This article has been accepted for publication in IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology. This is the author's version which has not been fully edited and content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI 10.1109/TVT.2022.3217140 1 IRS-Assisted OTFS System: Design and Analysis Anna Thomas, Kuntal Deka, Sanjeev Sharma, and Neelakandan Rajamohan Abstract—Intelligent reflecting surface (IRS) is a recent technology garnering lots of attention amongst the wireless communication research community due to its ability to improve the channel conditions extravagantly. The main feature of IRS technology is its capability to tune the phases of the reflecting elements to trigger a cohesive amalgamation of various multipath. IRS can easily co-exist with almost all technologies, thereby offering flexibility to the designers to come up with attractive systems. Further, orthogonal time frequency space (OTFS) is a recent 2D modulation technique that can mitigate the drawbacks of the traditional orthogonal frequency division multiplexing (OFDM) for fifth generation (5G) and beyond networks, especially in high Doppler wireless environments like vehicle-to-everything (V2X) and millimeter wave (mmWave) communications. This paper presents the system architecture of the IRS-assisted OTFS scheme in the delay-Doppler (DD) domain, including the modulation, demodulation, and detection methods. The selection of the reflection coefficients play the most vital role in the IRS-OTFS system, like any IRS system. IRS reflection optimization cannot perfectly line up all multipath with the same phase in the frequency-selective channels. We adopt an IRS phase optimization method where only the strongest delay-Doppler path is phase-aligned, while the paths with lesser strengths will be out of phase with the direct path. This reconfigurability of IRS elements enhances the OTFS modulation scheme, thereby significantly mitigating the multipath fading effects in high Doppler channels. Additionally, we propose a channel estimation for the IRS-OTFS system where both data and pilots are embedded in the same OTFS frame with minimal guard-band overhead. The paper presents extensive simulation results on the error-rate performance of the proposed system over Rayleigh and Rician fading channels. The effects of the number of IRS elements, the phase selections, and the channel estimation method on the system’s performance are investigated. The comprehensive simulation study demonstrates that by exploiting the features of both OTFS and IRS, the proposed approach can provide impressive performance in high Doppler environments. Index Terms—OTFS, IRS, delay-Doppler domain, reflection optimization, coherent phase. I. I NTRODUCTION A. Motivation: The introduction of intelligent reflecting surface (IRS) technology is foreseen as a potential solution for several challenges faced by 5G and beyond wireless communication networks. Copyright (c) 2015 IEEE. Personal use of this material is permitted. However, permission to use this material for any other purposes must be obtained from the IEEE by sending a request to Anna Thomas is with the School of Electrical Sciences, Indian Institute of Technology Goa, India. e-mail: ( Kuntal Deka is with the Department of EEE, Indian Institute of Technology Guwahati, India. e-mail: ( Sanjeev Sharma is with the Department of Electronics Engineering, Indian Institute of Technology (BHU), Varanasi, India, e-mail: ( Neelakandan Rajamohan is with the School of Electrical Sciences, Indian Institute of Technology Goa, India. e-mail: ( Manuscript received May 22, 2022; Accepted October 13, 2022. The acceptance of IRS is mainly attributed to the high receive power gain, supported by relatively simple infrastructural requirements for its implementation. Although IRS-aided systems demand additional signal processing requirements, the compatibility of IRS with most of the existing techniques makes it an attractive approach to enhance the channel quality. To achieve the maximum rate, we can independently tune the reflection properties of each of the IRS elements. The most motivating feature of IRS is that the IRS elements can be controlled in real-time depending on the varying channel conditions [1, 2]. Orthogonal time-frequency space (OTFS), a recently proposed 2D modulation technique, can outperform the existing orthogonal frequency division multiplexing (OFDM) modulation in many scenarios like V2X communications and mmWave communications [3]. OTFS operates over the delayDoppler (DD) domain, meaning that the data symbols are inserted over the DD domain, and the channel response is specified in the DD domain. This shift from the conventional timefrequency domain to the DD domain ensures that all symbols transmitted in a frame experience nearly the same channel. Hence, the time-variant channel can be represented as a timeinvariant channel that provides consistent performance in high Doppler environments. At the same time, the 2D-localisation in the DD domain makes OTFS capable of attaining the full diversity of the channel, thereby remarkably improving the bit-error-rate (BER) performance. IRS-assisted systems have been designed and analyzed from the perspective of many existing technologies, including OFDM [1]. Since IRS is to be implemented cohesively with the existing techniques, every IRS-integrated system model should be separately developed considering its specific properties. IRS and OTFS offer two distinct advantages: the enhanced received power gain and the increase in the effective diversity gain, respectively. IRS and OTFS can complement each other in non-line of sight (NLoS) urban and high Doppler wireless communication scenarios. Hence, it is highly relevant to design and analyze an IRS-assisted OTFS system, which can explore the features of both IRS and OTFS. B. Related Prior Works: This paper presents a detailed analysis of an IRS-assisted OTFS system. This subsection briefly describes the prior works relevant to both IRS and OTFS. First, we mention the results related to IRS-aided systems. The tutorial paper [1] presented a detailed study regarding diverse aspects of IRS like active and passive elements, analysis of different IRS-aided systems including IRS-OFDM, IRS-phase optimization techniques, and the channel estimation methods for these systems. The performance of IRS assisted systems based on joint active © 2022 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission.See for more information. Authorized licensed use limited to: NATIONAL INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY TIRUCHIRAPALLI. Downloaded on March 14,2023 at 08:30:36 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply. This article has been accepted for publication in IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology. This is the author's version which has not been fully edited and content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI 10.1109/TVT.2022.3217140 2 and passive beamforming was analyzed in [4]. A detailed study of the concepts of IRS related to the propagation and path loss modeling was presented in [2]. Focusing on the significance of the IRS phase factor, [5] dealt with the practical phase shifting techniques and the beamforming optimization features of IRS. The works of [6] and [7] specifically focused on IRSOFDM systems, presenting two channel estimation techniques and IRS-phase optimization techniques. The ergodic capacity of IRS systems and the optimal location of IRS concerning the base station and the user were studied in [8]. The work presented in [9] gives a detailed analysis of bridging the gap between the theoretical and practical aspects of IRSempowered systems. Also, in [10], the authors have proposed a new channel model for IRS-assisted communication scenarios. Next, we discuss the key milestones of OTFS. The technique of OTFS modulation was first introduced in [3]. A detailed analysis of the OTFS modulation principle was presented in [3, 11], elaborating on the transformations involved. The OTFS input-output relation for ideal and rectangular pulse shaping was derived in [12]. A message-passing (MP) detection algorithm was presented based on these relations. The impact of fractional Doppler and its associated interference for both ideal and rectangular pulse shaping were extensively studied in [12]. The analysis of any practical pulse-shaping waveform for reduced cyclic prefix OTFS was presented in [13]. The authors in [14–16] presented diversity analyses of OTFS, which helped to analyze the performance of OTFS detectors. In [17], the principles of OTFS modulation were derived from the basic time-domain modulation, while in [18], the OTFS modulation was interpreted as an interleaved OFDM with a cyclic prefix. A detailed analysis of Peak-to-Average Power Ratio (PAPR) for OTFS modulation was presented in [19] highlighting the dependency of PAPR on OTFS grid parameters. Various channel estimation techniques of OTFS were proposed in [20, 21]. A low-complexity linear minimum mean square error (LMMSE) detector for OTFS is designed in [22]. The performance of OTFS has been analysed in multi-user scenario also: [23], [24] and [25] deal with OTFS-OMA, while different OTFSNOMA schemes are analysed in [26], [27] and [28]. The results presented in [12] and [13] show the advantages of the OTFS modulation scheme over OFDM modulation, even at a user velocity of 500 Kmph. The better performance of OTFS over OFDM in mmWave applications is highlighted in the relevant works [29], [30], and [31]. Other than the OTFS modulation technique, for high Doppler channel environments, a frequency-domain multiplexing technique called frequencydomain cyclic prefix (FDM-FDCP) is introduced in [32]. A time-frequency signaling approach is used in [33] and [34] for dealing with the high Doppler scenarios. In this paper, we focus on the IRS-assisted OTFS system. C. Contributions: This paper proposes the model of the IRS-assisted OTFS system and presents its detailed analysis. The major contributions of this paper are highlighted below. 1) To the best of the authors’ knowledge, this work is the first attempt to study IRS-assisted OTFS system. In this 2) 3) 4) 5) paper, we focus on the formulation of the system model from the perspective of the OTFS modulation technique and analyze the results for various scenarios. Initially, we develop the input-output relation of the proposed system in the time domain, considering a timevariant channel for both the base station (BS)-IRS and IRS-user links. Later on, we apply the pre-processing and post-processing steps to the time-domain relation to formulate the input-output relation in the DD domain. The analysis of the system model and the resulting achievable rate demonstrates that the IRS-OTFS system can attain both the high Doppler resilience of OTFS and the high received power gain of the IRS system. The significance of phase factors of IRS elements is studied in the context of random phase and coherent phase. In addition, the in-feasibility of coherent phase shifting in the case of OTFS is highlighted, and an IRS phase optimization method is proposed. This phase optimization technique maximizes the achievable rate, which is called the strongest delay-Doppler channel response (DDCR) method. A basic transmission protocol is developed, including the channel estimation and phase optimization techniques. We consider the channel estimation of OTFS modulation and the features of the IRS system for the transmission protocol. The channel estimation method is dataembedded, meaning that both data and pilot symbols are inserted in the same OTFS frame, avoiding the requirement of dedicated frames for pilots. The simulation results regarding the BER performance and the achievable rate of the proposed system for the Rayleigh channel, Rician channel, and the standard Extended Vehicular A (EVA) wireless channel model are presented. Also, the strongest DDCR phase optimization technique is validated by comparing it with the random phase. The system’s performance in the practical scenario is analyzed for different numbers of IRS elements, locations of the IRS, and various types of channels. D. Outline: The rest of this paper is organized as follows. Section II presents the preliminaries of OTFS and IRS. In Section III, we formulate an IRS-assisted OTFS system, initially from the time-domain analysis and extending to the DD domain. Section IV presents the reflection optimization using the strongest DDCR method in OTFS. The channel estimation technique is explained in Section V. Simulation results are presented in Section VI, and Section VII concludes the paper. Notations: In OTFS modulation, the wireless channel is represented in the DD domain. IRS-assisted systems involve three independent channels: (1) BS-user direct channel, (2) BS-IRS channel, and (3) IRS-user channel. Hence, for the IRS-assisted OTFS system, we need to represent all these three channels in the DD domain using their corresponding delay and Doppler parameters, as given in TABLE I. Throughout this paper, any lowercase letter a denotes a scalar, bold-lowercase letter a denotes a vector, and bolduppercase letter A denotes a matrix of the specified dimension. © 2022 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission.See for more information. Authorized licensed use limited to: NATIONAL INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY TIRUCHIRAPALLI. Downloaded on March 14,2023 at 08:30:36 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply. This article has been accepted for publication in IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology. This is the author's version which has not been fully edited and content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI 10.1109/TVT.2022.3217140 3 TABLE I: List of main variables and their meaning. Notation M ×N x, y ∈ CN M×1 s, r ∈ CN M×1 Q βq ejθq Ld Lg Lf h0 ∈ CLd ×1 Lg ×1 {g q }Q q=1 ∈ C Lf ×1 {f q }Q ∈ C q=1 hq,ij hq,p τ0,u , ν0,u / l0,u , k0,u g g g g τq,i , νq,i / lq,i , kq,i f f f f τq,j , νq,j / lq,j , kq,j dg df ddir d1 d2 d3 d Description Dimension of DD grid Tx and Rx signal in DD domain Tx and Rx signal in time domain Number of IRS elements Reflection coefficient of q th IRS element Number of DD taps in BS-user direct channel Number of DD taps in BS-IRS channel Number of DD taps in IRS-user channel DDCR of BS-user direct channel DDCR of BS-IRS channel for q th IRS element DDCR of IRS-user channel for q th IRS element DD channel coefficient of the cascaded path, gq,i fq,j DD channel coefficient of the pth cascaded path, gq,i fq,j with DD tap as (li + lj , ki + kj ) DD value / tap of uth path in h0 DD value / tap of ith path in g q DD value / tap of j th path in f q distance between BS and IRS distance between IRS and user distance between BS and user in direct channel horizontal distance between BS and IRS (x-axis) horizontal distance between BS and IRS (y-axis) height of the BS and IRS (z-axis) horizontal distance between BS and user AH denotes the conjugate transpose. For any complex number x, phase of x is denoted using ∠x. FN represents the N point FFT matrix. Any parameter x denotes the DD domian, x̃ denotes the corresponding time domain and x̄ denotes the corresponding frequency domain representations. C denotes the set of all complex numbers. IN , 0N and 1N represent identity matrix, matrix of zeros, and matrix of ones, respectively, of dimensions N × N . The convolution operation is denoted using ∗, the notation ⊙ denotes the Hadamard product, and ⊗ denotes the Kronecker product. For any integers l and M , the notation [l]M denotes (l mod M ). The Gaussian distribution and the uniform distribution are represented by N and U, respectively. II. P RELIMINARIES A. IRS IRS comprises a collection of tunable reflecting surfaces, which can improve the quality of the channel by aligning all the paths with the same phase. IRS assists the current systems as an intermediate beamforming structure between the base station and the user. We briefly present the IRS system model in flat-fading channels and IRS-assisted OFDM systems. a) IRS in flat-fading channels: In general, for a flatfading channel model, the input-output relation in the timedomain for an IRS-assisted system is given by [1], ! Q X jθq ˜ ỹ(t) = h̃0 + (1) βq e fq g̃q x̃(t) q=1 where h̃0 , f˜q and g̃q represents the channel impulse response (CIR) of BS-user direct path, BS-IRS path and IRS-user path of q th IRS element, respectively. The cascaded BSIRS-user channel gain of the q th IRS element is given by f˜q g̃q . The key parameter of the IRS system is the reflection coefficient, βq ejθq , which has to be tuned by the IRS controller based on the available channel state information (CSI). ⋆ The optimal reflection coefficient iis given by βq = 1 and h ⋆ θ = mod ∠h̃0 − (∠f˜q + ∠g̃q ), 2π , for q = 1, 2, . . . , Q [4]. q IRS tuning based on this phase factor selection criteria is called coherent phase condition. Note that the optimal magnitude of reflection coefficient is independent of the CSI, while the optimal phase factor depends on the CSI. b) IRS in frequency-selective channels with OFDM systems: For an IRS-OFDM system, we consider a frequencyselective fading channel. Considering the cascaded BS-IRSuser channel, let L′g and L′f be the maximum number of channel taps in BS-IRS and IRS-user channels, respectively. Also, let L′d be the number of delay taps in the BS-user direct channel. For N subcarriers and sufficient cyclic prefix (CP), the input-output relation in IRS-OFDM is given as [6, 7] i h (2) ȳ = FN h̃0 + H̃irs θ x̄ where FN is the N - point DFT matrix, h̃0 is the zeropadded N × 1 CIR vector of BS-user direct channel, H̃irs = [h̃1 h̃2 . . . h̃Q ] with h̃q being the N × 1 zero-padded form of f̃ q ∗g̃ q , θ = [β1 ejθ1 β2 ejθ2 . . . βQ ejθQ ]T , and x̄ and ȳ are the input and output symbols in the frequency domain. Since, the Fourier transform of the channel coefficients is taken, (2) is the frequency domain input-output relation of IRS-OFDM system. As observed, the cascaded BS-IRS-user CIR of this system is given as f̃q ∗ g̃q . Analysing the frequency domain relation of (2), we can observe that the phase factor of each IRS element is the same for the cascaded channel frequency response of the corresponding IRS element. The reflection phase factor in the case of IRS-OFDM system is not frequency selective. Hence, instead of coherent phase, an optimal phase selection strategy has to be adopted. For the phase optimization of IRS-OFDM systems, different algorithms are applicable as proposed in [7] and [6]. B. OTFS a) OTFS Parameters: In this section, we explain the basic principle of OTFS modulation technique, highlighting the transformations involved in each stage. OTFS is a 2D modulation technique in which we have a DD grid ΓM×N with M − delay bins and N − Doppler bins. For a given sub-carrier frequency of △f and with T △f = 1, the total bandwidth is B = M △f and the total duration of an OTFS frame transmission is given by Tf = N T . The parameters M and N are decided such that we get sufficient delay resolution, 1 and Doppler resolution △ν = N1T . Thus, we △τ = M△f have the maximum Doppler νmax < T1 and the maximum delay 1 τmax < △f . b) OTFS Modulation Principle: The specific feature of OTFS is that the data symbols are placed in the DD grid rather than the traditional time-frequency (TF) grid. Therefore, at the transmitter and at the receiver, additional pre-processing and post-processing operations are performed in the DD domain, which makes OTFS compatible to OFDM. Let x[l, k] be the data symbol placed in the lth delay bin and k th Doppler bin, for © 2022 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission.See for more information. Authorized licensed use limited to: NATIONAL INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY TIRUCHIRAPALLI. Downloaded on March 14,2023 at 08:30:36 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply. This article has been accepted for publication in IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology. This is the author's version which has not been fully edited and content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI 10.1109/TVT.2022.3217140 4 l = 0, 1, . . . , M −1 and k = 0, 1, . . . , N −1. At first, the input symbols in DD domain is transformed to TF domain, X[m, n] using inverse symplectic finite Fourier transform (ISFFT): PM−1 P nk N −1 −j2π( ml M − N ) . Then, X[m, n] = √N1 M l=0 k=0 x[l, k]e similar to OFDM we perform Heisenberg’s Transform to obtain the corresponding time-domain signal, s(t) = P M−1 PN −1 j2πm△f (t−nT ) gtx (t − nT ), where m=0 n=0 X[m, n]e gtx (t) is the pulse-shaping signal at the transmitter. Considering a channel with the DD channel h(τ, ν), the RR response received signal is given by r(t) = h(τ, ν)ej2πν(t−τ ) s(t − τ ) dτ dν + z(t), where z(t) is the additive white Gaussian noise (AWGN). The received signal has to be converted to TF domain using Wigner transform, Y [n, m]. For any receive basis pulse grx (t), we have Y [m, n] = R −j2πν(t−τ ) ∗ e grx (t − τ )r(t) dt|τ =nT, ν=m△f , which is similar to that in OFDM. As the post-processing step, finally the TF signal P is converted to the DD domain using SFFT: y[l, k] = ml nk M−1 PN −1 √1 Y [m, n]ej2π( M − N ) . To achieve the ulm=0 n=0 NM timate benefit of OTFS, the pulse-shaping waveform has to be ideal, satisfying the biorthogonal property. In practice, biorthogonal ideal pulses do not exist. In the case of practical √ rectangular pulse-shaping, we have gtx (t) = grx (t) = 1/ T , for 0 ≤ t ≤ T . The entire modulation process of OTFS can be summarized as a linear input-output relation in DD domain y[l, k] = P X i=1 hi x[[l − li ]M , [k − ki ]N ] + z[l, k] (3) where z[l, k] ∼ CN (0, σ 2 ) is the AWGN noise. c) OTFS Detection: The overall input-output relation of OTFS given in (3) can be expressed in matrix form as y = Hx + z, where x, y and z are the N M × 1 vectors representing the input data vector, output data vector and the noise vector respectively. The channel coefficient matrix H ∈ CN M×N M is a circulant block matrix. Linear detectors like LMMSE detectors are implemented in low-complexity versions by exploring the properties of circulant block matrix, [22, 35]. At the same time, H matrix is highly sparse and, therefore, non-linear algorithms based on message-passing (MPA) [12, 23], and iterative Rake detector [36] are also successfully applied in OTFS detection. III. P ROPOSED IRS-OTFS S YSTEM M ODEL This section first describes the IRS-assisted OTFS system model. For the OTFS modulation technique, both the data and the channel are represented in the DD domain. Hence, the path parameters are represented using the corresponding DDCR h(τ, ν). Fig. 1 shows the basic model of the IRS-assisted OTFS system in the downlink. Fig. 1(a) shows the positioning of BS, IRS and user in (x, y, z) coordinate plane, highlighting the 3D distance and the horizontal distances. Fig. 1(b) gives the channel representation showing the effective paths involved in an IRS-OTFS system. The DDCR can have a sparse representation, [3]. Following this, the DDCR of the BSuser direct channel, BS-IRSP channel and IRS-user channel are d represented as, h(τ0 , ν0 ) = L u=1 h0,u δ(τ0 −τ0,u )δ(ν0 −ν0,u ), PLg g g g g g ) and h(τqf , νqf ) = h(τ , ν ) = i=1 gq,i δ(τq −τq,i )δ(νqg −νq,i PLqf q f f f f j=1 gq,j δ(τq − τq,j )δ(νq − νq,j ), respectively. For better clarity, Fig. 1 shows only 2 DD taps in all the three channels: BS-user direct channel (h0 ), BS-IRS channel (g q ), and IRSuser channel (f q ). TABLE I describes the notations used in the model. For the q th IRS element shown in Fig. 1, it is observed that the cascaded BS-IRS-user channel will be the Cartesian product of g q and f q . The horizontal distance of BS↔IRS and IRS↔user are denoted by dg and df , respectively. Thus, the total horizontal distance between the BS and the user is dg + df . We develop the system model in two stages: (A) Inputoutput relation in the time domain and (B) Input-output relation in the DD domain by applying the pre-processing and post-processing steps. The system model considers all IRS elements and path parameters independent of each other. A. Formulation of the input-output relation in time domain The input-output relation is derived by analyzing the following signals sequentially: (1) Signal impinging on the IRS element from BS, (2) Reflected signal by the IRS element and (3) Signal received at the user via reflection from the IRS element. (1) Signal impinging on the IRS element: Consider any q single IRS element q. Let rin (t) be the signal incident on the q th IRS element corresponding to the transmitted signal s(t) from BS. Considering the delay and Doppler of each of the q paths, rin (t) is given by q rin (t) = Lg −1 X i=0 g g g ). gq,i ej2πνq,i (t−τq,i ) s(t − τq,i (4) g g where gq,i , τq,i and νq,i are the channel coefficient, the delay value and the Doppler value of the ith path of BS to the q th IRS element channel. Note that in the IRS-assisted OTFS system, the input symbol vector x is in the DD domain, and the transmitted symbol vector s is obtained through OTFS modulation of x as explained in the following Section III-B. (2) Reflected signal by the IRS element: Suppose the reflection coefficient of the q th IRS element is given by βq ejθq , where the amplitude attenuation is βq ∈ [0, 1] and the phase of reflection is θq ∈ [0, 2π). Remark 1. In the development of theoretical analysis for the proposed system, we assume the continuous phase shifts for the IRS elements. However, in practice only a finite number of phase shifts are feasible. The impact of discrete phase shifts in the proposed system is analyzed in detail with numerical simulations. The signal reflected by the q th IRS element is given by q q (t) (t) = βq ejθq rin rout = βq ejθq Lg −1 X i=0 g g g ). gq,i ej2πνq,i (t−τq,i ) s(t − τq,i (5) (3) Signal received by the user via reflection from the IRS element: Let rq (t) be the signal received at the user reflected © 2022 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission.See for more information. Authorized licensed use limited to: NATIONAL INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY TIRUCHIRAPALLI. Downloaded on March 14,2023 at 08:30:36 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply. This article has been accepted for publication in IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology. This is the author's version which has not been fully edited and content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI 10.1109/TVT.2022.3217140 5 Q - IRS elements, {βq ejθq }Q q=1 IRS controller DD channel taps q z ddir = d2 + d23 df = (d − d1 )2 + d22 + d23 dg = d21 + d22 (d1 , d2 , d3 ) y q gq q q th IRS element Lg = 2 fq OTFS Modulator Lf = 2 L d + Lg L f = 6 dg df (0,0,d3 ) h0 OTFS Demodu lator Ld = 2 ddir Base Station (BS) d − d1 d1 d (d, 0, 0) User d1 x d − d1 d (a) 3D Schematic. (b) Channel with independent DD taps in downlink. Fig. 1: Basic model of IRS-assisted OTFS system. from the q th IRS element. This signal can be written as [13] q r (t) = Lf −1 X fq,j βq e jθq Lg −1 X e f g f ) −τq,j (t−τq,i j2πνq,j r(t) = gq,i e f g g ) −τq,j (t−τq,i j2πνq,i g f s(t − τq,i − τq,j ) (6) f f where fq,j , τq,j and νq,j are the channel coefficient, the delay value and the Doppler value of the j th path of the q th IRS element to user channel. The complete input-output relation can be obtained as given in (7) r (t) =βq e jθq Lf −1 Lg −1 X X j=0 g f g f fq,j gq,i ej2π(νq,i +νq,j )(t−(τq,i +τq,j )) i=0 g f )) (7) + τq,j s(t − (τq,i Each cascaded BS-IRS-user path has a Doppler shift of νq,ij = f g g f (νq,j +νq,i ), a delay of τq,ij = (τq,i +τq,j ), and an effective DD channel gain of hq,ij = fq,j gq,i . Now, (7) can be simplified as q r (t) =βq e jθq Lf −1 Lg −1 X X j=0 i=0 Q X rq (t) q=1 i=0 j=0 q is given by hq,ij ej2πνq,ij (t−τq,ij ) s(t − τq,ij ). (8) Observe that the input-output relation in (8) is essentially the OTFS relation in the continuous time-domain scaled by the q th IRS reflection coefficient βq ejθq . The resultant channel has Lg Lf paths having the delay and Doppler parameters τq,ij and νq,ij respectively, and a channel gain of hq,ij with i ∈ {0, 1, . . . , Lg − 1} and j ∈ {0, 1, . . . , Lf − 1}. = Q X βq e jθq q=1 Lf −1 Lg −1 X X j=0 i=0 hq,ij ej2πνq,ij (t−τq,ij ) s(t − τq,ij ) (9) The relation in (9) reveals that the individual channel coefficients of the BS-IRS and the IRS-user path are not relevant in the effective channel state information (CSI). Instead, only the channel gain of each cascaded BS-IRS-user path will contribute to the CSI. Similarly, in place of the individual delay and Doppler values of the BS-IRS and IRS-user paths, the effective delay and Doppler of the cascaded paths matter. Along with the channel from the BS to the user via the IRS, a direct channel also exists from the BS to the user. Considering this direct channel, the basic input-output relation of the IRS-assisted OTFS system in the continuous time domain is given by (10) r(t) = LX d −1 u=0 Q X h0,u ej2πν0,u (t−τ0,u ) s(t − τ0,u ) + βq ejθq q=1 Lf −1 Lg −1 X X j=0 i=0 hq,ij ej2πνq,ij (t−τq,ij ) s(t − τq,ij ). (10) where h0,u , τ0,u and ν0,u are the channel coefficient, the delay value and the Doppler value of the uth path of the direct BS to user channel. B. System relation in DD domain Now, we extend the single IRS case to the overall system with Q IRS elements. As the reflection coefficients of all the IRS elements are independent, the cascaded paths of the BS-IRS-user channel are independent. The aggregate received signal at the user via the reflection from all the IRS elements First, we express the exact delay and Doppler values in the continuous-time domain in terms of the delay and Doppler taps for the given values of M and N of the OTFS grid. The OTFS parameters (M, N, and △f ) are selected such that the delay resolution (△τ ) and the Doppler resolution 1 (△ν) are M△f and N1T respectively. For any ith path with © 2022 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission.See for more information. Authorized licensed use limited to: NATIONAL INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY TIRUCHIRAPALLI. Downloaded on March 14,2023 at 08:30:36 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply. This article has been accepted for publication in IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology. This is the author's version which has not been fully edited and content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI 10.1109/TVT.2022.3217140 6 the delay and Doppler values as (τi , νi ), the corresponding delay and Doppler taps are obtained as li = ⌈τi M △f ⌉ and ki = ⌈νi N T ⌉, respectively. In any practical channel models like EVA, the values of M and N are selected such that they are sufficiently larger than the maximum delay tap (lmax ≪ M ) and the maximum Doppler tap (kmax ≪ N ), respectively. For the critical sampling condition of T △f = 1, and the sampling frequency of fs = M T , we can obtain N M samples from r(t), after discarding the CP [13]. This discrete-time formulation of (10) is obtained as shown in (11) r[n] = LX d −1 h0,u ej2π k0,u (n−l0,u ) NM u=0 Q X q=1 βq ejθq Lf −1 Lg −1 X X j=0 hq,ij ej2π s[[n − l0,u ]N M ]+ kq,ij (n−lq,ij ) NM i=0 s[[n − lq,ij ]N M ]. DD channel, where Ld ≤ P ≤ Ld + QLg Lf ≪ N M . After expanding y component-wise in (14), and considering only these P channel coefficients, y[n] can be expressed as ! Q P −1 X X βq ejθq hq,p x[n − p + p′ ]N M , h0,p + y[n] = p=0 q=1 (16) for n = 0, 1, . . . , N M − 1. Also, n = M k + l, p = M k ′ + l′ , and p′ = M : if l < l′ , else 0. Remark 2. The overall effective channel matrix of the system Heff maintains the block-circulant structure of the OTFS system. Hence the detection algorithms for conventional OTFS systems that exploits the block circulant nature of the effective channel matrix can be directly inherited to the proposed IRSOTFS system. (11) where n = 0, 1, . . . , N M − 1. Expressing (11) in the matrix form, we get ! Q X jθq r = H̃0 + βq e H̃q s + z = H̃s + z (12) q=1 where s, r ∈ CN M×1 are respectively the transmitted and the received data vector in time domain, H̃ ∈ CN M×N M is the superimposed channel matrix of direct paths and cascaded IRS paths in time domain, and z ∈ CN M×1 is the AWGN vector with its ith component zi ∼ CN (0, σ 2 ). The structures of H̃0 and H̃q follow the matrix structure of OTFS in time domain as described in [16]. For convenience, we neglect the noise vector hereafter. After applying the ISFFT/SFFT and Heisenberg/Wigner transforms for the ideal-pulse shaping case of OTFS, (12) becomes ! Q X jθq βq e H q x y = H0 + q=1 = (H0 + [H1 H2 . . . HQ ]Θ) x (13) T jθ where Θ = β1 e 1 IN M , β2 ejθ2 IN M , . . . , βQ ejθQ IN M , H0 and Hq are N M × N M channel coefficient matrices of the direct channel and the cascaded IRS channel respectively. Writing (13) in compact form, we get y = Heff x (14) where, Heff = (H0 + [H1 H2 . . . HQ ] Θ) . (15) Following the basic OTFS relation in the DD domain, the element in nth row and mth column of Hq is defined as ′ hq,p for p = [n − m]N M , l ≥ l Hq [n, m] = hq,p for p = [n − m + M ]N M , l < l′ 0 otherwise for q = 0, 1, . . . , Q ; n = 0, 1, . . . , N M − 1 ; m = n m 0, 1, . . . , N M − 1 ; l = n − M ⌊ M ⌋ ; l′ = m − M ⌊ M ⌋, ′ ′ ′ hq,p = hq,ij for l = lq,ij and k = kq,ij for 0 ≤ l ≤ M − 1 , 0 ≤ k ′ ≤ N − 1. Let P be the total non-zero coefficients in the superimposed IV. R EFLECTION O PTIMIZATION : S TRONGEST D ELAY-D OPPLER C HANNEL R ESPONSE The selection of the reflection coefficients of the IRS elements plays the most significant role in determining the performance of an IRS-assisted system. For a system with Q IRS elements, the reflection coefficients are given by Q {βq ejθq }Q q=1 , where βq ∈ [0, 1] and {θq }q=1 ∈ [0, 2π). For the analysis purpose, without losing any generality, we choose {βq }Q q=1 = 1, which gives the maximum reflection amplitude. The design of the IRS reflection coefficient generally focuses on the optimization of {θq }Q q=1 . The key feature of an IRS system is its ability to re-tune the reflection coefficients depending on the channel conditions. In OTFS modulation, the channel is represented in the DD domain, which changes slower than the time-frequency channel representation. Hence, the IRS phase needs to be tuned less frequently compared to an IRS-OFDM system. The impact of the IRS-phase factors is studied through four different cases: (A) Random phase, (B) Coherent phase, (C) Optimal phase, and (D) Strongest DDCR phase. A. Random phase First we consider the random phase factor scenario, where θq ∼ U[0, 2π], q = 1, 2, . . . , Q. Note that the channel conditions are not considered in this case. As each IRS phase factor is randomly set, the reflected beams will not superpose constructively with the same phase. Hence, the random phase selection does not exhibit the beamforming feature of IRS. In this particular scenario of the random phase, the input-output relation of IRS-OTFS is the same as given in (16) with random θq . B. Coherent phase (Ideal/Hypothetical case) The desirable effect of IRS is to attain perfect phase cancellation between all the IRS-reflected paths so that the resulting reflected beam aligns with the direct beam. From © 2022 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission.See for more information. Authorized licensed use limited to: NATIONAL INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY TIRUCHIRAPALLI. Downloaded on March 14,2023 at 08:30:36 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply. This article has been accepted for publication in IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology. This is the author's version which has not been fully edited and content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI 10.1109/TVT.2022.3217140 7 (16), the input-output relation in the coherent phase can be expressed as ! Q P −1 X X j∠h0,p |h0,p | + e y[n] = |hq,p | x[n − p + p′ ] (17) p=0 q=1 For coherent phase, the following condition must be satisfied for every q = 1, 2, . . . , Q: (θq + ∠hq,1 ) = ∠h0,1 ; . . . ; (θq + ∠hq,P ) = ∠h0,P . (18) It can be observed from (18) that a single phase shift value of each of the IRS elements cannot simultaneously accomplish the coherent combining of all the scattered paths. Though coherent phase selection is the ideal case to achieve maximum rate, it is not practically feasible in multi-tap channels. Hence, we have to look for a phase shifting technique that can achieve a rate close to that of the ideal case. C. Optimal phase (Practically feasible) Pt HH 1 eff Heff log2 IN M + C= NM N M σ2 where Pt is the transmit power, Heff = (H0 + [H1 H2 . . . HQ ] Θ) and σ 2 is the noise variance. For a given Pt , the phase factors can be selected based on the following optimization problem Pt HH eff Heff N M σ2 Θ log2 IN M + s.t. βq = 1, q = 1, 2, . . . , Q ; p∈{0,...,P −1} 0 ≤ θq < 2π Since this optimization problem is very complex, we propose a sub-optimal phase selection strategy with significantly lower complexity than the selection based on (P1) above. D. Strongest DDCR phase One of the practically effective phase-tuning methods for IRS-assisted OFDM system is the strongest CIR path coherent combining method [6]. In this method, the IRS reflection is selected so that the strongest time-domain CIR gets aligned with the direct beam. In typical OFDM-based representation, the channel power is significantly more concentrated in the time domain than in the frequency domain. On the other hand, in the case of OTFS, the channel power is highly spread in both the time and frequency domain [13, 20], but localized and sparse in the DD domain. The reflection optimization based on the time-domain strongest-CIR method will be highly complex. Hence, for the case of OTFS modulation, we consider the DDCR of the system. We propose to find the strongest- q=1 Using Cauchy-Schwarz inequality in (19) for the upper bound, p⋆ is obtained as #2 " Q X ⋆ |hq,p | . |h0,p | + (20) p = arg max p∈{0,...,P −1} q=1 Now to align the phase of IRS-reflected beam with the direct beam, we tune the IRS-phase factors as ⋆ θq = ∠h0,p⋆ − ∠hq,p⋆ . ⋆ ⋆ Once θq the IRS elements are tuned with {θq }Q q=1 , then (16) becomes y[n] = The optimal phase of the IRS elements can be selected such that the capacity is maximum [6], considering the imperfect phase cancellation of all multipaths. Similar to a conventional OTFS system [37], the capacity for an IRS-OTFS system can be expressed as (P1) : max DDCR tap p⋆ as the path that maximizes the upper bound on the effective channel gain of a path: !2 Q X ⋆ jθq max h0,p + . (19) p = arg max e hq,p P −1 X p=0 |h0,p |e j∠h0,p + Q X e q=1 jθq⋆ |hq,p |e j∠hq,p ! x[n − p + p′ ]N M =ej∠h0,p⋆ (|h0,p⋆ | + |hq,p⋆ |) x[n − p⋆ + p′ ]N M + P −1 X p=0 p6=p⋆ |h0,p |e j∠h0,p + Q X q=1 |hq,p |e j(∠hq,p +∠h0,p⋆ −∠hq,p⋆ ) x[n − p + p′ ]N M ! (21) Hence, the strongest path will be phase aligned with the direct path and the remaining paths will have a phase difference with the corresponding direct path. The simulation results presented in Section VI-G show that the strongest DDCR method can be adopted as the less complex phase selection method without compromising the performance. V. C HANNEL E STIMATION The knowledge of real-time CSI is crucial as it drives the tuning of the IRS elements apart from the detection process. In this section, we present a channel estimation method for the IRS-OTFS system. All IRS elements are ON during the channel estimation phase. The channel estimation is done in two sequential stages: (a) estimation of effective channel coefficients based on the pilot-data embedded frame with guard band and (b) estimation of direct channel coefficients and cascaded channel coefficients from the estimated coefficients of the effective channel. A. Estimation of the effective channel coefficients Consider the DD relation of IRS-OTFS given in (16). For the purpose of channel estimation, we need to express (16) in 2D relation, to highlight the delay and Doppler taps of the effective channel. Let y[l, k] be the received symbol in the © 2022 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission.See for more information. Authorized licensed use limited to: NATIONAL INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY TIRUCHIRAPALLI. Downloaded on March 14,2023 at 08:30:36 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply. This article has been accepted for publication in IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology. This is the author's version which has not been fully edited and content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI 10.1109/TVT.2022.3217140 8 channel estimation and strongest DDCR tuning DD1 DD2 DDQ+1 B. Estimation of direct and cascaded IRS channel coefficients DDdata DDdata training phase (data+pilot) IRS phase: Φ DDdata data transmission with ⋆ IRS phase: θq M −1 lp + lτ xp lp xp pilot guard band kp kp + 2kν 0 kp − 2kν lp − lτ data N −1 Observation region {DDq }Q+1 q=1 : M × N OTFS frame transmitted in training phase Fig. 2: Transmission Protocol for N = M = 8 and kν = lτ = 1. [l, k] DD bin. Expressing (16) in the M × N grid structure, y[l, k] can be expressed as ! Q N −1 M−1 X X X ′ ′ jθq ′ ′ βq e hq [l , k ] y[l, k] = h0 [l , k ] + k′ =0 l′ =0 q=1 x[[l − l′ ]M , [k − k ′ ]N ] (22) where hq [l′ , k ′ ] = hq,ij for l′ = lq,ij and k ′ = kq,ij , 0 ≤ l′ ≤ M − 1 , 0 ≤ k ′ ≤ N − 1. Limiting (22) to the maximum delay and Doppler tap present in the channel, we can obtain the relation as y[l, k] = lτ kν X X k′ =−kν l′ =0 heff [l′ , k ′ ]x[[l − l′ ]M , [k − k ′ ]N ] + z[l, k] (23) where lτ and kν denotes the maximum delay and Doppler tap present in the cascaded DD channel by considering all the IRS elements. The Doppler tap is taken from −kν to kν , considering the both positive and negative Doppler frequency. heff [l′ , k ′ ] is the element at the [l′ , k ′ ] tap of the M × N grid of the effective channel. For this stage of channel estimation, we adopt the pilot-data embedded technique in DD domain, [38], as shown in Fig. 2. A sufficient guard band is allotted to accommodate the maximum delay and Doppler spread of the effective channel. Hence the interference of pilot and data is totally avoided in the received DD frame and the observation region has only the pilot symbols or the noise depending on the DD taps of heff . By applying the thresholding in the observation region, we can estimate all the DD taps. If |y[l, k]| > cσp , then the particular DD tap [l′ , k ′ ] = [l−lp , k−kp ], is present in E[|x |2 ] 1 , where SNRp = σ2p . The constant heff . σp2 is given by SNR p c for the thresholding has to be fixed from the simulation analysis, specific to the parameters used such as the number of IRS elements and the pilot power. And the estimates of the corresponding channel coefficients can be obtained as ĥeff [l′ , k ′ ] = y[l, k]/xp . Let P̂ (P̂ ≪ N M ) be the total number of DD paths estimated. Then the estimated channel vector is denoted as ĥeff = [ĥeff (0) ĥeff (1) . . . ĥeff (P̂ − 1)]T . Once the effective channel coefficients are estimated, we need to estimate the direct channel coefficients and cascaded IRS channel coefficients separately. This stage of channel estimation is specific to the IRS system. For the purpose of preliminary analysis of the IRS-OTFS system, in this stage, we consider the IRS channel estimation technique specified in [6]. Considering only the P̂ non-zero channel coefficients, we define ĥq = [hq,0 hq,1 . . . hq,P −1 ]T , for q = 0, 1, . . . , Q. Hence, ĥeff can be expressed as 1 ejθ1 ĥeff = [h0 h1 . . . hQ ] . = Hφ .. ejθQ where H ∈ CP̂ ×(Q+1) is the concatenation of all the direct and IRS channel coefficients to be estimated. To obtain φ as a full-rank matrix, we should have (Q + 1) independent phase Q+1 factor vectors {φ(i) }i=1 . Using the corresponding (Q + 1) independent estimates of heff , we can estimate the required H as, Ĥ = [ĥ0 ĥ1 . . . ĥQ ] (1) (2) (Q+1) =[ĥeff ĥeff . . . ĥeff ][φ(1) φ(2) . . . φ(Q+1) ]−1 =Ĥeff Φ−1 (24) C. MSE and overhead analysis To analyse the performance of the proposed channel estimation method, we compute the MSE of the final channel estimate obtained in (24) as, E[||Ĥ − H||2F ], where || · ||F is the Frobenius norm. We have ĥeff = heff + ze , where ze = (xp )−1 z is the estimation error. We use normalized Quadrature Amplitude Modulation (QAM) symbol as pilot such that |xp | = 1, and hence ze ∼ CN (0, σp2 IP̂ ). The estimate of the complete channel coefficients is expressed as (1) (2) (Q+1) Ĥ = H + ZΦ−1 , where Z = [ze ze . . . ze ]. Hence the MSE is obtained as −1 E[||Ĥ − H||2F ] =E[||ZΦ−1 ||2F ] = E[ZH Z]tr ΦH Φ −1 =P̂ σp2 tr ΦH Φ . (25) The minimum MSE is obtained when ΦH Φ = (Q + 1)I(Q+1) . Observe that the DFT matrix Φ = F(Q+1) satisfies this condition. Hence, during the channel estimation phase of the first (Q + 1) OTFS frames, we select the IRS phase factors the same as the columns of the DFT matrix. For the special case where all the IRS elements follow the same DD paths, we have P̂ = P = Lg Lf . Observe from Fig. 2, the overhead for channel estimation using this technique depends on channel conditions of both BS-IRS and IRS-user links. In general the overhead is given by Ng = (Q + 1)(4kν + 1)(2lτ + 1). For any given channel condition, the overhead increases linearly with the number Q of IRS elements. However, the achievable rate increases with Q. Hence, in future works, we plan to focus on devising a more efficient channel estimation technique specifically for © 2022 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission.See for more information. Authorized licensed use limited to: NATIONAL INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY TIRUCHIRAPALLI. Downloaded on March 14,2023 at 08:30:36 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply. This article has been accepted for publication in IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology. This is the author's version which has not been fully edited and content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI 10.1109/TVT.2022.3217140 9 d g = d1 d3 IRS ddir d1 ddir = d2 + d23 df = (d − d1 )2 + d23 100 10−1 df 10−2 user d − d1 d BER BS 10−3 23 dB Fig. 3: Schematic for simulation analysis. 10−5 IRS-OTFS system, minimizing the overhead and attaining maximum rate. 10 VI. S IMULATION R ESULTS 10 This section validates the theoretical analysis of the IRSassisted OTFS system presented in this paper, based on the simulation results. The results are analyzed, highlighting the impact of different IRS-OTFS system parameters over Rayleigh and Rician fading channels. For the simulation analysis, in the generalised IRS-OTFS structure shown in Fig. 1a we take d2 = 0. The positioning of BS, IRS, and user used for the simulations is as shown in Fig. 3. Throughout the simulations, we take QAM data symbols. SNR is defined 2 ) as E(|x[l,k]| , where σz2 is the noise variance. The results are σz2 presented assuming that there is no direct BS-user channel, and the IRS is located at an equal distance from the BS and the user unless otherwise mentioned. For the simulations, we have used the LMMSE detector. The simulation results are explained by mentioning the specific parameters used for each of the analysis. Considering the practical implementation of IRS, discrete phase factors are selected for the simulation purpose. Allocating 3 bits for the phase factor, the possible discrete phase factors are given as θ = 2π 8 n, for n = 0, 1, . . . , 7. 16 dB 10−4 −6 Q = 4 Q =4 Q = 8 Q =8 Q = 16 Q = 16 Q = 32 Q = 32 Q = 64 Q = 64 −7 −40 −30 −20 −10 0 10 SNR (dB) Fig. 4: BER with reflection optimization using strongest DDCR, the random phase curves are shown in solid lines and the strongest DDCR curves are shown in dashed lines. f maximum delay tap is lq,max = 20, the maximum delay of the g BS-IRS channel will be very small. Hence, we limit lq,max =2 resulting in the number of multipaths as Lg = 3 and Lf = 9. The Doppler taps of all the channels are generated as per q Jakes’ formula νiq = νmax cos(θi ) where θi ∼ U(−π, π). Considering the maximum user velocity of v = 500 Km/h, the maximum Doppler shift in the channel is obtained as v(m/s) q In Fig. 5, the BER performance using νmax = fc 3×10 8 . TABLE II: EVA channel model. Parameter Carrier frequency, fc Subcarrier spacing, △f Number of Doppler bins, N Number of delay bins, M q Maximum delay tap, lh,max Value 4 GHz 15 KHz 16 512 20 A. Reflection optimization by the strongest DDCR method In Section IV-D, we have described the IRS reflection optimization by the strongest DDCR method. We select this discrete phase factor such that θq = ⋆ arg min 14π |ejθ − ejθq |. Here we present the simula2π 8 ,..., 8 10−2 } tion analysis of this optimization method. We consider an OTFS grid with M = N = 32, △f = 15 KHz, fc = 4 GHz, and the total number of cascaded paths associated with each IRS element is Lg Lf = 2 × 2 = 4. Each path’s delay and Doppler taps are randomly chosen, and the BS-IRS and IRS-user channels are modeled as Rayleigh fading. B. Performance of IRS-OTFS for EVA propagation model Here, we analyze the BER performance against the number of IRS elements present in the system for EVA channel model. TABLE II shows the OTFS parameters used for this channel model. The IRS reflection coefficients are selected as per the strongest DDCR method. The BER results are shown in Fig. 5 with the IRS-user channel following the EVA channel model. Rayleigh fading model is assumed for all the channels, where the channel coefficients are i.i.d. random variables, hi ∼ CN (0, σh2 ) and σh2 is as specified in the powerdelay profile. Note that although as per the EVA model, the BER θ∈{0, 100 10−4 No IRS 10−6 Q = 8 (SDDCR) Q = 16 Q = 8 (GA) Q = 16 (GA) 10 −8 −30 −20 −10 0 10 SNR (dB) Fig. 5: BER in the case of EVA propagation model for various numbers of IRS elements. SDDCR method and GA-based optimization method [39] is presented. The SDDCR method gives better performance than the GA-based optimization. © 2022 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission.See for more information. Authorized licensed use limited to: NATIONAL INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY TIRUCHIRAPALLI. Downloaded on March 14,2023 at 08:30:36 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply. This article has been accepted for publication in IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology. This is the author's version which has not been fully edited and content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI 10.1109/TVT.2022.3217140 10 C. Performance in the presence of direct channel Here we analyze the BER performance of the IRS-OTFS system when the direct link of the BS-user is present. Since, the number of multipaths is a feature specific to the channel, the parameters Ld , Lg and Lf are not controllable. The OTFS parameters are taken as M = N = 32, △f = 15 KHz and fc = 4 GHz. Fig. 6 shows the BER results for different numbers of multipath at a fixed value of Q = 4. Note that the 100 1 . The number of IRS elements is taken sampling time T = △f as Q = 4. The number of multipaths are taken as Lg = 2 and Lf = 4. For the Rician channel, we take the first path in both channels as the LoS path and the remaining paths as non-LoS ones. The distances are taken as dg = 150 m and df = 150 m and the corresponding path-loss coefficients as αg = 2 and αf = 2. The path-loss at 1 m reference distance is given by −30 dB. The standard noise power spectrum density of N0 = −174 dBm/Hz is taken and the noise power at the receiver is M △f N0 . Being the OTFS symbol duration as N T 2 ] seconds, the transmit power is given by E[|x[l,k]| [37]. In NT 100 10−2 BER 10−1 10−4 Q=4 10−6 BER 10−2 Lg Lf = 4 Ld + Lg Lf = 2 + 4 Q=4 10−3 Lg Lf = 8 Ld + Lg Lf = 2 + 8 K = 0 (Rayleigh) 10 −8 −20 −15 −10 −5 0 5 10 10−4 K =5 SNR (dB) Fig. 6: BER for different channel conditions considering the direct channel. total number of multipath in the system is L = Lg Lf + Ld where Lg Lf is the total number of cascaded paths in the BSIRS-user channel, and Ld is the number of paths in the BS-user direct channel. Observe from Fig. 6 that for a fixed Lg Lf , the BER performance of the IRS-OTFS system with the direct channel is better than that devoid of the direct link. From the results obtained, we can conclude that even if the number of IRS elements remains the same, better performance can be achieved if more paths are present in the cascaded channel and when the direct BS-user channel is present. D. Performance with Rician and Rayleigh channel models Next, we analyze the system’s performance in both Rician and Rayleigh channel models. The BS-user direct channel is not considered for this analysis. We consider two different cases: (1) The BS-IRS and IRS-user channels are Rician (2) The BS-IRS and IRS-user channels are Rayleigh. The Rician channel model is generated as ! r r q K 1 −αγ s̃ + s̄ s = dγ K +1 K +1 where ds and αs for γ ∈ {g, f } be the distance and path loss exponents, respectively of the BS-IRS (γ = g) and IRSuser (γ = f ) links, s̃ and s̄ represents the deterministic LoS and non-LoS components in the respective links, and K is the Rician factor denoting the ratio of power in the LoS path to that of the non-LoS paths. The Rayleigh channel is modelled from the Rician channel by taking K = 0. For the simulation purpose, we have taken the OTFS paramaters as M = 32 and N = 32, also the subcarrier frequency △f = 15 KHz and K =1 K = 10 10−5 10 15 20 25 30 35 Transmit Power (dBm) 40 45 Fig. 7: BER in Rician and Rayleigh channel. Fig. 7, we analyze the performance of the system in the Rician and Rayleigh channel models. The results are presented for different values of K = 0, 1, 5, and 10, where the result for K = 0 corresponds to the Rayleigh channel. As expected, the BER performance improves as the power of LoS (K factor) increases. Observe that the performance in the Rayleigh channel is poorer than in the Rician channel. E. Impact of the location of the IRS Further, we analyze the system’s performance concerning the IRS position, assuming that BS, IRS, and user are deployed as shown in Fig. 3. We fix the BS-IRS-user cascaded link’s total horizontal distance as d = 300 m and vary the BS-IRS distance, d1 = dg . The BER is analyzed for different distances of d1 from 50 m and 250 m. All the other parameters used are the same as given in Section VI-D. The results are shown with K = 1 and K = 5 for a different number of IRS elements and transmit power of 25 dBm. From Fig. 8, we can observe that the performance degrades when the IRS is placed precisely at the center of the BSuser distance. For better performance, IRS has to be placed either in the vicinity of BS or the user. The influence of IRS is symmetrical around the central location of the BS-IRS cascaded link. F. Comparison with IRS-assisted OFDM system This section compares the BER performance of the IRSassisted OTFS system with the IRS-assisted OFDM system. © 2022 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission.See for more information. Authorized licensed use limited to: NATIONAL INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY TIRUCHIRAPALLI. Downloaded on March 14,2023 at 08:30:36 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply. This article has been accepted for publication in IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology. This is the author's version which has not been fully edited and content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI 10.1109/TVT.2022.3217140 11 channel matrix, Cirs-otfs = N1M E[log2 det(I + ρHH eff Heff )]. The achievable rate of IRS-OFDM system hP i as given is obtained M 1 H E h̃ , where ρ log 1 + ρf in [6], Cirs-ofdm = M 2 m m=1 is the SNR. Observe that IRS phase optimization gives 100 10−1 6 10−3 Coherent phase 10 −4 Pt = 25 dBm Q = 4 Q = 4 Q = 8 Q = 8 Q = 16 Q = 16 GA 10 −5 10 −6 10−7 50 90 130 170 210 BS-IRS distance dg (m) 250 Fig. 8: BER performance based on IRS position, solid lines for K = 1 and dashed lines for K = 5. We choose Rayleigh channel model with Lg = 2 and Lf = 4, where all the path coefficients hi ∼ CN (0, 1). The OTFS parameters are set to M = N = 32. The results are presented in Fig. 9 for different numbers of IRS elements, Q = 4, 8, 16, 32 and 64. The results of IRS-OFDM are obtained by applying the strongest CIR phase optimization technique proposed in [6]. The simulation results clearly show that the proposed IRS-OTFS system can significantly improve the BER performance over IRS-OFDM. 100 10−1 BER 10−2 10−3 10−4 10−5 10−6 10−7 −40 Q =4 Q = 4 Q =8 Q = 8 Q = 16 Q = 16 Q = 32 Q = 32 Q = 64 Q = 64 −30 −20 −10 0 10 Achievable Rate (bits/s/Hz) BER 10−2 Strongest DDCR Random phase 4 without IRS IRS-OFDM (Strongest CIR) N = 32, M = 32 2 0 10 Q = 32 15 20 25 30 35 Transmit power (dBm) 40 45 Fig. 10: Achievable rate for different IRS phase factor selections notably higher rate than the random phase selection. The upper bound is obtained assuming the ideal and inapplicable1 case of the coherent phase shifting as explained in Section IV-B. Fig. 10 also shows the achievable rate for the optimal phase selection described in Section IV-C. We obtain these optimal phases by solving the problem (P1) with the genetic algorithm (GA), [39]. Note that the strongest DDCR method can achieve comparably equal performance with that of the optimal phase selection. However, for smaller values of Q, it can be checked with simulations that the achievable rate of IRS-OTFS system remains almost the same as that of the IRS-OFDM system. Fig. 11 shows the achievable rate for different phase optimization methods with respect to the number Q of IRS elements, for a fixed transmit power of Pt = 45 dBm. As expected, the advantage of the IRS-assisted OTFS system increases notably for higher values of Q. The various IRS phase factor methods follow the same features as seen in Fig. 10. Observe that, apart from the random phase, the IRSOTFS system can achieve a higher rate than the IRS-OFDM system as the number of IRS elements increases. SNR (dB) Fig. 9: BER performance of IRS-OTFS (dashed lines) and IRS-OFDM (solid lines) system G. Achievable rate of IRS-OTFS system The performance of IRS systems can also be analyzed based on the achievable rate. We consider a Rayleigh fading channel model with Lg = Lf = Ld = 2 and OTFS DD grid of size N = M = 32. Fig. 10 shows the impact of different IRS phase selection strategies on the achievable rate of IRS-OTFS for a fixed number of IRS elements, Q = 32. The advantages of IRS-assisted OTFS compared to the conventional OTFS (‘without IRS’) is observed from the results. The achievable rate of IRS-OTFS system can be obtained as, [37] by considering the Heff matrix as effective H. Channel estimation Next, the simulation results for the channel estimation method given in Section V are presented. This proposed channel estimation method is referred to as Sch-1 hereafter. In addition, another method Sch-2, is considered using a compressivesensing-based OTFS channel estimation. The subspace pursuit algorithm given in [21] is used for the effective channel coefficient estimation process. Considering the overhead for ce channel estimation, the achievable rate is given by Cirs-otfs = (1 − η)Cirs-otfs where, η is the overhead for channel estimation ν +1)(2lτ +1) [40]. For Sch-1, ηSch-1 = (Q+1)(4k and for Sch-2, (Q+2)N M 1 It is not feasible to attain a coherent phase in the case of IRS-OTFS. For finding the upper bound, we have manually enforced the condition of the coherent phase. © 2022 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission.See for more information. Authorized licensed use limited to: NATIONAL INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY TIRUCHIRAPALLI. Downloaded on March 14,2023 at 08:30:36 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply. This article has been accepted for publication in IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology. This is the author's version which has not been fully edited and content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI 10.1109/TVT.2022.3217140 12 Coherent phase Achievable Rate (bits/s/Hz) GA Strongest DDCR 6 Random phase without IRS IRS-OFDM (Strongest CIR) 4 N = 32, M = 32 Pt = 45 dBm 2 0 4 16 28 40 52 Number of IRS elements (Q) 64 Fig. 11: Achievable rate with respect to number of IRS elements. M ηSch-2 = (Q+1)N (Q+2)N M . Consider OTFS parameters N = M = 32 and lτ = kν = 2. Then the values of ηSch-1 = 0.036 and 0.041 for Q = 4 and Q = 16 respectively. And ηSch-2 = 0.83 and 0.94 for Q = 4 and Q = 16 respectively. For the analysis purpose, we have considered small values for lτ and kν , and the overhead requirement will be more for Sch-1 for higher values of these parameters. 10−1 kν = 2 (Theor.) kν = 2 (Sim. Sch-1) kν = 4 (Theor.) NMSE 10−2 Q=4 N = 32, M = 32 SNR= 20 dB kν = 4 (Sim. Sch-1) kν = 2 (Sim. Sch-2) kν = 4 (Sim. Sch-2) stage of the estimation of the channel coefficients of the direct link and the cascaded link will be independent of the user velocity. Also, observe from Fig. 12 that the MSE decreases linearly as the pilot SNR SNRp increases. This observation matches with (25) as σp2 = 1/SNRp . Observe that the QAMpilot based channel estimation method gives a better NMSE performance than the compressive sensing based method. Sch1 requires guardband such that the interference among pilot and data can be avoided, while for Sch-2 pilot vectors are separately transmitted over a DD frame. Fig. 13 shows the achievable rate in the case of random phase selection and the strongest DDCR (SDDCR) with perfect CSI and with channel estimation. The SNRp value is fixed at 20 dB, and the performance is studied for different numbers of IRS elements. As expected, the random phase performance cannot achieve the rate that the strongest DDCR phase will provide. Also, the achievable rate of the SDDCR method in the practical scenario (with channel estimation) is very close to the case where perfect CSI is available. 5 Random phase (Q = 4) SDDCR - perfect CSI (Q = 4) Achievable rate (bits/s/Hz) 8 SDDCR - ch. est Sch-1 (Q = 4) 4 Random phase (Q = 16) SDDCR - perfect CSI (Q = 16) SDDCR - ch. est Sch-1 (Q = 16) 3 SDDCR - ch. est Sch-2 (Q = 4) SDDCR - ch. est Sch-2 (Q = 16) N = 32, M = 32 2 SNRp = 20 dB 1 10−3 0 0 10 −4 5 10 SNR (dB) 15 20 Fig. 13: Achievable rate with channel estimation. 10−5 20 25 30 SNRp (dB) 35 40 Fig. 12: NMSE with different maximum Doppler taps. (solid lines show theoretical values and dashed lines show the simulated values.) In Fig. 12, we validate the NMSE of the channel estimates based on the theoretical analysis given in (25) of Section V-C. E[||Ĥ−H||2 ] Here the NMSE is given by E[||H||2 ]F . The results in Fig. 12 F show the estimation performance for different user velocities (kν ) as SNRp varies. The number of IRS elements is fixed at Q = 4, and the SNR of data is fixed at 20 dB. Note that the simulation results agree with the theoretical analysis. The estimation performance is independent of the user velocity. This feature of the proposed method is attributed to the retainment of a sufficient guard band considering the maximum Doppler present in the channel while estimating the effective channel coefficients. Hence, an increase in the user velocity cannot cause pilot-data interference. The thresholding method is not affected by the user velocity. Once the effective channel coefficients are estimated correctly in the first stage, the second The channel estimation performance is also analyzed based on BER. In Fig. 14, the BER results with channel estimation are given for an OTFS frame with size M = N = 32. For a fixed value of Q = 4, the BER performance is studied using different SNRp values using the strongest DDCR phase optimization. For SNRp = 35 dB, we can achieve the BER close to the case with perfect CSI. However, the channel estimation provides better BER than tuning the IRS elements with random phase factors. VII. C ONCLUSION In this paper, we have proposed a system model for IRSassisted OTFS modulation. IRS aided systems have gained popularity of late because of their low power consumption and the ability to reconfigure the reflection properties intelligently in real-time. Despite the significant power gain of the IRS-assisted OFDM system, it still faces challenges in high Doppler environments. The recently introduced OTFS modulation technique is a capable solution that can outperform OFDM in such scenarios. Therefore, an IRS-assisted OTFS © 2022 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission.See for more information. Authorized licensed use limited to: NATIONAL INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY TIRUCHIRAPALLI. Downloaded on March 14,2023 at 08:30:36 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply. This article has been accepted for publication in IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology. This is the author's version which has not been fully edited and content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI 10.1109/TVT.2022.3217140 13 100 10−1 [11] BER 10−2 [12] 10−3 [13] 10−4 Random phase SNRp = 30 dB (SDDCR) Sch-1 [14] SNRp = 35 dB (SDDCR) Sch-1 10−5 SNRp = 35 dB (SDDCR) Sch-2 perfect CSI (SDDCR) [15] 10 −6 −20 −15 −10 −5 0 5 10 SNR (dB) [16] Fig. 14: BER performance with channel estimation. system is designed in this work to overcome the significant drawback of IRS-OFDM systems. For the reflection optimization of the IRS-OTFS system, we have proposed the method of the strongest DDCR cancellation. The simulation results show that this phase optimization technique offers significant performance gain over random phase selections for diverse delay-Doppler channel conditions. Furthermore, we have proposed a channel estimation method suitable for the IRS-OTFS system where data and pilots are transmitted over a single frame, with minimal guard-band overhead. By using a minimum number of IRS elements, IRS-OTFS system achieves a BER of 10−4 , at an SNR gain of around 5 dB and 10 dB over the conventional OTFS system (EVA channel) and IRS-OFDM system respectively. The proposed IRS-assisted OTFS system can exhibit the features of both IRS and OTFS, which makes it a promising technology in high Doppler environments for future wireless communication networks. R EFERENCES [1] Q. Wu, S. Zhang, B. Zheng, C. You, and R. Zhang, “Intelligent Reflecting Surface-Aided Wireless Communications: A Tutorial,” IEEE Trans. Commun., vol. 69, no. 5, pp. 3313–3351, 2021. [2] O. Ozdogan, E. Bjornson, and E. 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