-of-freedom systems or Y_ n ln Yn ¼ 0, n ¼ 1, 2, …,2N (12.10.45) that is, the system of the 2N coupled equations is transformed to 2N SDOF equations with respect to the modal coordinates. Integration of Eq. (12.10.45) gives Yn ¼ an elt , n ¼ 1, 2, …,2N (12.10.46) Thus the general solution is given by Eq. (12.10.40). The vector a ¼ fa1 , a2 , …, a2N gT of the arbitrary constants is obtained from the relation ^ ð 0Þ a ¼ FT Mx (12.10.47) In summary, the solution of the vibration problem with damping presented in this section can be obtained by adhering to the following steps: ^ and K ^ defined by Eq. (12.10.24). 1. Formulation of the matrices M 2. Computation of the eigenvalues and eigenvectors of the eigenvalue problem, Eq. (12.10.26). ^ 3. Orthonormalization of the eigenvectors with respect to M. 4. Computation of the arbitrary constants using Eq. (12.10.34). 5. Computation of the solution using Eq. (12.10.31). 6. Separation of the vectors u and u_ u_ ¼ N X n¼1 an fðn1Þ eln t , u¼ N X an fðn2Þ eln t (12.10.48) n¼1 where fðn1Þ and fðn2Þ are the upper and lower half of fn , respectively. 12.10.3 The use of a proportional viscous damping matrix It becomes obvious from the previous example that the solution to the problem of free vibrations with viscous damping through directly solving the quadratic eigenvalue problem exhibits significant computational difficulties. On the other hand, transforming it to a linear eigenvalue problem increases the number of computations in addition to the complexity of handling complex numbers. For these reasons, the previously discussed methods are rather theoretical and, except in special cases, they do not represent the common praxis in the dynamic analysis of structures. In practice, the modal damping assumption is adopted, according to which the damping affects separately each eigenmode by a specified damping coefficient. This is, of course, true when the modes of the free vibration without damping are orthogonal with respect to the damping matrix, that is, Cn if n ¼ m T fn Cfm ¼ (12.10.49) 0 if n 6¼ m Multi-degree-of-freedom systems: Free vibrations Chapter 12 579 Using Eq. (12.9.1), which represents the transformation from the physical coordinates to modal coordinates of the undamped vibrations, we may write Eq. (12.10.1) as € + CFY_ + KFY ¼0 MFY (12.10.50) which is premultiplied by F to yield T € + FT CFY_ + FT KFY ¼0 FT MFY (12.10.51) Taking into account the orthogonality of the eigenmodes with respect to M, K, and assuming that Eq. (12.10.49) holds, we obtain Mn Y€ n + Cn Y_ n + Kn Yn ¼ 0, n ¼ 1, 2, …,N (12.10.52) namely, the uncoupling of equations of motion is achieved when damping is present. Further, setting Cn ¼ 2x n Mn wn and taking into account that Kn ¼ Mn w2n (12.10.53) Eq. (12.10.52) becomes Y€ n + 2x n wn Y_ n + w2n Yn ¼ 0, n ¼ 1, 2, …, N (12.10.54) whose solution is given by Eq. (2.3.18), namely Yn ðt Þ ¼ exn wn t Y_ n ð0Þ + Yn ð0Þxn wn sin wDn t + Yn ð0Þcos wDn t wDn (12.10.55) The quantity xn defined by Eq. (12.10.53) expresses the damping ratio of the n-eigenmode. The initial conditions Yn ð0Þ, Y_ n ð0Þ are evaluated from the vectors uð0Þ and u_ ð0Þ using Eqs. (12.9.12) and (12.9.13). After determining Yn ðt Þ,n ¼ 1, 2, …,N , the solution of Eq. (12.10.1) is obtained from Eq. (12.9.1), namely uðt Þ ¼ N X f n Yn ð t Þ (12.10.56) n¼1 This solution is referred to as the mode superposition method with modal damping. Eq. (12.10.55) by virtue of Eq. (2.3.19) is written as Yn ðt Þ ¼ rn exn wn t cos ðwDn t qn Þ where sffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi 2 Y_ n ð0Þ + Yn ð0Þx n wn rn ¼ + ½Yn ð0Þ2 wDn qn ¼ tan 1 Y_ n ð0Þ + Yn ð0Þxn wn wD Y ð 0Þ (12.10.57) (12.10.58a) (12.10.58b) 580 PART II Multi-degree-of-freedom systems From the last equation, one concludes that the displacements in each mode are in phase. The above solution resulted by assuming that the transformation u ¼ FY diagonalizes also the damping matrix, that is, ^ FT CF ¼ C (12.10.59) where 2 2x1 w1 6⋯ 6 6⋯ ^ ¼6 C 6 6⋯ 6 4⋯ 0 0 2x2 w2 ⋯ ⋯ ⋯ 0 ⋯ ⋯ ⋯ ⋯ ⋯ ⋯ 0 0 ⋯ 2x n wn ⋯ 0 ⋯ ⋯ ⋯ ⋯ ⋯ ⋯ 3 0 7 0 7 7 ⋯ 7 7 7 ⋯ 7 5 ⋯ 2xN wN (12.10.60) The damping matrix satisfying Eq. (12.10.49) is called proportional. The damping that satisfies the orthogonality condition of the eigenmodes of the undamped free vibrations is referred to in the literature as classical damping versus nonclassical damping where this condition is not satisfied. Methods of constructing proportional damping matrices will be presented in the next section. Example 12.10.2 Determine the displacements of the frame in Example 12.2.1 in the presence of damping by the method of linearization of the quadratic eigenvalue problem. Assume: C¼ 30 5 , uð0Þ ¼ f0:03 0:01gT , u_ ð0Þ ¼ 0 5 40 Solution The matrices M and K were computed in Example 12.2.1. Thus we have M¼ 25 0 , 0 32 Eq. (12.10.24) gives K¼ 3826:5 3826:5 3826:5 9142:1 3 0 0 25 0 6 0 0 M 0 0 32 7 ^¼ 7 M ¼6 4 25 0 30 5 5 M C 0 32 5 40 2 3 25 0 0 0 6 7 0 ^ ¼ M 0 ¼ 6 0 32 0 7 K 4 0 K 0 0 3826:5 3826:5 5 0 0 3826:5 9142:1 (1) 2 (2) (3) Multi-degree-of-freedom systems: Free vibrations Chapter 12 581 The characteristic equation is 31 2 3 0 0 25 0 25 0 0 0 C 6 0 7 B6 0 0 32 7 0 7C 6 7 6 0 32 0 ^ lM ^ ¼B det K B6 7C ¼ 0 7 l6 @4 0 4 25 0 30 5 5A 0 3826:5 3826:5 5 0 32 5 40 0 0 3826:5 9142:1 02 (4) which after expanding gives l4 + 2:45l3 + 440:219375l2 + 486:3225l + 25425:17925 ¼ 0 (5) We observe that the characteristic polynomial (5) is identical to that in Example 12.10.1. Hence, it gives the same eigenvalues c 9 8 9 8 0:52764 + 8:27232i > l1 > > > > > > > > = < 0:52764 8:27232i > = > <l > 2 (6) ¼ > > 0:69736 + 19:22372i > l3 > > > > > > > > : > ; ; : 0:69736 19:22372i l4 The eigenvectors are computed from Eq. (12.10.26) and are then normalized ^ Thus with respect to mass M. For l1 ¼ 0:52764 + 8:27232i we obtain 9 8 +0:259428 0:228755i > > > > > = < +0:143371 0:125558i > (7) f1 ¼ > 0:029533 0:029477i > > > > > ; : 0:016218 0:016297i For l2 ¼ 0:52764 8:27232i we obtain 9 8 +0:259428 + 0:228755i > > > > > = < +0:143371 + 0:125558i > f2 ¼ > 0:029533 + 0:029477i > > > > > ; : 0:016218 + 0:016297i For l3 ¼ 0:69736 + 19:22372i we obtain 9 8 +0:241638 0:222178i > > > > > > < 0:340096 + 0:317685i = f3 ¼ > 0:011998 0:012135i > > > > > ; : +0:017145 + 0:017070 (8) (9) ^ K ^ are not positive definite. c. The matrices M, C,K are positive definite. However, the matrices M, This justifies that the eigenvalue problem has complex eigenvalues and complex eigenvectors. 582 PART II Multi-degree-of-freedom systems For l4 ¼ 0:69736 19:22372i we obtain 9 8 +0:241638 + 0:222178i > > > > > = < 0:340096 0:317685i > f4 ¼ > 0:011998 + 0:012135i > > > > > ; : +0:017145 0:017070 (10) The vector xð0Þ representing the initial conditions is computed from Eq. (12.10.32) 9 8 0 > > > > = < u_ ð0Þ 0 (11) x ð 0Þ ¼ ¼ uð0Þ 0:03 > > > > ; : 0:01 and Eq. (12.10.47) gives the coefficients an 9 8 0:211292 + 0:240875i > > > > > = < 0:211292 0:240875i > T ^ a ¼ F Mxð0Þ ¼ > 0:066486 + 0:071021i > > > > > ; : 0:066486 0:071021i (12) Finally, Eqs. (12.10.48) give 8 9 <u = 1 :u ; ¼ 2N X ð2Þ an fn eln t n¼1 2 9 08 < +0:26681 101 = ¼e0:52764t @ 8 9 < +0:17710 102 = 1 cos 8:27232t + sin 8:27232t A : +0:14704 101 ; : +0:92599 103 ; 9 8 9 08 1 < +0:33190 102 = < +0:90624 104 = 0:69736t @ +e cos 19:22372t + sin 19:22372t A : 0:47044 102 ; : 0:16553 103 ; 8 9 < u_ = 1 : u_ ; 2 ¼ 2N X ð1Þ an f n e ln t n¼1 8 9 9 08 1 < 0:22165 = < +0:57263 103 = sin 8:27232t A cos 8:27232t + ¼e0:52764t @ : 0:12213 ; : 0:98528 104 ; 9 8 9 08 1 < 0:57241 103 = < 0:63866 101 = 0:69736t @ +e cos 19:22372t + sin 19:22372t A : +0:98450 104 ; : +0:90551 101 ; Note that the obtained solution by this method is identical to that obtained in Example 12.10.1. Example 12.10.3 Determine the displacements of the frame in Example 12.2.1 in the presence of classical damping. Assume: Multi-degree-of-freedom systems: Free vibrations Chapter C¼ 12 583 30 5 , uð0Þ ¼ f0:03 0:01gT , u_ ð0Þ ¼ 0 5 40 Solution The eigenfrequencies and mode shapes were computed in Example 12.2.1, namely w1 8:289 0:1697 0:1061 ¼ , F¼ (1) w2 19:236 0:0935 0:1499 The transformation (12.10.49) gives FT CF ¼ ¼ 0:1697 0:1061 T 0:0935 0:1499 30 5 5 40 0:1697 0:1061 0:0935 0:1499 1:05496 0:05712 0:05712 1:39556 (2) The orthogonality assumption with respect to the damping matrix requires that the off-diagonal terms are omitted. This is permitted here because these terms are small compared to the diagonal ones. Thus, taking into account that M1 ¼ M2 ¼ 1, we can set ^ 1 ¼ 2x w1 ¼ 1:05496 C 1 (3a) ^ 2 ¼ 2x w2 ¼ 1:39556 C 2 (3b) which yield x1 ¼ 0:0636, x2 ¼ 0:0363, qffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi wD1 ¼ w1 1 x21 ¼ 8:272 qffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi wD2 ¼ w2 1 x22 ¼ 19:223 (4a) (4b) Eqs. (12.9.16) and (12.9.17) give Y1 ð0Þ ¼ fT1 Muð0Þ ¼ 0:157195 (5a) Y2 ð0Þ ¼ fT2 Muð0Þ ¼ 0:031607 (5b) Y_ 1 ð0Þ ¼ Y_ 2 ð0Þ ¼ 0 (6) and Eq. (12.10.55) gives Y1 ðt Þ ¼ e0:52748t ð0:010018 sin 8:272t + 0:157195 cos 8:272t Þ (7a) Y2 ðt Þ ¼ e0:69778t ð0:001148 sin 19:223t + 0:031607 cos 19:223t Þ (7b) 584 PART II Multi-degree-of-freedom systems Finally, we obtain from Eq. (12.9.1) ( u1 u2 ) ¼ 2 X f n Yn n¼1 ¼e 0:52748t ( 0:02667 ) ( 0:1697 102 ) ! sin 8:272t cos 8:272t + 0:01469 0:9366 103 ( ) ( ) ! 0:3353 102 1:218 104 0:69778t +e cos 19:223t + sin 19:223t 0:4737 102 0:172 103 (8) Comparing the above solution with that obtained in Example 12.10.1, we conclude that omitting the diagonal terms in Eq. (2) negligibly influences the solution. 12.11 Construction of a proportional damping matrix 12.11.1 Rayleigh damping When the solution is obtained by the method of superposition of eigenmodes and the modal damping ratios are known (see Eq. 12.10.54), it is obvious that the knowledge of a proportional damping matrix is not required. However, when other methods for solving the equation of motion are employed, for example, numerical integration methods, the knowledge of the damping matrix is necessary. Thus, the problem of constructing the damping matrix arises when all or some of the modal damping ratios are specified. This problem will be the subject of this section. It is obvious that the damping matrix satisfies Eq. (12.10.49) if it is proportional to the mass or stiffness of the structure. For a mass-proportional damping matrix it is C ¼ a0 M (12.11.1) where a0 is a constant. Premultiplying the foregoing relation by fTn and postmultiplying it by fm yield a0 Mn if n ¼ m (12.11.2) fTn Cfm ¼ a0 fTn Mfm ¼ 0 if n 6¼ m Hence Cn ¼ a0 Mn (12.11.3) a0 ¼ 2x n wn (12.11.4) or by virtue of Eq. (12.10.53) Multi-degree-of-freedom systems: Free vibrations Chapter 12 585 The foregoing relation allows the determination of a0 if xn is specified. After that, the damping ratios xk of the remaining eigenmodes (k 6¼ n) can be established from the relation a0 xk ¼ 2wk , k 6¼ n (12.11.5) wn ¼ xn wk For a stiffness-proportional damping matrix, we may set C ¼ a1 K Following the previous procedure we obtain a1 w2n Mn if n ¼ m fTn Cfm ¼ a1 fTn Kfm ¼ if n 6¼ m 0 (12.11.6) (12.11.7) Hence a1 w2n Mn ¼ Cn ¼ 2xn Mn wn (12.11.8) which yields a1 ¼ 2xn wn (12.11.9) The foregoing relation allows the determination of a1 if xn is specified. After that, the damping ratios x k of the remaining eigenmodes (k 6¼ n) can be established from the relation a 1 wk xk ¼ 2 , k 6¼ n (12.11.10) wk ¼ xn wn Obviously, the linear combination C ¼ a0 M + a1 K (12.11.11) satisfies also the orthogonality condition (12.10.49). Inasmuch as this relation involves two arbitrary constants, a0 and a1 , it is possible to establish matrix C so that two of its eigenmodes have specified damping ratios. Indeed, Eq. (12.11.11) gives fTn Cfn ¼ 2x n Mn wn ¼ a0 Mn + a1 Mn w2n (12.11.12a) fTm Cfm ¼ 2x m Mm wm ¼ a0 Mm + a1 Mm w2m (12.11.12b) which provide the linear system of equations 586 PART II Multi-degree-of-freedom systems 2 1 3 w n 1 6 wn xn 7 a0 ¼ 4 1 5 a1 xm 2 wm wm (12.11.13) from which the coefficients a0 and a1 are obtained a0 ¼ 2wn wm ðwn xm wm xn Þ w2n w2m (12.11.14a) 2 ð wn x n wm x m Þ w2n w2m (12.11.14b) a1 ¼ If xn ¼ xm ¼ x, which is a reasonable assumption, the foregoing relations yield a0 ¼ 2xwn wm wn + wm (12.11.15a) a1 ¼ 2x wn + wm (12.11.15b) Once the coefficients a0 and a1 are established, the damping ratios of the remaining eigenmodes (k 6¼ m, n) can be evaluated from the relation xk ¼ 1 1 a0 + a1 wk , k 6¼ m,n 2 wk xk = xk (wk ) xk = a0 /2wk xk = (a0 /wk + a1wk)/2 xk = a1wk /2 wk FIG. 12.11.1 Damping ratio versus frequency for Rayleigh damping. (12.11.16) Multi-degree-of-freedom systems: Free vibrations Chapter 12 587 The proportional damping determined by Eq. (12.11.11) is known as Rayleigh damping. Fig. 12.11.1 shows the variation of xk ðwk Þ, as obtained from Eqs. (12.11.5), (12.11.10) and (12.11.16). Example 12.11.1 Construct a proportional damping matrix of the frame in Example 12.2.1, so that x1 ¼ 0:08 and x2 ¼ 0:06. Solution The mass and stiffness matrices as well as the natural frequencies were computed in Example 12.2.1, namely 25 0 3826:5 3826:5 w1 8:289 M¼ , K¼ , ¼ (1) w2 0 32 3826:5 9142:1 19:236 Using these data, Eq. (12.12.13) becomes 2 1 3 8:289 0:08 1 6 8:289 7 a0 ¼ 4 5 1 2 0:06 a1 19:236 19:236 (2) which yields a0 ¼ 1:1023 and a1 ¼ 0:003259. Then using Eq. (12.12.11) we obtain 25 0 3826:5 3826:5 + 0:003259 0 32 3826:5 9142:1 40:029 12:4717 ¼ 12:4717 65:0705 C ¼ 1:1023 (3) 12.11.2 Additional orthogonality conditions: Caughey damping matrix Rayleigh damping enables us to construct a proportional damping matrix by specifying the damping ratio of only two eigenmodes. However, if we are interested in constructing a proportional damping matrix by specifying the damping ratio of more than two eigenmodes, we must use matrices beyond the mass and stiffness matrices that satisfy the orthogonality condition. This is achieved by formulating orthogonality conditions more than those defined by Eqs. (12.3.10) and (12.3.11). These conditions are called additional orthogonality conditions and can be derived as follows [4–6]. We assume that the eigenmodes fn have been orthonormalized with respect to the mass, hence Mn ¼ 1. Starting from the relation Kfn ¼ ln Mfn (12.11.17) where ln ¼ w2n , and assuming that M is not singular, the multiplication of both sides of the foregoing equation by fTm KM1 yields 588 PART II Multi-degree-of-freedom systems fTm KM1 Kfn ¼ ln fTm Kfn 0 n 6¼ m ¼ l2n n ¼ m (12.11.18) Further, multiplying Eq. (12.11.17) by fTm KM1 KM1 gives fTm KM1 KM1 Kfn ¼ ln fTm KM1 Kfn which by virtue of Eq. (12.11.18) yields 2 0 n 6¼ m fTm KM1 Kfn ¼ l3n n ¼ m (12.11.19) Repeating the previous procedure results in the orthogonality relations p 0 n 6¼ m p ¼ 1, 2, …1 fTm KM1 Kfn ¼ (12.11.20) lpn + 1 n ¼ m p ¼ 1, 2, …1 Observing that MM1 ¼ I, we obtain p p KM1 K ¼ MM1 KM1 K ¼ MM1 KM1 KM1 ⋯ KM1 K |fflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflffl{zfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflffl} p 1 ¼ M M K M1 K ⋯ M1 K |fflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflffl{zfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflffl} 1 ¼M M K and Eq. (12.11.20) becomes fTm M 1 M K p + 1 p + 1 fn ¼ p+1 (12.11.21) 0 n 6¼ m p ¼ 1, 2, …1 lpn + 1 n ¼ m p ¼ 1, 2, …1 (12.11.22) Because the above relation is valid for p ¼ 1 we can write it as 1 q 0 n 6¼ m q ¼ 0, 1, 2, …1 T fm M M K fn ¼ (12.11.23) lqn n ¼ m q ¼ 0, 1, 2, …1 If matrix K is not singular, it holds ln 6¼ 0, n ¼ 1, 2, …,N and Eq. (12.11.17) is written as K1 Mfn ¼ l1 n fn (12.11.24) or 1 1 M K fn ¼ l1 n fn Multiplication of both sides of the foregoing equation by 1 T fTm M M1 K fn ¼ l1 n fm Mfn 0 n 6¼ m ¼ 1 ln n ¼ m (12.11.25) fTm M yields (12.11.26) Multi-degree-of-freedom systems: Free vibrations Chapter 12 589 1 Further, multiplying Eq. (12.11.25) by fTm M M1 K yields 2 1 T 1 fn (12.11.27) fTm M M1 K fn ¼ l1 n fm M M K which by virtue of Eq. (12.11.26) gives 2 fTm M M1 K fn ¼ 0 n 6¼ m l2 n¼m n (12.11.28) Repeating the previous procedure results in the orthogonality relations 1 q 0 n 6¼ m q ¼ 1, 2, …1 T (12.11.29) fm M M K fn ¼ lq n ¼ m q ¼ 1, 2, …1 n Eqs. (12.11.22) and (12.11.29) are combined to q 0 n 6¼ m q ¼ 0, 1, 2, … 1 fTm M M1 K fn ¼ lqn n ¼ m q ¼ 0, 1, 2, … 1 Therefore, the matrices defined by the relation q Cq ¼ M M1 K , q ¼ 0, 1, 2, … 1 (12.11.30) (12.11.31) satisfy the orthogonality condition. Evidently, any linear combination of k N terms C¼ k X aq Cq ¼ X q q aq M M1 K (12.11.32) q can be employed as a proportional damping matrix with k specified modal damping ratios. Eq. (12.11.32) is known as the Caughey series and the damping matrix C obtained from this equation is known as the Caughey damping matrix [7]. Obviously, for k ¼ 2 and q ¼ 0,1 the Rayleigh damping matrix is obtained. The summation index k may be arbitrary. Let us assume that q ¼ 0, 1, 2, …, k 1. Then C¼ k1 X q aq M M1 K (12.11.33) q¼0 The coefficients aq are evaluated from the relation fTn Cfn ¼ k 1 X q aq fTn M M1 K fn (12.11.34) q¼0 which by virtue of Eqs. (12.10.53) and (12.11.30) becomes 2xn wn ¼ k 1 X q¼0 aq lqn (12.11.35a) 590 PART II Multi-degree-of-freedom systems or because ln ¼ w2n xn ¼ 1 1 a0 + a1 wn + a2 w3n + ⋯ + ak1 w2k3 n 2 wn Applying the linear equations 2 1 6 w1 6 61 16 6 w 26 6 ⋯2 6 41 wk (12.11.35b) foregoing equation for n ¼ 1, 2,…,k provides the system of 3 w1 w31 ⋯ w2k3 1 9 8 9 78 7 > a0 > > x 1 > > > > 7> 7 < a1 = < x 2 = w2 w32 ⋯ w2k3 7 2 7> ⋮ > ¼ > ⋮ > > > > > ⋯ ⋯ ⋯ ⋯ 7 7: ak1 ; : xk ; 5 wk w3k ⋯ w2k3 k (12.11.36) which yields the coefficients ak when xk is specified. 12.11.3 Construction of the proportional damping matrix using the modal matrix An alternative way of constructing a proportional damping matrix follows directly from the orthogonality relation (12.10.59) if it is premultiplied by FT and postmultiplied by F1 . Thus, we obtain ^ 1 C ¼ FT CF (12.11.37) The foregoing formulation requires the inversion of the modal matrix. This can be achieved using the relation FT MF ¼I (12.11.38) FT ¼MF (12.11.39a) F1 ¼FT M (12.11.39b) which gives and The previous equations are substituted into Eq. (12.11.37) to yield ^ TM C ¼ MFCF We can further write 2 2x 1 w1 ⋯ 0 6 6⋯ 6 6 ^ T ¼ f1 ⋯ fn ⋯ fN 6 ⋯ FCF 6 6 6⋯ 4 0 ¼ N X n¼1 2x n wn fn fT n ⋯ ⋯ (12.11.40) ⋯ 0 ⋯ ⋯ ⋯ 2x n wn ⋯ ⋯ ⋯ ⋯ ⋯ ⋯ ⋯ 0 ⋯ 2x N wN 3 7 7 7h i 7 T 7 f ⋯ fT ⋯ fT n 7 1 N 7 7 5 Multi-degree-of-freedom systems: Free vibrations Chapter and Eq. (12.11.40) becomes C¼M N X 12 591 ! 2xn wn fn fTn M (12.11.41) n¼1 Eq. (12.11.41) shows clearly the contribution of each eigenmode to the proportional damping matrix. When using a proportional damping constructed by the previous methods, we should take into account the following: 1. The damping matrix C obtained from Eq. (12.11.41) is in general complete. The same holds for the damping matrix obtained using the additional orthogonality conditions for k > 2. Apparently, the use of a complete damping matrix increases the computational cost. 2. The linear system of Eq. (12.11.36) exhibit ill conditioning because the coefficients 1=wn ,wn ,w3n ,⋯,w2k3 may differ significantly. As a remedy, n it is recommended that the values of series exponents in Eq. (12.11.33) are taken near zero. For example, it is advisable to take q ¼ 2, 1, 0, 1, 2, when k ¼ 5. 3. In Rayleigh or Caughey damping, it is possible to obtain negative values for x n . These values should be excluded; otherwise, the response of the structure will be divergent. 4. It is inappropriate when the system consists of parts with significantly different damping, for example, in the case of soil-structure interaction where soil damping is much greater than that of the structure. The same is true when energy-absorbing dampers are incorporated into the structure or base isolation systems are used. The resulting damping matrix does not satisfy the orthogonality condition; therefore, the method presented in Section 12.10.2 should be employed. Another method to cope with this problem is to use the method of substructures with a different proportional damping matrix for each of them. 5. The use of Rayleigh damping, which offers a reasonable solution to the damping problem, yields increased values of the damping ratios for higher-order eigenmodes. Example 12.11.2 The computed mass and stiffness matrices of a single-story building are 2 3 2 3 52 0 0 1472 407 5553 M ¼ 4 0 52 0 5, K ¼ 4 407 1001 4154 5 0 0 441 5553 4154 43516 Determine a proportional damping matrix for the structure using (i) additional orthogonality conditions, (ii) the alternative method based on the modal matrix, and (iii) Rayleigh damping. Assume: x 1 ¼ 0:06, x2 ¼ 0:08, x 3 ¼ 0:10 592 PART II Multi-degree-of-freedom systems Solution To obtain reliable results, the computations were performed using arithmetic with 10 significant figures. The solution of the eigenvalue problem ðK w2 MÞf ¼ 0 gives 8 9 8 9 2 3 0:07127 0:10731 0:05133 < w1 = < 2:9290 = ¼ 3:9429 , F ¼ 4 0:10257 +0:08574 0:03682 5 (1) w : 2; : ; 11:0502 +0:02068 +0:00653 0:04239 w3 The eigenmodes are orthonormalized with respect to the mass. (i) Additional orthogonality conditions The damping matrix will be computed using Eq. (12.11.32) for q ¼ 0, 1, 2 2 C ¼ a0 M + a1 K + a2 M M1 K (2) ¼ a0 M + a1 K + a2 KM1 K The coefficients a0 ,a1 ,a2 2 1=w1 w1 14 1=w2 w2 2 1=w3 w3 result from Eq. (12.11.36) for N ¼ 3 9 38 9 8 w31 < a0 = < 0:06 = w32 5 a1 ¼ 0:08 : ; : ; 0:10 a2 w33 (3) Substituting the values of the eigenfrequencies from Eq. (1) and solving the system give a0 ¼ 0:22227 101 , a1 ¼ 0:45470 101 , a2 ¼ 0:22666 103 and Eq. (2) gives 3 40:219 2:549 88:247 C ¼ 4 2:549 30:647 70:130 5 88:247 70:130 806:837 (4) 2 (ii) The alternative method based on the modal matrix ^ using Eq. (12.10.60) for We compute the matrix C 2 3 2 2x1 w1 0 0 0:351 0 ^ ¼ 40 5 ¼ 40 C 2x 2 w2 0 0:631 0 0 0 0 2x 3 w3 (5) N ¼3 3 0 5 0 2:210 which is substituted into Eq. (12.11.40) to give 2 3 40:219 2:549 88:247 ^ T M ¼ 4 2:549 30:647 70:130 5 C ¼ MFCF 88:247 70:130 806:837 (6) (7) Multi-degree-of-freedom systems: Free vibrations Chapter 12 593 (iii) Rayleigh damping The damping matrix will be computed from Eq. (12.11.11) while the coefficients a0 ,a1 are obtained from the solution of the system 2 3 1 w n 7 a xn 16 6 wn 7 0 ¼ (8) 5 a 24 1 x 1 m wm wm and the third eigenfrequency from Eq. (12.11.16), that is, xk ¼ 1 1 a0 + a1 wk , k 6¼ m,n 2 wk (9) There are three possibilities for computing the damping matrix. (a) n ¼ 1, m ¼ 2. The system (8) is written a0 0:06 1 1=w1 w1 ¼ 2 1=w2 w2 0:08 a1 (10) which gives a0 ¼ 0:74714 102 , a1 ¼ 0:40098 101 (11) Then substituting these values in Eq. (12.11.11) yields the damping matrix 2 3 59:41 16:32 222:66 6 7 C ¼ a0 M + a1 K ¼ 4 16:32 40:52 166:56 5 222:66 166:56 1748:22 and Eq. (9) gives x3 ¼ 0:221. (b) n ¼ 1, m ¼ 3. The system (8) is written a0 0:06 1 1=w1 w1 ¼ 2 1=w3 w3 0:10 a1 (12) which gives a0 ¼ 0:21103, a1 ¼ 0:16371 101 Then Eq. (12.11.11) gives the damping matrix 2 3 35:07 6:66 90:90 6 7 C ¼ a0 M + a1 K ¼ 4 6:66 27:36 68:00 5 90:90 68:00 805:46 and Eq. (9) gives x 2 ¼ 0:059 (13) (14) 594 PART II Multi-degree-of-freedom systems (c) n ¼ 2, m ¼ 3. The system (8) is written 1 1=w2 w2 a0 0:08 ¼ a1 0:10 2 1=w3 w3 (15) which gives a0 ¼ 0:40047, a1 ¼ 0:14819 101 Then Eq. (12.11.11) gives the damping matrix 2 3 42:63 6:03 82:29 C ¼ a0 M + a1 K ¼ 4 6:03 35:65 61:56 5 82:29 61:56 821:49 (16) (17) and Eq. (9) gives x 1 ¼ 0:090. We observe that the damping ratio computed from Eq. (9) deviates significantly from the corresponding predetermined. One technique to restrict the deviation is by best fitting a straight line x ¼ a w + b through the pairs ðwi , xi Þ, i ¼ 1, 2, …, k using the least square method and then taking the values xi . Example 12.11.3 Determine the eigenfrequencies and eigenmodes of the truss in Fig. E12.5 and construct a proportional damping matrix based on the modal matrix. The truss is loaded by the static (gravity) load W ¼ 400 kN. Assumed data: Nodal coordinates: 1ð0, 0Þ, 2ð3, 3:5Þ, 3ð6, 0Þ; Cross-sectional areas of the bars: A1 ¼ 1:5A, A2 ¼ A3 ¼ A, and A ¼ 27 cm2 ; modulus of elasticity E ¼ 2:1 108 kN=m2 ; material density: r ¼ 7:55 kNm1 s2 =m3 ; lumped mass assumption; and modal damping ratios x1 ¼ 0:1, x2 ¼ 0:08, x3 ¼ x4 ¼ … ¼ xN ¼ 0:06. FIG. E12.5 Plane truss in Example 12.12.3. Solution 1. Global mass and stiffness matrices The geometrical data of the truss and the element properties were computed in Example 11.2.2 except for the mass of the gravity load W , which constitutes an additional nodal mass in the directions 3, 4 of the global mass matrix. Therefore, we have m33 ¼ m44 ¼ W =g ¼ 40:775. Hence Multi-degree-of-freedom systems: Free vibrations Chapter 2 W M 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 12 595 3 7 0 07 7 7 0 2000:0 0 0 07 7 7 0 0 2000:0 0 0 7 7 7 0 0 0 0 07 5 6 60 6 6 60 6 ¼ rA6 60 6 6 60 4 0 0 and 2 ¼ MW M 6:805 60 6 6 3 X 60 ^ e ¼ rA6 + M 60 6 e¼1 6 40 0 0 0 6:805 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2004:610 0 0 0 2004:610 0 0 0 0 0 0 6:805 0 0 0 0 0 3 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 5 6:805 3 0:342 0:107 0:092 0:107 0:25 0 6 0:107 0:125 0:107 0:125 0 7 0 6 7 6 7 3 X 6 7 0:092 0:107 0:184 0 0:092 0:107 e ^ 6 7 K¼ K ¼ EA6 7 0:107 0:125 0 0:25 0:107 0:125 6 7 e¼1 6 7 4 0:25 0 0:092 0:107 0:342 0:107 5 2 0 0 0:107 0:125 0:107 0:125 M due to support conditions 2. Modification of the matrices K, The truss is supported as in Example 11.2.2. Thus the matrix V that M is the same. This yields reorders the matrices K, 596 PART II Multi-degree-of-freedom systems 3. Eigenfrequencies and eigenmodes. The eigenfrequencies and eigenmodes result from the solution of the eigenvalue problem e ff lM e ff f ¼0 K (1) where l ¼ w2 r=E. Taking into account the above-indicated partitioning we have 2 3 10 4:610 0 0 7 e ff ¼ rA6 M 104:610 0 40 5, 0 0 6:805 2 0:184 0 e ff ¼ EA6 K 4 0 0:25 0:092 0:107 0:092 3 7 0:107 5 0:342 The solution of the eigenvalue problem (1) gives 9 8 9 8 2 3 0:0206 0:0086 0:0004 > = < 45:20 > = > < w1 > 6 7 56:30 , F ¼ 4 0:0086 0:0206 0:0004 5 w2 ¼ > > > > ; : ; : 0:0082 0:0041 0:3832 1182:66 w3 Fig. E12.6 shows the eigenmodes FIG. E12.6 Eigenmodes of the truss in Example 12.12.3. Multi-degree-of-freedom systems: Free vibrations Chapter 12 597 4. Construction of the proportional damping matrix. ^ is The matrix C 2 3 0:1 45:20 0 0 ^ ¼ 24 0 5 C 0:8 56:30 0 0 0 0:06 1182:66 2 3 9:0392 0 0 5 ¼ 40 9:0084 0 0 0 141:9195 and Eq. (11.12.40) gives 3 181:77 0:98 2:43 ^ C ¼ MFCF M ¼ 10 4 0:98 81:56 2:83 5 2:43 2:83 9:65 T 2 2 Note that, as was anticipated, 2 9:0392 FT CFT ¼ 4 0 0 it is 3 0 0 ^ 5¼C 9:0084 0 0 141:9195 12.12 Problems Problem P12.1 Compute the eigenfrequencies and eigenmodes of the truss shown in Fig. P12.1. W1 ¼ 400 kN and W2 ¼ 250 kN are gravity dead loads. Assumed data: Coordinates of the nodes:1ð0, 0Þ, 2ð4, 0Þ, 3ð0, 4Þ,4ð4, 4Þ, 5ð8, 4Þ; cross-sectional area of bars:A1 ¼ A2 ¼ A3 ¼ 1:5A, A4 ¼ A5 ¼ A7 ¼ A, A6 ¼ 2A, and A ¼ 27 cm2 ; modulus of elasticity E ¼ 2:1 108 kN=m2 ; and material density r ¼ 7:55 kNs2 =m4 . Consistent mass assumption. The rigid plane body B has dimensions 4 4 m2 , thickness h ¼ 0:10 m, and specific weight 24 kN=m3 . FIG. P12.1 Plane truss in problem P12.1. 598 PART II Multi-degree-of-freedom systems Problem P12.2 A single-story building whose plan form is an equilateral triangle of side a is supported by three columns of a rectangular cross as shown in Fig. P12.2. The floor plate is assumed rigid and the columns fixed at both ends. The mass of the columns is neglected. Construct a proportional damping matrix using (i) Rayleigh damping, (ii) three additional orthogonality conditions, and (iii) the modal matrix method. Assume: a ¼ 10 m, height of columns h ¼ 5 m; cross-sectional area of columns 30 60 cm2 ; modulus of elasticity E ¼ 2:1 107 kN=m2 and Poisson’s ratio n ¼ 0:2; and total load of the plate (including dead weight) p ¼ 12 kN=m2 . Damping ratios: x1 ¼ 0:10, x2 ¼ x3 ¼ 0:08. FIG. P12.2 Plan form of the single-story building in problem P12.2. Problem P12.3 Formulate the equation of motion of the two-story shear building of Fig P12.3. Then (i) compute the eigenfrequencies and eigenmodes, and (ii) construct a proportional damping matrix of the form C ¼ a0 M + a1 K with x1 ¼ 1:2, x2 ¼ 0:1 and formulate the equation of motion with damping. Assumed data: E ¼ 2:1 107 kN=m2 and g ¼ 25 kN=m3 . All columns have a square cross-section 0:30 0:30m2 . The load of the slabs also includes their dead load. FIG. P12.3 Two-story building in problem P12.3. Multi-degree-of-freedom systems: Free vibrations Chapter 12 599 Problem P12.4 The industrial chimney of length L ¼ 75 m shown in Fig. P12.4 consists of the outer reinforced concrete shell, which supports the linings. The thickness of the thermal insulation layer is ti ¼ 0:10 m and that of the refractory layer tr ¼ 0:10 m. The chimney is fixed on the ground. The structure is modeled by three constant elements. Adopting lumped mass assumption: (i) formulate the equation of motion and compute the eigenfrequencies and eigenmodes, and (ii) construct a proportional damping if x 1 ¼ 0:15, x 2 ¼ 0:1 and xk ¼ 0:8 for k > 2 using all discussed methods. Assume the following data: Specific weight of reinforced concrete g b ¼ 24 kN=m3 Specific weight of thermal insulation g i ¼ 0:7 kN=m3 Specific weight of refractory bricks g r ¼ 20 kN=m3 Modulus of elasticity of reinforced concrete E ¼ 2:1 107 kN=m2 FIG. P12.4 Industrial chimney in problem P12.4. Problem P12.5 Formulate the Rayleigh proportional damping matrix C for the three-degree-of-freedom system with modal damping ratios x1 ¼ 1:5, x2 ¼ 0:10, and x3 ¼ 0:08. Consider all different cases and compare them with that obtained using the modal matrix. Data 2 3 2 3 1000 0 5000 120000 40000 0 6 7 6 7 M ¼ 40 500 4000 5, K ¼ 4 40000 40000 0 5, 5000 4000 77833:33 8 9 < 1:120 = w ¼ 11:553 : ; 13:541 0 0 100000 600 PART II Multi-degree-of-freedom systems References and further reading [1] G. Strang, Linear Algebra and Its Applications, fourth ed., Cengage Learning, United States, 2005. [2] S. Lipschutz, M.L. Lipson, Linear Algebra, fourth ed., Schaum’s Outline SeriesMcGraw-Hill Companies, Inc., New York, 2009 [3] E.L. Ince, Ordinary Differential Equations, Dover Publications, New York, 1956. [4] J.L. Humar, Dynamics of Structures, second ed., A.A. Balkema Publishers, Lisse, NL, 2002. [5] R.W. Clough, J. Penzien, Dynamics of Structures, second ed., McGraw-Hill, New York, 1993. [6] K.-J. Bathe, E.L. Wilson, Numerical Methods in Finite Element Analysis, Prentice-Hall Inc., Englewood Cliffs, NJ, 1976 [7] T.K. Caughey, Classical normal modes in damped linear dynamic systems, J. Appl. Mech. 27 (1960) 269–271. ASME. Chapter 13 Numerical evaluation of the eigenfrequencies and eigenmodes Chapter outline 13.1 Introduction 601 13.2 The vector iteration method 603 13.2.1 The inverse vector iteration method 604 13.2.2 Convergence of the inverse vector iteration method 606 13.3 Computation of higher-order eigenpairs 609 13.3.1 The vector purification method 13.3.2 The inverse vector iteration method with shifts 13.4 Free or partially supported structure 13.5 Problems References and further reading 609 610 612 617 618 13.1 Introduction From the study of the problem of free vibrations of MDOF systems presented in Chapter 12, it becomes obvious that the computation of the eigenfrequencies and eigenmodes, that is, the solution of the eigenvalue problem, plays a crucial role in the dynamic analysis of structures. In the examples presented there, the computation of the eigenvalues li was made by determining the roots of the characteristic polynomial PðlÞ ¼ a0 lN + a1 lN 1 + ⋯ + aN 1 l + aN (13.1.1) and subsequently the eigenvectors fi were obtained from the solution of the linear algebraic system ðK li MÞfi ¼ 0 (13.1.2) This method requires the computation of the coefficients of PðlÞ. As soon as this is achieved, its roots are computed by a numerical method because an analytical determination of the roots is possible only for polynomials up to fourth degree (N ¼ 4). The determination of the polynomial coefficients requires a large number of computations because the roots of PðlÞ are very sensitive to small changes of the coefficients, leading to a considerable inaccuracy of the roots. Dynamic Analysis of Structures. https://doi.org/10.1016/B978-0-12-818643-5.00013-3 © 2020 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved. 601 602 PART II Multi-degree-of-freedom systems Thus, this method is rather theoretical in nature and not suitable for solving the eigenvalue problem, particularly for large degree-of-freedom systems. The numerical solution of the eigenvalue problem is a difficult problem of computational linear algebra. Great efforts have been made to develop reliable methods for solving this problem during the last two centuries. The emergence of computers in the 1950s gave a colossal impetus for research in this area. Thus, since that time, many new methods have been developed for the solution of the eigenvalue problem. Generally, these methods can be grouped into the following three categories: 1. Transformation methods. 2. Iteration methods. 3. Determinant search method. The transformation methods are applied when the size of the eigenvalue problem is comparatively small and the matrices are fully populated or banded with large bandwidth. The underlying idea of these methods is the use of consecutive transformations, which render the matrix A of the standard eigenvalue problem ðA lIÞx ¼ 0 diagonal. These methods compute all the eigenvalues simultaneously while the eigenmodes are computed either by adhering to the inverse transformations or by iteration procedures. The known transformation methods are (i) Jacobi diagonalization, named after Carl Gustav Jacob Jacobi, who first proposed the method in 1846, although it became widely used only in the 1950s with the advent of computers, (ii) Givens triangularization, (iii) Householder transformation, and (iv) QR and QL transformations. The iteration methods are suitable for solving large eigenvalue problems with banded or sparse matrices as those in the finite elements. Particularly, they are applied in cases where it is necessary to compute only a few eigenvalues, the smallest or the largest ones. The most known iteration methods that are effectively applied to the solution of the vibration problem in engineering are: (i) vector iteration, (ii) vector iteration with shift, (iii) subspace iteration, and (iv) the Lanczos method. Finally, the determinant search method is based on the search for the roots of the function det ðA lBÞ. It is employed when the size of the eigenvalue problem is comparatively large while the matrices are banded with a small bandwidth and the computation of only a few first eigenpairs is required. The previous methods can be combined to give the best solution for a particular problem. It should be emphasized that all methods are by nature iterative because the solution of the eigenvalue problem is equivalent to that of determining the roots of a polynomial, which, as already mentioned, are established only by numerical iterative methods for orders of the characteristic polynomial N > 4. Although an iterative process is necessary for the computation of the eigenpair ðli , fi Þ, it should be noted that as soon as one of its members has been computed, the other member can be computed without further iterative process. Suppose that li is computed by an iteration method, then fi can be computed by solving the linear system (13.1.2). On the other hand, if fi has been computed Numerical evaluation of the eigenfrequencies and eigenmodes Chapter 13 603 by an iteration method, then li can be computed from the Rayleigh quotient using the relations li ¼ fTi Kfi , fTi Mfi ¼ 1 (13.1.3) Therefore, when selecting the appropriate method, the question arises as to whether it is computationally less expensive to compute li first and then fi , or vice versa, or both at the same time. The answer to this question depends on the requirements of the particular problem and the properties of the matrices K and M, for example, the number of the desired eigenpairs, the dimensions and the density of K and M, etc. From the above discussion, we realize that there is not always a single algorithm leading to an effective solution to the eigenvalue problem. Indeed, an algorithm that can be effective for a particular problem may be totally inadequate for another one. The criteria for choosing the solution algorithm are two: (a) the reliability of the method, and (b) its computational cost. Reliability implies the computation of the solution with the desired precision without the method collapsing. The computational cost is determined by the number of numerical operations and the required computer memory. All methods mentioned above are described in detail in many books of structural dynamics published earlier, for example, Refs. [1–4]. The reason is clear. At that time, the ready-to-use computer codes and functions for the numerical solution of the eigenvalue problem were limited, if not unavailable, and the engineers had to write their own computer codes to cope with the largely increasing needs for determining the eigenfrequencies and mode shapes. The full and detailed development of all the above methods requires extensive work, the presentation of which goes beyond the objectives of this book. Besides, this issue is the subject of many books on numerical analysis to which the interested reader may refer [4]. On the other hand, mathematical libraries, for example, IMSL, MAPLE, MATLAB, Numerical Recipes, etc., offer many ready-to-use subroutines and functions for the solution of the eigenvalue problem. In the following, for educational purposes, we limit our presentation only to the vector iteration method, which can be readily used to solve small-sized eigenvalue problems by hand or by writing simple computer code. The chapter closes with the discussion of the response of the free or partially supported structures. The examples facilitate the understanding of the presented material. References and related bibliography for further study are also included. The chapter is enriched with problems to be solve. 13.2 The vector iteration method In the vector iteration method, the starting point is the equation Kf ¼ lMf (13.2.1) aiming at approximating the vector f so that this equation is satisfied. Thus, we assume arbitrarily a vector f, which we designate as x1 , and a value of l, say l ¼ 1. Then we evaluate the right side of Eq. (13.2.1). This yields R1 ¼ 1 Mx1 (13.2.2) 604 PART II Multi-degree-of-freedom systems Inasmuch as x1 is arbitrary, it will not, in general, satisfy Kx1 ¼ R1 . Nevertheless, if this happens, then x1 is an eigenvector. Therefore, a vector x2 6¼ x1 should be determined to satisfy the equation Kx2 ¼ R1 (13.2.3) Eq. (13.2.3) can be considered as the static equilibrium of a system subjected to load R1 . From intuition, we understand that the vector x2 resulting from the solution of Eq. (13.2.3) is closer to the eigenvector f than x1 . Repeating the above procedure with an initial vector x2 gives a better approximation of the eigenvector. Thus, we can develop a simple iterative procedure that yields f, when it converges. The assumption of an arbitrary value for l does not affect the method because, as is known, the eigenvectors are determined to an arbitrary multiplier. The iteration method resulting in this way is known as the direct vector iteration method. The procedure we have described is the underlying idea of the inverse vector iteration method, in which Eq. (13.2.1) is employed inversely. Apparently, in the direct vector iteration method, the vector R1 ¼ Kx1 is first computed and then a better approximation x2 is obtained from the solution of the linear system Mx2 ¼ R1 . 13.2.1 The inverse vector iteration method This method, also known as the Stodola-Vianello method, is very efficient for the computation of the eigenvectors and the respective eigenvalues. Stodola used it for the solution of the vibration problem of a rotating shaft in 1904. Earlier in 1898, Vianello used it for determining the critical load in buckling for a rotating shaft. It applies when K is not singular while M may be diagonal including zeros elements, banded or fully populated. If K is singular, the inverse vector iteration method with shifts is employed (Section 13.3.2). This happens when the structure is free or partially supported (Section 13.4). In this method, as mentioned, we start with an initial vector x1 and then adhere to the iteration steps k ¼ 1, 2,… until convergence is achieved: k + 1 by solving the linear system 1. We determine the vector x K xk + 1 ¼ Mxk (13.2.4) 2. We compute the approximate value of the eigenvalue lðk + 1Þ corresponding k + 1 using the Rayleigh quotient, Eq. (12.6.21), to x k + 1 Þ ¼ rðx Tk+ 1 K xk + 1 ðk + 1Þ x k + 1 Þ , l ¼ rðx T k + 1 M xk + 1 x (13.2.5) 3. We check for convergence by comparing two consecutive values of l ðk + 1Þ l lðk Þ <e (13.2.6) lðk + 1Þ where e is a specified tolerance Numerical evaluation of the eigenfrequencies and eigenmodes Chapter 13 605 k + 1 with respect 4. If the convergence criterion is not satisfied, we normalize x to mass xk + 1 ¼ k + 1 x Tk+ 1 M xk + 1 x 1=2 (13.2.7) and go back to step 1. 5. If the criterion is satisfied, the procedure ends and we set f1 xk + 1 , l1 lðk + 1Þ (13.2.8) The normalization does not affect the convergence. However, if the vector xk + 1 is not normalized, its elements increase in each step, a fact that can cause numerical problems. If the desired precision of l1 is 2d digits, then the tolerance should be taken as e ¼ 102d . The resulting precision of the eigenvector will be d digits. Computationally, it is more effective to formulate the previous algorithm as follows. We take an arbitrary vector x1 and compute the vector z1 ¼ Mx1 . Subsequently, we compute for k ¼ 1, 2, … until convergence is achieved k + 1 Þ¼ rðx K xk + 1 ¼ zk (13.2.9) zk + 1 ¼ M xk + 1 (13.2.10) Tk+ 1 zk x , T k + 1zk + 1 x zk + 1 ¼ k + 1 Þ lðk + 1Þ ¼ rðx zk + 1 Tk+ 1zk + 1 x 1=2 (13.2.11) (13.2.12) If convergence is achieved after k iterations, we take f1 ’ k + 1 x 1=2 Tk+ 1zk + 1 x , l1 lðk + 1Þ (13.2.13) The method works provided that zT1 f1 6¼ 0. Example 13.2.1 Compute the eigenpair ðl1 , f1 Þ of the eigenvalue problem Kf ¼ lMf using the inverse vector iteration method, when 2 3 2 3 32 24 18 0:5 0 0 K ¼ 4 68 71 38 5, M ¼ 4 0 0:5 0 5 36 27 20 0 0 1 Solution A convenient trial vector to start the procedure is the vector x1 ¼ f1 1 1gT . The computed eigenpair for different values of k is shown in Table E13.1. 606 PART II Multi-degree-of-freedom systems Apparently, after eight iterations, it coincides with that obtained by the MATLAB function [V,D] ¼ eig(A,B). TABLE E13.1 Computation of the first eigenpair using the inverse vector iteration method. k 1 l1 fT1 1 0.1522 0.6875 0.8672 2 13.2829 0.0327 0.6113 0.9015 3 6.4215 0.0460 0.6103 0.9015 4 6.6418 0.0438 0.6112 0.9013 5 6.6439 0.0442 0.6110 0.9013 6 6.6416 0.0441 0.6110 0.9013 7 6.6421 0.0442 0.6110 0.9013 8 6.6420 0.0442 0.6110 0.9013 MATLAB 6.6420 0.0442 0.6110 0.9013 13.2.2 Convergence of the inverse vector iteration method In the preceding section, we presented the algorithm of inverse vector iteration assuming that the method converges to the eigenvector corresponding to the smallest eigenvalue. We will now present a formal proof of the convergence because it allows us to understand the extension of the method in determining the higher-order eigenpairs. To prove the convergence, we consider Eq. (13.2.4), which we write as Kxk + 1 ¼ Mxk (13.2.14) We assume that the eigenmodes have been computed and let F ¼ ½f1 f2 ⋯fN be the modal matrix. Applying the expansion theorem (12.5.82) for u ¼ xk ,xk + 1 , X ¼ F and a ¼ yk , yk + 1 yields xk ¼ Fyk (13.2.15a) xk + 1 ¼ Fyk + 1 (13.2.15b) Substituting Eqs. (13.2.15a), (13.2.15b) into Eq. (13.2.14) and premultiplying by FT gives FT KFyk + 1 ¼ FT MFyk (13.2.16) Numerical evaluation of the eigenfrequencies and eigenmodes Chapter 13 607 Using the orthogonality relations FT MF ¼ I and FT KF ¼ L, the forgoing equation becomes Lyk + 1 ¼ yk (13.2.17) where L is the diagonal matrix including the eigenvalues. Eqs. (13.2.14), (13.2.17) are equivalent, therefore the convergence properties of Eq. (13.2.14) are those of Eq. (13.2.17). The latter, however, simplifies the proof of convergence because the elements of L are the eigenvalues li and the eigenvectors are unit vectors ei , that is, ð13:2:18Þ In the inverse vector iteration method, the starting vector x1 should not be M-orthogonal to f1 . Now y1 should not be M-orthogonal to e1 . Apparently, the vector y 1 ¼ f 1 1 ⋯ 1 gT satisfies this requirement. Applying Eq. (13.2.17) for k ¼ 1, 2, …l gives 1 1 1 T ⋯ yl + 1 ¼ ll1 ll2 llN (13.2.19) (13.2.20) Because the eigenvector does not change if it is multiplied by a number, we can write ( ¼ l + 1 ¼ ll1 yl + 1 y l l )T l1 l1 1 ⋯ l2 lN (13.2.21) Assuming that l1 < l2 < ⋯lN , we obtain l + 1 ¼ e1 lim y l!1 (13.2.22) Therefore, for l ! 1, yl + 1 converges to a multiple of e1 . Using the Euclidian norm, the convergence of a sequence of vectors y1 , y2 ,…,yl to a vector e1 is defined by the relation y l + 1 e1 lim ¼r (13.2.23) l!1 jy l e1 jp where p is the number characterizing the rate of convergence, for example, for p ¼ 1 the rate is linear, for p ¼ 2 quadratic and so forth. In the present case it is 608 PART II Multi-degree-of-freedom systems lim y l + 1 e1 l!1 l e1 j jy ¼ l1 l2 (13.2.24) Hence, convergence is linear and the rate of convergence is r ¼ l1 =l2 . The smaller this ratio, the faster the rate of convergence. In the preceding proof, we have accepted that the eigenvalues are distinct. Let us now consider the case of multiple eigenvalues, for example, l1 ¼ l2 ⋯ ¼ lm . Then Eq. (13.2.21) becomes ( l )T l1 l l1 l + 1 ¼ 1 1 ⋯ y (13.2.25) ⋯ lm + 1 lN from which we conclude that the iteration procedure converges with rate of convergence l1 =lm + 1 . Hence, we can generally state that the rate of convergence is given by the ratio of l1 to the nearest distinct eigenvalue. The Rayleigh quotient for the vector yl + 1 is obtained by Eq. (12.6.1) for A ¼ L and u ¼ yl + 1 . Thus we have yT Ly r yl + 1 ¼ l +T 1 l + 1 yl + 1 yl + 1 which by virtue of Eq. (13.2.17) becomes yT y r yl + 1 ¼ T l + 1 l yl + 1 yl + 1 (13.2.26) Using Eq. (13.2.21) to express yl and yl + 1 , and substituting into the foregoing equation gives r yl + 1 ¼ l1 N X ðl1 =li Þ2l1 i¼1 N X (13.2.27) ðl1 =li Þ 2l i¼1 which implies lim r yl + 1 ¼ l1 l!1 (13.2.28) The preceding proof was made by taking x1 ¼ f 1 1 ⋯ 1 gT as a starting vector. However, we can show that the convergence properties apply for any starting vector provided that it is not M-orthogonal to f1 . Nevertheless, in some cases, the convergence may require a large number of iterations. The convergence rate depends, as we have shown, on the ratio l1 =lm + 1 . The convergence is very slow if l1 is almost equal to lm + 1 , but it can be accelerated using the inverse vector iteration method with shifts presented in Section 13.3.2. Numerical evaluation of the eigenfrequencies and eigenmodes Chapter 13 609 13.3 Computation of higher-order eigenpairs 13.3.1 The vector purification method When the starting vector x1 is selected to be M-orthogonal to f1 , that is xT1 Mf1 ¼ 0, the inverse vector iteration method converges, at list theoretically, to an eigenvector other than f1 , and indeed to that corresponding to the next eigenvalue l2 . The selection of the starting vector may be again arbitrary and become orthogonal to f1 by the Gram-Schmidt orthogonalization process presented in Section 12.4. Thus, on the basis of the second of Eqs. (12.4.8), we obtain e x1 ¼ x1 fT1 Mx1 f1 fT1 Mf1 (13.3.1) which is orthogonal to f1 . Obviously, the contribution of the eigenmode f1 has been removed from the trial vector e x1 . The vector that remains is said to be purified. Now, Eq. (13.3.1) can be further written as ! f1 fT1 M e x1 ¼ I T x1 f1 Mf1 (13.3.2) ¼ S 1 x1 where S1 ¼ I f1 fT1 M fT1 Mf1 (13.3.3) The matrix S1 is referred to as the sweeping matrix. It is used to purify the vector x1 from f1 . Theoretically, the iterations start with the purified vector e x1 and we expect convergence to the second eigenvector f2 . Unfortunately, during the iterations, small arithmetic rounding errors are introduced, which result in pollution of the vector x1 by f1 . This demands the purification procedure in each iteration, which, in fact, increases the computational cost. For the computation of the nth order eigenpair ðln , fn Þ, the starting vector x1 must be free from the contribution of the previous n 1 eigenmodes and M-orthogonal to them. This is achieved by the Gram-Schmidt orthogonalization procedure. Thus, by virtue of Eq. (12.4.8), we obtain fT1 Mx1 fT2 Mx1 fTn Mx1 f f ⋯ fn 1 2 fT1 Mf1 fT2 Mf2 fTn Mfn ! f1 fT1 M f2 fT2 M fn fTn M ¼ I T ⋯ T x1 f1 Mf1 fT2 Mf2 fn Mfn e x1 ¼ x1 ¼ Sn x1 (13.3.4) 610 PART II Multi-degree-of-freedom systems where Sn represents the sweeping matrix Sn ¼ I f1 fT1 M f2 fT2 M fn fTn M ⋯ fT1 Mf1 fT2 Mf2 fTn Mfn (13.3.5) or Sn ¼ Sn1 fn fTn M , fTn Mfn n ¼ 1, 2, …, S0 ¼ I (13.3.6) Although Gram-Schmidt orthogonalization combined with the inverse vector iteration may yield the higher-order eigenpairs, it is not suitable for writing a general computer program for the solution of the eigenvalue problem because convergence becomes slow as the order of the eigenvector increases. Instead, we prefer the vector iteration method with shifts, which is described in the next section. 13.3.2 The inverse vector iteration method with shifts The study of the convergence of the inverse iteration method presented in Section 13.2.2 showed that for l1 < l2 , the iteration process converges to the eigenvector f1 with a convergence rate l1 =l2 . Thus, the convergence is fast when l1 is very small compared to l2 , for example, l1 =l2 ¼ 0:01, or extremely slow when l1 is near l2 , for example, l1 =l2 ¼ 0:9999. Therefore, a problem of improving or even controlling the rate of convergence arises. This is accomplished by the vector iteration method with shifts, which can also be used to determine any other eigenpair ðli , fi Þ. This method also addresses the case where the matrix K is positive semidefinite, hence the solution of Eq. (13.2.4) is not possible. A shift m in K in the eigenvalue problem Kf ¼ lMf defines the matrix ^ ¼ K mM. The matrices K ^ and K have the same eigenvectors while the K ^ and l satisfy the relation eigenvalues l ^ ¼lm l (13.3.7) ^ is shifted by m with respect to the origin That is, the eigenvalue l (Fig. 13.3.1). Indeed ^ ¼ ðK mMÞf Kf ¼ Kf mMf ¼ ðl mÞMf ^ ¼ lMf (13.3.8) Numerical evaluation of the eigenfrequencies and eigenmodes Chapter 13 611 Π( ) = det (K − M) | | 1 m 1 − m| 2 − m| | 3 − m| 2 3 4 FIG. 13.3.1 Graph of the characteristic polynomial and shifts ^ i of the eigenvalue problem (13.3.8) are We assume that all eigenvalues l distinct. In this case, Eq. (13.2.20) becomes T 1 1 1 ⋯ (13.3.9) yl + 1 ¼ ðl1 mÞl ðl2 mÞl ðlN mÞl where it was assumed that li m is nonzero, that is, it is a positive or a negative ^ i ¼ li m has the smallest absolute value and we number. We assume that l formulate the product ð13:3:10Þ In the foregoing relation, it is jli mj=lp m < 1 for all p 6¼ i. Hence, l + 1 ! ei as l ! 1 and the iteration vector converges to fi . Moreover, we y ^ i + m. The rate of convergence is determined by the element obtain li ¼ l having the largest absolute value, that is, li m r ¼ max (13.3.11) p6¼i lp m Because li is closer to m, the rate of convergence of the iteration vector to fi will be li m li m r ¼ max , (13.3.12) li1 m li + 1 m For the data shown in Fig 13.3.1, we have jl2 mj < jl1 mj < jl3 mj. Therefore, the iterative procedure will converge to f2 with rate of convergence r ¼ jl2 mj=jl1 mj. Evidently, the selection of the shift very close to the eigenvalue we are interested in permits, at least theoretically, achieving the desired rate of 612 PART II Multi-degree-of-freedom systems convergence. In practice, however, this is difficult because the eigenvalue is not known in advance. Often, in certain problems, we need to compute a few of the first eigenpairs. In such cases, the vector iteration method with shifts is combined with that without shifts. Namely, a few, say five, eigenpairs are computed by applying directly the inverse vector iteration method in conjunction with the Gram-Schmidt orthogonalization. The same procedure is employed for the computation of the next eigenpair, that is, the sixth one. However, instead of completing the iteration process until convergence is achieved, we stop it after some iterations and obtain a first estimation of the sixth eigenvalue from the Rayleigh quotient, Eq. (13.2.5). This value is used as a new shift and the next five eigenpairs are computed using the inverse vector iteration method. The rate of convergence can be improved if in each iteration, the shift m takes the value of k Þ in the k + 1 iteration. Thus the Rayleigh quotient, namely if we set mk ¼ rðx the algorithm described by Eqs. (13.2.9)–(13.2.13) is modified as k ÞM ½K rðx x k + 1 ¼ zk (13.3.13) zk + 1 ¼ M xk + 1 (13.3.14) k + 1 Þ ¼ x Tk+ 1 zk rðx T k Þ k + 1zk + 1 + rðx x (13.3.15) zk + 1 ¼ zk + 1 Tk+ 1zk + 1 x 1=2 (13.3.16) where now k + 1 Þ ! li when k ! 1 zk + 1 ! Mfi and rðx (13.3.17) The inverse vector iteration method is very useful when the system is subjected to a harmonic excitation with a specified frequency and we want to see if there are frequencies close to the excitation frequency. This allows us to prevent resonance by changing the dynamic characteristics of the structure. 13.4 Free or partially supported structure When the rigid body motion of the structure is not restrained, that is, the structure is free to move or the restrained degrees of freedom are less than those required to prevent rigid body motion, then the stiffness matrix K contains zero eigenvalues, hence it is singular and cannot be inverted. Therefore, the methods of computation of the eigenpairs that involve the inversion of the stiffness matrix, for example, the inverse vector iteration, do not apply. This troubleshooting can be overcome in the following two ways: (a) Shifting of the eigenvalue This method is mathematical in nature and it is accomplished by virtue of Eq. (13.3.8) ^ ^ ¼ lMf Kf (13.4.1) Numerical evaluation of the eigenfrequencies and eigenmodes Chapter 13 613 where ^ ¼lm ^ ¼ K mM and l K (13.4.2) ^ is generally not singular and can be inverted. If the Obviously, K selected value of m is negative and the matrix M is diagonal, this shift is equivalent to adding a positive number to the diagonal elements of K, which from a physical point of view expresses restraining each degree of freedom by a spring. The advantage of this method is that the eigenmodes remain unchanged. (b) Restraining the free degrees using springs The simplest method to treat the unrestrained structure that is also computationally easy to implement is by restraining the degrees of freedom corresponding to rigid body motion by springs with a very small stiffness. These fictitious springs are placed between the structure and the supports and inhibit the rigid body motion. Computationally, these springs represent additive terms to the diagonal elements of K corresponding to the unrestrained degrees of freedom. The addition of a small stiffness, while making the stiffness matrix nonsingular, modifies the structure. However, the small stiffness of the springs negligibly affects the eigenmodes and the eigenfrequencies while at the same time the eigenmodes corresponding to the rigid body of motion are also computed. As is anticipated, the computed eigenfrequencies corresponding to the rigid body motion are very small (approximately zero). This is illustrated with the example that follows. Example 13.4.1 Compute the mode shapes and eigenfrequencies of the plane structure in Fig. E13.1a. The density of the rigid bodies is r while the mass of the column is negligible. f f ′ ′ ′ (a) (b) (c) FIG. E13.1 Plane structure in Example 13.4.1 (a), degrees of freedom (b), and free body diagram (c). 614 PART II Multi-degree-of-freedom systems Solution The system has three degrees of freedom, u1 ,f, u3 (Fig. E13.1b). The equation of motion can be formulated by different methods. Here, the method of equilibrium of forces with respect to the center of mass C is employed. Referring to Fig. E13.1c, we obtain m1 u€1 + fS1 ¼ 0 (1a) a Ic f€ + fS2 + fS1 ¼ 0 (1b) 2 (1c) m3 u€3 + fS3 ¼ 0 where fS1 ¼ k11 ðu2 u3 Þ + k12 f (2a) fS2 ¼ k21 ðu2 u3 Þ + k22 f (2b) fS3 ¼ k31 ðu2 u3 Þ + k32 f (2c) The coefficients kij in the previous equations are computed using Eq. (11.5.2). Moreover, we have 1 m1 ¼ ra 2 , m3 ¼ 3ra 2 , Ic ¼ ra 4 6 Substituting Eqs. (2a), (2b), (2c) into Eqs. (1a), (1b), (1c) gives M€ u + Ku ¼ 0 (3) where 8 9 3 2 3 1 0 0 1:5 2:25a 1:5 < u1 = EI M ¼ ra 2 4 0 a 2 =6 0 5, K ¼ 3 4 2:25a 3:875a2 2:25a 5, u ¼ f : ; a 0 0 3 1:5 2:25a 1:5 u3 2 (4a--c) It is convenient to eliminate the length a and make the matrices dimensionless. To this end, the rotational coordinate f is replaced by the translational coordinate u2 ¼ u1 + a2 f (see Fig. E13.1b). This is accomplished by the transformation (see Section 10.7). 8 9 2 38 9 1 0 0 < u1 = < u1 = f ¼ 4 2=a 2=a 0 5 u2 : ; : ; 0 0 1 u3 u3 which yields 2 1:667 0:667 0 3 7 ^ ¼ RT MR ¼ ra 2 6 M 4 0:667 0:667 0 5, 0 0 3 2 3 8:0 11:0 3:0 7 ^ ¼ RT KR ¼ EI 6 K 4 11:0 15:5 4:5 5 a3 3:0 4:5 1:5 2 3 1 0 0 where R ¼ 4 2=a 2=a 0 5 0 0 1 Numerical evaluation of the eigenfrequencies and eigenmodes Chapter 13 615 Therefore, the eigenvalues and eigenmodes will be obtained from the solution of the eigenvalue problem ^ lM ^ f ¼ 0, l ¼ w2 ra5 =EI K ^ ¼ 0. Hence the solution is obtained either by the inverse vector It is det K iteration method with shift or by restraining u3 using a spring of small stiffness. 1. The inverse vector iteration with shift a. Computation of the first eigenpair. We employ the algorithm presented in Section 13.3.2. We take arbitrarily x1 ¼ f 1 2 1 gT as the starting vector, which gives m1 ¼ rðx1 Þ ¼ 3:321. After five iterations we obtain l1 ¼ 0:868e 16 0 and f1 ¼ f 1 1 1 gT . The obtained values of the eigenpair were anticipated because the structure has a rigid body motion. b. Computation of the second eigenpair We apply the vector purification method described in Section 13.3.1. We take arbitrarily x1 ¼ f 1 1 2 gT as the trial vector. This gives 2 3 0:75 0:472 1015 0:75 T f f M 6 7 S1 ¼ I 1T 1 ¼ 4 0:25 1:000 0:75 5, f1 Mf1 0:25 0:482 1015 0:25 9 8 > = < 0:749 > e x1 ¼ S1 x1 ¼ 0:749 , m1 ¼ rðx1 Þ ¼ 2:0: > > ; : 0:249 After four iterations we obtain l2 ¼ 0:239 and f2 ¼ f 0:834 0:508 0:278 gT . c. Computation of the third eigenpair. We take arbitrarily x1 ¼ f 2 2 1 gT as the trial vector. This gives 2 3 0:128 0:182 0:053 T f f M 6 7 S2 ¼ S1 2T 2 ¼ 4 0:784 1:111 0:325 5, f2 Mf2 0:043 0:061 0:018 9 8 > = < 0:054 > e 0:325 , m1 ¼ rðe x1 Þ ¼ 25:0096 x 1 ¼ S2 x 1 ¼ > > ; : 0:018 After five iterations we obtain l3 ¼ 24:998 and f3 ¼ f 0:231 1:411 0:077 gT . 2. Restraining u3 using a spring of small stiffness 0 Adding the small stiffness k33 ¼ 0:0001EI =a 3 to the element k33 yields 2 3 8:0 11:0 3:0 ^ ¼ EI 4 11:0 15:5 4:5 5 K a3 3:0 4:5 1:5001 616 PART II Multi-degree-of-freedom systems a. Computation of the first eigenpair. It is now det ðKÞ ¼ 0:0003 6¼ 0, therefore we can directly apply the inverse vector iteration method using the algorithm described in Section 13.2.1. We take arbitrarily x1 ¼ f 1 2 1 gT as a trial vector. After five iterations we obtain l1 ¼ 0:2499 104 0 and f1 ¼ f 1 0:999 0:998 gT f 1 1 1 gT b. Computation of the second eigenpair. We take x1 ¼ f 1 1 2 gT as the trial vector, which gives 8 9 2 3 0:75 0:00 0:75 < 0:75 = f1 fT1 M 4 ¼ 0:25 1:00 0:75 5, e x1 ¼ S1 x1 ¼ 0:75 S1 ¼ I T : ; f1 Mf1 0:25 0:00 0:25 0:25 After four iterations we obtain l2 ¼ 0:2399 and f2 ¼ f 0:834 0:508 0:278gT . c. Computation of the third eigenpair. We take x1 ¼ f 2 2 1 gT as the trial vector, which gives 8 9 2 3 0:128 0:181 0:053 < 0:054 = f2 fT2 M 4 ¼ 0:785 1:111 0:323 5, e x1 ¼ S 2 x1 ¼ 0:325 S2 ¼ S1 T : ; f2 Mf2 0:043 0:061 0:018 0:018 After five iterations we obtain l3 ¼ 25:009 and f3 ¼ f 0:231 1:411 0:077gT . Table E13.2 summarizes the eigenpairs computed by the previous two methods and the MATLAB function [V,D] ¼ eig(A,B). The obtained results illustrate that the method of restraining the degrees corresponding to rigid body motion by springs of small stiffness, besides being simple to implement, gives good results. TABLE E13.2 Eigenvalues and eigenmodes in Example 13.3.1. Eigenpair Iteration with shift n ln Restraining with a spring fn 16 1 0:868 10 2 0:239 0:834 0:508 0:278 3 24:998 0:231 1:411 0:077 0:999 0:999 1:000 ln fn 4 0:249 10 MATLAB ln fn 1:000 0:999 0:998 0.0000 1:000 1:000 1:000 0:2399 0:834 0:508 0:278 0.2399 0:834 0:508 0:278 25:009 0:231 1:411 0:077 24.998 0:231 1:411 0:077 Numerical evaluation of the eigenfrequencies and eigenmodes Chapter 13 617 13.5 Problems Problem P13.1 The one-story building of Fig. P13.1 is subjected to the harmonic excitation p ¼ p0 sin20t. Examine whether the structure is at resonance risk. Assume: E ¼ 2:1 107 kN=m2 , n ¼ 0:2: Columns 1, 3, 6, 8 0:35 0:35 m2 , Columns 2, 4, 5, 7 0:20 0:40 m2 . The dead weight of the plate is included in q. FIG. P13.1 One-story building in problem P13.1 Problem P13.2 We consider the plane structure of Fig. P13.2. At time t the support A becomes a hinge. Compute the eigenfrequencies and eigenmodes of the structure at t + . FIG. P13.2 Plane structure in problem P13.2 Problem P13.3 We consider the plane structure of Fig. P13.3 whose base is isolated. Compute the eigenfrequencies (i) if the stiffness of the isolators is small compared with that of the columns, that is, kb =k ¼ 0:1, (ii) if the isolators break at time t, that is, kb ¼ 0. Assume; m1 ¼ m2 , mb ¼ 0:8m1 . FIG. P13.3 Plane structure in problem P13.3 618 PART II Multi-degree-of-freedom systems References and further reading [1] K.J. Bathe, E.L. Wilson, Numerical Methods in Finite Element Analysis, Prentice-Hall, Englewood Cliffs, NJ, 1976. [2] J.L. Humar, Dynamics of Structures, second ed., A.A. Balkema Publishers, Lisse, NL, 2002. [3] J.T. Katsikadelis, Dynamic of Structures, Vol. II, Symmetria Publications, Athens, 2004 (in Greek). [4] W.H. Press, B.P. Flannery, S.A. Teukolsky, W.T. Vetterlin, Numerical Recipes in Fortran, second ed., Cambridge University Press, New York, 1992. [5] T.J.R. Hughes, The Finite Element Method: Linear Static and Dynamic Finite Element Analysis, Prentice-Hall, Inc., Englewood Cliffs, NJ, 1987. Chapter 14 Multi-degree-of-freedom systems: Forced vibrations Chapter outline 14.1 Introduction 14.2 The mode superposition method 14.3 Modal contribution in the mode superposition method 14.3.1 Modal participation 14.3.2 Static correction method 14.3.3 Error in mode superposition method due to truncation of higher modes 14.4 Reduction of the dynamic degrees of freedom 14.4.1 Static condensation 14.4.2 Kinematic constraints 14.5 Rayleigh-Ritz method 14.5.1 Ritz transformation 14.5.2 Approximation using Ritz vectors 14.6 Selection of Ritz vectors 14.6.1 Method of natural mode shapes 14.6.2 The method of derived Ritz vectors 14.7 Support excitation 14.7.1 Multiple support excitation 14.7.2 Uniform support excitation 14.8 The response spectrum method 620 620 629 629 641 647 649 649 650 651 651 654 655 656 659 663 663 665 14.9 Comparison of mode superposition method and Rayleigh-Ritz method 672 14.10 Numerical integration of the equations of motions—Linear MDOF systems 675 14.10.1 The central difference method (CDM)—Linear equations 675 14.10.2 The average acceleration method (AAM)—Linear equations 677 14.10.3 The analog equation method (AEM)— Linear equations 679 14.11 Numerical integration of the equations of motions— Nonlinear MDOF systems 681 14.11.1 The average acceleration method (AAM)—Nonlinear equations 681 14.11.2 The analog equation method (AEM)— Nonlinear equations 684 14.12 Problems 688 References and further reading 692 668 Dynamic Analysis of Structures. https://doi.org/10.1016/B978-0-12-818643-5.00014-5 © 2020 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved. 619 620 PART II Multi-degree-of-freedom systems 14.1 Introduction In this chapter, we study the dynamic response of MDOF systems under the action of external forces. As was shown in Chapter 10, the equation of motion of a linear system with viscous damping is M€ u + Cu_ + Ku ¼pðt Þ (14.1.1) where M is the mass matrix, C the damping matrix, K the stiffness matrix, u the displacement vector, and pðt Þ the vector of the external forces in the directions of the displacements. Besides, the system is subjected to the initial conditions uð0Þ ¼u0 , u_ ð0Þ ¼u_ 0 (14.1.2) where u0 and u_ 0 are known vectors. The time-dependent forces pðt Þ may be due to moving loads, machine excitations, explosions, wind pressure, aerodynamic actions, ground motions, etc. Their determination, which depends on the type of structure and its use, constitutes a special problem that does not concern the discussion that follows. The methods that can be used to solve the initial value problem (14.1.1), (14.1.2) are: 1. 2. 3. 4. The mode superposition method. The response spectrum method. The direct time integration method of the equations of motion. The analysis in the frequency domain. None of the above methods is purely analytical because their implementation includes numerical techniques, at least at a certain stage of their application. Indeed, the mode superposition method and the response spectrum method require the determination of the eigenfrequencies and eigenmodes, which is accomplished, as we saw in Chapter 13, numerically. The analysis in the frequency domain requires the use of numerical methods for computing the Fourier transform and its inverse. Finally, the direct time integration method of the equations of motion is predominantly a numerical method. Therefore, the description of a method as analytical is only theoretical because the real problems of structural dynamics encountered by the engineer in practice require numerical processes and their programming on a computer. 14.2 The mode superposition method As was shown in Section 12.9, the displacement vector is written by virtue of the expansion theorem as uðt Þ ¼ f1 Y1 ðt Þ + f2 Y2 ðt Þ + ⋯ + fN YN ðt Þ (14.2.1) where f1 ,f2 ,…, fN are the eigenmodes of the free undamped vibrations. Multi-degree-of-freedom systems: Forced vibrations Chapter 14 621 Substituting Eq. (14.2.1) into Eq. (14.1.1) gives M f1 Y€ 1 + f2 Y€ 2 + ⋯ + fN Y€ N + C f1 Y 1 + f2 Y 2 + ⋯ + fN Y N + Kðf1 Y1 + f2 Y2 + ⋯ + fN YN Þ ¼ pðt Þ (14.2.2) fTn Premultiplying the previous equation by and assuming that the damping matrix is proportional, we obtain by virtue of the orthogonality properties Mn Y€ n + Cn Y n + Kn Yn ¼Pn ðt Þ, n ¼ 1, 2,…,N (14.2.3) where Mn ¼ fTn Mfn (14.2.4a) Cn ¼ fTn Cfn (14.2.4b) Kn ¼ fTn Kfn (14.2.4c) Pn ¼ fTn pðt Þ (14.2.4d) The quantities defined previously are referred to as generalized or modal mass, generalized or modal damping, generalized or modal stiffness, and generalized or modal force of the nth mode shape, respectively. Taking into account that Kn ¼ w2n Mn (14.2.5) Cn ¼ 2x n Mn wn (14.2.6) Eq. (14.2.3) is written as 1 Pn ðt Þ, Y€ n + 2xn wn Y n + w2n Yn ¼ Mn n ¼ 1,2, …,N whose solution is given by Eq. (3.3.23) " # x n wn t Y n ð0Þ + Yn ð0Þx n wn sin wDn t + Yn ð0Þcos wDn t Y n ðt Þ ¼ e wDn Z t 1 + Pn ðτÞexn wn ðtτÞ sin ½wDn ðt τÞdτ Mn wDn 0 (14.2.7) (14.2.8) The initial conditions Yn ð0Þ, Y n ð0Þ are computed using Eqs. (12.9.12), (12.9.13), namely Y n ð 0Þ ¼ Y n ð 0Þ ¼ fTn Muð0Þ , Mn n ¼ 1, 2, …, N (14.2.9a) fTn Mu_ ð0Þ , Mn n ¼ 1, 2, …, N (14.2.9b) 622 PART II Multi-degree-of-freedom systems Once the modal coordinates Yn ðt Þ have been computed, the solution of Eq. (14.1.1) is obtained from the superposition (14.2.1). The Duhamel integral in Eq. (14.2.8) can be evaluated analytically using a symbolic language. Nevertheless, this is not always possible or the obtained expressions are too complicated for numerical computation, therefore it is preferable to solve Eq. (14.2.7) directly numerically using any of the numerical methods presented in Chapter 4. The study of the dynamic response of a MDOF system under an external force pðt Þ via the mode superposition method is accomplished by adhering to the following steps: 1. Determine the dynamic model of the structure, hence the degrees of freedom, and define the nodal displacement vector uðt Þ and the nodal load vectors pðt Þ. 2. Compute the mass matrix M and stiffness matrix K of the structure (see Chapters 10 and 11). 3. Solve the eigenvalue problem ðK w2 MÞf ¼0 to compute the eigenfrequencies wn and mode shapes fn (Chapter 13). 4. Compute the modal masses Mn and modal loads Pn ðt Þ using Eqs. (14.2.4a), (14.2.4d) and formulate Eq. (14.2.7) for the modal coordinate Yn ðt Þ. 5. Compute the initial conditions Yn ð0Þ, Y n ð0Þ from the natural initial conditions uð0Þ, u_ ð0Þ using Eqs. (14.2.9a), (14.2.9b). 6. Compute the modal coordinates Yn ðt Þ either using Eq. (14.2.8) with analytical evaluation of the Duhamel integral or by direct numerical solution of Eq. (14.2.7). 7. Compute the displacement vector uðt Þ from the modal contributions fn Yn ðt Þ using the superposition relation (14.2.1). 8. Compute the nodal elastic forces f S ¼ Ku. Example 14.2.1 Determine the dynamic response of the two-story shear frame in Example 12.2.1 for the following two load cases: (a) The horizontal loads p1 ¼ 190 kN and p2 ¼ 300 kN are suddenly applied at t ¼ 0 while the structure is at rest. (b) The ground undergoes the displacement ug ðt Þ ¼ 0:02 sin 10t. More specifically, in case (a), compute the extreme values of the displacements, shear forces, and bending moments at the top of the columns while in case (b), compute the maximum shear force at the base of the frame and the maximum overturning moment. Consider proportional damping with modal damping ratios x1 ¼ 0:06, x 2 ¼ 0:04. Multi-degree-of-freedom systems: Forced vibrations Chapter 14 623 Solution The structure properties, eigenfrequencies, and mode shapes are taken from Example 12.2.1, namely 25 0 3826:5 3826:5 M¼ , K¼ , 0 32 3826:5 9142:1 8:289 0:1697 0:1061 w¼ , F¼ 19:236 0:0935 0:1499 Case (a) The modal matrices are computed using Eq. (14.2.4a) 25 0 0:1697 ¼1 M1 ¼ ½0:1697 0:0935 0 32 0:0935 25 0 0:1061 M2 ¼ ½ 0:1061 0:1499 ¼1 0 32 0:1499 The load vector is pðt Þ ¼ 190 300 and Eq. (14.2.4d) gives the modal loads 190 ¼ 4:1930 300 190 ¼ 65:1290 P2 ¼ ½ 0:1061 0:1499 300 P1 ¼ ½ 0:1697 0:0935 The equations of motion for the modal coordinates Y1 ðt Þ, Y2 ðt Þ result from Eq. (14.2.7), that is Y€ 1 + 0:9947Y 1 + 68:7089Y1 ¼4:1930 Y€ 2 + 1:5389Y 2 + 370:0416Y2 ¼65:1290 Because the structure is at rest at t ¼ 0, we have uð0Þ ¼ 0, u_ ð0Þ ¼ 0 and Eqs. (14.2.9a), (14.2.9b) give Yn ð0Þ ¼ fTn Muð0Þ ¼0 Mn Y n ð0Þ ¼ fTn Mu_ ð0Þ ¼0 Mn n ¼ 1, 2 The damped eigenfrequencies are qffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi qffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi wD1 ¼ w1 1 x21 ¼ 8:2741, wD2 ¼ w2 1 x22 ¼ 19:2206 624 PART II Multi-degree-of-freedom systems Thus, Eq. (14.2.8) gives Z t Pn Yn ð t Þ ¼ exn wn ðtτÞ sin ½wDn ðt τÞdτ Mn wDn 0 0 2 ¼ 1 3 Pn 6 xn B C 7 41 @ cos wDn t + qffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi sin wDn t Aexn wn t 5 2 M n wn 2 1x n The Duhamel integral was evaluated using MAPLE (see Eq. 3.4.7). Hence, using the data of the problem, we obtain Y1 ðt Þ ¼ 0:06125 0:06125 cos 8:2741t + 0:36817 102 sin 8:2741t e0:4973t Y2 ðt Þ ¼ 0:17629 0:17629cos 19:2206t + 0:70572 102 sin 19:2206t e0:7694t The displacements result from Eq. (14.2.1) for N ¼ 2 ( ) ( ) ( ) 0:1061 0:1697 u 1 ðt Þ Y2 ðt Þ ¼ Y1 ðt Þ + 0:1499 u 2 ðt Þ 0:0935 Fig. E14.1 shows the graphical representations of u1 ðt Þ and u2 ðt Þ in the interval 0 t 5, from which we obtain max u1 ¼ 0:0473 m, min u2 ¼ 0:04555 m The shear forces at the top of columns 1 and 3 are 12EI 1 ðu1 u2 Þ, h13 Q2 ¼ 12EI 2 u2 h23 u2(t) u1(t) Q1 ¼ t FIG. E14.1 Time history of u1(t) and u2(t) in Example 14.2.1. t 14 625 Q2(t) Q1(t) Multi-degree-of-freedom systems: Forced vibrations Chapter t t FIG. E14.2 Time history of Q1(t) and Q2(t) in Example 14.2.1 Fig. E14.2 shows the graphical representations of Q1 ðt Þ and Q2 ðt Þ in the interval 0 t 5, from which we obtain max |Q1 | ¼ 168:66 kN, max |Q2 | ¼ 11:3082 kN The respective bending moments are max M1 ¼ h1 max |Q1 | ¼ 295:16 kN m 2 max M2 ¼ h2 max |Q2 | ¼ 22:61 kN m 2 Case (b) The equation of motion in terms of the relative displacements u 1 ¼ u1 ug , u 2 ¼ u2 ug (see Chapter 6) is € + Cu _ + K Mu u ¼ pð t Þ where ðt Þ ¼ M p 1 u€ ¼ 1 g 50 sin 10t 64 The modal loads are 50 sin 10t ¼ 14:4690 sin 10t 64 50 sin 10t ¼ 4:2886 sin 10t P2 ¼ ½ 0:1061 0:1499 64 P1 ¼ ½ 0:1697 0:0935 626 PART II Multi-degree-of-freedom systems The initial conditions with respect to the relative displacements are 1 0 ð0Þ ¼ utot ð0Þ u ug ð0Þ ¼ 1 0 1 0:2 _ ð0Þ ¼ u_ tot ð0Þ u u_ ð0Þ ¼ 1 g 0:2 The equations of motion for the modal coordinates result from Eq. (14.2.7) as Y€ 1 + 0:9947Y 1 + 68:7089Y1 ¼14:4690 sin 10t Y€ 2 + 1:5389Y 2 + 370:0416Y2 ¼ 4:2886 sin 10t The solution of the foregoing equations is obtained from Eq. (14.2.8). The τ Duhamel integral is evaluated using MAPLE. Thus, setting Pn ðτÞ ¼ Pn sin w we can obtain Yn ð t Þ ¼ Pn Mn wDn Z t τ sin ½wDn ðt τÞdτ exn wn ðtτÞ sin w 0 Pn 20x n wn cos 10t + w2Dn + x2n w2n 100 sin 10t ¼ Mn x2 w2 + ðw 10Þ2 x2 w2 + ðw + 10Þ2 n n + Pn Mn Dn n n Dn x 2 w2 1000 20x n wn cos wDn t + 10wDn + 10 n n + sin wDn t exn wn t wDn wDn x 2n w2n + ðwDn 10Þ2 x 2n w2n + ðwDn + 10Þ2 The initial conditions for the modal coordinates are fT2 Muð0Þ ¼0 M2 25 0 0:2 ¼ 1:4469 Y 1 ð0Þ ¼ ½ 0:1697 0:0935 0 32 0:2 25 0 0:2 ¼ 0:42886 Y 2 ð0Þ ¼ ½ 0:1061 0:1499 0 32 0:2 Y1 ð 0Þ ¼ fT1 Muð0Þ ¼ 0, M1 Y 2 ð 0Þ ¼ Therefore, applying Eq. (14.2.8) for the data of the problem yields Y1 ðt Þ ¼ 0:13348cos 10t 0:41996 sin 10t + ð0:1334 cos 8:2741t + 0:34063 sin 8:2741t Þe0:4973t Y2 ðt Þ ¼ 0:9022 103 cos 10t 0:01583 sin 10t + 0:9022 103 cos 19:2206t + 0:03051 sin 19:2206t e0:7694t Multi-degree-of-freedom systems: Forced vibrations Chapter 14 627 The displacements result from Eq. (14.2.1) for N ¼ 2 0:1697 0:1061 u 1 ðt Þ ¼ Y 1 ðt Þ + Y2 ð t Þ 0:0935 u 2 ðt Þ 01499 The elastic forces applied at the roof levels are computed from u f S ¼ K ¼ KFYðt Þ 3826:5 3826:5 0:1697 0:1061 Y1 ðt Þ ¼ 3826:5 9142:1 0:0935 0:1499 Y2 ðt Þ 291:5793Y1 ðt Þ + 979:584Y2 ðt Þ ¼ 205:4293Y1 ðt Þ 1776:39244Y2 ðt Þ Hence fS1 ¼ 291:5793Y1 ðt Þ + 979:584Y2 ðt Þ fS2 ¼ 205:4293Y1 ðt Þ 1776:3924Y2 ðt Þ A particularly useful response parameter in earthquake analysis of buildings is the base shear. This is the total horizontal force Q0 ðt Þ that must be resisted at the foundation, and is found by summing the inertia (D’Alambert) forces over the structure. These forces are equal to the elastic forces if damping is neglected. Thus, we have Q0 ðt Þ ¼ fS1 + fS2 ¼ 497:0Y1 ðt Þ 796:8084Y2 ðt Þ and the overturning moment M0 ðt Þ ¼ fS1 ðh1 + h2 Þ + fS2 h2 ¼ 3008:5619Y1 ðt Þ + 241:3104Y2 ðt Þ Q0(t) M0(t) The graphical representations of Q0 ðt Þ and M0 ðt Þ are shown in Fig. E14.3, from which we obtain max jQ0 j ¼ 283:28 kN and max jM0 j ¼ 1783:83 kN m. t FIG. E14.3 Time history of Q0(t) and M0(t) in Example 14.2.1. t 628 PART II Multi-degree-of-freedom systems Example 14.2.2 Determine the steady-state response of the two-story shear t at frame in Example 12.2.1, when it is subjected to the load p1 ðt Þ ¼ po sin w ¼ 10 s1 and (i) the roof level of the second floor. Assume: po ¼ 5 kN, w x1 ¼ 0:06, x2 ¼ 0:04, and (ii) x 1 ¼ x 2 ¼ 0. Solution The load vector is t0gT pðt Þ ¼ f p0 sin w Eq. (14.2.4d) gives the modal loads t P1 ¼ fT1 pðt Þ ¼ f11 p0 sin w t P2 ¼ fT2 pðt Þ ¼ f12 p0 sin w and Eq. (14.2.7) becomes t, Y€ n + 2xn wn Y n + w2n Yn ¼pn0 sin w pn0 ¼ f1n p0 , Mn n ¼ 1, 2 (1) The steady-state response is obtained from Eq. (3.2.26) by setting u ¼ Yn t qn Þ Yn ðt Þ ¼ rn sin ðw where now i Pn0 h 2 2 2 2 1 b + ð 2x b Þ , rn ¼ n n n Mn w2n 1 qn ¼ tan 1 (2) ! 2x n b n , 1 b2n bn ¼ w wn (3) The displacements of the steady state response result from Eq. (14.2.1). t q1 Þ + f2 r2 sin ðw t q2 Þ u ¼ f1 r1 sin ðw (4) The eigenfrequencies and mode shapes are taken from Example 12.2.1, namely f1 ¼ f 0:1697 0:0935 gT , w1 ¼ 8:289, f2 ¼ f 0:1061 0:1499 gT w2 ¼ 19:236, M1 ¼ M2 ¼ 1 (i) x 1 ¼ 0:06, x2 ¼ 0:04. We have b1 ¼ w ¼ 1:2064, w1 b2 ¼ w ¼ 0:5198 w2 and Eqs. (3) give r1 ¼ 0:02584, r2 ¼ 0:001961, q1 ¼ 0:3076, q2 ¼ 0:0569 Multi-degree-of-freedom systems: Forced vibrations Chapter Hence u1 ðt Þ u2 ðt Þ 14 629 0:438 ¼ 102 sin ð10t + 0:3076Þ + 103 2:416 0:208 sin ð10t 0:0569Þ 0:294 (ii) x1 ¼ x2 ¼ 0. Eqs. (3) give r1 ¼ 0:2561 102 , Hence u 1 ðt Þ u 2 ðt Þ r2 ¼ 0:7636 103 , ¼ 103 q1 ¼ q2 ¼ 0 0:5156 sin 10t 0:1250 14.3 Modal contribution in the mode superposition method In the mode superposition method, the displacement vector uðt Þ results as a sum of the individual modal displacements un , namely uðt Þ ¼ N X un (14.3.1a) un ¼ fn Yn ðt Þ (14.3.1b) n¼1 The exact solution is obtained when the sum includes all the modal displacements. However, the economy of the analysis requires the use of a few modal displacements corresponding to the lower eigenmodes, at least those whose contribution is not negligible, while cutting off higher order modal displacements. Besides, the truncation is necessary for another important reason. The modeling of the structure with finite elements reveals deviations between the discretized and the actual structure, which become pronounced in higher-order eigenmodes. Therefore, the additional error due to truncated higher eigenmodes does not concern us very much. In order to estimate this error, we first need to understand the contribution of each eigenmode to the overall response. 14.3.1 Modal participation The forces produced by the modal component un ¼ fn Yn ðt Þ of the displacement u are: un ¼ Mfn Y€ n The inertial force: ðf I Þn ¼ M€ The damping force: ðf D Þn ¼ Cu_ n ¼ Cfn Y n The elastic force: ðf S Þn ¼ Kun ¼ Kfn Yn 630 PART II Multi-degree-of-freedom systems Obviously, the resultant of the above forces equilibrates only a part pn ðt Þ of the external force pðt Þ. Therefore, we have pn ðt Þ ¼ ðf I Þn + ðf D Þn + ðf S Þn ¼ MY€ n + CY n + KYn fn (14.3.2) ¼ Aðt Þfn and consequently pðt Þ ¼ N X pn ðt Þ (14.3.3) n¼1 If the damping matrix C is proportional, for example, C ¼ a0 M + a1 K, then the matrix Aðt Þ satisfies the relation Aðt Þfn ¼ MY€ n + CY n + KYn fn h i (14.3.4) ¼ Y€ n + a0 + a1 w2n Y n + w2n Yn Mfn ¼ ðt ÞMfn and Eq. (14.3.2) is written as pn ðt Þ ¼ ðt ÞMfn ¼ ðt Þen (14.3.5) From the forgoing equation, it is evident that the vectors en ¼ Mfn (n ¼ 1, 2, …, N ) do not change with time, therefore they provide a constant vector base to express the vector pðt Þ. Therefore, we can write pðt Þ ¼ N X an ðt Þen (14.3.6) n¼1 The coefficients an ðt Þ are evaluated using the orthogonality conditions (12.3.10) 0 i 6¼ n (14.3.7) fTi en ¼ fTi Mfn ¼ Mn i ¼ n Premultiplying Eq. (14.3.6) by fTn gives an ðt Þ ¼ fTn pðt Þ Mn (14.3.8) hence fTn pðt Þ en Mn fT pðt Þ ¼ n Mfn Mn pn ðt Þ ¼ (14.3.9) Multi-degree-of-freedom systems: Forced vibrations Chapter 14 631 The component pn ðt Þ of the load vector defined by the foregoing relation produces the generalized forces according to Eq. (14.2.4d) ðpn Þk ¼ fTk pn ðt Þ ¼ fTn pðt Þ T fk Mfn , Mn k ¼ 1, 2, …, N (14.3.10) which by virtue of the orthogonality condition yields Pn ð t Þ k ¼ n ðpn Þk ¼ 0 k 6¼ n That is, only the component Pn ðt Þ does not vanish. Hence, we deduce that pn ðt Þ excites only the nth eigenmode. We shall examine now the case where the external load is of the form pðt Þ ¼ Rf ðt Þ (14.3.11) where R is a constant vector expressing the spatial distribution of the loading and f ðt Þ a scalar function specifying the amplitude of the components pk ðt Þ ðk ¼ 1, 2, 3, …, N Þ of pðt Þ with respect to the global system of coordinates at time t. This type of loading is usual in structures, for example, in the case of support excitation produced by seismic ground motion (see Section 14.7). Substituting Eq. (14.3.11) into Eq. (14.3.3), gives pðt Þ ¼ f ðt Þ N X Rn (14.3.12) n¼1 and by virtue of Eq. (14.3.9) fTn R Mfn Mn ¼ Gn Mfn Rn ¼ (14.3.13) The quantity Gn ¼ fTn R Mn (14.3.14) provides a measure for determining the degree to which the nth eigenmode participates in the dynamic response and it is called the modal participation factor or simply the participation factor. However, this definition of Gn is not useful in the study of the dynamic response of structures as it depends on how the modes are normalized. Besides, it cannot be used as a measure of the modal contribution to a response quantity. Both drawbacks are overcome by introducing the modal contribution described next [1]. When pðt Þ ¼ Rf ðt Þ, the equation of motion (14.2.7) for the modal coordinate Yn is written as 632 PART II Multi-degree-of-freedom systems Y€ n + 2xn wn Y n + w2n Yn ¼ Gn f ðt Þ (14.3.15) y€n + 2xn wn y_ n + w2n yn ¼ f ðt Þ (14.3.16) Yn ¼ G n y n (14.3.17) or where Eq. (14.3.16) is identical to Eq. (3.3.16) and expresses the motion of the SDOF system when m ¼ 1, w ¼ wn , and pðt Þ ¼ f ðt Þ. The solution of Eq. (14.3.16) gives yn ðt Þ and Eq. (14.3.1b) gives the modal displacement un ¼ Gn fn yn ðt Þ (14.3.18) The corresponding elastic force is ðf S Þn ¼ Kun ¼ KGn fn yn ðt Þ which, taking into account that Kfn ¼ w2n Mfn , becomes ðf S Þn ¼ Gn Mfn w2n yn ðt Þ ¼ Rn w2n yn ðt Þ (14.3.19) (14.3.20) The dynamic response at time t is obtained as the static responsea when the structure is loaded by the elastic forces. We denote by qn ðt Þ the contribution of the nth mode to a certain quantity q ðt Þ (representing deformation or stress). Hence qn ðt Þ will be obtained as the static response of the structure produced by the load ðf S Þn . If qnst denotes the static response due to static load Rn , then we may write (14.3.21) qn ðt Þ ¼ qnst w2n yn ðt Þ The foregoing equation leads to the conclusion that the nth mode contribution qn ðt Þ is obtained as a result of two analyses: (1) the static analysis of the structure subjected to the external load Rn , and (2) the dynamic analysis of the nth mode SDOF system under the excitation force f ðt Þ. Therefore, the dynamic analysis requires the static analysis of the structure by N loadings Rn , n ¼ 1, 2, …,N , and the dynamic analysis of N different SDOF systems under the same excitation force f ðt Þ. a. The term static response is used in the sense that time is involved as a parameter and no inertial forces or damping forces are produced. This response is called also quasistatic. Multi-degree-of-freedom systems: Forced vibrations Chapter 14 633 The superposition of all response contributions gives the total response N X q ðt Þ ¼ qn ðt Þ n¼1 N X ¼ w2n yn ðt Þ qnst (14.3.22) n¼1 The previous modal analysis procedure provides a means to understand the contribution of modes to the dynamic response of a quantity and it can be measured by defining the quantity g qn ¼ qnst , q st q st ¼ N X qnst (14.3.23) n¼1 Note that q st results as the static analysis of the structure subjected to the load R. Evidently, this definition of g qn does not require the computation of all qnst when the response is approximated by the first few mode shapes. The quantity g qn defined by Eq. (14.3.23) is called the nth modal contribution factor of the quantity q. This modal contribution factor has three important properties, which show its advantage over the modal participation factor Gn defined by Eq. (14.3.14), namely (1) It is by definition dimensionless. (2) It does not depend on how the modes are normalized because qnst is due to the load Rn , which does not depend on the mode normalization method, and the modal properties do not enter into q st . (3) The sum of all participation factors is equal to unity N X g qn ¼ 1 (14.3.24) n¼1 On the basis of Eqs. (14.3.21), (14.3.23), the extreme value of qn ðt Þ is qn0 ¼ g qn q st w2n yn0 (14.3.25) where yn0 ¼ max t jyn ðt Þj. The static response ynst ðt Þ is obtained from Eq. (14.3.16), if the inertial and damping forces are neglected, that is, ynst ðt Þ ¼ f ðt Þ w2n (14.3.26) f0 w2n (14.3.27) Hence its extreme value is where f0 ¼ max t jf ðt Þj. ynst 0 ¼ 634 PART II Multi-degree-of-freedom systems The quantity Dn ¼ yn0 ynst 0 (14.3.28) defines the dynamic magnification factor of the nth mode. Thus, Eq. (14.3.25) by virtue of Eqs. (14.3.27), (14.3.28) becomes qn0 ¼ g qn q st f0 Dn (14.3.29) Eq. (14.3.29) shows that the extreme value of the nth mode contribution to the quantity q ðt Þ is the product of four quantities: (1) (2) (3) (4) The dimensionless modal contribution factor g qn the static value of q due to the loading R the maximum value of the function f ðt Þ the nth mode dynamic magnification factor Dn . It is emphasized that the quantities q st and g n depend only on the spatial distribution R of the external forces while Dn and f0 only on f ðt Þ. When the excitation is due to seismic ground motion, the quantity w2n yn0 , according to Eq. (6.2.21), represents the pseudoacceleration, Spa ðTn , xn Þ ¼ w2n yn0 , hence its value can be taken from the respective response spectrum (see Fig. 6.2.6). Example 14.3.1 The chimney of the variable cross-section shown in Fig. E14.4a is modeled with six beam elements of constant cross-section. Compute the modal contribution factor of (i) the base shear force Qb , (ii) the overturning moment Mb , and (iii) the top displacement u6 when the excita t. Assume: m1 ¼ 6m, m2 ¼ 5m, tion is due to ground motion ug ðt Þ ¼ uo sin w m3 ¼ 4m, m4 ¼ 3m, m5 ¼ 2m, m6 ¼ m, I1 ¼ 16I , I2 ¼ 11I , I3 ¼ 7I , I4 ¼ 4I , I5 ¼ 2I , and I6 ¼ I : q q q q q q (a) (b) (c) FIG. E14.4 Chimney in Example 14.2.2 (a); FEM model (b); Degrees of freedom (c). Multi-degree-of-freedom systems: Forced vibrations Chapter 14 635 Solution The equation of motion is (see Section 14.7). M€ u + Cu_ + Ku ¼ M1u€g T (1) t where 1 ¼ f 1 1 1 1 1 1 g , u€g ðt Þ ¼ w u0 sin w 2 1. Formulation of the matrices M, K and vector R The structure has 12 degrees of freedom, 6 translational, and 6 rotational (Fig. E14.4c). After the static condensation of the rotational degrees of freedom, we obtain: 2 3 6 0 0 0 0 0 60 5 0 0 0 07 6 7 60 0 4 0 0 07 7 M ¼ m6 (2) 60 0 0 3 0 07 6 7 40 0 0 0 2 05 0 0 0 0 0 1 2 3 232:80 121:78 37:89 7:11 1:21 0:15 6 121:78 122:97 69:99 21:01 3:57 0:44 7 6 7 6 37:89 69:99 72:03 39:04 10:73 1:34 7 6 7 (3) K ¼ k6 21:01 39:04 38:38 19:04 3:88 7 6 7:11 7 4 1:21 3:57 10:73 19:04 16:00 5:00 5 0:15 0:44 1:34 3:88 5:00 2:12 where k¼ Moreover, it is EI ðL=6Þ3 8 9 6> > > > > > > 5> > > > = < > 4 , f ðt Þ ¼ u€g ðt Þ R ¼ M1 ¼ m 3> > > > > > > > > > >2> ; : 1 2. Computation of eigenfrequencies and eigenmodes Using the MATLAB function [V, D]¼eig (K,M), we obtain pffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi pffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi pffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi w1 ¼ 0:2030 k=m , w2 ¼ 0:7570 k=m , w3 ¼ 1:7928 k=m pffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi pffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi pffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi w4 ¼ 3:3067 k=m , w5 ¼ 5:1964 k=m , w6 ¼ 7:9089 k=m (4) 636 PART II Multi-degree-of-freedom systems 2 0:0161 6 0:0645 6 1 6 6 0:1469 F ¼ pffiffiffiffiffi 6 m 6 0:2640 6 4 0:4133 0:5835 0:0547 0:1747 0:2736 0:2310 0:0662 0:6010 3 0:1123 0:1665 0:2106 0:2806 0:2478 0:1858 0:0205 0:2626 7 7 0:1305 0:1863 0:2569 0:1893 7 7 7 0:2348 0:1831 0:3320 0:1067 7 7 0:2981 0:4140 0:2491 0:0498 5 0:4539 0:2807 0:1148 0:0178 (5) 3. Computation of the vectors Rn The eigenmodes have been orthonormalized with respect to the mass. Hence, Mn ¼ 1, n ¼ 1, 2, …, 6. Then Eq. (14.3.14) gives pffiffiffiffiffi pffiffiffiffiffi pffiffiffiffiffi G1 ¼ 3:2094 m , G2 ¼ 2:2555 m , G3 ¼ 1:5881 m pffiffiffiffiffi pffiffiffiffiffi pffiffiffiffiffi G4 ¼ 1:1813 m , G5 ¼ 0:9509 m , G6 ¼ 0:8893 m The vectors Rn are computed from Eq. (14.3.13) R1 =m R2 =m R3 =m R4 =m R5 =m R6=m 0:311 0:739 1:070 1:180 1:201 1:497 1:036 1:970 1:967 1:098 0:097 1:168 1:886 2:468 0:829 0:880 0:977 0:673 2:542 1:563 1:119 0:649 0:947 0:284 2:653 0:298 0:947 0:978 0:474 0:088 1:873 1:355 0:721 0:333 0:109 0:016 st st st , Mbn , and u6n 4. Computation of Qbn The base shear is obtained as the sum of all the elastic forces while the overturning moment as the sum of the moments of all the elastic forces with respect to the base of the chimney. Thus, we have st ¼ Qbn 6 X Rkn ¼ 1T Rn k¼1 st Mbn ¼ 6 X hk Rkn ¼ hT Rn , k¼1 L hT ¼ f 1 2 3 4 5 6 g 6 The vector ust n is computed by considering the static analysis of the structure Gn 1 subjected to the external force Rn , that is, ust n ¼ K Rn ¼ w2 fn . Hence n st u6n ¼ Gn f : w2n 6n Multi-degree-of-freedom systems: Forced vibrations Chapter 14 637 Finally, the modal contribution factors are computed from Eq. (14.3.23): b gQ n ¼ st Qbn , 6 X st Qbk b gM n ¼ k¼1 st Mbn , 6 X st Mbk g un6 ¼ st u6n 6 X st u6k k¼1 k¼1 Their values are given in Table E14.1. From this table, we deduce that each quantity requires a different number of contributing modes to achieve a specified degree of approximation. For example, four modes for the base shear, two modes for the overturning moment, and one mode for the top displacement should contribute in order to achieve an approximation over 90%. TABLE E14.1 Modal contribution factors in Example 14.3.1. Base shear force Number of mode shape n b gQ n n¼1 1 0.4905 2 K P b gQ n Overturning moment K P b gM n Top displacement K P g un6 g un6 b gM n n¼1 0.4905 0.7627 0.7627 1.0500 1.0500 0.2423 0.7328 0.1556 0.9183 0.0549 0.9954 3 0.1201 0.8529 0.0466 0.9648 0.0052 1.0006 4 0.0664 0.9193 0.0186 0.9834 0.0007 0.9999 5 0.0430 0.9623 0.0096 0.9930 0.0000 1.0000 6 0.0377 1.0000 0.0070 1.0000 0.0000 1.0000 n¼1 Example 14.3.2 For the structure in Example 14.3.1, compute the extreme ¼ 1:5w1 , m ¼ 31:056 kN m1 s2 , values Qbn0 , Mbn0 , u6n0 when w k ¼ 5486:208 kN=m, L ¼ 75 m, x1 ¼ 0:06, and x2 ¼ x3 ¼ ⋯ ¼ x6 ¼ 0:04, u0 ¼ 1. Solution The extreme value qn0 of a quantity q is obtained from Eq. (14.3.29), namely qn0 ¼ g qn q st f0 Dn The modal contribution factors g qn (q Qb , Mb , u6 ) were computed in t, hence 2 sin w Example 14.3.1 and are given in Table E14.1. It is f ðt Þ ¼ u0 w 2 st st . The quantities Qb , Mb are obtained from the relations: f0 ¼ max jf ðt Þj ¼ u0 w Qbst ¼ 6 X k¼1 Rk ¼ 1T R ¼ 652:1760 kN (1) 638 PART II Multi-degree-of-freedom systems Mbst ¼ 6 X hk Rk ¼ hT R ¼ 21739:2 kN m (2) k¼1 The vector ust is obtained from the relation ust ¼ K1 R ¼ f 0:0088 0:0331 0:0711 0:1209 0:1802 0:2451 gT Hence u6st ¼ 0:2451 (3) The dynamic magnification factors Dn are computed from Eq. (14.3.28). This requires the solution of Eq. (14.3.16), which is given by Eq. (14.2.8). The initial conditions for the relative displacements are: wu0 1: uð0Þ ¼ utot ð0Þ ug ð0Þ ¼ 0 u_ ð0Þ ¼ u_ tot ð0Þ u_ g ð0Þ ¼ Therefore, the initial conditions yn ð0Þ, y_ n ð0Þ result from Eqs. (14.2.9a), (14.2.9b) with Mn ¼ 1, n ¼ 1, 2, …,6: yn ð0Þ ¼ y_ n ð0Þ ¼ Y n ð0Þ ¼ Yn ð0Þ fTn Muð0Þ ¼ ¼ 0, Gn Gn T _ g ð0Þ f n M u Gn ¼ wu0 n ¼ 1, 2, …, 6 fTn M1 , Gn n ¼ 1, 2, …,6 (4a) (4b) or taking into account that Gn ¼ fTn R ¼ fTn M1, we obtain wu0 , n ¼ 1, 2, …,6 y_ n ð0Þ ¼ (5) t 2 sin w Then Eq. (14.2.8) gives for Mn ¼ 1, Pn ðt Þ ¼ u0 w yn ðt Þ xn wn t w ¼e sin wDn t u0 wDn Z 2 t w τexn wn ðtτÞ sin ½wDn ðt τÞdτ sin w wDn 0 (6) The eigenfrequencies wn are taken from Example 14.3.1, which for data of this problem become w1 ¼ 2:6977, w2 ¼ 10:0608, w3 ¼ 23:8283 w4 ¼ 43:9498, w5 ¼ 69:0658, w6 ¼ 105:1181 14 639 R2(t) R1(t) Multi-degree-of-freedom systems: Forced vibrations Chapter t R4(t) R3(t) t t R6(t) R5(t) t t t FIG. E14.5 Time history of the response ratios and modal magnification factors in Example 14.4.2. Eq. (6) demands the analytical evaluation of the Duhamel integral, which leads to a complicated expression. To avoid this, the solution is obtained numerically using the program called aem_lin.m described in Section 4.4 while the modal dynamic magnification factors are obtained from the relation Dn ¼ max ðjRn jÞt , where Rn ðt Þ ¼ yn =ðyn Þst ðn ¼ 1, 2, …, 6Þ represents the respective response ratio within the integration interval. Their graphical 640 PART II Multi-degree-of-freedom systems representation is shown in Fig. E14.5, in which the dynamic magnification factors are annotated. Table E14.2 shows the extreme values Qbn0 , Mbn0 , u6n0 TABLE E14.2 Extreme values of Qbn0 , Mbn0 , and u6n0 in Example 14.3.2. Qbn0 ¼ st b gQ n Qb f0 Dn Mbn0 ¼ st b gM n Mb f0 Dn 2.084 10916.50 565819.0 8.78 0.171 2.575 6663.12 142631.0 0.56 3 0.067 5.628 7218.45 93361.1 0.11 4 0.036 10.263 7277.62 67953.7 0.03 5 0.023 16.082 7385.09 54958.8 0.00 6 0.016 24.435 9837.86 60888.6 0.00 n tn 1 1.819 2 Dn u6n0 ¼ g un6 u6st f0 Dn Example 14.3.3 The chimney of Example 14.3.1 is subjected to horizontal loading pðt Þ ¼ Rf ðt Þ, where R ¼ lfk , that is, the spatial distribution is proportional to the kth eigenmode when l is a constant. Compute the modal contribution factors of the base shear when k ¼ 1, 2. Solution The vector Rn is obtained from Eq. (14.3.13), namely Rn ¼ Gn Mfn where Gn ¼ fTn R ¼ lfTn fk n ¼ 1, 2, …,6 In general it is 6¼ 0. Hence, Rn 6¼ 0 and the loading pðt Þ excites all the mode shapes, in contrast to the free vibrations where only the corresponding mode shape is excited when the initial conditions are proportional to a certain of its mode shapes (see Example 12.9.2). The mass matrix, the stiffness matrix, and the mode shapes are taken from Example 14.3.1. fTn fk (i) R ¼ lf1 Computation of Rn and g Q n The mode shapes have been orthonormalized with respect to the mass, hence Mn ¼ 1, n ¼ 1, 2, …, 6. Eq. (14.3.14) gives: pffiffiffiffiffi pffiffiffiffiffi pffiffiffiffiffi G1 ¼ 0:6071l m , G2 ¼ 0:2647l m , G3 ¼ 0:1167l m pffiffiffiffiffi pffiffiffiffiffi pffiffiffiffiffi G4 ¼ 0:0537l m , G5 ¼ 0:0186l m , G6 ¼ 0:0025l m Multi-degree-of-freedom systems: Forced vibrations Chapter 14 641 The vectors Rn are obtained from Eq. (14.3.13): lR1 =m lR1 =m lR1 =m lR1 =m lR1 =m lR1 =m 0:0588 0:0868 0:0786 0:0536 0:0235 0:0043 0:1959 0:2312 0:1445 0:0499 0:0019 0:0034 0:3568 0:2897 0:0609 0:0400 0:0191 0:0019 0:4808 0:1835 0:0822 0:0295 0:0185 0:0008 0:5018 0:0351 0:0695 0:0445 0:0093 0:0002 0:3542 0:1591 0:0529 0:0151 0:0021 0:0000 The contribution factors are obtained from Eq. (14.3.23) gQ n ¼ ½1:30894, 0:40112, 0:12445, 0:04263, 0:01188, 0:00153 (ii) R ¼ lf2 Computation of Rn and g Q n Eq. (14.3.14) gives: pffiffiffiffiffi pffiffiffiffiffi pffiffiffiffiffi G1 ¼ 0:2647l m , G2 ¼ 0:5273l m , G3 ¼ 0:22218l m pffiffiffiffiffi pffiffiffiffiffi pffiffiffiffiffi G4 ¼ 0:0895l m , G5 ¼ 0:0309l m , G6 ¼ 0:0040l m Eq. (14.3.13) gives: lR1 =m 0:0256 0:0854 0:1555 0:2096 0:2188 0:1544 lR2 =m lR2 =m lR2 =m lR2 =m lR2 =m 0:1729 0:1497 0:0894 0:0391 0:0067 0:4605 0:2752 0:0832 0:0031 0:0052 0:5770 0:1159 0:0667 0:0317 0:0030 0:3654 0:1565 0:0491 0:0308 0:0012 0:0698 0:1324 0:0741 0:0154 0:0003 0:3168 0:1008 0:0251 0:0035 0:0000 and using Eq. (14.3.23), we obtain gQ n ¼ ½12:7194, 17:8053, 5:2824, 1:5837, 0:4405, 0:0532 14.3.2 Static correction method When the time function f ðt Þ in Eq. (14.3.11) is harmonic, that is, t, the dynamic load magnification factor Dn approaches the unity f ðt Þ ¼ f0 sin w , where Tn ¼ 2p=wn is the nat =wn ¼ Tn =T for small values of the ratio b n ¼ w ural period of the nth eigenmode and T ¼ 2p= w is the period of the loading. This becomes evident from Fig. 3.2.3. The same applies when the ratio Tn =ttot is very small or the ratio ttot =Tn is too large, where ttot is the duration of loading. This is shown in Fig. 14.3.1, which represents the variation of the dynamic magnification factor Dn versus the ratio ttot =Tn when the loading is the acceleration of the Athens earthquake, September 7, 1999, f ðt Þ ¼ u€g ðt Þ, of total duration 642 PART II Multi-degree-of-freedom systems ttot ¼ 39 s. We observe that for ttot =Tn > 1000, hence for periods Tn < 0:039 s or eigenfrequencies wn > 160s1 , we may ignore the dynamic effect and assume Dn 1 for eigenmodes of order n > Nd , where Nd is the number of eigenmodes with Tn > 0:039 s and Dn noticeably greater than the one. This observation is the quintessence of the static correction method, presented next. Suppose that we use N eigenmodes to approximate the dynamic response of a quantity q ðt Þ. We split the contribution of eigenmodes into two parts. The first Nd eigenmodes with Dn greater than one and the remaining N Nd with Dn close to one. Then we can write q ðt Þ ¼ Nd X N X qnst w2n yn ðt Þ + n¼1 qnst w2n ynst ðt Þ (14.3.30) n¼Nd + 1 where yn ðt Þ is taken from the solution of Eq. (14.3.16) and ynst ðt Þ from Eq. (14.3.26). Substituting Eq. (14.3.26) into Eq. (14.3.30) and using Eq. (14.3.23) we obtain q ðt Þ ¼ Nd N X X qnst wn2 yn ðt Þ + f ðt Þ qnst n¼1 ( ¼q st n¼Nd + 1 Nd X gqn wn2 yn ðt Þ + f ðt Þ n¼1 ) N X (14.3.31) gqn n¼Nd + 1 3.5 x =0.05 x =0.1 x =0.15 3 Dn 2.5 2 1.5 1 0.5 0 0 200 400 600 800 1000 t tot /Tn 1200 1400 1600 FIG. 14.3.1 Variation of the dynamic magnification factor Dn versus the ratio ttot/Tn Eq. (14.3.24) gives N X n¼Nd + 1 g qn ¼ 1 Nd X n¼1 g qn (14.3.32) Multi-degree-of-freedom systems: Forced vibrations Chapter 14 643 which is substituted into Eq. (14.3.31) to give ( q ðt Þ ¼ q st Nd X g qn w2n yn ðt Þ + f ðt Þ 1 n¼1 Nd X !) g qn (14.3.33) n¼1 or ( q ðt Þ ¼ q st f ðt Þ + Nd X g qn w2n yn ðt Þ f ðt Þ ) (14.3.34) n¼1 It becomes obvious from the foregoing equation that the computation of q ðt Þ requires the determination of only Nd eigenfrequencies and eigenmodes. In Eq. (14.3.33), the term ! Nd X q gn (14.3.35) f ðt Þ 1 n¼1 represents the static correction that should be added to the dynamic solution in order to obtain the total dynamic response. This method is known as the static correction method. This static correction method is very useful when the contribution of higher eigenmodes to a quantity q ðt Þ cannot be neglected in dynamic analysis, but the corresponding dynamic magnification factors produced by the excitation force f ðt Þ are close to one. In such cases, the combination of the dynamic response of a few lower eigenmodes together with the static correction will give results, which adequately approximate the response obtained by the mode superposition method. The advantage of the static correction method offers a significant reduction in the computational task, especially when the equations are solved numerically. The example that follows illustrates the merits of this method. Example 14.3.4 The chimney in Example 14.3.1 is subjected to the wind blast load pðt Þ ¼ Rf ðt Þ R ¼ f 1:5 6:0 15:0 25:0 40:0 60:0 gT . The time function f ðt Þ is given in Fig. E14.6 (p0 ¼ 1 t1 ¼ 0:1). Compute the response of the base shear force, the overturning moment, and the top displacement using the exact mode superposition method as well as the static correction method by including the dynamic response of the eigenmodes with Dn > 1:15. Compare the extreme values obtained from the two methods. The equation of motion will be solved numerically to obtain yn ðt Þ. L ¼ 75 m, x1 ¼ 0:06, x2 ¼ x3 ¼ ⋯ ¼ x6 ¼ 0:04, m ¼ 31:056 kN m1 s2 , and k ¼ 5486:208 kN=m. II Multi-degree-of-freedom systems f(t) 644 PART t FIG. E14.6 Time variation of the blast load in Example 14.3.4. Solution The mass matrix, stiffness matrix, eigenfrequencies, and mode shapes are taken from Example 14.3.1 for the given values of k and m. The vectors Rn are obtained from Eq. (14.3.13) with Mn ¼ 1. Thus, we obtain R1 5:888 19:604 35:708 48:124 50:225 35:456 R2 9:085 24:191 30:311 19:197 3:6693 16:644 R3 R4 R5 R6 8:7984 6:284 2:279 0:096 16:170 5:843 0:184 0:075 6:8147 4:685 1:853 0:043 9:196 3:454 1:796 0:018 7:782 5:206 0:899 0:005 5:925 1:765 0:207 0:001 st st st The quantities Qbn , Mbn , and u6n are computed from the relations st ¼ Qbn 6 X Rkn ¼ 1T Rn k¼1 st Mbn ¼ 6 X hk Rkn ¼ hT Rn , k¼1 st u6n ¼ L hT ¼ f 1 2 3 4 5 6 g 6 Gn f w2n 6n The modal contribution factors of Qb , Mb are obtained from Eq. (14.3.23). The computed values are given in Table E14.3. The dynamic magnification factors are computed from the relation Dn ¼ max jRðt Þj, where Rðt Þ ¼ yn ðt Þ= ynst 0 is t the response ratio of the nth mode and ynst 0 ¼ f0 =w2n . For the given loading it is f0 ¼ 1. Hence Multi-degree-of-freedom systems: Forced vibrations Chapter st y1 0 ¼ 0:1374, y2st st y4 0 ¼ 0:5170 103 , 0 ¼ 0:9870 102 , y3st st y5 0 ¼ 0:2096 103 , 0 645 14 ¼ 0:1761 102 y6st 0 ¼ 0:9045 104 TABLE E14.3 Modal contribution factors in Example 14.3.4. Base shear force Qb Mode shape n K P b gQ n n¼1 b gQ n Overturning moment Mb K P b gM n n¼1 b gM n Top displacement u6 K P g un6 n¼1 g un6 1 1.3221 1.3221 1.1254 1.1254 0.9652 0.9652 2 0.4235 0.8985 0.1489 0.9765 0.0325 0.9977 3 0.1405 1.0391 0.0298 1.0063 0.0021 0.9998 4 0.0503 0.9887 0.0077 0.9986 0.0002 0.9999 5 0.0116 1.0003 0.0014 1.00004 0.0000 0.9999 6 0.0003 1.0000 0.00004 1.0000 0.0000 1.000 Qbst ¼ 147:5 kN Mbst ¼ 8981:25 kN m u6st ¼ 0:156 m The values max jyn ðt Þj are obtained from the solution of Eq. (14.3.16), t where f ðt Þ is obtained from Fig. E14.6. The initial conditions are uð0Þ ¼ u_ ð0Þ ¼ 0, which yields yn ð0Þ ¼ y_ n ð0Þ ¼ 0. The solution of the equation of motion is obtained numerically using the program aemlin.m developed in Section 4.4. Thus, we obtain D1 ¼ 0:2461, D2 ¼ 0:8803, D3 ¼ 1:4990 D4 ¼ 1:4787, D5 ¼ 1:1482, D6 ¼ 1:1169 We observe that the dynamic magnification factors of the last two modes are close to one, so we can include the two higher modes in the static correction and obtain the total response from Eq. (14.3.34) with Nd ¼ 4. That is ( ) 4 X st q 2 g n wn yn ðt Þ f ðt Þ q ðt Þ ¼ q f ðt Þ + n¼1 646 PART II Multi-degree-of-freedom systems Qb (t) Static correction Exact t Mb (t) Static correction Exact t u6(t) Static correction Exact t FIG. E14.7 Time history of Qb , Mb , u6 . where q Qb ,Mb , u6 . Fig. E14.7 gives the graphical representation of Qb ,Mb ,u6 . They were obtained from the foregoing equation as well as from the exact method, that is, by including all eigenmodes. The extreme values max jQb j, max jMb j, and max ju6 j together with the instants tmax they occur Multi-degree-of-freedom systems: Forced vibrations Chapter 14 647 are given in Table E14.4. It becomes obvious that the static correction method provides very good results. TABLE E14.4 Extreme values max jQb j, max jMb j, max ju6 j in Example 14.3.4. Base shear force max jQb j Extreme value tmax Overturning moment max jMb j Top displacement max ju6 j Exact Static correction Exact Static correction Exact Static correction 92.4876 91.500 3341.2 3341.4 0.0384 0.0384 0.634 0.634 0.751 0.751 0.620 0.620 14.3.3 Error in mode superposition method due to truncation of higher modes From the results in Examples 14.3.1 and 14.3.3, we conclude that for a given spatial distribution R of the external load, the contribution of eigenmodes is not the same for all quantities q ðt Þ. For instance, in Example 14.3.1, the contribution of one eigenmode of the top displacement is sufficient to reach 100% of the total response while the contribution of five eigenmodes of the base shear force and three eigenmodes of the overturning moment are required to cover 95% of their total response. Similar findings result from Example 14.3.3, that is, more eigenmodes of the base shear force than of the top displacement or the overturning moment should contribute in order to obtain the same approximation of the response. However, we cannot reach decisive conclusions because the above findings apply to structures of a specific geometry and support conditions (here, cantilever). But even in such cases, as can be seen from Eq. (14.3.22), the modal contribution depends also on the factor w2n yn ðt Þ, that is, the pseudoacceleration, which is influenced by the dynamic characteristics of the eigenmode and the time function f ðt Þ with an extreme value f0 Dn . The results in Example 14.3.2 illustrate this influence. Therefore, the answer to the question as to how many eigenmodes must be included in the dynamic analysis by the mode superposition method to obtain an accurate solution is: Include all of them at the first instance. However, the need to reduce the computational task requires the truncation of eigenmodes. We can adequately approximate the value of a quantity q ðt Þ by including modes with a large modal contribution factor g qn and a dynamic magnification factor Dn appreciably greater than one. For the eigenmodes with large values of g qn but with Dn 1, the method of static correction limits the dynamic analysis to a few lower eigenmodes. It should be noted that the extreme value 648 PART II Multi-degree-of-freedom systems max jq ðt Þj cannot be obtained as a superposition of max jqn ðt Þj ¼ q st g qn f0 Dn t t because the values Dn do not occur at the same time. A measure to estimate the truncation error produced by omitting higher-order eigenmodes may result from the following consideration. Let K N be the number of eigenmodes that we include in the superposition. This means that the displacement vector is approximated by the sum u¼ K X un n¼1 ¼ K X (14.3.36) fn Yn n¼1 Substituting u into Eq. (14.1.1) gives K X MY€ n + CY n + KYn fn ¼ e pðt Þ (14.3.37) n¼1 Obviously, it is e pðt Þ 6¼ pðt Þ, when K < N . Taking into account Eq. (14.3.2), Eq. (14.3.37) becomes K X pn ðt Þ ¼ e pðt Þ (14.3.38) n¼1 Namely, the K < N modal forces equilibrate a part of the external force pðt Þ. This results in an error e¼pe p (14.3.39) Then the error norm eK for e can be defined as eK ¼ pT e pT p (14.3.40) This gives eK ¼ 0, if K ¼ N , and e ¼ 1, K ¼ 0. Obviously, when the loading is given by Eq. (14.3.11), the error takes the form eK ¼ RT e RT R (14.3.41) where now e¼R K X Rn n¼1 K X ¼R Gn Mfn (14.3.42) n¼1 Table E14.5 gives the mode truncation error in Examples 14.3.1 and 14.3.3. Multi-degree-of-freedom systems: Forced vibrations Chapter 14 649 TABLE E14.5 Truncation error e ¼ RT e=RT R. Example 14.3.3 Number of modes K Example 14.3.1 k ¼1 1 0.6770 3.275e5 2 0.3814 2.325e5 5.409e5 3 0.2160 2.000e5 8.891e5 4 0.1201 2.008e5 9.377e5 5 0.0565 2.057e5 9.505e5 6 3.59e11 2.048e5 9.485e5 k ¼2 1.000 14.4 Reduction of the dynamic degrees of freedom The modeling of structures with finite elements leads to MDOF systems with a large number of degrees of freedom. Although in the static analysis, a fine discretization is necessary to determine accurately the deformation and stress of the structure, in dynamic analysis reliable results can be obtained without a fine discretization. On the contrary, the large number of degrees of freedom makes the dynamic analysis laborious and complicated because it requires the determination of a large number of eigenfrequencies and eigenmodes, whose contribution to the response may be negligible. We can use the discretization employed for the static analysis also for the dynamic analysis, but after reducing considerably the degrees of freedom. The usual methods of achieving that are: (a) by the static condensation, (b) by imposing kinematic constraints, and (c) by the Rayleigh-Ritz method. 14.4.1 Static condensation In the directions of some displacements of a structure, the inertial forces are zero or very small, and therefore they can be neglected. The equations of motion in these directions degenerate into static equations and are used to eliminate the corresponding displacements. This is common when simulating structures with finite elements. Because of the lumped assumption, the rotational inertia of the concentrated masses is zero, hence the corresponding inertial quantities are also zero. Therefore, the rotational degrees of freedom, though being necessary to approximate accurately the stiffness of the structure, have a negligible contribution to the dynamic response. Apparently, static condensation significantly reduces the degrees of freedom. The static condensation and its implementation procedure have already been described in detail in Section 11.4. 650 PART II Multi-degree-of-freedom systems 14.4.2 Kinematic constraints The geometry of a structure and the properties of parts or members of it allow for the introduction of the kinematic constraints, which express the displacements of certain degrees of freedom in terms of a smaller set of them. We encountered this problem in Section 11.7, where we discussed the axial constraints in frames, or in Section 11.11, where the general problem of rigid bodies in flexible structures was studied. The importance of this reduction is illustrated with the following two examples. We consider the frame plane of Fig. 14.4.1, in which the infill wall B contributes to the stiffness of the frame. The frame without the wall has 9 3 ¼ 27 degrees of freedom. The response of the wall is that of a plane elastic body. Because its deformation is very small compared to that of the frame, it can be considered as a plane rigid body. Therefore, the nodes a,b,c, d are constrained by the rigid body B and the 4 3 degrees of freedom are reduced to 3, thus the remaining degrees of freedom are 18ð¼ 5 3 + 3Þ. The static condensation of the 5 unconstrained rotational degrees of freedom reduces the degrees of freedom to 18 5 ¼ 13. Finally, the axial constraints of the 11 beam elements reduce the degrees of freedom to 13 11 ¼ 2. Hence, the remaining degrees of freedom are the two horizontal displacements u1 ð¼ u2 Þ and u3 . FIG. 14.4.1 Plane frame with an infill wall. As a second example, we consider the 3-story building of Fig. 14.4.2 consisting of 6 plane frames, 3 in the x-direction and 3 in the y-direction, and 3 horizontal slabs (plates). The 9 vertical columns together with the beams supporting the plates are simulated with a space frame of total nodes n ¼ 27, each having 6 degrees of freedom, 3 translational and 3 rotational. Thus the number of degrees of freedom are N 0 ¼ 27 6 ¼ 162. The floor slabs, also called diaphragms, although flexible in the vertical direction, are usually very stiff in their own plane and can be assumed as rigid plane bodies. This assumption restrains the displacements in the xy-plane and rotations about the vertical axis at each floor level and reduces their number to 3, that is, equal to the degrees of freedom of a plane rigid body moving in its plane Multi-degree-of-freedom systems: Forced vibrations Chapter 14 651 (see Example 1.5.6). Therefore, 3 9 ¼ 27 degrees of freedom within the xy plane are reduced to 3 and the total degrees of freedom are reduced to N 00 ¼ 162 3 3 9 + 3 3 ¼ 90. Further, neglecting the axial deformation of the columns, an assumption valid for a building of small height compared to the other two dimensions, introduces additional 3 9 ¼ 27 constraints, which reduce the degrees of freedom to N 000 ¼ 90 3 9 ¼ 63. Finally, static condensation allows the elimination of the rotational degrees of freedom about x and y, which amass 2 9 ¼ 18 degrees of freedom at each floor. Hence, the active degrees of freedom are limited to N ¼ 63 3 2 9 ¼ 9, that is, equal to the number of degrees of freedom of the three slabs. The procedures of reducing the degrees of freedom were presented in Section 11.6. FIG. 14.4.2 Three-story building with diaphragms. 14.5 Rayleigh-Ritz method 14.5.1 Ritz transformation In Section 10.5.1, we described the Ritz method as the method of global shape functions to approximate the dynamic response of continuous systems. In that method, the function u ðx, t Þ representing the displacement of the points of the structure was approximated by the superposition u ðx, t Þ K X i ðx Þui ðt Þ (14.5.1) i¼1 where i ðx Þ are functions representing deformation patterns of the structure and ui ðt Þ time functions that play the role of generalized coordinates and can represent displacements of certain points or rotations of cross-sections. In order that function u ðx, t Þ approximates the actual deformation of the structure, the functions i ðx Þ must be (i) geometrically admissible and (ii) linearly independent. Besides, they must be continuously differentiable up to the degree required by the equation in which they are involved. The Ritz method can also be applied to MDOF systems. Indeed, its application to these systems does not encounter the difficulties of continuous systems, where the establishment of shape functions is a very difficult mathematical 652 PART II Multi-degree-of-freedom systems problem, especially for bodies of arbitrary shape [2]. In MDOF systems, the shape functions are replaced by a set of discrete displacements, which define admissible deformation patterns of the structure. Ritz applied this method in 1909 as an extension of Rayleigh’s method to establish the lower eigenfrequencies, therefore it is also known as the Rayleigh-Ritz method. For that reason, in the Ritz method for the MDOF systems, the displacement vector is expressed as the superposition of a number of linearly independent vectors representing possible deformation patterns of the structure. These vectors are referred to as Ritz vectors. Thus, we can write u ¼ y1 z1 ðt Þ + y2 z2 ðt Þ + ⋯ + yK zK ðt Þ ¼ xz (14.5.2) where z represent the vector of K generalized coordinates and C the matrix of the Ritz vectors with dimensions N K ðK N Þ. The transformation defined by Eq. (14.5.2) is known as the Ritz transformation. Apparently, the transformation u ¼ FY we met in Section 12.9 represents a special case of the Ritz transformation when the vibration modes are used as the Ritz vectors. Substituting the vector u from Eq. (14.5.2) into Eq. (14.1.1) gives Mx€z + Cx z_ + Kxz ¼pðt Þ (14.5.3) which, when premultiplied by x , gives T e z + Kz e z + C_ e ¼e M€ pðt Þ (14.5.4) where e ¼ x T Cx, K e ¼ x T Kx, e e ¼ x T Mx, C pðt Þ ¼ x T pðt Þ M (14.5.5) Eq. (14.5.4) represents a system of K differential equations for the generalized coordinates zk ðt Þ. The Ritz vectors generally do not satisfy the orthogonality conditions, so consequently the matrices defined by Eq. (14.5.5) are not diagonal; hence Eq. (14.5.4) is coupled. Nevertheless, their solution can be obtained using the method of superposition presented in Section 14.2. Thus, e n and eigenmodes zn from we have first to establish the eigenfrequencies w the solution of the eigenvalue problem e w e z¼0 e2 M K (14.5.6) Then the transformation e ðt Þ z ¼ ΖY (14.5.7) reduces Eq. (14.5.4) to K SDOF equations, whose solution gives the modal e 2 ðt Þ ⋯ Y e K ðt ÞgT . e ð t Þ ¼ fY e 1 ðt Þ Y coordinates Y The natural displacements result from Eq. (14.5.2), which by virtue of Eq. (14.5.7) gives Multi-degree-of-freedom systems: Forced vibrations Chapter 14 653 e ðt Þ u ¼ xΖY eY e ðt Þ ¼F (14.5.8) e ¼ xΖ F (14.5.9) e n ¼ xz f n (14.5.10) where it was set or The latter equation is analogous to Eq. (14.5.2) and expresses the Ritz transformation of the mode shapes of the eigenvalue problem (14.5.6). We can reade n satisfy the orthogonality ily show that the transformed eigenmodes f conditions with respect to the original mass and stiffness matrices M and K, namely e i ¼ 0, e T Mf f n e T Kf e i ¼ 0, n 6¼ i f n (14.5.11) Indeed, we have e T Mf e i ¼ xzn T M xzi f n ¼ zTn x T Mx zi e i ¼ zTn Mz ¼0 (14.5.12) because zn and zi are mode shapes of the eigenvalue problem (14.5.6). Similarly, we prove the second orthogonality condition. The orthogonality with respect to the damping matrix holds only if it is a proportional damping matrix as discussed in Section 12.11. If the eigenmodes are orthonormalized with respect to mass, we have e n ¼ 1, zTn Mz e n ¼w e 2n zTn Kz (14.5.13) e T Kf en ¼ w e 2n f n (14.5.14) A consequence of this is e n ¼ 1, e T Mf f n It is reasonable to raise the question of why we use the Rayleigh-Ritz method because it also demands the solution of an eigenvalue problem. The reason is because the Rayleigh-Ritz method has important advantages over the mode superposition method, the most noteworthy of which is the significant reduction in the number of equations of motion if the number K of the Ritz vectors is taken sufficiently smaller than N . The obtained solution by this method is approximate in nature. Therefore, to be able to use the Rayleigh-Ritz method, we have to answer first the following questions: 654 PART II Multi-degree-of-freedom systems 1. How good is the dynamic solution approximated when it is obtained using the Ritz method? 2. How can we derive Ritz vectors for a given structure? The answers are given immediately below. 14.5.2 Approximation using Ritz vectors We assume that the displacement vector u defined by Eq. (14.5.2) represents a deformation configuration of the structure. The Rayleigh quotient corresponding to this vector is given by Eq. (12.6.21). Hence uT Ku uT Mu zT x T Kxz ¼ T T z x Mxz e zT Kz ¼ e zT Mz rðuÞ ¼ or r ð zÞ ¼ e zT Kz T e z Mz (14.5.15) The value of the Rayleigh quotient is altered by changing the selected deformation pattern, which occurs when one or more of the components of the vector e and M e are positive definite, hence rðzÞ has finite z change. The matrices K values and according to Eq. (12.6.2), we have 0 < l1 rðuÞ lN < 1 (14.5.16) We know that in the neighborhood of an eigenvalue, rðzÞ takes a stationary value (see Section 12.6), which is a minimum near all eigenvalues except near lN , where it is a maximum. The condition ensuring this is ∂r ¼ 0, ∂zk or k ¼ 1, 2, …, K Te e ∂ zT Mz e 1 ∂ z Kz zT Kz ¼0 2 e ∂zk ∂zk zT Mz e zT Mz or by virtue of Eq. (14.5.15) e ∂ zT Kz ∂zk r e ∂ zT Mz ∂zk ¼0 (14.5.17) (14.5.18) (14.5.19) Multi-degree-of-freedom systems: Forced vibrations Chapter 14 655 e and M e are symmetric and that Taking into account that the matrices K T ∂z=∂zk ¼ ∂z =∂zk ¼ I, we obtain e ∂ zT Kz ∂zT e e ∂z ¼ Kz + zT K (14.5.20a) ∂zk ∂zk ∂zk e ¼ 2Kz and similarly e ∂ zT Mz ∂zk ¼ ∂zT e e ∂z Mz + zT M ∂zk ∂zk (14.5.20b) e ¼ 2Mz Substituting Eqs. (14.5.20a), (14.5.20b) into Eq. (14.5.19) gives e rM e z¼0 K (14.5.21) which proves that the stationary values of r are the eigenvalues of the transformed eigenvalue problem (14.5.21). The eigenvalue problem is solved using any of the methods presented in Chapter 13. The eigenvalues give the eigenfrequencies pffiffiffiffiffi en ¼ rn , n ¼ 1, 2, …, K (14.5.22) w and the eigenvector zn gives the natural mode e n ¼ xz f n (14.5.23) e n are the best approximation to the corresponding e n and f The quantities w actual ones. It is observed (see Example 14.6.1) that the accuracy of the approximation is better for the lower eigenfrequencies and mode shapes. According to what we stated in Section 12.6, it holds e1 , w1 w e2 , … w2 w eK 1 wK 1 w and e K wK w (14.5.24) 14.6 Selection of Ritz vectors The efficiency of the Rayleigh-Ritz method depends on the appropriate selection of the Ritz vectors so that they can approximate the natural vibration modes. Various methods have been developed for their selection. Two of them are presented below. The first method is based on the knowledge of the shapes of natural modes while in the second method the Ritz vectors are derived by a computational process. 656 PART II Multi-degree-of-freedom systems 14.6.1 Method of natural mode shapes In this method, we select the shapes of natural modes as Ritz vectors. Thus n is selected so that it has the shape of fn . The eigenmode fn is not computed by solving the eigenvalue problem, but its shape is known from the analysis of similar structures. For example, we know that the first two natural modes of a multistory shear frame have the shapes shown in Fig. 14.6.1. The components i1 and i2 are arbitrary but with the limitation that their graphs give the shapes of 1 and 2 shown in Fig. 14.6.1. For example, we can take T T 1 ¼ f 0:25 0:5 0:75 1:00 g and 2 ¼ f 0:3 0:5 0:20 1:00 g . FIG. 14.6.1 Shapes of natural modes of a multistory shear frame. Apparently, the method of natural mode shapes requires the experience of its user. It is clear that this method becomes difficult for complicated structures and practically impossible for three-dimensional structures. The following example illustrates the implementation of the method of natural mode shapes. Example 14.6.1 Determine the eigenfrequencies and mode shapes of the chimney in Example 14.3.1 using the Rayleigh-Ritz with (i) two, (ii) three, and (iii) four Ritz vectors. Use the mode shapes of the cantilever with a constant crosssection as Ritz vectors. (a) (b) (c) FIG. E14.8 Ritz vectors in Example 14.6.1. Multi-degree-of-freedom systems: Forced vibrations Chapter 14 657 Solution The mode shapes of the cantilever with a constant cross-section are obtained from Eq. (8.3.41). Because C1 is arbitrary, we may write n ðx Þ ¼ 1 ½ cosh an x cos an x Cn ð sinh an x sin an xÞ 2 where an ¼ bn L, x ¼ x=L, Cn ¼ cosh an + cos an sinh an + sin an The values of an for n ¼ 1, 2, 3, 4 are taken from Table 8.3.1, That is a1 ¼ 1:875, a2 ¼ 4:694, a3 ¼ 7:855, a4 ¼ 10:995 TABLE E14.6 Ritz vectors in Example 14.6.1. xi 1 2 3 4 0.167 0.05 0.23 0.49 0.70 0.333 0.16 0.59 0.72 0.22 0.500 0.34 0.71 0.02 0.72 0.667 0.55 0.42 0.64 0.17 0.833 0.77 0.22 0.22 0.55 1.000 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 The values of the Ritz vectors are given in Table E14.6 and their graphs in Fig. E14.8. 1. Mass and stiffness matrices They are obtained from Example 14.3.1. 3 2 6 0 0 0 0 0 60 5 0 0 0 07 7 6 60 0 4 0 0 07 7 M ¼ m6 6 0 0 0 3 0 0 7, 7 6 40 0 0 0 2 05 0 0 0 0 0 1 2 3 232:80 121:78 37:89 7:11 1:21 0:15 6 121:78 122:97 69:99 21:01 3:57 0:44 7 6 7 6 37:89 69:99 72:03 39:04 10:73 1:34 7 7 K ¼ k6 6 7:11 21:01 39:04 38:38 19:04 3:88 7 6 7 4 1:21 3:57 10:73 19:04 16:00 5:00 5 0:15 0:44 1:34 3:88 5:00 2:12 658 PART II Multi-degree-of-freedom systems e and K e for two Ritz vectors (a) Computation of the matrices M In this case, it is 2 3 0:05 0:23 6 0:16 0:59 7 6 7 6 0:34 0:71 7 7 x¼6 6 0:55 0:42 7 6 7 4 0:77 0:22 5 1:00 1:00 Hence e ¼ x T Mx ¼ m 3:6987 0:8608 , M 0:8608 5:7003 e ¼ x T Kx ¼ k 0:1911 0:3397 K 0:3397 4:5018 e rM e z ¼ 0 becomes Thus, the reduced eigenvalue problem K m 0 0:1948 0:3305 3:6987 0:8608 z1 ¼ , l¼r l z2 0 0:3305 4:4985 0:8608 5:7003 k Using any of the methods presented in Chapter 12, we obtain l1 ¼ 0:0459, l2 ¼ 0:7974. Hence k k 1:0000 0:1257 r1 ¼ 0:0459 , r2 ¼ 0:7974 , z ¼ 0:0708 1:0000 m m (b) Computation of the approximate eigenfrequencies and mode shapes. They are obtained from the relations pffiffiffiffiffi e n ¼ rn , fn ¼ xzn w The obtained results are given in Table E14.7 in juxtaposition to the exact ones. Moreover, Tables E14.8 and E14.9 present the results obtained using three and four Ritz vectors, respectively. We note that the use of four Ritz vectors produces very good results for the first two eigenfrequencies and mode shapes. A practical rule is to use 2n Ritz vectors to achieve a good approximation of n eigenfrequencies and mode shapes. TABLE E14.7 Results obtained using two Ritz vectors in Example 14.6.1. Rayleigh-Ritz Exact pffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi e1 ¼ 0:2143 k=m w pffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi w e2 ¼ 0:8930 k=m 3 2 0:0178 0:0950 6 0:0623 0:2421 7 7 6 7 6 e ¼ p1ffiffiffi 6 0:1526 0:2834 7 F 7 m 6 0:2740 0:1490 7 6 4 0:4137 0:1346 5 0:5639 0:4782 pffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi w1 ¼ 0:2030 k=m pffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi w2 ¼ 0:7570 k=m 2 0:0162 6 0:0645 6 6 0:1469 6 F ¼ p1ffiffiffi m 6 0:2640 6 4 0:4133 0:5835 3 0:0547 0:1747 7 7 0:2736 7 7 0:2310 7 7 0:0662 5 0:6010 Multi-degree-of-freedom systems: Forced vibrations Chapter 14 659 TABLE E14.8 Results obtained using three Ritz vectors in Example 14.6.1. Rayleigh-Ritz Exact pffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi e 1 ¼ 0:2130 k=m w pffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi w e 2 ¼ 0:7787 k=m pffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi w e 3 ¼ 2:1869 k=m 3 2 0:0186 0:0548 0:1951 6 0:0618 0:1859 0:2872 7 7 6 6 0:1478 0:2910 0:0060 7 1 e 7 6 F ¼ pffiffiffi m 6 0:2680 0:2149 0:2665 7 7 6 4 0:4145 0:1058 0:1181 5 0:5765 0:5563 0:3437 pffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi w1 ¼ 0:2030 k=m pffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi w2 ¼ 0:7570 k=m pffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi w3 ¼ 1:7928 k=m 2 0:0161 0:0547 6 0:0645 0:1747 6 6 0:1469 0:2736 6 F ¼ p1ffiffiffi m 6 0:2640 0:2310 6 4 0:4133 0:0662 0:5835 0:6010 3 0:1123 0:2478 7 7 0:1305 7 7 0:2348 7 7 0:2981 5 0:4539 TABLE E14.9 Results obtained using four Ritz vectors in Example 14.6.1. Rayleigh-Ritz Exact pffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi w e 1 ¼ 0:2091 k=m pffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi w e 2 ¼ 0:7648 k=m pffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi e 3 ¼ 1:8840 k=m w pffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi e 4 ¼ 4:0680 k=m w pffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi w1 ¼ 0:2030 k=m pffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi w2 ¼ 0:7570 k=m pffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi w3 ¼ 1:7928 k=m pffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi w4 ¼ 3:3067 k=m 2 0:0171 6 0:0623 6 6 6 e ¼ p1ffiffiffiffi 6 0:1482 F m6 6 0:2616 6 4 0:4110 0:5898 0:0574 0:1759 0:2796 0:2340 0:0838 0:5784 3 0:1166 0:2800 0:2742 0:1070 7 7 7 0:1056 0:2745 7 7 0:2867 0:0412 7 7 7 0:2105 0:2419 5 0:4035 0:2215 2 0:0161 6 0:0645 6 6 6 0:1469 ffi6 F ¼ p1ffiffiffi m6 6 0:2640 6 4 0:4133 0:5835 0:0547 0:1747 0:2736 0:2310 0:0662 0:6010 3 0:1123 0:1665 0:2478 0:1858 7 7 7 0:1305 0:1863 7 7 0:2348 0:1831 7 7 7 0:2981 0:4140 5 0:4539 0:2807 14.6.2 The method of derived Ritz vectors We consider the case where the external load is of the form given by Eq. (14.3.11), namely pðt Þ ¼ Rf ðt Þ (14.6.1) The constant vector R may be used to derive a sequence of Ritz vectors, which are orthonormal with respect to mass using the following procedure. The first Ritz vector 1 is derived as the vector of the static displacements produced by the load R, that is y1 ¼ K1 R which is normalized with respect to mass to give (14.6.2) 660 PART II Multi-degree-of-freedom systems 1 ¼ y1 1=2 T y1 My1 (14.6.3) The second vector is derived from the vector y2 , which is obtained as the static displacement vector under the load R ¼ M 1 , that is, the inertial forces associated with the first Ritz vector. Thus, we have y2 ¼ K1 M (14.6.4) 1 The vector y2 , which is not orthogonal to 1 , is mass-orthogonalized to it using the Gram-Schmidt method presented in Section 12.4. Thus, taking into account that T1 M 1 ¼ 1, the second of Eq. (12.4.8) gives e (14.6.5) y2 ¼ y2 yT2 M 1 1 which is normalized with respect to mass to give 2 Similarly, the vector k e y2 ¼ 1=2 T e y2 y2 Me (14.6.6) is obtained as yk ¼ K1 M e yk ¼ yk k 1 X (14.6.7) k1 ai i (14.6.8) i¼1 where ai ¼ yTk M i (14.6.9) Hence k e yk ¼ 1=2 T e yk yk Me (14.6.10) The procedure is repeated until we obtain the desired number of Ritz vectors. The set of vectors 1 , 2 , …, k is orthogonal with respect to mass and linearly independent, thus satisfying the requirement of the Ritz method. The Ritz vectors derived by this procedure are also called load-dependent Ritz vectors. Example 14.6.2 Determine the eigenfrequencies and mode shapes of the chimney in Example 14.3.1 using the Rayleigh-Ritz with (i) two, (ii) three, and (iii) four derived Ritz vectors. Solution The mass and stiffness matrices were computed in Example 14.3.1. We adopt a load vector proportional to the mass of the structure, that is, R ¼ m f 6 5 4 3 2 1 gT Multi-degree-of-freedom systems: Forced vibrations Chapter a. Computation of the first Ritz vector Taking m ¼ 31:056 kN m 14.3.2), Eq. (14.6.2) gives 1 14 661 1 s and k ¼ 5486:208 kN=m (see Example 2 y1 ¼ K1 R ¼ f 0:0088 0:0331 0:0711 0:1209 0:1802 0:2451 gT and substituting into Eq. (14.6.3) 1 ¼ y1 1=2 T y1 My1 ¼ f 0:0036 0:0135 0:0289 0:0491 0:0732 0:0996 gT b. Computation of the second Ritz vector Eq. (14.6.4) gives y2 ¼ K1 M 1 ¼ f 0:0402 0:1605 0:3643 0:6521 1:0171 1:4316 gT 102 which is orthogonalized with respect to a1 ¼ yT2 M 1 1 ¼ 0:1371 e y2 ¼ y2 a1 1 ¼ f 0:0885 0:2408 0:3182 0:2113 0:1351 0:6653 gT 103 which after normalization gives 2 e y2 ¼ 1=2 T e y2 y2 Me ¼ f 0:0136 0:0371 0:0491 0:0326 0:0208 0:1026 gT c. Computation of the third Ritz vector Adhering to the previous steps we obtain y3 ¼ K1 M 2 ¼ f 0:0808 0:2363 0:3004 0:0638 0:6461 1:7681 g 103 a 1 ¼ yT 3M T 1 ¼ 0:00649, e y3 ¼ y 3 a 1 a 2 ¼ yT 3M 2 ¼ 0:010059 1 a2 2 ¼ f 0:3343 0:5016 0:05419 0:5528 0:3853 0:9141 g 104 T e y3 1=2 3¼ T ey3 Mey3 ¼ f 0:03003 0:04510 0:00493 0:04965 0:03476 0:08186 g T 662 PART II Multi-degree-of-freedom systems d. Computation of the fourth Ritz vector Similarly we obtain y4 ¼ K1 M 3 ¼ f 0:0255 0:0376 0:0298 0:1270 0:0612 0:2817 gT 103 a1 ¼ yT4 M 1 ¼ 5:8861 1016 , a2 ¼ yT4 M a3 ¼ yT4 M 3 ¼ 0:0018245 e y4 ¼ y4 a1 2 ¼ 0:0011036 1 a2 2 a3 3 ¼ f 0:14213 0:037082 0:15304 0:0050278 0:20841 0:19202 g 104 T e y4 1=2 T e y4 Me y4 4¼ ¼ f 0:04338 0:01131 0:04671 0:00153 0:06361 0:05861 g Hence 2 6 6 1 6 x ¼ pffiffiffiffiffi 6 m6 6 4 0:0200 0:0751 0:1610 0:2737 0:4080 0:5550 T 3 0:0760 0:1674 0:2418 0:2069 0:2514 0:0631 7 7 0:2733 0:0275 0:2603 7 7 0:1816 0:2767 0:0086 7 7 0:1161 0:1937 0:3545 5 0:5715 0:4562 0:3266 Applying the Rayleigh-Ritz method as described in Example 14.6.1, we obtain the approximate eigenfrequencies and mode shapes. The obtained results are given in Tables E14.10–E14.12 in juxtaposition to the exact ones. TABLE E14.10 Results obtained using two derived Ritz vectors in Example 14.6.2. Rayleigh-Ritz Exact pffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi e 1 ¼ 0:2030 k=m w pffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi e 2 ¼ 0:7946 k=m w 3 2 0:0161 0:0769 6 0:0645 0:2104 7 7 6 7 6 e ¼ p1ffiffiffi 6 0:1470 0:2811 7 F m 6 0:2642 0:1952 7 7 6 4 0:4134 0:0929 5 0:5832 0:5427 pffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi w1 ¼ 0:2030 k=m pffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi w2 ¼ 0:7570 k=m 3 2 0:0162 0:0547 6 0:0645 0:1747 7 7 6 6 0:1469 0:2736 7 7 6 F ¼ p1ffiffiffi m 6 0:2640 0:2310 7 7 6 4 0:4133 0:0662 5 0:5835 0:6010 Multi-degree-of-freedom systems: Forced vibrations Chapter 14 663 TABLE E14.11 Results obtained using three derived Ritz vectors in Example 14.6.2. Rayleigh-Ritz Exact pffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi w e 1 ¼ 0:2030 k=m pffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi e 2 ¼ 0:7571 k=m w pffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi e 3 ¼ 1:9777 k=m w 3 2 0:0162 0:0542 0:1761 6 0:0645 0:1754 0:2769 7 7 6 6 0:1469 0:2751 0:0643 7 1 e 7 6 F ¼ pffiffiffi m 6 0:2640 0:2301 0:2486 7 7 6 4 0:4133 0:0687 0:2048 5 0:5835 0:5979 0:3804 pffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi w1 ¼ 0:2030 k=m pffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi w2 ¼ 0:7570 k=m pffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi w3 ¼ 1:7928 k=m 2 0:0161 0:0547 6 0:0645 0:1747 6 6 0:1469 0:2736 6 F ¼ p1ffiffiffi m 6 0:2640 0:2310 6 4 0:4133 0:0662 0:5835 0:6010 3 0:1123 0:2478 7 7 0:1305 7 7 0:2348 7 7 0:2981 5 0:4539 TABLE E14.12 Results obtained using four derived Ritz vectors in Example 14.6.2. Rayleigh-Ritz Exact pffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi pffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi e1 ¼ 0:2030 k=m , w e 2 ¼ 0:7570 k=m w pffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi pffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi e3 ¼ 1:7958 k=m , w e 4 ¼ 3:8410 k=m w pffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi pffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi w1 ¼ 0:2030 k=m , w2 ¼ 0:7570 k=m pffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi pffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi w3 ¼ 1:7928 k=m , w4 ¼ 3:3067 k=m 2 3 0:2772 0:2540 0:1281 7 7 7 0:1272 0:2378 7 7 0:2311 0:2421 0:0532 7 7 7 0:0663 0:2854 0:2941 5 0:5835 0:6009 0:4457 0:2218 0:0161 6 0:0645 6 6 6 0:1469 e ¼ p1ffiffiffiffi 6 F m6 6 0:2640 6 4 0:4133 0:0547 0:1120 0:1747 0:2736 2 0:0161 6 0:0645 6 6 0:1469 ffi6 F ¼ p1ffiffiffi 6 m 6 0:2640 6 4 0:4133 0:5835 0:0546 0:1747 0:2736 0:2310 0:0662 0:6010 3 0:1123 0:1665 0:2478 0:1858 7 7 0:1305 0:1863 7 7 7 0:2348 0:1831 7 7 0:2981 0:4140 5 0:4539 0:2807 14.7 Support excitation 14.7.1 Multiple support excitation When the motion of an MDOF system is due only to support excitation, the external forces applied to the free nodes are zero, that is, is pf ðt Þ ¼ 0. As was shown in Section 11.2.5, the equations of motion of the supported structure are €f + Cff u_ f + Kff uf ¼ Mfs u €s Cfs u_ s Kfs us Mff u (14.7.1) €f + Mss u €s + Csf u_ f + Css u_ s + Ksf uf + Kss us ps ðt Þ ¼ Msf u (14.7.2) 664 PART II Multi-degree-of-freedom systems where uf ¼ uf ðt Þ is the vector of the f unknown free displacements, us ¼ us ðt Þ the vector of the s known support displacements, and ps ðt Þ the vector of the s support reactions. We first examine the case where the components of us are s time functions, different from each other. We refer to this type of support excitation as multiple support excitation to distinguish it from the special case where us f ðt Þ, with e us being a constant vector and f ðt Þ a the vector us has the form us ¼ e common time function, to which we refer as uniform support excitation. Eqs. (14.7.1), (14.7.2) are transformed to another form, which is more practical in dynamic analysis. To this end we set f uf ¼ ust f +u (14.7.3) The displacements ust f are obtained as the static solution of Eq. (14.7.1), that is, when the accelerations and the velocities are zero. Thus, setting €s ¼ u_ f ¼ u_ s ¼ 0 and uf ¼ ust €f ¼ u u f into Eqs. (14.7.1), (14.7.2), we obtain Kff ust f + Kfs us ¼ 0 (14.7.4) st Ksf ust f + Kss us ¼ ps (14.7.5) Assuming that the supports do not permit rigid body motion, it is det Kff 6¼ 0 and Eq. (14.7.4), gives 1 ust f ¼ Sus , S ¼ Kff Kfs (14.7.6) which is substituted into Eq. (14.7.5) to yield the support reaction due to the static application of the displacements us Ksf S + Kss us ¼ pst (14.7.7) s Moreover, if the matrix C is proportional to K, we can readily show that it also holds _s ¼0 Cff u_ st f + Cfs u (14.7.8) Indeed, if C ¼ cK, where c is a constant, Eq. (14.7.8) holds true due to Eq. (14.7.4). If C is not proportional to K, the contribution of the damping force to the excitation force does not vanish. However, it is small compared with the inertial force and it can be neglected. Substituting Eq. (14.7.3) into Eq. (14.7.1) gives f ¼ Mff u €st €s Cff u_ st _s Mff u€f + Cff u_ f + Kff u f Mfs u f + Cfs u Kff ust + K u (14.7.9) fs s f which by virtue of Eqs. (14.7.4), (14.7.6), and (14.7.8) becomes f ¼ Mff S + Mfs u €s Mff u€f + Cff u_ f + Kff u (14.7.10) Multi-degree-of-freedom systems: Forced vibrations Chapter 14 665 f . The foregoing equations permit the establishment of the displacements u On the basis of Eq. (14.7.1), Eq. (14.7.3) and Eq. (14.7.4), we can write the elastic forces at the free nodes as f Sf ¼ Kff uf + Kfs us f + Kff ust ¼ Kff u f + Kfs us (14.7.11) f ¼ Kff u which states that the elastic forces are produced only by the dynamic disf , as they are defined by Eq. (14.7.3) and computed from placements u Eq. (14.7.10). Further, using Eq. (14.7.2) and Eq. (14.7.7) we can write the elastic forces at the supports f Ss ¼ Ksf uf + Kss us f + Ksf ust ¼ Ksf u f + Kss us f + Ksf S + Kss us ¼ Ksf u (14.7.12) f + pst ¼ Ksf u s To simplify the expressions, we use the notation Mff ¼ M, Cff ¼ C, f ¼ u and Eq. (14.7.10) is written as Kff ¼ K, u €s Mu€ + Cu_ + K u ¼ MS + Mfs u (14.7.13) If the mass matrix is diagonal, then Mfs ¼ 0 and Eq. (14.7.13) reduces to u ¼ MS€ us Mu€ + Cu_ + K (14.7.14) 14.7.2 Uniform support excitation We now examine the case where the displacement vector of the supports has the form us f ðt Þ us ¼ e (14.7.15) es is a constant vector specifying the where, as stated in the previous section, u spatial distribution of the support displacements, and f ðt Þ a common time function specifying their amplitude at time t. Substituting Eq. (14.7.15) into Eq. (14.7.14) gives u ¼ Mrf€ðt Þ Mu€ + Cu_ + K (14.7.16) r ¼ Se us (14.7.17) where it was set 666 PART II Multi-degree-of-freedom systems That is, the vector r represents the static displacements of the free nodes produced by the vector e us . When the supports are subjected to a uniform motion ug ðt Þ, as in the seismic ground motion, the vector of the support displacements can be written as us ¼ 1ug ðt Þ (14.7.18) and inserting it into Eq. (14.7.17) gives r ¼ S1 (14.7.19) T in which 1 ¼ f 1 1 1 ⋯ 1 g is the vector with dimension s. In this case, the vector r represents rigid body motion, therefore it is ust f ¼ 1ug ðt Þ (14.7.20) Eqs. (14.7.4), (14.7.5) by virtue of Eqs. (14.7.18), (14.7.20) are written as ( ) 0 ^ g ðt Þ ¼ K1u (14.7.21) pst s where " ^¼ K Kff Kfs Ksf Kss # (14.7.22) ^ is the stiffness matrix of the free structure, hence det K ^ ¼0 The matrix K st and ps ¼ 0, because Eq. (14.7.21) has a nontrivial solution. Hence, it is not necessary to use Eq. (14.7.7) to compute pst s . Example 14.7.1 Formulate the equation of motion of the bridge in Fig. E14.9 when the supports 1 and 2 are subjected to the displacements ug1 ¼ ug ðt Þ and ug2 ¼ 2ug ðt Þ. The cross-sectional area of the cable is A and its modulus of elasticity Es while the modulus of elasticity of the remaining structure is E ¼ 2:1 107 kN=m2 . Assume: I1 ¼ I2 ¼ I3 ¼ 2:055 m4 , I4 ¼ 52 m4 , ¼ 11:2 kN=m, and L ¼ 50 m. Adopt the lumped I5 ¼ 31 m4 , Es A ¼ 0:4EI 1 , m mass assumption. Solution By neglecting the axial deformations of members undergoing bending, the structure has 9 degrees of freedom including those corresponding to ground motion. The degrees of freedom are shown in Fig. E14.9. Their numbering was based on the reasoning to avoid renumbering after static condensation. The lumped mass assumption is adopted. The cable is treated as a truss member while its sag due to self-weight is neglected. Possible compression forces are encountered by appropriate prestress. The stiffness matrix is formulated using the procedure described in Example 11.5.2. Thus, we obtain Multi-degree-of-freedom systems: Forced vibrations Chapter 14 667 FIG. E14.9 Bridge with support excitations in Example 14.7.1 The static condensation (see Section 11.4) yields 2 3 2 3 105 0 0 0 201 134 226 24:7 60 6 560 0 0 7 104 132 160 7 7, Ktt∗ ¼ 103 6 134 7 Mtt ¼ 6 40 4 226 0 m3 0 5 132 308 82:3 5 0 0 0 m4 24:7 1:59 82:3 57:6 The displacements u3 , u4 are known. Thus, we can write 1 u1 u3 , us ¼ ¼ u ðt Þ uf ¼ u2 u4 2 g 201 134 105 0 3 3 226 24:7 , Kfs ¼ 10 , Kff ¼ 10 Mff ¼ 134 104 132 160 0 560 668 PART II Multi-degree-of-freedom systems The displacements of free nodes are written in the form of Eq. (14.7.3), that f , and Eq. (14.7.6) gives the static solution is, uf ¼ ust f +u 1 1 ust u g ðt Þ ¼ K K fs f ff 2 2:01 0:961 1 ¼ u g ðt Þ 1:25 1:250 2 0:088 ¼ ug ðt Þ 1:250 f is obtained from Eq. (14.7.14), that is while u 201 134 u 1 105 0 u€1 3 + 10 134 104 u 2 0 560 u€2 ¼ 10 u€ ðt Þ 674 g 14.8 The response spectrum method The mode superposition method gives the dynamic response of a certain quantity q ðt Þ as a superposition of its modal responses qn ðt Þ, namely q ðt Þ ¼ N X qn ðt Þ (14.8.1) n¼1 where qn ðt Þ ¼ qnst w2n yn ðt Þ (14.8.2) Eq. (14.8.1) expresses the time history of q ðt Þ. From Eq. (14.8.2), we deduce that the peak value qn0 of the modal response qn ðt Þ occurs simultaneously with the extreme value of the pseudoacceleration w2n yn ðt Þ, That is qn0 ¼ qnst max w2n yn ðt Þ (14.8.3) t or as stated in Section 6.2 qn0 ¼ qnst Spa ðxn , Tn Þ (14.8.4) It should be noted that the quantity Spa ðxn , Tn Þ is by definition positive while the quantity qnst is algebraic. Because the value of the pseudoacceleration depends on the period of the system (see Fig. 6.2.6), we can deduce from Eq. (14.8.4) that the peak values of the modal quantities do not occur at the same time, nor do they have the same phase. Therefore, the peak value of q ðt Þ cannot be obtained by superposition. Nevertheless, because the quantities qn0 for a given excitation are readily computed from the response spectrum without dynamic analysis, researchers earlier sought methods of exploiting these quantities to compute the peak value of q ðt Þ. Multi-degree-of-freedom systems: Forced vibrations Chapter 14 669 A first estimate is obtained from the relation jq jmax N X jqn0 j (14.8.5) n¼1 which provides an upper bound to jq jmax . Eq. (14.8.5) expresses the absolute sum (ABSSUM) modal combination rule. It assumes that all modal peak values occur at the same instant. It gives a too conservative estimate of the peak value. Therefore, it is not popular in structural design. Another estimate is obtained from the relation !1=2 N X N X rnm qn0 qm0 (14.8.6) jq jmax n¼1 m¼1 where rmn is the correlation coefficient of the peak modal values qn0 and qm0 . Its value varies between 0 and 1, with rmn ¼ 1 if m ¼ n. The foregoing equation is written in matrix form qffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi (14.8.7) jq jmax qT0 rq0 where q0 ¼ f q10 q20 ⋯ qN 0 gT and r the matrix of the correlation coefficients. Various mathematical expressions for computing the correlation coefficients are reported in the literature when the excitation is due to seismic ground motion. Here, we quote only Der Kiureghian’s relation [3], which is widely used today pffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi 8 xn xm ðxn + b nm xm Þb3=2 nm (14.8.8) rmn ¼ 2 2 2 1 b nm + 4xn x m b nm 1 + b nm + 4 x 2n + x 2m b 2nm where b nm ¼ wm =wn , and rmn ¼ rnm . The above relationship results from a stochastic process starting from the mean square response, which we do not present here because it goes beyond the scope of this book. The interested reader should consult the related literature, for example, [4]. The method of computing jq jmax using Eq. (14.8.7) is known as the complete quadratic combination (CQC) rule. Eq. (14.8.7) is greatly simplified when the eigenfrequencies are well separated, that is, there are no multiple eigenfrequencies nor are they close to each other. In this case, the off-diagonal elements of the correlation matrix, rmn ðm 6¼ n Þ, are negligible and we can set r I. Then Eq. (14.8.7) becomes qffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi (14.8.9) jq jmax qT0 q0 or jq jmax N X m¼1 !1=2 2 qn0 (14.8.10) 670 PART II Multi-degree-of-freedom systems The method of computing jq jmax using Eq. (14.8.10) developed by Rosenblueth [4] is known as the square-root-of-sum-of-squares (SRSS) rule. It should be emphasized that Eq. (14.8.10) can lead to unacceptable results when the eigenfrequencies are not well separated. Example 14.8.1 Using the response spectrum method, compute the peak values of the base shear force Qb , the overturning moment Mb , and the top displacement u6 of the chimney in Example 14.3.1 when subjected to the Athens earthquake, Sept. 7, 1999. Assume: m ¼ 31:056 kN m1 s2 , k ¼ 5486:208 kN=m, L ¼ 75 m, x 1 ¼ 0:06, x2 ¼ x3 ¼ ⋯ ¼ x6 ¼ 0:04. Solution The eigenfrequencies and mode shapes were computed in Example 14.3.1. The peak modal values will be computed using Eq. (14.8.4). st st st , Mbn , and u6n Computation Qbn From Example 14.3.1, we obtain for m ¼ 31:056 kN m1 s2 R1 R2 R3 R4 R5 R6 9:66 22:98 33:23 36:65 37:32 46:49 32:17 61:18 61:09 34:10 3:02 36:27 58:57 76:65 25:75 27:33 30:34 20:92 78:94 48:54 34:75 20:15 29:41 8:86 82:39 9:28 29:40 30:37 14:71 2:75 58:17 42:08 22:39 10:30 3:39 0:49 st st st , Mbn , u6n are computed from the relations (see Example The quantities Qbn 14.3.1) st st st ¼ 1T Rn , Mbn ¼ hT Rn , u6n ¼ Qbn Gn f w2n 6n The computed values are given in Table E14.13. st st st TABLE E14.13 Modal quantities Qbn , Mbn , u6n in Example 14.8.1. st u6n ¼ Gwn2 f6n Mode n st Qbn ¼ 1T Rn st Mbn ¼ hT Rn 1 319.89 16580.0 0.257 2 157.99 3381.8 0.013 3 78.32 1012.4 1.269e3 4 43.33 403.8 0.172e3 5 28.08 209.1 0.023e3 6 24.56 151.9 0.001e4 n Multi-degree-of-freedom systems: Forced vibrations Chapter 14 671 Computation of the modal pseudoacceleration Spa ðxn , Tn Þ According to Eq. (14.8.4), we have Spa ðxn , Tn Þ ¼ w2n max jyn ðt Þj t The peak value max t jyn ðt Þj is obtained from the solution of Eq. (14.3.16) by setting f ðt Þ ¼ u€g ðt Þ, where u€g ðt Þ is given by the accelerogram of the specified earthquake. The computation of Spa ðx n , Tn Þ is performed numerically using any of the methods described in Section 6.2. The computed values are given in Table E14.14 together with the modal values of Qb , Mb , u6 . Computation of the correlation matrix Eq. (14.8.8) is used to compute the correlation coefficients. For the data of the problem, it gives 3 r ¼ 102 3 1000:0 3:53 0:716 0:262 0:128 0:067 6 3:53 1000:0 7:34 1:91 0:85 0:423 7 6 7 6 7 0:716 7:34 1000:0 15:6 4:47 1:88 6 7 6 7 0:262 1:91 15:6 1000:0 29:1 7:15 6 7 4 0:128 0:85 4:47 29:1 1000:0 33:8 5 0:067 0:423 1:88 7:15 33:8 1000:0 Table E14.15 presents the peak values jQb jmax , jMb jmax , and ju6 jmax as computed using the three modal combination rules in juxtaposition with the exact values obtained by the response history analysis (RHA) using the relation X 6 st 2 qn wn yn ðt Þ jq jmax ¼ max t n¼1 with numerical integration of Eq. (14.3.16). TABLE E14.14 Modal quantities Qbn0 , Mbn0 , and u6n0 in Example 14.8.1. Spa ðx n , Tn Þ Mode n Tn xn 1 2.2861 0:06 31.9908 102.33 5304.0 2 0.6242 0:04 437.4272 691.10 14793.0 3 0.2634 0:04 412.2019 322.84 4173.0 0.523 4 0.1429 0:04 506.3626 219.42 2044.6 0.087 5 0.0909 0:04 540.8229 151.85 1131.0 0.012 6 0.0597 0:04 507.2341 124.58 ðcm=s2 Þ Qbn0 ðkNÞ Mbn0 ðkN mÞ 770.52 u6n0 ðcmÞ 8.2324 5.858 0.0007 672 PART II Multi-degree-of-freedom systems TABLE E14.15 Peak values in Example 14.8.1. Method jQb jmax jMb jmax ju6 jmax ABSSUM 1612.12 28216.12 0.147 CQC 830.73 16511.35 0.1013 SRSS 824.04 16444.95 0.1012 RHA (exact) 922.50 18545.48 0.1157 The results in Table E14.15 lead us to certain conclusions. First, the ABSSUM rule gives extremely conservative estimations (þ75%, þ52%, and þ27% larger than the respective quantities jQb jmax , jMb jmax , and ju6 jmax u6 obtained by the RHA). Second, the SRSS and CQC rules give essentially the same estimations for the extreme values. This is due to the fact that the eigenfrequencies of the structure are well separated (w1 ¼ 2:69, w2 ¼ 10:06, w3 ¼ 23:82, w4 ¼ 43:94, w5 ¼ 69:06, w6 ¼ 105:11), which produces negligible off-diagonal terms of the correlation matrix. Third, the SRSS and CQC rules give estimations of the extreme values smaller than the exact resulting from RHA. Consequently, the estimation of the extreme values using the SRSS and CQC is not in favor of safety for the analyzed structure. However, this is not a general rule because larger values may result by SRSS and CQC for other types of structures, for example, buildings. Nevertheless, the response spectrum method is the most convenient method for dynamic analysis of structures under seismic excitation and has been introduced in all earthquake codes. It should not, however, be applied to any structure without a previous consideration because, as we have shown, the estimated peak values may not ensure safety. Because of the great interest in the response spectrum method, the search for a rule combining extreme values to obtain a better approximation of the exact values is still of interest for researchers. The reader may find improved rules in the literature, mainly based on the theory of probability, which ensure a better correlation of mode shapes. Nevertheless, increased and cheap computer power facilitates the exact evaluation of the peak values, a fact that may reduce noticeably the importance of the combination rules. 14.9 Comparison of mode superposition method and Rayleigh-Ritz method The transformation of the equations of motion using K < N Ritz vectors reduces the number of equations from N to K (Eq. 14.5.4), which, however, e K e C, e (Eq. 14.5.5) are not in are coupled because the resulting matrices M, Multi-degree-of-freedom systems: Forced vibrations Chapter 14 673 e ¼I general diagonal, except when the Ritz vectors are load-dependent. Then M because the Ritz vectors are orthonormalized with respect to mass. According to Eqs. (14.3.12)–(14.3.14), we can write e pðt Þ ¼ f ðt Þ K X en M Rn , Rn ¼ G n en ¼ where G T nR (14.9.1) n¼1 The number K of the Ritz vectors that should be used in dynamic analysis must yield a load e pðt Þ sufficiently close to pðt Þ. Hence, according to K P Rn from R is Eq. (14.3.42), the deviation of n¼1 e ¼R K X Rn n¼1 ¼R K X (14.9.2) en M G n n¼1 and the truncation error eK ¼ RT e RT R (16.9.3) Before stating some general conclusions about the preference between the mode superposition method and the Rayleigh-Ritz method, it is advisable to examine the truncation error eK as a function of the number of eigenmodes fn and Ritz vectors n ðn ¼ 1, 2, …, K Þ, respectively, for the chimney in of Example 14.3.1, when it is subjected to loads pi ðt Þ ¼ Ri f ðt Þ (i ¼ 1, 2, 3, 4) for different spatial distributions of R: f 1 1 1 1 1 1 gT , f 0 0 0 0 1:5 0:5 gT , f 0 0 1:5 1 1 0:5 gT , and f 0 0 0 0 0 1 gT . The results are presented in Fig. 14.9.1. We observe that the truncation error is noticeably smaller when the analysis is done using Ritz vectors than mode shapes in all four cases. This is because the Ritz vectors result from the spatial distribution R of the external load. Although the Rayleigh-Ritz method is preferable on the base of the truncation error, however, the use of eigenmodes still has advantages because it leads to uncoupled equations of motion and allows the use of the response spectrum method for determining the peak values. Another advantage of the Rayleigh-Ritz method is that static correction is unnecessary because this correction is contained in the first Ritz vector resulting from the static analysis under the load R. As a conclusion to the preceding analysis, we can state the following in terms of advantages and disadvantages of the two approaches: (a) Rayleigh-Ritz method Advantages: It leads to a considerable reduction of the equations of motion, thus it reduces the computational task, especially when the 674 PART II Multi-degree-of-freedom systems FIG. 14.9.1 Error eK as a function of the number K of mode shapes fn and Ritz vectors c n . equations of motion are solved numerically. The truncation error is noticeably smaller. The static correction is unnecessary. Disadvantages: The transformed equations are coupled. Thus, the solution of the eigenvalue problem is necessary to determine the eigenfrequencies and eigenmodes of the reduced equations. Only the lower eigenfrequencies and mode shapes are accurately determined, so to obtain K eigenfrequencies and eigenmodes with acceptable accuracy, we need about a double number of Ritz vectors. It is not suitable for the response spectrum method. (b) The mode superposition method Advantages: Leads to uncoupled equations of motion. Therefore, the solution of a MDOF system with N degrees of freedom results from the solution of N SDOF systems. It is suitable for the response spectrum analysis. Disadvantages: It requires the solution of large eigenvalue problems. The truncation error is larger. Static correction is necessary. It is less suitable for numerical analysis. Multi-degree-of-freedom systems: Forced vibrations Chapter 14 675 14.10 Numerical integration of the equations of motions—Linear MDOF systems The method of mode superposition presented in Section 14.2 requires a proportional damping matrix to uncouple the equations of motion. In this case, it is possible to obtain an analytical solution when the load functions are simple. However, when those functions are complicated or described by a set of discrete values, such as for example by the seismic accelerogram, it is necessary to use numerical methods (see Chapter 4) for the computation of the modal coordinates Yn ðt Þ. In the general case where the damping matrix is not proportional or the equations are nonlinear, recourse to direct time integration numerical methods is inevitable. The nonlinear equation of motion of a SDOF system is given by Eq. (5.1.5). Apparently, for MDOF systems, this equation takes the form M€ u + f D ðu_ Þ + f S ðuÞ ¼ pðt Þ (14.10.1) For the linear response of the system, the foregoing equation becomes (see Section 10.2) M€ u + Cu_ + Ku ¼ pðt Þ (14.10.2) When the number of equations is large, the numerical solution is simplified if the degrees of freedom are previously reduced. In linear systems, this is accomplished by the Rayleigh-Ritz method as discussed in Section 14.5. This reduction procedure applies also to nonlinear system [5]. As in SDOF systems, the direct numerical integration method yields the solution uðt Þ at time instants Dt apart starting from uð0Þ. Next, for convenience, we denote the displacement vector at time tn ¼ nDt, n ¼ 0, 1, 2, … by un . The literature on numerical integration of equations of motion is extensive. Here, the discussion will be limited to the methods presented in Chapter 4, which are modified to apply to MDOF systems. 14.10.1 The central difference method (CDM)—Linear equations At time tn , Eq. (14.10.2) is written M€ un + Cu_ n + Kun ¼ pn (14.10.3) Applying the procedure described in Section 4.2, the derivatives of the vector uðt Þ are approximated by the central differences un + 1 un1 u_ n (14.10.4) 2Dt un + 1 2un + un1 €n (14.10.5) u Dt 2 676 PART II Multi-degree-of-freedom systems which are substituted into Eq. (14.10.3) to yield 1 1 2 1 1 C un + 1 ¼ pn K 2 M un C un1 M+ M Dt 2 2Dt Dt Dt 2 2Dt (14.10.6) or ^1 un k ^2 un1 , n ¼ 0, 1, 2, … ^ n + 1 ¼ pn k Ku (14.10.7) where ^ ¼ 1 M+ 1 C K Dt 2 2Dt ^1 ¼ K 2 M k Dt 2 ^2 ¼ 1 M 1 C k Dt 2 2Dt (14.10.8a) (14.10.8b) (14.10.8c) Eq. (14.10.7) provides the recursive formula to compute un + 1 in terms of un and un1 . For n ¼ 0 the vector u1 appears in the right side of the formula, which can be computed by the truncated Taylor series 1 €0 u1 u0 Dt u_ 0 + Dt 2 u 2 (14.10.9) €0 is obtained from in which u0 , u_ 0 are known from the initial conditions while u the equation of motion for t ¼ 0 €0 ¼ M1 p0 Cu_ 0 Ku0 u (14.10.10) The CDM is conditionally stable. The stability condition requires Dt < TN =p, where TN is the smallest natural period. Obviously, for systems with a large number of degrees of freedom, TN is very small so that the stability criterion of CDM demands a very small time step Dt, which renders the method inappropriate. This disadvantage is circumvented if the use of the method is preceded by a significant reduction of the degrees of freedom as described in Section 14.5. The steps of the numerical scheme are given in Table 14.10.1 in the form of a pseudocode so that the reader can write a computer code in the language of his/her preference. Adhering to the steps of Table 14.10.1, a computer program called centr_diff_lin_MDOF.m has been written in MATLAB for the numerical integration of the equation of motion using the central difference method. The program is available on this book’s companion website. Multi-degree-of-freedom systems: Forced vibrations Chapter 14 677 TABLE 14.10.1 Central difference method. Linear equations. A. Data 1. Read: M, C, K, u0 , u_ 0 , pðt Þ, ttot B. Initial computation 1. Select: Dt ¼ 0:1Tmin , Tmin ¼ 2p=wN €0 ¼ M1 ðp0 Cu_ 0 Ku0 Þ 2. Compute: u €0 3. Compute: u1 ¼ u0 Dt u_ 0 + Dt2 u ^ ¼ 12 M + 1 C 4. Compute: K 2 Dt 2Dt ^2 ¼ 1 2 M 1 C ^1 ¼ K 2 2 M, k 5. Compute: k Dt Dt 2Dt C. For each time step ^1 un k ^2 un1 ^n ¼ pn k 1. Compute: p ^ ^n 2. Solve: Kun + 1 ¼ p 1 €n ¼ Dt1 2 ðun + 1 2un + un1 Þ ðun + 1 un1 Þ, u 3. Compute: u_ n ¼ 2Dt 4. Set n ¼ n + 1 and check: If tn ttot end. Else set un1 ¼ un , un ¼ un + 1 and go to step C.1. 14.10.2 The average acceleration method (AAM)—Linear equations The basic concept of the method is to approximate the acceleration vector in the interval Dt with its mean value, that is, 1 € ðt + τ Þ ¼ ½ u € ðt Þ + u €ðt + Dt Þ u 2 0 τ Dt (14.10.11) Following the procedure in Section 4.3, we obtain identical relations where, however, the displacement, velocity, and acceleration are replaced with the respective vectors of the MDOF system. Thus, the vectors un + 1 , €n + 1 at instant tn + 1 ¼ ðn + 1ÞDt, n ¼ 0, 1, 2, … are given by the u_ n + 1 , and u relations un + 1 ¼ Du + un (14.10.12a) u_ n + 1 ¼ Du_ + u_ n (14.10.12b) €n + 1 ¼ D€ €n u u+u (14.10.12c) 678 PART II Multi-degree-of-freedom systems TABLE 14.10.2 Average acceleration method. Linear equations. A. Data 1. Read: M, C, K, u0 , u_ 0 , pðt Þ, ttot B. Initial computations 1. Select: Dt €0 ¼ M1 ðp0 Cu_ 0 Ku0 Þ 2. Compute: u ^ ¼ K + 2 C + 42 M 3. Compute: K Dt Dt 4 ^ ¼ 2M M + 2C, m 4. Compute: ^c ¼ Dt C. For each step ^ un pn ¼ Dpn + ^cu_ n + m€ 1. Compute: Dpn ¼ pn + 1 pn , D^ ^ 2. Solve: KDu ¼ D^ pn 2 4 _ u n 2€ 3. Compute: Du_ ¼ Dt Du 2u_ n , D€ u ¼ Dt4 2 Du Dt un €n + 1 ¼ D€ €n 4. Compute: un + 1 ¼ Du + un , u_ n + 1 ¼ Du_ + u_ n , u u+u 5. Set n ¼ n + 1 and check: €n ¼ u €n + 1 and go to step C.1. If tn ttot end. Otherwise set un ¼ un + 1 , u_ n ¼ u_ n + 1 , u _ D€ The difference vectors Du, u are computed from the relations 2 Du 2u_ n Dt 4 4 un D€ u ¼ 2 Du u_ n 2€ Dt Dt Du_ ¼ (14.10.13) (14.10.14) while Du from ^ KDu ¼ D^ pn (14.10.15) ^ ¼K+ 2 C+ 4 M K Dt Dt 2 (14.10.16) ^ un D^ pn ¼ Dpn + ^cu_ n + m€ (14.10.17) where and in which ^c ¼ 4 ^ ¼ 2M, Dpn ¼ pn + 1 pn M + 2C, m Dt (14.10.18) The AAM, contrary to CDM, is unconditionally stable. Therefore, the time step Dt can be chosen arbitrarily. Its size, however, is influenced by the accuracy of the method and its capability to describe an oscillatory motion. Therefore, it must be small enough. The selection of Dt equal to 1/10 of the smallest natural period of the system produces accurate results. Table 14.10.2 presents Multi-degree-of-freedom systems: Forced vibrations Chapter 14 679 the algorithm for the numerical implementation of the AAM in pseudocodetype notation so that the reader can write a computer code in the language of his/her preference. Following the steps in Table 14.10.2, a computer program called av_acc_lin_MDOF.m has been written in MATLAB for the numerical integration of the equations of motion using the average acceleration method. The program is available on this book’s companion website. 14.10.3 The analog equation method (AEM)—Linear equations The underlying concepts of this method are presented in Section 4.4, where the AEM was developed for a SDOF system. Apparently, the solution procedure applies also to MDOF systems provided that the coefficients m, c, k in Eq. (4.4.1) and the quantities u0 , u_ 0 , un , u_ n , qn , pn are replaced with the coefficient matrices M,C,K and the vectors u0 , u_ 0 , un , u_ n , qn , pn , respectively, and the scalar operations with matrix operations. Thus, Eqs. (4.4.17), (4.4.20a)–(4.4.20c) read 3 2 2 3 M C K 8 9 0 0 0 8 9 8 9 7< qn = 6 c1 6 c1 7< qn1 = < I = 7 6 I 0 I7 6 2 I hI I 7 u_ n ¼ 6 7 u_ n1 + 0 pn 2 7: ; 6 6 ; : ; 4 5: 5 un 4 c2 c2 0 un1 I I 0 I I 0 2 2 (14.10.19a) q0 ¼ M1 p0 Cu_ 0 Ku0 , det ðMÞ 6¼ 0 (14.10.19b) €n . Eq. (14.10.19a), when solved successively for n ¼ 1, 2, …, gives where qn ¼ u the solution of the equation of motion (14.10.2). The AEM is self-starting and, as shown in Section 4.4, unconditionally stable and accurate while conserving energy. Therefore, it can be used as a practical method for integration of the equations of motion in cases where widely used time integration procedures become unstable [6]. Table 14.10.3 presents the algorithm for the numerical implementation of the AEM in pseudocode-type notation so that the reader can write a computer code in the language of his/her preference. Following the steps in that table, a computer program called aem_lin_MDOF.m has been written in MATLAB for the numerical integration of the equations of motion using the AEM. The program is available on this book’s companion website. Example 14.10.1 Solve the discretized equations of motion of the chimney in Example 14.3.4 using the three numerical methods, CDM, AAM, and AEM. Give the graphical representation of the base shear force Qb ðt Þ, overturning moment Mb ðt Þ, and top displacement u6 ðt Þ. Assume: k ¼ 5486:208 kN=m, m ¼ 31:056 kN m1 s2 , x1 ¼ 0:06, x2 ¼ x3 ¼ ⋯ ¼ x6 ¼ 0:04, pðt Þ ¼ Rf ðt Þ. The time function f ðt Þ is given in Fig. E14.6 (t1 ¼ 0:1, p0 ¼ 1), R ¼ f 1:5 6:0 15:0 25:0 40:0 60:0 gT . 680 PART II Multi-degree-of-freedom systems TABLE 14.10.3 Analog equation method (AEM). Linear equations. A. Data 1. Read: M, C, K, u0 , u_ 0 , pðt Þ, ttot B. Initial computations 1. Select: h ¼ Dt and compute ntot ¼ bttot =h c 2. Compute: q0 ¼ M1 ðp0 Cu_ 0 Ku0 Þ, c1 ¼ h 2 =2, c2 ¼ h 3. Formulate: U0 ≔f q0 u_ 0 u0 gT 2 M C 6 c1 I hI 6 4. Compute: A ¼ 6 2 4 c2 I I 2 2 M C 6 c1 I hI 6 b¼6 2 4 c 2 I I 2 3 0 0 0 7 6 c1 7 I 7 6 I 0 I 7 7 6 2 7 5 4 5 c2 0 I I 0 2 3 K 1 8 9 I < > = 7 > I 7 0 7 5 > : > ; 0 0 K 31 2 C. Compute solution for n≔1 to ntot Un ¼ AUn1 + bpn end Solution The mass and stiffness matrices, eigenfrequencies, and mode shapes are taken from Example 14.3.1, which for the given values of k and m give. 2 3 186:336 0 0 0 0 0 60 7 155:280 0 0 0 0 6 7 60 7 0 124:224 0 0 0 6 7 M¼6 7 0 0 0 93:168 0 0 6 7 40 5 0 0 0 62:112 0 0 0 0 0 0 31:056 2 3 1277189:2 668110:4 207872:4 39006:9 6638:3 822:9 6 668110:4 674639:0 383979:7 115265:2 19585:7 2413:9 7 6 7 6 207872:4 383979:7 395171:5 214181:5 58867:0 7351:5 7 6 7 K¼6 7 6 39006:9 115265:2 214181:5 210560:6 104457:4 21286:4 7 6 7 4 6638:3 19585:7 58867:0 104457:4 87779:3 27431:0 5 822:9 2413:9 7351:5 21286:4 27431:0 11630:7 The obtained eigenfrequencies and eigenmodes are w1 ¼ 2:697, w2 ¼ 10:060, w3 ¼ 23:828 w4 ¼ 43:949, w5 ¼ 69:065, w6 ¼ 105:118 Multi-degree-of-freedom systems: Forced vibrations Chapter 2 0:0028 6 0:0115 6 6 0:0263 F¼6 6 0:0473 6 4 0:0741 0:1047 0:0098 0:0313 0:0491 0:0414 0:0118 0:1078 14 681 3 0:0201 0:0298 0:0377 0:0503 0:0444 0:0333 0:0036 0:0471 7 7 0:0234 0:0334 0:0460 0:0339 7 7 0:0421 0:0328 0:0595 0:0191 7 7 0:0534 0:0742 0:0447 0:0089 5 0:0814 0:0503 0:0205 0:0031 The numerical methods require the damping matrix. This is constructed as a proportional damping matrix from the eigenfrequencies, eigenmodes, and modal damping ratios. Thus applying Eq. (12.11.40), we obtain ^ TM C ¼ MFCF 2 3 1152:72 396:84 59:28 6:35 1:97 0:19 6 396:84 657:43 289:32 37:54 2:82 1:69 7 6 7 6 7 6 59:28 289:32 441:10 192:30 23:00 0:12 7 7 ¼6 6 6:35 37:54 192:30 277:56 113:97 13:23 7 6 7 6 7 4 1:97 2:82 23:00 113:97 148:39 44:83 5 0:19 1:69 0:12 13:23 44:83 35:59 The graphical representation of Qb ðt Þ, Mb ðt Þ, and u6 ðt Þ, obtained using the three numerical methods with Dt ¼ 0:01, are shown in Fig. E14.10. Apparently, the obtained results are graphically identical. 14.11 Numerical integration of the equations of motions—Nonlinear MDOF systems The solution to Eq. (14.10.1) is obtained by the step-by-step integration technique as already developed for the SDOF systems in Chapter 5. This technique demands the fulfillment of the equation of motion at discrete time instants Dt apart. Numerous methods using this concept are available in the literature [7,8]. Here, we will limit our discussion to the average acceleration method (AAM) in conjunction with the modified Newton-Raphson method for the control of the error in the tangential stiffness, and the analog equation method (AEM) [6]. The AAM is very popular in numerical dynamic analysis while the AEM, besides its efficiency and accuracy, performs well where other well-known methods fail. 14.11.1 The average acceleration method (AAM)—Nonlinear equations The average acceleration method (AAM) developed for linear systems in Section 14.10.2 can also be applied to nonlinear systems. We limit our presentation of the AAM as applied to equation M€ u + Cu_ + f S ðuÞ ¼ pðt Þ (14.11.1) 682 PART II Multi-degree-of-freedom systems FIG. E14.10 Time histories of Qb ðt Þ, Mb ðt Þ, and u6 ðt Þ in Example 14.10.1. Multi-degree-of-freedom systems: Forced vibrations Chapter 14 683 TABLE 14.11.1 Average acceleration method (AAM). Nonlinear equations. A. Data 1. Read: M, C, f S ðuÞ, u0 , u_ 0 , ttot , a B. Initial Computations 1. Select: Dt €0 ¼ M1 ½p0 Cu_ 0 f S ðu0 Þ 2. Compute: u 4 ^ ¼ 2M ^ M + 2C m 3. Compute: c ¼ Dt C. In each step 1. Compute: ðkT Þn ¼ d ðfSi Þ=du j n , ^n ¼ ðkT Þ + 2 C + 4 2 M, 2. Compute: k n Dt Dt Dp ¼ pn + 1 pn ^n ¼ Dp + ^cu_ n + m€ ^ un 3. Compute: p ^n and p ^n using the modified Newton-Raphson method 4. Compute: Du from k (see Table 14.11.2) 2 Du 2un 5. Compute: Du_ ¼ Dt 6. Compute: un + 1 ¼ un + Du, u_ n + 1 ¼ u_ n + Du_ €n + 1 ¼ M1 ½pn + 1 Cu_ n + 1 f S ðun + 1 Þ u 7. Set n ¼ n + 1 and check: If tn ttot end. Else set un ¼ un + 1 , u_ n ¼ u_ n + 1 , u_ n ¼ u_ n + 1 and go to step C.1. This equation represents a special case of Eq. (14.10.1), that is, only when the stiffness vector is a nonlinear function of the displacements while the damping vector is linear. The steps of the method are given in Table 14.11.1. Moreover, Table 14.11.2 shows the steps for the modified Newton-Raphson method as applied to MDOF systems. Following these steps, a computer program called av_acc_nlin_MDOF.m has been written in MATLAB for the numerical integration of the nonlinear equations of motion using the average acceleration method. The program list is available on this book’s companion website. TABLE 14.11.2 Modified Newton-Raphson method. A. Data ð0Þ ð0Þ pn 1. Read: un + 1 ¼ un , f S ¼ f S ðun Þ, DRð1Þ ¼ D^ B. For each iteration Compute i ¼ 1,2,3… ^1 DRðiÞ 1. duðiÞ ¼ k n ði Þ ði1Þ 2. un + 1 ¼ un + 1 + duðiÞ h i ði Þ ði1Þ ði Þ ^n ðkT Þ duðiÞ 3. Dp ¼ f S f S + k n 4. DRði + 1Þ ¼ DRðiÞ DpðiÞ ^1 DRði + 1Þ 5. Compute duði + 1Þ ¼ k n 6. If duði + 1Þ =DuðnI Þ > a Set i ¼ i + 1 and go to step Β.2 684 PART II Multi-degree-of-freedom systems 14.11.2 The analog equation method (AEM)—Nonlinear equations The solution procedure developed in Section 5.3 for nonlinear SDOF systems can be straightforwardly extended to MDOF systems. The nonlinear initial value problem for MDOF systems reads _ uÞ ¼ pðt Þ M€ u + Fðu, (14.11.2a) uð0Þ ¼ u0 , u_ ð0Þ ¼ u_ 0 (14.11.2b) _ uÞ is an where M is N N known coefficient matrix with det ðMÞ 6¼ 0; Fðu, N 1 vector, whose elements are nonlinear functions of the components of _ and pðt Þ is the vector of the N given load functions and u0 , u_ 0 given conu, u; stant vectors. TABLE 14.11.3 Analog equation method (AEM). Nonlinear equations. A. Data _ uÞ, u0 , u_ 0 , pðt Þ, ttot 1. Read: M, Fðu, B. Initial computations 1. Choose: h≔Dt and compute ntot 2. Compute: c1 ≔h 2 =2 c2 ≔h q0 ≔M1 ½p0 Fðu_ 0 , u0 Þ : C. Compute solution for n≔1 to ntot solve for fqn u_ n un gT the system of the nonlinear algebraic equations: Mqn + Fðu_ n , un Þ ¼ pn hI I u_ n 0 I u_ n1 ¼ I 0 un I 0 un1 end 2 c 3 2 c 3 1 1 I I 6 7 6 7 + 4 c2 5qn + 4 c2 5qn1 2 2 I I 2 2 The solution procedure is similar to that for the linear systems. Thus, Eq. (14.11.2a) for t ¼ 0 gives the initial acceleration vector € q0 ¼ M1 ½p0 Fðu_ 0 , u0 Þ, q0 ¼ u (14.11.3) Subsequently, we apply Eq. (14.11.2a) for t ¼ tn Mqn + Fðu_ n , un Þ ¼ pn (14.11.4) Apparently, the second and third of Eqs. (14.10.19a), (14.10.19b) are valid in this case too, and can be written as 2 c 3 2 c 3 1 1 I I hI I u_ n 0 I u_ n1 6 2 7 6 2 7 ¼ + 4 c 5qn + 4 c 5qn1 2 2 I 0 un I 0 un1 I I 2 2 (14.11.5) Multi-degree-of-freedom systems: Forced vibrations Chapter 14 685 Eqs. (14.11.4), (14.11.5) are combined and solved for qn , u_ n , un with n ¼ 1, 2, …. Note that Eq. (14.11.5) are linear and can be solved for u_ n , un . Then substitution into Eq. (14.11.4) results in a nonlinear algebraic equation, which can be solved to yield qn . In our examples, the function fsolve of MATLAB has been employed to obtain the numerical results. The steps of the solution procedure are presented in Table 14.11.3. Following these steps, a computer program called aem_nlin_MDOF.m has been written in MATLAB. The program list is available on this book’s companion website. Example 14.11.1 The structure in Fig. E14.11a consists of two extensible cables with length l ¼ l0 + d0 supporting a concentrated mass m. Study the dynamic response of the system when the mass undergoes the displacements u0 ¼ 20 cm, v0 ¼ 15 cm from the initial position. The cables of cross-sectional area A are assumed massless and are prestressed by the force S0 ¼ EAd 0 =l0 , so that their stress is tensile during the response. Compute the minimum value of d0 that ensures tension. Assume: A ¼ 3:14 cm2 , l0 ¼ 3:00 m, m ¼ 10 kN m1 s2 , g ¼ 9:81 m=s2 , E ¼ 2 107 kN=m2 , and px ¼ py ¼ 0. (a) (b) (c) FIG. E14.11 Structure in Example 14.11.1 (a); degrees of freedom (b); forces acting on the mass m (c). Solution The system has two degrees of freedom, Fig. E14.11b. The equations of motion are formulated using the method of equilibrium of forces. The forces acting on the mass m are shown in Fig. E14.11c. The equilibrium of forces gives m u€ + S1 sin q1 + S2 sin q2 ¼ px (1a) m v€ S1 cos q1 + S2 cos q2 ¼ py mg (1b) The elastic forces S1 and S2 are obtained from the relations S1 ¼ EA l 1 l0 l0 (2a) S2 ¼ EA l 2 l0 l0 (2b) 686 PART II Multi-degree-of-freedom systems Referring to Fig. E14.11b, we have qffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi qffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi l1 ¼ ðl v Þ2 + u 2 ¼ l0 ð1 + d 0 y Þ2 + x 2 qffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi qffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi 2 2 l2 ¼ ðl + v Þ + u ¼ l0 ð1 + d 0 + y Þ2 + x 2 (3a) (3b) where u x¼ , l0 v y¼ , l0 d0 ¼ d0 l0 Substituting Eqs. (3a), (3b) into Eqs. (2a), (2b) gives qffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi 2 2 ð1 + d 0 y Þ + x 1 S1 ¼ EA (4a) qffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi 2 2 S2 ¼ EA ð1 + d 0 + y Þ + x 1 (4b) Moreover, we have cos q1 ¼ l v 1 + d0 y ¼ qffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi l1 ð1 + d 0 y Þ 2 + x 2 u x sin q1 ¼ ¼ qffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi l1 ð1 + d 0 y Þ2 + x 2 cos q2 ¼ l v 1 + d0 + y ¼ qffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi l2 ð1 + d 0 + y Þ2 + x 2 u x sin q2 ¼ ¼ qffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi l2 ð1 + d 0 + y Þ2 + x 2 (5a) (5b) (5c) (5d) Finally, substituting Eqs. (4a) and (4b), (5a)–(5d) into Eqs. (1a), (1b) yields the equations of motion 3 2 1 1 7 6 ml 0 x€ + EAx 42 qffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi qffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi5 ¼ px 2 2 x 2 + ð1 + d 0 y Þ x 2 + ð1 + d 0 + y Þ 2 3 (6a) 1 + d0 y 1 + d0 + y 6 7 ml 0 y€ + EA42y + qffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi qffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi5 ¼ py mg x 2 + ð1 + d 0 y Þ2 x 2 + ð1 + d0 + y Þ2 (6b) Multi-degree-of-freedom systems: Forced vibrations Chapter 14 687 Eqs. (6a), (6b) are solved numerically using the AAM and AEM methods. Fig. E14.12 shows the graphs of u ðt Þ and v ðt Þ while Fig. E14.13 shows the graphs of S1 ðt Þ and S2 ðt Þ. The results are graphically identical. The minimum value of d0 is obtained iteratively until min ðS1 , S2 Þ ¼ 0. This gives min d0 ¼ 16:5 cm. FIG. E14.12 Time history of the displacements u(t) and v(t) in Example 14.11.1. FIG. E14.13 Time history of the elastic forces S1(t) and S2(t) in Example 14.11.1. 688 PART II Multi-degree-of-freedom systems 14.12 Problems FIG. P14.1 Dynamic model of the television tower in problem P14.1. Problem P14.1 The television tower modeled by the system in Fig. P14.1 is subjected (i) to the wind pressure of Fig. E14.6 with p0 ¼ 2 kN=m2 , t1 ¼ 0:5 s and (ii) to the seismic ground motion ug ðt Þ ¼ 2 sin 5t. The column is approximated by three constant elements of length l ¼ h=3. Adopting the lumped assumption, derive the equation of motion of the structure and analyze its response using the mode superposition method. Give the graphs of the time history of the displacements, the base shear force Qb and overturning moment Mb . Compute the peak value of the shear force and the bending moment at the base cross-section of the column as well as at the cross-sections above and beneath the body B representing a rotating restaurant. The ground is elastic. The reaction moment of the elastic ground is represented by the expression MR ¼ CR f, where CR ¼ KI f ; If is the moment of inertia of the planform of the fundament and K ¼ E=10h the foundation modulus with E being the modulus of elasticity of the material of the structure. The cross-sections of the flexible column, the planform of the fundament, and the body B are circular with diameters D, Df ¼ 8D, and DB ¼ 5D, respectively. The specific weight of the material is g. The fundament and the body B are assumed rigid. Data h ¼ 60 m, D ¼ 2 m, E ¼ 2:1 107 kN=m2 , g ¼ 24 kN=m3 . Problem P14.2 The shear frame in Fig. P14.2a is modeled as shown in Fig P14.2b. Compute the modal contribution factor of (i) the base shear force Qb , (ii) the overturning moment Mb , and (iii) the top displacement u4 t. Assume: when the excitation is due to ground motion ug ðt Þ ¼ uo sin w ¼ 2:0 kN m1 s2 =m; a ¼ 3:0 m; columns cross-sections: first and second m floor 0:30 0:30 m2 , third and fourth floor 0:25 0:25 m2 ; modulus of elasticity E ¼ 2:1 107 kN=m2 . Multi-degree-of-freedom systems: Forced vibrations Chapter (a) 14 689 (b) FIG. P14.2 Shear frame in problem P14.2 (a); dynamic model (b). Problem P14.3 For the shear frame of Problem P14.2, derive Ritz vectors using (i) the method of the natural mode shapes and (ii) the method of load dependent Ritz vectors, and use them to approximate the eigenfrequencies. Then reduce the number of equations of motion to two. Problem P14.4 For the shear frame of Problem P14.2, compute the modal magnification factors Dn and examine whether the static correction method is recommended for application. Problem P14.5 For the shear frame of Problem P14.2, compute the peak modal values Qbn0 , Mbn0 , and u4n0 of the base shear force, overturning moment, and top displacement, respectively. Then use the ABSSUM, CQM, and SRSS methods to compute the peak values of these quantities. Compare them with those resulting from the RHA (Response History Analysis). Problem P14.6 The two one-story buildings of Fig. P14.6 are connected by a beam as shown in Fig. P14.6. Formulate the equations of motion. Then compute the truncation error as a function of the number of employed eigenmodes. Use both the natural mode shapes and derived Ritz vectors and compare the computed error. Data: column cross-sections 0:30 0:30 m2 , beam crosssection 0:20 0:30 m2 , h ¼ 3:5 m, a ¼ 4:0 m, b ¼ 4:0 m, q ¼ 20 kN=m2 , b ¼ p=6, and F ðt Þ ¼ 2 cos 5t. FIG. P14.6 Two one-story buildings in problem P16.6. 690 PART II Multi-degree-of-freedom systems Problem P14.7 Consider the two-bar system of Fig. P14.7. While the system is in static equilibrium under the gravity load W ¼ mg, the mass m is given the additional displacements u0 , v0 . Compute the time history of the displacements u ðt Þ,v ðt Þ in the horizontal and vertical directions, respectively, as well as the axial forces S1 ðt Þ, S2 ðt Þ of the bars and give their graphs. Use the numerical methods CDF, AAM, and AEM to solve the nonlinear equations of motion. Assume: A ¼ 3:14 cm2 , l1 ¼ 4:0 m, l2 ¼ 3:0 m, m ¼ 10 kN m1 s2 , g ¼ 9:81 m=s2 , and E ¼ 2 108 kN=m2 . The bars are assumed massless. FIG. P14.7 Two-bar system in problem P14.7. Problem P14.8 The two-story building of Fig P14.8 is modeled as a space frame. Reduce the degrees of freedom of the structure by considering the axial restraints of columns as well the diaphragmatic function of the slabs. Adopt the lumped mass assumption for the columns. FIG. P14.8 Two-story building in problem P14.8. Problem P14.9 The shear frame of Fig. P14.9 is supported on an elastic foundation that is modeled by two nonlinear springs producing the force FT ¼ CT ðu + u 2 =4a Þ and the moment MR ¼ CR f + f2 =4 , where CT ¼ EI =10a 3 and CR ¼ EI =5a. Formulate the equations of motion of the structure and determine the time history of the shear forces and bending moments of the columns. Then compute their peak values. Data: ¼ 2 kN m1 s2 =m, a ¼ 10 m, h1 ¼ 5h2 =3, h2 ¼ 3:0 m; g ¼ 9:81 m=s2 , m E ¼ 2 107 kN=m2 ; cross-section area of columns k1 0:30 0:30 m2 and k2 0:25 0:25 m2 ; p1 ðt Þ ¼ 5H ðt Þ, and p2 ðt Þ ¼ 8H ðt Þ. Multi-degree-of-freedom systems: Forced vibrations Chapter 14 691 FIG. P14.9 Shear frame in problem P14.9. Problem P14.10 The steel mast of Fig. P14.10a is spherically hinged at point O and is supported by four massless cables of cross-section A. At the top of the mast is a steel box of side a and thickness d1 . The mast consists of a circular steel tube with thickness d2 . Its cross-section varies linearly as shown in the figure. The external diameters at the cross-sections are D1 at the top C, D2 at B, and D3 at the base O. The planform of the structure is shown in Fig. P14.10b. The box is subjected to a wind blast of intensity pðt Þ in the direction b with respect to the x axis, whose time variation is given in Fig. E14.6. The cables are prestressed to undertake compressive forces. Considering small displacements, determine the response of the structure. Data: L ¼ 60:0 m, a ¼ 5:0 m, d1 ¼ d2 ¼ 2 cm, D1 ¼ D3 ¼ 1:0 m, D2 ¼ 1:5 m, p0 ¼ 2:0 kN=m2 , b ¼ p=6, A ¼ 3:14 cm2 , E ¼ 2 108 kN=m2 , and g ¼ 9:81 m=s2 . (a) (b) FIG. P14.10 Steel mast in problem P14.10 (a); planform (b). 692 PART II Multi-degree-of-freedom systems References and further reading [1] A.K. Chopra, Modal analysis of linear dynamic systems: physical interpretation, ASCE J. Struct. Eng. 122 (1996) 517–527. [2] J.T. Katsikadelis, A generalized Ritz method for partial differential equations in domains of arbitrary geometry using global shape functions, Eng. Anal. Bound. Elem. 32 (5) (2008) 353–367, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.enganabound.2007.09.001. [3] E.L. Wilson, A. Der Kiureghian, E.P. Bayo, A replacement for the SRSS method in seismic analysis, Int. J. Earthquake Eng. Struct. Dyn. 9 (1981) 187–194. [4] N.M. Newmark, E. Rosenblueth, Fundamentals of Earthquake Engineering, Prentice-Hall, Englewood Cliffs, NJ, 1971. [5] J.T. Katsikadelis, N. Babouskos, Nonlinear flutter instability of thin damped plates. An AEM solution, J. Mech. Mater. Struct. 4 (7–8) (2009) 1394–1414. [6] J.T. Katsikadelis, A new direct time integration method for the equations of motion in structural dynamics, ZAMM Z. Angew. Math. Mech. 94 (9) (2014) 757–774, https://doi.org/ 10.1002/zamm.20120024. [7] M.A. Dokainish, K. Subbaraj, A survey of direct time-integration method in computational structural dynamics—I. Explicit methods, Comput. Struct. 32 (1989) 1371–1386. [8] K. Subbaraj, M.A. Dokainish, A survey of direct time-integration methods in computational structural dynamics—II. Implicit methods, Comput. Struct. 32 (1989) 1387–1401. [9] W. Weaver Jr., P.R. Johnston, Structural Dynamics by Finite Elements, Prentice Hall, Englewood Cliffs, NJ, 1987. [10] K.J. Bathe, E.L. Wilson, Numerical Methods in Finite Element Analysis, Prentice-Hall, Inc., Englewood Cliffs, NJ, 1976. [11] J.W. Leonard, Tension Structures, McGraw-Hill, New York, 1988. Chapter 15 Dynamic analysis of multistory buildings Chapter outline 15.1 Introduction 15.2 The multistory building 15.2.1. The concept of the multistory element 15.2.2. Nodal displacement matrix, nodal force matrix, transformation matrix, and stiffness matrix of the MSE 15.2.3. Mass matrix of the MSE and multistory building 693 695 695 15.2.4. Equation of motion of the multistory building 15.3 Dynamic response of multistory buildings due to ground motion 15.4 Problems References and further reading 702 715 723 724 696 701 15.1 Introduction The load-bearing systems of modern multistory buildings are skeletal structures made of steel, RC (reinforced concrete), or a combination of them (composite structures). The load transfer path is from slabs (plates) to beams, from beams to columns, and from columns to the foundation, which may consist of individual footings, strip footings, and raft foundations. The first modeling of a building is the shear building. It is a simple model that is used to approximate the dynamic response of a building. According to this model, the beam-reinforced slabs are encountered as plane rigid bodies. The obtained response is acceptable when the beam-slab system is very stiff, which is a usual case for buildings of reinforced concrete. However, in the beam-slab system, the flexible slabs are connected with the beams either by various types of connectors, as in composite structures, or rigidly, as in concrete structures, and they cooperate in carrying the live and dead loads. The deformation of the slab within its plane is very small and can be neglected. Thus, the functioning of the slab in the horizontal motion can be simulated with that of a plane rigid body, called diaphragm. This functioning constrains the horizontal displacements and the rotations about the vertical axis at the ends of the columns as well as the axial deformation of the beams. On the other hand, this approximation enforces the cooperation of slabs and beams in the vertical direction. Dynamic Analysis of Structures. https://doi.org/10.1016/B978-0-12-818643-5.00015-7 © 2020 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved. 693 694 PART II Multi-degree-of-freedom systems The aforementioned functioning of the load-bearing system of the building allows the approximation of its dynamical response by the following three models: (a) The slab together with the beams behaves as a rib-reinforced plate (see Fig. 15.1.1) and is treated as a substructure connected to the columns. Though this model represents the actual response of the building, it exhibits considerable difficulties in the analysis of the beam-plate system [1–3], which increase when the directions of the beam principal axes are inclined with respect to the middle plane of the plate [4]. On the other hand, the employed simplified methods to approximate rib-reinforced plates [5] introduce a considerable error, which cancels the advantages of this model and prevents its use in building analysis. (b) The building is approximated by a space frame in which the plates participate with their effective breadth, that is, a strip of the plate that increases the stiffness of the beam, and the beams perform as beams with flanges, that is, T-beams or G-beams (Fig. 15.1.2). The effective breadth assumption is adopted as a recommendation by several specification codes. Nevertheless, the resulting error is not controlled because the effective breadth cannot be estimated theoretically [6]. (c) A third way to approximate the response of a building is the finite element method. In this method, the columns are modeled as beam elements and the beams as beam structures interconnected with the plate, which is treated as a surface structure. Then the degrees of freedom are reduced by introducing nodal constraints, which ensure the diaphragmatic functioning of the plates and if allowed, the omitting of the axial deformation of columns. The finite element method describes the actual response of the structure reliably and has been very popular recently because of the increased cheap computational power. Therefore, it is used in most available professional codes for the dynamic analysis of buildings. Nevertheless, the method exhibits a great shortcoming as the number of the eigenmodes is very large and a procedure should be developed to determine the least number of eigenmodes that dominate the dynamic response. In all three models, the slab functions as a diaphragm. In the second model, the equation of motion of the building can be derived from the equation of motion of the space frame, as formulated in Section 11.9. Then, the lumped mass assumption for the columns eliminates the end rotations about the horizontal axes while their horizontal displacements and rotations about the vertical axis are constrained by the diaphragm, as described in Section 11.11. If the height of the building is small compared with its other dimensions, the axial displacements of the columns may be neglected. The masses of the building are concentrated at the levels of the slabs. This process reduces the degrees of freedom to N ¼ 3n, where n is the number of floors. We have illustrated it in Section 14.4.2, where the degrees of freedom of a three-story building are reduced to 9. Dynamic analysis of multistory buildings Chapter 15 695 Several professional codes have been developed for the analysis of buildings and in general of structures, such as ETABS, SAP2000, CSiBridge, STAAD, MIDAS, etc. These codes can be used by professional engineers to efficiently analyze structures made from various materials. However, the engineers must be aware of the assumptions adopted by the code. It is highly essential that the user of the code can check the correctness of the obtained results. This presupposes a deep understanding of the static and dynamic response of the structures. Therefore, it is recommended that these codes are employed only by experienced engineers who master the static and dynamic structural analysis. FIG. 15.1.1 Plate reinforced with beams. Effective breadth FIG. 15.1.2 Plate modeling with a grid of T- and G-beams (cross-section). In this chapter, we will study the dynamic response of multistory buildings on the basis of a simpler building model, which takes into account the framing of horizontal beams and vertical columns. This functioning is not limited individually to the floors but extends to the entire height of the building, including the influence of the elastic support on the ground. The basic concept introduced by this model is that of the multistory element (MSE). This element pertains along the whole height of the building and it may be an individual column, a wall, a frame, an elevator core, a staircase core, or elements that result from their coupling. The slabs function as diaphragms and the axial deformation of the multistory elements may be neglected. The masses are considered lumped at the levels of the floors. Thus, the active degrees of freedom are three for each floor, two translations and one rotation. This implies that in a building with n floors, the motion is governed by 3n equations. The method is illustrated with two buildings, a one-story building and a two-story building. 15.2 The multistory building 15.2.1 The concept of the multistory element We consider the multistory building of Fig. 15.2.1, which consists of n horizontal plates connected to each other by K vertical elastic elements. The plates are assumed undeformable in their plane, that is, they function as diaphragms. 696 PART II Multi-degree-of-freedom systems The vertical elements are rigidly connected with the plates so that the actions (forces and moments) can be transferred from the plates to the vertical elements and vice versa. FIG. 15.2.1 Multistory building. The vertical elements may connect two or more, or even all, slabs of the structure. They may be fixed, hinged, or elastically supported on the ground. These elements will be referred to as multistory elements (MSE). The MSEs may be columns, frames, walls, isolated or framed with beams, closed sections, staircase cores, etc. The directions of the principal axes of the MSE may vary from floor to floor. Nevertheless, their treatment is easier if their principal directions are the same along the height. 15.2.2 Nodal displacement matrix, nodal force matrix, transformation matrix, and stiffness matrix of the MSE We consider an MSE whose axis coincides with the vertical z axis. Its horizontal axes x, y coincide with the directions of the common principal axes when they do not change from floor to floor or with the predominant principal axes. The z axis of all MSEs is parallel to the z axis of the global system O xyz of the structure and has the same direction with that. The x, y axes are generally different for each MSE and are rotated with respect to the global system of axes (see Fig. 15.2.2). The system of axes i xyz of i MSE is its local system of axes. The MSE is idealized with its axis. The points 1, 2, …,n at which the z axis of the MSE intersects the horizontal slabs are referred to as the nodes of the i MSE. Dynamic analysis of multistory buildings Chapter 15 697 Node Node Node Node Node FIG. 15.2.2 Displacements and elastic forces at the node j of the i MSE. The MSE is deformed due to the deformation of the structure. Its deformation can be determined by the nodal displacements, which are three for each node, two translational in the directions of the x,y axes and one rotational about the z axis. The displacements and elastic forces at the j node of i MSE will be ij and denoted by uji , vji , wij and Xji , Yji , Mji in the local axes and by u ij , v ij , w i i i in the global axes, respectively. X j , Y j , M j Thus we define the following matrices for the displacements and elastic forces at the j node of i MSE: In the local axes n oT Dij ¼ uji vji wij (15.2.1a) In global axes T FiSj ¼ Xji Yji Mji (15.2.1b) n oT i i ¼ u i v i w D j j j j (15.2.2a) n i ¼ X i F Sj j i Y j i M j oT (15.2.2b) We assume that the local axes of the MSE are the same on all floors. The transformation matrix from the global system of axes to the local one is 2 3 cos fi sin fi 0 Rij ¼ Ri ¼ 4 sin fi cos fi 0 5 0 0 1 (15.2.3) 698 PART II Multi-degree-of-freedom systems Hence, the known transformation relations hold i Dij ¼ Ri D j i T i i ¼ R D D j j (15.2.4b) i FiSj ¼ Ri F Sj (15.2.5a) i F Sj ¼ R i T (15.2.4a) FiSj (15.2.5b) Subsequently, we formulate the total vector of displacements of the MSE in the local and global systems of axes. To be consistent with Fig. 15.2.2, we place the displacements in the corresponding vectors starting with the n node and ending with the first, namely 8 i9 D1 > > > > > = < Di > 2 , (15.2.6a) Di ¼ > > > > >⋮ > ; : Din 8 i9 > > D > 1> > > > = < i > i D 2 ¼ (15.2.6b) D > > > > >⋮ > > > : i ; Dn Obviously, these vectors are associated by the relations ^ iD i Di ¼ R i T i i ¼ R ^ D D where 2 Ri 60 ^i ¼ 6 R 6 4⋮ 0 0 Ri ⋮ 0 ⋯ ⋯ ⋱ 0 (15.2.7a) (15.2.7b) 3 0 0 7 7 7 ⋮ 5 Ri (15.2.8) By the same reasoning, we define the total vectors of the nodal elastic forces 8 i 9 FS1 > > > > > = < Fi > S2 i , FS ¼ > > >⋮ > > > : i ; FSn (15.2.9a) Dynamic analysis of multistory buildings Chapter 8 i 9 > > F > S1 > > > > i > = < i ¼ FS2 F S > > >⋮ > > > > ; : i > F 15 699 (15.2.9b) Sn which are associated with the relations ^ iF i FiS ¼ R (15.2.10a) S T i ¼ R ^ i Fi F (15.2.10b) S S Among the components of the nodal elastic forces and the nodal displacements of the MSE, a relation of the following form can be established ð15:2:11Þ or FiS ¼ ki Di (15.2.12) i The matrix k with dimensions N N ðN ¼ 3n Þ is the stiffness matrix of the i MSE with respect to its nodal displacements. In global axes, this matrix is transformed as i D i ¼ k i F (15.2.13) S where i T i i i ¼ R ^ kR ^ k (15.2.14) The plates undergo translational displacements in the direction of the y axes and rotations about the z axis. We denote the displacement vector x, of the j plate with respect to the O xyz with 8 9 < U j = Uj ¼ V j , j ¼ 1, 2, …,n (15.2.15) : ; Wj 700 PART II Multi-degree-of-freedom systems Hence, the displacement vector of all plates is defined as 8 9 > U > > = < 1 > U 2 ¼ U ⋮ > > > ; : > Un (15.2.16) The origin Oj of the axes to which the motion of the plate is referred may i with U j is differ from plate to plate. The relation that links the displacements D j T i ¼ Tj U j , j ¼ 1, 2,…,n D (15.2.17) i j where 2 3 1 0 0 Tji ¼ 4 0 1 0 5 y ij xij 1 (15.2.18) is the transformation matrix, in which xij , yij represent the coordinates of the point i referred to the system of axes with origin the point Oj (see Section 11.11). Eqs. (15.2.17) are combined as i ¼ TT U D i where 2 T1i 60 Ti ¼ 6 4⋮ 0 0 T2i ⋮ 0 ⋯ ⋯ ⋱ ⋯ (15.2.19) 3 0 0 7 7 ⋮ 5 Tni (15.2.20) is the transformation matrix of the i MSE due to the transfer. Similarly, the elastic forces are transformed to point Oj according to Eq. (15.2.17) oi ¼ Tj F i , j ¼ 1, 2, …,n F Sj i Sj which are combined to 8 oi 9 2 1 > > F > S1 > T > > > = 6 i < oi > 0 FS2Þ ¼6 4⋮ > > >⋮ > > > > > : oi ; 0 F Sn 0 T2i ⋮ 0 ⋯ ⋯ ⋱ ⋯ 8 i 9 3> F > S1 > 0 > > > > = < i > 7 0 7 FS2 ⋮ 5> > > > >⋮ > ; : i > Tni > F (15.2.21) Sn or oi ¼ Ti F i F S S (15.2.22) Using Eqs. (15.2.13), (15.2.19), we write Eq. (15.2.22) as oi U oi ¼ k F S (15.2.23) Dynamic analysis of multistory buildings Chapter 15 701 where i TT oi ¼ Ti k k i (15.2.24) is the global stiffness matrix of the i MSE with respect to points Oj . 15.2.3 Mass matrix of the MSE and multistory building In order to formulate the mass matrix of the i MSE, we assume that it consists of successive single-story elements. Thus, the mass of the MSE is lumped at its nodes. If mji is the mass at the j node and Iji the moment of inertia about the local vertical axis, then the inertial force at the level of the j plate is i € , i ¼ m ij D F j Ij where 2 mji 0 6 ij ¼ 4 0 m 0 0 j ¼ 1, 2, …,n (15.2.25) 3 mji 0 7 5, 0 Iji j ¼ 1, 2, …,n (15.2.26) Eqs. (15.2.25) are combined to € i ¼ m iD F I where 8 i 9 > F > > > > Ii 1 > < = i ¼ F I2 , F I > > >⋮ > > ; : i > F In 2 mi1 60 6 i ¼6 m 4⋮ 0 i 0 mi2 ⋮ 0 (15.2.27) ⋯ ⋯ ⋱ ⋯ 3 0 0 7 7 7 ⋮ 5 min (15.2.28) Eq. (15.2.27) is transformed to point Oj as € oi ¼ m oi U F I (15.2.29) oi ¼ Ti m i TTi m (15.2.30) where If mj is the mass of the j plate and Ijc its moment of inertia about the vertical axis with respect to the center of mass Cj , then the inertial force of the j plate is € cU c ¼ M c F j j , j ¼ 1, 2, …,n Ij where 3 mj 0 0 7 c ¼6 M 4 0 mj 0 5, j ¼ 1, 2, …,n j 0 0 Ijc (15.2.31) 2 (15.2.32) 702 PART II Multi-degree-of-freedom systems Eq. (15.2.31) is combined to € cU c ¼ M c F I (15.2.33) where 8 c 9 2 c FI 1 > M1 > > > > > c = <F 60 I2 c ¼6 c ¼ , M F 6 I > > 4⋮ ⋮ > > > > : c ; 0 FIn 3 0 ⋯ 0 c ⋯ 0 M 2 ⋮ ⋱ ⋮ c ⋯ M 0 7 7 7, 5 n 8 c 9 U1 > > > > > = <U c > 2 c U ¼ > ⋮ > > > > ; : c> U (15.2.34) n Eq. (15.2.33) is transformed to point Oj as € oU o ¼ M F I which 2 T1c 6 o ¼ Tc M c TT , Tc ¼ 6 0 M c 4⋮ 0 0 T2c ⋮ 0 ⋯ ⋯ ⋱ ⋯ 3 2 3 0 1 0 0 0 7 7 , Tj ¼ 4 0 1 0 5 c ⋮ 5 ycj xcj 1 n Tc (15.2.35) (15.2.36) 15.2.4 Equation of motion of the multistory building A A A T If PA j ¼ fPjx Pjy Mjz g denotes the external force that is applied at the point Aj of the j plate, then it is transformed to point Oj as Poj ¼ TjA PA j , j ¼ 1, 2, …,n (15.2.37) P o ¼ T A PA (15.2.38) which are combined to where 8 o9 2 1 P1 > TA > > > > > < Po = 60 6 2 , TA ¼ 6 Po ¼ > > 4⋮ ⋮ > > > ; : o> Pn 0 T2A ⋮ 0 3 2 3 1 0 0 7 ⋯ 0 7 6 7 j 7, TA ¼ 4 0 1 0 5 (15.2.39) 5 ⋱ ⋮ A yA j x j 1 ⋯ TnA ⋯ 0 0 The dynamic equilibrium of the j plate yields o + F Ij K X i¼1 oi + F Ij K X i¼1 oi ¼ Po , j ¼ 1, 2,…,n F Sj j (15.2.40) Dynamic analysis of multistory buildings Chapter 15 703 which are combined to o + F I K X i¼1 oi + F I K X i¼1 oi ¼ Po F S (15.2.41) Further, using Eqs. (15.2.23), (15.2.29), and (15.2.35), we obtain where € +K U U ¼P M K X ¼M o+ oi m M (15.2.42) (15.2.43a) i¼1 ¼ K K X oi k (15.2.43b) i¼1 ¼ Po P (15.2.43c) The modelling of buildings using the concept of the MSE is not recommended for the engineering praxis where the analysis is performed using commercial computer codes. However, it can be used for educational purposes to analyze simple buildings aiming at understanding their dynamic response. From the examples presented below we conclude that method of MSEs provides good results. Example 15.2.1 Formulate the equation of motion of the one-story building of Fig. E15.1 with respect to the center of mass O of the slab for the ground motion ug ðt Þ in the direction b. Assume: (a) The columns k1 , k2 , k3 , k4 have a square cross-section ða a Þ with moments of inertia Ix ¼ Iy ¼ I . (b) The beams b1 , b2 have a rectangular cross-section ða2a Þ, hence a moment of inertia Ib ¼ 8I . The effective breadth of the beams as well as their torsional stiffness are neglected. (c) Shear modulus G ¼ 0:40E and mass of the slab r per square meter. FIG. E15.1 One-story building in Example 15.2.1. 704 PART II Multi-degree-of-freedom systems Remarks and recommendations: (i) The theoretical height of the columns is L. (ii) The theoretical span of the frame k1 b1 k4 is 2L and that of the frame k2 b2 k1 is L. (iii) The mass of the columns as well as of the beams below the slab is neglected. Hence the center of mass of the slab coincides with its geometrical center of mass. (iv) The slab is assumed undeformable in its plane. Therefore, the axial deformation of the beams is neglected. (v) The axial deformation of the columns is neglected. When formulating the stiffness of the structure, the beams and columns function as frames. (vi) The columns are assumed fixed on the ground. (vii) Due to the small stiffness of the slab, the connection between the column k3 and the slab is a hinge about the horizontal axes. Solution using the concept of the MSE Step 1 We determine the MSEs of the structure. From Fig. E15.1 we distinguish the following MSEs, which are actually one-story elements. Below, they are shown in their local element axes It contributes to the stiffness of the structure with its translational stiffness kx along the local axis x. 3 kx 0 0 k ¼ 40 0 05 0 0 0 It contributes to the stiffness of the structure with its translational stiffness kx along the local axis x. 3 kx 0 0 4 k ¼ 0 0 05 0 0 0 It contributes to the stiffness of the structure only with its torsional stiffness kw because its translation stiffnesses along local axes x,y have been considered in MSE 1 and MSE 2. It contributes to the stiffness of the structure with its translational stiffness kx along the local axis x and with the torsional stiffness kw . The translational stiffness along the local axis y has already been considered in MSE 2. 2 1 2 2 2 3 0 0 0 k ¼ 40 0 0 5 0 0 kw 3 2 3 kx 0 0 k4 ¼ 4 0 0 0 5 0 0 kw Dynamic analysis of multistory buildings Chapter It contributes to the stiffness of the structure with its translational stiffnesses kx and ky along the local axes x and y as well as with the torsional stiffness kw . It contributes to the stiffness of the structure with its translational stiffnesses ky along the local axes y and with the torsional stiffness kw . The translational stiffness along the local axis x has been considered in MSE 1. 15 705 2 3 kx 0 0 k5 ¼ 4 0 ky 0 5 0 0 kw 2 3 0 0 0 4 k ¼ 0 ky 0 5 0 0 kw 6 Step 2 Formulation of the element transformation matrices Ri due to rotation of the local axes of the MSE. From Fig. E15.1, we have f1 ¼ f3 ¼ f4 ¼ f5 ¼ f6 ¼ 0, f2 ¼ p=2. Hence 2 3 2 3 1 0 0 0 1 0 1 3 4 5 6 2 R ¼ R ¼ R ¼ R ¼ R ¼ 4 0 1 0 5, R ¼ 4 1 0 0 5 0 0 1 0 0 1 Step 3 i of the ith element depend on the Because the plate is rigid, the displacements D displacements U of the point O. Hence the relation that connects them results uj ¼ D i , that is from Eq. (11.11.13) by setting uJ ¼ U, i ¼ TT U D i where 3 1 0 0 Ti ¼ 4 0 1 0 5 y i xi 1 (1) 2 (2) The transformation matrix is identical to that of the plane frame (see Table 11.11.1). Referring to Fig. E15.1 and using Eq. (2), we obtain 2 3 1 0 0 x1 ¼ 0, y1 ¼ L=2, T1 ¼ 4 0 1 05 0:5L 0 1 2 3 1 0 0 x2 ¼ L, y2 ¼ 0, T2 ¼ 4 0 1 0 5 0 L 1 706 PART II Multi-degree-of-freedom systems 2 x3 ¼ L, y3 ¼ L=2, x4 ¼ L, y4 ¼ L=2, x5 ¼ L, y5 ¼ L=2, x6 ¼ L, y6 ¼ L=2, 1 T3 ¼ 4 0 0:5L 2 1 T4 ¼ 4 0 0:5L 2 1 T5 ¼ 4 0 0:5L 2 1 T6 ¼ 4 0 0:5L 3 0 0 1 05 L 1 3 0 0 1 05 L 1 3 0 0 1 05 L 1 3 0 0 1 05 L 1 Step 4 Formulation of the local stiffness matrices ki of the elements and total stiffness of the building. matrix K MSE 1 (frame k1 b1 k4 ) kx is the translational stiffness of the frame of Fig. a. Assuming flexural vibrations and working as in Example 11.5.2, the stiffness matrix of the frame with respect to its three degrees of freedom is 2 3 24 6L 6L EI k1 ¼ 3 4 6L 20L2 8L2 5 L 6L 8L2 20L2 and after the static condensation of the rotational degrees of freedom u2 ,u3 2 3 21:43 0 0 EI 0 05 k1 ¼ 3 4 0 L 0 0 0 MSE 2 (frame k1 b2 k2 ) Dynamic analysis of multistory buildings Chapter 15 707 kx is the translational stiffness of the frame of Fig. b. The stiffness matrix of the frame with respect to its three degrees of freedom is 2 3 24 6L 6L EI k2 ¼ 3 4 6L 36L2 16L2 5 L 6L 16L2 36L2 and after the static condensation of the rotational degrees of freedom u2 , u3 2 3 22:61 0 0 EI 0 05 k2 ¼ 3 4 0 L 0 0 0 MSE 3, MSE 4, MSE 5, MSE 6 The stiffnesses kx , ky , kw of elements are computed from the relations kx ¼ 3EI y =L3 , ky ¼ 3EI x =L3 , kw ¼ GI t =L For a square cross-section a a it is: Ix ¼ Iy ¼ a 4 =12, It ¼ 0:140a 4 ¼ 1:68I . Hence 2 3 2 3 0 0 0 3 0 0 EI EI 5, k4 ¼ 4 0 0 0 5 k3 ¼ 3 4 0 0 0 L L3 2 2 0 0 0:672L 0 0 0:672L 2 3 2 3 3 0 0 0 0 0 EI 4 EI 5 6 5, k ¼ 4 0 3 0 5 k ¼ 3 0 3 0 L L3 2 2 0 0 0:672L 0 0 0:672L of the building with respect to point O is computed The stiffness matrix K from the relation o ¼ K 6 X T T i Ri k i Ri ð T i Þ T i¼1 ¼ 2 EI 6 4 L3 27:43 0 7:71L 3 7 0 28:61 16:61L 5 7:71L 16:61L 38:16L2 Step 5 of the building with respect to point O. Formulation of the mass matrix M Because it is assumed that only the mass of the plate is taken into account, the mass matrix will result from the inertial properties of the plate. Given that point O coincides with the mass center of the plate, we have m ¼ 3:36L2 r Io ¼ ð2:4LÞ ð1:4LÞ3 ð2:4LÞ3 ð1:4LÞ r ¼ 2:16L4 r r + 12 12 708 PART Hence II Multi-degree-of-freedom systems 2 3 3:36 0 0 o ¼ rL2 4 0 5 M 3:36 0 2 0 0 2:16L Step 6 The equation of motion reads € U +K U ¼ Mb u€g ðt Þ M is the vector of the relative displacement with respect to the ground where U and b ¼ f cos b sin b 0 gT . For a ¼ 0:30 m, L ¼ 3 m, E ¼ 2:1 107 kN=m2 , r ¼ 0:4 kN m1 s2 =m2 we obtain 2 3 14400:75 0 12143:25 ¼4 K 0 15020:25 26160:75 5 12143:25 26160:75 180306:0 2 3 12:09 0 0 ¼4 0 M 12:09 0 5 0 0 69:98 Solution using model (b) The building is approximated by the space frame of Fig. E15.2. The top of element 2 is assumed hinged to the slab permitting the relative rotation about the horizontal axes. The slab behaves as a plane rigid body, which restrains the horizontal displacements and the rotations about the z axis. This procedure yields a stiffness matrix, which is practically identical to that obtained using the concept of the MSE. Another approach that facilitates the solution is to assume two additional beam elements (elements 5 and 6) with a very small stiffness. FIG. E15.2 Space frame modeling of the one-story building in Example 15.2.1. Dynamic analysis of multistory buildings Chapter 15 709 Table E15.1 shows the eigenfrequencies obtained using the MSE modeling and SAP2000. In both models the torsional stiffness of the beams has been neglected. TABLE E15.1 Eigenfrequencies with MSE modeling and SAP2000. wn MSE modeling SAP2000 modeling w1 26.5784 26.5776 w2 34.6436 34.6437 w3 55.6964 55.6911 Example 15.2.2 Formulate the equation of motion of the two-story building shown in Fig. E15.3 with respect to the origin of the global axes O (center of column 1) when it is subjected to the ground motion ug ðt Þ in the x direction and evaluate the eigenfrequencies and eigenmodes. The building is made from reinforced concrete with material constants E ¼ 2:1 107 kN=m2 , n ¼ 0:25. The thickness of the slabs is 15 cm, the cross-sectional area of the columns is 40 40 cm2 , and of the beams 30 50 cm2 . The columns are assumed fixed at the ground. The loads of the slabs are: 5 kN=m2 live load and 1 kN=m2 covering. Planform of the stories Section FIG. E15.3 Two-story building in Example 15.2.2. Solution using the concept of the MSE Cross-sectional moment of inertia and torsional constant of the columns: Ix ¼ Iy ¼ 0:404 ¼ 21:33 104 m4 , It ¼ 0:141 0:404 ¼ 36:01 104 m4 12 Cross-sectional moment of inertia of the beams: To simplify the solution and limit the numerical computations, the effective breadth of the beams is neglected. Thus, we have 710 PART II Multi-degree-of-freedom systems Ib ¼ 0:30 0:503 ¼ 31:25 104 m4 12 a. Equation of motion Step 1 Determination of the MSEs of the structure. Referring to Fig. E15.3, we distinguish six MSEs of the frame type, three in the direction of the x axis and three in the direction of the y axis. The columns are treated as additional MSEs contributing with their torsional stiffness because their translational stiffnesses are included in the frames. The stiffness matrices result using the method presented in Example 11.5.2. The stiffness matrices of all MSEs are given below after the static condensation of the rotational degrees of freedom. 2 29237:03 6 0 6 6 0 1 6 k ¼6 6 16737:43 4 0 0 2 44851:12 6 0 6 6 0 2 6 k ¼6 6 26194:78 4 0 0 2 44851:12 6 0 6 6 0 3 6 k ¼6 6 26194:78 4 0 0 2 41960:02 6 0 6 6 0 4 6 k ¼6 23362:92 6 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 0 16737:43 0 0 0 0 0 07 7 0 0 0 07 7 0 13897:72 0 0 7 7 0 0 0 05 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 0 26194:78 0 0 0 0 0 07 7 0 0 0 07 7 0 22307:63 0 0 7 7 0 0 0 05 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 0 26194:78 0 0 0 0 0 07 7 0 0 0 07 7 0 22307:63 0 0 7 7 0 0 0 05 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 0 23362:92 0 0 0 0 0 07 7 0 0 0 07 7 0 18828:40 0 0 7 7 0 0 0 05 0 0 0 0 Dynamic analysis of multistory buildings Chapter 2 41960:02 6 0 6 6 0 5 k ¼6 6 23362:92 6 4 0 0 2 27145:69 6 0 6 6 0 6 6 k ¼6 14736:02 6 4 0 0 2 0 60 6 60 k7, 8, …, 14 ¼ 6 60 6 40 0 15 711 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 0 23362:92 0 0 0 0 0 07 7 0 0 0 07 7 0 18828:40 0 0 7 7 0 0 0 05 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 0 14736:02 0 0 0 0 0 07 7 0 0 0 07 7 0 11490:06 0 0 7 7 0 0 0 05 0 0 0 0 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 7 7 0 15364:52 0 0 8642:40 7 7 0 0 0 0 0 7 7 0 0 0 0 0 5 0 8642:40 0 0 8642:40 Step 2 Formulation of the transformation matrices Ri due to the rotation of the local axes. From Fig. E15.3, we have f1 ¼ f2 ¼ f3 ¼ f7 ¼ f8 ¼ ⋯ ¼ f14 ¼ 0, f4 ¼ f5 ¼ f6 ¼ п=2. Hence 3 3 2 2 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 60 1 0 0 0 07 6 1 0 0 0 0 0 7 7 7 6 6 7 6 6 0 0 1 0 0 07 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ 7 7 6 6 R ¼R ¼R ¼6 7, R ¼ R ¼ R ¼ 6 0 0 0 0 1 0 7 7 60 0 0 1 0 07 6 40 0 0 0 1 05 4 0 0 0 1 0 0 5 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 2 1 60 6 6 ^7 ¼ R ^8 ¼ ⋯ ¼ R ^ 14 ¼ 6 0 R 60 6 40 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 3 0 07 7 07 7 07 7 05 1 Step 3 Formulation of the transformation matrices Ti due to translation of the local axes. Apparently, in this case, any point of the local x axis can be taken as point i. Referring to Fig. E15.3 and applying Eq. (15.2.20), we obtain 712 PART II Multi-degree-of-freedom systems 3 1 0 0 0 0 0 60 1 0 0 0 07 7 6 60 0 1 0 0 07 1 1 1 1 7 6 MSE 1 : x1 ¼ x2 ¼ 0, y1 ¼ y2 ¼ 0, T1 ¼ 6 7 60 0 0 1 0 07 40 0 0 0 1 05 0 0 0 0 0 1 3 2 1 0 0 0 0 0 6 0 1 0 0 0 07 7 6 6 8 0 1 0 0 0 7 7 MSE 2 : x21 ¼ x22 ¼ 0, y21 ¼ y22 ¼ 8:0, T2 ¼ 6 6 0 0 0 1 0 07 7 6 4 0 0 0 0 1 05 0 0 0 8 0 1 3 2 1 0 0 0 0 0 6 0 1 0 0 0 07 7 6 6 16 0 1 0 0 0 7 3 3 3 3 7 6 MSE 3 : x1 ¼ x2 ¼ 0, y1 ¼ y2 ¼ 16:0, T3 ¼ 6 7 6 0 0 0 1 0 07 4 0 0 0 0 1 05 0 0 0 16 0 1 3 2 1 0 0 0 0 0 60 1 0 0 0 07 7 6 60 0 1 0 0 07 7 6 MSE 4 : x41 ¼ x42 ¼ 0, y41 ¼ y42 ¼ 0, T4 ¼ 6 7 60 0 0 1 0 07 7 6 40 0 0 0 1 05 0 0 0 0 0 1 3 2 1 0 0 0 0 0 60 1 0 0 0 07 7 6 60 5 1 0 0 07 5 5 5 5 7 6 MSE 5 : x1 ¼ x2 ¼ 5:0, y1 ¼ y2 ¼ 0, T5 ¼ 6 7 60 0 0 1 0 07 40 0 0 0 1 05 0 0 0 0 5 1 3 2 1 0 0 0 0 0 60 1 0 0 0 07 7 6 6 0 10 1 0 0 0 7 7 MSE 6 : x61 ¼ x62 ¼ 10:0, y61 ¼ y62 ¼ 0, T6 ¼ 6 60 0 0 1 0 07 7 6 40 0 0 0 1 05 0 0 0 0 10 1 2 The reaming MSEs are columns, which contribute only with their rotational stiffness. Thus, we have independently from the directions of their local axes Dynamic analysis of multistory buildings Chapter 2 1 60 6 60 T7 ¼ T8 ¼ ⋯ ¼ T14 ¼ 6 60 6 40 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 15 713 3 0 07 7 07 7 07 7 05 1 Step 4 Formulation of the stiffness matrix of the structure. Applying Eq. (15.2.43b) yields the stiffness matrix of the structure with respect to the origin O of the axes. Ko ¼ 14 X T i ^i k R ^ i TT Ti R i 3 2 i¼1 118939:27 0 1076426:90 69126:99 0 628674:79 7 6 0 111065:74 481257:02 0 61461:87 264174:87 7 6 6 7 6 1076426:90 7 481257:02 18238842:00 628674:79 264174:87 10509145:00 7 ¼6 6 69126:99 0 628674:79 58512:99 0 535383:28 7 6 7 6 7 4 0 61461:87 264174:87 0 49146:87 209042:62 5 628674:79 264174:87 10509145:00 535383:28 209042:62 8827299:10 Step 5 Formulation of the mass matrix of the structure. The surface of the plates is 120:0 m2 . Neglecting the mass of the MSEs, we have 24 6 + m1 ¼ m2 ¼ ð8:40 10:40 + 8:0 5:40Þ 0:15 9:81 9:81 ¼ 127:76 kN m1 s2 xc1 ¼ xc2 ¼ 4:17, yc1 ¼ yc2 ¼ 9:29, I1c ¼ I2c ¼ 3680:24 Hence the mass matrix with respect to the center of mass is 3 2 127:76 0 0 0 0 0 6 0 127:76 0 0 0 0 7 7 6 6 0 0 3680:24 0 0 0 7 c 7 6 M ¼6 0 0 127:76 0 0 7 7 6 0 4 0 0 0 0 127:76 0 5 0 0 0 0 0 3680:24 Moreover, the transformation matrix from C to O is 714 PART II Multi-degree-of-freedom systems 2 1 6 0 6 6 9:29 Tc ¼ 6 6 0 6 4 0 0 0 1 4:17 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 9:29 0 0 0 0 1 4:17 3 0 07 7 07 7 07 7 05 1 and applying Eq. (15.2.36) yields the mass matrix with respect to point O Mo ¼ Tc Mc TTc 2 127:76 0 6 0 127:76 6 6 1186:89 532:75 ¼6 6 0 0 6 4 0 0 0 0 1186:89 0 0 532:75 0 0 16928:06 0 0 0 127:76 0 0 0 127:76 0 1186:89 532:75 3 0 0 7 7 0 7 7 1186:89 7 7 532:75 5 16928:06 Therefore the equation of motion is € + Ko U ¼ Mo bug ðt Þ, b ¼ f 1 0 0 1 0 0 gT Mo U b. Eigenfrequencies and eigenmodes They are computed using the function [PHI,D]¼eig(K,M) of MATLAB. Table E15.2 shows the eigenfrequencies obtained using the MSE modeling and SAP2000. In both models the torsional stiffness of the beams has been neglected. TABLE E15.2 Eigenfrequencies MSE modeling and SAP2000. wn MSE modeling SAP2000 modeling w1 9.390 9.377 w2 10.192 10.085 w3 13.794 13.688 w4 34.129 33.780 w5 35.814 35.299 w6 48.829 48.332 Dynamic analysis of multistory buildings Chapter 2 0:0014 0:0455 0:0836 0:0025 15 0:0684 0:1323 715 3 7 6 6 0:0471 0:0011 0:0363 0:0768 0:0015 0:0557 7 7 6 7 6 6 0:0002 0:0003 0:0088 0:0003 0:0006 0:0139 7 7 6 F¼6 7 6 0:0018 0:0701 0:1315 0:0019 0:0440 0:0844 7 7 6 6 0:0762 0:0014 0:0561 0:0475 0:0013 0:0356 7 5 4 0:0002 0:0004 0:0139 0:0003 0:0005 0:0088 15.3 Dynamic response of multistory buildings due to ground motion We consider a multi-story building under uniform support excitation (Fig. 15.3.1). We first formulate the mass and stiffness matrices of the free structure using any method described in Section 15.1 or 15.2. The displacement vector of the j slab is written as j ¼ Uj Iug U (15.3.1) j are the relative displacements of the j slab with respect to the where U T ground, ug ¼ f ug vg wg g the vector of the ground displacements, and I (a) (b) FIG. 15.3.1 Multistory building (a) with support excitation (b). 716 PART II Multi-degree-of-freedom systems the 3 3 unit matrix. Usually, it is wg ¼ 0. Then the total displacement vector of the building is written + rug u¼u (15.3.2) where r ¼ f I I ⋯ I gT (15.3.3) Taking into account that the elastic and damping forces are produced only by the relative displacements, we can write the equation of motion as (see Section 14.7.2) € + Cu _ + K Mu u ¼ Mr€ ug (15.3.4) it is For ground motion in direction x, r ¼ f 1 0 0 1 0 0 ⋯ 1 0 0 gT (15.3.5) Apparently, it is convenient to refer the displacements to the center of mass c ¼ TTc u , u ¼ TT c and of the plates. Then, taking into account that u c u c T M ¼ Tc M Tc , Eq. (15.3.4) becomes c c € + Tc Cu _ + Tc K u c ¼ Tc Mc TTc r€ Tc M c u ug (15.3.6) Then premultiplying by T1 c gives c c € + Cc u _ + Kc u c ¼ Mc rc u €g Mc u (15.3.7) T c 1 T Cc ¼ T1 c CTc , K ¼ Tc KTc (15.3.8) where are the transformed damping and stiffness matrices with respect to the center of mass of the plates and 8 T 9 3 2 1 > 0 ⋯ 0 T1c > T1c > > > > 2 1 < 2 T = 7 6 7 6 Tc ⋯ 0 Tc (15.3.9) , T1 rc ¼ T T ¼ 60 7 c r¼> c > 5 4 ⋮ ⋮ ⋱ ⋮ ⋮ > > > > 1 : n T ; 0 0 ⋯ Tnc Tc To avoid the inversion Tc , we can readily show that (see Section 11.11) 2 3 1 0 0 j 1 1 0 5 j ¼ 1, 2, …,n Tc ¼ 40 c yj xcj 1 1 T We recall the notation TT (see Section 12.5.3). c ¼ Tc (15.3.10) Dynamic analysis of multistory buildings Chapter 15 717 Example 15.3.1 The building in Example 15.2.2 is subjected to the ground motion in the x direction due to the 1999 Athens earthquake (see Chapter 6). Determine: 2 at the top of column 1, the base shear force Qbx , the 2, W (i) The peak values U overturning moment Mbx , and the base torsion moment Tb . (ii) The peak values of the shear force Qx , the bending moment Mx , and the torsion moment at the base of column 1 (cross-section a). Assume modal damping x ¼ 0:05 for all mode shapes Solution 2 , Qbx , Mbx , Tb 2, W (i) Peak values U The eigenfrequencies and mode shapes were computed in Example 15.2.2. Adhering to the steps in Example 14.8.1, we have Computation of the vectors Rn . It is R ¼ Mo r, where r ¼ f 1 0 0 1 0 0 gT . Then Eq. (14.3.14) gives G1 ¼ 0:057, G2 ¼ 15:640, G3 ¼ 0:478 G4 ¼ 0:035, G5 ¼ 3:263, G6 ¼ 0:190 and we obtain from Eq. (14.3.13) R1 R2 R3 0:001 96:773 0:072 0:338 0:367 0:041 1:360 918:659 15:131 0:002 147:830 0:157 0:549 0:639 0:084 2:207 1399:871 23:322 R4 R5 0:004 30:823 0:341 0:404 1:339 295:177 0:003 20:176 0:210 0:243 0:811 194:117 R6 0:086 0:051 9:115 0:005 0:027 5:854 st , Q st , M st , T st . The st , W First, we compute the quantities U 2n 2n bxn bxn bn n ¼ K1 Rn , which modal displacements are computed from the relation U by virtue of Eq. (14.3.14) and the relation K ¼ w2n M becomes 2 n ¼ Gn =w fn . Hence U n st ¼ Gn f st ¼ Gn f1n , W U 2n 2n w2n w2n 3n and st st st Qbxn ¼ R1n + R4n , Mbxn ¼ h1 R1n + ðh1 + h2 ÞR4n , Tbn ¼ R3n + R6n Their values are given in Table E15.3. The peak modal values were computed from Eq. (14.8.4), namely qn0 ¼ qnst Spa ðx n , Tn Þ 2 , Qbx , Mbx , Tb Þ and Spa ðx , Tn Þ the spectral pseudoacce 2, W where q U n leration, which was computed numerically using the program response_ spectrum_aem.m (see Section 6.2) with x ¼ 0:05. The computed values 718 PART II Multi-degree-of-freedom systems TABLE E15.3 Modal quantities. 2 105 W n st U 2n 105 st Qbxn st Mbxn st Tbn 1 0.119 0.015 0.003 0.021 3.567 2 1055.796 6.248 244.603 1618.120 2318.530 3 33.054 3.489 0.229 1.578 38.454 4 0.006 0.0008 0.001 0.003 0.528 5 11.196 0.120 10.647 22.705 101.060 6 0.673 0.071 0.036 0.012 3.261 are given in Table E15.4 together with the peak values of the modal quantities. Applying Eq. (14.8.8) gives the correlation matrix 2 1000:00 602:02 61:70 4:29 3:89 6 602:02 1000:00 96:66 5:08 4:59 6 6 6 61:70 96:66 1000:00 10:19 9:04 3 r ¼ 10 6 6 4:29 5:08 10:19 1000:00 811:16 6 6 4 3:89 4:59 9:04 811:16 1000:00 2:16 2:51 4:52 70:45 3 2:16 2:51 7 7 7 4:52 7 7 70:45 7 7 7 92:45 5 92:45 1000:00 Obviously, the off-diagonal elements are not negligible. That was anticipated because there are eigenfrequencies close to each other. Therefore, the CQC method should be used to compute the peak values. The resulting values are given in Table E15.5 as compared with those obtained by direct solution of the equation of motion (Response History Analysis), namely € + Ko U ¼ Mo bug ðt Þ, b ¼ f 1 0 0 1 0 0 gT Mo U which has been solved using the MATLAB program aem_lin_MDOF.m (see Section 14.10.3). Apparently, although the results obtained by the CQC method are close to those obtained by the RHA for the displacements, the error may be appreciable for the forces. (ii) Peak values of Qx and Mx at cross-section a of column 1. The degrees of freedom of the frame are shown in Fig. E15.4. The displacements u1 , u2 result from the displacements of the MSE 1 while the rotation from the MSE 7. From the relations (15.2.7a), (15.2.19), we have ^ i TT U Di ¼ R i TABLE E15.4 Peak values of the modal quantities. Spa ðx n , Tn Þ U 2n0 105 2n0 105 W Qbxn0 Mbxn0 Tbn0 (m) (rad) (kN) (kNm) (kNm) n Tn (m/sec ) 1 0.669 3.7824 0.451 0.055 2 0.616 4.1419 4373.003 25.866 3 0.455 3.4180 112.98 4 0.184 5.3077 5 0.175 6 0.129 2 0.0123 0.081 13.493 1012.123 6702.093 9603.121 11.924 0.782 5.395 131.435 0.031 0.004 0.007 0.0179 6.0243 67.447 0.723 64.141 136.782 608.816 4.6813 3.151 0.331 0.169 0.055 15.264 2.803 720 PART II Multi-degree-of-freedom systems TABLE E15.5 Peak values. U 2 max W 2 max jQbx jmax jMbx jmax jTb jmax (cm) (rad) (kN) (kNm) (kNm) CQC 4.392 0.00027 1015.55 6703.40 9605.00 RHA 4.440 0.00032 1028.28 6726.98 9806.23 FIG. E15.4 Degrees of freedom of MSE 1. Hence 8 9 8 9 0 > U1> > > > > > > > > > > > > V > > > > > 0 > 1 > > > > > > > > > > > > = = < < W 0 1 1 1 T 7 7 T ^ T U ^ T U ¼ ¼ , D D ¼R ¼ R 1 7 > > 0 > > > > > U 2 > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > 0 V > > > > 2 > > > ; : > : ; W2 0 which yields 1 u1 ¼ u 1 ¼ U 1 , u2 ¼ u 1 ¼ U 2 , w7 ¼ W