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Text Structures: Patterns of Organization

Patterns of Organization
Young children benefit from
opportunities to read a rich array of
fiction and informational books.
Reading educators and researchers
agree that young children benefit
informational books (Snow, Burns, &
Griffin, 1998).
Informational or factual texts are
materials that provide significant
information or details about a
particular person, place, thing, event,
issue and the like. They vary in
terms of types, signal
questions and signal words.
Informational or factual texts inform
readers on true, fact-based information.
These include a wide range of nonfiction,
historical, scientific and technical texts,
including autobiographies and biographies,
books about history, social studies, sciences
and the arts, directions, forms
and information displayed in graphs,
charts, or maps and digital
resources on a range of topics.
What is Text Structure?
How information in a passage is organized.
We will study six common patterns:
Compare and Contrast
Cause and Effect
Sequence/ Procedural/ Process
Problem and Solution
1. Compare and Contrast
Points out likenesses and/or differences
Explains how two or more things are
Apples & Oranges
1. Both are fruits.
2. Both have skin.
1. People don’t eat
orange skins.
2. Oranges have
more juice.
Compare and Contrast
Signal Words
-Different from
-Same as
-Similar to
-As well as
-Not only…but
-Compared to…
-In contrast
Apples and Oranges
There are several ways that apples and oranges are alike.
They are both round fruits and both can be made into healthy
juices. Additionally, they are both types of foods that grow on
trees. But there are also several ways that apples and oranges
differ. Apples can be red or green in color while oranges are well,
orange. When touching an apple, the skin is smooth. Touch an
orange and it is rough. And finally, these two fruits grow better in
different types of climates. So while apples and oranges are
similar in the attributes of Shape, Fruit, Makes Juice, Type of
Food, and Grows on Trees, they are different in the attributes of
color, skin texture, and climate.
2. Cause and Effect
Shows how facts, events, concepts happen because
of other facts, events concepts.
●An action and its results are explained.
●Lists one or more causes and the resulting effect (s)
Students make messes
and distract the class.
They are not allowed to
chew gum in class.
Cause and Effect
Signal Words
So that
-Because of
-In order to
-As a result of
-This led to
-Reasons for
-Thus accordingly
Students are not allowed to chew gum in my
class. While some students think that I am just being
mean, there are many good reasons for this rule. First,
some irresponsible students make messes with their
gum. They may leave it on the bottoms of desks, drop it
on the floor, or put it on other people’s property.
Another reason why I don’t allow students to chew gum
is because it is a distraction. When they are allowed to
chew gum, students are more worried about having it,
popping it, chewing it, and snapping it than they are in
listening, writing, reading, and learning. This is why I
don’t allow students to chew gum in my class.
3. Chronological
Puts facts, events, or concepts in order or by the time in
which each event occurred, it also traces the development
of a topic
Chrono = time
Logic = order
Jack and Jill ran
up the hill to fetch
a pail of water.
Jack fell down
and broke his
ALL stories are told chronologically.
Jill came
Signal Words
- First
- Second
- Third
- Now
- Before
- After
- Then
- Next
- Finally
- Following
- While
- Meanwhile
- Last
- During
This morning was crazy. First, my alarm clock
was set for PM instead of AM, so I woke up
really late. I just threw on some clothes and ran
out the door. Then, I rode my bike as fast as I
could and thought that I was going to be late for
sure, but finally when I got there everyone was
outside and there were firetrucks all lined up in
front of school. I guess somebody pulled the fire
alarm before class started. It worked out
though, because nobody really noticed or minded
that I was tardy.
First, I woke up late since my alarm clock
was set wrongly.
Then, I rode my bike as fast as I could.
Finally, when I got there everyone was
outside and there were firetrucks all lined
up in front of school.
4. Process/Sequence/ Procedural
A series of actions to accomplish a goal, information is
given step-by-step.
generally used for instructions or directions, but it can also
be used to explain processes in nature or society
How to Make Cookies
First, get your
Then, make
your dough.
Lastly, cook
your dough at
400 degrees for
10 minutes.
Information organized sequentially does not occur at any specific
time but, rather, anytime.
Process Signal Words
- Begins with
- In order to…
- Start here
- Step One
Studying for a Test
Believe it or not, as important as it is, many students
do not know how to study for a test. Well, studying for
a test is easy. In order to study effectively, the first
thing that you must do is take out your notes. To
begin with open your notes up to the section that you
are supposed to review. Read what you wrote in your
notebook. When you are done, close your notebook
and see if you remember the ideas that you were
studying. Still don’t remember? Open your notebook
back up a try again.
How to make a banana cake:
1. Preheat oven to 180 degrees C. Butter and line a square
cake tin.
2. Cream butter and sugar until light and fluffy.
3. Beat in eggs, bananas and vanilla.
4. Sift the dry ingredients together.
5. Mix together the milk and lemon juice.
6. Alternating, add the dry ingredients and the
milk,beating between each addition
7. Bake in the oven for approximately 45 mins or until a
skewer comes out clean.
8. Rest in the tin for 5 minutes before turning out onto a
wire rack to cool.
5. Problem and Solution
A problem is presented and answer is suggested.
Our environment is polluted.
We should practice 4Rs.
(Refuse, Reduce, Reuse
and Recycle.)
Problem and Solution
Signal Words
A solution
The problem
The evidence is
• Conclude
•Research shows
•Dilemma is…
•Puzzle is…
In most parts of the world, there are not as many
crocodiles as there used to be. This is a problem
because crocodiles are becoming endangered and also
crocodiles are necessary to the balance of nature. Many
crocodiles have died because people dried up the
swamps and marshes where the crocodiles live.
Poachers have also contributed to the dilemma as
crocodiles have been desired for their strong, smooth,
leathery skins. In order to preserve these mighty
creatures, people must take care of the crocodiles’
environment and help put a stop to the needless shooting
of these animals.
People must take
care of the
environment and
help put a stop to
the needless
shooting of these
composes of text structures which simply
describe something.
With few exceptions, these texts also present
plenty of details about what they’re describing.
Signal Words
appears to be
for instance
as in
•for example
•in back of
•in front of
•looks like
•on top of
• over
•such as
Coral snakes are distinguished
by their red, yellow/white, and black
colored banding. Most species of
are small in size. North American
species average around 3 feet in
length, but specimens of up to 5 feet
or slightly larger have been reported.
white color
small in
3 feet in
5 feet
Tips to Identify
Ask, “what is the author doing
in this paragraph?” Put it in
your own words.
Have a hunch? Use the graphic
organizer to see if the info fits.
Look for signal words.
Read each passage.
Determine how the text is organized: cause
and effect, compare and contrast,
chronological order, sequence / process
writing, problem and solution,
Write your answer.
Popular Sports
Football and baseball are two of the most
popular sports in the country. They are similar in
some ways. For one, they are both team sports,
and they both require players to advance to an
end or “home” point on the playing field.
However, football, unlike baseball requires
players to carry the ball to the end zone, while in
baseball, it is the defending team that controls the
ball while it is in play.
The Magic Blanket
One day while walking home from school, he found a
magic blanket. When he covered himself with it, he
turned invisible. At first he used his power to play all
kinds of tricks on people. Then he’d turn invisible and
hide things, or move a cup when someone was pouring
juice to make a mess. He had a lot of fun. But then one
day, he found that he couldn’t take the blanket off. He
was just stuck invisible. Meanwhile, he quit playing
tricks on people, hoping that he’d be able to take the
blanket off and rejoin society, but it didn’t work. He is
still invisible somewhere right now, and he is very lonely.
Low Test Scores
Many students have been getting low scores on
tests and this is upsetting to parents, teachers, and
students. Low test scores show that teachers aren’t
teaching effectively or that students aren’t learning.
Either way it’s an issue with which we are concerned. I
propose the following: any teacher who is giving a test
should open up their classroom for study groups the
night and morning before the test. Maybe by giving
students extra opportunities to study, we can improve
students’ test scores.
Being involved in after school sports and clubs is
not a right. It is a privilege. Therefore, students
have to meet eligibility requirements. If students
have any “D”s or “F”s, then they are not allowed to
play. Also, if students have behavior issues in
class, they cannot be on the team or in the club.
students need to keep good attendance.
Consequently, If students miss school, they most
certainly cannot come to practice. Being on a team
is a lot of responsibility.
Look down at your feet. Are you wearing shoes? Why?
People wear shoes for many reasons. The first and most
important reason is to protect their feet. Shoes keep people from
hurting their feet while walking on rough surfaces, but this isn’t
the only reason why people wear shoes. Some people wear
special shoes that are designed to help them play a game, like
bowling shoes or soccer cleats. Some people wear expensive
designer shoes so that they appear fashionable and feel good
about themselves. And a lot of other people like my dad wear
shoes so that their feet won’t stink up the room.
When I got home from school after a long
boring day, I took out the peanut butter, jelly, and
bread. After taking the lid off of the jars, I spread
the peanut butter on one side of the bread and
the jelly on the other, and then I put the two
pieces of bread together. After that, I enjoyed it
while watching “Cops” on the TV. I swear, that
was the best peanut butter and jelly sandwich I
ever ate.
Dr. Miller doesn’t want the tigers to vanish. These
majestic beasts are disappearing at an alarming rate. Dr.
Miller thinks that we should write to our congress people. If
we let them know that we demand the preservation of this
species, maybe we can make a difference. Dr. Miller also
thinks that we should donate to Save the Tigers. Our
donations will help to support and empower those who are
fighting the hardest to preserve the tigers. We owe it to our
grandchildren to do something.
Some countries, such as Japan, or
parts of a country, like California in the
United States, have a lot of earthquakes. In
these places it is a good practice to build
houses and other buildings so they will not
collapse when there is an earthquake. This
is called seismic design or "earthquakeproofing".
There are two types of people in this world: cat people and dog
people. Which type are you? Well, if you like a pet that is low
maintenance, you might be a cat person. Cats are easier to take care of
than dogs because cats are very independent. Since they use litter
boxes, they do not have to be taken outside to go potty like dogs. Also,
cats clean themselves while dogs need occasional baths. If you prefer a
pet that requires more attention, you may be a dog person. Most dogs
are very loyal and obedient. You can play games like fetch or tug of war
with a dog. Dogs will also alert you when someone is outside of your
home, whereas cats will usually just stay quiet. Both cats and dogs like
to be petted, and they both make excellent pets, but it takes a certain
kind of person to own them. Which kind of person are you?
disappearing. Some people are trying to solve
this problem. Otherwise, chimpanzees may one
day exist only in zoos. People are trying to save
the rain forests and woodlands where the
chimps live from being cut down. It will take
many people working together to solve this
A bully is someone who hurts,
frightens or intimidates another kid
over and over again. A bully takes
every opportunity to make another
kid feel bad, and enjoys the feeling of
power that they get from doing so.
It was just one of those days. First, I woke
up an hour late. Then, I realized that my shirt
had a big stain on it. So I quickly changed and
ran out the door. A few minutes later, I was
standing at the bus stop wondering where my bus
could be. Suddenly I remembered that I was
supposed to set my clock back an hour last night.
That's when I realized I wasn't late - I was a
whole hour early!
Ice-cream is a delicious frozen treat that
comes in a many different colors and flavors. Two
of my favorite flavors are strawberry and
chocolate. Though both of these flavors are
delicious, strawberry may contain pieces of fruit
while chocolate usually will not. Even though more
chocolate ice-cream is sold across the country
annually than strawberry, each flavor tastes great
inside of a milk shake.
Park School had a terrible problem.
Every day at recess, students would argue
over the slides. Teachers had to spend time
every day taking care of the arguments.
Finally, one teacher came up with a great
solution. They bought another set of slides
that everyone could enjoy.
A program in Mexico tried to get people to
use less electricity. This program had mixed
results. The program paid people to replace old
refrigerators and air conditioners with new ones.
The new machines used less power. So, the new
refrigerators led to less electricity use. However,
since the new air conditioners worked better than
the old air conditioners, people used them more.
For this reason, people actually used more
electricity with the new air conditioners.
First, Goldilocks sat in the great
big, Papa Bear chair, but it was too
hard. Then, she sat in the medium
sized, Mama Bear chair, but it was too
soft. Finally, she sat in the little, bitty,
Baby Chair, and it was just right.
Have you ever made macaroni
and cheese? It’s simple! First, boil
some water and make some macaroni.
Then, make your cheese sauce. After
the cheese sauce is ready, mix it with
the macaroni. Bake the entire thing in
the oven. Finally, it’s time to eat!
A trumpet and a flute are both wind
instruments. That is, they're musical instruments
that you play by blowing air to make a sound. But
they're members of two different musical families.
The trumpet is a member of the brass family. Most
brass instruments are made at least partly of
brass. The flute, on the other hand, is a woodwind.
Most woodwind instruments were once made of
wood. There are still some wooden flutes, though
most are now metal.
Lots of students fail classes. Some
students fail because the work is too
hard for them. Other times they may fail
because they are lazy, and don’t do any
work. Another reason why students may
fail is if they don’t go to school. If you’re
not in class you may miss a lot. Many
students fail classes every quarter.
Chemicals like pesticides, herbicides, and oil
can wash into the stream during storms.
Dirt and debris from construction sites and
bare ground cause problems too. But there
is a solution. A riparian buffer zone, or an
area of trees and shrubs along a waterway,
can dramatically improve water quality.
There are different layers of soil, called
“horizons”. The top horizon, or layer, is called top
soil. It is dark brown, very loose, has very few
rocks, and contains a lot of hummus, which is
decomposed organic matter. Subsoil, just below
the top soil, is lighter in color, packed more tightly,
and contains less hummus and more rocks. Unlike
the top horizon, the very bottom horizon, which
rests on bedrock, contains no hummus at all, is
very compact, and is full of rocks.
Going to the cinema to watch movies has
become redundant nowadays. In the 90’s, people
went to movie theatres to watch movies only.
Those were the times of television and VCRs. By
the 2000s, people started having their personal
computers. So, movies were watched in DVDs.
Today, with the advent of android phone and 4G
connectivity, people can watch movies right in their