CERTIFICATE This is certified that Project entitled "PROJECT NAME" which is submitted by SANJAY KUMAR (212421), DURGA PRASAD YADAV (212422), YOGENDRA SINGH (212435) & ADITYA PRATAP SINGH (212443) of Diploma 3rd year, Mechanical Engineering, Gajraj Singh Polytechnic Jamuniya Jaunpur, for the award of the Diploma, is a bonafide record of work carried out by them under guidance of Er Yogendra Singh Rajput. The content of this project has not been submitted to any university or institute for award of any degree or diploma. ____________ Er. Yogendra Singh Rajput Head of department (Project guide) (Mechanical Engineering) Date: _ _/ _ _/ _ _ _ _ Place: Jaunpur ____________ External Examiner SELF ATTESTATION This is certifying that, we have personally worked on the dissertation entitled " PROJECT NAME ". A case study and data mentioned in this report was obtained during genuine work done and collected by us. Any other data and information in this report, which has been collected from outside agency, has been duly acknowledged. STUDENTS: -------------------------------------------------------SANJAY KUMAR (212421) ------- ------------------------------------------------DURGA PRASAD YADAV (212422) ------- ------------------------------------------------YOGENDRA SINGH (212435) --------------------------------------------------------ADITYA PRATAP SINGH (212443) Date:-_ _ _ _/ _ _ _ _ /_ _ _ _ _ Place:- JAUNPUR