A I R C R A F T C A B I N A I R Q UA L I T Y B R I E F // J ULY 2 0 2 0 A IR M A NAGEM ENT SYSTEM S Essential systems for a safer, more comfortable flight I NT R O D U CT I O N Collins Aerospace is a leading supplier of aircraft environmental control systems (ECSs) for military and commercial transport, which include the ATA Chapter 21 systems for air conditioning, ventilation and cabin pressure control systems. Collins Aerospace is pleased to provide this brief summary regarding information on aircraft cabin air quality, with specific emphasis on contamination originating from inside the cabin. A list of noted reference material can be found at the end of this summary. Three main characteristics of cabin air management systems help mitigate the spread of airborne pathogens within a typical ECS: 1) Fresh air inflow regulations 2) High efficiency particulate air (HEPA) filters for recirculated air 3) Airflow distribution design in an aircraft cabin 2 Air Management Systems | July 2020 A H IG H E R FI LT R ATION STA NDA R D F O R A I RC R A FT CA B IN A IR F R E S H -A I R I N F L O W R E G U L AT I O N S H E PA F I LT R AT I O N O F R E C I R C U L AT E D A I R Aviation regulatory authorities such as the Federal Aviation Administration and European Union Aviation Safety Agency specify a minimum outside fresh airflow per occupant, based on the maximum number of occupants (0.55 lb./min. of fresh airflow per occupant)1. In a large commercial passenger aircraft, for example, a typical ECS that adheres to this specification may replace the air occupying the cabin within about 3 minutes, or about 20 changes per hour of the air occupying the cabin. This may vary slightly by aircraft, based on several factors such as the ratio of maximum passenger capacity to total cabin volume, and distribution system layout. By comparison, the general guidance on fresh air inflow for buildings is only four changes per hour2. In some aircraft ECS designs, approximately 50% of the airflow within the cabin is recirculated and mixed with the outside fresh air flowed into the cabin. In some cases, the recirculated air passes through a HEPA filter prior to mixing fresh air with recirculated air. HEPA filters are commonly considered to be an effective way to mitigate virus transmission3 and are used in hospital protective environments4. For comparison, HEPA filters can have a higher filtration efficiency (99.97%) than an “N95” respirator (95%)5. As is common for larger commercial aircraft, Collins Aerospace products include HEPA recirculation filters as part of the ECS on many platforms such as the Boeing 787. While HEPA filters are common, there may be some older and/or smaller aircraft platforms that do not have HEPA filtration. However, in many cases, there are OE and retrofit products available6. Air Management Systems | July 2020 3 CABIN AIR QUALITY IS CRITICAL TO PASSENGER SATISFACTION CABIN AIRFLOW DISTRIBUTION Aircraft cabin air distribution systems often are designed to distribute the airflow from high (crown) to low (floor vents), and not from the front to back of the cabin. One of the reasons for this design is to manage emergency situations such as smoke events to ensure smoke does not permeate throughout the aircraft cabin7. This design has the added benefit of reducing the spread of unfiltered, contaminated air throughout the cabin, but it does not eliminate the risk completely8. Collins Aerospace’s air management systems are designed to meet customer requirements for efficiency, reliability, weight, performance, safety and maintainability. We offer advanced air management systems that enable a safer, healthier and more comfortable environment during flight. V i s i t co ll i ns ae r o s p ace .co m to l e ar n m o r e Airbus A380 Air Generation Unit Boeing 787 Electric Air Conditioning Pack R E F E R E N C E S A N D A D D I T I O N A L P U B L I C I N F O R M AT I O N S O U R C E S 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Federal Aviation Administration Regulations, 14 C.F.R. § 25.831(a); European Union Aviation Safety Agency, Certification Specifications, CS-25.831(a) ASHRAE 62.2-2016 Pall Aerospace website https://shop.pall.com/us/en/aerospace/military-vehicles/cabin-air-filtration/zidgzyl8yrb American Society for Healthcare Engineering – Hospital HEPA usage in “protective environment“ rooms https://www.ashe.org/compliance/ec_02_05_01/01/airfiltration FDA website – N95 Respirators and Surgical Masks (Face Masks) https://www.fda.gov/medical-devices/personal-protective-equipment-infection-control/n95-respiratorsand-surgical-masks-face-masks#s3 6. Pall Aerospace website https://shop.pall.com/us/en/aerospace/commercial-fixed-wing/electronics-cooling-filtration/zidgxiyphh4?CategoryName= Commercial-Fixed-Wing&CatalogID=Aerospace-Defense-Marine&tracking=searchterm 7. Federal Aviation Administration Advisory Circular 25-9A, Jan. 6, 1994. 8. The Airliner Cabin Environment and the Health of Passengers and Crew, specifically the sections on Air Distribution and Circulation, and recirculation https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/books/NBK207472/ Collins Aerospace +1.877.808.7575 | +1.860.654.2500 fax: +1.860.660.0372 20-1701-00 07/20 © 2020 Collins Aerospace All logos, trademarks or service marks used herein are the property of their respective owners. crc@utas.utc.com collinsaerospace.com