Notation Notation a foo w, x, y, z ε k n, m L, S, A, B ∅ Σ {w | foo} ak wk Ak A∗ A+ wrev L 2A |A| |w|a prefix (w) pprefix (w) prefix (L) suffix (w) psuffix (w) suffix (L) A∪B A∩B xy A−B A×B # N Z R ∴ Meaning Example The character ’a’ The string "foo" Arbitrary string The empty string Numerical constant Numerical variable Language, set The empty set An alphabet The set of all w such that foo holds k repetitions of the character a k repetitions of the string w The set of all strings with k arbitrary elements from the set A Kleene star operation on A a,b,c bar, thing w ∈ Σ∗ Plus operator on the set A Reverse of the string w The complement language to L The powerset of A Number of elements in A (sometimes denoted cardinality) The number of a’s in the string w The set of strings x such that w = xz The set of proper prexes to w The set of strings w such that w is a prex in some string in L The set of strings x such that w = zx The set of proper sufxes to w The set of strings w such that w is a sufx in some string in L The union of A and B The intersection of A and B The concatenation of the strings x and y The set of all elements which are in A but not in B The set of all combinations of an element in A concatenated with an element in B. The end of a string/stack The set of natural numbers The set of integers The set of real numbers Ergo, hence, therefore End of proof 4 Other notation a, b, c bar, foo λ k, −3, 1, 42 n = 2m L = Σ∗ Σ = {a, b} {w | wrev = w} a4 = aaaa w3 = www {1, 2}2 = {11, 12, 21, 22} {0, 1}∗ = {ε, 0, 1, 00, . . .}, a∗ = {ε, a, aa, . . .}, (foo)∗ = {ε, foo, foofoo, . . .} {0, 1}+ = {0, 1, 00, 01, 10, . . .} (foobar)rev = raboof � � 2{0,1} = ∅, {0}, {1}, {0, 1} |{1, 2, 3}| = 3, |automation| = 7 |abracadabra|a = 5 prefix (abc) = {ε, a, ab, abc} prefix (abc) = {a, ab} prefix (Σ∗ ) = Σ∗ {} ak , a4 wR ¬(L), LC na (w), #a (w) suffix (abc) = {ε, c, bc, abc} psuffix (abc) = {c, bc} suffix (Σ∗ ) = Σ∗ {1, 2, 3} ∪ {2, 3, 4} = {1, 2, 3, 4} {1, 2, 3} ∩ {2, 3, 4} = {2, 3} x = foo, y = bar, xy = foobar A+B {1, 2, 3} − {2, 3, 4} = {1} A\B {a, b} × {c, d} = {ac, ad, bc, bd} N = {0, 1, 2, . . .} Z = {. . . , −2, −1, 0, 1, 2, . . .} 47, 011 ∈ R