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Lab Arrays

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[Previously saved workspace restored]
> v1<-c(1:12)
> M1 <- matrix(v1,nrow=3,ncol=4,byrow=TRUE)
> > v2<-c(13:24)
> M2 <- matrix(v2,nrow=3,ncol=4,byrow=TRUE)
> > names<- c("Kim", "Kayne", "North")
> info<-c("Height", "Weight", "Shoe Size","Hair Length")
> > A<- array(c(M1,M2),dim=c(3,4,2),dimnames=list(names,info))
> > A[,,1]
Height Weight Shoe Size Hair Length
Kim 1 2 3 4
Kayne 5 6 7 8
North 9 10 11 12
> A[,,2]
Height Weight Shoe Size Hair Length
Kim 13 14 15 16
Kayne 17 18 19 20
North 21 22 23 24
> > ##Question > v3=c(50,60,70,80,45,35,70,50,23,29,30,45,30,35,40,45)
> M3 <- matrix(v3,nrow=4,ncol=4,byrow=FALSE)
> M3
[,1] [,2] [,3] [,4]
[1,] 50 45 23 30
[2,] 60 35 29 35
[3,] 70 70 30 40
[4,] 80 50 45 45
> Sub <- c("Phy","Chem","Maths","Bio")
> Student<- c("A","B","C","D")
> B<- array(M3,dim=c(4,4),dimnames=list(Sub,Student))
> B
Phy 50 45 23 30
Chem 60 35 29 35
Maths 70 70 30 40
Bio 80 50 45 45
> > ##q2 Total marks by A in all subjects
> M3[,1]
[1] 50 60 70 80
> allsubA=sum(M3[,1])
> allsubA
[1] 260
> > ##q3 highest in bio
> M3[4,]
[1] 80 50 45 45
> high=max(M3[4,])
> high
[1] 80
> > ##q4 total marks by B and C > stuB=sum(M3[,2])
> stuC=sum(M3[,3])
> total= stuB +stuC
> total
[1] 327
> total=sum(M3[,2],M3[,3])
> total
[1] 327
> > ##q5 top in chem
> top=max(M3[2,])
> top
[1] 60
> > > ##q6 min by C
> low=min(M3[,3])
Error: object 'LOW' not found
> > low
[1] 23
> low=min(M3[,4])
> low
[1] 30
> > > #q1
> total=sum(M3[2,],M3[4,])
> total
[1] 379