Uploaded by ruzekiza258


A maze out of a tunnel
Another dead end
Another night spent in despair
If I gave it a chance
I might fall
I might drown
Give me a chance
A chance to life
To dream, to live
To love, to happiness
Everyone deserves a chance
A revival
A come back to win big
A second to draw back, and relive
What is life nothing but a game
Yet cannot be tamed
Every player lost in their ways
Deep in thoughts, our brains might explode
I have a dream can you tell
I haven’t slept but I got one
Hope is all I need
To dream big
Covered in dust like a desert in the Sahara
Water and dirt mixed together for a path
A way many find life
Not many find it but many stumble upon it
Many grumble on it
Joy cannot be found, but they provide peace
A humble meal for the needy
A gamble for the greedy
A check for the man above
Fiddling with the poor like a dove
The muddy paths, the narrow streams
Cut through life
Feed hungry corners
The shady schemes shelter them
Cover them to cover us overnight
Life played and many fell short
Many stuck with papers for freedom
Shelter the wicked, wickedness haunts your house
They come alive at night
You might step over them
Then you are gone for the day
Tomorrow holds no grudge
And a promise to none
It’s only a feeling but many have fallen
Great kings could not rule over it
Magician could not charm it
Strong men could not wrestle it
It’s a struggle that needs no muscle
Herbs made to soothe the heart
A healing in disguise
A blessing guise for the enemy
A foundation for the broken
A commotion for the mind
My heart wishes nothing but to follow
Like a dog chasing after its master
I am the master but my heart is compelling
My wishes are subdue, my desires are declining
A feeling that is supposed to be ‘just’
Has tamed my heart
My mind cannot fight
My body is already in a tussle
I think I have fallen
Nobody to catch me
but I have caught a feeling
An emotion not defined by motion
Even Einstein could equate to proportion
It’s not an equation it’s LOVE.
I wonder how it looks.
What form it took?
Who did it feast upon?
Who did it eat on and why?
I’m overwhelmed with emotions
My eyes filled with water
I might fill a river
My heart squeezed to death
I feel the blood in my veins
They are dry, they are painful
A thousand jobs squeezed into one
Worthless, useless is all I possess
Losses after losses, tragedy after tragedy
All I have seen is dead ends
Darkness cannot describe how it looks
Yet misery lies underneath its skin
Still I wonder what colour you posses
You old foe of victory
What do you seek?
You nemesis of light
What colour do you real bear?
Even red has a motive
Green has life
And blue brings peace
Yet I wonder what lies underneath defeat.
The man I thought I knew
All I ever wanted was to know him
To love him and embrace him
Praise him and raise his name
Exalt his fame and hide his shame
To humble his reign
It’s a shame his face is different
The opposite of a smile
The enemy of joy and sanity
The reflection of the roots of money
I wish I knew him but his blur
His face has disappeared
His memories hidden like treasure
My mind cannot even measure
My heart has caught seizures
But I’m still searching
Talk to me, talk to he
A ‘he’ I forgot
Who I was I cannot recall
Only time will tell
But time shares no voice
I’ve lost myself
To gain myself
I don’t know who i really am
I thought I knew myself
I guess I’m new to myself
The truth about her
The one whom I’m from
The one I cannot repay
The one I cannot afford
The one of my eyes
Built like a strong windmill
You never seize to spin
Even when the wind halts
You are still going round like merry go round
I feel the spark of electricity from your labour
Darkness obeys light fills my path